WorshipSchedule BibleStudy 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. WorshipServices 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Inserts: *ElementaryNews * Calendar of Events *Birthdays * Anniversaries Insidethisissue: FromthePastor 2-3 Noteworthy 4 Primetime 5 Wednesday Night Dinner 5 TheBeauty& TheBeast ofTraditions 6 Student Stuff 7 Women’s Ministry 8 Women’s Retreat 9 SewDay 9 Prayers 11 Faith Riders 11 Financial Corner 11 Deacon’s Corner 11 GPBC on Mission 10 A UGUST 2016 Volume 15 Issue 8 We will be having a Special Called Business Meeting on August 17th for which we will be voting to do some renovation work to our existing facility. The meeting will take place in the Sanctuary. 5th Sunday Service & Homemade Ice Cream Fellowship This Sunday, July 31, at 6:00

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Worship Schedule

Bible Study 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Worship Services 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Inserts: *Elementary News * Calendar of

Events * Birthdays

* Anniversaries

Inside this issue:

From the Pastor 2-3

Noteworthy 4

Primetime 5

Wednesday Night Dinner


The Beauty & The Beast of Traditions


Student Stuff 7

Women’s Ministry


Women’s Retreat


Sew Day 9

Prayers 11

Faith Riders 11

Financial Corner


Deacon’s Corner


GPBC on Mission



Volume 15 Issue 8

We will be having a Special Called Business Meeting

on August 17th for which we will be voting

to do some renovation work to our existing facility.

The meeting will take place in the Sanctuary.

5th Sunday Service

& Homemade

Ice Cream Fellowship

This Sunday, July 31, at 6:00

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Greetings, New Growth Projections/New Infra-structure: The month of July has turned out to be one of the best months of 2016. God blessed us this month with an average of 465 worshipers every Sunday for July which amounts to a 19% increase over last year’s average attendance of 376. That’s pretty amazing especially when you consider that we have had close to two doz-en of our military and young families either relocated or deployed in the last few months. In light of the growth that we have been blessed with this year, along with the additional growth we will potentially have this fall with our new building, it has become clear that we will need to start off with two services in our new building in September. While there are no perfect models, we believe that two services and two Sunday Schools will work best for Grover at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Jeff Gibson, our Sunday School Director, and Pastor Brent, who oversees our educational ministry, are doing a great job of analyz-ing and organizing classes to maximize all of our space needs for the days ahead. Grover has been known for its amazing flexibility and adaptability in past situations like this, so thank you ahead of time for the great spirit you will have in adjusting to our new schedules and class locations.

Yes, it is only a matter of time before we will be moving into our new Worship Center in September, so that means we have some renovation work that needs to be done before we occupy the new building. We will be having a Special Called Business Meeting on August 17th for which we will be voting to do some renova-tion work to our existing facility. First of all, we need to prepare the area for

which our two buildings will merge with one another by adding a couple of walls in old Victory Hall, re-moving a few walls in the existing Children’s wing, and carpeting the area downstairs. By doing so we will be adding several new adult classrooms in old Victory Hall and creating a new hallway that will con-nect to our new building’s extended foyer. We will also be freshening of our whole downstairs area with new paint. Upstairs we need to make a few renovations to our old sanctuary which will become our new Children’s floor. We do not believe at this time that a complete restoration will be necessary, because we will be putting room dividers in our old sanctuary to allow for its use both as a place for Children’s Church, but also a place for classes to meet during Sunday School. This will require a little bit of adjust-ment to our old stage and the replacement of our old sanctuary lighting. We are also planning a mod-ernization of our existing bathrooms upstairs and downstairs, and the appropriate paint in those areas that will be used for children. Along with some other widow modifications and updating, we will be add-ing various signage to help direct people throughout our updated church campus. While the cost will not amount to that much money (Under $50,000 to be paid out of the General Fund), we will be asking for a larger number of volunteers to paint, work, build, clean, and renovate our facility. This work will be done under the supervision of our Trustees the week prior to our moving into the New Worship Cen-ter in September. Yes, we are going to being doing the bulk of this work ourselves all in the matter of about a week’s time. WOW! In fact we are going to be calling it “WOW WEEK”. All of the details will be spelled out in our Business Meeting on August 17th. Begin praying now about your helping us as a volunteer for this great week-long project. Building For Life and Budget Finances: Our church has been so blessed the last few years. Our giving

to the new building has continued to be consistent and sacrificial. We are just about across the $400,000 mark in our giving to the New Building Fund, and the remarkable thing is that with everything being given to our new building, we continue to exceed our budget and all of our mission giving goals. With all the sacrifices our church has made in paying off our new building expenses as they have arrived, we have also accumulated a total of over $200,000 in the General fund of our church for which about $130,000 is undesig-

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nated for church use. This money in the General Fund is completely separate from our Building Fund money. It is from this undesignated General Fund that the committees are recommending that we pay for this final renovation work mentioned above, which will not exceed $50,000.00. Once again, all the specifics will be laid out and voted on in our Special Called Business Meeting August 17th.

Wednesday Night Suppers Begin: August is always a big month because it is when we transition back into Wednesday night services and dinners on August 3rd. So, that means that we will be starting back up our suppers this coming Wednesday night at 5:30 p.m. followed by our Service at 6:15 p.m. Things are going to be a little different this fall for our suppers. First of all we have hired an individual who will be preparing our meals each

Wednesday night, so there will no longer be different groups in the church having to prepare meals. We will be using volunteers to assist in cleaning up each Wednesday night who will work on a rotational basis. In order to compensate our new employee, we will be charging a small fee for the sup-pers starting on August 3rd. Adults will pay $5.00 per person or $12 maximum per family. Children 5 years and younger will eat free, and our youth who come by themselves on Wednesday nights will only be charged $2.50. Reservations will also be required which must be called in by noon on Mondays with the possibility of being on a permanent reserve list. Call the church office to make your reservation for August 3rd now or to put your name on the “permanent list” as I have done—which means you will only have to call if you are not going to be there. Transition Sunday: August 21st is what we call Transition Sunday at Grover. It is that day for which our students move into their new Sunday School classes for the fall season to coordinate with their school grade that they begin at the same time.

Baptism: We will also be having baptism on August 7th in the second ser-vice. There are several who are ready to be baptized, so if that is something that the Lord has been speaking to you or your family about, give us a call and we would be willing to sit down and talk to you about being baptized soon.

Special Deacon Prayer Meeting: The Deacons have set aside Friday night, August 19th at 6:30 p.m., as a special evening for which they are going to be praying at the church altar for all of the special needs of the church. They will be praying for our new church year coming up; they will be praying for our transition into our new worship facility in Septem-ber; and they will be praying for our new Sunday school and worship times. More importantly, they are going to praying for our church fami-lies and any specific need that you might wish them to pray for. You can submit a spiritual need, a physical need, a financial need, an emotional need, a marital or family need, an employment need, or whatever God lays on your heart. Just submit whatever prayer requests you have to the Deacons on a connection card or a half a sheet of paper. We will have a secure Deacon Prayer Box located in the foyer for you to submit your requests. Call our Deacon Chairman, Paul Plumber, at (660) 441-0235 if you have any questions. I appreciate the wonderful ministry that our Dea-cons do at Grover and the leadership that Paul has given to this body. Exciting days are always just ahead at Grover, Pastor Randy

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WOW!! One of the worship services this past week clearly had

more energy than usual. We had some children’s Sunday School

classes attend the first half of the worship service (they are studying music/worship at this time) and the

energy they injected into the sanctuary was evident. They came to “learn” from us and ended up

“teaching” at the same time!! They had some of the same attributes I mentioned last month that the Prime

Time Singers do. The parallels are amazing. They had free body language, genuine authentic facial expres-

sions, singing exuberance and intuitive tenderness just like the veterans. This is a great goal for us to strive

for together each and every service.

The parallel attributes of the youth and senior adults can be very stimulating for our worship. On the oth-

er hand, recent divisive events in our country and negative situations in our own lives can leave us wonder-

ing “why (God)?” and hinder our worship too easily. I would like to share some verses and research that

have been stimulating and also encouraging to me in trying to make some kind of sense out of (what we

might consider) weird, crazy, unjustified, unthinkable, or just plain unpleasant things that happen to us or

around us.

We can be encouraged when reading enough material around these particular verses to gain a contextual

understanding of their meaning. I would also encourage you to pray before, during, and/or after reading,

that the Holy Spirit guides you in your interpretations. These suggestions help us apply the biblical truths

appropriately to your lives.

Below are some verses to read, reread, and/or use as daily devotionals. Allow yourself to meditate on their


Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called

according to his purpose. (NIV)

1 Peter 1:3-7 Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is so good, and by raising Jesus from death, he has

given us new life and a hope that lives on. God has something stored up for you in heaven, where it will never decay or

be ruined or disappear. You have faith in God whose power will protect you until the last day. Then he will save you,

just as he has always planned to do. On that day you will be glad, even if you have to go through many hard trials for

a while. Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth

much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when

Jesus Christ returns. (Word in Life Bible – Contemporary English Version)

Ephesians 1:11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out eve-

rything in conformity with the purpose of his will (NIV)

1 John 5:14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he

hears us. (NIV)

Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts human beings plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. (NIV)

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“Prime Time” Senior Adult Choir

This group is open to all adults 50+ years of age. If this is of

interest to you, contact Dave Robinson at 909-4062 for more information.

Upcoming Dates:

• Tuesday, August 2, at 9:00 a.m. for Practice in the Sanctuary

& 10:00 a.m. at Country Club Care Center

• Tuesday, August 16, at 10:00 a.m. Warrensburg Manor

• Tuesday, August 30, at 10:00 a.m. Harmony Gardens

Come join the fun!

Isaiah 28:29 All this also comes from the LORD Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent.


Proverbs 14:22 Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good

find love and faithfulness. (NIV)

My hope is that services in the future can reach towards the goal of employing

the youth/senior adult parallel attributes in a strong way. Can we strive to be

so spirit-filled that the energy comes through us and effects each other in a pos-

itive way. Are we reaching towards this goal every service? He is worthy…

His Word can bring a peace beyond understanding. For this and many other

reasons, we move forward, both through and beyond our current circumstanc-

es here on earth, “To Know Christ and To Make Him Known” and worship Him through it all.

Till next time… In His Service,

- David

Wednesday Night Suppers Wednesday night Suppers will begin again on Wednesday, August 3rd at 5:30 p.m.

We are changing things up a little bit. First of all we have hired an individual who will be preparing our meals each Wednesday night, so there will no longer be

different groups in the church having to prepare meals. We will be using volunteers to assist in cleaning up each Wednesday night who will work on a

rotational basis. In order to compensate our new employee, we will be charging a small fee for the suppers: adults will pay $5.00 per person or $12 maximum per family, children 5 years and younger will eat free,

and our youth who come by themselves on Wednesday nights will only be charged $2.50.

Reservations will also be required which must be called in by noon on Mondays with the possibility of being on a permanent reserve list. Call the church office to make your reservation

for August 3rd now or to put your name on the “permanent list”.

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The Beauty


The Beast of Transitions

Sarah and I were shocked, amazed, excited, and overwhelmed with joy to discover

that we are pregnant. I still really cannot believe it. I had and have a great father, I have seen Godly men at

Grover train up children, and I hope to be one of those men that glean from their wisdom a wealth of applica-

tions as I become a dad. This transition will certainly change us. It will I’m told impact our sleep, our focus, and

untold other blessings and challenges. I guess that really is the case with any transition that the Lord leads us to

in life. Some are larger than others, but each of them brings elements of beauty as well as beastly elements that

can intimidate.

In the next month or so, by God’s grace, we will enter into our new worship center. This will bring a time of tran-

sition for all of us. We will all be sitting in new seats. I know I can’t wait to see who is brave enough to sit in our

new center section, lol. We will be gathering together at new times for our worship services, 9:00am & 10:30am.

Our Sunday School classes will be meeting at new times and a few may be meeting in different locations. We will

have official times and placements in next month’s newsletter. Transitions are beautiful and beastly.

As we pray and plan through this transition there are elements of beauty. Numerically speaking we will have plen-

ty of room for growth in both our worship services and our Sunday School ministries. Our Preschoolers will have

the entire old Children’s Hall to themselves to grow and call home, our Kindergarten through fifth graders will

be meeting on the main floor for Sunday School at 9:00am and Children’s Church at 10:30am. Our senior

adults will be able to meet downstairs on the bottom level and therefore avoid large ramps and stairs. We should

see a healthy increase of visitors in the coming months who are wondering if Grover might be the place for them

to plant roots and call home. The opportunity for ministry that this new facility will create for our people and the

people that don’t yet know Christ are truly beautiful.

There is also a beastly element to transition and this will not be an exception. When I was in middle school I re-

call waking up at times with tremendous aches as I experienced several growth spirts that were accurately called

‘growing pains’. I am thankful I experienced them, but they took a measure of patience to endure. Likewise as a

church we will need patience to endure this transition. Some of you may be asked to wake up earlier or to meet

later. Many of you will be asked to help serve in our preschool and nursery ministries because it doesn’t matter

how great a churches facilities are if there aren’t the members there to love the children that God brings. Some of

you will be asked to help us in repurposing some of our current space to help with the transition. Once we know

our exact move in date to our new worship center we will be recruiting you to help us in a week that we are call-

ing “WOW!” which stands for ‘Week of Work’. Our prayer and our goal is to be able as a church to do all of our

labor intensive painting, demo, and transitioning projects in a single week. That week being the week between

our final Sunday in our current worship center and our first Sunday in our new worship center. Yes, there will be

growing pains, but Glory be to God who is giving us the growth and is more than able to see us through the beau-

ty and beasts of transition

Together in Christ,

- Pastor Brent

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Deep Roots

This will be my thirteenth year in student ministry at Grover. That means our current group of seniors were in Pre-school when I began here. There is a great blessing in having deep roots. We have seen students get married, have children, go into ministry, abandon the Christian faith, return to the Christian faith, go into the military, begin a career, and everywhere in between. Our desire as a student ministry is not to just be identified as a ‘Youth Group’, but as a group of teenage disciples. Our desire isn’t for students to come, learn something, and go on. But for this to be a serious training ground that will send out influential disciples of Jesus Christ into the military, work force, and college campuses. Put simply, we want to be a resource for parents as they train up their students to grow deep roots. The fact is, these students shouldn’t be segmented from the church, but must come to an understand-ing that they are a part of the local church and have been entrusted with the Biblical Gospel. Youth Ministry done right is a tool for parents and grandparents. We are here to encourage, here to preach to students, here to chal-lenge students to take ownership of their faith as for the first time in their life they experience true freedom as they begin to decide what to do with their time, talent and treasure. If a strong root system in the Christian faith and worldview is in place teenage disciples can do amazing things for the kingdom of God at a young age. May God bless our families, deepen our students, and impact Johnson Country with students and adults who are committed in 2016-2017 to know Christ and to make Him known. ♦ Big Church: Takes place (for August) Sundays @ 9:30am. We like to attend our worship services together.

Not only is it a great time of praising our Lord together, but it is a primer for the discussion and chocolate chip pancakes that are to come at Brunch with Jesus. Parents, if you attend this service, please sit forward with and beside the students. Get to know them as several come from non-Christian homes.

♦ Brunch with Jesus: Takes place (for August) Sundays @ 11:00am. Our goal isn’t just to teach students the Bi-ble, but to equip them with tools so that they will be prepared for a life of contextual Biblical study as they fall more in love with God & His word.

♦ Memory Monday: Takes place every Monday from 2:30-5:00pm that Warrensburg has school. This after school program is awesome. Our High School students ride over after school, while our Middle School stu-dents walk less than a quarter of a mile to “The Park”, our youth area. Our students are met by an incredible team of adult leaders (and one English lab) who will help to knock out their homework, master new memory techniques, eat delicious free snacks, break down sweet theology, and relax with some hilarious games.

♦ Huddles: Our Wednesday evenings informally get kicked off with an incredible dinner with the rest of our Grover family at 5:30pm. Huddles formally run from 6:15-7:45pm. Huddles are all about the students using their gifts: musical, hospitable, serving, & speaking gifts to bless one another through a time of Biblical teach-ing, small group discussion, prayer, worship, and video. Nic Wilson, myself or another speaker brings the word as the students sit at circular tables with their friends that we call “Huddles”. Every 5-10 minutes the speaker asks an application question that the students take ownership of as they try to apply the message to their life and relationships before we continue on.

- Brent

What’s Up in The Park in August: • August 3rd: Dinner @ 5:30pm & Word on the Water 6:00-8:00pm (Hello New 6th Graders!) • August 7th: Big Church @ 9:30am & Brunch with Jesus @ 11:00am • August 10th: Dinner @ 5:30pm & Word on the Water 6:00-8:00pm • August 14th: Big Church @ 9:30am & Brunch with Jesus @ 11:00am • August 17th: Back to School Bonfire & Bubble Soccer 6:00-8:00pm. The Bus will leave and return to Grover.

We will be traveling to the Garneau’s 16 SE 365th Rd. • August 21st: Promotion Sunday – Welcome New 6th Graders on Sunday mornings to Big Church @ 9:30am

and Brunch w/Jesus at 11:00am! • August 24th: Dinner @ 5:30pm & Huddles from 6:15-7:45pm • August 28th: Big Church @ 9:30am & Brunch with Jesus @ 11:00am • August 29th: First Memory Monday 2:30pm-5:00pm

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Girlfriends Café WHERE: Family Life Center Grover Park Baptist Church

DATE: August 4th TIME: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

We will be introducing our Fall/Winter

2016/2017 Women’s Ministry Events.

There will be testimonies from several

people that have been touched by a ministry.

Bring mugs and snacks. Free childcare will be provided.

“For we are the aroma of Christ” - 2 Cor. 2:15 Come for an evening of Girl Talk, Good Times And God’s Word!

You won’t want to miss it! “For we are the aroma of Christ “2 Cor. 2:15

BSU – Our day to serve the BSU has changed from the second Tuesday to the third

Tuesday for this year. GPBC will kick-off the new semester with the first Tuesday night

dinner of the semester on August 16th. Our menu will be a picnic!

Fried Chicken (provided by the Women’s Ministry), potato salad, baked beans, veggies/dip,

and desserts. If you can provide some of the food, serve on Tuesday night or give a monetary

donation, please call/text/email Debbie Weigand at [email protected], 660-909-4930.


Wednesdays 12:00-1:00 p.m.

(Come and go as your time allows)

Front of Church Sanctuary

Is there a loved one in your life whose relationship with the Heavenly Father is in need of restoration?

Are you prayerfully awaiting that prodigal’s reunion with the Father? Many of us have a relative or friend

who has moved away from the Heavenly Father’s house in search of worldly satisfaction. We invite you

to join us in focused prayer as we, through faith, look forward to his/her homecoming. What started as

a prayer group for Parents Of Prodigals (P.O.P) has expanded to include prayer cover for any person

God has given us a burden to pray for, especially those who have strayed from their relationship with

the LORD and who are walking in their own way.

Jesus prayed for us: “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory,

the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.” - John 17:24

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Grover Park Baptist Church Women’s Ministry Annual Retreat

Vibrant Living Conference

Visions of Victory

“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18

September 9 – 11, 2016

Friday 7:00 pm – Sunday 12:00 pm

Registration Friday 5 – 7pm

at Lifechange Camp, Clinton, MO

Featuring guest speaker

Brenda speaks in front of audiences in the same way she talks with a friend over coffee.

The eye contact is there. The sensitivity. The emotion. The honesty. The sharing.

The understanding. As you listen to her, you get the feeling, She knows me. She’s been in my

shoes. Consequently, you want to hold on to every word, to listen to every thing she says.

Cost is $98.00 for full weekend

(2 nights, 4 meals –Breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday and breakfast Sunday)

Cost will be adjusted per individual for partial attendance.

$5 – Registration, $30 per night, $8 per breakfast, $10 per lunch/dinner

Attention Ladies! “Experienced and/or Beginners” Quilters, Knitters, Crochet Groups

Will be meeting in the Family Life Center on Saturday, August 27, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Bring your Projects, Supplies, questions, Ideas! Call Pat Breon at (918) 906-1037 for more information.

Come Sit and Sew with us, or come to learn something new!

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“Do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God”. - Hebrews 13:16

Rheubin L. South - M.M.O.

The Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering is our annual state missions offering. Your gifts through M.M.O. stay in Missouri and support a multitude of ministries that help make disciples, multiply churches and develop leader.

M.M.O. helps provide relief to victims of disasters, advance ministries, train and send summer missionaries and to supports mission projects in the West Central Association.

You might be asking “ Who is Rheubin L. South” and how did we acquire M.M.O.? Rheubin was born in Criner, Oklahoma Dec. 21, 1921, moved to Portales, N.M. and lived

there until he was 25. He earned his bachelor’s degree in 1947 and 3 yrs. Later his Master’s of Divinity degree from SWBT; Fort Worth, Texas. His education was interrupted by W.W.II. He left school to join the Air Force in 1942. He served as a bombardier flying a B-17. He operated out of England flying missions into Germany, France and Belgium. When he returned home

in 1946. He had earned the Distinguished Flying Crosses and 5 Air Medals.

After school he married Verna and opened a dry cleaning business. With success in business and a beautiful wife, he wasn’t happy. After much prayer God revealed his will for South’s life. God was calling

him to preach. He was ordained in 1947 in the same church he accepted Christ as his Savior and baptized in. He sold his business and moved to Fort Worth where he went to seminary. While he served as a pastor

to churches, he also served as a chaplain in the National Guard.

In 1975 he became Executive Director for Missouri Baptist Convention and served for 11yrs. In 1977 he emphasized the need for evangelism in the state and around the world challenging

Missouri Baptist to support the SBC’s “Bold Mission Effort.” M.M.O. was created in 1985.

Suffering from Leukemia, Brother South retired in late 1986. At age 64, South passed away 10 days after he retired.

Grover will promote, M.M.O., starting In Sept. Our goal is $1,500.00.

Our V.B.S. lead by Teresa Collins has again chosen to provide a year of education to 10 students that will attend Grace Baptist School in Mare Rouge, Haiti. This love

offering will forever change the lives of these children and their families. A huge Thank You to our V.B.S. Children and their families for their unselfish giving.

We continue to serve at Shiloh the 2nd Mon evening of the Month, and help distribute food the 1st and 3rd Sat. of the month in the Shilo parking lot.

Please let me know if you are interested in being blessed by going to Birmingham, England or Vietnam in 2017. We are also planning trips to Haiti.

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GPBC on Mission

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May 31, 2016

General Balance $ 216,260.74 Total Tithes Given $ 51,202.09

Total General Fund Expenses $ 37,963.40 These reconciled figures are provided in this format which is for your

convenience only. Complete financial statements which include a balance sheet and income statements are on file and available in the church office.

Date Tithe New Building Worship S.S./Life

5/22/16 $ 8,431.33 $ 3,059.00 425 272

5/29/16 $ 6,507.40 $ 1,303.00 368 239

6/5/16 $ 17,128.40 $ 4,367.00 395 256

6/12/16 $ 7,464.12 $ 2,429.25 402 243

6/19/16 $ 5,986.91 $ 3,223.25 369 277

6/26/16 $ 10,617.98 $ 2,063.00 421 278

7/3/16 $ 14,509.48 $ 3,082.25 463 281

7/10/16 $ 10,160.25 $ 2,419.00 506 281

7/17/16 $ 8,364.09 $ 2,236.25 450 270

Sunday - Amy Hayward, Hughes Family, Jerusalem Ministry, Melissa Woodson, Wilbanks Monday - Those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Tuesday - Miscellaneous Requests Brandon Shanks, Brian & Travis Bonham, GPBC Families, Joshua Woodard, Katrina & Jeff Butts, Lee Johnson, Patsy Terry, Small Business owners, Unspoken Wednesday - Those with health problems Anthony Lewis, Betty Smith, Carol Holder, Cathy Hallock, Christina Pieczynski, Don Hough, Dorothy Jacobs, Fred Busker, Jack Wittman, Jane Whiting, Jerry Schildknecht, Joe Elliot, Keno Haag, Kody Caldwell, Kristen Morgan’s sister, Lucille Clifton, Mark Montgomery, Sujamanas Badger, Trudie, Yvonne Bostick Thursday - Those having and recovering from Surgery. Friday - Those with Cancer Betty Grace Fowler, Bev Lloyd, Billy Carter, Chuck Campbell, Debbie Casey, Dorothy Nickell, Gail Edwards, Gene Ording, Gene Thompson, Hal Hanrahan, Howard Bullard, Iris Pinkston, Joe Wooldridge, Joyce Barber, Kathy Kelsay, Kevine Colburns’ brother-in-law, Kara Sherrin’s Grandpa, Kenny Miller, Mark Carter’s sister, Mary Bennett, Mary Winters Nephew, |Norman Powers, Rich, Rosey, Robbie Parrish, Shirley Mayden, Stan Ritzer, Saturday - Military serving our country and their families, those who have lost their jobs, wisdom for our President and government.

8/7/2016 - Paul Plummer

8/14/2016 - Jeff Gibson

8/21/2016 - Dennis Scherer

8/28/2016 - Steve Fox

Deacon of the Week Schedule:

F.A.I.T.H. Riders

“Bike Night”

Thursday, August 18,

at 6:00 p.m.

Anyone is welcome to join us for a

great time of fellowship together.

Call Kevin Colburn for more information, at 909-9415

or email, at [email protected]

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Grover Park Baptist Church 409 N. Mitchell Warrensburg, MO 64093

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid

Warrensburg, MO 64093 Permit No. 151

Our Staff…

Dr. Randall S. Neal - Senior Pastor David Robinson - Music Minister

Brent Bullard - Associate Pastor of Youth & Education Mark Wigginton - Children’s Minister Tammy Shirley - Administrative Assistant

Ray Fann - Custodian

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Worship 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Shepherd's Place (Children) 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Dinner 5:30 p.m., Family Worship Night 6:30 p.m.

Kids Korner 6:00 p.m. & WNL Kids 6:30 p.m.


Return Service Requested


Tyler Fox

William Crowden

Kevin Norton

Naomi Bell

Robert Ray

Spencer Long

Zoe Long

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Primary Election

9:00 a.m.

“Primetime” Senior

Adult Choir Practice

10:00 a.m.

“Primetime” Sing

at Country Club

Care Center

2:00 p.m. Adult 6

Sunday School Birth-

3 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home Ministry at


5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night


6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Youth

Word on the Water

6:15 p.m. Worship Service

4 12:30 p.m.

Men’s Game Day

6:00 p.m. Girlfriends Café

Pathfinders Dinner at the Golden Corral in Sedalia (leaving the church at 5:15 p.m.)

5 6 9:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Boy Scouts Training

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Missouri Baptist Children’s Home



8 9 7:00 p.m.

Executive Board


10 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home Ministry at


5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night


6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Youth

Word on the Water

6:15 p.m. Wilbanks Mission


7:30 p.m. Missions

11 12:00 p.m.

Heartland Parl.

12:30 p.m. Men’s Game Day





16 10:00 am. “Prime

Time” Sing at

Warrensburg Manor

17 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home Ministry at


5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night


6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Youth

Back to School BBQ

6:15 p.m. Special Called

Business Meeting

18 12:30 p.m.

Men’s Game Day

6:00 p.m. New Vision

6:00 p.m. Faith Riders

“Bike Night”

19 6:30 p.m. Deacon

Prayer Night in the Sanctuary


21 Food Pantry

Transition Sunday

5:00 p.m.

Deacon Mtg.



24 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home Ministry at


5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night


6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Youth Back to School

Swim Party

6:15 p.m. Worship Service

25 Warrensburg

First Day of School

12:30 p.m. Men’s Game Day

5:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Master Gardeners

26 9:00 a.m.

Missouri Baptist Children’s Home

6:00 - 11:00 p.m. BSU Guys Night in

The Park

27 9:00 a.m. Sew Day


29 2:30 p.m. Youth

“Memory Monday”

30 10:00 am. “Prime

Time” Sing at

Harmony Gardens

31 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home Ministry at


5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night


6:15 - 7:45 p.m. Youth Group Huddles

28 10:00 a.m. Women’s

Prayer Group

12:30 p.m. Men’s Game Day


Master Gardener

29 30

G)*+,) P.)/ B.12 342 C67)86 409 N. Mitchell S. ~ Warrensburg ~ 660-747-7196 ~ Email: [email protected]


Annual Journey Canoe Trip


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August Birthdays

John Macy 25 Gary Haller Tom King Ann Steward 26 Steve Baum Sherry Collins Karie Kamm Robert Palmer Rachel Snow Judy Vincent 28 Kristen Morgan Brandi Thompson 29 Elray Doerflinger 30 Laurie Delap Shelby Murphy 31 Allison Adlich Joe Debacker Ashanta Epps Avrie Fox Bradley Kenney Jillian Samson Jim Simmons

15 Gilbert Powers 16 Robin Best Frank Grey David Reynolds Jerrell Votaw 17 Mike Chambers Melissa Yankee 18 Cathy Hallock 19 Nancy Yankee 20 Molly Hughes 21 Sharon Baum Olivia Dumas Olivia Gilkeson Sandra Wood 22 Diane Buttram Diana Huse Diane Samson 23 Faith Morrison 24

1 Brandon Martin 4 Carney Schnakenberg Caroline Schnakenberg 5 Alexis Allen Jo Campbell 6 Wayne Gayler 7 Summer Love 8 Tyler Fox 10 Katie Petty 12 Keri Busker Tannor Ridge 13 Samantha Callaway Denney Jefferson Jim Joyner Aaron Schildknecht Sarah Sheteron 14 Mark Brooks Odes Campbell

Birthday & Anniversary Are you on our Birthday or Wedding Anniversary List?

If not please call the church office, at 747-7196, so that we may Celebrate with you!

August Anniversaries

August 3 ~ David & Diane Thompson ~ 25 Years

August 7 ~ Larry & Kim Cox ~ 23 Years

August 10 ~ Ken & Angela Keirsey ~ 41 Years

August 11 ~ George & Judy Clossin ~ 43 Years

August 13 ~ Bruce & Jane Whiting ~ 40 Years

August 16 ~ Jack & Elaine Thompson ~ 46 Years

August 29 ~ Lee & Sauna Rucker ~ 42 Years

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August 2016

Sunday School


Singing with Miss Marty


Grover Kids


Wednesday Night Live


Hi Grover Family, It is just so exciting to see all the progress of the new Sanctuary going on! I don’t know exactly when it’ll all be done, but it can’t be that far away! When we do get things set with the new building, we are going to be moving to a 2 service structure. One service at 9 and the other at 10:30. We will be needing additional volunteers to help with our kids ministry! We have a neat option for many teachers, to work on a 3-month rotation. If you are interested in serving, please contact Mark or the church office. :) This month we are going to be kicking off Wednesday Night Live. This is an exciting ministry where the goal is for the gospel to “come alive”. Kids in grades K-5th will have the chance to memorize scriptures through fun games, engage in competitions, learn a bible story, and talk through life issues during a “couch time” with an adult leader from our church. I hope your child can come and join us. Our Teaching Calendar for Kids Church: August 7 – God made us beautiful August 14 – Sin Stinks August 21 – Choose to make God your Master August 28 – How to handle Doubt

Have you had a chance to meet

our custodian, Ray? He is a

great guy who works hard

during the week to keep all

of our kids areas clean.

Thank you Ray for your

ministry! You are appreciated.

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Grover Preschool Parkies Newsletter

Please Remember Our Grover Preschool Teaching Team, in your prayers as we minister to our young ones here at Grover.

We are currently in need of teachers, please contact Mark, Melissa, or Margaret if you

may be interested.

1st Service Teachers Lois Dillingham Mary McConnell Dee Anna Neal

2nd Service Teachers

Janet Holmes Gail Grey

Rebecca Norton Michelle and Roger Dumas

Tobi Chambers Kenda Jones

Reggie Nelson David Dahlhoff Paul Plummer

Danielle Owens Cori and Doc Phelps

3rd Service Teachers

Keri Docheff Ashley and Chance Fisher Paul and Cheryl Plummer

Vickie Rogers Heather Roots Marsha Votaw

B.J Nicas Emily and Sam Livingston

Will and Janice Hughes

Our Leadership Team Melissa Plummer (Nursery Director)

Michelle Dumas

(Preschool Director)

Mark Wigginton (Children's Minister)

A Word From Our Sponsors

Hi there, Melissa here. Well, it’s August again and some will moan

while others celebrate about going back to school. I love when school

begins and suddenly classrooms come alive as children greet teachers

and friends. What an opportunity we have to be able to spread the

good news. Each day students will encounter stories, songs, and

situations that can open doors for sharing about the love of God.

As students head back to school, be in prayer about how God can

use them to share the Good News, no matter how old and counsel

each other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing Psalms and hymns

and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. Colossians 3:16

One special need we have is for workers! As our building nears

completion we will be moving to two services, at 9 and 10:30 upon it's

completion. We are asking for workers to help on a 3-month

rotation. We are going to need lots of help in our new little nursery :)

Brandon and Ashlee Cowperthwaite (Vacation Bible School Nursery Worker)

A big thank you to the Cowperthwaite family. During our recent Vacation Bible School Brandon and Ashlee served in the nursery. Every night they were there early as VBS workers dropped off

their kids in their caring hands. I appreciate the time and sacrifice that Brandon and Ashlee made by coming and loving on these children.

Thank you Brandon and Ashlee.

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August Preschool NewsAugust Preschool NewsAugust Preschool NewsAugust Preschool News

What's NEW:What's NEW:What's NEW:What's NEW:

What's been happening:What's been happening:What's been happening:What's been happening: Parents Corner:Parents Corner:Parents Corner:Parents Corner:

Dates to Remember:Dates to Remember:Dates to Remember:Dates to Remember:

Promotion Sunday

This is one of the saddest and happiest Sundays for me as these kids' S.S. teacher.

The children that will be attending kindergarten this fall will move up to the kindergarten Sunday School class

room starting Sunday August 21. Ms. Deanna and Ms. Linda will be there

to greet you during the 9:30 Sunday school class. After that they will attend a choir singing time with Ms. Marty for a half

hour in the big children's room . Pastor Mark will be teaching in the 11:00 class. For the younger five

year olds and four year olds you get me a little longer. Yeah!!!

Vacation Bible School was a swimming

good time. We dove deep into God's word.

VBS is such a great time for the children to

focus on our Savior and His plan for us.

We learned about Jesus'

love for us, played games, made crafts,

and oh yeah, there were puppets too.

The five year olds and the kindergarteners

are one of the largest classes in VBS

of which I’m proud of. Can't wait till

next year to see all the new faces and

of course the familiar faces.

We couldn't have had all these great

experiences without all the volunteers.

Promotion Sunday........ August 21

Who's excited about the NEW SANCTUARY?!?!?!

The new service times are going to be 9:00 and 10:30. With this we are starting a new volunteer sched-ule for the preschool rooms. The new schedule is going to allow volunteers to sign up for 3 months at a time.

There will be no long term commitment and will be easier to try out which age you are more compatible with. We have a 2/3's room and a 4/5's room that are in need of a few

great teachers. Setting up the schedule this way we hope to keep it fresh for everyone.