7 Steps to Great Sales Created by: J.C. Patrick, KUHF & June Fox, DEI Copyright © 2010 Houston Public Radio & DEI. All Rights Reserved. These materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission.

7 Steps to Great Sales Created by: J.C. Patrick, KUHF & June Fox, DEI Copyright © 2010 Houston Public Radio & DEI. All Rights Reserved. These materials

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7 Steps to Great SalesCreated by: J.C. Patrick, KUHF & June Fox, DEICopyright © 2010 Houston Public Radio & DEI. All Rights Reserved.These materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission.

1. Prospecting


• Think in terms of categories –

• Then, broaden them for your market


Entertainment• Clubs/Pubs• Music venues• Theatres• Restaurants• Pool halls• Dance clubs• Liquor stores (if allowed)


Professions• Law firms• Temporary agencies• Tax preparers• Bail bondsmen• Test preparation


Medical• Elective surgery• Dentists• Family planning• Health insurance• Clinics/general physicians• Pharmacies• Eye doctors/vision correction• Glasses/contact lens

Look around!

• Who’s in the campus paper?

• What’s happening in the area?

• What time of year is it?

• Who used to be on the air?

Plan A


You should be prospecting new clients about THREE MONTHS before they want to be on the air!

For E


You should be prospecting JANUARY clients NOW!!

• Weight loss/Smoking cessation programs• Exercise classes/Yoga/Personal trainers• Health food stores• Book stores for spring semester• Insurance companies (renters)• Test prep centers (grad school exams)• Spring break travel planning• Tax prep services• Florists/jewelers for Valentine’s Day

2. Active L


Active L


• How to sell to them

• How to close the deal

• How to write copy

• How to overcome objections

• How to make the sale

It’s all about asking the right questions!

Types of Q


• Discovery

• Leading

• Closing

• Involvement

Facts A

bout Listening

• Good communicators spend at least 40% of their time listening.

• About 35% of their time is spent talking.

• About 16% of our time is spent reading.

• 9% of our time is spent writing.

What K

ind of Listener

Are Y


• Poor

• Average

• Empathetic

Test Y


• Did you listen intently to what they were saying?

• Did you make eye contact several times?

• Did you repeat back important points to be sure you understood them?

Test Y


• Can you now accurately repeat the details to someone else?

• Do you recall their body movements? Arm position? Eye contact?

• Did they repeat a point several times? What was it?

Getting Y

our Client’s


• Make sure the room is comfortable and distraction-free

• Ask questions to get them to relax or communicate

• Maintain eye contact when speaking

• Use their name in sentence to pull them back

Getting Y

our Client’s


• Avoid being critical or judgmental

• Watch their body language

• Don’t let visual aids distract the listener

• Ask questions about the conversation that are relevant to your product

More on B

ody Language

• Engaged?

• Open?

• Confident?

• Procrastinating?

• Resistant?

• Bored?

• Ready to close?

3. Gatekeepers &

Voice M


Plan Y

our Call

• Determine what you want to accomplish– Appointment?– Delivery?– Answers?– Close?– Referral?

• What does success look like?

Getting an A


• Use their name

• State your first & last name

• Answer WIIFM

• Have a script

• Use your voice well

• Creative visual imagery

Stick With It

• Do cold calls in blocks of 20

• It usually takes 6 calls to get 1 appointment

• Pre-qualify your calls

• Don’t ask if it’s a good time

• Use a script

Never Schedule M

ore T

han 5 Days in A


• Monday = T/W/Th/F

• Tuesday = W/Th/F

• Wednesday = Th/F/M

• Thursday = F/M/T

• Friday = M/T/W


-Up C


• Identify yourself

• Remind them of the last call

• State the purpose of this call

• Move forward to the next step

Getting P

ast the G


• What a screener does

• Be nice

• Use their names

• Don’t present to them

• How to ID yourself

• Have answers ready

• Create anxiety

Leaving a V

oice Mail

• Buyers are busy!

• How to guarantee you’ll be deleted

Key E

lements of a


erful VM


• Use mystery• Use referrals• Quickly get to the point• Keep it short• Make it interesting• Hold your company name til the end

of the call• Speak clearly• Don’t leave a message on the first


Sample V

M Scripts

Hello, Mike, I heard your commercial on the radio the other day, and I had a question about it. Could you please call me back? My name is John Smith, and my cell phone number is 555-444-3333.

Sample V

M Scripts

Hello, Sue, I’m in front of your location on Elm Street, and I noticed that your street numbers aren’t visible from the street. You can reach me on my cell at 555-444-3333, and my name is Tom.

Sample V

M Scripts

Hello, Susan, I’ve heard nothing but good things about your company, but there are a couple of things that I’d like to talk with you about. Could you give me a call back? My name is Angie, and my cell phone number is 555-444-333. Thanks!

4. CN




Customer Needs Analysis

You can’t help them until you

know what they need

5. Station Information

KUHF’s listeners spend over $67 million on elementary and high school tuition each year,

averaging almost $8,000 per household.

Media Audit Annual Consumer Buying Power Report, 2009

Results without sales tactics.

That’s public radio.

KUHF’s listeners are united in a common belief in education, being 186% more likely than the average Houstonian to hold an advanced college degree. This is reflected in their spending patterns:

Over $12 million spent on boy’s/girl’s uniforms Almost $11 million spent on books/supplies for elementary/high

school Over $139 million spent in college tuition Almost $15 million spent on books/supplies for college Almost $3 million in cash contributions to educational institutions

The Media Audit, A/18+, Nov 08 – Jan 09/Jun – Aug 09, KUHF. NPR and Jacobs Media, 2007

95% of listeners have taken direct action as a result of NPR sponsorship.

Support thought radio.

P: 713.743.0887 F: 713.743.0868 www.kuhf.org

NPR news and information. Classical music. Quality programming for a complicated world.

KUHF ‘s listeners are 113% more likely than the average Houstonian to plan a cosmetic surgery or procedure in the next year. 80% of our listeners have a more positive opinion of a company when they find out it supports public radio. 95% of listeners have taken direct action as a result of NPR sponsorship. The Media Audit, Nov 08 – Jan 09/Jun – Aug 09, KUHF NPR & Jacobs M edia, 2007

RReessuullttss wwiitthhoouutt ssaalleess ttaaccttiiccss..

TThhaatt’’ss ppuubblliicc rraaddiioo..

NPR news and information. Classical music. Quality programming for a complicated world.


Support thought radio.

P: 713.743.0887 F: 713.743.0868 www.kuhf.org

6. Overcom

ing O



ing O


“Well, I’m not sure…”

7. Closing the Sale

Closing the Sale


Closing the Sale

• Schedules

• Contracts

• Copy

Closing the Sale

The renewal starts