AAMC 4 Essay 1

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  • 8/9/2019 AAMC 4 Essay 1


    Consider this statement:

    Governments have a responsibility to regulate companies that provide necessary services to


    Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the above

    statement means. Describe a specific situation in which a government might not have a responsibili

    to regulate a company that provides a necessary service to citizens. Discuss what you thinkdetermines whether or not governments have a responsibility to regulate companies that provide

    necessary services to citizens.

    Sample Essay #1

    Government exists to provide essential services to the people and to nurture society

    and the individual. Ideally, this means ensuring individual freedom and rights, and the

    continued existence of the nation. The private sector exists to generate a profit and t

    provide efficient and quality products or services. In theory, the two roles are not

    mutually exclusive. In point of fact, private companies are often much more efficient

    and provide higher quality service than public agencies. While we tend to view companieas exploiting the public, this is often not true. In a capitalist society the production of

    services is usually left to the private sector. Given the inefficiency of the pentagon an

    the postal service, we are lucky in this country that most services are left to the

    business. But if a service is viewed as a necessity and/or the right of the people to

    utilize it is strongly demanded, then the government attempts to secure safe,

    affordable, reliable, and universally available services for the public. This is considered

    a responsibility of the government.

    Who would argue that the nuclear industry, toxic waste disposal, air transport, or

    health care needs some government regulation? Actually, many would. The theory is

    fine, the reality is that over regulation has reduced efficiency and availability without

    improving safety or reliability. Clearly our national communications system has improve

    with deregulation of the telephone industry. Government control of arts and sports is

    not necessary and has harmed these areas. Perhaps the best example of where

    government does not belong is in the media. Government control of the news that

    reaches the public can never be justified. Its dangers is clear in many countries today.

    So where does government belong? Only where the electorate have clearly mandated a

    need for regulation. Then it must be a cooperative enterprise. Government regulation o

    essential public services makes sense. The private companies will usually provide bette

    service, but need some controls to ensure benefits for society and each individual.

    Private industry cannot be completely relied upon to provide service in the best interes

  • 8/9/2019 AAMC 4 Essay 1


  • 8/9/2019 AAMC 4 Essay 1
