299 792 458 Ms by Itsakyo

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  • 8/21/2019 299 792 458 Ms by Itsakyo



    299 792 458 m/s by itsakyo 

    Change can happen in an instant. 

    How does change happen? 

    Honestly, I’m not sure either. 

    But real change happens when the wheels turn, 

    Something clicks inside, 

    And you are no longer what you used to be. 

    You are reborn. 


    And you know that you’ve just been given a second chance. 

    All it takes is for a source to reach out and connect, 

    And for the other to accept. 

    How fast can such a connection travel? 

    The fastest speed that I can think of… 

    Is the speed of light. 

    Maybe that’s how quickly it can travel. 

    299 792 458 metres per second, 

    That’s fast. 

    And so that’s the name of this piece, 

    Because this story began with a source, 

    A source of change, 

    Reaching out to another, 

    And their connection, 

    Travelling at the speed of light. 

    This author can be contacted through [email protected] or  

    @itsakyo on twitter  or  itsakyo on bysone.net/fanfiction 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://twitter.com/itsakyohttps://twitter.com/itsakyohttp://www.bysone.net/fanfiction/authors/itsakyo/http://www.bysone.net/fanfiction/authors/itsakyo/http://www.bysone.net/fanfiction/authors/itsakyo/http://www.bysone.net/fanfiction/authors/itsakyo/https://twitter.com/itsakyomailto:[email protected]

  • 8/21/2019 299 792 458 Ms by Itsakyo



    For SONEs and Dandyu gangstas 

    Thank You 

    WickedSoshi, beta for this fanfiction; 

    Lhya, provider of wisdom; 

    SunAud, sunshiner; 

    and readers who 

    read this and 

    liked it. 


  • 8/21/2019 299 792 458 Ms by Itsakyo




    She was tackled to the ground by an unidentified body that hurtled towards her

    like a speeding bullet, knocking all the wind out of her. That body was now lying on

    top of her, breathing heavily. However, that body then lifted itself off her, face

    averted from her line of vision and disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared.

    All that was left was the lingering scent of grapes in the air. No, it wasn’t the

    regular type of grapes…it was more like…fermented grapes. 

    A crowd of bodyguards surged towards her with guns in hand. Her hand instinctively

    gripped her forehead and squeezed tight. A throbbing pain had developed at the

    back of her head.

    “Alpha team, alpha team, Tango Yankee requires an ambulance pronto.” 

    She squinted in the sun and made out that she was now surrounded by at least five

    bodyguards who were all on high alert and standing around her. Feeling confused,

    she asked unsteadily, “Whaaat h-happened?” 

    One of the bodyguards heard her soft voice and knelt down to assure her that she

    was safe. “Not to worry, you’re safe now. Somebody had saved you.” 

    It didn’t make any sense to her but she was past caring. Her headache was

    increasing in intensity and squeezing her forehead certainly did nothing to alleviate

    the pain. She laid flat on the ground, nursing her aching throbbing headache,

    blissfully unaware of the chaos that surrounded her. 

    The ringing in her ears had shut out the noise of the crowd that was, at the

    moment, scurrying away from the scene in utter confusion. Most of them were

    simply following the crowd like most people do in times of confusion. Only a few

    people had seen the object that had wrecked chaos at the ceremony—a single

    bullet, lodged in the backdrop of the stage that she had been standing on. 


    She sank to the floor, back against the wall and tried to regain her breath. Surely

    some kind of world record for sprinting was broken just moments ago. An onslaught

    of giddiness clouded her brain as her body gulped mouthfuls of air, attempting to

    replenish the critical supply of oxygen that her brain was starving of. 

    She lifted her arm to take her black cap off but a jolt of pain made her wince.

    Looking at her sleeve, she realized that the bullet had grazed her arm and blood

    was flowing freely down her arm and clogging up her long leather sleeve. She stood

    up instantly to check for any sign of blood stains on the floor and was relieved to

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    find none. Her blood must never be spilt to be found. Retrieving a piece of bandage

    from her sleek black backpack, she sat down gingerly and wrapped her wound with

    her other hand. She peered through the blinds that covered the heavily tinted

    window and saw that the crowd had dispersed or rather—ran away. 

    Her furrowed eyebrows unmasked her anxiety for the girl that she had just saved.

    Protecting her was not just a job to her. Protecting her was a necessity, to ensure

    that her heart would never break into a million pieces. 

    When she saw that the ambulance had arrived and the girl had been loaded onto

    the vehicle safely, she picked up her backpack and walked briskly down the stairs

    of the deserted building to her motorcycle. 


    A simple message appeared on her mobile. 

    Well done. 

    There were only two words but it was enough to put a grin on her lips. She put her

    mobile down on the bed and stepped into her bathroom. It was only then that she

    removed her jacket and other articles of clothing, tossing them into a metal

    bucket. She then opened a plain bottle that had no markings on it and poured some

    of its contents into the bucket before filling the bucket up to its brim with water. 

    She left the clothes to soak in the solution and removed her black cap, shaking out

    her short wavy brown hair. Finally, she stepped into the bathtub to bathe herself.

    She turned the taps to the max and sat down in the tub, waiting for the water to

    flow over her unclothed body. Her body was relaxed, but her mind was not. The

    thought of how Taeyeon could have been dead at this very moment had she not

    tackled her in the nick of time sent shivers down her spine.

    Taeyeon can’t die. I won’t let her. 

    For once, her own confidence in her abilities wasn’t enough. What happened today

    had been too close for comfort. She needed a super power to rely on, so she closed

    her eyes for the first time in her life and prayed for the safety of the girl whom she

    loved more than her own life. 

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    Light 01 

    + One year ago + 

    It was an ordinary night—cold, dark and windy. The streets below the girl were

    devoid of any signs of activity. She sat on the edge of the building, dangling her

    legs over the side. You hope fervently that this isn’t what it looks like but it is. The

    girl was about to kill herself. She wasn’t sobbing or crying or tearing even. She was

    a picture of perfect calm. Rather unusual for a person who was about to end their

    life, might I add. 

    She had attained this state of calm by coming to the decision to kill herself. It

    would end everything, she realized, and in that instant, all her grief, loneliness and

    hopelessness left her. Knowing that she would soon be free from this wretched

    world brought a strange sensation which she labelled as happiness. She knew thatit wasn’t really but she was beyond caring about details like that anyway.  

    She flexed her arms and placed her palms on the surface she was sitting on; ready

    to push herself off the edge, but a sudden tug on her collar strangled her neck and

    had her falling backwards back onto the rooftop instead.

    She let out a tiny scream which turned into a grunt as she landed on the cold, hard

    concrete floor with a loud thud. Her arms instinctively reached out to break her

    fall, her elbows getting grazed in the process. As she lay flat on the floor, trying to

    blink the stars away from her eyes, a dark figure hovered over her and leaned

    down towards her face. Her senses were heightened when a cold palm caressed her

    cheek. Then she heard a soft voice by her ear.

    "Are you feeling alright?"

    She laughed.

    The dark figure flinched slightly, seemingly taken aback by her response.

    "Like I would feel good right now? What kind of answer do you expect to get from

    me?" she wheezed.

    "Can you sit up?" The dark figure supported her as she hoisted herself into a sitting

    position with her arms. 

    Now that she was in a sitting position, the moonlight no longer shone in her eyes

    and she found herself staring into a pair of molten chocolate brown eyes. It wasn’t

    just her beauty that took her breath away. It was a sense of connection—the

    connection made between them at the speed of light. The girl hugged her tightly

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    and rubbed her palms up and down her back. 

    She’s comforting me. 

    A smile found its way onto her poker face and she smiled genuinely for the first

    time in the past two months. The embrace was warm and soothing like honey. She

    felt a spark somewhere inside her and her stone cold heart thumped that little bit


    She almost whined out loud when she felt the girl pulling away from her, ending

    the hug between them and her arms flew up, wrapping themselves around the girl,

    pulling her back close again. 

    “I want more,” she mumbled and nestled her face in the shoulder-length brown


    The girl chuckled and continued hugging her. The sound of her chuckle was like

    water trickling down her throat in a desert. She tightened her hug and squeezed

    the girl harder. 

    “I’m Taeyeon, what’s your name?” asked the girl softly. 


    She had used her real name. Oh my gawd. How did that happen? She wasn’t

    supposed to reveal her real name to anyone. You never know when it could be

    traced back to you. How could she—a top secret operative—have been as careless

    as she just was? Then again, she was no longer a secret operative, let alone a top

    one. Yes, she had forgotten about that. Her name didn’t matter anymore. Yes, she

    was back to being civilian Sunny again. That’s fine too. 

    The girl chuckled again. 


    “I’m sorry…it seems inappropriate but what you were about to do is really the

    opposite of your name.” 

    Sunny felt her heart freezing over at the mention of her suicide attempt. She

    snapped back to reality and pushed the girl away from her with a surprising force

    that the girl did not see coming from such a petite girl and thus, she ended up

    sprawling on the floor. Sunny gasped and apologized repeatedly for pushing the girl

    so hard. She offered her hand to help her up but the girl tugged at her hand

    suddenly, causing her to sprawl on top of her. 

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    “Hey, what do you th—” 

    She didn’t get to finish her sentence as the girl had begun laughing; a nice happy

    sound that rang in her ears, tingling away. Then she laughed too. She didn’t know

    why she was laughing but the girl’s laughter was so infectious that she couldn’t

    help but to join in. 

    Their laughter died down after a few moments and they lay on the floor, looking

    into each other’s eyes, both unwilling to be the first to break the contact.

    As she gazed into the dark brown eyes of the girl on her, the brunette felt a sudden

    urge to do something crazy. She wasn’t the most sociable person in the world and

    neither was she a flirt but there was something about this girl that made every

    move of hers look sensual. Finding no reason to resist, she kissed Sunny blatantlyon her lips. 

    Sunny pulled away in shock but the brunette had her arms locked fast around her

    neck and so she ended up rolling over to the side and somehow or rather, the

    brunette ended up on top of her instead. She smirked and made full use of the

    positional advantage she now had over Sunny to press harder down on her lips.

    Sunny remained stiff under the girl with her eyes wide open and looked at the face

    that was practically plastered on hers, her soft, brown hair, falling around her


    The brunette stopped suddenly. 

    “Why aren’t you kissing me back?” 

    “Why should I?” 

    “I’m not good at it?” 

    “I wouldn’t say that.” 

    “Then, why not?” 

    “’Cos my teacher told me not to kiss strangers.” 

    “I’m not a stranger.” 

    “Yes you are.” 

    “You know my name.” 

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    “I don’t know you.” 

    “Lots of people kiss knowing way less than that.” 

    “I’m not those people.” 

    “Fine, so kiss me because I saved you.” 

    “I never asked to be saved.” 

    “But you are thankful that I did.” 

    “No I’m not.” 

    “Yes you are.” 

    “I’d rather be dead.” 

    “You’d rather die than kiss me?” 

    The brunette feigned an indignant look and pouted. 

    Sunny erupted into peals of laughter. She felt strangely comfortable with this

    stranger. She hadn’t talked this much to anyone in months but she had to admit

    that it felt really good to finally talk to somebody like that.

    The brunette chuckled. She enjoyed that little exchange as well. It’s been years

    since anyone had dared to talk to her like that. Everywhere she went, people were

    usually cautiously polite to her, hardly ever daring to speak so casually.  

    “This isn’t a dream, is it?” asked Sunny. 

    The brunette shook her head smilingly. 

    “It sure is pretty damn bizarre so far.” 

    Cold fingers pinched the tip of her nose. 

    “Ouch! What was that for?!” yelled Sunny, smacking the cold fingers away from her


    The girl giggled and said, “You asked if it was a dream.”  

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    “I didn’t ask to be pinched.” 

    “That was my answer. Some questions are better answered in action than in


    “You’re just taking revenge ‘cos I didn’t kiss you back.” 

    “I’m not that petty.” 

    ‘mmm… but you are very pretty.” 

    Sunny’s hand flew to her mouth, covering it in surprise. Those words had slipped

    out of her mouth without much thought. 

    The brunette chuckled again. Sunny smiled.

    Her chuckle is so adorable. 

    “I’m pretty but you still won’t kiss me.” 

    “Are you a pervert?” 

    “That depends.” 


    “Who I’m with.” 

    Sunny blinked. She had no comeback for that.

    “Who are you?” 

    “I’m the girl who saved you. You’d better remember that.”  

    “Kim Taeyeon.” The brunette stood up and brushed her jeans clean. 

    “Remember my name. Call me.” She slipped a name card into Sunny’s jeans pocket

    and walked away. 

    “What if I don’t?” asked Sunny. 

    “Oh…I have a feeling you will…” the girl chirped, waving the back of her hand at

    her without turning back. 

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    Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

    She turned and smirked at the girl in the next lane after removing her ear plugs

    and dismantling her gun. She was certain that she could not be beaten this time. 

    Her accuracy score flashed on the board above her lane.


    Hah! In your face, Jung. 

    She posed cockily and folded her arms across her chest, waiting for the brunette’s

    score to show in the next lane. 


    She blinked once. 

    She blinked again. 


    The long-haired brunette in the next lane popped her head out and looked at her

    score. She grinned.

    “I win!” she cheered with her hand forming a peace sign. Then she whispered

    cheekily in her ear, “ AGAIN .” 

    “Dinner’s on you, Hwang. And so are the drinks!” the older girl reminded her with a

    hint of amusement in her voice.

    “I…I hate you!” said the younger girl, stomping out of the shooting range in a huff. 

    The brunette sighed as she dismantled her gun and put away the ear plugs. 

    When will this dense girl get the hint?! 

    Or are my hints really that bad?  


    “Ready to go Hwang?” 

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    “Ready and willing are too different matters,” Tiffany mumbled under her breath. 

    “What did you say?” 

    “Nothing… Let’s go. I want to get this over and done with.” 

    “Relax Hwang…it’s just a dinner. It can’t be that bad right?” said Jessica as she

    casually put her arm around Tiffany’s shoulder. 

    The younger girl shrugged her shoulders violently and walked away from Jessica. 

    “Don’t come so close to me. I’m claustrophobic.” 

    Jessica sighed inwardly and put up her palms in defeat. 

    “Alright, alright, I’m not touching you okay? Now let’s go…I’m really starving.” 


    They sat down in a cosy little BBQ restaurant. Jessica ordered four plates of beef

    and pork immediately.

    Tiffany looked at her suspiciously and said, “Are you sure you can eat all that? Or

    are you trying to eat me into bankruptcy?” 

    Jessica laughed airily. “I ordered enough for the both of us. That wasn’t just for



    Tiffany looked down at her fingers. 


    “What for?” 

    “Wrongly accusing you.” 

    Jessica laughed again. 

    “If you’re seriously apologizing for that, once won’t be enough.” 


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    “You’ve wrongly accused me of quite a few things before…” 

    “What? Did I? When?” 

    Jessica shook her head. 

    “Never mind…what’s past is past.” 

    “No, I insist…tell me…” 


    “Yes.” Tiffany nodded her head seriously. 

    Jessica took a deep breath. 

    “Okay…since you want to know…remember when that plate of flour dropped on

    your head during your first month here?” 

    Tiffany nodded angrily. “You were the o—“ 

    “Shh…” Jessica placed her index finger on Tiffany’s lips, much to her surprise,

    effectively shutting her up.

    “No I was not the one who put it there. In fact, I was trying to take it down when

    you walked in and opened the door. You started yelling at me before I even had a

    chance to explain why I was standing on a ladder by the door with my hands


    Tiffany blinked slowly. 

    “And that time when you got pushed into the pool during our water training... they

    wanted to push you in and I was trying to stop them but the floor was slippery and Islipped.” 

    Tiffany blinked rapidly. 

    Jessica cleared her throat awkwardly and stopped talking. There were a couple

    more incidents but she didn’t want to say more. She focused her eyes on the grill

    which had heated up nicely and began putting the finely sliced beef onto it. 

    Tiffany stayed silent for a long time after that. She didn’t even eat anything.

    Jessica wondered if she was alright. 

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    “Ya…Hwang…are you alright there?” 

    Tiffany looked deep into Jessica’s coffee brown eyes and saw nothing but concern

    in them. She felt really guilty right there and then. Jessica had been trying to help

    her all this while and all she’d done was yell things like “I hate you” and “you

    arrogant punk” at her. And now…Jessica was still concerned about her.  

    Why? Why was she so nice to her?  

    “Why?” she blurted out loud. 

    Jessica’s eyes looked up from the sizzling beef that was curling up on the grill.  


    “Why?” Tiffany repeated her cryptic question. 

    “Why what?” 

    “Why are you helping me so much? Even after I said that I hate you.” 

    Jessica shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Tiffany noted that. 

    “I’m just being nice, that’s all.” 

    “Tell me the truth.” 

    “It is! You still don’t believe that I’m a nice person?” 

    “I know you’re nice now, but that’s not why you’ve been helping me. Out with it.”  

    “There’s no other reason. I’m just helping a junior since you’re younger than me.”  

    Tiffany laughed. 

    “I’m only a few months younger than you. Out with it already.” 

    Jessica’s face contorted into that of a compressed ball and it looked like she

    couldn’t breathe for a second. 


    Jessica rattled the words as quickly as she could whilst stuffing her mouth full of

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    “Doo bad. I’ll only say id once,” Jessica replied with her mouth still full of beef. 

    “YA! JESSICA JUNG!” yelled Tiffany, her temper rising quickly and attracting stares

    from other patrons of the restaurant. Realizing that that had been inappropriate

    behavior, she looked around her apologetically and mouthed ‘sorry” to the other

    patrons. They smiled at her and resumed eating. 

    She then turned back to Jessica who was still stuffing her mouth full of sliced beef

    and eyeing her warily. 

    “Fine, I’ll stop asking for now,” said Tiffany, her eyes narrowing into slits, “but I’mnot going to let you off till you give me the real reason Jung. And stop stuffing beef

    into your mouth! You’re going to choke to death sooner or later.” 

    Jessica nodded and obeyed her orders, putting down her chopsticks immediately,

    relieved that she made it through her interrogation this time.

    As for the next time…well…she’ll worry about that later… 

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    Light 02 

    Taeyeon was feeling downcast. It’d been three days and Sunny still hadn’t called.

    Did she lose the card?  

    Was I too confident?  

    Is she ever going to call?  

    There was one more thought that absolutely terrified her and she refused to even

    consider its possibility. 

    She wanted to see Sunny again. That inexplicable urge consumed her mind all day

    and night. The past three days have been absolute torture. She felt like punchingherself at times to knock herself into oblivion.

    Why hadn’t she forced a number out of Sunny? That way, she would not be in this

    state right now. She could barely concentrate on her lecture and she had not done

    her preparation for the tutorial that was after lunch. She groaned and covered her

    face with her palms, her elbows resting on the little writing table attached to her


    A girl sat next to her quietly. She took out a pen and a lecture pad and bit on the

    pen cap as she began copying notes. Taeyeon paid no attention to the person next

    to her as she was too absorbed in her own misery to even notice that there was

    someone next to her. 

    She did notice a scent though…a special scent. Not the perfume that one could

    purchase from malls and neither was it a deodorant. It was fruity, like grapes but

    not the freshly plucked ones. It was more like…fermented grapes… 

    The scent enticed her to look up from her palms. Her vision was slightly blurred as

    she had palmed her face for a rather long time now but it cleared up gradually asshe turned to look at the newcomer next to her. 

    And there she was…unmistakably her. Sunny was right next to her! 

    Her insides would have screamed if they had mouths to scream with. 



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    Lukewarm fingers pinched her nose. 

    “OUCH!” yelped Taeyeon, drawing curious glances from other students in the


    She flushed a bright pink and looked down at her lecture pad, hiding her face from

    the others. Then she looked up at Sunny who wore a huge smirk on her face. 

    “What was that for?” 

    “My answer to your question. Some questions are better answered in action than in


    “You stole my line, you plagiarizer.” 

    “So…report me to the Dean,” Sunny quipped with a careless shrug of her shoulders. 

    “Besides, I don’t remember asking that question.” 

    “I’m sure you did.” 

    “I didn’t.” 

    “You were definitely thinking it.” 

    Taeyeon pursed her lips. Sunny had caught her there. She was thinking it. 

    “How can you be so sure that I was?” 

    “You face said quite plainly that you were.” 

    Taeyeon chuckled. 

    Sunny couldn’t help smiling at her chuckle. 

    “What are you doing here?” 

    “I’m a student, like you.” 

    “Are you kidding?” 

    “No, I’m not.” 

    “Why have I never seen you around before?” 

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    “You weren’t looking hard enough.” 

    Taeyeon eyed her suspiciously, doubting the truth in her words till Sunny flashed a

    student card in her face. Sure enough, it had her picture on it.


    Taeyeon’s razor sharp eyes caught sight of her name and student number.  


    “You’re a Meteorology Science major?” 

    “Yeah, I’m really good at predicting the weather, you know?” 

    “So may I know what you’re doing in an accounting lecture?” 

    “I’m here to save a girl from dying.” 

    “Who’s dying? I don’t see anyone dying.” 

    “I know of someone who was absolutely dying to see me again.” 

    Taeyeon pursed her lips again.

    “How did you find me?” 

    “Don’t try to change the subject.” 

    “Okay, you won that one. Now tell me how you found me.” 

    “I followed the stars.” 


    “I really did.” 

    Taeyeon rolled her eyes and said, “Fine, you’re not telling, but you’re paying.”  

    “Paying? For?” 

    “Lunch. Come on, let’s get out of this hell hole.” 

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    They sat down at a vacant table in a corner of the cafeteria. Taeyeon had kept to

    her word and made Sunny pay for lunch. Sunny didn’t seem to mind it though. She

    paid for the food and even the drinks. 

    “You should have let me pay for the drinks.” 

    “Why? Feeling guilty already?” said Sunny sarcastically.

    “I’m not feeling guilty. It’s only fair that I pay for something.” 

    “Nah…it’s alright. You can pay some other time.” 

    Taeyeon’s eyes connected with Sunny’s instantly.

    “Some other time? Is this going to be a long term thing?” 

    “I wouldn’t want to be the cause of someone’s death.” 

    “Can our conversation stop being so morbid?” 

    Sunny laughed heartily before whispering into her ear, “Perhaps, it’s due to the

    circumstances under which we met.” 

    “I never did ask what you were doing up there. We both know why I was there but

    what about you?” 

    Taeyeon was stunned to hear her speak so freely about her suicide attempt. It

    would be a sensitive topic she had imagined, even though she certainly had plans

    to unearth the reason behind it. Neither was she prepared to discuss why she had

    gone up to the rooftop as well. 

    She lowered her voice to a low whisper and asked cautiously, ‘so…you are… you areover it now?” 

    Sunny smiled and nodded. 

    “What made you turn around?” 

    Sunny held her gaze for a moment before smiling brightly at her and saying, “You.” 


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    “Yeah, you.” 

    “I didn’t do anything. I was actually beginning to regret leaving you there alone

    that night.” 

    “You thought that I had—“ 

    Taeyeon nodded slowly. 

    “You hadn’t called me in three days and I was beginning to think that…” Taeyeon’s

    voice trailed off and she shook her head as though to be rid of an unpleasant

    thought. “…but I refused to even think about it…” 

    Tears welled up in Taeyeon’s molten chocolate brown eyes. A single teardrop fell as

    she blinked and Sunny instinctively wiped it away with her thumb. 

    “I had sensed that a challenge from me would keep you alive but when you didn’t


    More tears fell down her rosy cheeks. 

    “Hush…it’s alright now…you don’t have to feel guilty ‘cos I’m sitting right here and

    you’re right. Your challenge did save me.” Sunny smiled. 

    “I want to know why you were going to jump.” Taeyeon sniffed and blinked away

    the remaining tears in her eyes. 

    Sunny sighed.

    “I don’t know why I’m telling you this and I can’t explain why you can make me tell

    you. Let’s take a walk after lunch.” 


    They walked across the university grounds leisurely, their hands inadvertently

    finding each other as they did, comfortably held in each other’s as their fingers

    intertwined. The hand holding brought an inexplicable feeling of comfort to both

    girls and they treasured that feeling in their hearts. 

    “To make a long story short, I lost a very important friend a couple of months ago.

    And it was my fault.” 

    “Was it really?” 

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    Sunny glanced at Taeyeon’s perceptive eyes sharply. 

    “You’re so sharp you’re scary, but you’re right. It wasn’t really my fault but that’s

    what my mind tells me. My heart feels that I should take full responsibility for his





    “He was not my boyfriend but he was like my family, my brother. We were as close

    as real siblings.” 

    “May I ask how?” 

    “He was protecting me. He died for me.” 

    “So you felt that you didn’t deserve to live.” 

    “Something like that.” 

    Sunny braced herself for an onslaught of wise words like how he would have died in

    vain had she killed herself and other lines that her colleagues at the unit had tried

    comforting her with but Taeyeon said nothing. She merely walked on with her in

    silence, her thumb now drawing circles on her own thumb. 

    Instead of offering her advice, Taeyeon surprised her by asking her a question.  

    “So what exactly stopped you from killing yourself after I left the building?” 

    Sunny paused. 

    “You killed the mood.” 

    Taeyeon laughed out loud. She laughed so hard that she kneeled on the grass and

    rolled over onto her back, holding on to her tummy. 

    “Gee, what was so funny about that?” Sunny asked in amusement, sitting down on

    the grass to watch her. 

    “I don’t know,” laughed Taeyeon, sitting up and wiping her tears, “it’s just so funny

    when you say it.” 

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    “My turn to ask questions now.” Sunny laughed before turning a little more serious.  

    “Why were you up there?” 

    Taeyeon stopped laughing and her smiling face darkened somewhat. 

    “Do you know who I am?” 

    “Yes, I do. You’re Kim Taeyeon.” 

    “No, I meant, who I really a—” 

    “You’re the Prime Minister’s daughter.” Sunny interrupted with her answer. 

    “Okay…you’re the scary one here.” 

    Taeyeon’s eyes were wide open in surprise. 


    Tiffany had cornered Jessica after their tactical training. She didn’t care if she was

    smelly, sticky and sweaty. She wanted an answer from Jessica and she wanted it


    Jessica found herself backed into a corner of the shower cubicle. Tiffany had

    surprised her in the showers and caught her unawares. Tiffany kicked the door shut

    and bolted it fast. 


    “I’m not a criminal you know,” squeaked Jessica. 

    “Tell me why.” Tiffany continued to ignore the older girl’s protests. 

    Her curiosity would always get the better of her and she found herself sleepless the

    night before as she tossed and turned in bed, wondering why Jessica was so nice to

    her after all that she had done. Eventually, she had an answer in her mind but she

    wanted to hear it from the horse’s mouth. She had  to hear it. 

    “If you don’t tell me now…I’m going to kiss you,” Tiffany threatened. 

    “No, you can’t! That’s sexual harassment at work!” 

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    “Not if you enjoy it, it isn’t.” Tiffany laughed loudly. 

    “What?!” squeaked Jessica nervously and swallowed a non-existent lump in her

    throat. “Why would I enjoy it?” 

    “You tell me.” 

    Jessica clamped both of her hands over her mouth.  

    Tiffany laughed even harder at her adorable gestures. How the tables had turned… 

    “Say it Jessica.” 

    Jessica’s eyes widened when she heard Tiffany calling her by her name instead of

    her family name which was the practice for officers-in



    “Hwang…” a muffled protest escaped from her lips unwittingly. 

    “Call me Tiffany.” 

    Jessica’s eyes opened even wider than before. Her entire body stiffened as Tiffany

    pressed against her and whispered in her ear, “I already know what your answer is,

    but I want to hear it from you.” 

    Jessica flushed a deep crimson red and looked down instinctively only to see their

    cleavage mashed up against each other. She squealed and raised her head up to

    stare at the ceiling instead. 

    She couldn’t really understand why she was feeling so embarrassed and shy. Wasn’t

    this exactly what she had wished for? For months now, she had been dropping

    hints, hoping for Tiffany to pick up on them but each time, Tiffany had only

    misunderstood her more and more. Until now…yet what was happening now was a

    little too hot for her to handle. She had imagined her confession to be somewhere

    a little more romantic like a park or by a lake or at least in a nice restaurant—anywhere but here in the academy’s shower cubicle, and certainly not being forced

    to confess by Tiffany in this humiliating way. 

    She pushed Tiffany with all her strength, and managed to create enough space for

    herself to escape from the corner, unbolt the door and dash out from the showers. 

    She bumped into other officers who were heading towards the showers with their

    towels in hand once she got out. Feeling a wave of relief wash over her, she

    relaxed and joined the group, laughing at one of their jokes as she re-entered the

    showers. Tiffany was standing there looking cross but Jessica averted her eyes from

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    her piercing glare and grabbed her things which were lying on the bench, dashed

    into a cubicle and fastened the bolt as quickly as she could. 


    Tiffany was still there. She had peeked out from under the door and seen her shoes

    tapping impatiently on the floor. Jessica squeezed her eyes shut and breathed

    deeply. She had to time it perfectly with the other girls who were showering. 

    “Let’s go girls, bye Jung,” said one of the officers loudly. 

    Jessica opened the door and said, “Let’s go together.” 

    Tiffany cleared her throat loudly and glared at Jessica. She marched to the girl and

    pulled her aside from the group. 

    “Bye gals, I have something to discuss with Jung for a little while.” 

    The other girls nodded and left the showers, leaving them all by themselves again. 


    “I said, call me Tiffany!” 

    Uh oh…she sounds pissed now. Maybe I shouldn’t have run away like that. 


    “Yes that’s much better.” Tiffany smiled, turning her eyes into cute little crescent

    moons that took Jessica’s breath away. It had been her eyes that caught her

    attention on the first day of their six-month intensive training course to become

    elite protectors of the nation. But her cute crescent moons turned into fiery suns in

    the next instant as Tiffany pinned Jessica to the wall again. 

    “Say it.” 

    “Can we go to a nicer place at least?” Jessica requested in a small voice. 

    “What’s wrong with this place?” asked Tiffany, looking around the showers.  

    “It’s not…” 


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    “Not romantic,” Jessica blurted out in a rush. 

    Tiffany giggled.

    “So that’s  what was stopping you? Then why couldn’t you say it at the BBQ


    Jessica shifted uncomfortably against the wall. Tiffany noted that. She found

    Jessica very attractive when she was backed into a corner like she was at this very

    moment. She tended to be rather cocky when she was confident which Tiffany did

    not like at the beginning.

    After that dinner, Tiffany had recalled all the moments and exchanges they had

    shared in the past couple of months and realized that Jessica had been dropping

    hints all along. Even the recent bet on their shooting accuracy was Jessica’s way ofhaving dinner with her but she had mistakenly thought that the girl was out to

    show off her marksmanship instead. 

    She acknowledged that she did find Jessica wildly attractive but so did everyone

    else. It hadn’t appeared to be anything more than a general attraction to her. At

    this moment however, she had Jessica where no one else had before. A blushing

    Jessica was definitely way cuter than a cocky Jessica. 

    She had Jessica right where she wanted and she’d stop at nothing to get the

    confession out from her lips. 

    “Jessi…” whined Tiffany, using an impromptu shortening of her name, “…I want to

    hear you say it…won’t you say it for me?” 

    Jessica was certain that her blood vessels would explode from the pressure of the

    sheer bliss that was welling up in her heart at that moment. Hearing Tiffany call

    her Jessi in that sweet voice had sent tingles up and down her spine. 

    She lowered her head and submitted to Tiffany’s demands. 

    “I like you,” she mumbled softly. 

    “Sorry, I didn’t catch that.” 

    Their eyes met, Tiffany’s were the cute crescent moons that Jessica loved seeing

    so much. 

    Plucking up a little more courage now, Jessica said it again a little louder.  

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    “I like you.” 

    “Who do you like?” 

    Jessica’s face was as red as a tomato’s. 

    “I like you, Tiffany Hwang.” 

    “I like you too, Jessica Jung.” 

    Tiffany grinned at the blushing girl and couldn’t resist giving the girl a peck on her



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    Light 03 

    “You knew ?!” 

    Sunny nodded her head nonchalantly. 

    “Wow…I couldn’t tell at all…” 

    Sunny laughed.

    “I didn’t recognize you up on the roof. It wasn’t till the next day that I had another

    look at the card you gave me. Firstly…your name is a dead giveaway. Secondly, you

    appeared on national television before so I would know who you are.” 

    “Then why did you act like you didn’t know?” 

    “I didn’t. I was just being my usual self, or do you want me to act all weird around

    you? That way you can be sure that I know who you are.” 

    “You’re right. Please don’t act all weird on me. I enjoyed talking to you all this

    time because you make me feel like l’m just another girl.” 

    “And I’m enjoying myself just by talking to you. There’s hardly anyone I can talk to

    like that these days.” 


    “Next to none.” 


    Sunny paused. 

    “Sensitive topic for you?” 

    Sunny shook her head.

    “No longer…they died long ago.” 

    Taeyeon gasped audibly and sat up straight. It didn’t feel right to be rolling around

    in the grass at that moment. She looked at Sunny’s impassive face and hugged her


    They sat on the grass, hugging for a long time. Both girls found their own source of

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    comfort in the embrace. Moments later, Sunny broke the silence. 

    “You’re good. You still haven’t told me why you were up there.” 

    “I wasn’t trying to dodge it!” laughed Taeyeon. “It’s just a place I sneak out to

    when it gets too stressful staying at him. My dad can be quite impossible at times.” 

    “So what happened at home that night?” 

    “You know…the usual…quarrelsome parents.” 

    “I don’t know, actually…but I can imagine it must be really unpleasant.”  

    “It is,” Taeyeon mumbled as she nestled her face in the nook of Sunny’s neck.  

    “Next question.” 

    “Fire away.” 

    “Why did you kiss me?” 

    Taeyeon pulled away from Sunny rapidly, blinking in surprise at the direct question.  

    Sunny laughed. “I’m just too sexy for you aren’t I?” she said jokingly. 

    Taeyeon’s eyes lowered a fraction before she nodded and said, “Yeah, you were so

    sexy that night. Your lips were in my face!” 

    “That’s because you pulled me onto you.” 

    “Guess it’s my own fault then.” 

    “Nah, it’s quite alright. I liked it too. In fact, I think that’s what changed my mind.

    You gave me a reason to live. I couldn’t quite kill myself after that because Iwanted more.” 

    Taeyeon cocked an eyebrow. 


    Sunny grinned and nodded her head, inching closer to Taeyeon as the seconds

    ticked by.

    Taeyeon chuckled. Sunny smiled.

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    Electric shocks jazzed up their senses as their lips met with strange familiarity

    while the setting sun shone rays that filtered through the clouds and casted a warm

    orange glow on the things below.


    Moments later, the two girls finally broke their second kiss that rendered them

    weak in the knees (fortunately they were seated on the grass). They leaned on

    each other’s forehead as they breathed deeply. Then they collapsed onto the grass,

    side by side. Their hands found each other and fingers intertwined naturally.

    Neither girl felt the need to comment on what transpired between them. Both

    were content to leave it as that, bringing it no further than what it was. 

    After a few moments of peace and quiet, Taeyeon looked at her watch and gasped. 

    “I’m late!” 



    Taeyeon panicked and stood up abruptly, brushing her jeans clean of grass. 

    “I can send you home in a jiffy,” Sunny offered. 

    “I’ve got a car waiting for me…” Taeyeon looked at Sunny apologetically.  

    “Ah yes, I forgot who you were for a minute. Didn’t think that people like you

    could kiss like that.” Sunny grinned cheekily. 

    Taeyeon bent down and smacked Sunny’s arm playfully. “Ya! You better watch what

    you say Sunny Lee…or I’ll blow your mind with my kisses the next time.” 

    “You already did.” Sunny grinned even wider. 

    Taeyeon chuckled. 

    “Will I see you tomorrow?” 

    “That depends.” 


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    “Who I feel like kissing.” 

    “Then I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ve got an economics lecture at two. Lecture Theatre


    “My, my, someone’s really confident about this.” 

    Taeyeon chuckled. 

    Sunny smiled. 


    “What are we going to do now?” asked the older girl. 

    “What do you mean?” 

    “You know that agents aren’t supposed to be in a relationship with each other

    don’t you?” 

    Tiffany laughed airily. “That didn’t stop you from dropping hints on me.” 

    “We’re still training but what happens to us when we become agents out in the


    “We’ll take it one step at a time, Jessi.” 

    Jessica couldn’t help smiling when Tiffany called her by that little nickname.

    Tiffany noticed that she liked it so she called her Jessi all the time now.  

    “Well…we’ve got to be careful. We can’t get caught on camera.” 

    “In that case…I think the shower is the safest place.” 


    “No cameras, Jessi.” 

    Jessica’s mouth formed a big O and she nodded. 


    The training was grueling but they took it all in, knowing that they would emerge

    from the course, a better and fitter agent who would possess much keener skills

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    than they already did. They were the chosen few. Many dropped out from the

    selection in earlier stages as they were subjected to stringent tests in terms of

    health and fitness and then skills and techniques. Many officers entered the course

    thinking that they had possessed the natural abilities required for the job but they

    were proven wrong. They learnt that every aspect of an agent could be trained

    although natural ability would give them an advantage in that aspect. 

    Jessica’s strongest natural ability was her marksmanship. Her sense of aim was

    uncanny. She hardly had to aim to shoot. It was effortless for her, whereas Tiffany

    had to train for that. She entered the course with an above average shoot accuracy

    of 9 but thanks to Jessica’s constant challenges, her average had risen to 9.5 and

    she aimed much faster than before as well. 

    Tiffany’s natural ability shone when they were out in the field. Her ultra-keen

    senses enabled her observations to be highly perceptive and detailed. This skill wasalso nurtured during the course but Tiffany had shared a few tips with Jessica on

    that as well. 

    They all helped each other and bonded during the course. That’s was the objective

    of the entire course. The job that they would be doing required an immense

    amount of teamwork and trust in team mates. Any lapse in the trust or co -

    operation could prove to be fatal to team members, in particular, those out in the



    The two girls walked towards the showers with their duffel bags, laughing merrily

    with each other. Upon entering the place, they were pleased to note that it was

    completely deserted. The perks of having the showers all to themselves was what

    kept them training extra-long hours at the shooting range and fitness corner.

    “At this rate, I’m going to turn into a hulk very soon,” Jessica said with a laugh. 

    “And I’m going to take over your top ranking in marksmanship,” Tiffany jokedalong. 

    Jessica laughed and sat on the bench. Tiffany stood in front of her. She placed her

    hands on the bench at either side of Jessica’s waist and pressed her lips against

    hers slowly and sensually. Jessica’s goose pimples rose all over her arms and back,

    a sign of her heightened state of arousal. 

    Tiffany grinned and whispered seductively in Jessica’s ear. “Let’s share a cubicle.” 

    “What?” squeaked Jessica, blushing instantly. 

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    Tiffany dragged Jessica into a cubicle with her, ignoring all the protests that the

    older girl was making. She smirked as she fastened the bolt and turned around with

    a devilish grin.

    “Isn’t this what you wanted? Every time you followed me in here, looking at me

    with those shifty eyes…you freaked me out you know? But now, I know what those

    shifty eyes meant,” Tiffany snickered. 

    “Aren’t we moving along a little too fast?” squeaked Jessica, backed up against the

    corner of the cubicle again. 

    “You waited two months for me to get your hints. I suffered two months of

    misunderstandings about you. I’d say we waited long enough for this. 

    Tiffany took her training tee off and wriggled out of her training pants, leaving her

    standing in front of Jessica in nothing but a sports bra and panties. Despite herself,

    Jessica couldn’t help staring. She had, in fact, envisioned this scene many times

    when she looked at Tiffany in the showers. Her shifty eyes had been a result of

    those dirty thoughts. 

    “Like what you see?” 

    Jessica nodded. She was rendered momentarily speechless, her face as red as

    ketchup. Tiffany giggled. A speechless, blushing Jessica was just way too cute. 

    “I’m just teasing you Jessi. Take it as pay back for your shifty eyes freaking me out.

    But I won’t push you if you’re not ready. Just…don’t let me wait too long, or I’ll get


    Tiffany smiled as she stepped out of the cubicle, closing the door behind her.

    Jessica reached out at lightning speed and bolted it fast before clutching her towel

    over her wild, thumping heart. 


    Sunny stepped into the building with a heavy heart. All the memories that were

    locked up in a compartment of her mind were unleashed at once. She could see

    him walking in, smiling at her, all ready for the day’s adventures.

    Today would be the second round of investigations into the op that had gone awry—

    the op that had cost her a very good friend and partner. She smiled weakly at the

    superiors in the panel and the questions began. She answered them best as she

    could, each question evoking unpleasant memories that had her grimacing. She was

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    absolutely drained at the end of the investigation session and she couldn’t wait to

    get out of the building. 


    It was a stealth op. She sneaked into the building with Sungmin following close

    behind her. All decked out in black, they blended in with the shadows as they

    entered the facility. Their aim was to retrieve a data disc that had been leaked by

    an agent gone rogue and to destroy all other storage and copies of the classified

    data. Just then, she heard Seohyun’s voice in her ear piece. 

    “Sunsun, two persons headed down your aisle, Sunsun do you copy.” 

    “Roger that.” 

    “Roger that.” 

    Sungmin and Sunny laid low in wait for the two unsuspecting guards. As soon as

    they passed by, Sun and Sun stepped out and knocked them out cold with a quick

    strike to Stomach 9—the Adam’s apple. They caught the two guards before they hit

    the floor and dragged them quietly into a storage space, out of sight. 

    They progressed to the data storage room which was of course locked down by a

    secure mechanism. Sungmin took out a card and swiped it before punching in some

    numbers that Hyoyeon had hacked for them. They heard a click and pushed the

    door open cautiously. All was quiet. They slipped in quietly and looked for the

    database in question.

    “Found it,” hissed Sunny, beckoning Sungmin to come over. 

    He looked at the data and nodded. That was it. He punched in a series of

    commands and numbers that Hyoyeon had provided and inserted a USB transmitter

    into the machine. 

    “Hyo, we’re in.” reported Sungmin. Sunny was at the door, looking out for signs of


    “Good. I’m connected. A minute is all I’ll need.” Hyoyeon’s confident voice came

    through the ear piece. 

    Suddenly, Sunny thought she heard something. She listened hard again but heard

    nothing this time. Still, she was certain that something was up. She hurried back to

    Sungmin and nudged him. 

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    “I heard something.” 

    “Thirty seconds…” Hyoyeon’s voice came through again. 

    A disc slid out of the machine. Sungmin grabbed it and put it into his pocket. The

    machine was now entering deletion mode. All remaining copies of the data would

    be wiped out. 

    Sunny was back at the door. A shadow appeared around the corner. Her eyes

    widened in alarm. Seohyun had not mentioned anything yet but she definitely saw

    a shadow. Sure enough, a tall, burly man appeared at the end of the corridor.

    Sunny closed the door silently and whispered, “Seo, is there anyone in the corridor


    “No,” was the affirmative answer. 

    Sunny sensed that something had gone very wrong. She hurried to Sungmin as he

    was removing the USB transmitter from the machine and shutting it down. The

    process was complete. They had the disc. Now, they had to get out.  

    “There’s a man in the corridor but Seo says she doesn’t see anyone. I think there’s

    a trap somewhere. We got to get out fast.” 

    “Seo, we need back up pronto. We’re in trouble.” 

    Sungmin nodded. There was no other way out of the room except for the door.

    They stood still beside the door and heard the footsteps of that man drawing

    nearer and nearer. The footsteps stopped at the door momentarily before the door

    swung open. Sunny and Sungmin flattened themselves against the wall as the man

    strode in. They exchanged knowing looks and made a dash for it. The man spun

    round in surprise and shouted at them but they were already sprinting down the

    corridor as quickly as they could. 

    The stealth op had turned into a full blown shoot out. They sprinted down the

    corridors at top speed, dodging bullets that whizzed past their ears, heading back

    the same way they had entered. 

    Seohyun’s voice reported the arrival of back up at the ground floor. They dashed

    down the stairs in the stairwell, shooting some men dead along the way. Just as

    they got to the ground floor, a side door opened suddenly and a man appeared with

    a gun in his hand. His gun was aimed at Sunny when he pulled the trigger but

    Sungmin yelled, “WATCH OUT!” and flung himself at her.

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    She was knocked to the ground by him and their back-up rushed in just in time to

    shoot that man. They hauled Sungmin and Sunny out of the building and onto the

    waiting getaway van before slamming the doors shut and leaving the premises. 

    Once on the van, Sunny checked on Sungmin right away but he was already dead.

    The bullet had caught him in his neck. His chances for survival were zilch. Her

    tears fell on his serene unfeeling face as she sobbed and pleaded in vain for him to

    come back. 


    Sunny woke up screaming and sobbing again. That op had become a recurring

    nightmare for her and she had not gotten a single peaceful night’s rest ever since

    that night. Having gone through that investigation earlier in the day only made it

    more vivid and heart wrenching. She wiped her tears away and got up to get a glassof water. As she passed by the bedside table, her mobile lit up. 

    Who in the world would text me at two in the morning?  

    I can’t sleep. Call me if you’re awake. Taeyeon 

    Sunny dialed her number immediately. 


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    Light 04 

    The two vertically challenged girls strolled through the park nearby the rooftop

    building where they first met. They held hands without much thought. Questioning

    it would open a whole new chapter that neither girl had the energy to deal with. 

    They sat down on a bench next to the dark, still pond. Taeyeon rested her head

    upon Sunny’s shoulder and she rested her head on Taeyeon’s head. They closed

    their eyes and enjoyed the silence.

    “What’s your full name?” murmured Taeyeon with her eyes still closed. 

    Sunny hesitated. Taeyeon sensed it but waited patiently without asking why. 

    “Sunny…Lee Soonkyu…” she eventually answered. 

    I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m not an agent right now! 

    She desperately wanted to have a normal conversation with somebody without

    having to withhold information as simple as her name.

    “Lee Soonkyu…” murmured Taeyeon. She smiled after a pause. 

    “Not the trendiest name if I may say so.” 

    “Hey, watch it. I like my name even if it makes me sound like a granny.” 

    Taeyeon chuckled. Sunny smiled. 



    “Nothing… I’m just saying…” 

    And silence wrapped around them again. 

    There they sat, chatting and stopping, till the sun’s rays peeked over the horizon

    and the park turned green again. 


    Tiffany had her arm around Jessica’s shoulder when Krystal first met them. It was

    by chance, out on the streets. They were heading to the cinema to catch a movie—

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    a romantic flick that was designed to tickle couples pink with their mushy, cheesy

    scenes that boyfriends and girlfriends would later adopt for themselves.

    “Unnie! Hey! Unnie! Over here!” 

    Jessica looked around for her sister whose voice she had recognized immediately.

    She saw a girl jumping and waving her hands exuberantly and smiled. She waved

    back and made her way to her sister with Tiffany in tow. 

    Krystal looked at Tiffany with great interest. Tiffany smiled nervously. Krystal

    giggled and whispered something into Jessica’s ear. The older girl giggled and

    nodded her head. Tiffany was feeling increasingly uncomfortable having no idea

    what the two girls were talking about. She only hoped it wasn’t something bad

    about her. 

    “Krystal, let me introduce Tiffany. Tiffany, this is my sister, Krystal.” 

    Tiffany smiled brightly and gave Krystal a warm hug which the younger girl gladly


    “Jessi, your sister is really pretty!” 

    Krystal blushed and giggled. 

    Jessica pouted. “Prettier than me?” 

    “No, no, no. You’re the prettiest in my eyes,” Tiffany hurriedly assured Jessica

    with her words. 

    The sisters giggled together, exchanging knowing glances with one another. 

    Krystal smiled at Tiffany and hugged her again. 

    “Nice meeting you Tiffany unnie! I hope we’ll meet again soon!” 

    Tiffany smiled and nodded, “I hope so too!” 

    “Bye! Enjoy your movie!” said Krystal as she disappeared into the crowd. 


    They wandered along the streets aimlessly after the movie. Jessica’s face was still

    red from blushing madly during some of the mushy scenes. Tiffany made it worse

    by kissing her at the same time as the movie characters did. Fortunately they were

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    seated at the last row so they went unnoticed. Jessica would have died of

    embarrassment had they been seen locking lips. 

    “Jessi…what should we do next?” 

    “Are you hungry?” 

    “A little…” 

    “Let’s eat something then.” 

    “Where should we go then?” 

    “How about this place right here?” 

    Jessica pointed at a crowded eatery that served delightful desserts. 

    Tiffany crinkled her nose and shook her head. 

    “No, it’s too crowded in there. Let’s go somewhere quiet.”  

    “Where’s that?” 

    “My place.” Tiffany grinned. “Let’s get some ice cream and eat it at my place.”

    “At your place…?” squeaked Jessica. 

    Tiffany linked arms with Jessica and marched to the nearest ice cream shop to buy

    two tubs of ice cream. 


    “Tadaa! I present to you…my humble abode.” Tiffany opened the door and let

    Jessica in. 

    The brunette wandered in and sat on one of the beanbags that were lying around in

    the middle of the room. The whole apartment was basically a large square with the

    bathroom taking up one corner. A chic looking folding screen separated her bed

    from the rest of the apartment and a bar top counter defined the area that would

    be the kitchen. 

    “So? How do you find it?” asked Tiffany. 

    “It’s nice and cosy. And there’s just enough room for you…” 

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    “Oh…not to worry. I have a queen-sized bed so there’s plenty of room for you too.”

    Tiffany winked at Jessica suggestively. 

    “I wasn’t talking about that!” 

    “Just so you know…” teased Tiffany. 

    “Where’s the ice cream?” 

    Tiffany snickered at Jessica’s attempt to change the subject but brought the ice

    cream to her. They sat on the beanbags, enjoying their ice creams, chatting

    randomly about this and that.

    It wasn’t too long before they had eaten all the ice cream. Tiffany sucked on thespoon, flirting with Jessica who nervously looked down into her ice cream tub. The

    younger girl lifted her leg and slid her toes up Jessica’s leg. Jessica sat very still as

    the toes inched their way up her thigh, hiking up the skirt that she wore. She could

    hardly breathe as a pair of hands replaced the toes and caressed her thighs

    sensuously. Tiffany’s breath felt warm on her face. Her eyes squeezed shut. 

    Why am I so nervous?! This is what I’ve been…waiting…f - for… 

    And then she could no longer think because her mind was focused solely on the

    pleasure that was coursing through her body. 


    “Oh my gawd, TIFFANY!!!” screamed Jessica as she lay flat on the thick, soft

    carpet. Her tensed body relaxed and Tiffany emerged from her lower torso grinning

    like an idiot. Tiffany swept the hair away from Jessica’s damp face and kissed her

    lips tenderly. Then she growled and whispered in Jessica’s ear, “Now…make me 

    scream your  name…” 


    “Why were you up at two in the morning that night?” 

    “I had a nightmare.” 


    “My good friend…” 

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    “Do you get the nightmares often?” 

    Sunny nodded. 

    “How often do you get them?” 

    “Almost every night.” 

    Taeyeon was concerned.

    “How do you get any rest then?” 

    “I take sleeping pills.” 

    “Do they help?” 


    “Mmm…” Taeyeon looked thoughtful, “Are you under-going any kind of… help?” 

    Sunny nodded. “I’m seeing a psychiatrist every week.” 

    “Oh…is that helping?” 

    “I suppose…slowly…” 

    “May I suggest something?” 

    Sunny looked at Taeyeon quizzically, her eyebrow cocked. 

    “How about…we sleep together?” 

    Sunny choked on her drink, spilling it onto her bare leg. Taeyeon laughed and

    helped to wipe her leg dry with some paper napkins. 

    “Relax… I didn’t mean it that way. I meant like just sleeping. You know, without

    the—” Taeyeon mouthed the unspoken s-word. “I figure it might help with your

    nightmares and I could do with something comforting to sleep with.” 

    Sunny thought about it. 

    Why not? It’s been ages since I’ve woken up with someone by my side. I could use

    some warmth right now. 

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    “Whose bed do we sleep in?” 

    “Mmm. It would be difficult for me to sleep at your place. For starters, there’d be

    a bodyguard following me if I don’t go home for the night.” 

    “Okay…I’ll go to your place then. But will they let me in?” 

    Taeyeon laughed. 

    “Sure, why not? You’re my friend, right? Friends can have sleep overs even if

    they’re all grownup.” 

    “Tonight then?” 

    “Yeah, tonight.” 


    Taeyeon waited in her car under Sunny’s apartment patiently while Sunny went up

    to her apartment to pick up some toiletries and PJs. She wanted to see Sunny’s

    home but the blonde was adamant about her visiting another time. Her apartment

    was too messy to be seen, she had said. 

    A few minutes later, Sunny reappeared with a small bag slung over her shoulder.

    They grinned at each other as the car drove off, heading towards Taeyeon’s home.  

    Taeyeon’s home was a luxurious three-story house with a garden which was

    bordering on qualifying as a park—it was that big. There were security guards

    everywhere on the compound. Sunny could see why living here would be a little

    stifling at times. If she had to live in here… she’d stay out as much as she could. 

    The gardener greeted them as they walked past. Sunny bowed awkwardly, not

    quite knowing what the protocol was in this place. Taeyeon chuckled at her

    awkwardness and said, “You don’t have to be that polite. Just be your usual self,alright?” 

    Sunny smiled and nodded. 

    Taeyeon’s father was home that evening which was quite the rare occasion. More

    often than not, he’d be at the office dealing with national state issues which took

    priority over his own family.

    Sunny was a little nervous but she stayed calm and collected as Taeyeon introduced

    her to her father. She smiled and bowed respectfully. Mr. Kim chuckled and smiled

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    at her kindly.

    “Have fun girls. You’re the first friend I’ve seen Taeyeon with. I’m so glad to know

    that she has friends like you.” 

    “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Kim.” Sunny bowed again before following Taeyeon up the

    stairs to her bedroom. 

    Taeyeon suppressed her laughter till they closed the door and locked it. Then she

    collapsed on her bed, weak with laughter. 

    “HA…HA… It’s…m-my…p-pleas-sure?! Hahaha…” Taeyeon laughed till she cried. 

    “It is! I wasn’t lying or being polite. It is my pleasure to be your friend and it’s not

    because you’re the prime minister’s daughter, mind you.” 

    Taeyeon stopped laughing and looked at Sunny warmly. 

    “That’s the best pick up line I’ve ever heard.” 

    “I wasn’t trying to pick you up.” 

    “You know what I mean.” 

    Sunny laughed and lay on the bed next to Taeyeon. The older girl rolled over and

    snuggled right up to Sunny. She wrapped her arms round Sunny and nestled her face

    in the nook of Sunny’s neck.

    Sunny smiled. This felt better than she had ever imagined and they soon slipped

    into oblivion in each other’s arms without realizing it. Sunny hadn’t even changed

    into her PJs.

    As the moon continued to reflect the sunlight off its surface, stars sparkled, shining

    light onto the two sleeping girls. Sometime in the middle of the night, however, thepeace was broken. Taeyeon was awoken by the sounds of Sunny’s whimpering. She

    jerked several times before crying out for her friend. 

    “Sungmin…please don’t leave me…” sobbed Sunny in her sleep. “Come back…come


    Tears streamed down her pale cheeks as she continued to plead for his revival.

    Taeyeon’s heart ached for the girl beside her. She held her cheeks in her palms and

    wiped the tears with her thumbs. 

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    Acting on a sudden impulse, she bent down and whispered in Sunny’s ear, “Sunny,

    don’t cry. I’m already in heaven.” 

    “Heaven?” muttered Sunny. 

    “Sunny…I’m in heaven… I’m good…” 

    “Sungmin oppa…oppa…” 

    Sunny calmed down and stopped sobbing. Her breathing went back to normal as

    the last remaining tears spilled over. Taeyeon smiled and whispered one more time

    for good measure. 

    “I’m happy in heaven Sunny. Smile for me Sunny.” 

    Sunny smiled in her sleep. Taeyeon wiped the rest of the tears and kissed her

    forehead gently before snuggling up against her and going back to sleep. 

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    Light 05 

    As light took over the darkness, birds chirped and trees rustled in the wind.

    Morning had come again. Sunny woke up first and yawned widely, stretching up her

    arms. She hadn’t woken up at all during the night. It was the first night of

    undisturbed sleep she had in a long, long time. 

    She smiled at the sight of Taeyeon sleeping next to her—her friend…whom she had

    known for all of two weeks. She was amazed by how comfortable she felt around

    her. They knew barely anything about each other but it didn’t seem to matter. In

    fact, it kind of worked for both of them. There was too much murk and dirt

    underneath and neither girl wanted to face it. 

    She still wondered why Taeyeon had gone up to the rooftop that night. Her reason

    was rather sketchy but there was no reason to push it. If she wasn’t ready to shareher reason, Sunny was fine with it. 

    Taeyeon rolled onto her, her leg slipping between hers. Sunny smiled and lifted a

    finger to trace her fine features. The beautiful nose…lips…chin…and Sunny felt a

    stroke of heat igniting somewhere inside. She went with the flow and pressed light,

    feathery kisses on the sleeping girl’s nose…cheeks…and eventually…lips.

    Taeyeon moaned and returned the kiss. She was now awake and pleasantly

    surprised by the delicious sensations that she had thought were part of a very nice

    dream. The girls were consumed by a hunger—an inexplicable hunger that was

    dwelling deep in them. The older girl rolled onto Sunny and sat on her, straddling


    Sunny grinned up at her. 

    “Someone loves being on top.” 

    “The last time was an accident.” 

    “What about this time?” 

    “You could call it a freak of nature.” 

    Sunny laughed out loud. 

    “Hahaha…freak of nature? Hahaha…that’s rich…” 

    Taeyeon chuckled. 

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    “Your chuckle is incredibly sexy.” 

    “I know.” 

    “You chuckle like your Dad too.” 

    Taeyeon’s face tensed for a fraction of a second. Sunny caught sight of it and made

    a mental note. 

    Taeyeon doesn’t like her Dad very much. 

    “I hope you don’t find him sexy too,” Taeyeon quipped. 

    “Hmm…now that you mention it…” 

    Taeyeon laughed and slapped her arm playfully. 

    “Do you find me sexy then?” she asked while winking at Sunny.  

    Sunny pursed her lips. 

    “It’s a difficult question to answer.” 

    “But you’ve already answered my question so there’s no point in pretending.” 

    “Did I? 

    “Uh huh.” 

    “I can’t answer a question before it’s been asked.” 

    “Well…you can answer it now…in action…” 

    Taeyeon smiled flirtatiously as she leaned down and captured the alluring lips thatwere just below hers. 


    “Are you seeing anyone, by the way?” asked Sunny. 

    “Me? No. You?” 


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    Silence fell between them. 

    “Why do you ask?” asked Taeyeon. 

    “Just curious.” 

    “You don’t strike me as a curious person.” 

    “Really? How do you know?” 

    “I don’t…I’m just saying…” 

    “Well…you’re right…I don’t usually ask questions like that but I can’t help



    “Why are we kissing so often?” 

    Taeyeon chuckled. 

    “’Cos we’re both perverts.” 

    “I’m nowhere as perverted as you are.” Sunny rolled her eyes at the brunette. 

    “You’re the one who’s going around kissing sleeping people.” 

    “You can’t blame me for being attracted to you.” 

    “So…it’s my  fault then?” Taeyeon feigned an incredulous look. 

    “Totally,” Sunny said very seriously. 

    The two girls giggled. 

    After a moment, Taeyeon stopped and said, “Are you looking for some kind of label

    to describe us?” 

    Sunny looked at her and shook her head slowly. 

    “Nah…I don’t need to label us.” 

    “So we are label less.” 

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    Sunny nodded and smiled. 

    “Are you alright with that?” 

    “I am if you are.” 

    “I am,” Sunny said in an affirmative tone. 

    “So am I.” 



    Jessica all but yelled at Tiffany as the younger girl strutted up to her in theshowers. 

    “Why?” pouted Tiffany. 

    “You’re too sweaty and smelly. Go and take a shower.” 

    “But so are you!” 

    “Well…that and the fact that I could hardly walk this morning thanks to you.” 

    Tiffany exploded with laughter whilst Jessica scowled. 

    “I’m not kidding Tiffany, I swear, if you do me that many times again, I’m banning

    you from me.” 

    “Try and stop me.” 

    “Tiffany. No.” Jessica stood firm. “I don’t want my timings to be affected by this. I

    took almost a minute longer to clear the premises today. Chief was shocked.” 

    Tiffany sighed. She knew that Jessica aimed for top scores in every exercise and

    taking a minute longer than usual would definitely piss her off. She raised her

    hands in defeat. 

    “Alright, alright. I get it. Not so many times...” 

    She paused. 

    “So…how many times can we…?” 

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    Jessica saw that she wasn’t joking but earnestly asking an honest question. She

    laughed and sighed. 

    “No more than half of what we did last night.” 

    “Only half?!” whined the raven-haired girl. 

    “Take it or leave it.” 

    “I’ll take it.” Tiffany pouted.


    Heads turned as the two girls strolled downtown. Both turned their fair share ofheads for both of them were tall, pretty and attractive. Their vigorous job kept

    them in shape but the tanner of the two had put in hour after hour at the gym,

    working out to maintain what she was proudest of—her lean figure and chiseled


    They sat down at a café and ordered drinks. They chatted and laughed like any

    ordinary couple of girlfriends would—only, they weren’t your ordinary civilians out

    on a sunny day. They were agents out on a mission. A mission that they held dear to

    their hearts because it would speed up investigations and their friend could finally

    be cleared of all suspicion and come back to work. 

    “What I wouldn’t give to see the sun shine again.”

    Anybody listening in on this would have thought that the tanned girl was mad

    because the sun was blazing hot at that moment but her friend knew exactly what

    she was talking about. 

    “Yuri, to be more convincing, you might want to take off your shades first.” 

    “I would be a walking hazard without my shades, Yoona.”  

    “Please don’t bother telling me why.” 

    Yuri snickered. “You know me well.” 

    Yoona rolled her eyes and made a gagging gesture. 

    “Seohyun can hear us you know. I think she has already fainted from your


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    Yuri simply smiled, totally unfazed by her friend’s disgust. 

    “Seohyun knows my charms, don’t you Seo? 

    “Ahem. Let’s stay focused on the mission shall we?” Seohyun’s voice came through

    with a firm tone. 

    “Sure, whatever you say Seo.” 

    “We’ve been here for a while now. Is he coming?” Yoona had always been the more

    impatient one. 

    “Sources say that he frequents this café for its unique blend of avocado and

    strawberry coffee.” 

    “Got it, Seo. Gee, avocado and strawberry…urgh! This guy has some kind of weird

    taste in coffee.” Yoona made a face. 

    Yuri perked up however. “Avocado and strawberry? It sounds healthy! I’m going to

    get one.” 

    She dashed to the counter as a man strolled in with an air of importance

    surrounding him. He smiled at the regulars who patronized the café and signaled

    the barista. The barista smiled knowingly when he saw the man and nodded

    immediately. The man smiled and was about to turn around when he overheard Yuri

    ordering at the counter. 

    “A cup of avocado and strawberry coffee please!” she ordered excitedly. 

    “You have good taste!” he remarked. 

    Yuri turned to look at the source of the voice and her eyes glinted with recognition

    when she saw his face. He appeared to sense that something was up and walkedaway briskly. 

    “Yoona, that guy who is exiting now. It’s him.” 

    Yoona stood up immediately and smiled at him as he passed her by. She slipped an

    arm around his neck and whispered in his ear, “Chill, we just want to talk.”  

    The man struggled against her arm hold on him but she was well -trained to handle

    people like him. She grabbed his arm and slipped it round her waist and held it firm

    with her other hand with lightning speed and dragged him into the waiting car by

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    his neck making it look like a friendly lovers’ tussle. 

    Yuri joined them in the car seconds later and they headed back to headquarters.

    They blindfolded the man and injected a colourless liquid into his blood stream. 

    “No worries, we’ll treat you to a delightful afternoon…” Yoona whispered in his ear,

    as he slipped into oblivion. 


    Seohyun’s eyebrows furrowed for a spilt second when the Yoona and Yuri’s team

    reported that they had the man with them and were heading back.

    Didn’t he receive the message she sent?  

    She regained her usual poker face as she spoke into the mouthpiece. 

    “Well done YoonYul.” 


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    Light 06 

    “Wakey, wakey…” 

    The man opened his eyes and saw a blurred visual of an attractive girl’s face right

    in front of him. He smiled, thinking that he had woken up to a lovely morning until

    his other senses told him that it was not the case. He was in fact secured to a chair

    and the girl was leaning on the table in front of him. That didn’t stop him from

    appreciating the eye candy however. 

    When did the police hire so many pretty girls? I should have joined the police

    damn it. 

    A man entered the room and took a seat next to her. He was lean and mean. The

    man felt slightly intimidated by his aura but he kept cool. He kept his eyes levelwith theirs, not wanting to back down from their gaze. 

    The two interrogators chatted casually with one another, ignoring the man.  

    “So I watched the latest action movie over the weekend with my girlfriend.” 

    “And you are telling me this to gloat over the fact that I do not have a boyfriend?” 

    “It’s good. You should watch it too,” he continued smoothly, ignoring her question.  

    “What’s it about?” 

    “Oh…some silly guy who got to know the wrong type of people.” 

    “And what happened to him?” 

    “He was betrayed. So he got caught.” 

    “Serves him right I suppose.” 

    “Yeah…poor guy. He sure suffered behind bars. All that soap…” 

    The pretty girl made a face and turned to the man they held captive. 

    “Let’s begin, shall we?” 


    Twenty four hours later, the man was sweating buckets.

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    How did they know about his obsession with peeping into female toilets? They

    couldn’t do anything to him…could they?  

    “Relax. We’re not here for this. But if we don’t get what we want from you, we

    aren’t going to be happy people you know…” drawled the pretty girl. 

    The man gulped. The other male interrogator looked totally ready to bash him up.

    The girl had already stopped him a few times. In his mind, he was aware of this

    “good cop bad cop” tag team tactic but he had to admit that it was pretty

    effective even though he knew the game they were playing. 

    “We’ll give you some time to think about it. I’m starving,” whined the pretty girl,

    “I need food like now.” 

    “It’s just like you to let food get in the way of work.” 

    “It ain’t just me. I can hear your stomach growling too. Come on, let’s go.” 

    The girl flipped her hair over her shoulder and winked at their prisoner.  


    “Sooyoung…think he’ll crack?” 

    “I’m sure he will.” 

    “I think he can hold up another day with you around.” 

    “Choi Minho! Are you hinting that my interrogation skills aren’t as good as yours?” 

    Minho rolled his eyes. “You’re really dense Sooyoung…really dense.” 


    He cracked later that day. Minho had thrown his chair at him and it missed him

    within an inch of his head. Trembling in fear, he spilled the beans.  

    “Someone tipped us off. They didn’t tell us about the raid. It was just a tip -off to

    move the disc somewhere else. I don’t know anything else!” 

    Minho looked at Sooyoung. She was the expert at reading people. Sooyoung nodded

    her head slightly. He was telling the truth. 

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    They smiled and reminded him that if he breathed a word about this to anyone,

    they’d haul him in again for a jolly good time… 


    “We’ve got a mole amongst us.” 

    “A mole was definitely involved in that operation.” 

    “Sunny is definitely in the clear then. She almost died. That tip off would not have

    helped her at all. It’s not like we ever suspected Sunny of foul play in the first


    “Protocol, babe…protocol…” 

    “But who’s the mole?” 

    Sooyoung looked around the room worriedly. Minho’s eyebrows were furrowed.

    Yoona and Yuri looked completely shocked at the news. Hyoyeon and Seohyun were

    out on another case and hadn’t returned yet. 

    They all stood up when Boa entered the meeting room. 

    “Chief,” they unanimously greeted and saluted in respect. 

    Boa nodded in a business-like manner and sat down. They followed suit. She looked

    round at the people in the room slowly before speaking carefully. 

    “We have sensed that there was a mole for some time now and the recent op has

    proven to us that a mole does exist in our unit. However, based on our

    investigations so far, all of you seated here have been cleared of suspicion. We will

    need the four of you to smoke out the mole. Now, we will discuss how we can do



    Taeyeon was dozing off in her boring accounting lecture when she caught a whiff of

    a now familiar scent—the scent of fermented grapes. Her droopy eyes sprang wide

    open and she looked to her left. Sure enough, Sunny was seated next to her, taking

    down notes. She leaned towards Sunny and whispered to her, “Why are you taking

    notes? You’re not even taking this module!” 

    “I’m taking them for you,” Sunny whispered back. 

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    “I already know all of these. Don’t worry.” 

    Taeyeon smiled warmly. Her heart felt warm knowing that Sunny was actually

    helping her out. 

    “Nah…it’s boring to sit next to a sleeping friend anyway. Taking notes kills time.” 

    Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Sunny. 

    “Let’s go.” 

    “You’re going to skip another lecture? Are you sure you can get through this


    Taeyeon nodded. “I’m sure I can.” 

    “It’d be scandalous if the PM’s little girl flunks this.” 

    “I’m not a little girl!” 

    A number of curious and some irritated stares were casted on the two girls. That

    whisper had been a tad too loud. 

    Sunny leaned back in her seat, trying to not to laugh out loud. 

    “Headlines tomorrow…PM’s little girl creates ruckus in lecture.” 

    Taeyeon shot Sunny a death glare but Sunny only grinned cheekily back at her.  

    “Don’t you have lectures of your own?” 

    “Why? You don’t like me crashing in on yours?” 

    “You’re the pot calling the kettle black.” 

    Sunny shrugged nonchalantly. 

    “Come on…let’s go. This is so boring.” 

    “No, sit through this and take notes. Be good.” 

    Taeyeon pouted and sulked but it was no good, Sunny wouldn’t budge. 


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    The two friends walked across the grass towards the campus library side by side.

    Taeyeon neede