Action In Montgomery (AIM) is a non-partisan coalition of thirty faith communities and organizations in Montgomery County working together to build power for social justice. AIM unites people across lines of race, class, religion, and geography to promote public, private and civic sector actions which strengthen and improve the quality of life of our neighborhoods.

Action In Montgomery (AIM) is a non-partisan coalition of thirty faith communities and organizations in Montgomery County working together to build power

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Action In Montgomery (AIM) is a non-partisan coalition of thirty faith communities and organizations in Montgomery County working

together to build power for social justice. AIM unites people across lines of race, class,

religion, and geography to promote public, private and civic sector actions which strengthen and

improve the quality of life of our neighborhoods.

Industrial Areas Foundation

The nation’s first and largest coalition of multi-faith organizations—with seven decades of experience winning victories across the nation

Drawing on the proven power of person-to-person organizing, our work transforms communities and builds the local power necessary to create change.

60 affiliates in North American and Europe

IAF AccomplishmentsBaltimore: first

living wage ordinance

NY: Over 5,000 affordable Nehemiah Homes

Mass: Health care for 500,000 uninsured

Washington, DC: $100 million in neighborhood development


Context for Community Organizing

Public Sector•Elected officials

(national, state, local)•Government Agencies

Civic Sector•Families

•Religious Congs.•Labor Unions

•Civic associations•Advocacy Groups

Private Sector•Financial Services•Energy companies

•Real Estate/Constr.•Health Care/Insurance






Values: administration/controlPower: Position

Values: ProfitPower: Organized $

Values: All other motivesPower: Organized People and organized $

How do we build power in the Civic Sector?

Identifying common self interests we can only realize together

Intentionally building relationships necessary to motivate and sustain action

Described by the Washington Post as “…a network of congregations that has become perhaps the most powerful grass-roots organization in the County”

30 member institutions across the county

$224 million in new, dedicated County funding for affordable housing since 2003

$500,000 restored to County funds for medical care for 30,000 residents in 2010

$29.7 million to re-build 4 community centers in African American neighborhoods

One of the leading organizations ensuring passage of the Maryland Dream Act for in-state tuition for MD high school graduates regardless of immigration status.

Mobilizing over 1,000 annually to engage in the democratic process.

In 2010, leveraged $24.5 million in concrete victories with a $209,000 operating budget.

Next Steps

Attend AIM Event

House Meeting Campaign




“Going Public” by Michael Gecan

“Effective Organizing for Congregational Renewal” by Michael Gecan