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Dr. Pushpa Gautam Megha Sharma Associate Professor Roll No. 309




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Dr. Pushpa Gautam Associate Professor


Certified that Ms. Megha Sharma has worked under my supervision for

her M.Phil. Dissertation entitled, "ADJUSTMENT OF NEW BOARDERS IN


THEIR MENTAL HEALTH" which is submitted to Himachal Pradesh University,

Shimla-5 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Master of Philosophy in Education. The data collected for the completion of this

dissertation is genuine and research work is original. I recommend it for

evaluation and acceptance.

Dated: …………….. (Dr. Pushpa Gautam)

Place: Shimla




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Dedicated To Dedicated To Dedicated To Dedicated To My My My My Loving Parents Loving Parents Loving Parents Loving Parents

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I express my sincere gratitude to that Omniscient, Omnipresent, and

Omnipotent Almighty for His enormous blessings and spiritual guidance to me. You

have given me the power to believe in my passion and pursue my dreams. I could never

have done this without the faith I have in you, the Almighty.

I feel no words of thanks would suffice to express my gratitude towards my

esteemed supervisor Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Pushpa GautamPushpa GautamPushpa GautamPushpa Gautam,,,, Department of Education, Himachal

Pradesh University, Shimla, for her painstaking guidance, invaluable suggestions and

constant encouragement throughout the course of this work. I feel really fortunate in

having worked under her able guidance and meticulous supervision. Without her help

it would not have been possible for me to complete this work. I shall always cherish in

my memory her magnanimous encouragement and parental affection.

I am deeply indebted to Dr. Sudershna Rana, Chairperson, Department of

Education, Himachal Pradesh University for her kind cooperation.

I also thanks all the teachers, Department of Education, Himachal Pradesh

University, for their generous cooperation.

I shall be falling in my duty if I do not recognize the contribution of my

parents, Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. JagaJagaJagaJagannnn Nath SharmaNath SharmaNath SharmaNath Sharma and Smt. and Smt. and Smt. and Smt. Naina SharmaNaina SharmaNaina SharmaNaina Sharma and Mama ji Sh. Tek Ram

Sharma & Mami ji Smt. Padama Vati Sharma, who have always shown confidence in

me, catered to all my necessities and it is because of their efforts and blessings that I

have achieved this goal.

I am grateful to my sisters Jeenat, Phool Mala, Indu, Monika and my brother

Rippan Sharma and Lalit Sharma for always being my side and loving me.

I have feeling but not words to express my gratitude towards my best friends

Swati and Sheetal for their emotional support and encouragement.

I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Tilak Sharma and Ms. Krishana Sharma for

diligently typing my dissertation in its present form. All are not mentioned but no one

is forgotten.

Place: Place: Place: Place: Date: Date: Date: Date: ((((Megha SharmaMegha SharmaMegha SharmaMegha Sharma))))

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2.1 METHOD 39










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2.1 Name of Girls hostels along with number of girls

student taken from each hostel


3.1 Coefficients of correlation of Dimensions of Mental

Health (PSE, PR, IP, AUTNY, GOA, EC) with

Home, Health, Social, Emotional, Educational

(Areas of Adjustment)


3.2 t- values for testing the significance of correlation 51

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The adjustment of man to his environment is a problem, which is

crucial to the survival of the individual and the species. Adjustment is the

process of finding and adopting modes of behaviour suitable to the

environment. Adjustment is an unending process and is bound-up with human

life. It is in the nature of human destiny that at every stage of life and every

stratum of society there are problems to be solved so that further progress

and development is attained.

Education plays a very important role in life of human beings. It

provides them to develop and florish their personality on various fields to life.

By developing the personality they then are able to cope with every situation

either pleasant or worse in life. In the process of education students hold

central position. Mainly the responsibilities of social and national development

lie on higher education by creating such stuff from its institution which

provides their best services to the society and nation. So the expectations of

the society are very high from these students of high education for its further

progress and development.

For many first year students of the university may be their first

experience living away from home for an extended period of time. It is a

definite break from home. The individual's usual sources of support are no

longer present to facilitate adjustment to the unfamilar environment living in

hostel with other student of different ethnic/cultural backgrounds can present,

Sometime intense problems.

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The present trend in the educational practices emphasize the necessity

of understanding each and every student. In order to understand the student

at individual level, knowledge of their mental health and their problems of

adjustment is very important. The mental health and their problems of

adjustment is very important. The mental health plays a crucial role in one's

adjustment in every walk of life. The primary purpose of education is to train

children to solve life's personal, social and economic problems.

The adjustment problems may effect adversely the students learning

and other behaviour some times the problem faced by the students leads to

antisocial activities. Thus, unless the students make the satisfactory

adjustment, his normal pattern of behaviour is disrupted and it also affects all

phases of his life. If the mind of university student is seriously preoccupied

with problems, the effects educating her will not yield satisfactory result. One

of the main characterstic features of living organism is that it continuously tries

to adjust with different factor of the environment.


The concept of adjustment is as old as human race on earch. It is a

household word we speak of people as being well-adjusted or poorly

adjusted. Well-adjusted people are regarded as successful in the art of living.

The process of adjustment starts right from birth of the child and continues till

his death.

Systematic emergence of the concept of "Adjustment" started with

Darwin's theory of evolution (1859). In those days the concept was purely

biological. In biology the term usually employed was adaptation. Man among

the living beings has the highest capacities to adapt to new situation. Man as

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a social animal not only adapts to physical demands but he also adjusts to

social pressures. Biologists used the term adaptation strictly for physical

demand of the environment but psychologists use the term adjustment for

varying conditions of social or interpersonal relations in the society. So

adjustment means reaction to the demands and pressures of social

environment imposed upon the individual.

Development of the personality of the child and individual teacher to a

great extents demands adjustment with the environment. It is a process of

maintaining a balance between the needs-physical, psychological and social

and the circumstances that influence the satisfaction of these needs. It is a

continuous process a more harmonious relationship between person and his

environment. Adjustment is a process of directing one's efforts towards

modification of directing one's efforts towards modification of behaviour and


Human beings are born with a number of internal needs eg. need for

food, water, and oxygen etc. The frustration of which leads to discomfort and

sometimes to death. Many of these physiological needs and in the course of

development some additional needs emerge, these physiological demands go

on increasing and become more complicate.

Infact, life is a continuous process of adjusting, self-understanding,

personality integration self-actualization, functional autonomy of motives and

frustration tolerance contributes to the effective adjustment.

Psychologists have interpreted adjustment from two important points of

view are: adjustment as an achievement and other, adjustment as a process.

The first point of view emphasizes the quality or efficiency of adjustment and

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second lays, emphasis on the process by which an individual adjusts in his

external environment.

In final analysis the dynamics of adjustment involve a realistic self-

appraisal and a whole hearted acceptance of the self. When this is achieved,

one is indeed well adjusted. The term 'Adjustment' has been defined by

various psychologists and researchers in different way. Some of important

definitions of adjustment have been presented and analyzed below for the

purpose of conceptual clarity.


According to oxford dictionary, "The meaning of adjustment is: "to

arrange, to out in order, to harmonize discrepancies or to adapt to standard or


According to Webster's New Dictionary "to achieve mental or

behavioral balance between one's own needs and the demands of other's as

a result of which the individual is put to a more satisfactory state." These

meanings refer to the psychological and sociological implications of the term


According to Encyclopadia Britanica (1768-Vol.1) 'It is stated that

adjustment is the process of behaviour by which all creatures maintain an

equilibrium between their needs and demands and obstacles to the


Encyclopadia of Psychology edited by H.J. Eycenk, W . Arnold and

Re Meili, "a state in which the needs of the individual on the one hand and the

claims of the environment on the other are fully satisfied."

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According to William Clark (1970), "Adjustment is a harmonious

relationship with the environment in which most individual needs are satisfied

in socially acceptable ways, the resulting informs of behaviour which may

range from passive conformity to vigorous action."

According to Henary Smith (1961), "It may be concluded that a good

adjustment is one which is both realistic and satisfactory. At least in the long

run it reduces to a minimum the frustrations, tensions and anxieties which a

person must endure.

According to Laurance F. Shaffer (1956) defined, "Adjustment in the

process by which a living organism maintains a balance between its needs

and circumstances that influences the satisfaction of these words."

According to Baring, "Adjustment is a process by which a living

organism maintains balance between its needs and the circumstances that

influences the satisfaction of these needs.

According Shaffer and Shoper (1958), "Life consists of a series of

such sequences in which needs are aroused and then satisfied. This familiar

pattern is the process of adjustment."

According to Gates and other (1958), "Adjustment is a continual

process by which a person varies his behaviour to produce a more

harmonious relationship between himself and his environment."

According to Symonds (1949) wrote, "Adjustment can be defined as

a satisfactory relation of an organism to its environment."

Thus we may say that

Adjustment is a process of maintaining a balance between the needs

such as physical, social, psychological and the circumstances that influences

the satisfaction of these needs.

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Adjustment is a continuous process to produce harmonious

relationship between man and his environment.

Adjustment implies proper degree of social feedings and sense of

social responsibility.

Adjustment is a state, which promotes happiness and efficiency in an


Adjustment is a process through which a man can change his

environment according to his needs.

Adjustment leads to the modification of one's behaviour and attitude.


There are many and untouchable fields in the sphere of life, but some

held prime position in life sphere such as home, health, social, emotional and

educational fields. The way of adjustment of an individual in these fields effect

him to create his personality according to his type of adjustment. So it is

necessary to know about of these types of adjustment.


An individual used to live at home with other members of his family. He

behaves differently with the different members according to his and member's

position in the family. Relation of the child with his family members influence

his adjustment. Home promotes satisfaction and security. The degree of

adjustment of an individual exhibits in his behavior with others. So is the ease

with home adjustment, if one is well adjusted in home, most probably he must

has been well adjusted socially because the adjustment in different fields of

life are related and effective to each other.

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So the home adjustment of students should be healthy one. The

reflection of well and poor adjusted students hoe is clearly seen in their

behaviour with their class fellows. A well adjusted children will be more

cherished and happy in comparison to the poor-adjusted.


Health also plays prime role in the development of one's personality.

Sound health is the source of satisfaction and adjustment. The person should

be physically as well as mentally healthy.

Physically and mentally healthy person always feels himself well

adjusted in society then the unhealthy one. An unhealthy person always cries

for his weekness and could not participate fully with others. Physically and

mentally healthy person will be less guided by emotions. Which is known as

the roof of personality. Such physically and mentally healthy person feel

themselves secure and content in their life.


It is generally said that man is a social animal. In reference to this we

may say that a person develop his personality in his social environment, he

tries to mold himself on according to his society's social values and ideals and

to achieve these values and ideals his activities and behaviours will be same

as other members of his society, in which he lives and where his social needs

and desires are satisfied. And then he feels himself socially adjusted.

Area of social adjustment is influenced by social maturity of the person.

Maturity in social relationship means to establish good relations with family

neighbours, playmates, classfellows, teachers and other members of the


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A balanced personality is one which is emotionally adjusted. Every

instinct is followed by some emotion and in this way various emotion play an

important role in the personality of an individuals. Emotionally guided

personality is not sound in nature and disciplined in manner.

A person is emotionally adjusted if he express emotion in a proper

situation in a proper form. An emotionally stable person may be well adjusted

and emotionally unstable conditions causes mental disorders and

maladjustment. Emotional adjustment is essential for creating a sound

personality. It is the roof of personality adjustment and physical, intellectual

mental and esthetical adjustments are possible when emotional adjustment is


Emotional adjustment is followed by the social adjustment. Such

person's activities are socially beneficial and individually helpful in maintaining

effective personality.


The term educational adjustment means "The concept of education, as

helping, growth and change in an individual so that they may be better

equipped to deal with the various factors of the environment affecting him.

Educational adjustment provides to an individuals to raise up, to

improve his personality, to change his behavior and to make him able to cope

with every situation of life.

Educational adjustment is followed by vocational adjustment, both of

these are correlated to each other. The student of today are the citizens of

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tomorrow and as such they have to earn their livings. So our educational

system should like this where students will not feel any type of insecurity in

their lives after completing their education, So that they may adjust

themselves in society. If a student's educational adjustment is poor, he will

face difficulty in his future life to adjust himself.


Occupational world of adults determines their adjustment degree of

satisfaction with the choice of occupation, working conditions, relationship

with co-workers and employer, financial satisfaction and chances for

promotion and advancement influence the total adjustment of the person.


i) Physical Health

The person should be free from physical ailments like headaches,

ulcers, indigestion and impairment of appetite. These symptoms in person

have sometimes psychological origin and may impair his physical efficiency.

ii) Psychological Comforts

A well-adjusted persons has no psychological diseases as depression,

compulsion and anxiety. These psychological diseases if occur excessively

cause to seek professional advice.

iii) Work Efficiency

The person who makes full use of his occupational or social capacities,

may be termed as well adjusted person in his social set up.

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iv) Social Acceptance

Everybody wants to be socially accepted by other persons. If a person

obeys social norms, beliefs and setup values. We may call him well adjusted

but if he satisfies his needs by anti-social means then he is called


v) Flexibility in behaviour

A well adjusted person shows flexibility in his behaviour. He adjust

himself in changing circumstances by making changes in his behaviour.

vi) Healthy Attitudes and interests

A well adjusted person possess healthy habits, attitudes and interests.

vii) Healthy philosophy of life

A well adjusted person possesses healthy philosophy of life that

governs his conduct and activities. He possesses enough coverage and

power of tolerance for facing failures in his life.

In short "a person said to be adjusted when he is so related to a

reasonably adequate environment that he is relatively happy, efficient and has

a proper degree of social feeling."


Human beings from birth to death remain in close association of the

society. It is the proper interaction of a person with the society which brings

out the complete and harmonious development of one's personality. Helath is

the most precious asset that is sought by all human beings. Health as a state

of psychosomatic well being of an individual plays a vital role in this whole

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process of development of an individual. When we think of health, we

normally associate it with physical health because without a healthy body we

can not perform actions properly nor experience life well. A sound mind lies in

a sound body. The good health depends on the state of both body and mind.

In very simple and general terms mental health denotes the emotional

stability, Social and intellectual efficiency of people. It is an idea, which shows

the extent to which the person has been able to meet his environment

demands. However when he finds himself trapped in the situation he does not

have strategies to deal with those situations and finally get himself mentally


Mental health may be defined as the adjustment of individuals to

themselves and to the world at large with a maximum effectiveness,

satisfaction, cheerfulness and socially considerate behaviour and the ability of

facing and accepting realities of life.

The highest degree of Mental health might, therefore, be described as

that which permits an individual to realize the greatest success which his

capabilities will permit, with a maximum of satisfaction to himself and the

social order, with a minimum affrication and tension; does not show socially

inadequate or objectionable behaviour and maintains himself intellectually and

emotionally in any environment under any circumstances. A mentally healthy

individual shows balanced behaviour and faces realities of life boldly.


Mental health is a term used to describe how well the individual is

adjusted to the demands and opportunities of life. The idea of mental health is

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complex and comprehensive. This term consists of two words "Mental" and

"Health" generally means condition or well being or freedom from diseases. It

is mostly related to physical health of the individual. A person is said to be

physically healthy when his body is functioning well and he is free from pains

and troubles.

'Mental' means relating to the mind or psyche. Mental health, therefore,

may refer to a sound mental condition or a state of psychological well being or

freedom from mental diseases. A person is in good mental health when his

mind or personality is functioning effectively and he is free from emotional


Mental health is normal state of well being and defined as condition

and level of social functioning which is socially acceptable and personally


Good mental health is indicated in such persons are happy, healthy,

hopeful and have harmonious personality.

Mental health has both individual and social aspects. The individuals

aspect cannotes that the individual is internally adjusted and free from internal

conflicts and tensions. But he achieves this internal adjustment in a social

setup although society is constantly moving and changing. If person maintains

equilibrium and adjusts to changing situations and is acceptable as a member

of his society it is defined as mental health.

Further mental health refers to that condition of an individual, which

results from the normal organization and functioning of his mind. A mentally

healthy person is mentally at ease. Conversely, a mentally unhealthy person

is not at ease mentally. He is rather mentally dis-eased. The science that lays

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down principles method and techniques for the promotion of mental health is

called mental hygiene.

In the promotion of good mental health mental hygiene plays three

main roles

i) Preventive

ii) Preservative

iii) Curative

If we fulfil three aims we will have harmonious functioning of our mental

health. Mental hygiene gives us clues, rules and laws, which help us to

establish adjustment and co-ordination with environment.


John Sutton and Webster defined mental health "is a positive but

relative quality of life. It is a condition which is characteristic of the average

person who meets the demands of life on the basis of his capacity and


Carl Roger (1969) defines a healthy personality as one which shows

acceptance of feeling self esteem, relating well to others, openness to new

ideas, ability to make independent decisions, creativity and living fully in the


Bhatia (1982) considers mental health as the ability to balance feelings

desires, ambitions and ideals in one's daily living. It means the ability to face

and accept the realities of life.

The World Book of Encyclopaedia (1994) Connects mental health

with physical health. Mental health plays an important role in both the ways,

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the people behave and the way, they feel. Emotionally, healthy individuals

accept themselves as they are with all their weaknesses as well as their


Coleman defined mental health "is a ability to balance feeling desires

ambitions and ideas in one's daily living and to face and accept the realities of

the life. It is the habit of work and attitude towards people and things that bring

maximum satisfaction and happiness to the individual."

World Health Organization (WHO) According to WHO "mental health

is a state of complete physical, mental and social well adjusted or well being

and not merely absence of disease or infirmity."

Lewkan's view "Mentally healthy person is one who is happy, live

peacefully with his neighbours, makes his children healthy citizen and after

fulfilling such basic responsibilities is still empowered with sufficient strength

to serve the cause of society in any way."

Thus a mentally healthy person enjoys the harmony of the "internal

with external" and maintains a balance between his needs and environmental

factor that influences the satisfaction of needs. He live fuller happier

harmonious and effective life and accepts himself and also other people. Thus

mental health also has social aspect.


• A person possessing sound mental health can adjust well to

environmental situations and interpersonal relations and has clear self-


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• The well-adjusted person when meets with a conflict, he tries to resolve

it on sound basis. He develops tension tolerance and does not get

disturbed in moments of displeasure.

• The well adjusted person accepted his limitations and does not blame

others for his deficiencies and does not run away from challenging

situations. He is self confident.

• He accepts joy and sorrow, success and failure with poise. Hence,

mental health becomes synonymous with mental adjustment. He is

happy and remains cheerful.

• Mentally healthy person knows his abilities, motives and desires etc.

and work accordingly. He has the right perception.

• A mentally healthy person participates in creative and constructive

activities and carries on nicely in society.

• He is in touch with reality and his emotions are under control.

• He has developed a philosophy of life that gives meaning and purpose

to his daily activities.

• He has faith in his ability to succeed, he believes that he will do

reasonably well whatever he undertakes. He has the capacity to face

realities rationally and objectively.

• He is adoptable to the changing circumstances of the society,

emotionally satisfied capacity of the evaluating his self-behaviour,

enthusiastic and reasonable and possess good habit and socially


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Mental health refers to the six components-

1) Positive Self-Evaluation (PSE): It included self confidence, self-

acceptance, self-identify feeling of worthlessness, realizations of one's

potentialities etc.

2) Perception of Reality (PR): It was related to perceive free from need

distortion, absence of excessive fantancy and a broad outlook of the


3) Integration of Personality (IP): It indicated balance of psychic forces

in the individual and included the ability to understand and to share

other individual's emotions, the ability to concentrate at work and

interest in several activities.

4) Autonomy (AUTNY): It included stable set of internal standards for

one's action, dependence for own development upon own potentially

rather than dependence on other individuals.

5) Group Oriented Attitude (GOA): It was associated with the ability to

get along with others, work with others and ability to find recreation.

6) Environmental Competence (EC): It included efficiency in meeting

situational requirement, the ability to work and play, the ability to take

responsibilities and capacity for adjustment.

In brief we can say that mental health is a condition, which permits the

maximum development of physical intellectual and emotional states of the

individual so that he can contribute, maximum to the welfare of the society

and can also realise his ideas and aims in life.

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Review of the related literature allowing the researcher to acquaint

himself with current knowledge in the field or area in which he is going to

conduct his research. It enables the researcher to define the limits to his field.

It helps the researcher to delimit and define his problems. It helps the

researcher to know about the tools and instruments, which proved to be

useful and promising in the previous studies. Few studies are available which

are mentioned below:


Kuhlen (1952) emphasized the role of intelligence on adolescents's

pace of adjustment and holds that there is tendency for those who have

higher intelligence test scores to achieve higher level and to make a better

total life adjustment.

Jansen (1958) Found that low achievers encounter more adjustment

problems than to the high achievers.

Garrison (1960) found that, "good adjustment was associated with

extroversion and poor adjustment with introversion."

Bhat, et al., (1961) Conducted a study on a sample of 2500 adolescent

boys and girls drawn form urban and rural schools and colleges. The cor-

reltation coefficients between the three areas of adjustment viz., emotional,

social and family were statistically significant. Sex and community [urban and

rural] were found to influence family adjustment scores. Age did not influence

scores in any three areas of adjustment. Difference between the mean were

found to have affected all the three areas of adjustment. Sex community and

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grade X community interactions were significant with reference to the family


Aggarwal (1964) Studied the adjustment problems of secondary

school pupils and found that adjustment problem in home and social areas as

perceived by pupils themselves decrease with age, where as in the case of

emotional and health areas, it increases. In general, homogeneity in the

nature of adjustment problems increases with the age and it is found highest

in emotional area and lowest in school area.

Seth (1970) made a survey on the adjustment problems of 500 female

adolescents of Lucknow city. Main findings of the study are:

(i) Adolescents had problems because there is lag between physical and

social development.

(ii) Emotional changes occured in that period.

(iii) Difficulty to attain philosophy of life.

(iv) Individual factors were age, religion, socio-economics status (SES) and

sibling position.

Gupta and Singal (1971) did not find any significant difference in

adjustment of students belonging to different levels of intelligence.

Sudha (1978) studies some socio-psychological factors in relation to

the problems of adolescent girls. She on the basis of the result of her study

concluded that girls from low socio-economic status has more problems than

girls from high socio-economic status.

Veershwar (1979) conducted a study on mental health and adjustment

problems of college going girls. A sample of 406 girls in the age group of 18-

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20 years was drawn from under graduate students of Meerut-University by the

sequential list method.

The major findings were:

i) Adjustment problems for girls existed in all areas but the percentages

of extreme cases were meager.

ii) There was a significant difference in the area of family adjustment

between urban and rural girls.

iii) The scores of urban and rural girls in the area of education showed a

significant difference. The college, a educational area was a problem

for girls more than for urban girls.

iv) In social area, the difference between the two was significant i.e. the

percentage of rural girls showing unsatisfactory adjustment in the

social area was higher.

v) Personal and emotional problems were shown less by urban girls than

by the rural girls.

vi) Both urban and rural girls showed quite satisfactory health adjustment.

Goswami (1980) investigated on the adjustment problems of urban

adolescent girls of class ix and x. the major findings were:

i) The number of problems increased with age.

ii) The adolescent girls encountered maximum number of problems in the

emotional and mental areas followed by the problems in the school and

home areas.

iii) The physical and the sexual area was the least problem encountering


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Singh K. (1982) Conducted a study on Adjustment problems of

scheduled caste students with respect to their sex, intelligence and socio-

economic status. Findings of the study revealed that:

i) In the area of home adjustment the boys and girls differ significantly

girls were found superior than boys.

ii) In physical health the boys and girls do not differ significantly.

iii) In social adjustment boys/girls also do not differ significantly.

iv) Overall adjustment high level students were found best in overall

adjustment and low level students were found over all poorly

adjustment than their counterparts.

Sharma I. (1989) conducted a study on school Adjustment problems

rural high school students in relation to sex and socio economic status.

Findings of the studies revealed that:

i) Boys and girls do not differ significantly in their mean scores of school

adjustment in terms of studies subject, classroom school mates, school

teachers and self. But boys and girls differ significantly.

ii) High socio-economic status group of students is better adjusted than

overage and low socio-economic status in terms of studies subject,

class work, school environment.

Sunita (1986) found that girls were better adjusted at home than boys.

Boys were more socially adjusted than girls. Boys were more emotionally

adjusted than girls.

Subudhi (1990) studies the adjustment of college student in relation to

their anxiety and intelligence. The sample consisted of 200, +2 students from

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four govt. colleges of two district of Orrisa. Normative survey method was

loosened to college data with the help of relevant tools. No significant

differences attributed to sex were found either in personal or in total

adjustment scores. More differences were found in personal social and total

adjustment scores at different levels of anxiety and intelligence.

Mohan and Kaur (1991) conducted a study adjustment of university

research scholars in relation to their values and socio-economic status.

Adjustment was measured with the help of Bells Adjustment Inventory (1993).

Values were measured by using study of values (1960) and Singhs socio-

economic scale was used to measure socio-economic status (SES). The

findings of the study were:

i) Adjustment was found to have a negative cor-relation with religious


ii) Correlation was found between adjustment and socio-economic status


iii) Faculty differences (science, arts, professional and language faculty)

were found to be significant for home adjustment, emotional

adjustment, total adjustment, theoretical values and socio-economic


iv) Sex was found to be significant determiner of health adjustment,

emotional total adjustment, theoretical, aesthetic, social, political and

religious values and socio-economic status.

Chada (1994) conducted a study of adjustment problems of scheduled

caste students of Himachal Pradesh. Findings of the study revealed that:

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i) The non-SC are significantly better adjusted than the SC students on

the areas of home and health adjustment.

ii) In the areas of social and emotional adjustment, non-SC students have

better adjustment than the SC students, but the differences are not

statistically significant. Boys are significantly better adjusted than the

girls irrespective of their caste. In the areas of home, health, and social

adjustments, boy appear to be better adjusted than girls, but in these

areas the differences are not statistically significant.

Singh (1999) conducted a study on various adjustment problems of

adolescents and concluded that adolescents is a generation working under


Anderman, Eric, M. (2002) examined a study of personal and social

adjustment of rural and urban high school students. The study examined

health adjustment of adolescents having school level differences in the

relation between school belongings and various outcomes. In study I

predictors of belonging were examined. Results indicated that belonging was

lower in urban schools than in sub-urban school and lower in schools and

used busing practices than those that did not. In study II the relation between

belonging and psychological outcome were examined. The relation valid

depredating on the unit of analysis where as individual students perception of

belonging were inversely related to greater reports of social rejections and

school problems and to higher grade point overage.

Sharda R. (2003) conducted a study of adjustment problems of female

students of H.P. University residing in hostel in relation to their mental health.

The findings of the study revealed that:

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i) Students possessing low levels of positive self evaluation and

perception of reality were found to have more adjustment problem than

the students having average and high level of perception of reality.

ii) Students possessing high, average and low level of 'integration of

personality and group oriented attitude. Component of mental health

did not exhibit any significant difference in the magnitude of the

problem related to health and social areas of adjustment. Ad regards

home, emotional, educational and in total area, students possessing

high, average and low level of integration of personality were differ

significantly from each other.

iii) Students possessing high, average and low level of 'Autonomy,

component of mental health differ significantly from each other. As

regards health and social areas students possessing high, average and

low level autonomy were alike in their adjustment problems. Students

with high and average level of autonomy have similar magnitude of

problem in all the areas of adjustment.

iv) Student possessing high, average and low level of "Environmental

competence' was differing significantly in area of home and total

adjustment. Students belonging to high, average and low levels of

environment. Students belonging to high, average and low levels of

environmental competence were not found to be different from each

other with regards to their problems pertaining to health, social and

emotional adjustment.

Ritika (2004) conducted a study of school adjustment problems of high

school students in relation to their residential back group and socio-economic

status findings of the study revealed that:

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i) There is no significant difference in the academic, social, teacher and


ii) Three groups of students of different socio-economic status differ

significantly in their mean scores on academic-adjustment, and social-

adjustment. The students of low socio-economic status group are

better adjusted than the students of high socio-economic status group

of students pertaining to the academic adjustment and social-


iii) Rural high school students are better adjusted than urban high school

students on their adjustment with school organization

Chauhan B. (2005) conducted a study of adjustment problems of +2

students of block Bhoranj in district Hamirpur in relation to their gender and

stream. Findings of the study revealed that:

i) Science boys are better adjustment than their arts counterpart.

ii) Science girls and arts girls are not differed significantly in the area of

family, school, social and total adjustment. The arts girls were found to

have slightly more adjustment problems than science girls.

iii) Science boys and science girls are not differed significantly in all area

of family, school, social and total adjustment. But boys were found to

have slightly more adjustment problems than science girls. It may be

due to chance factor.

iv) Arts boys and arts girls are not differed significantly in all area of family,

school social and total adjustment. But mean score of boys were found

more than girls so that they have the problem of adjustment.

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v) Total students of science and total student of arts are differ significantly

only in one are i.e. school adjustment. Arts student have the problem of

school adjustment. But they are not differed significantly in family social

and personal and total adjustment.

vi) In the comparison of total boys and total girls there is not significant

difference in the area of family, social, school, personal and total

adjustment. But the mean score of all areas of girls is more than boys

than the girls have the problem of adjustment.

Sharma A. (2005) conducted a study of the adjustment problem of +2

levels students in relation to their sex. Findings of the study reveled that:

i) Majority of the +2 level students have family, school and social and

personal adjustment problems.

ii) Both male and female students do not differ from each other on family,

personal and total adjustment.

iii) Male students have more school and social adjustment problems in

comparison to female students.

Sharma H.L. (2005) founded that:

i) Among the various categories of delinquents, murder cases were

highest in number.

ii) The large percentage of he offenders falls in the age range of 18-20

years. The delinquency was not only related to poor adjustment level

but was also related to satisfactory adjustment.

Chopra R. and Kalita R. (2006) founded that the emotional, social and

educational, social and educational adjustments of elementary school children

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of single parents have severed problems rather than intact families and affect

their development.

Gardia Alok and Shandilya Sweta (2010) founded that there are

positive and significant correlation between Adjustment, sense of

responsibility and scientific attitude among adolescence. The study also

draws difference among adolescents in adjustment, sense of responsibility

and scientific attitude with respect to gender, education institute and level of



Pareekh and Rao (1971) found in the study of mental health of

students and teachers behaviour that pupils were fairly well adjusted with

regard to parents and home but adjustment level with peers, teachers, school

and other general areas were positive though not very high particularly in

adjustment towards school. When faced with frustrating situations they had

more extra and ego defensive reactions.

Mathur (1972) found that the main cause of frustration, mental conflicts

that effect the mental health of private aided school teachers are inadequate

salaries autocratic supervision, bad family conditions and too many

restrictions on their activities.

Bhan and Sinha (1978) from their study concluded that engineering

students were significantly superior in mental health to university students.

Sharma (1979) concluded that mental health did not affect scholastic

achievement but influence certain measures of self concept mental health

was positively and significantly related to self-concept.

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Mangotra (1982) studied that mental health of boys and girls appeared

to be considerably influenced by the two factors; namely intelligence and

physical health. The mental health of boys was dominated by the feelings of

depression and neurotic behaviour, on the other hand girls were found to be

suffering from a sense of insecurity and anxiety.

Majid, A. (1984) conducted a study on various dimensions of mental

health. The objective of the study was to identify the dominant factors. Which

consituted the complex phenomenon known as mental health. The following

factors were obtained:

i) Factor-I was called "self acceptance" because it was contributed by the

variable, which reflected an acceptance attitude of the individual

towards him. This factor was common to all the three groups.

ii) Factor-II for the combined group and factor-III for boys and girls were

called "Existential Autonomy" because variables, which indicated

existentially and inner orientation contributed them.

iii) Factor-II for girls was called "open mindedness" because it was mainly

contributed by the variable, which referred to a present oriented and

open personality.

iv) Factor-II for boys and Factor III for the combined group emerged as a

configuration of loading contributed by all the variables of mental

health. This factor was, therefore, named the factor of "General Mental


Das Mohapatra (1989) Conducted the study of the mental health of

primary teachers. He conducted that the causes of poor mental health of

primary teachers are the exessive school work load, poor relations with

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authority, part-time jobs and ignorance of society. They expressed the view

that a good social environment is necessary for good mental health.

Pathak and Rai (1993) pointed out the mental health of low socio-

economic status students was lower than male students when SES is

controlled. Science students were mentally healthier than arts students.

Mental health increases with grade and age.

Gardiner, M. and Tiggemann, M (Australia) (1999) studied Gardiner

differences in leadership style, job stress and mental health in male and

female dominated industries. He concluded that there was no overall

difference between women and men's mental health. Women in male

dominated industries reported worse mental health whereas men in male

dominated industries reported better mental health.

Wetzel, Janice Wood (New York) 2000 conducted study on women

and mental health: A global perspective. The investigator developed a model

for the promotions of mental health and the prevention of mental illness

among women, called development synthesis. The model integrated personal,

social and economic development programming with crosscutting principles of

mental health and theories of personal development.

Lanier et al. (2001) conducted studies on drug use and mental health

were being among a sample of under graduate and graduate college

students, Results show those health behaviours such as using drugs

recreationally and drinking alcohol play an associative rose with general well

being. So who drank 0-1 or 3-4 drinks weekly attended lower general well

being mean scores than did those who drank 2 drinks weekly. As drinking

increased from 5 to 15 drinks weekly, GWB scores improved. Those SS who

participate in intramural or club sports attained more positive GEB scores.

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Ngan, R and Kwan, Alex (Hong Kong) 2002 studied the mental

health status and long term care needs of the chinese elderly in Hong Kong.

Analysis of the relationship between geriatric depression scale scores and

residential types revealed that there was higher proportion of respondents

residing in their own residences that feel into the highly depressed category.

Murray C.L., et. al (Canada) 2003 conducted study on the comparison

of the mental health of employed and unemployed women in the context of a

massive lay off. The unemployed women reported significantly poorer mental

well being in the year prior to data collection. At the time of the study,

however, both groups of women were experiencing high levels of distress.

The moratorium, financial problems, and feelings of uncertainty were

identified as key stresses for all the women, but especially for those without

work. Among the working women, past experience with unemployment and

level of education had significant correlation with their mental well being.

Kumar S. (2005) conducted a study of mental health of pupil teachers

of Hamirpur district in relation to their gender, stream and social category.

Finding of the study revealed that:

1) Male and female pupil teachers do not differ significantly on mental


2) Male and female pupil teachers of science and arts streams do not

differ significantly.

3) Male and female pupil teachers of open of reserved categories don't

differ significantly on positive self evaluation component of mental

health but significantly differ on other components of mental health.

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4) There is no significant international effect on the type of gender and

stream on mental health of pupil teacher w.r.t all components.

5) There is no significant international effect on type of gender, stream

and social category is found on mental health of pupil teachers w.rt.t all


Lee. E. (North carolina) 2006 studied home women issues; identity

and mental health. The descriptive static's showed that many of the

participants behave in ways that are different from their perception i.e., only

39% of the participants behave similarly to their perception of women role in

the home.

Sharma M (2006) conducted a study on life satisfaction and mental

health of secondary school teachers serving in tribal and non-tribal areas of

Himachal Pradesh in relation to certain democratic variables and teaching

competency findings of the study revealed that:

1. There is significant difference in the level of mental health of secondary

school teachers belonging and serving in tribal and non-tribal areas.

2. There is no significant difference in the level of mental health of male

and female secondary school teachers they have average level of

mental health.

3. There is no significant difference in the level of mental health of

secondary school teachers having less and more teaching experience.

Both have average level of mental health.

4. There is no significant international effect of (i) type of teacher ii) area

and gender iii) type of teacher and gender iv) area and teaching

experience v) type of teacher and teaching experience on the level of

mental health of secondary school teachers.

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Durgesh (2007) conducted a study of mental health of university

female students residing in Hostels of Himachal Pradesh University.

Finding of study revealed that:

1. University female hostler student possess average level of all

dimensions of Mental health.

2. University female students of advantaged and disadvantaged

communities residing in the hostel do not differ from each other on all

dimensions of mental health, except integration of personality

component of mental health.

3. University female students of advantaged and disadvantaged

communities residing in the hostels do not differ from each other on

total mental health.

P., Usha and Lakshmi, S. (2008) studied influence of parenting style

and self-compassion on mental health of secondary school pupils. The results

of the study are:

1) The main effect of parenting style on mental health was found to be

significant at 0.01 level of significance for the total sample.

2) The main effect of parenting style on mental health was found to be

significant at 0.01 level of significance for aided school pupil but, it was

not significant for govt. school pupils.

3) The main effect of self compassion on mental health was found to be

significant for total sample.

4) The interaction effect to parenting style and self compassion on mental

health was not found significant for total sample.

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Mansuri, M.H. (2008) Mental health of married and unmarried working

women of different organizations in relation to family environment. Founded

that married working women significantly differ on score of mental health and

family environment as compared to unmarried working women married

working women have shown good mental health.

Kumar, S. (2009) conducted a study on mental health and emotional

competence of prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh in relation to their

gender, stream and social category:

Finding of the study revealed that:

1) Male and female prospective teachers of open and reserved categories

differ significantly in all dimensions of mental health.

2) Male and female prospective teachers of open and reserved categories

differ significantly in their overall mental health.

Soin, et al. (2011) found that working retried individuals were found to

be significantly high on mental health as compared to non-working retired


Kumar, Rajender and Rajan (2011) founded that there is no

significant difference between boy B.Ed. trainee and girl B.Ed. trainee on

Mental health and neuroticism and there exists negative relationship between

mental health and neuroticism.


Every person is unique in his thinking, reasoning and responding to

particular situation and attitude towards the worldly things. With the passage

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of time, the development in the area of science, technology and industry gave

birth to a complex system of society. These developments have brought along

with a number of problems in different dimensions of adjustment.

Adjustment and Mental health are mutually dependent. They are the

important aspects of personality of an individual. Thus it is evident that the

study of adjustment problems of university female students in relation to their

mental health is necessary.

A broad review of the related literature shows that a lot of studies have

been done on adjustment problem of adolescent and children by keeping in

view the various factors such as family, school, social, personal achievement,

parental employment, language, caste etc. But a negligible amount of

research has been done to study the adjustment problems of college and

university students. The investigator feels that with the change in science and

technology and to cope up with the demanding society/world, students have

to pass through various problems in relation to school, family, society and

personal as well as achievement problems. Thus keeping in view all these

problems and demands of society, the investigator thought of selecting the

problem as under:





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1. To study the relationship between Positive Self Evaluation (dimension

of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

2. To study the relationship between Perception of Reality (dimension of

Mental Health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

3. To study the relationship between Integration of Personality (dimention

of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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4. To study the relationship between Autonomy (dimention of mental

health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in girls

hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

5. To study the relationship between Group Oriented Attitude (dimension

of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

6. To study the relationship between Environmental Competency

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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Following hypotheses were formulated:

1. There is no significant relationship between Positive Self Evaluation

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

d) Educational

2. There is no significant relationship between Perception of Reality

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

3. There is no significant relationship between Integration Personality

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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4. There is no significant relationship between Autonomy (dimension of

mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

5. There is no significant relationship between Group Oriented Attitudes

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

d) Educational

6. There is no significant relationship between Environmental

Competency (dimension of mental health) and following areas of

adjustment of new boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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The present study is delimited to following

1) Only girls student of H.P. University were selected for study.

2) Only new boarders in girls hostels were selected for study.

3) Only Himachal Pradesh University of Himachal Pradesh were selected

for study.

4) Only M.A. first year girls students were selected.


1) Adjustment: Refers to five areas of adjustment as measured by

"Adjustment Inventory for college students" developed and

standardized by A.K.P. Sinha and R.P. Sinha. These areas are:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

2) Mental Health: Refers to six dimension of mental health as measured

by "Mental Health Inventory" development and standardized by Dr.

Jagdish and Dr. Shrivastav. These dimentions are:

a) Positive self evaluation

b) Perception of reality

c) Integration of Personality

d) Autonomy

e) Group oriented attitude

f) Environmental Competency.

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Method and Procedure

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Methodology has to be most important aspect towards any study. By

method we mean systematic approach towards a particular phenomenon. To

carry out the research work a proper method and proper procedure should be

followed, for this one has to sample the population concerned, choose the

appropriated tools. The Method selected and tools employed for the problem

for investigation must be appropriate, feasible, objective, valid, reliable, well

planned and well understood.


To study the "Adjustment of New Boarders in Girls Hostels of

Himachal Pradesh University in Relation to their Me ntal Health".

Investigator selected descriptive method of survey, which is undoubtedly most

popular and common method used for research purpose in education. In this

method data collection is systematic intensive, scientific and objective

analysis of controlled observation towards the solution of problem based on

empirical evidences.


Sampling is vital to research since it is physically imposible to work with

total population in any scientific research and as such sampling is final resort.

Moreover, the time, money and efforts involved don't allow the researcher to

study all possible member of a population. Research therefore, is invariably

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conducted by means of a sample drawn from the accessible population on the

basis of which generalizations are arrived at and made applicable to the target

population as a whole.

The size of the sample varies from study to study, method to method

and nature of population. Thus sampling is indispensable to any scientific


In present study, investigator used the convenient method of sampling.

The investigator selected a sample of 120 new boarders are in girls hostels of

H.P. University. There are six hostels for girls in the Himachal Pradesh

University. From each hostel, M.A. first year 120 girls student were selected

by making use of purposive sampling.

The distribution of the sample is shown as below:

Table- 2.1: Name of Girls hostels along with numbe r of girls student taken from each hostel

Sr. No. Name of Girls Hostel No. of Girls Student

1 Rani Laxmi Bai Hostel 20

2 Gargi Girls Hostel 15

3 Renuka Girls Hostel 20

4 Chanderbhaga Girls Hostel 20

5 ITH Girls Hostel 15

6 Sarswati Girls Hostel 30

Total 120

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For collecting new and unknown data an investigator needs certain

instruments and explore new field of knowledge. These intruments thus

employed are called 'tools'. The selection of suitable tool is of vital

improtance for successful research. Different tools are available for collecting

various kind of information. Before selecting one or more tools relevant to

study, investigator must familiarize him/his self with merits and limitations of

these tools.

For collecting the data for the present study, the following tools were

used by the investigator:

1. Adjustment Inventory for college students by (A.K.P. Sinha and R.P.


2. Mental Health Inventory by (Dr. Jagdish and Dr. A.K. Shrivastav).


Mental health inventory constructed and standardized by Dr. Jagdish,

Dept. of Psychology, R.B.S. PG college Agra and Dr. A.K. Srivastav, Dept. of

psychology, Banaras Hindu University-Varanasi (1983).

The present mental health inventory has been designed to measure

positive mental health of normal individuals. Mental Health Inventory consist

of 56 items, including 32 'False Keyed and 24 'true keyed' relating to six

dimensions as.

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Dimensions of

Mental Health

Items Positive Negative Total

1 Positive Self


1*, 7*, 13* 19,

23*, 27, 32,

38, 45, 51

06 04 10

2 Perception of Reality 6, 8, 14*, 24*,

35*, 41, 46*,


04 04 08

3 Integration of


2*, 9*, 15*,

18*, 20, 25*,

28*, 33*, 36*,

40*, 47*, 53*

01 11 12

4 Autonomy 3*, 10*, 29,

42*, 48*, 54

02 04 06

5 Group Oriented


4, 11*, 16*,

21*, 26, 30*,

39, 43, 49*,


04 06 10

6 Environmntory


5*, 12, 17*,

22*, 31, 34,

37, 44, 50, 56

07 03 10

Total 24 32 56

* The items stared are negative items.


The reliability of the inventory was determined by "Split half Method"

using odd-even procedure. The reliability coefficients of different dimensions

of mental health and overall mental health are given in the table.

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Sr. No. Dimension of Mental Health Reliability Inde x

1 Positive Self Evaluation 0.75

2 Perception of Reality 0.71

3 Integration of Personality 0.72

4 Autonomy 0.72

5 Group Oriented Attitude 0.74

6 Environmental Competence 0.71

7 Overall Mental Health 0.73


The construct validity of the inventory was determined by finding co-

efficient of correlation between scores on mental health inventory and general

health questionnaire [Gold berg, 1978]. It was found to be 0.54 [It is note

worthy here that high score on the general health questionnaire indicates poor

mental health] The inventory was also validated against "Personal

Adjustment" scale developed by Pestonjee (1973). The two inventory scores

yield positive correlation of 0.57 revealing moderate validity.


In order to measure adjustment problems of the students the

adjustment inventory for college students constructed by A.K.P. Sinha and

R.P. Singh was used. Adjustment inventory consists of 102 items relating to

five areas as:

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Sr. No. Areas of


Items Total

1 Home 1, 6, 10, 15, 17, 20, 27, 34, 38, 49,

54, 58, 66, 100, 45, 70


2 Health 4, 7, 16, 21, 24, 28, 35, 36, 42, 46,

50, 59, 62, 67, 71


3 Social 5, 12, 32, 39, 51, 55, 72, 74, 77, 80,

83, 18, 25, 63, 76, 85, 89, 91, 97


4 Emotional 2, 8, 11, 13, 19, 22, 26, 29, 31, 33,

40, 43, 47, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 75,

78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 92, 95, 96, 98,

102, 99, 101


5 Educational 3, 9, 14, 23, 30, 37, 41, 44, 53, 57,

65, 67, 73, 79, 86, 88, 94, 48, 61,

82, 93


6 Total 102


Co- efficient of reliability was determined by i) Split half method ii)

Hoyt's analysis of variance method iii) K-R Formula-20. Test-retest reliability

was also determined by administering the test after a period of 3 weeks on

228 students which is 10% of the total sample. The following tables gives the

reliability co-efficient determined by different method.

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Method Used Home Health Social Emotional Educational Total

Split Half Method 0.87 0.83 0.96 0.95 0.97 0.94

Test-Retest 0.85 0.82 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.93

Hoyt's Method 0.86 0.85 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.94

K-R formula-20 0.84 0.82 0.92 0.94 0.93 0.92


In item analysis validity coefficients were determined for each time by

biserial correlation method and only such items were retained which yielded

biserial correlation with both the criteria:

i) Total score

ii) ii) Area score significant at .001 levels Inter correlations among the five

areas of the inventory were calculated.

The correlation matrix is presented in table


Sr. No. Areas I II III IV IV

1 Home - 0.22 0.16 0.26 0.25

2 Health 0.22 - 0.14 0.25 0.22

3 Social 0.16 0.14 - 0.21 0.20

4 Emotional 0.26 0.25 0.21 - 0.32

5 Educational 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.32 -

Above the table reveals that correlation among various areas very from

0.14 t 0.32 with an average of 0.22.

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Low scores indicates satisfactory adjustment. Individual scoring high

tends to be unsatisfactorily adjusted towards their home surroundings.


Low score indicates satisfactory health adjustment and high score

unsatisfactory adjustment.


Individual scoring high are submissive and retiring. Low scores indicate

aggressive behaviour.


High scores indicate unstable emotion, individuals with low scores tend

to be emotionally stable.


Individual scoring high are poorly adjustment towards their curricular

and co-curricular programmes, person with low scores are interested in the

educational activities.


The tool was administered to new boards in girls hostels of H.P.

University to collect the data. The investigator distributed the "Mental Health

Inventory and Adjustment inventory" to all units personally and told about the

instructions to be followed. Any doubt raised by individual removed by the

investigator. There is no time limit for the administration of the tool. To avoid

the false information units were ensure that information provided by units

would not be disclosed and used for research purpose. After completion the

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booklets were collected and investigator thanked the girls student for their co-



The test can be scored accurately by hand.


In the present inventory, four alternative responses have been given to

each statement. In inventory there are 'True' and 'false' items. There are

different procedures for scoring of true and false items in Mental health



1. Always

2. Often

3. Rarely

4. Never


1. Never

2. Rarely

3. Often

4. Always


Items with "Yes" response to be ensured given one (1) score and with

"No" response to be ensured given Zero (0) score. Low scores on various

areas indicates better Adjustment and high scores indicates poor adjustment.

Except in case of social adjustment dimension where low score indicates

aggressive behaviour.

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Analysis and Interpretation of Data

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The present chapter is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of

data. After the data has been collected from relevant sources, the next step in

methodology is to analyze and interpret the data using suitable statistical

techniques to draw the conclusion of research study.

Analysis of data means studying the organized material in order to

discover the inherent facts. The purpose of analysis of data is to bring out

information useful for decision making.

The analysis and interpretation of data collected for study is important

to draw out significant conclusions as it involves breaking down existing

complex factor into simplex parts and putting the parts together in new

arrangements for the purpose of interpretations. Analysis requires an alert,

flexible and open mind. It is worth while to prepare a plan of analysis before

the actual collection of data.


Statistical is a science which deals with collection, classification and

tabulation of numerical facts on the basis of explanation, description and

comparision of phenomenon. In the words of Best and Kan (1996), "statistic

is a body of mathematical technique or successes for gathering, organizing

and interpreting data, statistics is a basic tool of measurement evaluation and

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research." The aim of the present study was to study the Adjustment of New

Boarders in Girls Hostels of Himachal Pradesh University in Relation to

their Mental Health. In the present study "Product moment Co-efficient of

Correlation" was used and significance of correlation was tested by using the

following formula:

2Cal r12N




In the present study product moment co-efficient of correlation between

positive self evaluation, perception of reality, integration of personality,

Autonomy, Group oriented Attitude, Environment competence (dimention of

Mental health) and Home, Health, Social, Emotional and Educational

(dimention of Adjustment Problems) were found out by making use of the

following formula:

r=2222 )y(yN[])x(xN[




In which x= sum of scores of test I

y = Sum of scores of test 2

N = total number of students in the sample.

x2 = Sum of squares x values.

y2 = Sum of Square y values.

xy = Sum of products of x and y values.

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The correlation Co. efficient are given in the table 3.1

Table-3.1: Coefficients of correlation of Dimensions of Mental Health (PSE, PR, IP, AUTNY, GOA, EC) with Home, Health, Social, Emotional, Educational (Areas of Adjustment)



Dimensions of

Mental Health

Home Health Social Emotional Education

1 PSE -0.313 -0.390 -0.170 -0.428 -0.228

2 PR -0.326 -0.230 -0.120 -0.354 -0.212

3 IP -0.313 -0.273 -0.319 -0.455 -0.222

4 AUTNY -0.210 -0.243 -0.107 -0.308 -0.216

5 GOA -0.305 -0.286 -0.145 -0.385 -0.300

6 EC -0.296 -0.403 -0.208 -0.466 -0.297

After this significance of correlation was tested by using the following


tcal= r2r1



r= correlation co-efficient between dimensions

N-No. of cases.

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The t- values of correlation for significance was given in following table 3.2

Table-3.2: t- values for testing the significance of correlation



Dimensions of

Mental Health

Home Health Social Emotional Education

1 PSE -0.358** -460** -1.88 -5.14** -2.54*

2 PR -3.75** -2.57* -1.31 -4.11 -2.36*

3 IP -3.58** -3.08** -3.66** -5.55** -2.47*

4 AUTNY -233* -2.72** -1.17 -3.52** -2.40*

5 GOA -3.48** -3.24** -1.59 -4.53** -3.42**

6 EC -3.37** -4.78** -2.31* -5.72 -3.38**

**Correlation is significant the 0.01 level.

* Correlation is significant at 0.05 level.



Table 3.2 shows that the t values for testing the significance of the

correlation coefficient of 'Positive self Evaluation' (PSE) with home, health

social, emotional and educational areas of adjustment were found to be -3.58,

-4.60, -1.87, -5.14, -2.54 respectively. t values of PSE were found to be

negatively significant at 0.01 level of significance for 118df with home, health

and emotional areas whereas with educational at 0.05 level. But PSE was not

found significant with social.

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From this it may be interpreted that the new boarders in girls hostels of

H.P. University with high positive self evaluation had fewer home, health

emotional and educational adjustment problems. PSE did not bear significant

relationship with social adjustment problems.


It is clear from the above Table that t-values for co-efficients of

correlation of "Perception of Reality" (PR) with the areas of adjustment i.e.

home, health, social, emotional and educational came out to -3.75, -2.57, -

1.31, -4.11, -2.36 respectively. These values were found significant at 0.01

level with home and emotional and 0.05 level with health and education areas

for 118df. But PR did not bear significant relationship with social. It indicates

that perception of reality was negatively and significantly related with home,

health, emotional and educational areas of adjustment problems expect


This shows that the new female boarders in hostel of H.P. University

with high perception of reality had fewer adjustment problems in areas namely

home, health, emotional and educational whereas no significant correlation

was found between PR and social area of adjustment problems.


It can be seen from Table 3.2 shows that t-values of correlation for

"Integration of Personality" (IP) with home, health, social, emotional and

educational areas of adjustment were found to be -3.58, -3.08, -3.66, -5.55, -

2.47 respectively. These values were found to be negatively and significantly

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related with home, social and emotional at 0.01 level and educational at 0.05

level of significance for 118df.

From this it may be interpreted that the new boarders in girls hostels of

H.P. University with high integration of personality had fewer adjustment

problems in all the areas of adjustment.


It is evident from the Table 3.2 that t values for coefficient of correlation

of "Autonomy" (AUTNY) with areas of adjustment i.e. home, health, social,

emotional and educational were found to be -2.33, -2.72, -1.17, -3.52, -2.40

respectively. The values of AUTNY were found negatively significant with

health and emotional at 0.01 level whereas home and education at 0.05 level

of significance for 118 df. Autonomy did not bear significant relationship with

social adjustment.

From this it can be concluded that the new female boarders of H.P.

University with high autonomy had fewer adjustment problems in the areas

i.e. Home, health, Social, Emotional and Educational whereas no significant

relationship was found between autonomy and social area of adjustment.


Table 3.2 shows that t-values of Correlation of adjustment i.e. home,

health, social, emotional and educational were found to be -3.48, -3.24, -1.59,

-4.53, -3.42 respectively. These values were found negatively significant with

Home, health, Social, Emotional and Educational at 0.01 level of significance

for 118 df. Except social area of adjustment.

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Thus it can be concluded that the new boarders in girls hostels with

high "Group oriented attitude had fewer adjustment problems in the areas

Home, health, Social, Emotional and Educational. Whereas no significant

relationship was found between GOA and Social area of adjustment.


It can be seen from Table 3.2 shows that t values of correlation of

"Environmental Competence" (EC) with area of adjustment i.e. Home, health,

Social, Emotional and Educational were found to be -3.37, -4.78, -2.31, -5.72,

-3.38 respectively. These values of EC was found negatively significant with

Home, health, Social, Emotional and Educational at 0.01 level and social at

0.05 level for 118 df.

From this it can be concluded that the new boarders in girls hostels.

With high environmental competency had fewer adjustment problems in the

all areas of adjustment i.e. home, health, social, emotional and educational.

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Conclusion, Educational Implications and Suggestions

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The following conclusions were drawn on the basis of data:-

1. New boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University with high "Positive Self-

Evaluation" had fewer adjustment problems in the areas namely home,

health, emotional and educational whereas no significant relationship

was found between positive self evaluation and social area of


2. New female boarders with high Perception of Reality had fewer

adjustment problems in the home, health, emotional and educational

areas whereas no significant relationship was found between

Perception of Reality and Social area of adjustment.

3. Fewer adjustment problems were found in all the areas of adjustment

(home, health, social, emotional and educational) among new boarders

in girls hostels of H.P. University who had high Integration of


4. High Autonomy among new female boarders lead to fewer adjustment

problems in the home, health, emotional and educational areas

whereas no significant relationship was found between Autonomy and

Social area of adjustment.

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5. New Boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University with high Group

Oriented Attitude had fewer adjustment problems in the areas, home,

health, emotional and educational whereas no significant relationship

were found between Group Oriented Attitude and Social area of


6. Fewer adjustment problems were found in all the areas of adjustment

(home, health, emotional and educational) among new female

boarders of H.P. University who had high Environment Competency.


The result of the present study indicates that the new boarders in girls

hostels of H.P. University with sound Mental Health had fewer adjustment

problems in the areas of home, health, emotional and educational except

social area of adjustment.

The following can be the education implications of the present study:

1) We can concluded that if the girls have sound mental health then they

can adjustment better in all areas. So there is a great need to promote

the mental health of boarders in girls hostels.

2) For the attainment of higher level of Positive-Self Evaluation personal

guidance services should be provided. A habit of self acceptance and

self evaluation can be developed among the girls student particularly in

regard to acceptance of their weakness.

3) To promote the mental health of new boarders in girls hostels to the

highest level of Perception of Reality some practical work related to

real life situations should be organised so that they can understand

realities of life and think positively towards real life.

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4) For the attainment of higher level of "Integration of Personality"

various exhibitions, science fairs, educational tours should be

organized so that they can interact with different personalities and get

chance to express themselves.

5) For the attainment of higher level of Autonomy such actions should be

taken which may help in the development of their own potentialities and

caliber rather than depend upon others.

6) To promote the mental health of new boarders in girls hostels to the

highest level of "Group Oriented Attitude" extra activities, group

competitions, cultural activities and educational one or two days trips

should be organized.

7) For the attainment of higher level of Environmental Competency"

such workshops and inhabitations should be organized which may help

in developing the ability of responsibility and capacity for adjustment in

all types of environmental conditions.

8) For removal of adjustment problems and attainment of better level of

mental health personal guidance services should be provided for the

boarders in girls hostels.

9) Parents should pay attention towards the mental health and adjustment

problems of their girls.

10) Special seminars and guest lectures of the mental health experts

should be organized.

11) Better facilities should be provide in the hostels so that girls can adjust

themselves in a better way.

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Suggestions are made for the further research:

1) The study may be conducted on the hostler male students.

2) The similar study may be conducted on the adjustment problem and

mental health of college students.

3) The similar study may be conducted on the school hostler students.

4) The study was conducted only in Himachal Pradesh University. Similar

study may also be conducted other governmental and private

universities in Himachal Pradesh.

5) A study using the variables of present study may be conducted on

employed and unemployed women.

6) The study was confined only to 120 students. A similar study may be

undertaken with a large sample.

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The adjustment of man to his environment is a problem, which is

crucial to the survival of the individual and the species. Adjustment is the

process of finding and adopting modes of behaviour suitable to the

environment. Adjustment is an unending process and is bound-up with human

life. It is in the nature of human destiny that at every stage of life and every

stratum of society there are problems to be solved so that further progress

and development is attained.

The adjustment problems may effect adversely the students learning

and other behaviour some times the problem faced by the students leads to

antisocial activities. Thus, unless the students make the satisfactory

adjustment, his normal pattern of behaviour is disrupted and it also affects all

phases of his life. If the mind of university student is seriously preoccupied

with problems, the effects educating her will not yield satisfactory result. One

of the main characterstic features of living organism is that it continuously tries

to adjust with different factor of the environment.


The concept of adjustment is as old as human race on earch. It is a

household word we speak of people as being well-adjusted or poorly

adjusted. Well-adjusted people are regarded as successful in the art of living.

The process of adjustment starts right from birth of the child and continues till

his death.

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Systematic emergence of the concept of "Adjustment" started with

Darwin's theory of evolution (1859). In those days the concept was purely

biological. In biology the term usually employed was adaptation. Man among

the living beings has the highest capacities to adapt to new situation. Man as

a social animal not only adapts to physical demands but he also adjusts to

social pressures. Biologists used the term adaptation strictly for physical

demand of the environment but psychologists use the term adjustment for

varying conditions of social or interpersonal relations in the society. So

adjustment means reaction to the demands and pressures of social

environment imposed upon the individual.

According to oxford dictionary, "The meaning of adjustment is: "to

arrange, to out in order, to harmonize discrepancies or to adapt to standard or



There are many and untouchable fields in the sphere of life, but some

held prime position in life sphere such as home, health, social, emotional and

educational fields. The way of adjustment of an individual in these fields effect

him to create his personality according to his type of adjustment. So it is

necessary to know about of these types of adjustment.

• Home Adjustment

• Health Adjustment

• Social Adjustment

• Emotional Adjustment

• Educational Adjustment

• Occupational Adjustment

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i) Physical Health

ii) Psychological Comforts

iii) Work Efficiency

iv) Social Acceptance

v) Flexibility in behaviour

vi) Healthy Attitudes and interests

vii) Healthy philosophy of life


Mental health is a term used to describe how well the individual is

adjusted to the demands and opportunities of life. The idea of mental health is

complex and comprehensive. This term consists of two words "Mental" and

"Health" generally means condition or well being or freedom from diseases. It

is mostly related to physical health of the individual. A person is said to be

physically healthy when his body is functioning well and he is free from pains

and troubles.

'Mental' means relating to the mind or psyche. Mental health, therefore,

may refer to a sound mental condition or a state of psychological well being or

freedom from mental diseases. A person is in good mental health when his

mind or personality is functioning effectively and he is free from emotional


Mental health is normal state of well being and defined as condition

and level of social functioning which is socially acceptable and personally


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Good mental health is indicated in such persons are happy, healthy,

hopeful and have harmonious personality.

World Health Organization (WHO) According to WHO "mental health

is a state of complete physical, mental and social well adjusted or well being

and not merely absence of disease or infirmity."

Thus a mentally healthy person enjoys the harmony of the "internal

with external" and maintains a balance between his needs and environmental

factor that influences the satisfaction of needs. He live fuller happier

harmonious and effective life and accepts himself and also other people. Thus

mental health also has social aspect.


Mental health refers to the six components-

1) Positive Self-Evaluation (PSE)

2) Perception of Reality (PR)

3) Integration of Personality (IP)

4) Autonomy (AUTNY)

5) Group Oriented Attitude (GOA)

6) Environmental Competence (EC)

In brief we can say that mental health is a condition, which permits the

maximum development of physical intellectual and emotional states of the

individual so that he can contribute, maximum to the welfare of the society

and can also realise his ideas and aims in life.

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Every person is unique in his thinking, reasoning and responding to

particular situation and attitude towards the worldly things. With the passage

of time, the development in the area of science, technology and industry gave

birth to a complex system of society. These developments have brought along

with a number of problems in different dimensions of adjustment.

Adjustment and Mental health are mutually dependent. They are the

important aspects of personality of an individual. Thus it is evident that the

study of adjustment problems of university female students in relation to their

mental health is necessary.

A broad review of the related literature shows that a lot of studies have

been done on adjustment problem of adolescent and children by keeping in

view the various factors such as family, school, social, personal achievement,

parental employment, language, caste etc. But a negligible amount of

research has been done to study the adjustment problems of college and

university students. The investigator feels that with the change in science and

technology and to cope up with the demanding society/world, students have

to pass through various problems in relation to school, family, society and

personal as well as achievement problems. Thus keeping in view all these

problems and demands of society, the investigator thought of selecting the

problem as under:





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1. To study the relationship between Positive Self Evaluation (dimension

of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

2. To study the relationship between Perception of Reality (dimension of

Mental Health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

3. To study the relationship between Integration of Personality (dimention

of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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4. To study the relationship between Autonomy (dimention of mental

health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in girls

hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

5. To study the relationship between Group Oriented Attitude (dimension

of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

6. To study the relationship between Environmental Competency

(dimension of mental competency (dimension of mental health) and

following areas of adjustment of new boarders in girls hostels of H.P.


a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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Following hypotheses were formulated:

1. There is no significant relationship between Positive Self Evaluation

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

d) Educational

2. There is no significant relationship between Perception of Reality

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

3. There is no significant relationship between Integration Personality

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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4. There is no significant relationship between Autonomy (dimension of

mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new boarders in

girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

5. There is no significant relationship between Group Oriented Attitudes

(dimension of mental health) and following areas of adjustment of new

boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

d) Educational

6. There is no significant relationship between Environmental

Competency (dimension of mental health) and following areas of

adjustment of new boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

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The present study is delimited to following

1) Only girls student of H.P. University were selected for study.

2) Only new boarders in girls hostels were selected for study.

3) Only Himachal Pradesh University of Himachal Pradesh were selected

for study.

4) Only M.A. first year girls students were selected.


1) Adjustment: Refers to five areas of adjustment as measured by

"Adjustment Inventory for college students" developed and

standardized by A.K.P. Sinha and R.P. Sinha. These areas are:

a) Home

b) Health

c) Social

d) Emotional

e) Educational

2) Mental Health: Refers to six dimension of mental health as measured

by "Mental Health Inventory" development and standardized by Dr.

Jagdish and Dr. Shrivastav. These dimentions are:

a) Positive self evaluation

b) Perception of reality

c) Integration of Personality

d) Autonomy

e) Group oriented attitude

f) Environmental Competency.

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To study the "Adjustment of New Boarders in Girls Hostels of H.P .

University in Relation to their Mental health". Investigator selected

descriptive method of survey, which is undoubtedly most popular and

common method used for research purpose in education. In this method data

collection is systematic intensive, scientific and objective analysis of controlled

observation towards the solution of problem based on empirical evidences.


In present study, investigator used the convenient method of sampling.

The investigator selected a sample of 120 new boarders are in girls hostels of

H.P. University. There are six hostels for girls in the Himachal Pradesh

University. From each hostel, M.A. first year 120 girls student were selected

by making use of purposive sampling.


For collecting new and unknown data an investigator needs certain

instruments and explore new field of knowledge. These intruments thus

employed are called 'tools'. The selection of suitable tool is of vital

improtance for successful research. Different tools are available for collecting

various kind of information. Before selecting one or more tools relevant to

study, investigator must familiarize him/his self with merits and limitations of

these tools.

For collecting the data for the present study, the following tools were

used by the investigator:

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1. Adjustment Inventory for college students by (A.K.P. Sinha and R.P.


2. Mental Health Inventory by (Dr. Jagdish and Dr. A.K. Shrivastav).


Statistical is a science which deals with collection, classification and

tabulation of numerical facts on the basis of explanation, description and

comparision of phenomenon. In the words of Best and Kan (1996), "statistic

is a body of mathematical technique or successes for gathering, organizing

and interpreting data, statistics is a basic tool of measurement evaluation and

research." The aim of the present study was to study the adjustment of new

boarders in Girls hostels of HImachal Pradesh Unive rsity in relation to

their mental health. In the present study "Product moment Co-efficient of

correlation" was used and significance of correlation was tested by using the

following formula:

2Cal r12N




The following conclusions were drawn on the basis of data:-

1. New boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University with high "Positive Self-

Evaluation" had fewer adjustment problems in the areas namely home,

health, emotional and educational whereas no significant relationship

was found between positive self evaluation and social area of


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2. New female boarders with high Perception of Reality had fewer

adjustment problems in the home, health, emotional and educational

areas whereas no significant relationship was found between

Perception of Reality and Social area of adjustment.

3. Fewer adjustment problems were found in all the areas of adjustment

(home, health, social, emotional and educational) among new boarders

in girls hostels of H.P. University who had high Integration of


4. High Autonomy among new female boarders lead to fewer adjustment

problems in the home, health, emotional and educational areas

whereas no significant relationship was found between Autonomy and

Social area of adjustment.

5. New Boarders in girls hostels of H.P. University with high Group

Oriented Attitude had fewer adjustment problems in the areas, home,

health, emotional and educational whereas no significant relationship

were found between Group Oriented Attitude and Social area of


6. Fewer adjustment problems were found in all the areas of adjustment

(home, health, emotional and educational) among new female

boarders of H.P. University who had high Environment Competency.


The result of the present study indicates that the new boarders in girls

hostels of H.P. University with sound Mental Health had fewer adjustment

problems in the areas of home, health, emotional and educational except

social area of adjustment.

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The following can be the education implications of the present study:

1) We can concluded that if the girls have sound mental health then they

can adjustment better in all areas. So there is a great need to promote

the mental health of boarders in girls hostels.

2) For the attainment of higher level of Positive-Self Evaluation personal

guidance services should be provided. A habit of self acceptance and

self evaluation can be developed among the girls student particularly in

regard to acceptance of their weakness.

3) To promote the mental health of new boarders in girls hostels to the

highest level of Perception of Reality some practical work related to

real life situations should be organised so that they can understand

realities of life and think positively towards real life.

4) For the attainment of higher level of "Integration of Personality"

various exhibitions, science fairs, educational tours should be

organized so that they can interact with different personalities and get

chance to express themselves.

5) For the attainment of higher level of Autonomy such actions should be

taken which may help in the development of their own potentialities and

caliber rather than depend upon others.

6) To promote the mental health of new boarders in girls hostels to the

highest level of "Group Oriented Attitude" extra activities, group

competitions, cultural activities and educational one or two days trips

should be organized.

7) For the attainment of higher level of Environmental Competency"

such workshops and inhabitations should be organized which may help

in developing the ability of responsibility and capacity for adjustment in

all types of environmental conditions.

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8) For removal of adjustment problems and attainment of better level of

mental health personal guidance services should be provided for the

boarders in girls hostels.

9) Parents should pay attention towards the mental health and adjustment

problems of their girls.

10) Special seminars and guest lectures of the mental health experts

should be organized.

11) Better facilities should be provide in the hostels so that girls can adjust

themselves in a better way.


Suggestions are made for the further research:

1) The study may be conducted on the hostler male students.

2) The similar study may be conducted on the adjustment problem and

mental health of college students.

3) The similar study may be conducted on the school hostler students.

4) The study was conducted only in Himachal Pradesh University. Similar

study may also be conducted other governmental and private

universities in Himachal Pradesh.

5) A study using the variables of present study may be conducted on

employed and unemployed women.

6) The study was confined only to 120 students. A similar study may be

undertaken with a large sample.

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Areas of


Items with "Yes" Response to be Answered Given (1) score and

with "No" Given (0)



1, 6, 10, 15, 17, 20, 27, 34, 38, 49, 54, 58, 66, 100, 45, 70.



4, 7, 16, 21, 24, 28, 35, 36, 42, 46, 50, 59, 62, 67, 71.



5, 12, 32, 51, 55, 72, 74, 77, 80, 83, 18, 25, 63, 76, 85, 89, 91,




2, 8, 11, 13, 19, 22, 26, 29, 31, 33, 40, 43, 47, 52, 56, 60, 64,

68, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 92, 95, 96, 98, 102, 99, 101.



3, 9, 14, 23, 30, 37, 41, 44, 53, 57, 65, 67, 73, 79, 86, 88, 94,

48, 61, 82, 93

Low scores on various dimension indicates better adjustment and high

scores indicates poor adjustment. Except in case of social adjustment

dimension where low score indicates aggressive behaviour.



1. Always

2. Often

3. Rarely

4. Never


1. Always

2. Often

3. Rarely

4. Never

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Sr. No. PSE A






1 37 24 39 18 32 29

2 32 24 37 17 31 32

3 36 28 44 19 33 35

4 35 24 38 19 32 30

5 29 25 33 17 28 27

6 30 22 35 16 30 22

7 24 18 34 16 22 24

8 40 28 46 19 36 32

9 40 28 40 19 35 32

10 38 27 32 17 36 30

11 26 21 34 20 28 29

12 36 22 38 22 33 28

13 36 28 41 22 35 35

14 26 20 24 21 29 26

15 40 31 42 23 33 35

16 30 32 34 18 30 22

17 32 17 22 19 24 33

18 30 24 30 18 28 28

19 35 26 39 15 30 29

20 36 25 40 19 36 31

21 28 20 33 16 22 25

22 27 18 27 14 30 21

23 25 25 38 20 28 15

24 28 20 25 14 21 26

25 30 27 41 17 32 31

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Sr. No. PSE A






26 27 26 36 18 32 23

27 32 27 41 17 28 28

28 24 24 38 16 36 26

29 27 22 29 18 26 27

30 37 27 37 20 30 24

31 31 21 35 17 24 27

32 39 32 37 19 37 28

33 32 21 35 18 33 30

34 28 18 35 13 29 28

35 32 25 34 21 30 26

36 36 25 40 18 31 36

37 29 20 38 17 30 25

38 33 22 28 15 29 25

39 38 18 40 19 37 32

40 33 16 31 21 26 32

41 37 22 36 19 29 33

42 35 26 37 20 30 31

43 30 26 37 18 33 29

44 29 23 36 18 31 26

45 24 22 36 14 25 29

46 30 26 37 18 33 29

47 33 26 41 18 29 31

48 31 26 34 19 27 29

49 27 21 35 17 26 20

50 34 21 36 16 37 28

51 28 23 28 16 30 19

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Sr. No. PSE A






52 26 21 31 13 26 20

53 28 17 34 18 28 23

54 29 24 27 17 33 28

55 23 23 28 20 29 19

56 32 23 34 17 30 26

57 38 24 35 19 31 31

58 23 18 25 11 25 20

59 23 13 38 6 28 18

60 30 22 37 16 29 30

61 28 21 29 17 31 31

62 31 21 38 18 33 36

63 25 27 36 14 29 26

64 36 26 45 21 33 32

65 36 39 42 18 31 34

66 30 21 36 18 27 26

67 29 25 32 17 29 25

68 28 22 28 13 31 28

69 28 18 28 12 24 23

70 30 21 34 15 28 25

71 31 23 34 14 29 24

72 31 23 36 19 29 24

73 31 26 38 17 34 28

74 28 16 30 11 23 21

75 35 15 36 18 32 30

76 24 21 32 17 27 23

77 23 18 31 15 23 26

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Sr. No. PSE A






78 21 20 39 11 29 23

79 22 22 34 15 26 22

80 29 21 33 15 26 22

81 30 22 36 17 29 24

82 24 20 32 15 24 24

83 34 21 34 18 39 28

84 22 19 33 16 27 23

85 32 24 35 21 34 28

86 28 25 36 18 32 27

87 26 23 30 15 32 20

88 32 21 38 17 28 27

89 20 24 33 11 25 16

90 38 28 37 16 31 31

91 31 28 40 20 34 28

92 33 29 41 20 35 29

93 27 24 35 17 25 26

94 29 21 30 16 31 28

95 26 22 27 7 26 21

96 31 17 27 16 33 25

97 25 19 35 16 26 23

98 25 27 45 21 33 32

99 35 15 36 18 32 30

100 30 22 36 17 29 24

101 34 29 38 19 35 27

102 34 26 25 18 30 29

103 30 24 32 14 30 32

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Sr. No. PSE A






104 24 26 36 19 31 32

105 33 19 38 22 35 25

106 37 27 36 19 32 25

107 30 20 26 17 26 25

108 27 24 35 22 31 29

109 35 20 26 15 24 26

110 30 28 39 22 33 27

111 30 28 36 19 34 26

112 34 24 35 16 28 22

113 36 22 40 20 37 25

114 29 30 18 16 29 33

115 33 24 42 18 38 30

116 32 25 33 16 35 26

117 29 27 36 16 34 27

118 31 29 33 21 33 23

119 30 26 35 19 34 27

120 33 29 42 21 36 28

PSE = Positive Self Evaluation;

PR = Perception of Reality;

IP = Integration of Personality;

AUTNY = Autonomy;

GOA = Group Oriented Attitude;

EC = Environment Competency

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Adjustment Raw Scores

Sr. No. Home Health Social Emotional Educational Total

1 5 1 7 13 4 30

2 3 3 10 10 9 35

3 2 0 7 2 5 16

4 5 0 8 11 12 36

5 6 5 11 11 11 44

6 3 2 9 7 6 27

7 2 1 5 12 7 27

8 3 0 6 2 5 16

9 3 0 7 2 4 16

10 3 4 9 10 9 35

11 9 6 9 11 3 38

12 5 4 10 13 12 41

13 2 0 6 2 4 14

14 8 4 9 14 15 50

15 3 4 6 4 4 21

16 3 2 7 10 6 28

17 8 6 12 23 8 57

18 5 5 9 12 4 35

19 4 2 9 12 9 36

20 1 1 1 1 1 05

21 9 9 8 10 19 55

22 8 11 12 20 12 63

23 8 12 14 16 14 64

24 10 9 12 17 17 65

25 3 2 5 5 8 28

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Sr. No. Home Health Social Emotional Educational Total

26 4 2 8 9 5 28

27 3 0 3 5 6 17

28 4 2 9 14 7 36

29 11 8 7 12 9 47

30 3 0 7 9 4 23

31 4 5 11 15 8 43

32 3 0 9 5 7 23

33 3 1 11 16 5 40

34 3 1 5 5 4 18

35 3 0 8 10 3 25

36 1 3 8 2 3 14

37 3 4 10 12 10 38

38 5 2 11 21 14 55

39 3 2 7 7 5 24

40 7 2 9 19 08 45

41 7 2 13 18 10 52

42 4 7 11 11 19 37

43 9 8 12 14 10 52

44 7 2 9 20 11 54

45 4 4 8 4 4 22

46 3 1 6 5 5 23

47 3 1 4 7 5 20

48 2 7 5 10 5 23

49 10 5 9 19 11 57

50 4 3 9 12 7 37

51 5 4 9 15 4 26

52 6 9 10 17 9 36

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Sr. No. Home Health Social Emotional Educational Total

53 6 3 15 20 13 63

54 2 5 11 13 5 34

55 6 2 12 15 9 47

56 3 1 13 13 6 37

57 4 3 5 3 5 18

58 5 3 9 12 7 37

59 6 3 6 16 9 35

60 3 3 7 11 10 34

61 4 1 6 3 4 18

62 4 3 7 7 8 29

63 3 4 10 10 7 34

64 3 2 7 4 3 19

65 3 4 8 2 6 23

66 3 1 12 9 4 29

67 3 4 4 8 7 26

68 5 2 11 15 8 41

69 1 4 6 5 7 23

70 4 4 8 11 5 32

71 3 1 8 11 9 32

72 3 1 11 7 7 29

73 2 3 8 3 3 19

74 8 6 7 12 6 39

75 3 3 7 6 6 25

76 4 4 11 8 6 33

77 4 2 6 8 6 33

78 10 6 9 17 8 50

79 2 3 12 16 09 42

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Sr. No. Home Health Social Emotional Educational Total

80 6 3 9 19 11 48

81 4 4 11 18 9 46

82 3 4 3 22 9 51

83 2 1 5 5 5 18

84 9 8 6 15 9 47

85 5 3 6 13 9 36

86 2 1 5 4 4 16

87 3 2 12 15 9 41

88 4 3 12 16 8 43

89 4 10 11 23 16 64

90 4 7 9 14 12 46

91 3 1 5 4 6 19

92 3 1 8 11 7 30

93 9 7 9 15 8 48

94 8 5 10 21 12 56

95 12 11 14 21 10 70

96 8 4 13 17 11 53

97 6 4 7 13 8 38

98 3 4 10 10 7 34

99 3 3 7 6 6 25

100 4 4 11 18 9 46

101 3 1 7 13 4 28

102 3 2 10 9 5 29

103 4 1 20 10 4 39

104 2 3 10 9 5 29

105 5 4 12 8 6 35

106 5 3 10 7 5 30

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Sr. No. Home Health Social Emotional Educational Total

107 4 1 15 10 4 34

108 5 1 7 13 4 30

109 3 2 7 10 6 28

110 1 1 1 1 1 05

111 9 9 8 10 19 55

112 3 2 5 5 6 17

113 3 0 3 5 6 17

114 4 2 9 14 7 36

115 11 8 7 12 9 47

116 3 4 6 4 4 21

117 2 1 5 10 5 23

118 6 9 15 20 3 63

119 2 3 11 13 5 34

120 3 2 13 13 6 37