A Gift: The Significance of Perfume in Islam And To the Humanity in General & The Prophet Muhammad and His Connection To Perfumes By Abu Dawud Juned Ibn ‘Abdul Dhahir

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A Gift:

The Significance of Perfume in Islam

And To the Humanity in General


The Prophet Muhammad and His Connection

To Perfumes

By Abu Dawud Juned Ibn ‘Abdul Dhahir

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The significance of Perfume in Islam and to The Humanity… | 2

A Gift:

The Significance of Perfume in Islaam

And To the Humanity in General


The Prophet Muhammad and His Connection

To Perfumes

Written & Collected By Abu Dawud Juned Ibn ‘Abdul Dhahir

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The significance of Perfume in Islam and to The Humanity… | 3

The Significance of Perfume in Islam And To the Humanity in

General & The Prophet Muhammad and His Connection To


© Kitam ul Misk Publications 2013 C.E / 1434 1st Edition

© Kitam ul Misk Publications 2015 C.E / 1436 2st Edition


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Kitam ul Misk Publications

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بســم اهلل الرحمن الرحيــــــــم


Introduction 5 - 9

The Significance of Perfume in Islam and To the Humanity in General 10-30 The Prophet Muhammad and His Connection to Perfumes 31-41 Meaning of some of the terminologies that were used in the Quran and the Hadeeth about What Is the Meaning of Tib (Attar, Perfume Oils, Musk Oils…) 42-49 Did you know Tib (Attar, Perfume Oils, Musk Oils…) are Cures for various Diseases? 50-54 Conclusion 55-65

Bibliography 66-67

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بســم اهلل الرحمن الرحيــــــــم Introduction

نه من يـهــده اهلل فال مـضل له ومن إن الــحمد لله نــحمده ونستعيـيـضلل فل هادي له وأشــهـد أن ل إله ل اهلل وحده ل شريك له و

حمدا عـبده ورسوله أما بـعد أن مـ

“Indeed all praise for Allah, We praise Him as He deserves to be praised, and we seek His Aid. Whoever Allah Guides, he cannot go astray. And whoever He leads astray, who can guide him. And I bear witness that there is no Deity worthy of Worship in Truth except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the slave and Messenger of Allah. And thereafter:

ر الــهـدى هــدى مـحـمد وشـر ر الـحديث كـتاب اهلل و خـيـ فإن خـيــدثاتـهـا وكـل بدعة ضــللة المور مـح

For Indeed the best of narration is the Book of Allah, and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, and the worst of affairs are the newly invented matters, and every innovation is misguidance. It is a great Blessing that Allah has blessed this Nation of Muhammad with the best of guidance in all of their affairs, whether it is in how to worship their Lord the Creator, The Fashioner and The Giver of Sustenance, The King of all Kings, or in how to deal in the manner that is best suiting to the humanity, whether they are your foes or your companions from amongst the whole Creation.

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Indeed Islaam has not left a stone unturned in matters that will bring us benefit or harm in this world and the Hereafter. To the point that (Translation):

“He left his ummah (nation) on a pure and clear path, whose night is like its day and none deviates from it except one who is destroyed. He explained (in this clear path) everything which the ummah is in need of in all of its affairs (to such an extent) that A man from among the mushrikoon (pagans) said to Salmaan al-Farsee (Translation): "Your Messenger teaches you (so much), even toilet manners." So Salmaan replied (Translation): "Yes! He has also forbidden us to face the qiblah (direction of prayer) while passing urine or excrement or that we clean ourselves with less than three stones, or that we clean ourselves with the right hand or that we clean ourselves with dung or bones." [Narrated in Sunan Abu Dawud / Hadeeth – 7 – and also in Saheeh

Muslim / Hadeeth - 262]

This treatise “The significance of Perfume in Islam and to The Humanity in

” is a General & The Prophet Muhammad and His Connection to Perfumesreality of the fact that even thou perfume is a thing, that is an extension of our attire, but we see how Islaam has guided us and shown its significance in our lives, whether we are alive in this world or we dwell in Paradise (may Allah make us from amongst them) or we are in a state of wakefulness or in a state of sleep. And all of this was demonstrated to us in the manners of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), who was sent as a mercy to the creation and not as a punisher.

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Allah, The Ever-Merciful says in the Mighty Qur’aan (Translation): “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad), except as a Mercy

to the worlds”

[Qur’aan /Surah Al-Anbiyah 21 / Verse 107]

Indeed Islaam is a source that connects our souls, minds and body to the One that deserves to be Honoured, and Obeyed in all spheres of our life. You will come to realise, God Willing that it is a blessing, Allah has given us the sense of smell and taste, by which we can detect what is good and harmful for us, and what is desired and undesired, and what is liked and what is disliked.

“How many sold their souls for her, because of her delightful


“How many were turned on their heels because of her elegant perfume aroma”

“How many performed deeds, only by knowing the Greatness of

her adorable Aroma”

“And how many souls grieve after coming to know that her Fragrance was only a deceiving plot, by which she seduced him”

“And how many find delight in her because of the Aroma within


“For indeed looks, smells and tastes are deceiving to the soul that is dead”

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“Don’t blame me, for my seduction, you were beguiled by my beauty and charm, you followed my trail of Aroma, by which you

gained your destination”

“So Praise Allah if you attained the Bliss and blame no one except yourself, if you have not reached the Bliss”

“Keep on trying, for there is still today but don’t know if tomorrow

will come, yesterday is gone never to return” How amazing is today, from the amazing of affairs, that we have come to love and like those things that are the opposite to reality. And we seek refuge with Allaah alone from the evil of our souls and the evil of our actions. For we live in a time where the Truth has become falsehood and falsehood has become the truth. Where the one eyed man is the king in the land of the blind. Where the general people cannot distinguish the right from wrong and following of the caprice is in abundance, to the point, a time will come, when people will have illegal sexual intercourse like animals. There will be women dressed but in reality they are naked, to the point that you can describe every intricate parts of her body, they are seduced and seducing others. So beware! O men and women, for no nation is afflicted with calamity for no other reason than the spread of illegal sexual intercourse, which violates the rights and honour of other mothers and fathers in regards to their children. “How I had high aspiration for you, but I forgot that there is always a wolf in opposition to you, if you are not seduced by him, then he

will take the form of scorpions, waiting in anticipation that you may fall in to his traps, all the while I was looking over the snake”

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So that been said I hope and ask Allaah alone, The Lord of all Bounties that He makes this treatise for seeking His Pleasure alone and that He brings benefit to the one who reads it and spreads it and to remove the covering of the one that may look for defects, so as to find guidance. O Allaah! How many have been guided by your light, while they were trying to put out Your light, Indeed You are Best of those Who give guidance and knows Best whom to Guide and whom to mislead and none is misled except that he went in opposition to You O Allaah.

Written by Abu Dawud Juned Ibn ‘Abdul Dhahir, the one in need of the Mercy of His Lord, The King of all Kings, The One, The Mighty, The Irresistible, The Al-Conquering, Allaah! And our end call is, All Praise is for Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. Completed on the: 13th of April 2015 after Salatul Fajr. Jumadu Al-Ahkhier 1436

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بســم اهلل الرحمن الرحيــــــــم The Significance of Perfume in Islaam and To the

Humanity in General Narrated from Jaabir (Translation), that the Messenger of Allaah ,forbade that one should eat onion and garlic صلى هللا عليه وسلـمbut when we were overtaken by the like to eat them, we eat from them. He صلى هللا عليه وسلـم said, ‘Whoever eat from this tree of foul smelling, he should not come near to our masjid (mosque), for Indeed the Angels are hurt by that which hurts the Human.’

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 3008]

We went on till we came to Jabir Ibn ‘Abdillaah in the Masjid (Mosque) and he was busy in observing prayer in a single garment which he had joined its two ends. I made my way through the people till I sat between him and the Qiblah and I said (Translation): “May Allaah have Mercy on you. Do you observe prayer in one single garment on your body whereas your mantle is lying at your side? He pointed with his hand towards my chest just like this and he separated his fingers and bent them in the shape of a bow, and he said: ‘I thought that a fool like you should come to me so that he should see me as I do and he should then do like it. (Muhammad) The Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم came to us in this very Masjid and he had in his hand the twig of the palm-tree and he saw sputum towards the Qiblah (direction in which the Muslims prays towards Mecca) of the Masjid and he erased it

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with the help of the twig. He then came to us and said: ‘Who amongst you likes that Allaah should turn His Face away from him? We were afraid. He then said it again: ‘Who amongst you like that Allaah should turn His Face away from him? We were afraid. He said it again: ‘Who amongst you like that Allaah should turn His Face away from him? We said: ‘None of us would like that O Messenger of Allaah.’ He said: ‘If one from amongst you stands for prayer, then know that Allaah the Blessed and Exalted is facing him, so let him not spit in front of him, nor to his right, but he should spit on his left side beneath his foot and if he is impelled to do so all of a sudden in spite of himself, he should then spit in his clothes and fold it in some part of it.’ Then he said:

a young man who belonged to our ‘Bring me some fragrance’ family stood up, went and in his palm, which brought perfume oil the Messenger of Allaah took and applied it to the end of that twig and then touched the place where there had been sputum.” Jabir said (Translation): ‘This is the etiquettes of the Masajid (Mosques)”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 3008] ‘Ahyishah narrated (Translation), I heard (Muhammad) Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم saying: “The (system) of night and day would not end until the people have taken to the worship of Lat and ‘Uzza. I said ‘O Messenger of Allaah, Didn’t Allaah reveal: “He it is Who has sent His Messenger with the Right Guidance, and the True Religion, so that He may cause it to prevail over all other religions, through the polytheists are averse to it”

[Surah Tawbah 9 /Verse 33]

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That it implies this promise is going to be fulfilled. Thereupon he said, ‘Indeed it would come out to be like that, as Allaah wills.

by Thereafter Allah would send a sweet smelling fragrant wind which everyone who has even a mustard grain of faith in Him would die and those will be left who has no goodness in them, they would revert to the religion of their forefathers.”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2907]

It is narrated by An-Nawwas Ibn Sam’an in a long Hadeeth about the Ad-Dajjal (Anti-Christ) and the Descending of ‘Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary) , that Muhammad the Messenger of Allaah

لى هللا عليه وسلـمص said (Translation): “…Allah would send a pleasant fragrant aroma wind which

and would soothe the people even from under their armpit, would take the soul of every Believer (meaning those with strong faith) and Muslim (meaning who has submitted to the Will of Allaah but not yet as strong as the Believer). And there would remain on the earth evil people, and they would commit adultery and fornication like animals, then the Hour (End of the world) will come up on them.”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2937] Abu Sa’eed narrated that Ibn Sayyad asked the Prophet (Muhammad) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم ‘What about the earth of Paradise? He replied (Translation):

‘It is of fine clear white Musk that is special’

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2928 /93]

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Narrated from Anas Ibn Malik, that (Muhammad) Messenger of Allaah عليه وسلـمصلى هللا said (Translation): “Indeed In Paradise there is a market, you will come there every Jumu’ah (Friday Congregation), there will be sent a northern wind, which you will like the fragrant smell of it, which will scatter on your faces and your clothing and that will increase you

and then they will return to their family, in beauty and charm, after having increased in beauty and charm, and their family would say: ‘By Allah! You have increased in beauty and charm after leaving us’, and they would say: ‘By Allaah! You have also increased in beauty and charm after we’ve left you’.”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2833] Hammam Ibn Munabbih said, this is what are the Hadeeth (narrations) Abu Hurayrah narrated from (Muhammad) the Messenger Of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم he narrated this Hadeeth from amongst them, that the Messenger of Allaah :said (Translation) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم “The first group to pass in to Paradise, their appearance would be the appearance of the moon in its brightest nights. They would neither spit nor suffer from catarrh, and nor will have the need to go to the toilet. And their utensils and their combs will be of gold and silver. And the fuel of their braziers will be of Aloes

And every one of you would have and their sweat will be of Musk. two spouses, so beautiful that the marrow of their shanks would be visible through their flesh. There would be no differences amongst them and no enmity; their hearts would be like one heart, glorifying Allaah morning and evening.”

[Narrated In Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2834 /17]

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In another narration is it reported from Abu Hurayrah that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaahصلى هللا عليه وسلـم said (Translation): “The first group to pass in to Paradise from my Nation, there appearance would be like the moon in the brightest of nights. Then after them to pass in to Paradise would be like the brightest star in the sky that glitters, then thereafter to pass by would be like this according to their ranks. They will neither have the need to excrete nor pass urine, nor will they suffer from catarrh, nor will they spit. Their combs would be made of gold, and their fuel of their braziers will be of Aloes wood and their sweat will be of

Their form will be of the form of one man and their height Musk. will be of their father Adam, sixty cubits.”

[Narrated In Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2834 / 16]

Abu Hurayrah narrated that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم said (Translation): “Two types of people are from the dwellers of the Fire (Hell), people possessing whips like the tail of the cow; with it they beat the people. And those women that are dressed but in reality they are naked (these are prophecy that have been fulfilled as you see today, how some of the women dress, even thou they have clothes on, you can see or describe to details the figure of their body), they are seduced and seduce others, with their hair up high like humps. They would not enter Paradise nor will they smell its Fragrance, and indeed its Fragrances can be smelt or perceived from the distance of such and such (meaning from very


[Narrated Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2857 / 52]

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Abu Hurayrah narrated that Prophet (Muhammad) :said (Translation) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم “Whoever kills a person who has a pledge, who is a person that is non-Muslim a protection from Allaah and His Messenger of safety, will not smell, the Fragrance of Paradise, even thou the

Fragrance can be detected from the distance of seventy years.”

[Narrated in Ibn Majah / Hadeeth 2687 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

‘Abdullah Ibn Shaqiq narrated from Abu Hurayrah said (Translation): “When the soul of the Believer is taken out of his body, it is received by two Angels that take it up (to the heavens). Hammad (one of the narrators) said (Translation): ‘It leaves with

a sweet Fragrant, like the Fragrant of Musk’.

He said (Translation): And the dwellers of the sky says, ‘Soul that is good has come from the direction of the earth, May Allaah mention it with good and also the body that it resides in. And it is taken to its Lord, The Exalted and The Majestic. Then it is said (Translation),‘Take it to its end place of rest (the earth). Then he said (Translation): ‘And indeed if it is a disbeliever’s soul that is taken – Here Hammad said, ‘it leaves with a foul smell and with curse upon it’ – The dweller of the sky says, ‘Soul that is foul has come from the direction of the earth. Then it is said, ‘Take it to its end place of rest’. Abu Hurayrah said (Translation), the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا

put a cloth which was with him upon his nose while عليه وسلـم

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making a mention of the soul of a non-believer (because of the foul smell that will emanate from it).

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth - 2872 /75] Anas narrated from (Muhammad) the Prophet of Allaah صلى هللا

:having said (Translation) عليه وسلـم “A single endeavour (fighting) in Allaah Cause in the afternoon or the forenoon is better than the whole of the world and whatever is in it. A place in Paradise equal to the size of a whip is better than the whole world and whatever is in it. And if a woman from amongst the women of Paradise was to appear upon the earth, she would fill the horizon with light from the beauty of her charm

And her head scarf (covering) and her beautiful Fragrant Aroma. is better than the whole world and whatever is in it.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / Hadeeth - 6568] ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr narrated that (Muhammad) the Prophet :said (Translation) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم “My Fountain is a month’s journey in distance, its water is whiter then milk, and its drinking and its smell is better than that of Misk, cups are as numerous as the stars in the sky, whoever drinks from it, will not get thirsty ever again.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / Hadeeth - 6579]

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Anas Ibn Malik narrated that (Muhammad) the Prophet صلى هللا

:said (Translation) عليه وسلـم “While I was walking in Paradise, I saw a river, upon the banks of it there were tents made of hollow pearl. I said: ‘What is this O Jibreel (Angel Gabriel)?’ He said: ‘This is The Kawthar (River in Paradise for Prophet Muhammad)’, which your Lord has bestowed upon you. Then know that its earth is of perfume,

which is of the best Musk.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / Hadeeth - 6581]

Abi Hurayrah narrated from (Muhammad) the Prophet صلى هللا عليه

:that he said (Translation) وسلـم “Every deeds that the son of Adam does is for himself except Fasting (in Ramadhan), which is for Me and I shall compensate him for it. The breath of the fasting person is more beloved to Allaah then the smell of Musk.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / Hadeeth - 5927]

Abi Hurayrah narrated from (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم that he said (Translation): “By Allaah, my soul that is in His Hands! One of you is not wounded in the Cause of Allaah, and Allaah knows best, who has been wounded in His Cause, will come on the Day of Judgement, with his wound the colour of blood, and the smell, will be the smell of Musk.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / Hadeeth - 2803]

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Anas narrated that (Translation): “My uncle Anas Ibn an-Nadr was absent from the battle of Badr, he said (Translation): ‘O Messenger of Allaah! I was absent from the first battle you fought against the pagans. Indeed if Allaah lets me to witness another battle against the pagans, Allaah will see how courageously I will fight. On the day of the battle of Uhud when the Muslims turned their backs and fled, he said: ‘O Allaah! I apologize to you for what these have done (meaning his companions), and I free myself from what these pagans have done. Then he proceeded towards Sa’d Ibn Mu’adh, and said (Translation), ‘O Sa’d Ibn Mu’adh! Paradise by the Lord of an-Nadr, Indeed of Uhud I smell its Fragrance coming from ahead (this is a name of a mountain in Madina). Sa’d said (Translation): ‘O Messenger of Allaah! I cannot archive what he has archived.’ Anas said; ‘We found him with more than eighty wounds made by swords, spears and arrows on his body, he was dead and his body was mutilated amongst the bodies of the pagans and none of us except his sister could recognize him by his fingers.’ Anas said; ‘we were sure and of no doubt, that indeed this Verse was revealed concerning him and his likes (Translation): “Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allaah’ to the end of the Verse.’”

[Surah Ahzab /Verse 23] [Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / Hadeeth - 2805]

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Did you know that there is to faith and anything that is sweetness sweet the soul Finds delight in its sweetness like the taste of oranges which if one has the following along with it nice Aroma, three characteristics would taste its sweetness, as it is narrated by Anas from the Prophet (Muhammad) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم that he said (Translation): “Three, whoever has them in him, of would taste the sweetness faith. Whoever loves Allaah and His Messenger more then everything. And a person does not love someone except that he loves that person for the sake of Allaah. And whoever hates to revert back to disbelief, just as he would hate to be thrown in to the Fire of Hell.”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Book of Faith / Hadeeth - 43-67] Anas narrated (Translation): “I have not touched any silk or cloth that was softer then the palm of the Prophet (Muhammad) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم and I have not smelt a better fragrance ever or ever known, then the

from the sweat of the Prophet fragrance that emanated (Muhammad).”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / Hadeeth - 3561]

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Al-Haarith al-Asha’ari narrated that the prophet (Muhammad) :said (Translation) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم “Allah ordered (the Prophet) Yahya Ibn Zakariyah (John son of Zakariyah) to do five things and to pass the order on to the Children of Israel so that they would do them too. Yahya was a little slow to pass on those commands, so ‘Esaa (Jesus) said to him (Translation), ‘Either you command them or I will.’ Yahya replied (Translation), ‘I fear if you command them first that I might be tortured or destroyed.’ Yahya then gathered the people in Baytil Maqdis (Jerusalem) until the masjid (mosque) was full, and the people had to sit on the balconies. He said (Translation): ‘Allaah has ordered me to act upon five commands and to order you to act upon them. 1st: Is to worship Allaah alone and to associate no one with Him (in your worship). The similitude of the one who associates others with Allaah is like a man who bought a slave with his money and paid with gold and silver. The man then said to the servant, ‘this is my estate, and this is the land that I want you to cultivate. Work it and pay me what is due to me’. However the slave paid the earnings to someone other than his master. Would any of you be pleased with such a slave? 2nd: Allaah commanded you to pray, when you pray you should not look around, because Allaah is looking at His slave and Facing him as long as he is not looking in a different direction. 3rd: And I command you with fasting, and Indeed the similitude is the example of a man in a mob carrying a bag that has Musk in it. Everyone around him likes the smell of the Musk. And Indeed the smell of the fasting person is better with Allaah than the smell of


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4th: And I order you to give charity. And indeed the similitude of this, is the example of a man who was captured by the enemy, they chain his hands up to his neck and were set to execute him. He said to them that he would pay them anything as a ransom. They took the money and freed him. 5th: And order you to remember Allah. And indeed this is similar to the example of a man who was chased by the enemy until he reached a fortified fortress and sheltered himself in it. Similarly like this the slave (of Allaah) cannot protect himself from the shaytaan (devil) except by the Remembrance of Allaah. The Prophet (Muhammad) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم further said (Translation), ‘I order you with five; Allaah has ordered me with them: 1st: Hear and obey (the rulers in that which they order you with obedience to Allah and there is no hearing and obeying in disobedience to Allah). 2nd: To perform Jihad (means fighting or striving to overcome one’s own caprice that leads you to disobedience to Allaah, to fight against those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger). 3rd: To migrate to the land of the Muslims 4th: And to stick to the main body of the Muslims 5th: He who breaks of from the main body of the Muslims by a hands span has taken off from his neck the collar of Islaam, except if he returns.

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And whoever calls with the call of Jaahileeyah (Days of Ignorance), then indeed he is from the pebbles of the Hell-Fire. A man said (Translation), ‘O Messenger of Allaah! Even if he prays and fasts? He said (Translation), ‘Even if he prays and fasts. So let your call be to Allaah, for He has called you Muslim (one submitted to the Will of Allaah), Believer (the one who is strong in faith with certainty), worshippers of Allaah.

[Narrated in Sunan at-Tirmidhi / Hadeeth - 2863 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh (meaning that which is authentically narrated from the Prophet Muhammad) by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-uddin al-Albaani] Abu Musa al-Asha’ari narrated that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم said (Translation): “The similitude of a Believer that reads the Quran is like Atrunja (a citrus Fruit, like Oranges), it has a very nice fragrant and tastes

And the similitude of the Believer that does not read the good. Quran is like a date-fruit, it And has no fragrant but it taste sweet. the similitude of the Hypocrite that reads the Quran is like basil, it has a good fragrant but it is bitter. And the similitude of the Hypocrite that does not read the Quran is like a colocynth, it has a bad fragrant and it is bitter.” [Narrated in Sunan at-Tirmidhi / Hadeeth - 2865 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-uddin al-Albaani]

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Abu Hurayrah narrated that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم (Translation) was sending a delegation of many people. He asked each one to recite what they had memorized of the Quran. Each recited what he knew, and then the youngest one of them approached and was asked, ‘What have you memorized of the Quran?’ He said (Translation), ‘I have so and so surah and surah Al-Baqarah’ He said (Translation), ‘you have memorized surah Al-Baqarah?’ he said, ‘Yes’. He said (Translation), ‘Go you are their leader. Then a respected man from amongst them said; ‘By Allaah! Nothing prevented me from memorizing and learning surah Al-Baqarah except that I feared I would not be able to carry out its commands. The Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم said (Translation): “Learn /Study the Quran and recite it, for indeed the similitude of the Quran to the one who learns it and recites it and stands with it (in prayer) is that of a sac filled with Musk, its smell fills up the

And the similitude of the one who whole place with it fragrance. learns it and sleeps with it is like a .” sac sealed with musk in it

[Narrated in Sunan at-Tirmidhi / Hadeeth - 2876 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Da’eef (meaning this narration is not authentically narrated from the Prophet Muhammad. It is only used here as an extension to the rest of the authentic narrations) by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-uddin al-Albaani] Anas narrated that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا

:said (Translation) عليه وسلـم “The similitude of the Believer who reads the Quran is the similitude of a citrus fruit (like an orange), the Fragrant Aroma of

and it tastes good. And the similitude of the Believer it is good who does not read the Quran is the similitude of the date fruit, which is sweet in taste but has no smell.

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And the similitude of the wicked person that does not read the Quran is that of the colocynth which tastes bitter and which has no smell. And the similitude of sitting in the company of the righteous Even thou he might not give is that of the Musk Seller, you some (for free) but the least is that you will receive the nice

And the similitude of sitting with the unrighteous Smell from him. is that of the Blacksmith with his bellows, Even thou you might not get the black soot on you, the least is that you would be affected by the smoke.” [Narrated in Sunan Abu Dawud / Hadeeth - 2876 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-uddin al-Albaani] Abu Hurayrah narrated that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم said (Translation): “Whoever learns knowledge, which is not sought for seeking the Face of Allaah, The Exalted and The Glorified, but that he learns it in order to gain some worldly benefits thereby, will not smell the

on the Day of Judgement.” Fragrant Aroma of Paradise

[Narrated in Sunan Abu Dawud / Hadeeth - 3664 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-uddin al-Albaani] ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn al-‘As, said, the Messenger of Allaah صلى

,said (Translation) هللا عليه وسلـم “My Hawd (Fountain) is so large that is takes a month’s journey to cross. All its sides are equal in length. And its water is whiter than sliver (and in another transmission it is narrated, ‘It’s water is whiter than milk), and the fragrant of its perfume is of Musk.

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And its drinking vessels are numerous as the stars in the sky. Whoever drinks from it will never be thirsty thereafter ever.”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth 2292 / Baab (Door /Chapter) ‘About the Fountain of the Prophet and its Characteristics’ / Kitab ul Fadaail] Al-Baraa’ Ibn ‘Aazib narrated (Translation), “We went out with the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلـم with the funeral of a man from the Ansaar and we came to the grave and the niche in the side of the grave had not been dug out yet, so the Messenger of Allaah sat and we sat around him as if we had birds upon our heads (illustrating that everyone was silent and no movements that a bird could have sat on our heads) and in his hand he had a stick with which he was striking the ground. Then he raised his head and said (Translation): ‘Seek refuse with Allaah from the Punishment of the Grave.’ two or three times. Then he said, ‘When the Believing slave is departing this world and going to the Hereafter, Angels with white faces, as if their faces were the sun, descends upon him. With them is a shroud from the shrouds of Paradise and Perfume

So they sit away for embalming from the Perfumes of Paradise. from him at a distance the eye can see and then the Angel of Death (Peace be upon him) comes and sits by his head and says, ‘O good soul, come out to the forgiveness from Allaah and His good Pleasure.’ He said, ‘So it comes out just as a drop flows out from the mouth of the drinking vessel, and he takes it, but does not leave it in his hand even for the blink of an eye until they take it and place it in that shroud and that Perfume, and there comes out from him a smell like that of the Best Musk found upon the

He said, ‘So they ascend with it (the soul) and face of the Earth.’ they do not pass by any group of Angels except that they say, ‘Who is this good and pure soul? So they reply, ‘So and so, son of

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so and so’ with the best of his names which he used be called by in this world until they come with him to the lowest Heaven and ask that it be opened for him, so it is opened for him, so they accompany him through every Heaven to the next one until he is taken up to the seventh Heaven, and Allaah, The Al-Mighty, The Magnificent, says, ‘Write the record of my slave in the ‘Illiyyun (Highest place in Paradise according to his deeds) and return him to the earth to be joined with his body (in the grave).’ So then two Angels come to him and make him sit up. Then they say, ‘Who is your Lord? So he will say, ‘My Lord is Allaah.’ So they will say, ‘What is your Deen (Religion / what belief did you up hold and worship)? So he will say, ‘My Deen is Islam (Submission to Allaah, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and everything in it).’ So they say, ‘Who is this man who was sent amongst you? So he will say, ‘He is the Messenger of Allaah.’ So they say, ‘How did you come to know that? So he will say, ‘I read the Book of Allaah, and Believed in it and attested to it.’ So a caller will call from Heaven, ‘Indeed My servant has spoken the Truth, so spread a place for him in Paradise, and open a door to Paradise for him.’ He said, ‘So some of its Fragrant Aroma and scent comes to him and his grave is extended as far as the eye can see.’ He said, ‘A person with a handsome face, beautiful clothes and having a nice

Aroma comes to him and says, ‘Receive good new which fragrant will please you. This is the Day which you were promised.’ So he says to him, ‘Who are you? Since your face appears to signify well.’ So he says, ‘I am your righteous deeds.’ He therefore says, ‘O Lord, establish the Last Hour, O Lord establish the Last Hour, so that I may return to my family and wealth.’ But when the Disbelieving slaves soul is leaving this world and going onto the Hereafter, Angels with black faces descends upon him, with them are coarse sack-clothes, and they sit at a distance from him as far as the eyes can see. Then the Angel of Death (Peace be upon him) comes and sits by his head and says, ‘O foul soul, come out to Allah’s Displeasure and Anger.’ So the soul spreads throughout the body, so he drags it out just as a pronged

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roasting fork is pulled through wool. So he takes it, but does not leave it in his hand for the blink of an eye until they put it in those coarse sack-cloths. Then there comes from him an offensive stench like that of the foulest smelling corpse rotting upon the face of the Earth. So they ascend with it (the soul) and they do not pass by any group of Angels except that they say, ‘What is this foul smell?’ So they say, ‘So and so, son of so and so.’ Calling him with the ugliest names which he used to be called with in this world, until they come with him to the lowest Heaven and ask permission to enter, and it is not opened for him.’ The Messenger of Allaah then recited (Translation): “…For them the gates of Heaven will not be opened, and they will not enter Paradise until the camel goes through the eye of the needle (which is impossible).” [Surah Al-A’raaf 7 / Verse 40] So Allaah, The Al-Mighty, The Magnificent, says, ‘Write his record in the Sijjin (lowest place in Hell according to his deeds) within the lowest earth.’ Then his soul is flung down, and he recited (Translation): “…And whoever worships other than Allaah, it is as if he had fallen from the sky, and the birds had snatched him, or the wind had thrown him to a far off place.” [Surah Hajj 22 / Verse 31] So his soul is returned to his body and two Angels come and make him sit up. Then they will say to him, ‘Who is your Lord?’ So he will say, ‘Ah Ah, I do not know.’ So they will say to him, ‘What is your Deen?’ So he will say, ‘Ah, Ah, I do not know.’ So they will say to him, ‘Who is this man who was sent amongst you?’ So he will say, ‘Ah, Ah, I do not know.’ So a caller will call from Heaven, ‘You have lied so spread a place for him in the Fire (of Hell), and open a door to the Fire for him.’ So some of its heat and scorching air comes upon him, and his grave in constricted to the extent that his ribs interlace, and a man with ugly face, dishevelled clothing and smelling offensively comes to him and says, ‘Receive news of that which will grieve you, this is the Day

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which you were promised.’ So he will say, ‘Who are you? Your face is ugly and seems to signify evil.’ So he will say, ‘I am your evil deeds.’ So he will say, ‘O Lord, Do not establish the Last Hour.’” [Narrated in Saheeh ul Jaami’ / The Hadeeth is Authentic as comes in the Musnad of Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and others] ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr narrated that I saw (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah performing the Tauwaf (Circulating) the Ka’bah and he said (Translation): “How sanctified you are, and How Sanctified and is your Aroma, How Great you are, and How Great is your Sanctuary! By Allaah, Who holds the soul of Muhammad in His Hand! The sacredness of the Believer (who believes in Allaah and worships Him) with Allaah is Greater than your Sanctity! As well as his wealth and his Blood.” ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Adi Ibn al-Hamraa said, I saw (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah, riding upon his she-camel at al-Hazwari (a place in Makkah) and said (Translation): “By Allah! Indeed you are the Best of the Land upon the earth of Allah. And the Dearest of land to me. And by Allah! I would not have left you, if I was not forced out (by these pagans).” [Narrated in Ibn Majah / Hadeeth 3108 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albani]

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Allaah the Ever-Merciful says in the Mighty Qur’aan (Translation): “It is a written Book; It is witnessed only by those who are nearest (to Allaah). Indeed the righteous will be in Bliss. Reclining on high couches, looking at each other. In their faces you see the brightness of Bliss. They are given to drink sealed pure juice (of pure Wine). for that let all those, who The seal of which is Musk, wants to strive, strive (for this Bliss). And this Juice is mixed with Tasmin, this Tasmin is a spring from which drink those who are nearest to Allaah.”

[Surah Al-Mutaffifin 83/Verse 20-28]

Ibn Kathir mentions in his Great book of Tafsir (Exegesis of The Mighty Qur’aan) Al-Qur’aan ul ‘Adhim, the meaning of (Translation):

“The seal of which is Musk”

Consider here the difference between the harmful wine of this world, and the pure, undiluted and sweet wine of Paradise in the Hereafter. The more one drinks of it, the more he comes to have

unlike the wine of this world, whose drinker is the smell of Musk, famous for whatever foul, disgusting, offensive smell is detected in him. According to Ibn ‘Abbas, Allaah Al-Mighty will sweeten the wine for them, and the Musk is the last thing to be added to

This kind of wine will be mixed up with it, with which it is sealed. a sweeter drink known as Tasnim, the best of the drinks which the inhabitants of Paradise will ever have, from whose spring only those nearest to Allaah drink as pure and clean, with no mixture, unlike others of the people of Paradise, such as the righteous, to them it will be mixed up with other kinds of drink (of Paradise).

[Tafsir Ibn Kathir / Surah Al-Mutaffifin / Verse – 26]

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Allaah the Ever-Merciful says in the Mighty Qur’aan (Translation): “Go with my shirt and lay it on my father’s face. He will recover his sight, and bring me all your family. When the caravan left (Egypt) their father said, ‘Indeed I can smell the Aroma of Yusuf

Even thou might call me mad! They said, ‘By Allaah! You (Joseph). are still in your old error (that Yusuf is still alive). And when the bearer of the glad tidings came, he threw the shirt on Yacob’s (Jacob’s) face, by which he regained his sight. Then he said, ‘Did I not tell you that I know from Allaah what you do not know.”

[Surah Yusuf 12 /Verse 93-96] Ibn Kathir mentions in his Great book of Tafsir (Exegesis of The Mighty Qur’aan) Al-Qur’aan ul ‘Adhim, the meaning of above verses (Translation): “We said earlier that Yacob’s (Jacob) eyes became white (meaning he turned to be blind) because of his excessive weeping over Yusuf (Joseph) and his brother (Banjiman). Being informed of that, Yusuf ordered his brethren to take his shirt and go with it to throw over the face of his father, so that he would recover and restore his sight. He also ordered them to come to him together with his father and all of Yacob’s offspring’s. Yacob, who knew from Allaah what others knew not, in view of his Prophet hood, and said to those who remained with him from amongst his sons that he could no Smell the Presence of Yusuf matter they might think of him as too weak-minded and old to know the reality of things, and this was just their opinion when they replied to him that he was still in his old error (because of his great love he had for Yusuf, he never forgot him). However, this was a harsh reply to their father, which was not befitting to a son to say to his father, nor for anyone to say to Allah’s Prophet.”

[Tafsir Ibn Kathir / Surah Yusuf / Verse – 93-96]

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بســم اهلل الرحمن الرحيــــــــم

The Prophet Muhammad and His Connection to Perfumes

1. Did you know that a person should use the best Attar, Perfume oils, Essential Oils, Musk oils that are available?

Imaam al-Bukhaare (may Allaah have mercy on his soul) bring a chapter in his Saheeh al-Bukhaare (which is one of the most authentic Book in Islaam in narrating the sayings of Prophet Muhammad) (Translation) “What kind of scent is

and in there he brings the Hadeeth (narration) recommended” that is narrated by ‘Ahyishah that she said (Translation): “I used to perfume the prophet (Muhammad, peace be upon him) before his assuming the state of Ihram (this is the clothing that is worn when performing pilgrim), with the best scent available.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / V7 / H5928]

2. Did you know that the Prophet Muhammad used to apply Tib (attar, perfume oil, essential oil, musk oil) to his head and beard? The sunnah (method) of applying attar, perfume oils, oil fragrances, musk oil as Imaam al-Bukhaare brings a chapter (Translation) and in “To apply scent to the head and beard” there he brings the Hadeeth of ‘Ahyishah the mother of the believers that she said (Translation):

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“I used to perfume Allah’s Messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him) with the best scent available till I saw the shine of the scent on his head and beard.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / V7 / H5923]

3. Did you know that it is sunnah to use attar, perfume oil,

essential oil, oil fragrances, musk oil specially for Friday (Jum’ah) and for all other occasions and its great reward? Imaam an-Nawawi brings a chapter in his Riyad-us-Saliheen (Translation) “Etiquette of attending company and sitting with

and in there he brings a Hadeeth narrated by companions” Salman al-Farisi that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said (Translation): “If a man takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself thoroughly, uses

sets forth for the oil and perfume which is available in the house, Masjid, does not sit between two people by force, offers the prayer that is prescribed for him and listens to the Imaam without speaking, his sins between this Friday and the previous Friday will be forgiven.” [Narrated in Riyad-us- Saliheen / V1/ H828 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

Likewise Imaam Abu Dawud as-Sijistani (may Allaah have mercy on his soul) bring a chapter in his Sunan (These are likewise the books of narrations from Prophet Muhammad) (Translation) “It

(attar, perfume oil, essential oil, is Recommended to wear Tib musk oil)” using as proof the same above Hadeeth as used by Imaam an-Nawawi.

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4. Did you know that the companions of the Prophet Muhammad never refused Tib (attar, perfume oils, essential oil, musk oils)? Imaam al-Bukhaare brings a chapter in his Saheeh al-Bukhaare (Translation) and in there he “Those who never refused Tib” brings the Hadeeth narrated by Thumama bin ‘Abdullah that he said (Translation): “Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) never used to refuse Tib (attar, perfume oils, oil fragrances, musk oils) and used to say that the Prophet (Muhammad, peace be upon him) never used to

refuse (a gift of) scent.”

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / V7 / H5929]

5. Did you know that the Prophet Muhammad never used to refuse attar, perfume oil, essential oil, musk oil? Imaam Abu Dawud as-Sijistani (may Allaah have mercy on his soul) brings a chapter in his Sunan (Translation) “Refusing Tib” and in there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah that (Muhammad) the Prophet (peace be upon him) said (Translation): “Whoever is given Tib (attar, perfume oil, oil fragrances, musk oil), he should not refuse it, because it has a good smell and it is light

to carry.”

[Narrated in Sunan Abu Dawud / V4 / H4172 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

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6. Did you know that the Prophet Muhammad had containers for Attar, Perfume oils, Essential oils, Musk oils? Imaam Abu Dawud as-Sijistani bring a chapter in his Sunan (Translation) “ (Attar, Perfume oil, It is recommended to wear Tib Oil Fragrances, Musk oils)” and in there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by Anas bin Malik that he said (Translation): “The Prophet (Muhammad, peace be upon him) had a sukkah (a container) from which he .” would apply Tib [Narrated in Sunan Abu Dawud / V4 / H4162 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

7. Did you know that there is a difference in smell and colour for Attar, Perfume oils, Oil Fragrances, Musk oils that are for men and those for women? Imaam an-Nasaa’i brings a chapter in his Sunan (Translation) “The Difference between Tib for Men and those for Women” and in there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah that (Muhammad) the Prophet (peace be upon him) said (Translation): “The Tib (attar, perfume oils, oil fragrances, musk oils) for men is that whose , and scent is apparent while its colour is hidden (dark)the Taib for women is that whose colour is apparent, while its

.” scent is hidden [Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa’i / V6 / H5121/ Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

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8. Did you know that there are certain perfumes that are not permissible for women? Imaam an-Nasaa’i brings a chapter in his Sunan (Translation)

and in “Those perfumes that are undesirable for the women” there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by al-Asha’ari, that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said (Translation): “Those women that and come upon the people, apply perfume who , then she (as if) is a can detect the aroma of her perfumefornicator.” [Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa’i / Kitabul Ziyanah /Chapter 35 /H5126 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani] Ibn Majah brings a chapter in his Sunan (Translation) “Affliction

and in there he brings the Hadeeth from Abu caused by women” Bakr Ibn Abi Shaybah , from Sufyaan Ibn ‘Uyaanah, from ‘Aasim, from leader of Abi Rum (and his name is ‘Ubayd), Indeed Abi Hurayrah met a women who was scented with perfume, who was going to the masjid, he said (Translation): “Ya Amat Al-Jabbar (O Servant women of The Compeller (Allah)) where do you intend to go? She said (Translation), ‘To the masjid (mosque)’ he asked (Translation), ‘and have you applied

’ she said (Translation), ‘yes’ he said (Translation) perfume?Indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) saying (Translation):

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“If any women applies perfume to her body and then leaves for the masjid (mosque), no prayer would be accepted from her until she takes bath (like the bath performed for ritual impurity and removes the truces of perfume).” [Narrated in Sunan Ibn Majah / Hadeeth - 4002 / Authenticated Hadeeth Hasan Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani] It is further narrated by Imaam Abu Dawud in his Sunan on the authority of ‘Imran Ibn Husaayn that the Prophet (Muhammad) said (Translation): “…Know that the Perfume for men is that which has a scent but

and the Perfume for women is that which has no colour colour but .’no scent

Sa’eed (one of the narrators) said (Translation): ‘Indeed those who carry knowledge said about the perfume of the women, is that it is when she leaves her house. But indeed when she is with her husband, she may use perfume lavishly as she

wishes.’” [Narrated in Sunan Abu Dawud / Hadeeth - 4048 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

9. Did you know that women cannot wear perfume when attending or going to the masjid (Mosque)? Imaam an-Nasaa’i brings a chapter in his Sunan (Translation) “It is Forbidden for women to attend the Congregational prayer (in

And in there he the Masjid), if she has applied incense aroma” brings few Hadeeth, the first narrated by Abu Hurayrah that

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(Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said (Translation):

“If the woman , let her not attend with us applied incense aromathe ‘Isha (night) prayer.”

[Sunan an-Nasaa’i / Kitabul Ziyanah /Chapter 37 /H5128 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

Second Hadeeth narrated by Zaynab, the wife of ‘Abdullah, that she said (Translation), that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said (Translation):

“If one of you (women) attends the congregational ‘Isha (night) prayer, let her not .” apply perfume (Taib)

[Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa’i / Kitabul Ziyanah /Chapter 37 /H5129 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

10. Did you know that it is part of purification for women to use Perfume to purify herself from menstruation? Imaam Muslim brings a chapter in his Saheeh (Translation) “Baab (Chapter/Door) It is Desirable when bathing to purify oneself

And from menstruation to apply Musk to the place of bleeding” in there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by ‘Ahyishah that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said (Translation):

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“Asmaa asked the Prophet (Muhammad), ‘How should one take a bath to purify from menstruation? He said, ‘Take some water for bathing mixed with the leaves of the lote tree and let her purify herself. Then let her pour water on her head and rub thoroughly, that it reaches the roots, then let her pour water on it. Then she should take a piece of cloth with Musk (Attar, Perfume Oil) in it

.’ and purify herself with it

Then Asmaa asked, ‘And how should she purify herself with that ’ He said, ‘Hallow be (meaning with the musk on a piece of cloth)?

Allah! She should purify herself with it.’ Then ‘Ahyishah said in a low tone, that she should apply it to the place of the remnant of the blood.’ Then she asked, ‘How should one perform the bath from legally sexual relationship?’ He said, ‘Take water for bathing and purify yourself with it and purify yourself thoroughly and perform the Ablution. Then pour water on her head, and rub it that it reaches the roots, and then she should pour water on it.’ ‘Ahyishah then said, ‘Blessed women are the women of the Ansaar (they were the people of Madina who helped the Prophet Muhammad from amongst the men and women), they do not let their shyness come in between them in learning to understand their

.” Religion

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth 332 – 61]

11. Did you know that a woman has to take a bath to remove the

smell of her fragrance, if she went out perfumed to the masjid? Imaam an-Nasaa’i brings a chapter in his Sunan (Translation) “The woman has to take a bath to remove her perfume aroma” And in there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said (Translation):

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“If a woman leaves to go to the masjid (mosque) wearing perfume, then let her take a bath, as she takes a bath for janaba (ceremonial impurity), to remove the smell .” of her perfume [Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa’i / Kitabul Ziyanah /Chapter 36 /H5127/ Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

12. Did you know that Best kinds of Tib (attar, perfume oils, essential oils) are Musk oils? Imaam an-Nasaa’i brings a chapter in his Sunan (Translation) “The Best type of Tib (attar, perfume oil, oil fragrances, musk

and in there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by Abu Sa’eed oils)” al-Khudri that (Muhammad) the Prophet (peace be upon him) said (Translation): “A woman from among the Children of Israel took a ring of gold and filled it .’ The Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon with muskhim) said: ‘That is the best kind of Tib (attar, perfume oils,

’” essential oils, musk oils) [Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa’i / V6 / H5122 / Authenticated Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaani]

13. Did you know that one should use Tib or something that is of good aroma, after answering the call of nature? Al-Imaam Muslim brings a Baab (Door/Chapter) in his Saheeh (Translation) “Baab: The manner of Taking a Bath after

and in there he brings the performing Legal sexual intercourse” Hadeeth narrated by Ibn ‘Abbass, that his aunt Maymunah said (Translation),

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“I placed water near the Messenger of Allaah, so that he may take a bath, to purify himself from Jaanaba (Legal sexual intercourse). He washed both palms twice or thrice, thereafter he placed his hand into the basin, then he pour water over his private parts and then washed it with his left hand, thereafter he rubbed his left hand on the earth, and he struck his hand with it

Then he performed ablution the way ablution is powerfully. performed for Prayers. Then he poured three times on his head water, then he washed his whole body, then he moved from the place he was standing, he then washed his feet’s. Then I brought him a towel and he didn’t take it.”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim / H317 / Book of Menstruation]

14. Did you know that one of the most desired thing from this world to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was Tib (attar, perfume oils, essential oils, musk oils)? Imaam an-Nasaa’i brings a Baab (chapter or door) in his Sunan (Translation) and in “Baab (chapter or door) Love for women” there he brings the Hadeeth narrated by Anas, that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said (Translation): “Loved to me from the earth, are women and the and perfume, comfort of my eyes is in the Prayer”

[Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa’i / V3 / Kitab 37 /H3945 / Authenticated as Hadeeth Hasan Saheeh by Imaam Albaani]

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15. Do you know what are the Best Tib (attar, perfume oils, essential oil, musk oils) for men and women are?

Imaam at-Tirmidhi brings a Baab (chapter or door) in his Sunan (Translation) “Baab (chapter or door) what has been said about

and in there he brings the Hadeeth the Tib for men and women” narrated by Abu Hurayrah, that (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allaah (Peace be upon him) said (Translation): “Indeed the Best Tib (Perfume Oil, Attar, Essential Oils, Musk

for men is theOils) fragrant that is apparent and the colour is And the hidden. Best Tib for women is what is apparent in

.” colour and hidden in smell

[Narrated in Sunan at-Tirmidhi / V3 / Book of Manners /H2788/ Authenticated as Hadeeth Hasan by Imaam Albaani]

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بســم اهلل الرحمن الرحيــــــــم

Meaning of some of the terminologies that were used in the Quran and the Hadeeth about What Is the Meaning of

Tib (Attar, Perfume Oil, Musk…)?

For the word Tib is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language

Tahw, Yaa, Baa and the meaning of the word indicates to طيب

the following: "To be good, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, delicious, to please, to regain health, ripe, to ripen, recover, cheerful, in good spirits, feeling happy, to heal, cure, mind at rest, goodness, sweet

." smelling, fragrant, and sweet scented

[Hans Wehr Dictionary / P577-578]

They all describe what are Tib (attar, perfume oils, oil perfumes, oil fragrances, musk oils, essential oils). For the word Tib is an Arabic word and is used by the Arabs and in the Islaamic world. As for the word Attar it’s meaning is the same as Tib. And It is more commonly used in the Indian Sub-Continent, and In the West Tib is known as perfume oils, musk oils, essential oils, oil perfumes, oil fragrances, perfume, fragrances and many other names all referring to the above description of the word Tib.

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1. What is the meaning of Misk (Musk)? For the word Misk (Musk) is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language

Meem, Seen, Khaf and the meaning of the word indicates ممسك

to the following:

“…The concluding Musk (i.e. with which, originally, a letter

was finally perfumed (sealed), the best following in the end,

the crowning touch ” .

[Hans Wehr Dictionary / P909]

2. What is the meaning of Reehh? For the word Reehh (a breeze with a fragrance) is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language

Raah, Waw, Hah = Raohun or Rauh and the meaning of روح

the word indicates to the following: Evening breeze (that is a comfort, mercy and a bounty), refreshment, wind, fart, smell, and odour. And Allaah, The Ever-Merciful says in the Qur’aan (Translation): “(For him shall be) Comfort with a and Paradise delightful fragrant

of Delight.”

[Qur’aan / Surah Al-Waqi’ah 56 / Verse 89]

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And Allaah further says, in Surah Yusuf (Translation):

“And despair not of relief (the word Rauh, was used for relief) from Allaah, Indeed non despairs of relief from Allaah, except

people who are disbelievers (in Allaah, by not worshipping Him).”

Meaning do not despair whatever state you may be in, for indeed, if you are a true believer, you will find relief from Allaah, this good rauh.

[Qur’aan / Surah Yusuf 12 / Verse 87]

And the word روح with a shaddah on top of the waw, which is

pronounced as Rauw-wa-hah, which is from the same root word, and the meaning of the word indicates as follows:

“ .” To fan air, to refresh, animate, revive the heart, the soul

And the wordرحي

Pronounced as Rayyaha, which is also from the same root word and the meaning is as follows:

“To give rest, make relax, make comfortable, provide rest, and recreation.”

[Narrated in ‘Vocabulary of the Holy Quran’ / by Dr ‘Abdullah Abbas Nadwi / P236. – And In ‘Hans Wehr Dictionary of Morden written Arabic’ / P364]

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3. What is the meaning of Raihan? For the word Raihan is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language

Raa, Yaa, Haa, Nuun = Raihan and the meaning of the word رحين

indicates to the following: “Sweet Basil, Aromatic Plants, A highly decorative style of Arabic


[Narrated in ‘Hans Wehr A Dictionary of Morden written Arabic’ / P365]

4. What is the meaning of ‘Abiir? For the word ‘Abiir is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language

Ayn, Baa, Yaa, Raa = ‘Abiir and the meaning of the word عبري

indicates to the following:

“Fragrance, scent, perfume, aroma, redolence.”

[Narrated in ‘al-Mawrid Arabic – English Dictionary’/ P749]

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5. What is the meaning of ‘Arf? For the word ‘Arf is derived from the root letters in the Arabic language

Ayn, Raa, Faa = ‘Arf and the meaning of the word عرف

indicates to the following:

“Fragrance, Perfume, Scent, Aroma.”

[Narrated in Hans Wehr A Dictionary of Morden Written Arabic / P605]

6. Did You Know Tib are the Drive of our Souls and the Power of our Bodies?

Ibn Qayyim mentions in at-Tib an-Nabawi (Translation): "Tib are the fuel of the soul, which is the engine of the powers of the body. Therefore, various strengths and powers in the body are nurtured in the presence of Tib (attar, perfume oils essential oils). Similarly, the powers of the body are nurtured by consuming food and drink, feel comfort and elation, being close to loved ones, receiving good news and by the absence of hateful, disliked persons whose presence is heavy on the heart. Indeed, associating with disliked persons weakens the strength and causes sadness and depression, just as the affect that fever

.” and foul odour have on the body

It also has good effect in preserving good health and removing

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many ailments because owning to its stimulants that which helps activate the instinctive powers that the body may enjoy."

[Narrated in Medicine of the Prophet /p317]

7. Did you know Allah (God) Loves for His Creation Tib? ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’oud narrated the Prophet (Muhammad) صلى

:said (Translation) هللا عليه وسلـم

“No Paradise for the one that has in his heart an atoms weight of Pride. A man said, ‘Indeed a man loves that his garments be elegant and likewise his shoes.’ He said (Translation), ‘Indeed Allaah is Beautiful and Loves that which of beauty, but pride is that you reject the truth and you look down upon the people.”

[Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth – 91] Indeed the Human being, from those things our Natural Disposition leads to, is that which was described regarding the meaning of Tib. Therefore if Tib (attar, perfume oils, essential oils) are the things that drive our soul, mind and body, to be in a state that is of serenity, tranquillity and joyfulness , than it goes true for foul odours and the things that the souls hate and dislikes.

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Therefore attar, perfume oils, essential oils are the things that bring about the feeling of being in Paradise and in a tranquil state of mind that will leave your day, one of joyfulness.

8. Where did Tib Originate from? Attar, perfume oils, essential oils have been known from the time Adam was created, for he dwelled in Paradise with his wife, Eve, thus he did feel and taste the serenity, tranquillity and its beautiful aroma that it is created with. Than Adam was sent down to the earth and its knowledge was passed on from generation to generation, some adapting to it and others coming to learn about the different kinds of fragrances, musk, attar, perfume oils, and essential oils. For Allaah is Beautiful and loves that which is beautiful, therefore the knowledge of Tib and its aroma is not something God (Allah) would let the people forget as we’ve learnt from the saying of Allaah the Al-Mighty Himself, in The Mighty Qur’aan and in the saying of Muhammad the Last Prophet sent to the Mankind and Jinns (ghosts /Demons)

9. Misconception that Tib (Attar, Perfume Oil, Essential Oils Musk Oils) were only known few thousand years ago! Some believe that attar, perfume oils were first known by the kings and royals of Egypt, India and the Arabian Peninsula but this is wrong for it has been known that essential oils, musk, attar, perfumes oils are things of Paradise, than for sure Allaah (God) taught Adam all the things in existent, and as we learnt that nice Aroma are things that are loved to the soul, mind and body, plus it’s from natural disposition and purity of faith. Therefore how is it that it’s only known a few thousand years ago?

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Thus perfume oils are not something that is and was used by the rich as some claim but rather we see and learn that it is for those who seek serenity, tranquillity and joyfulness as was mentioned earlier about the meaning of the word Tib.

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بســم اهلل الرحمن الرحيــــــــم Did you know Tib (Attar, Perfume Oils, Essential Oils, Musk

Oils…) are Cures for various Diseases?

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said (Translation): "There is no Disease Allah has sent down except that He has also sent down a cure for it"

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / H5678]

1. Did you know The Indian Qust (‘ud) Is a Cure for Seven Different kinds of Diseases? Imaam al-Bukhaare brings a chapter in his Saheeh (Translation) " ". In it he mentions the Hadeeth To Sniff the Indian Qustnarrated by Umm Qais bint Mihsan that she heard the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) saying (Translation): "Use the , for it has a cure for seven Indian ‘ud (Qust, kust)different kinds of Diseases. It should be sniffed by one having throat troubles and to be put into one side of the mouth of the one suffering from pleurisy."

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / H5692]

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Ibn Qayyim mentions in at-Tib an-Nabawi (Medicine of the Prophet) (Translation): “There are two type of The Indian ‘ud. One type is used for medical purposes, which is called al-Kust and some called it al-Qust. The second type of ‘ud is called Aluwwah (Aloe wood), which is used it

.” perfume [Narrated in Medicine of the Prophet /p322 – Printed by Dar al Manar in English]

2. Did you know that The Indian Qust (‘ud) is a Cure for Tonsillitis? The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said (Translation): “Indeed the Best Medicines you may treat yourselves with are Hijamah (cupping) and the . And he added, 'You should not sea Qusttorture your children by treating tonsillitis by pressing the tonsils, but " use Qust

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare /H5696]

3. Did you know that The Indian ‘ud (Qust) is a Cure for Pleurisy? In another Hadeeth narrated by Umm Qais, that she took one of her son’s to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) because he had palate and tonsils that she had pressed because he had throat trouble. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said (Translation):

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'Why do you pain your children by getting the tonsils and palate pressed like that? Use for it cures seven ‘ud al-Hindi (Indian Qust)diseases one of which is Pleurisy."

[Narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare / H5715]

4. Did you know that the Indian Qust (‘ud) is one the Best Remedies? It is narrated by Anas that the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said (Translation):

"Cupping and marine " Qust are best of your Remedies

[Narrated Saheeh al-Bukhaare V7/H5696] It is also narrated in Saheeh al-Bukhaare, that the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said (Translation): " for indeed it Treat yourself with 'Ud al-Hindi (Indian ‘ud/Qust),has seven cures; it is to be sniffed by one having throat problems (tonsils) and to be put into one side of the mouth of one suffering from Pleurisy."

[Narrate in Saheeh al-Bukhaare V7/H5692]

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5. Did you know that there are two types of Indian Qust, both has many Benefits? Ibn Qayyim states in at-Tib an-Nabawi that (Translation):

"There are two kinds of Qust, the white kind that is called sea-Qust and the Indian Qust, which is the hottest among them while the white type is the mildest. .” Both kinds have many benefits

[Narrated In Medicine of the Prophet /p331]

6. Did know that Some of the Benefits of Indian Qust (‘ud) are?

Ibn Qayyim mentions in at-Tib an-Nabawi that (Translation): Both kinds of Qust are hot and dry in the third degree, and they dry out the phlegm and colds. When they are taken as a drink, they help weak liver and stomach and colds that may accompany such types of illness. In addition Qust also helps against quartan fever, the pain on the side of the body and poisons. When face is anointed with Qust that is rubbed with water and honey, they heal the spots that appear on the face."

[Narrated in Medicine of the Prophet /p332]

7. Do you know What Galinus (a famous Physician) said about

Indian Qust? Galinus said (Translation): "That the Qust Heals tetanus, the pain in the sides and removes spots, which he called the seeds of the pumpkin."

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Some unskilled doctors are unaware of or deny the Qust has such an effective remedy against the pain in the sides of the body. If these inexperienced doctors became aware of what Galinus has stated about the Qust, they will quickly embrace it as if it was Divine text. Moreover, many doctors have also stated that Qust helps against the pain in the flank that is accompanied by phlegm, the matter as Al-Khattabi related from Muhammad bin Al-Jahm. [Narrated in Medicine of the Prophet /p332 – Printed by Dar al Manar in English Translation / From the work of the Noble the Ocean of Knowledge, the Imaam, shaykh Shams-uddin Ibn Qayyim al-Jwaziyah]

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بســم اهلل الرحمن الرحيــــــــم


In the Name of Allah, All Praise is for Him, as He Deserves, and may the praise and peace be upon Muhammad and his family and his companions and all those who follow them in Guidance up to the Day of Judgement. To proceed: As we said, in our introduction, that it is a great blessing that Allaah has bestowed upon us the faculty to use smell and taste in distinguishing what is good and bad, what is desirable and undesirable, and what is liked and what is disliked. And this can only be achieved by the soul that is thoughtful and alert in pondering the creation, whether it be in the creation of him/herself, or in how the 360 joints in her body is connected together to make up his/her skeleton or more so sophisticated issues like how the planets, solar systems, and galaxies came about and are formed, without a Creator? Can you imagine any governing body without a dictator, whether it be in governing a family, a tribe, a society, or a nation? Then know, this is a Great blessing, that Allah has bestowed the nation of Muhammad with Islaam, as He did with those Prophets before him, but he is the last of Prophets sent to the mankind and the Jinns (ghosts /demons) as a guidance to them and a illumination by which they may attain the Pleasure of their Lord in this world and the Hereafter.

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How sad is it to see, how many people are deceived by the wolfs of mankind as the saying goes:

“People are like wolfs in the disguise of sheep’s”

By using the lawful things in the wrong way or placing the rightful things in the wrong place. How today the biggest consumers of perfumes are women and it is targeted towards them and only Allaah knows best how hard they are trying to fulfil the craves of these wolfs! It is a fact that is undeniable, that these disbelieving people who are not Muslims (meaning those that have not submitted to the Will of Allaah), knows, that by wearing perfume, it incites or calls to the end of its goal! “Illegal sexual intercourse” Zina! The facts are in our faces, but how many eyes are blind and how many ears are deaf, to even hear or see, to understand.

Indeed Allah, The All-Knowing, The All-Wise, says, In a Hadeeth Qudsi (Translation): “…And Indeed I have Created My servants all of them upon the inclination to work/worship Me. And indeed it is the shaytaan (devil) that comes to them and takes them away from the correct Religion. And he (the devil) makes unlawful, what I have made lawful. And he (the devil) orders you with associating partners to Me in your worship of Me, for which there has been revealed no authority (revelation) to him (the devil) to do so….”

[Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth – 2865]

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Allaah the Ever-Merciful says (Translation): “Indeed the devil is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy, indeed what he calls his party to is that they be of the companions of the Fire (Hell).”

[Surah Al-Faatir 35 / Verse 6]

Allaah, The Ever-Merciful, The Creator of the Heavens and the earth, says (Translation): “Shaytaan (the devil) threatens you with poverty and orders you with evil morals. But Allaah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allaah is All-Encompassing and All-Knowing.”

[Qur’aan / Surah Al-Baqarah 2/ Verse – 268] And Allaah the Ever-Merciful says (Translation):

“O Children of Adam! Do not let the Shaytaan (devil) seduce you in the same way as he did with your parents (Adam and Eve) by which they were made to exit Paradise, and he tore off their garment in order to uncover their shameful parts of their nakedness. He and his tribes see you from where you cannot see them (because jinns are from the things we can’t see of the material world). Indeed We have made the devils to be friends and allies of those who do not Believe (by putting their trust with Allaah, and worshipping Him) .”

[Surah Al-‘Araaf 7 / Verse 27]

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Thus the shaytaan (satan) came to our parents, Adam and Eve in the form of a good adviser, and he whispered to them as it comes in the Mighty Qur’aan (Translation): “The shaytaan (devil) whispered to them, that he may strip them so as to expose their shameful of their nakedness, by saying: ‘Your Lord has not forbidden this tree to you, except to prevent you from becoming Angels or becoming those from immortal.’ Then he (the devil) gave an oath to them saying, ‘Indeed I am to you but a sincere good adviser. And thus he cunningly seduced them. When they ate from the tree their shameful parts appeared to them, and they both started to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise. Their Lord called out to them and said, ‘Did I not tell you not to approach this tree and that shaytaan (the devil) is a manifest enemy to you.”

[Surah Al-‘Araaf 7 / Verse 20-22]

Thus he the devil beautified to them his speech so as to allure them to the sin, so they ate, as Allaah the Ever-Merciful, The All-Wise says (Translation), “For the shaytaan (devil) did have them to slip from that which they were enjoying (Paradise). We said, Go down to the earth! We have made some of you to the others an enemy. The earth will be your dwelling place and an enjoyment for a while. Then Adam received words from his Lord, He forgave him. Indeed He is Best of those who accepts the repentance of those who repent to Him and He is Ever-Merciful….Whenever there comes to you guidance from Me and he who follows My Guidance will have no fear nor shall they grieve .”

[Qur’aan / Surah Al-Baqarah / Verse – 36-38]

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How amazing, from the amazing of affairs today that people are happy with artificial over the natural, by which Allah has created things, to the point that we find our Muslim women has fallen for this western trend of the name “Make-Up” that it has become one of the biggest industry of cosmetics worth over Billions of dollars! And we see these same women from the west are leaving this trend! As the proverb goes: “They ate the meat and threw the bones on us, now they want our


So beware O men and women of Islaam! Look over yourself and your families from the evil plots of these wolfs. For we are not in need of falling in to the traps of these wolfs, for Islaam has not left a stone unturned in explaining that which will brings us benefit and harm in this world and the Hereafter, to the point, as we have seen that which is used as an extension to our attires, (Perfume) is explained to us in detail, that there is a smell and an aroma to our soul, our body, clothing’s, our abodes and paradise and likewise these aromas are either a allure to Bliss (the Pleasure of Allah) or it is a allure to seduction of the caprice and both, has its consequences, either you will be in joy and bliss or in a state of sorrow and grieving in the end. Hence what then about those things, that is more important to us in our life then perfume? The Scholars of this Mighty Religion by which Allah, lets no other religion to prevail over it, says, that this word “Make-Up” is alien to the language of the Arab and to this Religion of Islaam.

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Allaah, The Creator of the Heavens and the earth, The King of all Kings, says (Translation): “It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth to manifest it over all religions, although the

.” pagans may hate it

[Qur’aan / Surah Tawbah 9 / Verse 33]

Therefore look O men and women of understanding how the devil has mislead us in using the lawful in the unlawful way and putting the rightful things in the wrong place. To the extent that you would not find an advert or a bill board where a perfume is being advertised except that is has an incitement towards illegal sexual relationships (zina) and that which is apparent from it. And we ask Allaah that He makes us from amongst those who uses the lawful in the lawful way and that we put the rightful things in the rightful places (Ameen). Indeed Allaah the Ever-Merciful, The Most Knowledgeable and All-Wise says (Translation): “Raised by Allaah are those from amongst you who believe (by putting their trust with Allaah, by worshipping Him) and those

.” who attained knowledge, We will raise them in Degree

[Surah Al-Mujadilah 58/ Verse – 11]

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Allaah, The King of all Kings, Creator of the Heavens and the earth says (Translation): “Know you are the best nation ever raised up for mankind, you enjoin the good and you forbid the evil and you believe in Allaah (by worshipping Him).”

[Surah Al-‘Imran 3 / Verse 110] Abi Ruqayyah Tameem Ibn Aws ad-Daaree narrated that the Prophet (Muhammad, Peace be upon him) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم said (Translation):

“This Religion is giving sincere good advice. We (the companions) said, ‘to whom’ he said (Translation),

‘To Allah, to His Book, to the Messenger, to the ruler of the Muslims and to their common folks.”

[Narrated in Saheeh Muslim] Anas narrated that the Prophet (Muhammad, Peace be upon him) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم said (Translation): “By Allah, In Whose Hand in my soul! A salve would not truly believe until he loves for his neighbour or his brother, what he loves for himself.”

[Saheeh Muslim / Hadeeth 45 /72]

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Imam Ahmad narrated on the authority of Abu Umamah that a young man came to the Prophet (Muhammad, Peace be upon him) صلى هللا عليه وسلـم and said (Translation):

"O Messenger of Allah! Give me permission to commit Illegal sexual intercourse (zina)!

The people there surrounded him and started to rebuke him, saying (Translation); "Stop! Stop!''

But the Prophet said (Translation), ‘Let him come close to me’ so the young man came to him, and he said, ‘Have a sit.’

He said (Translation),

‘Would you like it (these illegal sexual intercourse’s to be commit-ted by others) for your mother?

He (The Young Man) said (Translation), "No, by Allah! May I be ransomed for you.''

He said (Translation),

Nor do the people like this (that others should commit illegal sexual intercourse’s) for their mothers.

He said (Translation),

Would you like it (these illegal sexual intercourse’s to be commit-ted by others) for your daughter?

He said (Translation), "No, by Allah! May I be ransomed for you.''

He said (Translation),

Nor do the people like it (that others should commit illegal sexual intercourse’s) for their daughters.

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He said (Translation),

Would you like it (these illegal sexual intercourse’s to be commit-ted by others) for your sister?

He said (Translation), "No, by Allah! May I be ransomed for you.''

He said (Translation),

Nor do the people like it (that others should commit illegal sexual intercourse’s) for their sisters.

He said (Translation),

Would you like it (these illegal sexual intercourse’s to be commit-ted by others) for your paternal aunt?

He said (Translation), "No, by Allah! O Allah's Messenger! May I be ransomed for you.''

He said (Translation),

Nor do the people like it (that others should commit illegal sexual intercourse’s) for their paternal aunts.

He said (Translation),

Would you like it (these illegal sexual intercourse’s to be commit-ted by others) for your maternal aunt?

He said (Translation), "No, by Allah! O Allah's Messenger! May I be ransomed for you.''

He said (Translation),

Nor do the people like it (that others should commit illegal sexual intercourse’s) for their maternal aunts.

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Then He put his hand on him and said (Translation),

ر ق لبه، وأحصن ف رجه» «اللهم اغفر ذن به، وطه

O Allaah! Forgive his sin, purify his heart and guard his chastity.

After that the young man never paid attention to anything of that nature.

[Narrated in Tafsir Ibn Kathir /Surah Al-Isra / Verse 32 – Also in Silsilatul Hadeeth as-Sahihah / Hadeeth – 370]

Allah, The Most Beautiful, The Most Forbearing, says (Transla-tion):

“And do not Approach illegal sexual intercourse! Indeed it is evil shameful deed, and it opens paths (to greater evil, the end,

.” Wrath of Allaah)

وال ت قربوا الزن إنه كان فاحشة

[Quran /Surah 17 / Verse 32]

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And the End our call is all Praises is for Allaah, Lord of the worlds.

How perfect is Allaah free from any imperfection, O Allaah! To You belongs all Praise, And I bear witness there is none worthy of worship in truth except You. And I turn to You in forgiveness and repentance.

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1. Tafsir Ibn Kathir - Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

2. Saheeh al-Bukhaare – Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

3. Saheeh Muslim – Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

4. Sunan Abu Dawud – Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

5. Sunan At-Tirmidhi – Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

6. Sunan An-Nasaa’i – Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

7. Sunan Ibn Majah – Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

8. Riyadh us Saliheen – Printed by Dar Kotob al-Ilmiyah – In Arabic & English

9. Sunan Abu Dawud – Authenticated by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albani

10. Sunan At-Tirmidhi – Authenticated by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albani

11. Sunan An-Nasaa’i - Authenticated by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albani

12. Sunan Ibn Majah – Authenticated by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albani

13. Saheeh al-Jaami’ 14. Medicine of the Prophet – Printed by Dar al-Manarah – In


15. Hans Wehr A Dictionary of Morden Written Arabic 16. Al-Mawrid A Morden Arabic – English Dictionary 17. Vocabulary of the Holy Quran 18. The Qur’aan – Arabic text with corresponding English

Meanings – Printed by Saheeh International

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19. At-Targeeb wat-Tarheeb – Checking by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albani

20. Silsilatul Hadeeth as-Sahihah – by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albani

21. The Beneficial words that Correct common mistakes: 80 Related to Creed, 99 Errors Related to Purification, 90 Errors Related to Mosques, 40 Slips of the Tongue - Printed by Dar Makkah al-Mukarramah

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