s617306976.websitehome.co.uks617306976.websitehome.co.uk/AYASMagazines/Air.Yorkshire.February... · 16, A TRISIAR TALR 198? (Contd.) I{e had a omashlng f116ht on the AJ10 HB-IPA,

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  • 16,

    A TRISIAR TALR 198? (Contd.)

    I{e had a omashlng f116ht on the AJ10 HB-IPA, good meal, free wlne and drlnks, and Imlght add the steepest cl1nb out ever to date. l,lb landed around slx hours late, butto ne the Al10 was a bonus. The fo11or1n6 Saturday's fl.Ieht back wae on the TrlstarG-BEAI.!. It turned arou.nd at PMI 1n forty-slx nlnutes frorn landlng to take-off. ThepoBtscrlpt to thls story 1s that on arrlvlng home f wrote to Brltlsh Alrtours atGatwlck stnalght away asklng them why they couldn't have re-acted earfler when theyknew on the F\:Iday one of the IJ011's was tn trouble wlth lts schedules. They replledsaylng lt ras dlfficuLt to sub-charLer ride bodled alrcraft at short notlce and sentus a cheque for CIO with apologles for the de1ay. It lsn't who you know, it';;hatyou know when you have the "Blble".

    J. A. Brcuer,


    C-SYPA? South Yorkshire Police Authorlty are currently lnvestlgatlng the possiblli'l,yof buylng thelr om hclicopter. As a result of the lessons learned wlth "PoIlcc !2"/

    VOLUMt,i l.ll No 2 t,'t'itlliuAlrY lr92

    ,r,*,--r';.;." -r*r.-,,r; ;,:,,;,,; ;,,*,-r;,;,;,,;-;,;r",;";; ,rrn-rro,',"r. irr"CtttttLtNnnr- M.W11J.1nga1,r:,1/ Ilanlmlt an occaslonal- ar-Licle for the magazlne.ll.al.lrrow Sunday the 29th of l.larch 1992. Flight 8D411. DeparL 07.20. Meet from 0630It, odt\ at BM's Check-in c1csk. Arrives J,ondon Heathrow 081J.Illt.rrr:r l')..lght BDlr2O. Dcpart at 20ll0 to arrivc LBA at 21 .J0. Check-in tlne to berlor:lrlrrl on arrival at l{catlrrow, ff any nore niembers want to go on thls trip pleascrlryl mr: and .1. wlff try and get you a seat. The aircraft should be a DC-9 fron Ler,vls;rrrl ;r Il/l/-'J0O for thc return. On board meals both ways. Cost f6!.

    1T E E[,

    S'(F Hm ffi"*, 9'{ HH [{ $E Hr)( r,r)n I,nt v/,'t'r,i ()t Ictii,A'l't oN ()NLY)

    C-I{YPA, they have to docide whether to invest, presunably in a B.10J or a Twln Squir:rc).lJelghlng operating costs (gl?O/frour) agalnst the effectlveness of hellcopter operat-lons wlth other Police Authorltles nationride w111 probably result ln the purchase ofa sultable hellcopter, whlch ls }lkeIy to be based 1n the Sheffield,/Rotherham area.Lin]ey AlrfleldThls ls a "new" airfieltl, close to Beverley, whlch has begun operatlons recently.Vlsltors have included F-22's G-ZIGG and G-BOYC. Radlo frequency for "Lln-ley Radio"Is l2T5 l,tHz. Thls is a CAA-licensed alrfleld, offlcially caIled tseverley (llnleyH111). Does anyone have any further details?.New Alrband RadlosIn the absence of the excel,lent reporLs by Dave llard, lt ls worLh nentlonlng two newsetsr- the AR30O0A (to supercede the AR3O00) and the ARI5O0. The ARI500 covers J00 KHz-1100 MHz and has a single sicleband (SSB) facl1lty, Costs are about f750 for theARJ000A and 300 for the ARf500. E.C.crlff'ths.


    Iast sunner I began a new hobby: 11st1ng aeroplanes appearlng on te1evlslon. theflrst entry ln G-MAR.R, a light alrcraft I had prewlousl seen at Sturgate. The listalso lncludes B{80, a German miIltary hellcopter on exerclses, G-SIUA whlch wa.s ano1d aeroplane dolng stunt flying, a.nd a powered alrshlp reglstered G-BIHN. XV212 wasa blg R.A.F. aeroplane 1n the Hangar where Terry Waite was speaklng after hl-s releasefron eaptlwlty; whllst the United Nations alrcr.aft brlnglng lan Rlchter back wasHB-IEC. PK-PLll was spotted ln the news. It was used for the conpulsory return ofrefr:gees fron Hong Kong to Vletnafl. My latest entry 1s OY-KH0, the wrecked Scandln -arlan alrllner that crashed in Sweden soon after iake-off.Thls hobby Is no substltute for a uisit to Heathror+ r+ith a notebook and radio, but ltan be classed as a bonus.

    L. Scheftsik.

    The Eclltor has moved,.. new addiess 1s:-

    51, Moseley Uood lJal-k, Cookridge, Leeds IS15 /HQ.Please dlrect your contributions for the magazlne to the above address ln futureand keep them coning.

    Hany thanks,



    T.!J.SykesJ . Stanfleld

    E, C.G riffi thsA. Scdgwi ck

    Il,I,'ozzard,l . A. Rrcwer


    L. Scheftslk

  • ,,rr,,,,,,/,r,n,,u',I,,, r.,rrr,.,.,.r,,r,r,*,u,nrr,,,,,:/g,''ATA ATD ATA ATDD)6 )8? C-ZIC,C Robtnson R-22 Ii:S iTlS1211 1510 G-BSRY Relms l+O6 Caravan lZZg 165?I4ol 1416 c-Locn Jetstrean *Se }.,1l).529 1529 G-EYJ Boelne 737 t5U+ t?o6l?t8 l9)l G-BMIO( Shorr J60 lbro r8lbr90?. tgtlo. . EsEe__sMn_:Io- 1927 19502026 O7)i(r) C-.lll^il lYl cnrtr;lrlp nf ,, lot{) o?o1(B)

    J1.,,:l-r:t,'t) t;AAri i/rt)


    (;-.ll,iAlJ 1,'r.l r:rrlrrlrl I(l- IlXi'l' .lt:tliL r.r:rrnrC-llVllS Iioblnsorr It-it2C-JllAB FYlendshipI4I-CI,'C SAAB 3Il{)

    A1'll{l-llVlt:i lt()l,l rt:ytt ll-,/.,2


    7, G-BNXF JetrangerG-JEAH FYlendohlpG-CPIS JatrangerC-ZICC Foblnson R-22C-JEAH Frlendshlpo4J.-Eras[ra-G-BECC Boelng ?17 nft,

    B. O0-lli'D BraslllaC-lll,l^R ShorL J60


    -C.IMI; I,lJJ -r)1,1i :iAAli J/ro(]-IlWMI' lrockwe) | 6)Jh

    | )l \.,()

    )'/.ol t) ttStl).rt)t'/4?r9r?

    C-WYu( Ctt;rtion II N/nesC-B.IXJ Boeln6 /l/ n/s

    'iii, r

    l /lo/il'tl(,I r,/r )l,) l:' ( ),,/l I (,1)

    t7t+9 tB252o4? o?t?(z)0900 09450950 095012].4 t5)6t45o ]62977$ l.8291922 t959

    o8o7 0836093r 1816t2r8 12fi1503 t529t?55 t824t8t8 t92?1927 L95?

    O7t{,) (')l\?o0{Jt ll olt/r7o)t6 o)Joo9?.t t')5)l.21l 145\)t2r7 t)t9tt+5t t5)21742 tBzBl9t3 tgt+)1924 2aA)

    0Bl4 .l 500oro/1. OgJ{l09tB \559I0t B t0lror2o2 t5)4t)42 1)42L62?1759 \B)71919 07011(11+)2038 0706(9)

    0810 084409t? 0956lo?-)r2og t?42lt!42 t55t7uA n2t6)3 t64)v\a tB271B0B 18401927 795820)7 205)

    0759 oB)Bo84l 16500904 09350951 t542to)) tr)?1059 09I+6(I1)7129 t2O7t2o6 t2)5t))7 15051l+21 1508t50) tfi3L705 1802l?25 r91olBlrot9l7 ]..9t+22r16 o8o5(r])

    0919 1045r02)1050 11421054 1054l2tt9 l.249I lll


    ff:rrrrD-Ttml-irrir0852 092? G-JEAB FYiendshlp193) 2005 C-JEAB h:lendsirlp ,y'sO7)9 O9)O EI-CFD SAAB 34O092? os56 Gffi-;iEE;rt00Z 11!6 C-JEAB lytcndship1255 l43O C-I\Jx.r Bocirg ./lfl7)) ?_O0o (;-JUAll tyiendshlp

    . lti5l tgrlr tLr_cfA SAAB J4On/ ,: zottz O7O 5()) -

    O74B OB29 C-LOCT JetstreamO9OB 0942 G-BSXH Harrior II0914 1010 G-ELRA B^e jz.rtooo

    . l?-25 I5t+5 C-L,OCV.tetstr.carrrn/s 1511 l00Z(4)C-LOCV Jetstrean

    . 1807 lB39 OO-U|C Brasl1lalv s r9o9 ob5t)(7 )t\t._ct[ SAAB 34Oty',, zo5o 0806(4)-

    OB$ 0%Z C-t{vns Roblnson R-221017 C-ZIGC Roblnson R-221010 1117 C-TCTC Arrou IVI25B L25B C-B]XJ Boelne ?j?1419 1l+19 c-z]cfr Fobtnson- R-2214fi 1550 C-ZICiC Robtnson R-2216)8 t?06 G-HVRS Roblnson R_22tB)? 1935 G-JEAH Fylendshlptg)z zo?) G_BECG Boelns ?37 ry'ol2)2 tBO0 C-BECC BoeLne ?3?t?5? o9-Dlr_Eregllle-

    , \??? 2003...ffi-il"iG1? ,y'un/ s 2144 a7t9(6)0750 0851 C-BrcB short 160o9O5 09)B (;-JEAH I,rlendshlpIOt+? G-BDHL Aztec1109 C-.IEAI{ f,yle,ndr;hl pl:l0lr I41,9 C-ZICC ltobinso,, it_ititlt+52 1532 c-JIIAH lrr:iorxlrrlri ;r:t|2) lP,tt5 (D:I.il.t, ltr.rLrl tt,,

    . 79)2 ZOO|J (j-JltAIl l,'r.lrrrlr;lr11r ry' s,/,, 2101 09I0(Z)

    ;1 . ()|-lll'l lll.asilir(;-.1 l,iA I i,\.lcnLtshipC-Y01"f Cessna 42JC-OCAN Cessna ll+{)C-POI,O Navajo0&49_!.""f11.C-.lltAB [).1 oxl:)ri 1,

    3. tttl-l.rl'll ltr-,r,,iI.,..,uI_(:r,,1) ll^Ats 3k)ti-.1 I,lAIt l.Y1 cndshilrC-.t t':lll lyicndsl)ipC-JCCL Cessna 414C-JEAB FbiendshipG-ODNP Cessna llOliC-JEAB F.ri erxl r;h:l 1r

    lr. lil-C1,1) l]AAll l/(lC-,ll)AR tylcndshlpG-B.IYD Cessna F1J2C-ZICC Roblnson R-22G-HVRS Roblnson R-22G-UKID BAe 145C-JAKY NavajoG-BHIR Arrow 200G-IJ.IX.l Boct.rUt ZJZ

    5. G- t,l I)1,) NlvajoC-.ll)All l'r.1cnd shlpIiL-CIih SAAB '14OC-J0Al{ t}lendship

    6. LO-yII BraslliaE1-CI.'D SAAB 34OG-ATMI Twln CornanchcC-YUI'| Cessna ll2JC-BEClt Boe'lrU ZIZC-IICV Jetstr.r,lrrr0-lll/;lJ 5l)or-1.'if,ol,jt-rI,,C :;AAIt tir(rc- I Jr,-;Il;lfirTf i- 7 J /

    7. (X)-ljl'1, ttr.rrrt.t l;rt,:l-t:t. l) :iAAIt -]4()(;-.,t,:Al{ t,).1 crrdshlp

    G-JEAI{ FYlcndshlpNl224S Cessna I+25G-MUFF Twln--fr[IrrcIG-ONEA Klng Alr 200G-I0GP JetstreamG-JMI FrlendshipOG-DTJ BraslliaEI-CFB SAAB 34O

    9. OO-EJ Bras11laEI-CFA SAAB 3!OPH-LHC Klns Alr 200elEAr Frifid-shlp-G-JLRI'I DuchessG-BECG Boelng 737G-noWS l{arriorC-BIYH Short 330G-JLRI'I Duchess ,t/ sOGUIH Brasllla

    zt1g5 trs.125G-JEAI FYlcndshipG-HVRS Roblnson R-22C-B TV Cherokee IBODG-B},IAR Short 160G-ODNP Cessna l10FG-.IEAI FYiendshlp

    i .y's


    0741 0Br5 G-BrcB shorr J60O9O2 09)2 C-JEAI FYlendship0942 l75l C-MEBC Cessna J10Il2O) 1fi6 G-BSM Senecat245 C-AVYI Arrow14lB 151+1 G-L0CF Jetstreamt45t G-IEBC Cessna l10I

    O7)B OB29 (]-llMttX lilrolt l(r009OO 0947 (i-.il,ttt.i l)uclrr:ss0924 0952 C-lt,tMti ArroH III

    10.00-mH Brasl1laCTBEWR Cesena FL72NG-BDCl,l WarrlorG-JEAI FYlendshlpG-l'mBC Cessna JI0IG-HVRS Roblnson R-22G-BOUI Plper DakotaC-BCTA l{arrlorG-JEAI FblendshipG-FINS JetrangerC-AZLY Cessna F150LC-HVRS Robinson E-22C-BGW Cherokee 180G-BMlil Short 160o}mc -Erlra-E'J-CFts SAAB 3I]OC-ECc Boelns ?3? d s

    Il.EI-CFC SAAB 34O


    G-BFVP AztecG-FTNS JetrangerC-BOYC Robinson R-22G-BlfD Cessna ELJ2C-BOYC noblnson R-22

    l7l) G-JEAI FYlendship1?5? t31t+(to)c-BrcB short, J6o7857 Tg)t Er-cFp SA.AB l4ozo3o oToo( ro )tEiYil3fr6rr-JJo2144 os58(10)

    O?)) 0B2t+ C-BMrD( Short 360oBoT 1254 G-BMNF Klns Arr 200oltq l.245 EL-Qro_Eerj_3!o_0942 1018 G-EI,IUD Cessna FL?2Fl.O?-l N5?- C-AYTO Cherokoo IIOCLOt+5 IOt,5 C-A',l',YN Cessna F1J0G ry's1I0B 1529 C-BGvt] Cherokee 1801150 1618 G-BNPY Cessna 1J2l22l l5)B G-BPJD Fa11ye 1I0SI1t102 1435 C-BHNA Cessna 1J2lW5 l5A+ G-L0cv Jetstream$05 l505 C-BOXY Archer II1716 l?ti? G-lmBC Cessna l10IIBO1 1Bl7 G-AWOU Cessna 1f0B ry'sJ.909 l9)9 C-JEAI FYiendshlpl9?B 2006 C-JEAI Friendshlp ry's2222 o7t5(tt)09oU 09)6 c-BNDy cessna 42570l6 16)? c-JEAr f,Yiendship1050 G-BBEF Cherokee I4O1051 1051 G-ZIGC Roblnson R-221.12t+ 775) C-ZIC,C Fobinson R-22l?.57 1257 C-lrKlC RAe l/t6

    l{)lo to l0ll):',,, Ioi"/li 1,, tltit()l'lt(, ttt';5ttttti ttlt?| 't I'r' | 't')'7l'/1t,, t'/o5l',llti't;", o'/')6(5)l4ttlt 1,,1t1t,,ot l()lg;'tt t,r 0lt'J9(5)

    ( )'/, ,)( / ( )l i/t']o,) ttt too2_t o5')t",t6 lJtlQ)"tt?-6 1426t7 52tBtD t9)5z1t+z o7o) (7)

    oBo? ofi't'/0104 llr(x)I l i'll l /l:' ,

    G-JEAI FtlendshipG-BECG Boelne 7J7

    ,'t/ "n/s


  • ,,rr,,,,,,/,r,n,,u',I,,, r.,rrr,.,.,.r,,r,r,*,u,nrr,,,,,:/g,''ATA ATD ATA ATDD)6 )8? C-ZIC,C Robtnson R-22 Ii:S iTlS1211 1510 G-BSRY Relms l+O6 Caravan lZZg 165?I4ol 1416 c-Locn Jetstrean *Se }.,1l).529 1529 G-EYJ Boelne 737 t5U+ t?o6l?t8 l9)l G-BMIO( Shorr J60 lbro r8lbr90?. tgtlo. . EsEe__sMn_:Io- 1927 19502026 O7)i(r) C-.lll^il lYl cnrtr;lrlp nf ,, lot{) o?o1(B)

    J1.,,:l-r:t,'t) t;AAri i/rt)


    (;-.ll,iAlJ 1,'r.l r:rrlrrlrl I(l- IlXi'l' .lt:tliL r.r:rrnrC-llVllS Iioblnsorr It-it2C-JllAB FYlendshipI4I-CI,'C SAAB 3Il{)

    A1'll{l-llVlt:i lt()l,l rt:ytt ll-,/.,2


    7, G-BNXF JetrangerG-JEAH FYlendohlpG-CPIS JatrangerC-ZICC Foblnson R-22C-JEAH Frlendshlpo4J.-Eras[ra-G-BECC Boelng ?17 nft,

    B. O0-lli'D BraslllaC-lll,l^R ShorL J60


    -C.IMI; I,lJJ -r)1,1i :iAAli J/ro(]-IlWMI' lrockwe) | 6)Jh

    | )l \.,()

    )'/.ol t) ttStl).rt)t'/4?r9r?

    C-WYu( Ctt;rtion II N/nesC-B.IXJ Boeln6 /l/ n/s

    'iii, r

    l /lo/il'tl(,I r,/r )l,) l:' ( ),,/l I (,1)

    t7t+9 tB252o4? o?t?(z)0900 09450950 095012].4 t5)6t45o ]62977$ l.8291922 t959

    o8o7 0836093r 1816t2r8 12fi1503 t529t?55 t824t8t8 t92?1927 L95?

    O7t{,) (')l\?o0{Jt ll olt/r7o)t6 o)Joo9?.t t')5)l.21l 145\)t2r7 t)t9tt+5t t5)21742 tBzBl9t3 tgt+)1924 2aA)

    0Bl4 .l 500oro/1. OgJ{l09tB \559I0t B t0lror2o2 t5)4t)42 1)42L62?1759 \B)71919 07011(11+)2038 0706(9)

    0810 084409t? 0956lo?-)r2og t?42lt!42 t55t7uA n2t6)3 t64)v\a tB271B0B 18401927 795820)7 205)

    0759 oB)Bo84l 16500904 09350951 t542to)) tr)?1059 09I+6(I1)7129 t2O7t2o6 t2)5t))7 15051l+21 1508t50) tfi3L705 1802l?25 r91olBlrot9l7 ]..9t+22r16 o8o5(r])

    0919 1045r02)1050 11421054 1054l2tt9 l.249I lll


    ff:rrrrD-Ttml-irrir0852 092? G-JEAB FYiendshlp193) 2005 C-JEAB h:lendsirlp ,y'sO7)9 O9)O EI-CFD SAAB 34O092? os56 Gffi-;iEE;rt00Z 11!6 C-JEAB lytcndship1255 l43O C-I\Jx.r Bocirg ./lfl7)) ?_O0o (;-JUAll tyiendshlp

    . lti5l tgrlr tLr_cfA SAAB J4On/ ,: zottz O7O 5()) -

    O74B OB29 C-LOCT JetstreamO9OB 0942 G-BSXH Harrior II0914 1010 G-ELRA B^e jz.rtooo

    . l?-25 I5t+5 C-L,OCV.tetstr.carrrn/s 1511 l00Z(4)C-LOCV Jetstrean

    . 1807 lB39 OO-U|C Brasl1lalv s r9o9 ob5t)(7 )t\t._ct[ SAAB 34Oty',, zo5o 0806(4)-

    OB$ 0%Z C-t{vns Roblnson R-221017 C-ZIGC Roblnson R-221010 1117 C-TCTC Arrou IVI25B L25B C-B]XJ Boelne ?j?1419 1l+19 c-z]cfr Fobtnson- R-2214fi 1550 C-ZICiC Robtnson R-2216)8 t?06 G-HVRS Roblnson R_22tB)? 1935 G-JEAH Fylendshlptg)z zo?) G_BECG Boelns ?37 ry'ol2)2 tBO0 C-BECC BoeLne ?3?t?5? o9-Dlr_Eregllle-

    , \??? 2003...ffi-il"iG1? ,y'un/ s 2144 a7t9(6)0750 0851 C-BrcB short 160o9O5 09)B (;-JEAH I,rlendshlpIOt+? G-BDHL Aztec1109 C-.IEAI{ f,yle,ndr;hl pl:l0lr I41,9 C-ZICC ltobinso,, it_ititlt+52 1532 c-JIIAH lrr:iorxlrrlri ;r:t|2) lP,tt5 (D:I.il.t, ltr.rLrl tt,,

    . 79)2 ZOO|J (j-JltAIl l,'r.lrrrlr;lr11r ry' s,/,, 2101 09I0(Z)

    ;1 . ()|-lll'l lll.asilir(;-.1 l,iA I i,\.lcnLtshipC-Y01"f Cessna 42JC-OCAN Cessna ll+{)C-POI,O Navajo0&49_!.""f11.C-.lltAB [).1 oxl:)ri 1,

    3. tttl-l.rl'll ltr-,r,,iI.,..,uI_(:r,,1) ll^Ats 3k)ti-.1 I,lAIt l.Y1 cndshilrC-.t t':lll lyicndsl)ipC-JCCL Cessna 414C-JEAB FbiendshipG-ODNP Cessna llOliC-JEAB F.ri erxl r;h:l 1r

    lr. lil-C1,1) l]AAll l/(lC-,ll)AR tylcndshlpG-B.IYD Cessna F1J2C-ZICC Roblnson R-22G-HVRS Roblnson R-22G-UKID BAe 145C-JAKY NavajoG-BHIR Arrow 200G-IJ.IX.l Boct.rUt ZJZ

    5. G- t,l I)1,) NlvajoC-.ll)All l'r.1cnd shlpIiL-CIih SAAB '14OC-J0Al{ t}lendship

    6. LO-yII BraslliaE1-CI.'D SAAB 34OG-ATMI Twln CornanchcC-YUI'| Cessna ll2JC-BEClt Boe'lrU ZIZC-IICV Jetstr.r,lrrr0-lll/;lJ 5l)or-1.'if,ol,jt-rI,,C :;AAIt tir(rc- I Jr,-;Il;lfirTf i- 7 J /

    7. (X)-ljl'1, ttr.rrrt.t l;rt,:l-t:t. l) :iAAIt -]4()(;-.,t,:Al{ t,).1 crrdshlp

    G-JEAI{ FYlcndshlpNl224S Cessna I+25G-MUFF Twln--fr[IrrcIG-ONEA Klng Alr 200G-I0GP JetstreamG-JMI FrlendshipOG-DTJ BraslliaEI-CFB SAAB 34O

    9. OO-EJ Bras11laEI-CFA SAAB 3!OPH-LHC Klns Alr 200elEAr Frifid-shlp-G-JLRI'I DuchessG-BECG Boelng 737G-noWS l{arriorC-BIYH Short 330G-JLRI'I Duchess ,t/ sOGUIH Brasllla

    zt1g5 trs.125G-JEAI FYlcndshipG-HVRS Roblnson R-22C-B TV Cherokee IBODG-B},IAR Short 160G-ODNP Cessna l10FG-.IEAI FYiendshlp

    i .y's


    0741 0Br5 G-BrcB shorr J60O9O2 09)2 C-JEAI FYlendship0942 l75l C-MEBC Cessna J10Il2O) 1fi6 G-BSM Senecat245 C-AVYI Arrow14lB 151+1 G-L0CF Jetstreamt45t G-IEBC Cessna l10I

    O7)B OB29 (]-llMttX lilrolt l(r009OO 0947 (i-.il,ttt.i l)uclrr:ss0924 0952 C-lt,tMti ArroH III

    10.00-mH Brasl1laCTBEWR Cesena FL72NG-BDCl,l WarrlorG-JEAI FYlendshlpG-l'mBC Cessna JI0IG-HVRS Roblnson R-22G-BOUI Plper DakotaC-BCTA l{arrlorG-JEAI FblendshipG-FINS JetrangerC-AZLY Cessna F150LC-HVRS Robinson E-22C-BGW Cherokee 180G-BMlil Short 160o}mc -Erlra-E'J-CFts SAAB 3I]OC-ECc Boelns ?3? d s

    Il.EI-CFC SAAB 34O


    G-BFVP AztecG-FTNS JetrangerC-BOYC Robinson R-22G-BlfD Cessna ELJ2C-BOYC noblnson R-22

    l7l) G-JEAI FYlendship1?5? t31t+(to)c-BrcB short, J6o7857 Tg)t Er-cFp SA.AB l4ozo3o oToo( ro )tEiYil3fr6rr-JJo2144 os58(10)

    O?)) 0B2t+ C-BMrD( Short 360oBoT 1254 G-BMNF Klns Arr 200oltq l.245 EL-Qro_Eerj_3!o_0942 1018 G-EI,IUD Cessna FL?2Fl.O?-l N5?- C-AYTO Cherokoo IIOCLOt+5 IOt,5 C-A',l',YN Cessna F1J0G ry's1I0B 1529 C-BGvt] Cherokee 1801150 1618 G-BNPY Cessna 1J2l22l l5)B G-BPJD Fa11ye 1I0SI1t102 1435 C-BHNA Cessna 1J2lW5 l5A+ G-L0cv Jetstream$05 l505 C-BOXY Archer II1716 l?ti? G-lmBC Cessna l10IIBO1 1Bl7 G-AWOU Cessna 1f0B ry'sJ.909 l9)9 C-JEAI FYiendshlpl9?B 2006 C-JEAI Friendshlp ry's2222 o7t5(tt)09oU 09)6 c-BNDy cessna 42570l6 16)? c-JEAr f,Yiendship1050 G-BBEF Cherokee I4O1051 1051 G-ZIGC Roblnson R-221.12t+ 775) C-ZIC,C Fobinson R-22l?.57 1257 C-lrKlC RAe l/t6

    l{)lo to l0ll):',,, Ioi"/li 1,, tltit()l'lt(, ttt';5ttttti ttlt?| 't I'r' | 't')'7l'/1t,, t'/o5l',llti't;", o'/')6(5)l4ttlt 1,,1t1t,,ot l()lg;'tt t,r 0lt'J9(5)

    ( )'/, ,)( / ( )l i/t']o,) ttt too2_t o5')t",t6 lJtlQ)"tt?-6 1426t7 52tBtD t9)5z1t+z o7o) (7)

    oBo? ofi't'/0104 llr(x)I l i'll l /l:' ,

    G-JEAI FtlendshipG-BECG Boelne 7J7

    ,'t/ "n/s


  • LI,lt,tl)ti/ tlttA t)1,1)lilr Mo v l,tit l,L.l,t I l( t,,r I 1., I . )I I .(;-'/,ltl) Itl)l)l nl()lr li_,1i,

    C-lJ()Y(i iiubtn t;on lt_L',i,.C-tsOYC llobl nson Il-?-:)

    12.C-BltOC Boelng /l/C-A1'C0 Cessna Fa?ZCC-ts02{' Archer IIG-liYIN Cessna 4Z1C

    ,ffi+ffitffi*-EI-iir-A SAAB ilrn-


    C-BLICC Bop i ry< Z J7 t,/ t

    t'tlt,; 11i,,)it51it,)l6tt6 t6t+60859 0940 C-HItrtL Uobinson ]i_22\)09 \l+)4 G-BOyC Roblnson R_221408 tt5o(tl) C-BECC Boeins /lf-7?.tg

    o? t+z(l)) c-Jti{r FriendshlpIt34l l9)? C-IIEBC .Cessna ll01l9)2 2A06 G-JIAI F):iendshlp2)05 oB25O))

    l1 .

    (:- lJl')(:(; boetrya ./'),/C-ZICC lioblnson h-22

    LEEDS/BRADF'0RD MovEMplrrs ( contd. )

    l?.G-ZIC'C Roblnson F-22G-ffJA TB20 Trlnld,rdG-JH N Klng Alr 200G-MOAC Beech FllAG-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-BMLC Short J60rls

    ,r/ =

    0735 08))0906 09451116 t6l/+1456 v)577U+ t8?-91815\857 \%7t9)5 Zoa52o3t 0721(14)an6 08360930 100610lBt94t 2015oB19 oB4774531B4o 190619)2 t95B

    A',l'A A t,t)Ttij't t', tt1616 t/,1r,

    1008 1001J1406 140r,l.605 tB)'l75t+ t82B1900 1026(11)2044 o?l)(D)

    o75B oB),709)6 7ot9t)1? t4)9tToB tB45l8ol 1816tB44 t6?-?(t4)1904 201 Bt958 2to9

    0{J0 _) 0lJ:lB095i ro24tt 5tj ltt)o(L5)

    \)';l ) 554r5l0 1911't92'

    20)-O22o) o?24(t5)0{}()r 0B5BOgt+.) I9O9o9)2 0g5gr r ll'l 11431r.57tl58 l-')58l 501 1610t62.9 t62g)7'.;:; |.BZBIt:10/ l$111t|,52 o8t?(t?)t9'?,5 19572302 ogor(17)

    0800 Oljltjotl)rl t55t!u)ot) o9)t)091ti 17100941t0)6 t5c)91112t220

    ATA ATI]T[ l 1get455 rfi?15)t+ t6ozr55B t55Bt74) )825tB1? t9?-5t909 )959r rl,I ,/r',.) .l l//r( I t l)1r/r9 0955( I B)l95fl 201'l2122 0109(1{t)2tu9 7)56(78)10IB 111710lo 1010ttz? t42)1101 ll0l1l+15 ]r+1515!S lBoBt65t+ 765t+1B2l l8le20)7 22150958 0958tt55 t)26t24) l.24)1l{Ol} 15281701 1902(21)1B1r+ 1625(20)1900 l-9571929 20002011 0714(20)

    0736 t9o?oB01 0Bl90904 0919o9)9 o95tluo o92ll(21)1329)-4)9 t52t+1536 t55B\7U6 l8251Bl2 1901t9)4 zOOt+

    07lB 03240Bll4oB55 t720o9o4 09)50952 t8/+s1018t252 r5)f3

    ATA ATt)1ff.4TJi]+ c-AYPV cherokee lltoDl4)Z l52B G-IOCU Jetstream:-5l9 l55I C-TKIZ Cessna ]IOR

    ,./, t542 l01,z19)c-zrcc noblnson R-22L62? 162'/ c-.lFlAB tlrlcndshlp1752 G-01)N1' Cessna l10R

    19r(, .l.t.or(1tl)c-ltl'l'N BAc A'l'I'] ry's DrV1!)Jl t00o( ttl)c-Br1)r,r ;hor-L ')J0 Drv2u'iI olio r( l.t{)9ll-AnA Uoottv,. ?l? Dl v2L27 OOSB(IB)C-BW1N BAC 1-I1 n/s DTV0900 0911 C-BDZU Cessna lr21ClO27 lO27 C-BOYC Roblnson Ii-221111 C-EIYJ Boelns 7J7

    FETk":reifi;im ry's DrvC-BI'll' BAe A'l'P ry': IllVC-JMB Frlendship ry',tFIC-FtC Boelng 737 DI V

    18.E1-!EE449_1PG-ZIGC Robinson R-?.?-G-JE B FrlendshipG-B0YC Roblnson Il-22G-B0YC Robinson Il-22G-UKRC BAe 116G-ZIGC Robinson F-22G-BDZ:L Cessna 42lCG-BCYJ Boelng /l/ n/ =

    19.G-BNPY Cessna 1J2C-B0YC Roblnson F-22G-ZICC Roblnson R-22C-BOYC Roblnson R-22G-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-JEAB F:rlendshlpG-AYI Beech C2l

    G-Bl1lfi Short 160C-JEAI F):lendshtpC-BPI"A BoelnA Z3Z9H-ABF Boeine Z3ZC-BMifi Short 360C-BNRX Seneca ,r1 sC-BOJII Archer IIC-BBSA A.A5 Traveler

    G-BMLC Short J60EI-CFD SAAB 34OC-JLFlrl Duchess d s

    C-BPSX Felrns I+O6 CaravanCFOPPP BandelranteE]-CFC SAAB 3!OG-JEAB Fblendshlp n/,

    (l-llIlLC Shod 160I,'-Cl,lJV KlnB Atr 1ool,jl - rilrc sAAII 3/nl,'-CULII Cheycnnr.C-All'l'A Ccssna :)lONC-BNRX SenesrC-BPflZ Cessn:r l/loC-WYI,A Bolkow LO5DtsS/ t+

    C-tllYJ BoeIng 717 ,,/,t )t\tt) o'/l(,( llt)(x)-lll,l l]r'i!s1 l lirc-AVIlp BAC l:ti n/r; Dr'v r.tltt t:rrti.t rr)f,i7irj-r-l;;l1ij; DlvI,lI-CtrA SIAAR l/r0 t(y'tt zOOa (i-',1 1.:At1 rlA0 ]1tJ ry'rr l)t Vfs

    n1 "11. ojl!l_(_s*-:g:g

    {L-9t1-.9Aa.Lar+oC-AVXI HS.?48C-l,OCLi JetstreamC-JEAJ tlriendstilpG-BECC Boeing /l/OG-DTI Brasifia6filD-sa^Elm.-


    tLJF.eJ Fyiendshi p ,y' .1l+. O0-irl'.J Br;rsi l iir

    G-JEAI trYiendshi nC-BDCS cessn^ t+Ziy DlvEI-CFC SAAB 34O

    15.G-BMlfi Short J6OC-I0CV JetstreanC-BMlfi Short 3600Gml_!:c*1ia

    16. OO-m't{ Brasili aEEfrffi- sn"iljeoEI-CFC SAAB 3A'F-==:-.--:--hru LL Ho or nson h_22c-Arxr HS.748G-BDSL Cessna FlJOI,iG-LOCU JetstreanG-BGYJ Boeing /lfC-ZICC Foblnson R-22C-ICE! CitatlonC-BSCP Cessna 1J20&sf-Br"s!U"G-JEAB Fyl endship n/ sC-AVMS BAC 1-11 ry's DIV

    O7U+ OB54 C-BCyJ Boelng /l/0806 08)6 c-Oppp BandeiranteAB52 C-JEAB Fbtendshlpll32 7l)2 C-BOYC Roblnson i_221233 l-32l G-BCNR Cessna F1/2Nl)55 1452 G-ZIGC Roblnson R-221502 l5)5 C-BpEF Tomahawkl55tt 1655 c-BOyC Roblnson R-221632 ].6J2 C-JEAB F.rlendshipl80l 1824 c-Btr],C Shod J6OIBUD tg22 c-oA\ry K1n8 Alr 200tgao tg4? Er-cFA rsA4!_lm.2o)B o?t?(t'/) frlTToeine ?j?4t8 ta!o(L7)

    C-JI{AN Klng Alr 200G-BHWF Boetne ?37

    20.G-BF0L KlrA Alr 200OCuUIH BraslllaC-BDIIL AztecC-JEAB F)denilshlpG-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-BGIIP DuchessG-BECH Boelne 7)7G-LOGP JetstreamG-BOYC Roblnson R-22G-BHWF Boelne ?J7 ,./ sOG-DTJ Braslllafrffirrtp n/s

    2I.C-FTSH Cessna l10RC-BI"IAR Short 160SE-DEF Cltati on I I r/ r.G-AZFI Arrow Dl VC-OPPP Bandelrant,cG-JEAA tr'riendshipC-BING Cessna Irl??-l

    1301 ]l0l G-ZIGC Ilobinson R-22V5?. 135?- G-ZIGG Hobinson ll-221418 1502 C-I,IOAT Klns Alr 200164) l5t+) C-BOYC Fobinson F-221810 lBfB G-BDHL Aztec2ozl O?29G9)G-QIET Lear Jet 350910 1154 c-ZrGG Ilobinson R-221017 1017 C-BllFjP Cessna l72RClz)t+ 72)l+ G-BOYC Robinson R-22Dfi l)fi G-BHWF Boetns f)ll53l 7531 G-STAT Cessna U206 n1,s1759 lB)O CTBHNI1 Semlnole n1 stB25 2o4t G.UIJ--Esurll:ta1925 o8o7(20)m-cFA SAAB 'rlo2013 0816(2oIG-JEA lendsh1p r't/sOO)? C-OP?P BandelranteO?t+) OB?9 G-BI'I R ShorL f6008],6 to26 EI-CFA SAaB lltoO92) 0956 G-PNRX Seneca1020 1020 C-BBEV Cherokee 1{O ry'slZLlB lU+5 C-BNIX Seneca1332 \Ur]. C-BBEF Cherokee flto1452 153) C-&iYD Cessna 1J216!0 1640 C-JEAB tYicndshlplBl0 0915(21)G-BMLC shorL 160l8fi l_93? EI-crA SAAB l4O2ol8 0711(21)0700 0713 OO-UTI Bresilia0802 0B3A xxtng JctstroamoB54 L55B(22)G-BLKY Baronoe00 0a3n r.ir-cFD s^4ll 2!0oglo 1B5g i:-rnic Hs.rz5 6008



    nl s

    1/.OtLDl'( iJr-:rs11ial'-Cl'1,'1) I"al con 1,0

    0711r) 0[]taoB.Lt! r5?-7Otlx) 1./?:?O))1 l90!ja9)0 095709t0 ft)a110, 1ll1r1rt7 1rt7

    I,'-(l(ll'(l Mlrl i lr I)l V(l-01,1,1, llrr!.lcl rirnL{lC-,11,.A)i I,'r.i r:rrdsiti


    C-BI'l'D BAr: A'l'j, Il1VC-Il)C'l' Jr:tstrcrun l)i VC-BOYC liobinson It-22

    I]I V

    r 0071052

    C-CULL .IetrangerC-BPZI'llallbu

  • LI,lt,tl)ti/ tlttA t)1,1)lilr Mo v l,tit l,L.l,t I l( t,,r I 1., I . )I I .(;-'/,ltl) Itl)l)l nl()lr li_,1i,

    C-lJ()Y(i iiubtn t;on lt_L',i,.C-tsOYC llobl nson Il-?-:)

    12.C-BltOC Boelng /l/C-A1'C0 Cessna Fa?ZCC-ts02{' Archer IIG-liYIN Cessna 4Z1C

    ,ffi+ffitffi*-EI-iir-A SAAB ilrn-


    C-BLICC Bop i ry< Z J7 t,/ t

    t'tlt,; 11i,,)it51it,)l6tt6 t6t+60859 0940 C-HItrtL Uobinson ]i_22\)09 \l+)4 G-BOyC Roblnson R_221408 tt5o(tl) C-BECC Boeins /lf-7?.tg

    o? t+z(l)) c-Jti{r FriendshlpIt34l l9)? C-IIEBC .Cessna ll01l9)2 2A06 G-JIAI F):iendshlp2)05 oB25O))

    l1 .

    (:- lJl')(:(; boetrya ./'),/C-ZICC lioblnson h-22

    LEEDS/BRADF'0RD MovEMplrrs ( contd. )

    l?.G-ZIC'C Roblnson F-22G-ffJA TB20 Trlnld,rdG-JH N Klng Alr 200G-MOAC Beech FllAG-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-BMLC Short J60rls

    ,r/ =

    0735 08))0906 09451116 t6l/+1456 v)577U+ t8?-91815\857 \%7t9)5 Zoa52o3t 0721(14)an6 08360930 100610lBt94t 2015oB19 oB4774531B4o 190619)2 t95B

    A',l'A A t,t)Ttij't t', tt1616 t/,1r,

    1008 1001J1406 140r,l.605 tB)'l75t+ t82B1900 1026(11)2044 o?l)(D)

    o75B oB),709)6 7ot9t)1? t4)9tToB tB45l8ol 1816tB44 t6?-?(t4)1904 201 Bt958 2to9

    0{J0 _) 0lJ:lB095i ro24tt 5tj ltt)o(L5)

    \)';l ) 554r5l0 1911't92'

    20)-O22o) o?24(t5)0{}()r 0B5BOgt+.) I9O9o9)2 0g5gr r ll'l 11431r.57tl58 l-')58l 501 1610t62.9 t62g)7'.;:; |.BZBIt:10/ l$111t|,52 o8t?(t?)t9'?,5 19572302 ogor(17)

    0800 Oljltjotl)rl t55t!u)ot) o9)t)091ti 17100941t0)6 t5c)91112t220

    ATA ATI]T[ l 1get455 rfi?15)t+ t6ozr55B t55Bt74) )825tB1? t9?-5t909 )959r rl,I ,/r',.) .l l//r( I t l)1r/r9 0955( I B)l95fl 201'l2122 0109(1{t)2tu9 7)56(78)10IB 111710lo 1010ttz? t42)1101 ll0l1l+15 ]r+1515!S lBoBt65t+ 765t+1B2l l8le20)7 22150958 0958tt55 t)26t24) l.24)1l{Ol} 15281701 1902(21)1B1r+ 1625(20)1900 l-9571929 20002011 0714(20)

    0736 t9o?oB01 0Bl90904 0919o9)9 o95tluo o92ll(21)1329)-4)9 t52t+1536 t55B\7U6 l8251Bl2 1901t9)4 zOOt+

    07lB 03240Bll4oB55 t720o9o4 09)50952 t8/+s1018t252 r5)f3

    ATA ATt)1ff.4TJi]+ c-AYPV cherokee lltoDl4)Z l52B G-IOCU Jetstream:-5l9 l55I C-TKIZ Cessna ]IOR

    ,./, t542 l01,z19)c-zrcc noblnson R-22L62? 162'/ c-.lFlAB tlrlcndshlp1752 G-01)N1' Cessna l10R

    19r(, .l.t.or(1tl)c-ltl'l'N BAc A'l'I'] ry's DrV1!)Jl t00o( ttl)c-Br1)r,r ;hor-L ')J0 Drv2u'iI olio r( l.t{)9ll-AnA Uoottv,. ?l? Dl v2L27 OOSB(IB)C-BW1N BAC 1-I1 n/s DTV0900 0911 C-BDZU Cessna lr21ClO27 lO27 C-BOYC Roblnson Ii-221111 C-EIYJ Boelns 7J7

    FETk":reifi;im ry's DrvC-BI'll' BAe A'l'P ry': IllVC-JMB Frlendship ry',tFIC-FtC Boelng 737 DI V

    18.E1-!EE449_1PG-ZIGC Robinson R-?.?-G-JE B FrlendshipG-B0YC Roblnson Il-22G-B0YC Robinson Il-22G-UKRC BAe 116G-ZIGC Robinson F-22G-BDZ:L Cessna 42lCG-BCYJ Boelng /l/ n/ =

    19.G-BNPY Cessna 1J2C-B0YC Roblnson F-22G-ZICC Roblnson R-22C-BOYC Roblnson R-22G-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-JEAB F:rlendshlpG-AYI Beech C2l

    G-Bl1lfi Short 160C-JEAI F):lendshtpC-BPI"A BoelnA Z3Z9H-ABF Boeine Z3ZC-BMifi Short 360C-BNRX Seneca ,r1 sC-BOJII Archer IIC-BBSA A.A5 Traveler

    G-BMLC Short J60EI-CFD SAAB 34OC-JLFlrl Duchess d s

    C-BPSX Felrns I+O6 CaravanCFOPPP BandelranteE]-CFC SAAB 3!OG-JEAB Fblendshlp n/,

    (l-llIlLC Shod 160I,'-Cl,lJV KlnB Atr 1ool,jl - rilrc sAAII 3/nl,'-CULII Cheycnnr.C-All'l'A Ccssna :)lONC-BNRX SenesrC-BPflZ Cessn:r l/loC-WYI,A Bolkow LO5DtsS/ t+

    C-tllYJ BoeIng 717 ,,/,t )t\tt) o'/l(,( llt)(x)-lll,l l]r'i!s1 l lirc-AVIlp BAC l:ti n/r; Dr'v r.tltt t:rrti.t rr)f,i7irj-r-l;;l1ij; DlvI,lI-CtrA SIAAR l/r0 t(y'tt zOOa (i-',1 1.:At1 rlA0 ]1tJ ry'rr l)t Vfs

    n1 "11. ojl!l_(_s*-:g:g

    {L-9t1-.9Aa.Lar+oC-AVXI HS.?48C-l,OCLi JetstreamC-JEAJ tlriendstilpG-BECC Boeing /l/OG-DTI Brasifia6filD-sa^Elm.-


    tLJF.eJ Fyiendshi p ,y' .1l+. O0-irl'.J Br;rsi l iir

    G-JEAI trYiendshi nC-BDCS cessn^ t+Ziy DlvEI-CFC SAAB 34O

    15.G-BMlfi Short J6OC-I0CV JetstreanC-BMlfi Short 3600Gml_!:c*1ia

    16. OO-m't{ Brasili aEEfrffi- sn"iljeoEI-CFC SAAB 3A'F-==:-.--:--hru LL Ho or nson h_22c-Arxr HS.748G-BDSL Cessna FlJOI,iG-LOCU JetstreanG-BGYJ Boeing /lfC-ZICC Foblnson R-22C-ICE! CitatlonC-BSCP Cessna 1J20&sf-Br"s!U"G-JEAB Fyl endship n/ sC-AVMS BAC 1-11 ry's DIV

    O7U+ OB54 C-BCyJ Boelng /l/0806 08)6 c-Oppp BandeiranteAB52 C-JEAB Fbtendshlpll32 7l)2 C-BOYC Roblnson i_221233 l-32l G-BCNR Cessna F1/2Nl)55 1452 G-ZIGC Roblnson R-221502 l5)5 C-BpEF Tomahawkl55tt 1655 c-BOyC Roblnson R-221632 ].6J2 C-JEAB F.rlendshipl80l 1824 c-Btr],C Shod J6OIBUD tg22 c-oA\ry K1n8 Alr 200tgao tg4? Er-cFA rsA4!_lm.2o)B o?t?(t'/) frlTToeine ?j?4t8 ta!o(L7)

    C-JI{AN Klng Alr 200G-BHWF Boetne ?37

    20.G-BF0L KlrA Alr 200OCuUIH BraslllaC-BDIIL AztecC-JEAB F)denilshlpG-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-BGIIP DuchessG-BECH Boelne 7)7G-LOGP JetstreamG-BOYC Roblnson R-22G-BHWF Boelne ?J7 ,./ sOG-DTJ Braslllafrffirrtp n/s

    2I.C-FTSH Cessna l10RC-BI"IAR Short 160SE-DEF Cltati on I I r/ r.G-AZFI Arrow Dl VC-OPPP Bandelrant,cG-JEAA tr'riendshipC-BING Cessna Irl??-l

    1301 ]l0l G-ZIGC Ilobinson R-22V5?. 135?- G-ZIGG Hobinson ll-221418 1502 C-I,IOAT Klns Alr 200164) l5t+) C-BOYC Fobinson F-221810 lBfB G-BDHL Aztec2ozl O?29G9)G-QIET Lear Jet 350910 1154 c-ZrGG Ilobinson R-221017 1017 C-BllFjP Cessna l72RClz)t+ 72)l+ G-BOYC Robinson R-22Dfi l)fi G-BHWF Boetns f)ll53l 7531 G-STAT Cessna U206 n1,s1759 lB)O CTBHNI1 Semlnole n1 stB25 2o4t G.UIJ--Esurll:ta1925 o8o7(20)m-cFA SAAB 'rlo2013 0816(2oIG-JEA lendsh1p r't/sOO)? C-OP?P BandelranteO?t+) OB?9 G-BI'I R ShorL f6008],6 to26 EI-CFA SAaB lltoO92) 0956 G-PNRX Seneca1020 1020 C-BBEV Cherokee 1{O ry'slZLlB lU+5 C-BNIX Seneca1332 \Ur]. C-BBEF Cherokee flto1452 153) C-&iYD Cessna 1J216!0 1640 C-JEAB tYicndshlplBl0 0915(21)G-BMLC shorL 160l8fi l_93? EI-crA SAAB l4O2ol8 0711(21)0700 0713 OO-UTI Bresilia0802 0B3A xxtng JctstroamoB54 L55B(22)G-BLKY Baronoe00 0a3n r.ir-cFD s^4ll 2!0oglo 1B5g i:-rnic Hs.rz5 6008



    nl s

    1/.OtLDl'( iJr-:rs11ial'-Cl'1,'1) I"al con 1,0

    0711r) 0[]taoB.Lt! r5?-7Otlx) 1./?:?O))1 l90!ja9)0 095709t0 ft)a110, 1ll1r1rt7 1rt7

    I,'-(l(ll'(l Mlrl i lr I)l V(l-01,1,1, llrr!.lcl rirnL{lC-,11,.A)i I,'r.i r:rrdsiti


    C-BI'l'D BAr: A'l'j, Il1VC-Il)C'l' Jr:tstrcrun l)i VC-BOYC liobinson It-22

    I]I V

    r 0071052

    C-CULL .IetrangerC-BPZI'llallbu

  • LnL-l)tj,/ lltiA l)l,r)u) t10 vt,:t4I,:tf I'l i ( conl.r I . )(t.

    (:-'l'(il'O Arroul)6?-)t+ Cll-Il6 KlowaC-llllcP Cessna 152C-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-BCYJ Boelng 717C-OGEM Archer IIG-DAIT Twln Squirrel


    CrJEAA FrlendshlPATA ATDt?k ffi,4

    n/ a t9o9 o?tse?)t954 2016ry's 2035


    "/ s TGfi4 -?.t.xxttt,) .t,rt.irlrrriur t,#t{irt o(r-l;riz Loo1n6 ,D?-)oo

    G-JLItw Duchess t)52 tt+LO EfMfi-ffi-iTffi;C-locfi Jetstrean t45B tfit ffi'T".[ffiiffiBiC-BECG Boelns fll tfi? ti)t c_pAsy BN2 i;i;;;; .,,/.G-JEAA F!'r6pfl5[ip I?IJS 1Sj0 C-BMAR Short 350G-JLRH Duchess {,s tlzj t65Z(22)oGMrp Braslllac-BHi.JF Boelne ?)? r/s lgzt o?4)(g\ffi_cnc slar rLroG-FRAH Farcon 20 rg54 zo!;t' 'EJffi- ip ds

    ZZ.G-BMLC Short 360 OBO4 0Bt+1 G_Oppp BandelranteEL$!:?a4r 3r+o ogog ogtto c-RAlry Cessna 421cG-LUCK Cessna EIJOH OgZ5 C-JEM FU.endshlpC-IPJC Arrow 200 Og4? C-BpSlr Cessna 4OB C.rav"nC-BOYC ltobinson R-22 11lO ttlO 0y_NpA MerllnC-FIINS Jetrangcr Ll00 6:rurn cftatron frG-LOCU Jetstrean 145? C_UROP BaronC-BoYC Roblnson R-22 1658 1558 C_ZA9B Cessna t{O4G-JEAA Fltendship l?5) \826 G_BMLC Short 350C-FAYE Cessna 1J2 tBO2 1918 ocpl!_JlasilLa

    --W ?$ LezB zoot 6-S!fr1!!!112-162 dsu-.rr.lAA I'l.icndstri1, n/,. ?0)? 0?2?-(23)21.00-DrK Brasllia O?25 OB35 C_Oppp Bandelrante

    g ogro ogao G-JEM FH-endshlpG-BCXF HS.125 5008 lo42 oG-SBZ Boe1rc ?j?_1oo!-BHwr Boetrte ?3? t4z5 ffi-EEdeffi'--G-JEAA FHendship t?5t I.BZZ C_BI"I}D( Short 350oG_Br"r!i" t15t tgzg IX_CFC SAAB j4OG-JEM Fyiendship ry'.s zo)B o?tz(24)Fffim-fT;EaF2o0C-BHl.rF Boeln6 fll ry's zt)4 ogt}(z4)

    zt+'oo-41-Pregille- o?t+? oB2B G-BMAR shorL 360C-OPPP Bandetrante OB55 lBfi _EI-CFD SA.AB ?ir0G-JEAA FYiendship 094? tffiffiEif-rrZzuC-LOCU Jetstream l45O l5)l G_JEAA FrlendshlpG-BMAR Short J60 t8ll tBI3 -c_ITsH Cessna l16Roo-UIC 3rasilla 19A5 lq]t0 '[X_CFB SAJ{B ?45.

    z5.G-JHAN Ktng Air 200 0821 O9I1 C-JEAA FrlendshlpT=9I? !Sl-:lB 0901 o9l3 G-F:NS JetrangerC-!oYC Foblnson R-22 1015 1015 C_JEAA Frlend;hlpC-JltAN Klng Air 200 1150 1206 C_TCIC ArrowPH-SUN Senea n/s \Z)l I6]5(26)C_BOYC Robtnson Ii_22G-oCEI'l Archer II n/s l)19 I2O6(26)C_BOYC Robinson R_22C-UKID BAe 1M t4O? C-myJ Boeinl ?)?C-.ll{AN Ki rr1; Air. lt()0 tr/:, 1J1(t 0ltr0(26)(;-AVt-11, RAC I:ti ry'c DIVG-lJl'l'It lAc A'l'1, rr/r trt\' Z.)tt.\ llitlZ6)C_MjyJ Boetng /l/ ,r/;


    A1'A A1',t)Tfii TTtu1410 r5l8152) 1542L6)) t039(22)r8o4 1836L906rg30 20012035 o7t6(22)o90l+ 1914og2oo9l8 1008tt22 t6Mt-158L)55t539 1?04t65B t?491800 1Bl5t9t2 tg50201? 120?(26)

    0906 1B5B09t161418t458taoz tB3)t92B 20062l.25 0039(24)

    0816 0841o9o0 09341113 1l{45t?fi tBz?1841 1go27924 2003

    0826 085609561102t2o1 tz)Bt247 t24?t)4+ l-344t4'X t52?2o2) ttto6(26)2t)5tour L20t+7t)2 rt5?tztt l,253t)28 7)28t43t t530t5o? 1?4?75)6 1?o5

    tgt+? r%9 oF-F?A Cltettlen_Llrg)2 2oo9 c:iiil'ft-I_ A1r 2oo

    tds 2oo? o}l?(2?) G-JEAA Frrendshlp

    G-GlnA SAAB J4O Drv O9l'+ r00l l)?-5OO Dru O9t!1+ l)O?ET-CF^ sA^B JIo Dr v 10,{l 1l0r E1-ffin-riTc;a$ip'- Ltz)

    ?.6.C-I\OY O ltolri rrcorr lt-21L)622tt c\4.)6 Kit*!;tC-04N0 }./irrrior:llG-B0YC lioblnson ll-Z?G-ZIGG Robinson R-22G-BHff Cessna 1Z2RCC-BOYC Robinson R-22

    I O(X) I (X)0)))?_ )75272OO t)431226 12261417 1417t5tJ;. 1620t61? )-6t?

    G-BHI,D( FYlendshi.p n/s DIv 2142 G-BHMY FYiendshipry's DIV 2i-50C-BCOX Navajo

    29.C-JEAA FYlendshlp

    sffiffif,,,2E.C-BIPC BAe ATP

    Drv 2154 2)07 G-BMA DC9 n/s DIV 2214l'/5? 1829 C-RMAn Short J60L9L6 )950 IrT-cl'c SAAB 3lln

    n/ s z-otttt oZo5]o) GTiET Bfrt rslander n/s

    IB5I I91Br9)) 20062115 11oo(lo)

    LEms/BRApFonD l"lovFf,"lrslrs ( contd. )

    26.c-MTv chemkee 1B0DoGIIIO--BraslIlaET-CFC SA,AB J4OG-EYJ Boelns 7J7

    z?.o}-alc Bl"asll1a 0?26 oB)O c-oPPP Bandelrante O7l+9 1916mmn-Sr,#-fo 0Bo? on)9 c-ItxlA Rile ArP DIv oBI0 l2lrC-OSNB Cltatlon II Ot\55 O95o C-AVMI BAC t-11 DIV 0901 l15II{I-CFD SAAB Jlo ogo| 09'y, (i-lrl'l'., I}Ao A'l'l' DIV 091r }02t1G-BI{UD Cessna 421C 0913 IcI-BIIY Boelns 737-?00 DIv O92O lO52

    c-ffiGiiirr5ol 1rl0 G-PoAV Dauphin 2 LL)5 t22oG-AWr BAC 1-11 DrV t22B t42O C-OBOH Short 150 Drv 12!OC-UIEI BAe ATP DIV 125) l'44A C-TKPZ Cessna 310R 1255G-Avl,lK BAC 1-11 DIV l.25B L4)2 G-OAKJ Jetstrean DIv U00C-BElltl Archer II ]_31? lU+Z C-AZLY Cessna F1-J0L ltt24 145)c-BKTz sunasby T67 l.t+26 G-LOCV Jetstream 7l+58 7534c-B DP Boelng ?J? I51I 1615 F-GHDA Acrostar 6olP ry's l.6)? )tO6(29)G-ODNP cessna l10R t/, L?)U o?o)(28) FmEI;ndshlp l7t!9 tB25G-BGYJ Boelne 7J7 ,/" tW o9t2(28) OO-yIL Braslria 1844 1941G-AWU BAc tlri-.y'" nrv ryt1rcyiza) cs[eT-ffiE-E',o t92? t9t!9EI-CFA SAAB 34O I9)O 2oo3 EI-CDA Boeinallft![0 DIv 2O)0 2120ffiffiirffic-i:Ti ry'c Drv zol+s rcu2Q-a) em-Ffiffi] /. 2ot6 0?2)(28)G-BNNJ Boelns ?3?-3 Dtv z)tt& 2t)6 G-AVMI BAC 1-11 n/s DIV 205? \5O5QB)C-AWH BAC 1-11 n/s Drv 2]]z l)o2(28) EI-MD Boelns 7'17-qo0 Drv 2lo9 2l.47

    2B.G-JEAE Fblendshlp DrV OO22 l5t+1 C-BMAR Short 360 0826 0852@Ill--Basu,a oB41 0924 sI-CFtr SAAB lqo O9O2 o9)7G--JEAA Fu.endshl.p 0931 1oo1 olftTTl6lfdq ry's Drv ogtto 0?tS(29)C-JLRW Duchess 101? FBpfi'nTI;ffi6E-iI 1128m2248-Ce.isDL!a5 1118 1l-59 G-BSllA seneca 114B 1u6E=---BYH iletrslr Drv tt56 l.24? LE?OO BAe 116 . Drv 1218 1710

    G-:ffiTfiElli?z6o Drv t2)2 c-oPPP &rndelrante 12lBOG-SBI Boelne ?37 Dlv 1))o lt?i |,;FI,:MY- Boclrlg ?17-tOO uv Il47 lB09c-BHMY F\denttship Drv r3i4 E-cffiTJGiG7fi:miL r\06 1525C-IOGR Jetstream 1522 L5fi ffiiEe eoeinc ?3? l6l.3 l?3t+G-BHHl,l Fblendship DIV l?\? N12216 Cessna 42J 1?2? 1?t16G-FISH Cessna l10R t?53 t9o) ffi]-fi-endffip 7?56 tBzBG-PASY BN2 Islandeild" 1809 1511(29) G-WACK shorL 160 n/s lB)B 1,026(29)QESpB lserns ?17 DIV tB54 21)5 Q9-MTL Brasili,a lB57 1935dffifAon/s DIv iror orzn(io) ffill;i"s-?:z n/s 191) o?5tt()o)Er-m. sAap_:$ )o)2 U-AVMU BAC 1-1r ry's DIV 2014 I15B(2r)i:AW.E{c t-r} n/s DIv zo)5 t))6(29) c-JMA Fyiendship n/s 2o)?G-BMDF Boetng f)l n/s j)IV 2039 7O)u(29) G-AVI"ll BAC 1-l1 ry's DIV 2105 lllB(29)G-AVMH BAC 1-II rr,/S D]V 2T24 IZ9Q9) C-BIPL BAC ATP Ty'S DIV 2125 lAqQg)c-oLCC BAe AI'p n/s Drv 2t)2 L52l(29) c-avUw BAC l-11 ry's DIv 27)6 152?(29)

    nf :; Dttt ??oi\ l'/ot(.2,-t) c-t,vtll' llAC l-l 1 n/8 DIV ?.?.O(' O',)l](r':))


  • LnL-l)tj,/ lltiA l)l,r)u) t10 vt,:t4I,:tf I'l i ( conl.r I . )(t.

    (:-'l'(il'O Arroul)6?-)t+ Cll-Il6 KlowaC-llllcP Cessna 152C-BOYC Roblnson R-22C-BCYJ Boelng 717C-OGEM Archer IIG-DAIT Twln Squirrel


    CrJEAA FrlendshlPATA ATDt?k ffi,4

    n/ a t9o9 o?tse?)t954 2016ry's 2035


    "/ s TGfi4 -?.t.xxttt,) .t,rt.irlrrriur t,#t{irt o(r-l;riz Loo1n6 ,D?-)oo

    G-JLItw Duchess t)52 tt+LO EfMfi-ffi-iTffi;C-locfi Jetstrean t45B tfit ffi'T".[ffiiffiBiC-BECG Boelns fll tfi? ti)t c_pAsy BN2 i;i;;;; .,,/.G-JEAA F!'r6pfl5[ip I?IJS 1Sj0 C-BMAR Short 350G-JLRH Duchess {,s tlzj t65Z(22)oGMrp Braslllac-BHi.JF Boelne ?)? r/s lgzt o?4)(g\ffi_cnc slar rLroG-FRAH Farcon 20 rg54 zo!;t' 'EJffi- ip ds

    ZZ.G-BMLC Short 360 OBO4 0Bt+1 G_Oppp BandelranteEL$!:?a4r 3r+o ogog ogtto c-RAlry Cessna 421cG-LUCK Cessna EIJOH OgZ5 C-JEM FU.endshlpC-IPJC Arrow 200 Og4? C-BpSlr Cessna 4OB C.rav"nC-BOYC ltobinson R-22 11lO ttlO 0y_NpA MerllnC-FIINS Jetrangcr Ll00 6:rurn cftatron frG-LOCU Jetstrean 145? C_UROP BaronC-BoYC Roblnson R-22 1658 1558 C_ZA9B Cessna t{O4G-JEAA Fltendship l?5) \826 G_BMLC Short 350C-FAYE Cessna 1J2 tBO2 1918 ocpl!_JlasilLa

    --W ?$ LezB zoot 6-S!fr1!!!112-162 dsu-.rr.lAA I'l.icndstri1, n/,. ?0)? 0?2?-(23)21.00-DrK Brasllia O?25 OB35 C_Oppp Bandelrante

    g ogro ogao G-JEM FH-endshlpG-BCXF HS.125 5008 lo42 oG-SBZ Boe1rc ?j?_1oo!-BHwr Boetrte ?3? t4z5 ffi-EEdeffi'--G-JEAA FHendship t?5t I.BZZ C_BI"I}D( Short 350oG_Br"r!i" t15t tgzg IX_CFC SAAB j4OG-JEM Fyiendship ry'.s zo)B o?tz(24)Fffim-fT;EaF2o0C-BHl.rF Boeln6 fll ry's zt)4 ogt}(z4)

    zt+'oo-41-Pregille- o?t+? oB2B G-BMAR shorL 360C-OPPP Bandetrante OB55 lBfi _EI-CFD SA.AB ?ir0G-JEAA FYiendship 094? tffiffiEif-rrZzuC-LOCU Jetstream l45O l5)l G_JEAA FrlendshlpG-BMAR Short J60 t8ll tBI3 -c_ITsH Cessna l16Roo-UIC 3rasilla 19A5 lq]t0 '[X_CFB SAJ{B ?45.

    z5.G-JHAN Ktng Air 200 0821 O9I1 C-JEAA FrlendshlpT=9I? !Sl-:lB 0901 o9l3 G-F:NS JetrangerC-!oYC Foblnson R-22 1015 1015 C_JEAA Frlend;hlpC-JltAN Klng Air 200 1150 1206 C_TCIC ArrowPH-SUN Senea n/s \Z)l I6]5(26)C_BOYC Robtnson Ii_22G-oCEI'l Archer II n/s l)19 I2O6(26)C_BOYC Robinson R_22C-UKID BAe 1M t4O? C-myJ Boeinl ?)?C-.ll{AN Ki rr1; Air. lt()0 tr/:, 1J1(t 0ltr0(26)(;-AVt-11, RAC I:ti ry'c DIVG-lJl'l'It lAc A'l'1, rr/r trt\' Z.)tt.\ llitlZ6)C_MjyJ Boetng /l/ ,r/;


    A1'A A1',t)Tfii TTtu1410 r5l8152) 1542L6)) t039(22)r8o4 1836L906rg30 20012035 o7t6(22)o90l+ 1914og2oo9l8 1008tt22 t6Mt-158L)55t539 1?04t65B t?491800 1Bl5t9t2 tg50201? 120?(26)

    0906 1B5B09t161418t458taoz tB3)t92B 20062l.25 0039(24)

    0816 0841o9o0 09341113 1l{45t?fi tBz?1841 1go27924 2003

    0826 085609561102t2o1 tz)Bt247 t24?t)4+ l-344t4'X t52?2o2) ttto6(26)2t)5tour L20t+7t)2 rt5?tztt l,253t)28 7)28t43t t530t5o? 1?4?75)6 1?o5

    tgt+? r%9 oF-F?A Cltettlen_Llrg)2 2oo9 c:iiil'ft-I_ A1r 2oo

    tds 2oo? o}l?(2?) G-JEAA Frrendshlp

    G-GlnA SAAB J4O Drv O9l'+ r00l l)?-5OO Dru O9t!1+ l)O?ET-CF^ sA^B JIo Dr v 10,{l 1l0r E1-ffin-riTc;a$ip'- Ltz)

    ?.6.C-I\OY O ltolri rrcorr lt-21L)622tt c\4.)6 Kit*!;tC-04N0 }./irrrior:llG-B0YC lioblnson ll-Z?G-ZIGG Robinson R-22G-BHff Cessna 1Z2RCC-BOYC Robinson R-22

    I O(X) I (X)0)))?_ )75272OO t)431226 12261417 1417t5tJ;. 1620t61? )-6t?

    G-BHI,D( FYlendshi.p n/s DIv 2142 G-BHMY FYiendshipry's DIV 2i-50C-BCOX Navajo

    29.C-JEAA FYlendshlp

    sffiffif,,,2E.C-BIPC BAe ATP

    Drv 2154 2)07 G-BMA DC9 n/s DIV 2214l'/5? 1829 C-RMAn Short J60L9L6 )950 IrT-cl'c SAAB 3lln

    n/ s z-otttt oZo5]o) GTiET Bfrt rslander n/s

    IB5I I91Br9)) 20062115 11oo(lo)

    LEms/BRApFonD l"lovFf,"lrslrs ( contd. )

    26.c-MTv chemkee 1B0DoGIIIO--BraslIlaET-CFC SA,AB J4OG-EYJ Boelns 7J7

    z?.o}-alc Bl"asll1a 0?26 oB)O c-oPPP Bandelrante O7l+9 1916mmn-Sr,#-fo 0Bo? on)9 c-ItxlA Rile ArP DIv oBI0 l2lrC-OSNB Cltatlon II Ot\55 O95o C-AVMI BAC t-11 DIV 0901 l15II{I-CFD SAAB Jlo ogo| 09'y, (i-lrl'l'., I}Ao A'l'l' DIV 091r }02t1G-BI{UD Cessna 421C 0913 IcI-BIIY Boelns 737-?00 DIv O92O lO52

    c-ffiGiiirr5ol 1rl0 G-PoAV Dauphin 2 LL)5 t22oG-AWr BAC 1-11 DrV t22B t42O C-OBOH Short 150 Drv 12!OC-UIEI BAe ATP DIV 125) l'44A C-TKPZ Cessna 310R 1255G-Avl,lK BAC 1-11 DIV l.25B L4)2 G-OAKJ Jetstrean DIv U00C-BElltl Archer II ]_31? lU+Z C-AZLY Cessna F1-J0L ltt24 145)c-BKTz sunasby T67 l.t+26 G-LOCV Jetstream 7l+58 7534c-B DP Boelng ?J? I51I 1615 F-GHDA Acrostar 6olP ry's l.6)? )tO6(29)G-ODNP cessna l10R t/, L?)U o?o)(28) FmEI;ndshlp l7t!9 tB25G-BGYJ Boelne 7J7 ,/" tW o9t2(28) OO-yIL Braslria 1844 1941G-AWU BAc tlri-.y'" nrv ryt1rcyiza) cs[eT-ffiE-E',o t92? t9t!9EI-CFA SAAB 34O I9)O 2oo3 EI-CDA Boeinallft![0 DIv 2O)0 2120ffiffiirffic-i:Ti ry'c Drv zol+s rcu2Q-a) em-Ffiffi] /. 2ot6 0?2)(28)G-BNNJ Boelns ?3?-3 Dtv z)tt& 2t)6 G-AVMI BAC 1-11 n/s DIV 205? \5O5QB)C-AWH BAC 1-11 n/s Drv 2]]z l)o2(28) EI-MD Boelns 7'17-qo0 Drv 2lo9 2l.47

    2B.G-JEAE Fblendshlp DrV OO22 l5t+1 C-BMAR Short 360 0826 0852@Ill--Basu,a oB41 0924 sI-CFtr SAAB lqo O9O2 o9)7G--JEAA Fu.endshl.p 0931 1oo1 olftTTl6lfdq ry's Drv ogtto 0?tS(29)C-JLRW Duchess 101? FBpfi'nTI;ffi6E-iI 1128m2248-Ce.isDL!a5 1118 1l-59 G-BSllA seneca 114B 1u6E=---BYH iletrslr Drv tt56 l.24? LE?OO BAe 116 . Drv 1218 1710

    G-:ffiTfiElli?z6o Drv t2)2 c-oPPP &rndelrante 12lBOG-SBI Boelne ?37 Dlv 1))o lt?i |,;FI,:MY- Boclrlg ?17-tOO uv Il47 lB09c-BHMY F\denttship Drv r3i4 E-cffiTJGiG7fi:miL r\06 1525C-IOGR Jetstream 1522 L5fi ffiiEe eoeinc ?3? l6l.3 l?3t+G-BHHl,l Fblendship DIV l?\? N12216 Cessna 42J 1?2? 1?t16G-FISH Cessna l10R t?53 t9o) ffi]-fi-endffip 7?56 tBzBG-PASY BN2 Islandeild" 1809 1511(29) G-WACK shorL 160 n/s lB)B 1,026(29)QESpB lserns ?17 DIV tB54 21)5 Q9-MTL Brasili,a lB57 1935dffifAon/s DIv iror orzn(io) ffill;i"s-?:z n/s 191) o?5tt()o)Er-m. sAap_:$ )o)2 U-AVMU BAC 1-1r ry's DIV 2014 I15B(2r)i:AW.E{c t-r} n/s DIv zo)5 t))6(29) c-JMA Fyiendship n/s 2o)?G-BMDF Boetng f)l n/s j)IV 2039 7O)u(29) G-AVI"ll BAC 1-l1 ry's DIV 2105 lllB(29)G-AVMH BAC 1-II rr,/S D]V 2T24 IZ9Q9) C-BIPL BAC ATP Ty'S DIV 2125 lAqQg)c-oLCC BAe AI'p n/s Drv 2t)2 L52l(29) c-avUw BAC l-11 ry's DIv 27)6 152?(29)

    nf :; Dttt ??oi\ l'/ot(.2,-t) c-t,vtll' llAC l-l 1 n/8 DIV ?.?.O(' O',)l](r':))


  • J clstreun

    Li,ll,I)1 y' I JliA l)1,\ ) ltl ) Mo v t,I\1 t,),il'l I :!)orr L,i . )11.

    (l-Ol'l'l' ltiUl(l(il r.irrrtc(;-)JI,'VlJ l\oclryt,'/)'/C-t{]YJ Boeln6'/l/G-OLCC BAe ATP ry's DIV


    3l.G-AVM| BAC 1-Il UlvG-LOCV JetstreamXVlg? Hercules n/s IIIVXV222 Hercules n/s DIV

    C-WCEL Boeins /l? DIV l7)) lB57 C-BT],G BAe ATPC-BCYJ Boeins ?)'l n/,; DIV 1741 Il04(01)C-LmA BAe ATp

    l,'t 1 crtrlrrlrl 1r

    l51o 1fi5 (;-BAML Jetranger ry's DIV15t11 )?45rc2)C-SFHR Aztec ry's DIVlir? lB0o(02)C-FtSH Cessna ltOR ,./=

    C-BC{R BAC l-1} DIV 1615 2156 G-}IMCC Jetstrean .y's niVE:lliE_l!s!6_?Llz5 Dlv L6)5 205? c_^vlltl BAC 1_11 DrvC-OA'l'lr IlAe A'l'P Dl V ITOZ tB45 ilI-BEC Boeins Zj? DIVG-UKL!' Boelns flf-4ry'sDrv 1f0B rrr+(Or)cIEffi BN2 Islander DIVI-irLON Lear Jet l',A DIV L?15 lB2? G-AVMN BAC 1-11 ry's DfVc-Br'IrA BAe ATp ry's Drv t72) lt2o(01)c-AVMK BAC f-Il Drv


    G-BLKD Boeing 7374 DrV 1748 1900 CTJEAA FrlendshtpG-G}ITB SAAB ]4O DIV I?58 l.846 C-AVMP BAC 1-11 ry'S DIYG-OLCD BAe ATp ry's DrV 1820 I0I2(01)G-JSMC DCg-83 DrvG-BIDE Boelns, ])l DIV 1Bl4 19JB 0Y-KHS DC9-B? DIvG-BIPM BAe ArP ry's DIy IB55 1214(01)ffi-EFi-rr /s DrvOG-SDL Boelne 737 IITV l9)2 ?_2n C-BML,C Short 160G-080H Short 160 D1v ]gzt 2011 C-BFLL HS.?AB DrV.c-AWs BAC 1-11 ry's DIV tg)5 1226(ot)pH-Bpo Boelns ?'t?-i0oDIVET-cFc SA,AB 34o 1945 2tt9 EI:gDA_P99LES-_?2z:jqpDrv

    z:r: rd sol ig s,a iozo t or ) ffiG:7jffi' urvG-PEEL BAe ATP DTV 2032 2107 CTBJXJ Boelng l)ln/a DIVe99_soelr'sl_2L.j Drv 2048 0131(01)C-BHMZ FHendshlp DIvCTLAKD Cessna 404ds DIv Z05Z 0939(m)G-OATp BAe ATp ry's DIvG-UIET BAe ATP d.s DIV 2103 111?(01)G-HAMA Klns Arr zoory'e DIv9E{=@$ra- n/s. 2115 1135(01)tf,-cpo BAC 1-u. DrvC-JEAA Fblendship tt/s 2132 0819(01)-G-AyMv BAC 1-11 ry's DIVG-r.rcEL Boetne ?3? ry's Drv zzo4 o93t(ot)E:LAfS...L1L DrvG-BWD Fblendship ds DIV 22\6 C-MOX Navajo DIVG-BFVB Boelng D? ils 2256 O?)O(U.)G-OLCD BAe ATpG-NROA Boetns ?2? ry's DIV OOlg I4!O(01)C-BI'[rK BAe ATpG-ELDI DCg D1\' 2)26 0O1O(01)

    A',l'A A'l't)otti t -tt*t,tttttt ti\)5-)t+5'/

    1r+]0 211+1

    A't'A A1'l)Tn6 -tt+z[ I5)trt52) t6261458 1205(or)1533 1140(01)1544 1045(or)1554l629 rzt?(ot)t63? 2o)?1?04 1816171] 1Bl5\?t? 0fi5(o1)7?26 223677)5 1921l-7w1?56 1%-B1806 roro(01)tB24 0033).847 2))t1902 1]IB(01)rgt5 ?-006r9)) 22l-5L939 230219qB 0024(01)202? r-32?(ot)2040 1051(01)20t+gztoo L222(ot)2112 r3o1(01)2t22 OOzt(oL)2149 1330(01)22O? 225422tt7 2))40028


    Drv ???? 0840(01)

    0[EfiSH0OIS:-l.c-sDHLf 0.xxir88/ryyzz; ?.c-pora/Rc':ltrbjri B.x\t36?/top5)t 9.21243/clr 5Zi xxtlt)/Fyy?3,xJu99/Fyv??, xx5yr/???i ro,xxlrg8/FyyB), xw)?)/top52, xH)A/rcp116, xx499/ F\y64, xwz99/Lnp46, xl,)61/t po8y, 'ut$zfrru14; t5.xx4lzlFyyBZ, xx495/tyx69i 16.xt\99/Fyy6?i r?.xxtt95/F\\BZi 20.x?)68/Utp(,0, /|,J)t?fLDpgBt xx|199/h-yy7g, xxt!gt+/F\y13t 2t,xs?og/'Fyy)5, xxttg2/FYVL , C-Th?Z , xs?4)/ Fyy 50 ; ?-5 .Xt5)?/uAcg4i 2? .C-BBAtl .FBOI'I: -B.f-CltlS/f" Bourgct, lJl22/rll/lllrnirp,h:ut, ZF,J)JfNewcastle; !.PH-LMC/Twente;1/.1,'-CI't1y'LcBourget, I,'-(jIDV/Li11o, I,'-(i(11'C/l,c Har.r't', I,'-00i,Iy't," ]to*r.; 2l.XX\99/ N'inn 1nglc'y; 2,2.Oy.NpMBllltmd; 2).OC)-5112/Rnrs:Llr; 2r.PI{-SLIN/Antwc:rp; 26.1)(t2?-U & I)62)t+/t'ulnburgh, OI}-IPA/Salzburg; i:.'/.1t-CllDA/'l'a\r;:;Lr;1 rlll.llLi i tlJf l|tnritqllrrLrn and Newustfe.OIl{0ll CALl^ilrlN3r-,.C-POt iAi."a- Vc); ).C-til,ltl,.fll;Lr,Ll l/i 5.C-LtlJIlWood;rlr OJ; ?.G-BMXllDollar; 11.G-BSRY/}Jatcl,dog AN; B.G-i.;l]FIy'Llnton 04; JJ,C-BpSx/Dlrectair 129; 15.C-OA\Xfaavent 6t6n/s 6I?t iB.c-N0n1'/'t'trrrrslurr Ol, C-C. |tt/tnturfl tCht lrtBA;21 .C-CULt/DoIIar )2, C-t'RAly'Broadway ?0, G-PASYfP.l I c, -Pl U I04; 22.C-Bp3ri/Directalr ll4A, C-&Jtn/Beauport !!!,C-ZAIBfZN'\?tJP; 2),G-Wrt,r,/C.r- 7t!'tti ?o.G-DAFIll4actine 06i 2?.C-BtMB/Wayne Air Ol .


    9.LBA I,1OV[f,,IIryTS RE\TIEV - JANUANY 1992Thc best nonth xe have ever had for divemlons. There were 14 on the rfth, 18 on the27th,2? on the 28th and a jackpot of around 55 on the 31st. The llst created a record.for the nulber of lnbound d.iverslons, all the nore lmpresslve when you conalder thatwe dld not take our flrst landlng of the day untll.after lloOhrs. Alrcraft rere parkedln every posslble pad

  • J clstreun

    Li,ll,I)1 y' I JliA l)1,\ ) ltl ) Mo v t,I\1 t,),il'l I :!)orr L,i . )11.

    (l-Ol'l'l' ltiUl(l(il r.irrrtc(;-)JI,'VlJ l\oclryt,'/)'/C-t{]YJ Boeln6'/l/G-OLCC BAe ATP ry's DIV


    3l.G-AVM| BAC 1-Il UlvG-LOCV JetstreamXVlg? Hercules n/s IIIVXV222 Hercules n/s DIV

    C-WCEL Boeins /l? DIV l7)) lB57 C-BT],G BAe ATPC-BCYJ Boeins ?)'l n/,; DIV 1741 Il04(01)C-LmA BAe ATp

    l,'t 1 crtrlrrlrl 1r

    l51o 1fi5 (;-BAML Jetranger ry's DIV15t11 )?45rc2)C-SFHR Aztec ry's DIVlir? lB0o(02)C-FtSH Cessna ltOR ,./=

    C-BC{R BAC l-1} DIV 1615 2156 G-}IMCC Jetstrean .y's niVE:lliE_l!s!6_?Llz5 Dlv L6)5 205? c_^vlltl BAC 1_11 DrvC-OA'l'lr IlAe A'l'P Dl V ITOZ tB45 ilI-BEC Boeins Zj? DIVG-UKL!' Boelns flf-4ry'sDrv 1f0B rrr+(Or)cIEffi BN2 Islander DIVI-irLON Lear Jet l',A DIV L?15 lB2? G-AVMN BAC 1-11 ry's DfVc-Br'IrA BAe ATp ry's Drv t72) lt2o(01)c-AVMK BAC f-Il Drv


    G-BLKD Boeing 7374 DrV 1748 1900 CTJEAA FrlendshtpG-G}ITB SAAB ]4O DIV I?58 l.846 C-AVMP BAC 1-11 ry'S DIYG-OLCD BAe ATp ry's DrV 1820 I0I2(01)G-JSMC DCg-83 DrvG-BIDE Boelns, ])l DIV 1Bl4 19JB 0Y-KHS DC9-B? DIvG-BIPM BAe ArP ry's DIy IB55 1214(01)ffi-EFi-rr /s DrvOG-SDL Boelne 737 IITV l9)2 ?_2n C-BML,C Short 160G-080H Short 160 D1v ]gzt 2011 C-BFLL HS.?AB DrV.c-AWs BAC 1-11 ry's DIV tg)5 1226(ot)pH-Bpo Boelns ?'t?-i0oDIVET-cFc SA,AB 34o 1945 2tt9 EI:gDA_P99LES-_?2z:jqpDrv

    z:r: rd sol ig s,a iozo t or ) ffiG:7jffi' urvG-PEEL BAe ATP DTV 2032 2107 CTBJXJ Boelng l)ln/a DIVe99_soelr'sl_2L.j Drv 2048 0131(01)C-BHMZ FHendshlp DIvCTLAKD Cessna 404ds DIv Z05Z 0939(m)G-OATp BAe ATp ry's DIvG-UIET BAe ATP d.s DIV 2103 111?(01)G-HAMA Klns Arr zoory'e DIv9E{=@$ra- n/s. 2115 1135(01)tf,-cpo BAC 1-u. DrvC-JEAA Fblendship tt/s 2132 0819(01)-G-AyMv BAC 1-11 ry's DIVG-r.rcEL Boetne ?3? ry's Drv zzo4 o93t(ot)E:LAfS...L1L DrvG-BWD Fblendship ds DIV 22\6 C-MOX Navajo DIVG-BFVB Boelng D? ils 2256 O?)O(U.)G-OLCD BAe ATpG-NROA Boetns ?2? ry's DIV OOlg I4!O(01)C-BI'[rK BAe ATpG-ELDI DCg D1\' 2)26 0O1O(01)

    A',l'A A'l't)otti t -tt*t,tttttt ti\)5-)t+5'/

    1r+]0 211+1

    A't'A A1'l)Tn6 -tt+z[ I5)trt52) t6261458 1205(or)1533 1140(01)1544 1045(or)1554l629 rzt?(ot)t63? 2o)?1?04 1816171] 1Bl5\?t? 0fi5(o1)7?26 223677)5 1921l-7w1?56 1%-B1806 roro(01)tB24 0033).847 2))t1902 1]IB(01)rgt5 ?-006r9)) 22l-5L939 230219qB 0024(01)202? r-32?(ot)2040 1051(01)20t+gztoo L222(ot)2112 r3o1(01)2t22 OOzt(oL)2149 1330(01)22O? 225422tt7 2))40028


    Drv ???? 0840(01)

    0[EfiSH0OIS:-l.c-sDHLf 0.xxir88/ryyzz; ?.c-pora/Rc':ltrbjri B.x\t36?/top5)t 9.21243/clr 5Zi xxtlt)/Fyy?3,xJu99/Fyv??, xx5yr/???i ro,xxlrg8/FyyB), xw)?)/top52, xH)A/rcp116, xx499/ F\y64, xwz99/Lnp46, xl,)61/t po8y, 'ut$zfrru14; t5.xx4lzlFyyBZ, xx495/tyx69i 16.xt\99/Fyy6?i r?.xxtt95/F\\BZi 20.x?)68/Utp(,0, /|,J)t?fLDpgBt xx|199/h-yy7g, xxt!gt+/F\y13t 2t,xs?og/'Fyy)5, xxttg2/FYVL , C-Th?Z , xs?4)/ Fyy 50 ; ?-5 .Xt5)?/uAcg4i 2? .C-BBAtl .FBOI'I: -B.f-CltlS/f" Bourgct, lJl22/rll/lllrnirp,h:ut, ZF,J)JfNewcastle; !.PH-LMC/Twente;1/.1,'-CI't1y'LcBourget, I,'-(jIDV/Li11o, I,'-(i(11'C/l,c Har.r't', I,'-00i,Iy't," ]to*r.; 2l.XX\99/ N'inn 1nglc'y; 2,2.Oy.NpMBllltmd; 2).OC)-5112/Rnrs:Llr; 2r.PI{-SLIN/Antwc:rp; 26.1)(t2?-U & I)62)t+/t'ulnburgh, OI}-IPA/Salzburg; i:.'/.1t-CllDA/'l'a\r;:;Lr;1 rlll.llLi i tlJf l|tnritqllrrLrn and Newustfe.OIl{0ll CALl^ilrlN3r-,.C-POt iAi."a- Vc); ).C-til,ltl,.fll;Lr,Ll l/i 5.C-LtlJIlWood;rlr OJ; ?.G-BMXllDollar; 11.G-BSRY/}Jatcl,dog AN; B.G-i.;l]FIy'Llnton 04; JJ,C-BpSx/Dlrectair 129; 15.C-OA\Xfaavent 6t6n/s 6I?t iB.c-N0n1'/'t'trrrrslurr Ol, C-C. |tt/tnturfl tCht lrtBA;21 .C-CULt/DoIIar )2, C-t'RAly'Broadway ?0, G-PASYfP.l I c, -Pl U I04; 22.C-Bp3ri/Directalr ll4A, C-&Jtn/Beauport !!!,C-ZAIBfZN'\?tJP; 2),G-Wrt,r,/C.r- 7t!'tti ?o.G-DAFIll4actine 06i 2?.C-BtMB/Wayne Air Ol .


    9.LBA I,1OV[f,,IIryTS RE\TIEV - JANUANY 1992Thc best nonth xe have ever had for divemlons. There were 14 on the rfth, 18 on the27th,2? on the 28th and a jackpot of around 55 on the 31st. The llst created a record.for the nulber of lnbound d.iverslons, all the nore lmpresslve when you conalder thatwe dld not take our flrst landlng of the day untll.after lloOhrs. Alrcraft rere parkedln every posslble pad


    27 BAI{54 ABZ MAN C-RIPJ BATP EDI BAW.PJ2? EIN661 ZRH MAN trI-BDY B?)? DUB MN661QZ? GNTSOO DND MAN G-CNTA SF34 DND GNI3OIA27 sAB61j BRU r'{AN oo-syc B?)5 BRU sAx616D2? EIN]02 DUB }IAN EI-CFA SF]4 NCL EIN3O227 BAI{-IIII LBA MAN C-AWII BAl1 I"IAN BAW5OOIU27 JEA1ll BLK BLK C-OBOH SH]5 IO'.,I JEA11227 1,0c252 BHD MAN C-UIET BATP MAN I-OC-ET2? BNT5I4? FRA MAN C-AVMK BAl]- HAN BAI{II+7W2? Ar(L504 t"rHE r,lAN G-OAKJ BA31 r'flvlE AXIBo2? 8^}15061 LrN M N G-AlTru B lr M/\N B V-wzB2? ErN517 Crc I"UN EI-CDA B7)5 DUB f,IN5172? BAW515I FRA MAN C-A\140 BAI-1 MAN BAW-I1O/282? DA}N86 IC!' MAN G-BNNJ B?)) tCW DAXBgUH2? BA!{135F DUS },lAN C-AVMI BA11 HAN BAW-TTI/z82? MI{5021 BRU MAN C-AWIH BA11 MAN BAI.'.W2827 EINzlB DUB MAN EI-MD B?3U DUB f,IN219P28 JEAO5] SOU MAN G-JEAE fKz? HT JEAO5428 IXA5O1 EDI }ruY G-BDVS FXz? NWI UKA6O128 Br1A252 Cm fl{A G-Br,ryM MTP GCr BMA191528 NAUI}15 EBJ HUY oY-BYH S'/] EB] NAU41528 Krtty 2 LPL DCS zq7ja 8A116 Mar Kitty 228 friJ)522 TFS niA EC-EX{Y BTII} TFs il{J362)28 UKAB35 AMS HUy c-Blt}ly FXz? A}lS UKAE)628 IJKAS]g AMS HUY G-BH]"IW FXz? ClG UKA?2O/2928 SAB517 BNU MAN OO.SDR B?)? BRU SAB5]BR28 BAH515] FRA MAN G-AWU BArl MAN B t{-w29?B BAW5OOT CDG MAN c-AWlK BA11 MAN B V-w2928 DANT997 TFS },IAN C-B}IDF B?3? MAN DANBgDF/2928 BAI{5021 BRU MAN c-Av}n BAlr MAN B l,jf5$fl/2928 MI{I.]5F DUS MN C-AWH &{11 MAN B I,,-Ifl1/2928 BAU5yI BFS MAN G-EOPL BATP ABZ B u56S/2928 INfi6A GLA }IAN G-oLCC MTP MAN 1fr25?P/2928 MU5O31 AMS MAN C-A!'MW B^lI MAN BAW-T4I/2928 uKA645 ABZ HUy c-Blrrfi Fl


    27 BAI{54 ABZ MAN C-RIPJ BATP EDI BAW.PJ2? EIN661 ZRH MAN trI-BDY B?)? DUB MN661QZ? GNTSOO DND MAN G-CNTA SF34 DND GNI3OIA27 sAB61j BRU r'{AN oo-syc B?)5 BRU sAx616D2? EIN]02 DUB }IAN EI-CFA SF]4 NCL EIN3O227 BAI{-IIII LBA MAN C-AWII BAl1 I"IAN BAW5OOIU27 JEA1ll BLK BLK C-OBOH SH]5 IO'.,I JEA11227 1,0c252 BHD MAN C-UIET BATP MAN I-OC-ET2? BNT5I4? FRA MAN C-AVMK BAl]- HAN BAI{II+7W2? Ar(L504 t"rHE r,lAN G-OAKJ BA31 r'flvlE AXIBo2? 8^}15061 LrN M N G-AlTru B lr M/\N B V-wzB2? ErN517 Crc I"UN EI-CDA B7)5 DUB f,IN5172? BAW515I FRA MAN C-A\140 BAI-1 MAN BAW-I1O/282? DA}N86 IC!' MAN G-BNNJ B?)) tCW DAXBgUH2? BA!{135F DUS },lAN C-AVMI BA11 HAN BAW-TTI/z82? MI{5021 BRU MAN C-AWIH BA11 MAN BAI.'.W2827 EINzlB DUB MAN EI-MD B?3U DUB f,IN219P28 JEAO5] SOU MAN G-JEAE fKz? HT JEAO5428 IXA5O1 EDI }ruY G-BDVS FXz? NWI UKA6O128 Br1A252 Cm fl{A G-Br,ryM MTP GCr BMA191528 NAUI}15 EBJ HUY oY-BYH S'/] EB] NAU41528 Krtty 2 LPL DCS zq7ja 8A116 Mar Kitty 228 friJ)522 TFS niA EC-EX{Y BTII} TFs il{J362)28 UKAB35 AMS HUy c-Blt}ly FXz? A}lS UKAE)628 IJKAS]g AMS HUY G-BH]"IW FXz? ClG UKA?2O/2928 SAB517 BNU MAN OO.SDR B?)? BRU SAB5]BR28 BAH515] FRA MAN G-AWU BArl MAN B t{-w29?B BAW5OOT CDG MAN c-AWlK BA11 MAN B V-w2928 DANT997 TFS },IAN C-B}IDF B?3? MAN DANBgDF/2928 BAI{5021 BRU MAN c-Av}n BAlr MAN B l,jf5$fl/2928 MI{I.]5F DUS MN C-AWH &{11 MAN B I,,-Ifl1/2928 BAU5yI BFS MAN G-EOPL BATP ABZ B u56S/2928 INfi6A GLA }IAN G-oLCC MTP MAN 1fr25?P/2928 MU5O31 AMS MAN C-A!'MW B^lI MAN BAW-T4I/2928 uKA645 ABZ HUy c-Blrrfi Fl



    ivcsga/ figsruloz,/toosLtrogt/ 45ottBHAUIZ/t+l)sLR\50)/9092sAB699/?oosntgogt/ 45ottss:u+jo3/9092

    Cardlff-Belfast IntlBelfast Intl-CardlffStansted-ry's-Aberdcenf/t MaltaHunbersld+Birnlnghamf/t Bn:sselsf/t Iondon Heathrowf/t Brusselsf/t Bn-rsselsf/t Bnssetsf/t Brussels

    09 c-BrYH sHll09 c-BrYH sHllr) c-Avxr Hs74rl gH-ABF B?3?15 c-oPPP mr-o21 oo-sBz 873)22 C-oBML B7))23 00-sBz B7)326 oo-Dro n2o28 oo-sm B?)?)o oo-sBz B7))

    Lleu UI(A SHl6Lleu IIX-A SHl6CaflbratlonPax clrartertiPS frelghtElrst vlsltFlrst vlsltPax charterFirst visltFirst vlsitPax charter



    ABZ AberdeenAKT AkrotlrlAMS AnsterdanBF-S Belfast International-BGY BerganoBHD Belfaet CltyBID( Blrmlngham

    BII( Blackpool FRABRU Br:ussels GCICm Charles de Gau11e(Par:-s) CUCPH Copenhagen GVADCS Flnntn6ley HUYDND Dundee INV



    Datelnbound F1i6ht NumberInbound FYonInbound To (0ri6ina1 Destinatlon)RegistrationAlrcraft TypeOutbound Tooutbor:nd Flight Nunber (nigures after an obllque = New Date)

    DIJB Dub1lnDUS DusseldorfEBI EsbjergEDI &IlnburghE'lA East Mlcl-LandsD(T EreterFAO Faro


    Iol*t Isle of llan Hl4E TeessldeLDY IondonclerrJr l,lUC ilunlchICI Ipnclon Gatrlck NCL NewcastleLlm Iontlon Heathrow NI,II NorwlchIJN Ml1en ll-nate ORK CorkLPL Llvarpool SOU S/hamptonUfi Luxenbourg SIN London

    StanstedLYE Lyneham SZG SalzburgLYS Lyon TFS TenerlfeMAD Madrlat ZRH ZurlchMAN ManchesterMAR Marhaml,ltA Malta

    HELICOPTER TRAFF]C - JANUARY 1992I. G-BTFX Jetranger2, C-Zt,C Roblnson R-22J. G-EEVS A.1og&. G-DUcy Dnstrom

    G-JERS Roblnson R-22C-BSBl.l JetrangerG-BRRZ Roblnson R-22G-ROUT Roblnson F-22C-BPPC Robinson R-22

    7. G-I,YPA Bo.lO5G-CPIS JetrangerG-0DJP Roblnson R-?.?

    Shepley T/F Coney ParkBingley F Sandtoft T Coney ParkSheffield T/F GlenrothesPool-in-Wharfedale T BarLon}/akefleld F Blackpool T KelghleyComersal- F SherburnHornbleton F/T LtverpoolSherburn F Barbon (in formatlon with non-rad.io Stampe)i,Iakefield T BlackpoolPontefract F/T Carr GateSkipton T/F LBAConey Park F/T Sandtoft

    llliLI COI,I'Utl TnAtr'l'IC ( Contd. )!. G-WYPA Bo.10J10.C-t'INS Jetmnger

    C-STIP Hughes JOOtl.C-BHAX Drstron12.G-IDtlR Hughes J00

    G-lrtHCC JetrangerG-BIFX Jetran6er

    r7.c-EEVS A.109IB.G-BSML Hu6hes 10022.C-FINS Jetranger25.C-FINS Jetranger26.C-oHHL Roblnson R-22

    G-BAXS BeU 47C-OCJK Hu6hes 100C-IDWR Hughes J00


    Crolton Iy'T Oarr Gatellaj



    ivcsga/ figsruloz,/toosLtrogt/ 45ottBHAUIZ/t+l)sLR\50)/9092sAB699/?oosntgogt/ 45ottss:u+jo3/9092

    Cardlff-Belfast IntlBelfast Intl-CardlffStansted-ry's-Aberdcenf/t MaltaHunbersld+Birnlnghamf/t Bn:sselsf/t Iondon Heathrowf/t Brusselsf/t Bn-rsselsf/t Bnssetsf/t Brussels

    09 c-BrYH sHll09 c-BrYH sHllr) c-Avxr Hs74rl gH-ABF B?3?15 c-oPPP mr-o21 oo-sBz 873)22 C-oBML B7))23 00-sBz B7)326 oo-Dro n2o28 oo-sm B?)?)o oo-sBz B7))

    Lleu UI(A SHl6Lleu IIX-A SHl6CaflbratlonPax clrartertiPS frelghtElrst vlsltFlrst vlsltPax charterFirst visltFirst vlsitPax charter



    ABZ AberdeenAKT AkrotlrlAMS AnsterdanBF-S Belfast International-BGY BerganoBHD Belfaet CltyBID( Blrmlngham

    BII( Blackpool FRABRU Br:ussels GCICm Charles de Gau11e(Par:-s) CUCPH Copenhagen GVADCS Flnntn6ley HUYDND Dundee INV



    Datelnbound F1i6ht NumberInbound FYonInbound To (0ri6ina1 Destinatlon)RegistrationAlrcraft TypeOutbound Tooutbor:nd Flight Nunber (nigures after an obllque = New Date)

    DIJB Dub1lnDUS DusseldorfEBI EsbjergEDI &IlnburghE'lA East Mlcl-LandsD(T EreterFAO Faro


    Iol*t Isle of llan Hl4E TeessldeLDY IondonclerrJr l,lUC ilunlchICI Ipnclon Gatrlck NCL NewcastleLlm Iontlon Heathrow NI,II NorwlchIJN Ml1en ll-nate ORK CorkLPL Llvarpool SOU S/hamptonUfi Luxenbourg SIN London

    StanstedLYE Lyneham SZG SalzburgLYS Lyon TFS TenerlfeMAD Madrlat ZRH ZurlchMAN ManchesterMAR Marhaml,ltA Malta

    HELICOPTER TRAFF]C - JANUARY 1992I. G-BTFX Jetranger2, C-Zt,C Roblnson R-22J. G-EEVS A.1og&. G-DUcy Dnstrom

    G-JERS Roblnson R-22C-BSBl.l JetrangerG-BRRZ Roblnson R-22G-ROUT Roblnson F-22C-BPPC Robinson R-22

    7. G-I,YPA Bo.lO5G-CPIS JetrangerG-0DJP Roblnson R-?.?

    Shepley T/F Coney ParkBingley F Sandtoft T Coney ParkSheffield T/F GlenrothesPool-in-Wharfedale T BarLon}/akefleld F Blackpool T KelghleyComersal- F SherburnHornbleton F/T LtverpoolSherburn F Barbon (in formatlon with non-rad.io Stampe)i,Iakefield T BlackpoolPontefract F/T Carr GateSkipton T/F LBAConey Park F/T Sandtoft

    llliLI COI,I'Utl TnAtr'l'IC ( Contd. )!. G-WYPA Bo.10J10.C-t'INS Jetmnger

    C-STIP Hughes JOOtl.C-BHAX Drstron12.G-IDtlR Hughes J00

    G-lrtHCC JetrangerG-BIFX Jetran6er

    r7.c-EEVS A.109IB.G-BSML Hu6hes 10022.C-FINS Jetranger25.C-FINS Jetranger26.C-oHHL Roblnson R-22

    G-BAXS BeU 47C-OCJK Hu6hes 100C-IDWR Hughes J00


    Crolton Iy'T Oarr Gatellaj

  • l" lr.


    "l{e haven't tlme to call- at Heathronr" sald ny wlfe. "But", ahe added, "as we're onthe l42J we can't just 6o whizzlng past, can we?rr. We dlaln't. lJe pald tho akport aflylng vlelt - If you'I1 pardon the e)q)reaBlon. Our flrst Burprr.Be had nothlng to dowlth alrcraft. t.le saw a llarry Ransden's cafe ln tho alrporL... But, aa wo'd lunchedat a Llttle Chof on the A1, r+e dtdn't fancy flsh and ch1ps. Instead we went to anotherHeathrow'cafe, where we r{ere strurg f1.90 for tno smal.1 cups of Dcpresso Coffee.But I dlgress. Star of thc day for me was South Afrlcan Alrrrays Junbo ZS-SAV, whlch Isaw land and taxl to the stand; ny flrst s1ghtLn6 of thls operator. noyal Alr Haroc'sCN-RllP, a Boelng 727, was a pretty good scoop too. But have you evcr seen a Vlva Air?The ta1I looked as if a gan6 of lnfants had been fet loose wlth paint bnshes and cansof brlghtly col-ourqi paints, Dazzllrry scarcely descrlbes lt.. This one was registercdEC-?HR. Uhy the qucstion mark, you may ask. That's because they were loadlng frgageand the ba6gage compar-Lnend door was open. EC- the part we tlldn't need - was cl-earfyvlsible. But the last threc letters were on the door that wasn't there, 1f you seewhat I nean. So how did I 1og the last two? I spotted them on another part of theplane. I d1d xorse r.rith Cu-Lf Air. By the tlme I'd focussed ny blnocu)-ars the damnedthlng had dlsappeared behind a bu11dlng. Never nlnd... I dld manage to 1og two A1ita1lasI-DIBV and I-DAI.IB, a DC! and WrB2 respectlvely, whlLst Iberla EC-[XT, an M]-87, wasparked nearby. Also scen wcre SAS, Lufthansa, Brltlsh Alrways, Brittsh Mldland and alone Alr IIK F,2? FYiendship, G-BCDN, whlch I'd logged prevlously at IBA. Aer Llnguswas represented by EI-ASH. Thls was a Boeing n7-248 whlch looked more businesslikethan the Shorts they uscd to fly into Leeds/nraaford."It's tlne we were off,"said the boss. I dldn't argue. lrte'd stl1I a good few mifes togol but who could conplain? It's not every day that my aunt-1n-1aw (lf I can coln aphrase) cerebrates her seventy - first brrbhday.


    IT 1IAS T}IItrIY YEARS AGO TODAYNlneteen slrty-two,.......the Cuban crlsis.....TWl on TV.....Rod Iaver dorninatestennls........the autlror takes his "A" leveIs,On the alrcraft f-ront '6? started as '51 ended wlth a slghting of a Dakota on approachto Yeadon. On &th January I passed Brough, the home of Blackburn alrcraft, and spied alone Beverley. A trip to ller,rcastle on |th January prduced G-ARIK Rlley 65 anal Ll,l-SUGFrlendshlp of Sraathens in add.ltlon to the usual based alrcraft. On l8th January anoverflylng four engined job, 1lberal.Iy coated ln dayglo, turned out to be a USAF C-118headlng west at f3.20 hours, On 22nd Febmary I noted two Varsltles, both wearlng thevery dlstinctlve RAF College Cranwell tralnlng bands; I,IF392 at 1l.OJhrs foflowed onenlnute later by Wn72.Durlng the Easter holiciays I gave myself a break, deserved I'm sure, fron "A" level re-vlslon and took a tlain ride to R-AF Church Fenton. I was pleasantly surlrised to findflve Jet Provost T,l's had arrived: the anilclpated new E[y1ng Tralnlng Schoo] (I,TS)was obriously gettin started. The JPs sti11 had the codes and uni-t narks of theirprevlous ownersi the Ccntraf. Flyi-ng School. Also noted on the sare day were Ansonv5565, Lwo Vanpire T,11s of IFTS and some wrecks left behlnd by 60MU when they movedto Leconfleld. Four Va-rsities, a Valetta and a Pla6glo P.155 overflew whil-e I was there.A blt of interest a-nd cxcitenent was generated on 29th April when I saw a l4osquito fromthe CMCU headlng north. Trro hours fater aL l6,21 hrs I saw it heading south again....what goes up......A vlslt to Rtngway on Jth iiay produced a feast of aeroplanes; G-ANTC Dakota of JerseyAlr1lnes, HF-IllR Convair Cvulo of Swissair, PH-uIB Vlscount of KLM, O0-SCM ConvairCvltlto Sabenar oo-sJF tsoeing 707 Sabena, G-ARW Constelfatlon Euravia, G-APFC,I?FH Boeing70?e BOAC plus a host of BE Viscounts and llght singles and twlns. Drring the rest ofHay and June f reco:rled scveral pa6es of sightings. This was mainly due to study leave1n preparation for my c>:ams. A bright spot on Bth June was a Safir, G-ANOK, golng intoYeadon.


    I'l UAS'lllllfl'Y Yllitnsi ACO'l'oDAY (Contd.)In Jue I Has out and about agaln: txo vlslts to Church Fenton and one to Leenln6.onc of thc Church lrenton visits was for: the SSAF'A Alr Dlsp1ay. Th18 uaa the flrstsuch dlsplay oLt thls atrfle1d. Ttre statlc dlsplay and trade stands Here almost nonexlstant, ln narked contrast to today. The aeroplanes that I 1og6ed evoke many mernor-1es. If onJ'y I had been able to take nore photographs.... Amongst others there rr6!e:XK5?0 Conet T.2, USAF RB-66 Destroyer, two Super Sabres, USAF RF-101 Voodoo, XHlt4lJave}ln T.l, two Herons of Mercury AlrLlnes (c-eoZru and C-ANCI), CrA}.tYX Dakota ofSllver CIty, C-AHHI Auster, XF|OO Shackleton I{n.J, X}I490 Brltannla of the BAF, XD822Va]lant B.1 2OfSqn and would you believe G-AEBI the Blackburn 8.2. The nAF aerobatlcteann was the Red Peflcans. They flen the Jet Provost T.l and xere uslng flve for thelrforoations. I had hoped to see some of the resldent tTS JPs, but they vere all safelyIocked ln the hangars. So I had to return on 28th June.By this date there r+ere thir:teen JP T.ls of TFTS on show. The codes started at "21"and went as far as "42". Four of the original flve seen in Aprl1 rrere there' but noxsporLin6 new codes. A Gannct AS.4 overflew durlng the afternoon; posslbly ny lastsighting of thls tfpe.My vlsit to Leeming on lJth June produced eighteen Jet Provost T.ls ptus one T.4(XP5B2 "46") of the resident IFTS. So rith JPs at Leenln6, Llnton and Church Fentonthe new look RAF through jct tmining scheme was well lnto its swing. Sone of theseJPs can stl11 be seen at Linton today.Nlneteen slxty two par+, 2 will folIor later thls year, Etiltor rtlIing. It 91111 lncludevisits to Flngway, Coventry Air Races, Squires Gate, Farnborough, KldLlngton, UpperHeyford, Battle of Bri.tain Day at Finningley and the author's "A" Level resuLts. Seeyou then if you can stand sone more of thl.s.

    Jlrn Stanfleld.


    It was mld Septenber when my nlfe and I decided to have another reek away for our0ctober breal

  • l" lr.


    "l{e haven't tlme to call- at Heathronr" sald ny wlfe. "But", ahe added, "as we're onthe l42J we can't just 6o whizzlng past, can we?rr. We dlaln't. lJe pald tho akport aflylng vlelt - If you'I1 pardon the e)q)reaBlon. Our flrst Burprr.Be had nothlng to dowlth alrcraft. t.le saw a llarry Ransden's cafe ln tho alrporL... But, aa wo'd lunchedat a Llttle Chof on the A1, r+e dtdn't fancy flsh and ch1ps. Instead we went to anotherHeathrow'cafe, where we r{ere strurg f1.90 for tno smal.1 cups of Dcpresso Coffee.But I dlgress. Star of thc day for me was South Afrlcan Alrrrays Junbo ZS-SAV, whlch Isaw land and taxl to the stand; ny flrst s1ghtLn6 of thls operator. noyal Alr Haroc'sCN-RllP, a Boelng 727, was a pretty good scoop too. But have you evcr seen a Vlva Air?The ta1I looked as if a gan6 of lnfants had been fet loose wlth paint bnshes and cansof brlghtly col-ourqi paints, Dazzllrry scarcely descrlbes lt.. This one was registercdEC-?HR. Uhy the qucstion mark, you may ask. That's because they were loadlng frgageand the ba6gage compar-Lnend door was open. EC- the part we tlldn't need - was cl-earfyvlsible. But the last threc letters were on the door that wasn't there, 1f you seewhat I nean. So how did I 1og the last two? I spotted them on another part of theplane. I d1d xorse r.rith Cu-Lf Air. By the tlme I'd focussed ny blnocu)-ars the damnedthlng had dlsappeared behind a bu11dlng. Never nlnd... I dld manage to 1og two A1ita1lasI-DIBV and I-DAI.IB, a DC! and WrB2 respectlvely, whlLst Iberla EC-[XT, an M]-87, wasparked nearby. Also scen wcre SAS, Lufthansa, Brltlsh Alrways, Brittsh Mldland and alone Alr IIK F,2? FYiendship, G-BCDN, whlch I'd logged prevlously at IBA. Aer Llnguswas represented by EI-ASH. Thls was a Boeing n7-248 whlch looked more businesslikethan the Shorts they uscd to fly into Leeds/nraaford."It's tlne we were off,"said the boss. I dldn't argue. lrte'd stl1I a good few mifes togol but who could conplain? It's not every day that my aunt-1n-1aw (lf I can coln aphrase) cerebrates her seventy - first brrbhday.


    IT 1IAS T}IItrIY YEARS AGO TODAYNlneteen slrty-two,.......the Cuban crlsis.....TWl on TV.....Rod Iaver dorninatestennls........the autlror takes his "A" leveIs,On the alrcraft f-ront '6? started as '51 ended wlth a slghting of a Dakota on approachto Yeadon. On &th January I passed Brough, the home of Blackburn alrcraft, and spied alone Beverley. A trip to ller,rcastle on |th January prduced G-ARIK Rlley 65 anal Ll,l-SUGFrlendshlp of Sraathens in add.ltlon to the usual based alrcraft. On l8th January anoverflylng four engined job, 1lberal.Iy coated ln dayglo, turned out to be a USAF C-118headlng west at f3.20 hours, On 22nd Febmary I noted two Varsltles, both wearlng thevery dlstinctlve RAF College Cranwell tralnlng bands; I,IF392 at 1l.OJhrs foflowed onenlnute later by Wn72.Durlng the Easter holiciays I gave myself a break, deserved I'm sure, fron "A" level re-vlslon and took a tlain ride to R-AF Church Fenton. I was pleasantly surlrised to findflve Jet Provost T,l's had arrived: the anilclpated new E[y1ng Tralnlng Schoo] (I,TS)was obriously gettin started. The JPs sti11 had the codes and uni-t narks of theirprevlous ownersi the Ccntraf. Flyi-ng School. Also noted on the sare day were Ansonv5565, Lwo Vanpire T,11s of IFTS and some wrecks left behlnd by 60MU when they movedto Leconfleld. Four Va-rsities, a Valetta and a Pla6glo P.155 overflew whil-e I was there.A blt of interest a-nd cxcitenent was generated on 29th April when I saw a l4osquito fromthe CMCU headlng north. Trro hours fater aL l6,21 hrs I saw it heading south again....what goes up......A vlslt to Rtngway on Jth iiay produced a feast of aeroplanes; G-ANTC Dakota of JerseyAlr1lnes, HF-IllR Convair Cvulo of Swissair, PH-uIB Vlscount of KLM, O0-SCM ConvairCvltlto Sabenar oo-sJF tsoeing 707 Sabena, G-ARW Constelfatlon Euravia, G-APFC,I?FH Boeing70?e BOAC plus a host of BE Viscounts and llght singles and twlns. Drring the rest ofHay and June f reco:rled scveral pa6es of sightings. This was mainly due to study leave1n preparation for my c>:ams. A bright spot on Bth June was a Safir, G-ANOK, golng intoYeadon.


    I'l UAS'lllllfl'Y Yllitnsi ACO'l'oDAY (Contd.)In Jue I Has out and about agaln: txo vlslts to Church Fenton and one to Leenln6.onc of thc Church lrenton visits was for: the SSAF'A Alr Dlsp1ay. Th18 uaa the flrstsuch dlsplay oLt thls atrfle1d. Ttre statlc dlsplay and trade stands Here almost nonexlstant, ln narked contrast to today. The aeroplanes that I 1og6ed evoke many mernor-1es. If onJ'y I had been able to take nore photographs.... Amongst others there rr6!e:XK5?0 Conet T.2, USAF RB-66 Destroyer, two Super Sabres, USAF RF-101 Voodoo, XHlt4lJave}ln T.l, two Herons of Mercury AlrLlnes (c-eoZru and C-ANCI), CrA}.tYX Dakota ofSllver CIty, C-AHHI Auster, XF|OO Shackleton I{n.J, X}I490 Brltannla of the BAF, XD822Va]lant B.1 2OfSqn and would you believe G-AEBI the Blackburn 8.2. The nAF aerobatlcteann was the Red Peflcans. They flen the Jet Provost T.l and xere uslng flve for thelrforoations. I had hoped to see some of the resldent tTS JPs, but they vere all safelyIocked ln the hangars. So I had to return on 28th June.By this date there r+ere thir:teen JP T.ls of TFTS on show. The codes started at "21"and went as far as "42". Four of the original flve seen in Aprl1 rrere there' but noxsporLin6 new codes. A Gannct AS.4 overflew durlng the afternoon; posslbly ny lastsighting of thls tfpe.My vlsit to Leeming on lJth June produced eighteen Jet Provost T.ls ptus one T.4(XP5B2 "46") of the resident IFTS. So rith JPs at Leenln6, Llnton and Church Fentonthe new look RAF through jct tmining scheme was well lnto its swing. Sone of theseJPs can stl11 be seen at Linton today.Nlneteen slxty two par+, 2 will folIor later thls year, Etiltor rtlIing. It 91111 lncludevisits to Flngway, Coventry Air Races, Squires Gate, Farnborough, KldLlngton, UpperHeyford, Battle of Bri.tain Day at Finningley and the author's "A" Level resuLts. Seeyou then if you can stand sone more of thl.s.

    Jlrn Stanfleld.


    It was mld Septenber when my nlfe and I decided to have another reek away for our0ctober breal

  • 16,

    A TRISIAR TALR 198? (Contd.)

    I{e had a omashlng f116ht on the AJ10 HB-IPA, good meal, free wlne and drlnks, and Imlght add the steepest cl1nb out ever to date. l,lb landed around slx hours late, butto ne the Al10 was a bonus. The fo11or1n6 Saturday's fl.Ieht back wae on the TrlstarG-BEAI.!. It turned arou.nd at PMI 1n forty-slx nlnutes frorn landlng to take-off. ThepoBtscrlpt to thls story 1s that on arrlvlng home f wrote to Brltlsh Alrtours atGatwlck stnalght away asklng them why they couldn't have re-acted earfler when theyknew on the F\:Iday one of the IJ011's was tn trouble wlth lts schedules. They replledsaylng lt ras dlfficuLt to sub-charLer ride bodled alrcraft at short notlce and sentus a cheque for CIO with apologles for the de1ay. It lsn't who you know, it';;hatyou know when you have the "Blble".

    J. A. Brcuer,


    C-SYPA? South Yorkshire Police Authorlty are currently lnvestlgatlng the possiblli'l,yof buylng thelr om hclicopter. As a result of the lessons learned wlth "PoIlcc !2"/

    VOLUMt,i l.ll No 2 t,'t'itlliuAlrY lr92

    ,r,*,--r';.;." -r*r.-,,r; ;,:,,;,,; ;,,*,-r;,;,;,,;-;,;r",;";; ,rrn-rro,',"r. irr"CtttttLtNnnr- M.W11J.1nga1,r:,1/ Ilanlmlt an occaslonal- ar-Licle for the magazlne.ll.al.lrrow Sunday the 29th of l.larch 1992. Flight 8D411. DeparL 07.20. Meet from 0630It, odt\ at BM's Check-in c1csk. Arrives J,ondon Heathrow 081J.Illt.rrr:r l')..lght BDlr2O. Dcpart at 20ll0 to arrivc LBA at 21 .J0. Check-in tlne to berlor:lrlrrl on arrival at l{catlrrow, ff any nore niembers want to go on thls trip pleascrlryl mr: and .1. wlff try and get you a seat. The aircraft should be a DC-9 fron Ler,vls;rrrl ;r Il/l/-'J0O for thc return. On board meals both ways. Cost f6!.

    1T E E[,

    S'(F Hm ffi"*, 9'{ HH [{ $E Hr)( r,r)n I,nt v/,'t'r,i ()t Ictii,A'l't oN ()NLY)

    C-I{YPA, they have to docide whether to invest, presunably in a B.10J or a Twln Squir:rc).lJelghlng operating costs (gl?O/frour) agalnst the effectlveness of hellcopter operat-lons wlth other Police Authorltles nationride w111 probably result ln the purchase ofa sultable hellcopter, whlch ls }lkeIy to be based 1n the Sheffield,/Rotherham area.Lin]ey AlrfleldThls ls a "new" airfieltl, close to Beverley, whlch has begun operatlons recently.Vlsltors have included F-22's G-ZIGG and G-BOYC. Radlo frequency for "Lln-ley Radio"Is l2T5 l,tHz. Thls is a CAA-licensed alrfleld, offlcially caIled tseverley (llnleyH111). Does anyone have any further details?.New Alrband RadlosIn the absence of the excel,lent reporLs by Dave llard, lt ls worLh nentlonlng two newsetsr- the AR30O0A (to supercede the AR3O00) and the ARI5O0. The ARI500 covers J00 KHz-1100 MHz and has a single sicleband (SSB) facl1lty, Costs are about f750 for theARJ000A and 300 for the ARf500. E.C.crlff'ths.


    Iast sunner I began a new hobby: 11st1ng aeroplanes appearlng on te1evlslon. theflrst entry ln G-MAR.R, a light alrcraft I had prewlousl seen at Sturgate. The listalso lncludes B{80, a German miIltary hellcopter on exerclses, G-SIUA whlch wa.s ano1d aeroplane dolng stunt flying, a.nd a powered alrshlp reglstered G-BIHN. XV212 wasa blg R.A.F. aeroplane 1n the Hangar where Terry Waite was speaklng after hl-s releasefron eaptlwlty; whllst the United Nations alrcr.aft brlnglng lan Rlchter back wasHB-IEC. PK-PLll was spotted ln the news. It was used for the conpulsory return ofrefr:gees fron Hong Kong to Vletnafl. My latest entry 1s OY-KH0, the wrecked Scandln -arlan alrllner that crashed in Sweden soon after iake-off.Thls hobby Is no substltute for a uisit to Heathror+ r+ith a notebook and radio, but ltan be classed as a bonus.

    L. Scheftsik.

    The Eclltor has moved,.. new addiess 1s:-

    51, Moseley Uood lJal-k, Cookridge, Leeds IS15 /HQ.Please dlrect your contributions for the magazlne to the above address ln futureand keep them coning.

    Hany thanks,



    T.!J.SykesJ . Stanfleld

    E, C.G riffi thsA. Scdgwi ck

    Il,I,'ozzard,l . A. Rrcwer


    L. Scheftslk