Jubilation Jubilee Primary School Weekly Newsletter, Tuesday 16th July 2013 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 PO Box 486, Helensvale 4212 Ph: 07 55028566 Fax: 07 55028522 Email: [email protected] Web: www.jubileeprimary.qld.edu.au Important Dates to Remember Wednesday 17th July State of Origin $5 Meal Deal *See Tuckshop Section for Details Tuesday 23rd July Catholic Education Week Worship 9.15am Open Classrooms 10-10.40am Wednesday 31st July Athletics Carnival Field Events Friday 2nd August Athletics Carnival Track Events Friday 9th August Tie for Thai Day Gold Coin Donation Tuesday August 13 th 9.00am P & F Meeting Jubilee Centre Saturday 17th August JUBILEE FAMILY FUN DAY Wed. 28th & Thurs. 29th August Fathers Day Stall @JubileePrimary Download to Smart Phone App. https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/ jubileeprimary- JESUS, OUR GUIDE We had some earthworks done on our property last week. The Bobcat tractor pushed backwards and forwards bringing up rocks amongst the soil. While it required great effort on the part of the machine, it became abundantly clear it was the operator who was able to guide the tractor, that the tractor wasn’t able to find the way ahead on its own. I wonder if our life is like that at times; when we get caught up with the rocks in our life that seem hard to budge, or hard to work around, we often can’t find the way ahead. We all have them, don’t we? Things that seem to block our way forward, some larger than others, but they are rocks still the same. Perhaps it’s losing a job, difficulty in paying our mortgage, the rising credit card, the death of a loved one, moving home, or illness, to name a few. Perhaps it’s the stress of everyday living and how to fit everything into the 24 hours of each day. We begin to see these rocks as insurmountable affecting our health and well-being, and our spiritual life as well. We need someone to help us and guide us on our life’s journey. Jesus is that constant presence and guide, through the power of the Holy Spirit, who will guide our feet into the way of peace. How do we find Jesus? Attend your local church; be amongst your Christian brothers and sisters in worship and praise of God. Seek Jesus in prayer. Talk to Jesus as you would your best friend. Read the Bible regularly, together with a Christian Devotional. Your spiritual life will grow. The rocks in your life will still be there, but it’s how you handle them that will change – changing you and those around you. The Rev’d Lyn Dunn Gold Coast North Anglican Church

34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

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Page 1: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Jubilation Jubilee Primary School Weekly Newsletter, Tuesday 16th July 2013

34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211

PO Box 486, Helensvale 4212

Ph: 07 55028566

Fax: 07 55028522

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.jubileeprimary.qld.edu.au

Important Dates to Remember

Wednesday 17th July

State of Origin

$5 Meal Deal *See Tuckshop Section for Details

Tuesday 23rd July

Catholic Education Week

Worship 9.15am

Open Classrooms 10-10.40am

Wednesday 31st July

Athletics Carnival

Field Events

Friday 2nd August

Athletics Carnival

Track Events

Friday 9th August

Tie for Thai Day

Gold Coin Donation

Tuesday August 13th

9.00am P & F Meeting

Jubilee Centre

Saturday 17th August JUBILEE FAMILY FUN DAY

Wed. 28th &

Thurs. 29th August

Fathers Day Stall


Download to Smart Phone App.


jubileeprimary- JESUS, OUR GUIDE

We had some earthworks done on our property last week. The Bobcat tractor pushed backwards and forwards bringing up rocks amongst the soil. While it required great effort on the part of the machine, it became abundantly clear it was the operator who was able to guide the tractor, that the tractor wasn’t able to find the way ahead on its own.

I wonder if our life is like that at times; when we get caught up with the rocks in our life that seem hard to budge, or hard to work around, we often can’t find the way ahead.

We all have them, don’t we? Things that seem to block our way forward, some larger than others, but they are rocks still the same. Perhaps it’s losing a job, difficulty in paying our mortgage, the rising credit card, the death of a loved one, moving home, or illness, to name a few. Perhaps it’s the stress of everyday living and how to fit everything into the 24 hours of each day. We begin to see these rocks as insurmountable affecting our health and well-being, and our spiritual life as well. We need someone to help us and guide us on our life’s journey. Jesus is that constant presence and guide, through the power of the Holy Spirit, who will guide our feet into the way of peace.

How do we find Jesus?

Attend your local church; be amongst your Christian brothers and sisters in worship and praise of God.

Seek Jesus in prayer. Talk to Jesus as you would your best


Read the Bible regularly, together with a Christian Devotional.

Your spiritual life will grow.

The rocks in your life will still be there, but it’s how you handle them that will change – changing you and those

around you.

The Rev’d Lyn Dunn

Gold Coast North Anglican Church

Page 2: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Jubilee Primary School

Principal’s Weekly News

Dear Parents, Staff and Friends,

I am innately aware of not wanting to project death and despair to you all, but as The Sewell’s continue to grapple with cancer sucking the life out of my Dad, Edd, I found the following article I wrote back in 2008. This article talks about Dad’s Mother Margaret and how as

my Grandmother she ‘packed my parachute’ regularly.

I found myself feeling a bit sorry for myself today as I watched Dad have his chemo administered at Pindara Hospital. His melanoma really seems to be biting hard at the moment and while we are all trying to stay positive and hopeful and we refuse to give up, there is

also a dull ache of the heart that is difficult to ignore as we seemingly approach the inevitable.

So I have just found myself sitting here at our kitchen table wanting to pour out how unfair things seem, when I read over this “Who packs your parachute?” article, and it made me snap out of my self pity and realize how lucky I am. I have a Dad, who even through his suffering is giving me a gift – the gift of modeling how not to give up, how to show courage and acceptance. It has also reminded me of

how important it is that he clearly knows and hears my gratitude.

So, as I reflect on not only my Dad and his continued and profound influence in my life, I also remember all of those who have packed a ‘chute’ or two for me. It also makes me think of the ‘chutes’ I pack for others. I commend the following article for your own personal reflection:

I regularly speak to our students about the importance of saying ‘please’ & ‘thank you’ especially for the little, run of the mill, everyday things. Recently I stumbled across the following story. The moral of showing appreciation for the impact others have on your life is ably

demonstrated by this story – The story of Charles Plumb.

Charles Plumb was a U.S. Navy jet pilot who served in Vietnam. One day, he and his wife were in a restaurant when a man came up and said, "You're Plumb, aren't you? You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk and you were shot down!" “How in the world did you know that?" asked Plumb. "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man pumped his hand and said, "I guess it worked!" Plumb assured him, "It sure did. If your chute hadn't worked, I wouldn't be here today." Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about the man who had had his fate in his hands. “I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not even said 'Good morning, how are you?' or anything because, you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor."

Here are ways of showing appreciation to the people who make a difference to you.

Say ‘thank you’ and mean it!

When you're in a café, make eye contact with the staff and say thanks – it can make a difference to their day. In fact it is interesting to watch others and how they treat others in a café. You can learn a lot about people's behaviour when you watch how they treat the staff.

Do you have a friend in need?

There's an old saying “to have a friend, be a friend” and I'll never forget one of the toughest experiences I ever had. Late in 2006 my Grandmother, Margaret Sewell passed away. Her health had been regressing for sometime and it would have been easy to find myself out of touch with an ‘old mate’, especially living close to 200km apart. Although I knew she was seriously ill, it was difficult to know be-cause the family had been called to her ‘death bed’ numerous times over the previous 5 – 7 years and at times and she would always ‘pull through’.

I would begin to make excuses not to visit her, but would then snap-in to a reality of ‘she needs me’ and ‘I need her’. This really hit me in one of the last times I visited her. Marney (as we fondly called her) had fallen out of her nursing home bed the previous day (caused by her dementia and her forgetting where she was) and had badly bruised her face. The shock of seeing her battered and bruised was very confronting, accompanied by the fact that she (so I thought) was forgetting who I was, really made this visit ever hard. So I sat with her and through a muffled and hurting voice I heard the good old greeting of, “Is that you Dave?” followed by the “Now you’re the

school teacher aren’t you?”

I had made the effort and I hope that I helped pack her parachute. Even in the ensuing visits right up until her death, we would sit and I would say the rosary with her and I think we were inadvertently packing each other’s parachute! Next thing I knew I was giving the eulogy at her funeral. It’s fair to say that my parachute stays full even in hard times because of her!

Recognise when your parachute’s being packed!

People who are outwardly successful but are unhappy privately are often that way because they never stop to count their blessings. Don’t forget all the things you have to be thankful for.

Page 3: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Principal’s Weekly News Page 2

SEXUALISATION OF OUR CHILDREN TODAY During the recent June/July School holidays, I was sponsored to attend the 11th World Convention of the International Confederation of Principals. It was a great professional experience as I sat and learned from some of the world’s leading scholars on education and leadership. I listened to the likes of Andy Hargreaves taught about Change, Tim Costello was inspirational as he spoke about his example of Global Leadership, Yong Zhao who spoke on Inspiring Global Leadership, General Peter Cosgrove who addressed the issue of Leadership under fire and how to be a Courageous Leader, Melinda Tankard-Reist alerted us to the level of sexualisation and sexploitation of our children these days.

It was Melinda’s presentation and work I wanted to draw ALL of your attention to because as a father and a school principal, I was shocked at the level I had been desensitised to. Melinda, who can regularly be seen and heard on Channel 7’s Sunrise program told us how Young people’s lives are increasingly informed and conditioned by a highly sexualized culture. They are often exposed to pornography often before their first kiss and that the average age of first exposure is 11. Boys are being socialised into a brutal version of masculinity. Girls are shaped to see themselves as providers of sexual services. Young people are becoming not only consumers but ‘creators’ of pornography through sexting. There has been a rise of child-on-child sexual assault and an increase in sexual crimes committed by teenagers.

Now this might all seem very confronting to read. It sure was confronting for me to sit and listen to, but it proves how ever vigilant we all need to be.

Melinda is a writer, speaker and advocate and I urge you all as parents to look further into what she is saying and what we can all do about the world in which our precious kids grow up in.

Firstly, Melinda’s website can be found by clicking on the following link: http://melindatankardreist.com and secondly, there is an active way we can all help – if you go to http://collectiveshout.org this is a grassroots campaigning movement against the objectification of women and sexualisation of girls in media, advertising and popular culture.

Believe me both are well worth the visit!



By Author Unknown

Never go gloomy, use your mind, Hope is a better companion than fear; Providence, ever benignant and kind,

Gives with a smile what you take with a tear;

All will be right, Look to the light. Morning was ever the daughter of night;

All that was black will be all that is bright.

Many a foe is a friend in disguise, Many a trouble a blessing most true, Remember these words of wisdom and wise, Your life will be easier and you will not be blue. Never lose your hope, follow your plan

And live life doing all that you can

God bless you and best wishes for the week ahead.

David Sewell


Page 4: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

APA Weekly News

with Brian

G’day everyone. We had a very positive start to the term last week and we’re now well and truly back into the swing of things. Our adjusted break and play time structure, with a 10min Eating Time and a 30min Play Time at each break instead of a short morning break and a long afternoon one, seems to be working really well. Last Friday we held our first Junior (P-3) Assembly, yesterday morning we held our first whole-school Monday Morning Muster and this Friday afternoon we’ll hold our first Senior (4-7) Assembly (see below.) Changes in Assembly Structure: Commencing from the start of this term, we’ve introduced some changes to our weekly assembly structures for sharing news, messages, prayer reflections, school events, celebrations and affirma-tions of achievement. The once-a-week Friday assemblies, while valuable in what they included, were becoming a long session of sitting and listening for students and the exit process from our wonderful Jubilee Centre facility was always difficult given the large numbers trying to leave at the same time. With those issues in mind, we have decided to have two different types of school gatherings for different purposes each week.

Starting this week, we will now gather in the BCA (Bottom Covered Area) first thing each Monday morning to start our school week as a whole school community. At these Monday Morning Musters, we will honour the flag, sing the Na-tional Anthem, pray as a school community, congratulate our Birthday people for the week and give any messages regarding the week ahead. At the 8:30am bell each Monday, students, staff and any parents who wish to do so will move down to join those already in the BCA to sit in class groups for the Morning Muster, which will take place 8:40 – 9:00am.

Each Friday afternoon, there will be either a Junior or Senior or Afternoon Assembly, alternating between our P-3 clas-ses one week and our Yrs 4-7 classes on the other. Students involved will move directly to these assemblies after the afternoon break without their bags and will be dismissed from their own classrooms at 3:00pm. The Friday assemblies will run from 2:10 – 2:40pm after which the students will return to class to collect their bags and be dismissed by their class teachers at 3:00pm. At these assemblies we will have our Acknowledgement of our Country, class prayer and virtue presentations, Student-of-the-Week Awards, Reading Awards and Prize Draws, AWL News etc.

We are confident that this structure will offer positive and effective communication and enhance our community ethos. Reading Innovations: Last term a number of new innovations designed to enhance reading skill development and promote a love of reading and literature among our students were devised and developed by our Learning Support and Curriculum teams. These innovations and enhancements include Rainbow Reading, which involves in-class support for students, Friday Fiction, in which a staff member reads one of his/her favourite children’s books to students, and Early Bird Reading, which will involve parent and older student volunteers offering before-school mentoring and read-ing support to students. The Friday Fiction lunchtime sessions began last term and continue this term, with Miss King being the featured staff reader this week. Rainbow Reading is just getting under way in these first few weeks of this term. Early Bird Reading is currently being organised and we are seeking parent and Yr 6&7 student volunteers to be trained as mentors for this program. Two parent workshops will be offered this Thursday, 8:00 - 8:30am and 2:30 – 3:00pm, so come to one of those if you are interested and able to be involved. Further details about these programs are featured elsewhere in this newsletter. Looking Ahead: Coming up in the next couple of weeks we have…

Week 3 – Catholic Schools Week Week 4 - Literacy & Numeracy Week ; Jubilee Athletics Carnival ; ICAS English Tests

Have a great Week 2 everyone ! Cheers,

Brian Mason, APA

Page 5: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Jo’s APRE Weekly News

Proud of your parents?

`….parents are the pride of their children.’ Proverbs 17:6 NIV

Come again? Yep. Today, we’re zoning in on the Biblical idea that children should honour their parents. Families are important to God. God can use any family member to bless, teach or correct any other. If you ever end up with children of your own, you’ll realise how challenging it can be to be a parent. It starts off with a shock as normal life is interrupted by an insatiable infant and months of broken sleep. Then it gets worse! Instilling strong values and good character into kids, tweens and teens isn’t easy. It’s a daily challenge to lay out firm boundaries while assuring them they are loved. Building character and encouraging them to go for all God has in store for them means being constantly alert. In short: it’s hard work.

It’s important to honour your parents-those who mothered and fathered you. God blesses us for it. (Ephesians 6:2) Perhaps you should honour them through thanks, or perhaps through forgiveness. Most often it’s both! Some of us have had a really hard time with mum or dad. If your parents weren’t the role models God asked them to be, or hurt you some way, leave room for God to deal with them by leaving your anger and bitterness in His hands. If you can, try to see the best in them today, not excusing them but forgiving them. Excusing lets them off the hook but forgiving lets you off! How can you honour your parents in a special way today? Write a letter, make a call, send a text. Tell them (or whoever has helped to raise you well) that you're really thankful for who they are and what they do for you.

Week 2 7F

Week 3 2L

Week 4 7L

Week 5 2F

Week 6 5F

Week 7 3F

Week 8

Week 9 3L

Week 10 5L

Week 11

Term 3 Class Assembly Roster

As part of our outreach program, the school will be holding 2 Gold coin days this term to assist

with the REFACO orphanage.

Friday 26th July - Mufti Day

Friday 16th August - Crazy Sock Day.

On Both these days the children are encouraged to bring a gold coin donation, to support this

worthy charity.

Mission Statement: “Our philosophy is to provide a Christian education to orphaned and needy children of

Africa, to break the chains of poverty, and to nurture a future and a hope”

REFACO or Remembered Families in the Community is a registered ‘not-for-profit’ organisation based in Nairobi, Kenya in operation since 2008. Pastor David Mutiso of Light Christian Ministries is the Founder of REFACO, Chairman of the Committee, and Director of our Primary School. REFACO is entirely dependent on gifts and donations to provide an education to impoverished children residing in the Mukuru-Sinai slums of Nairobi. Some of our other life-changing initiatives include our: Orphanage, Feeding Programme, Health Care, Counselling services and Business initiatives. Currently, we have 400 underprivileged and orphaned chil-dren enrolled in our registered primary school, ‘REFACO Garden Learning Centre.’ These children reside in the Mukuru-Sinai slums, of Nairobi, Kenya, where there are no public schools, where food and clean water are scarce. REFACO provides all students with two nutritious meals per day for optimum health and learning outcomes. We believe every

Relocation Project Our primary school premises are currently located in the Mukuru slums of Nairobi, Kenya. However, the land is owned by Kenyan Railways and REFACO has been instructed to relocate due to the expansion of Kenyan Railways. Our concern is for our 400 students who would not have the opportunity to attend school like any other child in the world, if our primary school were shut down. We really need your support to relocate our primary school and to bring our Master Plan for the new campus into reality. Together we can break the chains of poverty and transform

the lives of poor children and orphans, forever. Every child has the potential to become the next President of Kenya, if we equip them with an education. Everything we do to help is

one step closer towards long-term self sustainability.

“Through your kindness, all families on earth shall

be blessed” - 2 Peter 1:7

Page 6: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Have a great week everyone,

Yours in faith

Jo Riddell

Jo’s APRE Weekly News Page 2

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK… Next Tuesday we will celebrate Catholic schools week. Although we are an Ecumenical School we are governed by the Brisbane Catholic Education Office. This week we will celebrate what makes us stand out in our system of schools as an Ecumenical School. We will open the day with a Worship commencing at 9.15am led by the Year 7 School Leaders. This will be followed by OPEN CLASSROOMS 10.00 –10.40 am. Parents are invited to come in and have a look at the wonderful work that your children have been doing here at Jubilee. FEEDBACK TO PARENTS As part of our feedback to Parents we will be sending home students work books throughout the Term. We ask that you take the time to have a look at your child's workbook, as these are often a good indi-cation of how your child is going in class. You will be able to see the progress your child has made across the school year. I hope that this continues to support the relationship that we as educators of your children have. Please remember that if the children's work book goes home on the Friday they

must be returned by the following Monday. If you have any concerns about the progress of your child or questions for the teacher, please make an appointment to see them. Trying to catch them before school or sending them an email outlining your concerns is not always the best line of com-munication; a face to face meeting often elevates any concerns quickly and gives the teacher time to ensure that they have all the available information about your child with them. Week 3 – ENGLISH Week 4 – MATHEMATICS Week 5 – Religious Education Week 9 – History Week 10 - Science

Fundraising for Sophie Sophie Hastie is an 11 year old girl with a neuro developmental disability called rett syndrome and is the sister of Nicholas Hastie in Yr. 1 at Jubilee. Rett syndrome affects Sophie intellectually & physically. Sophie is dependent on her parents and family 24/7. She is tube fed & needs to be constantly monitored by her carers. The family wheelchair vehicle needs replacing urgently. The Hastie family spends many hours travelling to and from appointments to the Royal Children’s Hospital, The Mater hospital and The Gold Coast Hospital for acute care. The vehicle needs to be dependable. The specialised vehi-cle must be large enough to install a wheelchair hoist on the back of it and take five members of the family.

In summary Sophie would benefit from the following equipment and therapies:

Wheelchair vehicle

Seating for wheelchair

Turntable for ceiling hoist and tracking


Speech therapy-ipad 3 and eye gaze technology

Hydrotherapy pool

Volunteers to assist with therapies

Enclosed in this weeks’ Newsletter is a flyer detailing a fundraiser “Sunday for Sophie” in which all proceeds of this day are being donated to Sophie and her family. I urge families of Jubilee to support this day which is being organised by St Marys Church.

Prayers From Year 2 U

Brock: Dear God, Thank you for making the trees and our earth. Please help the poor people who don't have a house to live in and please help my mum. Amen Jemima: Dear God, Thank you for my teachers, friends and my family. Please always look after them and keep them safe. Amen Elijah: Dear God, Thank you for my school and the teachers and everything they do for me. Amen

Page 7: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man
Page 8: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Learning Enhancement News

Early Bird Reading—Parent Reading Workshop

The Parent Reading Workshop is this Thursday at 8:00 – 8:30 am and 2:30 – 3:00 pm. We would love you to join us at these workshops that are designed to help you support your young readers at home. Please return the slip attached to this newsletter

or let us know via email if you are interested and which session you will be attending.

[email protected] [email protected]

Hope to see you there! Early Bird Reading—Student Mentors Year 6 and 7 students will also play an important part in the Early Bird Reading Program. Student Reading Mentors will also be able to come and support the younger readers within the school. The Student Reading Mentors will attend a Reading Workshop

next Tuesday, 23 July, during school time, to learn how to better help younger students with their reading.

We have had many Year 6 and 7 students express interest in becoming a Student Reading Mentor. Please discuss with your

children what days they are available to become a Student Reading Mentor.

Amber Vague Learning Enhancement Teacher

AWL Awareness Day

We have booked Tuesday 30 July as AWL Awareness Day.

To support the AWL each child needs to bring in a gold coin donation

on that day.

We are running three sessions in the Jubilee Centre.

First Session: 9 - 9:45 Yr.’s 1 & 2

Second Session: 9:50 - 10:35 Yr.’s 3 & 4

Third Session: 11:20 - 12:05 Yr.’s 5, 6 & 7

The sessions would begin with a video for 10-15 minutes showing the

AWL and what it does. Following this is a 20 minute dog demonstration

showing the tricks dogs can do and explaining how to train a dog. The instructor will also explain about how to

look after a pet correctly. Then the team will answer questions about dogs and other pets as well as about the


Karen Hallett and the AWL Team

Page 9: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Parent Workshop

Early Bird Reading Program

All parents and care-givers are invited to attend a Parent Workshop on strategies to use when

reading with children. The workshops are designed to support those parents who would like to

become Reading Mentors in the Early Bird Reading Program. However, the workshops are not

only for Reading Mentors, all parents and care-givers are welcome to come and develop their

strategies for reading with children at home.

When: Thursday 18 July 8:00 – 8:30 am

Thursday 18 July 2:30 – 3:00 pm

Where: Jubilee Resource Centre

RSVP: Monday, 15 July

Please complete the slip below and return it to your child’s class teacher


Send an email to one of the below addresses to let us know which

session you would like to attend.

Please contact us at with any questions or concerns.

[email protected]

[email protected]

We hope to see you there!

Name: Child’s Class:

Yes, I will be attending the Parent Reading Workshop on

Thursday 18 July 8:00 – 8:30 am

Thursday 18 July 2:30 – 3:00 pm

Page 10: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Resource Centre News

Readers of the Week

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Reader of the Week in their classes last week!

PREP F: Annabelle Thies 3L:

PREP L: 3U: Teghan Straight

PREP U: 3F: Cailin Merten 6F:

PREP J: 6L: Vanessa Abele

1F: Jasmine O’Kane 4F: 7L: Lily Tobin

1U: Cody Smith 4U: Max Manson 7F:

1L: Zoe Lund 4L: Scott Arthur


2L: Tyreece Paul 5F: Amelia Van Rooyen

2U: Naome Kirkland 5L: Abby Sellars

2F: Bronte Brown & Jack Duggan

Our Reader Raffle winners this week are:

Zac in Prep L and Ryan from 1U

It’s great to be back for Term Two. The children have already begun borrowing with great enthusiasm! Please ask your child, particularly the older children, what book/s they have borrowed and what they are interested in reading. You may be surprised. It is a good conversation starter.

Book Week is in Week 7. The whole school will be celebrating the joys of litera-ture in Book Week this year with a book character dress up day on Friday 23 August. I am getting in early so you can begin planning this with your child/ren.

We have been enjoying reading all the CBCA shortlisted books when the classes visit the Library and this year they are particularly good. The children will all cast their vote on which book they think should be the Jubilee Picture Book of the Year for 2013. This will be announced during our Book Week celebrations.

Deb Sketcher

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Weekly Update with Alistair Davies

Athletics Carnival 2013 only 15 days away!

Students in Yr.’s 3-7 are working on their high jump, long jump and shot put skills in readi-ness for the Field Day on Wednesday 31st July. This day will also include the 800 metre rac-

es in the afternoon.

Our track day and main Carnival Day is Friday 2nd August. All parents, grandparents and

family friends are most welcome.

Congratulations to Evie Phelan for her recent gymnastics achievements. Evie finished first in the floor routine, second on uneven bars, fifth on vault and sixth on beam at the recent Super Performance Centre Gymnastics Carnival. Evie was also awarded Junior stage 2 Champion for the carnival. This is a fantastic achievement Evie. Well done!

Running Club continues as usual tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7.30 am and again on Friday morn-ing at 7.30am. This program is strictly for students in

Year’s 3-7.

There are still a few outstanding Jubilee Sports tops from last Term. Please check at home that there are

none hiding under your bed!

Yours in Sport and HPE,

Alistair Davies


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Page 15: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man
Page 16: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

Tuckshop & Uniform Shop


Wednesday 17th July

Julie Manson

Thursday 18th July

Simone McLennan

Friday 19th July

Heidi Cequiel

Saturday Sunday

Monday 22nd July

Sue Hillberg

Tuesday 23rd July

Wednesday 24th July

Kassey Winkleman

Thursday 25th July

Jonelle Betzel

Friday 26th July

Zandra Zigic

Uniform Shop Opening Hours: Monday’s 8.00am - 8.30am

Tuesday’s 8.00am - 8.30pm

Thursday’s 2.00pm - 3.30pm

Orders email to [email protected]

Tuckshop Roster We are now seeking volunteers to assist in the Tuckshop for Term 3.

Wednesday, 17th July

$5.00 Meal Deal Maroon’s $5 Meal Deal

1 Pkt Deli Salt & Vinegar Chips

1 Red Aroona Drink

1 Pie with tomato sauce

Blues $5 Meal Deal

1 Pkt Smiths Original Chips

1 Blue Aroona Drink

Chicken Tenders with sweet n sour sauce

New Opening Hours

Page 17: 34 Manra Way, Pacific Pines 4211 Ph: 07 55028566 Jubilation Email · 2017. 11. 22. · "I packed your parachute." the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man

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