7 DAY KICK START Get the tools to get on track in 7 days WWW.FOREVERFIT.TV/7DK

7 DAY KICK START - Amazon S3 · By taking the steps to follow the 7 day kick start program you will lose weight, have more energy, feel better, and be well on your way to creating

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7 DAY KICK STARTGet the tools to get on track in 7 days



“It is health that is real wealth and NOT pieces of gold and silver”

Mahatma Gandhi



Welcome to the 7 Day Kick Start Program. You have just invested in your health and wellness. By taking the steps to follow the 7 day kick start program you will lose weight, have more energy, feel better, and be well on your way to creating a better and healthier version of yourself.

This 7 Day Kick start is just that, a kick start into your wellness journey. It’s not a quick fix so you can’t expect miracles to happen in 7 days, nor do you want to go back to your old habits after 7 days. This is a program designed to give you the education to help you transform your health and find great energy and well being. I want this program to set you up for long-term success.


Beginning A Journey Of Real Health And Wellness



Before we dive head first into this, I want you to figure out your why!

Why do you want to make changes? Why do you want to do this program? You need to discover why this is important to you. Write this down and use this as a guide to get you through these 7 days.

Take some time out just for you, sit outside and stop thinking about everyone else. Take a moment to think about YOU. Be selfish, and take a few minutes to really think about yourself. Why do you want to succeed on this program?

I want to give you the power to really make positive changes in your life. To give you the framework to get results and be successful. The great thing about outlining your goals first is it sets you up with the right mindset to success. Your goals are unique to you and you only. Don’t worry about anyone else at this point. Make your goals important to you. What matters most is that you get what you want, and this is what will separate you from those out there not getting results and doing the same old things they have always done. Don’t be afraid to step out from the crowd and do what is important to you.


Creating a solid foundation



So what are your goals??Here are some examples

1. Kick start my weight loss journey2. Create energy from the food that I eat3. Get good quality sleep4. Learn how to eat clean5. Get rid of processed foods form my diet6. Increase my intake of nutrient dense foods7. Avoid gluten8. Burn body fat9. Remove sugar from my diet

Take the time right now to get a pen and paper and write down your goals. Make them real, and make them significant to you. This is a really important step of this program.


Time to know what it is that you want....




Time to know what it is that you want....

ACTION PLAN : Take NotesWrite down NOW what your goals are. Break it into short and

long term. Take a leap and dream big!

Where the mind goes the body will follow!Now that you have taken some time out to think about your goals, I want you to go deeper! I want you to ask yourself some questions. I want you to keep these answers with your goals and I want you to look at these every morning for the next 7 days.

When answering these questions I want you to write as if you are looking at yourself at the end of these 7 days. What will your day look like? Who will you be and how will you feel? Visualize that person. Make it realistic and set yourself the goal of making that person come to life.

How To Do Goal Setting

How many times have you started a new regime or plan and failed? How many times have you started something and not finished it? It is ok to admit this is what you may have done in the past. I have done this plenty of times, and so have most others who are honest with themselves.

What make this program successful is that you aren’t going to let this happen again. I want to give you the tools to bring this to life. So many people read a book, follow a new plan with the intentions to lose weight or slim down. They don’t end up succeeding because they don’t put the structure in place to be successful. This is what we are going to do.


But Why More Goals?

You have the power to make your reality......

It is designed to provide you with a 7 day structure, which you can then repeat each and every week until you reach your goal. If you decide to do this, each week you need to modify your goals, set new ones and challenge yourself more. This is how you create a winning mindset and you succeed.

So lets get deep.......

Grab a pen and paper and lets get writing. I have some questions I want you to answer...

• In 7 days from now what will your ideal day look like?• In 7 days from now how will you as a person feel?• In 7 days from now what is your nutrition and exercise going to look like?

Example “In 7 days from now I will wake up without an alarm clock and I will feel refreshed. I will make a delicious breakfast that gives me energy and I will be a positive person to be around. In my day I will include exercise and choose healthy food options. I will get to bed early in order to repeat this the next day.”




In 7 days from now how will I as a person feel?


Lets go deeper with your goals........

ACTION PLAN : Take NotesWrite down what your goals are NOW!

In 7 days from now, what will my ideal day be like?

In 7 days from now what is my nutrition and exercise going to look like?


Now lets go further....

“In 4 weeks time on (say the exact date) I will be heading out shopping and buying myself a pair of size ? jeans and a great top. I will be then wearing that with confidence to a dinner that night with my friends. On this day I will have eaten foods that made me feel amazing, I will have exercised and be feeling great and confident in my own body. I am proud of what I have achieved in 4 weeks.”

Now even further....

In 12 weeks time on (say the exact date) I will be…………………(How will your day look, how will you feel, what sort of person will you be and what will happen on this day?)

Now 6 months....

Now 1 year....

Now that you have a clear vision of what your goals are, I want you to keep them fresh in your mind. Picture yourself at each of these stages. What needs to happen in your day to get yourself closer to those goals?

Every 4 weeks, revisit, revise and revamp your goals. Keep inching yourself closer and closer to where you want to be. Then each day remind yourself of the steps you need to take to get there.


Real Food Real Health



You are what you eat.....


You should stick to this nutrition plan for more than 7 days to get significant results. Aim to lose 500-1kg per week. Sticking to this plan for 12 weeks will result in a real transformation, trust me.

• Eat every 3-4 hours• Eat within 30 minutes of waking up• Eat your last meal 3 hours before bed• Do not skip meals• Have no more than 2 servings of starches or fruit per day. Eat these around your workout

ensuring you have some post workout. If you require more energy have some prior to workout • No alcohol• No gluten• No processed or packaged foods• Eat no food containing hidden sugar. Only sugar to be consumed should be from real food, i.e.

fruit• No fruit juices or smoothies to be drunk. Drink vegetable based smoothies and juices instead.• Keep coffee to only 1-2 cups per day• Only consume real food. If it wasn’t around 100,000 years ago don’t eat it • Drink 2+ litres of water per day• Keep meals to portion sizes



Here is how you should structure your meals...

• Most meals will contain a balanced amount of carbohydrates, protein and fats

• Protein serving will be the size of your fist and included in every meal

• The starchy carbohydrate portion should be the size of your fist

• Vegetables intake is unlimited• A fat serving is the size of your

thumb per meal, e.g. 10 nuts, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tablespoon coconut oil

• Eat only when you are hungry and not because of the time or boredom

• Stop eating when you are full• Stop eating 3 hours before bed



Example of carbohydrates

These are your starchy carbohydrates or fruit. This is to be consumed as 1 fist size per meal. If having fruit, you wouldn’t eat starchy carbohydrates, and vice versa.

• Sweet potato• Pumpkin• Banana• Green Apple• Blueberries• Quinoa• Oats• Rice• Kumara• Yams• Potato• Carrots

Examples of Protein

These are to be 1 fist size per meal

• Chicken• Fish• Pork• Beef• Lamb• Eggs• Organic Greek yoghurt

Example of fats to consume

• Olive oil• Avocado Oil• Coconut Oil• Butter• Almond or cashew butter• Avocado

Base your diet on whole real food



Eat these in unlimited amounts. Think green leafy vegetable and all other above ground vegetables.

• Spinach• Lettuce• Cabbage• Broccoli• Cauliflower• Kale• Capsicum• Beans• Zucchini• Squash• Mushrooms• Eggplant



Foods to avoid

SugarGluten containing products

WheatProcessed dairy products

Processed packaged foodsAlcohol

As a general rule keep your food as close to its natural state. Make food from scratch and avoid

packaged processed foods, dressings and marinades. If your grandmas’ grandma didn’t eat,

than neither should you.

Fill your pantry with 1 ingredient produce


When shopping for food, shop around the outside edge of the supermarket. Shop local and source as much organic produce as you can.

Don’t think your food has to come from the supermarket. Find places locally to source great quality food. Keep you grocery bill down by filling your pantry with 1 ingredient produce. For example a package of gluten free muesli or bread will cost a lot because it has marketing company behind it. It will also contain huge amounts of hidden ingredients, preservatives and additives. Marketing companies get paid big dollars to market to you and put the big prices on them. So don’t be fooled by marketing.

Think of stocking your pantry with 1 ingredients produce. Raw natural whole ingredients. Stock your pantry with nuts, seeds, gluten free grains, nut and seed flours and coconut. You can then make your own muesli and breads from scratch without any hidden costs or ingredients and your dollar will go a lot further. Plus it will be so much better for your health.

Treat meals once a week are no problem. Look at all the treat recipes on my website or on my iOS recipe app called “220+ Clean Eating Recipes” on the app store. You can enjoy delicious food without any hidden inflammatory foods or sugars.



It’s time to move more and



You are how you move.....



Move more! Become a more active person. Include more activity into your day as

much as possible. Walking is AMAZING!! Aim to get 4 hours into your week. You can break this down to 30 minutes each day or into 3 long walks. The more walking you do the better you will feel and the more body fat you will burn.

Stand up as much as possible. If you do a desk job, start standing more. Take breaks in your day every hour and spend time at a desk at standing height. Work up to standing for longer periods of time.

Include either HIITs or LITEs into your week. This is high intensity interval training. If you are a beginner then start with the LITES if you want more of a challenge then do the HIITs. These are short for a reason and intense for a reason. They are about boosting your metabolic rate, using your muscles and your body functionally and shifting your body into fat burning mode. You want to work hard in these workouts and feel the burn. This will help you fast track your fat burning and get results.




Include yoga into your week. We don’t want to be constantly thrashing ourselves, this is why low intensity movement such as walking, yoga and stretching is just as important in your perfect week and should not be left out. This keeps your hormones in check, in particular your cortisol. *Too much cortisol (which is your stress hormone) can cause your body to hold body fat.

This week of exercise and movement is balanced to help you optimize your bodys hormonal response to exercise and get the results you want. When you combine short HIITS/Lites with yoga and lots of walking, you are getting everything you need to help you burn body fat without stressing your body out and over training. Stick to the plan, eat real food and you will get the results.




You will find all the video workouts and a weekly schedule for you to follow on the 7DK website. These workouts are from the Online Gym and I have included exactly what you need for the 7 days. You can mix up the HIITs/LITEs or you can do the same workout and improve on it later in the week.

Monday – HIIT/LITE

Tuesday – Walk 60 minutes

Wednesday – HIIT/LITE

Thursday – Yoga/Mobility

Friday – Walk 60 minutes

Saturday – HIIT/LITE

Sunday - Rest

Getting the balance in your week is going to be the key to your success. This program is combining short effective fat-burning workouts with low intensity activity to help you turn

your body into a fat burner.


Include Yoga and mobility into your week. We don’t want to be constantly thrashing ourselves. When you combine short HIITS/Lites with Yoga/Mobility and lots of walking you are getting everything you need to help you burn body fat without stressing your body out and over training. Stick to the plan and eat real food and you will get the results



Move more! Become a more

active person. Include more activity into your day as much as possible.

Aim to spend 50% of your day moving or standing.

Walking is AMAZING!! Aim to get 4 hours into your week. You can break this down to 30 minutes each day, or into 3 long walks. The more walking you do the better you will feel.


Time to get into action..........

Here are your key rules for success

Drink lots of water. Water makes up 70% of your body and every single cell reaction requires water. So if you are tired then drink water. If you are lethargic drink water first. If you are craving sweet foods, you should drink water. Before you have your meals have 2 glasses of water 30 minutes prior to eating.

Eat on smaller plates and stick to portions. Take your time to eat and don’t eat on the run. Be mindful when eating and stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Don’t stuff your face.


Include either HIITs or LITEs into your

week. This is high intensity interval training. If you are a beginner fitness level than start with the LITES. If you want more of a challenge then do the HIITs.

These are short for a reason and intense for a reason. They are about boosting your metabolic rate and shifting your body into fat burning mode. You want to work hard in these workouts and feel the burn.


Time to get into action..........

Here are your key rules for success



Time now to take action...

12 tips for

1. Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day2. Include as much low intensity movement into your week as you can. Aim for 4 hours per week. Walking is perfect3. Keep foods simple and as close to real as possible4. Keep meals to portion sizes and don’t over eat5. Chew your food and sit down to eat6. Include protein and fat in every single meal7. Avoid gluten and all processed foods8. Remove hidden sugar from diet9. Exercise 6 days per week10. Visit your goals daily11. Take responsibility for the food that you eat as this affects the way that you feel12. Get 8-9 hours of sleep per night in a dark room

It’s about creating real health and wellness

You do this through

FItness : Nutrition : Lifestyle

Helping you become forever!t.


My name is Nicola Reilly, I am a Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle coach. I have been involved in the wellness industry now since 2002. • BPHED, University of Otago (Double major exercise prescription and sport science)

• Chek Holistic Nutrition And Lifestyle Coach 2

• Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

SEND ME AN EMAIL Let me help you on your wellness journey. If you have any questions or concerns, I would love to help if I can.

[email protected]

“ Foreverfit.tv is my way of sharing what I can with you. I want you to thrive and achieve optimal real health and wellbeing “


The Online Gym has everything you need to take action for your health and wellness.It contains complete nutrition plans, meal guides, workout videos and educational webinars. Get inspiration and encouragement from a community of like-minded members. Some will be in the exact same position as you with similar goals and aspirations.

Learn more at www.foreverfit.tv/online-gym