Directions: Locate the adverbial clause in each sentence. 1. People may buy a lottery ticket when the new machines are installed. 2. The lettuce is wilted because Joe left the groceries in the car. 3. While the comedian told jokes in the den, a singer performed in the living room. 4. Her brother got married before he finished college. 5. Since I got my new glasses, I can see what I am reading 6. Although Bob works hard, his boss rarely rewards him. 7. The charges will be dropped provided that all parties agree to the settlement. 8. Flowers have begun to bloom even though the weather is still chilly. 9. Whenever I go to that mall, I have a hard time finding a parking place. 10. No one may leave the area until the police have checked all of the buildings. 2. Find the adverb clauses in these sentences. What are their meanings (time, place...)? If it is a reduced adverb clause, add the missing words. You seem very happy when you help other people. While you wait, we will detail your car. I am happier than I ever was before. That horse is more obstinate than a mule. The woman took notes while being taught to cook with broccoli. Ben fields baseballs better than he hits.

Adverbial Clauses

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Page 1: Adverbial Clauses

Directions: Locate the adverbial clause in each sentence.

1. People may buy a lottery ticket when the new machines are installed.

2. The lettuce is wilted because Joe left the groceries in the car.

3. While the comedian told jokes in the den, a singer performed in the living room.

4. Her brother got married before he finished college.

5. Since I got my new glasses, I can see what I am reading

6. Although Bob works hard, his boss rarely rewards him.

7. The charges will be dropped provided that all parties agree to the settlement.

8. Flowers have begun to bloom even though the weather is still chilly.

9. Whenever I go to that mall, I have a hard time finding a parking place.

10. No one may leave the area until the police have checked all of the buildings.

2. Find the adverb clauses in these sentences. What are their meanings (time, place...)? If it is a reduced adverb clause, add the missing words.

You seem very happy when you help other people.

While you wait, we will detail your car.

I am happier than I ever was before.

That horse is more obstinate than a mule.

The woman took notes while being taught to cook with broccoli.

Ben fields baseballs better than he hits.

As the lions approached the carcass, the cheetahs retreated once more.

While eating, I choked on a bone.

3. Choose the best option

Betty looks ……………………. something is wrong. A- only if B- even if C- as if D- so that.

2. The people danced …………………… the music played. A- like B- as C- unless D- in case.

3. David goes swimming …………………..his illness. A – even if B- in spite of C- though D- whereas.

4. I looked,……………………. I found fingerprints. A- until B- whereas C- because D- wherever.

Page 2: Adverbial Clauses

5. This region is called “land of apple”…………………… it yields a lot of apples. A- because B- although C- until D- only if

6. ………………………ploughing the field, the farmer uncovered a dinosaur bone. A- as though B- while C- until D- since.

7. Lucy can’t attend the meeting …………………she finds a baby-sitter. A- unless B- even if C- only if D- if.

8. …………………………….the fire started blazing, the skewers were tilted toward the flames. A- so that B- as if C- such as D- as soon as.

9. …………………………pandas mostly eat bamboo, they are also carnivorous. A- not only B- until C- although D- as soon as.

10. Seat belts were introduced …………………..traffic fatalities would be reduced. A- as if B- then C- so that D- only if.

11. ……………………………. his parents disapprove, he said he won’t go to university. A- even though B- until C- as if D- despite.

12…………………………………… running, grizzly bears are capable of attaining a speed of 35 miles an hour. A- so that B- when they are C- so D- though.

4. Choose the best option

1. Murat decided to give up smoking _________he had had a heart attack two times.

a) in case b) although c) because d) even if

2. ____________ she was walking along the garden, she found a very rare flower.

a) because b) provided that c) so that d) while

3. ____________ my father woke up, he realised that he had forgotten to turn off the lights.

a) when b) unless c) while d) even though

4. __________ he behaves well, Mary will never talk to him.

a) although b) unless c) if d) in the event that

5. __________ my best friend Hasan five years older than me, he looks very young.

a) until b) when c) although d) because

6. __________ they have passed the stamina test, they can get their scuba diving licence.

a) Now that b) Even though c) Unless d) When

Page 3: Adverbial Clauses

7. I have decided to buy a car ____________ I can go to work easily.

a) in case b) so that c) provided that d) although

8. Merve looks at her husband _________ she hasn’t seen him before.

a) as if b) when c) although d) because

9. The soldiers in the camp will be punished ___________ they didn’t obey the rules.

a) although b) because c) even if d) however

10. You must wear your helmet while riding a motorbike, __________ you may hurt seriously in case of an accident.

a) but b) although c) even though d) otherwise

11. __________ you are in top form, your coach always shows you respect.

a) Unless b) As long as c) Although d) As if

12. __________ Jale did the ironing, _____________ she had also prepared the breakfast.

a) not only / but b) not had only / but c) not only had / but d) not only have / but

13. I don’t want to invite Kemal to the party ___________ he always talks about nonsense things.

a) although b) even if c) despite d) because

14. I’m going to work harder __________ I can be promoted.

a) when b) so that c) because d) in spite of

15. She was very exhausted ____________ she didn’t stop working.

a) but b) unless c) although d) because

Page 4: Adverbial Clauses

.Classify each sentence as simple, compound, complex or compound-complex.

a. The idea that you suggest seems brilliant.

b. We approved of the police taking action.

c. If you leave valuable articles in a changing room, it is quite likely that someone will steal them while you are playing tennis.

d. The police took immediate action and they installed a video camera so that they could find out what was happening.

e. Take a cup of flour and work it into the mixture.

f. All of his shirts looked as if they had been slept in.

g. Not only have you burned my toast but you have spoilt my appetite.

h. Mr. Hank is retired now and the business that he founded is managed by his son

i. He finished his homework as quickly as he could.

j. Having finished the course, I have to look for a job.

k. The fact that everyone got back safely was a great relief

l. The material is very strong; besides it is cheap to produce.