30.03.2017 1 WELCOME TO DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCE Information brochure for new employees

30.03 - geo.w.uib.no

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Information brochure

for new employees

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Dear new employee!


The first few days you will most likely feel quite overwhelmed by the many new faces, locations, and

so forth. We hope that this information brochure will be helpful now in the beginning.

Department of Earth Science (GEO) is the second largest of eight departments at the Faculty of

mathematics and Natural Sciences. The institute has an academic staff of 40 people and 32

employees in technical / administrative functions. In addition, there are more than 70 phd

candidates and other temporary academic positions. Our employees come from nearly 30 different


Head of department is Professor Gunn Mangerud. Professor Ritske Huismans is deputy head of the

department, and Terje Erstad is head of the departments` administration.

The department is organized in four research groups:

• Geodynamics. Leader: Ritske Huismans Deputy: Kuvvet Atakan.


• Quaternary Earth Systems. Leader: Jostein Bakke, Deputy: Henriette Linge


• Basin- and Reservoar studies (BRS). Leader: Atle Rotevatn, Deputy: Isabelle Lecomte


• Geobiology (also an SFF). Leader: Ingunn Hindenes Thorseth Deputy: Rolf Birger Pedersen.


The Department has two technical groups:

• Laboratories. Leader: Ole Tumyr, Deputy: Hildegunn Almelid.

• Field operations, IT and seismic network. Leader: Stig Monsen, Deputy: Bent Ole Ruud.

For information about department laboratory facilities, see (only in Norwegian):


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1. Contact and locations ...................................................................................................................... 4

2. Practical information ....................................................................................................................... 4

3. What happens next? ................................................................... Feil! Bokmerke er ikke definert.7

4. Policies and procedures for employees – useful links................... Feil! Bokmerke er ikke definert.

5. Checklist for you as newly appointed............................................................................................ 11

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1. Contact information and premises

Management at Geo

Administration at Geo – What-Who-How?

Contact the department

2. Practical information

Keys: Contact the reception for keys and access cards. Keys and cards must be returned to

the reception at the end of your stay or period of employment.

Mail: External mail should be placed in the appropriate tray in the department’s reception.

External mail is dispatched daily from the reception at 09:30 am. Mail boxes are

located in the room opposite the reception (room 3108). Incoming mail is distributed

daily at around 12 am. Official departmental letterheads are to be found on the P:disk

“For alle ansatte” Menu, ”Skjema og maler”. Contact Trine Lise Stjernholm (or Terje

Erstad) for journal numbers for official letters. N.B. Remember to give copies of all

official correspondence to the administration.

Office supplies: Office supplies are stored in room 3155. If something is lacking, tell the reception. Orders and purchases:

The department has designated personnel to place orders and make purchases. Make sure you address any orders and purchases to correct appointed person. UoB is subjected laws and regulations on public purchase. The law sets strict requirements for competition for supplies and professional case management with focus on objectivity and equal treatment of bidders. Purchases over NOK 100.000,- must be done via UoBs purchase office.

Travel expences: Information about travel expenses can be foun in personalportalen Paga here Telephone: The telephone number to the departments reception is 55 58 58 36 00

For internal calls use only the last 5 numbers.

To make an external call, press 0 first (for foreign calls press 000 first). The annual cost covered by the department is currently NOK 2000,-/1000,- for

permanent and temporary staff respectively. Calls in excess of this amount must be

otherwise covered


The copy machines are placed in the mailroom (room 3108) on the third floor, and

room 2137B on the second floor. The copier can also be used as a printer, address is

\\print\pullprintricoh. Use keycard for the copier machines.


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The departmental lunch room “Steinbiten” can be found on the x2nd floor opposite

the lift (room 2112). A drinking fountain and kettle can be found here, and in the post

room. Drinking water directly from the tap is not recommended. Everyone is expected

to clear up after themselves. Lunch is generally half hour between 12.00 and 13.00.


There are a few areas of free parking at the University provided you have a parking

label. This you can get by sending in an application. (Put Valid permit on the

windscreen). All Staff and students are encouraged to use public transport/cycling.


For registration and allocation of a new IT account see https://sebra.uib.no/. If you are a former student, contact Trine Lise in order to convert a student account. Send a request to Trine Lise to be included in the joint e-mail list ([email protected] etc). For Unix/Linux accounts – contact Øyvind Natvik or Leo Zijerveld (department IT-personnel).

Wireless net

The department has a wireless net (SSID=UiB) that staff can connect to. Connection

requires a password, but a coded VPN connection must be set up in advance. Use the

program ”VPN-Dialer” to set this up. Connection is accomplished using the same user

id/password as for your normal account. ”VPN-Dialer” can be downloaded from the

IT-sections web pages (http://it.uib.no/). Here you will also find detailed information

about how to use ”VPN-Dialer” and the wireless net. Read these pages before you



The central IT-section of the university (http://it.uib.no/) is responsible for standard

services such as the network, servers and clients, as well as user support (problems

should be reported through the BRITA-service: tel. 8 4700 or via the Issue tracker:

http://bs.uib.no/). IT-support, including purchase of IT-equipment and administration

of printers and licences, is provided by the departments own IT staff. If you are

uncertain as to who is responsible for a particular service, BRITA will direct you to the

correct instance.

Web profile UoB

Employees update their own profile on web https://www.uib.no/login


It is mandatory for all employees to familiarize themselves with the departments HSE-



This is the link to useful information on HSE at UoB:


HSE at Department of Earth Science

This is the link to useful information in HSE at the department (Norwegian):


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Health and safety

The safety officer is currently Siv Hjorth Dundas the deputy is Eivind Støren. The

department has also a health and safety coordinator, Gunnar Larsen. Vigdis C. Hope

takes care of technical issues, and Haflidi Haflidason of matters regarding radiation.

Next of kin

The department wishes to have information on your next of kin – please fill out the

info into HR Portal Paga web.

Access to laboratories

“Declaration of received info regarding safety in the laboratory” must be signed

before access to laboratories is given. Please contact Ole Tumyr, for further

information: [email protected] .


In the case of a fire alarm leave the building immediately, and assemble on the south

side of the Science Building (down the stairs- pass the pool). Under the roof outside

the Department of Physics. Use the stairs! If possible, lock the office door.

Evacuation and meeting point:

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3. Department of earth science


Master og PhD programs:

PhD: Contact teaching supervisor (refer to employment list), or [email protected]

Master: contact: [email protected]

PhD- students:

Newly employed PhD-students have a three-month deadline for applying for admission to the PhD-

program. Please contact Caroline Christie for further information: [email protected]

PhD students who have questions related to their studies should talk to their individual supervisor

about this. For more general information and for various administrative tasks, please contact the

study advisor at the department [email protected]


Research Group

The Research activities at the department of Earth Science are concentrated in thematic groups. You

can read more about the work of the individual groups and their research projects on their

respective home pages. See link at page 2.

Interdisiplinary Research Coordinators

Atle Rotevatn: Georesources

Kerim Hestnes Nisancioglu: Paleoklimate

Mathilde B. Sørensen: Geohazards

Berit Oline Blihovde Hjelstuen: Marin Research

The department of Earth Science is partner in:

Centre for Geobiology

Centre for Deep Sea Reaearch

Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research/Centre for Climate Dynamics (SKD)

Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research (CIPR)

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For Scientific Staff

Registration of scientific publications in Cristin

All scientific employees at the institute are responsible for

registering their scientific publications in the database Cristin

(Current Research Information SysTem In Norway). Reasearch

activities can be registered within categories such as:

Journal article

Conference contribution or scholarly presentation



Part of a book/report

Translation work

Media contribution


The final deadline for registration is the 1st of February (for last year)

Project proposal support

GEO offers to its employees project proposal support through the research coordinator Paolo

Simonelli. The research coordinator provides information and practical help in finding funding

opportunities, preparing project proposals, budgeting and contracting. Information can be also found

on GEO website.


Cultural activities

For cultural activities, hobbies etc. see: http://www.uib.no/en/foremployees/50207/cultural-events

Seminars and meetings

The department has annual GEO Days for permanent staff. Scientists and post docs have also been

invited. Two days around April where we travel out along the west coast and looking at Geo

phenomena, we overnight at a hotel and there will be Geo seminars.

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Gruppe C – technical and administrative staff has approximately every five years traveled out on an

excursion with Geo content from about 4 days and up to one week.

PhD excursions is arranged during Autumn, look for e-mail to sign in for the event.

Social gatherings

Lunchtime: «Steinbiten at about 12.00 am)

Outings/autumn party (spring/fall)

Christmas lunches (Friday early in December

from kl 14:00-24:00 in Aud 5, 3 rd floor at Geo)

Celebration of Master’s students (see notice

on web)

Celebrating of PhD candidates (notice on web)

Geo Days (department seminar for permanent

staff, post docs and researchers are also invited, 2 days in April)

PhD seminar (2 days around September, to be announced)

Communal lunches in «Steinbiten» -celebrating birthday anniversary/introduction of new

employees with sandwiches / cakes (about 2 times per semester)

Waffles and vine lottery (sometimes during the semester, advertised by mail)


Internal information is mainly given in info magazine «Geoviten» which is published about every three

weeks, www.uib.no/geo

Sources of information on the web

Information for employees are regularly posted on: http://www.uib.no/foransatte from UiB, from the

Faculty and from the department: the common earea on server: P:\Alle ansatte ved GEO. The

departments external website is http://www.uib.no/en/geo

Information meetings

The department has information meetings in Aud. 5. Monday from 12.15-13.00 a few times during the

semester. Reminder will be announced on web and web Calendar. A few times during the semester

the employees will be invited to common lunch, where new recruits are presented.

The info flyer GEOVITEN will be sent out about every three weeks. Please send your contribution to

[email protected].

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4. Policies and procedures for employees - useful links:

For personal info from employee sides to UiB; http://www.uib.no/en/foremployees

Work support – Human resources HR here you find info like employee handbook (info as New at

UiB, Contracts / working hours, Salary, travel and absence, pension, loans and insurance, etc.

Holiday, flexitime, Broadband etc

HR portal (Paga) - paycheck, record your vacation, absence and leave, filling out travel expense and

record kin information, telephone etc.

The HSE-Gateway, Security, Fieldwork/research cruises, Physical activity, etc

Competence development, training etc.

Welfare, Cultural events, welfare and leisure, cabins etc


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5. Checklist for you as newly appointed Routine Responsible Remarks Delegated

to Conducted date

General IT-access

Post Shelf

Nameplate on office door

Trine Lise/resepsjon

Dag 1:

Welcoming the new position

Guided tour, greet round

Leder/Trine Lise

Recent adaptations IT assets

Access card / key /key office

Trine Lise/ resepsjon

Departments organizational chart

Information about rights and obligations (here you will find information about working hours, flexitime (T/A positions), vacation, self-certification, IA, sick leave, maternity leave)

Short training in HR portal (PAGA)

UoB’s online Employee Handbook

Follow-up during the Trial period – determination of follow-up meetings during the probation period (minimum 2 meetings)

Institute/department’s internal pages, The HSE pages

Local emergency procedures

Internal fire routines

The HSE - Gateway

HSE Non-conformities

Safety delegates

Fakultetets beredskapsplan


IT-support BRITA

Information on procedures at orders (who is purchasing), credit cards, travel reservations, travel bills

Leder Trine Lise /Victoria Gunnar Gunnar