5. How did you attract/address your audience? When creating my magazine I had to keep in mind on focusing on making my magazine attractive to consumer so that they will buy it. I have analysed each page to give details on how I focued on certain aspects to address/attract my audience.


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5. How did you attract/address your audience?

When creating my magazine I had to keep in mind on focusing on making my magazine attractive to consumer so that they will buy it. I have analysed each page to give details on how I focued on certain aspects to address/attract my audience.

For my magazine front cover I used a combination of dark and bright colours such as red, black, white. I feel choosing these colours does not attracts both sexes. I used buzz words such as “exclusive” , “PLUS” and “WIN” to try and attract my audiences.

By using these words it will get attract more buyers because of the incentive of winning something from a magazine, especially if they’re a fan of the same genre.

I also used a flash which might interest and attract audiences because they are interested in finding out the “top 50 songs of all time”

I used my article to address my audience. I wanted to make my article address my audience by relating to them and writing about the background of the artist and I wanted my readers to be triggered by the article and be inspired by it. I believe this works with my target audience because of the age group that I aim for Is between 16-25. I think that my written content really work with this type of artist, I decided to write in third person as if I’m writing about the artist instead of interviewing him which might attract target audience who likes different style of writing because hip hop music is not just about making words sound good but have a deep meaning lyrically.

In attracting audiences for my contents page, I really wanted to attract readers to my main article so I used this image with the artist with a graffiti background which links to hip hop or those who likes art. I added a “word from the editor” to create more interactivity with my readers. I think I’ve addressed my audience in this page by adding subsidiary image of a dancer which strongly links to this genre. I’ve name popular artist to attract readers and to show that It’s a successful magazine brand.