Tuesday, April 3, 1917 —THE TACOMA TIMES- Page Seven Doings of the Duffs WILBUR PUTS ONE OVER ON PANBY. By Ailman TIMES WANT ADS CLASSr*FIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 cent m word each Imartl on—3 times for the price of A I month, p«r lln* per mouth •» |I.o> t nonthi, p«r line per month 9S months, per line per month ... .................... 80 11" months, per line per month 71 Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advance \ No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. : PHONE MAIN 12 TUB TIMES IS TACOMA'M .^jgHS*"-* WI RECEIVE ADB HY OKtV INDEPBNDBNT amfc!&t?tiis& PHONH. OUR NUMBER NEWSPAPER IB MAIN \t BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A BBTRA CTB COMMONWEALTH TITLE TRUST CO. MAIN 101. Bankers Trust Bldg. ""'"^a'bstracts of tVtljP™™' TACOMA TITLB CO^-iiround floor Fidelity Bldg. Main m«. AUTOMOBILB ambulance. Oui» on* Tn oltl. Main 43. BLUE PRINTS, MAPS, SURVEYING CITT and county surveys, tide-lands. r F,yeT.ty N'OM3^ n47«f "r BUSINEBB COLLEGES flHP*!S*^BniSVHH Young man, aLV » li"t are you 1!!!^!!.^ Of? 5 FBI for help |^\F 19. But 1 ulicimCCv! 1' v"v '" \u25a0' n"' I llllir TWtJll \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0•\u25a0"' see. us \9r llt once, we can l^% X»*iliPlp you. MFfJM \u25a0 >t»to Hiistncsi I KA^afl Collega \u25a0^••\u25a0241 I Fidelity Bid. CARPET CLEANINO H. L. HOUCK—Carpet beating, re- fitting and laying; feather '•"?\u25a0• vatluK and upholstering. 1812 Mb ay. Main >2I \u25a0^SoUNTRY "WATE R^SU p'pLl: BfiT wi mako conaectlons to new heat- ing company. Coffea Plumbing Co. Main 870. "^^TrOPiTaI 'TIC rTBMILY CLARKE, graduate olilro- practor: (iiainletss method). 303 80. Hili. Main 445L'. QEO. It. SMlTH—(Palmer Qradu- ate). 711 Nat. Realty Hi.l M. 1153. " T HI RO^OI >1ST * DR. A. HOYKII. Chlropodllt. Miil- •troms Drug Store. Muln 35. PR. McCAIN, Chiropodist. Provident RldC Main i~i*2. JiiHt a llttlf dlffertnt." Dr. Burns. Dr. Austin. ELECTRO DENTAL PARLORS Tacoma Tlieater Bldg. * DRAYAGB Commercial Truck * Storage Co.— Furniture moved. packed and stored. Team and auto vans. Flre- froof warehouse. Best corps of rained menln city. Main 70S. washtng^ fj\ n Family washing Main 1213 OUC Tai-oma W»t Wuh. FOO^SraCIAIJST"* RHEUMATISM, bunions, nails, brok- en trchen treated. Dr. Jones, Ave- nue HoteL GARAGES dARAGES 120 to $35; summit rot- tag;e» 110 and up. Wegener Mfg. \u25a0 -9- Q:'-ll0-7- A, 8, I. HOTELS THE TRAVELERS; transient from SOc up. Special rates by week or month. 1500 H Pacific ay. MONTE CARLO-Rmi. 350 up. Ev^ erythlng new; steam heat, free batha. IBI9H Broadway. Main 2068 HOTEL MCRIT Reputation Established. Reasonable tates, 314Vs 11th. Court and Mar- :«t. \u25a0HAHTA MOTKL— Modern outside rooms. |2. $2.80 and IS per w«*tt \u25a0p. iOc Bight up. 18 H Market HOTEL H^KoshTmXv'a Cor. M»r~ k«t and »th: Modern;_ tOc. 7Jc, IL INBKCTICIDEH AND SPRAYS CARBOLINBUM and Cr«^Soi f7r chicken Me*. (Vvrco Vegetable my: *«tor class. Standard jlaln 8483. LADIES'ANIT MEN'S smTs *>^EP WB "r" pwp»Ma to MnjgOfc I"1|I<1 'hem. You can fur- fj^jll nl«h your own cloth ir V^^Efl desired. The rharges \u25a0PafafJ I sr* most reasonable. F •fafj Morrla, the Tailor \^^m 41°-11 Pro»ldent Bldg mining *"OK mining business or mining iu- formatlon, enuulr* A. M. P. Co, 120 ill Prov. Bloc. Tacoma, COSTUMES SWITCHES, wivh, wigs, hair good*. Thorsen's, lIIHBroadway Mat» KONBV »n Hand for Improved prop- erty loana. 201 Bank of Cal. Bldg. tIWAJO 52a Califoi£l» Bids. ON first mortgage security at T and 8 per cent. Knight * Musek, __Bankera Trust. Main 861«. MONF!Y l'l»«'to~|loboTNo~delar. JVlWl>J!ilJessejj. Read, Prov. Bd. $25,000 eastern money to loan at * 7 and 8 per cent. Inquire J. I* Bnapp. 1221 Fidelity Bldg. »* MTU ON IMPROVED property. Loias for bulldloK \u25a0peclalty. Also make loam payable la •mail .lonthly Installment*. U R. MANNING * CO. Til, Mala 16, Equitable Bldg. RKAL ESTATE: LOANS, term or monthly payment*. March-Mo- CnndlMi. Room 100, National Realty Bldg, OUll own money to loan. W. N. Doub * Co.. Inc. (04 CaL Pldg, Muln till, PHIVATR money to loan, ISU to (1000: no commission. Payment! to «.iit. Call till So. Fife. Felli Pubols. 1 PRR CENT money, reasonable rate. BSII So. 54th. 8, Tacoma^Wn, LOANS Short or long term, any \u25a0 mount 418 California Bldg. UoHTOAGB LOANa Amounts from 1200 up; city or farm: lowest rates. NORTON A CO,. 110 Bsrltn. LOAN! for home building ~or Ti pay off old mortgage. Lowest rates, special privileges to bor- rowers—t to 8 years. Money al- ways on I ;.i.it—no delay. H. J. BCHTWINN * CO., 100. m-l» Taioma Bldg. OSTEOPATHS DR. HUDSON ~3B2Provident Bld«, Mhih S4H Res. phon*. Main 4411 'TtcturFe^ramSJg'' BXCLUBIVB assortment of Wallace Nuttlns; nature prints. Holt Art Store. 773 Broadway (.'. N. KONfIBACII. 1921 So. Yakima. Main 934». R. I. ELLIOTT, Uoi NatT Realty B'\u25a0?."_-¥f-'*?\u25a0_ !'"!"*- Pttttnt»- M- «7Tt. pTniTicrANS^ "™* nil. KLWIN HHOWN. physT-lan and surgeon. Office 1016 Fidelity Bid.-. Maln_234-R, Main 6229. lill. WARREN BROWN -- Diseases of women and gonlto-urlnary 11114 akin diseases. 1103 Commerce «t. DR. P. H. iCUROBDRR SKIM AND GENITOURINARY DIS- EASES. FRENCH BLDQ, 1164 PACIFIC. MAIN 1785. tit. LA QASA Surgeon, X-Ray. diseases of women, genlto-urln- ary. Realty Bldg. DrTjONEZ—SURGEON" Diseases of woman. Fidelity Bldg. DR. B. ELIZABETH DRAKE" I'hys- l'ls»i and Surgeon. 1018 Fidelity Bldg. Main 13 4; Proctor 648. Mad- _Uon 117 R-l. OH PETERBEN-DANA. IJO Berlin Bldg. Scandinavia*. Am. Bank), Offlce^Maln 3178; ret.. Main K7T. DR. FORKMAN, SURGMBON Bankers Trust Bldg. DR. TOCUM. Natl. Realty Sidil Da), Main 800; night. Proo. 1 ;**. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS SEE the new Woodstock typewrlt- er that speaks for Itself. Both j£%'o n 7dA q:'t" ty-a D- B""r RAG TIME_ PIANO playing taught In 10 to 20 lessons. 14 Temple Music. M. 1263. RAZORS ShXrPENBiT" W X sharpen safety raior blades. All work gruarnnteed. McMillan Bros., »m Broadway. aiTi" Deposit vaultS"*""* FIDELITY TRUBT~CO.B SAFE DB. POSIT VAT'LT3. Ground floor. ""bcaVk ngers AMKRICAN GARBAO.I CO. Re- r.ovlng garbage A refuse of all kinds. Hi Puy. ay. M. 742. 8,. 7«S«. SIGN PAINTERS JEDLICK SIGNS 941 COMMERCB ST. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES 14.00 per year, fir* and burglar proof. People/ Safety Deposit Co., 117 80. Uth. Berlin Bid*. Main 2013. SALAR Y^^A^^CH^LT^mToANg wanTTromptLt MADiToiT" FURNITURB PIANOS AND BTORAQB RECEIPTS At ratus you can afford to pay. Money buys cheaper than credit. Our servlie has pleased many others and will pleas* you. Let us tell you ail about It. COAST FINANCE COMPANT 210 Bankers Trust Bldg. STOCKS X^DBONDS^ WUIOHT-MARTIN aeroplane com- mon stork. J. K. McKarland, 314 Equitable Bldg. UNCLE SAM oil shares, par $1. Will trade for anything, anywhere. .Send description of your property to Box 402, Tacoma. Wash. "^UmiERTAKERS C. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Director*. tit Taooma ar. Main 7T4». BUCKLBY-KlNCr~cd^Prof*»»louai Funeral Directors. 730-33 flt. Helens. Phone Main 413. CASSEDT * ALLEN ~CoT—FunerTl directors. 1110 So. 12th. Main 816 L 80. TATOM"A~FUKBRAi7PARLORB7 (432 Unlod ay. Mala 1083. O*» W. Piper. DIGGER U" WELI7DIGa"BR. ». T. Birch, P»rs> land. Wash. window'cleaUinq^' CITY Window Cleaning Co., vacuum cleaning. Main 4633. RENT—HOUSES 6-ROOM lionse In elegant condition. mi oorner, J37.H So. M St. A rhoßi- ful homo. ChllM for Koi>d gar- dun. I pay water, only $16.00. 9-lIOOM house, 140R So. J, rheap 9-HOOM houSe, 141.1 So. Q 315 00 B-ROOM house. 40S So. 1., 315.00.' 3 AND 4-ROOM flats, $6 and $7, clo«* ' JESSE a READ 5^9 Provident BldK. Main 9486 and 5722. 302 and 204 Tfo. Tacoma ava. fhls Is a double house of sev«n and elgrnt rooms suitable for two families of friends or can be rent- ed together an a rooming house On car lit.-, near Stadium high school. Low rent to proper par- ties. L. R. MANNING A CO. Tel. Main 28. Equitable Bldg. 1907 So. Yakima, 5-r.. bath ..sl2 00 505 So. soth. B-r., bath 86.00 2664 So. Wllkeson, 8-r 38.00 4838 So. M, 6 rms. and bath.. 312 00 1714 So. 53rd, 5-r 26.00 H J. SCHWINN * CO., Inc. Tacoma Bldg. Main 14 LONG Moving—Get Our Prices McLKAN. MAIN 1850 Vt A JM '}fWIQ L*'c*l and Long jyiiVJIN OV/V^y Distance Moving. Storage. .Nights snd Sundays. M A I N 8 *J»_l City* Moving & Storage Co FIRKPHOOF storage. «15 tao. a». FURNISHED HOUSE^ J^EJEPING ROOMS NICELY furnished 4-r. flat, good £lano; walking distance. Phone lain 7984. Yakima. IMPKKIAL—Fine hskpg. rat.. (3 mo. up; walking distance. So. lOtk and Tsklma. BAY~^vTEW~APTa Special rate* to bachelor*, H2»H Taooma a». . FINK hskpg. rms. 3! wk. up. 70»Vfc Pho. ay.. Eau Claire Apt*. AUTOS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER 1917 V rolie Light Six, run 1000 miles as dem- onstrator; at a sacrifice. Call Mr. Daviea. Lou Schabel's Garage Main 2419. 1201 A St. USED CAR BARGAINS DON'T forget that we can save you money on a good uaed car. Cars guaranteeed and prices right. See us before you buy, LOU SCHABEL Vj"^ u tt"d __A_ _*.*\u25a0\u25a0 Main 2<i» RENT—OFFICES PRIVATE office, us* of reception T°e° mMafn <4 U»»* lIU Fldellty d|t- ROOM AND BOARD ' WANTED— JEWISH young man wants board and room in Jewish family for short time. Prefer orthodox. A-t, Times. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I'OR SALE—S torn of Karly Wilson or lute Unix* seed potatoes 12.50 a hundred. Armantrout Bros.. 2020 9th ay. S. E., Puyallup. Phone Black 123. FHKSTI young Jersey COW, good milker. Must soil. 3787 Kast B St., Main mi, FOlt SALE—76 niw>; 2 mlleafaouth of (iiavely lake, by Jamil I. Mur- ray. BIKOBR Sewing- Machln* Store, Sl9 Ho. 11th. Main 5763. SNA P~ rooms, 2 lota, near 66th and M, Improvement* paid; $300 casti, balance like rent. A-S, The Times. FOR SALE CIIICAP—An Edison cylinder phonograph, 7$ 2 iind 4- '\u25a0> >\u25a0i m»\u25a0 records, or will exchange for something; useful. Will sell for $20. 6857 So. Thompson ay. Madison 910-R. M w decorative wall papers ftbaw Wall Paper Co., 1015 A st. Main PWQT tlati to T>e had at Broad- uiulOl. way Mkt., 11QS Broadway. QKT our prices on goo* 2d hand ranges and furniture. Tar. Aye Fur. Exchange, 913 Tacoma ay. Main 8367. MEN'S sample suits, $26 values, $12 60. $18 value, $7.88; $16 value. $0.90. Shoes and furnishings at reduced prices. Bob's, ISO 7 Com- merce st. S(O0-lb. team, harness and wagon, all in good shape, $I3E. Bob Bow- man, Tel. Madison 819-R4. Penn- sylvania aye., Old Puy. oar line. LAf E Princess sewing machine, $10; Columbia. $1. 40$ llth at. Kfjrt WATCHBB cleaned or mala uu« springs. too. luraatnt, nil Paolflo ay. WANTED—Hogs, cattle, veal, hides, poultry. Will call for same. Pay highest market prle*. Tacoma Maat Co. Mad. 961. after bus- Ineo* hours Alain $881. CASH PAID *-OR ÜBBD FURNIT- tmi AND WHIR MERCHAN- inan. Wit riTZ-HBNRT HI BOOTH lITH iTRBW. MAHAFFAY insures. 601 Berlin Bldg. Main 17BT. PIANO expert, tuning and repair- ing. T. T. Richmond, 101 l S*. llth. Phone Mala lift. ""swaps 5 AI'UES Improved, 7-room house, gravity irrigation system; near car line and Stellacoorn, lake. Bar- Kain. Part trade. Phone even- ings Madison 117 R-4. UNIMPROVED Beguoyah oounty, OKlahoma. land for resiiienoe any- where. Bond description to Box 40:2. Taooma, Wash. TO TRADE—Property In Puyallup, near oayed road, for mh.iM car. A-B, Times. MARK, weight 10T.O, easy keeper, for cow, liens or pl(?s. Main 7183; evenings, Madison 1182. ~ WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -A fine bedroom suite. Qlv* full description. Will pay cash. R-J, Tlm«B. WANTICI)—A good range, polished top and l.'v base; must be reason- able for cash. B-3, Times. Tadies 1^ antTmen^s" TAILORS THE SUITS MADE BY THE ELEVENTH ST. ' TAILORING CO. ARK known by their tailored ap- pearance, which never leaves the garment as long as it is worn. If you let us make you a suit you will wear no others. 311 SO. 11TH ST. Next to Rhodes Bros. Tailors to Men and Women. REAL ESTATE WANTED—4 lots t<Tii acre, and (some fruit preferred) with or without house. Some cash, some "nie. B-4. Times. ROOM AND BOARD~ FURNISHED rooms with board, phone. bath, heat; reasonable prices. Convenient for working ifien and clerks. 94g So. !\u25a0:. TIELP-J fEMALE~' GIRLS attending school wanted to sell contracts in spare time. Big money earned and chance to win »60 cash prise. Apply 216 Provi- dent Bid*?., Pacific ay., opposite _Pantages. MOOREFIELD BATHB~for rheJina- tism and lagrlppn. Lady attend- I ant. 7th and Pacific Main 6214. POULTRY BUFF ORPINGTON t^JCKS, prize winners wherever shown, best ever, 11 eggs $2.50; Buff Orping- ton chickens, prize stock. It egtjs $1.50. R. G. Brown, Burton, Wn. ANCONA eggs for hatching, fine lay- ing strain, 5c each. Proctor 2857-Y. PETALUMA and Queen Incubators and brooder stoves, poultry sup- plies. Poole's Seed & Implement Co., 1607-9 Pacific ay. WANT BGGS7 Feed Standard Lay- ing Mash. Keystone Cereal Co., 2811 Jeff, m: help^TaljF BOYS wanterl to distribute few hand bills In vicinity of their .school; spar* time. 2Ui Provident Older., Pacific ay., opposite Pttn- tages. HOYS attending school wanted to sell contract* In spare time; him money earned and chance to win $50 cash prtite. Apply :i» Provi- dent Hldif., Pacific ay., opposite Pantaget, WANTED—Boys with blcyoles; good wages. Apply Western Union. * 'kitit' atjon~ m aleP YOUNG man attending business col- lege desires bookkeeping or Itano- Braphlo positiim afternoons, after a. Address A-2, Time*. TOP prtoes paid for poultry and rab- bits. W. H. Corblt. 1142 Market Main 3348. WANTED TO BUY" WANTKI) to buy for cash, good na- tive oak, maple and ash logrs. Proctor 1386. TO INVEST $100 or so and services by machinist, and fairly good auto, and general mechanic, In small repair shop, or would buy small business or stand of any kind. What have you? A-l. Times. WANTED —Books and magazines. Y 9 Old Book Shop, 901 \j Pacific WANTED—Furniture and etovaa, 1. O. Purkejr. Main S8I». T'o7S'i»iS"''''Roo'Ms' THIBTLH HOTBL—On* housekeep- ing suite, heated, hot and cold wa- ter, llth anil Market. Main 14S.H. RENT^M ISCELLANEOUS FOR RUNT—I-acr* ranch, oneHiaif mile south of Larchmont, on old I'uyallup line; (food buildings, or- chard, best of soil; all In good shape. Inquire for N. Paul. FOR RBHT—66 or 14* •», With Nt> ninif water, close to paved road, 3 miles from city limits; good house, barn and chicken house. Wagon and harness for sale. O. G. Storaasll. Jr., l'arkland. LOGGED OFF LAND IN Southirost Washington to set- tlers only Jf. ('(.• per acre and up. Ten years to pay, Interest at 6%. WEYKRHAEUBER TIMIIKR CO. Tacoma Rlilg. Tacoma. Wash. *^~.m \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0. BUSINESS CHANCES GROCERY STORE LOCATKI) In busy neighborhood, carrying nice clean stock. A large portion of the stock was purchas- ad on future, deliveries at old prices, and In selling utjnvantnry thejje. lower cost prices will be cunsldoreil as basts. In some In- stances the difference amounts from 20 to 35 pur cent. Doiurl&a Promotion Co. SJj-lj-U Natl. Realty Hldg. FOR SALE—Lunch room on the tideflats, doing a rattling good business. Owner must go nn land In Oregon. This would be a good thing for a man and wife, or two women. Inquire 1135 Ht. Paul ay. OOOD, clean, small rooming house gagyggSsug*ront> fur °niy REAL ESTATE GARDEN HOME tt-ACRE, fine clay soil, new 4-room plastered house, basement and at- tic, chicken house and some fruit trees, all ready for garden; $850, terms. C. F. MASON Main 4044. 306-7 Equltabl* Bldg. Buflfldi on These Two lots on NO. »VIFE ST. Between No. 14th and 15th sts.. where all Improvements, includ- ing paving, are now In— $400 PER LOT One of the best localities In this "city. If you are going to build you should see these lots first Three block* to Pt. Defiance ear line, 3 block* to No. X st. line This price Is way below the mar- ket. Haveloek C. Boyle & Co. 211_C*,llfornta Bldg. Main 22. ftt ACRES on old Puyallup' line; good S-room house and outbuild- _Tngs. $650. »1> California Bldg. LINT your property wrtn "us! iITISL Muhaffey A Co., 601 Berlin. REAL ESTATE WH liave buyers fur X* to 1-a. cheap, Improvements satisfactory. must be clobp, to cur, lo furc. Oft In touch with us quirk. BERTELBON * 00. 519-20 Berlin HUlts. LAND ST. PAUL & TACOMA LITMBKU CO. offer* direct to public, on terms absolutely to suit, th« choicest of shot clay, cedar nd alder bottom land, on best of county roads and paved high- ways to Tacoma; near schools, \u25a0tore* unit railway stations, on cream, mall and ulito bus routes, at $25 to $35 per acre. Literature JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR. 320 Tacoma Bldg. Main 7818. VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW On the N. W. eoirmr of But 36th and IC sts., east front, two lots, 60x100; all streets Krailod, coment walks, sewer, water, all assess- ments |tald. I1,T!« —BAST TBRIM Fine locality, good lawn, fruit trees, berries, garden, roses and shrub- bery. Place occupied by owner. Must be sold at once. Bargain. Havelock C. Boyle & Co. 211 California HMp, Main 22. Are You Wide Awake to Tacoma's Industrial situation? Fix your mind on the spot where lIIU m mm>n Is going—Flats. A little money handles a lot NOW. GF.O. LAWLKIt 617 Nat'l Realty lildg. Modern Bungalow COMPLKTELY modern, containing fireplace, buffet, bookcases, cali- Inet kitchen, uttic, concrete foun- dation, etc. Two lota. 418 So. filth st. $150 Cash, $1S Monthly. Price $r.»00. 4511 So. Tacoma ay. $2(10 Cash, $iii Monthly Price $:>:!00 PHONK for appointment or see them Sunday. We will be Klad to ihow you them at any time. Will build on plans to suit. Maryland Realty Co. ( Bungalows Kxt luslvely) 504 C'altfornia Hldn. Mum 21SS. (Residence Phone Proctor 27»0 R-4) OWNER GOING AWAY SICKNESS COMPELS BAORIPICE 4-ROOM house, electric, lights, gas, water, sewer, lipaiitiful view of mountains; street Improvements In ami paid. BeQAUS* of sickness will sell for $M.V parJ cash, bal- ance easy terms. Better see the place. B, I', ORBOORY CO, Second Floor National Kealty Blrttr. Ask for Salesman 10. A REAL RANCH, FOR TRADE ACRBfI, within II miles from Ta- Cona, 15 Hires Olaared, 10 Hires of Kooil land in cultivation. Uooil |*j Of buildings; 5 cows, 2 calves, 1 horse, 25 chickens, and all farm- In^ tools. This will make a dandy proposition for anyone to secure as it is all stocked nnd ready for business. This can be secured by trailing some city prop- arty and having nil kinds of time on the balance. Will take about $2ihio in trad*, NCHARF & WEAVER 406 Hernice Ulilg. 10 Acres Alfalfa Land KASTKUN Washington 10 acres, $2,000; water right. Ready fur corn, alfalfa, fruit, spuds. Mtg. only $400. Trade for Tacoma res- idence equal value. M'ATEUKRONT « acres. Improved, $Kr.O(), trade, anything. Barnhisel Co. Main 754, 416 Tacoma H1dg. A GENUINE SNAP $750 HUYS a 4-room house ana" 1% lot* in good location In the Indian Addition; $100 cash, balance $10 per month Including Interest. DE LAND HENTON CO. .115-16 Hankers Trust Bldr. 40 ACRES—SSOO ALL good clay soil, close to water, on main road. Terms on this. 10 AereH, Paved Road FRONTING on pavement, close to R. R. station, store, graded school Lots of fine timber. Pries $550. Terms $100 cash. RICE-WEBB CO. •Jai'LJiiiL m? 1107 A St. 5-ROOM HOUSE 28 LOTS; a snap, $1300,^300 ra«h. balance to suit; 5c fare. Come see It. O. N. ,K)HNS tOO National Bank of Tacoma Bid*. A Tames Want Ad Briers Results —Jiuist Phone Male 112 It's up to Taconia and the State of \\ iisliin^ion to sll|>- I'lj I in li" Sum's navy with 800 men heron' April 20. This ihiiiilm'i- is tin' quota assigned (<> Iliis district in orders received Tuesday by Chief I'eity Officer <;. Strlck- land, in charge of the. Tuoo- inii navy n-> t\u25a0\u25a0 v iFiii Ntntlon, from Oapt. Palmer, in rluirne of recruiting for th« entire western district. The 80u recruits will he tills state's part in supplying the 38.- ROO more men M*d«d immediHte- ly to fill the navy's emergency complement. "From your estimate of the people of your district, and their keen interest In national defense, I can Rtirely count upon this number," says Capt. Palmer's HEAL KSTATK Cheap Land 1 ACRBSfI—I-aichniont, 5c far*, timber included .. $500 10 ACRES —Tliinsti.ii county, near Tiunwater, 1 acrew under cultt- vutiuu, balance Umber $750 40 ACRKS—U)KK»M find burn- iml, «im<l pasture, iHkl' fl lilllll(i<-, Wl'Ht or Bteilacoom hike.s24oo 80 ACRBS— Roy, good paylag farm, well Improv- ed, livestock ulitl tOOll Included $6500 AHKAM I). LIDDLK ItKAI, KBTATE, LOANH, INBUR- ANCK, RENTALS. 310 Tucotnn Building. Main 2333. LEGAL NOTICES BOND CAM Notle* 1h hereby Riven that the following numbered Bunda of Him following ntimhHred Local Improvement Districts of i > •.\u25a0 City of Taciuiiii, nre called for pay- ment, ami that Interest on sumo oeesei A|irll I, 1»17: JiOciii Improvement District No. 9:' l, Bondi 1 to 1 Inclusive. JAMEft ('. IHiAKK, t'lty Ti'CHHurcr, April ."!, KM 7. NOTICK FOR LEABINa CKIITaTn WATERFRONT PROPERTt Pursuant to Ordinance No. 6(159, pnsstd February IS, 1917, bo tie* in hereby Klvcn thai OB Monday, th« 16th .lay of April, lIH7, at l.'lt a in the Treasurer of the Pity of Tiico-' ma. at Ills office in the I'itv Hall, will offer Ht i>ii l>l ir- auction to the hlshest responsible bidder a lease nil the following deeerlbed property: The north tlili t y-five feet of the Moutli forty-five feet of I,ot 11, Block 62, Taooma Tide Lands, for a^ttrm of five veins, upon the foi- loUlnK term!* nml condftiOßs: (a) The rental ol silcl preileei Fhall not In' lens llian $',:,. u'P pp r month, payable ob the flr^t day of cadi month In advunce. (|i) The lease s^hall contain the usual covenant! between landlord and leieie. W. n. MICKEUI Illy I'lerk. puMlKlirrt March II to April 14 In-I .•luslve, 1017. IN the Superior Court of the State' of Waantagtoti in uuJ l"i Pierce County. cri'V <)i'" TAIHiMA. a muiiieipal cor- poration, Petll inner, vs. U H. FISHER el al, Defendants. No 1077*. NOTICK OK Sl'l'X'lAL ASBKHS- M ENT KOTICK IS HKRKnr OIVEM to all persons Interested thai au ii»Bi'»»- -nient roll has been filed In the above entitled cutisc. providing for the MCeaement upon the property benefited, of the cost of openiiiK an alley throuKh Hloejt isl In First School band Addition to the City of Tacoma In I'leree County, Washing- ton, from South lltb to Smith 40th Street, unit Hint said roll has hem net down for heal inK before the Su- perior Court of the State of Wash Ington in and for sirtd I'leree Coun- ty, In the Court Iloom of Depart- ment No. 4 thereof in the Court House in said City of Tneoina, on the 23rd day of April, ISU7, at 10 o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as said cause ran he heard. The linniiil.ii !\u25a0; of "iinl .iNxessim nt district, all in said City, ar e sub- stantially as follows: Commencing at the southweiit corner of Block 81 in First School Land Addition to the City of Taco- ma, in J'lerce County, State of Washington; thence north on west tine of attlU Block to a point 13».Sm> feet south from the northwett cor- ner thereof; thence e.»st 50 feet: thence noVth to the north line of said Block; thence east 218.01K feet: thence soutli Tl feet; thence east 1.10 feet; thence south on east line there- of to a point IS9.G feet north of southwest corner thereqf; thence west 12 feet; thence south to the south line of said Block; thence west to place of beginning. All persons desiring to object to snld assessment roll are required to file their objections In the office of Hit Clerk of said Court before the day fixed for th« hearing upon said roll and appear on the day fixed for hearing- before said court. MICHAEL MULLIGAN, FRKD A SMITH WILLARO W. DE WITT, Board of Kinlnent Domain Commis- sioners of the City of Tacoma. March 30-81, April l-l-*, I*l7. Jl^gpß^BsttM Seek Alcohol, Bfl I \u25a0 B* Apparently In search of alcohol, VHn \u25a0 BJ B Imrtlars filtered a factory of the F (7/>^^Bjß Youiifclovu Grocery Co., at 21 at X^r<\Au"" u^~ "^fe&T^B* und I"Jai't "treats, Monday nl«ht Vo \u25a0 fe v 0 an<* stole several gallons or flavor- V *-£: \u25a0 \u25a0 W \f v ing «Uract. The extract was lem- S . H R on, ranllla, rasi>berrj and banana //It. flavoring. Alcoliol in uaed In th« VMFjJr I B nuiiiiifactiire of tlieso extracts, and flß^^^ ''d li97i/^^BS |l"1"" believe that the thief wai 9 Bfe "UiW/[j looking tor the pure liquor. UJ I RAID HOTEL X Metubers of the police dry squad BWy(/m|j] |X 2^^| B swooped down ui>on the Clyde ho- S ißf (H dWB "'> '•\u25a0' \u25a0"- t'aclfic aye. late Mon- B ff vl ('a-v n' X'll> Bearp' le(l the place for *^wlZf^?^^g liijiior and arrested Mm. .lohlo 4 yl?^ t—^njip>r«>(*ri V '-•iiaou, the proprietor, on a w l/J^^^l^^© I"^^^^^ W lllar K p of liavlng llg\ior In her po»- Wt V^/X^VTi m i >* Vjt sosHion tor sale The police de- \u25a0 1* dare thai they had already ob- W, 11 1 obi rarf^ o!2^X. -)C lalne<l evidence of s.-ilcs of liquor in the hotel. A small quantity of v. I.i: I \ was found in the search. ASK STATE TO GIVE 800 MEN FOR NAVY message. "I helieve your district is alive to the urp;ent need for more men and now is the tlmo to show in a practical manner that the peojila In your district want a powerful navy." ItlucjockrlN I'irsl. The emergency American hlue- jackets recruited here will hear the brunt of the fighting that will come, says I'almer. "Armed fruardu, composed onljr of naval oil jeers mid American l/lurjackots, ure assigned to every Arnericß.ll ship that sails for ttaa war zone." It in apparent today that the government is bending all Its energy to bring the navy up to full strength first of all. When this in rorityletcd, attention will l>o turned to th« nrtny. "The immediate need is for liliiejachHs. and until the navy's quota is tilled you will spare no effort to get !\u25a0(\u25a0< ruits, as it is of first and most urgent import- ance," are Officer Strickland's in- structions. "Alter the navy's rompteiuont Is filled you will continue your work in aHsioting the marina corps and army to recruit. \u25a0hi win .Wist. "Knlist the services of all patriotic Americans in this vitally Important work." Each one of the 2,000 members of the ISlks lodge in Taronia prob- ably will enlist in aiding the re- cruiting campaign and will be- come a navy recruiting agent, according to assurances received by Officer Strickland Tuesday. All Elks throughout ttie nation have been instructed to co-oper- ate In the work by (irund Exalted Ruler Edward Uightnr. Ixizciis of inquiries were re- ceived from Tacoinans at th« uuvy, army and marine corps fiend(|ii:trterK Tueßday. There was little active recruit- ing, but many declared it their purpose to enlist ttie minute the) actual declaration (if war comes. Two More Join. It was the opinion of the re- cruiting officers that hundreds of I men here are only waiting for the final word to enlist their .services in all departments. Two more men enlisted in the marine corps Tuesday. They were Robert A. Lewis of Marshfleld, Ore., and Charles Fowler of Portland. Corporal M. Slaugh announced lu> will keep the mar- ine corps recruiting office at 1317 Pacific aye. open every evening until It o'clock from now on, MUSTER STATE'S TROOPS With the final touches put OB tlie camp at American lake, and with Col. William Inglis once I more in active command, the 2nd Washington regiment was in- fused with real war spirit Tues- day. Officers and mun eagerly awaiting news of the actual war declaration, eager for active ser- vice. The mustering of the men into the federal service began Tues- day, under the direction of Capt. Cohurn, 0, 8. A. Drills will continue until fur- ther orders are received from the war department. Humors gained circulation among officers and men Tuesday that one battalion of the regi- ment is to be ordered from the camp immediately for some spe- cial service. After his arrival from the east, where he attended a meet- ing of the officers of the national guard, Col. inglls laid that work on the rifle range will begin as noon as it can be arranged. The regiment will be put IB fighting trim as quickly as pos- sible, he said. "After seeing one of the famous New York regiments, I am con» vlnced that our organization is v good, if not better t nan, any ol her in the country."

A Tames Want Ad Briers Results —Jiuist Phone Male 112€¦ · No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. : PHONE MAIN 12 OKtVTUB TIMESINDEPBNDBNTIS TACOMA'M amfc!&t?tiis&.^jgHS*"-*

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Page 1: A Tames Want Ad Briers Results —Jiuist Phone Male 112€¦ · No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. : PHONE MAIN 12 OKtVTUB TIMESINDEPBNDBNTIS TACOMA'M amfc!&t?tiis&.^jgHS*"-*

Tuesday, April 3, 1917 —THE TACOMA TIMES- Page Seven

Doings of the Duffs WILBUR PUTS ONE OVER ON PANBY. By Ailman


1 cent m word each Imartl on—3 times for the price of AI month, p«r lln* per mouth •» |I.o>t nonthi, p«r line per month 9S• months, per line per month ... .................... 8 011" months, per line per month 71

Swap ads 15 words, 3 times, 15c, cash in advance \No Advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. :





MAIN 101.Bankers Trust Bldg.

""'"^a'bstracts of tVtljP™™'TACOMA TITLB CO^-iiround floor

Fidelity Bldg. Main m«.

AUTOMOBILB ambulance. Oui» on*Tn oltl. Main 43.


CITT and county surveys, tide-lands.

rF,yeT.ty N'OM3^n47«f"r ™


aLV » li"t are you1!!!^!!.^ Of? 5

FBI for help|^\F 19. But1 ulicimCCv! 1' v"v '" \u25a0' n"'

I llllir TWtJll \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0•\u25a0"' see. us\9r llt once, we canl^% X»*iliPlp you.MFfJM \u25a0 >t»to Hiistncsi

I KA^afl Collega

\u25a0^••\u25a0241 I Fidelity Bid.

CARPET CLEANINOH. L. HOUCK—Carpet beating, re-

fitting and laying; feather '•"?\u25a0•vatluK and upholstering. 1812 Mbay. Main >2I

\u25a0^SoUNTRY "WATE R^SU p'pLl: BfiTwi mako conaectlons to new heat-

ing company. Coffea PlumbingCo. Main 870.

"^^TrOPiTaI 'TICrTBMILY CLARKE, graduate olilro-

practor: (iiainletss method). 30380. Hili. Main 445L'.

QEO. It. SMlTH—(Palmer Qradu-ate). 711 Nat. Realty Hi.l M. 1153.


DR. A. HOYKII. Chlropodllt. Miil-•troms Drug Store. Muln 35.

PR. McCAIN, Chiropodist. ProvidentRldC Main i~i*2. JiiHt a llttlfdlffertnt."


Tacoma Tlieater Bldg.* DRAYAGB

Commercial Truck * Storage Co.—Furniture moved. packed andstored. Team and auto vans. Flre-

froof warehouse. Best corps ofrained menln city. Main 70S.

washtng^fj\n Family washing Main 1213OUC Tai-oma W»t Wuh.

FOO^SraCIAIJST"*RHEUMATISM, bunions, nails, brok-

en trchen treated. Dr. Jones, Ave-nue HoteL

GARAGESdARAGES 120 to $35; summit rot-

tag;e» 110 and up. Wegener Mfg.

\u25a0-9-Q:'-ll0-7- A,8,I.


SOc up. Special rates by week ormonth. 1500 H Pacific ay.

MONTE CARLO-Rmi. 350 up. Ev^erythlng new; steam heat, freebatha. IBI9H Broadway. Main 2068

HOTEL MCRITReputation Established. Reasonabletates, 314Vs 11th. Court and Mar-

:«t.\u25a0HAHTA MOTKL—Modern outsiderooms. |2. $2.80 and IS per w«*tt

\u25a0p. iOc Bight up. 18H MarketHOTEL H^KoshTmXv'a Cor. M»r~

k«t and »th: Modern;_ tOc. 7Jc, IL


chicken Me*. (Vvrco Vegetable

f£my: *«tor class. Standardjlaln 8483.


*>^EP WB "r" pwp»Ma toMnjgOfc I"1|I<1 'hem. You can fur-fj^jllnl«h your own cloth ir

V^^Efl desired. The rharges\u25a0PafafJ I sr* most reasonable.F •fafj Morrla, the Tailor\^^m 41°-11 Pro»ldent Bldg

mining*"OK mining business or mining iu-

formatlon, enuulr* A. M. P. Co,120 ill Prov. Bloc. Tacoma,

COSTUMESSWITCHES, wivh, wigs, hair good*.

Thorsen's, lIIHBroadway Mat»

KONBV »n Hand for Improved prop-erty loana. 201 Bank of Cal. Bldg.

tIWAJO 52a Califoi£l» Bids.ON first mortgage security at T and

8 per cent. Knight * Musek,__Bankera Trust. Main 861«.

MONF!Y l'l»«'to~|loboTNo~delar.JVlWl>J!ilJessejj. Read, Prov. Bd.

$25,000 eastern money to loan at *7 and 8 per cent. Inquire J. I*Bnapp. 1221 Fidelity Bldg.

»* MTUON IMPROVED property. Loiasfor bulldloK • \u25a0peclalty. Also

make loam payable la •mail.lonthly Installment*.

U R. MANNING * CO.Til, Mala 16, Equitable Bldg.RKAL ESTATE: LOANS, term or

monthly payment*. March-Mo-CnndlMi. Room 100, NationalRealty Bldg,

OUll own money to loan. W. N.Doub * Co.. Inc. (04 CaL Pldg,Muln till,

PHIVATR money to loan, ISU to(1000: no commission. Payment!to «.iit. Call till So. Fife. FelliPubols.

1 PRR CENT money, reasonablerate. BSII So. 54th. 8, Tacoma^Wn,

LOANS — Short or long term, any\u25a0 mount 418 California Bldg.

UoHTOAGB LOANa Amounts from1200 up; city or farm: lowestrates. NORTON A CO,. 110 Bsrltn.

LOAN! for home building ~or Tipay off old mortgage. Lowestrates, special privileges to bor-rowers—t to 8 years. Money al-ways on I ;.i.it—no delay.

H. J. BCHTWINN * CO., 100.m-l» Taioma Bldg.


Mhih S4H Res. phon*. Main 4411

'TtcturFe^ramSJg''BXCLUBIVB assortment of Wallace

Nuttlns; nature prints. Holt ArtStore. 773 Broadway

(.'. N. KONfIBACII. 1921 So. Yakima.Main 934».

R. I. ELLIOTT, Uoi NatT RealtyB'\u25a0?."_-¥f-'*?\u25a0_ !'"!"*- Pttttnt»- M- «7Tt.

pTniTicrANS^ "™*

nil. KLWIN HHOWN. physT-lan andsurgeon. Office 1016 FidelityBid.-. Maln_234-R, Main 6229.

lill. WARREN BROWN -- Diseasesof women and gonlto-urlnary 11114akin diseases. 1103 Commerce «t.


tit. LA QASA — Surgeon, X-Ray.diseases of women, genlto-urln-ary. Realty Bldg.

DrTjONEZ—SURGEON"Diseases of woman. Fidelity Bldg.

DR. B. ELIZABETH DRAKE" I'hys-l'ls»i and Surgeon. 1018 FidelityBldg. Main 13 4; Proctor 648. Mad-

_Uon 117 R-l.OH PETERBEN-DANA. IJO BerlinBldg. Scandinavia*. Am. Bank),

Offlce^Maln 3178; ret.. Main K7T.DR. FORKMAN, SURGMBON

Bankers Trust Bldg.DR. TOCUM. Natl. Realty Sidil

Da), Main 800; night. Proo. 1 ;**.

REBUILT TYPEWRITERSSEE the new Woodstock typewrlt-

er that speaks for Itself. Both

j£%'on7dAq:'t"ty-a D- B""r •RAG TIME_

PIANO playing taught In 10 to 20lessons. 14 Temple Music. M. 1263.RAZORS ShXrPENBiT"

W X sharpen safety raior blades.All work gruarnnteed. McMillanBros., »m Broadway.

aiTi" Deposit vaultS"*""*FIDELITY TRUBT~CO.B SAFE DB.

POSIT VAT'LT3. Ground floor.

""bcaVk ngersAMKRICAN GARBAO.I CO. — Re-

r.ovlng garbage A refuse of allkinds. Hi Puy. ay. M. 742. 8,. 7«S«.



SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES14.00 per year, fir* and burglar

proof. People/ Safety DepositCo., 117 80. Uth. Berlin Bid*.Main 2013.

SALAR Y^^A^^CH^LT^mToANg„ wanTTromptLt MADiToiT"


BTORAQB RECEIPTSAt ratus you can afford to pay.

Money buys cheaper than credit.Our servlie has pleased manyothers and will pleas* you. Let ustell you ail about It.

COAST FINANCE COMPANT210 Bankers Trust Bldg.


mon stork. J. K. McKarland, 314Equitable Bldg.

UNCLE SAM oil shares, par $1. Willtrade for anything, anywhere..Send description of your propertyto Box 402, Tacoma. Wash.

"^UmiERTAKERSC. O. LYNN CO., Funeral Director*.

tit Taooma ar. Main 7T4».BUCKLBY-KlNCr~cd^Prof*»»louai

Funeral Directors. 730-33 flt.Helens. Phone Main 413.

CASSEDT * ALLEN ~CoT—FunerTldirectors. 1110 So. 12th. Main 816 L

80. TATOM"A~FUKBRAi7PARLORB7(432 Unlod ay. Mala 1083. O*»W. Piper.


WELI7DIGa"BR. ». T. Birch, P»rs>land. Wash.

window'cleaUinq^'CITY Window Cleaning

Co., vacuum cleaning.Main 4633.

RENT—HOUSES6-ROOM lionse In elegant condition.

mi oorner, J37.H So. M St. A rhoßi-ful homo. ChllM for Koi>d gar-dun. I pay water, only $16.00.

9-lIOOM house, 140R So. J, rheap9-HOOM houSe, 141.1 So. Q 315 00B-ROOM house. 40S So. 1., 315.00.'3 AND 4-ROOM flats, $6 and $7, clo«*

' JESSE a READ5^9 Provident BldK.Main 9486 and 5722.

302 and 204 Tfo. Tacoma ava. fhlsIs a double house of sev«n andelgrnt rooms suitable for twofamilies of friends or can be rent-ed together an a rooming houseOn car lit.-, near Stadium highschool. Low rent to proper par-ties.

L. R. MANNING A CO.Tel. Main 28. Equitable Bldg.

1907 So. Yakima, 5-r.. bath ..sl2 00505 So. soth. B-r., bath 86.002664 So. Wllkeson, 8-r 38.004838 So. M, 6 rms. and bath.. 312 001714 So. 53rd, 5-r 26.00

H J. SCHWINN * CO., Inc.Tacoma Bldg. Main 14


Moving—Get Our PricesMcLKAN. MAIN 1850

Vt A JM '}fWIQ L*'c*l and LongjyiiVJIN OV/V^y Distance Moving.

Storage. .Nights snd Sundays.M A I N 8 *J»_l

City*Moving & Storage CoFIRKPHOOF storage. «15 tao. a».


NICELY furnished 4-r. flat, good£lano; walking distance. Phone

lain 7984. Yakima.IMPKKIAL—Fine hskpg. rat.. (3

mo. up; walking distance. So. lOtkand Tsklma.

BAY~^vTEW~APTa Special rate* tobachelor*, H2»H Taooma a». .

FINK hskpg. rms. 3! wk. up. 70»VfcPho. ay.. Eau Claire Apt*.


1917 Vrolie Light Six,run 1000 miles as dem-onstrator; at a sacrifice.Call Mr. Daviea.Lou Schabel's Garage

Main 2419. 1201 A St.USED CAR BARGAINS

DON'T forget that we can save youmoney on a good uaed car. Carsguaranteeed and prices right. Seeus before you buy,


tt"d__A_ _*.*\u25a0\u25a0 Main 2<i»

RENT—OFFICESPRIVATE office, us* of reception

T°e° mMafn <4U»»* lIU Fldellty d|t-


JEWISH young man wants boardand room in Jewish family forshort time. Prefer orthodox.A-t, Times.


I'OR SALE—S torn of Karly Wilsonor lute Unix* seed potatoes 12.50 ahundred. Armantrout Bros.. 20209th ay. S. E., Puyallup. PhoneBlack 123.

FHKSTI young Jersey COW, goodmilker. Must soil. 3787 Kast BSt., Main mi,

FOlt SALE—76 niw>; 2 mlleafaouthof (iiavely lake, by Jamil I. Mur-ray.

BIKOBR Sewing- Machln* Store, Sl9Ho. 11th. Main 5763.

SNAP~ rooms, 2 lota, near 66thand M, Improvement* paid; $300casti, balance like rent. A-S, The


FOR SALE CIIICAP—An Edisoncylinder phonograph, 7$ 2 iind 4-'\u25a0> >\u25a0i m»\u25a0 records, or will exchangefor something; useful. Will sellfor $20. 6857 So. Thompson ay.Madison 910-R.

M w decorative wall papers ftbawWall Paper Co., 1015 A st. Main

PWQT tlati to T>e had at Broad-uiulOl. way Mkt., 11QS Broadway.QKT our prices on goo* 2d handranges and furniture. Tar. Aye

Fur. Exchange, 913 Tacoma ay.Main 8367.

MEN'S sample suits, $26 values,$12 60. $18 value, $7.88; $16 value.$0.90. Shoes and furnishings atreduced prices. Bob's, ISO 7 Com-merce st.

S(O0-lb. team, harness and wagon,all in good shape, $I3E. Bob Bow-man, Tel. Madison 819-R4. Penn-sylvania aye., Old Puy. oar line.

LAfE Princess sewing machine, $10;Columbia. $1. 40$ llth at.

Kfjrt WATCHBB cleaned or malauu« springs. too. luraatnt, nilPaolflo ay.

WANTED—Hogs, cattle, veal, hides,poultry. Will call for same. Payhighest market prle*. TacomaMaat Co. Mad. 961. after bus-Ineo* hours Alain $881.



MAHAFFAY insures. 601 BerlinBldg. Main 17BT.PIANO expert, tuning and repair-

ing. T. T. Richmond, 101 l S*.llth. Phone Mala lift.

""swaps5 AI'UES Improved, 7-room house,

gravity irrigation system; nearcar line and Stellacoorn, lake. Bar-Kain. Part trade. Phone even-ings Madison 117 R-4.

UNIMPROVED Beguoyah oounty,OKlahoma. land for resiiienoe any-where. Bond description to Box40:2. Taooma, Wash.

TO TRADE—Property In Puyallup,near oayed road, for mh.iM car.A-B, Times.

MARK, weight 10T.O, easy keeper, forcow, liens or pl(?s. Main 7183;evenings, Madison 1182.


WANTED -A fine bedroom suite.Qlv* full description. Will paycash. R-J, Tlm«B.

WANTICI)—A good range, polishedtop and l.'v base; must be reason-able for cash. B-3, Times.

Tadies 1^ antTmen^s"TAILORS



' TAILORING CO.ARK known by their tailored ap-

pearance, which never leaves thegarment as long as it is worn. Ifyou let us make you a suit youwill wear no others.

311 SO. 11TH ST.Next to Rhodes Bros.Tailors to Men and Women.

REAL ESTATEWANTED—4 lots t<Tii acre, and(some fruit preferred) with or

without house. Some cash, some"nie. B-4. Times.

ROOM AND BOARD~FURNISHED rooms with board,

phone. bath, heat; reasonableprices. Convenient for workingifien and clerks. 94g So. !\u25a0:.

TIELP-JfEMALE~'GIRLS attending school wanted to

sell contracts in spare time. Bigmoney earned and chance to win»60 cash prise. Apply 216 Provi-dent Bid*?., Pacific ay., opposite

_Pantages.MOOREFIELD BATHB~for rheJina-

tism and lagrlppn. Lady attend-I ant. 7th and Pacific Main 6214.


winners wherever shown, bestever, 11 eggs $2.50; Buff Orping-ton chickens, prize stock. It egtjs$1.50. R. G. Brown, Burton, Wn.

ANCONA eggs for hatching, fine lay-ing strain, 5c each. Proctor 2857-Y.

PETALUMA and Queen Incubatorsand brooder stoves, poultry sup-plies. Poole's Seed & ImplementCo., 1607-9 Pacific ay.

WANT BGGS7 Feed Standard Lay-ing Mash. Keystone Cereal Co.,2811 Jeff, m:

help^TaljFBOYS wanterl to distribute few

hand bills In vicinity of their.school; spar* time. 2Ui ProvidentOlder., Pacific ay., opposite Pttn-tages.

HOYS attending school wanted tosell contract* In spare time; himmoney earned and chance to win$50 cash prtite. Apply :i» Provi-dent Hldif., Pacific ay., oppositePantaget,

WANTED—Boys with blcyoles; goodwages. Apply Western Union.

* 'kitit'atjon~ m alePYOUNG man attending business col-

lege desires bookkeeping or Itano-Braphlo positiim afternoons, aftera. Address A-2, Time*.

TOP prtoes paid for poultry and rab-bits. W. H. Corblt. 1142 MarketMain 3348.

WANTED TO BUY"WANTKI) to buy for cash, good na-

tive oak, maple and ash logrs.Proctor 1386.

TO INVEST $100 or so and servicesby machinist, and fairly goodauto, and general mechanic, Insmall repair shop, or would buysmall business or stand of anykind. What have you? A-l. Times.

WANTED—Books and magazines.Y9 Old Book Shop, 901 \j Pacific

WANTED—Furniture and etovaa, 1.O. Purkejr. Main S8I».

T'o7S'i»iS"''''Roo'Ms'THIBTLH HOTBL—On* housekeep-

ing suite, heated, hot and cold wa-ter, llth anil Market. Main 14S.H.


mile south of Larchmont, on oldI'uyallup line; (food buildings, or-chard, best of soil; all In goodshape. Inquire for N. Paul.

FOR RBHT—66 or 14* •», With Nt>ninif water, close to paved road, 3miles from city limits; good house,barn and chicken house. Wagonand harness for sale. O. G.Storaasll. Jr., l'arkland.

LOGGED OFF LANDIN Southirost Washington to set-

tlers only Jf. ('(.• per acre and up.Ten years to pay, Interest at 6%.WEYKRHAEUBER TIMIIKR CO.Tacoma Rlilg. Tacoma. Wash.

*^~.m \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0.


GROCERY STORELOCATKI) In busy neighborhood,

carrying nice clean stock. A largeportion of the stock was purchas-ad on future, deliveries at oldprices, and In selling utjnvantnrythejje. lower cost prices will becunsldoreil as basts. In some In-stances the difference amountsfrom 20 to 35 pur cent.

Doiurl&a Promotion Co.SJj-lj-U Natl. Realty Hldg.

FOR SALE—Lunch room on thetideflats, doing a rattling goodbusiness. Owner must go nn landIn Oregon. This would be a goodthing for a man and wife, or twowomen. Inquire 1135 Ht. Paul ay.

OOOD, clean, small rooming house

gagyggSsug*ront> fur °niy


tt-ACRE, fine clay soil, new 4-roomplastered house, basement and at-tic, chicken house and some fruittrees, all ready for garden; $850,terms.

C. F. MASONMain 4044. 306-7 Equltabl* Bldg.

Buflfldi on TheseTwo lots on

• NO. »VIFE ST.Between No. 14th and 15th sts..where all Improvements, includ-

ing paving, are now In—$400 PER LOT

One of the best localities In this"city. If you are going to buildyou should see these lots firstThree block* to Pt. Defiance earline, 3 block* to No. X st. lineThis price Is way below the mar-

ket.Haveloek C. Boyle & Co.

211_C*,llfornta Bldg. Main 22.ftt ACRES on old Puyallup' line;

good S-room house and outbuild-_Tngs. $650. »1> California Bldg.

LINT your property wrtn "us! iITISLMuhaffey A Co., 601 Berlin.


WH liave buyers fur X* to 1-a.cheap, Improvements satisfactory.must be clobp, to cur, lo furc. OftIn touch with us quirk.

BERTELBON *00.519-20 Berlin HUlts.


CO. offer* direct to public, onterms absolutely to suit, th«choicest of shot clay, cedar ndalder bottom land, on best ofcounty roads and paved high-ways to Tacoma; near schools,\u25a0tore* unit railway stations, oncream, mall and ulito bus routes,at $25 to $35 per acre. Literature

JESSE 0. THOMAS, JR.320 Tacoma Bldg. Main 7818.


On the N. W. eoirmr of But 36thand IC sts., east front, two lots,60x100; all streets Krailod, comentwalks, sewer, water, all assess-ments |tald.

I1,T!«—BAST TBRIMFine locality, good lawn, fruit trees,

berries, garden, roses and shrub-bery. Place occupied by owner.Must be sold at once. Bargain.

Havelock C. Boyle & Co.211 California HMp, Main 22.

Are You Wide Awaketo Tacoma's Industrial situation?

Fix your mind on the spot wherelIIU m mm>n Is going—Flats.A little money handles a lotNOW.

GF.O. LAWLKIt617 Nat'l Realty lildg.


COMPLKTELY modern, containingfireplace, buffet, bookcases, cali-Inet kitchen, uttic, concrete foun-dation, etc. Two lota.

418 So. filth st.$150 Cash, $1S Monthly.

Price $r.»00.

4511 So. Tacoma ay.$2(10 Cash, $iii Monthly

Price $:>:!00

PHONK for appointment or see themSunday. We will be Klad to ihowyou them at any time. Will buildon plans to suit.

Maryland Realty Co.( Bungalows Kxt luslvely)

504 C'altfornia Hldn. Mum 21SS.(Residence Phone Proctor 27»0 R-4)


BAORIPICE4-ROOM house, electric, lights, gas,

water, sewer, lipaiitiful view ofmountains; street ImprovementsIn ami paid. BeQAUS* of sicknesswill sell for $M.V parJ cash, bal-ance easy terms. Better see theplace.

B, I', ORBOORY CO,Second Floor National Kealty Blrttr.

Ask for Salesman 10.


ACRBfI, within II miles from Ta-Cona, 15 Hires Olaared, 10 Hires ofKooil land in cultivation. Uooil |*jOf buildings; 5 cows, 2 calves, 1horse, 25 chickens, and all farm-In^ tools. This will make adandy proposition for anyone tosecure as it is all stocked nndready for business. This can besecured by trailing some city prop-arty and having nil kinds of timeon the balance. Will take about$2ihio in trad*,

NCHARF & WEAVER406 Hernice Ulilg.

10 Acres Alfalfa LandKASTKUN Washington 10 acres,

$2,000; water right. Ready furcorn, alfalfa, fruit, spuds. Mtg.only $400. Trade for Tacoma res-idence equal value.

M'ATEUKRONT « acres. Improved,$Kr.O(), trade, anything.

Barnhisel Co.Main 754, 416 Tacoma H1dg.

A GENUINE SNAP$750 HUYS a 4-room house ana" 1%

lot* in good location In the IndianAddition; $100 cash, balance $10per month Including Interest.

DE LAND HENTON CO..115-16 Hankers Trust Bldr.

40 ACRES—SSOOALL good clay soil, close to water,

on main road. Terms on this.10 AereH, Paved Road

FRONTING on pavement, close to R.R. station, store, graded schoolLots of fine timber. Pries $550.Terms $100 cash.

RICE-WEBB CO.•Jai'LJiiiL m? 1107 A St.

5-ROOM HOUSE28 LOTS; a snap, $1300,^300 ra«h.balance to suit; 5c fare. Comesee It.

O. N. ,K)HNStOO National Bank of Tacoma Bid*.

A Tames Want Ad Briers Results —Jiuist Phone Male 112

It's up to Taconia and theState of \\ iisliin^ion to sll|>-

I'lj I in li" Sum's navy with800 men heron' April 20.

This ihiiiilm'i- is tin' quotaassigned (<> Iliis district inorders received Tuesday byChief I'eity Officer <;. Strlck-land, in charge of the. Tuoo-inii navy n-> t\u25a0\u25a0 v iFiii Ntntlon,from Oapt. Palmer, inrluirne of recruiting for th«entire western district.The 80u recruits will he tills

state's part in supplying the 38.-ROO more men M*d«d immediHte-ly to fill the navy's emergencycomplement.

"From your estimate of thepeople of your district, and theirkeen interest In national defense,I can Rtirely count upon thisnumber," says Capt. Palmer's


Cheap Land1 ACRBSfI—I-aichniont, 5c far*,

timber included .. $50010 ACRES —Tliinsti.ii county,

near Tiunwater, 1acrew under cultt-vutiuu, balanceUmber $750

40 ACRKS—U)KK»M find burn-iml, «im<l pasture,iHkl' fl lilllll(i<-,Wl'Htor Bteilacoom hike.s24oo

80 ACRBS— Roy, good paylagfarm, well Improv-ed, livestock ulitltOOll Included $6500


ANCK, RENTALS.310 Tucotnn Building. Main 2333.

LEGAL NOTICESBOND CAM Notle* 1h hereby Riven

that the following numberedBunda of Him following ntimhHredLocal Improvement Districts of i > •.\u25a0

City of Taciuiiii, nre called for pay-ment, ami that Interest on sumooeesei A|irll I, 1»17:

JiOciii Improvement District No.9:'l, Bondi 1 to 1 Inclusive.

JAMEft ('. IHiAKK,t'lty Ti'CHHurcr,

April ."!, KM 7.


Pursuant to Ordinance No. 6(159,pnsstd February IS, 1917, bo tie* inhereby Klvcn thai OB Monday, th«16th .lay of April, lIH7, at l.'lt a inthe Treasurer of the Pity of Tiico-'ma. at Ills office in the I'itv Hall,will offer Ht i>iil>l ir- auction to thehlshest responsible bidder a leasenil the following deeerlbed property:

The north tlilit y-five feet of theMoutli forty-five feet of I,ot 11,Block 62, Taooma Tide Lands, fora^ttrm of five veins, upon the foi-loUlnK term!* nml condftiOßs:

(a) The rental ol silcl preileeiFhall not In' lens llian $',:,. u'P pp rmonth, payable ob the flr^t day ofcadi month In advunce.

(|i) The lease s^hall contain theusual covenant! between landlordand leieie.

W. n. MICKEUIIllyI'lerk.puMlKlirrtMarch II to April 14 In-I

.•luslve, 1017.IN the Superior Court of the State'

of Waantagtoti in uuJ l"i PierceCounty.

cri'V <)i'" TAIHiMA. a muiiieipal cor-poration, Petll inner,

vs.U H. FISHER el al, Defendants.



persons Interested thai au ii»Bi'»»-

-nient roll has been filed In theabove entitled cutisc. providing forthe MCeaement upon the propertybenefited, of the cost of openiiiK analley throuKh Hloejt isl In FirstSchool band Addition to the City ofTacoma In I'leree County, Washing-ton, from South lltb to Smith 40thStreet, unit Hint said roll has hemnet down for heal inK before the Su-perior Court of the State of WashIngton in and for sirtd I'leree Coun-ty, In the Court Iloom of Depart-ment No. 4 thereof in the CourtHouse in said City of Tneoina, onthe 23rd day of April, ISU7, at 10o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafteras said cause ran he heard.

The linniiil.ii !\u25a0; of "iinl .iNxessim ntdistrict, all in said City, are sub-stantially as follows:

Commencing at the southweiitcorner of Block 81 in First SchoolLand Addition to the City of Taco-ma, in J'lerce County, State ofWashington; thence north on westtine of attlU Block to a point 13».Sm>feet south from the northwett cor-ner thereof; thence e.»st 50 feet:thence noVth to the north line ofsaid Block; thence east 218.01K feet:thence soutli Tl feet; thence east 1.10feet; thence south on east line there-of to a point IS9.G feet north ofsouthwest corner thereqf; thencewest 12 feet; thence south to thesouth line of said Block; thence westto place of beginning.

All persons desiring to object tosnld assessment roll are required tofile their objections In the office ofHit Clerk of said Court before theday fixed for th« hearing upon saidroll and appear on the day fixed forhearing- before said court.


Board of Kinlnent Domain Commis-sioners of the City of Tacoma.March 30-81, April l-l-*, I*l7.

Jl^gpß^BsttM Seek Alcohol,

Bfl I \u25a0 B* Apparently In search of alcohol,VHn \u25a0 BJ B Imrtlars filtered a factory of the

F (7/>^^Bjß Youiifclovu Grocery Co., at 21 atX^r<\Au""u^~ "^fe&T^B* und I"Jai't "treats, Monday nl«htVo \u25a0 fe v 0 an<* stole several gallons or flavor-V *-£: \u25a0 \u25a0 W \f v ing «Uract. The extract was lem-S . H R on, ranllla, rasi>berrj and banana

//It. flavoring. Alcoliol in uaed In th«VMFjJr I B nuiiiiifactiire of tlieso extracts, and

flß^^^ ''d li97i/^^BS |l"1"" believe that the thief wai

9 Bfe "UiW/[j looking tor the pure liquor.

UJ I RAID HOTELX Metubers of the police dry squad

BWy(/m|j] |X 2^^|B swooped down ui>on the Clyde ho-

S ißf (H dWB "'>'•\u25a0' \u25a0"- t'aclfic aye. late Mon-

B ff vl ('a-v n' X'll> Bearp' le(l the place for*^wlZf^?^^g liijiior and arrested Mm. .lohlo

4 yl?^ t—^njip>r«>(*ri V '-•iiaou, the proprietor, on a w

l/J^^^l^^©I"^^^^^ W lllarK p of liavlng llg\ior In her po»-Wt V^/X^VTimi >*

Vjt sosHion tor sale The police de-\u25a0 1* dare thai they had already ob-W, 11 1 obi rarf^ o!2^X. — -)C lalne<l evidence of s.-ilcs of liquor

in the hotel. A small quantity ofv. I.i: I \ was found in the search.


message."I helieve your district is alive

to the urp;ent need for more menand now is the tlmo to show in apractical manner that the peojilaIn your district want a powerfulnavy."

ItlucjockrlN I'irsl.The emergency American hlue-

jackets recruited here will hearthe brunt of the fighting that willcome, says I'almer.

"Armed fruardu, composed onljrof naval oil jeers mid Americanl/lurjackots, ure assigned to everyArnericß.ll ship that sails for ttaawar zone."

It in apparent today that thegovernment is bending all Itsenergy to bring the navy up tofull strength first of all. Whenthis in rorityletcd, attention willl>o turned to th« nrtny.

"The immediate need is forliliiejachHs. and until the navy'squota is tilled you will spare noeffort to get !\u25a0(\u25a0< ruits, as it is offirst and most urgent import-ance," are Officer Strickland's in-structions.

"Alter the navy's rompteiuontIs filled you will continue yourwork in aHsioting the marinacorps and army to recruit.

\u25a0hi win .Wist."Knlist the services of all

patriotic Americans in this vitallyImportant work."

Each one of the 2,000 membersof the ISlks lodge in Taronia prob-ably will enlist in aiding the re-cruiting campaign and will be-come a navy recruiting agent,according to assurances receivedby Officer Strickland Tuesday.

All Elks throughout ttie nationhave been instructed to co-oper-ate In the work by (irund ExaltedRuler Edward Uightnr.

Ixizciis of inquiries were re-ceived from Tacoinans at th«uuvy, army and marine corpsfiend(|ii:trterK Tueßday.

There was little active recruit-ing, but many declared it theirpurpose to enlist ttie minute the)

actual declaration (if war comes.Two More Join.

It was the opinion of the re-cruiting officers that hundreds of

I men here are only waiting for thefinal word to enlist their .servicesin all departments.

Two more men enlisted in themarine corps Tuesday. They wereRobert A. Lewis of Marshfleld,Ore., and Charles Fowler ofPortland. Corporal M. Slaughannounced lu> will keep the mar-ine corps recruiting office at 1317Pacific aye. open every eveninguntil It o'clock from now on,


TROOPSWith the final touches put OB

tlie camp at American lake, andwith Col. William Inglis once

I more in active command, the 2ndWashington regiment was in-fused with real war spirit Tues-day. Officers and mun eagerlyawaiting news of the actual wardeclaration, eager for active ser-vice.

The mustering of the men intothe federal service began Tues-day, under the direction of Capt.Cohurn, 0, 8. A.

Drills will continue until fur-ther orders are received from thewar department.

Humors gained circulationamong officers and men Tuesdaythat one battalion of the regi-ment is to be ordered from thecamp immediately for some spe-cial service.

After his arrival from theeast, where he attended a meet-ing of the officers of the nationalguard, Col. inglls laid that workon the rifle range will begin asnoon as it can be arranged.

The regiment will be put IBfighting trim as quickly as pos-sible, he said.

"After seeing one of the famousNew York regiments, I am con»vlnced that our organization is vgood, if not better t nan, any ol herin the country."