ACTIVITY WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY & LISTENING SCRIPTS 413 WORKBOOK PAGE 2 A. For Many Years 1. swims 2. takes He’s swum She’s taken 3. drives 4. speak He’s driven I’ve spoken 5. sing 6. writes We’ve sung He’s written 7. rides 8. draws She’s ridden He’s drawn 9. flies 10. grows She’s flown He’s grown WORKBOOK PAGE 3 B. A Little While Ago 1. Have, gone 5. Has, given they have, They went he has, He gave 2. Has, taken 6. Has, written she has, She took she has, She wrote 3. Have, done 7. Have, fed I have, I did I have, I fed 4. Have, eaten 8. Has, seen we have, We ate he has, He saw C. Listening Listen and decide what is being talked about. 1. A. Have they sung them yet? B. Yes, they have. They sang them a little while ago. 2. A. Has she written it yet? B. Yes, she has. She wrote it a little while ago. 3. A. I’ve spoken it for a long time. B. Oh. I didn’t know that. 4. A. Have you swum there? B. Yes. We’ve swum there for a long time. 5. A. Have you ridden it yet? B. Yes. I rode it a little while ago. 6. A. I’ve drawn them for many years. B. I didn’t know that. 7. A. Have you taken it? B. Yes, we have. We took it a little while ago. 8. A. Have you driven it yet? B. Yes. I drove it a little while ago. 9. A. She’s grown them for many years. B. Yes. I knew that. Answers 1. a 3. a 5. b 7. b 9. b 2. b 4. b 6. a 8. a WORKBOOK PAGE 4 D. In a Long Time 1. Have, taken we haven’t, We haven’t taken 2. Has, written she hasn’t, She hasn’t written 3. Has, gotten he hasn’t, He hasn’t gotten 4. Have, gone I haven’t, I haven’t gone 5. Have, swum they haven’t, They haven’t swum 6. Has, been it hasn’t, It hasn’t been 7. Have, seen we haven’t, We haven’t seen 8. Has, ridden she hasn’t, She hasn’t ridden 9. Have, eaten I haven’t, I haven’t eaten 10. Has, done he hasn’t, He hasn’t done 11. Have, given you haven’t, You haven’t given WORKBOOK PAGE 6 F. What Are They Saying? 1. has, known 5. has, liked He’s known, for He’s liked, since 2. has, had 6. has, wanted She’s had, since She’s wanted, since 3. have, played 7. have, worked I’ve played, for We’ve worked, for 4. have, owned 8. have, been They’ve owned, for We’ve been, for G. Listening Listen and complete the sentences. 1. A. How long have you played the violin? B. I’ve played the violin for . . . 2. A. How long has Peter known Monica? B. He’s known her since . . . 3. A. How long have Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had that car? B. They’ve had it since . . . 4. A. How long have we been married? B. We’ve been married for . . . UNIT 1 ACTIVITY WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY & LISTENING SCRIPTS

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WORKBOOK PAGE 2A. For Many Years1. swims 2. takes

He’s swum She’s taken3. drives 4. speak

He’s driven I’ve spoken5. sing 6. writes

We’ve sung He’s written7. rides 8. draws

She’s ridden He’s drawn9. flies 10. grows

She’s flown He’s grown

WORKBOOK PAGE 3B. A Little While Ago1. Have, gone 5. Has, given

they have, They went he has, He gave2. Has, taken 6. Has, written

she has, She took she has, She wrote3. Have, done 7. Have, fed

I have, I did I have, I fed4. Have, eaten 8. Has, seen

we have, We ate he has, He saw

C. ListeningListen and decide what is being talked about.1. A. Have they sung them yet?

B. Yes, they have. They sang them a littlewhile ago.

2. A. Has she written it yet?B. Yes, she has. She wrote it a little while


3. A. I’ve spoken it for a long time.B. Oh. I didn’t know that.

4. A. Have you swum there?B. Yes. We’ve swum there for a long time.

5. A. Have you ridden it yet?B. Yes. I rode it a little while ago.

6. A. I’ve drawn them for many years.B. I didn’t know that.

7. A. Have you taken it?B. Yes, we have. We took it a little while ago.

8. A. Have you driven it yet?B. Yes. I drove it a little while ago.

9. A. She’s grown them for many years.B. Yes. I knew that.

Answers1. a 3. a 5. b 7. b 9. b2. b 4. b 6. a 8. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 4D. In a Long Time1. Have, taken

we haven’t, We haven’t taken2. Has, written

she hasn’t, She hasn’t written3. Has, gotten

he hasn’t, He hasn’t gotten4. Have, gone

I haven’t, I haven’t gone5. Have, swum

they haven’t, They haven’t swum6. Has, been

it hasn’t, It hasn’t been7. Have, seen

we haven’t, We haven’t seen8. Has, ridden

she hasn’t, She hasn’t ridden9. Have, eaten

I haven’t, I haven’t eaten10. Has, done

he hasn’t, He hasn’t done11. Have, given

you haven’t, You haven’t given

WORKBOOK PAGE 6F. What Are They Saying?1. has, known 5. has, liked

He’s known, for He’s liked, since2. has, had 6. has, wanted

She’s had, since She’s wanted, since3. have, played 7. have, worked

I’ve played, for We’ve worked, for4. have, owned 8. have, been

They’ve owned, for We’ve been, for

G. ListeningListen and complete the sentences.1. A. How long have you played the violin?

B. I’ve played the violin for . . .

2. A. How long has Peter known Monica?B. He’s known her since . . .

3. A. How long have Mr. and Mrs. Johnson hadthat car?

B. They’ve had it since . . .

4. A. How long have we been married?B. We’ve been married for . . .



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5. A. How long has your sister had the flu?B. She’s had the flu for . . .

6. A. How long have you wanted to be an actor?B. I’ve wanted to be an actor since . . .

7. A. How long has Debbie sung in the churchchoir?

B. She’s sung in the church choir since . . .

8. A. How long have you been a teacher?B. I’ve been a teacher for . . .

9. A. How long has Kevin had a Boston accent?B. He’s had a Boston accent for . . .

Answers1. a 3. a 5. b 7. a 9. b2. b 4. b 6. a 8. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 7H. What’s the Question?1. How long have, had a toothache2. How long has, wanted to be a teacher3. How long has, been in the hospital4. How long have, known how to swim5. How long have, owned your own home

WORKBOOK PAGE 8J. How Long?1. He’s been waiting for a taxi for2. She’s been practicing the piano since3. I’ve been feeling sick for4. You’ve been talking for5. They’ve been going out since6. It’s been making strange noises for7. I’ve been doing sit-ups for8. He’s been snoring since

K. ListeningListen and choose the correct answer.1. I’m really frustrated. I’ve been having

problems with my TV for the past few weeks,and I can’t find anyone who can fix it.

2. I think I’ll start looking for another job. I’vebeen working here at the State Street Banksince I graduated from college.

3. We’ve been sitting here for more than a halfhour, and no one has taken our order yet.

4. Do you think Peter and Jane will get marriedsomeday? After all, they’ve been going outsince they were in high school.

5. We’ve been complaining to our landlord aboutthe ceiling in our bedroom, but he hasn’t doneanything about it. We don’t know what to do.It’s been leaking for the past two weeks.

6. I’m exhausted. We’ve been riding around townall day. Let’s stop somewhere and rest for awhile.

Answers1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b

WORKBOOK PAGES 9–10L. What Are They Saying?1. has she been crying

She’s been crying2. has it been leaking

It’s been leaking3. has he been fighting

He’s been fighting4. has it been making

It’s been making5. has it been raining

It’s been raining6. have they been barking

They’ve been barking

WORKBOOK PAGE 11M. What Are They Saying?1. I’ve been giving 6. She’s been seeing

I’ve given she’s seen2. I’ve been baking 7. You’ve been writing

I’ve, baked You’ve, written3. We’ve been selling 8. I’ve been making

We’ve, sold I’ve, made4. They’ve been building 9. You’ve been doing

They’ve, built You’ve, done5. I’ve been taking

I’ve, taken

WORKBOOK PAGE 12N. They’ve Been Working Very Hard1. has been washing, He’s, washed2. He’s, been vacuuming, He’s, vacuumed3. has been hanging up, She’s, hung up4. She’s, been making, She’s, made5. has been planting, He’s, planted6. He’s, been throwing out, He’s, thrown out7. has been baking, She’s, baked8. She’s, been writing, She’s, written9. has been singing, They’ve, sung

10. They’ve been looking, looked

WORKBOOK PAGE 13O. They Had Done That Before1. had put 7. had had

had eaten 8. had given2. had snored 9. had seen3. had been 10. had spent4. had gone 11. had worn5. had left 12. had taken6. had, assembled 13. had made

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WORKBOOK PAGE 14P. By the Time1. got, had, closed 6. called, had, taken2. did, had, gone 7. saw, had been3. arrived, had, gotten 8. found, had, begun4. drove, had, sailed 9. dropped, had, left5. brought, had, borrowed 10. stopped, had fallen

WORKBOOK PAGE 15Q. What Had They Been Doing?1. had been planning 7. had been having2. had been going out 8. had been working3. had been training 9. had been coming,4. had been living had been falling5. had been rehearsing 10. had been looking6. had been preparing 11. had been practicing

WORKBOOK PAGE 17T. What Are They Saying?A. My brother Theodore doesn’t think he can go to

the theater with us tomorrow because he has asore throat.

B. Another sore throat? That’s terrible! Didn’t hejust get over one last Thursday?

A. That’s right. Believe it or not, this is the thirdsore throat he’s had this month. My poorbrother always gets sick when the weather isvery cold.

B. I hope it isn’t serious this time.A. I don’t think so. Theodore says his sore

throat isn’t bothering him too much, but bothmy mother and father say he’ll have to rest inbed for at least a few days. They’re worriedbecause he isn’t eating anything, and they don’tthink he looks very healthy.

B. Then I guess he won’t be going to the Sundayconcert either.

A. Probably not. And he’s very disappointed. Hereally loves classical music.

B. Well, I’m sorry our plans fell through. Pleasetell Theodore I hope he feels better soon. Oh, Ialmost forgot. My little sister Martha is havinga small birthday celebration today atthree thirty. Would you like to come?

A. Yes, of course. Thank you very much.

WORKBOOK PAGE 18A. What Should They Have Done?1. should have gotten 4. should have had2. should have taken 5. should have gone3. should have studied 6. should have seen

7. should have spoken 9. should have kept8. should have sat 10. should have bought

WORKBOOK PAGE 19B. Good Advice1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 21D. What Might Have Happened?1. might have missed 5. may have been2. may have eaten 6. might have forgotten3. may have broken 7. might have lost 4. might have gone

E. What’s the Answer?1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 22F. I Don’t Understand It!1. could have watched 8. could have been2. could have worn 9. could have made3. could have married 10. could have named4. could have ridden 11. could have painted5. could have become 12. could have eaten6. could have skated 13. could have gone7. could have taken 14. could have written

WORKBOOK PAGE 24H. What Happened?1. must have gotten up 7. must have broken up2. must have eaten 8. must have bought3. must have met 9. must have had4. must have left 10. must have cost5. must have spoken 11. must have done6. must have been

WORKBOOK PAGE 29L. What’s the Word?1. should have 7. couldn’t have2. must have 8. should have3. couldn’t have 9. might have 4. might have, 10. shouldn’t have,

might have could have5. could have 11. must have6. must have

M. ListeningListen and choose the correct answer.1. Billy fell asleep in school today.2. Alice called her friends at midnight and woke

them up.3. I wonder why Gary didn’t come to the meeting

this morning.4. We sat at the football game in the rain all



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5. Roger was hoping to get a promotion this year,but he didn’t get one.

6. The play was terrible. The actors couldn’tremember their lines!

7. I called my cousin Betty all week, but shedidn’t answer the phone.

8. Grandpa moved the refrigerator by himself!

Answers1. a 3. b 5. b 7. b2. b 4. a 6. a 8. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 30N. What Does It Mean?1. a 5. c 9. a 13. b2. c 6. b 10. c 14. a3. c 7. b 11. c 15. c4. b 8. a 12. a 16. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 31P. Have You Heard?

Listen and complete the sentences.1. How do you feel . . .2. Do you still . . .3. Does he like these . . .4. She needed . . .5. They live . . .6. We’re leaving . . .7. Alan is sleeping late because he’s . . .8. I’m sorry you didn’t like the salad. It . . .9. I’ll try to finish this . . .

10. This week . . .11. Will you still want to see your old friends

when you’re rich . . .12. You should fill . . .13. They don’t feed . . .14. I’m glad you like the chocolate cake. Eat . . .15. I don’t think those boys steal . . .16. George is very glad his . . .

Answers1. a 5. a 9. b 13. a2. b 6. b 10. a 14. b3. a 7. a 11. b 15. b4. b 8. b 12. a 16. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 32A. Who Did It?1. was painted 6. was written2. were built 7. was worn3. was served 8. was directed4. was composed 9. was taken5. was discovered 10. was baked

WORKBOOK PAGES 33–34B. You Decide: At the Museum1. was owned 2. was flown

................... .................was made .................................... was designed................. ....................

3. was worn 4. were found.................... ....................was given ........................................ were forgottenwas left

5. was written 6. was built.................... ..................................... was begunwas, sent wasn’t finishedwas discovered

7. ......................was composed.....................was sung.....................

WORKBOOK PAGE 35D. It’s Too Late1. they’ve, been done2. it’s, been set3. they’ve, been ironed4. it’s, been made5. They’ve, been taken down6. it’s, been swept7. they’ve, been bought8. It’s, been hung up

E. ListeningListen and decide what is being talked about.

1. They’ve already been made.2. It was directed by Fellini.3. It was sent last week.4. It was worn by her grandmother.5. They’ve already been given out.6. They’ve already been written.7. It’s already been sung.8. They’ve already been fed.9. It’s already been set up.

Answers1. a 3. b 5. a 7. a 9. a2. b 4. a 6. b 8. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 36F. Nothing Is Ready!1. haven’t been made 4. hasn’t been fed2. hasn’t been swept 5. haven’t been put 3. hasn’t been prepared


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G. At the Hospital1. Has 7. was done2. been taken 8. Has3. has 9. been told4. been given 10. He’s5. Has 11. been sent6. been done

WORKBOOK PAGE 37H. Can We Leave Soon?1. has been stopped 4. been set2. have been turned off 5. has3. Has 6. been taken out

I. Crossword

WORKBOOK PAGE 38J. Ernest Hemingway1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c

WORKBOOK PAGE 39K. A Robbery1. were 8. taken 15. sent2. robbed 9. given 16. were3. was 10. was 17. returned4. stolen 11. seen 18. been5. was 12. was 19. ripped6. left 13. arrested7. wasn’t 14. was

L. ListeningListen and choose the correct answer.

1. Hello. This is Mrs. Riley. I’m calling about myVCR. Is it ready?

2. Is the meeting room ready?3. This is a beautiful photograph of your

children.4. I can’t wait to hear those songs.5. Why is Robert so upset?6. We’ve been waiting all morning for the courier

from your company.7. Have you heard the good news about Nancy’s


8. Why is Roberta so pleased?9. Where are the new pictures we bought last

weekend?10. Is the birthday cake ready?11. I’m really looking forward to hearing the

Mozart sonata.12. Why is Aunt Helen so happy?

Answers1. a 4. a 7. b 10. a2. b 5. a 8. a 11. b3. b 6. b 9. a 12. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 40M. You Decide: A Famous Composer

1. .................... 21. was2. have 22. considered3. been 23. was4. performed 24. understood5. ................... 25. .....................6. heard 26. respected7. .................... 27. ....................8. .................... 28. was9. was 29. used

10. given 30. have11. .................... 31. been12. were 32. played13. rejected 33. ....................14. .................... 34. was15. were 35. hurt16. recorded 36. .......................17. .................... 37. was18. .................... 38. chosen19. was 39. was20. appreciated 40. invited

WORKBOOK PAGE 41N. What Are They Saying?1. It’s being rewritten2. It’s, being repaired3. It’s, being baked4. They’re, being taken in5. she’s being promoted6. It’s, being set up7. It’s being washed8. is being clipped

WORKBOOK PAGE 42P. A Factory Tour1. is 7. is2. made 8. mixed3. is 9. is4. taken 10. poured5. is 11. are6. put 12. prepared









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13. are 21. was14. being 22. invented15. chopped 23. is16. are 24. kept17. being 25. is18. sliced 26. sent19. are 27. be20. added 28. enjoyed

WORKBOOK PAGE 43Q. What Does It Mean?1. a 6. a 11. c2. c 7. c 12. b3. a 8. b 13. c4. b 9. a 14. b5. b 10. c

R. ListeningListen and choose the correct answer.

1. This magnificent mural is being painted bystudents in our school.

2. Mrs. Allen, your watch has been repaired.3. The beds will be done soon.4. All the paychecks have been given out.5. The meeting room is ready now.6. Mr. Winter, your car is being repaired.7. All the cookies have been baked.8. The babies are being fed.

Answers1. a 3. b 5. b 7. b2. b 4. a 6. a 8. a

WORKBOOK PAGES 44–45CHECK-UP TEST: Units 1–3A.1. I’ve spoken2. has ridden3. haven’t taken4. haven’t eaten5. haven’t written, wrote6. have, been7. has been8. had seen9. had, taken

10. had been going

B.1. must have practiced2. should have done3. might have left, might have left4. could have built5. must have studied6. shouldn’t have worn7. should have fed8. could have fallen9. might have spent, might have spent

C.1. was drawn2. It’s, being repaired3. has been given4. be taught5. They’ve, been done6. They’re, being taken in7. was chosen8. be made9. hasn’t been sent

D.Listen and choose the correct answer.Ex: It’s already been painted.1. All the photographs have been taken.2. The holiday decorations are being hung up.3. The beds on the third floor are ready now.4. The report is being rewritten right now.5. Mr. Williams, your VCR has been repaired.

Answers1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 46A. They Didn’t Say1. where they’re living now2. where Janet is working3. how their children are4. when he’ll be starting his new job5. when they’re going to come to New York6. when their new house will be finished7. what they’ve been doing8. why they haven’t e-mailed us9. what their telephone number is

WORKBOOK PAGE 47B. I’m Not the Person to Ask1. what this painting means2. why Robert always gets to school so early3. when the ice cream truck came by4. where Margaret works5. how Sam broke his arm6. why Alice rewrote her novel7. when the concert begins8. when the bank opens tomorrow9. what we did in French class yesterday

10. where Mom and Dad went11. how much a quart of milk costs

WORKBOOK PAGE 48C. Too Many Questions!1. when I learned to drive2. why Grandma doesn’t drive3. why the sky is blue


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4. how birds learn to fly5. why clouds are white6. what time the zoo opens tomorrow7. where that mouse is now8. .................................................9. .................................................

10. ...............................................11. ..............................................

WORKBOOK PAGE 49D. What Are They Saying?1. a 3. b 5. b 7. b 9. a2. b 4. a 6. a 8. b 10. b

E. ListeningListen and decide what is being talked about.

1. I’m sorry. I don’t know what time it arrives.Check with the ticket agent.

2. I have no idea what this means.3. Do you have any idea when this was taken?4. I have no idea what the problem is with the

engine. Check with the mechanic.5. I have no idea what time it begins. You

should look in the newspaper.6. I’m sorry. I don’t know how much this costs.

You should ask that salesperson over there.7. Do you know when they were sent?8. Do you have any idea when they were fed?

Answers1. a 3. b 5. a 7. a2. a 4. b 6. b 8. b

WORKBOOK PAGES 50–51G. You Decide: What Are They Saying?1. how much this bicycle costs

.................................................2. where the nearest clinic is

.................................................3. whose cell phone this is

.................................................4. why you’ve been late to work all week

.................................................5. when my dog will be ready

.................................................6. how long we’ve been driving

.................................................7. why Johnny is sitting in a puddle

.................................................8. when the post office opens

.................................................9. what’s in the “Chicken Surprise Casserole”

.................................................10. when you’ll be getting out of here


WORKBOOK PAGE 53I. What Are They Saying?1. a 3. a 5. a 7. a 9. a2. b 4. b 6. a 8. b 10. a

J. ListeningListen and decide where these people are.1. Can you tell me if surfing is allowed here?2. Do you by any chance know whether these

shirts are on sale?3. Do you know whether the play has begun yet?4. Do you remember if our car is on the third

floor or on the fourth?5. Do you have any idea if it’ll be arriving soon?6. Could you tell me whether there’s a lot of

pepper in the stew?7. Do you know whether swimming is allowed

here?8. Could you possibly tell me if lettuce is on sale

this week?9. Do you by any chance know if the monkeys are


Answers1. a 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. a2. a 4. a 6. b 8. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 54L. Renting an Apartment1. if it’s been rented yet2. if there’s an elevator in the building3. if the kitchen has a microwave 4. if pets are allowed5. if there’s a bus stop nearby6. if the landlord lives in the building7. if the apartment has an Internet connection8. ..............................................9. if I can see the apartment today.

WORKBOOK PAGES 55–56M. You Decide: The College Visit

1. how many students go to your school2. if I have to take any special examinations3. how I get an application form4. if the classes are difficult5. if the dormitories are noisy6. what kind of food you serve in the cafeteria7. what students do on weekends8. how much your school costs9. ..............................................

10. ..............................................

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WORKBOOK PAGE 57A. If1. b 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. a2. a 4. b 6. a 8. b 10. b

B. Scrambled Sentences1. If Barbara has a lot to do, she’ll work late at

the office tonight.2. If Tom feels energetic, he’ll clean his attic this

weekend.3. If I decide to forget about my diet, I’ll have

cake for dessert.4. If the weather isn’t nice tomorrow, I’ll stay

home and fill out my income tax forms.5. If I still have a cold tomorrow, I’ll go to the

clinic and see Dr. Lopez.

WORKBOOK PAGE 58D. ListeningListen and complete the sentences.

1. If it rains this weekend, . . .2. I’ll skip dessert if . . .3. We’ll be late for work if . . .4. If they finish their homework soon, . . .5. If our car doesn’t start tomorrow morning, . . .6. If you don’t come to class next Monday, . . .7. I know I’ll fall asleep in class if . . .8. I’ll send your package by overnight mail if . . .9. If Charlie doesn’t get a raise soon, . . .

10. Please call me if . . .11. Janet will pick up her husband at the airport

if . . .12. If the children don’t feel any better, . . .13. We won’t go on vacation if . . .14. She’ll regret it if . . .

Answers1. b 6. b 11. a2. a 7. a 12. b3. a 8. a 13. a4. b 9. b 14. a5. b 10. b

WORKBOOK PAGES 60–61F. They Might1. a 3. a 5. b 7. a2. b 4. a 6. b 8. b

G. You Decide: What Might Happen?1. you drink, . . . 5. you practice, . . .2. you put, . . . 6. you stay, . . .3. we send, . . . 7. you go hiking, . . .4. you skip, . . . 8. you get married, . . .

WORKBOOK PAGE 63I. What’s the Polite Answer?1. b 3. a 5. b 7. b2. b 4. b 6. a

J. ListeningListen and choose the polite response.

1. Do you think it will snow soon so we can goskiing?

2. Do you think you’ll lose your job?3. Will the teacher yell at us if we make a

mistake?4. Do you think the baby will cry all night?5. Will Jane go out with me if I ask her?6. Am I going to regret taking this job?7. Am I going to have trouble on my history

exam?8. Will you graduate soon?9. Will the movie be exciting?

10. Will there be pickpockets in the crowd?11. Do you think John will apologize to his sister?12. Will YOUR children give their colds to MY


Answers1. a 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. a 11. a2. b 4. b 6. b 8. a 10. b 12. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 64K. Hopes1. it rains 3. it’s

we have to cancel isit doesn’t rain it isn’t

2. it’s cold 4. isdoesn’t start we don’t haveit isn’t cold it isn’t

WORKBOOK PAGE 65L. The Exam1. you 3. isn’t 4. I

I’ll is I2. it’s she’ll I’ll

I do I’mwill be I’ll

WORKBOOK PAGE 66M. What If?1. b 3. b 5. b 7. b 9. a 11. a2. a 4. a 6. a 8. b 10. a 12. b

N. ListeningListen and choose the correct answer based onwhat you hear.1. You know, George, if you took more vacations,

you’d feel more energetic.


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2. I would enjoy listening to the orchestra if themusicians were more talented.

3. If you were more aggressive, you’d be a muchbetter used-car salesman.

4. Bob’s car would be in better condition if hetuned it up more often.

5. If they had more in common, they’d get alongwith each other.

6. If Mona were a good teacher, she’d care moreabout her students.

7. We would be able to use the Internet if ourschool had more computers.

8. If these cookies had more sugar, they’d besweeter.

Answers1. b 3. b 5. b 7. a2. a 4. a 6. b 8. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 69Q. Matching1. d 3. g 5. h 7. b 9. f 11. i2. j 4. a 6. e 8. k 10. c

WORKBOOK PAGES 71–72S. If1. she didn’t want to get

wouldn’t work overtime2. he weren’t afraid

wouldn’t be hiding3. she didn’t want to win

wouldn’t run 4. he didn’t love

wouldn’t wear5. she weren’t careless

wouldn’t make6. he didn’t want to lose

wouldn’t go7. he didn’t have

wouldn’t be 8. there weren’t

wouldn’t be driving

WORKBOOK PAGES 74–75X. Norman’s Broken Keyboard

1.Dear Amy,

I really enjoyed visiting you in your newapartment. It’s one of the nicest apartmentsI’ve ever seen. I liked everything about it: themodern kitchen and bathroom, the elegantliving room and dining room, and the sunnybedrooms. I can’t believe there’s even agarden with lemon and orange trees in front of the building. I think you’ll be very happy in your new neighborhood. It’s certainly very

convenient to be so near a supermarket, amovie theater, and a train station.

I’m looking forward to seeing you againand meeting your new neighbors.


2.To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to recommend Max Miller forthe job of computer programmer at the ABCComputer Company. During the nine yearsI’ve known him, he’s been an excellentemployee and a kind and honest friend. He’snever missed a day’s work at our company,and he’s always been on time. But mostimportant, Max Miller really understandswhat makes a good computer programmer.

Sincerely,Norman BrownManagerXYZ Computer Company

3.Dear Brian,

I just finished reading your most recentpoems, and in my opinion, they’re amazing.The poem about the environment is veryoriginal, but my favorite ones are “Missing MyMother” and “Under My Umbrella.”

According to my wife and friends, you’rebecoming famous in many foreign countries,and your poems are being translated intoRussian, Chinese, German, Spanish, andJapanese. I think that’s fantastic!

Have you begun writing your new novelyet? I wonder when we’ll be hearing moreabout it.


4.Dear Michael,

Remember when you explained to me howto make your mother’s famous chicken andmushroom casserole? Well, I made some fordinner last night, and I’m afraid somethingmust have gone wrong. I might have burntthe chicken, or maybe I didn’t put in enoughonions and mushrooms. I don’t know whathappened, but I know I must have made somemistakes because nobody enjoyed it verymuch. Tom and Nancy didn’t complain, butthey said yours was much more delicious.


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Do you think you could send your mother’srecipe to me by e-mail so I can try it again?When you explained it to me, I should havewritten it down.


WORKBOOK PAGES 76–77CHECK-UP TEST: Units 4–5A.1. when the next train will be leaving2. if/whether Michael was at work yesterday3. how much this suit costs4. if/whether there’s a laundromat nearby5. why David got up so early6. if/whether Martha took her medicine this

morning7. how long we’ve been waiting

B.1. have 6. it doesn’t2. he’d be 7. wins3. she wouldn’t go 8. will be4. don’t get 9. fed 5. you won’t

C.1. didn’t work, she wouldn’t be2. studied, he’d get3. had, they’d get along4. weren’t, she wouldn’t make

D.Listen and complete the sentences.Ex. If the weather is nice this weekend, . . .1. If I miss the bus, . . .2. If I were more careful, . . .3. You’ll regret it if . . .4. If I didn’t have to work overtime, . . .5. If she weren’t busy this weekend, . . .

Answers1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 78A. What’s the Word?1. b 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. a2. a 4. b 6. a 8. a 10. b

B. If1. were 5. ate2. went out 6. lost3. got lost 7. quit4. had 8. sold

WORKBOOK PAGE 79C. You Decide: If1. .............................

she would, She’d be2. .............................

he would, He’d be3. .............................

he/she would, He’d/She’d be4. .............................

they would, They’d be5. .............................

he/she would, He’d/She’d be6. .............................

she would, She’d be

WORKBOOK PAGE 80D. What’s the Word?1. b 3. b 5. a 7. a 9. b 11. b2. a 4. b 6. b 8. b 10. a 12. b

E. ListeningListen and complete the sentences.

1. I wouldn’t grow a beard if I were you. If yougrew a beard, . . .

2. I’m not feeling well today, but if I feel bettertomorrow, . . .

3. You know, I wouldn’t ride in that old car if Iwere you. If you rode in that old car, . . .

4. If I have some time this weekend, . . .5. I wouldn’t show this political cartoon to the

president. If you showed it to him, . . .6. To be honest, I wouldn’t go to Alaska in

February. If you went there in February, . . .7. If I have to spend a lot of money on car

repairs this year, . . .8. If I were you, I wouldn’t buy a used computer.

If you bought a used computer, . . .9. If you skip today’s meeting, I know . . .

10. To be honest with you, I wouldn’t start anInternet company if I were you. If you did, . . .

11. If you keep on parking your car in my parkingspace, . . .

12. To tell the truth, I wouldn’t marry George if Iwere you. If you married him, . . .

Answers1. b 3. b 5. b 7. a 9. a 11. b2. a 4. a 6. b 8. b 10. b 12. a

WORKBOOK PAGES 81–82F. Personal Opinions1. went, you’d, fall2. I’d, He’d, tune it up3. went, you’d, have4. you painted, it would 5. wouldn’t drive, you drove, you’d


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6. wouldn’t have, you had, would be7. wouldn’t see, you saw, you’d8. were, you bought, it would9. .............................

WORKBOOK PAGE 83H. What Do They Wish?

1. b 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. a2. a 4. b 6. a 8. b 10. b

I. ListeningListen and complete the conversations.

1. A. Do you think the weather in London issunny and warm at this time of year?

B. No, I don’t. But I wish . . .

2. A. Are you unhappy when I talk too much?B. Yes, I am. I wish . . .

3. A. Does your daughter enjoy her Englishclass?

B. Yes, she does. But she wishes . . .

4. A. Do you think Michael daydreams too muchin class?

B. Yes, I do. I wish . . .

5. A. Do you like scary movies?B. Yes. As a matter of fact, I usually wish . . .

6. A. Are you annoyed when I sing loudly in theshower?

B. The truth is, I wish . . .

7. A. Do you like your cell phone?B. Yes, I do. But I wish . . .

8. A. Are you tired of getting stuck in traffic?B. Of course, I am. I wish . . .

9. A. Do you like being single?B. It’s okay. But the truth is, I wish . . .

10. A. Are you enjoying living in your newapartment?

B. It’s fine, but it’s a little too small. I wish . . .

11. A. Is Harry upset about being laid off?B. He certainly is. He wishes . . .

12. A. Are you worried when I don’t call you?B. Yes, I am. I wish . . .

Answers1. b 3. a 5. b 7. b 9. b 11. b2. b 4. b 6. a 8. a 10. a 12. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 84J. I Wish1. I wish I felt 2. I wish, were 5:003. I wish I sang 4. I wish I taught5. I wish, gave 6. I wish I had a dog.

WORKBOOK PAGE 85L. Looking for a Job1. I could2. you could3. you’d be4. you could repair DVD players5. would be6. I could/I were able to7. .......................8. .......................9. .......................

10. you could ....................11. would be12. could/were able to13. you could/you were able to be14. you wouldn’t have15. .......................16. .......................17. I’d18. .......................19. I could/I were able to


1. a 3. c 5. a 7. a 9. a2. b 4. b 6. c 8. b 10. c

N. ListeningListen and decide what the person is talking about.1. If your pronunciation were better, I’d be able to

understand you.2. If I planted them now, I could eat them in

three months.3. If I took driver’s ed, I could get it soon.4. If I skipped it, my mother would be angry.5. If I saved enough, I’d probably be able to visit

you.6. If I didn’t concentrate, I could make a mistake.

Answers1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 88Q. What Does It Mean?1. a 5. c 9. b 13. c2. b 6. a 10. a 14. b3. c 7. c 11. b 15. a4. b 8. b 12. a 16. c

WORKBOOK PAGE 89R. Sound It Out!1. gets 5. vacation2. take 6. Spain3. Ted 7. when4. paid 8. friend

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9. When my friend Ted gets paid, he’ll take avacation in Spain.

10. play 14. next11. eight 15. Wednesday12. tennis 16. Fred13. let’s

17. Let’s play tennis with Fred next Wednesday ateight o’clock.

WORKBOOK PAGES 90–91A. What’s the Answer?1. a 3. b 5. a 7. a 9. a2. a 4. b 6. b 8. b 10. a

B. Complete the Sentences1. had been approved, would have been able2. had rung, would have arrived3. had won, would have been4. had known, would have gotten5. had practiced, would have learned6. had taken, would have been7. had noticed, would have stopped8. had bought, would have had

WORKBOOK PAGE 93D. What’s the Answer?1. a 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. b2. b 4. b 6. b 8. a 10. b

E. ListeningListen and choose the statement that is true basedon what you hear.

1. If she had spoken more confidently at her jobinterview, she would have gotten the job.

2. If he hadn’t been late for work every day, hewouldn’t have gotten fired.

3. If it had rained, we would have had to cancelthe picnic.

4. If you hadn’t been in a hurry, you wouldn’thave made so many careless mistakes on yourhomework.

5. If I had remembered their phone number, Iwould have called them.

6. If the play hadn’t been so boring, the audiencewouldn’t have fallen asleep.

7. If we had been in the mood to go swimming,we would have gone to the beach with you.

8. If he hadn’t been speeding, he wouldn’t havegotten a ticket.

9. If I had written legibly, they would have beenable to read my letter.

10. If I hadn’t forgotten about the meeting, Idefinitely would have been there.

Answers1. b 3. b 5. a 7. a 9. a2. a 4. b 6. b 8. b 10. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 94F. How I Became a Basketball Player1. hadn’t taken me 4. hadn’t played2. hadn’t bought me 5. hadn’t gone3. hadn’t sent me 6. wouldn’t have become

G. I’m Really Glad1. I hadn’t gone 6. wouldn’t have been2. wouldn’t have 7. hadn’t been3. hadn’t learned 8. wouldn’t have 4. wouldn’t have gotten 9. hadn’t met5. hadn’t gotten 10. wouldn’t have been

WORKBOOK PAGE 95H. Why Didn’t You Tell Me?

1. you had told 13. there had been2. wouldn’t have gone 14. wouldn’t have gone3. hadn’t gone 15. hadn’t gone4. would have been 16. wouldn’t have gotten5. I had been 17. hadn’t gotten6. would have been 18. wouldn’t have 7. had been 19. hadn’t had8. would have 20. would have been9. had fixed 21. have done

22. had done10. had told 23. wouldn’t have been11. made/prepared12. had made/

had prepared

WORKBOOK PAGE 97K. What’s the Answer?1. b 3. b 5. a 7. b2. a 4. a 6. b 8. a

L. Complete the Sentences1. I had taken 5. I knew2. she had studied 6. I had seen3. he worked 7. we didn’t have to4. I had had

WORKBOOK PAGE 98M. Patty’s Party

1. hadn’t gone, had done2. hadn’t been, would have been3. hadn’t sung, played, hadn’t sung, played,

wouldn’t have had4. didn’t, had remembered/hadn’t forgotten, had,

wouldn’t have5. had known, had known, wouldn’t have been,

wouldn’t have felt


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WORKBOOK PAGE 100O. Hopes and Wishes1. could tell, can tell 4. had studied, spoke2. worked, get 5. didn’t, have, were3. had sung, sings 6. weren’t, lose

WORKBOOK PAGE 101Q. Wish or Hope?1. wish 6. wish2. wishes 7. hope3. hope 8. wishes4. wishes 9. wishes5. hopes

WORKBOOK PAGE 102R. ListeningListen and complete the sentences.

1. I wish I didn’t have an exam tomorrow. If Ididn’t have an exam, . . .

2. I hope we’re having spaghetti for dinnertonight. If we’re having spaghetti for dinner, . . .

3. I wish my brother weren’t in a bad mood allthe time. If he weren’t in a bad mood all thetime, . . .

4. I wish my daughter had taken her umbrella toschool. If she had taken her umbrella, . . .

5. I hope Jim is at the party Saturday night. Ifhe’s at the party, . . .

6. I wish I lived near a bus stop. If I lived near abus stop, . . .

Answers1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b

S. Listening: Hopes and WishesListen and complete the sentences.

1. My son isn’t feeling very well. I wish . . .2. I was confused about yesterday’s English

lesson. I hope . . .3. My best friend just moved away. I wish . . .4. Alice hates working at Paul’s Pizza Shop. She

hopes . . .5. I sometimes feel lonely. I wish . . .6. I’ll try not to step on your feet. I wish . . .7. The school play is this weekend. We hope . . .8. My daughter lost her notebook. I wish . . .9. I’m making chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

I hope . . .10. This cactus looks terrible. I wish . . .11. Our fax machine is broken. I hope . . .12. Vicky’s used car has been giving her a lot of

trouble. She wishes . . .13. I don’t have any eggs. I hope . . .14. I sometimes forget people’s names. I wish . . .

Answers1. b 6. b 11. b2. a 7. a 12. a3. b 8. a 13. b4. b 9. b 14. a5. a 10. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 103U. Have You Heard?Listen and complete the sentences.

1. This morning I met . . .2. They fell . . .3. A tailor . . .4. There isn’t enough pepper . . .5. Are you afraid . . .6. Have they made . . .7. The men . . .8. We’re going to shake . . .9. My daughter’s wedding . . .

10. Nancy’s neighbor . . .11. Barbara paid . . .12. I’ll check . . .13. I don’t want to go to school because I fail . . .14. We have to hurry because Tom’s waiting . . .15. Roger’s never . . .16. I’m Fred . . .

Answers1. b 5. a 9. b 13. a2. a 6. a 10. a 14. a3. b 7. b 11. a 15. b4. b 8. a 12. b 16. b

WORKBOOK PAGE 104A. What Did They Say?1. he was having2. they couldn’t come3. she would visit4. he had forgotten5. she was planning6. he hadn’t written7. she was, she had8. was, could pick9. had seen, hadn’t seen

10. she would be, she wouldn’t11. she had been working, needed

WORKBOOK PAGES 105–107B. Messages1. she had gotten an “A” on her biology test2. he was home from the hospital and he was

feeling much better


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3. they had seen the Colosseum, but they hadn’tgone to the Vatican yet

4. he hoped I could visit him when I came toJapan this summer

5. she was sorry, but I wasn’t the right person forthe job

6. he was very busy, and he couldn’t repair ourdishwasher this week

7. they loved Hawaii, and they were thinking ofbuying a condominium

8. he had been hoping to send me more moneyfor college, but he wouldn’t be able to becausehe was having financial problems

9. ......................................10. ......................................11. ......................................

WORKBOOK PAGE 108D. What’s the Answer?1. b 3. b 5. b 7. a2. a 4. a 6. b 8. a

E. ListeningWhat did they say? Listen and choose the correctanswer.

1. I have some good news. I can fix your car nextweek.

2. My daughter is going to have a baby in July.3. I have an important announcement.

Tomorrow’s meeting has been canceled.4. My wife was just promoted to manager of her

department.5. I don’t believe it! The bus drivers are going on

strike!6. I love Melanie, and she loves me!7. You won’t believe it! The monkeys have

escaped from the zoo!8. I’m nervous about my interview tomorrow.9. My parents sold their house and moved into a

condominium.10. I’m going to do something I’ve always wanted

to do. I’m going to quit my job and move toHollywood!

Answers1. b 3. a 5. a 7. a 9. b2. a 4. b 6. b 8. a 10. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 109F. You Decide: What Happened While Paula

Wilson Was Away?1. he had gotten married 7. ......................2. she was in the hospital 8. ......................3. she had been 9. ......................4. had had 10. ......................5. had been 11. ......................6. was going to become 12. ......................

WORKBOOK PAGE 110G. You Won’t Believe It!1. b 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. b2. a 4. b 6. a 8. a 10. a

H. ListeningListen and choose the correct answer.1. Patty, did you break up with Gary?2. How long have you been sitting here?3. Were you reading when they called?4. When are you going to repaint it?5. Are you still mad?6. When are you going to study math?7. Are they too small?8. Who fixed the kitchen floor?

Answers1. b 3. c 5. c 7. c2. c 4. b 6. b 8. a

WORKBOOK PAGES 111–112I. What Did They Ask?1. if/whether he had delivered her letter to Santa

Claus yet2. how much time I had spent on my homework3. if/whether she could have another piece of his

delicious cake4. why they always made so much noise5. if/whether the operation would hurt6. when the lecture was going to end7. if he still loved her8. why there were so many grammar rules in

English9. ..........................

10. ..........................

WORKBOOK PAGE 114K. What Did They Tell You?1. to speak confidently2. not to drive too fast3. to work quickly4. not to eat too much candy5. not to play loud music

L. What’s the Answer?1. a 3. b 5. b 7. a2. a 4. a 6. b 8. a

WORKBOOK PAGES 115–116M. Everybody Always Tells Him What to Do

1. to hurrymy breakfast was getting cold

2. not to forget my umbrellait was going to rain later

3. not to walk so slowlywe would be late for school

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4. to be quietI was disturbing the class

5. ..........................................................................

6. ..........................................................................

7. ..........................................................................

8. ..........................................................................

9. .....................................I would fail my math test if I didn’t study

10. ...................................I had to get up early for school

WORKBOOK PAGE 117N. Today at School1. to study, not to study2. to write, not to forget3. to read, not to use4. to answer, not to answer5. to practice, not to look6. .......................

.......................7. .......................

.......................8. .......................

.......................9. was expected, would be

WORKBOOK PAGE 119P. Choose the Right Word1. escaped 13. advice2. casserole 14. away3. anxious 15. sale4. lock 16. break5. bride 17. falling6. flu 18. into7. prevent 19. annoyed8. know 20. qualified9. poodle 21. dictionaries

10. grease 22. whether11. reassured 23. engaged, married12. taxes

WORKBOOK PAGES 120–121R. Who Is the Best?

Many pessimists don’t trust dentists becausethey’re scared the worst will happen. However, Dr.West’s patients are all optimistic. They think Dr.West is the best dentist in Boston.

1. Stuart likes Dr. West.

Not only is he honest, but he’s the cheapestand the most reliable dentist in Boston.

2. Stuart’s sister also thinks Dr. West iswonderful.

Dr. West works very fast and never makesmistakes. He’s the best dentist on State Street.

3. Mr. Jackson can’t stand any other dentist.

I go to Dr. West because I almost never feel anypain when I’m in his special dentist’s chair.I could stay and rest there all day.

4. Betsy always talks about Dr. West.

What I like most about Dr. West is that hedoesn’t ask a lot of questions when a patient’smouth is full of dental instruments.

5. Dr. West’s Spanish-speaking patients areespecially pleased.

Dr. West studies Spanish in his spare time. Wewon’t see any specialist but Dr. West.

6. Margaret is very enthusiastic about Dr. West.

One day I got the hiccups in his office. Dr.West just stopped and stood there waitingpatiently. He didn’t make me feel stupid at all!

7. Patty thinks Dr. West is the hardest workingdentist she knows.

Dr. West never quits working all day. He evenskips his lunch!

8. Steve also likes Dr. West.

When I broke my leg playing basketball lastspring, I missed two appointments. Dr. Westwasn’t upset at all. He even visited me in thehospital. We discussed politics and sports.That’s when I discovered that Dr. West likes toski and skate.

WORKBOOK PAGES 122–123CHECK-UP TEST: Units 6–8A.1. he were 4. she had gotten2. she had taken 5. I spoke3. he drove 6. you hadn’t eaten

B.1. had been, would have enjoyed2. didn’t eat, wouldn’t be3. hadn’t missed, she wouldn’t have arrived4. I could type, I wouldn’t be5. had been paying, wouldn’t have made6. understood, wouldn’t look

C.1. she had gotten2. what my name was

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3. if/whether I had seen her4. she was sorry she had forgotten5. he wouldn’t be able to visit6. to brush, not to eat7. when he would be 8. why I was leaving, if/whether I was in a hurry

D.Listen and complete the sentences.Ex: I wish I didn’t have to study tonight. If I

didn’t have to study tonight, . . .1. I wish I hadn’t been sick last weekend. If I

hadn’t been sick, . . .2. I wish I were an optimist. If I were an

optimist, . . .3. The landlord called this morning. He said . . .4. You won’t believe what my girlfriend asked

me! She asked me . . .5. You won’t believe what one of my students

asked me! He asked me . . .

Answers1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 124A. What Are They Saying?1. won’t she 6. haven’t we2. can’t I 7. won’t he3. don’t you 8. weren’t you4. didn’t you 9. isn’t it5. aren’t I 10. aren’t you

WORKBOOK PAGE 125B. What’s the Tag?1. a 3. b 5. b 7. a2. a 4. a 6. b 8. b

C. I Think I Know You 1. aren’t you 6. I did2. I am 7. don’t you3. haven’t you 8. I do4. I have 9. isn’t it5. didn’t you 10. isn’t

WORKBOOK PAGE 126D. What Are They Saying?1. has it 6. will you2. are you 7. have we3. do you 8. does it4. did I 9. was it5. am I 10. is it

WORKBOOK PAGES 127–128E. That’s What I Thought1. is it 7. did it

it isn’t it didn’t2. do I 8. are they

you don’t they aren’t3. have you 9. was it

I haven’t it wasn’t4. is there 10. can I

there isn’t you can’t5. has it 11. are they

it hasn’t they aren’t6. will I

you won’t

F. What’s the Tag?1. a 6. b 11. a2. b 7. a 12. b3. a 8. b 13. a4. b 9. b 14. b5. b 10. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 129G. ListeningListen and complete the sentences.

1. You live at the corner of Broadway and Main, . . .

2. You aren’t thinking of quitting, . . .3. We don’t need any more onions, . . .4. You returned your library books, . . .5. Nancy doesn’t go out with Peter any more, . . .6. You’ve done your assignment, . . .7. Your sister was invited to the wedding, . . .8. He’s been a good employee, . . .9. We won’t be leaving soon, . . .

10. My brother and I can swim at this beach, . . .11. This isn’t your parking space, . . .12. I didn’t forget to call my mother last

weekend, . . .

Answers1. b 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. b 11. a2. b 4. b 6. a 8. a 10. b 12. b

H. You Decide: A Good Father1. aren’t I 4. aren’t I2. don’t I 5.–16. ..............3. am I 17. aren’t I

WORKBOOK PAGE 131J. Surprises1. have you 3. will he

I have he willYou have He will

2. isn’t she 4. doesn’t itshe isn’t it doesn’tShe isn’t It doesn’t


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5. didn’t you 6. does heI didn’t he doesYou didn’t He does

WORKBOOK PAGE 132K. What Are They Saying?1. weren’t you 5. can’t we

you had been expecting we could leave2. don’t you 6. isn’t it

you had was3. hasn’t she 7. do I

she had been I didn’t4. is he 8. won’t you

he wasn’t going to be you would marry

L. ListeningListen and complete the conversations.

1. A. Ruth is going to be a doctor, isn’t she?B. Actually, she isn’t.A. She isn’t?! That’s surprising! I was sure . . .

2. A. You sold your house, didn’t you?B. Actually, I didn’t.A. You didn’t?! I’m surprised. I was sure . . .

3. A. This car has new brakes, doesn’t it?B. No, it doesn’t.A. It doesn’t?! I was sure . . .

4. A. You aren’t angry with me, are you?B. Actually, I am.A. You are? I’m disappointed. I was sure . . .

5. A. Your cousins from Chicago will be arrivingthis weekend, won’t they?

B. Actually, they won’t be arriving until nextmonth.

A. Oh. I was sure . . .

6. A. You didn’t get searched at the airport, didyou?

B. Actually, I did.A. You did?! I’m surprised. I was sure . . .

7. A. Children aren’t allowed to see this movie,are they?

B. Actually, they are.A. They are?! That’s very surprising! I was

sure . . .

8. A. Albert still works at the bank, doesn’t he?B. Actually, he doesn’t.A. He doesn’t?! I didn’t know that. I was

sure . . .

9. A. Cynthia was hired by the Bay Company,wasn’t she?

B. Actually, she wasn’t.A. She wasn’t?! That’s too bad. I was sure . . .

10. A. Dr. Miller can deliver babies, can’t he? B. Actually, he can’t. He’s a dentist.A. Oh. I didn’t know that. I was sure . . .

Answers1. b 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. a2. a 4. b 6. b 8. a 10. b

WORKBOOK PAGES 133–134M. High School Reunion1. You did, didn’t 6. .................

marry, did you He did, didn’tI did did he

2. You do he diddon’t, have 7. do youdo you .................I do .................

3. You are, aren’t He can, can’tare you can heI am he can

4. She was, wasn’t 8. .................chosen, was she She is, isn’tshe was ................., is she

5. She did, didn’twin, did sheshe did

WORKBOOK PAGE 135N. What Are They Saying?1. have, haven’t I2. shouldn’t, should we3. did have, didn’t they4. aren’t, are they5. is, isn’t he6. does taste, doesn’t it7. was, wasn’t I8. will, won’t we9. haven’t, have we

10. does look, doesn’t it11. did drive, didn’t I

WORKBOOK PAGE 136O. You Decide: Why Shouldn’t They

Break Up?1. is 14. was2. isn’t he 15. wasn’t I3. does 16. has4. send 17. given5. doesn’t he 18. hasn’t he6. ............. 19. .............7. ............. 20. .............8. isn’t he 21. does he9. ............. 22. .............

10. did 23. .............11. ............. 24. .............12. ............. 25. would13. didn’t he 26. wouldn’t he

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WORKBOOK PAGES 137–138Q. Beverly Wilson’s Broken Keyboard1.

Dear Betty,

You’ve probably heard from Bob about theterrible robberies we’ve been having in ourneighborhood. (There have been sevenrobberies in five weeks!) Of course,everybody’s been very worried because theystill haven’t discovered who the robbers are.

Last Wednesday, my neighbor’s bicycle wasstolen from his basement. The next evening,somebody broke into a building on BrightonBoulevard and took several silver bracelets, awallet, and two wedding rings.

Then last weekend, believe it or not, theReliable Bank was robbed. I’ll alwaysremember the evening of the robbery. I wastaking a bath, and my husband, Bill, wasreading his favorite novel in bed when Roverbegan barking. He must have heard therobbers driving away. By the time I got out ofthe bathtub, everybody in the neighborhoodwas talking about the robbers’ escape.

Well, ever since the bank robbery lastweekend, we’ve all been very nervous. Some of the neighbors are so worried that they’rethinking about moving away. Bill and I havebeen wondering what we should do.



2.Dear Betsy,

We’re having a wedding anniversarycelebration on Wednesday for my brother-in-law, Barry, and his wife, Roberta, and wewould love it if you and your husband, Walter,were there. It won’t be a very big celebration,just a few relatives, William, Vincent,Elizabeth, Steve, and of course my brothersand their wives.

We’ve heard that your brother’s little boyBobby is visiting you this week. Why don’tyou bring him along with you when you comeover on Wednesday?



3.Dear Albert,

We’re having a wonderful time on ourvacation in Boston, but we wish you and yourwife were here with us. I’m positive both youand Barbara would love it here. Barbarawould love the Boston Public Garden and theboats on the Charles River. And you wouldhave a wonderful time visiting the universitiesand the Boston Public Library. We’re stayingwith Bill’s relatives while we’re in Boston.They live in a very modern high-rise buildingwith a beautiful view of the river. We’ve beenvery lucky. Bill’s relatives drive useverywhere.

The weather in Boston was very warmwhen we arrived, but now it’s windy. I wishwe had brought warmer clothes to wear.

By the way, Bill and I went to a livelybaseball game last Wednesday, and we’ve beento the ballet twice. We’ve also been very busybuying presents for everybody at home andsouvenirs for ourselves. (Unfortunately, weweren’t able to buy the watch your brotherWalter wanted.)



WORKBOOK PAGE 139A. What’s the Answer?1. b 3. b 5. b 7. a 9. a2. a 4. a 6. b 8. a 10. b

B. What Are They Saying?1. eating, ate2. you’d, going, went3. watching, hadn’t watched, I’d4. done/washed, doing/washing, to do/to wash

WORKBOOK PAGE 140C. What Are They Saying?1. to see 10. going2. seeing 11. going3. seen 12. going4. saw 13. went5. seeing 14. to go/going6. wouldn’t see 15. to go/going7. seeing 16. went8. seeing 17. going9. to see 18. go

19. to go


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WORKBOOK PAGE 142E. They Never Would Have Done That!1. she hadn’t hit

would have deleted2. he hadn’t been

would have driven3. I hadn’t had

would have gotten4. we hadn’t misunderstood

would have been5. he hadn’t decided

would have forgotten6. she hadn’t thought

would have put7. they hadn’t mixed up

would have erased

WORKBOOK PAGE 144H. What Are They Saying?

1. has he beenFor

2. has it hadSince

3. have you been having trouble Since

4. have you been feelingSince

5. have they hurtFor

6. has it beenSince

7. have they beenFor

8. has she wanted to buySince

WORKBOOK PAGE 145I. What’s Wrong?1. since 6. since2. for 7. for3. since 8. for4. For 9. since5. since 10. for

J. ListeningListen and complete the sentences.

1. My fax machine has been broken since . . .2. My son has had chicken pox for . . .3. Our elevator has been out of order since . . .4. My passport has been missing since . . .5. We’ve been having trouble communicating

for . . .6. He’s refused to fix our shower for . . .7. We’ve wanted to sell our house since . . .8. I’ve been having problems with my VCR for . . .9. My wisdom teeth have hurt since . . .

Answers1. a 3. a 5. a 7. b 9. b2. b 4. b 6. a 8. a

WORKBOOK PAGE 146K. What’s the Answer?1. a 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. a2. b 4. a 6. b 8. a 10. b

L. Complete the Sentences1. didn’t have to2. were3. putting, weren’t4. hadn’t5. weren’t, I’d6. figuring, I’d7. weren’t, to, I’d8. were having, had known, were having, would


WORKBOOK PAGE 148N. What’s the Word?1. to 11. by2. by 12. with3. on 13. about, to4. up 14. of5. into 15. in6. out 16. past7. about 17. at8. of 18. off9. in, with 19. from

10. up 20. on

WORKBOOK PAGE 149O. What’s the Word?1. balance 10. allergic2. passport 11. quit3. wallpaper 12. misunderstood4. suspect 13. hamster, mess5. tie 14. scrap6. slipped 15. unemployed7. ingredients 16. tournament8. wisdom 17. rewind9. move out 18. delete, files

WORKBOOK PAGE 150P. Listening

Read the questions. Listen to each passage. Thenanswer the questions.

Jeff ’s ProblemWhen I was unhappy with my job last month, myfriend told me not to complain to him. He said Ishould tell my boss how I felt. So I decided to takemy friend’s advice. I made an appointment with my

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boss and told her why I didn’t like my job. My bosslistened quietly for a while, and then she told mewhy she wasn’t satisfied with my work. She said Iworked much too slowly, I made too many mistakes,and I complained too much. She told me shethought we’d both be happier if I worked someplaceelse. I’m very sorry I listened to my friend’s advice.If I hadn’t listened to his advice, I wouldn’t havebeen fired and I wouldn’t be out of work right now.

Answers1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b

Amy and TomI started going out with Tom when I was ateenager. We fell in love with each other when wewere in high school. When I was 25 years old, Tomasked me to marry him, and I accepted. Myparents urged me not to marry Tom. They told meif I married Tom, I’d always regret it. They said hedidn’t work hard enough, he wasn’t seriousenough, and he would never be successful. Well,I’m glad I didn’t follow my parents’ advice, and soare they. Tom and I have been married for 20years, and we’ve been very happy. Tom has a goodjob, and he’s a wonderful husband and father. Oursons are teenagers now, and my parents are a littleconcerned about them because they aren’t seriousenough. But I’m not worried about my sons at all.They’re just like their father used to be.

Answers5. b 6. a 7. b 8. b

Q. Out of Place1. date 9. usher2. snowman 10. promoted3. mural 11. assemble4. apology 12. aggressive5. poodle 13. register6. customer 14. accident7. discovered 15. confused8. cactus

WORKBOOK PAGE 151S. Have You Heard?Listen and complete the sentences.

1. When are you going to wash . . .2. You’re right.3. Someday . . .4. My answer is long.5. That’s light.6. It’s time to watch . . .7. Have you hurt . . .8. I hate chopping . . .9. My brother’s voice . . .

10. I’ve heard . . .11. Why haven’t you written . . .12. Alexander brushes . . .

Answers1. b 3. b 5. a 7. b 9. b 11. a2. a 4. a 6. b 8. a 10. b 12. b

WORKBOOK PAGES 152–153CHECK-UP TEST: Units 9–10A.1. has it 6. will they2. didn’t you 7. did you3. were there 8. can’t you4. do we 9. aren’t I5. doesn’t he 10. won’t you

B.1. She hasn’t called in a long time, has she!2. That was a boring movie, wasn’t it!3. You’re right. She does work hard, doesn’t she!4. He will be a fine doctor someday, won’t he!5. They do taste wonderful, don’t they!

C.1. Where will you be staying?2. When did you get engaged?3. How much did you spend?4. How long has he been cooking?5. How many times did she mention me?6. What were you assembling?7. Why does he go to the gym?

D.1. seeing 4. saw2. seeing 5. hadn’t seen3. seen 6. to see

E.Listen and complete the sentences.Ex. I’m sorry I drove past your house. I must

have had my mind on something else. If Ihadn’t had my mind on something else, . . .

1. If I hadn’t taken a walk yesterday, . . .2. I can’t believe I deleted all my files. I must

have hit the wrong key. If I hadn’t hit thewrong key, . . .

3. I’m sure you’d get tired of going dancing . . .4. If I had known your relatives were visiting, . . .5. If I weren’t on my way to a concert, . . .

Answers1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b

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1. A 11. C 21. D 31. C2. D 12. C 22. B 32. A3. C 13. A 23. D 33. A4. B 14. D 24. A 34. B5. C 15. B 25. A 35. C6. D 16. A 26. C 36. A7. A 17. C 27. B 37. C8. D 18. B 28. D 38. B9. B 19. C 29. A 39. A

10. B 20. B 30. B 40. D

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. Who is leaving a message?39. What grade is the student in?40. Why is the student absent?

Now listen to the parent’s message and answer thequestions.School message machine: Hello. You have reachedthe Westmont High School automated attendanceline. After the tone, please leave your name andyour student’s name and grade. Then give thereason for the absence and your phone number.When you are finished, press pound to hang up, orpress zero to talk to the school secretary. [beep]

Parent: Hello. This is Helen Shaw. I’m calling aboutmy son, Greg Shaw. He’s in the ninth grade. Greghurt his ankle yesterday during the baseball game,so he won’t be in school today. I’m going to take himto the doctor. Again, my name is Helen Shaw, andmy phone number is 516-5353. Thank you.


1. C 11. C 21. C 31. A2. B 12. A 22. B 32. C3. A 13. C 23. C 33. B4. D 14. A 24. B 34. A5. A 15. D 25. A 35. A6. B 16. B 26. C 36. B7. B 17. D 27. B 37. B8. D 18. C 28. D 38. B9. C 19. D 29. A 39. A

10. B 20. C 30. B 40. D

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. Why did the person call?39. Which directions does the recording give?40. Which buses stop at the mall?

Now listen to the recording and answer thequestions.Hello. Thank you for calling Big BucksDepartment Store at the Valley Mall. For storehours, press 1. For the store address anddirections, press 2. For customer service, press 3.For questions about your account, press 4. [pause]

Store address and directions. Big BucksDepartment Store is in the Valley Mall. We arelocated at 2801 Stevens Avenue.

If you are taking public transportation, Busnumbers 19 and 21 stop in front of Big Bucks.

From the north, take Interstate 880 south to theStevens Avenue exit. Turn right on StevensAvenue and you will see the mall on the right. BigBucks is in the center of the mall.

From the south, take Route 17 north to Interstate880 north. Exit at Stevens Avenue. Turn left andyou will see the mall on the right. Big Bucks is inthe center of the mall.


1. C 11. C 21. D 31. C2. A 12. B 22. B 32. B3. C 13. C 23. A 33. C4. A 14. D 24. D 34. C5. B 15. B 25. C 35. A6. D 16. D 26. B 36. B7. B 17. A 27. D 37. A8. A 18. C 28. B 38. D9. B 19. C 29. B 39. B

10. A 20. A 30. A 40. C

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. What subject WON’T be on the test?39. When did the United States enter World War I?40. Who did the Allies fight against?





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Now listen to the conversation and answer thequestions.A. As you know, we will have a test on Friday. It

will cover the material we’ve studied in classthis month, starting with World War I throughthe end of World War II. So, let’s review somequestions to prepare you for the test. Who cantell me about World War I? What countrieswere in this war? Ana?

B. England, France, and Russia were allies. Theyfought against Germany.

A. That’s right. But what other country did theAllies fight against?

B. Austria-Hungary.A. Correct. And when did the United States enter

the war? Kevin?C. In 1917. The war ended in 1918.A. That’s right. In 1917, the U.S. joined the Allies

in their fight against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Think about the years after WorldWar I. What important event happened in theU.S. in 1929? Sonya?

D. The Great Depression. It started with thestock market crash in October, 1929.

A. Very good.


1. B 11. C 21. D 31. B2. D 12. B 22. A 32. C3. B 13. D 23. D 33. B4. A 14. A 24. C 34. B5. C 15. D 25. A 35. A6. D 16. B 26. B 36. C7. A 17. C 27. A 37. A8. B 18. A 28. B 38. D9. A 19. C 29. A 39. C

10. C 20. B 30. C 40. B

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. Why is the customer calling the store?39. How long has she had the refrigerator?40. What does the salesman offer to do?

Now listen to the conversation and answer thequestions.A. Good morning. Best Appliance Company. How

may I help you?B. Hello. This is Anita Wong. I bought a new

refrigerator from you about three months ago.The refrigerator light isn’t working correctly.

A. Do you mean the inside light?

B. Yes, the inside light. It doesn’t go on when Iopen the door.

A. I’m sorry to hear that. Have you checked theowner’s manual?

B. Yes, I have. I tried to fix it, but it still isn’tworking.

A. I see. Well, your refrigerator is still underwarranty. We can make an appointment for arepairperson to come to your home tomorrowto fix it. Let’s see. Our repairperson can comein the afternoon between one o’clock and four.Will someone be home at that time?

B. Yes. I’ll be here. Thanks very much.


1. A 11. B 21. B 31. B2. D 12. C 22. D 32. C3. C 13. D 23. A 33. B4. B 14. A 24. B 34. A5. B 15. A 25. C 35. C6. A 16. D 26. C 36. A7. D 17. B 27. A 37. C8. C 18. B 28. B 38. D9. D 19. C 29. B 39. C

10. C 20. A 30. C 40. B

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. Why is the person calling 9-1-1?39. What happened to the caller’s husband?40. What does the operator tell the caller to do?

Now listen to the conversation and answer thequestions.A. Nine-one-one emergency operator. What is

your emergency?B. My husband has cut his hand very badly.A. What is your address?B. 127 West Adams Avenue, Apartment 3B.A. I can help you. But first, tell me what

happened.B. He was cutting meat in the kitchen and he cut

his thumb. It’s a very deep cut.A. Is he breathing?B. Yes.A. And is he sitting down?B. No. He’s standing by the sink.A. Okay. Don’t hang up the phone. Follow my

instructions. I’ll tell you the first-aidprocedure. First, have him sit down rightaway.

B. Okay. He’s sitting down.



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A. Can he talk?B. Yes. He can talk.A. Good. Now take a clean, dry towel. I want you

to press the towel against the cut.B. All right. I can do that.A. Next, elevate his hand.B. Elevate his hand? What do you mean?A. You need to hold it up. His hand needs to be

higher than his heart.B. Okay.A. Can your husband hold the towel on his thumb

and keep it on the cut?B. Yes, he can do that.A. Can you drive him to the hospital or clinic, or

do you want me to call the ambulance?B. Oh no, don’t call an ambulance. I can drive

him to the clinic right now.A. Okay. Tell him to keep his hand up and keep

the towel on the cut.B. All right. Thank you so much.A. You’re welcome.


1. C 11. D 21. C 31. C2. A 12. A 22. B 32. A3. B 13. B 23. D 33. A4. C 14. D 24. C 34. B5. A 15. B 25. B 35. C6. D 16. C 26. D 36. C7. D 17. D 27. C 37. B8. A 18. C 28. A 38. D9. B 19. B 29. A 39. B

10. C 20. A 30. B 40. D

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. Why is this person calling the bank?39. What number does the person give to get

account information?40. What account information does the person

listen to?

Now listen to the phone call and answer thequestions.A. Welcome to Central Bank. For bank locations

and hours, press or say 1. For checkingaccount information, press or say 2. Forsavings account information, press or say 3.For current interest rates on our checking andsavings accounts, press or say 4. To speakwith a customer service representative, pressor say 5.

B. Two.A. For checking account information, please enter

or say your account number.B. Two–four–seven, three–nine–one,

zero–five–six.A. For security purposes, please enter or say your

personal identification number.B. Three–one–nine–three.A. Thank you. Please hold while I get your

account information. For today’s accountbalance, press or say 1. For information on thelast three deposits, press or say 2. Forinformation on the last three withdrawals,press or say 3.

B. Three.A. Check number . . . one–four–two–two . . . was

posted on . . . July ten . . . in the amount of . . .36 dollars and 40 cents. An ATM withdrawalwas posted on . . . July 12 . . . in the amount of. . . 200 dollars and zero cents. Check number . . . one–four–three–two . . . was posted on . . .July 13 . . . in the amount of . . . 170 dollarsand zero cents.


1. D 11. D 21. B 31. C2. C 12. B 22. D 32. A3. B 13. C 23. C 33. B4. D 14. B 24. C 34. A5. A 15. C 25. A 35. C6. D 16. D 26. B 36. C7. A 17. B 27. B 37. B8. C 18. A 28. D 38. B9. B 19. C 29. B 39. D

10. C 20. A 30. A 40. C

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. How did the woman hurt herself?39. What DOESN’T the nurse tell her to do?40. What should the woman do if her back isn’t

better in a few days?

Now listen to the phone call and answer thequestions.A. Hello. This is Paul, Doctor Wilson’s nurse.

How may I help you?B. I pulled a muscle in my back.A. Oh, that’s not good. How did it happen?B. Well, I work at an automobile factory, and

there was a heavy box that I needed to move. Ishouldn’t have tried to lift it, but I was in ahurry so I did it myself.



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A. Oh, so this happened at work. Do you knowthat all workplace injuries should be reportedto your employer?

B. Yes, I do. I’ve reported it. I stayed home today,but my back hurts a lot.

A. What are your symptoms?B. It’s in my lower back, and every time I move

my back hurts.A. You’ve probably pulled a muscle. The best

treatment is rest, ice, and a pain relievermedication like ibuprofen. When you areresting, lie flat on your back. Put a pillowunder your head and another pillow underyour knees. Once an hour, put an ice pack onyour back for about ten minutes.

B. Okay.A. That should relieve the symptoms. If you don’t

feel better in a few days, please call back tomake an appointment with Doctor Wilson.

B. All right. I’ll call back if it isn’t better.Thanks.

A. You’re very welcome.


1. C 11. D 21. C 31. B2. A 12. C 22. A 32. A3. D 13. B 23. B 33. B4. B 14. D 24. B 34. B5. D 15. A 25. C 35. C6. A 16. D 26. C 36. B7. B 17. C 27. A 37. A8. C 18. A 28. D 38. D9. D 19. B 29. A 39. C

10. B 20. D 30. C 40. C

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. What does the interviewer think about Ken?39. What does Ken consider his greatest strength?40. How many weaknesses does Ken talk about?

Now listen to the interview and answer thequestions.A. Well, Ken, I can see from your resume that you

are very qualified for this position.B. I’m glad to hear that.A. I see you’ve also received additional training in

computer programs.B. Yes. I always enjoy learning new things.A. I can see that is one of your strengths. What

do you consider your GREATEST strength?

B. My greatest strength is communicating wellwith others. It’s so important in healthcareservices to communicate well with patientsand co-workers. I think I’m a very goodlistener.

A. Communication IS very important. Now, whatabout your weaknesses? What do you thinksome of your weaknesses are?

B. Well, in my first position, it was difficult for meto take good notes. There was so much patientinformation to write down. I’ve gotten muchbetter, though. My notes are more completenow, and I’m working to improve them.

A. Any other weaknesses?B. Well, I need to improve my time management.

When I’m working with a patient, I sometimesforget about the time, and the appointmenttakes longer than it should.

A. That’s a common problem here, too. Managingour time with patients is very important, andwe always try to improve that.


1. C 11. A 21. D 31. B2. A 12. C 22. C 32. C3. D 13. D 23. A 33. A4. A 14. B 24. D 34. B5. B 15. C 25. C 35. C6. C 16. B 26. A 36. A7. D 17. D 27. B 37. B8. C 18. A 28. D 38. D9. B 19. C 29. B 39. A

10. B 20. B 30. A 40. D

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. What procedure is the person showing the

new employee?39. How do you know that the security alarm

is on?40. What is the last step?

Now listen to the conversation and answer thequestions.A. Since you are a new employee, I need to show

you how to turn on the security alarm.B. All right.A. If you’re the last person to leave the building

at night, you need to turn on the securityalarm before you go home. If someone tries tobreak into the building, the security alarm willring and the police will come.


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B. Okay.A. So, here’s the alarm on the wall next to the

copy machine. The top light is blue, so thatmeans the security alarm is off. If it’s red, thesecurity alarm is on.

B. I see. During the day the light will be blue,won’t it?

A. That’s right. So, right now, the light is blueand the alarm is off. Here’s how to turn on thealarm. First, push the buttons for our threeoffice areas.

B. Okay. One . . . two . . . three.A. So now you’ve pushed three area buttons and

they’re flashing red.B. Right.A. Now, push the bottom buttons to enter the

security code. It’s four–one–one–three.B. Four–one–one–three. Okay.A. Good. The last step is to push the on-off

button. Here it is at the top. When you dothis, the on-off button will start flashing red.

B. All right.A. Now the security alarm is on. You have thirty

seconds to leave the building.B. Okay. I understand.


1. C 11. D 21. C 31. C2. A 12. A 22. D 32. B3. B 13. D 23. A 33. A4. D 14. C 24. C 34. B5. C 15. A 25. C 35. C6. A 16. C 26. D 36. B7. B 17. B 27. B 37. C8. D 18. B 28. C 38. B9. D 19. A 29. A 39. A

10. C 20. B 30. B 40. D

F. Listening AssessmentRead and listen to the questions.38. What agency is the person calling?39. What number do you press for immigration?40. Which office does the person want to reach?

Now listen to the phone call and answer thequestions.A. Hello. Thank you for calling the Westside

Community Legal Aid office. Our office hoursare Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 12 PM and1 PM to 5 PM. For English, press or say 1. ForSpanish, press or say 2. For Mandarin, pressor say 3.

B. One.A. Please listen carefully for our departments and

services: For immigration, press or say 1. Forfair housing and tenant rights, press or say 2.For family law, press or say 3. For domesticviolence, press or say 4. If you wish to hearthis menu again, press or say 5.

B. Five.A. Please listen carefully for our departments and

services: For immigration, press or say 1. Forfair housing and tenant rights, press or say 2.For family law, press or say 3.

B. Three.A. You have reached the Family Law office of

Westside Community Legal Aid. All of ourlines are busy right now. Please leave yourname and phone number, and we will call youback as soon as possible.


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1. pen2. book3. pencil4. notebook5. bookshelf6. globe7. map8. board9. wall

10. clock11. bulletin board12. computer13. table14. chair15. ruler16. desk17. dictionary18. living room19. dining room20. kitchen21. bedroom22. bathroom23. attic24. yard25. garage26. basement27. restaurant28. bank29. supermarket30. library31. park32. movie theater33. post office34. zoo35. hospital36. read37. cook38. study39. eat40. watch TV41. sleep42. play the piano43. play the guitar44. play cards45. play baseball46. drink47. teach48. sing49. listen to music50. plant 51. listen to the radio52. swim53. fix ___ sink54. fix ___ car55. fix ___ TV

56. fix ___ bicycle57. clean ___ apartment58. clean ___ yard59. feed ___ cat60. feed ___ dog61. paint62. do ___ exercises63. wash ___ clothes64. wash ___ windows65. wash ____ car66. brush ___ teeth67. wash ___ hair68. tall – short69. young – old70. heavy/fat – thin71. new – old72. married – single73. handsome – ugly74. beautiful/pretty –

ugly75. large/big –

small/little76. noisy – quiet77. expensive – cheap78. easy – difficult79. rich – poor80. sunny81. cloudy82. raining83. snowing84. hot85. warm86. cool87. cold88. ride ___ bicycle89. bake90. dance91. school92. hotel93. gas station94. bus station95. clinic96. fire station97. bakery98. video store99. barber shop

100. laundromat101. drug store102. church103. department store104. police station105. hair salon106. book store107. health club108. cafeteria

109. train station110. sad111. happy112. angry113. nervous114. thirsty115. hungry116. hot117. cold118. sick119. embarrassed120. tired121. scared122. cry123. smile124. shout125. bite ___ nails126. perspire127. shiver128. blush129. yawn130. cover ___ eyes131. mechanic132. secretary133. teacher134. baker135. truck driver136. chef137. singer138. dancer139. actor140. actress141. have lunch142. have dinner143. go swimming144. go shopping145. go dancing146. go skating147. go skiing148. go bowling149. headache150. stomachache151. toothache152. backache153. earache154. cold155. fever156. cough157. sore throat158. work159. type160. shave161. wait for the bus162. sit163. apples

164. bananas165. bread166. cake167. carrots168. cheese169. chicken170. eggs171. fish172. grapes173. ketchup174. lemons175. lettuce176. mayonnaise177. meat178. mustard179. onions180. oranges181. pears182. pepper183. potatoes184. salt185. soy sauce186. tomatoes187. butter188. coffee189. cookies190. flour191. ice cream192. milk193. orange juice194. rice195. soda196. sugar197. tea198. yogurt 199. airport200. baseball stadium201. concert hall202. courthouse203. flower shop204. hardware store205. ice cream shop206. motel207. museum208. parking garage209. pet shop210. playground211. shoe store212. toy store213. university214. high school

Numerical List

438 PICTURE CARDS Numerical List


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PICTURE CARDS Alphabetical List 439

actor 139actress 140airport 199angry 112apples 163attic 23

backache 152bake 89baker 134bakery 97bananas 164bank 28barber shop 99baseball stadium 200basement 26bathroom 22beautiful 74bedroom 21big 75bite ___ nails 125blush 128board 8book 2book store 106bookshelf 5bread 165brush ___ teeth 66bulletin board 11bus station 94butter 187

cafeteria 108cake 166carrots 167chair 14cheap 77cheese 168chef 136chicken 169church 102clean ___ apartment 57clean ___ yard 58clinic 95clock 10cloudy 81coffee 188cold 117cold 154cold 87 computer 12concert hall 201cook 37cookies 189cool 86cough 156courthouse 202cover ___ eyes 130cry 122

dance 90dancer 138

department store 103desk 16dictionary 17difficult 78dining room 19do ___ exercises 62drink 46drug store 101

earache 153easy 78 eat 39eggs 170embarrassed 119expensive 77

fat 70feed ___ cat 59feed ___ dog 60fever 155fire station 96fish 171fix ___ bicycle 56fix ___ car 54fix ___ sink 53fix ___ TV 55flour 190flower shop 203

garage 25gas station 93globe 6go bowling 148go dancing 145go shopping 144go skating 146go skiing 147go swimming 143grapes 172

hair salon 105handsome 73 happy 111hardware store 204have dinner 142have lunch 141headache 149health club 107heavy 70 high school 214hospital 35hot 116hot 84hotel 92hungry 115

ice cream 191ice cream shop 205

ketchup 173kitchen 20

large 75

laundromat 100lemons 174lettuce 175library 30listen to music 49listen to the radio 51little 75living room 18

map 7married 72 mayonnaise 176meat 177mechanic 131milk 192motel 206movie theater 32museum 207mustard 178

nervous 113 new 71 noisy 76 notebook 4

old 69, 71onions 179orange juice 193oranges 180

paint 61park 31parking garage 208pears 181pen 1pencil 3pepper 182perspire 126pet shop 209plant 50play baseball 45play cards 44play the guitar 43play the piano 42playground 210police station 104poor 79post office 33potatoes 183pretty 74

quiet 76

raining 82read 36restaurant 27rice 194rich 79 ride ___ bicycle 88ruler 15

sad 110salt 184

scared 121school 91secretary 132shave 160shiver 127shoe store 211short 68shout 124sick 118sing 48singer 137single 72sit 162sleep 41small 75smile 123snowing 83soda 195sore throat 157soy sauce 185stomachache 150study 38sugar 196sunny 80supermarket 29swim 52

table 13tall 68 tea 197teach 47teacher 133thin 70thirsty 114tired 120tomatoes 186toothache 151toy store 212train station 109truck driver 135type 159

ugly 73, 74university 213

video store 98

wait for the bus 161wall 9warm 85wash ___ car 65wash ___ clothes 63wash ___ hair 67wash ___ windows 64watch TV 40work 158

yard 24yawn 129yogurt 198 young 69

zoo 34

Alphabetical List

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440 PICTURE CARDS Categories

Adjectivesangry 112beautiful 74big 75cheap 77cold 117difficult 78easy 78 embarrassed 119expensive 77 fat 70handsome 73 happy 111heavy 70 hot 116hungry 115large 75 little 75married 72 nervous 113 new 71 noisy 76 old 69, 71poor 79pretty 74quiet 76rich 79 sad 110scared 121short 68sick 118single 72small 75tall 68 thin 70thirsty 114tired 120ugly 73, 74young 69

Ailmentsbackache 152cold 154cough 156earache 153fever 155headache 149sore throat 157stomachache 150toothache 151

Classroomboard 8book 2bookshelf 5bulletin board 11chair 14clock 10computer 12desk 16dictionary 17globe 6

map 7notebook 4pen 1pencil 3ruler 15table 13wall 9

Communityairport 199bakery 97bank 28barber shop 99baseball stadium 200book store 106bus station 94cafeteria 108church 102clinic 95concert hall 201courthouse 202department store 103drug store 101fire station 96flower shop 203gas station 93hair salon 105hardware store 204health club 107high school 214hospital 35hotel 92ice cream shop 205laundromat 100library 30motel 206movie theater 32museum 207park 31parking garage 208pet shop 209playground 210police station 104post office 33restaurant 27school 91shoe store 211supermarket 29toy store 212train station 109university 213video store 98zoo 34

Foodsapples 163bananas 164bread 165butter 187cake 166carrots 167cheese 168

chicken 169coffee 188cookies 189eggs 170fish 171flour 190grapes 172ice cream 191ketchup 173lemons 174lettuce 175mayonnaise 176meat 177milk 192mustard 178onions 179orange juice 193oranges 180pears 181pepper 182potatoes 183rice 194salt 184soda 195soy sauce 185sugar 196tea 197tomatoes 186yogurt 198

Homeattic 23basement 26bathroom 22bedroom 21dining room 19garage 25kitchen 20living room 18yard 24

Occupationsactor 139actress 140baker 134chef 136dancer 138mechanic 131secretary 132singer 137teacher 133truck driver 135

Verbsbake 89bite ___ nails 125blush 128brush ___ teeth 66clean ___ apartment 57clean ___ yard 58cook 37cover ___ eyes 130

cry 122dance 90do ___ exercises 62drink 46eat 39feed ___ cat 59feed ___ dog 60fix ___ bicycle 56fix ___ car 54fix ___ sink 53fix ___ TV 55go bowling 148go dancing 145go shopping 144go skating 146go skiing 147go swimming 143have dinner 142have lunch 141listen to music 49listen to the radio 51paint 61perspire 126plant 50play baseball 45play cards 44play the guitar 43play the piano 42read 36ride ___ bicycle 88shave 160shiver 127shout 124sing 48sit 162sleep 41smile 123study 38swim 52teach 47type 159wait for the bus 161wash ___ car 65wash ___ clothes 63wash ___ hair 67wash ___ windows 64watch TV 40work 158yawn 129

Weathercloudy 81cold 87 cool 86hot 84raining 82snowing 83sunny 80warm 85


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17th century 48401(k) plan 144ba day/week/month/year ago

76a few days ago 100a few weeks 153a little while ago 3a long time 4a second/minute/hour ago

56a week later 64ca while 50abacus 47abandon 48abbreviation 124babdomen 78aabout 6about an hour 40about to 155above (adj) 64babsence 14babsent 14babuse (n) 108dabuse (v) 158caccent 5access 69accident 28accident report 34accidentally 38according to 30caccount 94aaccounting 124baccounting department 124baccrue 144baccurately 141accusation 140accused 158bacetaminophen 108dacid 47action 50active ingredient 108dactively 50activity 14cactress 5actually 14aadapt 144cadaptable 144cadd 46cadditional 30baddress 62adjust 42adjustment 158cadministration 124cadministrative assistant 124badmissions office 61Adolf Hitler 46aadvance (v) 144cadvanced 17advancement 124aadvice 64cadvise 122

Afghanistan 46cafraid 14bAfrican-American 46bafter a few seconds 157after five o’clock 120afternoon 5again 50against 30cage 158bagency 64cagent 51aggressive 65ago 30cagree 57aid 46bailment 108dair 78aair conditioner 153air conditioning 159airline 82airplane 2airport 16airway 78aalarm 35alarm clock 97alcoholic drink 108dalert 14call day/night 7all last week 23all morning/afternoon/

evening 28all the time 75all winter/spring/

summer/fall 108allergic 75allergic reaction 108dallergy 108dAllied 46aAllies 46aallow 43ally 46aalmost 38almost an hour 119alone 114along with 158aalready 6alteration 64balways 13AM station 64aamaze 47amazing 9ambulance 50Americans 46aamount 94camphitheater 48analyze 159ancient 47angry 25animal 43ankle 55annoyed 84

annual 104another 14banswer (n) 57answer (v) 30canswer the phone 15answering machine 162antacid 108dantibiotic 47anxious 60any time 111anymore 121apartment 6apartment building 38apologize 15apology 26appliance 64bapplicant 127apply 39appointment 18appreciate 79appropriate 124aappropriately 125approve 97approved 124bapproximately 48aquarium 10archeologist 33architect 44architecture 44area 46cargue 7argument 25Arlington, Virginia 46carm 60armed forces 43army 37around 9arrangements 124carrest 30carrive 18arthritis 108darticle 50as well as 144baside from 115ask 6ask for 64caspect 159assassinate 57assemble 8assembly line 104assembly-line worker 104assist 124cassistance 46bassistant 2assistant director 124cassociate 144cAssociate of Arts 124cassociate’s degree 124bassociates 124bat least 8at midnight 80

at night 153at sea 115at the end 64cat the same time 14cATM 94batomic bomb 46aattach 78cattack (n) 46aattack (v) 45attempt 46aattend 14battention 14cattitude 124aattorney 158cattract 144caudience 95audition 16aunt 36Austria-Hungary 46aauto 42auto mechanic 111auto repair shop 42automated 159automated telephone system

82automatic teller machine 159automatically 64cautomobile company 104automobile factory 104available 94baverage (n) 94cavoid 94baward (v) 47aware 42away 11away from 78bawful 37ax 49

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)124b

baby 134baby food 83baby picture 83baby-sit 111Bachelor of Arts 124cback (adv) 30cback (n) 22back and forth 142background 125backyard 92bacteria 47bad 14bbad dream 23badly 50bag 59baggage 160bake 101balance (n) 94bballoon 6bank 1

The number after each word indicates the page where the word first appears in the text.(adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb, (n) = noun, (v) = verb.

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bank account 94abar code 159barber 117bark (v) 75base camp 49baseball 50baseball stadium 92based on 94cbasic 144bbasic cable service 94cbasketball 106basketball player 118basketball team 106bath 6bathtub 114battery 42battle 48be born 49be quiet 121beach 10beard 83beast 48beat (v) 127beautiful 32beauty 49because 14bbed 23bee 38beef stew 100beep 78cbefore 14cbefore nine o’clock 120begin 11beginning 17behave 14cbehind 38believe 9bell 79below 78abelt 64bbend 108abenefits 46aBerlin Wall 46abest 14cbetter 16Better Business Bureau 64cbetween 14cbeware 108ebicycle 47bicycle lamp 47bicyclist 31big 13bilingual 124bbill (n) 28bill (v) 64cbill of sale 64bbiology 29bird 118bird food 149birthday 35birthday cake 80birthday party 68birthday present 35birthmark 51bite (v) 28bleeding problem 108dblender 64ablock (n) 30ablock (v) 78ablood 4blood cholesterol 108b

blood pressure 108bblood sugar 161blow 13blow away 13blow out 80boat 161body 14bbody language 126bomb (v) 46abombing (n) 46abonus 70bonus check 127book 14cbook store 61bookcase 108ebookkeeper 124bborder 46bbored 143borrow 46aboss 1Boston 46cbother 76bottle 79bottom 94abox 47boy 105boyfriend 104brag 125brain damage 78abrakes 42brave 28bread 64abreadline 46abreak (n) 3break (v) 20break into 77break out 44break up 12breakfast 10breathe 78abride 109bridge 46abright 80bring 50bring back 64cbring in 64cBritish 46aBroadway 79broken 42broom handle 78cbrother 9brother-in-law 115brush (n) 64bbudget (n) 94cbudget (v) 94cbug 161build 9building 33bulb 30cbully (v) 14bbullying (n) 14bbump (n) 108abumper 42burn (v) 64aburnt 65burnt out 30cbury 48bus 7bus driver 59bus number 30bbus station 61

bus stop 38bush 13business 37business letter 126business manager 124ebusiness writing 126business administration 124cbusiness manager 124cbusy 6button 64abuy 6by the time . . . 69

cable TV 45cactus plant 95cafeteria 105cake 17cake tin 47calcium 108bcalendar year 144bcall (n) 82call (v) 14bcall back 114call in 30ccall (someone) names 14bcalorie 108bcamera 49camping 43canal 48cancel 12candidate 124bcandle 80candy 121capital 57capture 45car 5car key 56car payment 94ccare 14ccareful 72carefully 16careless 75carpenter 47carpentry 124bcarry 30ccarry over 144bcarsick 65cartoon 33case 82cash 94acash register 124ccashier 58casserole 31cast 50casual 125cat 87catch 22cause (v) 28CD player 70ceiling 78ccelebrate 134celebration 13cell phone 8center 78ccentury 48ceremony 11certain 94ccertainly 18certification 124bcertified 124bcertified check 94a

chain 144cchair 13chalkboard 14cchallenge (n) 144cchallenging 125champion 50championship 134change (v) 30ccharacter 46bcharacteristic 62charge (n) 64acharge (v) 42charity 81cheap 70check (n) 94acheck (v) 30acheck in 82check out 30ccheck with 54check writing 94bchecking account 94acheckout line 159checkup 73cheese 52chef 156chemistry 29chemistry set 95chicken 80chicken pox 145child 13child support 158cchildren 9chime 80chin 93chirp 78cchoice 94bchoke 78acholesterol 108bchoose 37chorus 124ccircle (n) 78ccircumstance 64bcitizenship 158acitizenship examination 158acity 43city council 158acity hall 30ccivic 158bcivil 158ccivil offense 158bcivil rights movement 46bCivil War 57civilians 46cclass 14aclassified ad 83classmate 14bclassroom 14aclean (adj) 100clean (v) 6clean up 108eclerical duties 124cclerk 64cclinic 61clip (v) 41clock 80clock radio 64aclog 121close (adj) 50close (adv) 72close (v) 11close down 104

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closed 70closely 124acloser 72closing (n) 14bclothes 18clothing 44clover 80coach 118cockroach 145coffeemaker 159coin 65cold (n) 14bCold War 46bcollapse 46acollect 94ccollege 5college education 81college entrance exam 109color 46bcolorful 33Colosseum 48combustible 108ecome 20come back 20come down with 12come forward 30ccome from 180bcome over 154come true 80come up with 14ccomfortable 50comfortably 19common cold 135commonly 50communicate 29communicator 124acommunist 46bcommunity 30ccommunity center 158acommunity college 124ccommunity development

124ccommunity member 30ccommunity service 43commute (v) 92compact disc 47company 6company picnic 29compare 94ccompete 46acompetition 12complain 64ccomplaint 64ccomplete (v) 44completely 26compose 32composition 3computer 17computer chip 159computer network 161computer science 124bcomputer software company

126computer system 6computerized 159computerized cash register

159concentrate 14cconcern (n) 14cconcerned 21concert 20

concert hall 61condition 42conditional 82conditional sentence 82condo 104conductor 51confidence 126confident 42confidently 16conflict 46cconfused 30cconfusing 50congratulations 50Congress 73connect 48conquer 45conservative 18conservatively 125consider 44considerate 141construct 47construction 44consultant 124cconsume 108bconsumer 64cconsumer affairs 64cconsumer affairs department

64cconsumer hotline 64ccontact (n) 108econtact (v) 14ccontain 108bcontainer 108bcontent 46bcontents 78ccontinue 46ccontract 37contribute 127control (v) 46bconvenience 94bconversation 14cconvince 30cconvinced 104cook (v) 17cookie 16cookie jar 106cooperate 30ccooperative 141copier 144acopy machine 3corn 2corporation 47correct 30acorrectly 144acorrespondence 124ccorrosive 108ecost (v) 53costs (n) 94ccotton 99cough (n) 108dcough (v) 78acough out 78acounsel (v) 158ccounseling 144bcounselor 14ccounting machine 47country 28country music 79couple 129coupon 94ccourier 31

course 61cousin 29cover (v) 64bcoverage 64bco-worker 6CPR (cardiopulmonary

resuscitation) 78acracked 64ccrash (v) 46ccrash into 46ccrazy 156create 47creation 46bcredit 64ccredit card 64ccredit card company 64ccredit card statement 64ccrime 30ccriminal (adj) 158ccriminal law 158acriminal offense 158bcrop 47crowd (n) 159crowd (v) 30ccrowded 69cry 52cup 108bcure 135curious 21current 94bcurrently 78ccustomer 64bcustomer service 64ccustomer service number

64bcustomer service

representative 64ccut (v) 108ecut into 144ccut out 94c

dad 20daily 14cdaily amount 108bdaily balance 94bdaily value 108bdairy product 108adairyman 79damage (n) 64bdamaged (adj) 64cdance (v) 7dance floor 13dance lesson 103dance music 6danger 108ddata 159data entry 124cdatabase 124cdate (n) 14bdate (n) 122date (v) 138daughter 12day 5day after day 71day shift 83daydream 15days of operation 30bday-to-day 124cdeaf 47deal with 125dealer 64b

Dear ____, 14bdebt 81decide 13decision 150Declaration of Independence

57declare 46adecoration 6dedicate 48dedicated 141dedication 144cdeduct 64cdefeat (v) 50defect 64bdefective 64adefer 144bdefinitely 18definition 158adelete 149deliberate 158bdelicious 33deliver 9democracy 46cdemocratic 46bdental assistant 124bdental insurance 144bdental plan 144bdental practice 124bdental services 144bdentist 76dentist appointment 14bdepart 30bdepartment 39department store 44depend 122dependable 124adependent (n) 144bdeposit (n) 94adeposit (v) 159depression 46adescribe 125design (v) 33desktop computer 64cdessert 15destination 159destroy 44details 56develop 47developer 124bdevelopment 124bdiabetes 108ddiagnose 159dial 159diarrhea 108ddictator 46cdictionary 43die 46cdiet 23dietary fiber 108bdifference 14cdifferent 30cdifferently 18difficult 92digital camera 159diner 145dinner 23dinner guest 68dinosaur skeleton 31diploma 124bdirect (v) 33direct deposit 94b

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directions 101directly 126disagree 30cdisappointed 25disc 47disconnect 148discount 94bdiscover 45discrimination 46bdiscuss 14bdisease 99dishes 34Disney World 94cdisposable 64bdispute (v) 64cdistance 78cdistribute 35disturb 121divide 46bdivorce 158cdizziness 108ddizzy 108dDMV (Department of Motor

Vehicles) 124bdo 1do homework 14cdo over 121do poorly 14cdo sit-ups 1do well 14cdoctor 21doctor’s appointment 14bdoctor’s examination 14cdoctor’s office 124bdocument 124cdocument feeder 144adog 6dog biscuit 23dollar 79dolphin 129domestic violence 158cdoor 75dosage cup 108ddose 108ddowned 108edownstairs 153downtown 22dramatically 159draw 2draw (a gun) 30cdream (n) 23Dresden, Germany 46adress 19dressed up 65drill (n) 76drill (v) 78cdrive 1driver 30cdriver’s ed 83driver’s license 124bdriveway 22driving test 16drop (v) 46adrop in 65drop out 85drown 22drowsiness 108ddrug 108ddrug abuse 108ddrug testing 124bdrums 84

duck (v) 108edue 158adues 64cduring 13during the day/night 13during the period 1460 to

1470 a.d. 48during the week/month/

year 18duties 124bDVD player 155dye 118

each 14ceach day/week/month/ year

127ear 108dearly (adv) 13earn 94bearnings 144bEastern Europe 46beasy 141eat 1economic 46aeconomically 46beconomy 46aeducation 14ceducation program 46befficient 141effort 46begg 53elaborate 48elect 50election 158aelectric 44electric light 44electric shock 108eelectric toothbrush 64aelectricity 124belectrocuted 22electronic 47electronics store 64celegant 32elevator 132eligible 144be-mail (n) 69e-mail (v) 124be-mail address 105embarrassed 85emergency 77emergency fund 94cemergency operator 78aemergency procedure 78aemergency room 108demotional 158cemploy 124aemployee 3Employee of the Month/

Year 37employer 124bemployment agency 125employment application 16enable 159encore 97encounter (v) 30cencourage 14cend (n) 64cend (v) 11energetic 66energy 14cengaged 110

engagement 138engine 42engineer 47England 46aEnglish 21enjoy 14cenlarge 48enormous 46benough 16enroll 82ensure 82enter 46aentertain 48enthusiastic 124aentire 17environment 73equal to 144bequipment 39equivalent 124berase 149erect 48escape 78bescape plan 78bescape route 78bespecially 50establish 46aestimate (v) 48European 46aevacuation 108eevaluate 124ceve 80even 13evening before 10evening of 13event 13every 116every day/night 70every morning/afternoon/

evening 102everyone 30cevict 28eviction 158cexact 161exactly 103exaggerate 127exam 25examination 122examine 50Excel 124bexcellent 42exchange 50exchange center 64bexcited 113exciting 39excuse (v) 14bexercise (v) 73exercises 103exhausted 25exit (n) 108eexit (v) 108eexit route 78bexotic 79expect 50expenses 94cexperience 19expert 48expiration date 108dexpire 64aexpired 64aexplain 30cexplore 49

explosion 108eexpress (v) 64cextension 128extra 14cextra help 14cextremely 13eye 56

face 108efact 108bfactory 12fail 15faint 127fair 64cfair housing 158cfair housing office 158cfall (n) 103fall (v) 78cfall asleep 14afall down 13fall in love 111fall through 22falling 80false 50familiar 124afamily 13family law 158cfamily life 14cfamily member 144bfamily trip 49family vacation 94cfamous 44fan 83fantastic 37far 150farm 46afascinating 33fast 16fast-food lunch 94cfast-paced 124bfat 108bfather 115favorite 48fax (n) 6fax (v) 124bfederal 158afee 64bfeed 3feedback 141feel 13feel well 96feelings 79feet 149ferry 11fever 108dfew 14bfewer 108bfiber 108bfiddler 79field 47field (of knowledge) 124bfight (n) 14afight (v) 46afigure out 94cfile (v) 64cfiles 145filing system 124cfill 79fill in 158afill out 64cfilm 96

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final exam 27finally 38finances 94cfinancial 28find 33find out 14cfine 42finger 81finish 11fire (n) 44fire (v) 28fire chief 50fire department 50fire extinguisher 78bfirm (adj) 126firm (n) 127firmly 126first 5first grade 5first-aid kit 78bfirst-aid procedure 78afish (n) 133fish (v) 131fist 78afit 159fix 41fixed expenses 94cflame 78cflammable 78bflash (v) 30cflat 118flat-screen 64cflavor 108dflexibility 144cflexible 144cflight 47flight attendant 51floor 13floor plan 78cflower 13flower shop 81flowerpot 31flu 12flu shot 95fluent 124cfly (v) 2FM station 64afocus (v) 50focus on 144cfolic acid 108cfolk 79folk music 79folk singer 79folk song 79follow 14cfollow-up interview

125food 6food coloring 108dfood label 108bfoot 127football 36for a week 5for five days/months/

years 5for many years 2for now 79for several weeks/

months/years 76for ten seconds/

minutes/hours 7

for the past several days/months/years 57

for the weekend 20for years 94cforce 78aforces 46bforeign language 83forget 14aform (n) 46bform (v) 46aformal 126formality 126former 115fortunately 14cfound 45fountain 80four-leaf clover 80France 46afree 64bfree of charge 64bFrench 2frequent 82frequent flier program 82frequently 94cFriday 14bfriend 7friendly 68frightened 24frisbee 137front 42front door 155frozen 161frustrating 64cfull 14cfull word 124bfull-time 83full-time job 83fund 94cfund-raising 144cfunny 33furniture 48furniture store 111future (adj) 78cfuture (n) 70

gain 46bgambler 79game 11game system 161game system software 161garage 156garbage 28garbage pail 150garden 91gas 1gas mileage 73gas-powered 47gate 79general 124bGeneral Assembly 46bgenerous 137German 47Germany 46aget 1get accepted 71get ahead 144cget along with 73get back 64cget depressed 103get engaged 115get hurt 23

get involved 14cget laid off 12get lost 15get married 13get out 30cget paid 73get ready 6get scared 28get searched 99get stopped 99get stuck 64aget stuck in traffic 15get up 19get worse 69giant 47girl 79girlfriend 12give 4give a bath 6give back 138give birth 48give blood 4give out 1give up 144cglad 37gladiator 48glasses 60global 50gloves 108eglucometer 161go 1go away 20go back 64cgo bicycling 82go bowling 82go dancing 10go fishing 4go home 84go on a safari 17go out 7go out with 85go swimming 131go through 30ago to sleep 13goal 124agod 48good 14cgovernment 46agovernor 44GPS (global positioning

system) 161grab 78agrade 70graduate 124bgraduation ceremony 11gram 108bgrammar 82grammatically 82Grammy Award 79grandchildren 71grandma 20grandmother 14bgrandpa 20grandparent 5grape 80graphics 161gray hairs 137grease 121great 13Great Depression 46aGreat Wall of China 48

great-grandchildren 71green 79groceries 94cgrocery bill 94cgrocery store 159groom 109grow 2grow up 71guarantee (v) 64bguest 17guide 108bguilt 158bgun 30cguy 138gym 1gymnastics competition 12

hair 56haircut 4hallway 78chamburger 137hammer (n) 79hammer (v) 79hamster 145hand 25hand in 14ahand over 15handle (v) 124chandy 93hang 13hang up 6happen 11happy 37hard (adj) 144chard (adv) 13hardworking 124ahave 4hazard 108ehead 38headache 20headlight 42headphones 162headquarters 44health 46ahealth club 64chealth insurance 144bhealth program 46bhealthcare service 124bhear 12heart 81heart attack 22heart disease 108bheart surgery 108dheat 78bheat detector 78cheavy 56heel 81Heimlich maneuver 78ahelmet 108ehelp (n) 14chelp (v) 14ahelp wanted ad 124chelpful 14ahere 7hide 35high (adj) 94bhigh (adv) 48high (on drugs) 14chigh school 33high school sweetheart 115high voltage 108e

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high-rise building 91highway 158ahijack 46chike (v) 22Hindu 48hip-hop music 5hire 39Hiroshima 46ahistoric 44history 57history paper 101hit (v) 28hit-and-run accident 50hold 30chold hands 65hold together 47hold up 49hole 78choliday 14bHolocaust 46ahome 13home computer 47home health aide 124bhome phone 14bhomeowner 158ahomework 14ahomework assignment 54honest 86honestly 14chonor 39hood 42hook up 155hope (n) 70hope (v) 30chorse 2hose 64ahospital 5hot 64ahotel 124bhotline 64chours 7house 12household appliance 159housekeeping 108ehousing (n) 158chowever 13huge 48human resources 124chuman resources manager

127hundreds 46ahundreds of years later 48hungry 79hurt (v) 22husband 5

ice 22ice cream 130ice cream truck 53idea 14aidentification card 31identity 160ignore 78cillegal 30aillness 94cimagine 50immediately 78cimmigrant 30cimmigration 158cimplant (v) 159important 14c

impossible 79impress 127impressed 49impression 125impressive 33improper 64bimprove 64cin the morning 67inactive 108dIncas 48include 14cincluding 46cincome 94cincome tax 158aincome tax form 95income tax return 145increase (v) 46aincredible 9independent 46bindicate 108bindividual (n) 158aindoors 13industrious 141inflate 127influence (v) 49informal 82information 30ainformation sheet 62information technology 39ingredient 95inhabit 48inhale 108einjection 124binjure 12injury 108einnocence 158binnovation 160inside 78binsist 64cinspire 49install 44installation 64binstant messaging 14cinstantly 159instead 14cinstead of 30cinstitution 78ainstruction 64binsurance 30cinsurance agency 124binsurance company 119insurance premium 144bintense 46ainteraction 30cinterest 94binterest rate 94binterested 14cinteresting 33interests 14cinterior 44Internal Revenue Service 101international 39Internet 69Internet company 86Internet sales department

64cInternet shopping 159interpersonal 124bintersection 28interstate highway 158ainterview (v) 49

interviewer 18into 30cintroduce 46aintroductory 94binvade 45invent 33invention 31inventor 47inventory 1invest 46ainvestigate 64cinvestment 144binvite 36involved 14cinward 78aIraq 46ciron (mineral) 108biron (n) 64airrigate 47irrigation 47irritable 28island 48issue (n) 158aissue (v) 30cItaly 46aitem 94c

jacket 132jail 22jam (v) 64aJapan 46aJapanese (n) 46ajazz 110jealous 85jeans 17jewel 48jewelry 108eJewish 46ajob 18job interview 16job opening 144cjob performance 141jobless 46ajog 25join 14cjournal 4journey 49joy 79judge (n) 158bjudge (v) 46bJuly 13jury 158ajust 14cjust before 49

keep 14ckeep to 94ckeep track of 94ckey 64akeyboard 144akeyboarding 124bkid (v) 9kidney disease 108dkids 155kill 46akilometer 48king 48kiss (v) 121kitchen 61kitchen sink 121kite 47

knee 108aknit 89knitting needle 47knock down 38know 5knowledge 14cKorean War 46b

label (n) 108blabel (v) 144alaboratory 47ladder 20lake 22land (n) 79land (v) 46alandlord 25landmark 44language 43lap 25large 18last (adj) 17last (v) 46alast fall/winter/spring/

summer 13last Friday 152last July 13last night 17last week/weekend/

month/year 10late (adj) 20late (adv) 6lately 14blater 50later than ten o’clock 122launch 46claundromat 61law 41law office 124blawn 92lay off 12lead 30clead to 108bleader 46bleadership 144cleaf 80leak (v) 7leak out 64alearn 14clearner 14clearning (v) 14clearning problem 14cleast 108bleave 11leave behind 144cleave on 122left turn 30aleg 50legal 144blegal separation 158clegally 158blegend 48legibly 16length 48less 64alesson 91let (someone) know 30cletter 105letter of complaint 64clevel 78cliberate 45librarian 51

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library 14clibrary card 14clicense 30alicense number 52lie (v) 127lie in bed 77lieutenant 115life 14clife insurance 144blifeguard 51life-like 161lift 108alift weights 72light (adj) 80light (n) 30clight bulb 30clight up 81lighting (n) 14clightly 126lightning 80like 5likely 125limit (v) 14climited 64blines of communication 14clion 48liquid medicine 108dlist (n) 6list (v) 108blisten 14clittle 24live (adj) 50live (v) 7lives (n) 47living room 149local 50local government 64clocate 48location 30block (n) 155lock (v) 122lonely 28long 80long-distance 28long-term 108dlook 8look forward to 82loose 108elose 14blost 15lots of 60loud 16love (v) 79low 14clow-battery signal 78clower (v) 144blow-fat 108alow-income 158cluckily 50lucky 28lunch 1lunchtime 14clung 78alyrics 79

ma’am 30amachine 47machine guard 108emachinery 108eMachu Picchu 48mad 85

magazine 14cmagnificent 33mail (n) 6mail carrier 36maintain 48maintenance 64bmaintenance supervisor

124bmajor 47make 6make sense 82make sure 14bmake the bed 35mall 147man 28manage 90manager 38manned 47manual 144bmanufacturer 64cmap 160marathon 4March 14bmarch (n) 46bmarch (v) 89marital status 126marketing manager 144cmarketplace 50married 5marry 52Martin Luther King, Jr. 46bmass destruction 46cmass-produced 47match (n) 60match (v) 144bmaterial 44maternity leave 6math 14bmath test 103matter 30cmaximum 78cmayor 44mean (adj) 28mean (v) 53meaning 158ameasles 60measure 78cmeasuring spoon 108dmechanic 42mechanically inclined 93mediator 64cmedical 4medical assistant 124bmedical check-up 4medical clinic 60medical condition 159medical help 108dmedical plan 144bmedical school 71medication 108dmedicine 103medicine label 108dmeet 6meeting 11meeting place 78bmeeting room 1member 30cmembership 64cmembership fee 64cmemo 6memorable 49

memory 161mention 13menu 82mess 145message 109metal detector 95microchip 47microscope 47Microsoft Excel 124cMicrosoft PowerPoint 124cMicrosoft Word 124cmidnight 80midtown 60mile 133military attack 46cmilk 137milligram 108bmind 76mineral 108bminiature 159minimum 78cminimum balance 94bminister 95Minneapolis 100minority 46amiserable 103miss (v) 20missing 62missing person 62misunderstand 149misuse (n) 64bmix up 128modern 44mold 47Monday 14bmoney 38monitor (v) 82monkey 3monthly 6monthly fee 94bmood 23moon 48morning 5mortgage 95mother 71motivated 125motor 64amountain 22mountain climber 49mouth 127move 5move away 111move out 138move up 144cmovie 10movie star 109movie theater 151mow 92much later 47mug (v) 28mural 31murder 46amuscle 108amuseum 61music 5musical 79musical instrument 89musical theater company

124cmusician 93must (n) 124b

Nagasaki 46aname 56nation 46anational 44National Anthem 35national defense 158anational holiday 46bnative 43natural 49natural-born citizen 158anaturalization 158cnaturalized citizen 158anavy 109Nazi Germany 46anear 64bnearby 150neat 108eneatly 125necessary 124bneed (v) 6need to 14cneeds (n) 94bnegotiate 46aneighbor 6neighborhood 30cneighborhood association

158aneighboring 46anephew 91nervous 74network (v) 144cnetworking 125never 8new 3New Jersey 46cnew moon 80New York City 46cnewcomer 30cnews 37news conference 50news report 50newsletter 124cnewspaper 14cnewsroom 50next 70next time 18next to 108enext week/month/year 50niacin 108cnice 68niece 111night 7night shift 83nightmare 150no more than 14cNobel Prize 47no-fee 94bnoisy 92non-prescription drug

108dnormal 78bNormandy, France 46aNorth 46bNorth Korea 46bNorth Vietnam 46bnosey 93note 126notebook 43notebook computer 64anotice (n) 100notice (v) 30c

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novel 50now 18nowadays 159number 47nurse 55nurse’s office 14anursery school 100nut 80nutrient 108bnutrition 108bnutritious 14cnutshell 80

obey 108eobituary 83object 78aobjective 124cobserve 140obtain 64boccur 94cocean 48offer (n) 64coffer (v) 37office 6office assistant 124coffice building 38office duties 124boffice management 124coffice manager 6office staff 124cofficer 30aofficially 44off-site 124coften 14coil 42okay 26old 5Olympics 135omen 48on time 11on-board computer 160once 158aonce again 64cone-way street 30aonion soup 149online 14conline banking 94bonly (adj) 121only (adv) 30con-off switch 64aon-site 124copen (adj) 14copen (v) 44open flame 78copening (n) 124bopening day 44opening deposit 94bopenly 14coperate 64coperator 159opportunity 14coptimist 103option 162order (n) 48order (v) 30corganization 46borientation 30coriginal (adj) 44original (n) 144aoriginally 79other 14b

outdoor 13outdoors 13outgoing 73outreach 30coutside 28outstanding 50oven 16over 9overcooked 129overdose 108doverdue 94covernight 153overnight mail 38overnight train 153overseas 21oversee 124coversleep 15over-the-counter 108dowe 26own (adj) 14cown (v) 5owner 85owner’s manual 78c

pace (v) 142package 9packaged food 108bpaid (adj) 144bpain 108dpain reliever 108dpaint (v) 33painter 124bPanama Canal 48pancake 10pants 41paper 47paper bag 127par 78cparcel service 64cparent association meeting

158aparents 7parent-teacher association

14cparent-teacher conference

14bpark (n) 27park (v) 131part 14cparticipate 12particularly 70part-time 83part-time job 83party 6party store 6pass (v) 158apass by 70passbook 94bpassenger 82passive 50passive voice 50passport 145past 148past week 153patient 9patiently 60pay (n) 94cpay (v) 28pay attention 14cpay off 81paycheck 1

payment 94cpayroll 124cpeace 46bpeace and quiet 91peace-keeping 46bpeanut butter and jelly

sandwich 10Pearl Harbor 46apebble 80pen 128penicillin 47Pennsylvania 46cPentagon 46cpeople 28per 94bper hour 133percent daily value 108bperfect 135perform 12performance 13perfume 75period 48permanent resident 158apermission 14bpermit (v) 43person 47personal 14bpersonal audio device 162personal computer 159personal data 159personal day 144bpersonal information 126personnel 64apersonnel officer 1pet 79pet food 145philosophy 118phone 14cphone call 28photo 49photocopy (v) 124cphotograph 33photography 49photojournalist 49phrase 50physical 14cphysical condition 73physically 49physician 144bphysics 47piano 22pick out 155pick up 14apickpocket 31picnic 82picture 2piece 17pillow 149pipe 109place (n) 14cplan (n) 14cplan (v) 12plane 11plane ticket 51plant (v) 13plaque 50plasma television 64cplay (n) 11play (v) 5play baseball 22play basketball 108a

play frisbee 137playground 14apleasant 141pleased 141plumber 114plumbing 44plus (n) 124bpocket 159poem 33point out 28poison 108dpoison control center 108dpoisonous 108epolice 56police department 30cpolice officer 22police station 56policy 64apolish up 125polite 122politely 30cpolitical 33political cartoon 33politically 46bpollution 65pond 22poodle 31poor 56poorly 14cpopular 70popular music 79portable CD player 162portrait 9position 39positive 84possible 14bpossibly 55post office 3postcard 95pound 124bpour 121power 46aPowerPoint 124bpractice (n) 155practice (v) 18prefer 144cpreferred 124bpregnant 60premium 144bpremium cable TV channel

94cprepare 12prepared (adj) 13prescription drug 144bpresent (n) 124cpreserve 48president 2press 78apressure (v) 76pretty (adv) 28prevent 78bprevention 30cpreventive care 144bprevious 18prime minister 44print 50printer 64aprinting press 47privacy 159privilege 158aprobably 6

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problem 14aproblem solver 144cprocedure 78aprocess 158cproduce (v) 46aproduce department 144cproduct 46aproduct packaging 159professional 118professor 20proficient 124cprofits 71program (n) 30cprogram (v) 155progress (n) 14bproject management 124bprom 45promise (n) 46apromise (v) 64cpromising 49promote 36promoted 36promotion 124apromptly 108epronunciation 83proof 30cproof of purchase 64bproofread 124cproperty tax 158aprotect 46aprotection 78cprotein 14cprotest (n) 46bproud 50provide 14cprovider 108apublic 43publish 49puddle 31pull 47pull over 30apunch (v) 159punctual 129puppy 109purchase (n) 64bpurchase (v) 78cpurchaser 64bpurpose 48purse 28push out 78aput 28put up 104pyramid 48

qualified 119quality 78cqueen 79question 14cquick 78aQuickBooks 124bquickly 13quiet 14cquit 67quite 28quiz 16

race 50radiator 109radio 50radio station 64crain (n) 22

rain (v) 13raincoat 91raise (n) 36raise (v) 85range 144brare 99rate sheet 94creach 62reach a verdict 158breact 108dreaction 76reaction (allergic) 108dread 6reading 14cready 6real estate agent 51realize 18really 14arear 42rear window 42reassured 122rebuild 44receipt 94creceive 42receiver 159recently 4receptionist 51recipe 14crecital 91recommended (adj) 108brecord (n) 94crecord (v) 159record keeping 94brecycling 6Red Cross 78ared light 28reduce 94cre-elect 97refer 158areference 78creference (job) 124breferral 158crefrigerator 159refund 64arefuse (v) 15register (v) 44registered voter 158bregistration 30aregret (v) 67regularly 108arehearse 12reject 37relate 162related to 158crelationship 62relatives 21relax 127relieve 108dreligious 14bremember 26remote 159rent (n) 94crent (v) 13reopen 44reorder (n) 94brepaint 13repair (n) 30crepair (v) 40repair bill 49repair department 64crepair shop 40

repairs 42repeat 78areplace 42replacement 64breply (v) 126report (n) 1report (v) 30creport card 65reported speech 128reporter 49represent 108erepresentation 158crepresentative 64crepresentative (government)

65request (n) 64crequire 43required (adj) 124breschedule 127rescue worker 46cresearch 43reservation 82residency 158cresident 30cresolve 64crespect (n) 144crespect (v) 158arespirator 108eresponsibility 64cresponsible 46crest (v) 122restaurant 23restriction 64brestroom 51result (v) 64bresume 9retire 7retirement 144breturn 20return period 64creverend 46brewind 149rewrite 41rib cage 78ariboflavin 108crich 70ride (n) 132ride (v) 2right (adj) 20right (n) 64cright away 108dright now 40ring (n) 138ring (v) 79ringing 108drisk 108driver 47road 30crob 37robbery 109rock 101rock concert 20rock music 79role 159roll (v) 89roof 7room 3routine (adj) 30crude 28ruins 48rule 108e

rumor 104run 4run away 28run by 98run out of 94crun over 38run up 28rush hour 22Russia 46arusty 13

sad 33safari 17safe 30csafe deposit box 94bsafely 30csafety 78bsafety equipment 78bsafety glasses 108esafety hazard 108esafety item 108esafety poster 108esafety procedure 108esafety sign 108esafety tip 108dsail 11salad 17salary 6sale 104sales 144csales associate 124csalesman 73salesperson 54salt 67salutation 14bsame 94csandcastle 9sandwich 10Santa Claus 52SAT test 12satellite communication 159satellite dish 145satisfied 73saturated fat 108bSaturday 6save 47save (money) 79savings account 94asavings plan 144bsay 14bsay hello 98scan 159scanner 159scar 51scared 28scary 24scene 50schedule (v) 124cscholarship 50school 9school board 158aschool bus 87school play 12school zone 30aschool-bus driver 109science 16scold 101score 50Scottish 47scrap paper 145screen (v) 160

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screw 47search 99season 50seat 97second job 69Second World War 55secretary 39section 108bsecurity guard 51see 3seek 124bseem 60select 49self-conscious 93sell 9semester 17senator 25send 6“Send” button 64asend on business 37sense 82sentence 50separate (adj) 161separate (v) 46bseparately 144aserious 108dserve 43service 64bservice center 64bservice department 162services 64aserving 108bserving size 108bsession 30cset (v) 1set off 99set on fire 107set up 1settle 45several 44several weeks/months/

years ago 138sexual 158cshah 48shake hands 15share 92ship (n) 48ship (v) 64bshipping company 64cshipping department 130shirt 86shocked 138shoe store 90shoes 73shoot 46bshop (n) 40shop (v) 159shopping mall 151short 32short story 32shortly 60short-term 144bshoulder 80shout (v) 74shovel (v) 22show (v) 14cshrink 99shut down 99sick 4sick day 18sick leave 144b

sick time 144bside 22side effect 108dsidewalk 31sign (n) 14csign (v) 57signature 14bsimilar 80simple 79simply 56since 2001 5since five o’clock 5since he started college 5since last week/year 5since then 47Sincerely 14bsing 2singer 79single 87sink 121sir 30asister 5sit 60sit down 121site 48situation 19skate (v) 22skateboard (v) 130skateboarding 43ski (v) 29ski instructor 157ski resort 157skills 124askin 46bskip 15sky 80sleep (n) 14csleeping area 78csleepless 108dslope 157slowly 137small 47small talk 126smart 71smell (v) 64asmile (v) 23smoke detector 78bsmoothie 9sneeze 65snore 7snow (n) 22snow (v) 70snowman 95so 24soccer 50soccer game 108asocial crisis 46bsocial problem 14csodium 108bsofa 111soft 101softly 19software 126software developer 124bsoftware engineer 124bsolar batteries 160soldier 44solution 158asolve 64csomeday 49son 4

sonata 32song 9songwriter 79soon 16sorry 12sound 76sound (v) 78csoup 67sour 137South 46bSouth Korea 46bSoviet Union 46bspace flight 47space heater 78bspace launch 11spaghetti 132Spanish 89spare 92spare time 92spare tire 129speak 1speak up 64cspeaker 82special 13specific 14cspeech 2speech teacher 47speed (v) 30aspend 13spill (n) 108espill (v) 47splash 38spoil 67spot 70sprain 55spring 13staff 124cstairway 78cstand 30cstand out 125star 135star (n) 80star (v) 135start (n) 46astart (v) 11state 30bstate government 158astatement 64cstation 11statistics 39status 158astay 6stay home 17stay up 67steal 38steering wheel 30cstep (v) 149stick 78cstill 13sting (v) 38stock market 46astomachache 122stone 48Stonehenge 48stop (n) 30bstop (v) 13stop sign 30astorage room 78cstore (n) 44store (v) 78bstore manager 64c

stove 159straight 30astrategy 94cstreet 43strengthen 48strengths 124astrong 14cstructure 44stuck 15student 9study 7studying (n) 14csubject 50subject to 64bsubmit 30csubstance 108esuburb 87succeed 14csuccess 14csuch as 14csuddenly 46asugar 14csuit 17summer 13sun 48sundial 47sunny 66Super Bowl 91supermarket 6superpowers 46bsupervise 124csupervisor 28supplier 46csupplies 124csupply (v) 108bsupport (v) 14csuppose 84supposed to 126sure 20surfing 58surgeon general 73surgery 108dsurprise quiz 57surprised 23suspect 133swallow 108esweater 89sweep 34swim 1swing (v) 79swing set 13swinging door 108aswollen 108asymptom 108asystem 46a

table 13tag question 131taillight bulb 30ctailor 41Taj Mahal 48take 8take care of 26take control of 94ctake down 13take in 41take inventory 1take lessons 103take off 11take orders 8take out 35

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take part 160take up 47take-home pay 94ctalented 136talk 14atalk about 14btall 56tape (n) 149task 144ctaste (v) 137tax 94ctaxes 83taxi 87taxi driver 118taxpayer 158ateach 87teacher 14ateam (sports) 68team 124bteam leader 144ctease 14btechnical writing 144ctechnology 159tee shirt 9teen 108dteenager 108dtelecommute 161tele-medicine 160telephone 39telephone number 62television 14ctell 6tell time 47temple 48Temple of Angkor Wat 48temporary 124btenant 141tenant rights 158ctennis 8tennis lesson 8tennis racket 18Tenochtitlan 48tent 13term 158aterrible 23terrorist 46ctest (n) 12test (v) 78ctest button 78ctextbook 50thank 40thank-you letter 125thank-you note 126that morning/afternoon/

evening 18the day/night before 10the early hours of the

morning 44the last time 62the morning/afternoon/

evening before 10the morning/afternoon/

evening of 13The New Deal 46athe next morning 80the next week 64cthe past week 153the Saturday before 10the second time 36the week/weekend/

month/year before 10

these days 104thiamine 108cthing 1think 21this morning/afternoon/

evening 5this Saturday/Sunday/

Monday . . . 6this week/month/year 36thoughtful 141thousands 46through 14cthroughout 28throw 80throw away 80throw out 108dthrust (n) 78athumb 78athunderstorm 13Thursday 14bthus 158athyroid disease 108dticket 30cticket agent 51tie 132tie my shoes 135tie up 49tiered 94btiger 48time 14btimeline 46ctimesheet 144atip (n) 30ctip over 13tire 42tired 8tired of 64ctitle 125toaster 64atoday 1together 14ctoll-free 64btomato 149tomb 48tomorrow 14btonight 80tonsils 51tool 48tooth 103toothache 5toothpaste 47top 49total (adj) 158atotal fat 108ctotally 13touch 108atouch-tone phone 82tourist 45tourist visa 158ctournament 18towards 30ctown council 158atown parade 89town pond 22traffic 15traffic jam 150traffic law 158atraffic light 95traffic officer 30ctraffic patrol 30ctraffic violation 30c

train (n) 11train (v) 12train number 30btrainer 144ctraining video 6trans fat 108btransaction 159transfer (v) 49translate 124ctransportation 64btrash 35travel 30btravel agent 144ctraveler’s checks 94btreasure 48treat (v) 108dtreatment 108dtree 76trial 158btrim (v) 94ctrip 12troops 46atrouble 14btruck 2true 12trust (v) 78ctrustworthy 126try 28tuna 33tuna fish sandwich 88tune 79tune in 50tune up 42turkey 80turn (n) 30aturn (v) 47turn off 150turn on 47turn to 30ctuxedo 4TV 17TV game show 77TV repairman 111TV station 64cTV-watching 14ctwelve months ago 39twice 78btwin towers 46ctwo months later 39two weeks ago 50type (n) 158atype (v) 89typewriter 17

umbrella 96UN 46bunable 14cunaware 115unbelievable 9uncle 33understand 26understanding 28unemployed 46aunemployment 46aunexpectedly 100unfair 140unfortunately 82unhappy 14buniform 31United Nations 46bUnited States 46a

universe 79university 124cunless 64bunlimited 47until 14cunused 144bunusual 127update (n) 50update (v) 124cupon 124cupset 13upstairs 111upward 78aurge 156USB port 144ause (n) 47use (v) 6used 70used car 70usher 51usually 24utility shutoff 78b

vacation 17vacation day 126vacation package 82vacuum cleaner 64avalid 124bvalue (n) 46avalue (v) 14cvan 50variable 94cvary 126VCR 41vegetable 92vegetable stew 17vegetarian 5vehicle 30averb form 50verdict 158bverify 160very 6vet 155vice president 44video 6video camcorder 162video conference 160video player 64bVietnam 46bVietnam War 46bVietnamese 124bview 91village 160violin 5Virginia 46cvirus 161visible 48vision 144bvisit 14bvitals 124bvitamin 108bvoice 158bvoice mail 128volunteer (v) 14avote (v) 52voter 83voter registration card


wagon 129wait 7

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waiting room 60waive 94bwake up 13walk (v) 38walk away 30cwalk into 108awall 48wallet 38wallpaper 145want 10want ad 104war 44warehouse 44warm-up exercises 18warn 122warning 108dwarrant (v) 64bwarranty 64aWashington, D.C. 46cwaste (n) 94cwatch (v) 71watch TV 14cwater (v) 47water-ski 5way 14cway (direction) 30aweakness 124aweapon 30cweapons of mass destruction

46cwear 4weather 66web-based 124bwebsite 125wedding 13wedding anniversary 134wedding cake 41wedding dress 95Wednesday 14bweek 5weekend 10weigh 62weight 60welfare 46awell 13well over 9wet 105whatsoever 100wheel 47whenever 14cwhile 14cWhite House 36wholesale store 94cwide range 144bwife 4will 41willing 14cwin 18wind up 22window 42window display 124cwindowsill 31

wisdom tooth 145wisely 94cwish (n) 70wish (v) 90wishbone 80wishing well 65withdraw 144bwithdrawal 94awithout 98woman 43wonder (n) 48wonder (v) 20wonderful 13wooden 47Word 124bword 47word order 50word processing 124cwords-per-minute 124bwork (n) 108ework (v) 7work area 108eWork Projects Administration

46awork out 64cwork overtime 21work permit 158cworker 48workmanship 64bworkplace 94cworld 14cWorld Trade Center 46cWorld War I 44World War II 46aWorld Wide Web 47worried 14bworry 26worse 69worship (v) 48wrap 81wrist 108awrite 1write down 94cwrong 23

X-ray 47

yard 13year 2year-end bonus 70yearly 73years ago 138yell 15yesterday 10yesterday morning/

afternoon/evening 10yet 3yogurt 108ayoung 14c

zoo 14b


a better ear 93a good night’s sleep 18a green thumb 93a lemon 156all heart 93all thumbs 93around the house 14cas a result 94cas hard as rocks 101as long as 88as soon as possible 14bas time goes on 56at the same time 14cat the time 44at this point in his life 88blown away by the bill 50break the law 158bbreak the rule 128catch a cold 21come to think of it 142faced with 144cfall asleep at the wheel 142find (something) wrong 114for example 14cfor no reason 142for sure 104from month to month 94cG2G (got to go) 50get a conversation going 14cget into fights 14aget involved 14cget kicked 108aget serious about each other

121get tired of 146give me a hand 154given the ax 50good night’s sleep 14chave a hard day 99have in common 73have my mind on something

else 149have trouble 14bheld up in traffic 50How come? 46I don’t believe it! 134I know what you mean. 102I’m really surprised to hear

that. 23if possible 14cIf you ask me, . . . 22in a good mood 23in addition 18in advance 64cin case 94c

in case of 78bin love 75in need of 124bin order to 158bin place 108ein print 50in the mood 96in the years ahead 159in this case 82in touch 50keep a record 94ckeep away 108dkeep informed 158akeep out of reach 108dkeep peace 46bleft in the dark 50lines of communication 14close my balance 149lose your shirt 86make a difference 14cmake a wish 70make friends 144cmake money 73make room 94cmake sense 82needless to say 100not to mention 13now that you mention it 142on the morning/ afternoon/

evening of 13out of order 153out of place 103over 2000 years ago 47P.S. 138see things very differently

140shake like a leaf 30csick and tired 88some other time 26take a break 3take a seat 60take a walk 27take an interest 14cTalk to you later. 162Thank you. 14bThat’s a pity! 37the second time 36to be honest 146try his best 119two left feet 93under the weather 98Very truly yours, 14bWhat a pity! 37What makes you

think . . . ? 142What’s up? 162

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