1 A Homeopathic Proving of the Coronavirus nosode; Novus-CV AKA: Abbreviation Novus-CV PRC (People’s Republic of China), Deterreo-PRC, Novus tellus, CV-1 By: Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH, C.HP, Jiuan Heng, CCH, RSHom(NA), C.HP, Crystal Morse, BCN, DNM, C.HP, Shelly Garrison, CCH, C.HP, Cheryl Wood, CCH, RSHom(NA), C.HP, Gabriella Calvi- Rooney, B.S., DSH, C.HP, Ursula Dobelmann, CCH, C.HP.* Data analysis team: Alison Miller, Amanda Chinery, Jenny Iger, Kristin Beierle, DC, Kristina Wadely, Marci Mearns, CCH, RSHom(NA) CCH, C.HP, Robert Hunter, Sandy Schoenecker, Sarah Garland, Amy Rozen, RSHom(NA), CCH, C.HP, Ruth Pearson Smith, C.HP. Abstract: Introduction: Homeopathic nosodes have been used historically for treatment and prevention of infectious disease. i . ii, iii At the outset of the 2020 global pandemic with SARS CoV-2, we set to determine the longitudinal safety, efficacy, and effects of dosing with Novus-CV. iv Through the homeopathic proving process, a comprehensive Materia Medica was to be established. v Once collated practitioners would have an accurate symptom picture upon which to prescribe. vi Method: Registrants of all age groups, from pregnant women and children to the elderly, undertook a self-administered dosing schedule of Novus-CV. All registrants satisfied an inclusion and exclusion criteria and informed consent process. Intake and follow-up forms detailed immunological status at registration, during and after the trial period: previous and existent symptoms; elicited symptoms; and cured symptoms. All participants were to take a single dose of Novus-CV 1M followed a week later by a triple dose (three times in one day: morning, noon, and evening), repeating the triple dose upon known exposure. Results: Registration took place from February 1 through April 25th, 2020. Of the 803 two-week respondents who took the remedy; 314 developed and/or resolved one or more short-lived, immunological symptom similar to Covid-19: fever, body aches, sinus issues, cough, difficulty breathing, and other general symptoms. Of the 63 registrants with active disease upon registration, the nosode resolved all condition symptoms. 313 respondents indicated either onset or, change in or resolution of symptoms. A total of 2741 symptoms were tabulated. Proving responses included mild, short-lived and resolution of acute immunological symptoms, and mental and emotional experiences relating to the substance. Conclusions: Homeopathic provings can stimulate short-lived symptoms relative to the agent studied. The cured and proving symptoms elicited through this study revealed a comprehensive Materia Medica detailing the homeopathic indications of Novus-CV to be used in clinical practice or active cases. *This research was completed through Free and Healthy Children International (FHCi), a 501(c)3 US based non-profit organization. All authors are agents of FHCi but have no vested interest in, or financial gain from the work of the organization. Source: Coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Thirteen samples were shipped to a third-party lab in the US for authentication. The nosode, Novus-CV, was made from samples that passed authentication. The samples were from nasopharyngeal swabs, alveolar lavage fluid, and sputum of active human cases of CV. This is a nosode made from the mutated form of the virus; one that has been passed from human to human. The nosode was

A Homeopathic Proving of the Coronavirus nosode; Novus-CV

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Page 1: A Homeopathic Proving of the Coronavirus nosode; Novus-CV


A Homeopathic Proving of the Coronavirus nosode; Novus-CV AKA: Abbreviation Novus-CV PRC (People’s Republic of China), Deterreo-PRC, Novus tellus, CV-1

By: Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH, C.HP, Jiuan Heng, CCH, RSHom(NA), C.HP, Crystal Morse, BCN, DNM, C.HP, Shelly Garrison, CCH, C.HP, Cheryl Wood, CCH, RSHom(NA), C.HP, Gabriella Calvi-Rooney, B.S., DSH, C.HP, Ursula Dobelmann, CCH, C.HP.*

Data analysis team: Alison Miller, Amanda Chinery, Jenny Iger, Kristin Beierle, DC, Kristina Wadely, Marci Mearns, CCH, RSHom(NA) CCH, C.HP, Robert Hunter, Sandy Schoenecker, Sarah Garland, Amy Rozen, RSHom(NA), CCH, C.HP, Ruth Pearson Smith, C.HP.

Abstract: Introduction: Homeopathic nosodes have been used historically for treatment and prevention of infectious disease.i’.ii, iii At the outset of the 2020 global pandemic with SARS CoV-2, we set to determine the longitudinal safety, efficacy, and effects of dosing with Novus-CV. iv Through the homeopathic proving process, a comprehensive Materia Medica was to be established.v Once collated practitioners would have an accurate symptom picture upon which to prescribe.vi

Method: Registrants of all age groups, from pregnant women and children to the elderly, undertook a self-administered dosing schedule of Novus-CV. All registrants satisfied an inclusion and exclusion criteria and informed consent process. Intake and follow-up forms detailed immunological status at registration, during and after the trial period: previous and existent symptoms; elicited symptoms; and cured symptoms. All participants were to take a single dose of Novus-CV 1M followed a week later by a triple dose (three times in one day: morning, noon, and evening), repeating the triple dose upon known exposure.

Results: Registration took place from February 1 through April 25th, 2020. Of the 803 two-week respondents who took the remedy; 314 developed and/or resolved one or more short-lived, immunological symptom similar to Covid-19: fever, body aches, sinus issues, cough, difficulty breathing, and other general symptoms. Of the 63 registrants with active disease upon registration, the nosode resolved all condition symptoms. 313 respondents indicated either onset or, change in or resolution of symptoms. A total of 2741 symptoms were tabulated. Proving responses included mild, short-lived and resolution of acute immunological symptoms, and mental and emotional experiences relating to the substance.

Conclusions: Homeopathic provings can stimulate short-lived symptoms relative to the agent studied. The cured and proving symptoms elicited through this study revealed a comprehensive Materia Medica detailing the homeopathic indications of Novus-CV to be used in clinical practice or active cases.

*This research was completed through Free and Healthy Children International (FHCi), a 501(c)3 US based non-profit organization. All authors are agents of FHCi but have no vested interest in, or financial gain from the work of the organization.

Source: Coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Thirteen samples were shipped to a third-party lab in the US for authentication. The nosode, Novus-CV, was made from samples that passed authentication. The samples were from nasopharyngeal swabs, alveolar lavage fluid, and sputum of active human cases of CV. This is a nosode made from the mutated form of the virus; one that has been passed from human to human. The nosode was

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potentized in the traditional way of trituration, dilution, and succussion according to HPUS standards. vii,viii

Novus-CV proving and cured symptoms:

The symptoms are listed in six categories.

1. Monogram, Regions of affinity, and modalities

2. Characteristic symptoms

3. Symptoms relating to the angiotensin receptor site system

4. Condensed Materia Medica of proving and cured symptoms

5. Sample case repertorization

1. Monogram, Regions of affinity, and modalities

Monogram: pyretic, glandular, neuralgic, rheumatic, purgative, exudative, soporific, irritant. Glass like, scratchy, tingling, feather like. Reactive, immediate, short, sudden, intermittent, changing, transforming, resolving. Weakness, fatigue, lethargy. Polarized. Contradictory and alternating states. Dry or wet. Exonerative discharges. Contraction and expansion. Blocked and runny. Lifeforce versus exhaustion. Anxiety and restless verses calm and centered. Isolation and separation versus community and integration.

Regions: Immune system, lungs, head, sinus, throat and glands, stomach, and rectum. Nerves. Left and right sides, alternating sides, or both sides. Activation of RNA viruses. Angiotensin receptor site activation.

ACE2 receptor system: sudden, short-lived shortness of breath, heart racing, throat closed, lightheaded, sudden heat, brain constriction, heat in head, cold sweat, pale, increased urination, stabbing in kidney, swollen glands, mucosal irritation, effusion, and coryza, extreme weakness, stomach pain and nausea, sudden vomiting, with or without nausea, and diarrhea. Nerve pain. Cycling through one system to another.


Worse: In the morning, on waking, late afternoon, evening, night, with exercise, walking, from motion and continued motion, climbing stairs. Getting wet, cold air, snow air, outside. Inhalation, laying down, laying on back, reclining. EMF. Right side.

Better: From massage, rubbing, pressure, initial motion, laying down, intermittent fasting. Cold applications. In the day. From emotional release.

2. Characteristic symptoms:

-Sharp, sore, glassy, trickle, prickling, scratchy, high-pitched noises, itching, burning. -Heat, red, flushed, dry. -Tight, stiff, blocked, congested, plugged. -Nausea, gagging, vomiting, burning, bubbling, gurgling, reflux, violent, cramping, tension, belching gas, bloated, loss of appetite, anxiety in stomach. -Gas and loose stools, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, pungent, voluminous.

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-Shortness of breath, out of breath, inefficient breath, suffocation, labored, winded, restricted, wheezing, elephant, tightness, heaviness, pressure, burning, wetness, congestion, junky. -Cough, slight, minor, short, dry, shallow, intermittent, occasional, seldom. -Increased sleep, deep sleep, profound sleep drowsy, sleepier, insomnia, sleepless, difficulty falling asleep, restless. -Tired, exhausted, profound fatigue, deep fatigue.

3. Symptoms relating to the angiotensin receptor site system (pituitary gland, fluid regulation, blood pressure and vascular system)

-Constriction, tightness, extreme fatigue, heaviness -Sudden short-lived shortness of breath, catching cough -Heart racing, throat closed, lung constriction -Light-headed, sudden heat in head -Red burning eyes -Brain constriction, zapped in the forehead, can’t think. -Flushes of heat or cold sweat, pale, increased perspiration -Stabbing in kidney, increased urination, increase salivation, runny noses -Swollen glands, mucosal irritation, effusion, and coryza – nose, throat, eyes, lungs, intestines -Sudden pain in the pit of the stomach and nausea, sudden vomiting and or diarrhea -Nerve pain. Body tension, PMS with cramping and tension -Bruising in testicles, increased erections, early menses, nose bleeds -Symptoms cycling through one organ system to another

4. Condensed Materia Medica of proving and cured symptoms

Mind and Emotions: Profound and extreme sensitivity, more vulnerable to reproach and reprimand in children. PANDAS symptoms flare up. Sensitivity, delusion of being unheard, excluded, ignored and out of touch. Feeling unhinged.

Weeping, sad, and emotional. Sadness, sadness with negative feelings, CRYING, weepy, or teary, easily, during sleep, in children. Hyperventilating, weeping episodes. Crying from reprimands or reproach. Emotional, tired, depression. Sadness with fatigue. Extremely emotional and tired. Moaning. Hopefulness. Anger moving to sadness. Moody, depressed, irritable, impatient weepy. Intermittently emotional. Intense emotional symptoms during menses, with feelings of shame, disgust for self. Depression, extreme anger, hopelessness with suicidal thoughts. Anger, frustration, and stuck. Feels left out and sensitive Unfeeling and deadness in affect. Indifference.

A lot of FEAR. Concern about the unknown, crazy making, GENERALIZED ANXIETY, anxiety with fear, with panic, with irritability, with overwhelm, with nervousness. Anxiety with sleeplessness. Occasional panic, panic in public, panic attack, fear about hype, panic of others aggravates. Paranoia. Claustrophobia. Anxiety and fear about disease, death, family. Fear of dying. Vulnerable, frustrated, fear of disease. Cautious because of sinister virus thoughts. Anxiety with headache, shortness of breath. Anxiety with tightness or heaviness of chest, not able to breathe and heart palpitations. Feels like she is going crazy, is persecuted. Feeling of being suffocated and thinking this is what they want.

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- I was feeling fearful and anxious.

- I felt like the unknown was making me crazy. I did not know if I was going to

get the virus and get sick. Not knowing how sick I would get if I got the virus. I

just wanted to get the damn virus and get it over with!

- Fear, anxiety, and claustrophobia were there. Vulnerable, frustrated, and fear

of disease. About an hour after taking the nosode I started to notice that my

mood changed. My fear and anxiety dissipated. I felt lighter, clear. I felt

expansive. Awareness of boundary violations increased, and I became more

intolerant of them.

There is PROFOUND IRRITABILITY, with tension, before menses, anger, crankiness, crabbiness, grumpiness, with an ornery temperament. Children become more whiny, hard to please, mopey, clingy, fussy, and needy. Throwing tantrums that they had not done in years. They want to be held and carried. Irritability with sadness, anxiety, lethargy, fatigue, and exhaustion. Tension, as of PMS and being cross and out of sorts with people around.

Cured symptoms: calm and confident, felt like dancing, learned lessons, relaxed and less anxious, feeling love and connection, increased energy, mental clarity, Motivated. Feeling of connection with others, excitement.

- The emotions were almost euphoric. A connectedness to nature and to

humanity, a devoted love for. I am left with a desire to help bring people closer

to nature, to protect, and to live free without fear.

Concentration: Unfocused, unable to work, from headaches. Less alert, tired, fatigue. Brain fog. Forgetting words. Lack of motivation. Racing thoughts with a clear head. Exhaustion and depression. More clarity of mind, focus, and attention. More motivation, energy. Brain fog and depression lifted. Confusion and overwhelm.

- I think I had more mental clarity.

Vertigo: Intermittent, chronic, occasional light-headedness, with irritability, dizziness that is slight, mild, minor and of brief duration. Faint feeling. Dizziness, with foggy brain, with nausea, with head pain. Feeling as if about to fall, unbalanced, as if syncope. Vertigo with burning eyes, with irritation.

Head: Scalp hurt, with heat but no fever. Light-headed. Spacey. Fuzzy head, foggy brained. HEADACHES. COME AND GO QUICKLY. CHRONIC, constant headaches that last a long time. Intermittent, off and on, recurring, periodic headaches, daily, for twenty minutes every day. Sudden onset and resolution. Gradual onset and resolution. Headache on waking. Worse in the late afternoon and evening. Left side, right side, alternating sides. Severe headaches, bad, horrible, moderate, slight, mild, minor, minimal, light, or short, small. Catarrhal [sinus] headache. MILD, slight, dull headaches. Dry painful headache. Sharp but brief headache Sharp pain on left side or right side. Pain in FOREHEAD, between the eyebrows, behind the eyes, above the eyes, at the temples, temple to temple wrapping over the forehead, from side to side, at the back of the head base of skull/occiput, at the vertex, frontal. Headache starting at the back of the neck. Like a vice around head. Headaches ranging from dull and all over, to sharp and mostly on the left side. Daily migraine. Return of old head symptoms from a previous concussion. Terrible dry painful headache. Sense of rawness. Wandering soreness, without real

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pain. Dull, foggy brained, dizzy, drowsy, as if drunk, as if sleep deprived. Desires to go to bed. Better massaging. Pressure in the sinuses, in the brain, with difficulty concentrating. Head feels hot and gross. Headaches with eyes that feel tight and painful, With Tightness behind eyes. With vertigo, with nausea. With fatigue, drowsiness, and lethargy. With stomach upset, ringing in the ears, fear. Head flushed without fever, sick head. Heat in forehead, without fever.

- Before actually taking the first dose I just kept the remedy by my bed trying to

feel it. Got a headache immediately. A dreaded headache that wrapped around the

frontal from temple to temple above eyes. Eyes felt tight- hurt. And weird ringing

in my ears. Emotionally kind scared. Oddly I started to hum songs, no words. But

it was calming this humming. The vibration of the humming in my head felt great.

the humming was so soothing it brought me t the past getting lost in thought but

calming. There was a lightness in the air. Able to focus clearer.

- Constant headache in the area between eyebrows feels zapped. Dull ache in

vertex and occiput.

- Bam! I get a constant headache.

Eyes: Discharge, milk-white, clear, and crusty. Eyes look glassy, injected, red and irritated, as if feverish. Profuse lachrymation, while eyes feel hot and dry. Eyelids look puffy. Stye. Eyes feel painful, as from sand, as if something were under the eyelid. Burning, itching, heaviness in the eyes. Tightness behind the eyes. Itchiness of eyes, ears, and throat.

Vision: Loss of vision, black on fainting, on standing. Loss of visual clarity. Vision is blurry. Floating spots in the eyes.

Ears: Earache, right sided pain, burning inside ears. Fullness, throat, ears, back of nose to mid neck. Stopped sensations (Plugged, clogged, blocked,) right side, pressure, sore, and itchy. Tingling in inner ear, tender. Sharp pains, intermittent, with pressure. High-pitched noises, ringing in the ears. Vibration in the ears. Smelly discharge from ear piercing. Itchy eyes, ears, throat.

Hearing: Impaired, difficulty making out what was said.

Face: Flushed, with fever, without fever, with headaches, with runny nose. Hot face with red cheeks, and eyes, warm, with or without fever. Pink, during fever. Rash on cheeks, skin not raised. Swollen face with yellow below mouth. Face Pale with cold perspiration. Face and lips felt dry.

Nose: Breathing clearer (snotty nose). Initially disappeared then came back. CLEAR DRIPPING RUNNY NOSE, chronic, a long time, a week, for a few days, intermittently. RUNNY NOSE WITH SNEEZING, all day, during the night, repeatedly, watery discharge. With sore, fiery, itchy with itchy throat. With throat clearing. NASAL CONGESTION and blockage, severe, in the nasal passages, with sinus pressure. STUFFED NOSE, and ear, worse at night, plugged left side. POST-NASAL DISCHARGE, constant, chronic, with clear copious nasal discharge. Like a faucet, with a tickle in the throat, throat clearing, at night. Coldness in the nose, inflamed passages. With flu-like symptoms. Like a stubborn severe, cold or flu. Cold sore eruptions in the nose and on outside of the nose. Thick, green shoelace snot. Loud snoring. Bloody nose at night. Stuffy, dry nose; runny nose and fiery throat; nasal discharge with fever and body aches. Plugged nose accompanied by loss of smell and taste; minor sinus irritation / dryness; nasal drip; repeated

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sneezing; daily drainage in the sinuses, and throat. Worried I was exposed, runny watery nose then inside nose sores. With the sinus pressure, my dental work (implant) just below left sinus was tight and sore.; Clear runny nose, itchy sinuses; tickle in sinuses; Runny nose and sore throat; Sneezing and sinus pain. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat. Stuffy nose with a little bit of clear discharge. Loss of taste and smell. Increased sense of smell.

Mouth: Felt weird, fuzzy, watery, as if nauseous, with stomach symptoms. Itching, tongue, of the roof of mouth. Bad taste, metallic taste, diminished taste. Offensive breath. Super dry, dryness, on and off. Tip of tongue red. Lower lip sensitive as if cold sore is erupting, herpetic eruptions in mouth with swollen lymph glands, stomatitis/aphthae on inner upper lip. Increased salivation, drooling. Jaw felt tight, lower back molar painful. Achiness in gums. Redness on tip of tongue, raw.

Teeth: Grinding teeth.

Tongue: Itching, of the tongue. Redness on tip of tongue, feels raw.

Throat: SORE, SCRATCHY, PAIN, sore and scratchy, dry, burning, hoarse voice, raspy, razor-sharp pain, slight, sensitive, constriction, clearing, tickles, tingling, itching, irritated, and rubbing like a feather. Sore throat with Cough. Like there was something in the throat, fiery, ache, heat and burning, sore, aching, tender, closed. Raspy throat, hoarse voice. Itchy eyes, ears, and throat. Clearing of the throat. Post-nasal drip. Sticky, with lots of mucus stuck in the throat, not able to clear, mucus like a plug, stringy mucus, congestion in the throat. Constriction in the throat. Globus hystericus. Throat pain with sticking in the chest. Tickle and the tiniest bit of fullness sensation in the back of my palate and throat. Immediate fullness of throat, ears, back of nose and mid neck. Throat pain is mild, on and off, intermittent, sporadic, severe, intense, horrific, constant, on waking. Swollen glands, right gland, glands sensitive, slight tenderness, sensitive to touch, hurts to swallow. Felt like strep throat symptoms. Sore throat with tightness in chest, with slight cough. Pulling in ears on swallowing, throat pain on swallowing. Left side. Both sides.

- I had sharp pain in my ears that went away quickly. My throat was scratchy,

and my head was fuzzy; I felt altered all day.

- My jaw was locking up and I felt like I was grinding my teeth. Aside from the

pain in the ears and the scratchy throat which went away quickly, the rest of the

symptoms lasted all day until I went to bed at night.

Neck: Pain, tight, stiffness, sore, aching, back of neck, upper neck, left side, extending to shoulders, from headache. Injury. Tension, neck and shoulders, on right side. Swollen glands went away after second dose, under jaw line, on right side, sensitive to touch. I felt really tired. Shoulder tension has sharp pain, so bad I could hardly use my arm.

Stomach: Stomach symptoms mimic food poisoning or accompany flu-like symptoms. Increased salivation like about to vomit. Sick to the stomach. NAUSEA, slight, lasting a short time, severe, with cramps, on and off. Immediate pain, Immediate nausea, immediate vomiting. VOMITING, Nausea with diarrhea, with burning in the stomach, with cough. Diarrhea with vomiting and cough. Feeling of a pit in the stomach, with anxiety, burning. Dry retching. Upset stomach, queasy, with pain, stomachache, intense aching, and abdominal cramping, OF SHORT DURATION. NAUSEA, ranges from mild or slight, to intermittent, to severe and violent, and

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may be accompanied by noisy, bubbling, eructation, GAS, FLATULENCE, and bloating. Nausea without vomiting, from vertigo, in the morning. Nausea with vomiting and burning in stomach. Gas with cramping. Belching after eating. Tension in stomach. Heartburn and acid reflux irritate the throat, worse in the morning. Chronic indigestion. Anxiety, tension, and deep exhaustion is felt in the stomach and solar plexus. As if it were constantly burning in the pit of the stomach. Nausea is worse on waking and improves from lying down.

-I also had no appetite. Intermittent fasting helped me regain some energy, but I

have had chronic issues with digestion in general (SIBO).

Increased salivation with desire to vomit. Increased thirst, and hunger. Changes of appetite. Appetite increased or decreased appetite, with nausea, with reflux. Reduced interest in food. Craving for warm or hot foods and drinks when he usually prefers cold or cool food and drinks. Craving for chocolate.

Abdomen: Nausea with abdominal cramping, with vomiting, diarrhea, gas. Pain, distension, tension. GAS, FLATULENCE, and bloating.

Rectum: Diarrhea, with abdominal pain and cramping, with shortness of breath and cough, with nausea, from stress. Like a stomach flu, may be accompanied by vomiting, fever, catarrh, or cough. Flatulence. Urgent call for stool. Loose stools in the morning. Increased bowel movements, extremely voluminous movements, frequent, with several bouts of diarrhea a day that resolve quickly and give relief, as if clearing out toxins. Intermittent constipation, increased constipation, Sigmoid colon pain, diverticulitis. Increased bloating and gas, with hemorrhoids. Pain in the rectum from internal hemorrhoids.

Stool: Hard stools, followed by loose stools. Loose stools, with gas, pungent smell. Large stools. Profuse stool.

Bladder: Frequent Urination, Urgent urination, hard to control, Involuntary, at night enuresis. Inflammation of Bladder.

Kidney: Stabbing pain in the kidneys.

Urine: Increased, copious urination.

Genitalia: Male: More erections. Bruised sensation in back and testicles. Female: PMS with cramping and tension. Early menses. Bright red menses. White pasty vaginal discharge, increased libido. Herpetic eruptions.

Larynx: Hoarse voice. As if a feather in larynx. Dryness, itchy, scratching, tickling, tingling sensations.

Respiration: Chest and lungs felt heavy, heaviness in, like an elephant, and restricted, constricted like asthma, hard to breath. Chest pain upon breathing. Felt like it was dry but felt like there was a lot of congestion in upper lungs. Needle pain at the bottom of lungs, right side. Tightness and glass-like feeling in the lungs with anxiety and a sore throat. Tightness in chest with no difficulty breathing. Ache in the lower lobes of both lungs. Intermittent clearing of lungs. Shortness of breath. Heart flutters, with mild pain, difficulty taking deep breaths, worse on inhalation. Hard to breathe, worse walking. Labored and inefficient breathing, out of breath, winded, occasional, cannot take full breath, on exertion, in public. Mild breathlessness and

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wheezing on inhalation, with cough, trouble breathing. Out of breath with little exertion, must sit up. Asthmatic chest, cough, suffocation on inspiration. Chest painful before coughing with heart flutters and air hunger. Sensation of ability to take more air into the lungs.

Cough: DRY, mild, dry itching, dry tickling, slight, dry, scratchy, suffocative, croupy with wheezing, and reactive, after fever. INTERMITTENT COUGH, occasional, short, shallow, sporadic, paroxysmal, fits, chronic cough, very deep cough, unproductive, semi-productive, productive. Coughing sporadically, chest and lungs heavy, and restricted. Persistent, cough with wheezing. Cough from post-nasal discharge, with sneezing. Wet cough, phlegm. Wet to dry to wet again. Wet unproductive cough, with shortness of breath and pain in the chest before coughing. Phlegm towards the end of cough. Wet cough in the morning and dry in afternoon, inconsistently productive, with lethargy. Wet cough when trying to clear lungs. Cough worse at night, better in the day. Dry cough from cold, snow air. Cough with deep breathing, with throat pain. Cough worse outside, walking, laying down, reclining, EMF exposure, night. Must sit up. Pain in the throat when coughing. Upper respiratory dry cough. Cough on exercise. Suffocating cough on waking lasting 5 min or less.

Expectoration: Bronchial congestion. Like a cold. Felt like there was a dust-corn on the lungs. Chest felt full of mucus, a wet sensation in the lungs. Increased expectoration. Persistent cough along with wheezing initially, lots of green coloured phlegm, and sounded as he was drowning in it with fatigue. Clear to yellow sputum. Green mucus.

Chest: TIGHTNESS IN CHEST, Intermittent, without difficulty breathing. Sensations in lungs and chest are irritation, stitching pain, sticky, tickling, scratching, dry, constricted, squeezing sensation makes cough. Intermittent, sporadic, and on and off. Bronchitis. Chest pressure and pain, in the center of the upper chest, of lungs. Severe and occasional Burning in chest, as if on fire, worse in cold air. Heart racing. Anxiety in the chest, heart region. Winded.

- I didn't realize that I was not breathing deeply, until after I took the remedy.

The feeling was effortlessly taking in complete deep breathes.

Back: PAIN, tight, shoulders and back, stiff, Achy, and sore. Intermittent pains. Achy lower back, under left scapula. Pinched nerve in neck and shoulders. Muscle spasms in back on coughing. Worse lying down. Achy upper back, tight upper back. Soreness in upper back, intermittent. Pain worse lying on back. Flu-like symptoms in the back. Pinched nerve, right trapeze muscle area (shoulder/neck).

Body aches: Immune system symptoms- flu like, BODY ACHY and tired, fatigue, lethargy, achy as if coming down with something. Upper body ache. Stiff and achy, hurt. Aches all over, base of skull. Chest tight and achy, in neck. Hip pain, worse right side. leg cramps ascending stairs, sensations running down legs. Aching and tight hands and knees. Bruised feeling. Sharp pain in shoulders. Dull ache, heaviness in arms.

- Terrible bone pain. Body aches and a headache in the base of skull and tightness in

muscles down upper spine and shoulders.

- Most of the body aches were felt in my upper body especially back of neck up into

occipital area with severe sharp headache lasted 3 days.

- Back felt bruised; neck felt sore; also, testicles felt bruised.

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Extremities: Aching, weakness on exertion. Fleeting muscle pain, in arms and legs, deep pain, in shins and ankles. better from rubbing, pressure. sharp pain under feet. Pain in upper arms, difficulty of manipulation. Shoulder tension. Nerve pain, radiating in right arm and hand, stiff and numb. Swollen lymph under left armpit. Joint pain, soreness, aching and tight, in hands, arm, on right-side. Legs cramps, weakness in legs. Pain in legs on climbing stairs at night. Heaviness, weakness, aching. Exacerbation of gout: left knee swollen, hurts on exertion, laying down, better with initial movement, worse on continued motion. Nerve sensation running through.

Sleep: SOUND SLEEP, deep sleep, increased sleep, long sleep, drowsy, exhausted, sleepy, tired, lethargic. Rested. Went to sleep early, naps. Slept hard without snoring. Hard to sleep, difficulty falling asleep. Overpowering sleep. INSOMNIA, sleepless, difficulty falling asleep, awake till midnight. Waking at midnight. Restlessness, not rested, hard to wake in the morning. Talking in sleep. Not relaxing, moving about, and crying. Disturbed by dreams.

Dreams: Vivid dreams. Nightmares. Remembering a dream for the first time in years. Deep, clear, colorful, and full of messages. Stressful and anxious, Deep, detailed, foreboding, and clear dreams.

- Dreams of father who had died.

- Felt a feeling of suffocation and a voice saying that's what they want.

- Many scenes very going in and out of screens.

- Dreams of invasive manic people, desire for connection, deadness in affect, “I don’t

belong here.”

- Dreams of scientists manipulating the physical bodies of children by artificial


- Daydreams of a better world, with people more aligned with .

-I dreamed I was in a house. A huge wave came. It was like a tsunami. It was going

over the house. We were all freaked and trying to prepare for what was to come next,

but nothing happened. It washed over or past us. Unexplainable and confusing. Also, a


-Dreams of those who want to control others and who want to control the planet.

-Dreamt about my son masturbating in front of his family.

-Dreamt of the “OES - Office of Educational Services.” I saw that they were actually a

sociopathic organization that kidnapped children, drugged and brainwashed them. I

met one guy who escaped. Feelings of paranoia. Dream 2 days after: connection even

with others who shamed us, blocked paths were cleared of dead trees. Maybe I can

find a home?

-Very bad dreams of family, of trying to discipline a child who is ‘evil’ whilst

pretending that everything is normal and I’m in control of the situation, then escaping

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from an evil partner and trying to find people to help me get out of this fenced area -

then, doing a big speech against patriarchy in an art school, then being in a mental

institution waiting for treatment - then some poltergeist energy lifting up my clothes,

and I was trying to turn around to combat with it.

-I had a strange dream about a circle. It was like concentric circles. As if there was a

dot, a circle around the dot, and so on. The circles then expanded outward in a 3-

dimensional fashion like a tunnel. It got wider and then narrowed again. I had a few

other dreams. In one I was driving a car up a hill, went too slow and got stuck,

couldn't get up any further. How to get out of this? I ended up turning around. It

wasn't the way I wanted to do it – it was scary, and the car moved fast, going downhill.

In another dream I saw a monkey eating a bug from a rock. It looked gross, stringy,

but I realized he liked it.

-Dream of being Patient #0 in our town.

-Dream of being annoyed by an autistic teenage classmate while on the bus to

England. He is so annoyed; he wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot go back

to bed.

-I continued to have active dreams but did not do as good of a job recording them this

second week. After the first dose and I think even into this second week I had a few

dreams of doing cocaine. I know after the first dose I had a very clear dream that

someone gave me cocaine. They presented me with 6 lines of cocaine, but the lines

were very small and placed tightly together. This made it difficult to snort them. The

person gave me an incredibly short straw to use. It was literally like an inch long. I tried

to snort the cocaine, I ended up snorting almost all of it. The thought was something

like, 'Oh well, I took it all. I couldn't help it." I felt it was the other person's fault for

setting it up as they had and for giving me an unrealistic tool to use.

-Dreamt she expressed her aspiration to become a translator and wants to learn

languages seriously. She recalls that this was her childhood dream, when she met her

best friend who had just arrived in the U.S. in first grade. She couldn’t help her

because she couldn’t speak the language.

- I had caught a rat/mouse and tried to kill it by drowning it in a vat of water. I could

see this grey creature struggling for breath as he drowned. At some point, I grab it out

of the water with my hands. By this time, the rat had been skinned, as if in preparation

to be cooked. He gets a second wind. The rat grows bigger, and his limbs become

strong and elongated. They feel and look like the claws of the chicken (aka "phoenix

claws" in Chinese cuisine/dim sum). We struggle mightily. He scratches. Finally, I am

free of him. Someone comes along to examine me, and we find blood and scratch

marks along my arms. I wake up and wonder why on earth I am getting a violent

dream. It is very unusual for me. Then it occurs to me that this is a proving dream.

Chills slightly lower body temp, with fatigue and body aches, desire to be covered. Cold feeling, not feverish, motion ameliorates. During the day, evening.

Fever, feeling warm, warm to touch, flushed, running hotter, sensation as of hot flash, clammy forehead, heat in face and eyes. SLIGHT, MILD, LOW-GRADE FEVERS OF SHORT DURATION,

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sudden onset. on and off, at night, Intermittent, every other day. Remittent. Prolonged. Warm red cheeks, sensation as of fever without heat, feeling feverish, warm to touch, hot. Few moderate to high fevers. Flushed. Fevers in evening, worse at night.

Perspiration: Sweats. Sweat and heat without fever. Cold sweat, during sleep. hot sweat, during sleep. Sweating feet with fever and chills. Chill before fever, with perspiration, with fever. Night sweats.

Skin: Flushed, Pale skin, mottled (arms) like a septic reaction. Dry, red, itchy, bleeds and scabs, seborrheic dermatitis on head. Base of neck and behind knees. Skin infections, cuts, wounds on fingertip and toenail hangnail slow to heal. Patches of hives, urticaria, small bumps, legs, torso, and shoulders. Extremely itchy, worse getting wet, better from cool application. Pustules, on chin, neck, acne on face. Bumps: small flesh colored, red, flat, raised, sensitive to pressure. Tiny white bumps all over arms. Hives: small patches, flared on back of hands spread to forearm. Dryness in the skin in hands and feet; red, dry circle on right bicep became very itchy; white-colored node on right first fingertip which is sensitive to touch. Ringworm.

Generals: Feeling TIRED, FATIGUED, extreme fatigue, generally unwell, malaise, with lethargy, exhaustion, irritability, and BODY ACHE, sad. Five hours after taking dose, first three days. No desire to do much, first day after taking it, extremely fatigued three days after, very fatigued about a week later. Very fatigued, achy with desire to sleep, fell asleep early. Feeling exhausted despite sleep. General weakness, muscle weakness, first 24 hours, nauseous 3 days after, deep, extreme exhaustion. Tired mid-day, sleepy next day. General tiredness. Fatigue and warm. Flushed and tired. Lack of energy. Heavy fatigue. Slight feeling of being winded during a walk. Symptoms come and go, of short duration, worse at night. Body aches, chills, fever, headache, cough. Sleeping more. Slept soundly then slept light. Sleepiness for half a day. Couldn’t sleep the first night, restless at night. Woke in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep, not able to relax. Sleepless nights, difficulty falling asleep, woke many times. Constantly moving and crying. Nightmares first night after taking dose. Crazy emotional and tired the evening of. Flu and cold like symptoms, with oppression of chest, cough, or gastro-intestinal symptoms. Craving for chocolate with lack of motivation. Not feeling rested after lots of sleep. Not quite “right”. Spaced, indecision, lightheaded, mild dizziness, alert, curious, unsure, cautious, confusion, unknown, anxious, unfocused, more concern for others, memory problems, fogginess, lackadaisical. Tension, like PMS, whiny, slept more. Intermittent symptoms, fatigue alternating with freshness. Sleeping well. Felt weird.

-Emotional release.

-Thought he was level-headed and maturing.

- More sense of balance, secure that this thing wasn't going to get me. Sense of

more strength in immune system after dosing.

-Felt pleasant if slightly altered, energized, increased libido, positive.

-Waking earlier with more energy.

5. Sample case repertorization in RadarOpusix: with symptoms relating to the angiotensin system referencing cov-19 and related remedies in this instance. While this does not look like an active case this presentation may be present in long-haulers.

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Legend for grading:

Grade Represented by Definition 1 plain One person had the symptom 2 italic Two or more people had the symptom 3 italic bold Symptom was registered as cured in one or more individuals


To view research findings:x

Part 1: https://freeandhealthychildren.org/2021/01/03/coronavirus-nosode-research-review-16-min/

Part 2: https://freeandhealthychildren.org/2021/01/03/coronavirus-nosode-research-review-part-2-27-min/

Part 3: https://freeandhealthychildren.org/2021/01/10/coronavirus-nosode-research-review-part-3-27-min/

Messages from Coronavirus nosode: https://freeandhealthychildren.org/2021/05/20/messages-from-coronavirus-nosode/

Homeopathic research of a coronavirus nosode. https://freeandhealthychildren.org/2021/08/24/covid-19-coronavirus-nosode-and-the-angiotensin-system-30-min/

i Bracho, G., Varela, E., Fernandez, R., et al. “Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis

epidemic control.” Homeopathy. 99 (2010): 156-166. [cited 2021 October 21] Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20674839/.

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ii Pappas, Pam. “Homeopathy, allopathy, and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.” Hpathy. November 8, 2010. [cited 2021

October 21,] Available from: https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/homeopathy-allopathy-and-the-1918-influenza-pandemic/)

iii Golden, I. “Large Homoeoprophylaxis Interventions by Government Institutions.” Similia, The Australian Journal

of Homoeopathic Medicine. Volume 31, Number 2. Hobert Tasmania. December 2019. [cited 2021 October 21]

Available from: https://freeandhealthychildren.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/similia.-approved-government-programs-for-homeoprophylaxis.pdf.

iv Birch, K., Heng, J., Morse, C. Garrison, S., Wood, C., Calvi-Rooney, G., Dobelmann, D. “Determining the safety, effects, and efficacy of Novus-CV in homeopathic dilution in humans for Covid-19 disease prevention.” Similia, The Australian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine. Volume 31, Number 2. Hobert Tasmania. June 2021.

v Birch K, Heng J, Morse C, Garrison S, Wood C, Calvi-Rooney G, Dobelmann U. The shattered mirror: synthesis of induced and cured symptoms of coronavirus nosode, Novus-CV, in homoeopathic dilution in humans. The American Homoeopath, Journal of the North America Society of Homoeopaths, 2021;27.

vi Hahnemann, S (1997). “The Organon of Medicine.” 5th Edition translated by Dudgeon. 6th Edition translated by

Boericke. Paragraphs 34-40. [cited 2021 October 2,]1Available from:


vii Certificate of analysis. At this time due to the intense legal issues and threats to homeopathy driven by the FDA

and other global influences, the source, pharmacy, verification labs, other information identifying the exact source of Novus CV is held in private.

viii The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. [cited 2021 October 21] Available from:


ix RadarOpus. Leading Homeopathic Software. [cited 2021 October 21] Available from: https://www.radaropus.com/.

x Free and Healthy Children International. [cited 2021 October 21] Available from:https://freeandhealthychildren.org/