LOCAL MISCELLANY. Til.: MI TINY ON AN ITALIAN BARK. MVMIIOATiOS uv ihk t'oNSl l--Al'l'l ii''Vtl. p 1 \ll I The Italian Cnimil beean y.wtcr.'sv Iii« invrstU fation into the tu ti tiny no baafJ Hm bark Franciscr Pouavarv. '1 he eutue enw of the vessel li:nl been summoned to the consulate, nml BlL |PJ Indinf* the wounded nu'u. wen« present. The examinations were held privates OBstb BeBBOB bcun: int i.><1 n<-«-tl Beparately anil examined concerning tbl BTBOI action. The captain ami two BeIbnBof ibi MOW wire examined yc.ster.lay and tin- rest win 11 Bfl tioncd to- lay ami sir lOjaodlBg.1 i\s. Tba ooaoal VII unwilling to allow the |>.-u tniiini f.:. t \ i-.;>.'«! ta bo made 1»!ii- In-line (ii«< vniii ii^ on nf the cx.nu Inaiinns, hut stated that in ... i 11 tlm ... with the stattincuts lh.*b hate appeared in the newspapers. Hcddcs » hat has already been published in Tut: Ti.mrsf Iba following tmts were ascertained. Tbo barb is the urnperiv ol A-uli. as D.'iiavato, a w. raltlIJ Italian BMPI haul, w ho is aeeustomeil tos» ml »«« I. to this countty in ballast ami have I hem obtain hen a riirgn of grain "t other pttsiucc lor It I.V. The captain, Strph.uio Fi t until.i, lias bu n for several years in civinnmd of Iba paaM \c>«cl pjal bag In Iis gppw OOOBB PPM Wba h..m" b-ea with hunsoveia! voyage*. II*' is spoken of ai hind but Itrin, ami be spaskaaad MsjTee la a outrk ..ml decided way. The iinittiiee i«, Iren«» au.I Ar.slini.l'i. bail bOea tftsated by him wiiii wspjeesal ktoetsseoa, bavtaa beea allowed to remain «»u hoard at Bava: «. while the isyatottba arav acta turmd ¦way. lie abpiel v iab tin y ha.i pj view Bros to abtata 11»«- m.mev wbish ttsep BBaswaaod #aaaa baaidLta pai bartoo n tutu cargo, i m-y van ou «-\- Itea by the tboaabl of this i \pi. nl no' I] that lba| attrn pl« «1 llotie to oearpowog ami narrVet a crew of bbwm Ittaaa men. I lo i uttf tti«* ...liti'Ai |.»r t| e i iiiitnil .if Iba v «sei the envv showed f.o beWTOfy, und had it::-. bee* for tin- biMBoaa al tin-1lapfaia the mipoaesof tho inuti- aeers might baraa.aaetotapfsttlsesL It they had ben. BUCCtMfnl Iheir dCMga WM to have taken tM»»- K' - Ml III t tie v ikSi'I, In Im \ r s i ill iil III lin il lev. I lid tanHiesI il pisssiibli i'll um- oi in«- Aallllao 1 bata waa in i. a ';t> little i.toiiev ou hoar I Iba Vessel OB the royago in Am rtca.probably not ovei fjoo. the I. ., d but who won woBBdwl ia Iba aaaaaabw bara ossjb noovtTed aaJUeleallj to ao aboat. Tba raa ate ke. t. t,.| tne nre.-ent, IllHin the Vessel, l ut t1:. aaptaiB ia allowesa lo laira mmtl fmahoal floaty, I i i.nl Blataa DsmlntgI-AtUwnay ivi ny, al BrawklyB. wai aabtin wbatbar Iba Qorara* on tii would lie r< presented at ttiu exam- ItUltHsB Iff ue the aOBBBa. lb' taid that h. kasibksskesiuvartbatraalyoltaa luted Mate-, with Italy aast found that by" IIIPtrOTIaltsaaIbaopbs Mil-ati'i i ousitiur atrents ot aaab aaaatry have ax* claatvk abaraa ol (he kkiataal oni.-i of Iba m> u-haut vtsaaobiwl Iben Notion, aotl that PtstiaroL Btata or niutiiriiatl authorities cttnn't ialatforo until la* ojojootaatB do bp la wrltiaa by Iba ooanal. Tin. i »!c(.i:i;y v.\>i: in m:\vakk. The trial otf Cbai bm UaoJaar, ladlatad far bagaij, Tta- resuuietl \isi.iday in the C.-urt ol ftaortBf loool 01 at Newark. TbaBMO Coiiitnev was P> callod»aad tool bod to the BMvaaaeataol tin- I.tml- Bon in Wu.. : i.t-ni a: il Uu hinund II. Jauuarv. 1879. lie ill. ill I lied a .¦: :i t! in K.lvMllil LutdOM 1*0 Baodwiitioc labaa fram tho valise of Charles Isiadaop«ao oao that waa shown to him wbaa bo prialad the blank drafta. He could aal iwaar paat- lively that it Wiis Ldw,iril Litidtur's haiiilwritttPä Tbao^otBBoa oolbid Jbbobi a. taaasioa,oaabioaal Iba ¦fkrotNatloai ii.ii.k. Beroral lata>ad PBtaBa wan obwwb ta linn, and he sai'l that in bblOpiaBMl the baadwritintt on the che vs.is not made by the paOM pcr-on. O.i i iiiss i'Xii in 11: at lou. the witucss siiiiid tiint panaaa wba terpja obocbo oooaatiiaao an M se , elli .i lllel eilt li..luis. He lie I. I I eil :i M Ii 11" litl |i V hel Wee it Ine Irhpoo OOOlBIBCd ill htt'-i:- of Charti s LiadM r and no one "i ibt itabo of ai rteok- ba k of it:. ManbaaW National Baub of Cleve¬ land. rbe defrBOc oadaapoiad ta iBttodstn t Mini my ohowino Ibataforptrd check bad baca aaoaed on J m .> t iiimi! slaill ut lo tn.it on Balle] ,\ Allen, and ay n pert*na etbor tbaa Iba dofaadaai. Tba Cowtrl excluded Iba oridaa« o aad an axt^eptloa waataboa, V. .\. (VtalsdotboftW lestllfled that Ltlidoer was in.i ti.«- tu.in who patsiad i fosTpod eboak la biootara. Cborlei Liiwli er, the ih-feuduu*. laaltbad in hi.- own behalf, in- «rast thirl) yenn ohl, bo oaid, wao tnat- rii d, an.i live .1 in Kicbuioud, To, Ro aavi t saa Iba Ballot A Allen ebeek. Im ibafanpan «f wbJaib he hud acaa i iilnievl. nodeuled laal lb«s valioeof> ¦MW4 iti e. iih nee In limited tu hlSk, The di'tetiiluiit favaaa aeaa mt *«f ins mhwoi oaaoottoa alaatar, atoeb si* cui ttiir aad eisjar doaler, bat denied aar ajMWBMtfool n Murttoipwiloa la Ibio erikoa ot wbiaii li" i". « Ii.'ii if.-il rbeOtsaaweiler ebeek baoiaToad in tin- pnoaaao of Mi. Quaowalk*ri ami it waaalvi u in payasoal i"i i iraua. He bad aoror oatand into any BOaTotiatMBi wiin Cawtaaj to pass iat^oa paaor, i»n tiaoo tuoialaatlMi he was ibawaa aaanber ol drafta lakea btaa the voiioo, and taatlbadtbal bo had Barel otoo them 1.1 fore thetr prodactlofl ill OMirt, Ho w.-nt into fartbar daBBUa al hi' paol ins. Mary,Obowlni that he Bad beoa in various husi- m.i in s.i: i.- f tba priaeiMj cities North auu laodb. HOSPITAL BA i I7RDAT. Itrdaj i-'* Uu int ai s t uiii:i\." aad Iba yaltaw fl.iü id l bp OnMBlil lee will lit in tin- pi im laal I hor- aunbfano«ta natiadtba poblic «>f the aaad ami tlLty nf MbaafiMai to the Hoapltal Kund, i bo ta riaao si n^.' Haoa will oaiT] i bo j el low logo,"' Ibaii oaaaboBi FaUawlBi am the suliseriptmos of the Sti.rk llx- chii'iirc yestcnlut t i. u. Bavaab Oa.... M#i Bjatirirkdi WIIbbbi... bbb ]i Bill C Lswressw. 601 O. B. BattOela. 1*3 A \\ Dioaweb b Co... 25|i>.C H.iv«. ao | J. H. t ..lk.it»- it tii_ 50 C PVIIwsra . BO J .1. llis«tiiisoa. i'."i A. H. TeraaM. BS Soul.. .v .V limn V.. Ii II. ht-iil. 2.. Koui.ts Dim . 20 I 17. I>..ui>ir«i.iy. J A Klaa.Jt. in I " II ". 10 j .. s mi n-l.i r ". lo \ Lm. 3 " w '.. p [ PJ. J lli ttiiian. 1«> li iliii urn a a i n. l ". lo II«' Bates. l'i l.w. t;iii< y. ji . a » ». y«, JohnBeaJaMin. in Oelatoa a- Boaoing l. i. It pars. i". K obad Boba.ibar 2.*. UaasillotJ A Heron., in llatrli A Vooto. lOo Hiillaln II lli.ys lata!.>f7ö.'i Int- tiill.iwinjr ioldii i'Uiui siiIim-i intniis are ae- baawladBod by Cbarloi r. BlwaJlj pnoidaal of tba MarittoM Aoooabrtlaa y otarda*: Be "lb a < <». BOO i J. Otto Kook. BIB A'. mlesOo. tS I - j-.nii RewtoM A aaaa.. INstal.>>n;(. I -"lilt-lit IlliM-hi n, ot I he l'r.olueo Lxelliiti^e, le pjtarlod Iho Ivlkiwia/j iah« iijiimus: Vil lain It PaWM_(ion j iinoll.y hints A»o.. f>.r> V il lain II. ("wiiii. 1!.*» J- >l. K.". 6 J I Wall n> v a < <t... 80 I ** A B. M.". I j.-. 111*. Main . IS - Wai aTiaitkaka A Oa. 10 Total.ppjoi HNI l.M.or ALKXANDEb bTTJART. The rreshytenan abwnb nt Piftb-BTa. and I ifty- filth-st. wasfilleil ve-ienhty wnli proiuiiieiit men of tbla etty. falband ta pay Iba bnri libato of ia .Baal i" AI« x..nilor Mu.iit. Aasaagtbosapraoaol w«re CbByf-Jaatteo \\'ane. tin- Bar, Hi. WiUlaaj A-h.tes. tin- kev. Dr. Oraaby, the Rar. HiMtpCoak McOilL of PriBcatoB Calbtpje, PbIm Oaasar, >\:. .m Libby.Rol u BMiner, John A. IHawart, JobuL Keoot lr, Mwrrto K. Jesop, Charles Lanier. >'.. B. JaJrar. J.Xl. Vunallve, Hanry M. \l. tander, H.Ii. I'* PmwoI, ex-klayof wu kbato, ami Turk Coin- in.i.-inner Stallh II. Lane. Tba body waanoBorod Jr..m Ibi late naldenooaf the dead pjao laCbaBh at s-t. ii.ei tiy latbaabonk rhaBMiBiTissnwon bBi blwtbM and wilts, Mr. and Mrs. I;..to rt L Stuart. 'il. v ai.- Iba only t.utviviun mar ralativao. In aeeordoBce with the .. j.h.m.! w:.»h of Mr. Blaort. there won no palI-bearera, und the services W«n us oinipb-as poss.h!«-. Ihe colli n whs of oak, nad earend w it h a black cloth, the silver plate L.>ie t.n 111-ci ipiioi,: " Alexander Muurt; iiorn l)e- «. I.. 1 1810; dksdDeoonibwc 83, 1919? Taa lit 1111 " Asdoap iti ,!«.-us. Itlo-.-.i-d f-lcep,''was stinif, pad tb«M the paatOr, tba MOT, llr. John Hull, in I is a. I.i'. .s ...I i.list I., the wish of the dead luau thai the astv! Iobavld be-himple. HI A I.T.Y DIJOWNKD AM) IN I'lHSON. J ihr. I'm.\ ti, a bodermaker, who was workine on tin ivaBBBBTCaliforaia, waa labaa to F!ss«-x Market 1'olue ('i.iirt yester«lav inorninif. H's stotv was that he h id b-crt tlriiiLniH 'I hursday nlKht ami when he v, 1 nt to the dock he fell ..v. tin .aid ami waa rvsem-il some friemls. lie started home, was ar¬ rested 011 the way, and locked 111 a cell all night in his wet clothes*. Yesterday BBMBBBB, Wbaa taken out of the cell, on saying tnat he was on Kugbkliinnii. be was sei/«-d by the hau, he Bays, and huileci lour Jcei away, oy au otllcer in uuiform. A lejsutei visited tin-Seventh Tree it.ct ami saw tba »ergeaht lo charge, but waa unable to find the one who was on duty Thursday ulirhi Olhcei M. hweenev. who made the arrest, stated that hi-dis¬ covered Brown about 2 o'clock yeslerda. morning Ittaiag against au a>v Blag-pnsl at Monroe and Catiienne-ota., and mi tic inn he had no hat and was elitveruig, ho asked Brown for his naino ami his ad¬ dress but rreeive«! no laply, Batoat Intu l,y ti arm and found his coat was froren, but thought he might have falieu in the street. Justice LhiUv com- m it- I Ilmw 11 for 8ve dais, saying in that tin,. " he might he a tit aubjeci for a Lotipilai" BP- MI8S10NS IN THE IsUbTHODIRT CHURCH, The annual meeting of the New-York City t Jmr< h Exteiikioii and Missionary fsociety of the Mcth.slist t>j;scopal Church took place yeslcrduy aitcrnoon nt No. so.* Itmndway. Thercpoit* of tlio pastors Of the \ arioua churches und Suudtv hool« niiik- Inn up tlio iBTpBBHBlbBJ van read, uflcr which the foDowina ofbcera were iikttited for the Beaming year: rYcaMeal, Julio H. Cornell ; first vice-president, tha Rev, Dr, W, 1.. Ham* vlec»prealiienta, ihe ler. Cbartra Fletcher, the Rar, John W. Baach, »ho Rar, IL s. Tarry, Uaaaral Cliatoa B. Fiak, Bowle« Colgate, Anderson Fovr ler correspond- irIt secretary, the Kcv. I>r. J. I". .Newman : reroid- Ing moratory, Janata J IVhou; treasurer. Will¬ iam Ii. Falconer. Till: BTRCQGLK IN CUBA. M! «s or iiiv io vdif rioM^Ts -fffkiT of m MM M i ACTtON i >f l"M «PlN'hll (.UMHIN Mi NT. Qen ami Cattsta Garen Yelghea, afka boatUM <ted Witt the revolution in in ha, is «tili in line city. He recently rotarnan from Jaataiat ami Kay Waat, ml l he represented the Cuban Revolutionary OuaiailtaH orpanisc.l hero about a year auo for Ike purpose of aaattBataj the war of independence. He also took an active part in the last revolution iu Caaa. la which ho was taken prisoner and aetit to Bp in. About a yaai and a half age be ictunicd to th'«. country, after l aving been retained in prison loin years. iTuinineii t rcoluimnist* say tkal Qoa> cral Garcia will probably become the head of the nialalhamj jOTiajaaatat A TMBUiti laaortar Ballad upon dim yesterday to learn what effect Iba paMaaaajaal Ura Mil BtrtrHehlag ajavory n Cuba, by ti.e Senate at Madrid, wouid base upou the n volu¬ tion. " It will not chance the situation of affairs at a!!," replied lien, ral (Jatcia toa «juestion ; "the paaaagt i f the bill laonlv a trick ta oonttnoe alavery ih< ra tea yearslaager. Beajklee, ia 1870,a bill propoeeo to Morei, ii'i> t oiimial 8eorelary. providing for the gradual abotttioa of siavei y by HBakiaa nil children I i rn uftcrthe passage of the art free, anil bextowino; freedom agon all attaining the age at* sixty rsara, v passed by both the S-enato and j j( 7, which, in praeiic, baa baaa completely Igaated. We have no more reason lo expect that they w ill acl under thit *n . than rra*1~r ttrr rlhirr Bail Iba Movement would not be arn sfed Iiv a hotter hill, us we arc not merely fi.-til iilL' lo lil.ernte the -.laves l<i|| to Cstah- lis.'i i|u? independence of Cuba." '* Why diu mi many of the West India men.hern abafaia froai voting r* " lb-cause the bill was not liberal ennttghT. The Cabati >en:itors voted against the lull Ihm au>- tin y an« ihemselvi * slave owners." "Will ihc slaves Iheeaaelvea be laflnanoad by it in any decree f I »hink not. If the law was put Into practice it woiij(| mean ten lone years moic <>t s 1 v 11 tide. This ia the pciiod of life for the lahornii: 11:1111. und u generation would mm aatay before its raaalta would be felt, Mean'a in ie, tboowBon would endeavor to gai nil the a 01 h out ot t l e u aoaaible mt aoooapeoanv t ion for letting tbrai go free. .. 1b the movement foi inttcpctil. 11« e raining poand. andarahopee notarial nod of ita ultimate sue ..¦«» V " ii is girr-fr-g every dar. At pretest tlMgroaf difficulty is that the different aaetioba are nol united. When the rovolui looiata gala more st reogl h und are united aoderone lender Iba a*aj trlty ol tbe alavca will take up arms. By Iba time this is don tin party will be atrong eaovgn to sustain llaeli1 agaiual ihe Bpaoiab goreniBieDt. Biepawill goon be t.iLcti foi eatablianing a revolution.iry govern- ment. Uenarala Vicente Uarela. Ilaxiino Ooeaei I Aatonio Mareto end Chrioa K'niort'. Ml of whom took part in the laal roTolbtaoB, will sail for Cabo at mi I early iiay, Reinforcouienta, anna and axamnnitloi will also be Bent. Bbould the war prwe aaeceeafnl and au iBdeDeudewl goTornaienl be eelabliabed, it will ne similar Inform to 1 bat ol 1 In UnitedHtataA," Qabaral Rolof atated yeaterday that Üotaniia- ¦toner Major Qtitierrei w;'.s expeeted 10 boom '.<.> :'. I fiom ticnerai Beattea ami brtbg ofBcial ragorta o I tiie pgaaaait state ot affain In Cnoa Tin: fall in t;\s btock8. iti Monrn rtrt awaTioTiB bra-QTn oryaii BTTtra oariguu <>p ihb » mpanus. There has been g marlied deeliaa in IbOgrioBof cas stocks w it hill the past few monthe. TbCBe were for aaaay yeata bead as ubtobI frtmitt. tbc lai tnationa beiag BaaalL Larga bloekaof these rtorka ara Bald to lie held by wealthy persons. Within a few weck« the prices of the sio ks h.ivo fallen flout 10 lo 13(1 l»er cent. The achw cmnjielitioii lu tween the foin- panies has lesiillcl in bVfgB WdoOttOOB in Iba price ui p is. Large Baaabtaaia are now supplied .-.t 7~> cent a thousand feet. Fatn lies gad those who us'- sinullei iiuaiitities pay a larger nriCO] hut it i- laid on ifood until'my thai the coiiiputilc*. do not rculiz" an averaire price of inoto than Jr'l a thousand feet, winch, it latilaliaad.daOB not repay the cost ol gra> dud ion. laaOOBetinence of the low pi ocs several of the bwga companies have failed to pav divi- deiids to their stockholders. None of the New-Volk companies havo paid dividends since Antust 1, abaa the Metropolitan paid its refill.u .seini-aiiiiiuil diridPad Tbe Mutual Inn passed atnee then ono quarterly diaidead, and the MnnioigaJ, wblob bai alail Paul its ilivideri I i|tl ii ii i lv. paid 11s batasl one in June. Tbe Naw-York Oompany omitted t<> da- olaro lie atail aaaaal dividaod payable ia Morem* ber. At a pillilie sale on \\ ediics lav "O shales of Man- hattaii stoek w.-re aald at 1!!*«, ai d SOthareaol New-York at 75. A buae broker in gaaeooipaoy si,an s-aai \e-ien! iv liiat thare waa nodeaiBBd for them; tI'ut iaveatora were anwilling to boygsa aioeka ia alew of a rainooa enmpetitiea ami of a probable adoption nt the electric, light. He mtoted tbe principal New-York Blocke Btfollowai Matiti.ittau 135, afetropolitaa 110, MatuaJ SO, and Municipal 140. it ,i is U en unnoted alao that the rariboa oomna- alea ptogaaed to conblne «>r conaolldate on the plan <>f the Brooklyncouipaaica, iv rident Place, of tae Mutual OaaLight Com¬ pany, said yeaterday thai proi.ai.lv the pnaeipal n-aaoo why gae atocka bad fallen was becaow ol ihe atFoaa coatpetition between the coarnai Loweringtlie pnceol gaabad prevented laepay¬ ment of dividends. 1 n....«. Bgaper art i< lea oa Ediaon'a electric ligkl had frightened aonie timid holders. The beavieat atoekboidera in the company were not frigbleiMd, however. They bad yot toaee aar» Ediaon'a inven¬ tion pat to a practnal teat, nor did thc\ bcii\c that bie electric liglit eoald laceeaafally compete with g.tH. There h id been no attempt made U>eon- aolidatetbe New-York eompauirg similar fathoec in Brooklyn, nor bad he beard ihe matter men¬ tioned by the repreeenlalivea of the eompaniea. 1 bere waa an eflbrl made ¦ometime ago ta hive the various comp mica agree an ¦ unit.um rate for sea, but this bad fall* ii Ibiwagb anal aochiog fartnei h oi been done. The I'lesi'i. nt of the Rear York Oaa Light Com¬ pany thoaghl the fail in t he pi i a of gaa etuck* wni ha entirely tu the faet that ihe cetnpjniea bad passed I heir divide'ids. ! his WOald he BO Ul¬ li nt to b04 OUUl for the tail. He did BO| thiub th.it K<ii- n'aelectrielbjhl had had raoebefleet. It wae yet in,ii.r.i. He bud beard aolbingei a consolida¬ tion of tb'- new*<yarb contpaoBia. EDWARD fWANRELL ffTILL RIDIRG. Bdward Beannellj w ho shot and eariowaly hdared Henry Wihron m a Third-ara, saloon on Wedneadaj uioriiine. had not b en aii' sted up to a Into hour last i'Vi nn.jf. It is stated by luTsmis who have bbbwfjcieiibbll ainee the affray, 'bat he elaiaMto have-hot W il oti in sell-defence. His version of the affair la that WUaoo, after stnkiim bim hi the fae. and ku<u kiuifont I wo of his teeth, kieked him under the chin. In proof of thj.s he exhibits a wound and idack ana bine marks BBOb his neck. In the excitement that followed boom one eaogbl bum by the arm frota behind, and tbinkingthal be was tbout lu bn al nuked Le drew hitPlBtol and tiled. WiNon scondition was inurh more fa\oraUIe y, . terday. lie a aa abia to sit up and oonrerae, and is tboogbt to bi out ot oaager. Th.- bridaTBofbie Boat le beokea aad one ol the beila yel remains iu ins face. Th.- other hall, which entered his month and broke. M vi ral teeth, be claims to have gpll out be¬ fore betngltaken to tbe boaMtal. The yotuignrbrotber of Si aiuoll bus called to see \N il-ou several tuns and expresses Btaeh aanow orrer the occurrence Mis. >. ..mien, the Baotber of Edward, whoigebibty« t. ree ycuis ol age, is very much Pioatratod by llio all.nr, and i: is leared fiat she will not ucover. FI.O.MING A Sl'NKKN SIKAMKU. Information waa received at the bAob of the Coast Wrecking Company yihterday that the steamship Falcon, which wna mink in colli.loa with a echiKiin r off Covo l'oint, Cheeapeake Jlny, about six weekl an», waa atloat. Ilm wreeken havo been at work ainco the steamer oauk, saving tiio raigo. and on Thursday lai.t Siipeiinteiident I. J. Men lit, with the steamer Relief and two new large poutoons, left Muten IbIiiuiI lor the wreck Oa Chriatmaa mornlog with the pontoons ajaau« sple and evel ,\ I 111 tls' iii i < Hill llos, the pllinpawcre sluiud and dunng Ihe iluv the st- ann r was ll.,ai, ,| and bBwyaai to the axeatili of the Paaxel Elver, mi.- will bo taken '.i Hu J11 nun«- for renalis Ii.-morrow Theeebaanea lir.«jkiieid with aoarnaol potatoes fioui Neva Scotia tetkaj part, wbiea on baadai alaht. oariag a bbow alorm, went aabui« at lloii inland; has b.-. n toiidcun.cd. ami with the cargo will prove a total loss. Tin- captain Is stripping the vesecl of sails and tigging. Tin: houdayj AT Tin: EZCBaEoee, The Cotton Exchange waa rloscil yesi,.r<lav in fucoidutice with the vol.-of the incmlj. r«, and will continue closed until Monday. The Plodgaa El changu might as well havo be.tu tinned also, as there wan a gciieral «Ugnntion u| MBataeBB, ami ¦mb «>f those who hmi rated BgBBMl »hVjbJi P I ¦ * plained of the in« livtlv "i tM v.-n few BMBibtWi oiiiooiit. Abeat tb« ealy thing to wBicli the mea . her* |»ai«l attention was (.. the subscription tor a Christmas Paresen! of 1100 to thq elan who con¬ ducts tin- ". alls" on th.- pram Boer, m il #.><> to the "aaller" oa tba prorancn. Boor. Hun- were no culU m grain rootorday, and no lalro wore bmbm al elf tier of the three provision cribs. The London arraraetl being clo«cd there were no foreign BOjatBs tlOHB. DESPERATE PROM WAN I OF POOD. MLlil.AKY bv a HTAnVINf: man .wiikh lli:i> i »s- I.ition OP ins PAMTLT. A dfBBBtlj ilre-soil man ot middle nge was seen to Mop hcfore tlie pbiuibe.'s shop i f James Flcmminp, So. M \V, st Twi iiiy-.c\. iit!i-sl.. nlMiut 7 o'clock CaWBstBBM morning, and hreak flu« window and take scvi ral brass faucets. He waa BrTOOtod and taken to the Twi nty-niuth Piccinct. He snid Ins bbjbo waa Wintaai Smith, aad his age forty. Jus- tiee Ftaanaee, ai the JsSbraoa Market Police Oenrt, held BlBJ foi trial on a charge of BBrgMMT. in de¬ limit of 91,000 bail. At IBB court BBslth said that he lived in a garret at No. 172 MiilbcrTv-st. with his wife, who was ill with consumption, und his littlo bov. Ho was a carpenter, but ont of werk, iiud UMBsfjB he had tried repeatedly ho had failed lo obtain employ¬ ment of aar html. Neither In1 nor his family, he said, had had anvthiiKMno.it lOTtWOOty-fOOr hours, sad made desperate by his eoodlMoa, he Bad broken lala the phiuihei's shoo, hoping only to raise Bwmey eaooab apon what he bad stolen in obiaio food for himself and his sfiirvinir family. Smith was taken to tin- Tombs lo await ti tal. ATpjbcbrreporterealledat No. 172 Mulbein- st. \esteida.v. In a small risiai BB tin- top BOOT of a real t.-iicliient-bouse, the only approach to each slut v being ti narrow. slippery iron stairway on the outside ot the haildlng. BBltfl'o b if'- ami buy were found. 'I he room contained a gmsll stove, and a few articles of farnltnre I tbo walls were white* washed, hut tnetr barBBeaa war partly oorored by tw i prints and a weroted»warb motto, "the Lard is in\ si.ephcnl." Ranaing over tbs door woo a raotp horasabaa. Mrs. Smith, an latelligeot women of middle-ago, BfOaa from the bed as I he rOBBPtar tered,nought ngeioleotly. She said that fund ami fuel had been sent to her by persons r.mm1 led w ith the ourt in which her husband had been tried, ami that tbfl was feeling much stronger in consequence. She WBfl a native of WmWOOOTB, and had BOBB BB> ployed as a hat-triBiBierin this city. " A few years nt"," she added, " my bnobaad was taken sick, and I winked and tonk can-..( him, and this il v. h it broBgbl BadowB, Lately be coaJd not get work, ami night after ptsbl he bai walked ihn Snot and ciicd hecar.se there was not hing la us to cat. lie Barer drank nor scolded us. 1 haven't I00B a piece of meat in WO k* and yeeterdajT I and my hoy had nothing but a crust of bread. My neighbors are poor, like onr- ¦elees, ami I eonldirt go lo tbem. Cbriotmae morn- big my haabaod aroao early ami went to his mother, in tin- hii|ie id »'el i nig a lew Im-iiiiii s, hut she in lint have refused hnn la cause pilU tu do MB h an act. 1 don't know WBBl WO -hall do| We owe overs two ut< hi i iits' rent and I In-1 in '.lord may turn us out any roomeut. At IibmsI snflsr rery much. It seems as it i should couth BUT lite out lOBMtiflMB, IT ans id!.' bTREEr IMPROVEMENT. There is a disagreement in tin Board ol BstiaiBle nnd Appartionnienl over tin- ippropnatloBi aoked fni by th- Dapartaaool of Public Werbe, Mayor Cooper insists an the f*iiBiiiilsalonei getting wbal he BOkBj which L'on troth i Kelly OBpOBBJ on the groan tint there is nut nmin-y OBOBgb w ithoiit iiicr.-a-.iiig Iba tazeo too nraeb. Commissioner ampb. Hb term n| oflee will expire this month, but he savs that OS OBOB as the Board of Appnrtimitneiit will settle just w hat his deportment is to pet for the next year he will lay out the work. It is probable thai the Cooa* BBaatoaer win bold over anises tbo Legbdatare makes a change in Ibaebarter, ao now propoeed. Among tin- prtrjoc od Improeemeuto hi that of continuing tin- reporeoacBl of * entre mid other atreeta aa ao to moke a good thoroughfare from tbo Mi tropolitBB Hotel lo tin- < aal suis ol tin- City Mall Park, which il is expected -.till greatly polieTO Broadwar. The repairing ot the aojaednet w ill be rontraaed, and the new high service works drill be pol in Operation, so !.« greatly in roereeee the ¦newly of water ia tbo apper eanof tbo city. Hew bydranto will be placed in partoottbe oitr wbero must needed, belli r to protect the city ..gainst lire, rbeaewerage m proreroentoare in h»i xteusive. A large oewer is to be eonatraelad in Fiftii-avc.. be* tweeu Fifty-Bret and Fitt.-ninth-sis., ami one in Wesl st. between>nrintf ami W est Eleveutb-OtS. ami lion StxtOMire. to West See Breenlbntl. This warb ia nndi r IbedireetMB ol tbe Health Departtneut. t he Boolerardbi lo bo extended to ibe Kingabtidge poad, ami tin- Morntagside Parh is tu ho eompleted. I in pi u\ ei i.e. it s in i iir BOBOtfBetiOB of iliOdlow BtRCl Jail in- aloo pjopaaodi Much dspsnda, bowsvcA*. on tbe amount of money appropriated dj Iba Liuai d of Ksiimate and ABBornOBBMBt. FAYED BT A BIXTEENTH OP AN DTCH. Samuel 15. Marshall, of No. 129 Nintb-et., Braak« lya, who waoaeenjod of stabbing W, H. Ihn. at Gb*nodand Niulh-ets., ThuratlBy sroning, as told in y. steida.v'.s Titint NK. was an.-i.ted liitt that BlgBi BtB lodging Imnse in tin- BoW*ery, BOBT Hi.\anl-st. laiseiry, Wbilebe «a> heim; loakod fur m Brook* lyo,Captain VPog^oaa, of the FMlh l'neim-t, nml iwodetcc ivescsiue to tin.-* pity and learned that be waai faro-deoler in tbe Bowery, bul ins pla« wai cosed, i in prooecting tbo Mtarch two men v.i reooeo ,.,tennis l^giiig-hftnoe. ami ooo wag rooogBiged u Maroball. He was orrcsted aid laben to the 1'olKe Station. The pail-cnhin .if the aBray are thai a party had been drinking in thes.-iluutiat II..mil and Nmth-ete., when Moroball and li.its started logx>boBie. A oiopote areas oa ih- MilewalU, and blows were exchanged. Ihr i: ...!« wen- separated, aad Betts itaried to go m it ,ie Nt r.-et. Bad M.'i thai I fülle wed a ml stabbed hint in the right side of tin- Beek a itb n kaife, a bleb cut within ooe-oixieaoth of an im h id tbeearotid ortenr. Tbe physieisus sty that mis diatanea ¦arad hlallfOi Betts laatiU al the Bastorn insinct ii'Miitai. hoi it it thonghl he wnl laeovar. lb- says tiial he was socnsloioed to pie] faro al Mar- abalPo place, and ''broke the bank''on u receal occasion, M uslinII was taken befnre Justice Elliott yester¬ day taorning, ami rcleaeed in *r2.iK)o hail to appear on Moiulay. , BURNING OF a WRECKED BARK. Itifoiuiatinii reached tbbi oit.i jioiieiilaj thai th. Aoatnaa hark OHto,ol Trieste, w hich bbibnI frooi this |Mirt on October 27 with 22.oiio bushels of wheat for Gibraltar, bad been wrecked ai Ma gad the crew lamb d nt Gibraltar by tin Called! states .sinpCoooUilatiuu. The tilivu ooooBBtared lerera weather on Norember 10, aad sprang aleak, Tba gram, being in balk, sonn choked the passpa, and thai beeaaM Baaerrieeabb). On Norember 94,while the Constellation a us lyiug-to in a Mrmig gale, the Olivo was sit'lited uiaknii; signals, " lasuiediate as¬ sistance wanted.11 The Constellstioa then no eioss lo tbe diaabled bark oad round that her redder wao gone aad that she was rapidly linking. I lie captain itul raw Were obliged lo Jump oral hoard ami swim tu tin- life boats that ware lowered Knsign Reynolds wag then ordered to rotnra to tbe disabled reooel sod sol ber uu lire. Ilceause of the rloloal seas the(dBoai was obUged in jiiinpy froBt Ins boat to tbe deck of the Ollro. Bad Htter setting her on Are jumpedorer* board indowam hack to ibe boat. A ^ r A it's EXPENHE Fok HUDSON COUNTY. Tba Hoard nt Cheaoa Praabaldwg of Hadson CoBBty met yoatarday afternoon la tba Coari n«arg on Jersey Citv Heights. Jin DeaimlUaoBB Finance and Au lit presented u report showing that the ex- |e nditures of tin- county fi r the BBoal year emluig November !lü, 1S7H, were as follows : Coanty courts. 9*9,189 Interest on bonded debt. 02,850 lotereel on ti irpoiaiy loan. 2.554 Priucipal falliag due. 18,000 Incidental-' etc. 81,468 By order Board ol Fraobs)Bdaa. I7i».us7 Totsl.9891,999 '1 here still I OB III B unpaid BUll iTnWB Billig to 920,000, which will mal l, the total expeadituics lor tin- yi .ir 9881,1 m\ ot 980,000 bbh than tkoaa m the preriooo year. The CoBtadttaa gdrloed ippU* eatmn to the siat . l.eginiaturo for itatutary pro* >*ihions by which theoxponoooot the ofAss ol the Prustcator of tin- Plegg could be redoced, and also the fee* of the Coanty Coari monographer and the Count.V Stlpc-l mteijiieiit ot Sehnuls. AN APPEAL FROM A DESTITUTE WOMAN. A letter was stopped in tin- Dead J. in j oih ,-.: his city, yesterday, for postage. It had been mailed at Station H. and on the cuvi-lupe was written in the Genunn IgniniAge. "Phase o|wn this letter and see wiiat is desired." It con mined the following writtgB in the sauie lauguage: "To the res|s-cted in the Lord: When you see tin sc lew hue* If job are wfiuag tu as-i«t i:.. v.. wnl do a good woik. 1 had iletermined tootarrs in ih alli, 1 and my tllllilren. hill tin. smiling eyes of Ji bus replied to my prayer that He will mn forsake me. Poverty ami m> Uaahsud'aabaudonlng bs mar be th.- cause of my misery, but j must staUaar Lord, guide me, und I will mil lull.' | ha-..- tluee children; during the lust lortuight I have pawned my i»«t, ami eauaai t*omplain ol my stri umsi mooa to my neighhors, far gay people do mn entertain oommnnkm with sad. Whoever desires m luform himself may call at my ii.sir reshien ¦. \,i lo«. Udge-at. Kbb, Auibboht tabdbaitb, 1 wished to semi llils leltel lo sonn eliureh hut 1 ha*4 not a ecu! in Uu so." HOMti MEWS. Hf'h Ar.n», /'nrr'-Senator V. H. I'lumb of K«n- WI'll in K. CMt.fll. r, nf Maw if arniMlilro. inn ei < f n t ntorii John Ii. Aller ol M ».-*! hti-i aunt i H w ¦>>- k i. ui mnil.ur. n. V.ilr roor 7/oM*f--Jnv Plitl-delpli*.A.i..lneA«.n /f»f'l n«*M»*a I Marsh. ol Yah-1 nlloire.; .../» -rnnir..wr A. J. dnrk. I H N .gw in /fn llrnrrnl W II. l-rsuklln. of li«rll-nl W.T.ti ll.-rlev. < f PnlUitrlnhie, eno I'n-loMori C A. Alken of P.in. ri.ai. sn.l C M. M«.»<!, of An inr,M»v t \nt lUrrUon. of New Itkren, »Dil P'"**"*0,' "i lt!tlo>. of llaitford.l*i> r Hou*r-Ururr .. V Is. Hurt, or Hostnu. m:\v i -!. k. ( i l v. DeWitt ('. Rltebcock, ago llftv-six years, dn>pi»ed deed «>n his doorstep "i rfö.11B Kael Tbirty-fo«rtb- nl., yesterday, presumably fniio heart disease. Richard Connots, Bge thirlv fett*, whom drink Md huil habits had estranged fiom respectable friend-, and relative«, area bund .h ad in his room at No. 219 Khzabefh-Mt., ysebM lav. A lecture will lie d. iivcred in the f ioper fJotOB fioe course tili« evening by ProfeaaoT btoberl Spiee, ef Brooklyn, on " lh« Arl ot the Magician, wilh exportornate und in~sntratM*oe. Ahe« ..smith, of No. lös Bowery, who was shot by her husband DOCSUM of j-alotisy Christ mas after* noon, and taken to Hellevne Hospital, was regarded M mit of danget yeetatday, Henry Wheeler,age titty years, a nepro. of No. 0H iXter-ftt., employed m the bonded stores at No. 117 Fioni-st., araa killed yeaterday by ¦ full from tiiefourth to the first loot of the beildlBg. An unknown woma i, found uneouseioiia in the street b> the Eldrtilga Bl.i Policeon I'bnraday night, died yeaterday la tbe Chambers Street Hos¬ pital. The Hoard of rjstinwfe and Apportionment yes terday appropniit-H rfH.llU! .15 to pay thocrpencM of the indicted ExciseCommi**ionera, Tbe eonsid eration of tbe rctimatoaat 1880 wag taken up and laid over until Monday. be Annex boats of the If.dioken. Jersey Citv and Brooklyn Fine now make trips everv Ibirty minutes dnnm the day from Hoboken, the hue depoL Ilm New-Jersey Central Kailroad and Biooujrn. Fx-Superintendent Henry Kiddle has landed straight in the aims of the ni ne advancr.l Spirit¬ ualists, ami has enpaced to leeto10 to tboee who meet In Republican II.ill on tbe morning and even- in- oi th brat Bttnday of ihko. George Herbert, ace Ihirty-eix years, of Bo, its West Fort u i h-st., attempted to gat on a I hird- ave. rar yeaterday while ander the mfluenoa of li(|i|..r. lie waa throw n inraiust au elevated r.nl- ro.i pillar and received a severe wound. Ho was taken to lb II. viie Hospital. Aaaoagthe artielea seized yeaterdayal tkeCua- tom Honaa was a trank heinuRiug to )>. Kb bb r, a paaaenger by the ateamahip Algoria. in the trunk wrie six pairs of laoe enrtatna and aconsiderable v.uieiy oi dutiable poods. Mr. Biebter is u iiroud- aray merchant. Nothm r has yet been lone ahum the partly burned pavilion at BeDevae HoapitaL ihe Commie loaera of Cbaritlea ami Correction hare naked for an an* propriation ol #26,000 for the purpo~c ol rebnikl¬ ing it and erecting anoiher on l'.hickw. I. 's island. It bthooghi that theirrequest will usgranted, Thomas <!. Ilickle, atre sixty-live years, of One- hitndred-and-fi rlietli-st. and the iloiilcvanl, waa atruck by a train oo the Hodeou Uivat Bailroad yeaterday moimng u ben eroaaing the tiaekalüne» nundred-and-tort u i b-at. He eacapad a ith a brok.-n h*g and dngointed shoulder. Mrs. Agnea lb .leaks, wie» pained notoriety duff> ingthelaat PreaidentiaJ eleetroo,yeaterday rnrfted the Custom Houae, Mr-. Jenks aalled on Collector Mel .11 for Ihe purpose, |ht c.aimed, of gaining his aid in uansterriup her husband from one of the departments at \\ usainntoii to the New-York cus¬ toms service. Ihe billowing, aaaljliniailtl for Um benelit of creditors wa n- tiled yeaterday in the County Clerk'a office, William Bemerk and Julius Bemark of tbe linn of Bemark Hrotbera, to Herrmaa Moaoa with pre ereucoa foi $1, Iii."«: Bin lie Blue to Lome Ifatboi: Unvid Tiacbler to Heurj llamei, with prcfereucea for 01,900. The I hirty-fonrth-sf. branch of the Third-ave. elevated mail is rapidly upproaoblnc couiplctiou. ihe atruetara is dniaoed ami eounectiooa have been m ule with ttie main line, and as B00B as the tef* minal auttiou bi ready, probahlT In tbe utter par) ol January, the branch will he opened to Ihe travelling public. Ann Jane IJcatty tried to ston a labt between Robert Hewitt and Robert Cameron of No. 018 Last Mxieenth-st.. who were figbtingal her house, No. '_'..;"> Avenue C., on ChriHiinas morning, tdie re* oeived a blow on ti; head from Hewitt thai dta> aided her. Yesterday the polite *cut her to Beib> \ ue Hospital aufieriug from concussion of the brain. It was reported to the police list eveninp that Sarah Dulaney, thirty-four yean of aga, of No. en Weat ruurth-aü, had bean Miming frwu bei imme ran Monday, when, in foe morning, she kafl borne to CO to bet work at Mrs. Harm's, No. 1:1 Wooats St. She 11 ill tellbed as being livo leet six inches ill Height, with light hair ansTctay ayee,and wearing a Idack suit of clothes and a brown dolman. Tim Orthopaedic I) ipcoaary and HoaadiaL at No. r_*u Fast Twentyninth-etv, is to benefit by nape- end entertain:'a in lobe given Tuesday af ternool tu xt ut the Academy ot Mutde, Clinton Han's " stratepist-,'' Builcra "Humpty Dnmpty "Com¬ pany. Charles I lark as in his l.iuph.iide imltatietis of actors, and utbera will give attraetiou too per* formanoe tm an eminently worthy object, fi anerlal mootlngof the Etoard of Aldermen was ealled yeaterday but no quorum was nreaent. It araa generally believed that the pnrpoaa of tbe mealing waa lo pass the raoolutkm for the Chamber Street Croea«town nuUroad over the Mayoi's M l .. A Miataka of one day was mad' , bowerer, in caUmg th.- meeting the legal time in which a vein is required to bo over not aspiring until to day ; Ihcrelore BO BJUM uui was pfaaeat. The Chrtetmae feetiral of the Elereutb Btreel Boj -' Lodginc fiouae, No. 700 Fast Eleventfahatv, oeenrred buB evening. Tin-dinner was Riven by James k. Rooearelt, and ths preoenta^ronnatincof clothing, etc., were given by Judge Van Vorst, lb H. MoAlpin, ami otbera, I be einging waa h) the Southern Junta »¦ Snipers ami the choir of young hull's from Ihe German Brüning >. n ol. Addroaaea wen delivered by Jiulgo Van Von.t, L>. tViUia Jaiuu, D. H. HcAipine andotkera, TbeezeeatiTa eummlttaa on Mr. ParnefFareeep*1 turn held a no attngal I oupci I'uiou hint erObing ami ret aired reportecH rab-coittmilteea, rba prenatiotu an- almoal comptate. kladtaoB Square Garden baa been di ub d upon as the place of the pablüe ret op¬ tion, lo which mlmfandmi will be ehnrged. and the proeeeda arill be given to Mr. Parnell far the use of Bofferiui persona in Ireland, An addreoa haa been prepared and will be presented to Mr.Parnellaa BOOO .is he arrives and before he leaves flic steamer. Mary Lewis ami Mary Dar ie ware arraated in Titian* 'a "> Wedncadayou a charge i abopdiftiug. John V. Beerer, a private detective, accuaed them of rl.a lir..eelet frOUB Hay ContainingB lilli' bei which they wareexamininc. Tbodeteoilva^Bteatl* mony waa onauppoiteil ny any other witness, ami n.e bracelet wbicb the women wen. elicrgad with stealing wbc lou.ul at their feel And not iii then posat ..ion. Judge Van \'ort, bofuTC wbch in Su- preun court, CbbMbere, the women were broucfal ¦ na win oi babeaeeorpfWyeaterday,decided thai tbe evidence waa not auffielen! to bold them, ami they were dlichargad. angoOKLTV. 'I b.- walla of thenea Jail n Rayinond-at. aretwjm- plated and most of the roof has been put on, A number of otdomtni and a portion ot the auger- atrncture hare been put bp at rarioMpointealong the hue ui the Brooklyn Eierated Railroad. A petition with many signatures m opposition u> the propoaed retiratnenl of Captain E. W. Crafts, ol tbe Second Police Product, has bicn pteaanted to the I'.dire Commissioners. The Counaal for the Hew-Tork Boord of Bscnm, Mr. DiefTendorf, held a aoalereuee yeaterday with the Commbadonen of Police ami Eacbw relative to the lyafe u in Brooklyn of licensing the sale of liqoor, F. Harrey Heywood, of No. Tbroop-aye., was arrested on I huisday up. ti a wuriuni ft.Juatice Bern I'-', charged by Mrs. Annie A. Hoywood, his wile, withblguni] in marrying Miaa Lena Gil ieapie of No. Soiuh ThireVat., a few weeks ago, Iluiinp a in rfori'iaio e at !!... \ r:,r.,iie in Adams-si., Ihsi BVeninc, in wined ib.- Leotard Iii..Un is perionn dlSJcnll acrobatic teals, one or them named Frederic, age thlrty-eeven, fell while in the act ot lurning a a araneraanll Irom a height and ins shoulder was dislocated. II.- was removed to hie home, No. 291 Bowery, Mew-Tnrlt. 'i he linn lal < f Qeneral charb-s I'. KlBgabury nil be ooodm tod a* the Lafayette Avenue Presbj tei ian Church by tbaRer. Dr. Theodore s. Cuyler ibis afternoon at 1 r/ckick. In ace irdanea witb Ins ra- gaeet, no military houow will be paid. The Army tdfacerafrom Poti Hamilton and Gorarnor'a Island are i Kneel d to be preaent, and Uovarnor Mot it II.m ami ueneral Bbarmnn l ave beeo telegraphed lo, Anaong the pall-b arers w ill lie (iciu-r.ils iluticocki gloeum and Caaay, F.Xali.inall .11 o( Hi.- records of the I»eparttiient of An.Mr- b is i. ii ma le by A-seuiblvnuiu |». \\\ Talinudge, who say Hi .1 tin- nncollected lax krrma wilh interest amoimi lo BOM v $17,000,000, 01 this, all but about *.",tHK»,(MK». he savs, is in the power of oamen to pay, and ranch of the test can lie collected by b'lf.ll p.occciliuus. He piopoaOB lo frbBM ii law to preaeni the Legislature and to llieet tile exi-t lug dltl' lelic. s. Mrs. Sarah Knight, ape sixtv-foui4, was found by tbe police in a vacani lot in Hewes-e'.., ue.ir Hiou.l- way, al :t::l<i a. m. yesterday. Sla- uss«>ite.i that- aba etarted from tbe bouaa oi her abMerdn-law, at Hiaaton and Wilbjtt ata.. Nea k*orki to rmil a rela¬ tion. Mis. Bnnis, ut No. hi Channeay*at>, Brooklyn. AfterooaainK thaUraad Htreel Ferry, she found mi r i s minium and started lo walk. While she was in Broadwui, near hewea-st.. she says that a sh >rt, ¦lootman dreargedbar into a recant lot ami at' .1 t.. rub her. He got $"2, which she had lied in a handkerchief. al ltsKy ORT. Judso tiairclaon, of Jersey C ity, voaterduy sou- fenced Jacob J. Wandelt, a well-known sneak-thief, to two years' imprisonment at hard labor, lu tue Stute Prison nt Trenton. Pal rick Cough n, of Thirteenth--!.. J. nw>v City, du il yosterdsy of injuries received on Tuesday by being run over by an engine on ibe N'ow-York, Lake Piie .mil Wettfln Railroad. Francis Smith, of No. riH2 Secoml-st., Jersey City, was so badly Injured yesterday by the bunting of n steam saw at his kindllng-wond manufactory. ¦< t I hud ,ind Brnnswick-st*., that city, that he du d til leas than Ihne boon. 'I he «uw cracked nut week, but Mr. Smith drilled a «mall hole st 'Im «-t d of the flaw, to prevent Us spreading, and used it daily. m.wakk Mav>.r Vates whs presented with a solid silver pitcher by the principal olllcers of the cily govern¬ ment yesterday ni'Ttung. I he Presiding BtflaWB has appointed Thurstlav. January k as the time for the coneoeratloo of Dr. Thomas A. Starkey as Bishop of the Diocese of Northern Ncw-Jeiscy. b^asWslSMBt ffi ittgaTPJ The ooandanino cases in regard to paying certain proposed demands are lot doan for omoment la loo United statt « Distrlot Coartoa Blownae. OtTBRMvir i.r.-The house of O. M. Dunham, of D.ttitorth-avc., (ircenviilc, was enu red bv burglars Tuesday night ami tubbed ofsiivtrwaio valued gl $100. BOMgPTirXP..Coablet French, of the Soin. r«ef Coanty Bank, has returned and has been befop. t i uraad Jury, He rJcelian to say onytkinf abool the bank, hut aaoerto that bu own innocence will be established. I In-bank mauugers assert that he falsiiitsl the accounts. Pn.m Amii'iY..Th- eitv bao decided against any pnbl.c supply of water at the present tune, uwmg to the expense. It is piopo-ed (o bu Id cisterns for protection ggainet lire.One of the boodonea of ex-Collector BartOO has been mulcted in I0S7 for his aebtieuey, bow; island. 0BBAT Nick..P. C. Smith, a resident of Baysble, .be.! .it laurodayfnmtbeeffectsof injuiicssus- lolaod by being tum» 11 from a carnage. BTATKS IBLABD. POWI RlCBMOMD..A complainr has been ma le before JaetMO Johnson charring William Kinolcv, an "old salt" of the Hallocr Snog ilarnor. Britta p ' jury. Kinsley latelj ieotifled before Justice Kbas Der, at the preliminary examlaatiofl in nlatiouto the complaint of ra-Aasemblyman Samuel B. Brö k, who chargoo nrenl imthous ot Uaotlatoa with bribery in having used moaaf to defeat his ro- i In,,oil. _ COBOATEB FLA s.t a a a *& t; RJE FA sc KS. pi.ivnti BPJfABKs in Ulli iaMManY miMi i 11 t: . A BBABPKKPI.Y TO MR k1ii.Y.an ASSf SS.mknV op BSJMXX The Tatmnaay Qeasral Cooaaiittao und last night and adopted the report from Iba CammlttaO on Or¬ ganization, appointing tba primaries for the election of a aawOeaeralCoanaittae for January:!. The report did not mention any dabs for primaries in the Vlth, XIIIth and XlXth Districts, these betag kofl for the new committee to deal with. This was ilBm* because of the reported treachery of the per sons now oonltolHag those distiitds. the Committee on (legalization having spent much time investi¬ gating the matter. Connor hTahaid Flanagan, of the Xlllth Dh> triet, moved that that district be placed on the same fooling as the other districts in the call lor the prims] ies. Mr. Kelly sa;d he thought it proper to eonentt the people of the districts omitted in Ihe call before or¬ dering primaries then. It was unpossiible to have fairelections under men wba had proved liwaehoi' oin to the organization. One of the Tammany camlidales for Coroner had Dot Only been unfaith ful, but had failed to pay his assessment, altboagb well earetl for by this organization. IfOB who had been unfail!,ful in the organization should have the manliness Ul leave if without B gittag tO be P'tt out. Tbe X1111 h District wao notrne os managed now. 'I hey must hnvo men they could oonflda ifl la manage the districts, or the uigatiizatt..11 SfOuid go down. Coroner Flanngan. who had been attacked bv Mr. Kelly, said in reply, that he did not pay his ga> .eaatneni bocoaoo be cu id not und. island why ¦.» candidate for coroner shoflki ba BBPBmrd for an ofiee only poring S8,000 a year, " I a*aog candidate for shi ul," he said. " ntnl not fort'" D> m r. as Mr. Kelly knows. I could have had the nomination on the Anti-Tamilian, ticket, hut I de¬ clined if .not because I thOBBBI the ObonOQg ol election were better OB the TumiBBBJ ttfllmt No one thought that who was act erer-eaaSdaab I declined it beCBBOO I Wsthed to stick by Tamm.my Hall. I took niv medicine, did md bolt, as OOBM persons, do because g mket wao anoattorairtorj ta me. I think I am 00 good a DemoorBl as sniue who attack me." Mr. Flanagan's motion was lost, a large majority voting nun:list it. I he report of t h»> Treasurer was adopted, showing abalam.f$843in the treasury. After the committee an)..timed there was roii- sidcnhle grambf lag among oobm ot the membet The Committee on Organisation has held several long secret sessions rec.titly, ami bmbv bitter ¦peaches bars been made and mach LB feeling bos been shown. It is understood thai a namber of the Rtembi is will be expelled fram the organizattou, il they do not soon resign. MA niSL L\ 7 Kb LIU HSOB. MIMA I BB V i.T V I V . ro-utr. snn rise». t-tti Oos ssts f-B§ic§SBs fa t, l o IPs Mssn ,rla. »> i' Mimiii «.i.ilti». 1 l:iis Mneu', |,r. 14 " .II watbs rvsai v. H. Bsatf Base.. 11:17,<;..». isuui.. 7.1s ,UUOsts..«. 1107 ims ivvrr.s rose e. it. OoaOy Hook.. gjBiUer latass,. TtaBllfsg i\^>. uji PAESE2MBBS A BEi TED* rit-.vi UTBSBOOle.B1 ItBABBOnP At'iKHiI. ABBstt, 1. w. BabaBsr, W. BJ limn. j. r. Asdenae, BBts giastsla, cbsa Kuasa 1, Henry AUweU. Ilearr Piassr, Jsas L. Nehsrewsr o I'aiicy. W. ll.-noi,RbengTW. UL BaUersby, Jmnrs Klarb.Mr.ssdJtEaD. ana busuy Bneklejr, J. U. MseLesa, Mrs. nut. j it. I \\A<i .1. n. and »011 I BSSMST, B \v. 1 ni. 11 n, a a Keen a, Jsba K Treansr, a de CoelloMe.Mra B.Mesi ». A. Worausr, O. ( o i... U. 1.. 1.. PetstxB A. BoBihlor. D. sod son Ilm 11. >t. 1 BOM IIAMIICKii .UY STK.lMSUie III LPKlt. Sr hmi.lt. W.oai Ita»»s'i. J. H. Metv. P, ISlsUr. Tiny. ii. hii,| Unit fOBMSBSSBsr, k. Salomon. Adels I Inn-no 1. I. uuil f'y sclnn>ter, O, lti',.'..T. a. und istntlyfetfeil.". W. WlbeUta, r. 11. nre 11. BerbcrtaC. si i,,.,. l ti ueD. Peildcrsea, P. hsasa, Kbbsm uctie star VBWi. POItT OK NKW 1 OIIK'.BSQ >n. ABJOVBB str Alir.Tis Mr'. Ws'eur, Uv.T|i'h)l Dec ] | and Querns Brsrs 14.bboo Prsoeklya sir Hardsrtpsrk nrsu^t. 11.111,1. u,. Dec to sari Havre 11 to Kunltsrni 0 <>. >u RlhHtpBl ilir., OBSWBSBj UIiisri.w H.s' 13s;..| Mnville 11 1.1 Beaderafls uro«. str Pstare Hi'. l-.rne»t. s e\v|h,rl. i:ni-. Tin I'tnlailcliirga 17 tlu> -. to W 11 I lu'tn|.s,,n A Co. .-11 SanttBaedS t'nlta, I'lKite, t liaiicstoti H days, to I line, \v gn tcsr.l A co, sti id Inn..ii.i. su-veiis. Norfolk, to (i|.| lioiiiiiiiou ',sco bit Tootano Bsm. BsbCbs, is »1 Y Uuasck. BBip IlsrSMM 'of s>i joliu. B II). strclc, Havre BJ sswb ta BeilsBt to teastBtell Bros " ,* Bsrk Jesates isl Urrsrsesll ObbsBbb. It JbbsBs tT X... vlth coBse to WrtaM, a OB; v.-.netto Howiiiis-.t Arciunald' 11.0K Ptanseo I. im. Ortorssa. Koubb, ui Ballaat to J V Wbiuiey i ' ansBarae. 11 IBs i«»er i>»v lorafUsrs ll:irk I'latnns. n ( sor. I.suies. Uverpool 40 days, with salt in Biliar1 v sssai to wsstor. wink-.sutis.i.Al Msady RSSB. fte#ti. BWi clear 41 Cup Idssg.slissig BW| alsaSj. Al Uf.BB.BBBb si| ra OreabBB IBrk BBjB, LAeesa jagg 0 sesgi r OBBBsaa Oi.ri. BsBrsniUlj llaiiil.iirir. Knii iui.it.t r,. gfII BeKeelinie lltaagow. Auatla BsJiIwIb . ... saratoira Bund! liei e, Hnv in;i. j kvaid.tro; «ttv »>f Ailstita, tVisslholi i»11 ,1 W yiniiiiir.i ,v fo; t livof llaHir m^k p,..,, ilina, vli .licl..Ml'- »11I 1'i.rt Itovsl, un Mill,ii. vi .. V'lui aad. Bowes, BsldBaors, vis Perth Aniboy and camtttm i b Brsoasi Blesuora, drags, I'orilsnd, j p \m**. Snips »n«aa UUbibcb, laivsr, rttshassa. >aiiir.v ia».r BBBNi Ida(Ssraal iinrce. BresMm, Päses, Kdjrsa <.¦> lurk» «lorliea isnsni. la-zsns, llil.os, Zorn. I lav jr. tr r iiiiel.su; Malts iltan. I«.I. Port Hafcl, Rrrni ni ,, BlotBjr m »caipadi PsSd»r iwsei, Wsnt Pivb^lb 'rniie' r.I.eA.e, AsgSSS Aci one lltSl), BbIIBBAB. OlbrslUr hie orders, sineovic.il A Co Ja in en K ilrclt loli«ni KtMer Es, Brett,i*M*OB Hi-ai.a. Ibass(Nar», BetdeU. Bordeani W KbbcB. BdyB A Od) Antonio s (AtiMt, i.oBalich. Marseit'ea! Hioenvveh *. 1 la Brigs PPOBBca 11> uu. Oalve*loB. TuniM>i ,t tieattic Mhe» tnrd-ns iBr), Cook, fnm .11 ii lleo V Rnllev hhantioii Moore,Clenlueson, txtio B Pstmbi Katlly iir tem,, . 'i.. ire. Hone, Ws» Je* ACoj Arcadia, Waedward, itr.i -,,.,. liar. 11 i io>»i." aaa Beats Yshoa Pisa lislssA, Oslmtos. Orsramsl llasgsss Iteli'-ro ii..»i spinal.nr. Itlcononl. Iteionc ..... A-< o; l.etu« M v oltliiKlisin. « laiiiiiii-., Iticliinoiiil ia , Vau 1.1 nut. M|s(Ki.l.VM;iifs Lnaaou i»ec BA~*uda obom i *. capi Rasdr. Bwa Bs» y..ik septem's-t -."J for p.-iijiis and stnsatwre, bad ts Into r.iiie I'oa 11 t'n- illh mo, Ii, i au»e l-asli.g I ädiy Bark n.ack I'utice, mi.tr.11.1 n. m Urieaas foe isiBtstasn hrtor. n porleil anli.irc al Menw.i Ineo, lian rt.lid a / let con.L i- Mas j.-tt ». in 9mn v[ si, 1 kldtasdsle, from n w urle.tns for llcv.il. -rssnB Mila 1 At Slo.l.ls ii. 1...i..-i la .Ulli Ul.CtllUel'v .Ulua.-e . . psBol sag Balisa fitr Bitttaatlsa ' ***** POBBIOB POBTfa I.OM-OS. He- PB, Art ni AStWSTp, »tr Nrilri Bsal Hrl-i tioui PSllaAahlSlBi art st i up..ulis«in. str Atstes, innu Srw. Yn < arr at Plymouth. Pralls, f.-'.m Nc- Or>in«: arr at Oreeuock, *tr Aleiandria, from New \<r k for Olasrow l.iVdiii'H. Kit?« -Air .ris i:ra/i..*u, Iioiii Bo.toa Flint¬ shire, from rialrcaton. ' >rchi» tuen Ii iiilinore. gi MMmow-. Iloc .'fl..s.alla.1, air < 'it jr uf X»w-York. from Llre/po>u f >r **>.»¦ Voi i, Arr »tri llmhnla. Nevada, and Rzrpt. «II from N-w.York for Uvei wmi ii am in, K.i lire ¦iU.-Arr the 2".lh mat, air fi'isv » (0»r>, from New York. I.oino*. PitW. BaBed 19th ln«t, ffipe iCtpt Kellru 124 Intf, Mom ¦ l»*i.<-io; Ulth IM, (l W Wi If RtdltrM« ». I.lbvrt», liorh for .v-w Vnrk, Hum. for t tiarteawo, Wroiic* (Cr.pt Pe- dcraeni, K.m.». 4rr2l«tl i«t Dar «nid MallttMe(OefM Kran I, Terme>hi.rti IBd last.Oeareaail, \««r. Film, oioire. MBk.ie, Mardaii, Nary Jaae (Capl BMMt Btthli.et. Friedlich «n-tlia. Martin Brotl, Arabella II l Hou'b. MvtOu. 2»;ih .n.i. Tai.eonk. ciMmro«. lnvt-rr«k; i a loir, ut OI.bo.ataa* IBS lauer wltli lou of bulwark*, hoata ami ««II*. to-Lain .VAlp .Wu>«. 1/ ai .** fifth /'iy«.| [A«'.uirn.i ...us. , WurCBKlTRR1! I lTrX>WtOtTBTIT*CI Will (BN OMMBIABiBa, < »u«u«. rl; IB Hi ». r.Mf. A4. Kvux'- ti'ilihv <li< »- hat ia a holiday gift fasttreaM nnxty naamostbbmbbbbbi paaMaaaaai No. 214 Broadway, and Fifth Avenue llorsl. Doo'l f"i IN'f M Hof.MAN I.IVKR AND DTObI n il PAD a. the uio»t useful Baafatejr r" thousands havebeou tniior baDpy through its wourterful alii acv Bound Lovoa and a Vkjobtjcb PkAn an b«> ar'i'iire.t. tlei co.eha and rol.li aBTl '1. I<y u.lua; Pun, UBB* "PALATABUT coo It- BK Oll, la Til n fain wllu I'll";*. rao-XVIBIfUl Alldru«lata liepni. '1 Pi |tt-et N. Y Hit. Inda and laajaiea! lue away ! Nor hmnx a kliir'e onr'a delsr. If ?..n would aaary in f*w.r laanta a?ail trfili and <. or o' th» BasatB, Hade, iaet i, and hur i «in<ie lout of theamiraBaa m burn wr. IW8EA8E8 »f MEN and NKRV0U8 DEBIL- LP|T\ aaaaaaally, i»r Baater.lBO W.4 la acva«arBtavav*, I U«T 01 BNED, ? I DK'OKAIK tilNVF.R *ETB from COPF.I.ASD. MIN. TO N. Wr IKiWOOD. Ar. Alio. a paaB rarirty of FANi Y ooofir-, nuitabufor boupav and BKii>Ai. pnanasnTn, At Low Pi i. aa il m BltfNDIliK, >«hO Hit') a dwa y- NI.II\t)I > ili l.ihtv anil w. akness ol r-enrra- n\,< araaaa iM*nivfijr mre.i ar ai.i.f.vs m: \ m tnuD. Iti, . *i. liHaaan. AbbotUaaaai Ziia i,un iiroao- war: cnti nioii. 7 6ibarc. Alien, in.', uiai.- wadaaraar tulax._ aJTKIC I'UKK, impoCenc« nod im.-i*m of tm ii» Ob.nitlrr i »aaaa ra pcaiu a 11 <-> . 11nr .. ir*l i tin < an.I I..- HI'.NiiY A.UAMKI.i U H. lU.^lilKlovir NEVF.lt FAILS lADWArS SAISAFAIILLIAVIESOLVEVT. , a rn. djr aaaaaaaai of lB0Bear~as of ntra mOa art aaratti ii proin-i b«a aaaaallal ia parity, Baak ri-n ilr, ami nivur»rnte um btokoa^aaaapd »a^t«-.! »mmu -QVICK, ''I.i.i a.m. saKK, aa«l PBBM \Ni-.n i ui Us iraatai al aaa aara, WaawB llesti and lienlth> lilire ur '. muscle avra innde leom pure blood fie mallwar what name the rompiaint mav bo liealcnaAed, ttti iii.-i it Beacaafala,OaaaaaipUoB, *\i>u L'leers,Haraa« TaaietiL iiotin, ;.»,. or Ball HBaaai. tiiw«jM»sof tao i.uiiir«,Kldaaj'a Blaaalar, \v.,iui>, >kin, liver, B^aaaaver Kns fla. rilhi-i chronv-or conatltiil.oua1. Ihevian of lie .In. ..a.. M in th.- III.' ii id winch .iip..li"* Ilm *«'', and bail Is ami tapaBBI thaaa nrrans and w.wusl ils.-ies ..l ihl t. >tr-iu. it ibe Bataal l, uuli.'^ltlir. ib» BOaeaaa al nn mi ii:uiili«an, h»ai d. The Saisnparilllan lte«olTent not '«s:inT reaardy, o.u aeyaraa aha BaiaaMlaaa a< ttaa al aaah of ttioor- «.hu It aaiabaaaia i in "nil... it " aaiter ^tom laaaMBraal Enimoui, am! nupi'lloa I In« MM 1 '.-...!. willi a nur» and health) earn al >.f new life. Ttie -km. iiier » f>-» .1 »v ¦>' u * >t Ina t inaaarl tiaa, Beeaaaaa tieai and lahjaMfai Pimpias, BaMchea, Biaeh "-pot* sn.l skm Kiiiptinn, are laaateaaj Borrs aaa I Caaraaaaa aarae, Paraotu «un-nns irom - i it a, Kaii'.Mv.- IIS.ms,'» of tbe fir"". Mouth, Kai«, l^-irv Tbr"0', an I OUii't», that have a.-rum Uati aa lafsaa, ''It MB fn ia aacahal aiaaaaaa er warearr, ai ireai the aaa at «'<irro«. fee ffwfrflfiiafr. ara\rttAy aaara a euro it tu» aVarara^artlNaa k mil BUed i »iifflriilil Ihne in mäkelt, llli|i.'».,.ju ou IU« ajalaai PftlCl tl PIB BOtTLA Ra Ra Ra Radway's Ready Relief. mi cih;api >i A\n rfht Mi nn iNF. fou family DOB IN I UK WOi.LI). ONI'. 50 i'-l-.S i It'll i I.l'. WILL CT RAI NOR I I'lMPIAIM- AMI I'UKVKM mi. btbTbm auainot aonbF.n trrAcKHopBPt« IlKMICS AN ii IXJMTAOlOÜa DISKABM lilAN J.N'B HUNDRED DO 1,LA KB BXPBNDK fok «iTilllit m KU- IClBBU Oil MBDICAL A ITBNDA XI rHB MOMBNT BADWAV*B RKADT RBLIEf IB Al*- PI.IMH KXTKRNALLY-OR I'AKKN INTERN ALLY AO COBDI N'l To DIBKI l'iN'H. PAIN. PRuN WTUATatVEB LA I BB, UBAMBB To KXIsT. I" all ca e* «ln-re p.nu <r u.aeomfori .'iperu'iii-iMl, or if seiti-l «Uli 1 ita.'ii/.a. Illphlhena, Bare bioat, Maasjaa, Bul Otraeaa Bearaeaaaa Bilious rohe, furl uarsatlenof tlte Bn-r.-is aUaaaaeh, Laaaa, Urer, Ki.lnc>«,.u aith r um,uulnav, f.-vcf ami Arm', or wltb NaarUBM, ileadaehe. I lr h....m, To-nb- Mvlie, Farsrii -. ar natb l.uniiiaeu, Him in lb" Uiu'k,ot tthe.ua. nliarr. i.r w lib InarrhO'a. Cb.dera M.utui«, oi Hveuterv, or a/lui Buraa, Bnaliia. ai Hrui«'-«. Uhlihlataa, rroat eite». oi «ruh Mral a, Clsaiaas, or spaa tri«, the i.|> die t tt< >:i of HAU. WAV- RRADY BKLIBV will eure you of Hie worst ot llioa« eäaip alula lu a mw uouis. dr. lABWArs limim pills, PartegHi taatahara, Baaanttr aBaaaa, tarthi aara it it Ha. «itlei. of the atotuacb, liver, b iwd*..;. In;.«. '»..»ii ir uro u Uaasaee, headache, consupati.m. c<Miiiv«ue.< la Ua istiaa*, ift- teiiala luii-miueH». bilious le wr, luiUm aal i athi ureia, pUMkaai all >. raoaaaiaBti ->t iho bMaraal rtaaaea War- rante 1 to eBaet a t"» Ova cure. KBUCE IM UENTn PBB BOX, BOL BT DBCOOtaTM Vli. BADWAV i < o.. BB WABREN-BTh B. Y. Until Wew Year's Day, Messrs. TIFFANY & Co., will keep their es¬ tablishment open during the evenings. Union Square, New-York. DIAMONDS. KAMiKi. DABaUMBD A ( o. BHaanaasal Hto. UlTOBTBBa of diavobm AND M AM r.i TURBM Of DIAMOND IBOTBLBTi No-. m M tIDBB LANK. |u., v.iin.- A:.d .S .NA.s-Ar.nl'., j N h A \ oHa, No. U BBW BDBUBOTON BT, LOBDOW. Gas Fixtures, CLOCKS AND BRONZES, Metal and Porcelain Lamps. IK UP sits MMPWiT. Icliell, Vance 4 Co. EVERYTHING IN HOMEOPATHY HOMKOPATMIC H ">i%"> .net NBDIOINBBj BlaaBahBB (a sen. I e'l. ta. Sn.'.irol M.Ik, <'m'.ia. Ae.. BB. Hun flu. vn' II i.iir.vailii. .-.[Nsatirs. ilunri irera" .' .Ti'i- arv S|,rtia<s. llu api.irya' Wltvli llazo' * n! au I Mirrolol HeallBjr. CAHBM L"H BXPOB1 a -IPHt'IALTY. Al Mumplirera' HBateoaatale u*m<-lac Ho, Ueoeral li.-pot liW Fulioa-st. Branch Store. BB'i Broadway, liurd doorauo.e 17tl.«: Nov. ,ork FOK BRKAKFA8T, CS-SOCOLAT MENIER. \SK VOL ii UKOChK i O i IT. ph..an l Laeaaav _ _ BBW-YORK db11h :.. Iftwi OBI 'i i. Updv lt*n"l;,v« : Oilill i iJUU. tiaarlaa Oraal. Boaa aaaaB. amamm m ^gaaw aiKI'i \ ' v V » 11 YI'' t A us OTIS ELEVATORS. .Tin U..WIOLU- a. i areaBvar. tvt» RHVAI baking rtU YALpowder Absolutely Pure. Mann fr-.m Or«|^( 'ream Tartar. II.rtxvui.^iir ,tl i.a.M.i .Iii.« ol UM «or..l. No.uio-r rr -.H" ' P**JI iiioh Until. Ilak» !."¦ I.rra.la. ur liiitiru.ua oaaiiv . an I.. ..,»¦ .l\m. |.li.-» wlil.out fear of th. »1 ludl»-v»u.oia loou. ur mo lot. tovktuj tu».is li... *l VsalUs wil I»minas all «Uber» Id sruius. t*»t« sirsugisw ßUYAl. IIAUl.Vu CO.. New York.

4 Co. CS-SOCOLAT MENIER. · LOCAL MISCELLANY. Til.: MI TINY ON AN ITALIAN BARK. MVMIIOATiOS uv ihk t'oNSl l--Al'l'lii''Vtl. p 1 \ll I The Italian Cnimil beean y.wtcr.'sv Iii« invrstU

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Page 1: 4 Co. CS-SOCOLAT MENIER. · LOCAL MISCELLANY. Til.: MI TINY ON AN ITALIAN BARK. MVMIIOATiOS uv ihk t'oNSl l--Al'l'lii''Vtl. p 1 \ll I The Italian Cnimil beean y.wtcr.'sv Iii« invrstU


MVMIIOATiOS uv ihk t'oNSl l--Al'l'l ii''Vtl. p

1 \ll IThe Italian Cnimil beean y.wtcr.'sv Iii« invrstU

fation into the tu ti tiny no baafJ Hm bark FranciscrPouavarv. '1 he eutue enw of the vessel li:nl been

summoned to the consulate, nml BlL |PJ Indinf* the

wounded nu'u. wen« present. The examinationswere held iü privates OBstb BeBBOB bcun: int i.><1 n<-«-tl

Beparately anil examined concerning tbl BTBOI

action. The captain ami two BeIbnBof ibi MOWwire examined yc.ster.lay and tin- rest win 11 Bfl

tioncd to- lay ami sirlOjaodlBg.1 i\s. Tba ooaoal VII

unwilling to allow the |>.-u tniiini f.:. t \ i-.;>.'«! tabo made 1»!ii- In-line (ii«< vniii ii^ on nf the cx.nu

Inaiinns, hut stated that in ... i 11 tlm ...

with the stattincuts lh.*b hate appeared in thenewspapers.Hcddcs » hat has already been published in Tut:

Ti.mrsf Iba following tmts were ascertained. Tbobarb is the urnperiv ol A-uli. as D.'iiavato, a w. raltlIJItalian BMPI haul, w ho is aeeustomeil tos» ml >¦ »«« I.

to this countty in ballast ami have I hem obtain

hen a riirgn of grain "t other pttsiucc lor It I.V. Thecaptain, Strph.uio Fi t until.i, lias bu n for severalyears in civinnmd of Iba paaM \c>«cl pjal bag In Iisgppw OOOBB PPM Wba h..m" b-ea with hunsoveia!voyage*. II*' is spoken of ai hind but Itrin, amibe spaskaaad MsjTee la a outrk ..ml decided way.The iinittiiee i«, Iren«» au.I Ar.slini.l'i. bail bOeatftsated by him wiiii wspjeesal ktoetsseoa, bavtaa beeaallowed to remain «»u hoard at Bava: «. while theisyatottba arav acta turmd ¦way. lie abpielv iab tin y ha.i pj view Bros to abtata 11»«- m.mevwbish ttsep BBaswaaod #aaaa baaidLta pai bartoon tutu cargo, i m-y van ou «-\- Itea by the tboaablof this i \pi. nl no' I] that lba| attrn pl« «1 llotie to

oearpowog ami narrVet a crew of bbwm Ittaaa men.

I lo i uttf tti«* ...liti'Ai |.»r t| e i iiiitnil .if Iba v «sei theenvv showed f.o beWTOfy, und had it::-. bee* fortin- biMBoaa al tin-1lapfaia the mipoaesof tho inuti-

aeers might baraa.aaetotapfsttlsesL It they hadben. BUCCtMfnl Iheir dCMga WM to have taken tM»»-K' - Ml III t tie v ikSi'I, In Im \ r s i ill iil III lin il lev. I lidtanHiesI il pisssiibli i'll um- oi in«- Aallllao 1 bata waain i. a ';t> little i.toiiev ou hoar I Iba Vessel OB theroyago in Am rtca.probably not ovei fjoo. theI. ., d but who won woBBdwl ia Iba aaaaaabwbara ossjb noovtTed aaJUeleallj to ao aboat. Tbaraa ate ke. t. t,.| tne nre.-ent, IllHin the Vessel, l ut

t1:. aaptaiB ia allowesa lo laira mmtl fmahoal floaty,I i i.nl Blataa DsmlntgI-AtUwnay ivi ny, al

BrawklyB. wai aabtin wbatbar Iba Qorara*on tii would lie r< presented at ttiu exam-

ItUltHsB Iff ue the aOBBBa. lb' taid thath. kasibksskesiuvartbatraalyoltaa luted Mate-,with Italy aast found that by" IIIPtrOTIaltsaaIbaopbsMil-ati'i i ousitiur atrents ot aaab aaaatry have ax*claatvk abaraa ol (he kkiataal oni.-i of Iba m> u-hautvtsaaobiwl Iben Notion, aotl that PtstiaroL Btata or

niutiiriiatl authorities cttnn't ialatforo until la*ojojootaatB do bp la wrltiaa by Iba ooanal.

Tin. i »!c(.i:i;y v.\>i: in m:\vakk.The trial otf Cbai bm UaoJaar, ladlatad far bagaij,

Tta- resuuietl \isi.iday in the C.-urt ol ftaortBfloool 01 at Newark. TbaBMO Coiiitnev was P>

callod»aad tool bod to the BMvaaaeataol tin- I.tml-Bon in Wu.. : i.t-ni a: il Uu hinund II. Jauuarv.1879. lie ill. ill I lied a .¦: :i t! in K.lvMllil LutdOM 1*0

Baodwiitioc labaa fram tho valise of CharlesIsiadaop«ao oao that waa shown to him wbaa boprialad the blank drafta. He could aal iwaar paat-lively that it Wiis Ldw,iril Litidtur's haiiilwritttPäTbao^otBBoa oolbid Jbbobi a. taaasioa,oaabioaal Iba¦fkrotNatloai ii.ii.k. Beroral lata>ad PBtaBa wanobwwb ta linn, and he sai'l that in bblOpiaBMl the

baadwritintt on the che k» vs.is not made by thepaOM pcr-on. O.i i iiiss i'Xii in 11: at lou. the witucsssiiiiid tiint panaaa wba terpja obocbo oooaatiiaaoan M se , elli .i lllel eilt li..luis. He lie I. I I eil :i M Ii 11"

litl |i V hel Wee it Ine Irhpoo OOOlBIBCd ill htt'-i:- ofCharti s LiadM r and no one "i ibt itabo of ai rteok-ba k of it:. ManbaaW National Baub of Cleve¬land.

rbe defrBOc oadaapoiad ta iBttodstn t Minimyohowino Ibataforptrd check bad baca aaoaed on

J m .> t iiimi! slaill ut lo tn.it on Balle] ,\ Allen, anday n pert*na etbor tbaa Iba dofaadaai. Tba Cowtrlexcluded Iba oridaa« o aad an axt^eptloa waataboa,V. .\. (VtalsdotboftW lestllfled that Ltlidoer was

in.i ti.«- tu.in who patsiad i fosTpod eboak la biootara.Cborlei Liiwli er, the ih-feuduu*. laaltbad in hi.- ownbehalf, in- «rast thirl) yenn ohl, bo oaid, wao tnat-

rii d, an.i live .1 in Kicbuioud, To, Ro aavi t saa IbaBallot A Allen ebeek. Im ibafanpan «f wbJaib hehud acaa i iilnievl. nodeuled laal lb«s valioeof>¦MW4 iti e. iih nee In limited tu hlSk, The di'tetiiluiitfavaaa aeaa mt *«f ins mhwoi oaaoottoa alaatar,atoeb si* cui ttiir aad eisjar doaler, bat denied aarajMWBMtfool n Murttoipwiloa la Ibio erikoa ot wbiaiili" i". « Ii.'ii if.-il rbeOtsaaweiler ebeek baoiaToad in

tin- pnoaaao of Mi. Quaowalk*ri ami it waaalvi u inpayasoal i"i i iraua. He bad aoror oatand into anyBOaTotiatMBi wiin Cawtaaj to pass iat^oa paaor,i»n tiaoo tuoialaatlMi he was ibawaa aaanber oldrafta lakea btaa the voiioo, and taatlbadtbal bohad Barel otoo them 1.1 fore thetr prodactlofl illOMirt, Ho w.-nt into fartbar daBBUa al hi' paol ins.Mary,Obowlni that he Bad beoa in various husi-m.i in s.i: i.- f tba priaeiMj cities North auu


Itrdaj i-'* Uu int ai s t uiii:i\." aad Iba yaltawfl.iü id l bp OnMBlil lee will lit in tin- pi im laal I hor-

aunbfano«ta natiadtba poblic «>f the aaad ami

tlLty nf MbaafiMai to the Hoapltal Kund, i bo ta

riaao si n^.' Haoa will oaiT] i bo j el low logo,"' IbaiioaaaboBiFaUawlBi am the suliseriptmos of the Sti.rk llx-

chii'iirc yestcnlut t

i. u. Bavaab Oa.... M#i Bjatirirkdi WIIbbbi... bbb]i Bill C Lswressw. 601 O. B. BattOela. 1*3A \\ Dioaweb b Co... 25|i>.C H.iv«. ao |J. H. t ..lk.it»- it tii_ 50 C PVIIwsra . BOJ .1. llis«tiiisoa. i'."i A. H. TeraaM. BSSoul.. .v .V limn V.. Ii II. ht-iil. 2..Koui.ts Dim. 20 I 17. I>..ui>ir«i.iy. r»J A Klaa.Jt. in I " II ". 10 j.. s mi n-l.i r ". lo \ Lm.3" w '.. p [ PJ. J lli ttiiian. 1«>li iliii urn a a in. l ". loII«' Bates. l'i l.w. t;iii< y. ji . a » ». y«,JohnBeaJaMin. in Oelatoa a- Boaoingl. i. It pars. i".K obad Boba.ibar 2.*.UaasillotJ A Heron., inllatrli A Vooto. lOo

Hiillaln II lli.yslata!.>f7ö.'i

Int- tiill.iwinjr ioldii i'Uiui siiIim-i intniis are ae-

baawladBod by Cbarloi r. BlwaJlj pnoidaal of tbaMarittoM Aoooabrtlaa y otarda*:Be"lb a < <». BOO i J. Otto Kook. BIBA'. mlesOo. tS I-

j-.nii RewtoM A aaaa.. INstal.>>n;(.I -"lilt-lit IlliM-hi n, ot I he l'r.olueo Lxelliiti^e, le

pjtarlod Iho Ivlkiwia/j iah« iijiimus:Vil lain It PaWM_(ion j iinoll.y hints A»o.. f>.r>V il lain II. ("wiiii. 1!.*» J- >l. K.".6J I Wall n> v a < <t... 80 I ** A B. M.". Ij.-. 111*. Main . IS-Wai aTiaitkaka A Oa. 10 Total.ppjoi

HNI l.M.or ALKXANDEb bTTJART.The rreshytenan abwnb nt Piftb-BTa. and I ifty-

filth-st. wasfilleil ve-ienhty wnli proiuiiieiit men

of tbla etty. falband ta pay Iba bnri libato of ia.Baal i" AI« x..nilor Mu.iit. Aasaagtbosapraoaolw«re CbByf-Jaatteo \\'ane. tin- Bar, Hi. WiUlaajA-h.tes. tin- kev. Dr. Oraaby, the Rar. HiMtpCoak

McOilL of PriBcatoB Calbtpje, PbIm Oaasar,>\:. .m Libby.Rol u BMiner, John A. IHawart,JobuL Keoot lr, Mwrrto K. Jesop, Charles Lanier.>'.. B. JaJrar. J.Xl. Vunallve, Hanry M. \l. tander,H.Ii. I'* PmwoI, ex-klayof wu kbato, ami Turk Coin-in.i.-inner Stallh II. Lane. Tba body waanoBorodJr..m Ibi late naldenooaf the dead pjao laCbaBhat s-t. ii.ei tiy latbaabonk rhaBMiBiTissnwonbBi blwtbM and wilts, Mr. and Mrs. I;..to rt L Stuart.'il. v ai.- Iba only t.utviviun mar ralativao.In aeeordoBce with the .. j.h.m.! w:.»h of Mr.

Blaort. there won no palI-bearera, und the servicesW«n us oinipb-as poss.h!«-. Ihe colli n whs of oak,nad earend w it h a black cloth, the silver plateL.>ie t.n 111-ci ipiioi,: " Alexander Muurt; iiorn l)e-«. I.. 1 1810; dksdDeoonibwc 83, 1919? Taalit 1111

" Asdoap iti ,!«.-us. Itlo-.-.i-d f-lcep,''was stinif,pad tb«M the paatOr, tba MOT, llr. John Hull, in I is

a. I.i'. .s ...I i.list I., the wish of the dead luau thai theastv! Iobavld be-himple.

HI A I.T.Y DIJOWNKD AM) IN I'lHSON.J ihr. I'm.\ ti, a bodermaker, who was workine on

tin ivaBBBBTCaliforaia, waa labaa to F!ss«-x Market1'olue ('i.iirt yester«lav inorninif. H's stotv was

that he h id b-crt tlriiiLniH 'I hursday nlKht amiwhen he v, 1 nt to the dock he fell ..v. tin .aid ami waa

rvsem-il some friemls. lie started home, was ar¬

rested 011 the way, and locked 111 a cell all night in hiswet clothes*. Yesterday BBMBBBB, Wbaa taken outof the cell, on saying tnat he was on Kugbkliinnii.be was sei/«-d by the hau, he Bays, and huileci lourJcei away, oy au otllcer in uuiform.A lejsutei visited tin-Seventh Tree it.ct ami saw

tba »ergeaht lo charge, but waa unable to find theone who was on duty Thursday ulirhi Olhcei M.hweenev. who made the arrest, stated that hi-dis¬covered Brown about 2 o'clock yeslerda. morningIttaiag against au a>v Blag-pnsl at Monroe andCatiienne-ota., and mi ticinn he had no hat and waselitveruig, ho asked Brown for his naino ami his ad¬dress but rreeive«! no laply, Batoat Intu l,y tiarm and found his coat was froren, but thought hemight have falieu in the street. Justice LhiUv com-m it- I Ilmw 11 for 8ve dais, saying in that tin,." he might he a tit aubjeci for a Lotipilai"

BP-MI8S10NS IN THE IsUbTHODIRT CHURCH,The annual meeting of the New-York City t Jmr< h

Exteiikioii and Missionary fsociety of the Mcth.slistt>j;scopal Church took place yeslcrduy aitcrnoon

nt No. so.* Itmndway. Thercpoit* of tlio pastorsOf the \ arioua churches und Suudtv hool« niiik-Inn up tlio iBTpBBHBlbBJ van read, uflcr which thefoDowina ofbcera were iikttited for the Beaming year:rYcaMeal, Julio H. Cornell ; first vice-president,tha Rev, Dr, W, 1.. Ham* vlec»prealiienta, iheler. Cbartra Fletcher, the Rar, John W. Baach,»ho Rar, IL s. Tarry, Uaaaral Cliatoa B. Fiak,Bowle« Colgate, Anderson Fovr ler correspond-irIt secretary, the Kcv. I>r. J. I". .Newman : reroid-Ing moratory, Janata J IVhou; treasurer. Will¬iam Ii. Falconer.

Till: BTRCQGLK IN CUBA.M! «s or iiiv io vdif rioM^Ts -fffkiT of mMM M i ACTtON i >f l"M «PlN'hll (.UMHIN Mi NT.

Qen ami Cattsta Garen Yelghea, afka boatUM <ted

Witt the revolution in in ha, is «tili in line city. Herecently rotarnan from Jaataiat ami Kay Waat,ml l he represented the Cuban RevolutionaryOuaiailtaH orpanisc.l hero about a year auo for Ikepurpose of aaattBataj the war of independence. Healso took an active part in the last revolution iu

Caaa. la which ho was taken prisoner and aetit to

Bp in. About a yaai and a half age be ictunicd to

th'«. country, after l aving been retained in prisonloin years. iTuinineii t rcoluimnist* say tkal Qoa>cral Garcia will probably become the head of the

nialalhamj jOTiajaaatat A TMBUiti laaortarBallad upon dim yesterday to learn what effect IbapaMaaaajaal Ura Mil BtrtrHehlag ajavory n Cuba, byti.e Senate at Madrid, wouid base upou the n volu¬tion." It will not chance the situation of affairs at a!!,"

replied lien, ral (Jatcia toa «juestion ; "the paaaagti f the bill laonlv a trick ta oonttnoe alavery ih< ra

tea yearslaager. Beajklee, ia 1870,a bill propoeeoto Morei, ii'i> t oiimial 8eorelary. providing for thegradual abotttioa of siavei y by HBakiaa nil childrenI i rn uftcrthe passage of the art free, anil bextowino;freedom agon all attaining the age at* sixty rsara,v '« passed by both the S-enato and j j( 7, which,in praeiic, baa baaa completely Igaated. We haveno more reason lo expect that they w ill acl underthit *n. than rra*1~r ttrr rlhirr Bail Iba Movementwould not be arn sfed Iiv a hotter hill, us we arc notmerely fi.-til iilL' lo lil.ernte the -.laves l<i|| to Cstah-lis.'i i|u? independence of Cuba."

'* Why diu mi many of the West India men.hernabafaia froai voting r*" lb-cause the bill was not liberal ennttghT. The

Cabati >en:itors voted against the lull Ihm au>- tin yan« ihemselvi * slave owners.""Will ihc slaves Iheeaaelvea be laflnanoad by it in

any decree fI »hink not. If the law was put Into practice it

woiij(| mean ten lone years moic <>t s 1 v 11 tide. Thisia the pciiod of life for the lahornii: 11:1111. und u

generation would mm aatay before its raaalta wouldbe felt, Mean'a in ie, tboowBon would endeavor to

gai nil the a 01 h out ot t l e u aoaaible mt aoooapeoanvt ion for letting tbrai go free.

.. 1b the movement foi inttcpctil. 11« e rainingpoand. andarahopee notarialnod of ita ultimatesue ..¦«» V

" ii is girr-fr-g every dar. At pretest tlMgroafdifficulty is that the different aaetioba are nolunited. When the rovolui looiata gala more st reogl hund are united aoderone lender Iba a*aj trlty ol tbealavca will take up arms. By Iba time this is dontin party will be atrong eaovgn to sustain llaeli1agaiual ihe Bpaoiab goreniBieDt. Biepawill goonbe t.iLcti foi eatablianing a revolution.iry govern-ment. Uenarala Vicente Uarela. Ilaxiino Ooeaei IAatonio Mareto end Chrioa K'niort'. Ml of whom tookpart in the laal roTolbtaoB, will sail for Cabo at mi Iearly iiay, Reinforcouienta, anna and axamnnitloiwill also be Bent. Bbould the war prwe aaeceeafnland au iBdeDeudewl goTornaienl be eelabliabed, itwill ne similar Inform to 1 bat ol 1 In UnitedHtataA,"Qabaral Rolof atated yeaterday that Üotaniia-

¦toner Major Qtitierrei w;'.s expeeted 10 boom '.<.> :'. Ifiom ticnerai Beattea ami brtbg ofBcial ragorta o Itiie pgaaaait state ot affain In Cnoa

Tin: fall in t;\s btock8.iti Monrn rtrt awaTioTiB bra-QTn oryaii BTTtra

oariguu <>p ihb » mpanus.

There has been g marlied deeliaa in IbOgrioBofcas stocks w it hill the past few monthe. TbCBe were

for aaaay yeata bead as ubtobI frtmitt. tbc lai tnationabeiag BaaalL Larga bloekaof these rtorka ara Baldto lie held by wealthy persons. Within a few weck«the prices of the sio ks h.ivo fallen flout 10 lo 13(1

l»er cent. The achw cmnjielitioii lu tween the foin-

panies has lesiillcl in bVfgB WdoOttOOB in Iba priceui p is. Large Baaabtaaia are now supplied .-.t 7~>cent a thousand feet. Fatn lies gad those who us'-

sinullei iiuaiitities pay a larger nriCO] hut it i- laidon ifood until'my thai the coiiiputilc*. do not rculiz"an averaire price of inoto than Jr'l a thousand feet,winch, it latilaliaad.daOB not repay the cost ol gra>dud ion. laaOOBetinence of the low pi ocs severalof the bwga companies have failed to pav divi-deiids to their stockholders. None of the New-Volk

companies havo paid dividends since Antust 1,abaa the Metropolitan paid its refill.u .seini-aiiiiiuildiridPad Tbe Mutual Inn passed atnee then ono

quarterly diaidead, and the MnnioigaJ, wblob baialail Paul its ilivideri I i|tl ii ii i lv. paid 11s batasl one

in June. Tbe Naw-York Oompany omitted t<> da-olaro lie atail aaaaal dividaod payable ia Morem*ber.At a pillilie sale on \\ ediics lav "O shales of Man-

hattaii stoek w.-re aald at 1!!*«, ai d SOthareaolNew-York at 75. A buae broker in gaaeooipaoysi,an s-aai \e-ien! iv liiat thare waa nodeaiBBd forthem; tI'ut iaveatora were anwilling to boygsaaioeka ia alew of a rainooa enmpetitiea ami of a

probable adoption nt the electric, light. Hemtoted tbe principal New-York Blocke BtfollowaiMatiti.ittau 135, afetropolitaa 110, MatuaJ SO,and Municipal 140.

it ,i is U en unnoted alao that the rariboa oomna-alea ptogaaed to conblne «>r conaolldate on the plan<>f the Brooklyncouipaaica,iv rident Place, of tae Mutual OaaLight Com¬

pany, said yeaterday thai proi.ai.lv the pnaeipaln-aaoo why gae atocka bad fallen was becaow olihe atFoaa coatpetition between the coarnaiLoweringtlie pnceol gaabad prevented laepay¬ment of dividends.

1 n....«. Bgaper art i< lea oa Ediaon'a electric ligklhad frightened aonie timid holders. The beavieatatoekboidera in the company were not frigbleiMd,however. They bad yot toaee aar» Ediaon'a inven¬tion pat to a practnal teat, nor did thc\ bcii\cthat bie electric liglit eoald laceeaafally competewith g.tH. There h id been no attempt made U>eon-aolidatetbe New-York eompauirg similar fathoecin Brooklyn, nor bad he beard ihe matter men¬

tioned by the repreeenlalivea of the eompaniea.1 bere waa an eflbrl made ¦ometime ago ta hive thevarious compmica agree an ¦ unit.um rate for sea,but this bad fall* ii Ibiwagb anal aochiog fartneih oi been done.The I'lesi'i. nt of the Rear York Oaa Light Com¬

pany thoaghl the fail in t he pi i a of gaa etuck* wniha entirely tu the faet that ihe cetnpjniea

bad passed I heir divide'ids. ! his WOald he BO Ul¬li nt to b04 OUUl for the tail. He did BO| thiub th.itK<ii- n'aelectrielbjhl had had raoebefleet. It waeyet in,ii.r.i. He bud beard aolbingei a consolida¬tion of tb'- new*<yarb contpaoBia.

EDWARD fWANRELL ffTILL RIDIRG.Bdward Beannellj w ho shot and eariowaly hdared

Henry Wihron m a Third-ara, saloon on Wedneadajuioriiine. had not b en aii' sted up to a Into hourlast i'Vi nn.jf. It is stated by luTsmis who havebbbwfjcieiibbll ainee the affray, 'bat he elaiaMtohave-hot W il oti in sell-defence. His version ofthe affair la that WUaoo, after stnkiim bim hi thefae. and ku<u kiuifont I wo of his teeth, kieked himunder the chin. In proof of thj.s he exhibits awound and idack ana bine marks BBOb his neck.In the excitement that followed boom one eaogblbum by the arm frota behind, and tbinkingthal bewas tbout lu bn al nuked Le drew hitPlBtol andtiled.WiNon scondition was inurh more fa\oraUIe y, .

terday. lie a aa abia to sit up and oonrerae, and is

tboogbt to bi out ot oaager. Th.- bridaTBofbieBoat le beokea aad one ol the beila yel remains iuins face. Th.- other hall, which entered his monthand broke. M vi ral teeth,be claims to have gpll out be¬fore betngltaken to tbe boaMtal. The yotuignrbrotberof Si aiuoll bus called to see \N il-ou several tunsand expresses Btaeh aanow orrer the occurrenceMis. >. ..mien, the Baotber ofEdward, whoigebibty«t. ree ycuis ol age, is very much Pioatratod by llioall.nr, and i: is leared fiat she will not ucover.

FI.O.MING A Sl'NKKN SIKAMKU.Information waa received at the bAob of the

Coast Wrecking Company yihterday that thesteamship Falcon, which wna mink in colli.loawith a echiKiin r off Covo l'oint, Cheeapeake Jlny,about six weekl an», waa atloat. Ilm wreekenhavo been at work ainco the steamer oauk, savingtiio raigo. and on Thursday lai.t Siipeiinteiident I.J. Men lit, with the steamer Relief and two newlarge poutoons, left Muten IbIiiuiI lor the wreckOa Chriatmaa mornlog with the pontoons ajaau«sple and evel ,\ I 111 tls' iii i < Hill llos, the pllinpawcresluiud and dunng Ihe iluv the st- ann r was ll.,ai, ,|and bBwyaai to the axeatili of the Paaxel Elver, mi.-will bo taken '.i Hu J11 nun«- for renalis Ii.-morrowTheeebaanea lir.«jkiieid with aoarnaol potatoes

fioui Neva Scotia tetkaj part, wbiea on baadaialaht. oariag a bbow alorm, went aabui« at lloiiinland; has b.-. n toiidcun.cd. ami with the cargowill prove a total loss. Tin- captain Is stripping thevesecl of sails and tigging.

Tin: houdayj AT Tin: EZCBaEoee,The Cotton Exchange waa rloscil yesi,.r<lav in

fucoidutice with the vol.-of the incmlj. r«, and willcontinue closed until Monday. The Plodgaa Elchangu might as well havo be.tu tinned also, as

there wan a gciieral «Ugnntion u| MBataeBB, ami

¦mb «>f those who hmi rated BgBBMl »hVjbJi P I ¦ *

plained of the in« livtlv "i tM v.-n few BMBibtWioiiiooiit. Abeat tb« ealy thing to wBicli the mea .

her* |»ai«l attention was (.. the subscription tor a

Christmas Paresen! of 1100 to thq elan who con¬

ducts tin- ". alls" on th.- pram Boer, m il #.><> to

the "aaller" oa tba prorancn. Boor. Hun- were

no culU m grain rootorday, and no lalro wore bmbmal elf tier of the three provision cribs. The Londonarraraetl being clo«cd there were no foreign BOjatBstlOHB.

DESPERATE PROM WAN I OF POOD.MLlil.AKY bv a HTAnVINf: man.wiikh lli:i> i »s-

I.ition OP ins PAMTLT.A dfBBBtlj ilre-soil man ot middle nge was seen to

Mop hcfore tlie pbiuibe.'s shop i f James Flcmminp,So. M \V, st Twi iiiy-.c\. iit!i-sl.. nlMiut 7 o'clockCaWBstBBM morning, and hreak flu« window andtake scvi ral brass faucets. He waa BrTOOtod andtaken to the Twi nty-niuth Piccinct. He snid Ins

bbjbo waa Wintaai Smith, aad his age forty. Jus-tiee Ftaanaee, ai the JsSbraoa Market Police Oenrt,held BlBJ foi trial on a charge of BBrgMMT. in de¬

limit of 91,000 bail. At IBB court BBslth said thathe lived in a garret at No. 172 MiilbcrTv-st. withhis wife, who was ill with consumption,und his littlo bov. Ho was a carpenter,but ont of werk, iiud UMBsfjB he had

tried repeatedly ho had failed lo obtain employ¬ment of aar html. Neither In1 nor his family, hesaid, had had anvthiiKMno.it lOTtWOOty-fOOr hours,sad made desperate by his eoodlMoa, he Bad brokenlala the phiuihei's shoo, hoping only to raise Bwmeyeaooab apon what he bad stolen in obiaio food forhimself and his sfiirvinir family. Smith was takento tin- Tombs lo await ti tal.ATpjbcbrreporterealledat No. 172 Mulbein-

st. \esteida.v. In a small risiai BB tin- top BOOT of a

real t.-iicliient-bouse, the only approach to eachslut v being ti narrow. slippery iron stairway on theoutside ot the haildlng. BBltfl'o b if'- ami buy werefound. 'I he room contained a gmsll stove, and a

few articles of farnltnre I tbo walls were white*washed, hut tnetr barBBeaa war partly oorored bytw i prints and a weroted»warb motto, "the Lard is

in\ si.ephcnl." Ranaing over tbs door woo a raotphorasabaa. Mrs. Smith, an latelligeot women ofmiddle-ago, BfOaa from the bed as I he rOBBPtartered,nought ngeioleotly. She said that fund amifuel had been sent to her by persons r.mm1 led w iththe ourt in which her husband had been tried, amithat tbfl was feeling much stronger in consequence.She WBfl a native of WmWOOOTB, and had BOBB BB>ployed as a hat-triBiBierin this city. " A few yearsnt"," she added, " my bnobaad was taken sick, andI winked and tonk can-..( him, and this il v. h it

broBgbl BadowB, Lately be coaJd not get work,ami night after ptsbl he bai walked ihn Snotand ciicd hecar.se there was not hing laus to cat. lie Barer drank nor scoldedus. 1 haven't I00B a piece of meat in WO k*and yeeterdajT I and my hoy had nothing buta crust of bread. My neighbors are poor, like onr-

¦elees, ami I eonldirt go lo tbem. Cbriotmae morn-big my haabaod aroao early ami went to his mother,in tin- hii|ie id »'el i nig a lew Im-iiiiii s, hut she in linthave refused hnn la cause pilU tu do MB h an act. 1don't know WBBl WO -hall do| We owe overs twout< hi i iits' rent and I In-1 in '.lord may turn us out anyroomeut. At IibmsI snflsr rery much. It seems as

it i should couth BUT lite out lOBMtiflMB,

IT ans id!.' bTREEr IMPROVEMENT.There is a disagreement in tin Board ol BstiaiBle

nnd Appartionnienl over tin- ippropnatloBi aokedfni by th- Dapartaaool of Public Werbe, MayorCooper insists an the f*iiBiiiilsalonei getting wbal he

BOkBj which L'on troth i Kelly OBpOBBJ on the groantint there is nut nmin-y OBOBgb w ithoiit iiicr.-a-.iiigIba tazeo too nraeb. Commissioner ampb. Hb term

n| oflee will expire this month, but he savs that OS

OBOB as the Board of Appnrtimitneiit will settle justw hat his deportment is to pet for the next year hewill lay out the work. It is probable thai the Cooa*BBaatoaer win bold over anises tbo Legbdataremakes a change in Ibaebarter, ao now propoeed.Among tin- prtrjoc od Improeemeuto hi that of

continuing tin- reporeoacBl of * entre mid otheratreeta aa ao to moke a good thoroughfare from tboMi tropolitBB Hotel lo tin- < aal suis ol tin- City MallPark, which il is expected -.till greatly polieTOBroadwar. The repairing ot the aojaednet w ill berontraaed, and the new high service works drill bepol in Operation, so !.« greatly in roereeee the¦newly of water ia tbo apper eanof tbo city. Hewbydranto will be placed in partoottbe oitr wberomust needed, belli r to protect the city ..gainst lire,rbeaewerage m proreroentoare in h»i xteusive. Alarge oewer is to be eonatraelad in Fiftii-avc.. be*tweeu Fifty-Bret and Fitt.-ninth-sis., ami one inWesl st. between>nrintf ami W est Eleveutb-OtS. amilion StxtOMire. to WestSee Breenlbntl. This warbia nndi r IbedireetMB ol tbe Health Departtneut. t heBoolerardbi lo bo extended to ibe Kingabtidgepoad, ami tin- Morntagside Parh is tu ho eompleted.I in pi u\ ei i.e. it s in i iir BOBOtfBetiOB of iliOdlow BtRClJail in- aloo pjopaaodi Much dspsnda, bowsvcA*. on

tbe amount of money appropriated dj Iba Liuai d ofKsiimate and ABBornOBBMBt.

FAYED BT A BIXTEENTH OP AN DTCH.Samuel 15. Marshall, of No. 129 Nintb-et., Braak«

lya, who waoaeenjod of stabbing W, H. Ihn. at

Gb*nodand Niulh-ets., ThuratlBy sroning, as told iny. steida.v'.s Titint NK. was an.-i.ted liitt that BlgBiBtB lodging Imnse in tin- BoW*ery, BOBT Hi.\anl-st.laiseiry, Wbilebe «a> heim; loakod fur m Brook*lyo,Captain VPog^oaa, of the FMlh l'neim-t, nmliwodetcc ivescsiue to tin.-* pity and learned thatbe waai faro-deoler in tbe Bowery, bul ins pla«wai cosed, i in prooecting tbo Mtarch two menv.i reooeo ,.,tennis l^giiig-hftnoe. ami ooo wagrooogBiged u Maroball. He was orrcstedaid laben to the 1'olKe Station. The pail-cnhin.if the aBray are thai a party had been drinking inthes.-iluutiat II..mil and Nmth-ete., when Moroballand li.its started logx>boBie. A oiopote areas oaih- MilewalU, and blows were exchanged. Ihri: ...!« wen- separated, aad Betts itaried to gom it ,ie Nt r.-et. Bad M.'i thai I füllewed a ml stabbedhint in the right side of tin- Beek a itb n kaife, a blebcut within ooe-oixieaoth of an im h id tbeearotidortenr. Tbe physieisus sty that mis diatanea¦arad hlallfOi Betts laatiU al the Bastorn insinctii'Miitai. hoi it it thonghl he wnl laeovar. lb-says tiial he was socnsloioed to pie] faro al Mar-abalPo place, and ''broke the bank''on u recealoccasion,M uslinII was taken befnre Justice Elliott yester¬

day taorning, ami rcleaeed in *r2.iK)o hail to appearon Moiulay. ,

BURNING OF a WRECKED BARK.Itifoiuiatinii reached tbbi oit.i jioiieiilaj thai th.

Aoatnaa hark OHto,ol Trieste, w hich bbibnI frooithis |Mirt on October 27 with 22.oiio bushels ofwheat for Gibraltar, bad been wrecked ai Ma gadthe crew lamb d nt Gibraltar by tin Called! states.sinpCoooUilatiuu. The tilivu ooooBBtared lereraweather on Norember 10, aad sprang aleak, Tbagram, being in balk, sonn choked the passpa, andthai beeaaM Baaerrieeabb). On Norember 94,whilethe Constellation a us lyiug-to in a Mrmig gale, theOlivo was sit'lited uiaknii; signals, " lasuiediate as¬sistance wanted.11The Constellstioa then no eioss lo tbe diaabled

bark oad round that her redder wao gone aad thatshe was rapidly linking. I lie captain itul raw Wereobliged lo Jump oral hoard ami swim tu tin- life boatsthat ware lowered Knsign Reynolds wag thenordered to rotnra to tbe disabled reooel sod sol beruu lire. Ilceause of the rloloal seas the(dBoai was

obUged in jiiinpy froBt Ins boat to tbe deck of theOllro. Bad Htter setting her on Are jumpedorer*board indowam hack to ibe boat.

A ^ r A it's EXPENHE Fok HUDSON COUNTY.Tba Hoard nt Cheaoa Praabaldwg of Hadson

CoBBty metyoatarday afternoonla tba Coari n«argon Jersey Citv Heights. Jin DeaimlUaoBB Financeand Au lit presented u report showing that the ex-

|e nditures of tin- county fi r the BBoal year emluigNovember !lü, 1S7H, were as follows :

Coanty courts. 9*9,189Interest on bonded debt. 02,850lotereel on ti irpoiaiy loan. 2.554Priucipal falliag due. 18,000Incidental-' etc. 81,468By order Board ol Fraobs)Bdaa. I7i».us7

Totsl.9891,999'1 here still IOBIIIB unpaid BUll iTnWBBillig to

920,000, which will mal l, the total expeadituicslor tin- yi .ir 9881,1 m\ ot 980,000 bbh than tkoaa mthe preriooo year. The CoBtadttaa gdrloed ippU*eatmn to the siat . l.eginiaturo for itatutary pro*>*ihions by which theoxponoooot the ofAss ol thePrustcator of tin- Plegg could be redoced, and alsothe fee* of the Coanty Coari monographer and theCount.V Stlpc-l mteijiieiit ot Sehnuls.

AN APPEAL FROM A DESTITUTE WOMAN.A letter was stopped in tin- Dead J. in j oih ,-.: his

city, yesterday, for postage. It had been mailed atStation H. and on the cuvi-lupe was written in theGenunn IgniniAge. "Phase o|wn this letter and seewiiat is desired." It con mined the following writtgBin the sauie lauguage:"To the res|s-cted in the Lord: When you see

tin sc lew hue* Ifjob are wfiuag tu as-i«t i:.. v..wnl do a good woik. 1 had iletermined tootarrs inih alli, 1 and my tllllilren. hill tin. smiling eyes ofJi bus replied to my prayer that He will mn forsakeme. Poverty ami m> Uaahsud'aabaudonlng bs marbe th.- cause of my misery, but j must staUaarLord, guide me, und I will mil lull.' | ha-..- tlueechildren; during the lust lortuight I have pawnedmy i»«t, ami eauaai t*omplain ol my stri umsi mooato my neighhors, far gay people do mn entertainoommnnkm with sad. Whoever desires m luformhimself may call at my ii.sir reshien ¦. \,i lo«.Udge-at. Kbb, Auibboht tabdbaitb,

1 wished to semi llils leltel lo sonn eliureh hut1 ha*4 not a ecu! in Uu so."


Hf'h Ar.n», /'nrr'-Senator V. H. I'lumb of K«n-WI'll in K. CMt.fll. r, nf Maw if arniMlilro. inn ei < f n

t ntorii John Ii. Aller ol M ».-*! hti-i H« aunt i H w ¦>>-

k i. ui mnil.ur. n. V.ilr roor 7/oM*f--JnvPlitl-delpli*.A.i..lneA«.n /f»f'l n«*M»*a I Marsh.ol Yah-1 nlloire.; .../» -rnnir..wr A. J. dnrk. I

H N .gw in /fn llrnrrnl W II. l-rsuklln. of li«rll-nlW.T.ti ll.-rlev. < f PnlUitrlnhie, eno I'n-loMori C A. Alken

of P.in. ri.ai. sn.l C M. M«.»<!, of An inr,M»vH« t \nt lUrrUon. of New Itkren, »Dil P'"**"*0,' "ilt!tlo>. of llaitford.l*i> r Hou*r-Ururr .. V Is. Hurt, or


m:\v i -!. k. ( i l v.

DeWitt ('. Rltebcock, ago llftv-six years, dn>pi»eddeed «>n his doorstep "i rfö.11B Kael Tbirty-fo«rtb-nl., yesterday, presumably fniio heart disease.

Richard Connots, Bge thirlv fett*, whom drinkMd huil habits had estranged fiom respectablefriend-, and relative«, area bund .h ad in his room atNo. 219 Khzabefh-Mt., ysebM lav.A lecture will lie d. iivcred in the f ioper fJotOB

fioe course tili« evening by ProfeaaoT btoberl Spiee,ef Brooklyn, on " lh« Arl ot the Magician, wilhexportornate und in~sntratM*oe.Ahe« ..smith, of No. lös Bowery, who was shot by

her husband DOCSUM of j-alotisy Christ mas after*noon, and taken to Hellevne Hospital, was regardedM mit of danget yeetatday,Henry Wheeler,age titty years, a nepro. of No.

0 H iXter-ftt., employed m the bonded stores at No.117 Fioni-st., araa killed yeaterday by ¦ full fromtiiefourth to the first loot of the beildlBg.An unknown woma i, found uneouseioiia in the

street b> the Eldrtilga Bl.i Policeon I'bnradaynight, died yeaterdayla tbe Chambers Street Hos¬pital.The Hoard of rjstinwfe and Apportionment yes

terday appropniit-H rfH.llU! .15 to pay thocrpencMof the indicted ExciseCommi**ionera, Tbe eonsideration of tbe rctimatoaat 1880 wag taken up andlaid over until Monday.

be Annex boats of the If.dioken. Jersey Citv andBrooklyn Fine now make trips everv Ibirtyminutes dnnm the day from Hoboken, the huedepoL Ilm New-Jersey Central Kailroad andBiooujrn.Fx-Superintendent Henry Kiddle has landed

straight in the aims of the ni ne advancr.l Spirit¬ualists, ami has enpaced to leeto10 to tboee whomeet In Republican II.ill on tbe morning and even-in- oi th brat Bttnday of ihko.George Herbert, ace Ihirty-eix years, of Bo, its

West Fort u i h-st., attempted to gat on a I hird-ave. rar yeaterday while ander the mfluenoa ofli(|i|..r. lie waa throw n inraiust au elevated r.nl-ro.i pillar and received a severe wound. Ho was

taken to lb II. viie Hospital.Aaaoagthe artielea seized yeaterdayal tkeCua-

tom Honaa was a trank heinuRiug to )>. Kb bb r, apaaaenger by the ateamahip Algoria. in the trunkwrie six pairs of laoe enrtatna and aconsiderablev.uieiy oi dutiable poods. Mr. Biebter is u iiroud-aray merchant.Nothm r has yet been lone ahum the partly burned

pavilion at BeDevae HoapitaL ihe Commie loaeraof Cbaritlea ami Correction hare naked for an an*propriation ol #26,000 for the purpo~c ol rebnikl¬ing it and erecting anoiher on l'.hickw. I. 's island.It bthooghi that theirrequest will usgranted,Thomas <!. Ilickle, atre sixty-live years, of One-

hitndred-and-fi rlietli-st. and the iloiilcvanl, waaatruck by a train oo the Hodeou Uivat Bailroadyeaterday moimng u ben eroaaing the tiaekalüne»nundred-and-tort u i b-at. He eacapad a ith a brok.-nh*g and dngointed shoulder.Mrs. Agnea lb .leaks, wie» pained notoriety duff>

ingthelaat PreaidentiaJ eleetroo,yeaterday rnrftedthe Custom Houae, Mr-. Jenks aalled on CollectorMel .11 for Ihe purpose, |ht c.aimed, of gaining hisaid in uansterriup her husband from one of thedepartments at \\ usainntoii to the New-York cus¬toms service.

Ihe billowing, aaaljliniailtl for Um benelit ofcreditors wa n- tiled yeaterday in the County Clerk'aoffice, William Bemerk and Julius Bemark of tbelinn of Bemark Hrotbera, to Herrmaa Moaoa withpre ereucoa foi $1, Iii."«: Binlie Blue to Lome Ifatboi:Unvid Tiacbler to Heurj llamei, with prcfereuceafor 01,900.The I hirty-fonrth-sf. branch of the Third-ave.

elevated mail is rapidly upproaoblnc couiplctiou.ihe atruetara is dniaoed ami eounectiooa have beenm ule with ttie main line, and as B00B as the tef*minal auttiou bi ready, probahlT In tbe utter par) olJanuary, the branch will he opened to Ihe travellingpublic.Ann Jane IJcatty tried to ston a labt between

Robert Hewitt and Robert Cameron of No. 018 LastMxieenth-st.. who were figbtingal her house, No.'_'..;"> Avenue C., on ChriHiinas morning, tdie re*oeived a blow on ti; head from Hewitt thai dta>aided her. Yesterday the polite *cut her to Beib>\ ue Hospital aufieriug from concussion of the brain.

It was reported to the police list eveninp thatSarah Dulaney, thirty-four yean of aga, of No. enWeat ruurth-aü, had bean Miming frwu bei immeran Monday, when, in foe morning, she kafl borneto CO to bet work at Mrs. Harm's, No. 1:1 WooatsSt. She 11 ill tellbed as being livo leet six inches illHeight, with light hair ansTctay ayee,and wearinga Idack suit of clothes and a brown dolman.Tim Orthopaedic I) ipcoaary and HoaadiaL at No.

r_*u Fast Twentyninth-etv, is to benefit by nape-end entertain:'a in lobe given Tuesday af ternooltu xt ut the Academy ot Mutde, Clinton Han's" stratepist-,'' Builcra "Humpty Dnmpty "Com¬pany. Charles I lark as in his l.iuph.iide imltatietisof actors, and utbera will give attraetiou too per*formanoe tm an eminently worthy object,

fi anerlal mootlngof the Etoard of Aldermen was

ealled yeaterday but no quorum was nreaent.It araa generally believed that the pnrpoaa of tbemealing waa lo pass the raoolutkm for theChamber Street Croea«town nuUroad over theMayoi's M l .. A Miataka of one day was mad' ,

bowerer, in caUmg th.- meeting the legal time inwhich a vein is required to bo over not aspiringuntil to day ; Ihcrelore BO BJUM uui was pfaaeat.The Chrtetmae feetiral of the Elereutb Btreel

Boj -' Lodginc fiouae, No. 700 Fast Eleventfahatv,oeenrred buB evening. Tin-dinner was Riven byJames k. Rooearelt, and ths preoenta^ronnatincofclothing, etc., were given by Judge Van Vorst, lbH. MoAlpin, ami otbera, I be einging waa h) theSouthern Junta »¦ Snipers ami the choir of younghull's from Ihe German Brüning >. n ol. Addroaaeawen delivered by Jiulgo Van Von.t, L>. tViUiaJaiuu, D. H. HcAipine andotkera,TbeezeeatiTa eummlttaa on Mr. ParnefFareeep*1

turn held a no attngal I oupci I'uiou hint erObing amiret aired reportecH rab-coittmilteea, rba prenatiotuan- almoal comptate. kladtaoB Square Garden baabeen di ub d upon as the place of the pablüe ret op¬tion, lo which mlmfandmi will be ehnrged. and theproeeeda arill be given to Mr. Parnell far the use ofBofferiui persona in Ireland, An addreoa haa beenprepared and will be presented to Mr.ParnellaaBOOO .is he arrives and before he leaves flic steamer.

Mary Lewis ami Mary Dar ie ware arraated inTitian* 'a "> Wedncadayou a charge i abopdiftiug.John V. Beerer, a private detective, accuaed themof rl.a lir..eelet frOUB Hay ContainingB lilli' beiwhich they wareexamininc. Tbodeteoilva^Bteatl*mony waa onauppoiteil ny any other witness, amin.e bracelet wbicb the women wen. elicrgad withstealing wbc lou.ul at their feel And not iii thenposat ..ion. Judge Van \'ort, bofuTC wbch in Su-preun court, CbbMbere, the women were broucfal¦ na win oi babeaeeorpfWyeaterday,decided thaitbe evidence waa not auffielen! to bold them, amithey were dlichargad.

angoOKLTV.'I b.- walla of thenea Jail n Rayinond-at. aretwjm-

plated and most of the roof has been put on,A number of otdomtni and a portion ot the auger-

atrncture hare been put bp at rarioMpointealongthe hue ui the Brooklyn Eierated Railroad.A petition with many signatures m opposition u>

the propoaed retiratnenl of Captain E. W. Crafts,ol tbe Second Police Product, has bicn pteaantedto the I'.dire Commissioners.The Counaal for the Hew-Tork Boord of Bscnm,

Mr. DiefTendorf, held a aoalereuee yeaterday withthe Commbadonen of Police ami Eacbw relative tothe lyafe u in Brooklyn of licensing the sale ofliqoor,F. Harrey Heywood, of No. Tbroop-aye., was

arrested on I huisday up. ti a wuriuni ft.JuaticeBern I'-', charged by Mrs. Annie A. Hoywood, hiswile, withblguni] in marrying Miaa Lena Gil ieapieof No. Soiuh ThireVat., a few weeks ago,

Iluiinp a in rfori'iaio e at !!... \ r:,r.,iie inAdams-si., Ihsi BVeninc, in wined ib.- LeotardIii..Un is perionn dlSJcnll acrobatic teals, one orthem named Frederic, age thlrty-eeven, fell whilein the act ot lurning a a araneraanll Irom a heightand ins shoulder was dislocated. II.- was removedtohie home, No. 291 Bowery, Mew-Tnrlt.

'i he linn lal < f Qeneral charb-s I'. KlBgabury nilbe ooodm tod a* the Lafayette Avenue Presbj tei ianChurch by tbaRer. Dr. Theodore s. Cuyler ibisafternoon at 1 r/ckick. In ace irdanea witb Ins ra-gaeet, no military houow will be paid. The Armytdfacerafrom Poti Hamilton and Gorarnor'a Islandare i Kneel d to be preaent, and Uovarnor Mot it II.mami ueneral Bbarmnn l ave beeo telegraphed lo,Anaong the pall-b arers w ill lie (iciu-r.ils iluticockigloeum and Caaay,

F.Xali.inall .11 o( Hi.- records of the I»eparttiient ofAn.Mr- b is i. ii ma le by A-seuiblvnuiu |». \\\Talinudge, who say Hi .1 tin- nncollected lax krrmawilh interest amoimi lo BOM v $17,000,000, 01this, all but about *.",tHK»,(MK». he savs, is in thepower ofoamen to pay, and ranch of the test canlie collected by b'lf.ll p.occciliuus. He piopoaOB lofrbBM ii law to preaeni I« the Legislature and tollieet tile exi-t lug dltl' lelic. s.

Mrs. Sarah Knight, ape sixtv-foui4, was found bytbe police in a vacani lot in Hewes-e'.., ue.ir Hiou.l-way, al :t::l<i a. m. yesterday. Sla- uss«>ite.i that-aba etarted from tbe bouaa oi her abMerdn-law, atHiaaton and Wilbjtt ata.. Nea k*orki to rmil a rela¬tion. Mis. Bnnis, ut No. hi Channeay*at>, Brooklyn.AfterooaainK thaUraad Htreel Ferry, she found mir i s minium and started lo walk. While she wasin Broadwui, near hewea-st.. she says that a sh >rt,¦lootman dreargedbar into a recant lot ami at'

.1 t.. rub her. He got $"2, which she had liedin a handkerchief.

al ltsKy ORT.Judso tiairclaon, of Jersey C ity, voaterduy sou-

fenced Jacob J. Wandelt, a well-known sneak-thief,to two years' imprisonment at hard labor, lu tueStute Prison nt Trenton.

Pal rick Cough n, of Thirteenth--!.. J. nw>v City,du il yosterdsy of injuries received on Tuesday bybeing run over by an engine on ibe N'ow-York, LakePiie .mil Wettfln Railroad.Francis Smith, of No. riH2 Secoml-st., Jersey City,

was so badly Injured yesterday by the bunting of n

steam saw at his kindllng-wond manufactory. ¦< tI hud ,ind Brnnswick-st*., that city, that he du d til

leas than Ihne boon. 'I he «uw cracked nut week,but Mr. Smith drilled a «mall hole st 'Im «-t d of

the flaw, to prevent Us spreading, and used it daily.m.wakk

Mav>.r Vates whs presented with a solid silverpitcher by the principal olllcers of the cily govern¬ment yesterday ni'Ttung.

I he Presiding BtflaWB has appointed Thurstlav.January k as the time for the coneoeratloo of Dr.Thomas A. Starkey as Bishop of the Diocese ofNorthern Ncw-Jeiscy.

b^asWslSMBtffi ittgaTPJ The ooandanino cases in regard to

paying certain proposed demands are lot doan foromoment la loo United statt « Distrlot CoartoaBlownae.OtTBRMvir i.r.-The house of O. M. Dunham, of

D.ttitorth-avc., (ircenviilc, was enu red bv burglarsTuesday night ami tubbed ofsiivtrwaio valued gl$100.BOMgPTirXP..Coablet French, of the Soin. r«ef

Coanty Bank, has returned and has been befop. t iuraad Jury, He rJcelian to say onytkinf aboolthe bank, hut aaoerto that bu own innocence willbe established. I In-bank mauugers assert that hefalsiiitsl the accounts.Pn.m Amii'iY..Th- eitv baodecided against any

pnbl.c supply of water at the present tune, uwmgto the expense. It is piopo-ed (o bu Id cisterns forprotection ggainet lire.One of the boodonea ofex-Collector BartOO has been mulcted in I0S7 forhis aebtieuey,

bow; island.0BBAT Nick..P. C. Smith, a resident of Baysble,

.be.! .it laurodayfnmtbeeffectsof injuiicssus-lolaod by being tum» 11 from a carnage.

BTATKS IBLABD.POWI RlCBMOMD..A complainr has been ma le

before JaetMO Johnson charring William Kinolcv,an "old salt" of the Hallocr Snog ilarnor. Britta p '

jury. Kinsley latelj ieotifled before Justice KbasDer, at the preliminary examlaatiofl in nlatioutothe complaint of ra-Aasemblyman Samuel B. Brö k,who chargoo nrenl imthous ot Uaotlatoa withbribery in having used moaaf to defeat his ro-


COBOATEB FLA s.t a a a *& t; RJE FA sc KS.

pi.ivnti BPJfABKs in Ulli iaMManY miMi i 11 t:.


op BSJMXXThe Tatmnaay Qeasral Cooaaiittao und last night

and adopted the report from Iba CammlttaO on Or¬ganization, appointing tba primaries for the electionof a aawOeaeralCoanaittae for January:!. Thereport did not mention any dabs for primaries in the

Vlth, XIIIth and XlXth Districts, these betag koflfor the new committee to deal with. This was

ilBm* because of the reported treachery of the persons now oonltolHag those distiitds. the Committeeon (legalization having spent much time investi¬gating the matter.Connor hTahaid Flanagan, of the Xlllth Dh>

triet, moved that that district be placed on thesame fooling as the other districts in the call lorthe prims] ies.Mr. Kelly sa;d he thought it proper to eonentt the

people of the districts omitted in Ihe call before or¬

dering primaries then. It was unpossiible to havefairelections under men wba had proved liwaehoi'oin to the organization. One of the Tammanycamlidales for Coroner had Dot Only been unfaithful, but had failed to pay his assessment, altboagbwell earetl for by this organization. IfOB who hadbeen unfail!,ful in the organization should havethe manliness Ul leave if without B gittag tO be P'ttout. Tbe X1111 h District wao notrne os managednow. 'I hey must hnvo men they could oonflda ifl lamanage the districts, or the uigatiizatt..11 SfOuid godown.Coroner Flanngan. who had been attacked bv Mr.

Kelly, said in reply, that he did not pay his ga>.eaatneni bocoaoo be cu id not und. island why ¦.»

candidate for coroner shoflki ba BBPBmrd o»

for an ofiee only poring S8,000 a year, " I a*aogcandidate for shi ul," he said. " ntnl not fort'" D>m r. as Mr. Kelly knows. I could have had thenomination on the Anti-Tamilian, ticket, hut I de¬clined if .not because I thOBBBI the ObonOQg olelection were better OB the TumiBBBJ ttfllmt Noone thought that who was act erer-eaaSdaab Ideclined it beCBBOO I Wsthed to stick by Tamm.myHall. I took niv medicine, did md bolt, as OOBMpersons, do because g mket wao anoattorairtorj tame. I think I am 00 good a DemoorBl as sniue whoattack me."Mr. Flanagan's motion was lost, a large majority

voting nun:list it.I he report of t h»> Treasurer was adopted, showing

abalam.f$843in the treasury.After the committee an)..timed there was roii-

sidcnhle grambflag among oobm ot the membetThe Committee on Organisation has held severallong secret sessions rec.titly, ami bmbv bitter¦peaches bars been made and mach LB feeling bosbeen shown. It is understood thai a namber of theRtembi is will be expelled fram the organizattou, ilthey do not soon resign.


ro-utr.snn rise». t-tti Oos ssts f-B§ic§SBs fa t, l o IPsMssn ,rla. »> i' Mimiii «.i.ilti». 1 l:iis Mneu', |,r. 14

" .II watbs rvsai v. H.Bsatf Base.. 11:17,<;..». isuui.. 7.1s ,UUOsts..«. 1107

ims ivvrr.s rose e. it.OoaOy Hook.. gjBiUer latass,. TtaBllfsg i\^>. uji


ABBstt, 1. w. BabaBsr, W. BJ limn. j. r.Asdenae, BBts giastsla, cbsa Kuasa 1, HenryAUweU. Ilearr Piassr, Jsas L. Nehsrewsr oI'aiicy. W. ll.-noi,RbengTW. ULBaUersby, Jmnrs Klarb.Mr.ssdJtEaD. ana busuyBneklejr, J. U. MseLesa, Mrs. nut. j it.I \\A<i .1. n. and »011 I BSSMST, B \v.1 ni. 11 n, a a Keen a, Jsba K Treansr, ade CoelloMe.Mra B.Mesi ». A. Worausr, O.( o i... U. 1.. 1.. PetstxB A. BoBihlor. D.sod son Ilm 11. >t.

1 BOM IIAMIICKii.UY STK.lMSUie III LPKlt.Sr hmi.lt. W.oai Ita»»s'i. J. H. Metv. P,ISlsUr. Tiny. ii. hii,| Unit fOBMSBSSBsr, k.

Salomon. Adels I Inn-no 1. I. uuil f'y sclnn>ter, O,lti',.'..T. a. und istntlyfetfeil.". W. WlbeUta, r.11. nre 11. BerbcrtaC. si i,,.,. l ti ueD.Peildcrsea, P. hsasa, Kbbsm uctie

star VBWi.


str Alir.Tis Mr'. Ws'eur, Uv.T|i'h)l Dec ] | and QuernsBrsrs 14.bboo Prsoeklyasir Hardsrtpsrk nrsu^t. 11.111,1. u,. Dec to sari Havre 11 to

Kunltsrni 0 <>.>u RlhHtpBl ilir., OBSWBSBj UIiisri.w H.s' 13s;..| Mnville 11

1.1 Beaderafls uro«.str Pstare Hi'. l-.rne»t. s e\v|h,rl. i:ni-. Tin I'tnlailcliirga 17

tlu> -. to W 11 I lu'tn|.s,,n A Co..-11 SanttBaedS t'nlta, I'lKite, t liaiicstoti H days, to I line,

\v gn tcsr.l A co,sti id Inn..ii.i. su-veiis. Norfolk, to (i|.| lioiiiiiiiou ',scobit Tootano Bsm. BsbCbs, is »1 Y Uuasck.BBip IlsrSMM 'of s>i joliu. B II). strclc, Havre BJ sswb

ta BeilsBt to teastBtell Bros" ,*

Bsrk Jesates isl Urrsrsesll ObbsBbb. It JbbsBs tT X...vlth coBse to WrtaM, a OB; v.-.netto Howiiiis-.t Arciunald'

11.0K Ptanseo I. im. Ortorssa. Koubb, ui Ballaat to J VWbiuiey i ' ansBarae. 11 IBs i«»er i>»v lorafUsrs

ll:irk I'latnns. n ( sor. I.suies. Uverpool 40 days, with saltin Biliar 1 v sssai to wsstor.wink-.sutis.i.Al Msady RSSB. fte#ti. BWi clear 41

Cup Idssg.slissig BW| alsaSj. Al

Uf.BB.BBBbsi| ra OreabBB IBrk BBjB, LAeesa jagg 0 sesgi r OBBBsaa

Oi.ri. BsBrsniUlj llaiiil.iirir. Knii iui.it.t r,. gfIIBeKeelinie lltaagow. Auatla BsJiIwIb . ... saratoira Bund!liei e, Hnv in;i. j kvaid.tro; «ttv »>f Ailstita, tVisslholi

i»11 ,1 W yiniiiiir.i ,v fo; t livof llaHir m^k p,..,,ilina, vli .licl..Ml'- »11I 1'i.rt Itovsl, un Mill,ii. vi ..

V'lui aad. Bowes, BsldBaors, vis Perth Aniboy and camtttmi b Brsoasi Blesuora, drags, I'orilsnd, j p \m**.Snips »n«aa UUbibcb, laivsr, rttshassa. >aiiir.v ia».r

BBBNi Ida(Ssraal iinrce. BresMm, Päses, Kdjrsa <.¦>lurk» «lorliea isnsni. la-zsns, llil.os, Zorn. I lav jr. tr

r iiiiel.su; Malts iltan. I«.I. Port Hafcl, Rrrni ni ,,

BlotBjr m »caipadi PsSd»r iwsei, Wsnt Pivb^lb 'rniie'r.I.eA.e, AsgSSS Aci one lltSl), BbIIBBAB. OlbrslUr hieorders, sineovic.il A Co Ja inen K ilrclt loli«ni KtMer Es,Brett,i*M*OB Hi-ai.a. Ibass(Nar», BetdeU. Bordeani WKbbcB. BdyBA Od) Antonio s (AtiMt, i.oBalich. Marseit'ea!Hioenvveh *. 1 laBrigs PPOBBca 11> uu. Oalve*loB. TuniM>i ,t tieattic Mhe»

tnrd-ns iBr), Cook, fnm .11 ii lleo V Rnllev hhantioiiMoore,Clenlueson, txtio B Pstmbi Katlly iir tem,, . 'i..ire. Hone, Ws» Je* ACoj Arcadia, Waedward, itr.i -,,.,.liar. 11 i io>»i." aaaBeats Yshoa Pisa lislssA, Oslmtos. Orsramsl llasgsss

Iteli'-ro ii..»i spinal.nr. Itlcononl. Iteionc .....

A-< o; l.etu« M v oltliiKlisin. « laiiiiiii-., Iticliinoiiil ia ,

Vau 1.1 nut.M|s(Ki.l.VM;iifs

Lnaaou i»ec BA~*uda obom i *. capi Rasdr. Bwa Bs»y..ik septem's-t -."J for p.-iijiis and stnsatwre, bad tsInto r.iiie I'oa 11 t'n- illh mo, Ii, i au»e l-asli.g I ädiyBark n.ack I'utice, mi.tr.11.1 n. m Urieaas foe isiBtstasn

hrtor. n porleil anli.irc al Menw.i Ineo, lian rt.lid a /let con.L i- Mas j.-tt ». in 9mn v[

si, 1 kldtasdsle, from n w urle.tns for llcv.il. -rssnB Mila 1At Slo.l.ls ii. 1...i..-i la .Ulli Ul.CtllUel'v .Ulua.-e . .

psBol sag Balisa fitr Bitttaatlsa ' *****POBBIOB POBTfa

I.OM-OS. He- PB, Art ni AStWSTp, »tr Nrilri Bsal Hrl-itioui PSllaAahlSlBi art st i up..ulis«in. str Atstes, innu Srw.

Yn < arr at Plymouth. Pralls, f.-'.m Nc- Or>in«: arr atOreeuock, *tr Aleiandria, from New \<r k for Olasrow

l.iVdiii'H. Kit?« -Air .ris i:ra/i..*u, Iioiii Bo.toa Flint¬shire, from rialrcaton. ' >rchi» tuen Ii iiilinore.gi MMmow-. Iloc .'fl..s.alla.1, air < 'it jr uf X»w-York. from

Llre/po>u f >r **>.»¦ Voi i,Arr »tri llmhnla. Nevada, and Rzrpt. «II from N-w.York

for Uvei wmiii am in, K.i lire ¦iU.-Arr the 2".lh mat, air fi'isv » (0»r>,from New York.I.oino*. PitW. BaBed 19th ln«t, ffipe iCtpt Kellru 124

Intf, Mom ¦ l»*i.<-io; Ulth IM, (l W Wi If RtdltrM« ». I.lbvrt»,liorh for .v-w Vnrk, Hum. for t tiarteawo, Wroiic* (Cr.pt Pe-dcraeni, K.m.».4rr2l«tl i«t Dar «nid MallttMe(OefM Kran I, Terme>hi.rti

IBd last.Oeareaail, \««r. Film, oioire. MBk.ie, Mardaii,Nary Jaae (Capl BMMt Btthli.et. Friedlich «n-tlia. MartinBrotl, Arabella II l Hou'b. MvtOu. 2»;ih .n.i. Tai.eonk.ciMmro«. lnvt-rr«k; i a loir, ut OI.bo.ataa* IBS lauer wltli louof bulwark*, hoata ami ««II*.

to-Lain .VAlp .Wu>«. 1/ ai .** fifth /'iy«.|

[A«'.uirn.i ...us. ,

WurCBKlTRR1! I lTrX>WtOtTBTIT*CIWill (BN OMMBIABiBa, < »u«u«. rl; IB Hi ». ^» r.Mf. A4.

Kvux'- ti'ilihv <li< »- hat ia a holiday giftfasttreaM nnxty naamostbbmbbbbbi paaMaaaaai No. 214Broadway, and Fifth Avenue llorsl.

Doo'l f"i IN'f M Hof.MAN I.IVKR AND DTObI n ilPAD a. the uio»t useful Baafatejr r" thousands havebeoutniior baDpy through its wourterful alii acv

Bound Lovoa and a Vkjobtjcb PkAnan b«> ar'i'iire.t. tlei co.eha and rol.li aBTl '1. I<y u.lua; Pun,

UBB* "PALATABUT coo It- BK Oll, la Til n fain wllu I'll";*.rao-XVIBIfUl Alldru«lata liepni. '1 Pi |tt-et N. Y

Hit. Inda and laajaiea! lue away !Nor hmnx a kliir'e onr'a delsr.If ?..n would aaary in f*w.r laantaa?ail trfili and <. or o' th» BasatB,Hade, iaet i, and hur i «in<ie loutof theamiraBaa m burn wr.

IW8EA8E8 »f MEN and NKRV0U8 DEBIL-LP|T\ aaaaaaally, i»r Baater.lBO W.4 la acva«arBtavav*,I U«T 01 BNED,


Alio. a paaB rarirty of FANi Y ooofir-, nuitabuforboupav and BKii>Ai. pnanasnTn,

At Low Pi i. aail m BltfNDIliK, >«hO Hit') a dwa y-

NI.II\t)I > ili l.ihtv anil w. akness ol r-enrra-n\,< araaaa iM*nivfijr mre.i ar ai.i.f.vs m: \ m

tnuD. Iti, . *i. liHaaan. AbbotUaaaai Ziia i,un iiroao-war: cnti nioii. 7 6ibarc. Alien, in.', uiai.- wadaaraartulax._aJTKIC I'UKK, impoCenc« nod im.-i*m of tmii» Ob.nitlrr i»aaaa ra pcaiu a 11 <-> . 11nr .. ir*l i tin <

an.I I..- HI'.NiiY A.UAMKI.i U H. lU.^lilKlovir


a rn. djr aaaaaaaai of lB0Bear~as of ntra mOa art aaratti iiproin-i b«a aaaaallal ia parity, Baak ri-n ilr, ami nivur»rnte umbtokoa^aaaapd »a^t«-.! »mmu -QVICK, ''I.i.i a.m. saKK,aa«l PBBM \Ni-.n i ui Us iraatai al aaa aara,WaawB llesti and lienlth> lilire ur '. muscle avra

innde leom pure bloodfie mallwar what name the rompiaint mav bo liealcnaAed,

ttti iii.-i it Beacaafala,OaaaaaipUoB, *\i>u L'leers,Haraa«TaaietiL iiotin, ;.»,. or Ball HBaaai. tiiw«jM»sof taoi.uiiir«,Kldaaj'a Blaaalar, \v.,iui>, >kin, liver, B^aaaaverKns fla. rilhi-i chronv-or conatltiil.oua1. Ihevian of lie .In...a.. M in th.- III.' ii id winch .iip..li"* Ilm *«'', and bail Isami tapaBBI thaaa nrrans and w.wusl ils.-ies ..l ihl t. >tr-iu. itibe Bataal l, uuli.'^ltlir. ib» BOaeaaa al nn mi ii:uiili«an,h»ai d.The Saisnparilllan lte«olTent not '«s:inT

reaardy, o.u aeyaraa aha BaiaaMlaaa a< ttaa al aaah of ttioor-«.hu It aaiabaaaia i in "nil... it " aaiter ^tom laaaMBraalEnimoui, am! nupi'lloa I In« MM 1 '.-...!. willi a nur» andhealth) earn al >.f new life. Ttie -km. iiier » f>-» .1 »v ¦>' u * >tIna t inaaarl tiaa, Beeaaaaa tieai and lahjaMfai Pimpias,BaMchea, Biaeh "-pot* sn.l skm Kiiiptinn, are laaateaajBorrs aaa I Caaraaaaa aarae, Paraotu «un-nns irom - i '¦

it a, Kaii'.Mv.- IIS.ms,'» of tbe fir"". Mouth, Kai«, l^-irvTbr"0', an I OUii't», that have a.-rum Uati aa lafsaa, ''It MBfn ia aacahal aiaaaaaa er warearr, ai ireai the aaa at «'<irro«.fee ffwfrflfiiafr. ara\rttAy aaara a euro it tu» aVarara^artlNaa kmil BUed i »iifflriilil Ihne in mäkelt, llli|i.'».,.ju ou IU«ajalaai PftlCl tl PIB BOtTLA

Ra Ra RaRadway's Ready Relief.mi cih;api >i A\n rfht Mi nn iNF. fou family

DOB IN I UK WOi.LI).ONI'. 50 i'-l-.S i It'll i I.l'.



I" all ca e* «ln-re p.nu <r u.aeomfori I« .'iperu'iii-iMl, or ifseiti-l «Uli 1 ita.'ii/.a. Illphlhena, Bare bioat, Maasjaa, BulOtraeaa Bearaeaaaa Bilious rohe, furl uarsatlenof tlte Bn-r.-isaUaaaaeh, Laaaa, Urer, Ki.lnc>«,.u aith r um,uulnav, f.-vcfami Arm', or wltb NaarUBM, ileadaehe. I lr h....m, To-nb-Mvlie, Farsrii -. ar natb l.uniiiaeu, Him in lb" Uiu'k,ot tthe.ua.nliarr. i.r w lib InarrhO'a. Cb.dera M.utui«, oi Hveuterv, ora/lui Buraa, Bnaliia. ai Hrui«'-«. Uhlihlataa, rroat eite». oi«ruh Mral a, Clsaiaas, or spaa tri«, the i.|> die t tt< >:i of HAU.WAV- RRADY BKLIBV will eure you of Hie worst ot llioa«eäaip alula lu a mw uouis.

dr. lABWArs limim pills,PartegHi taatahara, Baaanttr aBaaaa, tarthi aara it it Ha.«itlei. of the atotuacb, liver, b iwd*..;. In;.«. '»..»ii ir uro uUaasaee, headache, consupati.m. c<Miiiv«ue.< la Ua istiaa*, ift-teiiala luii-miueH». bilious le wr, luiUm aal i athi ureia,pUMkaai all >. raoaaaiaBti ->t iho bMaraal rtaaaea War-rante 1 to eBaet a t"» Ova cure.KBUCE IM UENTn PBB BOX, BOL BT DBCOOtaTMVli. BADWAV i < o.. BB WABREN-BTh B. Y.

Until Wew Year's Day,Messrs. TIFFANY &Co., will keep their es¬tablishment open duringthe evenings.

Union Square,New-York.


BHaanaasal Hto.UlTOBTBBa of diavobm


A:.d .S .NA.s-Ar.nl'., j N h A \ oHa,


Gas Fixtures,CLOCKS AND BRONZES,Metal and Porcelain Lamps.

IK UP sits MMPWiT.

Icliell, Vance 4 Co.EVERYTHING IN


(a sen. I e'l. ta. Sn.'.irol M.Ik, <'m'.ia. Ae.. BB.Hun flu. vn' II i.iir.vailii. .-.[Nsatirs. ilunri irera" .' .Ti'i-

arv S|,rtia<s. llu api.irya' Wltvli llazo' * n! au I MirrololHeallBjr. CAHBM L"H BXPOB1 a -IPHt'IALTY. AlMumplirera' HBateoaatale u*m<-lac Ho, Ueoeral li.-pot liWFulioa-st. Branch Store. BB'i Broadway, liurd doorauo.e17tl.«: Nov. ,ork



\SK VOL ii UKOChK i O i IT.ph..an l Laeaaav __

BBW-YORK db11h :.. Iftwi OBI 'i i.

Updv lt*n"l;,v« '¦ :Oilill i iJUU. tiaarlaa Oraal. Boaa aaaaB.

amamm m ^gaaw aiKI'i \ ' v V » 11 YI'' t A us

OTIS ELEVATORS..Tin U..WIOLU- a. i areaBvar. tvt»

RHVAI bakingrtU YALpowderAbsolutely Pure.

Mann fr-.m Or«|^('ream Tartar. II.rtxvui.^iir ,tl i.a.M.i .Iii.« ol UM «or..l. No.uio-r rr -.H" ' P**JIiiioh Until. Ilak» !."¦ I.rra.la. ur liiitiru.ua oaaiiv . an I.. ..,»¦ .l\m. |.li.-» wlil.out fear of th.»1ludl»-v»u.oia loou. ur mo lot. tovktuj tu».is li... *l VsalUs wil I»minas all «Uber» Id sruius. t*»t« sirsugisw

ßUYAl. IIAUl.Vu CO.. New York.