प्रदtश - NNRFC · 2018. 12. 4. · प्रस्िnतिकx ुYिtखा •\oत]का •अध्^न तितर् •प्राकpतिक स्रxि

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Page 1: प्रदtश - NNRFC · 2018. 12. 4. · प्रस्िnतिकx ुYिtखा •\oत]का •अध्^न तितर् •प्राकpतिक स्रxि
Page 2: प्रदtश - NNRFC · 2018. 12. 4. · प्रस्िnतिकx ुYिtखा •\oत]का •अध्^न तितर् •प्राकpतिक स्रxि

प्राकृतिक स्रोिको परिचालनबाट प्राप्त लाभको अन्ििसिकािी (प्रदेश

िथा स्थानीय सिकािहरुका बीच) तहस्सा तनर्ाािणको तनतति

परिमाणात्मक ि मापनयोग्य सूचकहरुको तिकास

संिक्षण तिकास फाउन्डेशन (CODEFUND), काठमाण्डौ, नेपाल

२०७५ मंसीि

िातरिय प्राकृतिक स्रोि िथा तित्त आयोग (NNRFC)

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प्रस्िुतिको रुपिेखा

• भूतमका

• अध्ययन तितर्

• प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालनको स्िरूप

• प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालन सतबन्र्ी संिैर्ातनक कानूनी व्यिस्था

• मापन योग्य सूचकहरु

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• एक समन्यातयक, पािदशी ि तनस्पक्ष प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालन प्रणाली आिश्यक (सघं, प्रदेश ि

स्थानीय सिकािहरुको बीचमा):

१. लगानीको ढांचा:

राष्ट्रिय प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि िथा ष्ट्ित्त आयोग ऐन २०७४ को दफा १४(१) बमोष्ट्िम

२. लाभको बांडफांड:

क) प्रतिफलको बांडफांड: राष्ट्रिय प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि िथा ष्ट्ित्त आयोग ऐन २०७४ को दफा १४(२) बमोष्ट्िम

ख) िोयल्टी तिििण: अन्िरसरकारी ष्ट्ित्त व्यिस्थापन ऐन २०७४ को दफा ७ र अनुसचूी ४ बमोष्ट्िम

• उल्लेतखि ऐनहरुको परितर्तभत्र िही हिेक िहका सिकािहरु बीचको तहस्सा तनर्ाािणको तनतति

मापनयोग्य सचूकहरुको तनमााणको आिश्यकिा

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अध्ययन तितर्

• दस्तावेज अध्ययन: काननूी व्यिस्था, राष्ट्रिय/अन्िरााष्ट्रिय अययास

• स्थलगत अध्ययन: १५ िटा ष्ट्िल्लाहरुमा अन्िरष्ट्िया र अिलोकन

• सझुाव सकंलन: प्रदशे सरकार र अन्य सरोकारिालाहरु संग (िेब साटट माफा ि )

• परामर्श: िनप्रष्ट्िष्ट्नष्ट्ि, सरकारी अष्ट्िकारी, ष्ट्िज्ञ, प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोिसंग प्रभाष्ट्िि


• तथयांक सकंलन: प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि सम्बन्िी िथयांक अद्यािाष्ट्ि, सचूकहरुसंग सम्बन्िी

िथयांक संकलन

• तथयांक ववशे्लषण

• प्रवतवेदनको तयारी र पेर्ी

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प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालनको स्िरूप

प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालनका दुइ स्िरूपहरु:

– प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि पररचालन पररयोिनामा लगानी

– प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि पररचालनबाट प्राप्त लाभको बांडफांड / ष्ट्ििरण

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प्राकृतिक स्रोिहरु

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पवशतारोहण: आिोहणकालातग खोतलएका


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वन: तितभन्न प्रकािका िनहरु ि संितक्षि के्षत्रहरु

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ववदु्यत: जलतिदु्यि, िायुउजाा, सौया उजाा

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पानी रअन्य: खानेपानी, ष्ट्संचाई, माछा व्यिसाय, एयर


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प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालन सतबन्र्ी

संिैर्ातनक कानूनी व्यिस्था

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प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालन (प्रतिफल ि िोयल्टी) को तहस्सा

तनर्ाािण सन्दभामा प्रयोग गना सतकने मापनयोग्य सूचकहरु

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सबै प्राकृतिक स्रोिसंग सतबतन्र्ि साझा सूचकहरु

• परियोजनाको अितस्थति

– पररयोिना अिष्ट्स्थि (केन्र भाग) स्थानीय िह

– पररयोिना स्थलसगं िोष्ट्डएका (आसन्न) स्थानीय िह

– सरेोफेरोका िा अन्य (माष्ट्थ उल्लेष्ट्खि बाहकेको अिस्थामा पष्ट्न प्रभाष्ट्िि हुने) स्थानीय िह

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्रफल

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहको क्षेत्रफल

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि जनसंख्या

– लाभावन्वत जनसंख्या: प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहको िनसखं्या

• संिक्षण ि तदगो व्यिस्थापनमा सहभातगिा

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहले प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि सरंक्षणमा छुट याएको बिटे

• लगानीको तहस्सा

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहले पररयोिनामा गरेको लगानीको ष्ट्हस्सा

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पिािािोहण सतबन्र्ी सचूकहरु

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने चचुरुो (ग्लेष्ट्शयर िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडा) को के्षत्रफल

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने लस्कर मागाको लम्बाई (ष्ट्क. ष्ट्म. मा िा पार गना लाग्ने समय)

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि जनसखं्या

– निर्भर घरधरुी वा जिसंख्या: स्थानीय िह ष्ट्भत्र लस्कर मागामा पने (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको) घरिरुी िा


– आनित जिसंख्या: प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा दिाा भएका ष्ट्हमाली पथप्रदशाक र भररयाहरुको संख्या

• सिंक्षण ि तदगो व्यिस्थापनमा सहभातगिा

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा िािािरण संरक्षणमा सष्ट्िय सामदुाष्ट्यक संस्थाको संख्या

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जलतिदु्यि सतबन्र्ी सचूकहरु

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररयोिना संरचना स्थल, महुान, िलाशय, टनेल/कुलो, पािर हाउस,

टेलरेस (पानी फयााँक्ने स्थान) संरचनाको पारी परि, र संरचना स्थल भन्दा ष्ट्िक माष्ट्थल्लो/िल्लो भागमा

पने के्षत्रफल (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको के्षत्रफल)

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि जनसखं्या

– निर्भर घरधरुी वा जिसंख्या: पररयोिना के्षत्रले चचेको िन, पानी आष्ट्दमा ष्ट्नभार रहकेो (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि

िाडाको) घरिरुी िा िनसंख्या

– आनित जिसंख्या: पररचाष्ट्लि िलस्रोिमा िीष्ट्िकाको ष्ट्नष्ट्म्ि पणूािया भर पने िनसंख्या (िस्िै: पानी

ष्ट्मल/घि िाला, माष्ट्ि, बोटे आष्ट्द)

• सिंक्षण ि तदगो व्यिस्थापनमा सहभातगिा

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा िलािार के्षत्र संरक्षणमा सष्ट्िय सामदुाष्ट्यक संस्थाको संख्या (उपभोक्ता समहू,

िलउपभोक्ता समहू आष्ट्द)

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िन के्षत्र सतबन्र्ी सूचकहरु

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररचाष्ट्लि िनक्षेत्रको क्षेत्रफल (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको


– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने िन्यिन्िुबाट प्रभाष्ट्िि हुनसक्ने कृष्ट्िक्षेत्रको क्षेत्रफल (िा

प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको क्षेत्रफल)

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा रहकेा आयोिनको कारण बााँच्न मषु्ट्स्कल पने ष्ट्िरुिा िथा

िन्िुहरुको प्रिाष्ट्िको संख्या

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िन के्षत्र सतबन्र्ी सचूकहरु...

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि जनसखं्या

– निर्भर घरधरुी वा जिसंख्या: पररचाष्ट्लि िनस्रोिको उपयोग गरररहकेा िनउपभोक्ता

समहूका सदस्य घरिरुीको संख्या

– आनित जिसंख्या: प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा रहकेा पररचाष्ट्लि िनस्रोिमा

िीिनयापन/िीष्ट्िकाको ष्ट्नष्ट्म्ि पणूािया भर पने (िस्िै: खर/कच्ची छाना भएको,

टन्िनको रुपमा दाउरा बाल्ने, दाउरे, गाटिस्िु पाल्ने) िनसंख्या िा घरिरुी

• सिंक्षण ि तदगो व्यिस्थापनमा सहभातगिा

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा िन संरक्षणमा सष्ट्िय सामदुाष्ट्यक

संस्था (िन उपभोक्ता समहू) को संख्या

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सिंतक्षि के्षत्र सतबन्र्ी सचूकहरु

सरंक्षण के्षत्र /मध्यवती वन

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररचाष्ट्लि संरक्षण क्षेत्र/मध्यििी िनको क्षेत्रफल

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररचाष्ट्लि संरक्षण क्षेत्र/मध्यििी क्षेत्रमा पने िन्यिन्िुबाट

प्रभाष्ट्िि हुनसक्ने कृष्ट्िक्षेत्रको क्षेत्रफल

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सिंतक्षि के्षत्र सतबन्र्ी सचूकहरु ...

सरंक्षण के्षत्र /मध्यवती वन

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि जनसखं्या

– निर्भर घरधरुी वा जिसंख्या: पररचाष्ट्लि संरक्षण क्षेत्र/मध्यििी िनको िन उपभोक्ता समहूका

सदस्य घरिरुीको संख्या

– आनित जिसंख्या: प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा रहकेा पररचाष्ट्लि संरक्षण क्षेत्र/मध्यििी िनमा

िीिनयापन/िीष्ट्िकाको ष्ट्नष्ट्म्ि पणूािया भर पने (िस्िै: खर/कच्ची छाना भएको, दाउरा बाल्ने,

गाटिस्ि ुपाल्ने, दाउरे,मलाहा,बोटे, मसुहर आष्ट्द) िनसंख्या िा घरिरुी

• सिंक्षण ि तदगो व्यिस्थापनमा सहभातगिा

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा िन, िन्यिन्ि ुर िािािरण संरक्षणमा सष्ट्िय सामदुाष्ट्यक संस्था

(मध्यििी उपभोक्ता समहू) को संख्या िा सदस्य संख्या

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खानी िथा खतनज सतबन्र्ी सचूकहरु

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने संचाष्ट्लि खानीको किारी एररयाको ५०-५०० मी िरपरको क्षेत्रफल

(िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको क्षेत्रफल)

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने माटष्ट्नंग स्कीममा उल्लेख भएका खानी क्षेत्र (माटष्ट्नंग एररया) को


– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने खानी दषे्ट्ख नष्ट्िकको राष्ट्रिय रािमागा सम्मको पहुाँच सडकको

लम्बाई (िलुो/ििुााँ/ध्िनी प्रदिुण बाट प्रभाष्ट्िि क्षेत्र )

– पररचाष्ट्लि खष्ट्नि स्रोि प्रसोिन कारखानाको िलुो/ििुााँ/ध्िनी प्रदिुणको ष्ट्हसाबले प्रभाि क्षेत्र

ष्ट्भत्रका स्थानीय िहको प्रभाष्ट्िि िनसंख्या िा क्षेत्रफल

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जलस्रोि (पानी) सतबन्र्ी सचूकहरु

बोटवलंग, औद्योवगक प्रयोजन

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररयोिना संरचना स्थल रहकेो पररयोिना प्रष्ट्ििेदनबाट पररभाष्ट्िि

प्रभाि के्षत्र िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको के्षत्रफल

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररयोिना संरचना स्थल भन्दा माष्ट्थल्लो/िल्लो भागमा पने पररयोिना

प्रष्ट्ििेदनबाट पररभाष्ट्िि प्रभाि के्षत्रको के्षत्रफल (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको के्षत्रफल)

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि जनसखं्या

– निर्भर घरधरुी वा जिसंख्या: पररयोिना के्षत्रमा पररचाष्ट्लि पानीमा ष्ट्नभार रहकेो घरिरुी (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि

िाडा)को घरिरुी िा िनसंख्या

– आनित जिसंख्या: प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िह ष्ट्भत्र पने पररचाष्ट्लि िलस्रोिमा िीष्ट्िकाको ष्ट्नष्ट्म्ि पणूािया

ष्ट्समसारमा ष्ट्नभार रहने िनसंख्या)

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जलस्रोि (पानी) सतबन्र्ी सूचकहरु....

जल यातायात

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने िलमागाको लम्बाई

• सिंक्षण ि तदगो व्यिस्थापनमा सहभातगिा

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा िलक्षेत्र सफाई र संरक्षणमा सष्ट्िय सामदुाष्ट्यक संस्थाको संख्या

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जलस्रोि (पानी) सतबन्र्ी सूचकहरु...

जलस्थानान्तरण (बेवसन ट्रान्सफर): वसचंाई, खानेपानी

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररयोिना स्थल भन्दा िल सबभन्दा पष्ट्हलो नदीको दोभान सम्मको

सखु्खा के्षत्रमा पने के्षत्रफल (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको के्षत्रफल)

– बेष्ट्सन िान्सफरका लाष्ट्ग बनाटएको सरंुुग मागा (टनेल) माष्ट्थको के्षत्रफल (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको के्षत्रफल)

• परियोजनाबाट प्रभातिि जनसखं्या

– निर्भर घरधरुी वा जिसंख्या: प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िहमा पने पररयोिना को प्रभाि के्षत्र पने उक्त पानी

माष्ट्थ ष्ट्नभार रहने (िा प्रभाष्ट्िि िाडाको) घरिरुी िा िनसंख्या

– आनित जिसंख्या: प्रभाष्ट्िि स्थानीय िह ष्ट्भत्र पने पररचाष्ट्लि िलस्रोिमा िीष्ट्िकाको ष्ट्नष्ट्म्ि पणूािया

भर पने मािी/बोटे/घटुिारे/ मलाहा आष्ट्दको िनसंख्या

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िोयल्टी बांडफांड सतबन्र्ी सूचकहरु

प्रतिफलको बांडफांडको तनतति प्रयोग भएका मध्ये प्रभाि नाप्ने तनतन

आर्ािहरु संग प्रभािमापक सूचकहरु नै िोयल्टी तिििणको तनतति सूचकहरु


– परिचातलि प्राकृतिक स्रोिको अितस्थति

– प्राकृतिक स्रोि परिचालनबाट प्रभातिि के्षत्र

– परिचातलि प्राकृतिक स्रोि उपिको तनभाििा

– िोयल्टीबाट लाभातन्िि जनसखं्या

– प्राकृतिक स्रोिमा आतिि जनसखं्या

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लगानीको तहस्सा तनर्ाािण सतबन्र्ी सूचकहरु

• सतबतन्र्ि स्थानीय िहको:

– आन्िररक आय, रािस्ि बांडफांडबाट प्राप्त आय, िाह्य स्रोि (अनदुान/ऋण) बाट प्राप्त आय

– िम्मा बिेटमा पुाँिीगि खचाको अंश

– प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि पररचालनबाट प्राप्त हुने आय (िस्िै: प्रष्ट्िफल, रोयल्टी आष्ट्द)

– प्राकृष्ट्िक स्रोि पररचालनबाट प्राप्त लाभको उपभोगको अिस्था

• सतबतन्र्ि स्थानीय िह तभत्र उपलव्र्:

– सडक, खानेपानी, ष्ट्िद्यिु, ष्ट्शक्षा र स्िास्थय सम्बन्िी पिूाािारको अिस्था

– गरीबीको रेखा मषु्ट्न रहकेो िनसंख्या

• सतबतन्र्ि स्थानीय िहको भौगोतलक िनािट:

– ष्ट्हमाल/पहाड/िराट

• परियोजनाको अितस्थति:

– पररयोिना स्थल रहकेो केन्रभाग/आसन्न /सेरोफेरोमा पने (िा अन्य) स्थानीय िह

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Develop quantifiable and measurable sectoral

indicators for determining inter government

(among sub national government) share of

benefits from mobilization of natural


Conservation Development Foundation (CODEFUND),

Kathmandu, Nepal

22 November, 2018

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Presentation outline

• Background

• Methodology

• Principles of Natural Resource Mobilization


• Investment Pattern on NRM

• Share of benefit from NRM

• Sector wise Indicators

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• Need of the of an equitable, transparent and fair

natural resource mobilization system (among the

federal, provincial and local governments:

1. Investment pattern [NNRFC Act 2074, Para


2. Benefit sharing:

a) Return sharing [(NNRFC Act 2074,

Para 14(1)]

b) Royalty distribution [IGFM Act 2074,

Schedule (4)]

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Background …..

• NNRFC assigned CODEFUND to develop measurable

indicators for determining investment pattern and benefit


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• Desk review

• Field visit

• Consultation

• Data analysis

• Report preparation and submission

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Principles of Natural Resource

Mobilization (NRM)

Two forms natural resource mobilization:

• The investment on the NRM project

• The allocation and distribution of the benefit

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Principles of Natural Resource

Mobilization (NRM) …..

Broad objectives of the benefit distribution:

• Recognizing local claims on natural resources

• Compensating for the negative impacts from


• Promoting economic development in resource-

rich regions

• Mitigating or preventing violent conflict

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International Practices Indonesia

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International Practices

(Other countries)

• Presentation 21.11.2018\International


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• Derivative approach: certain percentage of

benefit to the NRR producing regions (area of

origin of the NRR),e.g., Indonesia

Broad approaches of the benefit

distribution system

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• Objective based indicator approach: based on a

set of objective indicators—such as population,

revenue generation, poverty level or geographic

characteristics (e.g. remoteness)—irrespective

of where the natural resources are extracted.

E.g., Mexico.

Broad approaches of the benefit

distribution system….

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• Mixed approach: based on both indicators and

place of origin, e.g. Nigeria.

Broad approaches of the benefit

distribution system ….

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Investment Pattern on NRM

The government investment on NRM; according

to the nature of NR and size of the investment.

Models for investment:

• Purely public investment

• Purely private investment

• Investment in public-private partnership

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Investment Pattern on NRM ….

Broader area covered by criteria under NNRFC Act 2074, Para 14(1) refers:

• Capacity of the respective government for investment

• Benefit to be received by the respective government

• So as investment motive does not hamper the service delivery of the respective government

• Addressing local claims for the investment on NR project

• Need of the cooperation of the upper levels of government to the poorer/backward LG

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Share of benefit from NRM

The benefit from the investment on NRM


• Cash: share of profit, royalties

• Kind: goods and services, employment

Forms of the benefit allocation:

• Return fund

• Royalty fund

(However, incentives/externalities mitigation

fund and conservation fund could be managed

under the return fund)

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Share of benefit from NRM….

Broader area covered by criteria in NNRFC

Act 2074, Para 14(2):

• Location of the project

• Area affected

• Population affected

• Contribution/participation on the NR

conservation and management

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Section I: Natural Resource Return Sharing

Measurable Indicators

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Natural Resources Return Sharing

Criteria Index Indicator

1. T








ed r



Location of the project






Location Index (LI)

Core LG:

Adjoining LG:

Surrounding/Other LG:

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Cont.….Criteria Index Formula





d a

rea b

y t












Impacted area index


IAI = Area of mobilized NR in specific

LG/Total area of NRM in all LGs

Impacted agriculture

area index (AAI)

AAI = Affected agriculture area in

LG/Total agriculture area affected in all


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Cont.…Criteria Index Formula

3. D












ed n





es Dependent

population index


DPI = Users’ HH (or

population) in LG/Total

population LG

(GIS data or ward wise)

4. B








e re




population index


BPI = Population in LG/Total

population of LGs

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Criteria Index Formula

5. M












e n






More Dependent (Aashrit)

Population Index (MDPI)

MDPI = Population (or

HH) in LG [having house

with thatched roof +

using firewood +livestock

raising] /Total no of

population (or HH) in

that LG

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Cont.…Criteria Index Formula

6. P


























management index


SMI = Users' HH in LG/Total

user' HH of all LGs

SMI = LG budget allocated

for NR management/Total

budget of that LG

7. S






Investment index


II = Investment of specific

government/Total public


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Section II: Natural Resource Benefit


Measurable Indicators

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Borrowed indices of Return Sharing of NRM:

• The location of the mobilized resources

• The affected area by the mobilization of natural resources

• Dependency (Nirbhar) upon the mobilized natural resources

• Benefited population by the returns

• More Dependent (Aashrit) population on the natural resources

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Section III. Investment Pattern

Measurable Indicators

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Cont.…Criteria Index Formula



e S


s an

d t




e ra






Revenue Status Index


RSI= (Internal revenue /Total revenue



RI=Total revenue/National average

revenue of LGs


Own source revenue per capita of LG

Revenue Raising

Capacity Index



REI (Revenue Effort


RRCI= Internal revenue/ revenue from

external sources


RRCI as proxy by REI = (Actual internal

revenue – Estimated internal revenue)

/Estimated internal revenue

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Cont.…Criteria Index Formula







Investment Capacity

Index (ICI)

ICI = Total capital expenditure/

Total budget of LG










Benefit Index (BI)

BI = Revenue of LG from NRM/

Total public revenue from

concerned NRM

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Criteria Index Formula














Benefit Consumption

Index (BCI)

BCI = Amount of benefit

consumed/ total benefit received

by LG

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Cont.…Criteria Index Formula









d n







Infrastructure Status

Index (ISI)

ISI = [Road density (earthen,

Pucca)+% of HH with electricity+

% of HH with safe drinking water

+ Student-School ratio+ per

Hospital bed per Population]

Infrastructure Need

Index (INI)INI = ISI/National average of ISIs

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Cont.…Criteria Index Formula



ic c




s an









Economic Condition Index


ECI= LGDP (or LGDI) per capita/

National Average of LGDP


ECI= Income Poverty level of LG +

dependency ratio

Remoteness Index (RI)


Geographical Structure


GSI = Distance from the closest all

weather roads of LG Unit/ National

average distance of all LGs


GLS = Topographical Coefficient

(Mountain, Hill, Terai)

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Cont.…Criteria Index Formula










Location Index


Core LG:

Adjoining LG:

Surrounding LG:




g C







Surplus Index


OSI= (Operating Revenue - Operating

Expenditure)/Operating Revenue


(if a LG is already in debt,

Net OS= Operating surplus- Debt

service on outstanding debt)

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National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission (NNRFC)

Develop quantifiable and measurable sectoral indicators for determining

inter government (among sub national government) share of benefits from

mobilization of natural resources

1. Background:

The success of federal system depends on equitable, transparent and fair fiscal transfer among

the central, provincial and local governments. The fundamental basis for revenue sharing and

fiscal transfer are prescribed in the Constitution of Nepal and the National Natural Resources

and Fiscal Commission Act (NNRFC) 2074. The ratio of royalty distribution system to the

centre, provincial and local government has been prescribed in the Intergovernmental Fiscal

Management Act 2074. The criteria for balanced and equitable distribution of royalty on the

basis of benefits from mobilization of natural resource have been prescribed in NNRFC act.

On the basis of these provisions investment pattern for natural resources mobilization from

federal, provincial and local government and inter government (among sub national

government) share of benefits from the natural resources mobilization shall be calculated

based on certain well defined sectoral indicators.

National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission (NNRFC), by the provision of Article

251 of the Constitution of Nepal, is responsible to devise a mechanism to recommend the

share of investment of the central, provincial and local government, and basis of benefits

sharing from the mobilization of natural resources. Before devising this mechanism, the

NNRFC intends to get the experts’ service to develop sectoral indicators for measuring

investment pattern from federal, provincial & local government and inter government (among

sub national government) share of benefits from the natural resources mobilization.

2. Objective

The main objective of the proposed assignment is to develop sectoral indicators for

measuring investment pattern from federal, provincial and local government and inter

government (among sub national) share of benefits from the mobilization of natural

resources, and ultimately making fair and equitable distribution of royalty in the spirit of the

Constitution of Nepal.

The specific objectives are:

To develop sectoral indicators as provisioned in the Constitution and prevailing laws for measuring inter government share of benefits of natural resources (royalty distribution).

To prepare a report for making common understanding on prevailing legal provisions regarding balanced and equitable benefits distribution of natural resources. It also includes the investment pattern from federal, provincial and local government for natural resources mobilization.

To update available information and data in the field.

3. General Methodology

The general methodology implemented for this study is divided into three parts.

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1. Collection and review of current approaches, policies and strategies for benefit

sharing of natural resources; the international standards and best practices of sharing

the benefits from natural resources; review of the selected provincial and local

government budget on the issue relating to the benefits sharing of natural resources.

2. Meeting and Discussion with officials of NNRFC and the sectoral expert of line

ministry and department regarding existing approach, strategies and modality for

benefit sharing of natural resources.

3. Organise prior-consultation meeting with sectoral expert for developing macro

theme of the study and probable sectoral indicators.

4. Field visit of 15 selected districts and related data update.

4. Major Sectors of Natural Resource Mobilization, Return Sharing and Royalty Distribution




Mines and minerals

Water and others

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Investment Pattern from Federal, Provincial and Local Governments on the Natural Resource


There could be the various models for investment on natural resource management projects:

Purely public investment: investment of various levels of government

Purely private investment

Investment in public-private partnership

As mentioned earlier, the above models depend on the nature of natural resources and the size of the investment of the natural resource

management project. However, the probable measurable indicators for determining the investment share of the governments (federal,

provincial and the local governments) under the provision of National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act, 2074, para

14 (1) can be as follows. Among the public investment the federal government has obviously the more capacity to invest and the

following indicators could be applicable for provincial and local government both. The federal government can take the residual share of

public investment after deducing the investment share of provincial and local governments from total public investment.


Indicators for INVESTMENT PATTERN from federal, provincial and local governments on Natural Resource mobilization Under The National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act 2074, Para 14(1)

Criteria Index Formula Explanation Data Source

Revenue Status and

the revenue raising


Revenue Status

Index (RSI)

RSI= (Internal revenue /Total revenue



RI=Total revenue/National average

revenue of LGs


Own source revenue per capita of LG

Internal revenue of LG refers here the revenue

collected by local government from their internal sources

(own source revenue + revenue sharing)

LG Total revenue measures total revenue (both from

internal and external sources) of the LG unit

National average of revenue of LGs is the national

average of total revenue of all LGs in the country

LG Budget

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Criteria Index Formula Explanation Data Source

Revenue Raising

Capacity Index



REI (Revenue Effort


RRCI= Internal revenue/ revenue from

external sources


RRCI as proxy by REI = (Actual

internal revenue – Estimated internal

revenue) /Estimated internal revenue

LG revenue from external sources is the overall

revenue received by the local government as the

transfers and borrowing (grants/Aid, borrowing etc.)

LG Budget

Investment capacity Investment

Capacity Index


ICI = Total capital expenditure/ Total

budget of LG

Total capital expenditure of LG is the overall capital

expenditure made by the LG in a specific year

Total budget of LG is the annual budged of LG unit

LG Budget

Share of benefit to

be received

Benefit Index (BI) BI = Revenue of LG from NRM/ Total

public revenue from concerned NRM

Revenue of LG from NRM is the projected overall

revenue of the local government from the particular

natural resource mobilization (from royalty sharing +

share of profit + other)

Total revenue from concerned NRM is the total public

revenue generated from natural resource mobilization

LG Budget

Share of

consumption of the

achieved benefit


Consumption Index


BCI = Amount of benefit consumed/

total benefit received by LG

Amount of benefit consumed is portion that is

consumed out of the Total benefit received by LG

unit from NRM

LG Profile, DPR

Status of

infrastructure and

need of



Status Index (ISI)

ISI = [Road density (earthen,

Pucca)+% of HH with electricity+ % of

HH with safe drinking water + Student-

School ratio+ per Hospital bed per


Road density of earthen/Pucca road is the ratio of

total geographical area of LG and total length of

earthen/pucca road in that LG unit

% of HH percentage with electricity is the

percentage of HH in LG unit with access to electricity.

% of HH with safe drinking water is the percentage

of HH in LG unit with access to safe drinking water

Student-School ratio is number of students who

attend a school divided by the total number of school

available in LG

Hospital bed per population is the number of hospital

bed available per 10000 population in LG

DOLIDAR, LG Profile,


Infrastructure Need

Index (INI)

INI = ISI/National average of ISIs National average of ISIs is the national average of

status of such infrastructure developed in all LGs

Economic conditions

and Geographical


Economic Condition

Index (ECI)

ECI= LGDP (or LGDI) per capita/

National Average of LGDP


ECI= Income Poverty level of LG +

dependency ratio

Local GDP per capita (LGDP) is the per capita GDP of

LG unit

LGDP National average is the average of LGDP of the

all LGs of the country

Income Poverty level of LG is the population below

Small Area Estimation

Survey, CBS

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Criteria Index Formula Explanation Data Source

poverty line in the LG unit

Population dependency ratio is the ratio of dependent

population over the active labor force in LG unit

Remoteness Index




Structure (GSI)

GSI = Distance from the closest all

weather roads of LG Unit/ National

average distance of all LGs


GLS = Topographical Coefficient

(Mountain, Hill, Terai)

Topographical Coefficient indicates the geographical

complexity of the LG unit where LG locating in mountain refers the most complex, hill as medium and terai as the

least complex in geography


Location of the NRM


Location Index (LI) Core LG:

Adjoining LG:

Surrounding LG:

Core LG is the LG where the NRM project is located

Adjoining LG is the LG adjoining to the Core LG

Surrounding LG is the LG outside the adjoining LG

GIS Mapping

Borrowing Capacity Borrowing Capacity/

(Operating Surplus

Index (OSI)

OSI= (Operating Revenue - Operating

Expenditure)/Operating Revenue


(if a LG is already in debt,

Net OS= Operating surplus- Debt

service on outstanding debt)

Both the indicators represent their present value of

future operating revenue and expenditure by using

interest rate as the discount rate

LG Budget

Note: Though the indicators are expressed regarding the Local government, more or less the indicators will be useful for the case of

federal and provincial government as well, except the need of changes in the calculation of some indices in federal level.

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*For the ROYALTY DISTRIBUTION purpose, all the indices under the criteria except participation on conservation and sustainable

management of natural resources and share of investment are applicable.

**Though indicators are interpreted for the local governments (LGs), same indicators can be used for the case of the provincial governments as well.


Indicators for benefit (RETURN) sharing pattern among federal, provincial and local governments as provisioned in

National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act 2074, Para 14(2)* Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Data Source

The location of the

mobilized resources Location of the Project


Province: District:

LG: Ward:

Location Index (LI) Core LG: Core LG is the peak located LG LG profile

Surrounding LG Surrounding LG is the LG connected with the Core LG

The area affected by

the mobilization of

natural resources

Affected Area Index (


AAI = Area of peak in a core

LG/Total area of peak in all core


Area of peak in LG/LGs is defined as area of .peak located in

LG/LGs (as proxy- actual area or area of peak located



LG Profile


Caravan Route Index


CRI= Length of caravan route in

LG/ Total length of caravan


Length of caravan route is the length of the route from lower

cut off point (district) of caravan route to the base camp of

mountaineering measured either by physical distance or by the

time taken to travel the caravan route


LG Profile


Dependency upon the

mobilized natural



Population Index


DPI = Population of LG residing

in the caravan route / Total

population residing in caravan


Population of LG/LGs residing in the caravan route is the

population residing in the defined caravan route area of LG/LGs

(actual population or population of caravan route located


LG profile

Benefited population

by the returns

Benefit Population

Index (BPI)

BPI= Population benefitted in a

LG/Total benefitted population in

all LGs

Population benefitted in LG/LGs is the total population of

LG/LGs (as all are benefitted by the returns from natural resource



LG profile

More Dependent

(AAshrit) population

on the natural resources

More Dependent (Aashrit) Population

Index (MDPI)

MDPI= Number of mountain

Guide and Porter in a LG/ Total

number of mountain guide and

porters in all affected LGs

Number of mountain Guide and Porter in a LG/LGs is the

mountain guides and porters registered in affected LG/LGs who

are supposed to be more dependent on the mountaineering for

their livelihood

LG profile,




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Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Data Source

Participation on

conservation and


management of

natural resources



Index (SMI)

SMI=Total allocated budget for

peak conservation in core

LG/Total budget of LG

Allocated budget for mountain environment conservation in

annual program

Total annual budget is the total annual budget

LG budget



Index (SMI)

SMI = Number of CBOs in LG

involved in environment

conservation /Total number of

CBOs involved in environment


Number of CBOs in LG/LGs involved in environment

conservation is the number of Community Based Organizations

(CBOs) in the affected LG/LGs, such as, youth club, mothers

group, Red Cross etc. involving in mountain environment

conservation mainly waste management or raising awareness on

environment cleaning

LG profile

Share of Investment Investment index (II) II = Investment of particular LG

unit/Total public investment

Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of the LG

in the particular water resource mobilization project and Total

public investment is the total investment of federal. Provincial

and local government in that particular water resource mobilization project



*Though indicators are interpreted for the local governments (LGs), same indicators can be used for the case of the provincial governments as well.

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Indicators for benefit (RETURN) sharing pattern among federal, provincial and local governments as provisioned in

National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act 2074, Para 14(2)*

Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Source of Data

The location

of the mobilized


Location of the project

Name: Province:

District: LG:


Location Index (LI)

Origin LG:

Origin includes the particular LG/ LGs covering Project

structures located side from Intake/reservoir top point in River to Tailrace of the Project/Power house/ tunneling


GIS Map of Nepal

Adjoining LG:

Adjoining includes the Particular LGs covering opposite

side of Project structure located side from Intake/reservoir top point in River to Tailrace of the Project/ Power house/

tunneling works


Surrounding includes the LGs immediate Upstream and

Downstream of the origin.

The affected

area by the

mobilization of natural


Origin Area Index


OAI = Origin Area Located in a LG / Total Origin Area Located

in the LGs

Origin area located in a LG or LGs means the total area of the affected wards in a LG or the LGs

DoED Project Coordinates

GIS Map of Nepal

Webpage of LG/LGs

Adjoining Area Index (AAI)

AAI = Adjoining Area of a LG/ Total Adjoining Area of the LGs

Adjoining area located in a LG or LGs means the total area of the affected wards in a LG or the LGs

Surrounding Area Index (SAI)

SAI = Surrounding Area of a LG / Total Surrounding Area of

all LGs

Surrounding area located in a LG or LGs means the total area of the affected wards in a LG or the LGs

Dependency upon the

mobilized natural


Dependent Population Index


DPI = Dependent Population of a particular LG/Total

Dependent Population in the Project Area

Dependent Population includes the population dependent on Natural resources like forest, water resources, mines

etc. in particular LG/LGs measured in terms of affected ward database

Census database 2011

LG Profile


population by the returns


Population Index (BPI)

BPI = Benefitted Population of

a particular LG/Total Benefitted Population in the Project Area

Benefitted Population includes the population of the

impacted LGs in the Project Area

Census Database 2011

Profile of LGs

More dependent


More Dependent

(Aashrit) Population

MPDI=More dependent

population in LG / Total more

More dependent Population in LG/LGs includes those

population who are fully dependent on the mobilized water

LG profile/ EIA report

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Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Source of Data

population on

the natural


Index (MDPI) dependent population in

affected LGs

resources for their livelihood (for e.g. Water Mill Owner,

Ghatta Owner, Majhi, Sand, Stone and Aggregate

Dependent People etc.)

Participation on

conservation and


management of






SMI=LG Budget for the water

resource conservation unit/

Total budget of the LG unit

LG Budget for the water resource conservation is the

portion of the budget of LG allocated for water resource

conservation and sustainable management

LG budget

Share of


Investment index


II = Investment of specific

government/Total public


Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of

the LG in the particular hydroelectricity project and Total

public investment is the total investment of federal.

Provincial and local government in that particular

hydroelectricity project

DPR/LG/Project office

Though indicators are interpreted for the local governments (LGs), same indicators can be used for the case of the provincial governments as


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Indicators for benefit (RETURN) sharing pattern among federal, provincial and local governments as provisioned in

National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act 2074, Para 14(2)*

Criteria Index/

Indicators Location/Formula Explanation

Source of data

The location of the mobilized resources

Location of the project


Province: District:

LG: Ward:

LG profile


Index (LI)

Bordering LG:

Surrounding LG:

Other LG:

Bordering LG specifies LG/LGs attached with the mobilized forest

Surrounding LG specifies LG/LGs attached with the bordering LGs

Other LG specifies the beneficial population other than the surrounding and bordering LG/LGs which are using the mobilized forest resources

The affected area by

the mobilization of natural resources

Impacted forest area

index (FAI)

FAI = Mobilized

forest area (regime) in specific

LG/Total forest area (regime) in all LGs

Mobilized forest area measures the area of forest mobilized by the project LG profile DFO



agriculture area index


AAI = Affected

agriculture area in LG/Total agriculture

area affected in all LGs

Affected agriculture area in LG/LGs measures the area of arable land in the LG/LGs of affected regime (as proxy- agricultural area in the affected ward/wards)

LG profile/DPR

Biodiversity hotspot Index


BHI = Number of impacted

species/Total no of species in the forest

Number of impacted species specifies the available plant and animal species in the mobilized forest those bearing difficulties in survival due to forest resource mobilization


Management plan

MC profile LG profile

Dependency (Nirbhar)

upon the mobilized natural resources


population index (DPI)

DPI = Users’ HH (or population) in

LG/Total population LG

Users' HH (or population) indicates the HHs (or population) of LG using the forest

resources as the members of user's group


plan LG profile

Benefited population by

the returns

Benefitted population

index (BPI)

BPI = Population in LG/Total population

of LGs

Population of LG/LGs means the total population of the affected LG/LGs assumed to

be benefitted from the return

LG profile

More Dependent

(Aashrit) population on

the natural resources




MDPI = Population

(or HH) in LG

[having house with

More Dependent population includes the population (or HH) in LG more dependent

on the mobilized forest (those do not have alternatives), such as, for thatch (population

having thatched roof), firewood (population using firewood for cooking), grasses


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Criteria Index/

Indicators Location/Formula Explanation

Source of



Index (MDPI)

thatched roof +

using firewood +livestock raising]

/Total no of population (or HH)

in that LG

(population keeping livestock)etc.

Participation on

conservation and sustainable

management of natural


Sustainable management

index (SMI)

SMI = Forest users'

HH in LG/Total

forest user' HH of all LGs

Forest user's HH in LG/LGs is the number of HHs in LG/LGs contributing and

participating in the management of the mobilized forest resources

Management plan

LG profile

SMI = LG budget in


management/Total budget of that LG

LG Budget for the forest management is the portion of budget of LG allocated for

forest resource conservation and sustainable management

LG Budget

Share of Investment Investment

index (II)

II = Investment of specific

government/Total public investment

Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of the LG in the particular forest resource mobilization project and Total public investment is the total

investment of federal. Provincial and local government in that particular forest resource mobilization project

Project’s DPR/ Government

profile//LG/ Project report

Though indicators are interpreted for the local governments (LGs), same indicators can be used for the case of the provincial governments as


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Indicators for benefit (RETURN) sharing pattern among federal, provincial and local governments as provisioned in

National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act 2074, Para 14(2)*

Criteria Index Formula Explanation Source of


The location of the mobilized resources

Protected Area location

Name of PA:

Province: LG:


LG profile Province


Location Index (LI)

Bordering LG:

Surrounding LG:

Other LG:

Bordering LG specifies LG/LGs attached with the mobilized protected area

Surrounding LG specifies LG/LGs attached with the bordering LGs

Other LG specifies the beneficial population other than the surrounding and bordering LG/LGs which are using the mobilized protected area

The affected area by the mobilization of

natural resources

Forest area

index (FAI)

FAI = Forest area

of BZ/CA in specific LG/Total forest

area of BZ/CA in all LGs

Forest area measures the area of forest land locating in the buffer zone (BZ) area or

conservation area (CA) of LG/LGs of concerned protected area

LG profile

PA office


agriculture area index


AAI = Agriculture area in BZ/CA of

specific LG/Total agriculture area in

BZ/CA of all LGs

Agriculture area measures the area of arable land locating in the buffer zone area of LG/LGs of concerned protected area

LG profile

Dependency (Nirbhar) upon the mobilized

natural resources

Dependent population

index (DPI)

DPI = Users’ HH (or population) in

LG/Total population


Users' HH (or population indicates the HHs (or population) of LG using the forest

resources as the members of user's group

Management plan

LG profile

Benefited population by the returns

Beneficial population

index (BPI)

BPI = Population in

LG/Total population of LGs of protected


Population of LG/LGs means the total population of the affected LG/LGs assumed to

be benefitted from the return

LG profile

More Dependent

(Aashrit) population on the natural resources

More Dependent

(Aashrit) Population

Index (MDPI)

MDPI = Population

(or HH) in LG [having house with

thatched roof + using firewood

+livestock raising] /Total no of

population (or HH)

More Dependent population includes the population (or HH) in LG more dependent

on the mobilized forest (those do not have alternatives), such as, for thatch (population having thatched roof), firewood (population using firewood for cooking), grasses

(population keeping livestock)etc.


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Criteria Index Formula Explanation Source of


in that LG

Participation on

conservation and sustainable

management of natural resources

Sustainable management

index (SMI)

SMI = Forest users' HH in

LG/Total forest user' HH of all LGs

Forest user's HH in LG/LGs is the number of HHs in LG/LGs contributing and

participating in the management of the mobilized forest resources

Management plan

LG profile LG Budget

SMI = LG budget in BZ/CA

management/Total budget of that LG

LG Budget in BZ/CA management is the portion of budget of LG allocated for BZ/CA


Share of Investment Investment index (II)

II = Investment of

a particular LG/Total public


Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of the LG in the particular

forest resource mobilization project and Total public investment is the total investment of federal. Provincial and local government in that particular forest resource

mobilization project

Project’s DPR/

Government profile//LG/

Project report

*Though indicators are interpreted for the local governments (LGs), same indicators can be used for the case of the provincial governments as well.

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Indicators for benefit (RETURN) sharing pattern among federal, provincial and local governments as provisioned in

National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act 2074, Para 14(2)*

Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Data Source

The location of the

mobilized resources

Location of the







Location Index (LI)

LG in direct influence

zone (DIZ):

LG in direct influence zone (DIZ): LGs locating in the 50 to

500 meter area surrounding the operating quarry

LG profile, Mining

scheme, DMG

LG in indirect influence

zone (IDIZ):

LG in indirect influence zone (IDIZ): area of LG/LGs locating

within 100 meter both side of indirect influence zone (DIZ) of

access road, effect of dust, vehicular emission and noise (as

proxy- area of the affected ward/wards)

LG profile, Mining

scheme, DMG

The affected area by the

mobilization of natural


Direct Influence

Area Index (DIAI)

DIAI = Area of particular

LG/ Total area of affected


Area of affected LG/LGs is the area of LG/LGs locating in the

direct influence zone (as proxy- area of the affected ward/wards)

LG Profile

Quarry Area Index


QAI = Area of the quarry

site in LG / Total area of

quarry site

Area of the quarry site located in affected LG

Total land Area of quarry site is the total quarry area as

specified in mining scheme.

IEE or EIA Report Mining scheme,


LG profile

Access Road index


ARI = The length of access

road that pass from a LG/

The total length of the

access road

The length of access road passed from a LG/LGs (For

example: 30 km from the quarry)

Mining scheme


LG profile

Location of

Production Unit

Dependency (Nirbhar) upon

the mobilized natural


Not applicable

Benefited Population by the Benefit Index (BI) BI = Population of LG of Population of LG/LGs of influence zone is the population of LG Profile

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Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Data Source

Returns influence zone / Population

of all LGs of Influence Zone

LG or all LGs of influence zone (both direct and indirect influence


Dependent (Aashrit)

Population on the Natural


Not applicable

Participation on

conservation and

sustainable management of

natural resources


Management Index


SMI = LG budget for

Sustainable Management /

Total Budget of Local LG

LG budget for Sustainable Management is the total budget

allocated for by particular LG for Sustainable Management of the

mine & mineral resources

LG Budget

Share of Investment Investment Index


II = Investment of

particular LG unit/Total

public investment

Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of the

LG in the particular mineral resource mobilization project and

Total public investment is the total investment of federal.

Provincial and local government in that particular mineral

resource mobilization project



Though indicators are interpreted for the local governments (LGs), same indicators can be used for the case of the provincial governments as


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Indicators for benefit (RETURN) sharing pattern among federal, provincial and local governments as provisioned in

National Natural Resource and Fiscal Commission Act 2074, Para 14(2)*

Table1. Industrial: Bottling plants, Industrial use etc.

Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Source of data

The location of the mobilized


Location of the Project


Province: District:

LG: Ward:

Location Index (LI)

Core LG: Core LG is List of LG locating the main project site (intake and collection/use)

LG Profile/DPR/EIA

Adjoining LG: Adjoining LG is the list of LG sharing the boundary with Core LG (immediate upstream to the intake and immediate downstream from the

industry) / Tunneling work area (if any)

LG Profile/DPR/EIA

The affected area by the

mobilization of natural resources

Affected Area Index:

Core Affected Area

Index (CAAI)

CAAI= Affected area in LG

locating in the core project site / Total affected area

located in the core project site

Core affected area of LG/LGs is the affected area of LG/LGs locating in

the core project site (as proxy- area of the affected ward/wards) regarding the water use.

EIA report/LG profile

Adjoining Affected

Area Index (AAAI)

AAAI= Affected area in the adjoining LG /Total area

affected in the adjoining LGs

Adjoining affected area of LG/LGs is the affected area in the LG/LGs

locating in the immediate upstream and immediate downstream of the project site (as proxy- area of the affected ward/wards)

EIA report/LG



(Nirbhar) upon the mobilized

natural resources

Dependency Index (DI)

DI= Number of dependent

HHs in the given LG/Total dependent HHs in the

project affected LGs

Number of dependent HHs is the total HH locating in the LG / LGs (as

proxy- HHs of the affected ward/wards) regarding the water use

EIA report/LG profile


population by the returns

Benefit Index (BI)

BI=Population of given

LG/Total of population of all affected LGs

Population of LG/LGs means the total population of the affected

LG/LGs assumed to be benefitted from the return

CBS data

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Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Source of data

More Dependent (AAshrit)

population on the natural resources

More Dependent

(Aashrit) Population Index (MDPI)

MDPI= Wetland dependent HH in LG/ Total number of

wetland dependent HH in LGs

Number of wetland dependent HH in LG/LGs shows the total HH residing in affected LG/LGs dependent on wetland for their livelihood as

defined by the EIA/IEE report or DPR of the project

CBS Population

data of the LGs/ EIA report

Participation on

conservation and

sustainable management of

natural resources


Management Index(SMI)

SMI=LG Budget for the water resource

conservation / Total budget of the LG unit

LG Budget for the water resource conservation is the portion of budget of LG allocated for water resource conservation and sustainable


LG budget

Share of Investment

Investment index (II)

II = Investment of

particular LG unit/Total

public investment

Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of the LG in the

particular water resource mobilization project and Total public investment is the total investment of federal. Provincial and local

government in that particular water resource mobilization project

DPR/LG/Project office

Though indicators are interpreted for the local governments (LGs), same indicators can be used for the case of the provincial governments as


Table 2. Water Transport/ Navigation Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Source of data

The location of the

mobilized resources

Location of the Project


Province: District:

LG: Ward:

Location Index (LI)

Core LG: Core LG is List of LG locating the main project site (intake and

collection and use site) LG Profile/DPR/EIA

Adjoining LG:

Adjoining LG is the list of LG sharing the boundary with Core LG

(immediate upstream to the intake and immediate downstream from

the industry)

LG Profile/DPR/EIA

The affected area by

the mobilization of

natural resources

Affected area index


AAI= Length of water

route in the LG/Total

length of the water


Length of water route in the LG measures the total length of

water route locating in the LG unit

Total length of the water route measures the sum of length of

water route locating in the LGs

Distance estimation

using GIS


EIA report


(Nirbhar) upon the

mobilized natural


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Benefited population

by the returns Benefit index (BI)

BI= Population of the

given LG/ Total

population of the

affected LGs

Population of the LG/LGs means the total population of the

affected LG/LGs

CBS data

Dependent (AAshrit)

population on the

natural resources


Participation on

conservation and


management of

natural resources




SMI=LG Budget for the

water resource

conservation/ Total

budget of the LG unit

LG Budget for the water resource conservation is the portion of

the budget of LG allocated for water resource conservation and

sustainable management

LG budget

Share of Investment Investment index (II)

II = Investment of

particular LG unit/Total

public investment

Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of the LG in

the particular water resource mobilization project and Total public

investment is the total investment of federal. Provincial and local

government in that particular water resource mobilization project

DPR/LG/Project office

Table 3. Water Transfer: Irrigation/ Drinking Water Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Source of data

The location of the



Location of the Project

Name: Province:

District: LG:


Location index (LI)

Core LG: Core LG is List of LG locating the main project site (intake and

collection and use site) LG Profile/DPR/EIA

Adjoining LG:

Adjoining LG is the list of LG sharing the boundary with Core LG

(immediate upstream to the intake and immediate downstream

from water transfer project)

LG Profile/DPR/EIA

The affected area

by the mobilization

of natural


Affected area index


AAI= Affected area of the in

the given LG/Total affected

area in the LGs in downstream

Affected area in the LG/LGs is the affected area in the

LG/LGs (as proxy- area of the affected ward/wards) downstream

to the water transfer project upto the next confluence of another


EIA report/LG profile

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Criteria Index/Indicators Location/Formula Explanation Source of data


(Nirbhar) upon the

mobilized natural



Index (DI)

DI= Number of dependent

HHs in the LG/Total

dependent HHs in the


Number of dependent HHs in the LG is the total HH locating

in the respected LG unit/ ward HH number (regarding the water


Total dependent HHs in the catchment is total HH lies in the

catchment area of the project// ward HH number (regarding the

water use)

EIA report/LG profile


population by the


Benefit Index (BI)

Population of given LG/Total

of population of all affected


Population of the LG/LGs means the total population of the

affected LG/LGs

CBS data

More dependent


population on the

natural resources

More Dependent

(Aashrit) Population

Index (MDPI)

MPDI=Population of Majhi and

Bote in LG / Total population

of Majh and Bote in LGs

Population of Majhi and Bote in LG/LGs means their total

population in the affected LG/LGs (who are dependent on that

water resources for their livelihood)

CBS Population data of

the municipalities/ EIA


Participation on

conservation and


management of

natural resources




SMI=LG Budget for the water

resource conservation unit/

Total budget of the LG unit

LG Budget for the water resource conservation is the

portion of the budget of LG allocated for water resource

conservation and sustainable management

LG budget

Share of

Investment Investment index (II)

II = Investment of specific

government/Total public


Investment of particular LG is the capital investment of the

LG in the particular water resource mobilization project and

Total public investment is the total investment of federal.

Provincial and local government in that particular water resource

mobilization project

DPR/LG/Project office