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WELCOME!Thank you for deciding, “Yes, I’m ready to start (or scale) my

corporate speaking and training!”

✔ 5 in-demand professional development topics companies need coaches, consultants, and trainers to lead

✔ Sample program titles, short marketing descriptions, pricing recommendations, and activities you can lead with corporate clients

✔ How to successfully pitch companies even if you are new(ish) to your business or have only worked with

private clients

✔ PLUS my favorite offers you can provide companies

AFTER you get in the door with one or more of the trainings in this guide

I want you to know that you can step into your moxie as a coach, consultant, trainer, or as an HR or business leader, develop game-changing content that improves people’s lives, careers, businesses, families, or health, and integrate corporate opportunities with the rest of the pieces of your business even if you have previously struggled to do so.


Whether you are brand new

to coaching, consulting,

speaking, or training and

you know you want to center

your business around serving

the employee development

needs of organizations.

You have had your business

for a number of years but

primarily serve individuals

(or have done some

corporate gigs but not nearly

as many as you’d like).

You work as a coach, trainer,

or as an HR or business

leader in a company and

you are looking for specific content to dynamize your

professional development



If one or more of the above profiles sounds like you, you are in the right place!

In my first-of-its-kind digital guide, I’ll show you:

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ABOUT ALEXIA Alexia Vernon is the Founder and President of Alexia Vernon Empowerment, LLC and the creator of the Step into Your Moxie® communication and leadership development platform. Through Step into Your Moxie®, Alexia shows visionary leaders how to develop the mindset and skillset to be able to walk into any room, conversation, and onto any virtual or in-person stage and speak up for themselves, the ideas and issues that matter most to them, and call people to take action.

Dubbed a “Moxie Maven” by President Obama’s White House Office of Public Engagement for her effective approach to women’s empowerment, through her Step into Your Moxie® programs, Alexia has supported thousands of coaches, consultants, trainers, HR professionals, business teams, and senior leaders to slay diminishing self-doubt, communicate with unshakeable presence, sell their ideas, create motivational presentations, develop their people, navigate daring conversations, and advance their thought leadership. Alexia particularly loves showing fellow coaches and trainers how to use her Step into Your Moxie® communication and leadership empowerment system to develop their people.

Since winning the Miss Junior America competition as a college freshman, Alexia has delivered transformational keynotes and corporate training for Fortune 500 companies, college campuses, professional associations, the United Nations, and she is a TEDXWomen speaker. Alexia has contributed to media such as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Forbes.com, Entrepreneur.com, Inc.com, The European Business Review, and Women’s Health.

Alexia is the author of the award-winning book, Step into Your Moxie, the creator of the popular LinkedIn Learning course, Communicating to Drive People to Take Action, and she lives in Las Vegas with her partner in business and in life, Stephen, and their precocious, wide-eyed daughter, Kaia.

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If you’re anything like me, or most of the coaches, consultants, and trainers I’ve coached and mentored, you likely started your business (or moved into your corporate role) because you want to help people find their voice and develop the confidence to use it.

You light up when you ask a question that sparks an aha moment.

When a client (or employee) spots and works through a limiting belief.

Or when someone you’ve worked with speaks up for themselves – or an idea or issue they’re passionate about.

Showing people how to develop professionally and personally, it’s not just what you do be-cause there’s a need for it – or because it’s a fulfilling way to make money.

You do it because it’s personal.

When you show other people how to use their voices to play a bigger game in their lives – it supports you to do the same.

Said another way…

When you empower others to STEP INTO THEIR MOXIE

– you step into your moxie as well.

And that is exactly what I want for you.





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In this next section, I’ll share with you 5 topics (with copy that you can and should customize to fit your voice and expertise) that companies need people like you to lead!

For each of the 5 recommended topics, you will see:

Most important, what I hope you’ll see, is that with each of these topics you have a pathway for not only providing tremendous value and adding meaningful revenue to your business.

You also have a way to step into your moxie so that you can increase the impact of your work, amplify your visibility as a thought leader, and live into the fullest expression of the legacy you were born to lead.


✔ A description for a half-day, full-day, or two-day virtual or in-person training (depending on which you want to lead)

✔ 2 recommended, hooky titles for the program

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1 | Title: Daring Conversations for Employee Success

Alternative Title: Speak the Truth—And Show Others How to Do the Same

DESCRIPTION: For most of us, finding and using our voice to have a daring conversation feels wildly uncomfortable. However, possessing the mindset and skills to advocate for

one’s self and ideas, especially during potentially uncomfortable situations, is critical

to long-term professional success. Employees who routinely have daring conversations

enjoy better relationships, create more trust, and position themselves for career

advancement. In order for engaging in daring conversations to be a company-wide,

default behavior rather than a long-term organizational aspiration, employees must

develop the self-awareness and tools to avoid being paralyzed by their discomfort. They

must also develop a flexible structure to prepare for and ultimately deliver necessary communication in high-stakes situations.

✔ Master a simple and effective process to plan out, role

play, and facilitate a range of daring conversations

including giving feedback, presenting a new idea, or

negotiating an opportunity

✔ Be present with uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and

sensations that arise during high-stakes speaking


✔ Speak up for themselves and the ideas and issues that

are important to them

✔ Use verbal and non-verbal communication to create

safety for others to share their thoughts, feelings, ideas,

and feedback

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

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2 | Title: The Pathway to Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

Alternative Title: Be an Ally in the Workplace

DESCRIPTION: Since the racial uprisings of 2020, many organizations have created

or revisited their diversity, equity, and inclusion plans, yet too many employees still struggle

to show up as allies for fellow employees with marginalized identities. Allyship is the key

to creating safety, belonging, and dignity for all employees. In this super timely, practical

workshop, employees will clarify specific ways to engage in allyship. They will learn how to spot and effectively address both conscious and unconscious bias. Depending on your

company’s existing DEI programs and policies, this workshop can be centered around

specific strategies to increase allyship for particular groups of employees or support allyship practices that can transfer to many marginalized employee groups.

✔ Recognize and use key terminology related to advancing

diversity, equity, inclusion, and allyship

✔ Identify and address specific areas where individual and collective allyship is required

✔ Speak up individually and engage fellow coworkers in

championing solutions that create equity and inclusion

for all employees

✔ Create psychological safety for fellow employees to

have daring conversations about race, class, gender,

gender expression, sexual orientation, nationality, culture,

religion, age, and ability that center the experiences of

those with marginalized identities

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


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3 | Title: High-Impact Virtual Presentation Skills

Alternative Title: Online Presentation Skills Mastery

DESCRIPTION: Whether your employees are experienced in-person speakers who

now deliver virtual presentations, or they are unintentional virtual presenters because

they must facilitate meetings and provide employee feedback online, in this experiential

training, they’ll be set up to succeed with both. After exploring the dos and don’ts of

online presentation success, participants will learn how to sculpt their messages for

live or asynchronous delivery. In addition, they will cover technical logistics like camera

and microphone placement, the pros and cons of using slides, and how to select the

right background. Ample time will also be spent on ensuring employees possess the

confidence, presence, and delivery skills to connect with and hold the attention of those they speak to online and that they have techniques to amplify their verbal and nonverbal

speaking presence.

✔ Navigate discomfort that comes up when speaking on

camera (especially when you can’t see other attendees)

✔ Create compelling content for a virtual presentation that

moves audience members to take action

✔ Master on-camera speaking delivery and use verbal and

non-verbal communication to create credibility, likeability,

and trust with attendees

✔ Integrate creative audience engagement strategies into

virtual presentations and meetings

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


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4 | Title: Sales Conversations That Convert Prospects to Clients

Alternative Title: Sales Conversations That Move Prospects to YES

DESCRIPTION: Irrespective of your industry, product, or service, over the last year your

sales professionals have likely needed to adjust their strategy, messaging, and speaking

presence to avoid coming across as tone-deaf to the myriad struggles individuals and

B2B companies are confronting. Whether your sales have declined or held-steady, your

employees are likely second-guessing their ability to secure new clients or maintain

existing ones. Through a mix of training, role playing, and masterminding, in this timely,

hands-on training, employees will cultivate the confidence, strategy, communication, and templates to increase their sales conversation success.

✔ Create a customized sales conversation outline that

predictably moves individual and organizational

prospects to clients

✔ Identify prospects’ most likely objections to address them

proactively and persuasively in sales conversations

✔ Tell relatable client resistance and success stories that

show prospects your product or service will work for them

✔ Use compelling bonuses and limiters to prompt timely and

decisive decision making

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


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5 | Title: Boundaries: The Pathway to Employee Wellness and High Performance

Alternative Title: Cultivate Employee Well-Being and Resilience

DESCRIPTION: Employee stress is one of the greatest financial and human capital costs that companies face, and it’s also one of the most preventable. When employees

possess the mindset, confidence, and communication skills to advocate for their well-being, they not only feel better, statistically, they also perform better. They are also more

flexible and resilient when confronted with change and crisis. Plus, they are better poised to spot opportunities that propel their teams and companies forward. In this candid,

highly conversational training, participants will explore real and self-imposed barriers

to employee well-being and devise simple and effective ways to individually and, in

partnership with colleagues, culturally, make employee wellness a priority and ongoing


✔ Discover the key warning signs of employee burnout and

discover how employee stress leads to absenteeism,

presenteeism, and increased healthcare costs and


✔ Create and rearticulate boundaries to reduce stress,

heighten mental and physical energy, and increase

capacity for productivity, high performance, and


✔ Regularly schedule self-care time into one’s schedule

without feeling needy or guilty

✔ Support fellow employees to cultivate grit and resilience

by making work-life integration a part of team and

organizational culture

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:


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While subject matter, industry, experience, and a person’s confidence in their content and facilitation will determine exact pricing, here are some “typical” corporate program

investment ranges.

In-Person or Virtual Half-Day Training (3-4 hours):

$2500 - $5000 USD

In-Person or Virtual Full-Day Training (7-8 hours):

$5000 - $7500 USD(If delivering virtually, you could also offer a

full-day training over 4-weeks online as weekly, 90-minute sessions.)

In-Person or Virtual 2-Day Training:

$10,000 - $15,000 USD(If delivering virtually, you could also offer a

two-day training over 8-weeks online as weekly, 90-minute sessions.)

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While there is not only one way to book corporate speaking and training gigs, both my

clients and I have found that most of these opportunities are booked through some com-

bination of the following four strategies.

1 | Speak at Events Corporate Decision Makers Attend

There is no shortage of speaking opportunities you will find if you type the name of your industry (i.e., human resources) into a search engine with the words “speaking submis-

sions” next to it. In addition to applying online for these kinds of opportunities, you can

also reach out directly to presidents and directors of programs for local chapters of pro-

fessional associations as well as to conference organizers or professional association

leaders of state and national professional associations.

Whether you are filling out an online submission or reaching out via email to a group’s leader, get clear on why you are uniquely poised to serve this audience and what sets

you apart from other speakers in your industry.

If you are filling out an online submission, be sure to follow the directions outlined.

If emailing a speaking pitch rather than applying directly online, create a two-to-three

paragraph email introducing yourself, and include the title and focus of the presentation

you are pitching, the top takeaways for an audience, and request a call to get to know

the event leader you are pitching. For speaking pitches to lead to bookings, follow-up at

least three or four times—until you book a phone call or receive a no.

Then, once you have the speaking engagement, whether you are presenting online or

face-to-face be sure to present an “offer” so that audience members can connect with

you further. Every time you speak, I want you to have a classy, compelling way you can

invite people to stay in touch with you – one that feels good for you and for them.

For example, you may have audience members text to opt-in to complete a quiz, or you

may invite them to visit a special landing page to receive a digital guide that picks up ex-

actly where your presentation ended. Whether your free opt-in goodie is an assessment,

video training, case study, or white paper you wrote, automate the delivery of it. Be sure

to have a corresponding email follow-up sequence that moves your newest fans toward

your larger goal (i.e., a discovery call where you can discuss a corporate training).



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2 | Engage Decision Makers in Conversations That Lead to Business

While those who book speakers for professional associations are used to being pitched,

many of my clients confess they initially feel awkward about approaching business

leaders they don’t know for corporate networking. The good news is that you can quickly

build yourself a robust network of corporate decision makers if you do it with clarity,

class, and consistency.

LinkedIn is a great place to search for corporate decision makers you want to connect

with. If you are looking for traditional employee development training opportunities con-

sider searching for Vice Presidents of Human Resources and Vice Presidents of Talent

Development. You may want to focus your search on leaders in your local community or

to a specific industry. You can also join HR and training focused groups on LinkedIn and actively engage in conversations with leaders there.

Before you reach out to connect, strive to learn a bit about the person. For example, read

articles they’ve written or listen to podcasts they’ve been on. Then, you can reach out via

private message and request the opportunity to connect. Your goal with a connection is

exactly that – connection. Over time, as people engage with you, then you can share the

kind of training you lead and see if there’s interest and fit.


1 | Speak at Events Corporate Decision Makers Attend


Popular groups for connecting with corporate decision makers for employee develop-

ment training include Society for Human Resource Management, Association for Tal-

ent Development, Human Capital Institute, Workhuman, and CEO forums like Vistage,

Young Presidents’ Organization, Women Presidents’ Organization, and the Internation-

al Women’s Forum. Note: Many of these groups have chapters in addition to national

events. If a virtual or in-person speaking engagement at one chapter leads to corporate

training for you, be sure to continue pitching other chapters of the association. You can

also ask satisfied chapter leaders whose groups you’ve spoken to for introductions to their colleagues in other chapters.

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2 | Engage Decision Makers in Conversations That Lead to Business





Hi [Insert Name] – My name is, X, and I [1 sentence description

of what you do]. Because of your [make it about THEM], I’d

love to connect. Many of my clients struggle with [name the

struggle], and if that’s something that you’re experiencing,

here’s a link to an article where I share [how to solve the


Thanks for considering the connection.

Hi [Insert Name] – My name is, X, and I [1-sentence

description of what you do]. I enjoyed your [name the article/

podcast interview/etc.] because [name the specific impact it had on you]. I’d love to connect because [give specific reason].

Thanks for considering the connection.


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4 | Write Articles for Online and Print Media Platforms Corporate Leaders Read

Corporate decision makers (i.e., vice presidents and directors of human resources,

training, and talent development) frequently turn to trade publications (i.e., TD Magazine),

online business platforms (i.e., Forbes), and leadership magazines (i.e., Harvard Business

Review) to stay up to date. Consider pitching guest posts that highlight your areas of

expertise and align with your training programs. Many of my clients (and I!) have been booked by leaders who have read our writing and connected with our understanding of

a particular corporate program and the solutions we recommended.

Which of the following marketing and relationship-building strategies

are you eager to try so that you can pitch one or more of the corporate

trainings outlined in the guide?


3 | Word of Mouth

For experienced corporate coaches, consultants, and trainers, one opportunity with a

happy client often leads to the next. And over time, marketing one’s self can become

secondary to re-engaging existing clients or being referred by them to other corporate

leaders for opportunities. For newer entrepreneurs (or those with non-corporate clients),

it’s possible to leverage your network even if you have minimal business experience.

Consider creating a list of 50 potentially “Helpful People” – people who know, like, and

trust you (i.e., family members, friends, members of professional associations, fellow al-

ums from high school, college, or university). Email them to briefly update them on your corporate work, invite them to connection calls, and then let them know you’d appreciate

introductions to the kinds of corporate decision makers you are looking to connect with.

Because it feels scary to ask the people who know us for favors, too often we over-pri-

oritize developing cold relationships rather than asking for business or connections from

those who already know our value and believe in us.

The best networking is mutually beneficial, so be sure you are also offering value to those you connect with.

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The best part about leading corporate training is that it can be a jumping off point for

long-term coaching, consulting, and training opportunities. Here are some possibilities

for what you can offer after you get in the door.

1 | A one-year professional development series comprised of different, relevant monthly or quarterly professional development topics

2 | A year-long leadership development program designed for a particular group of employees (i.e., data scientists, HR managers, or sales directors) or designed around a particular area of expertise for employees from different departments and teams (i.e., coaching skills for managers or emerging leader training)

3 | A 2-day institute in your area of expertise that you lead for different teams or for groups of employees from throughout the organization

4 | A quarterly strategic planning day with C-suite leaders or senior leadership teams to devise next quarter goals

5 | A 6-month leadership or communication coaching package for individual senior or high-potential leaders

6 | An off-site or virtual retreat for employees that integrates content with self- care, reflection, and renewal

7 | An ongoing services retainer that gives an organization access to you each month. Retainers are usually time-based (i.e., 10 hours per month for a specific investment), results-based (i.e., an organization pays a fixed amount for a certain set of deliverables), or variable (i.e., an organization can decide from month-to-month how to access you or your organization).

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Irrespective of the training(s) you choose to pitch, sell, and facilitate, here are some

activities you can integrate into your training to keep it interactive, experiential, high-

impact, and ensure that learning translates into action.

*Please note that these activities are NOT a part of my Step into Your Moxie®

Certification and do not require a license to lead. These are activities in the public domain that can be adapted to support a range of professional development areas.

1 | Cross the Room If…

The facilitator asks all of the participants to stand on one side of the room. They

explain that they will read a series of statements. Whenever a statement applies to

someone, they will cross the room from wherever they are standing at that point to

the other side with whomever else the statement applies to. As the group builds in

cohesion, the facilitator can participate and ask for volunteers to come into the center

and offer up their own statements for the rest of the group to cross the room to.

SAMPLE LOW-STAKES PROMPTS: Cross the room if … you ate breakfast, you have

lived in _____ city for _____ years, you like to read, or you enjoy dancing.

SAMPLE VULNERABLE PROMPTS: Cross the room if… you feel like you do work

that honors your strengths, feel comfortable having candid conversations, are able to

ask for help, or have a clear 2-3-year career plan.

NOTE: If leading this activity virtually, you can have people stand and sit down at

their desks versus cross the room.

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2 | Been There, Going There, Right There, Not Interested

The facilitator hangs 4 signs (each of the 4 phrases above) in 4 different quadrants of

the room. The facilitator reads a variety of different topics and participants move to

the sign/phrase that best represents what they feel about it. This activity can be done

in silence or with people discussing why they are standing where they are.

SAMPLE PROMPTS: Confidence, Success, Candor, Influence, and Visibility

NOTE: If leading this activity virtually, you can have people write the terms “Been

There,” “Going There,” “Right There,” and “Not Interested” on pieces of paper and hold

them up. If you want to take the activity one step further, you can place people with

the same responses to a prompt in a virtual breakout room together to discuss.

3 | Human Barometer

The facilitator reads a statement and all participants move to a place in the room

according to their beliefs. There are several ways to lead this activity.

SPATIAL OPTIONS1. Agree/Disagree (Participants move to one side of the room or other)

2. Barometer (Participants position themselves in a line according to the strength of

their belief from Agree to Disagree)

DISCUSSION OPTIONS1. Participants can individually summarize why they are standing in their spot.

2. Participants can chat with those standing with them and 1 person can share back

to the larger group.

3. Each person (or a small group) can ask a question to someone with a different


SAMPLE PROMPTS: Our organization has a clear leadership development pipeline.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a part of our organization’s culture. Employees

consistently receive feedback from managers and team members.

PLEASE NOTE: This activity works best for in-person training.


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4 | Alphabet Race

The facilitator breaks the group up into subgroups of approximately 4-6 people. Each

subgroup stands in front of a large piece of chart paper on a wall, with each letter

of the alphabet written on it in 2 columns (A-M on the left side and directly across

from it N-Z). The facilitator introduces a prompt, and each group races against the

other group(s) to put one word or phrase by each of the 26 alphabet letters. Each

idea/answer must begin with the appropriate letter of the alphabet. (For example, if

the prompt was Fruits, a group might write Apple, Banana, Cantaloupe, etc.) After

the “race” is complete, as a facilitator, you can ask groups to challenge one another’s

answers, invite each group to identify their top 3-5 picks, or ask the groups to select

what they are most struggling with – as a way to deepen the conversation. If this

activity is being led virtually, you can have groups complete the activity in breakout

rooms and come back together afterward to share their responses.

SAMPLE PROMPTS: Qualities of a Great Leader, Habits of Great Communicators,

Our Organization’s Values, or How to Be an Ally to Members of Marginalized Groups

5 | Role-on-the-Wall

The facilitator draws the outline of a person on a chalkboard, whiteboard, or chart

paper. The facilitator explains that the outside of the outline represents what is going

on “outside of the person” (i.e., professionally, socially, politically, etc.) and the inside

represents the “internal reality for the person” (i.e., beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and

feelings). The facilitator then writes down what the group brainstorms about the

person in the appropriate space – inside or outside the outline. This activity is great

for developing empathy for “difficult employees” and for helping groups of employees to explore their struggles through the safety of a character.

6 | Hot Seat

Hot seats are frequently used in coaching or mastermind programs as a way for an

entrepreneur or leader to receive feedback and support from others on a problem

they are trying to solve (or goal they are working toward). They can also be used as

a role play activity in employee training.

In the training version of a hot seat, a participant (or the facilitator) takes on the role

of a character with a struggle and is interviewed by the rest of the participants about

the subject. If the person in the hot seat ever gets stuck or other participants have

ideas, they can join or replace the current person. This is a wonderful activity for al-

lowing participants to explore what someone like them is going through and how to

see possibilities for moving forward.

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✔ Build relationships with them prior to pitching

✔ Speak directly to their current struggles and desires for

their employees

✔ Offer professional development opportunities that show how their employees will be able to transfer their learning

into meaningful and relevant results

✔ Use your first training as a conversation starter for how you can provide ongoing opportunities to continue

to help them (and their people) solve their other pressing



Now, you must put my recommendations into action!

Wherever you are in your business and with your coaching, speaking, or training.

Whether you are in the baby or toddler years of your business and leadership and are still trying

to determine who your ideal clients are, the specific programs you want to offer, and how to consistently generate revenue.

You have a coaching/consulting/training business (or corporate career) that you love—

and that, hopefully, loves you back.

I invite you to get yourself pitching in the ways I’ve recommended in this guide.

As you made your way through the guide, I hope you have seen how easy it

can be to connect with and pitch organizational decision makers IF you:


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MOXIELICIOUS: The Mastermind is a high-level mastermind for female coaches, consultants, and experts who want to up level into profitable, go-to thought leaders. It fuses individual and group coaching, virtual retreats on signature offers/sales pipelines and publicity/media, and monthly group coaching calls and workshops.

MOXIELICIOUS: The Mastermind is a creative laboratory to create your customized business plan, master your sales, speaking, and thought leadership messaging and content, increase your visibility, give voice to ideas and issues that matter to you, and forge forever bonds with an intimate and elite group of women conspiring for your success.


Step into Your Moxie® Certification is designed for coaches, consultants, educators, ther-apists, facilitators, healers, change agents, trainers, HR leaders, and talent development professionals who want to empower the populations they work with to (re)claim their voices and speak up unapologetically and persuasively in their lives and work. Certified facilitators will be able to integrate the Step into Your Moxie® mindset, skillset, tools, and development practices into their existing teaching, training, coaching, and workshops AND lead standalone Step into Your Moxie® experiences online and face-to-face.

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Spotlight Speaker Mentorship is designed for experienced coaches, consultants, authors, ex-perts, and business leaders who want a strategic partner, experienced coach, and masterful content creator by their side as they amplify their speaking, business, and thought leadership success.

Whether we jam together during a standalone in-person VIP Day or over 6+ months, through our work together, I can support you to:


✔ Generate authentic, epic, on-brand speaking content for live and virtual events. From keynotes and seminars to workshops and retreats, we identify your best speaking formats and co-create what is needed to be successful.

✔ Create individual and group coaching programs, digital products, and high-end mastermind or retreat experiences that allow you to make massive impact and purpose-driven profit. Together, we create dynamite content with a marketing and enrollment

plan to match.

✔ Select hooky titles and co-create jazzy descriptions for speaking topics to ensure you get booked for live and virtual engagements

and become a go-to thought leader in your industry.

✔ Identify target speaking and media opportunities (i.e., podcasts, TV segments, online and print media) and put together a submissions calendar and customized pitch sequences that have decision makers screaming YES to you and your message!

✔ Design powerful stage offers and high-converting sales calls that enable you to stay classy and in your integrity as you connect with audience members and invite them into your individual and group offerings.

✔ Develop speaking materials – from a speaker one-sheet to a speaking web page — and identify the content for a speaker reel and press kit.

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AlexiaVernon.com © Alexia Vernon Empowerment, LLC 2021 23



I also lead a Facebook Group, the Spotlight Speakers Salon, where I pop in a few times a week to share inspiration, tips, and resources — and where fellow members provide

awesome peer-to-peer support.


Want specific, actionable tips for how to step into your moxie so you can show your clients (or employees) how to step into theirs?

Subscribe to Moxielicious on Apple Podcasts or

your preferred podcast platform. It’s like having me right by your side as you give your next presentation, facilitate that daring conversation, or tell your client or coworker to step back from that boundary they trespassed.

If you are looking to buff up the muscles to be a dynamite speaker in each area of your life, I hope you’ll

check out my book, Step into Your Moxie: Amplify

Your Voice, Visibility, and Influence in the World. In

my timely, refreshingly playful book, I’ll show you how to communicate with candor, clarity, compassion, and ease every time you open your mouth to speak.