Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae ZU/QP80F061 رقم النموذج: صدار ا: 6 8 تاريخصدار ا16 / 9 / 61 18 1 Name : Mohammad Hassan Email: [email protected] IT/ CS Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: General secretary of Colleges of Computing and Information Society. 1 Editor-in-Chief of "The International Arab Journal of Information Technology - IAJIT 2 General secretary of Arab Conference on Information Technology -ACIT- 3 4 Qualifications: PhD in Computer Science - University of Bradford - UK - Dec. 2003. 1 M. Sc. in Mathematics University of Jordan Jordan - June 1995. 2 B. Sc. in Mathematics with minor in Computer Science Yarmouk University Jordan - June 1987. 3 4 Professional Objective(s):

Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership · Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae 1 ZU/QP ... Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: 1 General secretary of Colleges

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Page 1: Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership · Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae 1 ZU/QP ... Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: 1 General secretary of Colleges

Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae

ZU/QP80F061 النموذج رقم: 1 16/9/6118 اإلصدار تاريخ 68: اإلصدار

Name : Mohammad Hassan

Email: [email protected]


Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership:

General secretary of Colleges of Computing and Information Society. 1

Editor-in-Chief of "The International Arab Journal of Information Technology - IAJIT 2

General secretary of Arab Conference on Information Technology -ACIT- 3


Qualifications: PhD in Computer Science - University of Bradford - UK - Dec. 2003. 1

M. Sc. in Mathematics – University of Jordan – Jordan - June 1995. 2

B. Sc. in Mathematics with minor in Computer Science – Yarmouk University – Jordan

- June 1987.



Professional Objective(s):

Page 2: Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership · Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae 1 ZU/QP ... Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: 1 General secretary of Colleges

Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae

ZU/QP80F061 النموذج رقم: 2 16/9/6118 اإلصدار تاريخ 68: اإلصدار

Teaching Experience:


to From #

Zarka University -Jordan Present 9 / 2004 1

Math. And Computer Science Dept. Rustaq College of Education

Sultanate of Oman 9 / 2002 2 / 1996


South Group Companies Jordan 2 / 1996 4 / 1992 3

Doha secondary school Ministry of Education Kuwait 7 / 1990 9 / 1988 4

Kawarizmi Computer Center Abu Dhabi - U.A.E. 8 / 1988 9 / 1987 5


Year/ Issue (Vol/No)

Publisher Title #

VVooll.. 55,, NNoo.. 33,, JJuullyy

22000088,, pppp.. 331111--


TThhee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall AArraabb JJoouurrnnaall

ooff IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy,,

Y. Hasan, M. Hassan, M. Ridley.

"Incremental transitivity Applied

Cluster Retrieval".


Vol. 11 No. 1

, Jan. 2011,

pp. 178-184.

International Journal of

Computer Science and

Network Security –


M. Hassan, Y. Hasan. "Efficient

Approach for Building Hierarchical

Cluster Representative",


Vol. 9, Number 5 , October 2011, pp.193-198. Journal of Digital Information


M. Hassan, Y. Hasan. " Locality

Preserving Scheme of Text

Databases Representative in

Distributed Information Retrieval



39, issue 3, Feb.2012. pp. 2385-2396. Expert Systems with

Applications, Elsevier Journal,

Ela Yildizer, Ali Metin Balci,

Mohammad Hassan, Reda Alhajj. "

Efficient content-based image

retrieval using Multiple Support

Vector Machines Ensemble", Vol.


Page 3: Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership · Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae 1 ZU/QP ... Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: 1 General secretary of Colleges

Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae

ZU/QP80F061 النموذج رقم: 3 16/9/6118 اإلصدار تاريخ 68: اإلصدار

Vol. 2 , issue 3, Dec. 2012. pp. 169 – 173.

Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Application – IJCSIA,

M. Hassan."Practical Free-Form

Search over Relational Databases",



VVooll.. 1111,, NNoo..11 ,,

JJaann.. 22001144.. IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall AArraabb JJoouurrnnaall ooff

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy,,

Y. Hasan, M. Hassan. "Scalable

Self-Organizing Structured P2P

Information Retrieval Model Based

on Equivalence Classes".


Vol. 13, No. 1A, Jan 2016, pp. 150-155. TThhee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall AArraabb JJoouurrnnaall

ooff IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn TTeecchhnnoollooggyy,,

Anas Al-Fayoumi, M. Hassan,

"Interactive Visual Search System

Based on Machine Learning







Year Publisher Book Title #



'Arabic center for


National Library

M. Hassan, Khuloud Ghalieh. "

Isometries and their

Applications" Book, issued by


Translated Books:

Year Publisher Book Title #



Year Publisher Article Title #


Page 4: Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership · Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae 1 ZU/QP ... Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: 1 General secretary of Colleges

Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae

ZU/QP80F061 النموذج رقم: 4 16/9/6118 اإلصدار تاريخ 68: اإلصدار


Conference Organizing Institution Paper Title # The 2001 International Symposium on Information, Systems and Engineering,

Nevada, USA, 2001.

1) M. Hassan, R. Alhajj, and M.

Ridley. “WEB-Based Database

Integration: An Overview”. 1.

Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference Software Engineering and Applications,

Cambridge, USA, 2002.

2) M. Hassan, R. Alhajj, and M.

Ridley. “Combining Free-word

Search and Relational Databases”. 2.

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration,

Las Vegas, USA, 2003.

3) M. Hassan, R. Alhajj, M. Ridley,

and K. Barker. “Database Selection

and Keyword Search of Structured

Databases: Powerful Search for

Naive Users”.


Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing SAC2004 -

Cyprus, 2004.

4) M. Hassan, R. Alhajj, M. Ridley,

and K. Barker. “Simplified Access

to Structured Databases by

Adapting Keyword Search and

Database Selection”. Nicosia,


Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based iiWAS2005-

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2005.

5) M. Hassan, R. Alhajj, M. Ridley,

and K. Barker. “Selection

Mechanism for Locating Relevant

Structured Databases in

Multidatabase Environment”.


Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application

Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2006.

6) M. Hassan, “Performance

Evaluation of Database Selection

Approaches”. 6.

Page 5: Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership · Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae 1 ZU/QP ... Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: 1 General secretary of Colleges

Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae

ZU/QP80F061 النموذج رقم: 5 16/9/6118 اإلصدار تاريخ 68: اإلصدار


Proceedings of the 4th IEEE-GCC conference, Nov. 2007.

Manama, Bahrain.

7) Y. Hasan, M. Hassan, M. Ridley.

" Selecting and Evaluating Cluster

Representative". 7.

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on 'Networked Digital Technologies' (NDT2010), July 2010.

Prague, Czech Republic.

8) M. Hassan, Y. Hasan . " Locality

Preserving Scheme of Text

Databases Representative in

Distributed Information Retrieval



Proceedings of the International conference on Advances in Computing & Networking (ACN - 2012), June

Bangkok, Thailand.

9) M. Hassan. " Practical Free-

Form Search over Relational

Databases ", 9

PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss ooff

tthhee AArraabb

CCoonnffeerrnneecc ooff


TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ((AACCIITT

22001155)),, DDeecc..


AAmmmmaann ,, JJoorrddaann..

10) Anas Al-Fayoumi, M. Hassan,

"Interactive Visual Search System

Based on Machine Learning



PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss ooff

tthhee AArraabb

CCoonnffeerrnneecc ooff


TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ((AACCIITT

22001166)),, DDeecc..


BBeennii--MMeellllaall,, MMoorrooccccoo ..

11) Yaser Al-Lahham, Fathi Al-

Hatta, , M. Hassan, "An Efficient

Ranking Algorithm for Scientific

Research Papers".


Page 6: Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership · Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae 1 ZU/QP ... Academic Rank: Associate Professor Membership: 1 General secretary of Colleges

Zarqa University- Jordan Curriculum Vitae

ZU/QP80F061 النموذج رقم: 6 16/9/6118 اإلصدار تاريخ 68: اإلصدار

Supervision of Theses:

Student Name Thesis Title University Year # Anas M. Al-Fayoumi, 1) "Interactive Visual

Search System Based

on Machine Learning

Algorithm", August

Zarqa University, Jordan. 2015


Fathi M. Al-Hattab, 2) "An Efficient

Ranking Algorithm for

Scientific Research


Zarqa University, Jordan 2016


Community Service Activities

Activity Duration # 1.




Personal Information

Mohammad Abdulrahim M. Hassan. Name

08/12/1965. Place and

Date of Birth Jordanian. Nationality

Married Marital


P.O. Box 230473– Postal code:11123 – Amman – Jordan. Address

00962-79-584614. Work Tel : 00962-5-3821100. Mobile:

P.O. Box 230473– Postal code:11123 – Amman – Jordan. Postal
