Band 7.0-9.0 (CEFRC1-C2) words word definition example Band 5.5-6.5 (CEFRC1-C2) equivalent Instructions

8th Grade Reading Comprehension Successdl3.ieltsmatters.com/Samples/Vocabulary_for_IELTS_Writing_Task_2-Band... · Band 7.0-9.0 (CEFR C1-C2) words word definition example Band 5.5-6.5

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Page 1: 8th Grade Reading Comprehension Successdl3.ieltsmatters.com/Samples/Vocabulary_for_IELTS_Writing_Task_2-Band... · Band 7.0-9.0 (CEFR C1-C2) words word definition example Band 5.5-6.5

Band 7.0-9.0(CEFR C1-C2)words




Band 5.5-6.5(CEFR C1-C2)equivalent


Page 2: 8th Grade Reading Comprehension Successdl3.ieltsmatters.com/Samples/Vocabulary_for_IELTS_Writing_Task_2-Band... · Band 7.0-9.0 (CEFR C1-C2) words word definition example Band 5.5-6.5

to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad

It is important to persuade the patient to abstain completely from alcohol.

abstain (v) avoid

speed upquicken

Biotechnology will continue to advance and its rate of advance will accelerate .

to happen or make something happen sooner or faster

accelerate (v)


Many of the e-mails that people receive are written in an extremely rude and abrupt tone.

sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasantabrupt (adj)

very badawfulterrible

York University had an abysmal five per cent turnout, in part because in the previous year they hadn't had an election.

extremely badabysmal (adj)

cut downlessenreducedecreaseThe challenges of rising health care costs and

Medicare premiums will not suddenly abate.

to become less strong, intense or widespreadabate (v)

different from what is typical or usual

Indeed, it was aberrant of him to accept the job and downright silly of the government to appoint him.

aberrant (adj) abnormalatypical

the place where someone lives

Another group of about 1,000 protesters said they were fighting for the right of abode for their mainland relatives.

abode (n) homehouse


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to finish something successfully or achieve something

To accomplish this efficiently, products are organized into product families that typically share common platforms.

accomplish (v) achievesucceed incompleteconcludefinish

focus attention ondraw attention topoint upstress

Instead of focusing on the length of your cut, concentrate on accentuating your best feature.

to emphasize a particular feature of something or make something more noticeable

accentuate (v)

praisespeak highly oflaud

She is now acclaimed as a successful musician who can sing in eight languages.

to approve publicly and praiseacclaim (v)

get usedadjustadapt

Athletes should be advised to acclimatize for at least three to four days before exerting in the heat.

to cause to change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc.

acclimatize (v)

to collect a large number of things over a long period of time

Google and the Internet means that we can accumulate vast quantities of information with little effort.

accumulate (v) gathercollect

having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course

Heliox is a unique therapy for acute asthma because it decreases airway resistance without changing the diameter of the airway.

acute (adj) sharpseverekeen

to accept or admit the existence or truth of

The international man, however, does always acknowledge his debt of gratitude to his parents and to the other members of his family.

acknowledge (v) admitaccept


Page 4: 8th Grade Reading Comprehension Successdl3.ieltsmatters.com/Samples/Vocabulary_for_IELTS_Writing_Task_2-Band... · Band 7.0-9.0 (CEFR C1-C2) words word definition example Band 5.5-6.5

existing or happening now

In the specialised discourse of contemporary scholarship, the connection between learning and living is often lost.

contemporary (adj) modernup-to-datepresent-day

a state of happiness and satisfaction

This entity enables everybody to enjoy a happy life of working and living in peace and contentment.

contentment (n) satisfactionhappinesspleasurecheerfulness

something that might possibly happen in the future

The campaigner said the contingency engineering plan would offer a legally, economically and environmentally advantageous solution to the current route.

contingency (n) incidenthappeningoccurrence

neighboringborderingnext-doortouchingThe continental United States is contiguous with

Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.

sharing a common bordercontiguous (adj)

causing or likely to cause an argument

Analogous battles over school finance issues will likely become just as contentious and prolonged.

contentious (adj) disputabledebatablecontroversial

to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime

The jury convicted you on the basis of observations, phone calls and books on that basis.

сonvict (v) find guiltysentence

making you feel happy and welcome

Traditionally set tables are far enough apart to be intimate but close enough to augment the convivial atmosphere.

convivial (adj) friendlylivelyenjoyable.