Session Agenda St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church March 25, 2019 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order – Rev. Michael Jinkins Confirmands’ Faith Journeys (in Chapel) Moderator’s Report – Rev. Michael Jinkins Clerk’s Report – Laura Shields Report 1. Revised Session meeting dates No April Meeting May Steering Committee meeting moved to May 13 th May Session meeting moved to May 20 th Action Items 1. Approval of meeting minutes (attached) 1. Congregational Meeting, February 3, 2019 2. Stated Session Meeting, February 4, 2019 3. New Member Meetings Minutes Committee Reports: Community Ministries – Glen Barnett, Chair (Kathy Randall, Vice Chair) o No report Congregational Care – Nancy Rix, Chair o Report on 2019 committee objectives Congregational Life – Allison Tiller, Chair o No report Finance – Harrison Frampton, Chair (Hunter Hill, Vice Chair) o February financial statements Global Ministries – David Stagg, Chair o No report Member Involvement – Brenda Stephens/Margaret Ann Lindsey, Co-Chairs o Update on committee activities

6:00 P.M. Rev. Michael Jinkins · 2020. 3. 5. · Session Agenda St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church March 25, 2019 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order – Rev. Michael Jinkins Confirmands’

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Page 1: 6:00 P.M. Rev. Michael Jinkins · 2020. 3. 5. · Session Agenda St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church March 25, 2019 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order – Rev. Michael Jinkins Confirmands’

Session Agenda St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church

March 25, 2019 – 6:00 P.M.

Call to Order – Rev. Michael Jinkins Confirmands’ Faith Journeys (in Chapel) Moderator’s Report – Rev. Michael Jinkins Clerk’s Report – Laura Shields

▪ Report 1. Revised Session meeting dates

▪ No April Meeting ▪ May Steering Committee meeting moved to May 13th ▪ May Session meeting moved to May 20th

▪ Action Items

1. Approval of meeting minutes (attached) 1. Congregational Meeting, February 3, 2019 2. Stated Session Meeting, February 4, 2019 3. New Member Meetings Minutes

Committee Reports:

▪ Community Ministries – Glen Barnett, Chair (Kathy Randall, Vice Chair) o No report

▪ Congregational Care – Nancy Rix, Chair

o Report on 2019 committee objectives

▪ Congregational Life – Allison Tiller, Chair o No report

▪ Finance – Harrison Frampton, Chair (Hunter Hill, Vice Chair)

o February financial statements

▪ Global Ministries – David Stagg, Chair o No report

▪ Member Involvement – Brenda Stephens/Margaret Ann Lindsey, Co-Chairs

o Update on committee activities

Page 2: 6:00 P.M. Rev. Michael Jinkins · 2020. 3. 5. · Session Agenda St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church March 25, 2019 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order – Rev. Michael Jinkins Confirmands’

▪ Membership – Deanna McLendon, Chair (Louise Schaefer, Vice Chair) o Report on 2019 committee objecives

▪ Personnel – Pete November, Chair (Bob McCleskey, Vice Chair)

o No report

▪ Property – Leigh Ferguson, Chair (Kevin Murphy, Vice Chair) o No report

▪ Spiritual Formation – Sarah Edgecombe, Chair (Patrick Egan, Vice Chair)

o No report

▪ Stewardship – Holly Snodgrass, Chair (George Wilson, Vice Chair) o No report

▪ Worship and Music – Matt Guy, Chair (Rick Grubb, Vice Chair)

Action Item -- Baptism approvals: o Charles Scott Voiles on March 31, 2109 o Lilian Maia Voiles on March 31, 2019

New Business – Rev. Michael Jinkins

• SCAPC Centennial

• Capital Project Campaign Pastoral Care

▪ Rev. Sarah Chancellor-Watson Staff Reports

• Rev. Sarah Chancellor-Watson ▪ Evelyn Audler ▪ Steven Blackmon ▪ Michelle Murphy ▪ Tim Shipkin

Closing Prayer – Rev. Sarah Chancellor-Watson

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St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church Minutes of Called Meeting of the Congregation

Sunday, February 3, 2019

At 11:35 A.M., immediately following the 10:30 A.M. worship service, the Moderator, Rev. Donald R. Frampton, called the meeting to order and offered an opening prayer. The Clerk of Session, Laura S. Shields, affirmed that a quorum was present, and informed the congregation of the following purposes of the Congregational Meeting:

(1) To receive the 2018 Annual Report of St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church, (2) To receive the report on results of the 2019 Stewardship Campaign from the 2018 Chair

of the Stewardship Committee, (3) To receive the 2019 annual budget from the 2019 Chair of the Finance Committee, (4) To elect the Congregational Nominating Committee presented by the 2019 Co-chair of

Member Involvement, (5) To approve changes in the pastors’ Terms of Call presented by the 2019 Vice-chair of the

Personnel Committee, (6) To receive the Moderator’s report, and, (7) To adjourn at the conclusion of these business items.

Item 1: Copies of the 2018 Annual Report of St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church were distributed by the ushers to members of the congregation who were in attendance. Item 2: Parke Ellis, 2018 Stewardship Chair, presented the following highlights as results of the 2019 Stewardship Campaign:

• Total pledges received to date are slightly in excess of $1.52 million.

• The dollars pledged in 2018 represent a 11.4% increase over 2017.

• The campaign is not over yet as there are a number of anticipated pledges to come from members who have not yet made their pledge but have a history of pledging.

• Gratitude was expressed to the congregation for the generous response to and success of the 2019 stewardship campaign.

Item 3: Harrison Frampton, 2019 Chair of Finance, provided the following highlights of the 2018 financial results and the 2019 budget:

• The church ended 2018 with a small budget deficit of approximately $36,000, less than 2% of the 2018 budget.

• The cash position of the church remains strong and there are no outstanding debts.

• Budgeted revenues for 2019 are $2.2 million, a 4% increase from 2018 budgeted revenues. Revenues consist of pledges, Visionary Fund draws and other miscellaneous revenues such as weddings, and gifts and memorials. Budgeted

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expenses for 2019 are also up about 4% from the 2018 budget, with most of the increases coming in the areas of Personnel, Property, and Benevolences areas.

• Visionary Fund assets increased $1.9 million during 2018 as a result of two large gifts from the Mary Riess and George and Virginia Porter estates.

Item 4: Brenda Stephens, 2019 Chair of Member Involvement, presented the following slate of nominees for the Congregational Nominating Committee: Nathan Turner Session Class of 2019 Brenda Stephens, Chair Session Class of 2020 Jeff Mazzanti Session Class of 2021 Jack DeFraites Youth Jeanie Clinton Presbyterian Women Bria Rault YAF Hans Jonassen Senior Adults A motion was made and duly seconded to approve the slate of nominees for the Congregational Nominating Committee. The motion was approved unanimously without discussion. Item 5: With the Moderator and Assistant Moderator absent from the discussion, Bob McCleskey, 2019 Vice-Chair of the Personnel Committee, presented the changes in the pastors’ terms of call which were recommended in the budgeting process. The total compensation for the pastors is comprised of Salary and Allowances plus Reimbursements. The terms of call for Don Frampton, Senior Pastor, reflects compensation earned through his retirement date of February 17th plus accrued benefits due to him at the time of his retirement. There is no percentage increase reflected in the 2019 compensation. The terms of call for Sarah Chancellor-Watson, Associate Pastor, reflects an increase of 6% for 2019. A motion was made and duly seconded to approve the 2019 terms of call. The motion was approved unanimously without discussion. Item 6: In his Moderator’s report, Rev. Donald R. Frampton noted that the longstanding generosity of the St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church congregation has allowed us to remain a financially healthy congregation, despite the small deficit realized for 2018. The effect that the changes in the tax laws have had on charitable giving will need to be studied and paid attention to in our ongoing stewardship efforts. Dr. Frampton updated the congregation about the incoming interim pastor, Michael Jinkins, including his impressive credentials and outstanding personal capabilities. The next issue of The View will be dedicated to him as a means to introduce him to the congregation. Dr. Frampton noted that he would address the congregation on a more personal note during his final service on February 17th.

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Item 7: The meeting was concluded with prayer by Rev. Sarah Chancellor- Watson and was then adjourned at 11:50 A.M. Clerk of Session Moderator ____________________________ _____________________________ Laura S. Shields Donald R. Frampton Date: _______________________ Date: ________________________

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St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church

Minutes of Stated Meeting of Session

February 4, 2019

Call to Order – Don Frampton, Moderator

The Moderator called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Attendance –

Present: Evelyn Audler, Arden Barnett, Glenn Barnett, Steven Blackmon, Jessie Bruggers,

Sarah Chancellor-Watson, Philip Clinton, Jamie DeFraites, Sarah Edgecombe, Patrick

Egan, Leigh Ferguson, Don Frampton, Harrison Frampton. John Galbraith, Rick Grubb,

Matthew Guy, Larry Hamric, Stephanie Haniford, Hunter Hill, Shannon Holtzman, Nell

Lanier, Price Lanier, Margaret Ann Lindsey, Ann Maier, Bob McCleskey, Deanna

McLendon, Julie Nice, Pete November, Kathy Randall, Jane Rasi, Nancy Rix, Susie

Rumsfeld, Louise Schaefer, Laura Shields, Holly Snodgrass, David Stagg, Brenda

Stephens, Ebie Strauss, Jacob Thomas, Allison Tiller, Nathan Turner, Pat Widhalm, Beth

Wren, Scott Zander

Excused: Katie Kuhns, Jeff Mazzanti, Kevin Murphy, Michele Murphy, Tim Shipkin,

George Wilson

Absent: Noah Hardie, Patrick Egan, Mary Dawn Pugh, Conery Schmidt (youth)

Opening Prayer –

The Moderator opened the meeting with a prayer for a meeting from The Book of Common


Clerk’s Report – Laura Shields

Laura welcomed new Session members from the Class of 2021.

Laura noted that the previously scheduled February 25 Session meeting has been cancelled.

Laura announced and distributed a letter from First Presbyterian Church of Panama City,

thanking SCAPC for its Hurricane Michael relief. Laura also distributed thank you notes

received from community ministries that SCAPC supported last year.

Laura called for the approval of minutes of the December 17, 2018 Stated Session Meeting.

A motion for approval was made, duly seconded, and unanimously approved.

Laura called for the approval of minutes of the January 27, 2019 Membership Committee

Meeting. A motion for approval was made, duly seconded, and unanimously approved.

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Committee Reports

Community Ministries – Glenn Barnett, Chair (Kathy Randall, Vice Chair)

Glenn reported on the committee’s 2019 goals, which include: continuing the Fall Day of

Service and White Gift community ministries; expanding the number of community

partners; expanding the size of the committee; and working with the Math and Science

School summer internship program.

Congregational Care –Nancy Rix, Chair

No Report.

Finance – Harrison Frampton, Chair (Hunter Hill, Vice Chair)

Harrison reported on the 2018 year-end financials and noted that there was a slight

$36,000.00 deficit. Budgeted revenue for 2019 is $2.2 million, which is a 4% increase

from the 2018 budget.

Harrison also reported that the Visionary Fund assets have increased by $1.9 million as the

result of two generous gifts from the estate of Mary Reiss and the estates of George and

Virginia Porter.

Global Ministries – David Stagg, Chair

David reported on the committee’s 2019 goals, which include: continued support of

SCAPC’s missionaries; educating the congregation about the committee’s work and

inspiring members to join the committee; forming a sub-committee for Cuba outreach; and

staying within or below the committee’s budget.

Member Involvement – Brenda Stephens/Margaret Ann Lindsey, Co-Chairs

Brenda reminded the Session that representatives are needed for the PSL meeting in Lake

Charles on February 19 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and that compensation for an

overnight hotel stay will be provided.

Brenda also reported on the committee’s 2019 goals, which include: selection of nominees

for the Congregational Nominating Committee; planning and oversight of leadership

training for newly elected Elders; enlisting Elders to serve as Commissioners to Presbytery

meetings; and assessing opportunities for member involvement in church activities.

Membership – Deanna McLendon, Chair (Louise Schafer, Vice Chair)

No report.

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Personnel – Pete November, Chair (Bob McCleskey Vice Chair)

Pete reported that Chris Hazlaris has accepted SCAPC’s offer to serve as Director of Youth

and Young Adults.

A motion to hire Chris Hazlaris as Director of Youth and Young Adults was made, duly

seconded, and unanimously approved.

(The remainder of Pete’s Personnel Committee report was given after Don Frampton left

the meeting.)

Property – Leigh Ferguson, Chair (Kevin Murphy, Vice Chair)

Leigh reported on the committee’s 2019 goals, which, in addition to routine property

maintenance, include: conducting a full review of SCAPC insurance policies; completing

an HVAC and other building equipment inventory and conditions database; establishing

an energy and other utility consumption monthly report and updating it monthly to assist

the committee in finding ways to conserve energy and utility usage.

Spiritual Formation – Sarah Edgecombe, Chair (Patrick Egan, Vice Chair)

Sarah reported on the committee’s 2019 goals, which include: improving communication

among and with our many small groups; exploring options to improve coordination with

other churches in our community by, for example, better publicizing our speaker series

(Sully, Lupberger); and working on a spiritual growth outline regarding how SCAPC hopes

its members will evolve in their spiritual growth as a child, as a youth, and as an adult.

Stewardship – Holly Snodgrass, Chair (George Wilson, Vice Chair)

Holly provided an update on the 2018 stewardship campaign, noting that pledges currently

exceed $1.4 million, which is 11.6% higher than last year. Holly thanked Parke Ellis for

his leadership and efforts on such a successful 2018 stewardship campaign.

Holly also reported that plans for the 2019 stewardship campaign are underway.

Worship and Music – Matt Guy, Chair (Rick Grubb, Vice Chair)

Matt requested and received unanimous approval for the baptism of John Weber Graf on

December 30, 2018

Moderator’s Report – Don Frampton

Don thanked the Session for its service and commitment to SCAPC and reminded he

Session that it is responsible for the mission of the church. Don commented that SCAPC

is a church that is led by its laity as much as it is led by its pastors and professional staff,

which will be especially important during the time that we have an interim senior pastor.

Don noted that he is not at all concerned about the future of SCAPC. In reviewing the

church’s accomplishments since he began in 1994, Don noted that he is “most pleased”

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that SCAPC is a church with a “heart for mission” and that SCAPC has continued to put

benevolences first in all budget decisions. Concluding his remarks, Don stated that he has

a great sense of gratitude and thanksgiving for all that God had done for this church. Don

then excused himself from his last Session meeting at SCAPC and the Session gave him a

standing ovation as he left the meeting.

Additional Committee Reports

Congregational Life – Allison Tiller, Chair

Allison reported on the committee’s 2019 goals, which include: fostering friendships and

relationships among church members; increasing attendance in church events; and looking

for improved opportunities for fellowship.

Allison also reported on plans for the February 17th reception for Don Frampton, which

will be catered by Martin’s. She noted that the committee is expecting a large turnout. She

also noted that the committee could use some additional volunteers to help with the


Personnel – Pete November, Chair (Bob McCleskey Vice Chair)

Pete reported that the compensation offered to Michael Jinkins as interim Senior Pastor fits

within SCAPC’s budget, was approved by the Presbytery, and accepted by Michael Jinkins.

Michael Jinkins will begin on February 18, 2019. Pete thanked Michael O’Keefe for his

leadership and work in securing Michael Jinkins as interim Senior Pastor.

A motion for the approval of the covenant agreements with Michael Jinkins was made,

duly seconded, and unanimously approved.

New Business –

No new business was discussed.

Pastoral Care –

Sarah Chancellor-Watson reported that Bruce Worley and Brent Butcher are recovering

from surgery and that Peggy Hardie, who will turn 103 on Ash Wednesday, has been placed

in hospice care.

Staff Reports –

Evelyn Audler –

No report.

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Steven Blackmon –

Steven reported on plans for Don’s reception and that the Choir is working on the

music program for Palm Sunday.

Michele Murphy –

Michele was not present because she is attending a Christian Educators Conference.

Tim Shipkin –

Tim was not present because he is attending the same Christian Educators

Conference where he is promoting participation in SCAPC’s RHINO program.

Closing Prayer – Sarah Chancellor-Watson offered the closing prayer.

A motion to adjourn was made, duly seconded, and unanimously carried, and the Session

adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________________ _________________________________

Laura S. Shields Donald R. Frampton

Clerk of Session Moderator of Session

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January 2019


Name New Address Hillary Clinton 1935 N. Logan St., Apt. 704, Denver CO 80203 Meg Gammage 914 Fern Street, NOLA 70118 Merrill Ricketts

5532 Garfield St., NOLA 70115 Brad & Claudia Stillwagon 4609 Loyola St., NOLA 70115


Name Birth Date Parents

Laurel Jane McArthur 1/28/2019 Drake McArthur & Katie Kuhns

Susanna Wolfe Lake 1/30/2019 David & Emily Lake


Name Baptism Date

Zena Margot Cook 1/6/2019


Name Wedding Date



Name Death Date



Name Address Phone Date Received Frances Brett Lapeyre* 7618 St. Charles Ave., NOLA 70118 504-676-6647 1/27/2019 ^Received by Transfer of Membership *Received by Reaffirmation of Faith “Received as an Affiliate

©Received by Confirmation


Name Date Made Inactive


Page 14: 6:00 P.M. Rev. Michael Jinkins · 2020. 3. 5. · Session Agenda St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church March 25, 2019 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order – Rev. Michael Jinkins Confirmands’


December 2018 Active Membership (as of 12/31/18) 1113

Gains + 1

Subtotal 1114 Losses - 0


*Membership Total on 1/1/19 1113 *New Members YTD 1

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February 2019


Name New Address Kerri Simon 1342 Huron Ave., Metairie, LA 70005


Name Birth Date Parents

Warren Monroe Stillwagon 2/28/2019 Brad & Claudia Stillwagon


Name Baptism Date

Bonnie Banks Howard 2/3/2019

Abigail Grace Berger 2/10/2019


Name Wedding Date



Name Death Date

Mary Lou “Peggy” Hardie 2/7/2019


Name Address Phone Date Received Wesley Simon* 1342 Huron Ave., Metairie, LA 70005 504- 2/3/2019 ^Received by Transfer of Membership *Received by Reaffirmation of Faith “Received as an Affiliate

©Received by Confirmation


Name Date Made Inactive

Robin Eccles 2/6/2019 transferred to First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood

Ted Eccles 2/6/2019 transferred to First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood

Marguerite Kemp 2/19/2019 transferred to Madisonville Presbyterian Church

Page 16: 6:00 P.M. Rev. Michael Jinkins · 2020. 3. 5. · Session Agenda St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church March 25, 2019 – 6:00 P.M. Call to Order – Rev. Michael Jinkins Confirmands’


January 201 Active Membership (as of 1/31/2019) 1114

Gains + 1

Subtotal 1115 Losses - 4


*Membership Total on 1/1/19 1113 *New Members YTD 2