Here is a book about culture By Tessa Killion

A new book · China. The government is very important to China. The 21st century will be the Chinese century some expert say. China is a authoritarian state. It's with one person

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Here is a book about culture

By Tessa Killion

I'm dedicating this book to my father Tony killion also known as Styx Killion.

Table of contents

4- China 5-Mexico 6-America

7- day of the dead

8-4th of July 9-the

dragon boat 10- glossary

I'm dedicating this book to my father Tony killion also known as Styx Killion.

Table of contents

4- China 5-Mexico 6-America

7- day of the dead

8-4th of July 9-the

dragon boat 10- glossary

Here are some important things to learn about China. The government is very important to China. The 21st century will be the Chinese century some expert say. China is a authoritarian state. It's with one person that has all the power. Next, let's learn about history. The last emperor Overthrown in 1912. Now they are a republic. That became communist in 1949. Now we are going to talk about geography. The largest mountain is Mt. Everest. It is 3,100 miles long. China borders India, Russia, and North Korea. It is on the continent of Asia.


Mount Everest


Economy of Mexico Here are some Agricultural products of Mexico Corn,wheat,soybeans, rice, beans, cotton,coffee,fruit,tomatoes,beaf, bultry. Government of Mexico The country of Mexico is divided up into 31 states and one federal district. The federal district includes the capital city if Mexico City. The largest state by population is Mexico.

Here are some important things to learn about China. The government is very important to China. The 21st century will be the Chinese century some expert say. China is a authoritarian state. It's with one person that has all the power. Next, let's learn about history. The last emperor Overthrown in 1912. Now they are a republic. That became communist in 1949. Now we are going to talk about geography. The largest mountain is Mt. Everest. It is 3,100 miles long. China borders India, Russia, and North Korea. It is on the continent of Asia.


Mount Everest


Economy of Mexico Here are some Agricultural products of Mexico Corn,wheat,soybeans, rice, beans, cotton,coffee,fruit,tomatoes,beaf, bultry. Government of Mexico The country of Mexico is divided up into 31 states and one federal district. The federal district includes the capital city if Mexico City. The largest state by population is Mexico.

America The United States of America is a fascinating place . Here are some fun facts about the geography of America for example, America has 50 states. America is the third largest country in the world in population and size. The United States of America is the worlds third largest country. Along the northern border is Canada and the southern border is Mexico. There are 50 states in the district of Columbia The culture in America is fun to learn about. People from other countries called China. Immigrants come to United States of America. There are 6 regions in America called New England,mid Atlantic,the south, mid west,south west and the west. .

The Day Of The Dead

The day of the dead is celebrated on November 1st and 2nd of each year. The day of the dead is celebrated in both public and private spaces. The day of the dead is a happy day for the people that celebrate it.

America The United States of America is a fascinating place . Here are some fun facts about the geography of America for example, America has 50 states. America is the third largest country in the world in population and size. The United States of America is the worlds third largest country. Along the northern border is Canada and the southern border is Mexico. There are 50 states in the district of Columbia The culture in America is fun to learn about. People from other countries called China. Immigrants come to United States of America. There are 6 regions in America called New England,mid Atlantic,the south, mid west,south west and the west. .

The Day Of The Dead

The day of the dead is celebrated on November 1st and 2nd of each year. The day of the dead is celebrated in both public and private spaces. The day of the dead is a happy day for the people that celebrate it.

4Th of July

The dragon boat

The average person in ancient China worked hard every day. They worked long hours each day and didn't have weekends off. The ancient chineese have celebrated the spring festivle as far back as the Shang dynasty over 3,000 years ago.

July 4th is Independence Day or also known as Americas birthday in the United States we celebrate

the 4th of July because it represents the day that America became separated from British


4Th of July

The dragon boat

The average person in ancient China worked hard every day. They worked long hours each day and didn't have weekends off. The ancient chineese have celebrated the spring festivle as far back as the Shang dynasty over 3,000 years ago.

July 4th is Independence Day or also known as Americas birthday in the United States we celebrate

the 4th of July because it represents the day that America became separated from British


Mount Everest -A large mountain in China Population- is how many people are in that place immigrants- people that come to a new country


http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/countries/ united-states/#united-states-golden-gate-bridge.jpg





http://www.ducksters.com/holidays/ independence_day.php

July 4th is Americas birthday The United States has 50 states

July 4th is independents day

Mount Everest -A large mountain in China Population- is how many people are in that place immigrants- people that come to a new country


http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/countries/ united-states/#united-states-golden-gate-bridge.jpg





http://www.ducksters.com/holidays/ independence_day.php

July 4th is Americas birthday The United States has 50 states

July 4th is independents day