A LONG REPORT ON A Study of Business Communication Date: 29th August, 2011 Table of Contents 1.Introduction 1.1 Relevance and Significance of the study 1.2 Literature Review 1.3 Purpose of the study 1.4 Objectives of the study 1.5 Hypothesis 1.6 Outline of the Chapters 2.Methodology

A Report on Business Communication

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A Study of Business Communication

Date: 29th August, 2011Table of Contents

1. Introduction1.1 Relevance and Significance of the study1.2 Literature Review1.3 Purpose of the study1.4 Objectives of the study1.5 Hypothesis1.6 Outline of the Chapters

2. Methodology2.1 Universe of the study2.2 Locale of the study2.3 Sample of the study2.4 Data collection2.5 Data analysis

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2.6 Field Experience3. Internal Communication

3.1 Recruitment 3.2 Channels of Communication3.3 Oral Presentations3.4 Written Communication

4. External Communication4.1 Personal Communication4.2Meetings with team members4.3 Oral Presentations4.4 Suggestions for making effective presentations4.5Dress code4.6 Chapter Conclusion

5. Conclusion and Suggestions5.1 Major findings of the study5.2Suggestions of the study5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 Further scope of the study




1. IntroductionCommunication is an essential aspect of business life. Business Communication examines verbal, nonverbal and written communication in the world of business. Every day, professionals in the business world have to communicate with people at different levels of the organization or with people external to the organization. In business communication, message is conveyed through various channels of communication including internet, print (publications), radio, television, outdoor, and word of mouth. In a business, communication is considered core among business, interpersonal skills and etiquette.

1.1 Relevance and Significance of the study

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Business communications play a vital role in all business areas, everything from Business Development to Sales & Marketing.

Lack of effective communications may lead to misunderstandings, lack of information, lower performance and more employee rotation.

Effective business communication increases performance, increases customer loyalty and profits.

Effective business communication leads to an efficient style of management and to successful business practices.

1.2 Literature Review

There have been many authors in the past, who have worked on the art of effective business communication. Business communication has been proved to be a very important subject in the field of business and thus it has attracted many experts and thinkers who have written on this important subject.

Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt and Jane P. Thomas in their book Effective Business Communication, 7th edition have emphasized on the Seven C's of Effective Communication'. The Seven C's, which are Completeness, Consciousness, Consideration, Concreteness, Clarity, Courtesy and Correctness, whenever used in any form of communication makes it effective and efficient.

K K Ramachandran, Lakshmi K K, and M Krishna Kumar in their book Business Communication, 2nd edition, Macmillan Publishers India, explores communication skills relevant for corporate executives and business professionals.

According to Mary Munter, author of Guide to Managerial Communication, 6th edition, managers need to practice the art of effective communication for business growth and sustenance.

Cees van Riel in his book, Principles of Corporate Communication, Prentice Hall, 1st edition in 1992, in English (1995) defines it as an instrument of management by means of which all consciously used forms of internal and external communication are harmonized as

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effectively and efficiently as possible. Defined in this way, business communication obviously involves whole range of managerial activity such as planning, coordinating and counselling the CEO and senior managers in the organization as well as ‘tactical’ skills involved in producing and disseminating to relevant stakeholders.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to explore and understand the various forms of business communications used in AXYZ Telecom Ltd. for internal as well as external communication purposes. This will help to find the ways in which business communication can be improved in the organization for better productivity.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are

To explore and understand the various forms of Internal communications used in AXYZ Telecom Ltd.

To explore and understand the various forms of External communications used in AXYZ Telecom Ltd.

To explore and understand the various channels of communications used in AXYZ Telecom Ltd.

To explore and understand the various forms of intrapersonal communications used in AXYZ Telecom Ltd.

1.5 Hypothesis

Effective use of business communications leads to

Greater employee productivity. Greater employee satisfaction. Lower attrition rate. Better customer retention Better customer satisfaction.

The above factors lead to greater profitability for the organization.

1.6 Outline of the Chapters

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Chapter 1 deals with the introduction of the study. This includes the relevance of the study, the purpose of the study, the objective of the study, literature review and the hypotheses.

Chapter 2 deals with the methodology adopted to conduct the study. This includes the universe of the study, the locale of the study, sample of the study, data collection, data analysis, and field experience.

Chapter 3 deals with the various forms of internal communication in AXYZ Telecom Ltd. It explores and analyzes the recruitment process, channels of communication and level of intrapersonal communication in the organization.

Chapter 4 deals with the various forms of external communication in AXYZ Telecom Ltd. It explores and analyzes the types of external communication, public relations, corporate communications and cross-cultural communication in the organization. Analysis of personal communication of the respondent.

Chapter 5 concludes the report by giving the major findings of the study and presents some suggestions and recommendations for the organization.

2. Methodology2.1Universe of the study

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The universe of the study is the enterprise communication market around the world.

With the opening up of the Indian market post liberalization in 1992, there has been a tremendous amount of growth in the enterprise communication market resulting in a lot of competition among the players in this segment of the market. This necessitates the use of efficient business communication practices by the organizations in this sector.

2.2 Locale of the study

The study was conducted on the prevalent business communication practices of AXYZ Telecom Ltd’s Noida branch in India.

The Noida branch is the head-quarters of AXYZ in india. The senior management and the HR personnel of the company are based in Noida.

2.3 Sample of the study

The sample of the study was a single employee of the organization, the Managing Director. All the data of the study was collected from this single source.

Thus, the study used convenience sampling technique. Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher. This sampling technique was used because it is fast, inexpensive, and the subject was easily available.

Table 2.3.1 Profile of the respondent

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2.4 Data collection

Primary data was collected from the interview schedule responses and direct interview.

Secondary data was collected from the company website, newsletters and books.

2.5 Data analysis

The collected data was examined against established practices of business communications in organizations.

2.6 Field Experience

The sample data was collected by using an Interview schedule, face to face interview with the Managing Director of the organization. An appointment was sought 3 days before the proposed interview date and it was confirmed the following day. The interview began as per the scheduled time and lasted for 20 minutes duration.

3. Internal Communication

This chapter analyses the data collect for the study. This relates to the various forms of internal communication used within the organization.

3.1.1 Recruitment

Table 3.1.1 Methods of recruiting Management Trainees/Junior Executives

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Type Selection FrequencyAdvertisements in Newspaper MediumOutsourcing to search consultants HighSearching from existing data banks Visiting professional institutes Employee referrals Internet sites MediumNetworking sites Any Other

The organization primarily uses the services of external search consultants for recruiting Management trainees and junior executives. It also advertises in newspapers and uses internet sites like Naukri.com from the recruitment process.

Table 3.1.2 Process of Selection


Written Test Interview Written Test & InterviewWritten Test, G.D & Interview Any Other

The selection process involves a written test and two rounds of personal interviews. Each round is an elimination round. Written tests are not conducted for senior candidates.

Table 3.1.3 Importance of Communications and Soft Skills of candidate besides knowledge base

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Very importantImportant Less Important

High importance is laid on Soft skills that are tested in the interview rounds.

Table 3.1.4 Duration of Induction Training/Orientation Programmes for the new employees


1 Day 2 Days 1 Week2 Weeks 1 Month Any Other

Induction training sessions are conducted for the new employees who join the organization. Employees selected for sales profile undergo a one week long induction training whereas employees selected for technical roles/pre-sales roles undergo training for two to four weeks.

3.2 Channels of Communication

This section deals with the various forms of formal and informal channels of communication in the organization.

3.2.1 Different formal channels of communication


DownwardUpward Cross-wise

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Lateral All of the above

Usually Downward communication takes place in the organization although some cross-wise communication also takes place.

3.2.2 Different informal channels of communication


Grapevine Rumours Gossips None of the above

Informal form of communication takes place through informal talks with the employees. A chat software called Office Communicator is also used for informal communication.

3.2.3 Formal Meetings


WeeklyFortnightly MonthlyQuarterly Any Other

Formal meetings are held weekly and monthly for various business related issues.

Table 3.2.4 Agenda of meetings

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Agenda1 Week in advance

1 day in advance

On the same day



Immediately Within 24 Hrs Within a week Prior to the next meeting

The agenda of the meeting is always circulated one day in advance to the meeting, at times even before that. The minutes of the meeting are always recorded and circulated among relevant stakeholders within 24 hours after the meeting gets over.

3.2.4 Oral Presentations

Oral presentations are frequently given by the employees. Executives usually make Power Point presentations. Employees with Sales and pre-sales profile must have excellent oral presentation skills.

3.2.5 Written Communication

Table of communication used to reach out to employees

Medium UsedEmail Hard Copy Both


Memo Circular Notice Order

Circulars, Notices and regular emails are the various written forms of communication that are used in the organization. Circulars and notices are sent through email to all employees.

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Table 3.2.6 Do you have to prepare Business reports?



Short reports that are informational or analytical are prepared. These reports are very critical for the proper functioning of various business processes.

4. External Communication

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This section deals with the various forms of external communication used by the organization.

Table 4.1 Types of External Communication carried out


Press ReleasePress Conference Product Launch AdvertisementsPublic Notices Tenders Magazines BrochuresNewslettersMail Coupons Any Other

The company comes up with periodic press releases for important public announcements. Advertisements are also brought out through the print media. Brochures and newsletters are also published periodically. These can be easily accessed through the company website.

There is a Public Relation Cell and a Corporate Communication Cell.

Employees are often sent outside for attending various training programs. There are cross-cultural training programmes for employees.

Employees are also trained on the legal aspects of communication during the induction training program.

4.2 Personal Communication

This sections deals with personal communication of the employees of the organization. This section analyses personal communication on the basis of the respondent’s responses.

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Table 4.2.1 Most important mode of communication at job


Oral Written Both

Both oral and written mode of communication is very important at work. There is a lot of client interaction with the employees. In order to win new clients and to sustain clients, employees need to be skilled in oral and written form of communication.

Table 4.2.2 Communication in job role is focused more on


Internal Members External Agencies Both

Communication is focused on both internal and external members of the organization. Effective communication is very critical in the job role.

4.2.3 Meetings with team members

Regular meeting are held with team members to discuss important issues and formulate strategies.

Feedbacks and suggestions are considered very important for organizational development. Periodic feedbacks and suggestion are given to team members.

4.2.4 Oral Presentations

Oral presentations are given very often. Two to three hours of preparatory time is taken.

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The respondent rates his presentation and listening skills as very good.

Table Which of the following do you write?

Medium UsedEmail Hard Copy Both


Circular Notice Order

The respondent writes Orders through email. Circulars and notices are drafted by the respondent’s secretary.

4.2.5 Suggestions for making effective presentations

The respondent suggested the following:

Know the content of the presentation well. Know your audience. Practice before actual delivery of the presentation.

4.2.6 Dress code

Employees are expected to wear business formals at work.

4.3 Chapter Conclusion

The organization mainly uses professional search consultants for recruitment. The selection process involves written test and interviews. Besides, a sound knowledge base, candidates should have good communication skills and soft skills. Induction trainings are conducted for two to four weeks duration for new employees depending on the employee’s profile.

The company follows downward and cross-wise channels of communication. Informal channels of communications are informal talks and the use of Office Communicator. Formal meetings take place weekly and monthly, the agenda for which is circulated a day in advance. The minutes are always recorded and are circulated within 24 hours after the meeting takes place.

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Oral presentations are very frequent in the organization. Employees are asked to give Power Point presentations on important issues.

Circulars, Notices and emails are used as written forms of communication. These are sent through emails. Short business reports are used.

Press releases, advertisements, brochures and newsletters are the various external communications that are carried out. The company has a Public Relation Cell and a Corporate Communication Cell. Employees are trained on the legal aspects of communication during the induction training program.

Both oral and written modes of communication play important roles at work. Regular meetings take place. Feedback and suggestions are give periodically to the employees. Dress code is business formals.

Effective presentations involve knowing the content and the audience well. Practice is very important.

5. Conclusion and Suggestions

5.1 Major findings of the study

Recruitment is primarily done through outsourcing to external search


High emphasis is given on communication skills and soft skills of


Power Point presentation skills are important for the employees.

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Medium of communication is predominantly e-mail.

Oral communication with Internal and external members plays a

important role in the respondent’s job profile.

5.2 Suggestions of the study

Employee referral can be taken into consideration as a relatively

inexpensive source of recruitment.

Existing employees should be trained on soft skills and business


5.3 Limitations of the study

The main limitation of the study is the small sample size due to time

constraint. The data was collected from a single respondent and thus the

inferences cannot be generalized.

The study was conducted for only one branch of AXYZ Telecom Ltd.

As view of just one respondent is taken into consideration, findings may

be biased and may be greatly influenced by respondents view. Moreover

no statistical tests are conducted on findings.

The respondent selected was easily approachable and convenient

sampling is used.

5.4 Further scope of the study

Expand the scope of the study by including other branches of the

organization within India.

Expand the scope of the study by including other branches of the

organization across the globe.

Expand the scope of the study by including various employees at

different managerial levels of the organization.

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Table 3.1.2 Process of Selection


Written Test Interview Written Test & InterviewWritten Test, G.D & Interview Any Other

Table 3.1.3 Importance of Communications and Soft Skills of candidate besides knowledge base

Degree Selectio

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nVery importantImportant Less Important

Table 3.2.1 Different formal channels of communication


DownwardUpward Cross-wiseLateral All of the above


1. Effective Business Communication by Herta A. Murphy, Herbet W. Hildebrandt & Jane P. Thomas,

2. K K Ramachandran, Lakshmi K K, and M Krishna Kumar, Business Communication, 2nd edition, Macmillan Publishers India

3. Cees van Riel, Principles of Corporate Communication, 1st edition, Prentice Hall

4. http://www.iretireearly.com/how-to-improve-business-communication-skills.html

5. http://top7business.com/?Top-7-Ways-to-Improve-Your-Worldwide-Business-Communication&id=214

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6. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_internal_and_external_communication_in_an_organization

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8. http://managementhelp.org/organizationalcommunications/internal.htm

9. http://communicationtheory.org/kinds-types-of-communication-employed-by-business-organisations/











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