Configuration Aerodynamics - 2 Robert Stengel, Aircraft Flight Dynamics, MAE 331, 2010 Drag Induced drag Compressibility effects P-51 example Newtonian Flow Pitching Moment Copyright 2010 by Robert Stengel. All rights reserved. For educational use only. http://www.princeton.edu/~stengel/MAE331.html http://www. princeton . edu/~stengel/FlightDynamics .html Aerodynamic Drag Drag = C D 1 2 ! V 2 S " C D 0 + # C L 2 ( ) 1 2 ! V 2 S " C D 0 + # C L o + C L $ $ ( ) 2 % & ( ) * 1 2 ! V 2 S Induced Drag Induced Drag Lift produces downwash (angle proportional to lift) Downwash rotates velocity vector Lift is perpendicular to velocity vector Axial component of rotated lift induces drag

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  • Configuration Aerodynamics - 2Robert Stengel, Aircraft Flight Dynamics, MAE 331,



    Induced drag

    Compressibility effects

    P-51 example

    Newtonian Flow

    Pitching Moment

    Copyright 2010 by Robert Stengel. All rights reserved. For educational use only.http://www.princeton.edu/~stengel/MAE331.html


    Aerodynamic Drag

    Drag = CD1

    2!V 2S " CD


    + #CL2( )1

    2!V 2S

    " CD0

    + # CLo + CL$$( )2%


    2!V 2S

    Induced Drag

    Induced Drag

    Lift produces downwash (angle proportional to lift)

    Downwash rotates velocity vector

    Lift is perpendicular to velocity vector

    Axial component of rotated lift induces drag

  • Induced Drag

    CDi = CLi sin! i " CL0 + CL!!( )sin! i" CL0 + CL!!( )! i # $CL



    %eAR=CL21+ &( )



    e = Oswald efficiency factor = 1 for elliptical distribution

    & = departure from ideal elliptical lift distribution

    Spitfire Spanwise Lift Distribution

    of 3-D (Trapezoidal) WingsStraight Wings (@ 1/4 chord)


    TR = taper ratio, !

    For some taper ratio between 0.35 and 1,lift distribution is nearly elliptical

    Spanwise Lift Distributionof 3-D Wings

    Wing does nothave to have anellipticalplanform to havea nearly ellipticallift distribution

    Sweep moves liftdistributiontoward tips

    Straight and Swept Wings(NASA SP-367)

    CL2!D (y)c(y)

    CL3!D c

    Induced Drag Factor Graph for " (McCormick, p. 172)

    Lower AR


    21+ !( )


  • Oswald Efficiency Factor Approximation for e (Pamadi, p. 390)

    e !1.1C


    RCL"+ (1# R)$AR


    R = 0.0004%3# 0.008%

    2+ 0.05% + 0.86

    % =AR &






    P-51 Mustang


    Wing Span = 37 ft (9.83m)

    Wing Area = 235 ft (21.83m2)

    Loaded Weight = 9,200 lb (3, 465 kg)

    Maximum Power = 1,720 hp (1,282 kW )

    CDo = 0.0163

    AR = 5.83

    ! = 0.5

    P-51 Mustang Example

    CL! ="AR

    1+ 1+AR







    = 4.49 per rad (wing only)

    e = 0.947

    / = 0.05570 = 0.0576

    CDi= !C






    21+ #( )


    Mach Number Effects

  • Drag Due toPressure Differential

    Blunt base pressure drag

    CDbase = CpressurebaseSbase

    S! 0.29Sbase

    C frictionSwetM < 1( ) Hoerner[ ]

    1( )


    CDM ! 2


    M > 1( )

    Air Compressibility EffectShock Waves in

    Supersonic Flow

    Drag rises due to pressureincrease across a shock wave

    Subsonic flow

    Local airspeed is less than sonic(i.e., speed of sound)everywhere

    Transonic flow

    Airspeed is less than sonic atsome points, greater than sonicelsewhere

    Supersonic flow

    Local airspeed is greater thansonic virtually everywhere

    Critical Mach number

    Mach number at which localflow first becomes sonic

    Onset of drag-divergence

    Mcrit ~ 0.7 to 0.85

    Effect of Chord

    Thickness on Wing

    Pressure Drag

    Thinner chord sections lead to higher Mcrit

    Lockheed P-38

    Lockheed F-104

    Pressure Drag on WingDepends on Sweep Angle

    Sweep AngleEffect on Wing Drag





  • Air CompressibilityEffect




    Sonic Boomshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWGLAAYdbbc

    Transonic Drag Rise and the Area Rule

    Richard Whitcomb (NASA Langley) and Wallace Hayes (Princeton)

    YF-102A (left) could not break the speed of sound in level flight;

    F-102A (right) could

    Transonic Drag Rise and the Area Rule Supercritical


    Richard Whitcomb!s supercritical airfoil

    Wing upper surface flattened to increase Mcrit Wing thickness can be restored

    Important for structural efficiency, fuel storage, etc.

    Pressure Distribution on

    Supercritical Airfoil



    NASA Supercritical

    Wing F-8

    Airbus A320

  • Large Angle Variations in Subsonic

    Drag Coefficient (0 < # < 90)

    All drag coefficients converge to Newtonian-likevalues at high angle of attack

    Low-AR wing has less drag than high-AR wing

    Newtonian Flow andHigh-Angle-of-Attack

    Lift and Drag

    Newtonian Flow

    No circulation



    Equal pressureacross bottom of

    the flat plate

    Normal Force =

    Mass flow rate

    Unit area



    %&Change in velocity( ) Projected Area( ) Angle between plate and velocity( )

    Newtonian Flow

    N = !V( ) V( ) S sin"( ) sin"( )

    = !V 2( ) S sin2"( )

    = 2sin2"( )


    2!V 2#


    ) CN1

    2!V 2#

    $%&'(S = CNqS

    Lift = N cos!

    CL = 2sin2!( )cos!

    Drag = N sin!

    CD = 2sin3!

    Normal Force =

    Mass flow rate

    Unit area



    %&Change in velocity( ) Projected Area( ) Angle between plate and velocity( )

  • Application of Newtonian Flow

    Hypersonic flow (M ~> 5) Shock wave close to surface

    (thin shock layer), merging withthe boundary layer

    Flow is ~ parallel to the surface

    Separated upper surface flow

    Space Shuttle in

    Supersonic Flow

    High-Angle-of-Attack Research

    Vehicle (F-18) All Mach numbers at

    high angle of attack Separated flow on upper

    (leeward) surfaces

    Lift vs. Drag for Large Variation

    in Angle-of-Attack (0 < # < 90)Subsonic Lift-Drag Polar

    Low-AR wing has less drag than high-AR wing, but less lift as well

    High-AR wing has the best overall L/D

    Lift-to-Drag Ratio vs.Angle of Attack

    L/D is an important performance metric for aircraft

    High-AR wing has best overall L/D

    Low-AR wing has best L/D at intermediate angle of attack



    CLq S

    CDq S=



    Pitching Moment

  • Pitching Moment

    Body ! Axis Pitching Moment = MB

    = ! "pz + "sz( )xdxdysurface

    ## + "px + "sx( )"pxzdydzsurface


    Pressure and shear stress differentials times moment armsintegrate over the surface to produce a net pitching moment

    Center of mass establishes the moment arm center

    Pitching Moment

    MB ! " Zix1 +i=1


    # Xiz1 + Interference Effects+ Pure Couplesi=1



    Distributed effects can be aggregated tolocal centers of pressure

    Pure Couple

    Net force = 0

    Net moment " 0

    Rockets Cambered Lifting Surface


    Net Center of Pressure

    Local centers of pressure can be aggregatedat a net center of pressure (or neutral point)

    xcpnet =xcpCn( )wing + xcpCn( ) fuselage + xcpCn( )tail + ...




  • Static Margin

    Static Margin = SM =100 xcm ! xcpnet( )

    c, %

    " 100 hcm ! hcpnet( )%

    Static margin reflects the distance between thecenter of mass and the net center of pressure

    Static Margin

    Static Margin = SM =100 xcm ! xcpnet( )

    c, %

    " 100 hcm ! hcpnet( )%

    Effect of Static Margin onPitching Moment

    MB = Cmq Sc ! Cmo " CN# hcm " hcpnet( )#$% &'q Sc ! Cmo " CL# hcm " hcpnet( )#$% &'q Sc

    ! Cmo +(Cm(#


    ,-.q Sc = Cmo + Cm##( )q Sc

    = 0 in trimmed (equilibrium) flight

    For small angle of attack and no control deflection

    Typically, static margin is positive and !Cm/!# is negative forstatic pitch stability

    Pitch-Moment Coefficient

    Sensitivity to Angle of Attack

    MB = Cmq Sc ! Cmo + Cm""( )q Sc

    For small angle of attack and no controldeflection

  • Pitch-Moment Coefficient

    Sensitivity to Angle of Attack For small angle of attack and no control deflection

    Cm! " #CN!net hcm # hcpnet( ) " #CL!net hcm # hcpnet( ) = #CL!netxcm # xcpnet




    = #CL!wingxcm # xcpwing




    ()# CL!ht

    xcm # xcphtc


    '()= #CL!wing




    '()# CL!ht





    = Cm!wing+ Cm!ht

    = #CL!totalStatic Margin (%)




    referenced to wing area, S

    Horizontal Tail Lift Sensitivity

    to Angle of Attack



    &'( horizontailtail








    = CL"ht( )aircraft =Vtail












    &'(CL"ht( )ht

    Upwash effect on acanard (i.e., forward)surface


    : Airspeed at the horizontal tail [Flow over body (), Scrubbing (), Propeller slipstream(+)]

    ! : Downwash angle due to wing lift at the horizontal tail

    "! "# : Sensitivity of downwash angle to angle of attack


    : Correction for aeroelastic effect

    Horizontal Tail MomentSensitivity to Angle of Attack


    = "Vtail













    ( )ht





    Normal force (~lift) x moment arm

    Effects of Static Margin and Elevator

    Deflection on Pitching Coefficient

    Zero crossingdetermines trim angleof attack

    Negative sloperequired for staticstability

    Slope, !Cm/!#, varieswith static margin

    Control deflectionaffects Cmo and trimangle of attack

    MB = Cmo + Cm!! + Cm"E"E( )q Sc

  • Subsonic Pitching Coefficient

    vs. Angle of Attack (0 < # < 90) Pitch Up and Deep Stall

    Possibility of 2 stable equilibrium(trim) points with same control setting

    Low #

    High #

    High-angle trim is called deep stall

    Low lift

    High drag

    Large control moment required toregain low-angle trim

    Pitch Up andDeep Stall

    Possibility of 2stable equilibrium(trim) points withsame controlsetting Low #

    High #

    High-angle trim iscalled deep stall Low lift

    High drag

    Large controlmoment requiredto regain low-angle trim

    Air Midwest 5481, Beechcraft 1900Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pVBN9cLVuc

    Colgan Flight 3407, Bombardier, Dash 8 Q400http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxywEE1kK6I&feature=fvw

    Next Time:Aircraft Performance