Admin Cases 2

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  • 8/9/2019 Admin Cases 2


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. 180046 April 2, 2009


    D E C I I ! N

    CARPIO, J.:

    T-( C%)(

    Before the Court is a petition for prohibition and "anda"us assailin# E$ecutive !rder No. %&& 'E!%&&() and Co""ission on *i#her Education 'C*ED( Me"orandu" !rder No. + , series of 'RIRR( .

    T-( A&*( ('(&* F% *)

    !n )) and ) /une &, the Professional Re#ulation Co""ission 'PRC( conducted the Nursin#Board E$a"inations nation0ide. In /une &, licensure applicants 0rote the PRC to report thathand0ritten copies of t0o sets of e$a"inations 0ere circulated durin# the e$a"ination period a"on#the e$a"inees revie0in# at the R.A. 1apu2 Revie0 Center and Inress Revie0 Center. 1eor#eCordero, Inress Revie0 Center3s President, 0as then the incu"bent President of the PhilippineNurses Association. 4he e$a"inees 0ere provided 0ith a list of % 5uestions and ans0ers in t0o of the e$a"inations3 five sub6ects, particularl7 4ests III 'Ps7chiatric Nursin#( and 8 'Medical- ur#icalNursin#(. 4he PRC later ad"itted the lea9a#e and traced it to t0o Board of Nursin# "e"bers. + !n): /une &, the PRC released the results of the Nursin# Board E$a"inations. !n ); Au#ust &,the Court of Appeals restrained the PRC fro" proceedin# 0ith the oath-ta9in# of the successfule$a"inees set on Au#ust &.

    Conse5uentl7, President 1loria Macapa#al-Arro7o 'President Arro7o( replaced all the "e"bers ofthe PRC3s Board of Nursin#. President Arro7o also ordered the e$a"inees to re-ta9e the Nursin#Board E$a"inations.

    !n ; epte"ber &, President Arro7o issued E! %&& 0hich authori2ed the C*ED to supervise theestablish"ent and operation of all revie0 centers and si"ilar entities in the Philippines.

    !n + Nove"ber &, the C*ED, throu#h its then Chair"an Carlito . Puno 'Chair"an Puno(,approved C*ED Me"orandu" !rder No.

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    the CHED and without the issuance of the necessar permits or authori!ations to conductreview classes. x x x"

    To (3 l '( *-( op(r%*io& o5 i&'(p(&'(&* r( i(7 (&*(r) 5ro *-( o (r% ( o5 C E$ 7o l'l(%rl o&*r%'i * *-( i&*(&*io& o5 *-( )%i' E3( *i ( Or'(r No. 66.

    Considerin# that the re5uests re5uires the a"end"ent of E$ecutive !rder No. %&&, the Co""ission,durin# its + %th Co""ission Meetin#, resolved that the said re5uest be directl7 referred to the !fficeof the President for appropriate action.

    As to the re5uest to clarif7 0hat is "eant b7 tie-up?be inte#rated 0ith an *EI, as re5uired under theRevised I"ple"entin# Rules and Re#ulations, tie-up?be inte#rated si"pl7 "eans, to be in partner0ith an *EI . ) 'Boldfacin# and underscorin# in the ori#inal(

    !n & !ctober , petitioner filed a petition for Prohibition and Manda"us before this Courtpra7in# for the annul"ent of the RIRR, the declaration of E! %&& as invalid and unconstitutional,and the prohibition a#ainst C*ED fro" i"ple"entin# the RIRR.

    Dr. >reddie 4. Bernal, Director III, !fficer-In-Char#e, !ffice of the Director I8 of C*ED, sent aletter )+ to the President of Northcap Revie0 Center, Inc., a "e"ber of petitioner, that it had until Nove"ber to co"pl7 0ith the RIRR.

    !n )% >ebruar7 ;, )< PIM A4 Colle#es 'respondent-intervenor( filed a Motion >or eave toIntervene and 4o Ad"it Co""ent-in-Intervention and a Co""ent-in-Intervention pra7in# for thedis"issal of the petition. Respondent-intervenor alle#es that the !ffice of the President and theC*ED did not co""it an7 act of #rave abuse of discretion in issuin# E! %&& and the RIRR.Respondent-intervenor alle#es that the re5uire"ents of the RIRR are reasonable, doable, and arenot desi#ned to deprive e$istin# revie0 centers of their revie0 business. 4he Court #ranted theMotion for eave to Intervene and to Ad"it Co""ent-in-Intervention in its )) March ;Resolution . )%

    !n + April ;, a Motion for eave of Court for Intervention In upport of the Petition and aPetition In Intervention 0ere filed b7 CPA Revie0 chool of the Philippines, Inc. 'CPAR(,Professional Revie0 and 4rainin# Center, Inc. 'PR4C(, Re A Revie0 chool, Inc. 'Re A(, CRC-

    ACE Revie0 chool, Inc. 'CRC-ACE(, all independent CPA revie0 centers operatin# in Manila'collectivel7, petitioners-intervenors(. Petitioners-intervenors pra7 for the declaration of E! %&& andthe RIRR as invalid on the #round that both constitute an unconstitutional e$ercise of le#islativepo0er. 4he Court #ranted the intervention in its : April ; Resolution. )&

    !n ) Ma7 ;, the C*ED issued C*ED Me"orandu" !rder No. ), eries of ; 'CM! ), s.;( ) e$tendin# the deadline for si$ "onths fro" Ma7 ; for all e$istin# independent revie0

    centers to tie-up or be inte#rated 0ith *EIs in accordance 0ith the RIRR.

    In its % Nove"ber ; Resolution, this Court resolved to re5uire the parties to observe the status5uo prevailin# before the issuance of E! %&&, the RIRR, and CM! ), s. ;.

    T-( A))%il(' E3( *i ( Or'(r %&' *-( RIRR

    E$ecutive !rder No. %&& states in full@

    E EC 4I8E !RDER N!. %&&
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    *EREA , the tate is "andated to protect the ri#ht of all citi2ens to 5ualit7 education at all levelsand shall ta9e appropriate steps to "a9e education accessible to all, pursuant to ection ), Article

    I8 of the ):; Constitution

    *EREA , the tate has the obli#ation to ensure and pro"ote 5ualit7 education throu#h the proper supervision and re#ulation of the licensure e$a"inations #iven throu#h the various Boards ofE$a"iners under the Professional Re#ulation Co""ission

    *EREA , the lac9 of re#ulator7 fra"e0or9 for the establish"ent and operation of revie0 centersand si"ilar entities, as sho0n in recent events, have adverse conse5uences and affect publicinterest and 0elfare

    *EREA , the overridin# necessit7 to protect the public a#ainst substandard revie0 centers andunethical practices co""itted b7 so"e revie0 centers de"and that a re#ulator7 fra"e0or9 for theestablish"ent and operation of revie0 centers and si"ilar entities be i""ediatel7 instituted

    *EREA , Republic Act No. , other0ise 9no0n as the *i#her Education Act of )::!RE, I, 1 !RIA MACAPA1A -ARR!F!, the President of the Republic of thePhilippines, b7 virtue of the po0ers vested in "e b7 la0, do hereb7 order@

    EC4I!N ). Establish"ent of a 7ste" of Re#ulation for Revie0 Centers andi"ilar Entities. 4he Co""ission on *i#her Education 'C*ED(, in consultation 0ith

    other concerned #overn"ent a#encies, is hereb7 directed to for"ulate a fra"e0or9for the re#ulation of revie0 centers and si"ilar entities, includin# but not li"ited to the

    develop"ent and institutionali2ation of policies, standards, #uidelines for theestablish"ent, operation and accreditation of revie0 centers and si"ilar entities"aintenance of a "echanis" to "onitor the ade5uac7, transparenc7 and propriet7 of their operations and reportin# "echanis"s to revie0 perfor"ance and ethicalpractice.

    EC. . Coordination and upport. 4he Professional Re#ulation Co""ission 'PRC(,4echnical 9ills Develop"ent Authorit7 '4E DA(, ecurities and E$chan#eCo""ission ' EC(, the various Boards of E$a"iners under the PRC, as 0ell asother concerned non-#overn"ent or#ani2ations life professional societies, andvarious #overn"ent a#encies, such as the Depart"ent of /ustice 'D!/(, NationalBureau of Investi#ation 'NBI(, !ffice of the olicitor 1eneral '! 1(, and others that"a7 be tapped later, shall provide the necessar7 assistance and technical support tothe C*ED in the successful operationali2ation of the 7ste" of Re#ulationenvisioned b7 this E$ecutive !rder.

    EC. +. Per"anent !ffice and taff. 4o ensure the effective i"ple"entation of the7ste" of Re#ulation, the C*ED shall or#ani2e a per"anent office under its

    supervision to be headed b7 an official 0ith the ran9 of Director and to be co"posedof hi#hl7 co"petent individuals 0ith e$pertise in educational assess"ent, evaluationand testin# policies and standards develop"ent, "onitorin#, le#al and enforce"entand statistics as 0ell as curriculu" and instructional "aterials develop"ent. 4he

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    C*ED shall sub"it the staffin# pattern and bud#etar7 re5uire"ents to theDepart"ent of Bud#et and Mana#e"ent 'DBM( for approval.

    EC. und '*ED>(, sub6ect to the usual #overn"ent accountin#

    and auditin# practices, or fro" an7 applicable fundin# source identified b7 the DBM.>or the succeedin# fiscal 7ear, such a"ounts as "a7 be necessar7 for the bud#etar7re5uire"ent of i"ple"entin# the 7ste" of Re#ulation and the provisions of thisE$ecutive !rder shall be provided for in the annual 1eneral Appropriations Act in thebud#et of the C*ED. henever necessar7, the C*ED "a7 tap its Develop"ent>unds as supple"ental source of fundin# for the effective i"ple"entation of there#ulator7 s7ste". In this connection, the C*ED is hereb7 authori2ed to createspecial accounts in the *ED> e$clusivel7 for the purpose of i"ple"entin# theprovisions of this E$ecutive !rder.

    EC. &. Revie0 and Reportin#. 4he C*ED shall provide for the periodic revie0perfor"ance of revie0 centers and si"ilar entities and shall "a9e a report to the!ffice of the President of the results of such revie0, evaluation and "onitorin#.

    EC. . eparabilit7. An7 portion or provision of this E$ecutive !rder that "a7 bedeclared unconstitutional shall not have the effect of nullif7in# other provisionshereof, as lon# as such re"ainin# provisions can still subsist and be #iven effect intheir entirel7.

    EC. ;. Repeal. All rules and re#ulations, other issuances or parts thereof, 0hich areinconsistent 0ith this E$ecutive !rder, are hereb7 repealed or "odified accordin#l7.

    EC. :. Effectivit7. 4his E$ecutive !rder shall ta9e effect i""ediatel7 upon itspublication in a national ne0spaper of #eneral circulation.

    D!NE in the Cit7 of Manila, this ;th da7 of epte"ber, in the 7ear of !ur ord, 40o 4housand andi$.

    ' #d.( 1loria Macapa#al-Arro7o

    B7 the President@

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    ' #d.( Eduardo R. Er"itaE$ecutive ecretar7

    4he pertinent provisions of the RIRR affectin# independent revie0 centers are as follo0s@

    Rule 8II


    ection ). Authorit7 to Establish and !perate G !nl7 C*ED reco#ni2ed, accreditedand reputable *EIs "a7 be authori2ed to establish and operate revie0 center?courseb7 the C*ED upon full co"pliance 0ith the conditions and re5uire"ents providedherein and in other pertinent la0s, rules and re#ulations. In addition, a consortiu" orconsortia of 5ualified schools and?or entities "a7 establish and operate revie0centers or conduct revie0 classes upon co"pliance 0ith the provisions of theseRules.

    Rule I8

    4RAN I4!RF PR!8I I!N

    ection ). Revie0 centers that are e$istin# upon the approval of E$ecutive !rder No.%&& shall be #iven a #race period of up to one ')( 7ear, to tie-up?be inte#rated 0ithe$istin# *EIsH, consortiu" of *EIs and PRC reco#ni2ed Professional Associations0ith reco#ni2ed pro#ra"s under the conditions set forth in this !rder and upon"utuall7 acceptable covenants b7 the contractin# parties. In the alternative, the7 "a7convert as a school and appl7 for the course covered b7 the revie0 sub6ect to rulesand re#ulations of the C*ED and the EC 0ith respect to the establish"ent ofschools. In the "eanti"e, no per"it shall be issued if there is non-co"pliance 0iththese conditions or non-co"pliance 0ith the re5uire"ents set forth in these rules.

    ection . !nl7 after full co"pliance 0ith the re5uire"ents shall a Per"it be #iven b7the C*ED to revie0 centers conte"plated under this Rule.

    ection +. >ailure of e$istin# revie0 centers to full7 co"pl7 0ith the above shall barthe" fro" e$istin# as revie0 centers and the7 shall be dee"ed as operatin# ille#all7as such. In addition, appropriate ad"inistrative and le#al proceedin#s shall beco""enceHd a#ainst the errin# entities that continue to operate and appropriatesanctions shall be i"posed after due process.

    T-( I)) ()

    4he issues raised in this case are the follo0in#@

    ). hether E! %&& is an unconstitutional e$ercise b7 the E$ecutive of le#islativepo0er as it e$pands the C*ED3s 6urisdiction and

    . hether the RIRR is an invalid e$ercise of the E$ecutive3s rule-"a9in# po0er.

    T-( R li& o5 *-i) Co r*

    4he petition has "erit.

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    iolation of Judicial Hierarch

    4he !ffice of the olicitor 1eneral '! 1( pra7s for the dis"issal of the petition. A"on# other#rounds, the ! 1 alle#es that petitioner violated the rule on 6udicial hierarch7 in filin# the petitiondirectl7 0ith this Court.

    4his Court3s ori#inal 6urisdiction to issue a 0rit of certiorari, prohibition, "anda"us, 5uo 0arranto,habeas corpus, and in6unction is not e$clusive but is concurrent 0ith the Re#ional 4rial Courts andthe Court of Appeals in certain cases. ); 4he Court has e$plained@

    4his concurrence of 6urisdiction is not, ho0ever, to be ta9en as accordin# to parties see9in# an7 ofthe 0rits an absolute, unrestrained freedo" of choice of the court to 0hich application therefor 0illbe directed. 4here is after all a hierarch7 of courts. 4hat hierarch7 is deter"inative of the venue ofappeals, and also serves as a #eneral deter"inant of the appropriate foru" for petitions for thee$traordinar7 0rits. A beco"in# re#ard of that 6udicial hierarch7 "ost certainl7 indicates that petitionsfor the issuance of e$traordinar7 0rits a#ainst first level '=inferior=( courts should be filed 0ith theRe#ional 4rial Court, and those a#ainst the latter, 0ith the Court of Appeals. A direct invocation of the

    upre"e Court3s ori#inal 6urisdiction to issue these 0rits should be allo0ed onl7 0hen there are

    special and i"portant reasons therefor, clearl7 and specificall7 set out in the petition. 4his is Hanestablished polic7. It is a polic7 necessar7 to prevent inordinate de"ands upon the Court3s ti"e andattention 0hich are better devoted to those "atters 0ithin its e$clusive 6urisdiction, and to preventfurther over-cro0din# of the Court3s doc9et. ):

    4he Court has further e$plained@

    4he propensit7 of liti#ants and la07ers to disre#ard the hierarch7 of courts in our 6udicial s7ste" b7see9in# relief directl7 fro" this Court "ust be put to a halt for t0o reasons@ ')( it 0ould be ani"position upon the precious ti"e of this Court and ' ( it 0ould cause an inevitable and resultantdela7, intended or other0ise, in the ad6udication of cases, 0hich in so"e instances had to bere"anded or referred to the lo0er court as the proper foru" under the rules of procedure, or asbetter e5uipped to resolve the issues because this Court is not a trier of facts.

    4he rule, ho0ever, is not absolute, as 0hen e$ceptional and co"pellin# circu"stances 6ustif7 thee$ercise of this Court of its pri"ar7 6urisdiction. In this case, petitioner alle#es that E! %&& e$pandsthe covera#e of RA and in doin# so, the E$ecutive Depart"ent usurps the le#islative po0ers of Con#ress. 1awphi1 4he issue in this case is not onl7 the validit7 of the RIRR. !ther0ise, the proper re"ed7of petitioner and petitioners-intervenors 0ould have been an ordinar7 action for the nullification of theRIRR before the Re#ional 4rial Court. ) 4he alle#ed violation of the Constitution b7 the E$ecutiveDepart"ent 0hen it issued E! %&& 6ustifies the e$ercise b7 the Court of its pri"ar7 6urisdiction overthe case. 4he Court is not precluded fro" brushin# aside technicalities and ta9in# co#ni2ance of anaction due to its i"portance to the public and in 9eepin# 0ith its dut7 to deter"ine 0hether the otherbranches of the 1overn"ent have 9ept the"selves 0ithin the li"its of the Constitution.

    #$%&s 'echnical #b(ections

    4he ! 1 alle#es that the petition should be dis"issed because the verification and certification ofnon-foru" shoppin# 0ere si#ned onl7 b7 >udoli# 0ithout the e$press authorit7 of an7 boardresolution or po0er of attorne7. *o0ever, the records sho0 that >udoli# 0as authori2ed under BoardResolution No. +, series of + to file a petition before this Court on behalf of petitioner and toe$ecute an7 and all docu"ents necessar7 to i"ple"ent the resolution.
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    4he ! 1 also alle#es that the petition should be dis"issed for violation of the < Rules onNotarial Practice because >udoli# onl7 presented his co""unit7 ta$ certificate as co"petent proofof identit7 before the notar7 public. 4he Court 0ould have re5uired >udoli# to co"pl7 0ith the udoli# alread7 presented his Philippine passport before thenotar7 public 0hen petitioner sub"itted its repl7 to the ! 13s co""ent.

    E# )** Expands the Covera+e of ,-

    4he ! 1 alle#es that ection + of RA should be read in con6unction 0ith ection ;,enu"eratin# the C*ED3s po0ers and functions. In particular, the ! 1 alle#es that the C*ED hasthe po0er under para#raphs 'e( and 'n( of ection ; to@

    'e( "onitor and evaluate the perfor"ance of pro#ra"s and institutions of hi#her learnin# forappropriate incentives as 0ell as the i"position of sanctions such as, but not li"ited to, di"inution or 0ithdra0al of subsid7, reco""endation on the do0n#radin# or 0ithdra0al of accreditation, pro#ra"ter"ination or school closure

    'n( pro"ul#ate such rules and re#ulations and e$ercise such other po0ers and functions as "a7 be

    necessar7 to carr7 out effectivel7 the purpose and ob6ectives of this ActH.

    4he ! 1 6ustifies its stand b7 clai"in# that the ter" =pro#ra"s $ $ $ of hi#her learnin#= is broadenou#h to include pro#ra"s offered b7 revie0 centers.

    e do not a#ree.

    ection + of RA provides@

    ec. +. Creation of Commission on Higher Education. - In pursuance of the above"entionedpolicies, the Co""ission on *i#her Education is hereb7 created, hereinafter referred to as theCo""ission.

    4he Co""ission shall be independent and separate fro" the Depart"ent of Education, Culture andports 'DEC (, and attached to the !ffice of the President for ad"inistrative purposes onl7. I*)o (r% ( )-%ll +( +o*- p +li %&' pri %*( i&)*i* *io&) o5 -i -(r (' %*io& %) 7(ll %) '( r((r%&*i& pro r% ) i& %ll po)* )( o&'%r (' %*io&%l i&)*i* *io&), p +li %&' pri %*( .

    'E"phasis supplied(

    Neither RA nor C*ED !rder No. +, series of )::< 'I"ple"entin# Rules of RA ( < definesan institution of hi#her learnin# or a pro#ra" of hi#her learnin#.

    =*i#her education,= ho0ever, is defined as =education be7ond the secondar7 level= % or =educationprovided b7 a colle#e or universit7.= & nder the =plain "eanin#= or verba legis rule in statutor7

    construction, if the statute is clear, plain, and free fro" a"bi#uit7, it "ust be #iven its literal "eanin#and applied 0ithout interpretation. 4he le#islature is presu"ed to 9no0 the "eanin# of the 0ords,to have used 0ords advisedl7, and to have e$pressed its intent b7 use of such 0ords as are found inthe statute. ; *ence, the ter" =hi#her education= should be ta9en in its ordinar7 sense and should beread and interpreted to#ether 0ith the phrase =de#ree-#rantin# pro#ra"s in all post-secondar7educational institutions, public and private.= *i#her education should be ta9en to "ean tertiar7education or that 0hich #rants a de#ree after its co"pletion.

    >urther, Articles & and of the I"ple"entin# Rules provide@
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    Article &. cope of Application. - 4he covera#e of the Co""ission shall be both public and privateinstitutions of hi#her education as 0ell as '( r(( r%&*i& pro r% ) in all post-secondar7educational institutions, public and private.

    4hese Rules shall appl7 to all public and private educational institutions offerin# *(r*i%r '( r((pro r% ) .

    4he establish"ent, conversion, or elevation of '( r(( r%&*i& i&)*i* *io&) shall be 0ithin theresponsibilit7 of the Co""ission.

    Article . /urisdiction. - /urisdiction over institutions of hi#her learnin# pri"aril7 offerin# *(r*i%r'( r(( pro r% ) shall belon# to the Co""ission. 'E"phasis supplied(

    Clearl7, *EIs refer to de#ree-#rantin# institutions, or those offerin# tertiar7 de#ree or post-secondar7pro#ra"s. In fact, Republic Act No. ; : or the *i#her Education Moderni2ation Act of ):: coverschartered state universities and colle#es. tate universities and colle#es pri"aril7 offer de#reecourses and pro#ra"s.

    ections ) and ;, Rule I8 of the RIRR define a revie0 center and si"ilar entities as follo0s@

    ection ). RE8IE CEN4ER. - refers to a center operated and o0ned b7 a dul7 authori2ed entit7pursuant to these Rules intendin# to offer to the public and?or to speciali2ed #roups 0hether for a feeor for free a pro#ra" or course of stud7 that is intended to refresh and enhance the 9no0led#e andco"petencies and s9ills of revie0ees obtained in the for"al school settin# in preparation for thelicensure e$a"inations #iven b7 the Professional Re#ulations Co""ission 'PRC(. 4he ter" revie0center as understood in these rules shall also e"brace the operation or conduct of revie0 classes or courses provided b7 individuals 0hether for a fee or not in preparation for the licensure e$a"inations#iven b7 the Professional Re#ulations Co""ission.

    $ $ $

    ection ;. IMI AR EN4I4IE G the ter" refer to other revie0 centers providin# revie0 or tutorialservices in areas not covered b7 licensure e$a"inations #iven b7 the Professional Re#ulationsCo""ission includin# but not li"ited to colle#e entrance e$a"inations, Civil ervice e$a"inations,tutorial services in specific fields li9e En#lish, Mathe"atics and the li9e.

    4he sa"e Rule defines a revie0 course as follo0s@

    ection +. RE8IE C! R E G refers to the set of non-de#ree instructional pro#ra" of stud7 and?or instructional "aterials?"odule, offered b7 a school 0ith a reco#ni2ed course?pro#ra" re5uirin#licensure e$a"ination, that are intended "erel7 to refresh and enhance the 9no0led#e orco"petencies and s9ills of revie0ees.

    4he scopes of E! %&& and the RIRR clearl7 e$pand the C*ED3s covera#e under RA . 4heC*ED3s covera#e under RA is li"ited to p +li %&' pri %*( i&)*i* *io&) o5 -i -(r (' %*io&%&' '( r(( r%&*i& pro r% ) i& %ll p +li %&' pri %*( po)* )( o&'%r (' %*io&%li&)*i* *io&). E! %&& directed the C*ED to for"ulate a fra"e0or9 for the re#ulation of revie0centers and si"ilar entities.

    4he definition of a revie0 center under E! %&& sho0s that it refers to one 0hich offers = % pro r%or o r)( o5 )* ' *-%* i) i&*(&'(' *o r(5r()- %&' (&-%& ( *-( :&o7l(' ( or o p(*(& i()

  • 8/9/2019 Admin Cases 2


    %&' ):ill) o5 r( i(7(() o+*%i&(' i& *-( 5or %l ) -ool )(**i& i& pr(p%r%*io& 5or *-( li (&) r((3% i&%*io&) = #iven b7 the PRC. It also covers the operation or conduct of revie0 classes orcourses provided b7 individuals 0hether for a fee or not in preparation for the licensure e$a"inations#iven b7 the PRC.

    A revie0 center is not an institution of hi#her learnin# as conte"plated b7 RA . It does not offer

    a de#ree-#rantin# pro#ra" that 0ould put it under the 6urisdiction of the C*ED. A revie0 course isonl7 intended to =refresh and enhance the 9no0led#e or co"petencies and s9ills of revie0ees.= Arevie0ee is not even re5uired to enroll in a revie0 center or to ta9e a revie0 course prior to ta9in# ane$a"ination #iven b7 the PRC. Even if a revie0ee enrolls in a revie0 center, attendance in a revie0course is not "andator7. 4he revie0ee is not re5uired to attend each revie0 class. *e is not re5uiredto ta9e or pass an e$a"ination, and neither is he #iven a #rade. *e is also not re5uired to sub"itan7 thesis or dissertation. 4hus, pro#ra"s #iven b7 revie0 centers could not be considered=pro#ra"s $ $ $ of hi#her learnin#= that 0ould put the" under the 6urisdiction of the C*ED.

    >urther, the =si"ilar entities= in E! %&& cover centers providin# =revie0 or tutorial services= in areasnot covered b7 licensure e$a"inations #iven b7 the PRC, 0hich include, althou#h not li"ited to,colle#e entrance e$a"inations, Civil ervices e$a"inations, and tutorial services. 4hese revie0 and

    tutorial services hardl7 5ualif7 as pro#ra"s of hi#her learnin#.

    0surpation of 1e+islative 2ower

    4he ! 1 ar#ues that President Arro7o 0as "erel7 e$ercisin# her e$ecutive po0er to ensure thatthe la0s are faithfull7 e$ecuted. 4he ! 1 further ar#ues that President Arro7o 0as e$ercisin# herresidual po0ers under E$ecutive !rder No. : 'E! : (, : particularl7 ection , 4itle I of Boo9 III,thus@

    ection . Residual Powers. - nless Con#ress provides other0ise, *-( Pr()i'(&* )-%ll (3(r i)() - o*-(r po7(r) %&' 5 & *io&) ()*(' i& *-( Pr()i'(&* 7-i - %r( pro i'(' 5or &'(r *-(l%7) and 0hich are not specificall7 enu"erated above, or 0hich are not dele#ated b7 the Presidentin accordance 0ith la0. 'E"phasis supplied( 1avvphi1

    ection , 4itle I of Boo9 III of E! : spea9s of other po0ers vested in the President under thela0 .+ 4he e$ercise of the President3s residual po0ers under this provision re5uires le#islation, +) asthe provision clearl7 states that the e$ercise of the President3s other po0ers and functions has to be=pro i'(' 5or &'(r *-( l%7 .= 4here is no la0 #rantin# the President the po0er to a"end thefunctions of the C*ED. 4he President "a7 not a"end RA throu#h an E$ecutive !rder 0ithouta prior le#islation #rantin# her such po0er.

    4he President has no inherent or dele#ated le#islative po0er to a"end the functions of the C*EDunder RA . e#islative po0er is the authorit7 to "a9e la0s and to alter or repeal the", + and thispo0er is vested 0ith the Con#ress under ection ), Article 8I of the ):; Constitution 0hich states@

    ection ). 4he le#islative po0er shall be vested in the Con#ress of the Philippines 0hich shallconsist of a enate and a *ouse of Representatives, e$cept to the e$tent reserved to the people b7the provision on initiative and referendu".

    In Ople v. orres ,++ the Court declared void, as a usurpation of le#islative po0er, Ad"inistrative !rder No. + ; 'A! + ;( issued b7 the President to create a national identification s7ste". A! + ;"andates the adoption of a national identification s7ste" even in the absence of an enablin#le#islation. 4he Court distin#uished bet0een e#islative and E$ecutive po0ers, as follo0s@
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    4he line that delineates e#islative and E$ecutive po0er is not indistinct. !egislative power is =theauthorit7, under the Constitution, to "a9e la0s, and to alter and repeal the".= 4he Constitution, asthe 0ill of the people in their ori#inal, soverei#n and unli"ited capacit7, has vested this po0er in theCon#ress of the Philippines. 4he #rant of le#islative po0er to Con#ress is broad, #eneral andco"prehensive. 4he le#islative bod7 possesses plenar7 po0er for all purposes of civil #overn"ent.

    An7 po0er, dee"ed to be le#islative b7 usa#e and tradition, is necessaril7 possessed b7 Con#ress,

    unless the Constitution has lod#ed it else0here. In fine, e$cept as li"ited b7 the Constitution, eithere$pressl7 or i"pliedl7, le#islative po0er e"braces all sub6ects and e$tends to "atters of #eneralconcern or co""on interest.

    hile Con#ress is vested 0ith the po0er to enact la0s, the President e"ecutes the law s. 4hee$ecutive po0er is vested in the President. It is #enerall7 defined as the po0er to enforce andad"inister la0s. It is the po0er of carr7in# the la0s into practical operation and enforcin# their dueobservance.

    As head of the E$ecutive Depart"ent, the President is the Chief E$ecutive. *e represents the#overn"ent as a 0hole and sees to it that all la0s are enforced b7 the officials and e"plo7ees of hisdepart"ent. *e has control over the e$ecutive depart"ent, bureaus and offices. 4his "eans that he

    has the authorit7 to assu"e directl7 the functions of the e$ecutive depart"ent, bureau and office, orinterfere 0ith the discretion of its officials. Corollar7 to the po0er of control, the President also hasthe dut7 of supervisin# the enforce"ent of la0s for the "aintenance of #eneral peace and publicorder. 4hus, he is #ranted administrative power over bureaus and offices under his control to enablehi" to dischar#e his duties effectivel7.

    #dministrative power is concerned with the wor$ of appl%ing policies and enforcing orders asdetermined b% proper governmental organs. &t enables the President to fi" a uniform standard ofadministrative efficienc% and chec$ the official conduct of his agents. o this end' he can issueadministrative orders' rules and regulations.

    $ $ $. An ad"inistrative order is@

    = ec. +. Ad"inistrative !rders. - Acts of the President 0hich relate to particular aspects of#overn"ental operation in pursuance of his duties as ad"inistrative head shall be pro"ul#ated inad"inistrative orders.=

    An ad"inistrative order is an ordinance issued b7 the President 0hich relates to specific aspects inthe ad"inistrative operation of #overn"ent. &t must be in harmon% with the law and should be for thesole purpose of implementing the law and carr%ing out the legislative polic%. $ $ $ .+isher@ = " " " (an% regulations however' bear directl% on the public. &t is herethat administrative legislation must be restricted in its scope and application. Regulations are notsupposed to be a substitute for the general polic%)ma$ing that Congress enacts in the form of a

    public law. #lthough administrative regulations are entitled to respect' the authorit% to prescribe rulesand regulations is not an independent source of power to ma$e laws. =+%

    ince E! %&& is an invalid e$ercise of le#islative po0er, the RIRR is also an invalid e$ercise of theC*ED3s 5uasi-le#islative po0er.
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    Ad"inistrative a#encies e$ercise their 5uasi-le#islative or rule-"a9in# po0er throu#h thepro"ul#ation of rules and re#ulations. +& 4he C*ED "a7 onl7 e$ercise its rule-"a9in# po0er 0ithinthe confines of its 6urisdiction under RA . 4he RIRR covers revie0 centers and si"ilar entities0hich are neither institutions of hi#her education nor institutions offerin# de#ree-#rantin# pro#ra"s.

    Exercise of 2olice 2ower

    Police po0er to prescribe re#ulations to pro"ote the health, "orals, education, #ood order or safet7,and the #eneral 0elfare of the people flo0s fro" the reco#nition that salus populi est suprema le" Gthe 0elfare of the people is the supre"e la0. + Police po0er pri"aril7 rests 0ith the le#islaturealthou#h it "a7 be e$ercised b7 the President and ad"inistrative boards b7 virtue of a validdele#ation .+; *ere, no dele#ation of police po0er e$ists under RA authori2in# the President tore#ulate the operations of non-de#ree #rantin# revie0 centers.

    ,epublic -ct No. 3435 is Not the -ppropriate 1aw

    It is ar#ued that the President of the Philippines has ade5uate po0ers under the la0 to re#ulaterevie0 centers and this could have been done under an e$istin# validl7 dele#ated authorit7, and that

    the appropriate la0 is Republic Act No. ;:;)+:

    'RA ;:;)(. nder ection % of RA ;:;), the PRC is"andated to =establish and "aintain a hi#h standard of ad"ission to the practice of all professionsand at all ti"es ensure and safe#uard the inte#rit7 of all licensure e$a"inations.= ection of RA;:;) further states that the PRC shall adopt ="easures to preserve the inte#rit7 and inviolabilit7 oflicensure e$a"inations.=

    4here is no doubt that a principal "andate of the PRC is to preserve the inte#rit7 of licensuree$a"inations. 4he PRC has the po0er to adopt "easures to preserve the inte#rit7 and inviolabilit7of licensure e$a"inations. *o0ever, this po0er should properl7 be interpreted to refer to the conductof the (3% i&%*io&) . 4he enu"eration of PRC3s po0ers under ection 'e( includes a"on# others,the fi$in# of dates and places of the e$a"inations and the appoint"ent of supervisors and 0atchers.4he po0er to preserve the inte#rit7 and inviolabilit7 of licensure e$a"inations should be readto#ether 0ith these functions. T-()( po7(r) o5 *-( PRC -% ( &o*-i& *o 'o %* %ll 7i*- *-(r( l%*io& o5 r( i(7 (&*(r) .

    4he PRC has the po0er to investi#ate an7 of the "e"bers of the Professional Re#ulator7 Boards'PRB( for =co""ission of an7 irre#ularities in the licensure e$a"inations 0hich taint or i"pu#n theinte#rit7 and authenticit7 of the results of the said e$a"inations.= < 4his is an ad"inistrative po0er0hich the PRC e$ercises over "e"bers of the PRB. *o0ever, this po0er has nothin# to do 0ith there#ulation of revie0 centers. 4he PRC has the po0er to bar PRB "e"bers fro" conductin# revie0classes in revie0 centers. o7( (r, *o i&*(rpr(* *-i) po7(r *o (3*(&' *o *-( po7(r *o r( l%*(r( i(7 (&*(r) i) l(%rl %& &7%rr%&*(' i&*(rpr(*%*io& o5 RA 8981 . 4he PRC "a7 prohibit the"e"bers of the PRB fro" conductin# revie0 classes at revie0 centers because the PRC hasad"inistrative supervision over the "e"bers of the PRB. *o0ever, such po0er does not e$tend tothe re#ulation of revie0 centers.

    ection '7( of RA ;:;) #ivin# the PRC the po0er to perfor" =such other functions and duties as"a7 be necessar7 to carr7 out the provisions= of RA ;:;) does not e$tend to the re#ulation of revie0centers. T-(r( i) %+)ol *(l &o*-i& i& RA 8981 *-%* (&*io&) r( l%*io& + *-( PRC o5 r( i(7

    (&*(r) .

    4he Court cannot li9e0ise interpret the fact that RA ;:;) penali2es =an7 person 0ho "anipulates orri#s licensure e$a"ination results, secretl7 infor"s or "a9es 9no0n licensure e$a"ination 5uestionsprior to the conduct of the e$a"ination or ta"pers 0ith the #rades in the professional licensure
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    licensure e$a"ination process i""une, even for a ti"e, fro" re#ulation. It is for this co"pellin#reason that I have tac9led in this eparate Concurrin# !pinion the alternative and '0hile not full7deter"inative of the issue of the validit7 of E! %&&( the related issues of@ ')( 0hether the business of revie0 centers can be the sub6ect of re#ulation ' ( if so, on 0hat le#al basis and '+( a#ain, if so,0hich #overn"ental authorit7 has been vested 0ith 6urisdiction b7 la0.

    4he Bac9#round >acts

    4he !ffice of the olicitor 1eneral '! 1( ob6ects to the filin# of the present petition directl7 0ith thisCourt, based on the principle of hierarch7 of courts. 4he principle, as a rule, can be invo9ed 0hereno co"pellin# reason e$ists for a direct resort to this Court. ) *o0ever, a co"pellin# reason doese$ist as the ponencia properl7 noted. i9e0ise, there are no "a6or issues of fact that are essentiall7for the trial or lo0er courts to handle as triers of facts hence, direct resort to this Court is 6ustified. Inthis re#ard, at the petitioners3 ur#in# and based on the i"plicit stance of all other parties to ta9e

    6udicial notice of the bac9#round facts, + I a" providin# a fuller account of the bac9#round of the casebased on parallel official develop"ents, all of the" related to the root of the present issue G the

    nursin# e$a" scandal of &. 4his bac9#round G albeit footnoted because the7 do not all directl7affect the present case G "a7 lead to a fuller appreciation of the case and the vie0 I a" puttin#for0ard, and is offered in the spirit of 1eor#e anta7ana3s advice to re"e"ber the past to avoidbein# conde"ned to its repetition. or this purpose, he "a7 ta9e an7 of the follo0in# actions@

    ')( Restructure the internal or#ani2ation of the !ffice of the President Proper, includin# thei""ediate !ffices, the Presidential pecial Assistants?Advisers 7ste" and the Co""onstaff upport 7ste", b7 abolishin#, consolidatin# or "er#in# units thereof or transferrin#functions fro" one unit to another

    ' ( Tr%&)5(r %& 5 & *io& &'(r *-( O55i ( o5 *-( Pr()i'(&* *o %& o*-(r $(p%r* (&* or

    A (& %) 7(ll %) *r%&)5(r 5 & *io&) *o *-( O55i ( o5 *-( Pr()i'(&* 5ro o*-(r$(p%r* (&*) %&' A (& i() and

    '+( 4ransfer an7 a#enc7 under the !ffice of the President to an7 other depart"ent or a#enc7as 0ell as transfer a#encies to the !ffice of the President fro" other depart"ents ora#encies.
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    4he President3s direct e$ercise of the po0er of subordinate le#islation is done via the issuance of ane$ecutive or ad"inistrative order, defined under ection , Chapter , Boo9 III of E! : , as anordinance issued b7 the President providin# for rules of a #eneral or per"anent character in thei"ple"entation or e$ecution of constitutional or statutor7 po0ers.

    4he valid #rant of the authorit7 to issue subordinate le#islation to the PRC and the e$ercise of thispo0er b7 the President as the head of the e$ecutive depart"ent of #overn"ent, ho0ever, do note$tend to the authorit7 of the President to ta9e control of the PRC3s po0ers under the PRC a0, andto assi#n these to another a#enc7 0ithin the e$ecutive branch.

    Effectivel7, this 0as 0hat happened in the present case the President, throu#h E! %&&, too9 controlof the PRC3s authorit7 to issue subordinate le#islation to re#ulate revie0 centers, and transferred thispo0er to the C*ED. 4his is an ille#al sub-dele#ation of dele#ated po0er. hat has once beendele#ated b7 Con#ress can no lon#er be further dele#ated b7 the ori#inal dele#ate to another,e$pressed in the atin "a$i" G potestas dele#ata non dele#are potest. ) hen the PRC a0#ranted the po0er of subordinate le#islation to the PRC, the "andate 0as #iven to this a#enc7 'and

    under the control po0ers of the President, to the President b7 necessar7 i"plication( as the ori#inaldele#ate the faithful fulfill"ent of this "andate is a dut7 that the PRC itself, as the dele#ate, "ustperfor" usin# its o0n 6ud#"ent and not the intervenin# "ind of another. )+

    Additionall7, E! %&& placed entities sub6ect to the 6urisdiction of a particular a#enc7 'in this case, thePRC( under the 6urisdiction of another 'the C*ED(. As the cited reor#ani2ation po0ers of thePresident sho0, the statutoril7-allo0ed transfer of functions refers to those fro" the !ffice of thePresident to the depart"ents and a#encies, or fro" the depart"ents and a#encies to the !ffice ofthe President. 4his proceeds fro" the po0er of control the Constitution #rants to the President. No#eneral statutor7 nor constitutional authorit7 e$ists, ho0ever, allo0in# the President to transfer thefunctions of one depart"ent or a#enc7 to another. 4he reason for this is obvious G the 6urisdiction of

    a particular depart"ent or a#enc7 is provided for b7 la0 and this 6urisdiction "a7 not be "odified,reduced or increased, via a "ere e$ecutive order e$cept to the e$tent that the la0 allo0s. 4hus, onl7the President, based on her constitutionall7-provided control po0ers, can assu"e the functions ofan7 of the depart"ents or a#encies under the E$ecutive Depart"ent. Even then, the Presidentcannot transfer these functions to another a#enc7 0ithout trans#ressin# the le#islative prero#ativesof Con#ress. 4his conclusion necessaril7 i"pacts on the validit7 of the C*ED3s issuance of the RIRRand other instru"ents 0hich "ust si"ilarl7 be invalid since the7 spran# fro" an invalid andi"per"issible sub-dele#ation of po0er.

    I therefore vote to invalidate E! %&& and the issuances arisin# fro" this E!.

    ARTURO $. ;RION Associate /ustice
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    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. ! =0

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    is acco"panied b7 a certificate of the >iber tandardi2ation Board, or a notation is 0ritten onthe face of the triplicate of the e$port entr7 si#ned b7 the fiber inspector 0ho "ade theinspection indicatin# that the abaca covered thereb7 has co"plied 0ith the provisions of thela0 relative to the ship"ent of such product. Copies of the said letter and its enclosure areattached to, and "ade a part of, this ans0er "ar9ed as E$hibits A, B, and C.

    +. 4hat the provisions of the la0 relatin# to the classification, #radin#, and inspection of fibers0ere desi#ned to re"ed7, and did re"ed7 the dan#erousl7 unsatisfactor7 conditions of thePhilippine fiber industr7 obtainin# at the ti"e of their enact"ent.

    iber tandardi2ation Boardhas other0ise en6o7ed the benefits of the la0 providin# for the #radin# and inspection offibers as a"ended.

    herefore, the respondent pra7s that the a"ended petition for the 0rit of mandamus bedenied 0ith costs a#ainst the petitioner.

    As the result of a trial on such issues 6ud#"ent 0as rendered as pra7ed for in the petition, for"

    0hich the defendant appeals and assi#ns the follo0in# errors@

    ). 4he lo0er court erred in not holdin# that the petitioner 0as estopped fro" 5uestionin# theconstitution of Act No. + &+ a"endin# section ) et se5. of the Ad"inistrative Code.

    . 4he lo0er court erred in holdin# that sections ) and ) ;+ of the Ad"inistrative Code,as a"ended, are unconstitutional and void.

    +. 4he lo0er court erred in orderin# the respondent to per"it the e$portation of petitionerKshe"p 0ithout the certificate of the >iber tandardi2ation Board.

    >O NS, J.:

    Act No. +; is entitled =An Act providin# for the inspection, #radin#, and balin# of abaca 'Manilahe"p(, mague% 'cantala(, sisal, and other fibers,= and 0as enacted b7 the Philippine e#islature,>ebruar7 ;, ):)

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    'c( 4he desi#nation and "ar9 of each #rade of the official standard, to#ether 0ith the basisupon 0hich each #rade is deter"ined, shall be defined and published b7 the Director of

    A#riculture in a Bureau of A#riculture 1eneral !rder not less than si$ "onths prior to thedate 0hen this Act #oes into effect the Director of A#riculture shall furnish a sufficientnu"ber of copies of this order and of an7 other or others hereafter issue on this sub6ect tothe forei#n "ar9ets, "unicipal presidents, provincial #overnors, and to such other persons

    and corporations as he "a7 dee" advisable, for #eneral infor"ation and #uidance.

    'd( 4o preserve the official standards as ori#inall7 prepared, the Director of A#riculture shallstipulate the "anner in 0hich the7 shall be 9ept and shall define the period at the e$pirationof 0hich the7 shall be rene0ed.

    'e( An7 #radin# establish"ent shall have the ri#ht to prepare or rene0 the set of officialstandards of #rades for its use, providin# that such a set shall be an e$act cop7 of the officialset of standards and that it shall have been approved and certified to b7 the Director of

    A#riculture or his authori2ed a#ent.

    'f( 4he Director of A#riculture shall establish one or several standards for abaca 0hich "a7

    have been partiall7 cleaned or prepared in the for" of to0, 0aste, or strin#s, at the re5uestof a part7 concerned, if such standards are re5uired b7 the "ar9et. *e shall also li9e0iseestablish a standard or standards for the fiber of an7 species of (usa other than abaca for0hich there shall be a de"and in the "ar9et. uch standards, if established, shall bedesi#nated and defined in the #eneral order deferred to in section t0o 'c( of this Act.

    ubsection 'b(, of section +, provides@

    No person, association, or corporation shall en#a#e in #radin# abaca , "a#ue7, or sisal,unless a per"it shall have previousl7 been obtained, 0hich shall be si#ned b7 the Director of

    A#riculture, such per"its to be 9no0n as K#radin# per"its.K

    ubsection 'e( sa7s@

    In #radin# fiber for e$port, each #rade prepared shall correspond to one of the officialstandards, and it shall also bear the sa"e desi#nation and "ar9 as the latter. 4he set ofofficial standards shall be placed in a pro"inent position in the #radin# shed for reference.

    ection % provides@

    'a( All fibers included in this Act 0hich are intended for e$port shall be pressed in balesappro$i"atel7 of the follo0in# di"ensions and 0ei#ht@ en#th, one "eter 0idth, fift7centi"eters hei#ht, fift7-five centi"eters and 0ei#ht, one hundred and t0ent7-five 9ilos, net.In an7 #rade of abaca in 0hich the 5ualit7 of the fiber "a7 be in6ured b7 e$cessive pressure,the appro$i"ate di"ensions and 0ei#ht of each bale of such fiber shall be deter"ined in a#eneral order b7 the Director of A#riculture.

    'b( 4he li"it of si2e of dia"eter of each han9 contained in the bale of abaca , the "anner in0hich these han9s shall be arran#ed in the bale, and the "anner of labelin# and t7in# ofeach entire bale shall be desi#nated b7 the Director of A#riculture not later than si$ "onthsprior to the date on 0hich this Act #oes into effect.

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    'c( Each and all han9s of fiber contained in a bale shall be unifor" in 5ualit7, and each han9shall also be securel7 tied b7 a strand to hold the han9 to#ether, and 0hich shall be identical0ith the fiber 0hich constitutes the bale.

    'd( Ever7 bale of fiber shall be free fro" strin#s, 0aste, to0, da"a#ed fiber, fiber not identical0ith that 0hich constitutes the bale, or an7 e$traneous "atter, and the fiber shall be

    thorou#hl7 dr7.

    ubsection '#(, of section &, provides@

    All fiber of 0hich the official standard shall have been established as provided in section t0ohereof shall be #raded, baled, inspected and approved as provided in this Act.

    And the last para#raph of subsection 'i( sa7s@

    4he ob6ect of such inspection shall be to deter"ine 0hether or not the #rade inspectedconfor"s 0ith the official standard for the sa"e, 0hether or not the private "ar9 'if an7( usedis correct, and 0hether the bailin# and labelin# is in confor"it7 0ith the provisions of this Act

    and the authori2ed instructions of the Director of A#riculture.

    ubsection '9( provides@

    Ever7 ship"ent of #raded and baled abaca , "a#ue7, or sisal, 0hich has been inspected andapproved, shall be acco"panied b7 a certificate or certificates of inspection attached to thebill of ladin# and dul7 si#ned b7 the fiber inspector 0ho "ade the inspection. All certificatesof #radin# shall be prepared in 5uadruplicate, the ori#inal and one cop7 to be #iven theo0ner, one cop7 to be for0arded to the Director of A#riculture, and one cop7 to be filed in theinspectorKs office.

    ection sa7s@

    'a( No person shall chan#e, obliterate, or counterfeit, 0holl7 or in part, or cause to bechan#ed, obliterated, or counterfeited, the official or private "ar9 or brand on an7 bale offiber 0hich has been inspected, #raded, and sta"ped as provided in this Act, nor shall an7person use an7 ta# or "ar9 0hich is not in accordance 0ith the provisions of this Act or theauthori2ed orders of the Director of A#riculture nor shall an7 person ta"per 0ith or alter the5uantit7 or 5ualit7 of an7 bale of fiber 0hich has been inspected, #raded, and sta"ped asprovided in this Act.

    'b( An7 person, associations, or corporation violatin# an7 of the provisions of this Act shall,upon conviction thereof b7 a court of co"petent 6urisdiction, be defined not "ore than t0ohundred and fift7 pesos.

    'c( pon conviction of an7 person, association, or corporation of a violation of an7 of theprovisions of this Act, the Director of A#riculture "a7 0ithdra0 and cancel the #radin# per"ittheretofore issued to such person, association, or corporation.

    It 0ill thus be noted that the purpose and intent of the ori#inal la0 0as to provide in detail for theinspection #radin# and balin# of abaca , "a#ue7, sisal and other fibers, and for a unifor" scale for#radin#, and to issue official certificates as to the 9ind and 5ualit7 of the he"p, so that an intendin#

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    purchaser fro" an e$a"ination of the certificates "i#ht be assured and 9no0 the #rade and 5ualit7of the he"p offered for sale.

    4he ori#inal la0, as enacted, 0as later a"ended and carried into, and "ade a part of, the Ad"inistrative Code, section ) iber Inspection ervice= and he #overned b7 astandardi2ation board.

    EC. ) )-B. /tandardization 0oard . L 4here is hereb7 created a board 0hich shall bedesi#nated and 9no0n as =>iber tandardi2ation Board= and shall be vested 0ith the po0ersand duties hereinafter specified. aid Board shall consist of seven "e"bers, 0ith theDirector of A#riculture as its per"anent chair"an and e$ecutive officer, and the other"e"bers shall be appointed b7 the 1overnor-1eneral, 0ith the advice and consent of the

    enate@ Provided, 4hat one "e"ber shall represents the fiber e$porters one "e"ber shallrepresent the dealers or "iddle"en and t0o "e"bers shall represent the fiber producers.

    ection ) of the Ad"inistrative Code, as a"ended, reads as follo0s@

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    4he >iber tandardi2ation Board shall deter"ine the official standards for the variousco""ercial #rades of Philippine fibers that are or "a7 hereafter be produced on thePhilippine Islands for ship"ent abroad. Each #rade shall have its proper na"e anddesi#nation 0hich, to#ether 0ith the basis upon 0hich the several #rades are deter"ined,shall be defined b7 the said Board in a #eneral order. uch order shall have the approval ofthe ecretar7 of A#riculture and Natural Resources and for the disse"ination of infor"ation,

    copies of the sa"e shall be supplied #ratis to the forei#n "ar9ets, provincial #overnors,"unicipal presidents, and to such other persons and a#encies as shall "a9e re5uesttherefor.

    If it is considered e$pedient to chan#e these standards at an7 ti"e, notice shall be #iven inthe local and forei#n "ar9ets for a period of at least si$ "onths before the ne0 standardsshall #o into effect.

    ection ) ;; of the Ad"inistrative Code 0as a"ended to reads as follo0s@

    No fiber 0ithin the purvie0 of this la0 shall be e$ported fro" the Philippine Islands in5uantit7 #reater than the a"ount sufficient to "a9e one bale, 0ithout bein# #raded, baled,

    inspected, and certified as in this la0 provided.

    ection iber tandardi2ation Board, or 0ho shall ta"per 0ith or alter the 5uantit7 or5ualit7 of an7 bale of fiber 0hich has been so inspected, #raded, and sta"ped or 0ho shallother0ise violate an7 of the provisions of this Act, shall be punished b7 a fine of not "orethan three hundred pesos and upon conviction hereunder of an7 person holdin# a #radin#per"it, the >iber tandardi2ation Board "a7, 0ith the approval of the ecretar7 of A#ricultureand Natural Resources, 0ithdra0 and cancel such per"it.

    4he e#islature havin# enacted the la0 0hich provides for the inspection, #radin# and balin# offibers and the creation of a board to carr7 the la0 into effect, the 5uestion is s5uarel7 presented asto 0hether or not the authorit7 vested in the board is a dele#ation of le#islative po0er.

    Coole7 on Constitutional i"itations, a standard authorit7 all over the 0orld, vol. I, ;th ed., pp. ;-+ , sa7s@

    4he "a$i" that po0er conferred upon e#islature to "a9e la0s cannot be dele#ated to an7other authorit7 does not preclude the e#islature fro" dele#atin# an7 po0er not le#islative0hich it "a7 itself ri#htfull7 e$ercise. It "a7 confer an authorit7 in relation to the e$ecution ofa la0 0hich "a7 involve discretion, but such authorit7 "ust be e$ercised under and inpursuance of the la0. 4he e#islature "ust declare the polic7 of the la0 and fi$ the le#alprinciples 0hich are to control in #iven cases but an ad"inistrative officer or bod7 "a7 beinvested 0ith the po0er to principles appl7. If this could not be done there 0ould be infiniteconfusion in the la0s, and in an effort to detail and to particulari2e, the7 0ould "isssufficienc7 both in provision and e$ecution.

    Boards and co""issions no0 pla7 an i"portant part in the ad"inistration of our la0s. 4he#reat social and industrial evolution of the past centur7, and the "an7 de"ands "ade upon

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    our le#islatures b7 the increasin# co"ple$it7 of hu"an activities, have "ade essential thecreation of these ad"inistrative bodies and the dele#ation to the" of certain po0ers. 4hou#hle#islative po0er cannot be dele#ated to boards and co""issions, the e#islature "a7dele#ate to the" ad"inistrative functions in carr7in# out the purposes of a statute andvarious #overn"ental po0er for the "ore efficient ad"inistration of the la0s.

    *ence, the 5uestion here is 0hether or not the la0 in 5uestion dele#ates to the >iber Boardle#islative po0ers or ad"inistrative functions to carr7 out the purpose and intent of the la0 for its"ore efficient ad"inistration. It "ust be conceded that the details, spirit and intent of the la0 couldonl7 be carried into effect throu#h a board of co""ission.

    4he case of Buttfield vs. tranahan, ): . ., < , is s5uare in point. 4he la0 there construed is asfollo0s@

    0e it enacted b% the /enate and House of Representation of the nited /tates of #merica inCongress assembled , 4hat fro" and after Ma7 first, ei#hteen hundred and ninet7-seven, itshall be unla0ful for an7 person or persons or corporation to i"port or brin# into the nited

    tates an7 "erchandise as tea 0hich is inferior in purit7, 5ualit7, and fitness for consu"ption

    to the standards provided in section three of this Act, and the i"portation of all such"erchandise is hereb7 prohibited.

    EC. . 4hat i""ediatel7 after the passa#e of this Act, and or before >ebruar7 fifteenth of each 7ear thereafter, the ecretar7 of the 4reasur7 shall appoint a board, to consist of seven "e"bers, each of 0ho" shall be an e$pert in teas, and 0ho shall prepare and sub"it to hi" standard sa"ples of tea .. .

    EC. +. 4hat the ecretar7 of the 4reasurer, upon the reco""endation of the said board, shall fi$and establish unifor" standards of purit7, 5ualit7, and fitness for consu"ption of all 9inds of teasi"ported into the nited tates, and shall procure and deposit in the custo"houses of the ports ofNe0 For9, Chica#o, an >rancisco, and such other ports as he "a7 deter"ine, duplicate sa"ples of such standards that said ecretar7 shall procure a sufficient nu"ber of other duplicate sa"ples ofsuch standards to suppl7 the i"porters and dealers in tea at all ports desirin# the sa"e, at costs. Allteas, or "erchandise described as tea, of inferior purit7, 5ualit7, and fitness for consu"ption to suchstandards shall be dee"ed 0ithin the prohibition of the first section hereof . . . .

    Construin# 0hich that court said@

    e "a7 sa7 of the le#islation in this case, as 0as said of the le#islation considered inMarshall >ield Co. vs. Clar9, that it does not, in an7 real sense, invest ad"inistrativeofficials 0ith the po0er of le#islation. Con#ress le#islated on the sub6ect as far as 0asreasonabl7 practicable, and fro" the necessities of the case 0as co"pelled to leave toe$ecutive officials the dut7 of brin#in# about the result pointed out b7 the statute. 4o den7 thepo0er of Con#ress to dele#ate such a dut7 0ould, in effect, a"ount but to declarin# that thepenalt7 po0er vested in Con#ress to re#ulate forei#n co""erce could not be efficaciousl7e$erted.


    4he clai" that the statute co""its to the arbitrar7 discretion of the ecretar7 of the 4reasur7the deter"ination of 0hat teas "a7 be i"ported, and therefore in effect vests that official 0ithle#islative po0er, is 0ithout "erit. e are of opinion that the statute, 0hen properl7construed, as said b7 the Circuit Court of Appeals, but e$press the purpose to e$clude the

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    lo0est #rades of tea, 0hether de"onstrabl7 of inferior purit7, or unfit for consu"ption, orpresu"abl7 so because of their inferior 5ualit7. 4his, in effect, 0as the fi$in# of a pri"ar7standard, and devolved upon the ecretar7 of the 4reasur7 the "ere e$ecutive dut7 toeffectuate the le#islative polic7 declared in the statute.

    4he t. ouis vs. 4a7lor ' ) . ., ;)(, construed the validit7 of an Act of Con#ress, 0hich is as


    ithin ninet7 da7s fro" the passa#e of this Act the A"erican Rail0a7 Association isauthorized hereb% to designate to the &nterstate Commerce Commission the standard heightof drawbars for freight cars , "easured perpendicular fro" the level of the tops of the trials tothe centers of the dra0bars, for each of the several #au#es of railroads in use in the nited

    tates, and shall fi$ a "a$i"u" variation fro" such standard hei#ht to be allo0ed bet0eenthe dra0ers of e"pt7 and located cars. pon their deter"ination bein# certified to theInterstate Co""erce Co""ission, said Commission shall at once give notice of thestandard fi"ed upon to all common carriers' owners . . . . And after /ul7 first, ei#hteenhundred and ninet7-five, no cars, either loaded or unloaded, shall be used in interstate traffic which do compl% with the standard above provided for .

    And in its opinion said@

    =It is contended that there is here an unconstitutional dele#ation of le#islative po0er to the rail0a7association and to the Interstate Co""erce Co""ission. 4his is clearl7 a >ederal 5uestion. Briefl7stated, the statute enacted that after a date na"ed onl7 cars 0ith dra0bars of unifor" hei#ht shouldbe fi$ed b7 the association and declared b7 the Co""ission. Nothin# need be said upon this5uestion e$cept that it 0as settled adversel7 o the contention of the plaintiff in error in Buttfield vs.

    tranahan, ): . ., <

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    "anner of bindin#, "ar9in#, 0rappin#, and sta"pin# of the sa"e, shall be defined in a#eneral order b7 the >iber tandardi2ation Board.

    And section ) ;;, as a"ended, provides that no fiber shall be e$ported in 5ualit7 #reater than thea"ount sufficient to "a9e one bale, 0ithout bein# #raded, baled, inspected, and certified as in thisla0 provided. 4hat is to sa7, the la0 provides in detail for the inspection, #radin# and bailin# of he"p

    the >iber Board 0ith the po0er and authorit7 to devise 0a7s and "eans for its e$ecution. In le#aleffect, the e#islature has said that before an7 he"p is e$ported fro" the Philippine Islands it "ustbe inspected, #raded and baled, and has created a board or that purpose and vested it 0ith thepo0er and authorit7 to do the actual 0or9. 4hat is not a dele#ation o le#islative po0er. It is nothin#"ore than a dele#ation of ad"inistrative po0er in the >iber Board, to carr7 out the purpose andintent of the la0. In the ver7 nature of thin#s, the e#islature could not inspect, #rade and bale thehe"p, and fro" necessit7, the po0er to do that 0ould have to be vested in a board of co""ission.

    4he petitionerKs contention 0ould leave the la0, 0hich provides for the inspection, #radin# and balin#of he"p, 0ithout an7 "eans of its enforce"ent. If the la0 cannot be enforced b7 such a board orco""ission, ho0 and b7 0ho" could it be enforcedJ 4he criticis" that there is partialit7 or evenfraud in the ad"inistration of the la0 is not an ar#u"ent a#ainst its constitutionalit7.

    4he appellee has cited authorities of si"ilar la0s, 0hich have been enacted b7 different tates of thenited tates, that have been declared unconstitutional in violation of section ; of article ) of thenited tates Constitution 0hich confers upon Con#ress the authorit7 =to re#ulate co""erce 0ith

    forei#n nations, and a"on# the several tates, and 0ith the Indian 4ribes.=

    It "ust be conceded that 0ithin the "eanin# of the Constitution, the Philippine Islands is not a tateof the nited tates, that it is not a 4ribe of Indians, and that it is not a forei#n nation.

    e have #iven this case the careful consideration 0hich its i"portance deserves, and are clearl7 ofthe opinion that the act in 5uestion, is not a dele#ation of le#islative po0er to the >iber Board, andthat the po0ers #iven b7 the e#islature to the board are for an ad"inistrative purposes, to enforceand carr7 out the intent of the la0.

    4he 6ud#"ent of the lo0er court is reversed and the petition is dis"issed, 0ithout costs to eitherpart7. o ordered.

    #vance2a' C.,.' /treet' 3illamor' Romualdez and 3illa)Real' ,,.' concur.

    S(p%r%*( Opi&io&)

    >O NSON, J.6 concurrin#@

    4he reason for "7 dissent in the case of alter E. !lsen Co. vs. *erstein and Raffert7 '+ Phil.,% (, is the ver7 reason for "7 concurrence here0ith.

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    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No). 1 &( 22, 2010

    !UIS ?. !O?IN, >R., %) *-( )( o&' &o i&(( o5 CITI@ENS ;ATT!E AGAINST CORRUPTION/CI;AC , Petitioner,vs.COMMISSION ON E!ECTIONS %&' *-( OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Respondents.

    $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$

    G.R. No. 18044=

    !UIS ?. !O?IN, >R., Petitioner,vs.COMMISSION ON E!ECTIONS /COME!EC , EMMANUE! >OE! >. VI!!ANUEVA, CINC ONA C.GON@A!ES %&' ARMI >ANE R. ;OR>E, Respondents.

    D E C I I ! N

    ;ERSAMIN, J.:

    4he principal 5uestion posed in these consolidated special civil actions for certiorari and "anda"usis 0hether the Co""ission on Elections 'C!ME EC( can issue i"ple"entin# rules and re#ulations'IRRs( that provide a #round for the substitution of a part7-list no"inee not 0ritten in Republic Act'R.A.( No. :

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    >ollo0in# the close of the polls, or on /une , , 8illanueva sent a letter to C!ME ECChairperson Ben6a"in Abalos, trans"ittin# there0ith the si#ned petitions of "ore than ;)O of theCIBAC "e"bers, in order to confir" the 0ithdra0al of the no"ination of o9in, 4u#na and 1alan#and the substitution of Bor6e. In their petitions, the "e"bers of CIBAC averred that o9in and 4u#na0ere not a"on# the no"inees presented and proclai"ed b7 CIBAC in its procla"ation rall7 held inMa7 and that 1alan# had si#nified his desire to focus on his fa"il7 life.

    !n /une &, , CIBAC, supposedl7 throu#h its counsel, filed 0ith the C!ME EC en banc sittin#as the National Board of Canvassers a "otion see9in# the procla"ation of o9in as its secondno"inee. ; 4he ri#ht of CIBAC to a second seat as 0ell as the ri#ht of o9in to be thus proclai"ed0ere purportedl7 based on Part7- ist Canvass Report No. &, 0hich sho0ed CIBAC to have#arnered a #rand total of

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    >or its part, CIBAC posits that o9in is #uilt7 of foru" shoppin# for filin# a petition for "anda"us anda petition for certiorari, considerin# that both petitions ulti"atel7 see9 to have hi" proclai"ed as thesecond no"inee of CIBAC.

    I)) ()

    4he issues are the follo0in#@

    'a( hether or not the Court has 6urisdiction over the controvers7

    'b( hether or not o9in is #uilt7 of foru" shoppin#

    'c( hether or not ection )+ of Resolution No. ; < is unconstitutional and violates thePart7- ist 7ste" Act and

    'd( hether or not the C!ME EC co""itted #rave abuse of discretion a"ountin# to lac9 ore$cess of 6urisdiction in approvin# the 0ithdra0al of the no"inees of CIBAC and allo0in# thea"end"ent of the list of no"inees of CIBAC 0ithout an7 basis in fact or la0 and after theclose of the polls, and in rulin# on "atters that 0ere intra-corporate in nature.

    R li&

    4he petitions are #ranted.

    AT-( Co r* -%) ri)'i *io& o (r *-( %)(

    4he C!ME EC posits that once the procla"ation of the 0innin# part7-list or#ani2ation has beendone and its no"inee has assu"ed office, an7 5uestion relatin# to the election, returns and5ualifications of the candidates to the *ouse of Representatives falls under the 6urisdiction of the*RE4 pursuant to ection ) , Article 8I of the ):; Constitution. 4hus, o9in should raise the5uestion he poses herein either in an election protest or in a special civil action for 4uo warranto inthe *RE4, not in a special civil action for certiorari in this Court.

    e do not a#ree.

    An election protest proposes to oust the 0innin# candidate fro" office. It is strictl7 a contest bet0eenthe defeated and the 0innin# candidates, based on the #rounds of electoral frauds and irre#ularities,to deter"ine 0ho bet0een the" has actuall7 obtained the "a6orit7 of the le#al votes cast and isentitled to hold the office. It can onl7 be filed b7 a candidate 0ho has dul7 filed a certificate ofcandidac7 and has been voted for in the precedin# elections.

    A special civil action for 4uo warranto refers to 5uestions of dislo7alt7 to the tate, or of ineli#ibilit7 of the 0innin# candidate. 4he ob6ective of the action is to unseat the ineli#ible person fro" the office,but not to install the petitioner in his place. An7 voter "a7 initiate the action, 0hich is, strictl7spea9in#, not a contest 0here the parties strive for supre"ac7 because the petitioner 0ill not beseated even if the respondent "a7 be unseated.

    4he controvers7 involvin# o9in is neither an election protest nor an action for 4uo warranto' for itconcerns a ver7 peculiar situation in 0hich o9in is see9in# to be seated as the second no"inee ofCIBAC. Althou#h an election protest "a7 properl7 be available to one part7-list or#ani2ation see9in#

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    of the no"inees of concerned parties, or#ani2ations and coalitions 0ith pendin# disputes shallli9e0ise be held in abe7ance until final resolution of their respective cases.= *e has insisted that theC!ME EC had the "inisterial dut7 to proclai" hi" due to his bein# CIBAC3s second no"inee andthat the C!ME EC had no authorit7 to e$ercise discretion and to suspend or defer the procla"ationof 0innin# part7-list or#ani2ations 0ith pendin# disputes.

    !n the other hand, o9in has resorted to the petition for certiorari to assail the epte"ber )

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    . It "ust be 0ithin the scope of the authorit7 #iven b7 the e#islature

    +. It "ust be pro"ul#ated in accordance 0ith the prescribed procedure and

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    is plain and free fro" a"bi#uit7, and e$presses a sin#le, definite, and sensible "eanin#. uch"eanin# is conclusivel7 presu"ed to be the "eanin# that the e#islature has intended to conve7.Even 0here the courts should be convinced that the e#islature reall7 intended so"e other"eanin#, and even 0here the literal interpretation should defeat the ver7 purposes of the enact"ent,the e$plicit declaration of the e#islature is still the la0, fro" 0hich the courts "ust notdepart. +< hen the la0 spea9s in clear and cate#orical lan#ua#e, there is no reason for interpretation

    or construction, but onl7 for application.+%

    Accordin#l7, an ad"inistrative a#enc7 tas9ed to i"ple"enta statute "a7 not construe it b7 e$pandin# its "eanin# 0here its provisions are clear anduna"bi#uous. +&

    4he le#islative intent to deprive the part7-list or#ani2ation of the ri#ht to chan#e the no"inees or toalter the order of the no"inees 0as also e$pressed durin# the deliberations of the Con#ress, vi2@

    MR. A1MAN@ And a#ain on ection %, on the no"ination of part7 list representatives, I do not seean7 provision here 0hich prohibits or for that "atter allo0s the no"inatin# part7 to chan#e theno"inees or to alter the order of prioriti2ation of na"es of no"inees. Is the i"plication correct that atan7 ti"e after sub"ission the na"es could still be chan#ed or the listin# alteredJ

    MR. AB E1@ Mr. pea9er, that is a #ood issue brou#ht out b7 the distin#uished 1entle"an fro" Alba7 and perhaps a perfectin# a"end"ent "a7 be introduced therein. 4he sponsorin# co""ittee0ill #ladl7 consider the sa"e.

    MR. A1MAN@ In other 0ords, 0hat I 0ould li9e to see is that after the list is sub"itted to theC!ME EC officiall7, no "ore chan#es should be "ade in the na"es or in the order of listin#.

    MR. AB E1@ Mr. pea9er, there "a7 be a situation 0herein the na"e of a particular no"inee hasbeen sub"itted to the Co""ission on Elections but before election da7 the no"inee chan#ed hispolitical part7 affiliation. 4he no"inee is therefore no lon#er 5ualified to be included in the part7 listand the political part7 has a perfect ri#ht to chan#e the na"e of that no"inee 0ho chan#ed hispolitical part7 affiliation.

    MR. A1MAN@ Fes of course. In that particular case, the chan#e can be effected but 0ill be thee$ception rather than the rule. Another e$ception "ost probabl7 is the no"inee dies, then there hasto be a chan#e but an7 chan#e for that "atter should al0a7s be at the last part of the list so that theprioriti2ation "ade b7 the part7 0ill not be adversel7 affected. +

    4he usa#e of =No= in ection ; G =No chan#e of na"es or alteration of the order of no"inees shallbe allo0ed after the sa"e shall have been sub"itted to the C!ME EC e$cept in cases 0here theno"inee dies, or 0ithdra0s in 0ritin# his no"ination, or beco"es incapacitated, in 0hich case thena"e of the substitute no"inee shall be placed last in the list= G renders ection ; a ne#ative la0,and is indicative of the le#islative intent to "a9e the statute "andator7. Prohibitive or ne#ative 0ordscan rarel7, if ever, be director7, for there is but one 0a7 to obe7 the co""and =thou shall not,= andthat is to co"pletel7 refrain fro" doin# the forbidden act, +; sub6ect to certain e$ceptions stated in thela0 itself, li9e in this case.

    ection ; does not undul7 deprive the part7-list or#ani2ation of its ri#ht to choose its no"inees, but"erel7 divests it of the ri#ht to chan#e its no"inees or to alter the order in the list of its no"inees3na"es after sub"ission of the list to the C!ME EC.

    4he prohibition is not arbitrar7 or capricious neither is it 0ithout reason on the part of la0"a9ers.4he C!ME EC can ri#htl7 presu"e fro" the sub"ission of the list that the list reflects the true 0ill of the part7-list or#ani2ation. 4he C!ME EC 0ill not concern itself 0ith 0hether or not the list contains
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    the real intended no"inees of the part7-list or#ani2ation, but 0ill onl7 deter"ine 0hether theno"inees pass all the re5uire"ents prescribed b7 the la0 and 0hether or not the no"inees possessall the 5ualifications and none of the dis5ualifications. 4hereafter, the na"es of the no"inees 0ill bepublished in ne0spapers of #eneral circulation. Althou#h the people vote for the part7-listor#ani2ation itself in a part7-list s7ste" of election, not for the individual no"inees, the7 still have theri#ht to 9no0 0ho the no"inees of an7 particular part7-list or#ani2ation are. 4he publication of the

    list of the part7-list no"inees in ne0spapers of #eneral circulation serves that ri#ht of the people,enablin# the voters to "a9e intelli#ent and infor"ed choices. In contrast, allo0in# the part7-listor#ani2ation to chan#e its no"inees throu#h 0ithdra0al of their no"inations, or to alter the order ofthe no"inations after the sub"ission of the list of no"inees circu"vents the voters3 de"and fortransparenc7. 4he la0"a9ers3 e$clusion of such arbitrar7 0ithdra0al has eli"inated the possibilit7 ofsuch circu"vention.

    $E3 (p*io&) i& S( *io& 8 o5 R.A.

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    No substitution shall be allo0ed b7 reason of 0ithdra0al after the polls.

    nli9e ection ; of R.A. No. :

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    are sho0n to bear no reasonable relation to the purposes for 0hich the7 0ere authori2ed to beissued, the7 "ust be held to be invalid and should be struc9 do0n.

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    RENATO C. CORONAChief /ustice

    ANTONIO T. CARPIO Associate /ustice

    CONC ITA CARPIO MORA!ES Associate /ustice

    PRES;ITERO >. VE!ASCO, >R. Associate /ustice

    ANTONIO E$UAR$O ;. NAC URA Associate /ustice

    TERESITA >. !EONAR$O $E CASTRO Associate /ustice

    ARTURO $. ;RION Associate /ustice

    $IOS$A$O M. PERA!TA Associate /ustice

    MARIANO C. $E! CASTI!!O Associate /ustice

    RO;ERTO A. A;A$ Associate /ustice

    MARTIN S. VI!!ARAMA, >R. Associate /ustice

    >OSE PORTUGA! PERE@ Associate /ustice

    '!n eave(>OSE CATRA! MEN$O@A

    Associate /ustice

    C E R 4 I > I C A 4 I ! N

    Pursuant to ection )+, Article 8III of the Constitution, it is hereb7 certified that the conclusions in theabove Decision 0ere reached in consultation before the case 0as assi#ned to the 0riter of theopinion of the Court.

    RENATO C. CORONAChief /ustice