Adult Education National Stakeholder Policy Roundtable

Adult Education National Stakeholder Policy Roundtablestats.learningandwork.org.uk/events_presentations/... · 10:10 Plenary 1: Adult Education from a local perspective 13:45 Plenary

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Adult Education National

Stakeholder Policy Roundtable

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PROGRAMME10:10 Plenary 1: Adult Education

from a local perspective

13:45 Plenary 3: Feedback from


10:35 Plenary 2: UNESCO’s Global

Report on Adult Learning and


14:15 Roundtable activities:

Sharing and developing

approaches to achieve

impact locally

11:00 Thematic workshops

(11:30 comfort break)

15:00 Panel Q&A and speaker


13:00 Lunch 15:25 Closing comments

15:30 Close

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Nick Hill, Senior Commissioning Manager, Greater

Manchester Authority

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The Opportunities & Challenges of Delivering Local

Impact & Outcomes from Adult Education:

The Greater Manchester Perspective

Nick Hill, Senior Commissioning Manager,

New Economy (On behalf of Greater Manchester

Combined Authority)



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GVA – Gross Value Added

LEP – Local Enterprise Partnership


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Originally developed in 2009

▪ Informed by the Manchester Independent Economic

Review’s (MIER) evidence base

▪ Aligned all partners behind priorities

▪ Strategic framework for policy and decision making

▪ Pitch to Government

Updated and re-positioned 2013

▪ Reflects the economic challenges we

now face

▪ Greater focus on public service

reform agenda

▪ Stronger on delivery and




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Our ambition is to create an integrated

employment and skills eco-system,

which has the individual and employer at its

heart, and that better responds to the

needs of residents, business and

contributes to the growth and

productivity of the GM economy.

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The current employment and skills landscape is complex and fragmented. Our

implementation approach is putting in place the processes that will allow GM to

achieve its vision, reforming a devolved skills and employment system that will have

a significant impact on GM’s residents, employers and its continued economic

growth. Central to that it will:

• Reduce the fiscal gap and drive productivity in GM through a devolved, integrated

employment and skills eco-system

• Create significantly enhanced performance and impact from the investment in GM

• Develop a future workforce with the skills to support growth and increased levels

of productivity

• Shift the commissioning strategy to deliver what GM needs with GMCA able to

drive performance through local accountability, including appropriate alignment of

national and local priorities

• Ensure Government agencies and contracted services are operating consistently

on a GM footprint.

Devolution provides a unique opportunity to begin addressing challenges posed

by the currently fragmented employment and skills system

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Moving to a system that is able to deliver GM’s ambition will be challenging and take time. A large proportion

of the current employment and skills system duplicates activity, much of which is dealing with remediation

due to failures at previous points (in many cases key ‘transition points’ in the education, skills and

employment system).

System Challenges: What are we trying to change

Those with complex barriers to

employment, potentially receiving

support from a range of local

services, are not supported in a

coordinated way

‘Unintended adults’ at 19 years

old account for a significant

amount of the AEB: These are

young people who start provision

under the EFA budget and don’t


The majority of the

apprenticeship budget is used to

accredit existing skills of

employees, rather than develop

new skills at L3+.

Supply side issues need

addressing, giving residents

that are up-skilled clear

employment and progression


Businesses face

difficulties recruiting

skilled staff, yet there

are many people with

underutilised skills, a

stratum of low-skilled

individuals in danger of

being stuck in low paid

jobs, and young people

struggling to access

the labour market

Many unemployed residents

cite mental health issues as a

barrier to work, yet many wait

over a year for health services

Majority of the AEB is spent on

supporting Level 2 or below


Work Programme does

not tackle barriers of

those furthest from

labour market

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Further devolution around Adult Education Budget (if readinessdemonstrated) based around a clear Outcomes Framework for GM

Strategy developed to help shape discussions across for future use ofAEB, FE Loans, IoT and Employer Investment

Area Based review completed

Agreement around a GM Apprenticeship Programme to support theeffective use of the ‘Levy ’ across GM Public Services

AGE Grant extension until 2017 to stimulate demand for progression inapprenticeships

Skil ls Capital al igned with devolution to ensure strategic f it .

Alignment of ESF commitments pre-Brexit to support work and skil ls :Approval of the first CA Co-Financing Organisation under ESF

Skil ls for employment programme contracted to support those furthestform the labour market, e.g. those Working Well (GM’s post-WorkProgramme offer)

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AEB to be devolved from Academic Year 2018 -19 in GM

Currently worth about £80m a year in Greater Manchester – potential to have real transformational social & economic impact

English, Maths entit lements & ESOL account for significant proportion

To close the gap to Level 2 and above for the English average would cost £279m – therefore decisions on targeting crucial

Move to AEB being an outcomes led investment – Progression, Jobs Outcomes , earnings,

Crucial to ensure we continue the strong par tnership approach involving al l key stakeholders in AEB design – Combined Authority, Providers, Employers, Employment support

Understanding what AEB is spent on currently and the impact for learners

Priorit ies - Long term unemployed, e.g. with health conditions, individuals closer to the labour market, and those with low skil ls and / or c irculating in and out of work


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There is a mismatch between employer expectations and the ability of the current skills system to deliver recruits with appropriate skills and behaviours…

…The Northwest Business Leadership Team, Institute of Directors and the Confederation of British Industry highlighted:

“Employers do not always expect applicants to possess completely up to date technical skills”


“They do need applicants to possess a range of key working skills and ‘personality’ attributes’

AEB devolution provides an opportunity to address this to develop the key working skills, behaviours and personality attributes needed in the workplace…


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Literacy, Numeracy & Oracy skills

Digital Literacy





Confident communicator


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Outcomes Framework

Devolved AEB

Alignment of ESF

Co-commissioning of the Work & Health Programme

Ensuring alignment and progression routes from AEB to the broader skills and quality employment offer, e.g. use of Apprenticeship Levy, GM Public Sector Apprenticeship Programme


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How can commissioners best engage and work with

stakeholders to deliver as a partnership, e.g. learners,

employers and providers in the co -design of devolved Adult

Education Budget provision?

What are the key opportunities and challenges for dif ferent

stakeholders in moving to an outcomes based model of local

area commissioning of Adult Education provision?

How do we evidence the impact of Adult Education in

delivering the outcomes needed?


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Professor Tom Schuller, Senior Research Fellow, Learning

and Work Institute

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GRALE 3: outcomes and implications

Tom Schuller

Adult Education National Stakeholder Policy Roundtable

Learning & Work Institute, March 2017

[email protected]

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The Background to GRALE

• 144 UNESCO Member States made the commitment to monitor progress in the area of adult learning and education at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009.

• The Belém Framework for Action

‘Policies and legislative measures for adult education need to be comprehensive, inclusive and integrated within a lifelong and life-wide learning perspective, based on sector-wide and inter-sectoral approaches, covering and linking all components of learning and education.’ (UIL, 2010, p.7)


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About Third Global Report on Adult learning and Education ( GRALE III)

• Assesses Global progress in implementing the Belém Framework for Action (2009).

• Investigates the impact of Adult Learning and Education(ALE) on health and well being, employment and labour market, and social, civic and community life.

• Guides policy makers and practitioners.

• Shares lessons learned since GRALE I (2009) and GRALE II (2013).

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GRALE III Monitoring Survey: gathering the evidence• Editorial team, thematic experts, and independent friends: the issue

of balance

• Questionnaire size, respondents and the issue of ‘data’

• Thematic literature, case studies and the issue of evidence

• Unit of analysis: region, income group, etc

• Dissemination and the issue of engagement


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Key facts about the survey

- Conducted in 2015

- 75 questions

- Covers 5 action areas of the

Belém Framework

- 139 countries responded (71% of

UNESCO Members)

- Developed in partnership

with UIS, GEM Report,


GRALE III Monitoring Survey

5 Belém

Action Areas

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The countries monitored by GRALE since 2009


Sub-Saharan Africa 43(94%) 31(67%) 33(72%)

Arab States 19(95%) 9(45%) 13(65%)

Asia and the Pacific 31(63%) 26(53%) 28(57%)

Europe and North America 36(75%) 35(73%) 41(85%)

Latin America and the Caribbean 25(74%) 25(74%) 24(71%)

Total 154(78%) 126(64%) 139(71%)


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Source: GRALE III monitoring survey, Question 4.3: Does the government plan to increase or decrease spending on ALE?

Ensuring adequate financing













European countries World

Plans to increase Plans to stay about the same

48 % of European countries plan to increase public spending on ALE

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Sources:- Country reports: their perceptions of evidence on the benefits- Literature reviews and case studies

A prior question: the nature of ‘evidence’- country coverage; - robustness; - magnitudes of effects; - contextual factors limiting impact

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GRALE (2016)

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Healthy behaviours & attitudes

Longer life expectancy

A reduction in lifestyle diseases

Lower costs for acute healthcare


ALE benefits individuals, employers & societies

Skills & employability

Higher wages

Job satisfaction & commitment

Greater productivity & entrepreneurship

Tax revenues

Literacy & numeracy

Life skills such as resilience & self-confidence

Tolerance of diversity

Attention to the environment

Social cohesion

Political participation

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THE BENEFITS OF ALE: some examples

• An experience from India shows how to raise awareness of environmental and sustainability needs while improving sanitation

In the Philippines, ALE programmes to promote breast feeding and infant nutrition have helped reduce infant mortality

In Minnesota, United States, ALE has led to better environmental behaviour and literacy

In China, physical exercise, dance and musical activities have helped older adults im-prove their mental health and resilience

Dozens of studies in Europe have shown that vocational education and training brings economic benefits for employers

In several African countries, civic education programmes informed and empowered individuals, leading to higher levels of political participation.

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A World Without ALE

• Less adaptability to change, social and economic

• Lower capacity to look after selves and children; greater dependency on family/state

• Less openness to others, lower cohesion

• Lower understanding of/engagement with environmental issues


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Five policy implications of the 2030 Agenda

1. To fulfil the right to education, governments need to provide adults with information and effective access to high-quality learning opportunities

2. To ensure true lifelong learning, governments need to balance education spending along the lifecourse.

3. Recognise the holistic nature of sustainable development, governments need to promote cross-sectoral coordination and budgeting

4. Stronger partnerships are required among all stakeholders.

5. Strengthening the knowledge base: ALE needs to be part of the data revolution.

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Thank you!


for GRALE III analysis, survey

responses, case examples and data.

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1. How can commissioners best engage and work with stakeholders to deliver as a

partnership, e.g. learners, employers and providers in the co-design of devolved Adult

Education Budget provision?

2. What are the key opportunities and challenges for different stakeholders in moving to

an outcomes based model of local area commissioning of Adult Education provision?

3. How do we evidence the impact of Adult Education in delivering the outcomes



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Health and Wellbeing

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What are the challenges?

• Range of research evidence available: high-level, some validity issues, acknowledging the three domains in commissioning arrangements, validity of alternative outcomes

• Age demography: extended working lives, how ALE has a role in maintaining independence; approaches that work

• Fragmentation of the policy environment who to engage and how

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How can adult learning help?

• Support petition for change: e.g. environmental

• Address lifestyle and cultural factors as a cause of long term health conditions (public health and wider impact)

• Make the case for certain types of interventions: short, part-time, co-designed, informal, non-formal etc

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What needs to be done?

Sector: needs to collate data, share common approaches, gather coherent messages but they need to meet the needs to of…

Local commissioners: need to think about their own skills set, research and commissioning processes (localism presents an opportunity…) in order for:

National government to invest in inter-sectoral approaches and cross-policy lifelong learning strategy

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Employment and the

labour market

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What are the challenges?

• Policy: consistent with longer shelf life needed

• Data: ways of measuring the impact of ALE – using qualitative and quantitative, soft and hard outcomes, using locally collected data to inform upwards

• Clear progression routes into and within employment –understood by employers and learners and supported by providers and funders

• Skills gaps/ workforce demographics

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How can adult learning help?

• Relevant and responsive

• Reach into communities

• Enabler

• Leading to employment

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What needs to be done?

Closer working between ALE and those charged with getting people into workNational lifelong learning strategyClarity, consistency, longevity of policyDevolved but ring-fenced budgets (?)Effective representation in government and at civil service levelAddress the skills gaps in the workforce / address older workers retention etc.Address the data gap

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Community, civic and

social life

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What are the challenges?

• Commissioning

o Ensuring that set outcomes meet / reflect what is required at a local / national level

o Need to have a balance between commissioning and grants

o Need to ensure smaller delivery organisations are included in commissioning system and processes

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What are the challenges?

Data and evidence

o Data system needs to be responsive enough to capture wider impacts / benefits e.g. impact on children / wider family

o Outcomes can be short or longer term and data needs to capture both

o How can we summarise / roll up data and information which expresses the whole experience?

o Concern regarding over-concentration on employment related outcomes

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How can adult learning help?

• There is a key role for adult learning to play in IAG throughout life e.g. career reviews

• Being responsive to change e.g. ageing population, population changes, raising of state pension, increasing impact of digitisation on the workforce and on employer needs

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What needs to be done?

• Policies to facilitate access to education for whole lifecycle• Important to recognise and evidence the principles of adult learning• Influence the commissioning narrative to make a good case for investment rather than

relying solely on target based outcomes measurement• Fund new creative innovative activities/ programmes/ delivery which are not subject to

same outcomes framework measurement but are evaluated and could influence the outcomes framework itself

• There are already measures which can identify the benefits and impact of the learning rather than outcomes and these should be integrated in evidence collection

• National - Greater partnership working between government departments to result in financial efficiencies and increased impact of adult learning

• Local - Need collaboration between multiple agencies and stakeholders to co-ordinate local adult learning offers

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1. How can commissioners best engage and work with stakeholders to deliver as a

partnership, e.g. learners, employers and providers in the co-design of devolved Adult

Education Budget provision?

2. What are the key opportunities and challenges for different stakeholders in moving to

an outcomes based model of local area commissioning of Adult Education provision?

3. How do we evidence the impact of Adult Education in delivering the outcomes



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Individuals whose stories of learning will be

inspirational to others who hear and read about


Tutors whose dedication and commitment to

learning inspires those who hear or read their story

Projects/Provisions that will be inspirational to

others and that could be replicated or adapted by

other learning providers

Employers who have invested in outstanding staff

training and development and used learning to

develop and utilise the skills of their workforce to

improve productivity and raise morale

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Award Nominations

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