4. Vision 20202 for KSA

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  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    2020 Vision for the

    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Presentation By


    Director, National Office for Industrial Strategies & Policies


    First Steering Committee Meeting Riyadh, 7 December, 2005

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    We have a consensus on the way to the Future

    Diversify the Economythrough industry

    Rapidly build human resources

    Expand public services

    Encourage expansion of private sector

    Streamline public sector/governance structures

    We cannot continue to live off oil-revenues forever!

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    Why? It is a response to the global challenges and the

    dire need of sustainable welfare to our people

    i. Fierce Global Competition Malaysia: prime location for ICT manufacturing

    India: leader in knowledge-intensive technologies

    China: the giant workshop of the world

    Brazil: agricultural and industrial super-power

    Finland: location for high-tech clusters

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    ii. Low Relative Domestic Performance

    UNIDO diagnosis shows that performance is poor

    MVA share in GDP is around 9% (very low)

    - In Malaysia and China it is around 35% ; even Egypt is 20%

    Manufactured exports/total exports has declined

    - From 24% to 20% (1990 to 2000)

    We have not improved beyond 1980

    - We have actually moved backward from 1990-2000

    We have far to go; rising oil revenues have hidden the reality of industrial


  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    Can Saudi Arabia be a dynamic economy?

    We have excellent resources

    We have windfall revenue from oil & gas

    Very high quality infrastructure

    Strong in some industries: petrochemicals, plastics,

    glass, electrical equipment, chemical products

    Already linked to global production networks

    High income society, large domestic market

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    Also WTO entry is not a constraint

    KSA already faces competition in home market

    -Protection levels are low ~ 5% for most

    product lines

    Many industrial exports are growing

    WTO entry will provide further stimulus for

    growth through competition

    WTO entry will create a stable regulatory

    climate that could attract much more FDI

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    What capabilities need to be built? Technological strengthin education and industry

    The key to success in India, Finland and elsewhere

    An innovative-entrepreneurial business culture

    Globally competitive industrial clusters

    Strength in petrochemicals is fine, but not enough

    High-levels of human capital in Saudi workforce

    High-tech physical capital isnot a substitute for humancapital

    Modernize public sector governance structures

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    What benefit do we gain from the above?

    We raise the technological capability of Saudi society

    We raise quality of education and training

    We raise the technological competence level

    We build high-level skills in workforce

    We raise organizational & operational efficiency

    We intensify the innovation level in industry

    In short: We transform ourselves into an advanced,

    knowledge-deploying industrial society

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    How do we move to knowledge-based technologies?

    Build educational and training systems to support

    industrys move to higher-technology production

    By encouraging firms to produce high-tech goods

    By raising the technological level of manufacturing industry

    Technologies that yield higher value-added/worker

    Re-organize public governance

    Provide other public support for industrial renewal

    R&D, standards, quality control, consulting services

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    Our strategy for building human capital

    Build competitiveness in manufacturing industry

    Raise productivity, technological level and quality

    Thereby expand exports and domestic market share

    Focus on cluster development in selected areas

    Clusters are the natural units of industrial dynamism

    Promote technology-based SME clusters

    Grow a national innovation system to support cluster development

    and SME expansion

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    National Innovation System & Global Linkages /

    Industrial Policy Ingredients

    Link-up with global value chains, through FDI

    Strengthen university-industry linkages

    Through the national innovation system

    Encourage application-oriented research through anincentive system

    Build international university linkages

    Streamline public sector & regulatory structures`

  • 8/3/2019 4. Vision 20202 for KSA


    National Industrial Strategy for EnhancingCompetitiveness and Diversification

    Thank You!Together For Successful Industrial

    Strategy Implementation

    Ministry of Commerce and Industry

    First Steering Committee Meeting Riyadh, 7 December, 2005