A50 GROWTH CORRIDOR PROJECT A A522 UTTOXETER ......4 2.2 The A50 Growth Corridor scheme is located to the north of the town of Uttoxeter, within Staffordshire in the administrative

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    Prepared for:

    By Ancer Spa Ltd Town Planning Consultants

    May 2014

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    CONTENTS Page No.

    1. Introduction 3

    2. Site Location & Description 3

    3. Planning Context 4

    4. Site Appraisal 5

    5. Design Concept 6

    6. Access & Movement 8

    7. Landscape & Biodiversity 10

    8. Conclusions 10


    A. Scheme Extent Drawing

    B. Scheme Layout Drawing

    C. Location of Habitats and Features

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    1.1 This Design and Access Statement has been produced by ANCER SPA Town Planning Consultants for Staffordshire County Council’s Commissioner for Business and the Enterprise County. It supports a full planning application for the A50 Growth Corridor, Project A, the construction of a grade separated junction on the A50 at its junction with the A522 Uttoxeter Road.

    1.2 This Statement, supplemented by the site General Arrangement drawing

    and other supporting planning application documents, explains the proposed development scheme. It includes an understanding and appreciation of the area in which the site lays, and how the scheme has been designed to mitigate its impact on its local surroundings, both buildings and landscape.

    1.3 The scheme has been designed by Staffordshire County Councils Major

    Projects Team with input from specialist teams both within and outside the County Council.

    1.4 Staffordshire County Council (SCC) will be working as “delivery partner”

    for the A50 Growth Corridor Project A investment, on behalf of the Department of Transport and as such the Highways Agency fully supports the principle of the scheme and acknowledges its importance to the potential development of the Uttoxeter area.

    1.5 These improvements proposals were in response to existing congestion

    on the A50 (T) around Uttoxeter and emerging proposals for residential and business growth in and around the town and in the general area.

    1.6 The Project A works are needed to replace the existing junction

    arrangements of the A50(T) and the A522, facilitate the adjacent residential and business developments, improve safety and accessibility and to mitigate the impacts of the additional travel movements generated by the adjacent residential and business developments on the surrounding highways and access networks.

    1.7 The A50(T) Growth Corridor proposals are fundamentally about

    supporting businesses and communities right along the A50(T), to make the area an even more attractive and competitive place to do business.

    1.8 The massive investment also promises to unclog one of the key transport

    arteries in the Midlands, supporting businesses, housing, and tourism and helping to create more jobs for people along the entire A50 Growth Corridor and more specifically for the residents in Uttoxeter.


    2.1 The application site boundary is shown on drawing Scheme ExtentsLine Plan in Appendix A (drawing number CDX8609/P/02). It is approximately 13 ha in area. The OS Grid Reference is 407300E, 335000N.

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    2.2 The A50 Growth Corridor scheme is located to the north of the town of Uttoxeter, within Staffordshire in the administrative area of East Staffordshire Borough Council

    2.3 North of the A50, the site comprises existing A522 highway land together

    with small areas of agricultural fields required for slip road embankments. South of the A50 small areas of agricultural fields are required for slip road embankments together with the southern roundabout to an over-bridge. The Project also includes a link road connection from this southern roundabout through agricultural fields and then passing through the grounds of The Parks restaurant to connect with the A522 (New Road) south of the A50. The application boundary also includes the existing slip roads and associated roundabout south of the A50.


    3.1 The submitted Planning Statement includes a full review of relevant national and local planning policies and assess the proposed scheme against this context. is section will review the planning policy context to the proposed scheme with reference to national planning and transport policy and guidance, relevant strategies and studies and the relevant Development Plans.

    3.2 The East Staffordshire Adopted Local Plan (2006) forms a key part of the

    development plan; it provides the basis for determining all planning applications received by the Authority. The saved policies will continue to apply until the New Local Plan is adopted.The scheme design will accord with Policy BE1 – Design and the following transport related policies to mitigate any impact on the surrounding highway network.

    3.3 East Staffordshire Borough Council has set out their vision for the future

    through the emerging (pre-submission) Local Plan.Given that the plan is still in draft format (expected to be formally adopted December 2014), it is considered that limited weight should be attached to it; however the provisions of the emerging Plan have been considered by this proposal for robustness.

    3.4 The emerging Plan includes Inset Map 3 showing the proposals for

    Uttoxeter. The part of the application site south of the A50 lies within an area allocated as a Strategic Site Allocation for the growth of Uttoxeter and part of the application site north of the A50 is shown as within a Flood Zone.

    3.5 Principle 1 of the emerging Plan details that the Council will take a

    positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. It is considered that the scheme will ‘secure development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions in the area’ in line with this Principle.

    3.6 The development meets the Strategic Objective(s) of the plan, particularly

    S03: Accessibility and Transport Infrastructure and will ‘ensure that new development will be supported by effective transport infrastructure’.

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    3.7 The scheme will facilitate access to employment to areas in Uttoxeter and

    areas around the A50 Corridor in accordance with Strategic Policy 13.

    3.8 The National Planning Policy Framework in paragraph 7 states that there are economic, social, and environmental dimensions for sustainable development:

    • Economic – The scheme will facilitate economic growth by helping to bring forward the 10 ha B1/B2/B8 site on the Land West of Uttoxeter, included in planning application P/2013/00882 (See ESBC). This should create some 40,000m2 of employment floor space and 1,000 jobs. Together with the 717 new jobs at the proposed JCB Cab Systems development included in planning application ref P/2013/01530 (See ESBC), a total of some 1,700 jobs will indirectly be facilitated by the A522/A50 junction improvement scheme.

    • Social – The scheme will facilitate access to the supply of housing included in planning application P/2013/00882 (See ESBC) and facilitate accessibility through new highways infrastructure to mitigate the impact of development traffic on the local and strategic highway network, also by providing sustainable transport options through the provision of a footpath/cycleway and links to bus stops and services on the A522.

    • Environmental - The supporting documents submitted with the application demonstrate the proposal fulfils the environmental requirements by creating new habitats and replacement tree planting.


    4.1 North of the A50, the site comprises existing A522 highway land together with small areas of agricultural fields required for slip road embankments. South of the A50 small areas of agricultural fields are required for slip road embankments together with the southern roundabout to an over-bridge. The Project also includes a link road connection from this southern roundabout through agricultural fields and then passing through the grounds of The Parks restaurant to connect with the A522 (New Road) south of the A50. The application boundary also includes the existing slip roads and associated roundabout south of the A50.

    4.2 Immediately north of the application site there is agricultural land

    comprising Anfield House Farm and View Farm. Approximately 40m north of these farm buildings is the River Tean that meanders west to east. North of the site is the village of Stramshall.

    4.3 To the northwest of the site, located between the A522 Uttoxeter Road

    and the A50 is the JCB World Parts Centre and their Heavy Products building.

    4.4 South of the A50 and west of the site is Park’s Farm. South of the site are

    residential properties in Tunnicliffe Way, New Road and Davies Drive.

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    Immediately east of the site on New Road are further residential properties and a Shell petrol filling station.

    4.5 The submitted Ecological Phase 1 Habitat Survey and the Landscape and

    Visual Impact Assessment site provide a full appraisal of the ecology and landscape features of the site.


    5.1 Scheme Options:

    5.1.1 Various designs were considered for Project A before the final design was chosen as the preferred option. These scheme options considered were as follows:

    • At grade roundabout with additional link road and roundabout to serve southern development

    • Grade separated dumb bell junction with new roundabouts utilising existing over bridge with additional link road and roundabout to serve southern development

    • Elongated grade separated junction utilising existing over bridge & A522 roundabout with additional link road to serve southern development

    • Grade separated junction with elevated roundabout and additional link road and roundabout to serve southern development

    • Grade separated junction with A50 flyover and additional link road and roundabout to serve southern development

    5.1.2 These options were rejected for combinations of the following reasons:

    • Option does not deal with projected traffic levels

    • Option does not improve existing network

    • Safety concerns

    • Cost

    • Land take

    • Visual impact

    • Impact on existing network during construction

    • Detrimental effect on existing network

    5.2 Preferred Option

    5.2.1 Project A would include the construction of a completely new junction to the west of Uttoxeter. This junction would provide local access to Uttoxeter, to the proposed housing and Business Park to the south of the A50, and to the existing and new JCB factories to the north of the A50. The Project A proposals comprise:

    a) Construction of a new bridge over the A50 (T) to improve lateral

    clearance and to provide a new link for the A522 over the A50 (T). Including the provision of new retaining structures

    b) Construction of improved slip roads in both westerly and easterly

    directions to link the A50(T) to the A522 local network

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    c) Construction of two new roundabouts to allow all movement turning

    facilities between the A50(T) slip roads and the A522

    d) Realignment and extension of the existing A522 New Road to the new southern roundabout, (including the removal of an existing roundabout) and the construction of a new roundabout to serve housing and business developments

    e) Demolition of the existing A522 over bridge

    f) Provision of footway/cycleway facilities, along the new alignment of

    the A522 New Road and across the A50(T) to provide a clear link between the existing and proposed residential and business developments

    g) Widening of the existing dual two lane A50(T) for approximately

    400meters in an easterly direction

    h) Associated tree planting, landscaping and further aesthetic measures and mitigation

    5.2.2 Traffic wishing to leave or join the A50 at this point currently has to do so

    via two slip road junctions that do not meet current highway design standards. Additionally the junction does not have the capacity to safely cope with the projected increase in traffic from the proposed adjacent developments in the local area including expansion at JCB, residential development by St Modwen and a business park to the west of Uttoxeter.

    5.2.3 The design for this junction improvement has been prepared by

    Staffordshire County Council and has been agreed with the Highways Agency, who is responsible for the management of the A50 trunk road. The Scheme Layout is shown on Drawing Number CDX8609/P/01, Appendix B. Detailed design submissions will be made in the future in accordance with the requirements of any conditions of a planning permission.

    5.3 Community Views

    5.3.1 In February/March 2014 an extensive public consultation exercise was

    carried out to obtain the views of interested persons, businesses and organisations on the major regeneration initiative of the A50 Growth Corridor, Project A proposals. The details and response to this exercise are set out in the submitted ‘A50 Growth Corridor Consultation report’.

    5.3.2 Overall there was a majority of support in favour of the Project A proposals with 64% considering “the new grade separated junction (project A) was needed to support new business, job creation and housing developments near the A50 (T) west of Uttoxeter.”

    5.3.3 Whilst the majority of the feedback regarding the principles of Project A

    was positive, there were responses regarding aspects of the design. As a result of this consultation feedback the following actions were agreed:

    a) The Park Inn will remain

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    b) The balancing ponds will be relocated c) Additional pedestrian and cycle facilities will be added d) Additional pedestrian/traffic surveys will be undertaken in New

    Road with a commitment to further works if required

    5.3.4 The design has been changed to reflect these actions and the revised proposals are shown on Drawing number CDX8609/P/01, Appendix B. Consequently as a direct result of these representations, the design of the proposals has been improved to the benefit of the community of Uttoxeter as a whole.


    6.1 Highways

    6.1.1 The A50 is the most important road link between the East and West

    Midlands. Project A is designed to:

    • Deal with existing traffic issues on the A50

    • Provide for growth in Uttoxeter

    • Support major employers in the area

    6.1.2 The planning application includes a full Transport Assessment (TA) commissioned by Staffordshire County Council to assess the impact of Project A. The TA evaluates the impact the proposed development on the strategic and local highway networks, taking in to account the increased capacity provided. The TA also considers the existing sustainable transport network and services and how these relate to development proposals.

    6.1.3 The Highways Agency 2014 Route Based Strategy for North and East

    Midlands identifies that the A50 (T) at Uttoxeter has junction capacity issues that are having an impact on the main carriageway and that this section of the A50 (T) also experiences a high proportion of heavy goods vehicles, partly due to the JCB site located at Uttoxeter.

    6.1.4 Project A should help to accommodate sustainable development on local

    roads in Uttoxeter and at junctions with the A50 (T) and improve the operation and safety of the A50 (T) around Uttoxeter to support local growth, jobs and housing.

    6.1.5 National and Local policy considerations indicate that the need to facilitate

    economic and social growth is key to future economic prosperity, both nationally and locally. The effect of congestion due to less than satisfactory road network performance is a clear barrier to improved economic performance and social improvement. The A50 (T) improvement scheme at Uttoxeter will provide appropriate links to the strategic road network to facilitate this growth ambition.

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    6.1.6 The local highway network affected by the proposed scheme primarily comprises the A522 New Road and the B5030 Ashbourne Road. Staffordshire County Council is the local highway authority.

    6.1.7 The A50 is forms part Strategic Road Network (SRN) with the A50 Project

    A proposal representing a modification to the SRN infrastructure, resulting in the following impacts

    • Removal of substandard slip roads; improving safety and resilience of the A50

    • Increased operational capacity of the A50 through the provision of lane gain/lane drop facilities

    • Increased operational capacity of the A50 junction for local traffic access and egress

    • Provision of a junction arrangement which is capable of sustaining the proposed development demand with minimal impact on the performance of the SRN

    6.2 Public Transport

    6.2.1 Uttoxeter is served by bus and rail services to local villages, towns and

    cities. A dedicated bus station with 5 covered stops is provided in the town centre approximately 1 mile from the A50 improvement scheme. The railway station is remote from the town centre approximately 1.5 miles from the A50 improvement scheme. Uttoxeter is served by a number of inter-urban bus routes and a small number of market day routes that operate to Uttoxeter on market day (Wednesday). In addition a town circular route links the outskirts of the town and the town centre.

    6.2.2 The A50 improvement scheme would directly affect route 4 which

    operates along New Road and 32/32A, 184 and Swift routes which use the A50/B5030 roundabout to access the town centre. As the scheme will slight reduce B5030 queuing at the A50/B5030 roundabout the bus services will benefit from the A50 improvement scheme.

    6.3 Cycling, Pedestrians

    6.3.1 The local roads involved in the scheme are suitable for cycling and

    walking. Cycle and pedestrian facilities have been incorporated into the Project A design, including a new footway/cycleway with appropriate crossing points.

    6.4 Construction

    6.4.1 It is recognised that a key concern for the local community and the

    surrounding areas will be any disturbances caused by traffic generated during the construction stages associated with the Highway Infrastructure. During construction the contractor will be instructed:

    • To ensure that the impact of the development of the Highway Infrastructure is kept to a minimum

    • To ensure that the infrastructure is developed using sustainable construction methods and principles

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    • To ensure that the infrastructure is developed safely and in accordance with relevant health and safety legislation to minimise risks to the workforce and members of the public


    7.1 Landscaping 7.1.1 A Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) has been undertaken by

    URS Infrastructure & Environmental Ltd (URS) and is submitted as part of the planning application. It refers to various mitigation measures that have been recommended by provided by SCC Environmental Specialists and will be incorporated into the final designs to be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the conditions of any planning permission.

    7.2 Trees

    7.2.1 A full tree survey has been commissioned by Staffordshire County

    Council from Tree Health Consulting Ltd. Full mitigation measures have been provided by SCC Environmental Specialists and will be incorporated into the final detailed design.

    7.3 Ecology

    7.3.1 A full ecology survey has been commissioned by Staffordshire County

    Council from Apex Ecology Ltd. The survey included the following:

    • Habitat survey

    • Hedgerow survey

    • Badger survey

    • Inspection of any mature trees for use by bats

    • Assessment of water bodies within 250 metres for suitability for great crested newts

    • Scoping survey for other protected species

    7.3.2 Additional surveys are to be carried out at the appropriate time for bats habitat, great crested newts and hedgerows and the results will be reported in due course.

    7.4 The Ecology report including proposed mitigation measures has been

    submitted as supporting information to this planning application.


    8.1 SCC will provide a high quality upgrade of the existing highway network in

    order to facilitate the expansion in development in Uttoxeter for housing and business and, as a result, help to create much needed employment in the area.

    8.2 Project A will achieve sustainable benefits through the provision of

    pedestrian and cycle facilities.

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    8.3 SCC will ensure the following:

    • The site will remain used by public transport

    • Noise and air quality effects will be mitigated against

    • Effects on trees/landscaping/ecology will be mitigated against

    • Scheme will be future development proof

    • Flood risk will be managed

    • Effect on residents will be minimised

    • Residents’ concerns will be treated sympathetically

    8.4 In terms of scheme benefits, the A50 Project A proposal generates a range of benefits for both strategic traffic travelling on the A50 and local traffic, key benefits include:

    • Removal of substandard slip roads; improving safety and resilience of the A50

    • Increased operational capacity of the A50 through the provision of lane gain/lane drop facilities

    • Increased operational capacity of the A50 junction for local traffic access and egress

    • Provision of a junction arrangement which is capable of sustaining the proposed development demand with minimal impact on the performance of the strategic route network

    8.5 The principal benefit of the scheme is the future proofing the A50

    intersection, enabling the structure to accommodate the development proposal without detrimentally impacting the performance of the A50 or the local highway network.

    8.6 The A50 Project A highway scheme provides a significant benefit to the

    performance of the transport network within the study area and improves the resilience of the network as a whole, whilst providing additional operational capacity to support the local development proposals.

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    APPENDIX C: Location of Habitats and Features