L L e e v v e e l l 8 8 C C o o n n s s u u l l t t i i n n g g L L L L C C Overview Level 8 Consulting LLC Confidential and Proprietary (1) September 1, 2010 About Level 8 Consulting [email protected] Level 8 Consulting LLC www.level8consulting.com was formally organized in July 2009 by Michael Rhodes; Founder and Principal Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelrhodesurl . Dedicated within Information Technology and Telecommunications industries since 1980, Mike’s extensive background in voice, data, video, and converged infrastructure, centralized and distributed information systems, enterprise application development, and business process alignment have been instrumental in aligning and leveraging technology investments and proven industry best practices to the varied requirements of over 500 commercial and government organizations throughout the U.S. including almost one-third of the Fortune 1,000. His most recent responsibilities have included creation, development, and management of sales, marketing, engineering, and consulting organizations and related corporate initiatives for AT&T, SBC, and SPRINT. Mike is a graduate of Oakland University earning his Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Computer Information Systems and MBA in Information Technology and Finance, in addition to numerous industry and vendor accreditations and certifications. MISSION: Level 8 Consulting, in conjunction with its partners, supply core competencies focused on improving and optimizing the business leverage of technology investments and operational efficiencies of processes within and throughout the small, medium, and large enterprise operation and value chain. VALUE: Optimizing investment while mitigating risk, Level 8 Consulting seeks to ensure that your business goals, requirements, and challenges are fully identified and aligned before evolving and applying strategic (planning) or tactical (execution) solutions to them with the sole focus of providing you competitive and differential advantage. A A R R C C H H I I T T E E C C T T U U R R E E A A S S S S E E S S S S M M E E N N T T PAN, LAN / WLAN, MAN, RAN, WAN / WWAN Voice, Data, Video and Converged Network Infrastructure Assessments and Best Practices Recommendations. B B U U S S I I N N E E S S S S M M A A P P P P I I N N G G Business Process Improvement, Strategic Planning and Tactical Executions, Technology Requirements Analysis and Refresh Planning, User Feedback and Communications. C C O O N N T T I I N N G G E E N N C C Y Y P P L L A A N N N N I I N N G G Application Availability Risk Assessments, Business Continuity Planning, Disaster Recovery Planning, and Vulnerability Studies. P P R R O O C C U U R R E E M M E E N N T T & & V V E E N N D D O O R R S S E E L L E E C C T T I I O O N N Custom RFI, RFQ, RFP Document Development, Service Provider Bid Coordination or Management, and Vendor Contract Negotiation. S S E E R R V V I I C C E E A A U U D D I I T T S S & & D D O O C C U U M M E E N N T T A A T T I I O O N N Asset Management including Network Inventory Validation, Billing Audit and Credit Fee Recovery, Contract Management, Cost/Benefit Analyses (ROI), Technical Writing, and Video Authoring. T T E E C C H H N N O O L L O O G G Y Y P P L L A A N N N N I I N N G G & & M M A A N N A A G G E E M M E E N N T T Organizational Standards Evaluation and Development, Standards Migrations, and Standards Compliance Monitoring. Level 8 Service Planks

About Level 8 Consulting LLC 2010

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Page 1: About Level 8 Consulting LLC 2010

LLeevveell 88 CCoonnssuullttiinngg LLLLCC OOvveerrvviieeww

Level 8 Consulting LLC Confidential and Proprietary (1) September 1, 2010

AAbboouutt LLeevveell 88 CCoonnssuullttiinngg mmiikkee@@lleevveell88ccoonnssuullttiinngg..ccoomm Level 8 Consulting LLC www.level8consulting.com was formally organized in July 2009 by Michael Rhodes; Founder and Principal Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelrhodesurl. Dedicated within Information Technology and Telecommunications industries since 1980, Mike’s extensive background in voice, data, video, and converged infrastructure, centralized and distributed information systems, enterprise application development, and business process alignment have been instrumental in aligning and leveraging technology investments and proven industry best practices to the varied requirements of over 500 commercial and government organizations throughout the U.S. including almost one-third of the Fortune 1,000. His most recent responsibilities have included creation, development, and management of sales, marketing, engineering, and consulting organizations and related corporate initiatives for AT&T, SBC, and SPRINT. Mike is a graduate of Oakland University earning his Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Computer Information Systems and MBA in Information Technology and Finance, in addition to numerous industry and vendor accreditations and certifications.

MISSION: Level 8 Consulting, in conjunction with its partners, supply core competencies focused on improving and optimizing the business leverage of technology investments and operational efficiencies of processes within and throughout the small, medium, and large enterprise operation and value chain.

VALUE: Optimizing investment while mitigating risk, Level 8 Consulting seeks to ensure that your business goals, requirements, and challenges are fully identified and aligned before evolving and applying strategic (planning) or tactical (execution) solutions to them with the sole focus of providing you competitive and differential advantage.


PAN, LAN / WLAN, MAN, RAN, WAN / WWAN Voice, Data, Video and Converged Network Infrastructure Assessments and Best Practices Recommendations.


Business Process Improvement, Strategic Planning and Tactical Executions, Technology Requirements Analysis and Refresh Planning, User Feedback and Communications.

CCCOOONNNTTTIIINNNGGGEEENNNCCCYYY PPPLLLAAANNNNNNIIINNNGGG Application Availability Risk Assessments, Business Continuity Planning, Disaster Recovery Planning, and Vulnerability Studies.



Custom RFI, RFQ, RFP Document Development, Service Provider Bid Coordination or Management, and Vendor Contract Negotiation.



Asset Management including Network Inventory Validation, Billing Audit and Credit Fee Recovery, Contract Management, Cost/Benefit Analyses (ROI), Technical Writing, and Video Authoring.



Organizational Standards Evaluation and Development, Standards Migrations, and Standards Compliance Monitoring.

LLeevveell 88 SSeerrvviiccee PPllaannkkss

Page 2: About Level 8 Consulting LLC 2010

LLeevveell 88 CCoonnssuullttiinngg LLLLCC OOvveerrvviieeww

Level 8 Consulting LLC Confidential and Proprietary (2) September 1, 2010

LLLeeevvveeelll 888 CCCooonnnsssuuullltttiiinnnggg FFFrrraaammmeeewwwooorrrkkk aaannnddd MMMeeettthhhooodddooolllooogggyyy

Level 8 Consulting engagements utilize appropriate industry-standard frameworks, currently available best practices, and efficient project methodologies leveraging the knowledge base of Level 8 Consulting and extensive service and solution provider relationships.

The Level 8 Consulting framework defines EIGHT distinct “LEVELS” of organizational technology strata ranging from strategic foundations (e.g. VISIONING) to essential enterprise architectures (e.g. SECURITY).

Building upon this existing knowledge base of technical standards, related industry products and services, and accumulated industry best practices, information is augmented via a comprehensive and electronically linked network of geographically distributed databases and industry domain experts as needed.

The Level 8 Consulting project methodology maintains acute focus on the continuous capture of prevailing industry trends, process evolutions, and service provider innovations to assure timely, scalable, and continuous solution improvements.

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Page 3: About Level 8 Consulting LLC 2010

LLeevveell 88 CCoonnssuullttiinngg LLLLCC OOvveerrvviieeww

Level 8 Consulting LLC Confidential and Proprietary (3) September 1, 2010


Level 8 Consulting employs a process structure which is both systematic and modular facilitating a quick identification of requirements and an efficient design from relevant specifications yielding the effective development of “optimal and appropriate” solutions; from planning to execution.

Deliverables are customized by need and engagement type and generally address the following functional areas:






Page 4: About Level 8 Consulting LLC 2010

LLeevveell 88 CCoonnssuullttiinngg LLLLCC OOvveerrvviieeww

Level 8 Consulting LLC Confidential and Proprietary (4) September 1, 2010

PPrrrooojjjeeecccttt AAApppppprrroooaaaccchhh Level 8 Consulting services are focused solely on ensuring value to your business. Levels of engagement are meant to be easily understood and defined by your needs and available capabilities.

At any point-in-time, all organizations possess varying levels of resource and requisite knowledge that can be applied to the constant demands of improving and advancing business process. Whether you are leveraging new and enabling technologies, ensuring process compliance, or simply planning for the future, Level 8 Consulting can assist you in the day-to-day or long-term dynamics of your operations.

Level 8 Consulting segments its project approach based upon your short or long-term needs, available resources, and depth of subject matter expertise. Technology and business process evolutions are not always well-defined or reliably predictable; Level 8 Consulting services are meant to be!

When time is a premium and available skills are limited, projects are oriented to simply “Do it for you” freeing you to focus on other priorities. Similarly when your required knowledge exists but is constrained by deadlines, pro-jects are focused toward staff augmentation in order to “Help you”. When time is plentiful, but knowledge is not, Level 8 Consulting resources can bring forth specific “best practice” and “Teach you” by demonstrating or trans-ferring knowledge to your organization.

Finally, when the demands of business are exceedingly dynamic and consistently high levels of performance are mandated, Level 8 Consulting offers retainer level service meant to “Advise you” on appropriate and best prac-tices, alternative approaches, or simple validation of your existing operations. As a Trusted Advisor, we seek solely to provide you with timely and sound guidance using an extensive knowledge base and network of subject matter experts to address the daily challenges all organizations and managers face.