8 Parts of Speech Camille F. Dalisay VII- 17

8 Parts of Speech

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8 Parts of Speech

Camille F. Dalisay VII- 17

*Noun- names a person, place, thing, or idea*Adjective- modifies a noun or a pronoun and answers these questions: which? what kind of? how many?*Adverb- modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb and answers these questions: when? where? how? how much? why?*Pronoun- is used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns*Preposition- shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to some other word in a sentence*Interjection- expresses emotion and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence*Verb- expresses an action or a state of being*Conjuction- joins words or groups of words (phrases or clauses)

Somewhere along the road between the beginning and ending, there is a perfect moment for every living soul.Gladys BellAs days went by, I didnt even saw how I grew up this fast. I am now in the hub of generation where change is far and wide.Fashion, music, technology, buildings and different places had an enormous transformation. And its hard to tell between what is true or not, what are the originals and the fake ones. And the most poignant part is people change as well.We didnt notice how far we turn into because of our hectic timetable. Nevertheless, the whole thing is going to modernize as our lives continue on earth, whether we like it or not. But despite those things, we still possess unusual spirit. We keep on meeting people, from being stranger to intimate friend and we will come up into this thing when perfect moment is attained. We, people, have dissimilar discernment towards everything. And the word perfect is awfully hard for us to discover. Theres perfect love, perfect family and perfect life. I keep thinking what is after the word perfect? I remember back when, everything seemed so just right. No problem to think on, fewer pressure and fear. People came and went off without uncertainty. No heartbreaks. No pains. Life is just as easy as that. But as maturity went through, I realized that my perfect moment came from nowhere. I am in the middle of somewhat delusion. I dont feel like to go on with my years and stay where everything was wonderful. I am trapped in the times of yore. In times where I find irresistible how people think about me every time, the way they treat me and how they make their days with my company. I do whatever I feel like. I go off somewhere with my friends and make a festive moments. I am loved by the person I love the most. And for me, thats my perfect moment. The whole thing was very well. Now, the realizations hold the fort. Its time to get over with what went before. Yes, memories are the utmost thing that we can think of whenever we feel like. But we cant do anything to change it. We shouldnt live there forever. The finest thing to make is, accept the reality and move on with the past. Perhaps it is not yet the time for the perfect moment. Its not so far the end. As long as the humankind keeps on surfacing, there may possibly more than one perfect time for everything. And our life will continue as it should be.