THE SUN TUESDAY OCTOBER 1001 r p 41 r M 3 v- a OUR HEAVY A FILIPINOS CAUGHT TtlS NIX IX FA XT It IJWKV VXA RMKl- tFarnU of Capt Cocuiell of 7ml Notified of ltd Death TwraDttx the Nerrnt lno Men In th Compi AeroonlMt For Other May Turn I CtNt Dtlf lth tt Til fllN- Mixitu Sept SO Sergeant Mark and a private of Company C Ninth Infant which wax nurpriMd with the result tl many of Its men were killed llalangl- Banur by a bind of Insurgent eecaj crow the hay to Tanuan and hi rnaa a report on the accident The anrgm and private evidently did not know of I eeoape of twentyfour of their Bay Ulaitd of Hamar They report that 400 attack garrUon of Dalaoglga who were break fart and wore without their an A majority of the men In the barrack wi killed and none was left alive In the ton On hundred end forty were kill la the m Iee Aa twentyfour min have already i deed at Ilanor atory U exaggeration There were only two mn In the company and have now been ncrxmnted American officer at Manila do t to explain the matutore exco on thn ground of orerconfldonce on t part of thn troop at Ualanglga and la of watchfulness ThU wan du probab to the extreme friendllnc of thn prei dent and town eople who recently oomod tho Ninth with muxlo and fletaW- ARIIISOTOX 30 A oorrrcted co of Ion Chaffoe cable despatch frc Manila In regard to the massacre of Ai toldler In Humor wan pub War Department ly mistake In tran latlng the dpi the despatch wa first Interpreted nn kiiyli Capt Connell Lieut Iumiu ai had The or reeled copy won tnUtaken for caped really mea lnrt tlgatlon III l o mode The correct copy doe not how therefore that t officer mentioned are rife The drapati- U aa follow Hughe rvport following rec lred Ito IU ey Mouthern Hamar Twentyfour Company C Oth Regiment United Stat Itifantry eleven wounded hato jut arrivt from Halanglgo remainder company kllle- ItvurgenN nocutixl all company suppli and nil riflo except three Compai attacked during breakfast mornli Bept SS Company eventytwo tron Officers Tltonta W Connill Captain Edward A Ihimpu flrnt lieutenant I n R flriwold Major Surgeon Invvst gallon will b madn- Th meagrrnoM if th Infonrutln- rantalned In ten ClMffeno despatch lean In doubt o far an ofllclal Information goo thn fain of Capt Tlwtruvs W Omncll Fin IJeut Kdwaril A Dumpui and Hurgeu R H Grinwold At the mum tlmo notlJng has been r reived which Indicate that tliey escape Homo of tho army officer Interpret lei Chaffeer reference to showto that they nm accounted for whileuthei- bellere If are inlwlng Jon Chafle would liave an The fact that Sergptr- Markloy prirat rnoaped to I yl wIthout knowledge of thn rwcape of tIed tnmnwloa to IUey Is taken to how tin during the confusion of the ml4 tho encaplng took different dlrectlona If thl- rm tnw It I ciinldemd not unllkelr th the office r may yet turn up From what appear to have l eon sltua thin at the attack It is though remarkable that any of the soldier wer- hie to away received a telegram this morning that a let- ter received from his Ueut aald t hat the ofllcer quartered In a con- vent that the ttoldien wire quirt pre1 li house near by and that the waa In th town It appear from this Informal that their arm In thel quarter find probably mmeod together 1 their Presumably the trracherou Insurgent waited the ninn were at and unarmed llm officer would undoubtedly mesa together In tin convent and thl make attack at different polnta InlpKS th native were able to secure unopuoei It would le able to make a good resistance hut the enlisted men l without thel- offlcerw nt the time and In unprotected quar- ter would have been at the mercy asonlUnt To those officer familiar with tim con dltlon In Hamar the occurrence I l together Den at thn head of Mho liwurnrtlwl In Hamar I one of tho cruelenl of the In urgent leader hen Adjt Oen Corbli wa the Philippine It wa thought li Manila that Ijjcban loft Hamar wo In southern Iuzon endeavoring to arouw the InhabItants ofCebu and stir up an out- break If Iuchan wan In Vbii hi would be well informed an to thi ntovementi of the American would hay known definitely of tlm of tho garrison There no dmibt among that having of the ruwawinallon of President hn concluded It would t o nn opportunity again In- atlr hi follower to C of Xinth Infantry went to Ralangfgn on Aug Iand was nah with a great show of friendship ThU I thoueht to dis- armed ooldler of all and led the native In th Tim War I o rttpenl to roads pubJ lie the r rt nls of the officers mentioned Cap Thoma W Connell wa born In and appointed from Suit a a cadet at Academy Sept I 1M 0 lie wn mndo Heonnd Fifth Infantry In IWI Flint Lieutenant Ninth Infantry April S8 IH and Captain Ninth lifantry 3 loot H with this n gln ent In Cuba China ant the Philippines A served ox a private In Rutery A Ffrnt Maiuchui etto Heavy IM war and S coml IJetitenant- TVentyfln t lnfantrrJiine9lwwanil lie l tn In Mawoiohtisetiii Major IUchnnl Sill lri old wa born Nor U iw In Vaterbury Conn During the war with S iu IM was Ueutenatit and Hur wu of the Iun- nectlctat Volunteer He wa mnile l utPTinnt and AmUtant of the Twonty l tii Infantry July 5 i n Oji- tain and Awlstant Surgeon April S4 Volunteers June 1 I He Joined tl Twcnty Infamry al liar rack Aug 3 IHW l fn nt San Fran rtvxi SH Si and arrived at ManlU mi duty with regiment In the to March t 1801 on with the regiment- for arriving at San FrafteUco 30 rvel thern until mustered out with the rrgimriil He wa ap tlnted Major ami SuiRKon nlle Slatra tilun- Uorv arrived at Manila July in IHOI and ba l b n on duty In Um PhiHpiilne lianA arn tliat slate Hie mu ier l ll of C tn nv r re- tvhed nl tlie War Is tUtml Julie an Hits li iw tlul the r n ny- wa tlteti nil I if i ie folUiwing eii- i ed rtien HiHr iiaHo l ttt er with theIr belt til kui wliere kntiwn lullnw- IlM Srfgwjin Narmiel I neat nl kMi CIVMI e hJel at IUllinM Ouan Tia er f Augiit F IV rt- vttg e f ktr revttig S J- ihetrMiHO J rtt t arr41 IKU klt rait11 i 1 e ir t t M T- VH J I K eH Mr H Hat jkv U 44 r 1 Alfixl II D- lUitdal M lUrt Ur I lank llrtu LOSS IN nt 01 1 t halo the t nth lent fo- rTe I pt mea mAe tat tall howl I t lot Mil th fat th l fut n 0 th ale th om l Inl i them of ot ork that I hnLnl Spanish I I Slnlh I i I Ijor alMI 4 h I Ills hum t r 1 al Jut S f- Ir t I a pat i 1 tflfl1 I- to hue a wee h oflkn ai ann w j r n ear ri p sv In Ine the unfrIendlIness Interior ew t Artillery Iiarin was FIrst IIrniteriant lntsntry Jii luii was First FIrst and l1rton Philippine last SW LJio > > > > > ¬ > < > > > < > > > < > > > > > > < < Mn Oonkey MlThird street X F Markler J Weston W Va John F J N Martin 3ft Cleveland avenue N Charloa HameUon Mra Al Haroeln Michael McCormlck Ok uoeler Mai uNity J neat of kin not glv at 133 Hnward street N V John D C1oon liszt of Kin i given revklod In Canton Ohio and Pickett nail of kin given enllstwl at Ontario N V Itotwrt next of Mr F E Strong ManUtee Mich lust K Hchnllfler next of kin Mr H K Kchnl- Ier Ml Thirteenth street Milwaukee Musidarw adUlaMi Oanwhlo next kin mother Umlriroti Auxtria John next of kin Ttiomi Mill Wichita Fall Tex ArtlDcer lo H Mart next kit Mr I N Stnlcun Paterson Ken Irivat ti of k Pearl AUIson Carthage leOn John Armani Jam H N hAitI Annanl next of kin not given i l In Oeorge next kin nut at Fort Ontar John W Mr I W Aydelot Worihlngton Ind Thoma E Lily Mo Walter J IVrlholf next of not given rnlUlixl In Syracuse Oeor llonny Aaron hunks Oiurlitt oro C il ri- avenuo Cincinnati William Burke W Manlu N Y James Cain William W lain Jollytown P- tioorgn M Cliarlmtnitu A K7 IxMunU sired l Chlftago Henry Cla- Mr K Wright HvrHinie Roland T lark lolaml II Cla- OKWIRO N V Illch Coii Iitltio Coniidine Auburn N Y Charl- Davl John irvcne Trenton N J Ell Iraffenrviil Mm K N now M7 Nor Market sins Wichita Kan Df nl next of kin not given enlMed at Ontario Denton OMmvllle 1ml Will IVnton John De Ion TlmpMiit Tex Oeorge I De Vei J Dobbin next of kin not given Mill In toriKliu F Jo llt vt lt Mawt Unities J Do IiI John Downey MU May tn et Phil DatiH J IKiuavnn Daniel lon van IK Enst Seninii inel Oswego Jen J Drixvll John Drimvtl l wnmce Mss Kit Fltgeruld Mn M S Tord Sprin MIII Ant Ullagher IIH Ot uu HninburK In William J Ulblm Har- K lbb Maw JiMtpli- lodoli N Joint II Hartley J F Hartley 111 Waton Marin Shawnee Oklahoma Taylor II Hlckma Hickinan IUntrke A mo D Irish SOS Niagara treet nuffal Albeit II Keller Mr May Puehl Col Sherman H Kelly F Kelly Can C Frank Rake S D lUchard l ng IJ rtho- De IJnde Cleveland Henry W Manire D W II Manlm Nonnnn Oklahoma titan F Mnrak Mary Marak llal te l Kai IUIIKX Martin Martin Horton han lamm F Kich li- Hotkton CharltH WI lam K Itidout III K Mcvir I L Meyer Tindall H T- Inhlt II Miller Aunts Mlllur Moberl- Mn Daniel H Mullln Jane Mullln Wao Clifford N MumbyMr W II Miinib- llnfford N D Andrew Nileon ML- Llxzl Nllewin Nora nt on Pa Dani- DNtill neit of nUt given live t- lloiine Point N Thoiiu- INelll O e i N Y Owen V ONeill niotmiH ONeill Oswego N Y Pnii- iVter Etiwanl Peter Scheiwotady- I Ch rl v puwi n liichard Power O ego N Y ThennkiiKUt Qula Jam ickaixl Mattle Klcknrtl IVru Hart tMltirick Schertiterle Augu ta 8ch l erie Germany l onaril Hchlei- VIIHam F Schley Fort Dt I o lt Ala J Hchoemak nchoetnakei- Vatkln N Y Fvan South W South ayette Ala Kolwt Kproell San Antonio Tex ilerllng steal of kin not enlUted i iyraciw Anthony Slier Mary Stler Kyr 111 N E Stub Klwood W SwatiMin Sweden Turner amr Turner Pa John Ihloi- iigust C Stiilettn avenu- i i i a N II Melvln M WalU Scot Villa Parson Kan John Wannebc- le WannnU Wanhburn WU Christian S William Mary Muncy Canatota N Y laud C I ella A Wlngn Carrolltoi- iitinty la Harry M Wood Frank C Fort Wayne Corporal Frank who enlisted t Barracks N Y and Private f Drneden S Y end Julio H Wolfe o Jinn Ohio were on the slate of the muste alwvnt from the either sick r on detached ervlcn al Manila Privet Mm H Duhrer wa at Dolse Barrack lalMt Aug 31 Martin Come at iilmm N Y wa dlschnrrrcd at Van mver Barracks and Private Homer Stew antI Hermann Trapp have l een Iran rreil to other regiments Thomas W Connell was well known div hntlnc trailed In the strict from the time nl huts birth f entered Vet Point Academy on IHVO brtither John J Ii deputy assistant District Attorney Iaid J Connell ie n the Taniinnny election In In the S Aiwinlilv district lie family lIves at II South William street an iiTr building WIn the new 01 tlw re- Ived In till Its rnemlsis of innell family ixcnme greatly aety with e niilhoritlM at Washington lucy lcnrne at a tch to time War Depattme- nitti that Cnnt Connell Out id n Oriwold hail escaped them and mother of the soldier re offering if thank when a cable despatch from Manila ifch read U AXIL a pt- Tomrar WIM r14 T Before Capt Conntll went to Manila d an agreement with a friend ank HatiiKpy Quartermaster of the by one lo the alive of t lie other In cn e any miha l Inder tl bit aildrt M of Copt Connell Now York was Ouix ntiell So when me ane dellvertil tenlay the her tif Connell wa iltlve that I thn- I It contained was true notwitlitaml the dt patch lo the War Mr Connell telegraphed thin War leparttnent for further ition and an answer stating it through a milake made In cipher Manila the cable npany made It read have escaped t MnvtwtlKallotl will N answer to another sent to War late In th e afternoon IVmnell received the following WAMIIUT1l iWBIM IMII- l V1t J roini Viiui t v In srlln- nllirMir A r Ivpsttmrn- iiit Connell was M lie ndcd iramintr Heh ii S and later trout the De It Salle lntl e ill Hired Allli IIR there a hari oirite fur W i Polnl niUKHI In the Citngnx district in licit rontiell i 4dtsl he rnanige win Ihe price lie graduated fnmi MilItary In l In- illiwt IllfsntnlleCillMIlt as S HI Lteti- iaM A tea iiHHitbs Inter b iratw- rr In the Nltilli llegtrnenl and nt tlm- ibrmk il ihe Siniith Ameriotn War be s made Ijetitetiant went to with ail there won f i lira err hAter a ititiiMntm- reriimiit at l when the linuble- lli iC friends lucre wtg Ck4ic- H Am l mtnlno WMI Mil l intenta I i IUie hue IV4m mart ItanM lH nUn arid Strait jib i d taken a grnul Inter wrtare IVey i ixir s1 a vltMi Ana Aba Y Wan y North Platte Jam For kin I I ot I I ot 0 Solve 1 I Hall ot r hAnl1 T A n7 Irth kin I I t r I I r John t t n For J Han Ill 1 I Y Cold Ham fan Icl rmot I Carol I r Ill I S ul t A la I I tar 1 Ian laU hit lolr Uin of hil oj lay N art In h I hiN uf Ih mid a fur QlfoILI r II I II Ih t In Ih Ir 11 In I tnt I lion I II It I 4 1 l I r I t I t I ilarkt Neb MOITnJ hater lisa Bail Ilttshsjrg Iack lie Juts Jiatee Fast street Ken Ibm his ntn ii e vre iresnwich Paint stale trk hiss I sties ilasrn aitnilili sIiis floss latuhi thtI I Iris Mass ttc1Ihligati Mrs I hirighituti Mit Ewtiist InLtoi- I Ititfliithl Chris I tibhs Ilunhimigame Kan sri Hwanon elli Loui Frank ills enlisted alit this until Ills and City htrks imes for yearn massacre was apt hits The a its wits I Isis family was I t I hit till mars mom 2 sin 1i Is railttatisl Fill iIttli 5 this was ansi was i im to Ma nile 1 ibitta n tis aa I Peldtt hit I t est ithi kin 051 fm tin Iwaerv a- I uilIc1W4 wgesusu htswsIaui- Its t 4 i5w w r C- MgiaiMh 44 11411y la > > > > < < > < > > > < > > > > < < four New York to with the Indoreement of Benaton The latter hall taken an Interest in the soldier and It through the Influence of the men mentlo that War Department was hunt up wa found to Manila end baa been In active there ever since Connell waa In the habit of c- munlcatlng with In this often a penult Now end tlieii he sent them curio which he had picked In lila Irav Only three weeks ago of Man to friend In New York M time writing that hn eiwctn l to ba bo won on a furlough To one of friei- hn wrote the were a treach anti that when they appeared tin that needed watching The hut ConnnllV received from him wa one dated At U He was then In the Island of Mum and wrote to that he In good heo and spirits but was longing to get country the Stale WI Sept 30 den M Arthur who from t- lntlltul i t the American troon In southern Ham will result In lIe United states taking nn j to the iniurgent Gone Indian who commanded lbs who amlnuhetl the Ninth Infantty He U a tricky and w ai ham caused no of in Um Ulandi aid the leneral I evidently the company unawar or eLse the lose could not o heav fur killed out of one company annihilation 1 pu slaughter and the men coukt not have lo lIght for their ties or tl- renuli could not have been c heavy lAictvut i one of tint insurgents refuses to atxvpt the Amorlmn nile I ha a following of some 600 Our troops number only SOOO men I art scattered In towns and cities Whl It i that there are still Filipino wl surrender to the Oo eminent the outbreak of Saturday cann In the lest affect the ansi tt ii only a matter of a short time wits all must coins to term It I one of tho unfortunate Incident that cunnot avoided but It cannot affect the rei In general Tlie Insurrection lu lot and thn slaughter In Ham will not aid th cause of the fact It will mako the Amnrlcan determined to capture such fellows Ltjcba- nHliPEK lllil lILIES ITS WO It- ifflolal Hr rt Fall In Pltutiuri- Ktreoithen the ua OrganltatlouP- lTTMDUna Pa Sept 30 Several m ildpal ofBcvra reventyfl- lerk detectives and sanlta policemen In the city we Uncharged today By thl action tl- Juay adherent have made a clei weep of the place held he city Hepublican machine and ffected this purpose of Hipper bill whIch wa pawwsl hy the Last gii latur and which providnl a n w hetd for t ity Oovenunent Among thn men who go out am Hog Mnra idol of iMedlve well know- n pi lloe Hrcles In every city In the count i H lx1e Superintendent of Poll- crubr may Silx rliiteii lent of the III tau of Health Morris W Mend Siix- nttndent of the Bureau of Electricity ani- VIIllam llrmllev Killce ln pi ctor IK- ectlvtt Philip IMmme anti Detect I v DIOIIIR A wen tiiiixir rll to Kilcoeeil OMail nnd l cnlli a xillce captain anti police lieuleniir ers lit ln IHI Bureau of IVtectlve Eltn of INtbllc Safety of which mdrew Fulton I the director Fulli- ra recently byCitv Hix or lf- M Drown plaoj of O Brow who was remove K M of the nent of Public Works also removed tc- ay the superintendent of Highland he Chief Bnnnl of he chief clerk of the Water Bureau th- tarkel clerk the of di od and Assistant tiny Engineer fly clerks and the men removed sri wellknow- t the councils of tie Ity Committee which I controlled b Senator William FJInn Inder th Hipper bill City llecordnr A M Brown until 1903 and his object ii taking this removal U to ie Quay to enable It to conG lie election next sprini- nd the munldpal election In iw- nnisnof FAKIKY- Irrtatned at thinner by the Panllit H let on the K e of lilt Varatlnn Bishop John M Farley cntertnlne- st evening a dinner given at the Cathr- i Club In hi honor by the of St- IncentdePaul of which he piritiui- Irector The BUhop I altnut lo sail the Holy lAnd on a months cation President Tbomaa M Mulry of the o- ety and Archbishop Corrlgai one of the nn of the trongel appreciation of time lentnf the evening to whom r hed PRY Jotirney anti before everything i ifo return Other speaker and their were Th Clergy Our Society llev Dr enl X McMahon aiaritleI- chael J Hcnnlan Tlie Stat Ifcwrd linritle the Hev James J Dougherty Tin Homelw Child and John J FlIt raid Hpeolal Work tech uchnd branch of widespread activity Inskln itelde the The Lvt nddre was response by him lUlL covtit ads Her Father H fnnrritand In mans Unen She Reappeared The police sent out a general alarm lat ght reporting a mIssing Itlohlnr year old of 1473 avenue ie deecrilxnl a almost lx It Importer who went to tlie girls ime met He sid hail Iwlng lnce Friday limit hail returned a from an adjoining room isis gu and sit down Im- g enough to take cart of ansI If dlMpp ar I donl want you gabbing out I want you In that n the main juw In NrttoMirr CJ et and HIU- UKPT Hoot Hept t Tli wliooner- nttah T tTarWon Captain T P Hnnly stiNt with coal from Perth Amlny for ngur Mo went ashore today on Flynn toll sprang a leek and tilled tier keel have The tug Agnes While ought the ca plain ami crew They llf tatlr n- HuttneM Trrmhle Flseher dolnc business at Jiillit- cher CK mttiifscttirrr nf il ks t- ln ailwr mtteil merlin f hi rre- It st the AMot Holism yrslerdtf A A ih lilMI HHet t lr that I he liabilities- slmlll tMosi stxl l4ile n nffef nt M on the ilollsr cnmmlllee ef rmlllnl s t x ltitl i cim lil r U- ft HII er IHn rHBtiiifsrlnrer nf ilnthlnc 1 Mereer has a IMlltlnn IX- krutitrr with litbllitim f trnvr rrwlltnr ml ivewlnul Hs- iMlule n titnkrntiT I William Hed i l l i uuf 1urrf r l Wavrtle- rmlhlsrtti awl tl iMiVrr h i HsU- I IU X f VlHTll ItMI fef ml I I M r Pt un to he wu 3 lt m trent him ot the 1 I tl I lu ft t ruble took II who Ill mum I 10 mIr nfl C And lclY ali Irk I ohr IWfUI Rill lot And 1 In t n of subject a VUfUNO TAI Alf HI rl hr I le Cal Ashore a I 12 II 1 1 al t A 10 1 10 Is Ii h IU W Al IM cad i Induced hits worn good Caplaln IOI In June was e sets lila city sent gifts hits at hiLts Outs set was lt mOIL was has thinks that the urea titan Insurgent tones hat the health tune enritnohhtal th sri was sinipe vii James some anti o home Its lining feet she wq While was mite thy youi Mid chic father back this host lulls a t I a esfe- a cjpc4 515 esrwsw s4s a- it lava a I null I tisu4 Is Vs5ws asv- s stb 5 te 5sPO ba ISs < > > < > <> > > < > > < < > FOLLY AND SENSE IN PLA- N W KXTEKTAUfMKXT I7IV TO Silk FIRST XIOIITKHS Joist K K4lrnl hi Tb CIt Cede the Pourtrratli Street Theatre Ixil of Pretty WoratKi In The lAbel llrllet at the Hqoa When tint curtain went up a dormlti of a female seminary was disclosed Fi- ftcliool girls aaloop in four bed dozen of their classmates come In were In night clothe varying front flu white gowns to jaunty red pajamas H uncommonly pretty young actress the wearers of Intimately p tial and private garment In footllt llcity They engaged In a frolic of corn haling fighting and other infrr lions of discipline until their no- brotight the principal and tliey were severely reprimanded that two made their mlnda to run away Hitch tl- astonishing Omt act of Harry D Hmltl now play of fun and mush Put Uber- Itcllr which KUw and KrUitjttra Tro- tiadoum performed at tie Madison Houa last night The dlnckiMira of the wldeawake In their robe of liimlr was no t j- Ung that the people tarn and doubllr mme of them awaited with dined or d light a the caw may have lieen for tl audacity to become Indecent Instead mjoh A iiiodext dainty and thorough choolglrllslt exhibition that no w ashamed lo gaze nt It In open admlratlo lot naive manner of Innocence wax limki- by nothing wicked w or done and feminine beauty hi Ikern projected on tap l morn of sensuous lOlurenent lees Indollcatn repellance- Mr Smith had written more careful anti coherently than he aually does though the rent of The IJhorty Hells lied naught to do with the frolic of tl Hchoolglrl eicept that two of them l rain principal character after Ulttli the nemlnary titers wa a clear IUH plan Ible Intrigue In which the mimicking KIt Huller figured an a secret hrldw with tl- domurv tiandol Mlllikrn for her chut anti th cleverly versatile Harry Ilavei port an the hiuband with the tuttle rough comic John Slavln fur hi chum In tl- Mvond act this iiiartet was at a cook 11 school whinh the exiled lied openm anti of roue the fourteen omely situ were there tot In first act Miss Hit lor imitations ooquettlh songs by Ml- iIlimn and others and several dance hi- lieen In the second Han liilfoll wellknowti vocal nilmlcrlen wet ilramatied into lh action hlUrloncl Mr Davenport and Mr Klavln gays ba lad ansi titers a great deal of ilancing by the actre plot pulled iUtlf together whe uncle of th wife acted by Mr Illfol- an convlwed by trick and device tin h wits tlll ogle and therefore had n- hroiiKli dlMiliedlemw diiUalifled lientel- u helrv 4 of 111 fortune A Cumplicii Ion nht In fiirr Wits brought about wi- tiurtlculnr An uncle of the hushniu- by 1 C Marlnwn hail h t first girl I why burn to him S the olil fellows visited the yiiun air wife maiden friend pretend 0 l the wife nn infant was iKirrowis- Ilie deception Included the diBUl 11 biihelnr friend a an mm Cuba find to an end In a ict at a Florida hotel A an entertainment blending the gn- onierieM nf farce tIme claltl o and the Iwautle of spectacle concentrated on thee Square mall sU anti all good enough to heat he of a very near atwlence thii a a noteworthy uccr Time irl ofMhe dormItory will be the talk o town nerving In advertise a how thn1- a an almncUnre of other tlfacton- h stage dlr ctl n Ilerben lrehan ad xiert Tliere wn an uttei- reedom from the feclo common to bur wits or extravaganra All w a ni at- ml nice a thn licot grade of comedy otliing rough or violent was HiniMiln and easy None ol- lui Importation of muiral froti- mndon inure r artistic In execution Klaw A Frlanger- roulwtdours licgln with a lug big luxim John H Kellenl making hi local delmtai at this Fourteenth Street renlng appeareil In a of American Imraclep and condition anti written native of our country Time matter orthy of anti Indeed require erii ut moderation Mr KelUrd I an actor ol- Igniflod urpoe a scholar tool a toaster f the lrchniiUe of drnmatio sit lie has ivwi several Mningtydrnwn character atloit to the American stage Interpreting ithon In this fullest meaning of that wont Mmling the dramatist creation with a ilthfulneo and oompletenee that In this immon parlance nf stage folk I l creating a who wrote last night Tim Cipher C le a sincere urk r and has produced imo worthy nina Voting time thoiuht anti ex- rience In the study nnd cx i Uion of mericntt people ansi life he nvtl lody of for n drama The scene of Tlie Cipher lo Laid In WaahinRton and the rwin concerned In the argument were lldrawn types and not 10 frequent characters of stage diplomacy Several persons were Implicated La r rgery of the to d In a Wall Street swindle Only two oof pointing lo this forgoriea were ex nt a tracing and a cipher code The rmer wa found In the room of an ama ur schemer and the latter the rare llr guanled prorty of a profoeslonal- dislmne ty adventure of them iier utrtlcularly of ihe cipher rode ash the play anti were c to a gren of almost complete dlsintelllgi- llty like all drama revolving about the venture of a document rather than n iman emotion Sanlou Diplomacy d A Scrap of Paper are ex- iple The Ipher C le appealed to brain rather tItan to tho heart It plcted echenters 11tical anti financial gri lnjly but their plots were alwar gun ansi their motives never definite comprehensive ileecriptlon of the narra o would lie almost lm oslhle l et- Hdent ansi there wets many finely nmatlc anti original cene to fold tliemselvr fate In the e md art d hekl tlie interest through this If of the third It howe the ioo s ir of tlie cipher lie alt enraged father l caue lie lie ml that his jiarlner In villainy hail be- lyett his slaughter So lo revenge him- f tent the Cipher ole proof if matt dit t State Ttien MS daughter inM him It the units wa lien bu aol the l er fur venifaiice turii lo- liful anikety hi dncu itt to trr In ave msn be had w l lo wt hi enemr Another r almost lmtf le ijr- e led n eo fault T i Ipher wete ami w hre au- wv te TJIrwn rli l rter ami- ltir l ll e n n o- r l l in and MI oattoml t ale A I flow I up TIt ca- t It on a no all all AI I I t I I h f I h all f I h I I tar 1 Ir- A cal par lull I I fiJI mo- nt earnest tl In Ih A Ih Mt II uf I 1 ant 1 I IllUfUnc Itl ale f t 1 and were 4 teen were these put was was affectatIons the girls the Iii nnsiusesI wes grand The lull Iiis tetaitI timid lit clout situ cam ill tY lit by iwo was star actor last was cosmopolitan was flit H Its began first Iii tie lust s them Iii sup gte and stuafly lw Ill sIte in the irs flue was 1e sing as stir > < > < > > < < < > > > > > < > > > > > < > < ° °° irf that no on could form of its Of the and production there a rot Inxiuent In theatres of grei artistic prntention titan the fourtoe Street lATffe put were well Maud Hod man Mil William Harrouri and hi the umaller H Mabel Charles Wolcot Harry WeaTr Harry St Maur and Magr an artistic And nn act manager for to him must la cnxllted uniform e o llenc of noting anti accurate sage wtttlnRH he khowcd hi a addition to thin oonldera It wut n night of uitdotib- Kellord Tho Momliy changes of play had usual diversity Among the farces The Crovenmr Son which f formed at UH Harlem Opera Howe by father moih r mm and daught from their companion Tit frolicking tutu Ind riot dlmiiuhod wince wa seen In llroadway Cont rafting in drama wa given at the American by t- Oreenwall company In Northern Light which had Htarted at that theatre says year Imfore and In which the prlnclr- clutractor an educated Indian act In the revival by Jame K Wilson A iither play that hud lieoti originally iliiced at the American the war rnelodrnt- nf WlnchoMter brought to the Oral Opera House with Margaret May a heroine and a new outfit of scenery Il- it Kipulrly strong eitlertnlnmnnt Of differently Irnpreiwlve nature a n version by the Do nelly iMtnpany at the Murray Hill wl Allen JolmMin this Dn wa nt The Villa Patron at thin Third Avenue The Proctor theatres brought forwa- vaudnvllle more potently than at arty tin inoit play airs u ed in them Tl farcical by the Proct wet Turned IheTwent- Ihlrd Hire Tho U t Word nt this Fill Avenue Uoollwm at thi Fid Ighth Street and A Nlgfit Off nt thin US- StlOt Thive plecrK vtic flrt lle i I AuguMln hair N UiMidwIn and Kn- ilaxton in dranmtlc of the tin Knide and Ihe fact that they foul In cuiiilnuou ho I tiui- iilitnentnry tint Hudl nce In thow lot irlciil tit re oilM- Iniiiievalll JiiKKlIni H phnetuii which tout hd drawn mi the stage was ll of the n H llt at whe- Aill M lre v nnd Illanche Dayne Intr- liuwtl a okeichy piny entitled Kt- nr units r iii plcurms HI Tony Pa were this father ind dauuhler Ming iUnce and Juki- lenlly and nicely u well a amusing then in the week Pastor show we infield and Cnrllnn Mr anti Mr Jimir ami thu white coon Tl of lltulom Ihenti- vn l the trHvelllng vnudevil- oniitmiiy nf Iteillv A WIHU contalnli- in assortment of pixiinllst This Jlroo- rn put fnrwiirtl Charle T A Irich Al Unselrtids the DAr mil trnu Eugene Cowl mil other Time dlv r ioii nt the Dew ia provided hv a comiany of burleque A f President McKlnlo- vliiR In iiuie th principal exhibit i- he xlell MusiV TIll play nlrvndv uitilir headway user The Unit In Wall Stiref r- he KnickerlxHlier The Aiictiuneer llh David Wurfield at thin lli u Th- eM nger hint with Jnme I Power t Dnlrs A KlngV Itlval with Wlllln- iverhnm nt li Criterion The Form iver with lb rtbn Inllnnd nt the Iy urn Thin Second In Command ihn Drew ai the Miranda i llalniiiy with Minnie Maddern Fish the Jink with the nt the Itlchan- ivelace with K II Sotlterti nt the Onnleri Mixire with Andrew Mark al the staId Square Dull Cn ar Hetuni lib Htcfcett at Wallanke Tli e l Kloof wilt llou Mann suit ClarA nt the Savoy Tlie llonnie Brie ii h with J II Stmlilnrt nt the Kepiililio Hon lorn nt the CnMno Welier A Fields Hie KliiR1 arnlval the New Vmk ansI Ariona at cndemy of Musi The opetiitii f th Victoria with tin il ell in Swe t Marie n must il terre l dat il from a week Intuit Thur ClmrliH liawtrey will nex- ondav al the In A Mewian tilt Mnr ansI Dan Italy Itt the Hernk The Sew Yorker- Ilium lohti hlndlav Norman ConrJer- prl ert Ayllng Fr lorick l itto and n It Icher to niipplenient hi corn mv for the of ln tln lev cTarthy play of lf I Klng whIch be hhown during engage Pot at the larden tan rinrKS run rorEitT SKATS- rrmliini nf B72 Paul for One at llMlnni- i niitiiiii Prrformancell- OBTOK Sept Ml Tlie of this 1- 3at fun this Friday afternoon rehearnal this Hymphotiy Orchestra which was ld today was one of the liveliest ever A young man named Kelly war- e highest bidder He acted a an agent iving IKS premium for Mvit O IT ll 0 for 17 was the ecom- Khix t hid III action In bidding or- ch ent and J10 pre luin fun four Mnt whirl he might id tltle l n iderable llr the hail Se t I IN wits squid for a premium ol won year Mr Id a premium of ll A I and for l0 Ity far thus major part of pent of today were peculator and agent The Apollo The Interpreter Of The Piano It fiwinntc not only those who Imvc the inont highly rtilti- vntr l InMr for nuisic hut nun thow to whom the nrt is tiMtnl- ly n calr d It mnko nil mii ic intrllipihlr to PVfnlxxly- nml rvrnlnwly ran jtlay it In K ctinn invitcil Till APOLLO frtm nyt- t llit lltiilding lot Fifth Are N Y Itt a two to Ihe dOll hr A drawn ai I Ih tl and tur Ir their II hal It I I Intro I of n len I I I the I llh Bar Tnt v y I I I tli I with 11IlrrIn Ilrr 1 litsit Toll y- nl R lIst I I dll l IITIIk J ngagsi I W Ill his II salt I t known Ih Illeh In for I misi III 1M Last Ih t knOlkfl1 down In him th dill I lei 10 u Is hook Ilh 114 ittu EAT FORCE cc- ist no opinions Pert slimy was pia efi anti Ittipntwslvt the self success w was was was was its the I at I iee itt set iI I n I slits I anti iei et as iiutig ors tt hit lstsl Xi itt i I s IC rsit nthtnMtit ii I it itt t itS is lit la it hint I a ti a lit tsirt I v ttiirt Itt Mntiini set rsItt ere stifUf lie iae I lie anti I It null glimstt for thIs at Mflie W55 A twtsss Sis < > > > < > > > > < < > > Our Autumn importations of selected Oriental Rugs Are worthy the most careful inspection of the most critical buyer Our stock is practically unlimited both as to variety and price Broadway i9tb street HAMMERSLOUGH BROS QUITTING RETAIL BUSINESS CLOTHING AT 60 CTS DOLLAR We retire this Fall from the retail clothing business As this is absolute grade Fall and Winter clothing and we therefore offer every garment here without reserve at exactly Co cts on the dollar Our Motk lorlutlrn lbnu initi nt briutlrul lit In found on lnra rrln inrii n i ann vr i ur unit Ttllrdn mis tfi J linutris Ht Several hundred of our finest SI About 500 of our finest 15 and ts 18 and suits are now reduced to Fall overcoats are now marked down to 850 750hU- rk tutl blur I chord vxuo Ibm rt inj w r tgit scniHrrnt UUcfc Ihlbfl I of itauldrrea cotU uwlh- rlr All Ullutrd brsuttlully t fuhlnn limit silk linM iu rlllnr smt rnxtlnusi Inr rvery stm nt br U UihlontUtkad but si i nirrr tisttumnt fotm r flffi st 00 ri on HAMMERSLOUGH BROS 830 BROADWAY mpn our are recognized Our lower priced say from 250 deservedly popular with those who them SIXTH AVE AND NINETEENTH ST w 1oant I Pl and final it nukes imperative the of our stot or high of lIId of irnote4 brtt1a I Innr Ibloobl Fall smug Winter OUItOII toil t 20 each e3ch- Thr Intlld utlluluntllllab t wonld 10 Thtr loolud Ia bluk lId I oIIht ad lId rsmstmsv many I I I lb H HOES to 400 for both men And women art use 4 f s E ie entire uilmnr tttem estlarns hPre limo ssnuuatdi nt ovtosts sUM sitts resell all saaa any si a suit ltu iot ate tJ ttiaiped arid Tuii mm IO1I nay tells sit go flu doilsy I I I s- I j ALIIXANDILRL > > > ¼ tnKni STAIIS ARmfuL lnte Calr slid MM rtl Marctil tllbrr- Mallgnap llrrlrr and Dtifrlrhr Are Urn The French steamer IA Champagn- bmught yestrrday an Important con tlngent of the Msurire Jrau Ojiera Corn jviny headol by Mm Emma shot am Including MM dl Marrhl filbert Hallgnao Iteelrr IVn llo Dufrinh Mile llnuernieiter Mm Calve directly fmtn Pads where hall l i she left her farm at Awyron usher ttw d unun r Since item last Hi aranrn hers she hns sung only a tim when n inembnr of corn jiiy at ivent Garden lute umrn r Tlien Him king for this first lime the title r6l l nm In apjienr lit that am part hers suiting the New York n Mine Calm ivild yelenl y Mr Unto ha to iriHluce tb I wan to tutus mint the rile first In Milan when the opera given at Soala hut 1 took cold after the last relieanuil anti had to hurry of- M AlileHHftin to try to get well of that Si it happened that I appeared In tho opera first at Went Harden with Slg Ta magno in this rolo thai M Alvarez sing hen Then I h ll sing again Anile In I Nararrnliw which know Mae M net ootnxe l fur nm anti which I oanj lust five years I lists nut now a now role Naphn until 1 took Jfr ofinr IjiH wittier I was In the orient and the sum mor after I had tlnUhed thn season at Iormt lanleti waa tK lIt chiefly on farm Yes It U tnte that I a of working down there to enjoy th air and Mme Cairns omtract calU for her ap- pearance a Valrntinr lit Mjen In I Noun ill Klgaro two role that hiss norer at tempt tsl tnr- Kmlllu dl Marchl who i for the first Unto n member of this Maurice Orau Cotn will rrmemliervd by who hearil the of the Maplonon romt any at the Academy In lt0 tenor of one representation of Ilugtienot Hn then thus ansi wont tAck to Europe the best known of Italian fenors East ho sang at Covent Garden and was engaged by lrau after hi appear a In Towa a rOle 7roat l when this wan fIrst In Rome Ho sung chiefly In Spain Itussla and hi own country and nnh In Italian IVclery I a French baritone who h vinl summer at Covent Oanlon- ind i nuiklng hi first isit to ihl country- M Perello i n l i whit not l n- liearil In country ll tussle hi r rhloflv in S America Ktlentie- Jlix r at the era and ra- omli it In Itri ansI original rrisfnh WHII Wngners opera wits ming in Part in Freii Two inciiteni djsturled landing of fl rato IWMeliKr SiielK ly jire n rival tenor told this OittoinH- OIIOK nuUioriile that Sig ill Marrhi- nmk wen fllle l with simiKKltsI perfume- uwl all of them were esaiitiiHtl tlie iiispect ir u w K etmr never did Mme Calve bronchi len item by Juein Victoria U t utn- ner lbs fitigeni were In charge of F I mluim who Is this year to lie acting ivtnager of the The two cot lotions MM Flint were aLso m l rd- FinitniuntA won tie Mmlcal lamed In He Trintferml- In the New lnrt Ttiealre Arrangements ansi i il llnin te Yes ertlay ltwet the Sip Hutiher teenagers if tin Cin aol Fl her llvlev iftsnnri- ml pmiirvHiir if nir Nl f bv wnh he inuKvil itm lr will m transfrrieil- iMpt l it with an aiigmentml t he Ve Toils Ttientie mi IM U Iii tnake- v f r Anna Ib l itt Ilie little I irxml wtaeti is nnw a t- w Yotk etil nn the r il leslie Stuart Ine HflI f Af Irl r- Imas mtiftki aer Mi til 4 Uk wife rtm1ed IfMe l twrtfen ts f pleasure e nK and rom th In mlestiultie jAn roll I aliens lilt will lilY lIumr t r lIio Otters I I 1 onnt I last h II I till 11 11111 hh I tI It ht her 1111 1lIIIIIAIIIIJNItI Svstehi I Iii I I I i I I Tiw Iii < h till h M Ikuilsad Lt I I Z 10 sdwrfteas U Jfl4D liars hubert she since jib the few phi was ih lanas olana its WaN created since girls she hail lw wr dons aim this tie is anne opera hats was huts this has lute I was Is I hem I hit clone The iu ci ullie company flU 1 sheen Is Ibis tira the lashes sat the sans stat truss its Rare Ia Ilash sd- Iit SlIT 0th IisSw4 flpsss- t a tee liSt eatneUiitg real isiso < < > < > < > < ¬ > <> > > < + > > > iKOlUllM IMIA fTFVSAOAI MartiNi 10 Mn tlrarell by a Canon Jostles of trio Pease Cjtnsos Xov Sept JO Ororg M PullmAn and Mm Ilrirello war at the Arlington lintel today by Juitlcn of the Won Stnn The woddlng wa- wlttuwsed by Mr West mother of the lurid and ODonnell both of San Fran cl bride wits a former resident of Corrwtwk the wedding party d paru l for San Francisco tonight email Hrditenco seer ire nw1i Cnn Burned OnRKmncR Conn Sept 80 Th rest dennis of William H Craft on King wa burned to the ground tnnlght coUUI Ing a IOM of about IIOHYI Mr Qraft had rnoTnd from the building only a f n day Hnd a Now York Thn of a lamp oauaod ftc ansi there wa nn tnoaua at hand to oitlngtdsh the flames The Craft real dents was one of the old landmark of King street formerly known aa the Highway Telepnono Company Incorporated ALBANY Sept SO The Frontier Tel phon Company Incorporated with a rnpltal of UioiiX to oooneot by telephone from a central exchange In York oltv and Intarreniiig- pUiv ansi Cleveland Oiilo Ibis directors ar A Stearns of Wilkeonarre Pa- Alvan Marklo of Ilnxloton Pa James M Thomas of York rite R 0 Lofkln John H Charles tl Hill of Uuf and Frederick U irron of Fredonla McKinley Memorial Otapa- LWiuis IUuiii Pa Hept 80 Thl otty now a William McKinley Memorial Ctiapel The trustee of this new ronnon Rvait gelical Lutheran Church de- iJded tonight to rive it th t nam This umierntono laid the team week PreaU lent It 1 the Oral Jiurch in Ute ommtry named after iloKlnloy Throat rot In a Haloon sew flnucrsi so Richard Atkin- TO attacked till afternoon by Charlea Weaver in a saloon row Weaver pulled i razor and cut him In the throat eni crar d by drink AUclnn walked to n chair for a nst ad he removed to the hospital there hn Is In a critical Tartan Fire ImllotmenU PuNt District Assemblies 40 and i3 of V fork 720 of Hrooklrn and IB7 of Jerey Ity Knight of di cido yesterday eeml n t to DiMrict Attorney hllbln against delay In tilIng the indlctmentu a a result f this Tarrant tire on Oreenwlch street llormltorr for KtierTIrM School NEW lUvrN Sepi so This official of he Ynln Khefftold Scientific School might n p t of gnxutd In Illllhouso IIH lu t north of St VitliednU fr- jdir It will l a site for a new dorml- iv It is across tho avenue from th- li nield Hcliool I have been using Ripans Tabules six or seven years am never without them I can cat anything now and never have the least fear little daughter when she has a pain will say Mamma me a pain please give me a Tabule- Tk rKtOrt h MHith fur i- ft cst ttri a urr Int UI j t marTini The ret kerosene this King was today S New eber smut lab huts Was was shut V Sept was lent w lAbor > alleged 5 tw today eve 1 RFPNS f At tviltt swtSluip ea list liesI Nwtii a > > < < > >

Aba Pt Itt - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-10-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · K lbb Maw JiMtpli-lodoli N Joint II Hartley J F Hartley 111 Waton Marin

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p 41 r M 3 v-



tFarnU of Capt Cocuiell of 7mlNotified of ltd Death TwraDttxthe Nerrnt lno Men In th CompiAeroonlMt For Other May Turn I

CtNt Dtlf lth tt Til fllN-

Mixitu Sept SO Sergeant Markand a private of Company C Ninth Infantwhich wax nurpriMd with the result tlmany of Its men were killed llalangl-Banur by a bind of Insurgent eecajcrow the hay to Tanuan and hirnaa a report on the accident The anrgmand private evidently did not know of I

eeoape of twentyfour of theirBay Ulaitd of Hamar

They report that 400 attackgarrUon of Dalaoglga who were

break fart and wore without their anA majority of the men In the barrack wikilled and none was left alive In the tonOn hundred end forty were kill

la the m IeeAa twentyfour min have already i

deed at Ilanor atory Uexaggeration There were onlytwo mn In the company andhave now been ncrxmnted

American officer at Manila do tto explain the matutore exco

on thn ground of orerconfldonce on tpart of thn troop at Ualanglga and laof watchfulness ThU wan du probabto the extreme friendllnc of thn preident and town eople who recentlyoomod tho Ninth with muxlo and fletaW-

ARIIISOTOX 30 A oorrrcted coof Ion Chaffoe cable despatch frcManila In regard to the massacre of Ai

toldler In Humor wan pubWar Department

ly mistake In tran latlng the dpithe despatch wa first Interpreted nn kiiyli

Capt Connell Lieut Iumiu aihad The or

reeled copy wontnUtaken for caped really mealnrt tlgatlon III l o mode The correct

copy doe not how therefore that t

officer mentioned are rife The drapati-U aa follow

Hughe rvport following rec lred ItoIU ey Mouthern Hamar TwentyfourCompany C Oth Regiment United StatItifantry eleven wounded hato jut arrivtfrom Halanglgo remainder company kllle-ItvurgenN nocutixl all company suppliand nil riflo except three Compai

attacked during breakfast mornliBept SS Company eventytwo tronOfficers Tltonta W Connill CaptainEdward A Ihimpu flrnt lieutenant I

n R flriwold Major Surgeon Invvstgallon will b madn-

Th meagrrnoM if th Infonrutln-rantalned In ten ClMffeno despatch leanIn doubt o far an ofllclal Information goothn fain of Capt Tlwtruvs W Omncll FinIJeut Kdwaril A Dumpui and HurgeuR H Grinwold

At the mum tlmo notlJng has been rreived which Indicate that tliey escapeHomo of tho army officer Interpret leiChaffeer reference to showtothat they nm accounted for whileuthei-bellere If are inlwlng Jon Chaflewould liave an The fact that Sergptr-Markloy prirat rnoaped to I ylwIthout knowledge of thn rwcape of tIedtnmnwloa to IUey Is taken to how tinduring the confusion of the ml4 thoencaplng took different dlrectlona If thl-

rm tnw It I ciinldemd not unllkelr ththe office r may yet turn up

From what appear to have l eon sltuathin at the attack It is thoughremarkable that any of the soldier wer-

hie to awayreceived a telegram this morning

that a let-

ter received from his Ueutaald t hat the ofllcer quartered In a con-

vent that the ttoldien wire quirt pre1 li

house near by and that the waa In thtown It appear from this Informalthat their arm In thelquarter find probably mmeod together 1

theirPresumably the trracherou Insurgent

waited the ninn were atand unarmed llm officerwould undoubtedly mesa together In tinconvent and thl makeattack at different polnta InlpKS thnative were able to secure unopuoei

Itwould l e able to make a good resistancehut the enlisted men l without thel-offlcerw nt the time and In unprotected quar-ter would have been at the mercyasonlUnt

To those officer familiar with tim condltlon In Hamar the occurrence I l

together Denat thn head of Mho liwurnrtlwl

In Hamar I one of tho cruelenl of the Inurgent leader hen Adjt Oen Corbliwa the Philippine It wa thought liManila that Ijjcban loft Hamar woIn southern Iuzon endeavoring to arouwthe InhabItants ofCebu and stir up an out-break If Iuchan wan In Vbii hiwould be well informed an to thi ntovementiof the American would hay knowndefinitely of tlm of tho garrison

There no dmibt amongthat having of the ruwawinallonof President hn concluded Itwould t o nn opportunity again In-

atlr hi follower toC of Xinth Infantry went

to Ralangfgn on Aug Iand wasnah with a great show of

friendship ThU I thoueht to dis-

armed ooldler of all and led

the native In thTim War I o rttpenl to roads pubJ

lie the r rt nls of the officers mentionedCap Thoma W Connell wa born In

and appointed from Suita a cadet at Academy SeptI 1M 0 lie wn mndo HeonndFifth Infantry In IWI Flint LieutenantNinth Infantry April S8 IH and CaptainNinth lifantry 3 loot H

with this n gln ent In Cuba China ant thePhilippines

A served ox aprivate In Rutery A Ffrnt Maiuchui ettoHeavy IM warand S coml IJetitenant-TVentyfln t lnfantrrJiine9lwwanil

lie l tn In MawoiohtisetiiiMajor IUchnnl Sill lri old wa born

Nor U iw In Vaterbury Conn Duringthe war with S iu IM was Ueutenatitand Hur wu of the Iun-nectlctat Volunteer He wa mnilel utPTinnt and AmUtant of theTwonty l tii Infantry July 5 i n Oji-tain and Awlstant Surgeon April S4

Volunteers June 1 I He Joined tlTwcnty Infamry al liarrack Aug 3 IHW l fn nt San Franrtvxi SH Si and arrived at ManlU

mi duty with regiment In theto March t 1801 on

with the regiment-for arriving at San FrafteUco30 rvel thern until musteredout with the rrgimriil He wa ap tlntedMajor ami SuiRKon nlle Slatra tilun-

Uorv arrived at Manila July in IHOI

and ba l b n on duty In Um PhiHpiilnelianA arn tliat slate

Hie mu ier l ll of C tn nv r re-

tvhed nl tlie War Is tUtmlJulie an Hits li iw tlul the r n ny-

wa tlteti nil I if i ie folUiwing eii-

i ed rtien HiHr iiaHo l ttt er with theIrbelt til kui wliere kntiwn lullnw-

IlM Srfgwjin Narmiel I neatnl kMi CIVMI e hJel at IUllinMOuan Tia er f Augiit F IV rt-

vttg e f ktr revttig S J-

ihetrMiHO J rtt t arr41 IKU kltrait11 i 1 e ir t t M T-

VH J I K eH Mr H Hatjkv U 44 r 1 Alfixl II D-

lUitdal M lUrt Ur I lank llrtu





halothe t






mea mAe

tat tallhowl










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Artillery Iiarinwas

FIrstIIrniteriant lntsntry Jii luii



and l1rton











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Mn Oonkey MlThird streetX

F Markler JWeston W Va John F

J N Martin 3ft Cleveland avenueN Charloa HameUon Mra Al Haroeln

Michael McCormlck Ok uoeler MaiuNity J neat of kin not glv

at 133 Hnward streetN V John D C1oon liszt of Kin i

given revklod In Canton Ohioand Pickett nail of kin

given enllstwl at Ontario N VItotwrt next of

Mr F E Strong ManUtee Mich lustK Hchnllfler next of kin Mr H K Kchnl-Ier Ml Thirteenth street MilwaukeeMusidarw adUlaMi Oanwhlo nextkin mother Umlriroti Auxtria John

next of kin Ttiomi MillWichita Fall Tex

ArtlDcer lo H Mart nextkit Mr I N Stnlcun Paterson Ken

Irivat ti of kPearl AUIson Carthage leOn JohnArmani Jam H NhAitI Annanl next of kin not given i

l In Oeorge nextkin nut at Fort OntarJohn W Mr I W AydelotWorihlngton Ind Thoma E

Lily Mo Walter J IVrlholf next ofnot given rnlUlixl In Syracuse Oeor

llonny Aaronhunks Oiurlitt oro C il ri-

avenuo Cincinnati William Burke WManlu N Y James

Cain William W lain Jollytown P-

tioorgn M Cliarlmtnitu AK7 IxMunU sired l Chlftago Henry Cla-

Mr K Wright HvrHinieRoland T lark lolaml II Cla-

OKWIRO N V Illch Coii IitltioConiidine Auburn N Y Charl-Davl John irvcne Trenton N J Ell

Iraffenrviil Mm K N now M7 NorMarket sins Wichita Kan Dfnl next of kin not given enlMed atOntario DentonOMmvllle 1ml Will IVnton John De

Ion TlmpMiit Tex Oeorge I De Vei

J Dobbin next of kin not given MillIn toriKliu F Jo

llt vt lt Mawt Unities J Do

IiI John Downey MU May tn et PhilDatiH J IKiuavnn Daniel lon

van IK Enst Seninii inel Oswego JenJ Drixvll John Drimvtl l wnmce MssKit Fltgeruld Mn M S Tord Sprin

MIII AntUllagher IIH Ot uu

HninburK In William J Ulblm Har-

K lbb Maw JiMtpli-

lodoli N

Joint II Hartley J F Hartley111 Waton MarinShawnee Oklahoma Taylor II Hlckma

Hickinan IUntrke A moD Irish SOS Niagara treet nuffal

Albeit II Keller Mr May PuehlCol Sherman H Kelly F Kelly Can

C Frank RakeS D lUchard l ng IJ rtho-

De IJnde Cleveland Henry W Manire D

W II Manlm Nonnnn Oklahoma titanF Mnrak Mary Marak llal te l KaiIUIIKX Martin Martin Horton hanlamm F Kich li-

Hotkton CharltH WI

lam K Itidout IIIK Mcvir I L Meyer Tindall H T-

Inhlt II Miller Aunts Mlllur Moberl-Mn Daniel H Mullln Jane Mullln Wao

Clifford N MumbyMr W II Miinib-llnfford N D Andrew Nileon ML-

Llxzl Nllewin Nora nton Pa Dani-

DNtill neit of nUt given live t-

lloiine Point N Thoiiu-INelll O e i N Y Owen V ONeillniotmiH ONeill Oswego N Y Pnii-

iVter Etiwanl Peter Scheiwotady-I Ch rl v puwi n liichard Power Oego N Y ThennkiiKUt Qula Jam

ickaixl Mattle Klcknrtl IVru HarttMltirick Schertiterle Augu ta 8ch l

erie Germany l onaril Hchlei-

VIIHam F Schley Fort Dt I o lt Ala

J Hchoemak nchoetnakei-Vatkln N Y Fvan South W Southayette Ala Kolwt Kproell

San Antonio Texilerllng steal of kin not enlUted iiyraciw Anthony Slier Mary Stler Kyr111 N E Stub Klwood W

SwatiMin Sweden Turneramr Turner Pa John Ihloi-

iigust C Stiilettn avenu-i i i a

N II Melvln M WalU ScotVilla Parson Kan John Wannebc-le WannnU Wanhburn WU Christian S

William Mary Muncy Canatota N Y

laud C I ella A Wlngn Carrolltoi-iitinty la Harry M Wood Frank C

Fort WayneCorporal Frank who enlisted

t Barracks N Y and Private

f Drneden S Y end Julio H Wolfe oJinn Ohio were on the slate of the muste

alwvnt from the either sickr on detached ervlcn al Manila PrivetMm H Duhrer wa at Dolse BarracklalMt Aug 31 Martin Come at

iilmm N Y wa dlschnrrrcd at Vanmver Barracks and Private Homer Stew

antI Hermann Trapp have l een Iranrreil to other regiments

Thomas W Connell was well knowndiv hntlnc trailed In the

strict from the time nl huts birthf entered Vet Point Academy on

IHVO brtither John J Ii

deputy assistant District AttorneyIaid J Connell

ie n the Taniinnny electionIn In the S Aiwinlilv districtlie family lIves at II South William street

an iiTr buildingWIn the new 01 tlw re-

Ived In till Its rnemlsis ofinnell family ixcnme greatly

aety withe niilhoritlM at Washington lucy lcnrneat a tch to time War Depattme-nitti that Cnnt Connell Outid n Oriwold hail escapedthem and mother of the soldierre offering if thank when

a cable despatch from Manilaifch read

U AXIL a pt-

Tomrar WIM r14 T

Before Capt Conntll went to Manilad an agreement with a friendank HatiiKpy Quartermaster of the

by one lo thealive of t lie other In cn e any miha

l Inder tlbit aildrt M of Copt ConnellNow York was Ouix ntiell So when

me ane dellvertil tenlay theher tif Connell wa iltlve that



I It contained was true notwitlitamlthe dt patch lo the War

Mr Connell telegraphedthin War leparttnent for furtherition and an answer statingit through a milake made In

cipher Manila the cablenpany made It read have escapedt MnvtwtlKallotl will N

answer to another sent toWar late In th e afternoonIVmnell received the following


l V1t J roini Viiui t v In srlln-nllirMir A r Ivpsttmrn-

iiit Connell was M liendcd iramintr Heh ii S and later

trout the De It Salle lntle ill Hired Allli IIR there

a hari oirite fur W i PolnlniUKHI In the Citngnx district in

licit rontiell i 4dtsl he rnanigewin Ihe price lie graduated fnmiMilItary In l In-

illiwt IllfsntnlleCillMIlt as S HI Lteti-

iaM A tea iiHHitbs Inter b iratw-rr In the Nltilli llegtrnenl and nt tlm-

ibrmk il ihe Siniith Ameriotn War bes made Ijetitetiant went to

with ail there wonf i lira err hAter a ititiiMntm-

reriimiit at l when the linuble-

lli iC friends lucre wtg Ck4ic-

H Am l mtnlno WMI Mil l

intenta I i IUie hue IV4mmart ItanM lH nUn arid Straitjib i d taken a grnul Inter

wrtare IVey i ixir s1 a vltMi

Ana AbaY


North Platte

JamFor kin



otI I


0Solve 1

I Hall ot

rhAnl1 TA n7 Irth

kin I


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Bail Ilttshsjrg Iack lieJuts Jiatee Fast street Ken


his ntn

ii e vre iresnwich Paint

stale trk hissI stiesilasrn aitnilili sIiis floss latuhi






hirighituti Mit Ewtiist InLtoi-I Ititfliithl Chris I

tibhs Ilunhimigame Kan sri Hwanonelli

Loui Frank



alitthis until


City htrks imes for yearn

massacre wasapt






I Isisfamily


tI hit till mars


2 sin1i

Is railttatislFill iIttli

5 this





to Ma nile1 ibitta n tis aa I Peldtt


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ithikin051 fm tin Iwaerv a-

I uilIc1W4 wgesusu htswsIaui-

Its t 4 i5w w r C-

MgiaiMh 44 11411y la


















four New York towith the Indoreement of Benaton

The latter hall taken anInterest in the soldier and Itthrough the Influence of the men mentlothat War Department washunt up wa found

to Manila end baa been In activethere ever since

Connell waa In the habit of c-

munlcatlng with In thisoften a penultNow end tlieii he sent themcurio which he had picked In lila IravOnly three weeks ago of Man

to friend In New York Mtime writing that hn eiwctn l to ba bowon on a furlough To one of friei-hn wrote the were a treach

anti that when they appearedtin thatneeded watching

The hut ConnnllVreceived from him wa one dated AtU He was then In the Island of Mumand wrote to that he In good heoand spirits but was longing to get

country the StaleWI Sept 30 den M

Arthur who from t-lntlltul i tthe American troon In southern Hamwill result In lIe United states taking nn j

to the iniurgent GoneIndian who commanded lbswho amlnuhetl the Ninth Infantty

He U a tricky and w aiham caused no of in Um Ulandiaid the leneral I

evidently the company unawaror eLse the lose could not o heavfur killed out of one company

annihilation 1 puslaughter and the men coukt not have

lo lIght for their ties or tl-

renuli could not have been c heavylAictvut i one of tint insurgents

refuses to atxvpt the Amorlmn nile Iha a following of some 600Our troops number only SOOO men I

art scattered In towns and cities WhlIt i that there are still Filipino wl

surrender to the Ooeminent the outbreak of Saturday cannIn the lest affect theansi tt ii only a matter of a short time witsall must coins to term It I one of thounfortunate Incident that cunnotavoided but It cannot affect the reiIn general Tlie Insurrection lu lot

and thn slaughter In Hamwill not aid th cause of thefact It will mako the Amnrlcandetermined to capture such fellowsLtjcba-

nHliPEK lllil lILIES ITS WO It-

ifflolal Hr rt Fall In Pltutiuri-Ktreoithen the ua OrganltatlouP-

lTTMDUna Pa Sept 30 Several mildpal ofBcvra reventyfl-lerk detectives and sanlta

policemen In the city we

Uncharged today By thl action tl-

Juay adherent have made a cleiweep of the place heldhe city Hepublican machine andffected this purpose of Hipper bill

whIch wa pawwsl hy the Last gii laturand which providnl a n w hetd for tity OovenunentAmong thn men who go out am HogMnra idol of iMedlve well know-

n pi lloe Hrcles In every city In the counti H lx1e Superintendent of Poll-crubr may Silx rliiteii lent of the III

tau of Health Morris W Mend Siix-nttndent of the Bureau of Electricity ani-

VIIllam llrmllev Killce ln pi ctor IK-

ectlvtt Philip IMmme anti Detect I v

DIOIIIR A wen tiiiixir rllto Kilcoeeil OMail nnd l cnlli

a xillce captain anti police lieuleniirers lit lnIHI Bureau of IVtectlve Eltn

of INtbllc Safety of which

mdrew Fulton I the director Fulli-ra recently byCitv Hix or lf-

M Drown plaoj of O Browwho was remove

K M of thenent of Public Works also removed tc-

ay the superintendent of Highlandhe Chief Bnnnl ofhe chief clerk of the Water Bureau th-

tarkel clerk the of di odand Assistant tiny Engineer

fly clerks andthe men removed sri wellknow-

t the councils of tieIty Committee which I controlled b

Senator William FJInn Inder thHipper bill City llecordnr A M Brown

until 1903 and his object iitaking this removal U toie Quay to enable It to conGlie election next sprini-nd the munldpal election In iw-

nnisnof FAKIKY-

Irrtatned at thinner by the Panllit H

let on the K e of lilt VaratlnnBishop John M Farley cntertnlne-

st evening a dinner given at the Cathr-

i Club In hi honor by the of St-

IncentdePaul of which he piritiui-

Irector The BUhop I altnut lo sailthe Holy lAnd on a months

cationPresident Tbomaa M Mulry of the o-

ety and Archbishop Corrlgaione of the

nn of the trongel appreciation of time

lentnf the evening to whom rhedPRY Jotirney anti before everything i

ifo returnOther speaker and their were

Th ClergyOur Society llev Dr

enl X McMahon aiaritleI-chael J Hcnnlan Tlie Stat Ifcwrd

linritle the Hev James J DoughertyTin Homelw Child and John J FlItraid Hpeolal Work techuchnd branch of

widespread activity Insklnitelde the The Lvt nddre wasresponse by him

lUlL covtitads Her Father H fnnrritand In

mans Unen She ReappearedThe police sent out a general alarm latght reporting a mIssing Itlohlnr

year old of 1473 avenueie deecrilxnl a almost lxIt Importer who went to tlie girlsime met He sid hailIwlng lnce Friday limit hail returned


from an adjoining room

isis gu and sit down Im-g enough to take cart of ansI If

dlMpp ar I donl want you gabbingout I want you In thatn the main juw In

NrttoMirr CJ et and HIU-

UKPT Hoot Hept t Tli wliooner-nttah T tTarWon Captain T P Hnnly

stiNt with coal from Perth Amlny forngur Mo went ashore today on Flynntoll sprang a leek and tilled tier keel

have The tug Agnes Whileought the ca plain ami crew They

llf tatlr n-

HuttneM TrrmhleFlseher dolnc business at Jiillit-

cher CK mttiifscttirrr nf il ks t-

ln ailwr mtteil merlin f hi rre-

It st the AMot Holism yrslerdtf A A

ih lilMI HHet t lr that I he liabilities-slmlll tMosi stxl l4ile n nffef nt M

on the ilollsr cnmmlllee ef rmlllnls t x ltitl i cim lil r U-

ft HII er IHn rHBtiiifsrlnrer nf ilnthlnc1 Mereer has a IMlltlnn IX-

krutitrr with litbllitim ftrnvr rrwlltnr ml ivewlnul Hs-

iMlule n titnkrntiT I William Hedi l l i uuf 1urrf r l Wavrtle-

rmlhlsrtti awl tl iMiVrr h i HsU-I IU X f VlHTll ItMI fef






he wu3 lt


trent himot

the 1I

tl I



t rubletook









lclY ali














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Inducedhits worn

good CaplalnIOI In June was e


lila city

sent giftshits at


Outs setwas

lt mOIL


hasthinks that the






health tune enritnohhtal th



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o home

Its lining feet

she wq

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thy youi Mid chic fatherback

this host





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Joist K K4lrnl hi Tb CIt Cedethe Pourtrratli Street TheatreIxil of Pretty WoratKi In The lAbel

llrllet at the Hqoa

When tint curtain went up a dormltiof a female seminary was disclosed Fi-

ftcliool girls aaloop in four beddozen of their classmates come Inwere In night clothe varying front fluwhite gowns to jaunty red pajamas H

uncommonly pretty young actressthe wearers of Intimately p

tial and private garment In footlltllcity They engaged In a frolic of cornhaling fighting and other infrrlions of discipline until their no-

brotight the principal and tliey wereseverely reprimanded that two madetheir mlnda to run away Hitch tl-

astonishing Omt act of Harry D Hmltlnow play of fun and mush Put Uber-

Itcllr which KUw and KrUitjttra Tro-

tiadoum performed at tie Madison Houalast night

The dlnckiMira of the wldeawakeIn their robe of liimlr was no t j-

Ung that the people tarn and doubllrmme of them awaited with dined or dlight a the caw may have lieen for tlaudacity to become Indecent Instead

mjoh A iiiodext dainty and thoroughchoolglrllslt exhibition that no w

ashamed lo gaze nt It In open admlratlolot naive manner of Innocence wax limki-

by nothing wicked w

or done and feminine beauty hiIkern projected on tap l

morn of sensuous lOlurenent leesIndollcatn repellance-

Mr Smith had written more carefulanti coherently than he aually doesthough the rent of The IJhorty Hellslied naught to do with the frolic of tlHchoolglrl eicept that two of them l

rain principal character after Ulttlithe nemlnary titers wa a clear IUH planIble Intrigue In which the mimicking KIt

Huller figured an a secret hrldw with tl-

domurv tiandol Mlllikrn for her chutanti th cleverly versatile Harry Ilaveiport an the hiuband with the tuttle roughcomic John Slavln fur hi chum In tl-

Mvond act this iiiartet was at a cook 11

school whinh the exiled lied openmanti of roue the fourteen omely situ

were there tot In first act Miss Hitlor imitations ooquettlh songs by Ml-

iIlimn and others and several dance hi-

lieen In the second Hanliilfoll wellknowti vocal nilmlcrlen wetilramatied into lh action hlUrlonclMr Davenport and Mr Klavln gays balad ansi titers a great deal ofilancing by the actre

plot pulled iUtlf together wheuncle of th wife acted by Mr Illfol-

an convlwed by trick and device tinh wits tlll ogle and therefore had n-

hroiiKli dlMiliedlemw diiUalifled lientel-

u helrv 4 of 111 fortune A CumpliciiIon nht In fiirr Wits brought about wi-

tiurtlculnr An uncle of the hushniu-by 1 C Marlnwn hail

h t first girl Iwhy burn to him Sthe olil fellows visited the yiiun

air wife maiden friend pretend0 l the wife nn infant was iKirrowis-Ilie deception Included the diBUl 11

biihelnr friend a anmm Cuba find to an end In aict at a Florida hotel

A an entertainment blending the gn-

onierieM nf farce tIme claltl oand the Iwautle of spectacle

concentrated on thee Squaremall sU anti all good enough to heathe of a very near atwlence thiia a noteworthy uccr Time

irl ofMhe dormItory will be the talk otown nerving In advertise a how thn1-

a an almncUnre of other tlfacton-h stage dlr ctl n Ilerben lrehanad xiert Tliere wn an uttei-reedom from the feclo common to burwits or extravaganra All w a ni at-

ml nice a thn licot grade of comedyotliing rough or violent

was HiniMiln and easy None ol-

lui Importation of muiral froti-mndon inurer artistic In execution Klaw A Frlanger-roulwtdours licgln with a lug big luxim

John H Kellenl making hi local delmtaiat this Fourteenth Street

renlng appeareil In a of AmericanImraclep and condition anti written

native of our country Time matterorthy of anti Indeed require erii utmoderation Mr KelUrd I an actor ol-

Igniflod urpoe a scholar tool a toasterf the lrchniiUe of drnmatio sit lie hasivwi several Mningtydrnwn characteratloit to the American stage Interpretingithon In this fullest meaning of that wontMmling the dramatist creation with ailthfulneo and oompletenee that In this

immon parlance nf stage folk I l

creating awho wrote last night

Tim Cipher C le a sincereurk r and has produced imo worthynina Voting time thoiuht anti ex-

rience In the study nnd cx i Uion ofmericntt people ansi life he

nvtl lody of for ndrama The scene of Tlie Cipher

lo Laid In WaahinRton and therwin concerned In the argument were

lldrawn types and not10 frequent characters of stage diplomacySeveral persons were Implicated La rrgery of the tod In a Wall Street swindle Only twooof pointing lo this forgoriea were exnt a tracing and a cipher code Thermer wa found In the room of an amaur schemer and the latter the rarellr guanled prorty of a profoeslonal-

dislmne ty adventure of them

iier utrtlcularly of ihe cipher rodeash the play anti were c to agren of almost complete dlsintelllgi-lltylike all drama revolving about theventure of a document rather than niman emotion Sanlou Diplomacyd A Scrap of Paper are ex-

iple The Ipher C le appealed tobrain rather tItan to tho heart It

plcted echenters 11tical anti financialgri lnjly but their plots were alwargun ansi their motives never definitecomprehensive ileecriptlon of the narrao would lie almost lm oslhle l et-Hdent ansi there wets many finelynmatlc anti original cene tofold tliemselvr fate In the e md artd hekl tlie interest through this

If of the thirdIt howe the ioo s ir of tlie cipherlie alt enraged father l caue lie lieml that his jiarlner In villainy hail be-

lyett his slaughter So lo revenge him-

f tent the Cipher ole proof ifmatt dit t

State Ttien MS daughter inM himIt the units wa lien bu aol thel er fur venifaiice turii lo-

liful anikety hi dncuitt to trr In ave msn be hadw l lo wt hi enemr Another

r almost lmtf le ijr-e ledn eo fault T i Ipherwete ami w hre au-

wv te TJIrwn rli l rter ami-ltir l ll e n n o-

r l l in and MI oattoml




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fiJI mo-

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Iii nnsiusesI

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star actor last









Iii tielust

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Iii sup

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irs flue was














> >

> <




> >





irf that no on could formof its

Of the and production there

a rot Inxiuent In theatres of greiartistic prntention titan the fourtoeStreet lATffe put were wellMaud Hod man MilWilliam Harrouri and hi the umaller HMabel Charles Wolcot HarryWeaTr Harry St Maur and Magr

an artistic And nn actmanager for to him must la cnxllteduniform e o llenc of noting antiaccurate sage wtttlnRH he khowcd hi

a addition to thin oonlderaIt wut n night of uitdotib-


Tho Momliy changes of play hadusual diversity Among the farces

The Crovenmr Son which fformed at UH Harlem Opera Howe by

father moih r mm and daughtfrom their companion Tit

frolicking tutu Ind riot dlmiiuhod wincewa seen In llroadway Cont rafting indrama wa given at the American by t-

Oreenwall company In Northern Lightwhich had Htarted at that theatre saysyear Imfore and In which the prlnclr-clutractor an educated Indian actIn the revival by Jame K Wilson A

iither play that hud lieoti originallyiliiced at the American the war rnelodrnt-nf WlnchoMter brought to the OralOpera House with Margaret May aheroine and a new outfit of scenery Il-

it Kipulrly strong eitlertnlnmnnt Ofdifferently Irnpreiwlve nature a nversion by the Donelly iMtnpany at the Murray Hill wlAllen JolmMin this Dnwa nt The VillaPatron at thin Third Avenue

The Proctor theatres brought forwa-vaudnvllle more potently than at arty tininoit play airs u ed in them Tlfarcical by the Proct

wet Turned IheTwent-Ihlrd Hire Tho U t Word nt this FillAvenue Uoollwm at thi FidIghth Street and A Nlgfit Off nt thin US-

StlOt Thive plecrK vtic flrt lle i I

AuguMln hair N UiMidwIn and Kn-

ilaxton in dranmtlc of the tinKnide and Ihe fact that they foul

In cuiiilnuou ho I tiui-iilitnentnry tint Hudl nce In thow lotirlciil tit re oilM-

Iniiiievalll JiiKKlIni H phnetuii whichtout hd drawn mi the stage was ll

of the n H llt at whe-Aill M lre v nnd Illanche Dayne Intr-liuwtl a okeichy piny entitled Kt-

nr units r iii plcurms HI Tony Pawere this father

ind dauuhler Ming iUnce and Juki-

lenlly and nicely u well a amusingthen in the week Pastor show we

infield and Cnrllnn Mr anti Mr Jimirami thu white coon Tl

of lltulom Ihenti-vn l the trHvelllng vnudevil-

oniitmiiy nf Iteillv A WIHU contalnli-in assortment of pixiinllst This Jlroo-

rn put fnrwiirtl Charle T A

Irich Al Unselrtids the DArmil trnu Eugene Cowlmil other Time dlv r ioii nt the Dewia provided hv a comiany of burleque

A f President McKlnlo-vliiR In iiuie th principal exhibit i-

he xlell MusiVTIll play nlrvndv uitilir headway user

The Unit In Wall Stiref r-

he KnickerlxHlier The Aiictiuneerllh David Wurfield at thin lli u Th-

eM nger hint with Jnme I Powert Dnlrs A KlngV Itlval with Wlllln-

iverhnm nt li Criterion The Formiver with lb rtbn Inllnnd nt the Iyurn Thin Second In Command

ihn Drew ai the Miranda i

llalniiiy with Minnie Maddern Fishthe Jink with

the nt the Itlchan-ivelace with K II Sotlterti nt the Onnleri

Mixire with Andrew Mark al thestaId Square Dull Cn ar Hetunilib Htcfcett at Wallanke Tlie l Kloof wilt llou Mann suit ClarA

nt the Savoy Tlie llonnie Brieii h with J II Stmlilnrt nt the KepiililioHon lorn nt the CnMno

Welier A Fields Hie KliiR1 arnlvalthe New Vmk ansI Ariona at

cndemy of MusiThe opetiitii f th Victoria with tinil ell in Swe t Marie n mustil terre l dat il from a week Intuit Thur

ClmrliH liawtrey will nex-ondav al the In A Mewiantilt Mnr ansI Dan Italy Itt the Hernk

The Sew Yorker-

Ilium lohti hlndlav Norman ConrJer-prl ert Ayllng Fr lorick l itto and n ItIcher to niipplenient hi corn

mv for the of ln tln levcTarthy play of lf I Klng whIch

be hhown during engagePot at the larden

tan rinrKS run rorEitT SKATS-

rrmliini nf B72 Paul for One at llMlnni-i niitiiiii Prrformancell-

OBTOK Sept Ml Tlie of this 1-

3at fun this Friday afternoon rehearnalthis Hymphotiy Orchestra which was

ld today was one of the liveliest everA young man named Kelly war-

e highest bidder He acted a an agentiving IKS premium for Mvit O IT

ll 0 for 17 was the ecom-Khix t hid III action In bidding or-

ch ent and J10 preluin fun four Mnt whirl he mightid tltle l

n iderable llr the hailSe t I IN wits squid for a premium ol

won year MrId a premium of ll A I and

for l0 Ity far thus major part ofpent of today were

peculator and agent

The ApolloThe Interpreter

Of The PianoIt fiwinntc not only those who

Imvc the inont highly rtilti-

vntr l InMr for nuisic hut nun

thow to whom the nrt is tiMtnl-

ly n calr d It mnko nil

mii ic intrllipihlr to PVfnlxxly-

nml rvrnlnwly ran jtlay it

In K ctinn invitcil

Till APOLLO frtm nyt-

t llit lltiilding lot Fifth Are N Y

Itt atwo to Ihe

dOll hr


drawn aiIIhtl

and tur Ir








of n




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Bar Tntv





tli I


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litsit Toll y-

nlR lIst


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for I misi III

1M Last

Ih t knOlkfl1 down Inhimth dill I lei




Ilh 114 ittu


cc-ist no opinions Pertslimy was pia

efianti Ittipntwslvt










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set iI

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ttiirt IttMntiini set rsItt



iaeI lie anti

I It null glimstt

for thIsat Mflie W55


twtsss Sis









> < <



Our Autumn importations of selected

Oriental RugsAre worthy the most careful inspection of the most criticalbuyer Our stock is practically unlimited both as tovariety and price

Broadway i9tb street


We retire this Fall from the retail clothing business As this is absolute

grade Fall and Winter clothing and we therefore offer every garment herewithout reserve at exactly Co cts on the dollar

Our Motk lorlutlrn lbnu initi nt briutlrul litIn found on

lnra rrln inrii n i ann vr i ur unit Ttllrdn mis tfi J linutris HtSeveral hundred of our finest SI About 500 of our finest 15 and ts

18 and suits are now reduced to Fall overcoats are now marked down to

850 750hU-

rk tutl blur I chord vxuo Ibm rtinj w r tgit scniHrrnt UUcfc Ihlbfl I of itauldrrea cotU uwlh-rlr All Ullutrd brsuttlully t fuhlnn limit silk linM

iu rlllnr smt rnxtlnusi Inr rvery stm nt br U UihlontUtkadbut si i nirrr tisttumnt fotm r flffi st 00 ri on


our arerecognized Our lower priced say from 250deservedly popular with those who them


w 1oant



and final it nukes imperative the of our stot or high

of lIId of irnote4 brtt1aI Innr Ibloobl Fall smug Winter OUItOIItoil t


each e3ch-

Thr Intlld utlluluntllllab t wonld 10 Thtr loolud Ia bluk lId I

oIIht ad lId rsmstmsv many




HOESto 400 for both men And women art






ie entire

uilmnr tttem estlarnshPre limo ssnuuatdi nt ovtosts


sitts resell all saaaany si asuit ltu iot

ate tJ ttiaiped aridTuii mm IO1I nay

tells sit go flu doilsy


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lnte Calr slid MM rtl Marctil tllbrr-Mallgnap llrrlrr and Dtifrlrhr Are Urn

The French steamer IA Champagn-bmught yestrrday an Important contlngent of the Msurire Jrau Ojiera Corn

jviny headol by Mm Emma shot amIncluding MM dl Marrhl filbert Hallgnao

Iteelrr IVn llo DufrinhMile llnuernieiter Mm Calvedirectly fmtn Pads where hall l i

she left her farm at Awyron usherttw d unun r Since item last

Hi aranrn hers she hns sung only atim when n inembnr of corn

jiiy at ivent Garden lute umrn r TlienHim king for this first lime the title r6l

l nm In apjienr lit that am part herssuiting the New York n Mine Calmivild yelenl y Mr Unto hato iriHluce tb I wan to tutus mintthe rile first In Milan when the operagiven at Soala hut 1 took cold afterthe last relieanuil anti had to hurry of-

M AlileHHftin to try to get well of thatSi it happened that I appeared In tho operafirst at Went Harden with Slg Tamagno in this rolo thai M Alvarezsing hen Then I h ll sing again AnileIn I Nararrnliw which know MaeM net ootnxe l fur nm anti which I oanjlust five years

I lists nut now a now roleNaphn until 1 took Jfr ofinr IjiHwittier I was In the orient and the summor after I had tlnUhed thn season atIormt lanleti waa tK lIt chiefly onfarm Yes It U tnte that I aof working down there to enjoy thair and

Mme Cairns omtract calU for her ap-

pearance a Valrntinr lit MjenIn I Noun ill Klgaro

two role that hiss norer at tempt tsl tnr-Kmlllu dl Marchl who i for the first Unto

n member of this Maurice Orau Cotnwill rrmemliervd by

who hearil the of theMaplonon romt any at the Academy In lt0

tenor of one representation ofIlugtienot Hn then thus

ansi wont tAck to Europethe best known of Italian fenors

East ho sang at Covent Garden andwas engaged by lrau after hi appear

a In Towa a rOle7roat l when this wan fIrstIn Rome Ho sung chiefly In SpainItussla and hi own country andnnh In Italian

IVclery I a French baritone whoh vinl summer at Covent Oanlon-

ind i nuiklng hi first isit to ihl country-M Perello i n l i whit not l n-

liearil In country ll tussle hir rhloflv in S America Ktlentie-

Jlix r at the era and ra-

omli it In Itri ansI originalrrisfnh WHII Wngners opera wits ming inPart in Freii

Two inciiteni djsturled landing offl rato IWMeliKr SiielK ly jire

n rival tenor told this OittoinH-

OIIOK nuUioriile that Sig ill Marrhi-

nmk wen fllle l with simiKKltsI perfume-uwl all of them were esaiitiiHtl

tlie iiispect ir u w K

etmr never did Mme Calve bronchi

len item by Juein Victoria U t utn-

ner lbs fitigeni were In charge of F I

mluim who Is this year to lie actingivtnager of the The two cotlotions MM Flint were aLso

m l rd-

FinitniuntA wontie Mmlcal lamed In He Trintferml-

In the New lnrt TtiealreArrangements ansi i il llnin te Yes

ertlay ltwet the Sip Hutiher teenagersif tin Cin aol Fl her llvlev iftsnnri-ml pmiirvHiir if nir Nl f bv wnhhe inuKvil itm lr will m transfrrieil-iMpt l it with an aiigmentml t

he Ve Toils Ttientie mi IM U Iii tnake-v f r Anna Ib l itt Ilie little


irxml wtaeti is nnw a t-

w Yotk etil nn the r illeslie Stuart Ine HflI f Af Irl r-

Imas mtiftki aer Mi til 4 Uk wifertm1ed IfMe l twrtfen

ts f pleasure e nK




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MartiNi 10 Mn tlrarell by a CanonJostles of trio Pease

Cjtnsos Xov Sept JO Ororg MPullmAn and Mm Ilrirello warat the Arlington lintel today by Juitlcnof the Won Stnn The woddlng wa-wlttuwsed by Mr West mother of thelurid and ODonnell both of San Francl bride wits a former residentof Corrwtwk the wedding party d paru l

for San Francisco tonight

email Hrditenco seer ire nw1i CnnBurned

OnRKmncR Conn Sept 80 Th restdennis of William H Craft on Kingwa burned to the ground tnnlght coUUIIng a IOM of about IIOHYI Mr Qraft hadrnoTnd from the building only a f n dayHnd a Now YorkThn of a lamp oauaod

ftc ansi there wa nn tnoaua at handto oitlngtdsh the flames The Craft realdents was one of the old landmark ofKing street formerly known aa theHighway

Telepnono Company IncorporatedALBANY Sept SO The Frontier Tel

phon Company Incorporatedwith a rnpltal of UioiiX to oooneot bytelephone from a central exchange In

York oltv and Intarreniiig-pUiv ansi Cleveland Oiilo Ibis directorsar A Stearns of Wilkeonarre Pa-

Alvan Marklo of Ilnxloton Pa JamesM Thomas of York rite R 0 LofklnJohn H Charles tl Hill of Uuf

and Frederick U irron of Fredonla

McKinley Memorial Otapa-LWiuis IUuiii Pa Hept 80 Thl otty

now a William McKinley MemorialCtiapel The trustee of this new ronnon

Rvait gelical Lutheran Church de-

iJded tonight to rive it th t nam Thisumierntono laid the team week PreaUlent It 1 the OralJiurch in Ute ommtry named afteriloKlnloy

Throat rot In a Haloon sewflnucrsi so Richard Atkin-

TO attacked till afternoon by CharleaWeaver in a saloon row Weaver pulledi razor and cut him In the throateni crar d by drink AUclnnwalked to n chair for anst ad he removed to the hospitalthere hn Is In a critical

Tartan Fire ImllotmenU PuNtDistrict Assemblies 40 and i3 of V

fork 720 of Hrooklrn and IB7 of JereyIty Knight of di cido yesterday

eeml n t to DiMrict Attorneyhllbln against delay IntilIng the indlctmentu a a resultf this Tarrant tire on Oreenwlch street

llormltorr for KtierTIrM SchoolNEW lUvrN Sepi so This official of

he Ynln Khefftold Scientific Schoolmight n p t of gnxutd In IllllhousoIIH lu t north of St VitliednU fr-jdir It will l a site for a new dorml-iv It is across tho avenue from th-li nield Hcliool

I have been using RipansTabules six or seven yearsam never without them I

can cat anything now andnever have the least fearlittle daughter when she hasa pain will say Mammame a pain please give mea Tabule-

Tk rKtOrt h MHith fur i-

ft cst ttri a urr Int UI







was todayS

Neweber smut



Waswas shut











At tvilttswtSluip ea list liesI Nwtii






> >