> ;«\u25a0 ? "<; ? ?j ?' * \u25a0 THE CAftOtlffA TJWEJk *? <I(UDI»K ft. c. WT < VT&iWiii IJ - . ki, >9 JUL iffftl 1 It \u25a0" ; Fifit Hfegro Page ftt Getiitjil Legislature Gets Scholarship EVANStON, Illinois?The first Neglro page in the Georgia Gen eral Asefcnbly, one of the writers of a Scroll presenter! to Robert F. KenHedy by the children of Wash Intg'bn, D. fc., and a girl who has published a poem are among the BtuifcnU from southeastern coast- al states awarded four-year col- lege aeholarships in the first Na- tional Achievement Scholarship Program for outstanding Negro students, Gregory Coleman of Atlanta. Ga., aefved Senator James Wes- berry In the Georgia General As- sembly. Muriel E. Heard of Wash-, ingtot) was one of the writers of the scroll presented to the then- Attorney General in commemora- tion of the late President Ken- nedy. Tallahassee, Fla., senior Marilyn Holifield has written a poem Which was published in the National High School Poetry An- thology. ( Candidates for Achievement Scholarships competed in four {geographic regions of the United 'States set up in proportion to the distribution of the Negro popula- tion Siity-six winners, 26 boys and 40 girls, were appointed from .an eight-state region stretching from Maryland to Florida, includ- ing West Virginia and the District of fcolumbia. The typical Achievement Schol- ar Is a member of the National HoSor Society and has been a claas or student government offi- cer in his school. A third "Ante for their school newspaper or yearbook, and many have attended '?| a summer Institute fdr Ihtensive study. In addition to these activities Emma L. Holmes, Atlanta, Ga., was the Georgia representative at a National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium sponsored by the United States Army. Paula A. Larke, a Winston-Salem, senior has given vocal and guitar per- formances on a local radio sta- tion. Jesse J. Howard of Bluefieldt W. Va., is a member of hi» school's 440 relay team, which set the state prep record for that event in 1964. He was also editor of the state Baptist Youth news- paper. i Many of the 225 Achievement Scholars in the nation, besides participating in student govern-, mcnt. publications and summer study institutes, are also active iq speech and drama, sports, and . music. Thirty-two have won honors in local, district or state science j fairs. j About 20 of the students hav* , attended the American j sponsored Boys' State or Girls? State in their home stite. Five the scholarship winfrers are Eagle Scouts, the highest honor in Boy Scouting. Miss Duane R. Bonds of Wash- 1 ington, D. C., is an outstanding ex- ample of the worli done by these students during the summer study institutes. Miss Bonds received a ' summer scholarship from the Washington Heart Association in« eluding a stipend and a job at Continued on page 5B ????????? " S ' 1. S EASTER'S coming... LftZY?BDHtt KB. ». f. nr Off. *c«si*M ? MAMKII 11. '*\u25a0'*\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 j , > 6000 BHOES FOR BOYS AND QULI < . ' Styled to compliment any little boy or gki's Carter / , finery ... designed to wear 'til they're outgrown. Priced to fit any budget. 4 , - * v . i-.vvi\u25a0 :i? i; ?" fll 1 . JU'Wt Qualified PersonneJ j Correct Fit is a Specialty at BRITTAIN'S PW aORTHCATE SHOPPING CENTER t ' *? ' r'lM- Jj ft " i 0. \u25a0 \ > Legal Notitfes* ~ Ndtte .CAROLINA puKham county \u25a0niUSTtfE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by W, W. Page dnd wife. Mattie Page, dated the 2nd day of March, 1964, and recorded in Book 738, at pa?e 39. Ip the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, default having been been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore- closure, the undersigned Trustee Will offer for sale at public auc- tion tp the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse doo»- in Dur- ham, North Carolina, at Noon, on the 2«h day of April, 1965, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being In the County of Durham, and State Of North Carolina, in Dur- ham Township, more particularly described as follows: (1) BEGINNING at the inter- section of Pine (now Roxboro) and Umstead Streets, an iron " stake on the East side of Pine Street and the North side of Um- stead Street, and running thence North 3 degs. East 59 feet to a stake on the East s'de of Pine Street; thence Sduth 86 degs. 12* East 115 feet to a stake in the line of Lot Number 6; thence south 3 degs. West 50.5 feet to * stake on the North side of Um- stead Street; thence South 89 degs; 2JT' West U5.1 feet to the point or place of beginning, and < being Lot Number 1 of the sur- vey of the COUNCIL PROPERTY $s Will be seen from plat duly filed in the office Of the Register 1 of Deeds of Durham County in I Plat Book 4, at page 3<J, to which Veference Is hereby made. See Deed Book 53, at page 594, also Deet Book 63, at page 595, also i Deed Book 53, at page 690, in the Office of the Register of Deeds W Durham County. On this p. op- : erty is located a building krawn as No. 1115 S. Roxboro Street. (2) BEGINNING at a on the last side of Pine Street (now Roxboro Street) the northwest corner of Lot. No. 1 of the Coun- cil property, and running thence with Pine (now Roxboro) Street stake, the sbuthwest corner of ti)i (take, the southwest corer of Lot No. 3; thence South 00 degs. 12' East 115 feet to a stake in the line of Lot No. 6: thence South 3 degs. West 50 feet to a stake in the line of Lot No. 6; thence North 86 degs. 12' West in the line of Lot No. 1, 115 feet to the po'nt or place of beginning and jjnipo j ot fsjo. 2of the COUNCIL PROPERTY as shown on plat of siH property tt" '->(] ! r> Bnok of Plats No. * at "rjgc W, and being lar ' ci ' by W J. Broaden to S Psrte recorded in f nt See Peed fron 0. S.PPr»a r » to W. W. Page. dat«d A-r 1 2*? 1921. duly recorded in th? offic® .of the Register of Deeds of E}ur,hani County. This sale A'ill remain open lor ten davs to receive increase "bids, a required by law. irtot' Pated this 23rd day of 1965. , J. J. HENDERSON, M. Hu«h Attorrifey March 27: April 3. 10, 17 :i ? NORTH CAROLINA , DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND RY VIRTUE? bf the power of sale con?a ; :icd in'.* cer- tain deed of trust executed by WILLIAM JACK MITCHELL and wife, ANNIE MAE MITCHELL, dated the 28th day of September, 1962, and recorded in Book: 705, at page 2, in the office of the Reeistcr of Deeds ot ltyiham County, North Carolina default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby se- cured and said deed of trust'being by the terms thereof subtest to foreclosure-, the trus- tee wili offer for ..t ti'ubEc auction to the highest bidder for cash at the rourtlwyuse door in Durham. North Carolina, at noon, on the 24th day of 1965, the property convelffff* *in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Dur- ham. and State of North Carolina, in Durham Township, and more particularly described as follows: (1) BEGINNING on the East side of Fayetteville St. at tue curb stone at the northwest comer ofl formerly Pearson or Royal Knights SOME HOME IMPROVEMENTS ; ? CANT WAIT Tlw overage bom* owner has \ « project he las been thinking Xr /yV of for his home enclose the / porch 0 make another bed- room for the expanding family modernize Hie kitchen ! I furn the basement into a play- [ Some projects are urgent j/l ) k leaky \u25a0oof that needs replac- tog k new heating system J :% f' ' , ? new ebctrical wiring. Come in and let us explain how an FHA Title I , H«me ;nt Loan can help in a crisis or i. i 44 pleasure and bcaiiry *o yeur home. ?**"" ;' ; . * Mechanics & Farmers Banlfe- IN W. PAFRISK SI. CIS FAYETTEVILLE Vt i r;i 'I L' 1 . -I . % I . 1 >v ' * rilKlffT TTr - ' Hair C«OW( HTMI UW HAM MOOTS In TOOK SCAUP. Tk* I? Jill? at VJTJSS SSBfJjSS MjSS-ssssiS; formula «aiM CAHBONOIU wUckll Mod with many prov- rf fclfifliM lfn<lnl«. Eui> ' MVOK k rack ( itioni, power* (id'M&tpiit and don iua 0m r SEbV" D and 'ru t DOCTORSI r»«rdl»W«hlr ?an PBKSCRIBft It toe many ttaas «r» ff-etr «UwK br tb* ,W CMC this Triple (trcnfth tar Writ.Jor IhU OOCTpHg Slrt K&fS.'and'lf you cu?iu>t MMh, few monijr back. F»y anlr SUB an Salivary. TbU tn« *+> ?''-'-fr- AM. X- } %2mHM mt the SHORTY-$35, MEDALO STYLE #WS For complete Illuatratad Catalog at ' Medalo Hair Stylaa, Wlga, Hail citt - and attachmenta - B«nd nam* and addreaa. It'a jroura FNEK <t" ItqiMtt, Just writ*. Cold Medal Hair Prod, Inc. Dept. 5. 5, Bklyn 35, N.Y. Ju»t fiimh en.t brush to ?M cotm |ona..Waahaa out Will not rub oft. MOT A DYE. Eaaleat, qulckaat waf to akid color gradually AVOIDS THA? BUDDES DYED LOOK. Bruah attached for removing eicaaa coloring. Preventa a oiling, rubbinf iff. Cornea in Plaatlc be carried In pockat or PVaa. fomea In all ahadeei Black to Platinum Blue. loat write, atet* tkadt, rut emit ? 1.98 on delivery plua poataga. ?lone* back It not delighted. Cold Medal Hair PradurtV'aa. ' S«-l, BcaolUjf ]\Maw YcA I L f" M&Wlf, ?*« I running thence j ; the north line of said form- South 74 degrees 53 Min. : East 200.8 feet to an iron in the line of fcrmerlv Pearson; thence sloni the west line of said form- erly Pearson's line North 13 deg. 41' West 76.2 feet to an iron in the corner of formerly Green Bar- bee Estate; thence along the line of formerly Green Barbee Estate North 74 deg. 45' West 152.8 feel to a point in the curb line nn the East side of Fayetteville Street, the southwest corner of Green Barbee Estate; thence alon<» the firb line on the East side of Fay- ?\u2666ev:»» Street. South 24 deg. 50 M'n. W"st 6133 feet to the point i>f beginning. This is the same proper*v conveyed by W. L. Fou- shee. Trustee, and others to Will- wood Realty Company by deed re- corded in Deed Book 134. page 429. See Plat and survey of S. M. Credle. C. E. made July 1920 and filed in office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Plot Book 17, page 97. See Deed Book 154. at paire 540. Durham County Registry. Being Nos. 805-807 Fay- etteville Street. (2) A LOT SHOWN on the Map of Stokesdale, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deads of Durham County in Plat Book 5. at page 44, bounded and des- cribed as follows: BEGINNING at * stake in the southeast intersec- tion of Merrick and Dunbar Streets, and running thence in a southerly direction 100 feet along Merrick Street to a stake H the northwest corner of Lot No. 3; thence in an easterly direction along the line of Lot Nf 3, 50 feet to a stake; thence in a north- erlv direction 50 feet to the building line of Dunbar Street; thence in a westerly direction 50 feet along Dunbar Street, the noint or place of beginning. This was originally part of Lots Nos. 1 and 2 in said plat. FUR- THER REFERENCE is hereby made to deed from W. H. Wilson and wife, Fannie L. Wilson, and E. D. Pratt and Louis Austin and Stella V. Austin to J. S. Jones, re- corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County July 21, 1926, in Book 82 at age 265. See deed to Jack Mitchell and wife, Book 126, at page 222, Dur- ham County Registry. 600 Dun- bar Street is located on this prop- erty. AND THE FOLLOWING ARTI- CLES of personal property, to- wit: (1) One 1960 '/2 Ton Ford Truck Serial No. FLO Jon 16779; (2) One 1966 Four Door Chevro- let Automobile Serial No. VB 56 B 07736; (3) On 2 1959 Four Door Chevro- let Automobile Serial No. F 59 B 233284' (4) One 1953 Four Door Chevro- let Automobile Serial No. A 53 B 168899. BUT THIS SALE WILL BE MADE SUBJECT to a certain other deed of trust executed by William Jack Mitchell and wife, Annie Mae Mitchell to Mechanics and Farm- ers Bank, dated the 21st day of Februarv. 1961, and recorded in Book 664, at page 341, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Durham County and subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes. THIS SALE will remain open for ten (10) days to receive increase bids, as required by law. This 23rd day of March, 1965. J. J. Henderson, Trustee I M. Hugh Thompson, Attorney Mar. 27 and Apr. 3, 10, 17 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by WILLIE McCOY AND HUSBAND, BILLY McCOY. dated the 29th day of November. 1963. and re- corded in Book 725, at page 149, in the office 'of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in- debtedness thereby secured and said deed of tr'St being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos- ing, tbc undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the pqurthou«e door in Durham, North Carolina, at Noon, on the 34th day of April, 1965, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the Coun- ty of Durham, and State of North Carolina, In Triangle Township, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake located on the west side of the Durham- Apex Highway at the northeast \u25a0 corner of Lot 19 Block B of the I plat <nd survey hereinafter re- : ferred to and runnin* thence witl \u25a0 the North side of Lot 18, North 78 4e|. 38 min. West 399 3 feet to a stake in the east line of Tract 4, , northwest corner of Lot 19; thence with the east side ol Tract 4. North 11 de«? 52 Min. East 144.6 feet to a stake, south west corner of liOt 23; thence with the south side of said Lot 23, South 79 deg. 23 min. East 397 feet to a stake on the west side of Durham-Apex Highway, south- east corner of Lot 23; thence with the West side of the Durham- Apex Highway as the same curves in a southerly direction along a clockwise arc with radius of 11,- 463 feet, a distance of 150 feet to the place and point of BEGIN- NING. and being Lots 20, 21, and 22 Block B of the A. J. Pollard property as per plat and survey thereof in Plat Book 18, at page 183, Durham County Registry, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of same. THIS SALE will remain open for ten (10) days to receive increase bids, as required by law. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1965. J. J. Henderson, Trustee M. Hueh Thompson, Attorney Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Thomas G. Mflvin and wife, Cleo L. Melvin, dated the 3rd day of February. 1961, and recorded in Book 663, at page 640, in the office o*i the Register of Deeds of Du'l am County, North Caro- lina. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therebv secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the under- signed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Durham North Carolina, at Noon on the 24th day of April, 1965 the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Dur- ham and State of North Carolina, in Durham TffAmship, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the North side of the Fish Dam Road, at the southwest corner of Lot No. 3 as shown on plat hereinafter referred to, which said stake is 129.2 feet from the northwest tan- eent intersection of said Fish Dam ' Road and Roane Street, running thence along and with the west line of Lot No. 3, North 1 deg. 40' East 216.6 feet to a stake in the line of Lot No. 9; thence with the said line North 88 deg. 20' West 65 feet te a stake, 1 deg. 40' West 199.8 feet to a stake in the north side of the Fish Dam Road; thence along and with said road South 73 deg. 01' East 66.8 feet to the point or place of beginning and being Lot No. 2 on Man of property of V. F. Pope, by S. M. Credle, C. E., dcted February 11, 1947, and re- corded in the office of the Reg- ister of Deeds of Durham County in Plat Book 18, at page 84. This sale will remain open for ten days to receive increase bids, as required by law. This 23rd day of March. 1965. J. J. Henderson, Trustee M. Hugh Thompson, Attorney Mar. 27 and Apr. 3, 10, 17 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as admin- istratrix of the estate of Freeman M. Smith deceased, late of Dur- ham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to ex- hibit them to the undersigned at 418 S. Roxboro St., Turham, North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of September, 1965, or this notice 'a ill be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 16th day of March, 1965. Mrs. Viola G. Smith, Administratrix of Estate of Freeman M. Smith, Decease c: March 20, 27; April 3, 10. 1 ALL PURPOBB 3-IN-ONEOIL i Oils Everything : Prevents Rust - SEGUUR ?OIL SPRAY? ELECTRIC MOTOR 9 *t. . <.;.?» . f I,#*,:--; the PnobleirT yy& don't Vr.ow whether prehistoric * mommas di»j--ered their babies. If they did, they were forced tq makß > yW| do with thorns, sharp bones or splinters of flint. Not until the .PwH If Bronre Age did man-made metal JTj Vk pins first appear. Either way, mother / /\u25a0" and child both had problems, y f| | Y®!Hsfe / Some authorities credit tha «n- --nl cient Egyptians with Invsntioif V 9 Vfc ? the first safety pin, but It was 1 VJtef-I|__ \ : I just a little over 100 years ago B \V I v::|| that tha modern version devel-. A /0 oped. This not only solved a basic Today, one of the most spread uses for safety pins is In fe»l Vl^-ii drycleaning for fastening tags and hanging clothing. In fact, "HJ I the British raised such a clamor v "Mr K \ about stapling tags to garments V, , M\- \ ',f< f : that the practice has virtually .< i disappeared. In America, too, the " J K » use of safety pins has become ???? V*,... ons symbol of the quality dry- *»wiiii cleaner?a sign that your cloth- - il \\j* ing is being handled with care. y* K ,«([ NEW METHOD ] 11 LAUNDRY n and Dry Cleaners | 405 ROXBORO STREET " >" BROAD ST. BRANCH '' " 1106 BROAD STREET QUICK - SERVICE , WASH TUB .in , , ROXBORO ROAD AT , lt AVONDALE DRIVE J'' ? .i j. , n i Service Garages SPEIGHTS' AUTO SERVICE Road Service?Steam Cleaning Service Recapping Wheel Alignment PHONE 682-6575 Pettigrew and Fayetteville Sts. 1 , w-r r \n c 11 \u25a0 'k '?' ! Craftggj Club KENTUCKY ' ' ~ STRAIGHT BOURBON ith I ill NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO., HEW YORK. 86 PROOF | out IC «knuunn»vii drum -mvinib MUIUR HI Safety Plus Satisfaction /Mil fill Thot What You Get With ffillil HERCULES TIRES impounding u 50% | I J'l'r l ? E#SYTER " S ? PLENTY PARKIN 6 \u25a0MfMll Slewarl Rigsbas - J. D. Brothers / RIGSBEE TIRE SALES I Closed Wednesday at 1 P.M. Open All I V 2 LOCATIONS: r- ' nilTrlift" - lBM.il i\u25a0 " ' ! , 1 4-B

4-B THE CAftOtlffA TJWEJk ?j ?' * Legal Notitfes* Fifit Pagenewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn83045120/1965-04-10/ed-1/seq-10.pdfpoem Which was published in the National High School

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Page 1: 4-B THE CAftOtlffA TJWEJk ?j ?' * Legal Notitfes* Fifit Pagenewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn83045120/1965-04-10/ed-1/seq-10.pdfpoem Which was published in the National High School

> ;«\u25a0 ? "<; ? ?j ?' * \u25a0

THE CAftOtlffA TJWEJk *?

<I(UDI»K ft. c. WT< VT&iWiiiIJ - . ki, >9 JUL iffftl1 It \u25a0" ;

Fifit Hfegro Page ftt GetiitjilLegislature Gets Scholarship

EVANStON, Illinois?The firstNeglro page in the Georgia Gen

eral Asefcnbly, one of the writersof a Scroll presenter! to Robert F.KenHedy by the children of WashIntg'bn, D. fc., and a girl who haspublished a poem are among the

BtuifcnU from southeastern coast-al states awarded four-year col-lege aeholarships in the first Na-

tional Achievement ScholarshipProgram for outstanding Negro

students,Gregory Coleman of Atlanta.

Ga., aefved Senator James Wes-berry In the Georgia General As-sembly. Muriel E. Heard of Wash-,

ingtot) was one of the writers ofthe scroll presented to the then-Attorney General in commemora-tion of the late President Ken-nedy. Tallahassee, Fla., seniorMarilyn Holifield has written apoem Which was published in the

National High School Poetry An-thology.

( Candidates for AchievementScholarships competed in four

{geographic regions of the United'States set up in proportion to thedistribution of the Negro popula-

tion Siity-six winners, 26 boys

and 40 girls, were appointed from.an eight-state region stretching

from Maryland to Florida, includ-ing West Virginia and the Districtof fcolumbia.

The typical Achievement Schol-ar Is a member of the NationalHoSor Society and has been a

claas or student government offi-cer in his school. A third "Antefor their school newspaper oryearbook, and many have attended'?|

a summer Institute fdr Ihtensivestudy.

In addition to these activitiesEmma L. Holmes, Atlanta, Ga.,was the Georgia representative ata National Junior Science andHumanities Symposium sponsoredby the United States Army. PaulaA. Larke, a Winston-Salem, seniorhas given vocal and guitar per-formances on a local radio sta-tion.

Jesse J. Howard of BluefieldtW. Va., is a member of hi»school's 440 relay team, which setthe state prep record for thatevent in 1964. He was also editorof the state Baptist Youth news-paper. i

Many of the 225 AchievementScholars in the nation, besidesparticipating in student govern-,mcnt. publications and summerstudy institutes, are also active iqspeech and drama, sports, and .music. Thirty-two have won honorsin local, district or state science jfairs. j

About 20 of the students hav* ,attended the American jsponsored Boys' State or Girls?State in their home stite. Five o£the scholarship winfrers are EagleScouts, the highest honor in BoyScouting.

Miss Duane R. Bonds of Wash- 1ington, D. C., is an outstanding ex-ample of the worli done by thesestudents during the summer studyinstitutes. Miss Bonds received a 'summer scholarship from theWashington Heart Association in«eluding a stipend and a job at

Continued on page 5B????????? "


1. S

EASTER'S coming...

LftZY?BDHttKB. ». f. nr Off. *c«si*M ? MAMKII11. '*\u25a0'*\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 j,



Styled to compliment any little boy or gki's Carter /

, finery ... designed to wear 'til they're outgrown.

Priced to fit any budget. 4 ,-

* v . i-.vvi\u25a0 :i? i;

?" fll 1 . JU'WtQualified PersonneJj Correct Fit is a Specialty





r'lM- Jj

ft "

i 0. \u25a0 \ >

Legal Notitfes*~

Ndtte .CAROLINApuKham county\u25a0niUSTtfE NOTICE OF SALE

UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ofthe power of sale contained in acertain deed of trust executed byW, W. Page dnd wife. Mattie Page,dated the 2nd day of March, 1964,and recorded in Book 738, at pa?e39. Ip the office of the Registerof Deeds of Durham County, NorthCarolina, default having beenbeen made in the payment of theindebtedness thereby secured andsaid deed of trust being by theterms thereof subject to fore-closure, the undersigned TrusteeWill offer for sale at public auc-tion tp the highest bidder for cashat the courthouse doo»- in Dur-ham, North Carolina, at Noon, onthe 2«h day of April, 1965, theproperty conveyed in said deedof trust the same lying and beingIn the County of Durham, andState Of North Carolina, in Dur-ham Township, more particularlydescribed as follows:

(1) BEGINNING at the inter-section of Pine (now Roxboro)and Umstead Streets, an iron "stake on the East side of PineStreet and the North side of Um-stead Street, and running thenceNorth 3 degs. East 59 feet to astake on the East s'de of PineStreet; thence Sduth 86 degs. 12*East 115 feet to a stake in theline of Lot Number 6; thencesouth 3 degs. West 50.5 feet to* stake on the North side of Um-stead Street; thence South 89degs; 2JT' West U5.1 feet to thepoint or place of beginning, and <being Lot Number 1 of the sur-vey of the COUNCIL PROPERTY$s Will be seen from plat dulyfiled in the office Of the Register 1of Deeds of Durham County in IPlat Book 4, at page 3<J, to whichVeference Is hereby made. SeeDeed Book 53, at page 594, alsoDeet Book 63, at page 595, also iDeed Book 53, at page 690, in theOffice of the Register of DeedsW Durham County. On this p. op- :erty is located a building krawnas No. 1115 S. Roxboro Street.

(2) BEGINNING at a onthe last side of Pine Street (nowRoxboro Street) the northwestcorner of Lot. No. 1 of the Coun-cil property, and running thencewith Pine (now Roxboro) Street

stake, the sbuthwest corner of ti)i(take, the southwest corer of LotNo. 3; thence South 00 degs. 12'East 115 feet to a stake in theline of Lot No. 6: thence South3 degs. West 50 feet to a stakein the line of Lot No. 6; thenceNorth 86 degs. 12' West in theline of Lot No. 1, 115 feet to thepo'nt or place of beginning andjjnipo jot fsjo. 2of the COUNCILPROPERTY as shown on plat ofsiH property tt" '->(] !r> Bnokof Plats No. * at "rjgc W, andbeing lar ' ci ' by WJ. Broaden to S Psrterecorded in f ntSee Peed fron 0. S.PPr»a r » to W.W. Page. dat«d A-r 1 2*? 1921.duly recorded in th? offic® .ofthe Register of Deeds of E}ur,haniCounty.

This sale A'ill remain open lorten davs to receive increase "bids,a required by law. irtot'

Pated this 23rd day of1965. ,

J. J. HENDERSON,M. Hu«h Attorrifey

March 27: April 3. 10, 17 :i ?



power of sale con?a ; :icd in'.* cer-tain deed of trust executed byWILLIAM JACK MITCHELL andwife, ANNIE MAE MITCHELL,dated the 28th day of September,1962, and recorded in Book: 705,at page 2, in the office of theReeistcr of Deeds ot ltyihamCounty, North Carolina defaulthaving been made in the paymentof the indebtedness thereby se-cured and said deed of trust'beingby the terms thereof subtest toforeclosure-, the trus-tee wili offer for ..t ti'ubEcauction to the highest bidderfor cash at the rourtlwyuse doorin Durham. North Carolina, atnoon, on the 24th day of1965, the property convelffff* *insaid deed of trust, the same lyingand being in the County of Dur-ham. and State of North Carolina,in Durham Township, and moreparticularly described as follows:

(1) BEGINNING on the Eastside of Fayetteville St. at tue curbstone at the northwest comer oflformerly Pearson or Royal Knights


Tlw overage bom* owner has \« project he las been thinking Xr /yVof for his home enclose the /porch 0 make another bed-room for the expanding family

modernize Hie kitchen ! Ifurn the basement into a play- [

Some projects are urgent j/l)

k leaky \u25a0oof that needs replac-tog k new heating system J :% f'

' ,? new ebctrical wiring.

Come in and let us explain how an FHA Title I ,H«me ;nt Loan can help in a crisis or i.i44 pleasure and bcaiiry *o yeur home. ?**""

;'; . *

Mechanics & Farmers Banlfe-IN W. PAFRISK SI. CIS FAYETTEVILLEVt

i r;i 'I L'1. -I . %

I .

1>v ' *

rilKlffT TTr-


VJTJSS SSBfJjSSMjSS-ssssiS;formula «aiM CAHBONOIUwUckll Mod with many prov-

rf fclfifliM lfn<lnl«. Eui>' MVOK k rack ( itioni, power*

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Writ.Jor IhU OOCTpHg

Slrt K&fS.'and'lf you cu?iu>tMMh, few monijr back. F»yanlr SUB an Salivary. TbU tn«

*+> ?''-'-fr- AM. X-

} %2mHM mt

the SHORTY-$35,MEDALO STYLE #WSFor complete Illuatratad Catalog at 'Medalo Hair Stylaa, Wlga, Hail citt -

and attachmenta - B«nd nam* andaddreaa. It'a jroura FNEK <t"ItqiMtt, Just writ*.

Cold Medal Hair Prod, Inc.Dept. 5. 5, Bklyn 35, N.Y.

Ju»t fiimh en.t brush to ?M cotm|ona..Waahaa out Will not rub oft.MOT A DYE. Eaaleat, qulckaat wafto akid color gradually AVOIDSTHA? BUDDES DYED LOOK.Bruah attached for removing eicaaacoloring. Preventa a oiling, rubbinfiff. Cornea in Plaatlcbe carried In pockat or PVaa.fomea In all ahadeei Black toPlatinum Blue.loat write, atet* tkadt, rut emit? 1.98 on delivery plua poataga.?lone* back It not delighted.

Cold Medal Hair PradurtV'aa. 'S«-l, BcaolUjf ]\Maw YcA


f"M&Wlf, ?*« I running thence j; the north line of said form-

South 74 degrees 53 Min.: East 200.8 feet to an iron in theline of fcrmerlv Pearson; thencesloni the west line of said form-erly Pearson's line North 13 deg.41' West 76.2 feet to an iron inthe corner of formerly Green Bar-bee Estate; thence along the lineof formerly Green Barbee EstateNorth 74 deg. 45' West 152.8 feelto a point in the curb line nn theEast side of Fayetteville Street,the southwest corner of GreenBarbee Estate; thence alon<» thefirb line on the East side of Fay-

?\u2666ev:»» Street. South 24 deg. 50M'n. W"st 6133 feet to the pointi>f beginning. This is the sameproper*v conveyed by W. L. Fou-shee. Trustee, and others to Will-wood Realty Company by deed re-corded in Deed Book 134. page429. See Plat and survey of S. M.Credle. C. E. made July 1920 andfiled in office of the Register ofDeeds of Durham County in PlotBook 17, page 97. See Deed Book154. at paire 540. Durham County

Registry. Being Nos. 805-807 Fay-etteville Street.

(2) A LOT SHOWN on the Mapof Stokesdale, duly recorded inthe office of the Register of Deadsof Durham County in Plat Book5. at page 44, bounded and des-cribed as follows: BEGINNING at* stake in the southeast intersec-tion of Merrick and DunbarStreets, and running thence in asoutherly direction 100 feet along

Merrick Street to a stake H thenorthwest corner of Lot No. 3;thence in an easterly directionalong the line of Lot Nf 3, 50feet to a stake; thence in a north-erlv direction 50 feet to thebuilding line of Dunbar Street;thence in a westerly direction 50feet along Dunbar Street, thenoint or place of beginning. This

was originally part of LotsNos. 1 and 2 in said plat. FUR-THER REFERENCE is herebymade to deed from W. H. Wilsonand wife, Fannie L. Wilson, andE. D. Pratt and Louis Austin andStella V. Austin to J. S. Jones, re-corded in the office of the Registerof Deeds of Durham County July21, 1926, in Book 82 at age 265.See deed to Jack Mitchell andwife, Book 126, at page 222, Dur-ham County Registry. 600 Dun-bar Street is located on this prop-erty.

AND THE FOLLOWING ARTI-CLES of personal property, to-wit:

(1) One 1960 '/2 Ton FordTruck Serial No. FLO Jon 16779;

(2) One 1966 Four Door Chevro-let Automobile Serial No. VB 56 B07736;

(3) On 2 1959 Four Door Chevro-let Automobile Serial No. F 59 B233284'

(4) One 1953 Four Door Chevro-let Automobile Serial No. A 53 B168899.

BUT THIS SALE WILL BEMADE SUBJECT to a certain otherdeed of trust executed by WilliamJack Mitchell and wife, Annie MaeMitchell to Mechanics and Farm-ers Bank, dated the 21st day ofFebruarv. 1961, and recorded inBook 664, at page 341, in the office of the Register of Deeds ofDurham County and subject to alloutstanding and unpaid taxes.

THIS SALE will remain open forten (10) days to receive increasebids, as required by law.

This 23rd day of March, 1965.J. J. Henderson, Trustee

I M. Hugh Thompson, AttorneyMar. 27 and Apr. 3, 10, 17



the power of sale contained in acertain deed of trust executed byWILLIE McCOY AND HUSBAND,BILLY McCOY. dated the 29thday of November. 1963. and re-corded in Book 725, at page 149,in the office 'of the Register ofDeeds of Durham County, NorthCarolina, default having beenmade in the payment of the in-debtedness thereby secured andsaid deed of tr'St being by theterms thereof subject to foreclos-ing, tbc undersigned Trustee willoffer for sale at public auction tothe highest bidder for cash at thepqurthou«e door in Durham, NorthCarolina, at Noon, on the 34thday of April, 1965, the propertyconveyed in said deed of trust, thesame lying and being in the Coun-ty of Durham, and State of NorthCarolina, In Triangle Township,and described as follows, to-wit:

BEGINNING at a stake locatedon the west side of the Durham-Apex Highway at the northeast

\u25a0 corner of Lot 19 Block B of theI plat <nd survey hereinafter re-


ferred to and runnin* thence witl \u25a0the North side of Lot 18, North78 4e|. 38 min. West 399 3 feetto a stake in the east line ofTract 4, , northwest corner of Lot19; thence with the east side olTract 4. North 11 de«? 52 Min.East 144.6 feet to a stake, southwest corner of liOt 23; thence withthe south side of said Lot 23,

South 79 deg. 23 min. East 397feet to a stake on the west sideof Durham-Apex Highway, south-east corner of Lot 23; thence withthe West side of the Durham-Apex Highway as the same curvesin a southerly direction along a

clockwise arc with radius of 11,-463 feet, a distance of 150 feetto the place and point of BEGIN-NING. and being Lots 20, 21, and22 Block B of the A. J. Pollardproperty as per plat and surveythereof in Plat Book 18, at page183, Durham County Registry, towhich reference is hereby madefor a more particular descriptionof same.

THIS SALE will remain open forten (10) days to receive increasebids, as required by law.

Dated this 23rd day of March,1965.

J. J. Henderson, TrusteeM. Hueh Thompson, AttorneyMar. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17



the power of sale contained in acertain deed of trust executed by

Thomas G. Mflvin and wife, CleoL. Melvin, dated the 3rd day ofFebruary. 1961, and recorded inBook 663, at page 640, in theoffice o*i the Register of Deedsof Du'l am County, North Caro-lina. default having been made inthe payment of the indebtednesstherebv secured and said deed oftrust being by the terms thereofsubject to foreclosure, the under-signed Trustee will offer for saleat public auction to the highestbidder for cash at the courthousedoor in Durham North Carolina,at Noon on the 24th day of April,1965 the property conveyed in

said deed of trust, the same lyingand being in the County of Dur-ham and State of North Carolina,in Durham TffAmship, and moreparticularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at a stake on theNorth side of the Fish Dam Road,at the southwest corner of Lot No.3 as shown on plat hereinafterreferred to, which said stake is129.2 feet from the northwest tan-eent intersection of said Fish Dam 'Road and Roane Street, runningthence along and with the westline of Lot No. 3, North 1 deg.40' East 216.6 feet to a stake inthe line of Lot No. 9; thencewith the said line North 88 deg.20' West 65 feet te a stake,1 deg. 40' West 199.8 feet to a

stake in the north side of theFish Dam Road; thence along andwith said road South 73 deg. 01'East 66.8 feet to the point orplace of beginning and being LotNo. 2 on Man of property of V.F. Pope, by S. M. Credle, C. E.,dcted February 11, 1947, and re-corded in the office of the Reg-ister of Deeds of Durham Countyin Plat Book 18, at page 84.

This sale will remain open forten days to receive increase bids,as required by law.

This 23rd day of March. 1965.J. J. Henderson, Trustee

M. Hugh Thompson, AttorneyMar. 27 and Apr. 3, 10, 17



istratrix of the estate of FreemanM. Smith deceased, late of Dur-ham County, North Carolina, thisis to notify all persons havingclaims against said estate to ex-hibit them to the undersigned at418 S. Roxboro St., Turham, NorthCarolina, on or before the 20thday of September, 1965, or thisnotice 'a ill be pleaded in bar oftheir recovery. All persons in-debted to said estate will pleasemake immediate payment to theundersigned.

This 16th day of March, 1965.Mrs. Viola G. Smith,Administratrix of Estateof Freeman M. Smith,Decease c:

March 20, 27; April 3, 10.1


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the PnobleirTyy& don't Vr.ow whether prehistoric *mommas di»j--ered their babies. Ifthey did, they were forced tq makß > yW|do with thorns, sharp bones orsplinters of flint. Not until the .PwH IfBronre Age did man-made metal JTj Vkpins first appear. Either way, mother / /\u25a0"and child both had problems, y f| |

Y®!Hsfe / Some authorities credit tha «n---nl cient Egyptians with InvsntioifV 9 Vfc ? the first safety pin, but It was

1 VJtef-I|__ \ : I just a little over 100 years agoB \V I v::|| that tha modern version devel-.A /0 oped. This not only solved a basic

Today, one of the mostspread uses for safety pins is In fe»l Vl^-iidrycleaning for fastening tagsand hanging clothing. In fact, "HJ Ithe British raised such a clamor v "Mr K \

about stapling tags to garments V,, M\- \ ',f< f :

that the practice has virtually .< idisappeared. In America, too, the " J K


use of safety pins has become ???? V*,...ons symbol of the quality dry- *»wiiiicleaner?a sign that your cloth- - il \\j*ing is being handled with care. y* K

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