Universit ` a degli Studi di Milano FACOLT ` A DI SCIENZE MATEMATICHE, FISICHE E NATURALI Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica Abelian Sandpile Models and Sampling of Trees and Forests Relatore: Prof. Sergio CARACCIOLO Correlatore: Dott. Andrea SPORTIELLO P.A.C.S.: 05.65.b Tesi di laurea di: Guglielmo PAOLETTI Matr. Nr 686472 Anno Accademico 2006–2007

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Page 1: Abelian Sandpile Models - Welcome to CentOSpcteserver.mi.infn.it/~caraccio/Lauree/Paoletti.pdf · Abelian Sandpile Models and Sampling of Trees and Forests Relatore: Prof. Sergio

Universita degli Studi di Milano


Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica

Abelian Sandpile Models


Sampling of Trees and Forests





P.A.C.S.: 05.65.b

Tesi di laurea di:

Guglielmo PAOLETTI

Matr. Nr 686472

Anno Accademico 2006–2007

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a Lucia

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1 Trees and Forests 1

1.1 Graph theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1.1 Basic definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1.2 Algebraic graph theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Kirchhoff theorem for spanning trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.3 Potts model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3.1 Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3.2 Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3.3 Limit q → 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.4 Applications of spanning trees and forests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4.1 Bijection dimer-covering ↔ spanning-trees . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4.2 Temperley-Lieb algebra, trees and forests . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 The Abelian Sandpile model 17

2.1 General properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2 The abelian group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.3 The evolution operator and the steady state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.4 Recurrent and transient configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.4.1 The multiplication by identity test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.4.2 Burning test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.5 Algebraic aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.5.1 Toppling invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.5.2 Rank of G for a rectangular lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators 33

3.1 Generalized toppling rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2 The operator Ni = a†iai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.2.1 The ASM-propagators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.3 Stationary state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4 An algorithm for uniform sampling of trees 53

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ii Contents

5 Monte-Carlo algorithms for the Potts model 57

5.1 Swendsen-Wang algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.2 Chayes-Machta algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585.3 Sweeny algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595.4 Region q < 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

6 Sampling of Forests 61

6.1 Collecting two dynamics together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616.2 Boost of slow dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.3 Boost of collected dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636.4 Overview on our algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646.5 Numerical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Ringraziamenti 73

Bibliography 77

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1. Trees and Forests

1.1 Graph theory

1.1.1 Basic definitions

A graph is a mathematical structure made up of points and lines. Some pairs ofpoints may be joined by lines. The same pair of points may eventually be joined byseveral lines, so a graph may have multiple edges, and eventually some lines mayconnect a point to itself forming a “loop”. This kind of pathological situationsare not relevant for most cases, so we define a graph to be simple when it hasno multiple lines or loops; in the following we will discuss simple graphs, unlessotherwise stated.

A graph G is defined as a pair (V,E) of sets such that E ⊆ [V ]2. The elementsof V are vertices (or points or sites or nodes) and the elements of V are edges(or bond or link or lines). A graph with vertex set V is said to be a graph onV . The vertex set of a graph is referred to as V (G) and the edge set E(G), thisconvention is independent of any name we had chosen for these sets. We write anedge e ∈ E(G) as e = {x, y}, where x, y ∈ V (G) are two endpoints of the edge,and we can indifferently denote e as {x, y} or xy. Two points x, y ∈ V (G) are saidto be neighbors or adjacent if they are connected by an edge (xy is an edge of G)and the edge xy is said to be incident on x and y (and vice-versa). We call S asubgraph of G if S = (V ′, E′) with V ′ ⊆ V , E′ ⊆ E and V ′ containing all thevertices adjacent to E′. If V (G) = V (S) we say that S is spanning in G. The setof spanning subgraphs for a graph G is in natural bijection with the set of subsetsof E(G), which has a vector-space structure on Z2 with the sum defined as thesymmetric difference of the subsets, E1 △ E2 = (E1 ∪ E2) r (E1 ∩ E2).

The degree (or valency) dG(v) = d(v) of a vertex v is the number of edges inE(G) incident on that vertex. The subscript denotes the graph when not clear, forexample, in the case above of S ⊆ G, we would also have that dS(v) ≤ dG(v) is thenumber of edges in E(S) incident on v. If all vertices of G have the same degree k,the graph G is k-regular or simply regular. We call an Eulerian subgraph (moreshortly a loop) L a subgraph with dL(v) even for all v ∈ V (L), the vector-subspaceL on Z2 of these subgraphs has dimension L(G) which is the number of independentloops in G.

A path in a graph is a subgraph P = (V,E) on the form:

V = {x0, x1, . . . , xℓ} E = {x0x1, x1x2, . . . , xℓ−1xℓ} (1.1)

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2 Trees and Forests

where xk are all distinct; the path P is usually denoted as the sequence of itsvertices, x0, x1, . . . , xℓ. We say that this is a path from x0 to xℓ and the number ofedges of the path is its length.

A graph G is said to be connected if for every pair of vertices in G there existsa path joining them. If P is a path with vertices x0, x1, . . . , xℓ−1, ℓ ≥ 3 and x0xℓ−1

is in E(G), then C := P + xℓ−1x0 is a cycle in G; so a cycle C = (V,E) is in theform

V = {x0, x1, . . . , xℓ−1} E = {x0x1, x1x2, . . . , xℓ−1x0} (1.2)

with all x0, x1, . . . , xℓ−1 distinct. A graph (or a subgraph) without any cycle is aforest or an acyclic graph; a tree is a connected forest, note that in a forest everycomponent is a tree.

If the edges are ordered pairs of vertices we get the notion of directed graph. Anordered pair (a, b) is said to be an edge directed from a to b, or an edge beginningat a and ending at b, and can be denoted as usual as ab, while note however thatin this case ab 6= ba.

For every graph is valid the Euler formula, which relates the number of vertices,|V |, the number of edges, |E|, the number of connected components, C, and thenumber of independent loops, L:

|V | + L = |E| + C (1.3)

For trees, in which C = 1 and L = 0, the Euler formula reduces to:

|V | = |E| + 1 (1.4)

We call a planar embedding for a graph a function that maps each vertex ofa graph G to a distinct point of R2, and each edge of G to a continuos non self-intersecting curve in the plane joining its endpoints, such that curves correspondingto nonincident edges do not meet, and curves corresponding to incident edges meetonly in the point representing their common vertex. A graph is planar iff has aplanar embedding. More generally, we call an embedding onto a surface of genusg the analogue of above, with R2 replaced with the genus-g torus equipped with awhatever structure of differentiable manifold, and we say that G is of genus g, ifg is the minimum value for which such an embedding exists. However, all of this“continuum” structure is to many extents redundant: as we are only interested tothe topological properties of these embeddings, not on the metric properties, wecould alternatively define planarity and genus of a graph through the structure of2-dimensional cell complexes, which leads to the definition of elementary faces, orplaquettes, in the cell complex, which are cycles of G containing no other verticesof G “inside”, on one of the two sides, w.r.t. the embedding.

Given a planar graph G we can form a special graph, the dual graph G∗. Thevertices of G∗ correspond to the faces of G, with each vertex placed in the corre-sponding face. Every edge e of G gives rise to an edge of G∗ joining the two facesof G containing e (fig. 1.1). We can now define a correspondence from the set of

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1.1 Graph theory 3

Figure 1.1 Example of graph (black dots and solid lines) and the cor-responding dual graph (white dots and dashed lines)

spanning subgraph of G to the set of spanning subgraphs of G∗. To the subgraphS = (V,E) we associate S∗ = (V ∗, E∗), where V ∗ = V (G∗) and e ∈ E∗ are cho-sen such that for every pair edge–dual-edge (e, e∗), either e ∈ E and e∗ /∈ E∗ ore /∈ E and e∗ ∈ E∗. It follows that a loop in a subgraph of G encircles a connectedcomponent in the associated subgraph of G∗, and vice-versa; so we have, denotingwith D the transformation of duality, the following relations:

connected subgraphsD

// subgraphs without loops

subgraphs without loopsD

// connected subgraphs(1.5)

This implies that a spanning tree of G, for definition without loops and connected,has as counterpart in G∗ a spanning tree, thus there are as many spanning trees inthe graph G as in its dual G∗.

1.1.2 Algebraic graph theory

The Algebraic graph theory aims to translate properties of graphs into algebraicproperties of associated structures and then, using these ones, to deduce theoremsabout graphs. We introduce here some basic concepts, for a more detailed reviewsee [14, 16].

For a given graph G with n vertices and m edges, we define its adjacency matrixA(G) as an n× n matrix whose entries aij are given by:

aij =

{1 if i and and j are adjacent0 otherwise


It follows from the definition that, for an undirected graph, A is a real symmetricmatrix, with trace 0. We are interested primarly in the properties of the adjacencymatrix which are invariant under permutations of rows and columns, i.e. a re-labelling of vertices. The foremost among them are the spectral property of thismatrix. Suppose the characteristic polynomial of A(G) can be written as:

χ(G;λ) = λn + c1λn−1 + c2λ

n−2 + · · · + cn (1.7)

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4 Trees and Forests

then the coefficents ci are the sum of the principal minors of A. The first few ofthem can be easily proved to be:

1. c1 = 0

2. −c2 is the number m of edges in G

3. −c3 is twice the number of triangles in G

· · ·

We define the incidence matrix D(G) of a directed graph as the n×m matrix withrows and columns indexed by vertices and edges whose entries die are given by:

die =

+1 if the arrow e starts from i−1 if the arrow e ends in i0 otherwise


We define the coordination matrix of the graph C(G) as the diagonal matrix n×nwhose entries Cii are given by the valency of the i-th vertex.

It can be proved that:DDT = C −A (1.9)

and DDT is independent of the orientation. We call this n × n matrix ∆ = DDT

the “unweighted” Laplacian matrix, as it corresponds to the Laplacian operatorfor regular lattices. If we weight each pair of sites ij with wij , which is a formalalgebraic variable, we can define the “weighted” Laplacian matrix, as the matrixwith entries ∆ij defined by:

∆ij =

{−wij for i 6= j∑

k 6=iwik for i = j(1.10)

We note that the sum over the elements in a row or in a column is always equal tozero, so the matrix annihilates the vector (1, 1, . . . , 1). Since ∆ has an eigenvectorwith eigenvalue zero, it follows that det ∆ = 0.

1.2 Kirchhoff theorem for spanning trees

A classical result of algebraic graph theory is the matrix-tree theorem, first discov-ered by Kirchhoff [13] in the theory of electric circuits. For any vertex i ∈ V we let∆(i) be the matrix obtained by ∆ deleting the i-th row and column. In its sim-plest formulation the Kirchhoff theorem states that the number of spanning treesfor a graph is given by det∆(i); more generally, in the case of weighted Laplacian,the theorem puts in relation the generating polynomial for trees, ZT (~w), with thedeterminant of minors of the Laplacian matrix:

ZT (~w) =∑



we = det ∆(i) (1.11)

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1.2 Kirchhoff theorem for spanning trees 5

where T denotes the set of spanning trees of the graph G. The i indipendence ofdet∆(i) expresses, in electrical-circuit language, that is physically irrelevant whichsite i is chosen to be the “ground”, and, in graph theory, that is irrelevant whichsite is chosen as “root” to obtain all the possible spanning trees.

More generally, for any set of vertices I, J ⊆ V , let ∆(I|J) be the matrixobtained from ∆ by deleting the rows indexed by I and the columns indexed by J ,for I = J we write simply ∆(I). If I = (i1, i2, . . . , in) with 0 ≤ ij ≤ |V | we writethe principal-minors matrix tree theorem as follows:

det ∆(I) = det∆(i1, i2, . . . , ir) =∑



we (1.12)

where F(i1, i2, . . . , ir) denotes the set of spanning forests ofG composed of r disjointtrees, each one with exactly one root vertex chosen between the vertices i1, i2, . . . , ir.This theorem is easily derived by the simple matrix-tree theorem considering thegraph in which all the sites i1, i2, . . . , ir are contracted in a single site. The lasttheorem we recall is the all-minors matrix-tree theorem, it states that, for |I| = |J |:

det∆(I|J) =∑



we (1.13)

where F(I|J) denotes the set of spanning forests in G with r components, each ofwhich has exactly one site from I and one from J , possibly the same vertex.

We can now introduce, for each site i ∈ V , a pair of Grassmann variablesψi and ψi. This variables are nilpotent (ψ2

i = ψ2i = 0), anticommute and obey

the usual rules for Grassman integration [21]. We then have for every matrix A,using the notation D(ψ, ψ) =

i∈V dψidψi, the following relation to compute thedeterminant: ∫

D(ψ, ψ)eψAψ = detA (1.14)

and more generally:∫

D(ψ, ψ)ψi1 ψj1 . . . ψir ψjreψAψ =

ǫ(i1, . . . , ir|j1, . . . , jr) detA(i1, . . . , ir|j1, . . . , jr)(1.15)

where the sign ǫ(I|J) is defined as ǫ(I|J) = (−1)P


J if the sites are oredered(i1 < i2 < . . . < ir and the same for J), obviously it is always +1 when (i1, . . . , ir) =(j1, . . . , jr). At this point is possible to rewrite the matrix-tree theorem (1.11) usingthe Grassmann variables we have just introduced, obtaining:

det∆(0) =

D(ψ, ψ) ψ0ψ0 eψ∆ψ =



we (1.16)

It is possible to derive this result without using the well-known links betweenmatrix-determinant and Grassmann integrations, showing directly how the details

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6 Trees and Forests

of the integration lead to have on the r.h.s. the sum over the spanning trees. Theresult obtained for the trees, using the root in 0, can be easily extended to morecomplex roots. For example we can also have a edge-root (say ij), and so obtain:

D(ψ, ψ) (ψiψi ψjψj) eψ∆ψ (1.17)

or we can fix a set of r vertices root

D(ψ, ψ)




)eψ∆ψ (1.18)

At this point it is possible to rewrite also the principal-minors matrix tree theorem(1.12) in the form:

D(ψ, ψ)r∏



)eψ∆ψ =



we (1.19)

Now we follow the derivation proposed in [1], to construct an interesting femionicmodel. Let us introduce, for each subgraph Γ = (VΓ, EΓ) of G, the operator:

QΓ =






These operators are even and so commute with each other, and with the entireGrassmann algebra. We now consider the family Γ = {Γ1, . . . ,Γℓ} with l ≥ 0 andtry to evaluate the integral of the form:

D(ψ, ψ) QΓ1 . . . QΓℓeψ∆ψ (1.21)

First we note that if some of the Γi’s have some vertex in common, then the integralvanishes for the property of nilpotency of the Grassmann variables. In the casethe Γi’s are vertex disjoint, then we know how to evaluate the integral using theformula (1.19). In fact we can write:

D(ψ, ψ)





eψ∆ψ =∑



we. (1.22)

When using this expression to solve the integral (1.21), the edges in EΓ = ∪kEΓk

cannot be in any forest, otherwise the integral would vanishes for the nilpotency ofthe Grassmann variables. However adding

e∈EΓwe on the r.h.s. of the previous

equality we note that each forest can be put into one-to-one correspondence withΓ-forests, that are subgraphs of G spanning with l components, each one with

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1.2 Kirchhoff theorem for spanning trees 7

exactly one Γi and with no cycles except the ones in Γi. So we can rewrite the(1.21) as follows:

D(ψ, ψ) QΓ1 . . . QΓleψ∆ψ =



we (1.23)

Introducing now a coupling constant tΓ for each connected subgraph Γ of G,and using the relation 1 + tΓQΓ = etΓQΓ , given by the properties of Grassmanintegration, we have:

D(ψ, ψ) eψ∆ψ+tΓQΓ =∑

Γ vertex-disjoint






we (1.24)

Interchanging the summation over H and Γ it is possible to rewrite this expressionin a different form. We consider a spanning subgraph H of G with l connectedcomponents H1, . . . ,Hl and we say that Γ marks Hi, Γ ≺ Hi, if Hi contains Γ andhas no cycles except those lying enterely in Γ, we also define the weight for Hi as:

W (Hi) =∑


tΓ (1.25)

In this framework the property of H to be a Γ-forest is equivalent to say that eachof its components is marked exactly by one of the Γi, so we can rewrite the (1.24)as follows:

D(ψ, ψ) eψ∆ψ+tΓQΓ =∑

H spanning⊆GH=(H1,...,Hℓ)



W (Hi)



we (1.26)

This is the general combinatorial formula.We now make a particular choice for the Γ’s and the related tΓ, say that:

(i) tΓ = t whenever Γ consists of a single vertex with no edge;

(ii) tΓ = u whenever Γ consists of two vertices connected by a single edge;

(iii) tΓ = 0 otherwise;

So we have:

D(ψ, ψ) exp[







(t|VFi | + u|EFi |




we (1.27)

where F denotes the set of spanning forests of G. Since |VFi | − |EFi | = 1 for eachtree, we can take u = −t and obtain the generating function for unrooted spanningforest with weight t for each component.

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8 Trees and Forests

1.3 Potts model

1.3.1 Model

The most famous model in statistical mechanics is the Ising model, a lattice modelwhere on each site there is a spin variable that takes its value in {0, 1} (or (↑, ↓),or (white,black)) and interacts with its nearest-neighbors; the Potts model is itsdirect generalization to the case of spins which take q values.

Let G = (V,E) be a graph, on each site i ∈ V we define a spin variableσi ∈ {1, . . . , q} where q ∈ N+ (the Ising model is the case for q = 2) and for eachedge e ∈ E we define a coupling constant Je ∈ R. The interaction of the model isgiven by a delta-function for each edge e = ij, of the form −Jeδ(σi, σj). Denotingthe spin configuration of the system as σ = {σi}i∈V we can write the Hamiltonianof the Potts model on G as:

H(σ) = −∑


Jeδ(σi, σj) (1.28)

The partition function of the model is ZPotts =∑

σe−βH(σ), the sum of the Boltz-

mann weights, e−βH, for each possible configuration. If we call ve = eβJe − 1 andv = {ve}e∈E we can rewrite the partition function as dependent on q and v asfollows:

ZG(q,v) =∑



[1 + veδ(σi, σj)


Let now suppose Je to be constant, Je = J , for all the edges . The model issaid to be ferromagnetic if J ≥ 0 (v ≥ 0), anti-ferromagnetic if −∞ ≤ J ≤ 0(−1 ≤ v ≤ 0) and unphysical when v /∈ [−1,∞), due to the fact that in thislast region the Boltzmann weight is no more positive, as expected for a statisticalmechanics model.

1.3.2 Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation

It is possible to give a subgraph expansion for the partition function of the Pottsmodel, this expansion was first discovered by Fortuin and Kasteleyn [17] in 1972.Using this form, the partition function of the model is found to be a polynomialin q and v, and has the particular feature to allow an analytic continuation in theparameter q.

Using the relation:∑



ve =∏


(1 + ve) (1.30)

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1.3 Potts model 9

in the partition function (1.29) we obtain:

ZG(q,v) =∑



[1 + veδ(σi, σj)






veδ(σi, σj)







where C(A) is the number of connected components of A subgraph of G (consideredtogether with the set of vertices V of the whole graph G). The equality betweenthe second and the third line is obtained summing over the configurations with thedelta constraint. This expression shows how the partition function of the q-statePotts model, defined separately for each integer value of q, is in fact the restrictionto N+ of a polynomial in q, so we define, in analytic continuation, the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Random-Cluster partition function which is the algebraic function

ZG(q,v) =∑




ve (1.32)

Further on, using the Euler relation (1.3), and noting that the subgraphs A weare using are spanning, in fact in (1.30) we use subset of only the edge set, we canrewrite the ZG(q,v) in the form:

ZG(q,v) = q|V |∑






where L(A) denotes the number of independent cycles of A. The resulting prob-ability measure on 2E is called the Fortuin-Kasteleyn random-cluster model. Thisframework is very useful trying to obtain Monte Carlo algorithms for sampling themodel.

1.3.3 Limit q → 0

Having now the possibility to study the partition function of the Potts model forarbitrary values of q and v we face the task of obtaining the limit for q → 0. Wefollow two different ways to obtain a meaningful limit.

First we take q → 0 with fixed v. By the result (1.32) we see that performingthe limit in this way we are selecting the subgraphs A ⊆ E with the smallestpossible number of connected components, the minimum number achievable forC(A) is obviously C(G), i.e. simply 1 in the case G is connected. We thus have:


qC(G)ZG(q,v) = CG(v) (1.34)

whereCG(v) =



ve (1.35)

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10 Trees and Forests

is the generating polynomial of “maximally connected spanning subgraphs”.A different limit can be obtained taking q → 0 with w = v/q fixed. By the

result (1.33) we see that we are selecting the subgraphs A ⊆ E with the smallestpossible number of independent cycles, which has minimum value 0, for the forests.We therefore can write:


q−|V |ZG(q, qw) = FG(w) (1.36)

whereFG(w) =



we (1.37)

is the generating polynomial of spanning forests. Finally we suppose to replace,in CG(v), ve by λve and then take λ → 0. This select out, among the possiblesubgraphs, the ones with fewest edges: these are the maximal spanning forests (orspanning trees in the case G is connected), they have exactly |V |−C(G) edges. Sowe have:


λC(G)−|V |CG(λv) = TG(v) (1.38)

whereTG(v) =



ve (1.39)

is the generating polynomial for maximal spanning forests (we use here the letterT because in most cases we deal with connected graphs, and consequently withspanning trees). Suppose then to replace w in (1.37) with λw and then to takeλ → ∞, this select out the subgraphs with greatest number of edges, among thespanning forests, i.e. the maximal spanning forests. So we have:


λC(G)−|V |FG(λw) = TG(v) (1.40)

In summary a certain double-limit ofthe partition function for the q-state Pottsmodel in the limit q → 0 is the generating polynomial for spanning trees of thegraph on which is defined the model, while the single sides of these limit proceduresgive respectively spanning forests and connected spanning subgraphs (which areindeed dual ensembles in the special case of planar graphs).

1.4 Applications of spanning trees and forests

1.4.1 Bijection dimer-covering ↔ spanning-trees

A dimer covering for a given graph G is a collection of edges that covers all thevertices exactly once, that is, each vertex is adjacent to a unique edge; in otherwords is a pairing of adjacent vertices (fig. 1.2).

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1.4 Applications of spanning trees and forests 11

Figure 1.2 dimer covering for a 8 × 8 square lattice

There exixts a bijection, due to Temperley [23], between the spanning trees on aplanar graph and dimer coverings of a suitable associated graph. Let us consider aplanar graph G, we then define the planar graphG′ = (E′, V ′), where V ′ is obtainedas the union of the set of vertices V (G) graph G, the set of vertices V (G∗) of thedual graph G∗ and the set V of vertices defined as the planar intersections betweenpairs of edges (e, e′), with e ∈ E(G), and e′ ∈ E(G∗). E′ is the set of edges suchthat for each e = ij ∈ E(G) there are two edges in E′, e1 = ij′ and e2 = j′j wherej′ is the intersection between edge e and the corresponding dual, and analogously

for the dual edges, ����

















The bijection associates to a spanning tree of the graph G a dimer coveringof the graph G′, with a vertex in V (G) and a vertex in V (G∗) removed. Givena spanning tree in G and a vertex v ∈ V (G) we direct each edge in the spanningtree toward this vertex and label the half-edge in E′ of e farther from v with 1 andthe other half with 2. Then we choose as dimer, for each edge e ∈ E(G), the halflabelled by 1. Repeating then the same procedure for the corresponding spanningtree of the dual graph G∗ with respect to its removed vertex v′ ∈ V (G∗) we obtainthe dimer covering of G′ r {v, v′}.

In particular for a portion of the square lattice, this procedure associates toeach n× n lattice a (2n− 1)× (2n− 1) lattice with one site removed (e.g. the topright corner), the site removed from the dual lattice is intended to be the vertexcorresponding to the external face. In fig. 1.3 the spanning tree S of G is in redand the dual counterpart S∗ is in blue, all the outgoing edges of S∗ are intendedto meet in the removed vertex of the dual graph. Following the just displayedprocedure it is possible to obtain the dimer covering.

1.4.2 Temperley-Lieb algebra, trees and forests

An interesting model in statistical mechanics is the O(n) loop model [20]; this isa lattice model where on each site i is defined a spin variable ~si, which belongs toan n-dimensional sphere of radius 1 (|si| = 1) with some spherically symmetricalmeasure: ~vi ∈ Rn; dµ(~si) = dµ(R · ~si) with R ∈ O(n). With

∫d~si we denote the

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12 Trees and Forests

(a) (b)

Figure 1.3 Spanning tree for a 5×5 square lattice (a) and the associateddimer covering for the 9×9 square lattice with a site removed (b). Thedirect graph is displayed in blue and the dual with dashed lines.

measure on the sphere and we intend the inner product of the spin variables as:

~si · ~sj =n∑


s(α)i s

(α)j (1.41)

The model is then defined by the partition integral:

ZO(n) =




(1 + nβ ~si · ~sj) (1.42)

where n is the dimension of the sphere, β a parameter depending on the temperatureand the second productory is intended on pair of sites nearest-neighbors. For alattice with vertex coordination k, it will turn out that only momenta up to k ofthe measure dµ are relevant.

It is easy to compute the momentum of the spin variables using the sphericalmeasure (denoted with 〈·〉), for the symmetry of the measure only even-momentaare non-null and the maximum momentum different from zero is the one of orderk. Thus, restricting to a lattice of coordination 3, the following equalities are foundto be true:

〈1〉 = 1 (1.43a)

〈s(α)i 〉 = 0 (1.43b)

〈s(α)i s

(β)i 〉 =


nδαβ (1.43c)

〈s(α)i s

(β)i s

(γ)i 〉 = 0 (1.43d)

Let us say that an edge ij is marked with “colour” α when its endpoints are

either with the component n(α)i = n

(α)j 6= 0 and is unmarked when its endpoints

has different components. We can expand the product in (1.42) and note that theintegration forces the 3 edges incident on the same vertex to be:

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1.4 Applications of spanning trees and forests 13

• two marked with the same colour

• one unmarked or every edge unmarked.

Thus the only allowed configurations with contribution different from zero are theones with loops of edges marked with the same colour, with n colours available;they give a contribution ncβL where c is the number of loops and L the count ofedges constructing the various loops. At this point we can rewrite ZO(n) in a purelycombinatorics form, summing over the different loop-diagrams, G, as follows:

ZO(n) =∑


βLnc. (1.44)

In this case, the limit β → ∞ and n → 0, corresponds to select among theallowed configurations the ones with the maximum number of occupied edges, andthe minimum number of loops, 1 when possible.



Figure 1.4 square-octagonal lattice and its elementary plaquette

Let us set the model in a particular lattice, with coordination 3, composedof squares and octagons (fig. 1.4); let E be the set of edges belonging only tothe octagons and E the set of edges belonging to the squares. It is possible tochoose different β’s, say β for the edges in E and β for the edges in E. Let nowtake the limit β → ∞, mantaining β constant. In this way we are selecting theconfigurations with loops composed of the maximum number of edges of the typee, then the limit n → 0 forces the number of loops to be minimum The possiblestructures in each elementary plaquette of the allowed configurations are of justtwo types:

Figure 1.5 allowed configuration for plaquette, where the bonds markedin red are selected

and it is possible to recognize them as part of a Temperley-Lieb algebra.

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14 Trees and Forests

The elementary faces of the Temperley-Lieb algebra are of two types:The elements of Temperley Lieb Algebra satisfy some useful relations; indeed,

denoting the elementary faces with ei’s, we can write:

{e2i = λeieiei±1ei = ei


these relations correspond, pictorially, to the following structures:

= λ and =

where λ comes from the dotted closure in the first relation. Finally we notethat is easily obtainable a bijection between the configuration of spanning trees orforests in a planar regular graph and a configuration of the loop model in terms ofTemperley Lieb plaquettes associated. We consider in the same frame the graph andits dual, then we add a lattice such that each plaquette of the new lattice has verticesin pair belonging to the dual and direct graph and its diagonals are respectively adirect and a dual edge. Then each plaquette corresponds to a different TemperleyLieb elementary face depending on which between the dual and the direct edgeis marked as in (fig. 1.6). This gives a one-to-one correspondence between forestconfigurations and loop configurations of the just defined lattice (fig. 1.7).


�� ��


Figure 1.6 two different plaquettes.

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1.4 Applications of spanning trees and forests 15

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Figure 1.7 Example of loop-model ↔ spanning tree correspondence.

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16 Trees and Forests

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2. The Abelian Sandpile model

It has been about 20 years since Bak, Tang and Weisenfield’s landmark paperson self-organized criticality (SOC) appeared [6]. The concept of self-organizedcriticality has been invoked to describe a large variety of different systems. I shalldescribe here one specific model: the Abelian Sandpile Model (ASM). The sandpilemodel was first proposed as a paradigm of SOC and it is certainly the simplest,and best understood, theoretical model of SOC: it is a non-equilibrium system,driven at a slow steady rate, with local threshold relaxation rules, which in thesteady state shows relaxation events in bursts of a wide range of sizes, and long-range spatio-temporal correlations. The ASM consists of a special subclass of thesandpile models that exhibits, in the way we will discuss later, the mathematicalstructure of an abelian group, and permits to obtain a powerful tool in samplingrandom spanning trees.

2.1 General properties

The ASM is defined as follows [7, 8]: we consider a graph of N sites labelled byintegers i = 1, . . . , N , at each site we define a nonnegative integer height variablezi, called the height of the sandpile, and a threshold value zi ∈ N+. We define anallowed configuration of the sandpile as a set of heights {zi} such that zi ≥ 0 ∀i;then we define a stable configuration of the sandpile an allowed sonfiguration {zi},such that zi < zi ∀i.

The time evolution of the sandpile is defined using the following rules:

1. Adding a particle: Select one of the sites randomly, the probability that thesite i is picked being some given value pi, and add a grain of sand there.Obviously

i pi = 1. On addition of the grain at site i, zi increases by 1,while the height at the other sites remains unchanged.

2. Toppling : If for any site i zi ≥ zi, then the site is said to be unstable, it“topples”, and lose some sandgrains to other sites. This sandgrain’s transferis defined in terms of an N × N integer valued matrix ∆, which propertieswill be specified in (2.2). On toppling at site i, the configuration is updatedaccording to the following rule:

zj → zj − ∆ij ∀j = 1, . . . ,N (2.1)

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18 The Abelian Sandpile model

If the toppling results in some other sites becoming unstable, they are alsotoppled simultaneously (it will be clear in the following that the order oftoppling is unimportant). The process continues until all sites become stable(we will see later under which conditions on {zi} and ∆ the final stability isguaranteed)

At each time step in the evolution, first we add a particle, as specified in rule 1,then we “relax” the configuration, i.e. we perform the necessary topplings to reacha stable configuration as stated in rule 2.

The matrix ∆ has the following properties:

∆ii > 0, ∀i (2.2a)

∆ij ≤ 0, ∀i 6= j (2.2b)∑


∆ij ≥ 0, ∀i (2.2c)

These conditions just ensure that on toppling at site i, zi must decrease, heightat other sites j can only increase and there is no creation of sand in the topplingprocess. In some sites could be possible to “lose” some sand during a toppling.A site i is said to be “on the boundary” if

j ∆ij > 0, and “in the bulk” if∑

j ∆ij = 0. Indeed,∑

j ∆ij is the total sand lost in the toppling process on i, sothat, pictorially, we can think of this “lost sand” as dropping out of some boundary.Clearly, in the formulation on an arbitrary graph, as presented here, this conceptof boundary does not need to correspond to some geometrical structure. We notethat no stationary state of the sandpile is possible unless the particles can leave thesystem. The model can be represented by a directed graph on N vertices, wherewe draw (−∆ij) directed bonds from site i to j, and (

j ∆ij) arrows from i tooutside (fig. 2.1).

In the particular case of square lattice the toppling matrix is given as:

∆ij =

+4 if i = j−1 if i, j are nearest-neighbors

0 otherwise(2.3)

In this framework to be on the boundary (or in a corner) has a direct correspondencewith the geometrical structure of the lattice.

We assume, without loss of generality, that zi = ∆ii (this amounts to a partic-ular choice of the origin of the zi variables). Then we know that if a site i is stable,and the initial conditions for the heights are zi(t = 0) ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ V , at all times theallowed values for zi are the ones for which holds 0 ≤ zi < zi. This procedure de-fine a Markov chain on the space of stable configurations, with a given equilibriummeasure. So running the given dynamics for long times, that means after a largeamount of sand added, the system reaches the stationary state. In this state, therelaxation after adding a particle, tipically involves a sequence of topplings. This

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2.1 General properties 19

Figure 2.1 a graphical representation of the general ASM. Each nodedenotes a site. On toppligs at any site, one particle is transferred alongeach arrow directed outward form the site

particular occurrence is called an avalanche. The sizes of avalanches can be studiedstatistically for interesting graphs (e.g. for a partition of Z2). In many cases ofinterest it seems to have a power law tail, which is signal of existence of long-rangecorrelations in the system.

The model has a fundamental abelian property [7]. We define operators ai’s,which act on the space of the stable configurations of the model, by the followingrules: if C is a stable configuration, aiC is the stable configuration obtained byadding a particle in the site i and then relaxing the system. It is easy to check thatstarting with an unstable configuration with two or more sites unstable, we getthe same final configuration by toppling the sites in a certain order or in another.Let us consider an unstable configuration with the unstable sites α and β, the firsttoppling of site α leaves β unstable for (2.2b), and, after the toppling of β, we geta configuration in which:

zi → zi − (∆αi + ∆βi) ∀i ∈ V (2.4)

this expression is clearly symmetrical under exchange of α and β. Thus we getthe same resulting configuration irrespective of whether α or β is toppled first. Byrepeated use of this argument, we see that in an avalanche, the same final stateis reached irrespective of the sequence in which unstable sites are toppled. Alsotoppling from a site α and then adding a grain in β gives the same result of firstadding the grain and then perform the toppling. From this two properties it followsthat for all configurations C, and for all i and j, we get aiajC = ajaiC. In otherwords the operators ai commute with each other:

[ai, aj ] = 0 ∀i, j ∈ V (2.5)

Note that, while this property seems very general, it is not shared with most ofthe other SOC models, even other sandpile models, for example when the toppling

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20 The Abelian Sandpile model

condition depends on the gradient, in this case the inequality (2.2b) would not besatisfied and the operators ai do not commute.

The operators ai’s satisfy some other useful relations. For example, on a squarelattice, when 4 grains are added at a given site, this is forced to topple once and agrain is added to each of his neighbors. Thus:

a4j = aj1aj2aj3aj4 (2.6)

where j1, j2, j3, j4 are the nearest-neighbors of j.In the general case one has, instead of (2.6),

a∆iij =

j 6=i


j . (2.7)

Using the abelian property, in any product of operators ai, we can collect togetheroccurences of the same operator , and using the reduction rule (2.7), it is possibleto reduce the power of ai to be always less than ∆ii. The ai are therefore thegenerators of a finite abelian semi-group (in which the associative property followfrom their definition) subject to the relation (2.7); these relations define completelythe semi-group.

We consider now the repeated action of some given generator a1 on some con-figuration C. Since the number of possible states is finite, the orbit of ai mustclose on itself, at some stage, so that an+p

1 C = an1C for some positive period p,and non negative integer n. The first configuration that occurs twice in the orbitis not necessary C, so that the orbit consists of a sequence of transient configura-tions, followed by a cycle. If this orbit does not exhaust all configurations, we cantake a canfiguration outside this orbit and repeat the process. So the space of allconfigurations is broken up into disconnected parts, each one containing one limitcycle.

Under the action of a1 the transient configurations are unattainable once thesystem has reached one of the periodic configurations. In principle the recurrentconfigurations might still be reachable as a result of the action of some other op-erator, say a2, but the abelian property implies that if C is a configuration partof one of the limit cycles of a1, then so is a2C, in fact ap1C = C implies thatap1a2C = a2a

p1C = a2C. Thus the transient configurations with respect to an oper-

ator a1 are also transient with respect to the other operators a2, a3, . . . , and henceoccur with zero probability in the steady state. The abelian property thus impliesthat a2 maps the cycles of a1 into cycles of a1, and moreover that all this cycleshave the same period (fig. 2.2). Repeating our previous argument we can showthat the action of a2 on a cycle is finally closed on itself to yield a torus, possiblywith some transient cycles, which may be also discarded. Continuing with the samearguments for the other cycles and other generators leads to the conclusion thatthe set of all the configurations in the various cycles form a set of multi-dimensionaltori under the action of the a’s. the configurations that belong to a cycle are saidto be recurrent, and can be defined, if we allow addition of sand with non zero

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2.2 The abelian group 21

action of a1

action of a2

Figure 2.2 graphical representation of the combined action of a1 anda2

probability in any site (pi > 0 ∀i), as the configurations reachable by any otherconfiguration with addition of sand followed by relaxation. We denote the set ofall recurrent configurations as R.

2.2 The abelian group

When we resctrict our study to the set R of recurrent configurations, we can definethe inverse operator a−1

i for all i, as each configuration in a cycle has exactly oneincoming arrow corresponding to the operator ai. Thus the ai operators generate agroup. The action of the ai’s on the states correspond to translations of the torus.From the symmetry of the torus under translations, it is clear that all recurrentstates occur in the steady state with the same probability.

This analysis, which is valid for every finite abelian group, leaves open thepossibility that some recurrent configurations are not reachable from each other,in which case there would be some mutually disconnected tori. However, such asituation cannot happen if we allow addition of sand at all sites with non zeroprobabilities (pi > 0 ∀i). Let us define Cmax as the configuration in which all siteshave their maximal height, zi = ∆ii − 1 ∀i. The configuration Cmax is reachablefrom every other configuration, is therefore recurrent, and since inverses ai’s existfor configurations in R, every configuration is reachable from Cmax implying thatevery configuration lie in the same torus.

Let G be the group generated by operators {ai} i from 1 to N . This is a finitegroup beacause the operators ai’s, due to (2.7), satisfy the closure relation:




i = I ∀i = 1, . . . ,N (2.8)

the order of G, denoted as |G|, is equal to the number of recurrent configurations.This is a consequence of the fact that if C and C ′ are any two recurrent configura-tions, then there is an element g ∈ G such that C ′ = gC. We thus have:

|G| = |R| (2.9)

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22 The Abelian Sandpile model

2.3 The evolution operator and the steady state

We consider a vector space V whose basis vectors are the different configurationsof R. The state of the system at time t will be given by a vector

|P (t)〉 =∑


Prob(C, t) |C〉 , (2.10)

where Prob(C, t) is the probability that the system is in the configuration C attime t. The operators ai can be defined to act on the vector space V through theiroperation on the basis vectors.

The time evolution is Markovian, and governed by the equation

|P (t+ 1)〉 = W |P (t)〉 (2.11)


W =



piai (2.12)

To solve the time evolution in general, we have to diagonalize the evolution operatorW . Being mutually commuting, the ai may be simultaneously diagonalized, andthis also diagonalizes W . Let |{φ}〉 be the simultaneous eigenvector of {ai}, witheigenvalues {eiφi}, for i = 1, . . . N . Then


⟩= eiφi


⟩∀i = 1, . . . ,N. (2.13)

We recall that the a operators now satisfy the relation (2.8). Applying the l.h.s.of this relation to the eigenvector |{φ}〉 gives exp(i

j ∆kjφj) = 1, for every k, sothat

j ∆kjφj = 2πmk, or inverting,

φj = 2π∑




jkmk , (2.14)

where ∆−1 is the inverse of ∆, and the mk’s are arbitrary integers.

The particular eigenstate |{0}〉 (φj = 0 for all j) is invariant under the action ofall the a’s, ai |{0}〉 = |{0}〉. Thus |{0}〉 must be the stationary state of the systemsince


piai |{0}〉 =∑


pi |{0}〉 = |{0}〉 . (2.15)

We now see explicitly that the steady state is independent of the values ofthe pi’s and that in the steady state, all recurrent configurations occur with equalprobability.

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2.4 Recurrent and transient configurations 23

2.4 Recurrent and transient configurations

Given a stable configuration of the sandpile, how can we distinguish between tran-sient and recurrent configurations? A first observation is that there are someforbidden subconfiguration that can never be created by addiction of sand andrelaxation, if not already present in the initial state. The simplest example onthe square lattice case is a configuration of two adjacent sites of height 0, 0 0 .Since zi ≥ 0, a site of height 0 can only be created as a result of toppling at oneof the two sites (toppling from anywhere else can only increase his height). But atoppling of either of this sites results in a height of at least 1 in the other. Thusany configuration which contains two adjacent 0’s is transient. With the sameargument is easy to prove that the following configurations can never appear in arecurrent configuration:



0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0

Figure 2.3 Examples of forbidden subconfigurations

In general a forbidden subconfiguration (FSC) is a set F of r sites (r ≥ 1), suchthat the height zj of each site j in F is less of the number of neighbors of j in F ,precisely:

zi <∑


(−∆ij) ∀i ∈ F (2.16)

The proof of this assertion is by induction on the number of sites in F . For examplethe creation of the 0 1 0 subconfiguration must involve toppling at one of end

sites, but then the subconfiguration must have had a 0 0 before the toppling,and this was shown before to be forbidden.

An interesting consequence of the existence of forbidden configurations is thefollowing: consider an ASM on an undirected graph, with Nb bonds between sites,then in any recurrent configuration the number of sandgrains is greater or equal toNb. Note that here we do not count the boundary bonds, corresponding to particlesleaving the system. To prove this, we note that if the inequality is not true for anyconfiguration, it must have a FSC in it.

2.4.1 The multiplication by identity test

A more systematic way to test the recurrence of a given configuration could befound by using some operator properties of the ai (2.7). Let us take the exampleof a sandpile defined on an N ×N square lattice. Multypling all the relations (2.7)

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24 The Abelian Sandpile model



a4i =


anii , (2.17)

where ni is the number of neighbors of a given site i, i.e. 4 for a bulk site, 2 or 3for a boundary site. Now we can use the property for the ai that on the set R ofrecurrent configurations the inverses are defined, and this yields to


a4−nii = 1. (2.18)

So, to check whether a configuration C is recurrent, one has to add a particle ateach boundary site (two on corner sites), relax the system, and then check whetherthe final configuration is the same as C, in which case the configuration is recurrent.In the next section we will see how to obtain the same result in an easier and fasterway.

2.4.2 Burning test

There is a simple recursive procedure to discover if a configuration is recurrent.We consider a test set, say T , of sites. In the beginning T consists of all the sitesof the lattice we are considering; we first test the hypothesis that T is a FSC usingthe inequalities (2.16). If these inequalities are satisfied for all sites in T , then thehypothesis is true and the configuration in exam is transient. Otherwise there aresome sites for which the inequalities are violated, these sites cannot be part of anyFSC, in fact the inequalities will remain unsatisfied even though T is replaced bya smaller subset of sites. We can now delete them from T to obtain a new subsetT ′, we say we “burn” these sites and the remaining are “unburnt”; at this point itis possible to check whether T ′ is a FSC with the previous procedure. We continuefollowing this scheme until we cannot burn anymore site. If we get a finite subsetF of unburnt sites this is a FSC and the configuration is transient, if the set ofunburnt sites becomes empty the configuration in exam is found to be recurrent.We call the procedure just presented the burning test.

In the burning test it does not matter in which order the sites are burnt. Itis however useful to introduce the concept of time of burning and to add to thegraph a site, named sink, which is connected to all the “boundary” sites with asmany links as the number of lost particles in a toppling by the boundary sites inexam, it never topples and only collects sand. There is a natural way to choosea time of burning for each site. At time t = 0, all the sites in T are unburntaxcept the sink. At any time a site is called “burnable” iff the inequality (2.16) isunsatisfied with respect to the set T (t) reached at that time, then a burnable siteat time t becomes burnt at time t + 1, and so remains for the next times. Withthis prescription we label each site of the graph with a burning time, dependingjust on the configuration in exam.

Take now an arbitrary site i, except the sink. Let τi + 1 be the time step atwhich this is burnt, then the burning rule implies that at time τi at least one of his

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2.4 Recurrent and transient configurations 25

neighbor sites has been burnt. Let ri be the number of such neighbors and let uswrite:

ξi =∑′


(−∆ij) (2.19)

where the primed summation runs over all unburnt neighbors of i at time τi. Thenwe have zi ≥ ξi since the site i is burnable at time τi; but, since it was not burnableat time τi − 1 we must also have:

zi < ξi +K (2.20)

where K is the number of bonds linking i to his neighbors which were unburntat time τi. During the burining test we say that fire reaches the site i by one ofthe K bonds. Obviously when K = 1 there is just one possibility so there are noproblems, and we say that the fire reaches i from the only site possible. If K > 1 wehave to select one bond through which the fire reaches i depending on his height zi.For this purpose we order the bonds converging on the site i in some sequence (e.g.{(i, i1), (i, i2), (i, i3), . . .}), the order is arbitrary and can be chosen indipendentlyon each site i. Now we can write zi = ξi + s − 1 for some s > 0, we say that firereaches i using the s-th link in the ordered list of the possible ones. With thisprocedure we have got a unique path for the fire to reach each site i, given theconfiguration of heights in the sandpile and the prescription on the order of bondsconverging on each site. The set of bonds along which fire propagates, connectsthe sink with each site in the graph, and there are no loops in each path. Thus theset just obtained is a spanning tree on the graph G′ = G+ {sink}.

So choosing a particular prescription for a given graph we can obtain by eachconfiguration a unique spanning tree. For example on a square lattice we have fourbonds for each site, let us call them N-E-S-W, where the cardinal points denotes thedirection of incidence, we can choose the prescription N>E>S>W and obtain fora recurrent configuration the corresponding spanning tree. In (fig. 2.4) is shown aburning test for a 4×4 square lattice, with prescription NESW, with



are denotedthe sites such that, connected together, represent the sink, with

����the sites burnt

at the given time of each step of the algorithm and with , the bonds throughwhich the fire could have reached the site but were rejected.

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26 The Abelian Sandpile model

0 0

02 2 2

22 2


































t = 1

































������ ������

������ ������

0 0


22 2






t = 2

































������ ������

0 0







t = 3































������ ������

0 0





t = 4































������ ������

0 0



t = 5





































������ ������


t = 6


































������ ������

Figure 2.4 Example of burning test acting on a given configuration, ateach time is displayed the progress in the algorithm until at t=6 allsites become “burnt”

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2.5 Algebraic aspects 27

2.5 Algebraic aspects

We want to report some features of the abelian group G associated to the ASM. Inparticular we determine scalar function, invariant under toppling, and the rank ofthe group for the square lattice.

Furthermore we recall that any finite abelian group G can be expressed as aproduct of cyclic groups in the following form:

G ∼= Zd1 × Zd2 × · · · × Zdg (2.21)

That is, the group is isomorphic to the direct product of g cyclic groups of orderd1, d2, . . . , dg. Moreover the integers d1 ≥ d2 ≥ . . . ≥ dg > 1 can be chosen suchthat di is an integer multiple of di+1 and, under this condition, the decompositionis unique. In the following we determine the canonical decomposition of the group.

2.5.1 Toppling invariants

The space of all configurations {zi} (with zi ≥ 0) constitutes a commutative semi-group over the vertex-set of the ambient graph, with the addition between config-urations defined as a sitewise addition of heights with relaxation, if necessary. Wedefine an equivalency relation on this semigroup by saying that two configurations{zi} and {z′i} are equivalent iff there exists |V | integers nj, j = 1, . . . N , such that:

z′i = zi −∑


∆ijnj ∀i ∈ V (2.22)

This equivalence is said “equivalence under toppling”, and each equivalence classwith respect to (2.22) contains one and only one recurrent configuration. One canassociate to each configuration {zi} a recurrent configuration C defining:

C[zi] =∏


azii C

∗ (2.23)

where C∗ is a given recurrent configuration. If {zi} and {z′i} are in the sameequivalence class, then C[zi] = C[z′i], indeed we have that:

C[z′i] =∏




j ∆ijnj

i C∗ =(∏
















C∗ =∏


aziC∗ = C[zi].(2.24)

Using the (2.22) two stable configurations can be equivalent under toppling.Toppling invariants are scalar functions defined on the space of all the configu-

rations of the sandpile, such that their value is the same for configurations that areequivalent under toppling. Given the toppling matrix ∆ for an N sites sandpile,we define N rational functions Qi, i ∈ {1, . . . ,N}, as follows

Qi({zj}) =∑


∆−1ij zj mod 1 (2.25)

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28 The Abelian Sandpile model

It is straightforward to prove that the functions Qi are toppling invariants, indeedthe toppling at site k changes C ≡ {zi} → C ′ ≡ {zi − ∆ik}, and the linearity ofthe Qi’s in the height variables permits to write:

Qi(C′) = Qi(C) −


∆−1ij ∆jk = Qi(C) mod 1 (2.26)

These functions are rational-valued but they can be made integer-valued by mul-tiplication upon an adequate integer. So these functions can be used to label therecurrent configurations. Thus the space of recurrent configurations can be replacedby the set of N-uples (Q1, Q2, . . . , QN ), but this labelling is generally overcomplete,they being not all indipendent.

It is desirable to isolate a minimal set of invariants, and this can be done for anarbitrary ASM using the classical theory of Smith normal form for integer matrices[22].

Any nonsingular N ×N integer matrix ∆ can be written in the form:

∆ = ADB (2.27)

where A and B are N × N integer matrices with determinant ±1, and D is adiagonal matrix

Dij = diδij (2.28)

where the eigenvalues di are defined as follows:

1. di is a multiple of di+1 forall i = 1 to N − 1

2. di = ei−1/ei where ei stands for the greatest common divisor of the determi-nants of all the (N − i) × (N − i) submatrices of ∆ (note that eN = 1)

The matrix D is uniquely determined by ∆ but the matrices A and B are far fromunique. The di are called the elementary divisors of ∆.

In terms of the decomposition (2.27), we define the set of scalar functions Ii(C)by

Ii(C) =∑


(A−1)ijzj mod di (2.29)

Due to the unimodularity of A (fact that guarantees the existence of an integerinverse matrix for A), these functions are integer-valued, and are toppling invariant,explicitely, given the equivalence under toppling relation (2.22), we have:

Ii[z′j ] =


(A−1)ijzj −∑


(A−1)ij∆jknk (2.30)

= Ii[zj ] −∑


(A−1)ijAjℓDℓmBmknk = (2.31)

= Ii[zj ] −∑


DijBjknk (2.32)

= Ii[zj ] − di∑


Biknk = Ii[zj ] mod di (2.33)

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2.5 Algebraic aspects 29

Only the Ii for which di 6= 1 are nontrivial, and we note that this invariants are farfrom unique, because they are defined in the term of A which is not unique itself.The Ii’s can also be written in term of the Qi’s as follows:

Ii[C] =∑


diBijQj[C] (2.34)

We now show that the set of nontrivial invariants is always minimal and complete.Let g be the number of di > 1, we associate at each recurrent configuration ag-uple (I1, I2, . . . , Ig) where 0 ≤ Ii < di. The total number of distinct g-uple is∏gi=1 di = |G|.We first show that this mapping from the set of recurrent configurations to

g-uples is one-to-one. Let us define operators ei by the equation

ei =N∏



j 1 ≤ i ≤ g (2.35)

Acting on a fixed configuration C∗ = {zj}, ei yields a new configuration, equivalentunder toppling to the configuration {zj +Aji}. If the g-uple corresponding to C∗ is(I∗1 , I

∗2 , . . . , I

∗g ), from (2.29) follows that eiC

∗ has toppling invariants Ik = I∗k + δik.By operating with this operators {ei} sufficiently many times on C∗, all |G| valuesfor the g-uple (I1, I2, . . . , Ig) are obtainable. Thus there is at least one recurrentconfiguration corresponding to any g-uple (I1, I2, . . . , Ig). As the total number ofrecurrent configurations equals the number of g-uples (2.9), we see that there isa one to one correspondence between the g-uples (I1, I2, . . . , Ig) and the recurrentconfigurations of the ASM.

To express the operators aj in terms of ei, we need to invert the transformation(2.35). This is easily seen to be:

aj =




i 1 ≤ j ≤ N (2.36)

Thus the operators ei generate the whole of G. Since ei acting on a configurationincreases Ii by one, leaving the other invariants unchanged, and since Ii is onlydefined modulo di, we see that

edii = I for i 1 to g (2.37)

Note that the definition (2.35) makes sense for i between g+ 1 and N , and impliesrelations among the aj operators.

This shows that G has a canonical decomposition as a product of cyclic groupsas in (2.21), with di’s defined in (2.28). We thus have shown that the generatorsand the group structure of G can be entirely determined from its toppling matrix∆, through its normal decomposition (2.27).

The invariants {Ii} also provide a simple additive representation of the groupG. We define a binary opreration of “addition” (denoted by ⊕) on the space of

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30 The Abelian Sandpile model

recurrent configurations by adding heights sitewise, and then allowing the resultingconfiguration to relax. From the linearity of the Ii’s in the height variables, andtheir invariance under toppling, it is clear that under this addition of configurations,the Ii’s also simply add. Thus for any recurrent configurations C1 and C2 one has

Ii(C1 ⊕ C2) = Ii(C1) + Ii(C2) mod di (2.38)

The Ii’s provide a complete labelling of R. There is a unique recurrent config-uration, denoted by Cid, for which all Ii(Cid) are zero. Also, each recurrent C hasa unique inverse −C, also recurrent, and determined by Ii(−C) = −Ii(C) mod di.Therefore the addition ⊕ is a group law on R, with identity given by Cid. M.Creutz first gave an algorithm to compute this configuration in [18].

There is a one-to-one correspondence between recurrent configurations of ASMand elements of the group G: we associate to the group element g ∈ G, the recurrentconfiguration gCid, and from (2.38) follows that for all g, g′ ∈ G

gCid ⊕ g′Cid = (gg′)Cid (2.39)

Thus the set of recurrent configurations with the operation ⊕ form a group which isisomorphic to the multiplicative group G, result first proved in [18]. The invariants{Ii} provide a simple labelling of the recurrent configurations. Since a recurrentconfiguration can also be uniquely determined by its height variables {zi}, theexistence of forbbidden configuration (2.16) in ASM’s implies that this heightssatisfy many inequality constraints.

2.5.2 Rank of G for a rectangular lattice

For a general toppling matrix ∆, it is difficult to say much more about the groupstructure of G. To obtain some useful results we now consider the toppling matrix ∆of a finite L1×L2 2-dimensional square lattice. In this framework is more convenientto label the sites not by a single index i running from 1 to N = L1L2, but by twoCartesian coordinates (x, y), with 1 ≤ x ≤ L1 and 1 ≤ y ≤ L2. The topplingmatrix is the discrete Laplacian as defined in (2.3), given by ∆(x, y;x, y) = 4,∆(x, y;x′, y′) = −1 if the sites are nearest-neighbors (i.e. |x − x′| + |y − y′| = 1),and zero otherwise. We assume, without loss of generality, that L1 ≥ L2. Therelations (2.6) satisfied by operators a(x, y), using the fact that the operators hasan inverse on R, can be rewritten in the form

a(x+ 1, y) = a4(x, y)a−1(x, y + 1)a−1(x, y − 1)a−1(x− 1, y) (2.40)

where we adopt the convention that

a(x, 0) = a(x,L2 + 1) = a(0, y) = a(L1 + 1, y) = I ∀x, y (2.41)

The equations (2.40) can be recursively solved to express any operator a(x, y) asa product of powers of a(1, y). Therefore the group G can be generated by the L2

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2.5 Algebraic aspects 31

operators a(1, y). Denoting the rank of G (minimal number of generators) by g,this implies that

g ≤ L2 (2.42)

In the special case of a linear chain, L2 = 1, we see that g = 1, and thus G is cyclic.Equations (2.40) permits also to express a(L1 + 1, y) in term of powers of a(1, y)say

a(L1 + 1, y) =∏


a(1, y′)nyy′ (2.43)

where the nyy′ are integers which depend on L1 and L2 and which can be eventuallydetermined by solving the linear recurrence relation (2.40). The condition (2.41),a(L1 + 1, y) = I then leads to the closure relations



a(1, y′)nyy′ = I ∀y = 1, . . . , L2 (2.44)

The equations (2.44) give a presentation of G, the structure of which can be de-termined from the normal form decomposition of the L2 × L2 integer matrix nyy′ .This is considerably easier to handle that the normal form decomposition of themuch larger matrix ∆ needed for an arbitrary ASM. Even though this is a realcomputational improvement, the calculation for arbitrary L1 is not trivial.

In the particular case of square-shaped lattice, where L1 = L2 = L, using theabove algorithm is possible to find the structure of G, and to prove that for anL× L square lattice we have

g = L for L1 = L2 = L (2.45)

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32 The Abelian Sandpile model

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3. Cluster-toppling rules and

exotic operators

In this chapter we present a generalization of the toppling rule which preservesthe group properties of the model, and has some interesting involvements with theidentification of recurrent configurations. Then we propose a class of operators Ni

that have some particular exchange properties, although being in a non-abelianextension of the original ASM algebra. We also show the possibility of obtaininga particular stationary state by the repeated action of the operators Ni on a givenstate, we study this stationary state and we find a close relation with the abovementioned cluster-toppling rules. We study in more detail portions of the squarelattice of various particular shapes.

3.1 Generalized toppling rules

In chapter 2, we introduced the two basic rules of the ASM: the “addition rule”and the “toppling rule”. The addition rule has a general formulation, and, in theidentification of a Markov Chain, it is flexible because of the possibility to makedifferent choices for the rates pi, at which particles are added on each site. On theother hand the toppling rule is maybe not the most general. Indeed a topplingrule took the form of a single-variable check, labelled by a site index i, zi < ziwhich, if failing causes an “instability” in the height profile, which relaxes with aconstant shift zj → zj −∆ij such that the total mass can only decrease, with someconditions that ensure both the finitness of the relaxation process, and the factthat the result has no ambiguity in the case of multiple violated disequalities atsome intermediate steps.

Theorem 1. Given an ASM on a graph G = (E,V ) and a toppling matrix ∆, if Cis unstable, consider the set S of sequences (i1, . . . , iN(s)) such that tiN(s)

. . . ti2ti1Cis a valid sequance of topplings, and produces a stable configuration C(s), somefacts are true:

(0) S is non-empty;

(1) C(s) = C(s′) for each s, s′ ∈ S, i.e. the final stable configuration does notdepend upon possible choices of who topples when;

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34 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

(2) N(s) = N(s′) = N(C) ∀s, s′ ∈ S

(3) ∀s, s′ ∈ S ∃π ∈ SN(s) : i(s)α = i


for α = 1, . . . ,N(C), i.e. the topplingsequences differ only by a permutation.

Proof. Here we prove (3), given (1) and (0) As a restatement of (3), we have thatone can define a vector ~n(C) ∈ N|V | as the number of occurrence of each site in anyof the sequence of S. Then, we have that the final configuration is

C = C + ∆ · ~n (3.1)

The fact that ~n is unique is trivially proven. Indeed, as S is non-empty, we havea first candidate ~n0, and thus a solution of the non-homogeneous linear system (in~n)

∆ · ~n = C − C.

If there was another solution ~n1, then we would have that ~n′ = ~n1−~n0 is a solutionof the homogeneous system

∆ · ~n′ = ~0.

But ∆ is a square matrix of the form Laplacian+mass, such that the spectrum isall positive (we saw how it is a strictly-dissipative diffusion kernel), so it can nothave non-zero vectors in its kernel. This proves the uniqueness of ~n, i.e. (3). But(3) is stronger than (2), and the fact that C = C + ∆ · ~n also implies (1). So thetheorem is proven.

The standard toppling rule can be shortly rewritten as:

if zi ≥ zi = ∆ii =⇒ zj → zj + ∆ij ∀j (3.2)

Pictorially, on a square lattice, we can draw the heights at a given site i and at itsnearest-neighbors i1, i2, i3, i4 as

zi1zi4 zi zi2



and an example of typical toppling is


0 4 0




1 0 1



where the initial value of zi is equal to zi = 4, so it is the only site that becomesunstable and requires the toppling shown in figure.

A straightforward generalization of this prescription is to consider a site stableor unstable not just for “ultra-local” (i.e. single-site) properties (like the overcom-ing of the site threshold) but also for local properties that depend on the heights

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3.1 Generalized toppling rules 35

at more than one sites. Similarly, we would have toppling rules ~∆α = {∆αj}j∈Vwith more than a single positive entry. Still we want to preserve the “exchange”properties of toppling procedures which led to the abelianity of the drop operatorsai, and this could be in principle such a severe constraint that we could not findessentially any new possibility. As we show now, by direct construction, this isnot the case. We can define some cluster-toppling rules, labelled by whole subsetsI ⊆ V of the set of sites, instead that by a single site, and for any subset I introducethe toppling rule

if ∀i ∈ I zi ≥∑


∆iα =⇒ zk → zk −∑


∆αk ∀k (3.5)

These rules clearly define some sandpile model, that, under some constraints onthe choice of toppling clusters L = {I}, we will prove later to be abelian. But,before this, we address the simpler issue of cheking for the finiteness of the spaceof configurations. It is trivial to see that if, for any site i, there is no set {i} ∈ L,but only an arbitrary number of “large” clusters I ∈ L, |I| ≥ 2, i ∈ I, then all theconfigurations of height

zi = n ∈ N, zj = 0 j 6= i (3.6)

are allowed and stable, thus a necessary condition for having a finite set of stableconfigurations is

{i} ∈ L ∀i ∈ V (3.7)

this is also sufficent, as even in the standard ASM we have a number∏zi of stable

configurations (where zi is the source of instability for each site), and this numbercan only decrease when adding new toppling rules.

We define Lstd the set of toppling cluster for the standard toppling rules, thatis

Lstd ={{i}i∈V


So we ask wether a given set L of cluster-toppling give rise to a finite abeliansandpile. Say I(1) and I(2) are two clusters in L

Theorem 2. Given an ASM on a graph G = (E,V ), with a symmetric topplingmatrix ∆, {~∆I}I∈L and L ⊇ Lstd. A necessary and sufficient condition for thesandpile to be abelian is that

each component of I(1) r I(2) ∈ L ∀I(1), I(2) ∈ L (3.9)

Proof. Let us call J = I(1) ∩ I(2), then there are two cases:

(a) J = ∅

(b) J 6= ∅

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36 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

In case a the compatibility is obvious, indeed if we make the toppling for I(1)then the heights in I(2) can only increase for the properties of the toppling matrix∆. After the topplings also of the sites in I(2) have been done, the final heightconfiguration will be

z′k = zk −∑


∆ik −∑


∆jk (3.10)

this expression is clearly symmetric under the exchange of I(1) and I(2).In case b we shortly recall the toppling rule for I(1) and I(2) (3.5)

if ∀i ∈ I(1) zi ≥∑


∆iα =⇒ zk → zk −∑


∆αk ∀k (3.11a)

if ∀i ∈ I(2) zi ≥∑


∆iα =⇒ zk → zk −∑


∆αk ∀k (3.11b)

now we note that we can split the sums in the contribution from J and the onefrom the remaining sites of each subset











Now we can topple first I(1) and so update the configuration {zi} → {z′i} as follows

z′i = zi +∑


∆αi +∑


∆αi ∀i ∈ V

At this point, for the updated configuration the following relations are valid

∀i ∈ I(2) r J z′i =zi −∑


∆αi −∑


∆αi ≥ (3.12a)



∆iα +∑


∆iα −∑


∆αi −∑


∆αi ≥ (3.12b)



∆iα −∑


∆αi ≥ (3.12c)



∆iα (3.12d)

in line (3.12b) we used the symmetry property of the toppling matrix to cancelout the second and the fourth terms, in line (3.12c) we used the property the off-diagonal elements ∆ij to be negative or equal to zero to obtain the inequality inthe last line, indeed if A > B, if ci ≥ 0 then A+

∑ci > B a fortiori.

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3.1 Generalized toppling rules 37

In the case it does not exist the toppling rule for I(2) r J , there exists a config-uration of heights (the minimal heights such that both I(1) and I(2) are unstable)such that toppling first I(1) or I(2) leads immediately after a single toppling to twodistinct stable configurations, so we see that necessary part of the theorem holds.As a consequence, as L ⊇ Lstd, given I ∈ L we have that all the I ′ ⊆ I are in L, andthus all of its components. In particular disconnected I’s are simply redundant,and we can restrict L to contain only connected clusters without loss of generality.

Conversely, if I(2)rJ ∈ L (and I(1)rJ ∈ L by symmetry), in the two “histories”in which we toppled I(1) or I(2), we can still topple I(2) r J ∈ L and I(1) r J ∈ Lrespectively and put them back on the same track, i.e.

tI(1)rJtI(2) ≡ tI(2)rJtI(1) (3.13)

as operators when applied to configurations C such that both I(1) and I(2) areunstable.

We want also to produce a proof similar to that for standard toppling rule intheorem 1 for the cluster-toppling ASM.

We have G = (E,V ), and the induced toppling matrix ∆, and a set L ofconnected subsets of V , with L ⊇ Lstd =


}. Call ~∆i = {∆ij}j∈V , and

~∆I =∑

i∈I~∆i. A toppling tI changes ~z into ~z − ~∆I .

Theorem 3. If C is unstable, consider the set S of sequences s = (I1, . . . , IN(s))

such that tIN(s). . . tI2tI1C is a valid sequence of topplings and produces a stable

configuration C(s). Some facts are true:

(0) S is non-empty;

(1) C(s) = C(s′) ∀s, s′ ∈ S;


α=1 |I(s)α | =

∑N(s′)α=1 |I

(s′)α | ∀s, s′ ∈ S;

(3) defining ~χI =

{1 i ∈ I0 i /∈ I


α=1 ~χI(s)αis the same for all the sequences and

is some vector ~n(C)

Proof. (of (3) and (2) given (1) and (0)) Again, the final stable configuration isC = C + ∆ · ~n, and the uniqueness of ~n is proven along the same line as the prooffor standard ASM. Then, as (3) is a strenghtening of (2), the theorem is proven.remark however some qualitative difference with the simplest case of ordinary ASM:it can well be that N(s) 6= N(s′), and s and s′ do not differ simply by a permutation(e.g., in the relaxation of 3 4 3 by t3t12 or by t1t3t2), and analogously thekernel ∑


nI ~∆Ij = 0 ∀I ∈ L

is non-empty for L ) Lstd, as ∆ is rectangular (e.g. n12 = a, n1 = n2 = −a, nI = 0otherwise is a null vector of ∆). Only in the “basis” of Lstd we have a uniquesolution, and of course the versor eI , in Z|L|, reads ~χI in this basis.

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38 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

We present for clearity the case in which the rule is defined for all the 2-clusters,dimers. In this case we have

L ={{i, j}ij∈E


}, (3.14)

and the general rule (3.5) becomes:


ij ∈ Ezi ≥ ∆ii + ∆ij

zj ≥ ∆jj + ∆ij

=⇒ zk → zk − ∆ik − ∆jk ∀k, (3.15)

we can now pictorially draw on a square lattice the heights for a given cluster,formed by the sites i and j, and its nearest-neighbors i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3 as

zi1 zj1zi3 zi zj zj2

zi2 zj3


so a typical 2-cluster toppling is:

0 0

0 3 3 0

0 0


1 1

1 0 0 1

1 1


in which in the initial state both the sites i and j have height equal to zi − 1 = 3and become unstable with respect to the (3.15), it is therefore necessary to topplethe sites obtaining the final configuration. We note that doing a single cluster-toppling is the same as making two consecutive normal topplings, at conditionthat we permit negative height in the intermediate steps and force the topplingalso in the case it is not necessary (zi = 3), in fact:

0 0

0 3 3 0

0 0


1 0

1 -1 4 0

1 0


1 1

1 0 0 1

1 1


and in the case zi ≥ 4 or zj ≥ 4 or both, the same result would have been obtained,any possible rule we choose to use, as proved in 2. This fact can be better under-stood recalling the relations (2.6) satisfied by the operators ai and aj, with i andj corresponding to the ones in (3.16):

a4i = ai1ai2ai3aj (3.19a)

a4j = aj1aj2aj3ai (3.19b)

If we restrict the attention on recurrent configurations where inverses of ai exist itis possible to multiply side by side the two equalities obtaining:

a4i a

4j = ai1ai2ai3ajaj1aj2aj3ai (3.20)

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3.1 Generalized toppling rules 39

and dividing (in group sense) each side by ai and aj we have the following equality:

a3i a

3j = ai1ai2ai3aj1aj2aj3 (3.21)

that is the same of (3.19) for the cluster toppling rule, furthermore this rule gener-alizes for arbitrary subsets of V . This permit us to state that the different topplingrules we have introduced bring to the same group presentation (and then to thesame group structure) for the abelian group associated to the recurrent configura-tions of the ASM.

We recall now that for the model with the standard toppling rule we have aneasy characterization for the subsets F of the graph that are forbidden subconfig-uration (FSC), that is:

if ∀i ∈ F zi <∑

j 6=ij∈F

(−∆ij) =⇒ F is a FSC (3.22)

As obvious with the new rules just introduced, some forbidden subconfigurationsof the standard ASM can become reachable by adding sand and toppling, e.g. thesimplest forbidden configuration in the case of standard toppling rules, 0 0 , iseasily reachable if we allow the 2-cluster toppling rule, in fact it can simply turnup as result of the basic 2-cluster toppling 3 3 → 0 0 . It is also possibleto characterize the forbidden subconfigurations with respect to a given I-topplingrule, we have:

if ∀I ⊆ F



zij <∑


(−∆ℓj) =⇒ F is a FSC (3.23)

this yielding to the possibility that a transient configuration with respect to a L′

toppling rule becomes recurrent for a L′′ toppling rule, with L′′ ⊃ L′.Furthermore some configurations stable with respect to a L′ toppling rule be-

come unstable if we allow L′ to increase up to L′′, e.g. the basic unstable con-figuration 3 3 for the dimer-toppling rule is perfectly stable in the frameworkof toppling only for zi ≥ zi. Moreover the fact that the group structure of theassociated group remains unchanged under the addition of the new toppling rules,yields the number of group elements g ∈ G to be the same in the two cases, thisforces the number of recurrent configurations to be the same, as the order of groupassociated, i.e. as many stable recurrent becomes unstable, as transient becomerecurrent, for each enlargement of L.

In this framework, we see how, remaining unchanged the number of recurrentconfigurations and growing up the number of unstable configurations, since the setof L-stable configurations becomes a subset of the original set of stable configu-rations S = {0, 1, 2, 3}|V |, in some sense the transient configurations that becomeallowed must correspond to some newly unstable configurations. This kind of sym-metry between the two sets, yields to suppose the existence of a bijection between

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40 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

unstable configurations for L′′ toppling rules and transient configurations for L′

toppling rules, with L′′ ⊃ L′. This procedure of enlarging the set of unstable con-figuration, and at the same time to shrink the set of transient configuration yieldsto the possibility to completely suppress the set of the transient configurations andto have that the recurrent configurations become all the stable configurations. Thissituation is reached by letting

L = {all the subsets of V } (3.24)

An interesting example is the lattice 3 × 1 in which the number of configurationsis not huge and we can directly check this statement.

L = Lstd

0 0 0

0 0 1 23

0 01 23

0 1 0︸ ︷︷ ︸

8 transients

L = Lstd ∪ {i1, i2}

0 1 0

0 0 1 23

︸ ︷︷ ︸

4 recurrents

3 3 0 12 3

︸ ︷︷ ︸

4 unstables

L = Lstd ∪ Lmax

0 0 0

0 0 1 23

︸ ︷︷ ︸

8 recurrents

0 01 23

0 1 0

3 3 3

3 3 0 12

3 30 12

3 2 3︸ ︷︷ ︸

8 unstables

3.2 The operator Ni = a†iai

Until this point we worked with the abelian operators ai of the group G associatedwith the ASM, defined as the ones which add a grain in i and let the configurationrelax if necessary. It is possible to complementary define the operators a−1

i inversesof ai and to find their explicit action as shown in [9]. In order to obtain it, mustbe used the already introduced concept of forbidden subconfigurations (2.16) andthe new elementary operation of untoppling.

We define the untoppling rule the rule through which if, at site i, the heightbecomes for some reason negative, it is increased by ∆ii and the heights in theother sites j are decreased by −∆ij, where ∆ is the usual toppling matrix of thesandpile. Shortly we can write

if zi < 0 =⇒ zj → zj + ∆ij ∀j (3.25)

If eventually after this updating the height at some other site becomes negative,then we let them untopple following the (3.25). This rule is exactly the symmetriccounter-part of the toppling rule (3.2) for the model in which all the heights aretrasformed as follows

zi → 4 − zi (3.26)

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3.2 The operator Ni = a†iai 41

Thus we don’t have to worry about the order we choose to perform the different un-topplings, indeed they satisfy an abelian property exactly as the standard topplingrule does.

Instead of defining a−1i we define a new, but similar, operator a†i from the

space of stable configurations to itself. It effectively acts as follows: given a stableconfiguration C = {zj}, the configuration a†iC = {z′j} is the one in which z′i = zi−1,and, in the case z′i < 0 after the decreasing, the necessary untoppling are performedin order to obtain an allowed configuration. This is not the same as a−1

i , indeed

in that case, after the action of a†i , we have to make a burning test to check if theconfiguration is or not recurrent, and in the case it is transient, a sort of inverseavalanche of the FSC found with the burning test is performed, this procedure isrepeated until the configuration becomes recurrent. This fact suggests the propertyof the a†i ’s to bring back, in some cases, the recurrent into transient configurations.

We can now define the operator

Ni = a†iai (3.27)

Clearly this operator does not commute with the whole operator algebra of thesandpile, indeed the action of a†i can decrease the height in a site where otherwisethe action of ai would have generated an avalanche. Now we study the repeatedaction of Ni on the maximally filled configuration Cmax, that is zi = 3 for all i, of asquare lattice rectangular-shaped. We choose to act on this particular configurationbecause the action of Ni on it isn’t trivial, at the first step, for every site; indeedthere are many possible configurations for which the action of Ni is trivial, and socorrespond to doing nothing, for some i. Given Ni, the cases for which NiC = Care the following:

(i) if zi < 3, in this case the first added particle does not bring to any toppling

and the action of a†i simply restore the initial height;

(ii) if zi = 3 and no one of its nearest-neighbors, j, has maximal height (zj = 3),indeed in this case the action of ai lead up to a toppling, just one, lettingzi = 0; the following action of a†i involves one untoppling and restore theinitial situation.

Ni acting on configuration Cmax creates diagrams that pictorially seems “scatteringdiagrams”. We tested this fact by the help of a computer program written by Creutz[19], this program represents each different height value with a different colour:

zi = 3; zi = 2; zi = 1; zi = 0

thus in the following we will indifferently speak about a site i of height zi = 2as a “2-height” site or as a “blue” site.

Let us speak about what happens with the action of Ni: we will discuss thefenomenology on a square-shaped lattice. The first hit creates a central square

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42 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

Figure 3.1 configuration after a single hit of Ni in the site marked inblack

of blue sites with 4 beams of red sites departing from its vertices and connectingto the corner of the lattice (fig. 3.1). We define this new objects as some defectin the originally homogeneous background of height 3, i.e. zi < 3, that present aperiodicity with a certain period (kx, ky), obviously integer, being the ASM settledin a lattice; in the following, with abuse of notation, we will call them propagators,and we will indicate the component kx and ky of the periodicity as the momentaof the propagator. Acting with Ni more time on the just reached configuration,bring to different possible results, neglecting the cases in which the action is trivial.Choosing the i inside the blue square just formed, that we can consider in someway as a loop of blue propagators, the action of Ni simply contracts the initialsquare into the one tangent to the point i chosen. On the other hand, choosing i inone of the four external trapezoids, it seems that, from the corresponding corners,some “new mass” reaches the diagram, changing the propagators that migrateand become of different shape, and of different momentum. Continuing as justpresented it is possible to create many different propagators for as many values ofkx and ky we want.

3.2.1 The ASM-propagators

Having produced some data about these “ASM-propagators”, and having spannedmany possible different shapes of the above defined “propagators”, it is possible tostate some apparent rule they follow, although we did not succeed still in provingthe more “exotic” of them.

1) It is possible for the propagators to meet in some vertices, in general meetingpoint for three of them, just as two of them scatter in a new propagator. Thishappens with a surprising conservation law, indeed considering the momenta ofthe propagators as a flow, then in a process the following relation holds

(px, py) + (qx, qy) = (kx, ky) (3.28)

the momentum along direction x and y is conserved, so

px + qx = kx and py + qy = ky (3.29)

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3.2 The operator Ni = a†iai 43

(3, 1) + (0, 1) → (3, 2) (4, 3) + (1, 0) → (5, 3)

Figure 3.2 example of vertices of scattering

In figure 3.2 are shown some examples

2) When in the diagram a loop forms, composed by the known propagators,then this loop is a forbidden subconfiguration. The action of Ni inside the loopleads up to shrink the loop, until it becomes a single vertex. Otherwise Ni actingin a zone external of any loop (i.e. adjacent to the border), creates a new loop andincrease the momenta incident on the corners of the square.

3) A fact true for all the case we studied, is that at each propagator we canassociate a quantity defined as the sum of the defects of height with respect to thecompletely filled configuration in the space of a period (kx, ky). The non-trivialfact is that this quantity, we can call E, satisfies the following relation:

E = k2x + k2

y (3.30)

For example in the case of the propagator (5, 2) we have the following value for E,E = 25 + 4 = 29, counting the number of sites with height less than 3 there are 6of height 0 and 11 of height 2, so the total height defect is 6 × 3 + 11 = 29 = E.

4) Propagators (kx, ky) with kx and ky relatively prime, are named “prime”.These propagators have defined shape, and cannot be composed of other smallerpropagators. The propagators in the form (nkx, nky) are generally composed ofn propagators (kx, ky) that propagate parallely. The only exception we know isthe propagator (2, 0), it has the special property to present two different possibleshape, in fact it can be two parallel blue lines, but can also be a single red line,however the E of this propagator has the right value 4 in both the shapes of thepropagator, if we use accordingly a period of 2, kx = 2.

5) High momentum propagators are much more unstable than the low-momentumones. So it is easy to break their structure by acting with Ni on the lattice. Fur-thermore in scattering events of high momentum propagators the structure of thevertex is not easy to understand, but it is possible to recognize some fine structurescomposed of low momentum operators.

6) In the case a propagator (kx, ky) can be written as (px + qx, py + qy) withpx, py near to qx, qy, it seems to behave like two propagators (px, py), (qx, qy) thatpropagate parallely and exchange a particle every half period. In particular thisfeature is clear for family of propagators close to the two families (k, k − 1) and(k, 1), e.g. (9, 2) and (9, 7) as can bee seen in figura 3.6.

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44 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

7) In the case the initially maximally filled configuration has some defects (e.g.a single point of height 0, 1 or 2) on condition that this defects does not producea forbidden subconfiguration, the dynamics induced by the Ni’s on Cmax is notperturbed by their presence. It happens that the propagators seen acting on Cmaxas initial configuration are exactly the same in the regions where the defects arenot present, in regions where is localized a defect, the propagators, seen as heightdefects, simply decrease the height of the defect present in the initial configuration,in the case the height becomes negative, an untoppling operator acts in orderto have an allowed configuration. When the propagators move over, then theinitial configuration is perfectly restored, so the dynamics is not affected by anyperturbation.

8) When there is a loop of propagators, as said above the action of Ni in itsinner part, shrink it, the non-trivial fact is that every possible sequence of operatorsthat completely shrinks the loop to a “tree” diagram connecting the propagatorsincoming in the loop, brings to the same result, irrespectively of the number ofoperators we used or the positions where they act, on condition that they all actinside the loop (i.e. if the loop is embedded into a box with no other loops, all Ni

act on components of height 3 not connected to the border).

Furthermore we have found some typical patterns for particular families ofpropagators. We present the rule to build the propagator for the families (k, 1)and (k, k − 1) for k greater than 1. The pattern for generic (k, 1), (fig. 3.3), isformed by a sequence of blue squares (k − 1) × (k − 1) with diagonal composedof grey sites, each one shifted of one site from the previous and linking to it by acolumn of k − 2 green sites and 1 more blue site for side.

︷ ︸︸ ︷

︸ ︷︷ ︸

k − 2k − 1

k − 1


Figure 3.3 characterization of (k, 1) generic propagator

The pattern for generic (k, k − 1), (fig. 3.4), is in some sense similar, up toa rotation of 45◦, to the one for the (k, 1) family. Indeed it presents a sequenceof rombi with each half, divided by the diagonal (horizontal w.r.t. the latticedirections), composed of a triangle, of sites red and green, arranged in echelonformation, whose height is k − 2; then the diagonal is long 2k − 1 sites, k of thembeing blue and k − 1 grey. These structures are linked such that the tip of thetriangle is connected to the end of the diagonal of the previous rombhus.

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3.2 The operator Ni = a†iai 45

k − 2

︷ ︸︸ ︷2k − 1

Figure 3.4 characterization of (k, k − 1) generic propagator

Some examples of components of these families for particular value of k arepresented in figure 3.5

(a) (b)

Figure 3.5 examples of propagators: (a) (7, 1) belonging to the family(k, 1); (b) (9, 8) belonging to the family (k, k − 1)

These two families have also an easy characterization for the basic scatteringvertices of the processes

(k, 1) + (1, 0) → (k + 1, 0) and (k, k − 1) + (1, 1) → (k + 1, k) (3.31)

The first scattering is obtained simply enlarging the square of the composing the(k, 1) propagator. When the single blue line of the (1, 0) propagator meets thewider propagator, it adds to the square in the side parallel to its direction, enlargesthe square and the the structure repeats with the expected periodicity. As for thegeneral structure of the propagator the similitude between the (k, 1) and (k, k− 1)propagators is preserved for the pattern of elementary scattering, indeed the redline at 45◦ representing the (1, 1) propagator, when meets the (k, k+1) adds to the

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46 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

triangle composing the rombhus, enlarging it, and the enlarged rombhus repeatswith the expected periodicity.

In the prescription on how to shrink a loop, it is hard to distinguish in some“intrinsic” way which green regions are “inside” a propagator (e.g. as in figure3.5 for prop. (k, 1) and (k, k − 1)) and which are inside a subloop which is almostshrinked out. If one impose to squeeze all the green regions not connected to theborder, one obtain a new family of propagators, corresponding to the reduction ofthe previous one w.r.t. the prescription above. As for the natural propagators thisnew ones has similar scattering rules and satisfy the periodicity property we usedto define the natural propagators. In figures 3.6 and 3.7 we report the tabular ofnatural and squeezed propagators.

To obtain the figures presented in this section we have been helped by theprogram xsand written by M. Creutz, besides other programs we wrote in order tostudy the high-order propagators [19]

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3.2 The operator Ni = a†iai 47

























2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11kykx

Figure 3.6 natural propagators

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48 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators







































2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11kykx

Figure 3.7 squeezed propagators

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3.3 Stationary state 49

3.3 Stationary state

In this last section of the chapter we study the possibility to act on the configurationCmax of a given lattice with the operator Ni uniformly on the lattice, as many timeas it is possible until no more site gives rise to a non-trivial action of Ni. A priorithere is no guarantee for this process to stop in a finite time nor to reach thesame state following a different sequence of operators NikNik−1

· · ·Ni1 (e.g. havinga different number of operators, or taking the same set of operators in differentorder), but surprisingly this fact happens, and in the following we will give thereason for this fact. We call stationary state the configuration reached at the endof this process.

This uniqueness of the stationary state can be explained by the fact that theaction of Ni is in fact just a tool to perform the 2-cluster toppling rule only inthe clusters to which the site i belong, and only if this cluster were unstable inthe sense of (3.15), indeed the cases (i) and (ii) in which the action of Ni is trivialare exactely when i does not belong to any unstable 2-cluster. In this perspectivethe action repeated with Ni until no more sites permit an untrivial action of theoperator, simply corresponds to reach the stable configuration with respect of the2-cluster toppling rule defined above. Furthermore the theorem 3 states that theorder with which we choose to perform the different topplings, that is the orderwith which we choose to act with the differents Ni, is irrelevant for the final result.Indeed the final stable configuration is unique, and each different “history” mustgive the same result.

Other interesting facts about this particular configuration are the following:1) The patterns obtained are shape depending, but they seems to follow the

same guidelines, in particular for rombhus and square we found a bulk part com-

posed of a grid2 3

1 2, otherwise the part near the boundary seems to exhibit

particular patterns that have some influence due to the corners of the chosen shapes.We also studied the patterns in a circular shape, in order to minimize the effectsof the corners, in this case the pattern found only in the bulk for the square andthe rombhus fills entirely the circle, apart a boundary zone, thin with respect tothe diameter of the circle, see figure 3.8.

2) The dynamics converging to the stationary state has an interesting property,in particular in the case of the circle, after a initial state of “bubbles” mainlyof propagators (0, 1) and (1, 1), the system reaches a moment in which only theinternal part needs to change further on, the part mantains the circular shape ofthe whole lattice, and then collapse in the final stationary state , see figure 3.9.

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50 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

Figure 3.8 Example of stationary state for a square of side L = 151, arhombus with diagonal d = 299 and a circle with diameter D = 97

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3.3 Stationary state 51

Figure 3.9 Evolution of the state of a circle of diameter 61

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52 Cluster-toppling rules and exotic operators

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4. An algorithm for uniform

sampling of trees

In chapter 2 we reported how to construct an explicit basis for the space of recurrentconfigurations R. We want now to show how it is possible to use this basis to obtainan algorithm with polynomial-time worst-case complexity for exact sampling of therecurrent configurations and, through the bijection obtained via burning test of theASM, of trees of the graph associated.

When studying the ASM on an N sites square lattice, as presented in section2.5.2, we found that the relations (2.44) give a presentation of the group G associ-ated to the ASM, in terms of the g × g integer matrix nyy′ where g is the rank ofthe group. The elements of nyy′ are obtained solving the linear recursive relation(2.40). Thus in this case is not necessary, in order to examine the group structureof G, to work with the huge N ×N toppling matrix ∆, indeed the structure of Gcan be determined by the normal form decomposition of nyy′ .

This allow us to determine explicitly the form of the generators ei and their pe-riod. We recall that it is possible, in the case of a rectangular-shaped square latticeL1×L2, to find an overcomplete set of generators with periods di, but in any case thedi found through the Smith normal form satisfy the relations d1 ≥ d2 ≥ . . . dg > 1with di an integer multiple of di+1. In the case of a square-shaped lattice thenumber L of generators is minimal, and this allows to compute the generators. Tocharacterize the algorithm, we need a bound for the value of periods di. In order toobtain a bound for the value of the various periods of ei, first we recall the followingrelation



di = |G| (4.1)

here g is the number of a minimum set of generators. Now we note that thenumber of allowed configuration is 4L

2, and it is much greater than the number

of recurrent configuration, that we know to be det∆, furthermore the number ofrecurrent configuration is equal to the order of G as stated in (2.9). This relations,together with the (4.1) yields to write:

di < |G| = det ∆ < eaL2


with a = log 4. So an upper bound for di is eaL2, but it still desirable to obtain a

more restrictive bound.

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54 An algorithm for uniform sampling of trees

It is possible to compute for each generator ei its 2k-powers, indeed in thefollowing procedure they will be useful tools for computing some particular config-urations. This task is done by subsequent doubling of the configuration associatedto the generator, that is


= (ei)2k−1

⊕ (ei)2k−1


Furthermore, each sum of stable configurations takes a polynomial time, at mostof order L4, to be performed1. This lets evaluate the time needed to obtain thesequence of the 2k-powers for a given ei, that is t ∼ kL4 where k is the number of2k-powers needed, dependent onthe period di, chosen as

k = ⌊log2(di)⌋ (4.4)

As said before the period grows as eaL2

so k is order L2 × some suitable constant.At this point it is possible to write the estimated time to obtain all the 2k-power-configurations of the various generators

t ∼ L2L4L = L7 (4.5)

where the factor L2 comes from the number of 2k-powers needed for each generator,L from the number of generators and L4 from the time needed to perform eachsum of configurations, with sitewise addition plus relaxation.

Furthermore the space in memory needed to store the configurations, in orderto use them in the following part of the algorithm, is

memory ∼ L2L2L (4.6)

where L comes from the number of generators, and a first L2 for the number of2k-powers, a further L2 from the space needed for each configuration to be stored,being a configuration of an L× L lattice.

It is now easy to obtain the exact sampling for the recurrent configurations ofthe sandpile. Indeed, forming the generators a basis of the set R, at each givenrecurrent configuration C can be associated a vector ~n(C) that represent it in termsof the basis, that is

C =





⊕Cid. (4.7)

This reduce the sampling of the recurrent configuration to the sampling of a vector~n such that each of its components is 0 ≤ ni < di. Then using the relation (4.7) we

1Define I({zi}) =P

i zir2(i), where r(i) is the distance of i from the center of the square.

When a toppling occurs on the border, say that the particle leaving the system remains on thelattice site immediately out of the square. With this rule, each toppling increases I by 4, and thetotal mass (including the particles out of the border) remains fixed. The worst case is that allparticles go out at the corners (where r2(i) ∼ L2/2), so that Ifinal − Ibegin &


i zi(L2/2− r2(i)).

As at each site zi ≤ 6 (during the parallel toppling), this quantity is further bounded by ∼

6L4R 1/2


R 1/2

−1/2dy( 1

2− x2 − y2) = 2L4, so the number of toppling is . L4/2.

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obtain the configuration desired. The last step for obtain the sampled recurrentconifguration is, in fact, a simple sum of generator’s configurations. This sum is inprinciple simple, but in practice there is a computational problem. Indeed there isa huge number of configuration to be summed, that comes from the fact that inaverage each period di grows exponentially as said in the beginning of the chapter.To solve this problem we transform the integers ni sampled in their binary formni = 010 . . . 011101 and then, instead of perform the relaxation of niei, we write

ni =∼L2∑


bij2j bij ∈ {0, 1} (4.8)

and we takeL⊕



(2j ei) (4.9)

which are at most L3 stable configurations, so that summing them even in a naiveway takes a time∼ L4L3 = L7.

So we prove a rigorous bound for the exact sampling of spaning trees on L×Lsquare geometry of L7-time and L5-space for the preprocessing, and L7-time andL2-space (but quite generously estimated) for each indipendent sampling.

In a cylindrical geometry, with the y-sides taken periodic, one of the two x-side open and the other closed, particular symmetry properties permits to furtheron speed up the algorithm. Indeed the space needed to store the 2k-powers ofgenerators is decreased of a factor L due to the periodicity, and the time requiredto create all the configurations 2kei also decrease by a factor L, as 2kei and 2kejonly differ by a translation on the cylinder, so the preprocessing is time ∼ L6 space∼ L4 in this case.

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56 An algorithm for uniform sampling of trees

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5. Monte-Carlo algorithms for

the Potts model

One of the most important tool for the study of statistical mechanics is the possi-bility to perform simulations of its models in order to obtain detailed informationsabout them otherwise unreachable analytically. This is done using a class of compu-tational algorithms that uses stochastic approach to the problem, these algorithmsare named Monte Carlo algorithms. In particular the Potts model has been widelystudied with this method and many different algorithms have been proposed forsampling configurations of the model in different ranges of value of its parametersq and J . In this chapter we give a brief review on some known methods for MonteCarlo simulation, trying to point out the possible problems that each algorithmpresents at the various regimes.

5.1 Swendsen-Wang algorithm

One of the most important algorithms for simulating the Potts model was proposedin 1987 by Swendsen and Wang and is known as the Swendsen-Wang cluster algo-rithm [12]. It simulate the q-state ferromagnetic Potts model at positive integerq > 1. The Swendsen-Wang algorithm is based on passing back and forth betweenthe Potts spin representation and the Fortuin-Kasteleyn bond representation (seesection 1.3.2), that for a Potts model on a graph G = (E,V ) is

Z =∑


qC(A)v|A|. (5.1)

Let show explicitly how the algorithm works. Beginning with an arbitrary config-uration of Potts spins, we create bonds with probability p = 1 − e−J , where J isthe coupling constant of the Potts model, between nearest-neighbor sites with thesame spin value. No bonds are present between sites containing different spins. Ifthe original spins are now erased, we are left with a configuration of bonds, andclusters, with weights given by (5.1). Note that some of the original clusters ofPotts spins may be split into smaller clusters, since bonds do not occur betweenall sites with the same spin.

The next step is to assign a random Potts value σ ∈ {1, . . . , q} to each clusterand the same spin value to each site in the cluster. Then by erasing the bonds

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58 Monte-Carlo algorithms for the Potts model

we are now left with a new Potts configuration. The new Potts configuration candiffer substantially from the original one, since large portions of large clusters canchange colour in a single step.

To see directly that the detailed balance is satisfied, note that every transitionbetween two Potts configurations must pass through some bond configuration. Theprobability to pass through a bond configuration has a factor p for every bond anda factor q for every cluster regardless of which Potts configuration we started with.However the probabilities differ of a factor 1 − p for each missing bond betweenneighboring sites with the same spin value. Since the probability is uniform forgoing from a bond configuration to any Potts configuration consistent with it,the ratio of the transition rates is just the exponential of the difference in theHamiltonian of the two Potts configurations. Since detailed balance is satisfiedexplicitly for every bond configuration the system can pass through during thetransition between two Potts configurations, detailed balance is satisfied for thetotal transition probability.

This algorithm does not eliminate critical slowing-down, that is a problem con-nected to the simulations approaching the critical point of the model, but it rad-ically reduces it compared to local algorithms. Much effort has therefore beendevoted, for both theoretical and pratical reasons, to understanding the dynamiccritical behavior of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm as a function of the spatial di-mension d and the number q of Potts spin states. Anyway this algorithm has thelimitation to allow the simulation only for positive integer value of q.

5.2 Chayes-Machta algorithm

A further advance was made in 1998 by Chayes and Machta [24], who deviseda cluster algorithm for simulating the random-cluster model (see section 1.3.2)— which provides a natural extension of the Potts model to non-integer q — atany real q > 1. The Chayes-Machta algorithm generalizes the Swendsen-Wangalgorithm and in fact reduces to it when q is an integer.

We consider the Fortuin-Kasteleyn random-cluster model with parameter q > 0defined on any finite graph G = (V,E) by the partition function

Z =∑




ve (5.2)

where A is the set of occupied bonds, k(A) is the number of connected componentsin the graph (V,A) and {ve} are nonnegative edge weights.

At our aim, it is convenient to consider a more general partition function, thegeneralized random-cluster model

Z =∑







W (Hi)



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5.3 Sweeny algorithm 59

where H1, . . . ,Hk are the connected components of the graph (V,A), and {W (H)}are non-negative weights associated to the connected subgraphsH of G. The modelreduces to the Fortuin-Kasteleyn model if W (H) = q for all H; other special casesinclude the Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation for the Potts model in a magneticfield and various loop models.

Now let m be a positive integer, and let us decompose each weight W (H) intom non-negative pieces, any way we like

W (H) =



Wα(H) (5.4)

The first step of the generalized Chayes-Machta algorithm, given a bond configu-ration A, is to choose, independently for each connected component Hi, a “color”α ∈ {1, . . . ,m} with probabilities Wα(Hi)/W (Hi); this color is then assigned to allthe vertices of Hi. The vertex set V is thus partitioned into

V =



Vα. (5.5)

It is not hard to see that the bond configuration is nothing else than a general-ized random-cluster model with weights {Wα(H)} on the induced subgraph G[Vα],independently for each α.

We now can update these generalized random-cluster models on these sublat-tices by any valid Monte Carlo algorithm. One valid update is “do nothing”; thiscorresponds to the “inactive” colors of Chayes and Machta. Of course, we mustalso include at least one non trivial update. The basic idea is to have at least onecolor for which the weights Wα(H) are “easy” to simulate. In particular, whenW (H) = q for all H (the standard Fortuin-Kasteleyn random-cluster model), wecan take Wα(H) = 1 for one or more colors α (the so-called “active” colors); thecorresponding model on G[Vα] is the independent bond percolation, which can betrivially exactly resampled. Since we must have Wα(H) ≤W (H), this works when-ever q ≥ 1. More generally if q ≥ k we can have k active colors and a fraction ∼ k


of edges is exactely resampled (within the given partition) at each step. If q is aninteger and we take k = q, we recover the standard SW algorithm.

This algorithm has the fundamental improvement, respect to the Swendsen-Wang algorithm, to permit the simulation also for non integer values of q, thushaving access to ranges of q corresponding to the general random-cluster model.Although this improvement, it mantains the restriction that does not allow tosimulate the model for q < 1, range of values interesting in order to study thesystem for q approaching to zero.

5.3 Sweeny algorithm

One of the simplest possible dynamics for simulating the random-cluster modelfor a given graph G = (E,V ), (5.1), is the local bond-update dynamics first used

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60 Monte-Carlo algorithms for the Potts model

by Sweeny [10] in 1983. This algorithm is based on local moves and proceeds asfollows:

(1) we pick a bond e ∈ E randomly and purpose to change it state (occupied orunoccupied)

(2) we update the current occupation state of the bond e according to a Metropo-lis dynamics that is based on the weights given by (5.1), and on the preceed-ing occupation state. In detail, this means that e will become occupied withprobability 1 if it connects two different clusters, it will become unocuppiedwith probability q if it is part of a cluster, indeed its deletion divides a clusterforming two different clusters, and it will remain unocuppied with probability1 if its addition forms a loop in an already existent cluster.

(3) return to step 1

This algorithm has the defect to become very slow in q ≪ 1, indeed the numberof accepted moves, at thermal equilibrium, is decreasing linearly with q near zero,this particular problem will be handled in section 6.2.

5.4 Region q < 1

The brief review given in the preceedings sections shows how it is possible tosimulate tha case q < 1 only with the Sweeny dynamics, but this dynamics isslow for many different reasons, in fact the local-updating procedure require abig amount of steps before reaching thermalization, or decorrelation from a givenconfiguration. Furthermore in the zone q → 0 the rate of accepted moves decresesas q. It is our aim to speed up this dynamics to obtain a faster simulation. Wewill study the possibility to have an algorithm passing back and forth between therandom-cluster representation and a representation that enables the unfreezing ofobservables otherwise blocked.

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6. Sampling of Forests

In this chapter we present a Monte Carlo algorithm for the sampling of the ran-dom cluster model at low values of q. In this region, and in a particular limit,(q → 0, v/q = t fixed), the Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation corresponds to a mea-sure non vanishing only for ensemble of spanning forestsforest, whose number ofcomponents approaches to 1 when T → 0, where T is the weight for each compo-nent. We aim to produce the algorithm collecting together a dynamics of Sweenytype (section 5.3), that unfreezes the cluster observables, and a dynamics of ASMtype, that mixes the link in each cluster with a uniform probability, as said inchapter 2, and, in particular, can produce big changes when an avalanche occursafter the addition of a particle. As we said above, we want to mix Monte Carlomoves of two different kinds, and also to speed up one of the two dynamics, whichotherwise would suffer from (a component of) critical slowing-down due to trivialreasons. These procedures are a bit delicate, and we have to prove that the result-ing Markov chain has the proper measure. In order to do this, we discuss a bitthese issues in more generalitity in these three sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.

6.1 Collecting two dynamics together

We consider two different Markov chains with transitions given by moves of type A

and B, and with Markov’s rate p(1)y (x) and p

(2)y (x). If they have the same stationary

measure µ(x), this measure is achieved also by the new Markov chain being theunion, under some prescriptions of the two preceeding dynamics. Any prescriptionon which move to use at each temporal step (e.g. deterministic, (A,B,A,B, . . .),or random with a given probability p, (A,A,B,A,B,B,B,A,A, . . .)) is valid withthe caveat that is given a priori and indipendent of the configuration of the systemat time t.

We now prove that given these prescriptions, the Markov chain defined by

p(1+2)y (x) has µ(x) as stationary measure. Indeed, by the general theory of Markov

chains, we know that if µ(x) is a Frobenius vector (eigenvector with eigenvalue 1,all the other λ’s being |λ| < 1) with respect to the rates


p(1+2)y (x)

)k{k = period of the pattern, e.g. 2 (A,B,A,B, . . .)k = 1 if the pattern is purely random


then the Markov chain will converge to the stationary measure µ(x). Indeed weknow that µ(x) is a Frobenius eigenvector with respect to p(1), being its stationary

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62 Sampling of Forests

measure, and the same holds for p(2) (it is also allowed that unicity of |λ| = 1 lacksin one of the two moves). Now for linearity we have that µ(x) is a Frobenius vectoralso with respect to ap(1) + (1 − a)p(2) with a ∈ R, and this proves the thesis.

We note that the prescription on the choice of which Markov chain use, al-though indipendent of the current configuration, can be chosen with respect to thethermodynamic parameters of the system (e.g. its size N or the value of T ).

6.2 Boost of slow dynamics

We say that a dynamics is very slow when the probability to make self-moves ismuch bigger than the probability to reach a different state. When this fact happensfor simple structural reasons, and calling the probability to make a self-move – i.e.doing nothing and reamain in the same configuration – pself (x), we have that

pself(x) = 1 − o(1) (6.2)

Evolving the state of the system, it is possible to “boost” it. We suppose also tohave

pself(x) > p(comp)self (x) (6.3)

where pself (x) is the probability to make a self-move and p(comp)self (x) is the com-

putable probability of doing nothing. Furthermore we define p(unk)self (x) as:

p(unk)self (x) = pself (x) − p

(comp)self (x) (6.4)

In fact, if the dynamics approaches the desired measure µ(x) with the rates{pself (x), py(x)} satisfying the master equation, then I can “boost” the dynamicsby doing moves with rates

{p(unk)self (x), py(x)}

1 − p(comp)self (x)

, (6.5)

and then count each configuration in the data istogram not with time “1”, butwith time “n” geometrically distributed with average 1

1−p(comp)self (x)

. This is just as

an ideal process in which with the probability p(x) = 1−p(comp)self (x) uses an outgoing



p(u)s (x) , and with probability 1− p(x) uses a self-arrow

p(c)s (x)

. Withthis approach p(x) is just a given parameter depending on x that remains constant

during the whole process in which the arrows used are self-arrows .It is possible to compute the distribution of the expectation values of the time

with a single random number rand(), using the formula:

n =

⌈ln rand()

ln(1 − p(x))


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6.3 Boost of collected dynamics 63

6.3 Boost of collected dynamics

Given an a priori dynamics for the combination of two different Markov chains(e.g. A e B presented in section 6.1), this dynamics may become very difficult tosimulate when we choose to “boost”, as presented in the previous section, one ofthe two moves or both of them.

Let suppose to have an “unboosted” dynamics, obtained collecting together thetwo dynamics with a periodic prescription of period t, e.g. t = 101, that can bebriefly represented by:

A,B,B, . . . , B︸ ︷︷ ︸


, A,B,B, . . . , , B︸ ︷︷ ︸


, A,B, . . . (6.7)

Then the new dynamics can be be obtained as sketched in the following diagram:

update(isto,1) x=A(x) n=n(x) n<t?









Figure 6.1 flux diagram of the “boosted” union alghoritm

where n(x) is the time value computed using the relation (6.6) applied to thecurrent configuration, update(isto,n) means to update the data histogram increas-ing the counter of time of the value n (i.e. counting each observable in averageswith a relative weight n), S is the threshold value which determines the frequencyof changing between the two elementary moves we have (for example 100 in (6.7))and x = A(x) (x = B′(x) = Bboost(x)) represents the action of the move A (Bboost,where Bboost is the move boosted as in section 6.2) on the configuration x.

We now report an example of typical code “unboosted” with periodic prescrip-tion of period threshold:




move A;




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64 Sampling of Forests

move B;



Here is an example of the same code with a “boosted” dynamics:




move A;









move B’;









6.4 Overview on our algorithm

We present here an algorithm that collects together the Sweeny dynamics displayedin section 5.3 and the ASM dynamics discussed in chapter 2 and permits to simulatethe partition function of the random-cluster model

Z =∑




ve. (6.8)

for a planar lattice.We let A be the moves that use the ASM dynamics, i.e. to add a particle

random on the sites of the sandpile and relax the configuration, and S the movethat uses the Sweeny dynamics, i.e. to add or delete a bond with the dynamicspresented in 5.3. Then we collect the dynamics together as presented in section6.3 with A=ASM and B=S, in particular we choose to boost the Sweeny dynamicsthat is slow in our region of investigation. We choose the threshold value for eachsimulation in order to obtain a balance between the boosted Sweeny move and the

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6.5 Numerical results 65

ASM moves. The whole code is written in C-language, wihout the help of speciallibraries.

The crucial point of the algorithm consists in the possibility to pass, whenevernecessary, back and forth between the representation in terms of height variables ofthe sandpile and the representation in terms of bond variables of the random-clustermodel. This result is obtained constructing a function to map each connectedcluster of bonds of the configuration in the ASM height’s structure associated bythe inverse of the burning test presented in section 2.4.2. In order to obtain a sortof invariance under rotation, or at least to decrease the influence of the prescriptionrule (e.g. NESW) in the function that perform the bijection between sandpile andbond configurations, we choose to update randomly distinctly for each site theseregulations every time we need to use this function. Furthermore we note that thesandpile model and the spanning tree obtained via burning test, are not settledin the graph where is defined the random-cluster model, but in its dual. Thus weparellely update the direct and planar-dual graphs during the simulation, in orderto use one or the other according to the type of move we are doing. During thedescription of the burning test, it came out the particular task of the site burntat time 0, in the burning test language, this site is called the sink of the graph.This site can be represented as a set of sites connected with each other, each oneconnected with at least one site on the boundary of the ASM cluster, and they arethe initial points to construct all the burned zone, in the burning process. Thesesites are divided from the unburnt sites at time 0 by the bonds of the dual spanningtree associated to the spanning tree obtained with the burning test, that in ourframework are the bonds of the random-cluster model. This shows how a clusteris completely surrounded by a burned profile. Thus we have that the basic actionof the Sweeny dynamics, to add or delete an edge, corresponds in an ASM pointof view, to modify the burned profile, in particular deleting a bond as the resultto create a burned profile departing from the sites endpoints of the correspondingdirect edge on the sandpile and adding a bond corresponds to remove the internalburned profile that the bond disconnects. A challenge of the algorithm is to updatethis part of the structure with a low-complexity procedure.

6.5 Numerical results

After writing and testing the computer program, we performed simulations of themodel on an L × L square lattice for different sizes L and different temperaturesT . The fact that the model is settled in an open square lattice, with no periodicconditions, does not allow to study many variables and correlation function forwhich the lack of symmetry makes very difficult the evaluation.

We define on the lattice the following local observables, for a configuration withset of bonds E and with heights of the sandpile {zi}:

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66 Sampling of Forests

a- the local bond occupation ne

ne =

{1 if e ∈ A0 otherwise


b- the local bond burnt property be

be =

{1 if e is burnt0 otherwise


we say an edge e ∈ E is burnt if the corresponding dual edge e′ = ij ∈ E∗ issuch that its endpoints i and j are burnt.

c- the local burnt site property bi

bi =

{1 if i is a burnt site0 otherwise


Using these local variables, and the further variable zi that is defined, as usual,as the height in each site i (say, zi = 5 if bi = 1), we define the following functions:

Be(t,∆t) =∑


|b(t)e − b(t+∆t)e | (6.12a)

Ne(t,∆t) =∑


|n(t)e − n(t+∆t)

e | (6.12b)

Zi(t,∆t) =∑


δ(z(t)i , z

(t+∆t)i ) (6.12c)

Bi(t,∆t) =∑


δ(b(t)i , b

(t+∆t)i )δ(b

(t)i , 1) (6.12d)

These functions are a particular combination of the autocorrelation functions, forthe observables defined in (a,b,c,d), translated and rescaled. The fact that in theycan be expressed as sum and not products comes from the particular possible valuesof the local observables (0,1). Furthermore, they have different limits for ∆t→ ∞and ∆t→ 0. We summarize the different limits in this tabular

∆t→ 0 ∆t→ ∞

Be 0 2y(1 − y)L2

Ne 0 L2/2Zi L2 a+ κ2

Bi κL2 κ2L2


y =prob(be = 1) = 〈be〉 (6.13a)

κ =prob(bi = 1) = 〈bi〉 (6.13b)

a =(1 − κ)23∑


p2(z) (6.13c)

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6.5 Numerical results 67

where the p(z) are the probabilities to have height z in the steady state computedby Priezzhev [25] and take values

p(0) 0.074p(1) 0.174p(2) 0.307p(3) 0.446

We collected the data to study these functions in various run at sizes

L = 64, 88, 128 (6.14)

and temperature values

T = 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09 (6.15)

To study the real improvement from a purely Sweeny dynamics, we collected thedata for both the simulations with the ASM dynamics and the complete algorithmjust presented. The data were taken every fixed interval of steps (∆t)min andpostprocessed after the end of the runs. We present the plot of the data in figure6.2, where in the x-axis is reported the different ∆t values and the values of thefunctions are plotted, for all the t available, further is also drawn the curve that fitthe data obtained as explained in the following.

To compute the curve for the fit of the data we first fit them with a singleexponential with parameters a1, b1 and c1

a1 + b1e− x

c1 (6.16)

The data for the dynamics with both ASM and Sweeny moves fit well the singleexponential, but the ones obtained with only the Sweeny dynamics clearly showa multiplicity of characteristic times Cα. Indeed looking at the data plots for theSweeny dynamics is clearly visible an elbow in the curve, this represent the factthat the trend of the curve could not be obtained with a single exponential but atleaast with a superposition of two of them, one that give the trend for ∆t→ 0 theother for ∆t→ ∞. But to have a comparable result we have to do the fit with twoexponentials also for the data of the composed dynamics, although hey were wellfitted by a single exponential. At this point we fit the data with a combination oftwo exponentials, with 5 parameters, a1, b1, c1, b2 and c2

a1 + b1e− x

c1 + b2e− x

c2 (6.17)

Using this procedure we succeed in the task of fitting the data in a convincing way,but the errors in the parameters does not permit to use them as indicators of thereal improvement obtained with our algorithm (in other words, the 5 parametershave huge cofluctuations, the non-diagonal elements of the correlation matrix forthe fit parameters being not far from ±1). Although the data plots clearly present

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68 Sampling of Forests

a decreasing autocorrelation time for the Sweeny dynamics to its union with theASM dynamics, we have to find a better indicator instead of the fit parameters.Thus we decided to study quantities that better represent the curve, as the areabelow the curve, that can be obtained by combination of the fit parameters. Inparticular we have that the area can be obtained by the relation

b1c1 + b2c2 = Area (6.18)

Another possible quantity indicator of the shape of the curve is the typical extensionin the horizontal axes, i.e. 〈∆t〉 where times the area that is obtained as

b1c21 + b2c

22 = 〈∆t〉 Area (6.19)

The value of 〈∆t〉 indicate how fast the curve is decreasing and thus it is a goodindicator for the autocorrelation time. So we studied the combination

〈∆t〉 =b1c

21 + b2c


b1c1 + b2c2(6.20)

Each value of 〈∆t〉 corresponds to a different observable in a given simulation. Wereport in figure 6.3 the results found with the simulations done for these variables,in the x-axis are reported the different temperatures of the various simulations andthe height of the points corresponds to their value. We note a scaling of order 2for almost every variable from the data set with Sweeny to the one with also ASMdynamics. In particular the observable ne presents a clear improvement due to theASM dynamics. Indeed, as displayed in figure 6.2 in the third pair of plots, theautocorrelation time evidently decreases when the ASM dynamics is introduced.The same result can be deduced looking at figure 6.3, there 〈∆t〉ne is represented bylight blue dots, and is evident that it is bigger than the value of 〈∆t〉 for the othersobservables. However, in the plots for the collected dynamics, all the observableshave similar value for 〈∆t〉, this shows how ne has definitely unfreezed.

We display also a figure of the typical configuration for a 128 × 128 lattice attemperature 0,07 in figure 6.4. In figure are traced the lines corresponding to thebonds of the random-cluster model and each elementary square is filled with acolour representing its height or its burning state, the scale of colours is

zi = 0 zi = 1 zi = 2 zi = 3 zi burnt

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6.5 Numerical results 69











0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000










0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000












0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000













0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000













0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000












0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000









0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000














0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000


Sweeny dynamics ASM+Sweeny dynamics

Figure 6.2 Plot of the data corresponding to a simulation for a latticewith parameters L = 128 at T = 0.07

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70 Sampling of Forests

L = 64

L = 88

L = 128

0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009







0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009






0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009






0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009





0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009








0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009








Sweeny dynamics ASM+Sweeny dynamics

Figure 6.3 Plot of the results for the 〈∆t〉

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6.5 Numerical results 71

Figure 6.4 Typical configuration of heights and bonds for a lattice ofsize L = 128 at T = 0.07

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72 Sampling of Forests

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Eccomi alla fine, dopo queste ultime settimane di lavoro forzato sto per mettere unpunto a chiusura delle mie fatiche. Credo pero che non sarei qui ora se non grazieall’aiuto di alcune, anzi di molte persone. . .

Prima di tutto devo ringraziare Andrea, il mio correlatore, che mi ha seguito inquesti mesi. Non credo di essere stato perfetto, mai, ma credo invece che quel pocodi buono che sono riuscito a fare non sarebbe stato possibile senza il suo aiuto.La sua passione nel fare le cose, il suo entusiasmo nell’affrontare nuovi argomenti,sono stati un ingrediente essenziale perche non mi lasciassi prendere dallo sconfortoquando questo stava per assalirmi.

Subito di seguito voglio ringraziare il prof. Caracciolo, del quale ammetto hoavuto, per lungo tempo, soggezione e timore, ma che, con poche parole e sempreriuscito a chiarire i miei dubbi, a stimolare la mia attenzione e a farmi affrontare iproblemi dalla giusta angolazione.

Un grazie speciale va ora alla mia famiglia: a mia mamma, mio papa e miasorella. Loro come nessun’altro mi sono stati vicini in ogni momento, mi hannosempre sostenuto quando ne ho avuto bisogno e hanno sempre creduto in me anchequando io stesso avevo perso la piu basilare stima di me stesso, grazie di cuore!

Non posso ora mancare di ringraziare quel gruppo di pazzi fisici, e non, che mihanno sopportato in questi anni di univertita e ancor di piu in questi ultimi mesi:LucaRoma il mio lussemburghese preferito che mi ha ascoltato, e che ho ascoltato,nei momenti piu disparati, Luca “el Tripon” col quale riesco sempre a scontrarmima per fortuna anche a riconciliarmi, Jo il cernuschese noto per la sua forza erculea,Ricky che cerca sempre di tirarmi su e strapparmi un sorriso, Marco che con il suoinnato cinismo mi ha fatto capire che i peli sulla lingua a volte possono esseresuperflui, GioViola compagno di studi che mi ha aiutato negli esami piu difficili,il Sanghi che con la sua filosofia ci ha permesso di sopravvivere a un’interrail chesembrava una gita del manicomio, la Dani che si e rivelata e vera amica, con laparola giusta nei momenti giusti, Boris, la nostra greca ufficiale, Alice e Claudia,le mie due tesiste preferite, che forse a volte si devono sorbire i miei scleri, ma chefortunatamente mi sopportano e mi capiscono, navigando nella mia stessa barca,Ale Mesisca che mi ha seguito fin dagli inizi, il mio milanese d.o.c. preferito, Alexche mi ricorda che la potenza di un 2000 turbo non e’ da sottovalutare, Alebughi chesi e sorbita i miei monologhi senza mai tirarsi indietro, Olivia ed Elisa, le nostredonne ufficiali di fisica, che nel bene e nel male sono sempre con noi tra queste

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74 Ringraziamenti

quattro mura. A questo punto proseguo con una lista, forse non esaustiva macon l’aspirazione di esserlo almeno in parte, grazie: Paolo (rasta), Philip, quelli diteolaur, il Chiari, la Ela (e tutta la vecchia guardia, Alice, Zamu e gli altri), Claudia(detta anche put puri), Blazar, Jacopo, Davideg, il Cesco, Sandro, Karrots, la Fede,la Yle, la Kia, Maks, Marina, laFumi, Paul, Sofia (la mia ultima coinquilina), Nico,DavideF, Andrea (beb0s), Barbara, il Leone, Leo, Fradp, Teobina e Agenore.

Anche se spesso la mia permanenza varallese si limita a poche ore nel fineset-timana, tornare a casa e sempre un piacere grazie ai miei amici. . . So che ovunquevada, quando torno loro mi aspettano. Grazie. So che un elenco e riduttivo ma eanche meglio che niente no? Gio, ti conosco da quando siamo entrambi alti la metadi quanto siamo ora ne abbiamo passate tante assieme, e ne passeremo ancora!,Paolo, Paulı, guarda che voglio venire presto alla tua di laurea!, Gigi, sono o nonsono una gran comparsa!, Ari che mi ha sopportato questi ultimi due anni. . . e chimi conosce sa quanto possa essere stato difficile, Andre, il mio coinquilino storico,vedi di tenermi un posto nel mondo del lavoro, la Ceci, la mia designer preferita,Alby il mio grande aiuto-CR, Agne, Chicco, Carlo, RastaMax, Puccia, Go, Ferra,Efrem, Gianni, Giorgio, Ivan, Laura, Vero, Marta, Cacaito, Zaira, Max, Fra, Jula,Elena, Sabrina, Marta, Louis, Carla, Boro e Vere.

Un grazie va anche ai miei parenti: nonne, zii e cugini. Un abbraccio forte allanonna Teresa e alla nonna Carla, all’Antonio, la Sandra e i miei cuginetti Vitty eEugi, e poi all’Angi, l’Augusto, la Rosalba, il Nico, la Fede, la Marta, la Francis e imiei due cugini aquisiti Davide e Mauro. Ma anche grazie ai miei parenti torinesi,anche se non ci vediamo spesso vi tengo sempre nel cuore.

Non posso dimenticare il mio gruppo scout e tutto quello che mi ha dato finda quando sono piccolo. . . E quindi grazie a tutti loro, grazie Piui e Maria (che miavete sopportato come CR e aiuto), Caba e Max (i momenti passati insieme alleroute saranno sempre indimenticabili), Eugi, Don GianPaolo, Federica, Umberto,Piero e tutta la coca, anche se a volte sono stato una gatta da pelare mi avete datotanto, e tutti quelli coi quali ho vissuto i miei anni di reparto e clan; per ultimiringrazio tutti i miei ragazzi, il mio reparto, solo al pensiero di lasciarlo l’annoprossimo mi viene il magone, spero di aver lasciato qualcosa di buono a tutti loroanche se mai quanto quello che loro sono riusciti a dare a me, grazie!

Grazie anche al professor Urban e alla professoressa Caratti, anche a loro devomolto, senza di loro, senza i loro preziosi insegnamenti, non sarei arrivato dove sonoarrivato oggi, non vi dimentichero.

Ora e il momento finale, grazie al bar di fisica, Natty, Angelo, Gaetano, ilvostro caffe ha saputo tenermi sveglio anche nei momenti piu difficili, grazie atutti i pazzi di fisica e dintorni, la preparata, moreno, la pazza di metodi e lapazza delle macchinette, grazie a quei simpaticoni che hanno scritto il mio nomesu una colonna dell’aula occhialini, seguito da parole non molto simpatiche, graziealla Tremenda, la Bea, il Teo, il bianchino-nerino, l’Achille e la Milla, grazie allabella musica di Guccini, gli Afterhours e i Pearl Jam, grazie ai miei anticorpi che mihanno salvato in molte occasioni, grazie alle mie innumerevoli biciclette, ormai tutterubate o passate a miglior vita, grazie al microbirrificio di Lambrate, all’eastend

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Ringraziamenti 75

e allo Union, che mi hanno permesso di svagarmi quando ce n’era bisogno, grazieanche a Milano, alle sue strade, le sue serate che mi mancheranno sempre, infineringrazio tutti quelli che ho dimenticato ma che sanno di meritare di essere citatiin queste pagine, grazie.

E ora ringrazio Lei, perche ha reso questi ultimi due anni speciali, super . . .

. . . grazie Luci.

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76 Ringraziamenti

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