.aajofta. starts i ¦ « I Wtsktatri tad hu', goo I r* esma..whoir-.|o'Wa 0*4 of danger. l'At[ fv 1 fit M UotpW and .pid'.y Mt r«lia| Tbe caure «f her attcinp' a. ,,iedo was ttod^df^vnat.;-ally Mittag f. .in lesding Mich a Hsb. BwVs k4j last Bristet that she firetbeiame tlwbewataoi I a boas*; piattaM that time., and fer *rfWfJ .#.!», *M liad been an actress, std o»a r!'-red .t,M'(<'»ble P«»**. Some' tears eirce she was mann d, but the ootiju:'%l r. 'afionprovirg "n ui.plc.i-at t oss a separation took pl«ee, aud Iba wife retired to her parents with her infant boy, where she remained until ehe delibent-'ly took op her n'tode in a b'.use of prostitution. Her kjstory, her weakness, her struggle*, her do>pair, her desire for drath, ber a'tcmpt Si Mdf-de'truction. k but tbe sad storj of ..no among thousands; a single ox- sjaple from the onpub'iehed bundn-deof eases a- datk, as guilty, s< hopeless, and as criminal, in all except felf-murce:. Trur.t"] 10 a Pa.itor.-A monument has jus» boo! r-rected in Ike grounds Wlorgingtt> St. Andrew's Church 8»nten Meed, h memory of the BOT. David Moore D.D. who for forty-tight yesn wa tie be¬ loved 'pastor Of that parish, including th« parish of Trinity Cbspel. aboutists soUos distant, fhe monu¬ ment is of the finest Ita'ian monumental marble. It it the spontaneous tribute of tbe people of hu charge and of the citizens cf the county, who hare contrib¬ uted freely. It is of the massive Gothic style, with deep sunken panels, graceful lines and buttresses. The base is a block of granite, four feet three inch* square, tbe diameter or body of the mocument three feet square; the whole higkt is fifteen fee;. On the front of the rcocmxeit is the following inscription, it raised letters: UV, DAVID MOORE, D. D, Rector of St. Andre« 's Church, including Trinity Chtpot, Stet en Island. Born June 3, 1787, Died September 30. MSB, Aa. d 69 yeara. On the opposite side is the f. l owing inscription: THIS MoM Mf ST, * The apontansou» offering of s grateful community, was erectz-d I tlie memory of the Ree. DAVID MOORE. 1). D t ion of the Right Rear. Richard ('banning Moore, D. D. late Bishop of Virginia, Is tbia, hit first and ou'y pvriah, where he was the beloved Slid honored Rector for forty eight years, he had justly earned the reputation of a most laborious end de¬ voted servant of Christ; and as he waa f .n i faithful BTtS BBl death, those who knew bis value well have laid htm here to rest, weeping and " sorrowba| most of all that they ahall see his face no more." On one side is the folio ring quotation : " Tbey that '-. wiae ahall abine as the brightness of tbe firms- Dient, and they that torn inauy to righteousness, as the stars /or ever end «Ter ".Pan. jrJL, 3. On the otl e- side is the following: " Rleeaed are the dead which die iu the Lord from hence¬ forth yea. »aith the Spirit, that they ir.ay rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.".Rev. ziv., 13. AtLFoED Swinihk nr a Ltvni.iird..A respec¬ table colored woman, ln.-t evening, called at the Twenty first Ward Station-House, and gave the par¬ ticulars of the tranner in which, as she alleged, she had been swindled out of her furniture and turned s'Ut of doors by her landlord: and should the womau'e statement provetrue.it is to be hoped that the man who has wronged her out of the few worldly goods ehe poeseafcd, will meet with the punishmeut he deserves. It appears that tbe colored woman occu¬ pies some apartments in Thirtieth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues, for the rent of which she was indebted to the land ord, on the 21th inst., the sum of $1. Not being prepared to pay the amount due at the time, the laudiord a-kod her to give him a due bill for that sum, which she expressed her willing¬ ness to do. Instead of making out a due-bill, how¬ ever, she alleges that tbe landlord made out a regular bill of sale of all tbe articles of her funiture, in con¬ sideration of tho amount, dne for rent, and got the poor woman to affix "her mark" to it, she being unable to lead or write, and, as she says, totally igno¬ rant of the nature of the paper which she had thus acknowledged. Consequently, yesterday, to her utter astonishment, she was turned out of tbe apartments, destitute of everything. An investigation will be at emee instituted in tbe matter. Him in the Sim rds.A correspondent calls the Attention of the Police Commissioners to the fact that tbe rainholee of tbe Twentieth Wird, with two or threo exceptions, were open and in full blast on Sun¬ day, and yet the Poli-c took not tbe least notice of the fact. The Station-House is on the Fourth avenue betweenOne-bundred-ar.d-twenty-fourth aud Ote huu- cred-and-twenty-fifih streets. Between the Station- Kouse and One-hundred-and twenty-sixth street are five rumhales, and between the Station-House and One-hundred-and-twenty-fourth *tr«et are four rum- boles. A person could not pass the corner of One- hundred-and-twenty-fifth street and Fourth avenue without having Ids ears pained with shouts of pro¬ fanity. _ Dfath or Capt. Patten or the Neptune's Car.. f'apt. Joshua A. Patten, whose misfortunes and suffer¬ ings, in connection with the ship Neptune's Car, have been tbe theme of much public comment, died at the McLean Asylum, Somerville, st 2 o'clock on Sunday niorning. aged HO years 3 months. Deaf, and blind, and rick, as he has been for months past, his hemic wife refused, nevertheless, to surrender him to the <are of strangers nnd it was not until on Friday, wheu it was apparent that bis reason was gone and he was utterly unmanageable, that she consented to bis re¬ moval to tbe Asylum. Mrs. Fatten herself is slowly recovering from the effects of fever. She is still quite f eble. but the patience in suffering and the energy in emergencies which ike has hitherto displayed may carry her over this, which she regards as the greatest of her sorrows. Th» Por i< v Courts..Erricri ot Keeping Si kuat..There was but little doing at tbe Police Courts yesterday, and the record* of tbe First and Second District Courts, held at the Tombs and Jeffer- BOBl Market, exhibited the disposal of only a few cases of assault and battery and drunkenness, and one felony. Heretofore, on Mondays, the lVlice Courts have been thronged with persons apprehended for intoxication and disorderly eouduet; but since the closing of the liquor stores and groggeries about town on Sunday there has been a dearth of such ca.se*, and the returns from the captain* of the various Police Districts have come in almost blank. William J. McMinn, who was an-estcd a few days ago by the police of the Twenty-second Precinct on suspicion of belog ft fug.tive from justice in Pittsburgh, Pa., and committed to prison by Justice Da vi-».n at the Jefferson Market Poles Cesrt, was yesterday taken before Recorder Smith, on a habeas corpu-*, and discharged frosj custody. McMinn, it appears, some year or more ago, resided in Pittsburgh, and was em¬ ployed iu tbe capacity of marketman at the Exchange Botst, kept by Mr C. W. Bennett. While at tbe hotel he was suspected of having stolen a quantity if silverware from the house, and arrested, but up in trial was aequiif. d by the Jury. Several othei patties were itnp'icated in the diffi- e-ulty, and at McMinn a iustigttioii three ua'e'i UM wrre coorktcd Da a charge of larcc.v, ami Beat to tho State Prvon. A msn namcl Qaftke ,ivif,K ;. as* pfty, from whom HcM.an hired a room I. Forty-secemd street, suspect¬ ing McMinn ol having sAaRoj some property from kiss, caused tbe room to be searched. Officer Parliu made the aesrob, in the course of which he found a q.untity «.f spoons and other silver ware marked "Exchange Bote), "City Hotel," "St. Clair Hotel.' aad a bun- of newspapers and documenU Rivl.K an nccollut of HcMiun a trial in Pittiburgb, and also accounts of the trial* of the other parties who bad basa implicated y *«y end am ther, in tbe transaction. Tlie at .kor, reading some of these accounts, which wade ¦wntioa of spoons and other silver ware marked " Kx- «&*t.<e Hotel' bciag stolen by McMinn, thought him .fugitive from joatiee, aisd pertected hie arrest. Mc- jJJ *<"n<» b«ing discharged by tke David Ortet a bey U .* 11 years of ige, »ras ar retted v"H rdnv. rbart[cd with baring iMen a' I H oub tiuics fxcm Li* employer, Jabe« IkilbbrilOl, of N.. 106 Ccutte tffoet, p-vprrty (o the amount of $39. The had. upon l.i. aiTe-f. admitted having stolen prop- arte to a lavr/gar aaaoeat tbaa set fortb hy bfr. Thiefc« an«! said that be had disposed of i' to one Ja*. Brews of Me. ol OoOJttO street. Ilrown'e prrmirea were scarehod. Ojbei a i|iiantity of the otelei property iran found, and identified hy Thi< kbroom. Ollicer Qardaeraiioated Browa, who, with the lad Oreer, wan committed to prison for examination, hy Justice Connolly. (fort* rro'M the Potiei ¦fcrvajra..Fourth Ward.- Rodger 0 Brtei was sent to the Hospital on Made] night, vs'th euta on his head, made, as Is sdkgtd, by .lame*, BOoa and Mary Malier. Iiis wounds are not OQttSsdored dangerous. fifth Ward.. Serirt. Hufohings reports that the sann- good order was manifested in the Fifth Precinct aa 00 the two former Sundays. The law was obeyed, with a few exceptions, and those will be reported to the District-Attorney. Eighth Ward..About 11 o'clock on Sunday even¬ ing (iflicer Cannon found an infant, about four weeks old, lying on the sidewalk in King, near West street. It was sent to the Aim-House Ninth Ward..Sergeant Sebring reports that the liquor stores were nearly all closed on Sunday, giving another quiet Sabbath, und a blank return. El. tenth Ward..Captain Squires makes the fol¬ lowing report of the condition of the Kleyen«h Ward: " 1 have the pleasure to report the condition of my Ward, yesterday, as quid and orderly; the liquor sbi ps, with a few exceptions, being clobed, at least to Outward appearance; and with the exception of tbo crowds of people who thronged the streets in qu<>st of fresh air, the serenity and eood order of the Sabbuth was scaicely disturbed. There was an atterpt at "etting up a disturbance in Second street last night, but it was quickly suppressed by the prompt action of two or three officers, and no efTorts were made to renew if. One disorderly house of the worst descrip¬ tion, kept by II. Meheling, at No. 215 Second street, has been reported to the District-Attorney for prose¬ cution." POLITICAL Gossip..It is stated that at tbe meefing of tU Cooper Gecernl Committee?, on Friday evening, the Hon. Daniel E Sickles, who was a member of the State Senate last Winter, asserted, in tbe course of a speech which he made, that bis course on the Police bill was perfectly satisiactory to the delegation of po¬ lice captains who went up to Albauy to lobby; and that it was agreed by them that as the bill did not turn any of the then memliers of the department out of office, the officers and men should, on the passage of the bill and the appointment of the new Commis¬ sioners, recognize the new Hoard, and thus secure their positions. Mr. Sickles, it is ruported, declared that this was the understanding ba I at Albany; that Captains Leonard, Tuomey and others were privy to it, and that it was only after their return to New-York that tbey were forced to tnke a different view of the policy which they should pursue. [Sun. A CARD FROM b'.lXuELo. To the F.dito* of The A'. Y. Tribune. SiR: Finding the public laboring under the impres¬ sion that I was the biother of Coucemi, who wus trrettt-d us tbe murderer of the lamented Officer Anderson, nut uii. r wait¬ ing a few day. for tbe pi.blic excitement to subside, 1 surren¬ dered myself to the District Attorney, on Friday last, who, ».. : my examination, beim .¦.:.-:.. ,1 that I have no couuecti'.u with Coucemi, has directed my diacharie. Iu jnatiieto ruf», If, 1 deem It proper ts)Stats that I have been tome eight years in America, during Which time I have been t inployed aa a j.urneymari bookhiuuer by the following ». ntl< no n viz: K. C Hoot. Anthony it Co., Amen, Herrick k Kämet..a. C Manu, Kugini & Kellogg, New-York, and lastly by Messrs. Planets It bestial New-York, t'» whose em¬ ploy I have again turned. Vouts, respo tfilly, July 27, 18A7. NltOLO D'ANOELO. [ Advertisement. J " Fredricks's Temple of Art".Nos. 535 acd 587 lirnsdway, opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Hallotypes superior to any a-n in this city. Photographs, in OH, Pastel, and Aquerclle, by Fseoricks's eorpa of Pariaian artists. Photographs iu India ink. Pariaian style. r....i i im.i 11 « and A.mhkotvpes in OoleSta Gallery open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m., and free to the luspec- Uoa of tie public. (Advertisemeut.l HCNKER'8 LlFE-PltFSERVINU SHIRT. . This valuable article U rapidly m <|uiring, aa it should, the public eoiilidence. It ia one of the neatest and natal >u -..-i.it fhingi BVCI Invented, nud we are aatitfied that if worn, will alwayt insure the wearer fo.ni a watery death. The following certin- catet apeak tor themselves: ¦arrALo, fate m, icvt. Ca?t. C. J. Bunker. No. 337 Broadway, New fork-Dear Mrr We take great steasSN in recommending for atoetal me, for HSV ssslns purposes, upon the waters, your a*wIy-*ayoatsl Life-Preserving Jackets and Milt* We were present at the experiment von made wi'.h them iaourhsiSOt the other day, ami WS tbinTk them the most piactiral aud best Life-Pn servers in tbe world. Capable, of .pportioa a person erloit ou the water any leimtli of time, ut tie- same time leaving the urms and body AM I* BSti to aweii. ¦* anything «.:».-. For boa', service in a ee*way, or exposed plan s. we consider them SBOst iuvalusble; for if u boat i«uiip>, fie mm are sll r..ht We ure renpecttully youn, F.. P. Dorr, ( hauman Board Lake L'ml»rwriters. Jons N. (iARDNr.R, Member Ex. Com. I'nderwritert. V. P. Doimi\s, Si. retury Board L ike I'nderwrlter*. Benjamin BaosalL, Oensral a.. -.: .Etna lui. Co. Wst C. DAVMeV, Maiine Inapector 8so Hsrror, Jone 10, 1857. Cast. C. J. Bcvker. Dear Sir: I have exarniued and made experiment! with the Life Saving Jacket aud Bathing Shirtt of your invention. I SSWStaSf them the bet: articles for lifc-taviug saunosts that have ever been offered to the public. I have made * spertinents with the jacketa on the neacoast, and I am of OStntos that they would be invaluable for the use of th" lifa- saving .tslions, as tin y would afford additional means of res¬ cuing shipwrecked persons. Verj re«pi ctfully, J. M. Sti:i.l7\cER. Superintt ndent, fco., Coast ot Loug tslaud. (Advertisement.) Great F.xcitement . A perfect rush for them splendid Mt'sLl.N Drsssks for One Dollar, at T. M. Jam£»'s, No. li)26tb-av., near 8'.b st. f Advertisement. J SLOfJO yards Second Moirni.no IfoaXLOM will be off' red This Day at 8 . SSTtt per yard. T. M. Ja.me>, No. 1026tb av., uear 8th .t. [ AdvertUement. 1 Fine Pocket ('ftlery..The subscribers offer eveiy vsriely of the »Im ve, mads by the tint manufacturers, t.elag the rttihest display of tbe kind iu the city. J. i. S. ¦AVSncnS, store only at No. 7 Aftor ilouae. I Advertisement ] Astor HoVSaV-fS 50 per Dat..The fourth " Srveu-Yesra' Lesae," i-ommeueed iu May, 185V, will end May 1, 1c64. T u Ilonae la conducted upon the -sm- system that has dta- tinguiahid It hitherto. A KesUnraot hat beea added|for Merchants domg bittest* i.i i;» i IsaWty. Tut KMTtiiijiT is tSTian v Inoepkxdebt oi the As- tor House. Especial care taken of the sick. Families will rind this one of the coolest Hotels In New-York during tbe Suaimer, and the Ladies' Depaxtmeut perfect ka .! thai producei real comfort. Tbe eity Railroad cars starting from the doors, enable gassts to ri ach tbe upper par* Of the- c:ty with facility. The small cars fetch aud carry passengers from ths New Ha- vm and Beaton Statiou, Slu st.. to tbe immediate tjout of Ut* Hotel. Urateful for the past, I intend to deserve future favors. C. A. Sir isox. (Advertisement. 1 110 Sew in«. Machines..W at.non'.s f 10Sow¬ ie t .Ms« i.ines »r»- now f..r sals at the office of the Coin piny, No. 4lüBroadway. Peitont wisbiug Sewing Machiuet wo! do well lu exau.u.e this boiuehoM favorite btm paying from +15 t<>eii0 f<r leas valuable but more complicated ones. It ia i.ee.ll. », t. add that the howls and shrieks of the high pricssj OsnalDi-Marhioe detleit in retard to iuiunc'.ions on this »re la.st stid wholly withcKt f.uudation. War soa, Wooster k Co. (Advertisement I leete is an adtertisement iu to-day's paper, on the tiist page, which will interest many pertous to read. [ Advertisement. T P». Foscate's Anodvnf. CoRDtai...An effec r»»l Ten edy fur Diarrhea, Cholera Morbat, Flatuicut and Spas i. dk t sdS s, and a Chocera Prevextive. Sn. ,-n.ful administiation ot this medicine for more tban halt t tnry. n ttities the proprietor in eailing atteutiiu to Iti Ines- ii n'.'e value in the alive dlseaaet. K.>r particulara see ci/iular i. oinpauyli g each butt.e Sold by Druüitts generally. Price |5 e#ata, B. Pata ATS Po.prlet >r. .-. i r.d s Nt i rcaard, Agents. No. 388 Bowery, cor. 4th st f Advertisement ] Smi \to«a Kmi ihe Spkino Water..It is gen¬ erally .. nsssJstt by all who have used toe Empire Water that KM BMtnV al uset and ss a beverage, it i* the beit Mineral Water Tlx Empire Water can be had at the Drag Mot**, Hoist*, and at our fcsstxwra Depot, OS Barrlsy-st., New York. a'.ao «besjJan gi>ing ibe a'islytit, din-cüont for nae, csrtiii-»tcs of a aombet etetwiaeal physi.-ians, he. Be sure sad call for the Empire Water and circulars. ü. W. WEtTOX k Co. I Advertisement | Ast A RF.MF.DV FOR DfttSLPHA AND INDII.ES- tios. We think the Oxr..ENATI D BlTTI rj uoeqiialesl. The» are free fn m s'c he.!, and oontaln.judiciously cornbimsd with other hygienic SubstOHes.oxygen, the thief vital element. f Adveithwmaat.J State ard National Law School, Pough- kesipsie. New Yovt OwSSfc to train student, iu the legal ach bce and pratttre, and in oxtempois tanaklng Neat Tana Vegim oa 8th of *«w vmbet. Send for raialogus to I. W. PowLosa, rrtattist. MHuvKJjI'jW ITJMSL Yri.roiv Frvrn i<. Wir r.MHflV/OTtr, A ship car¬ penter ntunad I-Brisg W. Omes, residing at No. 110 KkuiIi Tblrd street, vu takm enk on \\ Inemiai night last and died ei.nilly after o'clock M Sunday. He oros Stttaded by I>r. Wade, who, it is eta'ed, tolj Mi« petUeSi'l mother that ttie disease vu yelljw fever, but tb« r. rt'flre.u- set firtb that dei eased died of1 bil- lot, r initi.ig fever." On SiadaV, Mr. Brown, of tlie firm of Tuttle A Brown, loarirg the rumor that Dr. Wade bad pro- ueuno-d tLe case one of yellow fever, requested Dr. Brady to call and see the patient. He did «o about 1 o'clr< k on Sunday afternoon and found that be had just expired. He found that the symptoms were red- 01 ol taVfl body, hemorrhage of the gums and black vomit, and proriounoed the case one of yellow (area, "In le.>s than four hours after death, tin undertaker reforod the body to Cypress Hi la C'onietery. The Health Officer hearing of the case, procured tin-as- eistni.ee of two colored men, and caused the bedding, matin *i and bis clothing to be burn d. Deceased was last employed at work repairing the bark Abra¬ hams and the brig Sears of New-York, but from what port they bad last sailed is not known. Quito a num¬ ber of persona 1 ad visited the hick man, and if it was really yellow fever, the consequences may be very acrioue. BrooeLTS Common Council..At a meeting of the Common Council lo.-t evening, a resolution was adopted authorizing the Mayor to establish a dog pound in the city, and pay a reward of 50 cents for every dog brought to the pound. A communication was pie^ented asking the Common Council to permit the construction of a horse railway across Flushing avenue, for the purpose of aiding in the tillinj up of the Wallabout flats owned by the Government of the I'nited States. This place has long been complained of as a nuisance, and is now about being filled up for the purpose of constructing a marine barracks for the use of the Government. By means of the railroad the work will be much expedited, and completed in a much less time than by ordinary means. The permission was granted by a vote of 17 to Iii. The report of the Committee on Police was presented, when the numlier of policemen for the City of Brooklyn was designated at li>8 patrolmen, same as at present. Pat Of Police..The Controller of Brooklyn has drawn his warrant for *30,im)(J, with which to pay the police the amoiint due Uiem since the *J3d of April. This warrant has been deposited in the Mechanics' Bar k. und it now awaits but the dratt of tho Treasurer of the Metropolitan Police to be given out to the police force. It is understood that the Deputy Superintend¬ ent will commence to pay off to-day. The law re¬ quires that the inspectors of the various precincts shall pay the men, but the inspectors not having given bonds as required by law, the payment of the force will be under the direction of the Deputy Superintendent. The SoCTH Side Aeeair..We published about two weeks since an account of an elopement on the "South Side,' of a married lady with a young gentleman, in which the husband overtook the absconding parties and meted out summary punishment upon the young man with a bowie-kuifo, and if erward conveyed the injured party to his own doinicil and called in medical aid, if possible, to pre¬ serve bis life. The announcement caused a great sen¬ sation in the neighborhood where the scene was enacted, and everybody was inquiring of everybody in hopes to obtain some clue as to who the guilty parties were. This led to a great many surmises and much scandal, and the result has been that a number of in¬ trigues cot at all creditable to the character of some of the residents of that vicinity have come to light. Several of the Brooklyn and Nev-York papers have denounced the affair as an absurd hoax, got up from imagination, for the purpose of causing a sensation. A ntltahef of gentlemen who hove failed to ferret out the matter, claim that there was no foundation for the report, and that it was a malicious article. Our re¬ porter wishes to state that there was no malice in the article; and further, that the stabbing occurred as stated at that time; that the young man was conveyed to the house of bis assailant, where he still remains, and that the wife was turned away, all of which can be substantiated. Ar legi n Rapk ny l CoLOBXD Man..A young colored fellow named Andrew Thomas was arrested on Sunday evening, on a charge of attempting to commit a rape upon a young girl named Smith, on some vacant lots corner of North Ninth and Second streets. While the prisoner was being conveyed to the Station-Hou.se, an excited crowd gathered around and made strong threats af executing summary punishment. Yesterday the prisoner was taken before Justice Clarry, when the testimony of the girl showed that herself and sis¬ ter tauntingly called him a "nigger," for which he caught hold of and pushed them with the intention of frightening them. The prisoner was accordingly discharged. Oihman Pic-Nii ..The German Turnvereins, to¬ gether with several German military companies of the Eastern District, proceeded to Bowronville yesterday on a grand pic nic. Qtjväteri.t Report of the Depi tv Si'perjn- t».s int..The following report of the Deputy Su¬ perintendent of Police, for the quarter ending June 3", was submitted to the Common Council last evening. By this it appears that the whole number of arrests, for felonies, misdemeanors, and other offenses, was ai follows: Assault and batterr.33* Keepini disorderly houses.. 11 Assault with intent to kill.. Ii 'Mörder. .* Attempt at burglary. S MahVods mischief. 18 Abandonment. ft Mayhem. 1 liuiglarr. 24 Petit larceny.16> Bo ueb of peace. 4: Passing counterfeit money.. 3 Di.orderly persons.1621 Perjury. 1 Drunk sud duotdcily.J33j Psssing counterfeit bills.... 6 Ptasrtlca. 11 Picking pockets. 3 Eatsped pri.. uere. 3 Prostitution. 1 En.be/zleinent. 1 Receiving stolen goods. 4 Visbting. 5», Rape. 4 Kais, pretense*. 2. Riotous conduct. 4 Potions driving. 6.Suspicious persons. 3 Su.picion of burglary. 4 Suspicion of arson. I Suspiciou of larceny. 1 s'u-nicion of counterfeiting. 3 V iolation of ordinances)..... 8) Violation of excise law a.... 21 Vagrant}.100 Total.2,0OS Grand larceny. IS Oross intoxication. 2 Highway robbery. 6 Habitual dtiicksids.Jit Intoxikation....58*1 Indecent exposure. " Ir.sei.ity. 29 InsultiLg females. 2 Interfering with officers.... 16 The number of arrests shows an increase of lil in comparison with the previous quarter. During the san e period, I,M persons were accommodated with lodgbgs at the different Station Houses, -'11 lost chil¬ dren were returned to their parents by the police, and fl,n?'.' 10 was taken from prisoners and returned to them: '-ol days were lost by members of the depart¬ ment by reason of sickness and disability, being au average loss of three men jser day. Complaints were ptl '. eel against eight members of police, which, upon ii v. ,.t .'«t on, resulted in the dismissal of three, sus- pei i ion of one for 11 days, of one for two days, of one 18 days, one for six days, and one was restored to duty, 1 be number of policemen detailed is It, of which two are at the Mayor's office, two at the Dcputy-Su- perintetidt-Lt's office, teven on tbo Courts, two at Hark Inspe. tore, and six as Health Wardens. The communication was placed on file. TaK GoWAaTI FiRk.-The loss by this tire will not excetd$lU,000, and is covered by insurance. The loss il as follows: Car house. a vo .si Sheds, ettices, Lc. 1 soo an Fnalk house attached tu the grounds. 3 hi bs feed bouse. 2"o 00 f .d in the .a:i>. BOA Or) sjixty fciii born-. 8,JH 44 Tote!.as.arr 44 The property was insured for $18,000 in the Pheenix, Humboldt, Montauk. Falten, Attas, of Hartford, and the Hartford Insurance Companies, each $3,000. 811pp.öl n Homicide..Coroner Redding was called faaterday to teStdaasaquatt oa the body of asasaia Columbia »trest, mar llandtun as *uuo. From etr rumstanre« that h*vn tran«*>repd v* iMs supposed it nt bo met Ui «tra'-i by violence. totJM ail 9t seven fcyotTSjP, lie had . fight with hit step-ion. and was .truck on the head with a brick. It was. supposed that this How was the cause of his death. A post mortem examination aas erdered, aad the inpiest will be) held i, - nirig. KiLTrp 11 Fii mho mo* ?. T"T1 Contest Snail held an imiur-t yesterday upon the body of George \\i. Hubbaid, sixteen years of age, who resided with h;i mother at No, Ml Rems, n -tre-et. I)e «ea-ed fell from a pear tree on Saturday. He was taken home iniensille ar.d died on Sunday night. Tbe physn inn was of the opicion that there was internal rupture of the spinal marrow at.-ing paralysis. Fatal Alaii*«..There was a false alarm of tire yesterday in the Kastern DiUrirt at II o'clock a. and another in tbe afternoon at 4 o'clock. Map Docs Kit.t rr» at Flcsminc.Several dogs, supposed to be mad, were killed in the village of Flushing last week, and Tie Flu thing Jettmal says that a valuable ox belonging to Mr. William Anderson, of Little Neck, L. L, died of ttnmi-takable hydropho¬ bia a few days since._ Drowned..A man named John Johnson, while b ithing at Ited Hook Point, was drowned by being cancht with a cramp. He was a waiter at the Man¬ sion House. His body wa* recovered. NE W-JERSEY ITEMS. Trial Trit of the John S. Dmc r..Yesterday at 2 o'clock p. m., the new ferry-boat John S Darey went on her trial trip down the bay nearly tj Sandy Hook, and up tbe Hudson River a short di»tince, with about 400 guests on beard. Among them were prominent citizeis of Jersey City, Newark, Elizabeth. Kahway and New-Brunswick, mostly pcr»onal friends of Mr. John S. Darcy, tbo Preaident of the New-Jersey Kail- road Company, in honor of whom the fciTy-boat was named. A bountiful table was get on board, at which the company were seated soon after thu boat started. The Hon. John 8. Darcy presided. Speeches were made by Messrs. Darcy, D. S. Gregory, John P. Jackson, Dr. Goble, (Jen. K. It. V. Wright, Mr. Duryea, Peter Bentley and others. Tori's Band, of Williamsburgh, discoursed excellent music during the excursion; and tbe occasion was one of much social enjoyment. The John S. Darcy is 190 feet in length, ii feet beam under the guards, oil feet over the guards, and I3J feet deep; she is 706 tuns burden, carjsenter's measure¬ ment. She is four feet longer than tbe boats I). S. Gregory and the Coldcn, which, up to the con¬ struction of this boat, w ere the largest ferry boats run- r ing on any New-York ferry. The Darcy wss built bj D. Burtis of Hod Hook, and the joiner work was done by John It. Terry of Hobokcn. The upholstery work was done by K. It. Karle It Co., Jersey City. Tbe engine was built by Reed A Birkbeck of Jersey City. It is of 400 horse power, 42 itch cylinder and 11 feet stroke. The boiler is 28 feet long and 9 feet in diameter. This is the largest engine iu use in any of the ferry boats. The Darcy will at once commence duty. A Runaway Horse a.m> Loss ok Monet..Late on Friday evtuiug last Mr. Taos. Kahl, a grocer and butcher, doiDg business in Newark, came to the Jer¬ sey City Ferry on hie way to New-York to purchase supplies. He had been accustomed for several years to make these evening trips to New-Yoik, and as he had been several times rtopped on the road by high¬ waymen, he had latterly iHken the precaution of con¬ cealing his money somewhere about the wagon fsatead of carrying it upon his person. I'pon this occasiou his pocket-book, containing MIO. was deposited tot safety in tbe bottom of a half bushel measure which was nearly fjlltd with oats deaigned as a lunch for bis horse. Upon arriving at the ferry Mr. Field got down fiom bis wagon, and went a short distance away to get near a gas light, for the purpose of rinding a ferry ticket, whicb was hidden among other cards and pa¬ pers in bis psscket. While thus engaged, the horse suddenly turned about and started for home at a rapid pace. Mr. Field gave chase, but was unable to over¬ take him, and spent the remainder of the night iu a fruitless seaith lor the horse and wagon. Ou S itur- day momiiiL', however, be fbuad his wagon in front of tbe Court-House at Hudson City, but the horsu was not with it, and ha not since been heard of. The money was gone from the half bushel measure, and so were the most of the oats. It is supposed that the bor-e and wagon was stopped by thieves, who paid themselves by appropriating the money and tbe animal to their own u«e. Election or OrTlCKSS or the fin and LonoE I. O. Of O. F..The election of oAoorS of the Grand Lodge of the State of New-Jersey, which was held iu tbe lodges throughout the State on the 1 Ith inst., re¬ sulted as follows: Grand Matter.D< B. Wbi'aker, of Cumberland. 1' p 'y Orrnnti Matter.Augustus W. Bell, of Morris. Orsted Secretary Joho H. Phillips, of Mercer. (irand Treatnitr Boocarfck M. Smith, of Mercer. Ilrprtttnttitir? to Grand Itdgf tf United State*. George W. Cassedy, ot Jersey City. For Grand Warden no choice was effected, and tbe election of this ofticer will be made by the (Irand Lodge, which meets at Trenton on the 5th of August. Military Encampment..The National Guard of lloboken, ( apt. fi. Van Houten, left yesterday morn¬ ing for Hackensack, where they are to have a three days'encampment. To day is to be a gala day with them, und mainly devoted to the reception and enter¬ tainment of their friends. A numerous delegation from the other military companies of the county, and ofeflicers fiom other sections of the State, are ex¬ pected to be upon the ground, and a good time is an¬ ticipated. Pit sic.The Sunday Schools attached to the M. K. Churches of Hudson City und Bergen go on a picuic excursion this morning, by the 7 o'clock train of the New-Jersey Railroad, to Morris Grove Lear Itahway. retuining at b{ p. m. LA W INTELLIGENCE. THE STREET COMMISSIOXERSIIIP-PRO- CEEDINUS BEFORE THE REFEREE. At I o clock yesterday the testimony was resumed before Mr. Hilton, the referee appointed by Judge In- graham to inquire into the facts connected with the alleged contempt of Mr. Conover, in violating the in¬ junction itsued by Judge Ingraham. Daniel McGinn, a contractor residing at No. 123 Gieeuwicb avenue, saw Mr. Brady hand papers to Mr. Conover, and heard him announce that ho had served an injunction on Mr. Conover, immediately upon Judge Peabody s signing the warrant, did not notice who bad the warrant; he saw Mr. Brewer in Court that day, but cannot say be saw him about the time of the signing of the wairants; witness was uot a coul.Sv'tor under Mr. Devlin. Patrick Devlin, who teetified that he was not in any manner related to Charles Devlin, stated the same facts as to tbe signing of the warrants, and immediate¬ ly after the serving of the injunction on the Coroner atd announcement of the fact by Mr. Brady; at that time, the witness swears, Mr. Brewer was inside the railing in the Court room and Fanington was out¬ side; he did not see either go out; after the service of Ihe injunction on Conoyer, witness saw Brewer atoop down and whisper to Conover; Mr. Dudley Field was st tbat moment.sjieaking to the Judgs, on the subject of 'he irjunction;* witness is a carpenter, and testified that previous to May I he had woiked for Charles DevBl pa his own private property; he ceased work when Devlin was appoint- «1 S'reet Commissioner; he bad already made an affidavit in this mutter; Devlin got him to make it; witness nex' saw Brewer after he saw bim whispering to Conover at the Hallof Records, with hie books in hia hundi; he did not know Fanington when he first aaw him standing outside'the railing: be heard two men beside him saying, there atsnds th* constable; this was before the aerviag of the Injunction hy Mr. Brady; he next saw J-arnngton at the Hall of Records; he was posi'ive that when Jndge Peabody ,igned the warrant Mr. Brewer was seated tear Mr. Noyes in front of the Juo>, and not in tbe west side of the building to the left of the Judge, he thinks that Judge Peabody had signed the war¬ rant and laid it down-that Mr Bertholf took it, handed it to Mr. Field before Mr. Brady rose to aerre the ia- junction; he did not obseire what Mr. field did with the warrant. ... v Eugene Hsgsn, aa ex-policemea, .f««"'»« »«. 100 Greene street, saw Mr. Brsdy band the paper to Conover, and heard him announce that he had served tbe injunction; at thnt time Mr. Brewer sat in the rear ot Messrs. Field and Noyes. Tbe inquiry was then adiecresd natu t>-dey at 3 odoct. TJU CAM Of- TB! FANCHITA CfH'RT Of COMMOW.fLKAl tfBcui Trsw-J ,ly fr- ttrfft Ji.d#" I" .»»r, .V. AITIK tl.OH T0M1CHAI .t THl HK1TISII Jff, rr )M »FnfHT DH*IJ Di Jets P. Wc it rft CtH. D J. Odeeaine an I o l ers Tlii- wan an application mane on behalf of the de- fendsnls to tie discharged from the order of arrest gm ted eome dav« since, by which they were held to bail in the sum of $1.0,000 to answer in a civil suit for damages. Ac, done the owners of the brig Fanchita. It will be remembered that Lieut. Odevaine was put in command of the l'nn< hi'a, on the coast of Africa, by Capt. Mote-ley of the British sloop-of war Sapplm. nud ordeied to take berfotht tsort of: New-York, on the ground that she was a slaver. A!.er her arrival the Brit -!. oflcetl were arresti.l as above set forth. Mr. F.dwa: d> read the following affidavits OS) behalf of the application Mir r. OMTAIM'f aFFiria v it. Cttv. Count'/ Wmi Stute at Stir York. «,..Charles I). J. () levaice, Lieutenant m her Kritatinic Majesty's Naval Service, being sworn, maketh oath, and aaitb: That be has been in euch naval service for upward of BBSS years; that he has been in such service actively on the coast of Africa, and was so there in tko month of May last post, belonging, It fact, to the Commo¬ dore's ship Scourge, Commodore John Adams, al¬ though depot.ent happened, at the tune of the circuui- Stances embinc d by this deposition, to be temporarily employed on board If. B. M.'s ebip Sappho, Captain Fairfax Moresby, off I'outa de Lenha, at the mouth of the river Congo. That this deponent never lud anything to do with the seizirg of the American baik Fanchita, the same having taken place, as deponent afterward under- stood, 30 miles up the said river Congo; that alter aba wa- so seized, as bs baa understood, although be bad nothing BO do w.th it, either directly or indirectly, she came or was brought down and ancboretl oil' the month of the Cctigeo, about M0 yards from the Sap¬ pho: up to this 'ime the deponent bad never, to the best of bis knowledge and belief, seen the said Fan¬ chita. That deponent then whs given to understand that she bad been OTtJ hauled by the said Captain Mores¬ by, who, fiom the suspicious circumstance* about her, deemed uich e.verhauiing necessary ou the belief that she was engaged in the slave trade; that as depenert understands and believ es, this was done not only from such ein um.- tanccs, but from the fact of a total absence of anything like an American naval authority or vessel. And this deponent says that alth< ugh he has beet, in the said Commodore's .-.hip for about twelve months, cruising on the coast of Attica, he never met with or saw an American vessol of war, nor its ring. Also this deponent was informed and believes, that on account ot such overhauling, and while she, the I'anthita was so up the Congo, her captain, V. It Klad¬ den, refused all control and command of her, and that about the same time, and while so up the Biver Congo, one A. C. Im Mesquita came on board while the saia Captain Mcresby was on board, and claimed the said bark Fntchita, with any articles there might have been on board, as his property hut deponent says this was before be, depot eat, ever saw her;. Also, depo- tent has undetstood and believes that the said A. C. De Mesipiita came out in Lor on her vnyage from N'ew- i oik, aud bad chartered the whole of ber for a voyage form the port of New-York, and that the whole of the laid vessel waa chartered to and under the sole orders of the said A. C. I»e Mc-quita at the time herein re¬ ferred to; this deponent gathering these facts from the said Capt F. 15. .Sladdeu. And this deponent says that after the circumstances betöre detailed as to the overhauling of the said Pan- chifa, nnd said Captain's refusing further to woik the vessel, and abandoning all control and command of ber, and when she bad so come down the Congo aad wus anchored, this dc|sunent, was ordered by his corn- mandiig officer, Capt. Moresby, to go ou board of her and take her safely to the port of Sen-York, receiv¬ ing particular written instruction) to that effect, a copy 11 which institu tions an- hereto annexed, as well as of the decuments-referred to therein, and all the same an- maikeil schedule A. Atd this deponent says that under these orders and to others, anu with no prior action or conduct ou the part of this deponent, did he go on board the said ves¬ sel the Fanchita; and be hai the charge of her with the sole view of giv ing her up to the first American vessel-of-war be .-tould come across, and, failing in that (which he did fail in), bring her with best sif.-ty and catc to the jiort of New-Yoik, which lie accom¬ plished ou the 7th day of July last., her said captain iSladdcL), mate (llcdgej, and the crew found in ber on the coast of Africa also ci'ining in her (saving one man who escaped from her while up the Uiver Congo). That, as to this crew, they were evidently not Ameri¬ cans.unable- almost i-ntin ly to speak the P.ngli»b lan¬ guage, and not able to answer to the names of crew en the ciew list win n mustered in the port of .New- York on deponent's arrival here; that the mate Hodge), who was English, stated during the vteysge he had served in a British man-of-war, ami boasted of hav ii g bod bis " four dozen.'' 'I bat on deponent's said anival in the port of New- Yoik in charge of the a..id Fanchita. he obeyed tbe >aid orders, (embtacad in schedule A,) and the I'nit.-.I .States Marshal for tbe Sou heiu Dkwnotof New-Yiwk, took possession of ber on the seventh day of July, instant; and on the eighth day of the same July she vves libeled iti the I'nited States Court for the Southern District of VoV-York, tiy lbs District Attorney, John Mi Kton, esq., but not mi any complaint or deposition i f cl» potent, or of any other Ilr.tish offlosr; and depon¬ ent has Li.d. ist. id and believes she is still under libel. That depot cut has hereinbefore detailed all that de¬ ponent has bad to do with the said Fanchita; and ho says that BOBS of her cargo (whatever it may be) has been touched or overhauled by hioi, nur her furniture, ringing or apparel destroyed, injured or mode away with, but she went into the said Marshal's bands pre¬ cisely as she we;; when he took charge of her aa afore¬ said, (ordinary wear and tear oidy excepted.) Also, be says be was obliged to obe; the orders of his superior i flicer, and thereunder to take charge of her, the said Fanchita, aud that if be bad not done so, 1 e would, of OCsBTSO, have been subject to court niar- tial, and to have been broke as an officer. And this deponent sava that on the Hah day of July, instant, he was arrested as a defendant in this action, and held to bail in tbe sum of $10,000; that he never before was in the United States of America, arriving here a peiftct strang«r, having neither relatives nor connections here, and being without any amount of moniy er pecuniary meaus, saving any U'tle pay which may be due to him as a lieutenant; that if the actirg British Consul, Joseph Fowler, esq., aud Chartas Ec*wards, counselor-at-law (both strangers to deponent ), had not steppe d forward and aulrleiently satisfied the- Sheriff, thie deinment must have been ki pt in close custody in a prison. And this ilepouent saya, that aa be baa understood fn m bis coin sei nnd believes, an application would have been made before now to discharge or lower bail be: ein if a copy of tbe charter party to said Mesquita bad been furnished, the same having been applied for on tbe I'll day of July instant; and deponent bat un- deistood that the same is said to be mislaid, or from having been used when tbe said bark Fanchita was formetly libeled (prior to In-r last voyage), cannot readily oe found, so that deponent has to make appli- eatie n to the Court in the absence of such charter this iVpoi-.-nt says, as he has understood and believes, that while the said bark Fanchita was on the coast of Africa a correspondence was had between A. C. I'e Mesquita and F. B. Sladden; that such corres¬ pondence has appeared in the New-York newspapers, and deponent bas rtaaon to believe the same has been inserted through the Instrumentality, wish or approval of the plaintiff; and the deponent has, in Sdudn/e IS, hereto annexed, set forth such correspondence. And this deponent says that the officers of the I'nited Staus vesse!-of-wnr North Carolina, nowiu the harbor Of the port of New-York, have kindly and in the handsomest mannt r invited deponent to mess with them, which he is temporarily doing, but it is absolutely necessiry that he should know precisely what, under all tbe e ircumstances of this case, mu«t be his present pcirounl MabtMtS, and to what extent he ufust be personally ctereed and kept from his duties in a foreign country, under the circumstances aforesaid. And tbi< deponent has understood and believes that tbe plaintiff herein, beside claiming damages of this decent to tbe amount of $15 0(H) fa this action, has demsnded redress of the llntieu Government, through tbe Secretary of Stato at the seat of governaient at Washington. Also, Ibis deponent says that he has read tha afli la- vit if actirg Assistant-Surgeon Arthur I. Irsland. hereto annexed, and tbe contents thereof are true to the ktowledge of this dcponeuL And this deponent likewise says be had no pecuniary itierest in, or benefit, or claim, or right oi reward, arisirg from his havieg been put in sharge of the aaid vessel Pencbita; nor it he entitled to any particular pay er extra pay therefor; nor does he get any benefit thereby, directly or indirectly, present or future. And'this depotient further says he bas not at pres¬ ent pat in his answer to this action, nor has bail justified. j C O. J. ODKVAIttE. Lieutenant R. N. siwrin at the City of New-Ynrk, tn- .'..! dsy of July. 1*»7, before me, DAit'L SKlXAM, Co«, of Deed. Scheoclc A-Cast. BToatlBV*! MsTnucTioss. H It. Sloos Sirrao, River ti.u.o, M»y 15, 1tST. .Vf.» v It Is my directions thet you proceed with th. Aasen ceu berk P»n. hlt» to New York, nsini sit dispel, h. Bein« et New-York, you tse t.. lo«e do time in dtli»en«t «». Pscchite overto the Ami ricin eathoritir«; iod>*<l. fm Beaos teke rare end rSSSBSa tu Um first lioverumeat BMSPOSSM looyotjj vfUhtogite tarne temporary r karte W*~V Inrn sted to you, ripreesin. (either by UttÄSSJfÄS» three yoor ordere) to the authority » rr<^vU^b« rwa« f,o«i iou that you ere dUtincllr forbidden to retain ««f»» k j eew aeetaent after »aia| in tbe steeeore of ea aaeecican eu Om j laths mmI , ¦ f-,,..!.. |: my duty to ,af i .. wr i mi ... , . ,|wt»wlttfJ»» Hrl-iib r.. if . ..u .;i y f K- * .. ... wio lart* svtt» . gird! . rrjor.r. d r ... of .r-f.ndrWT anl t«-» MeeaMj r Tit paw * .ojarctocc*.crtiiir*s.;-*if;» tha ,r»d,e«t ...,E1 cf r<m. ! »' ' -'i .. c »»'!>.'' Brit^hpnrlor vraeei of w*r attached fo bsi it.' M -,k t ran t., m -t It i arl ..i tDd aubscq lent price, d.ogi »o the rmmmnoirr lr tnef or rnlcr r.tfU ffi er. N.utb Aaeriran aad ¦ .alien. iuoia» I nerd Kirrlt ii.form paw that rvrrv rnurrety I. ha aha., to all AmiIi*u i tho*t»*** or athm d.risg roar May la tkaW ni i try. Y. u tr. to take ptrtlrnltr rrerau'lor that. ? bring b»pt ia due .obr.reinatioi,. the am t of .oar ¦arty »III b* «uaaa» ¦I 1 .- . in i.n..Ui.. ri u,o taw-al complaint to the Aruar area G«vrrnn<«i.t. V u m to give the Arr.rrao .. thorltlei if rrourrj. tb*- t.a.lh wlio u I (..r-o-li , . r-;»iir« to rav rrwmi f.-r '.»'" '::* * . f th» o.t ol ta»»wo«» " r-T bo.d at wehst the t.-,,,,..«ie o: nrr meat-ring of th* rew. Tb«. officer, ar | «-r-w ,.f 'h- Pi .-ritt a-e to be treated wHfc til respect tad eon. deration ia* a| tke tirae }oa are ia 'onipo rary rb-u«e. .. wi'n i.o il-i ,i.>n. ['any , j axerpt foe tha itfitj aftat hut, jmi .. .laid j..my. " Tb. depot.n er», o'y. r party - t* la til reipecttthl tea*** *t if on br ard try of I er M.jcty'a ah pi of war. You tr. to t lie tat e«r!'e»t opportunity of romawniratiag ta> netIS your movement, ard Be*a ..fthe Panchl-a. and any n at'-r you coctider worthy of notice, keeping a loa of yoat pro feeding*. Vo-. are to re-member that *h» grastest rare Ii to be takta oC the abip ted cv.-rythit g belonging to htr. to that ab« may bat l-.tr.ded oret ia every re .pect at near aa p-aukis at ia her praa- OBt po.1.1. i.. Yr.. w ill te victualed for three montba, and wttt g IfleU ly tbe r.op> oi tbe Adn iraltv io.tructlon. hrrwia ia- "laaaa. kairkax Mor.tciRr, t'i.rr mai.der ii M .loop S.ppa*. Kit klajttTV't Si r Sar, mo t o ., ... Rivaa Coxoo, May i»t7. f Mia: I l av.- »l,e b.ir.nr to Inform you that on the 9»h luataat f .ed'-d with the piiii,Hr, aud . g of thia p . f. ..ta Jrt ks i. r .he p. rp. cf . ta.-. i.t the Amer'cau bark Pan- cl.'ta. Oft u.y way to which taaaa) I Bart tbe matter, whoa* 1 no.... d a with to luiiiterbia .raw. «ud no objecttoa I ii td>'. iu roirptuy with him i po e.-ded, brat to a Pi rtug_ factor.- 0 «höre, wt-en-three ..f hit crow kn ,lck; having aaaa iLeni I went.«tili a i-orapauied bv the matter of tbe Panrhrla urd a Mr. Rirknby. agrut tor .¦.«!. .. v Co., at well at by Mr Kreil» ri. k WelJa, matter of her Maje.ty'a aloop undrr Diy . od ii..n<i...n braid ot the Pan. hila. wh< re, oc eunticuiaag the rm:ster, I fnand 'he <-rew>liit incorrert, a< veral of I... uat aal Ml g l ie to .Dauer tbe name, ata'ed to belong to the* om the mi.at. r li.t. tbe D.aiter appeariug to krow hi. own eraar. I then aakrd Peniegiion to 1". k into the h. Ida, the gutter tw- fu rd. thr.rgh hiring previonily ttat.d ia the prrmltrt nf fcfr. Rirkabv that he bid lo o|.;r<:ti.tti to nv locking provided that i .'Id r.>t go dew:,. Th<. lr. uoiitaor. a c, nlirming tha ogdtaaat Ibtt I had already received of the PancjiU being eagaged aa tilt gal traffic of tla\e«. nie t.i Inform the atat'-r taat I tonrd. -t d it u > dutv to detain I 'n with a view to give bioa over to .hi-firat American n an ol war 1 >.. u'A meet; »a wtdrM ttit u.aar.-r thi<w up all i.i.th.. eba.gr of tbe vettel, laforaataa; me tbiit be did r ot know m In f Ma. ii. hi. bold, and 'tying ha u iah< d to have a rrert liat taken, whvh. on the I Ith, «w d> c (Ifta, S..i ay, t.'io i mij), when we f.-inf. «a by tha tc. n p.nyiog i. count. TLev-at ,|iianr<>\ of frch witer ttill further .rr Sora'tntr my (nil. loa*, I tat* ttkeu upon mv.ell the great re.pontibility ol »cerfii'i the ai d Pti rliitt to New-York for the deciatoo Ot the Lnited Statei antliorit'ea. Tint i i'o in perfect knowledge of the importtoce of the ttarffi i take. Inetted thereto hy the or fbrtontte ftct of tbe total atV teiice i f tnytbirg like tn American naval authority, vrd that ha ..¦!.] pea, tbe PanchitVa deleutiou a>ay be prolouged to an ird< finite pertrd tod further, by the firm couv Irtion that, UT t»dj( ttept be n«t ttkeo, tb- re ia notb'r.g whatever to pr*\ oat Ut* AaMfteM t!e« ftoat ttaevtoaha* any rrwel, openly, in that eyet of tbe woild. equipping and trading with alave. u> any part of tbe African roaat, rendeiiug uot onlv tbe treaty b*tw*«a Dnat britaii ard the i'nited Mat. t a dead letter, but mahiac tlt atlef treatiet with whtU-ver uatlou. jutt tha value of to bm watt.- paper. i b*ti train heaitily deplore th tliig'ilar abtonee of at] Amer¬ ican uavtl MM), wbn h httthrowc ou my aboulder. thia oner- oua duty, alnu at more thau their .bare and truat. und»! tbe elr- sa*MMae**a i may look r ya>af approval and aupp»rt is mov¬ ing my Lord. Cooinii..'oi. r. of the Admiralty to .-. unteuaacat tLe atrpt i have taken m.lely with the view to preveot tha u bolt aale preamire of the r.erariou. traffic i am here to pat a agoVJ to. by e\i ry mean, iu mv power. Tkc Panrbita, requiiinj aeuie ballttt and 11rifling refit Mm ol to. ml to a de.ree b*u*a*l in an Am«rlean merchant Trawl,, v. ill not .tart till on or abo. r the 3th in... 1 am, Sir, your ob*» dieut tervanr, KM It TAX MORK.sby, Comotaodrr. THE PANCIIITA s ( AROO, forv. J We, the undf reigued. with the captain of the Ameri.'aa hark Pau. bit., aud at hia own requ»,t. hive taken a atrict and rarefnt aaa. aal "fall the good, contained Iii the hold of tbe t*id bark, and Hi d at luilowt, tlai Butter, lu rt-k.t? t»*. Hum, in ra.k..1" in No. Water rntk. rontalairg .alt water. 3 lu N*. Water < rakt cotit.iniiig fretb water.?) ¦ No. U tter it.kt.. »vi t brackiah wtter.24 in No. Kmptv wafer ct-k». 1* iu No. Salt beef. In caikt. 9 in No. (inm. lu bagt.39 in No. Bread, In caiki.Ml" No. Mackerel, in hull barrel... tin No. {'racked curn, in bain-it. U in No. Vinegar. j gallon*. M- :.a Id barrel.t. { ia No. Salt, in ban.1. I In No. Klce in banel.. It in No. Oiveu uuder our hauda, ou boa d the Pancbita. Ith Map« 18iT. JAMKS BÜYD, Cap»aln of Y.ngH.h brig Diuiitleat, A. Itfrtrf for ('it inrnaiider M jo-.by. .1. P D. RICKaby, Ag.-nt for R. Brorkhoute, r.q.. Itlem, Mat* . At ref. ree for Capt. Sltddeu. i hereby certify thia to br a true c,.py. Ftrii'K. Wells, Maater of H. M. abip Sapphsv We hi rel y rertifv thia to be a true aud correct a. eo iut. K*l»i ax MoKKJtv. C. inruandir of H. M. .hip f" Ik p k ki. ItMtPaaa, Maalrr ot l'»i.-.m.a. MPticara. This ia to rertifv tbtt i detained tbe An n. au btrk l'«iirbltaV n iii.plciou of being < mated In the t, .> tiade. and, in thai ab cm c i.f iny Ann rictn nnnf»ar, to whom r.-frr.-u. e might bat nude, linve tent hei to New-York for the dt citiou of the United] Ettals1«..uthorities. OlvtB ou :'. H. M. .bin' Sappho, thif IM day of May, irV7. h A l.h A X MORKSIIY. (' mmaudat, K. r M»j- at)', .hip Sappta. aaitiaan Thia Itt* lertify that we. the undersigned, werapieieut during; tha than thai t'tpt. Mamas wat atwatatnaj the crew ofta« AItfitt* b.rk Ptnchitt (w'th the ...... n- of the «r>- n n i, on th., ften <>< ti *fta* tab httt., .ml thai rhe «.-» Hat w.« uot fouadl '.. k* c*ffact. A:.-., that ice of the uien could not answer tnohr r an:e. w l.cu culled. Liven under our handt on board the Pac hita, the 11th of Mav, 13c7. PBEDEKICK WKLI.S Maater M M. .hip Sappho-. J. f. II. RlL'KABY Merchant at Poutt It l.-uha. COIHSPwaVMVCI BETWEK.n C'ATT. SLADDt» AND) Ml NfUfTAa sjohbdvi " b. Ma. CtPTAIS ItaaaWS' The Vi-.«el now being ready, and a* I have concluded my affair, in thia river for the momrut I wltfe, iu t> rordauce with rny ch-rter party, to cooliuue my buaiiu on the ccaat: consequently, I wiab you to writ* » L. I the veiael » ill I e lead) to .ail. A. C. DEMESQL'ITA. K. B. SLsnnca, l aptalu bark PancbiU: Tbi. tvenlug I ttart iu the r*ttagasst ti li<h.ner Rival for tba* Hi rtl.i in poita, to tbe pun base of your cargo, whisk- will oDai.t of d)ewoodt. oj.per, gum aud oil. To-morrow yow W ill proci ed with tbe Lark under v..mi coinintnd to Cubeuda. Ou l> ard the bark you hive tnfjTi i< i.'ruiu U> purcbaaa from twenty to iHenty-tive pipea ptloi "it, tl alao tome gum copal, and tor which i hire already informed you i-ape.viing th s rnrtturei tud pricet tt which theae g.h.dt ihoold be pun-hated. I Ibinh bat iu forty or fifty dtyt the bafk will b<t tutirrlf I. idol end ready to tail Ca.1 New-York. As Baa* at I obtaia fifty tuna of xood I will advi.e you that you oiaj come to Lotngo, in order to r***tV* at> I Uaat that yoa mm fit-lr.g bitter, tl tliu your crew. In etie you ihould ref uirw mere negroc* for tbe wrtlSt of tb.- > en. you btve but to uk tb. di of Mr. Strruel pnnce of Cib. udt, to whom by tbi. oppot- i:. ri J write r*SM*aaw nd'ng that he should do e very thing mm nn to be ii- to y.'u iu tu)thing you mty r quire. Iba/« nothing furtbi r to add, confiding In your stai and activity ia everything that couiet uudrr tour cbtrgr. I am, ML yuag mm do it servant, A C. DK M KSUI.iTA. AsiaaiCAl Baak Psnchita, I PoaTO ok l.i .so e May 9, 1S9T. f A. C. Mr'fQOTTA:.Sir: Yourt of Ihii data cam* .m board at'. a on. to which I beg to iuforui you that 1 aha., attend) ttilctly to vour iLjULctinut with regard to the purrhtte or traffia of u ) O.-ue ward carto. I hive only further to .Ute, tbtt tb« Tim hita will be ready for aet and proceed to Catenda to *aor- row mrrnu ii (lOtb). The piovi.ion. are ttowrd and btllaat oat boird, remaining »*ly for you to tttend to pUc« on b..art .la Cabenda Den to-niifbt, my en w. it you ara awtra, being uait woik, having the Afticab leter. I aui, ynnrt, V. B. ILADDFW. Poaro or [tSBBA, May IS, ISST. A. C. MfsQl-ita, e«q..Sir: You will obietvt by t!>* charter party b< twten *<m**a ind k B. Slidden (reif), of tbe Patv-M- fa, that a atipulatrd an. I. to be paid to me fn drafts OB that Uniied Stat-t every two moutba to date. I hav* uot reeelvaat aty ainee Deceiiibc'r 26, IVsS. I bet you will now fulfil! your tgreement before tbe Pancbita aafl. for Naw-York, to wbirtt part she is now going to proceed. Your..^ g m^AJMßm Pobto ut. Lb*hs. May I«, ISST. Ctttiin T. B. iLsnntk, Baik Ptucbita:. . ¦. a-J. four ftvoi to-day Ins been duly received and contents known. I btve .old, «. you well know, but liltls Ot the cargo brought kf> 'be l.aik incoiiteq. rnce tt tbe setKiueti vf pala oilia taktfmt im«yt*r Nobody will pun-baaa good, for mouay bat la 9%- rl.it ge of nitn<-aiK-dr. Tbu la one of tha reatont why It ba* e«n .o niffrult for rr e to raiae money to pay lb* enormoas .*- I entea D .de with the nark in cmieriueuce of ber dimaged caa- ttia ii on ber trrfval to tbi. port. Tbe rargo arrived brro ia aast ohdition the nun iery short, aud the tie*, eodtiih and bread II .Unused, n t. count of fbt ir leng ttay ia New-York, la c .-< ye ric-e of ill tbete miifoituoes, it will be tmpostibl* tor u.e to pay you now tot tbe time the bark bat batn tt my sar- \ Ire ; but tt icon tt i arrive at New York, which will ba by tba* ,rt,'minL?Jy:«.r^f,,OB-A. C. OK ME8UCITA. M KG I on irrl tSOS APflDAtlT. City, County and Statr of Sew-York tt..ArtkaT J. Ireland, beibg ?worn, oiaketb oith and saith tasst btj is nn Asaiataat Sorg»on in her Brliannic i as-*! seiviee: ibat lie was attaebed to sm Brttaaw \ i as el of war Sappho, at th* enart of Anie*. »» star last, she Iben lying of Shaik'.s P.-ot, .n*ar 1 out* dst U»Va, t|,.t ifjMll »va* ordei.d to on bomrd o( IBS iMSJ I *nebUa,at the l^^SMffi v.ine "as put in charge of efli<;a>il h. reto annexet». and srklaft H"*'?.**. stfica\ii :i« rero uawaasi. «"« . r, -_j read; Ibat deponent was E^U* . y, and cam* ba took no comm charge of Ler at any nee; imm ht did not av thf"£aid I'an< bifa until after she bad been over ply in b.s professional capacity a* *ur«c«on, aasi mm fays be was N on bs«trd only, and cam* in her to vi- v.rb i., that caoacity, and took no command or ";.o?k^^ * SCJ3 axd Ler msster had abandoned his command of her. asHelaii'ed iu Lieutenant Odevaine s aaid afBdavst; and'be ray. that the contents of such affidavit am "me And tbie dejtoaent Kaya Uiat after th* said Psn>- 1 ta was taken in < harne by the United States Mar* rhal and libeled by the United State* District Attor- r.-v aodontbo ICth day of July Instant, this dVasv ner.t wa* arreated and held to bail by the SherilT af New-York in this action in the sum of f 13,000: that this deposent is so ntter stranger in th* Cnitad Btttaa of Armrica, Wing without pecuniary Saasas, Ma known, and, had :t not been for tbe ftritish t'ttsant aad the etandicg oounat I of the CoaawrJata in Haw- Tot k, this depoaont woa!d havs baoa at Bus nmm prison under »ttch bis s-rast in the sum of fU,«««.

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1857-07-28/ed-1/seq-7.pdf.aajofta. starts i ¦«I Wtsktatri tad hu', gooI r* esma..whoir-.|o'Wa 0*4ofdanger. l'At[

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1857-07-28/ed-1/seq-7.pdf.aajofta. starts i ¦«I Wtsktatri tad hu', gooI r* esma..whoir-.|o'Wa 0*4ofdanger. l'At[

.aajofta. starts i ¦ « I Wtsktatri tad hu', goo I r*

esma..whoir-.|o'Wa 0*4 of danger.

l'At[ fv1 fit M *¦ UotpW and

.pid'.y Mt r«lia| Tbe caure «f her attcinp' a.

,,iedo was ttod^df^vnat.;-ally Mittag f. .in

lesding Mich a Hsb. BwVs k4j last Bristet that she

firetbeiame tlwbewataoi I a boas*; piattaMthat time., and fer *rfWfJ .#.!», *M liad been an

actress, std o»a r!'-red .t,M'(<'»ble P«»**.Some' tears eirce she was mann d, but the ootiju:'%l

r. 'afionprovirg "n ui.plc.i-at t oss a separation took

pl«ee, aud Iba wife retired to her parents with her

infant boy, where she remained until ehe delibent-'lytook op her n'tode in a b'.use of prostitution. Her

kjstory, her weakness, her struggle*, her do>pair, her

desire for drath, ber a'tcmpt Si Mdf-de'truction. k but

tbe sad storj of ..no among thousands; a single ox-

sjaple from the onpub'iehed bundn-deof eases a- datk,

as guilty, s< hopeless, and as criminal, in all exceptfelf-murce:.

Trur.t"] 10 a Pa.itor.-A monument has jus» boo!

r-rected in Ike grounds Wlorgingtt> St. Andrew's

Church 8»nten Meed, h memory of the BOT. David

Moore D.D. who for forty-tight yesn wa tie be¬

loved 'pastor Of that parish, including th« parish of

Trinity Cbspel. aboutists soUos distant, fhe monu¬

ment is of the finest Ita'ian monumental marble. It it

the spontaneous tribute of tbe people of hu chargeand of the citizens cf the county, who hare contrib¬uted freely. It is of the massive Gothic style, with

deep sunken panels, graceful lines and buttresses.The base is a block of granite, four feet three inch*

square, tbe diameter or body of the mocument

three feet square; the whole higkt is fifteen fee;. On

the front of the rcocmxeit is the following inscription,it raised letters:

UV, DAVID MOORE, D. D,Rector of St. Andre« 's Church,

including Trinity Chtpot,Steten Island.

Born June 3, 1787,Died September 30. MSB,

Aa. d 69 yeara.On the opposite side is the f. l owing inscription:

THIS MoM Mf ST,* The apontansou» offering of s grateful community,

was erectz-d I tlie memory of theRee. DAVID MOORE. 1). D

t ion of the Right Rear. Richard ('banning Moore, D. D.late Bishop of Virginia,

Is tbia, hit first and ou'y pvriah, where he was the belovedSlid honored Rector for forty eight years, he had justlyearned the reputation of a most laborious end de¬voted servant of Christ; and as he waa f .n i

faithful BTtS BBl death, those who knewbis value well have laid htm here to

rest, weeping and " sorrowba|most of all that they ahall see

his face no more."On one side is the folio ring quotation :" Tbey that '-. wiae ahall abine as the brightness of tbe firms-

Dient, and they that torn inauy to righteousness, as the stars

/or ever end «Ter ".Pan. jrJL, 3.On the otl e- side is the following:" Rleeaed are the dead which die iu the Lord from hence¬

forth yea. »aith the Spirit, that they ir.ay rest from their labors,and their works do follow them.".Rev. ziv., 13.

AtLFoED Swinihk nr a Ltvni.iird..A respec¬table colored woman, ln.-t evening, called at theTwenty first Ward Station-House, and gave the par¬ticulars of the tranner in which, as she alleged, shehad been swindled out of her furniture and turneds'Ut of doors by her landlord: and should the womau'estatement provetrue.it is to be hoped that the man

who has wronged her out of the few worldly goodsehe poeseafcd, will meet with the punishmeut hedeserves. It appears that tbe colored woman occu¬

pies some apartments in Thirtieth street, betweenSixth and Seventh avenues, for the rent of which shewas indebted to the land ord, on the 21th inst., thesum of $1. Not being prepared to pay the amountdue at the time, the laudiord a-kod her to give him a

due bill for that sum, which she expressed her willing¬ness to do. Instead of making out a due-bill, how¬ever, she alleges that tbe landlord made out a regularbill of sale of all tbe articles of her funiture, in con¬

sideration of tho amount, dne for rent, and got thepoor woman to affix "her mark" to it, she beingunable to lead or write, and, as she says, totally igno¬rant of the nature of the paper which she had thusacknowledged. Consequently, yesterday, to her utter

astonishment, she was turned out of tbe apartments,destitute of everything. An investigation will be atemee instituted in tbe matter.

Him in the Sim rds.A correspondent calls theAttention of the Police Commissioners to the fact thattbe rainholee of tbe Twentieth Wird, with two or

threo exceptions, were open and in full blast on Sun¬

day, and yet the Poli-c took not tbe least notice ofthe fact. The Station-House is on the Fourth avenue

betweenOne-bundred-ar.d-twenty-fourth aud Ote huu-

cred-and-twenty-fifih streets. Between the Station-

Kouse and One-hundred-and twenty-sixth street are

five rumhales, and between the Station-House andOne-hundred-and-twenty-fourth *tr«et are four rum-

boles. A person could not pass the corner of One-

hundred-and-twenty-fifth street and Fourth avenue

without having Ids ears pained with shouts of pro¬fanity. _

Dfath or Capt. Patten or the Neptune's Car..f'apt. Joshua A. Patten, whose misfortunes and suffer¬ings, in connection with the ship Neptune's Car, havebeen tbe theme of much public comment, died at theMcLean Asylum, Somerville, st 2 o'clock on Sundayniorning. aged HO years 3 months. Deaf, and blind,and rick, as he has been for months past, his hemicwife refused, nevertheless, to surrender him to the<are of strangers nnd it was not until on Friday, wheuit was apparent that bis reason was gone and he was

utterly unmanageable, that she consented to bis re¬

moval to tbe Asylum. Mrs. Fatten herself is slowlyrecovering from the effects of fever. She is still quitef eble. but the patience in suffering and the energy in

emergencies which ike has hitherto displayed maycarry her over this, which she regards as the greatestof her sorrows.

Th» Por i< v Courts..Erricri ot KeepingSi kuat..There was but little doing at tbe PoliceCourts yesterday, and the record* of tbe First andSecond District Courts, held at the Tombs and Jeffer-BOBl Market, exhibited the disposal of only a few cases

of assault and battery and drunkenness, and one

felony. Heretofore, on Mondays, the lVlice Courtshave been thronged with persons apprehended forintoxication and disorderly eouduet; but since theclosing of the liquor stores and groggeries about townon Sunday there has been a dearth of such ca.se*, andthe returns from the captain* of the various PoliceDistricts have come in almost blank.William J. McMinn, who was an-estcd a few days

ago by the police of the Twenty-second Precinct on

suspicion of belog ft fug.tive from justice in Pittsburgh,Pa., and committed to prison by Justice Davi-».n at

the Jefferson Market Poles Cesrt, was yesterdaytaken before Recorder Smith, on a habeas corpu-*, anddischarged frosj custody. McMinn, it appears, some

year or more ago, resided in Pittsburgh, and was em¬

ployed iu tbe capacity of marketman at the ExchangeBotst, kept by Mr C. W. Bennett. While at tbehotel he was suspected of having stolen a quantity ifsilverware from the house, and arrested, but up in

trial was aequiif. d by the Jury.Several othei patties were itnp'icated in the diffi-

e-ulty, and at McMinn a iustigttioii three ua'e'i UMwrre coorktcd Da a charge of larcc.v, ami Beat to thoState Prvon.A msn namcl Qaftke ,ivif,K ;. as* pfty, from whom

HcM.an hired a room I. Forty-secemd street, suspect¬ing McMinn ol having sAaRoj some property from kiss,caused tbe room to be searched. Officer Parliu madethe aesrob, in the course of which he found a q.untity«.f spoons and other silver ware marked "ExchangeBote), "City Hotel," "St. Clair Hotel.' aad a bun-

of newspapers and documenU Rivl.K an nccollut ofHcMiun a trial in Pittiburgb, and also accounts of thetrial* of the other parties who bad basa implicatedy *«y end am ther, in tbe transaction. Tlie at.kor, reading some of these accounts, which wade¦wntioa of spoons and other silver ware marked " Kx-«&*t.<e Hotel' bciag stolen by McMinn, thought him.fugitive from joatiee, aisd pertected hie arrest. Mc-

jJJ *<"n<» b«ing discharged by tke

David Ortet a bey U .* 11 years of ige, »ras ar

retted v"H rdnv. rbart[cd with baring iMen a' I H

oub tiuics fxcm Li* employer, Jabe« IkilbbrilOl, of

N.. 106 Ccutte tffoet, p-vprrty (o the amount of $39.The had. upon l.i. aiTe-f. admitted having stolen prop-arte to a lavr/gar aaaoeat tbaa set fortb hy bfr. Thiefc«

an«! said that be had disposed of i' to one Ja*.

Brews of Me. ol OoOJttO street. Ilrown'e prrmireawere scarehod. Ojbei a i|iiantity of the otelei propertyiran found, and identified hy Thi< kbroom. Ollicer

Qardaeraiioated Browa, who, with the lad Oreer,wan committed to prison for examination, hy JusticeConnolly.(fort* rro'M the Potiei ¦fcrvajra..Fourth

Ward.- Rodger 0 Brtei was sent to the Hospital on

Made] night, vs'th euta on his head, made, as Is

sdkgtd, by .lame*, BOoa and Mary Malier. Iiiswounds are not OQttSsdored dangerous.

fifth Ward.. Serirt. Hufohings reports that thesann- good order was manifested in the Fifth Precinctaa 00 the two former Sundays. The law was obeyed,with a few exceptions, and those will be reported tothe District-Attorney.Eighth Ward..About 11 o'clock on Sunday even¬

ing (iflicer Cannon found an infant, about four weeksold, lying on the sidewalk in King, near West street.It was sent to the Aim-HouseNinth Ward..Sergeant Sebring reports that the

liquor stores were nearly all closed on Sunday, givinganother quiet Sabbath, und a blank return.

El. tenth Ward..Captain Squires makes the fol¬lowing report of the condition of the Kleyen«h Ward:" 1 have the pleasure to report the condition of my

Ward, yesterday, as quid and orderly; the liquorsbi ps, with a few exceptions, being clobed, at least toOutward appearance; and with the exception of tbocrowds of people who thronged the streets in qu<>st offresh air, the serenity and eood order of the Sabbuthwas scaicely disturbed. There was an atterpt at"etting up a disturbance in Second street last night,but it was quickly suppressed by the prompt action oftwo or three officers, and no efTorts were made torenew if. One disorderly house of the worst descrip¬tion, kept by II. Meheling, at No. 215 Second street,has been reported to the District-Attorney for prose¬cution."

POLITICAL Gossip..It is stated that at tbe meefingof tU Cooper Gecernl Committee?, on Friday evening,the Hon. Daniel E Sickles, who was a member of theState Senate last Winter, asserted, in tbe course of a

speech which he made, that bis course on the Policebill was perfectly satisiactory to the delegation of po¬lice captains who went up to Albauy to lobby; andthat it was agreed by them that as the bill did notturn any of the then memliers of the department outof office, the officers and men should, on the passageof the bill and the appointment of the new Commis¬sioners, recognize the new Hoard, and thus securetheir positions. Mr. Sickles, it is ruported, declaredthat this was the understanding ba I at Albany; thatCaptains Leonard, Tuomey and others were privy toit, and that it was only after their return to New-Yorkthat tbey were forced to tnke a different view of thepolicy which they should pursue. [Sun.

A CARD FROM b'.lXuELo.To the F.dito* of The A'. Y. Tribune.SiR: Finding the public laboring under the impres¬

sion that I was the biother of Coucemi, who wus trrettt-d ustbe murderer of the lamented Officer Anderson, nut uii. r wait¬ing a few day. for tbe pi.blic excitement to subside, 1 surren¬

dered myself to the District Attorney, on Friday last, who,».. : my examination, beim .¦.:.-:.. ,1 that I have no couuecti'.uwith Coucemi, has directed my diacharie.

Iu jnatiieto ruf», If, 1 deem It proper ts)Stats that I havebeen tome eight years in America, during Which time I havebeen t inployed aa a j.urneymari bookhiuuer by the following». ntl< no n viz: K. C Hoot. Anthony it Co., Amen, Herrick kKämet..a. C Manu, Kugini & Kellogg, New-York, andlastly by Messrs. Planets It bestial New-York, t'» whose em¬

ploy I have again r« turned. Vouts, respo tfilly,July 27,18A7. NltOLO D'ANOELO.

[ Advertisement. J" Fredricks's Temple of Art".Nos. 535

acd 587 lirnsdway, opposite Metropolitan Hotel.Hallotypes superior to any a-n in this city.Photographs, in OH, Pastel, and Aquerclle, by Fseoricks's

eorpa of Pariaian artists.Photographs iu India ink. Pariaian style.r....i i im.i 11 « and A.mhkotvpes in OoleStaGallery open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m., and free to the luspec-

Uoa of tie public.(Advertisemeut.l

HCNKER'8 LlFE-PltFSERVINU SHIRT. . Thisvaluable article U rapidly m <|uiring, aa it should, the publiceoiilidence. It ia one of the neatest and natal >u -..-i.it fhingiBVCI Invented, nud we are aatitfied that if worn, will alwaytinsure the wearer fo.ni a watery death. The following certin-catet apeak tor themselves:

¦arrALo, fate m, icvt.Ca?t. C. J. Bunker. No. 337 Broadway, Newfork-Dear

Mrr We take great steasSN in recommending for atoetal me,for HSV ssslns purposes, upon the waters, your a*wIy-*ayoatslLife-Preserving Jackets and Milt* We were present at theexperiment von made wi'.h them iaourhsiSOt the other day,ami WS tbinTk them the most piactiral aud best Life-Pn servers

in tbe world. Capable, of .pportioa a person erloit ou the waterany leimtli of time, ut tie- same time leaving the urms and bodyAM I* BSti to aweii. ¦* anything «.:».-. For boa', service in a

ee*way, or exposed plan s. we consider them SBOst iuvalusble;for if u boat i«uiip>, fie mm are sll r..ht

We ure renpecttully youn,F.. P. Dorr, ( hauman Board Lake L'ml»rwriters.Jons N. (iARDNr.R, Member Ex. Com. I'nderwritert.V. P. Doimi\s, Si. retury Board L ike I'nderwrlter*.Benjamin BaosalL, Oensral a.. -.: .Etna lui. Co.Wst C. DAVMeV, Maiine Inapector

8so Hsrror, Jone 10, 1857.Cast. C. J. Bcvker. Dear Sir: I have exarniued and made

experiment! with the Life Saving Jacket aud Bathing Shirtt ofyour invention. I SSWStaSf them the bet: articles for lifc-taviugsaunosts that have ever been offered to the public. I havemade * spertinents with the jacketa on the neacoast, and I am ofOStntos that they would be invaluable for the use of th" lifa-saving .tslions, as tin y would afford additional means of res¬

cuing shipwrecked persons. Verj re«pi ctfully,J. M. Sti:i.l7\cER.

Superintt ndent, fco., Coast ot Loug tslaud.

(Advertisement.)Great F.xcitement .A perfect rush for them

splendid Mt'sLl.N Drsssks for One Dollar, atT. M. Jam£»'s, No. li)26tb-av., near 8'.b st.

f Advertisement. JSLOfJO yards Second Moirni.no IfoaXLOM will

be off' red This Day at 8 . SSTtt per yard.T. M. Ja.me>, No. 1026tb av., uear 8th .t.

[ AdvertUement. 1Fine Pocket ('ftlery..The subscribers offer

eveiy vsriely of the »Im ve, mads by the tint manufacturers,t.elag the rttihest display of tbe kind iu the city. J. i. S.

¦AVSncnS, store only at No. 7 Aftor ilouae.

I Advertisement ]Astor HoVSaV-fS 50 per Dat..The fourth

" Srveu-Yesra' Lesae," i-ommeueed iu May, 185V, will end May1, 1c64.T u Ilonae la conducted upon the -sm- system that has dta-

tinguiahid It hitherto.A KesUnraot hat beea added|for Merchants domg bittest*

i.i i;» i IsaWty.Tut KMTtiiijiT is tSTian v Inoepkxdebt oi the As-

tor House.Especial care taken of the sick.Families will rind this one of the coolest Hotels In New-York

during tbe Suaimer, and the Ladies' Depaxtmeut perfect ka .!thai producei real comfort.Tbe eity Railroad cars starting from the doors, enable gassts

to ri ach tbe upper par* Of the- c:ty with facility.The small cars fetch aud carry passengers from ths New Ha-

vm and Beaton Statiou, Slu st.. to tbe immediate tjout of Ut*Hotel.Urateful for the past, I intend to deserve future favors.

C. A. Sir isox.

(Advertisement. 1110 Sew in«. Machines..W at.non'.s f 10Sow¬

ie t .Ms« i.ines »r»- now f..r sals at the office of the Coin piny,No. 4lüBroadway. Peitont wisbiug Sewing Machiuet wo! dowell lu exau.u.e this boiuehoM favorite btm paying from +15t<>eii0 f<r leas valuable but more complicated ones. It iai.ee.ll. », t. add that the howls and shrieks of the high pricssjOsnalDi-Marhioe detleit in retard to iuiunc'.ions on this »rela.st stid wholly withcKt f.uudation.

War soa, Wooster k Co.

(Advertisement Ileete is an adtertisement iu to-day's paper, on

the tiist page, which will interest many pertous to read.

[ Advertisement. TP». Foscate's Anodvnf. CoRDtai...An effec

r»»l Ten edy fur Diarrhea, Cholera Morbat, Flatuicut and Spasi. dk t sdS s, and a

Chocera Prevextive.Sn. ,-n.ful administiation ot this medicine for more tban halt

t tnry. n ttities the proprietor in eailing atteutiiu to Iti Ines-ii n'.'e value in the alive dlseaaet. K.>r particulara see ci/iular

i. oinpauyli g each butt.e Sold by Druüitts generally. Price|5 e#ata,B. PataATS Po.prlet >r.

.-. i r.d s Nt i rcaard, Agents. No. 388 Bowery, cor. 4th st

f Advertisement ]Smi \to«a Kmi ihe Spkino Water..It is gen¬

erally .. nsssJstt by all who have used toe Empire Water thatKM BMtnV al uset and ss a beverage, it i* the beit Mineral Water

Tlx Empire Water can be had at the Drag Mot**,Hoist*, and at our fcsstxwra Depot, OS Barrlsy-st., New York.a'.ao «besjJan gi>ing ibe a'islytit, din-cüont for nae, csrtiii-»tcsof a aombet etetwiaeal physi.-ians, he. Be sure sad call forthe Empire Water and circulars. ü. W. WEtTOX k Co.

I Advertisement |Ast A RF.MF.DV FOR DfttSLPHA AND INDII.ES-

tios. We think the Oxr..ENATI D BlTTI rj uoeqiialesl. The»are free fn m s'c he.!, and oontaln.judiciously cornbimsd withother hygienic SubstOHes.oxygen, the thief vital element.

f Adveithwmaat.JState ard National Law School, Pough-

kesipsie. New Yovt OwSSfc to train student, iu the legalach bce and pratttre, and in oxtempois tanaklng Neat TanaVegim oa 8th of *«w vmbet. Send for raialogus to

I. W. PowLosa, rrtattist.

MHuvKJjI'jW ITJMSLYri.roiv Frvrn i<. Wir r.MHflV/OTtr, A ship car¬

penter ntunad I-Brisg W. Omes, residing at No. 110KkuiIi Tblrd street, vu takm enk on \\ Inemiainight last and died ei.nilly after 1« o'clock M Sunday.He oros Stttaded by I>r. Wade, who, it is eta'ed, toljMi« petUeSi'l mother that ttie disease vu yelljw fever,but tb« r. rt'flre.u- set firtb that dei eased diedof1 bil-lot, r initi.ig fever."On SiadaV, Mr. Brown, of tlie firm of Tuttle A

Brown, loarirg the rumor that Dr. Wade bad pro-ueuno-d tLe case one of yellow fever, requested Dr.Brady to call and see the patient. He did «o about 1o'clr< k on Sunday afternoon and found that be hadjust expired. He found that the symptoms were red-01 ol taVfl body, hemorrhage of the gums and blackvomit, and proriounoed the case one of yellow (area,"In le.>s than four hours after death, tin undertakerreforod the body to Cypress Hi la C'onietery. TheHealth Officer hearing of the case, procured tin-as-eistni.ee of two colored men, and caused the bedding,matin *i and bis clothing to be burn d. Deceasedwas last employed at work repairing the bark Abra¬hams and the brig Sears of New-York, but from whatport they bad last sailed is not known. Quito a num¬ber of persona 1 ad visited the hick man, and if it wasreally yellow fever, the consequences may be veryacrioue.

BrooeLTS Common Council..At a meeting of theCommon Council lo.-t evening, a resolution was

adopted authorizing the Mayor to establish a dogpound in the city, and pay a reward of 50 cents forevery dog brought to the pound. A communicationwas pie^ented asking the Common Council to permitthe construction of a horse railway across Flushingavenue, for the purpose of aiding in the tillinj up ofthe Wallabout flats owned by the Government of theI'nited States. This place has long been complainedof as a nuisance, and is now about being filled up forthe purpose of constructing a marine barracks for theuse of the Government. By means of the railroad thework will be much expedited, and completedin a much less time than by ordinary means. Thepermission was granted by a vote of 17 to Iii. Thereport of the Committee on Police was presented, whenthe numlier of policemen for the City of Brooklyn was

designated at li>8 patrolmen, same as at present.

Pat Of Police..The Controller of Brooklyn hasdrawn his warrant for *30,im)(J, with which to pay thepolice the amoiint due Uiem since the *J3d of April.This warrant has been deposited in the Mechanics'Bar k. und it now awaits but the dratt of tho Treasurerof the Metropolitan Police to be given out to the policeforce. It is understood that the Deputy Superintend¬ent will commence to pay off to-day. The law re¬

quires that the inspectors of the various precincts shall

pay the men, but the inspectors not having givenbonds as required by law, the payment of the force willbe under the direction of the Deputy Superintendent.

The SoCTH Side Aeeair..We published abouttwo weeks since an account of an elopementon the "South Side,' of a married lady with a

young gentleman, in which the husband overtookthe absconding parties and meted out summarypunishment upon the young man with a bowie-kuifo,and if erward conveyed the injured party to his own

doinicil and called in medical aid, if possible, to pre¬serve bis life. The announcement caused a great sen¬

sation in the neighborhood where the scene was

enacted, and everybody was inquiring of everybody inhopes to obtain some clue as to who the guilty partieswere. This led to a great many surmises and muchscandal, and the result has been that a number of in¬trigues cot at all creditable to the character of some ofthe residents of that vicinity have come to light.Several of the Brooklyn and Nev-York papers havedenounced the affair as an absurd hoax, got up fromimagination, for the purpose of causing a sensation.A ntltahef of gentlemen who hove failed to ferret outthe matter, claim that there was no foundation for thereport, and that it was a malicious article. Our re¬

porter wishes to state that there was no malice in thearticle; and further, that the stabbing occurred as

stated at that time; that the young man was conveyedto the house of bis assailant, where he still remains,and that the wife was turned away, all of which can

be substantiated.

Ar legi n Rapk ny l CoLOBXD Man..A youngcolored fellow named Andrew Thomas was arrested on

Sunday evening, on a charge of attempting to commita rape upon a young girl named Smith, on some vacantlots corner of North Ninth and Second streets. Whilethe prisoner was being conveyed to the Station-Hou.se,an excited crowd gathered around and made strongthreats af executing summary punishment. Yesterdaythe prisoner was taken before Justice Clarry, whenthe testimony of the girl showed that herself and sis¬ter tauntingly called him a "nigger," for which he

caught hold of and pushed them with the intentionof frightening them. The prisoner was accordinglydischarged.Oihman Pic-Nii ..The German Turnvereins, to¬

gether with several German military companies of theEastern District, proceeded to Bowronville yesterdayon a grand pic nic.

Qtjväteri.t Report of the Depi tv Si'perjn-t».s int..The following report of the Deputy Su¬perintendent of Police, for the quarter ending June 3",was submitted to the Common Council last evening.By this it appears that the whole number of arrests,for felonies, misdemeanors, and other offenses, was ai

follows:Assault and batterr.33* Keepini disorderly houses.. 11Assault with intent to kill.. Ii 'Mörder. .*Attempt at burglary. S MahVods mischief. 18Abandonment. ft Mayhem.1liuiglarr. 24 Petit larceny.16>Bo ueb of peace. 4: Passing counterfeit money.. 3Di.orderly persons.1621 Perjury. 1Drunk sud duotdcily.J33j Psssing counterfeit bills.... 6Ptasrtlca. 11 Picking pockets. 3Eatsped pri.. uere. 3 Prostitution. 1En.be/zleinent. 1 Receiving stolen goods. 4Visbting. 5», Rape.4Kais, pretense*. 2. Riotous conduct. 4Potions driving. 6.Suspicious persons. 3

Su.picion of burglary. 4Suspicion of arson. ISuspiciou of larceny. 1s'u-nicion of counterfeiting. 3V iolation of ordinances)..... 8)Violation of excise lawa.... 21Vagrant}.100Total.2,0OS

Grand larceny. ISOross intoxication. 2Highway robbery. 6Habitual dtiicksids.JitIntoxikation....58*1Indecent exposure.


Ir.sei.ity. 29InsultiLg females. 2Interfering with officers.... 16

The number of arrests shows an increase of lil in

comparison with the previous quarter. During thesan e period, I,M persons were accommodated withlodgbgs at the different Station Houses, -'11 lost chil¬dren were returned to their parents by the police, andfl,n?'.' 10 was taken from prisoners and returned to

them: '-ol days were lost by members of the depart¬ment by reason of sickness and disability, being au

average loss of three men jser day. Complaints were

ptl '. eel against eight members of police, which, uponii v. ,.t .'«t on, resulted in the dismissal of three, sus-

pei i ion of one for 11 days, of one for two days, of one

18 days, one for six days, and one was restored to

duty, 1 be number ofpolicemen detailed is It, of whichtwo are at the Mayor's office, two at the Dcputy-Su-perintetidt-Lt's office, teven on tbo Courts, two at

Hark Inspe. tore, and six as Health Wardens. Thecommunication was placed on file.

TaK GoWAaTI FiRk.-The loss by this tire will notexcetd$lU,000, and is covered by insurance. The lossil as follows:

Car house. a vo .siSheds, ettices, Lc. 1 soo anFnalk house attached tu the grounds. 3 hi bsfeed bouse. 2"o 00f .d in the .a:i>. BOA Or)

sjixty fciii born-. 8,JH 44

Tote!.as.arr 44

The property was insured for $18,000 in the Pheenix,Humboldt, Montauk. Falten, Attas, of Hartford, andthe Hartford Insurance Companies, each $3,000.

811pp.öl n Homicide..Coroner Redding was calledfaaterday to teStdaasaquatt oa the body of asasaia

Columbia »trest, mar llandtun as *uuo. From etr

rumstanre« that h*vn tran«*>repd v* iMs supposedit nt bo met Ui «tra'-i by violence. totJM ail 9t seven

fcyotTSjP, lie had . fight with hit step-ion. and was

.truck on the head with a brick. It was. supposed thatthis How was the cause of his death. A post mortemexamination aas erdered, aad the inpiest will be) held

i, - nirig.

KiLTrp 11 Fii mho mo* ?. T"T1 Contest Snailheld an imiur-t yesterday upon the body of George\\i. Hubbaid, sixteen years of age, who resided withh;i mother at No, Ml Rems, n -tre-et. I)e «ea-ed fellfrom a pear tree on Saturday. He was taken homeiniensille ar.d died on Sunday night. Tbe physn inn

was of the opicion that there was internal rupture ofthe spinal marrow at.-ing paralysis.

Fatal Alaii*«..There was a false alarm of tireyesterday in the Kastern DiUrirt at II o'clock a.

and another in tbe afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Map Docs Kit.t rr» at Flcsminc.Several dogs,supposed to be mad, were killed in the village ofFlushing last week, and Tie Fluthing Jettmal saysthat a valuable ox belonging to Mr. William Anderson,of Little Neck, L. L, died of ttnmi-takable hydropho¬bia a few days since._Drowned..A man named John Johnson, while

b ithing at Ited Hook Point, was drowned by beingcancht with a cramp. He was a waiter at the Man¬sion House. His body wa* recovered.

NEW-JERSEY ITEMS.Trial Trit of the John S. Dmc r..Yesterday at

2 o'clock p. m., the new ferry-boat John S Darey wenton her trial trip down the bay nearly tj Sandy Hook,and up tbe Hudson River a short di»tince, with about400 guests on beard. Among them were prominentcitizeis of Jersey City, Newark, Elizabeth. Kahwayand New-Brunswick, mostly pcr»onal friends of Mr.John S. Darcy, tbo Preaident of the New-Jersey Kail-road Company, in honor of whom the fciTy-boat was

named.A bountiful table was get on board, at which the

company were seated soon after thu boat started. TheHon. John 8. Darcy presided. Speeches were made

by Messrs. Darcy, D. S. Gregory, John P. Jackson,Dr. Goble, (Jen. K. It. V. Wright, Mr. Duryea, PeterBentley and others. Tori's Band, of Williamsburgh,discoursed excellent music during the excursion; andtbe occasion was one of much social enjoyment.The John S. Darcy is 190 feet in length, ii feet beam

under the guards, oil feet over the guards, and I3J feetdeep; she is 706 tuns burden, carjsenter's measure¬

ment. She is four feet longer than tbe boats I). S.Gregory and the Coldcn, which, up to the con¬

struction of this boat, w ere the largest ferry boats run-

r ing on any New-York ferry. The Darcy wss built

bj D. Burtis of Hod Hook, and the joiner work was

done by John It. Terry of Hobokcn. The upholsterywork was done by K. It. Karle It Co., Jersey City.Tbe engine was built by Reed A Birkbeck of JerseyCity. It is of 400 horse power, 42 itch cylinder and11 feet stroke. The boiler is 28 feet long and 9 feet indiameter. This is the largest engine iu use in any ofthe ferry boats. The Darcy will at once commence

duty.A Runaway Horse a.m> Loss ok Monet..Late

on Friday evtuiug last Mr. Taos. Kahl, a grocer andbutcher, doiDg business in Newark, came to the Jer¬sey City Ferry on hie way to New-York to purchasesupplies. He had been accustomed for several yearsto make these evening trips to New-Yoik, and as hehad been several times rtopped on the road by high¬waymen, he had latterly iHken the precaution of con¬

cealing his money somewhere about the wagon fsateadof carrying it upon his person. I'pon this occasiou hispocket-book, containing MIO. was deposited tot safetyin tbe bottom of a half bushel measure which was

nearly fjlltd with oats deaigned as a lunch for bishorse. Upon arriving at the ferry Mr. Field got downfiom bis wagon, and went a short distance away to

get near a gas light, for the purpose of rinding a ferryticket, whicb was hidden among other cards and pa¬pers in bis psscket. While thus engaged, the horsesuddenly turned about and started for home at a rapidpace. Mr. Field gave chase, but was unable to over¬

take him, and spent the remainder of the night iu a

fruitless seaith lor the horse and wagon. Ou S itur-

day momiiiL', however, be fbuad his wagon in front oftbe Court-House at Hudson City, but the horsu was

not with it, and ha not since been heard of. Themoney was gone from the half bushel measure, and so

were the most of the oats. It is supposed that thebor-e and wagon was stopped by thieves, who paidthemselves by appropriating the money and tbe animalto their own u«e.

Election or OrTlCKSS or the finand LonoEI. O. Of O. F..The election of oAoorS of the GrandLodge of the State of New-Jersey, which was held iutbe lodges throughout the State on the 1 Ith inst., re¬

sulted as follows:Grand Matter.D< B. Wbi'aker, of Cumberland.1' p 'y Orrnnti Matter.Augustus W. Bell, of

Morris.Orsted Secretary Joho H. Phillips, of Mercer.(irand Treatnitr Boocarfck M. Smith, of Mercer.Ilrprtttnttitir? to Grand Itdgf tf United State*.

George W. Cassedy, ot Jersey City.For Grand Warden no choice was effected, and tbe

election of this ofticer will be made by the (IrandLodge, which meets at Trenton on the 5th of August.Military Encampment..The National Guard of

lloboken, ( apt. fi. Van Houten, left yesterday morn¬

ing for Hackensack, where they are to have a threedays'encampment. To day is to be a gala day withthem, und mainly devoted to the reception and enter¬tainment of their friends. A numerous delegationfrom the other military companies of the county, andofeflicers fiom other sections of the State, are ex¬

pected to be upon the ground, and a good time is an¬

ticipated.Pit sic.The Sunday Schools attached to the M. K.

Churches of Hudson City und Bergen go on a picuicexcursion this morning, by the 7 o'clock train of theNew-Jersey Railroad, to Morris Grove Lear Itahway.retuining at b{ p. m.


CEEDINUS BEFORE THE REFEREE.At I o clock yesterday the testimony was resumed

before Mr. Hilton, the referee appointed by Judge In-

graham to inquire into the facts connected with the

alleged contempt of Mr. Conover, in violating the in¬

junction itsued by Judge Ingraham.Daniel McGinn, a contractor residing at No. 123

Gieeuwicb avenue, saw Mr. Brady hand papers to Mr.Conover, and heard him announce that ho had servedan injunction on Mr. Conover, immediately upon JudgePeabody s signing the warrant, did not notice whobad the warrant; he saw Mr. Brewer in Court that

day, but cannot say be saw him about the time of the

signing of the wairants; witness was uot a coul.Sv'torunder Mr. Devlin.

Patrick Devlin, who teetified that he was not in anymanner related to Charles Devlin, stated the samefacts as to tbe signing of the warrants, and immediate¬ly after the serving of the injunction on the Coroneratd announcement of the fact by Mr. Brady; at that

time, the witness swears, Mr. Brewer was inside the

railing in the Court room and Fanington was out¬side; he did not see either go out; after the service ofIhe injunction on Conoyer, witness saw Brewer atoopdown and whisper to Conover; Mr. Dudley Field was

st tbat moment.sjieaking to the Judgs, on the subject of'he irjunction;* witness is a carpenter, and testifiedthat previous to May I he had woiked for CharlesDevBl pa his own private property; he ceased workwhen Devlin was appoint- «1 S'reet Commissioner; hebad already made an affidavit in this mutter; Devlin

got him to make it; witness nex' saw Brewer after he

saw bim whispering to Conover at the Hallof Records,with hie books in hia hundi; he did not know

Fanington when he first aaw him standing outside'therailing: be heard two men beside him saying, thereatsnds th* constable; this was before the aerviag of the

Injunction hy Mr. Brady; he next saw J-arnngtonat the Hall of Records; he was posi'ive that when

Jndge Peabody ,igned the warrant Mr. Brewer was

seated tear Mr. Noyes in front of the Juo>, and notin tbe west side of the building to the left of the Judge,he thinks that Judge Peabody had signed the war¬

rant and laid it down-that Mr Bertholf took it, handedit to Mr. Field before Mr. Brady rose to aerre the ia-

junction; he did not obseire what Mr. field didwith the warrant. ... v

Eugene Hsgsn, aa ex-policemea, .f««"'»« »«.

100 Greene street, saw Mr. Brsdy band the paper to

Conover, and heard him announce that he had served

tbe injunction; at thnt time Mr. Brewer sat in therear ot Messrs. Field and Noyes.Tbe inquiry was then adiecresd natu t>-dey at 3


TJU CAM Of- TB! FANCHITACfH'RT Of COMMOW.fLKAl tfBcui Trsw-J ,ly fr-

ttrfft Ji.d#" I" .»»r, .V.


Jets P. Wc it rft CtH. D J. Odeeaine an I o l ers

Tlii- wan an application mane on behalf of the de-fendsnls to tie discharged from the order of arrest

gm ted eome dav« since, by which they were held tobail in the sum of $1.0,000 to answer in a civil suit fordamages. Ac, done the owners of the brig Fanchita.It will be remembered that Lieut. Odevaine was putin command of the l'nn< hi'a, on the coast of Africa,by Capt. Mote-ley of the British sloop-of war Sapplm.nud ordeied to take berfotht tsort of: New-York, on

the ground that she was a slaver. A!.er her arrivalthe Brit -!. oflcetl were arresti.l as above set forth.Mr. F.dwa: d> read the following affidavits OS) behalf

of the applicationMir r. OMTAIM'f aFFiria v it.

Cttv. Count'/ Wmi Stute at Stir York. «,..CharlesI). J. () levaice, Lieutenant m her Kritatinic Majesty'sNaval Service, being sworn, maketh oath, and aaitb:That be has been in euch naval service for upward ofBBSS years; that he has been in such service activelyon the coast of Africa, and was so there in tko monthof May last post, belonging, It fact, to the Commo¬dore's ship Scourge, Commodore John Adams, al¬though depot.ent happened, at the tune of the circuui-Stances embinc d by this deposition, to be temporarilyemployed on board If. B. M.'s ebip Sappho, CaptainFairfax Moresby, off I'outa de Lenha, at the mouth ofthe river Congo.That this deponent never lud anything to do with

the seizirg of the American baik Fanchita, the same

having taken place, as deponent afterward under-stood, 30 miles up the said river Congo; that alteraba wa- so seized, as bs baa understood, although bebad nothing BO do w.th it, either directly or indirectly,she came or was brought down and ancboretl oil' themonth of the Cctigeo, about M0 yards from the Sap¬pho: up to this 'ime the deponent bad never, to thebest of bis knowledge and belief, seen the said Fan¬chita.That deponent then whs given to understand that

she bad been OTtJ hauled by the said Captain Mores¬by, who, fiom the suspicious circumstance* abouther, deemed uich e.verhauiing necessary ou the beliefthat she was engaged in the slave trade; that as

depenert understands and believ es, this was done notonly from such ein um.- tanccs, but from the fact of atotal absence of anything like an American navalauthority or vessel. And this deponent says thatalth< ugh he has beet, in the said Commodore's .-.hip forabout twelve months, cruising on the coast of Attica,he never met with or saw an American vessol of war,nor its ring.Also this deponent was informed and believes, that

on account ot such overhauling, and while she, theI'anthita was so up the Congo, her captain, V. It Klad¬den, refused all control and command of her, and thatabout the same time, and while so up the Biver Congo,one A. C. Im Mesquita came on board while the saiaCaptain Mcresby was on board, and claimed the saidbark Fntchita, with any articles there might havebeen on board, as his property hut deponent says thiswas before be, depot eat, ever saw her;. Also, depo-tent has undetstood and believes that the said A. C.De Mesipiita came out in Lor on her vnyage from N'ew-i oik, aud bad chartered the whole of ber for a voyageform the port of New-York, and that the whole of thelaid vessel waa chartered to and under the sole ordersof the said A. C. I»e Mc-quita at the time herein re¬

ferred to; this deponent gathering these facts from thesaid Capt F. 15. .Sladdeu.And this deponent says that after the circumstances

betöre detailed as to the overhauling of the said Pan-chifa, nnd said Captain's refusing further to woik thevessel, and abandoning all control and command ofber, and when she bad so come down the Congo aadwus anchored, this dc|sunent, was ordered by his corn-

mandiig officer, Capt. Moresby, to go ou board of herand take her safely to the port of Sen-York, receiv¬ing particular written instruction) to that effect, a copy11 which institu tions an- hereto annexed, as well as ofthe decuments-referred to therein, and all the samean- maikeil schedule A.Atd this deponent says that under these orders and

to others, anu with no prior action or conduct ou thepart of this deponent, did he go on board the said ves¬

sel the Fanchita; and be hai the charge of her withthe sole view of giv ing her up to the first Americanvessel-of-war be .-tould come across, and, failing inthat (which he did fail in), bring her with best sif.-tyand catc to the jiort of New-Yoik, which lie accom¬

plished ou the 7th day of July last., her said captainiSladdcL), mate (llcdgej, and the crew found in ber on

the coast of Africa also ci'ining in her (saving one man

who escaped from her while up the Uiver Congo).That, as to this crew, they were evidently not Ameri¬cans.unable- almost i-ntin ly to speak the P.ngli»b lan¬guage, and not able to answer to the names of crewen the ciew list win n mustered in the port of .New-York on deponent's arrival here; that the mate

Hodge), who was English, stated during the vteysgehe had served in a British man-of-war, ami boasted ofhav ii g bod bis " four dozen.''

'I bat on deponent's said anival in the port of New-Yoik in charge of the a..id Fanchita. he obeyed tbe>aid orders, (embtacad in schedule A,) and the I'nit.-.I.States Marshal for tbe Sou heiu Dkwnotof New-Yiwk,took possession of ber on the seventh day of July,instant; and on the eighth day of the same July shevves libeled iti the I'nited States Court for the SouthernDistrict of VoV-York, tiy lbs District Attorney, JohnMi Kton, esq., but not mi any complaint or depositioni f cl» potent, or of any other Ilr.tish offlosr; and depon¬ent has Li.d. ist. id and believes she is still under libel.That depot cut has hereinbefore detailed all that de¬

ponent has bad to do with the said Fanchita; and hosays that BOBS of her cargo (whatever it may be) hasbeen touched or overhauled by hioi, nur her furniture,ringing or apparel destroyed, injured or mode awaywith, but she went into the said Marshal's bands pre¬cisely as she we;; when he took charge of her aa afore¬said, (ordinary wear and tear oidy excepted.)

Also, be says be was obliged to obe; the orders ofhis superior i flicer, and thereunder to take charge ofher, the said Fanchita, aud that if be bad not done so,1 e would, of OCsBTSO, have been subject to court niar-

tial, and to have been broke as an officer.And this deponent sava that on the Hah day of July,

instant, he was arrested as a defendant in this action,and held to bail in tbe sum of $10,000; that he never

before was in the United States of America, arrivinghere a peiftct strang«r, having neither relatives nor

connections here, and being without any amount ofmoniy er pecuniary meaus, saving any U'tle paywhich may be due to him as a lieutenant; that if theactirg British Consul, Joseph Fowler, esq., audChartas Ec*wards, counselor-at-law (both strangers to

deponent ), had not steppe d forward and aulrleientlysatisfied the- Sheriff, thie deinment must have beenki pt in close custody in a prison.And this ilepouent saya, that aa be baa understood

fn m bis coin sei nnd believes, an application wouldhave been made before now to discharge or lower bailbe: ein if a copy of tbe charter party to said Mesquitabad been furnished, the same having been applied foron tbe I'll day of July instant; and deponent bat un-

deistood that the same is said to be mislaid, or from

having been used when tbe said bark Fanchita was

formetly libeled (prior to In-r last voyage), cannotreadily oe found, so that deponent has to make appli-eatie n to the Court in the absence of such charter

this iVpoi-.-nt says, as he has understood andbelieves, that while the said bark Fanchita was on thecoast of Africa a correspondence was had between A.C. I'e Mesquita and F. B. Sladden; that such corres¬

pondence has appeared in the New-York newspapers,and deponent bas rtaaon to believe the same has been

inserted through the Instrumentality, wish or approvalof the plaintiff; and the deponent has, in Sdudn/e IS,hereto annexed, set forth such correspondence.And this deponent says that the officers of the I'nited

Staus vesse!-of-wnr North Carolina, nowiu the harborOf the port of New-York, have kindly and in thehandsomest mannt r invited deponent to mess withthem, which he is temporarily doing, but it is absolutelynecessiry that he should know precisely what, underall tbe e ircumstances of this case, mu«t be his presentpcirounl MabtMtS, and to what extent he ufust bepersonally ctereed and kept from his duties in a foreigncountry, under the circumstances aforesaid.And tbi< deponent has understood and believes that

tbe plaintiff herein, beside claiming damages of this

decent to tbe amount of $15 0(H) fa this action, hasdemsnded redress of the llntieu Government, throughtbe Secretary of Stato at the seat of governaient at

Washington.Also, Ibis deponent says that he has read tha afli la-

vit if actirg Assistant-Surgeon Arthur I. Irsland.hereto annexed, and tbe contents thereof are true to

the ktowledge of this dcponeuLAnd this deponent likewise says be had no pecuniary

itierest in, or benefit, or claim, or right oi reward,arisirg from his havieg been put in sharge of the aaidvessel Pencbita; nor it he entitled to any particularpay er extra pay therefor; nor does he get any benefitthereby, directly or indirectly, present or future.

And'this depotient further says he bas not at pres¬ent pat in his answer to this action, nor has bailjustified. j

C O. J. ODKVAIttE. Lieutenant R. N.siwrin at the City of New-Ynrk, tn- .'..! dsy of July. 1*»7,

beforeme, DAit'L SKlXAM, Co«, of Deed.Scheoclc A-Cast. BToatlBV*! MsTnucTioss.

H It. Sloos Sirrao, River ti.u.o, M»y 15, 1tST.

.Vf.» v It Is my directions thet you proceed with th. Aasen

ceu berk P»n. hlt» to New York, nsini sit dispel, h.Bein« et New-York, you tse t.. lo«e do time in dtli»en«t «».

Pscchite overto the Ami ricin eathoritir«; iod>*<l. fm Beaos

teke rare end rSSSBSa tu Um first lioverumeat BMSPOSSMlooyotjj vfUhtogite tarne temporary rkarte W*~VInrn sted to you, ripreesin. (either by UttÄSSJfÄS»three yoor ordere) to the authority » rr<^vU^b« rwa«f,o«i iou that you ere dUtincllr forbidden to retain ««f»» .«

k j eew aeetaent after »aia| in tbe steeeore of ea aaeecican eu

Om j laths mmI , ¦ f-,,..!.. |: my duty to ,afi .. wr i mi ... , . ,|wt»wlttfJ»» Hrl-iib

r.. if . ..u .;i y f K- * .. ... wio lart* svtt». gird! . rrjor.r. d r ... of .r-f.ndrWT anl t«-»

MeeaMj r Tit paw*.ojarctocc*.crtiiir*s.;-*if;» tha ,r»d,e«t ...,E1 cf r<m.

! »' ' -'i .. c »»'!>.'' Brit^hpnrlor vraeeiof w*r attached fo bsi it.' M -,k t ran t., m -t It i arl..i tDd aubscq lent price, d.ogi »o the rmmmnoirr lr tnef orrnlcr r.tfU ffi er. N.utb Aaeriran aad ¦


I nerd Kirrlt ii.form paw that rvrrv rnurrety I. f» ha aha.,to all AmiIi*u i tho*t»*** or athm d.risg roar May la tkaWni i try.

Y. u tr. to take ptrtlrnltr rrerau'lor that. ? bring b»pt iadue .obr.reinatioi,. the am t of .oar ¦arty »III b* «uaaa»¦I 1 .-. in i.n..Ui.. ri u,o taw-al complaint to the Aruararea G«vrrnn<«i.t.V u m to give the Arr.rrao .. thorltlei if rrourrj. tb*-

t.a.lh wlio u I (..r-o-li , . r-;»iir« to rav rrwmi f.-r'.»'" '::* * . f th» o.t ol ta»»wo«»

" r-T bo.d at wehst the t.-,,,,..«ie o: nrr meat-ring of th*rew.Tb«. officer, ar | «-r-w ,.f 'h- Pi .-ritt a-e to be treated wHfc

til respect tad eon. deration ia* a| tke tirae }oa are ia 'oniporary rb-u«e. .. wi'n i.o -¦ il-i ,i.>n. ['any , j axerpt foe thaitfitj aftat hut, jmi .. .laid j..my.


Tb. depot.n er», o'y. r party - t* la til reipecttthl tea****t if on br ard try of I er M.jcty'a ah pi of war.You tr. to t lie tat e«r!'e»t opportunity of romawniratiag ta>

netIS your movement, ard Be*a ..fthe Panchl-a. and anyn at'-r you coctider worthy of notice, keeping a loa of yoat profeeding*.

Vo-. are to re-member that *h» grastest rare Ii to be takta oCthe abip ted cv.-rythit g belonging to htr. to that ab« may batl-.tr.ded oret ia every re .pect at near aa p-aukis at ia her praa-OBt po.1.1. i.. Yr.. w ill te victualed for three montba, and wtttt« g IfleU ly tbe r.op> oi tbe Adn iraltv io.tructlon. hrrwia ia-"laaaa. kairkax Mor.tciRr,

t'i.rr mai.der ii M .loop S.ppa*.Kit klajttTV't Si r Sar, mo t

o ., ...Rivaa Coxoo, May IÄ i»t7. f

Mia: I l av.- »l,e b.ir.nr to Inform you that on the 9»h luataat f.ed'-d with the piiii,Hr, aud . g of thia p . f. ..ta Jrt

ks i. r .he p. rp. cf . ta.-. i.t the Amer'cau bark Pan-cl.'ta. Oft u.y way to which taaaa) I Bart tbe matter, t» whoa*1 no.... d a with to luiiiterbia .raw. «ud no objecttoa Iii td>'. iu roirptuy with him i po e.-ded, brat to a Pi rtug_factor.- 0 «höre, wt-en-three ..f hit crow kn ,lck; having aaaaiLeni I went.«tili a i-orapauied bv the matter of tbe Panrhrlaurd a Mr. Rirknby. agrut tor .¦.«!. .. v Co., at wellat by Mr Kreil» ri. k WelJa, matter of her Maje.ty'a aloop undrrDiy . od ii..n<i...n braid ot the Pan. hila. wh< re, oc eunticuiaagthe rm:ster, I fnand 'he <-rew>liit incorrert, a< veral of I... uataal Ml g l ie to .Dauer tbe name, ata'ed to belong to the* omthe mi.at. r li.t. tbe D.aiter appeariug to krow hi. own eraar. Ithen aakrd Peniegiion to 1". k into the h. Ida, the gutter tw-fu rd. thr.rgh hiring previonily ttat.d ia the prrmltrt nf fcfr.Rirkabv that he bid lo o|.;r<:ti.tti to nv locking provided thati .'Id r.>t go dew:,. Th<. lr. uoiitaor. a c, nlirming tha ogdtaaatIbtt I had already received of the PancjiU being eagaged aatilt gal traffic of tla\e«. nie t.i Inform the atat'-r taat Itonrd. -t d it u > dutv to detain I 'n with a view to give bioaover to .hi-firat American n an ol war 1 >.. u'A meet; »a wtdrMttit u.aar.-r thi<w up all i.i.th.. eba.gr of tbe vettel, laforaataa;me tbiit be did r ot know m In f Ma. ii. hi. bold, and 'tying hau iah< d to have a rrert liat taken, whvh. on the I Ith, «wd> c (Ifta, S..i ay, t.'io i mij), when we f.-inf. «a by thatc. n p.nyiog i. count.TLev-at ,|iianr<>\ of frch witer ttill further .rr Sora'tntr

my (nil. loa*, I tat* ttkeu upon mv.ell the great re.pontibilityol »cerfii'i the ai d Pti rliitt to New-York for the deciatoo Otthe Lnited Statei antliorit'ea.Tint i i'o in perfect knowledge of the importtoce of the ttarffi

i take. Inetted thereto hy the or fbrtontte ftct of tbe total atVteiice i f tnytbirg like tn American naval authority, vrd that ha..¦!.] pea, tbe PanchitVa deleutiou a>ay be prolouged to

an ird< finite pertrd tod further, by the firm couv Irtion that, UTt»dj( ttept be n«t ttkeo, tb- re ia notb'r.g whatever to pr*\ oatUt* AaMfteM t!e« ftoat ttaevtoaha* any rrwel, openly, in thateyet of tbe woild. equipping and trading with alave. u> anypart of tbe African roaat, rendeiiug uot onlv tbe treaty b*tw*«aDnat britaii ard the i'nited Mat. t a dead letter, but mahiactlt atlef treatiet with whtU-ver uatlou. jutt tha value of tobm watt.- paper.

i b*ti train heaitily deplore th tliig'ilar abtonee of at] Amer¬ican uavtl MM), wbn h httthrowc ou my aboulder. thia oner-oua duty, alnu at more thau their .bare and truat. und»! tbe elr-sa*MMae**a i may look r ya>af approval and aupp»rt is mov¬

ing my Lord. Cooinii..'oi. r. of the Admiralty to .-. unteuaacattLe atrpt i have taken m.lely with the view to preveot thau bolt aale preamire of the r.erariou. traffic i am here to pat aagoVJ to. by e\i ry mean, iu mv power.Tkc Panrbita, requiiinj aeuie ballttt and 11rifling refitMm

ol to. ml to a de.ree b*u*a*l in an Am«rlean merchant Trawl,,v. ill not .tart till on or abo. r the 3th in... 1 am, Sir, your ob*»dieut tervanr, KM It TAX MORK.sby, Comotaodrr.


We, the undfreigued. with the captain of the Ameri.'aa harkPau. bit., aud at hia own requ»,t. hive taken a atrict and rarefntaaa. aal "fall the good, contained Iii the hold of tbe t*id bark,and Hi d at luilowt, tlai

Butter, lu rt-k.t? t»*.Hum, in ra.k..1" in No.Water rntk. rontalairg .alt water. 3 lu N*.Water < rakt cotit.iniiig fretb water.?) ¦ No.U tter it.kt.. »vi t brackiah wtter.24 in No.Kmptv wafer ct-k». 1* iu No.Salt beef. In caikt. 9 in No.(inm. lu bagt.39 in No.Bread, In caiki.Ml" No.Mackerel, in hull barrel... tin No.{'racked curn, in bain-it. U in No.

Vinegar. j gallon*.M- :.a Id barrel.t. { ia No.Salt, in ban.1. I In No.Klce in banel.. It in No.

Oiveu uuder our hauda, ou boa d the Pancbita. Ith Map«18iT. JAMKS BÜYD,

Cap»aln of Y.ngH.h brig Diuiitleat,A. Itfrtrf for ('it inrnaiider M jo-.by.

.1. P D. RICKaby,Ag.-nt for R. Brorkhoute, r.q.. Itlem, Mat* .

At ref. ree for Capt. Sltddeu.i hereby certify thia to br a true c,.py.

Ftrii'K. Wells, Maater of H. M. abip SapphsvWe hi rel y rertifv thia to be a true aud correct a. eo iut.

K*l»i ax MoKKJtv. C. inruandir of H. M. .hip f"Ik p k ki. ItMtPaaa, Maalrr ot l'»i.-.m.a.

MPticara.This ia to rertifv tbtt i detained tbe An n. au btrk l'«iirbltaVn iii.plciou of being < mated In the t, .> tiade. and, in thai abcm c i.f iny Ann rictn nnnf»ar, to whom r.-frr.-u. e might batnude, linve tent hei to New-York for the dt citiou of the United]Ettals1«..uthorities.OlvtB ou :'. H. M. .bin' Sappho, thif IM day of May,

irV7. h A l.h A X MORKSIIY. (' mmaudat,K. r M»j- at)', .hip Sappta.

aaitiaanThia Itt* lertify that we. the undersigned, werapieieut during;

tha than thai t'tpt. Mamas wat atwatatnaj the crew ofta«AItfitt* b.rk Ptnchitt (w'th the ...... n- of the «r>- n n i, on th.,ften <>< ti *fta* tab httt., .ml thai rhe «.-» Hat w.« uot fouadl

'.. k* c*ffact. A:.-., that ice of the uien could not answer tnohrr an:e. w l.cu culled.Liven under our handt on board the Pac hita, the 11th of

Mav, 13c7.PBEDEKICK WKLI.S Maater M M. .hip Sappho-.J. f. II. RlL'KABY Merchant at Poutt It l.-uha.


Ma. CtPTAIS ItaaaWS' The Vi-.«el now being ready, and a*I have concluded my affair, in thia river for the momrut I wltfe,iu t> rordauce with rny ch-rter party, to cooliuue my buaiiuon the ccaat: consequently, I wiab you to writ*» L. I the veiael » ill I e lead) to .ail.

A. C. DEMESQL'ITA.K. B. SLsnnca, l aptalu bark PancbiU:Tbi. tvenlug I ttart iu the r*ttagasst ti li<h.ner Rival for tba*

Hi rtl.i in poita, to '¦ tbe pun base of your cargo, whisk-will oDai.t of d)ewoodt. oj.per, gum aud oil. To-morrow yowW ill proci ed with tbe Lark under v..mi coinintnd to Cubeuda.Ou l> ard the bark you hive tnfjTi i< i.'ruiu U> purcbaaa fromtwenty to iHenty-tive pipea ptloi "it, tl alao tome gum copal,and tor which i hire already informed you i-ape.viing th s

rnrtturei tud pricet tt which theae g.h.dt ihoold be pun-hated.I Ibinh bat iu forty or fifty dtyt the bafk will b<t tutirrlfI. idol end ready to tail Ca.1 New-York. As Baa* at I obtaiafifty tuna of xood I will advi.e you that you oiajcome to Lotngo, in order to r***tV* at> I Uaat that yoa mmfit-lr.g bitter, tl tliu your crew. In etie you ihould refuirwmere negroc* for tbe wrtlSt of tb.- > en. you btve but to uktb. di of Mr. Strruel pnnce of Cib. udt, to whom by tbi. oppot-i:. ri J write r*SM*aaw nd'ng that he should do everything mmnn to be ii- to y.'u iu tu)thing you mty r quire. Iba/«nothing furtbi r to add, confiding In your stai and activity iaeverything that couiet uudrr tour cbtrgr. I am, ML yuagmm do it servant, A C. DK M KSUI.iTA.

AsiaaiCAl Baak Psnchita, IPoaTO ok l.i .so e May 9, 1S9T. f

A. C. Mr'fQOTTA:.Sir: Yourt of Ihii data cam* .m boardat'. a on. to which I beg to iuforui you that 1 aha., attend)ttilctly to vour iLjULctinut with regard to the purrhtte or traffiaof u ) O.-ueward carto. I hive only further to .Ute, tbtt tb«Tim hita will be ready for aet and proceed to Catenda to *aor-

row mrrnu ii (lOtb). The piovi.ion. are ttowrd and btllaat oatboird, remaining »*ly for you to tttend to pUc« on b..art .laCabenda Den to-niifbt, my en w. it you ara awtra, being uaitt« woik, having the Afticab leter. I aui, ynnrt,V. B. ILADDFW.

Poaro or [tSBBA, May IS, ISST.A. C. MfsQl-ita, e«q..Sir: You will obietvt by t!>* charter

party b< twten *<m**a ind k B. Slidden (reif), of tbe Patv-M-fa, that a atipulatrd an. I. to be paid to me fn drafts OB thatUniied Stat-t every two moutba to date. I hav* uot reeelvaataty ainee Deceiiibc'r 26, IVsS. I bet you will now fulfil! yourtgreement before tbe Pancbita aafl. for Naw-York, to wbirtt

part she is now going to proceed. Your..^ g m^AJMßmPobto ut. Lb*hs. May I«, ISST.

Ctttiin T. B. iLsnntk, Baik Ptucbita:. . ¦. a-J.four ftvoi to-day Ins been duly received and contents known.

I btve .old, «. you well know, but liltls Ot the cargo brought kf>'be l.aik incoiiteq. rnce tt tbe setKiueti vf pala oilia taktfmtim«yt*r Nobody will pun-baaa good, for mouay bat la 9%-

rl.it ge of nitn<-aiK-dr. Tbu la one of tha reatont why It ba*e«n .o niffrult for rr e to raiae money to pay lb* enormoas .*-

I entea D .de with the nark in cmieriueuce of ber dimaged caa-

ttia ii on ber trrfval to tbi. port. Tbe rargo arrived brro ia aastohdition the nun iery short, aud the tie*, eodtiih and breadII .Unused, n t. count of fbt ir leng ttay ia New-York, lac .-< ye ric-e of ill tbete miifoituoes, it will be tmpostibl* tor

u.e to pay you now tot tbe time the bark bat batn tt my sar-

\ Ire ; but tt icon tt i arrive at New York, which will ba by tba*

,rt,'minL?Jy:«.r^f,,OB-A. C. OK ME8UCITA.M KG I on irrl tSOS APflDAtlT.

City, County and Statr of Sew-York tt..ArtkaTJ. Ireland, beibg ?worn, oiaketb oith and saith tasst

btj is nn Asaiataat Sorg»on in her Brliannici as-*! seiviee: ibat lie was attaebed to sm Brttaaw\ i asel of war Sappho, at th* enart of Anie*. »» star

last, she Iben lying of Shaik'.s P.-ot, .n*ar 1 out* dst

U»Va, t|,.t ifjMll »va* ordei.d to m» on bomrd o(

IBS iMSJ I *nebUa,at the l^^SMffiv.ine "as put in charge ofefli<;a>il h. reto annexet». and srklaft H"*'?.**.stfica\ii :i« rero uawaasi. «"«

. r, -_j

read; Ibat deponent wasE^U*.y, and cam* batook no comm

charge of Ler at any nee; imm ht did not av

thf"£aid I'an< bifa until after she bad been over

ply in b.s professional capacity a* *ur«c«on, aasi mm

fays be was N on bs«trd only, and cam* in her tovi- v.rb i., that caoacity, and took no command or";.o?k^^ * SCJ3axd Ler msster had abandoned his command of her.asHelaii'ed iu Lieutenant Odevaine s aaid afBdavst;and'be ray. that the contents of such affidavit am

"me And tbie dejtoaent Kaya Uiat after th* said Psn>-1 ta was taken in < harne by the United States Mar*

rhal and libeled by the United State* District Attor-r.-v aodontbo ICth day of July Instant, this dVasvner.t wa* arreated and held to bail by the SherilT af

New-York in this action in the sum of f 13,000: thatthis deposent is so ntter stranger in th* Cnitad Btttaaof Armrica, Wing without pecuniary Saasas, Ma

known, and, had :t not been for tbe ftritish t'ttsantaad the etandicg oounat I of the CoaawrJata in Haw-

Tot k, this depoaont woa!d havs baoa at Bus nmmprison under »ttch bis s-rast in the sum of fU,«««.