Acts Reading Plan Welcome to the study of Acts! Each day will focus on a passage of Scripture from the book of Acts. For the full experience, we invite you to read the daily reading before reading the First 5 teaching for that day. Day 1 Reading: Acts 1 Major Moment: Jesus appears to the apostles after His resurrection; 40 days later He ascends into heaven. Day 2 Reading: Acts 2:1-13 Major Moment: The promised Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost. Day 3 Reading: Acts 2:14-47 Major Moment: The promised Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost. Day 4 Reading: Acts 3 Major Moment: Peter heals a lame beggar in the name of Jesus and gives his second sermon. Day 5 Reading: Acts 4 Major Moment: Peter and John go before the Sanhedrin for healing the lame man but refuse to stop proclaiming Jesus’ good news. Day 6 Reading: Acts 5 Major Moment: God judges Ananias and Sapphira, and the apostles are persecuted and miraculously released from jail. Day 7 Reading: Acts 6 Major Moment: Stephen is seized and brought before the Sanhedrin. Day 8 Reading: Acts 7 Major Moment: Stephen gives a speech before the Sanhedrin and is subsequently stoned.

Acts Reading Plan.CDG - Amazon S3 Reading Plan.pdfActs Reading Plan Welcome to the study of Acts! Each day will focus on a passage of Scripture from the book of Acts. For the full

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Acts Reading Plan Welcome to the study of Acts! Each day will focus on a passage of Scripture from the book of Acts. For the full experience, we invite you to read the daily

reading before reading the First 5 teaching for that day.

Day 1 Reading: Acts 1 Major Moment: Jesus appears to the apostles after His resurrection; 40 days later He ascends into heaven. Day 2 Reading: Acts 2:1-13 Major Moment: The promised Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost. Day 3 Reading: Acts 2:14-47 Major Moment: The promised Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost. Day 4 Reading: Acts 3 Major Moment: Peter heals a lame beggar in the name of Jesus and gives his second sermon. Day 5 Reading: Acts 4 Major Moment: Peter and John go before the Sanhedrin for healing the lame man but refuse to stop proclaiming Jesus’ good news. Day 6 Reading: Acts 5 Major Moment: God judges Ananias and Sapphira, and the apostles are persecuted and miraculously released from jail. Day 7 Reading: Acts 6 Major Moment: Stephen is seized and brought before the Sanhedrin. Day 8 Reading: Acts 7 Major Moment: Stephen gives a speech before the Sanhedrin and is subsequently stoned.

Day 9 Reading: Acts 8 Major Moment: Philip witnesses to the Ethiopian eunuch. Day 10 Reading: Acts 9 Major Moment: Jesus confronts Saul on the road to Damascus and converts his heart. Day 11 Reading: Acts 10:1-33 Major Moment: Peter presents the gospel to the Gentiles gathered at Cornelius’ house, and they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Day 12 Reading: Acts 10:34-48 Major Moment: Peter presents the gospel to the Gentiles gathered at Cornelius’ house, and they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Day 13 Reading: Acts 11 Major Moment: The church scatters due to greater persecution following Stephen’s death. Day 14 Reading: Acts 12 Major Moment: James is killed, and Peter is imprisoned and later rescued from jail by an angel of the Lord. Day 15 Reading: Acts 13 Major Moment: Paul and Barnabas are sent out in the power of the Holy Spirit on their first missionary journey to Seleucia, Salamis, Paphos, Perga and Antioch. Day 16 Reading: Acts 14 Major Moment: Paul and Barnabas continue on their first missionary journey to Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Antioch, Perga and Attalia.

Day 17 Reading: Acts 15 Major Moment: The Jerusalem Council settles the issue of circumcision for Gentiles. Day 18 Reading: Acts 16 Major Moment: Paul and Silas go on a second missionary journey to Derbe, Lystra, Troas, Samonthrace, Neapolis and Philippi and witness the conversions of Lydia and the Philippian jailer along the way. Day 19 Reading: Acts 17 Major Moment: Paul continues his second missionary journey through Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. Day 20 Reading: Acts 18 Major Moment: Paul meets Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos. Day 21 Reading: Acts 19 Major Moment: Paul experiences opposition when he arrives in Ephesus on a stop during his third missionary journey. Day 22 Reading: Acts 20 Major Moment: Paul continues his third missionary journey, raises Eutychus from the dead, and says goodbye to the Ephesians. Day 23 Reading: Acts 21 Major Moment: Paul travels to Jerusalem and is arrested. Day 24 Reading: Acts 22 Major Moment: Paul addresses the Jewish crowd: sharing his Jewish heritage, giving his personal testimony, and explaining his commissioning from the Lord. Paul is seized by the Roman Tribune and reveals his Roman citizenship.

Day 25 Reading: Acts 23 Major Moment: Jesus talks with Peter about how to best love and lead His people. Day 25 Reading: Acts 23 Major Moment: During Paul’s fourth missionary journey, he appears before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court, and by God’s hand, thwarts their conspiracy to kill him. Day 26 Reading: Acts 24 Major Moment: Paul goes on trial before Felix at Caesarea and is kept in prison. Day 27 Reading: Acts 25 Major Moment: Paul appears before Festus and King Agrippa. Day 28 Reading: Acts 26 Major Moment: Paul makes his defense before King Agrippa. Day 29 Reading: Acts 27 Major Moment: Paul is transferred to Rome, but encounters a great storm at sea and is shipwrecked on the island of Malta. Day 30 Reading: Acts 28 Major Moment: Paul moves from Malta to Rome where he lives under Roman guard for two years.