25 Prophetic Dream: World Economic Collapse Oh, how Sheshach is taken! Oh, how the praise of the whole earth is seized! How Babylon has become desolate among the nations! The sea has come up over Babylon; she is covered with the multitudes of its waves. Her cities are a desolation (Jeremiah 51:41-43a, emphasis added). We are a prophetic family meaning that we as a family seeing visions and we are dreaming dreams, occasionally of considerable significance, according to Gods promise in the Book of Joel. And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughter shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions (Joel 2:28). It is one thing to dream a dream but it is another thing to discern whether it is from God or your own mind and emotions and then to interpret it correctly. I was called a prophet in 1966 but only seven years later, in 1973, I started to see visions and dream dreams of spiritual significance. Only eighteen months later I could start to interpret some dreams and visions. I was frustrated because God gave me dreams and visions but I could not interpret them.

25 Prophetic Dream - World Economic Collapse

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On March, 07, 2010, in the early hours of the morning, my son Oleg had a dream, which I believe is of great significance. We are about to enter a time of great global economic catastrophe that will change this world as we know it. Read about it.

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Prophetic Dream: World Economic Collapse

Oh, how Sheshach is taken! Oh, how the praise of the whole earth is seized! How Babylon has become desolate among the nations! The sea has come up over Babylon; she is covered with the multitudes of its waves. Her cities are a desolation (Jeremiah 51:41-43a, emphasis added).

We are a prophetic family meaning that we as a family seeing visions and we are dreaming dreams, occasionally of considerable significance, according to Gods promise in the Book of Joel. And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughter shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions (Joel 2:28).

It is one thing to dream a dream but it is another thing to discern whether it is from God or your own mind and emotions and then to interpret it correctly. I was called a prophet in 1966 but only seven years later, in 1973, I started to see visions and dream dreams of spiritual significance. Only eighteen months later I could start to interpret some dreams and visions. I was frustrated because God gave me dreams and visions but I could not interpret them. There was also nobody to help me with it. So I asked God one day in 1974, “Why giving me dreams and visions if I cannot interpret them.” All of a sudden I knew the interpretation of three dreams I had eighteen months before. Since that time I could interpret dreams and visions. Interpretation of dreams and visions is a gift from the Holy Spirit. As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams (Daniel 1:17). I tell you this that you can understand that I am interpreting dreams and visions for many, many years. I am also the author of a book titled, “Interpretation of Dreams and Visions.” I do not claim to be infallible because that is not true. However, I believe after interpreting dreams and visions for 36 years I am pretty accurate.Believe me I am still learning.

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On March, 07, 2010, in the early hours of the morning, my son Oleg had a dream, which I believe is of great significance. We are about to enter a time of great global economic catastrophe that will change this world as we know it. Oleg’s account of the dream is as follows: I saw our family left for Oliver Tambo Airport (Johannesburg International), Johannesburg, South Africa. We are living in South Africa. The next moment an agent bring us to an apartment on the top floor of a very high building in New York. It was a very luxurious apartment that we were renting. When I looked out of the window, I saw the sky and the clouds were grey dark fog as when a terrible storm is about to break loose. I remember it was chaos in New York because somebody said, “A tsunami is coming.” I thought, “It cannot reach us because we live on the top floor of a building as high as the twin towers.” While looking out of the window I saw waves approaching the seashore. They were not high enough to cause concern in my heart. However, after the first wave broke, a gigantic second wave approached the seashore that was so big that when I saw it the water started to rise very fast and I started to feel the water. I started to run to the other side of the apartment. Then the second wave hit us and everything, the sky-scraper and whole city went under water. The wave was rolling me under the water. I was afraid to hit things with my body under the surface of the water but luckily nothing happened. I could not come up to the surface because the wave kept me under the water all the time. I was afraid to die a horrible death and asked God to kill me fast to save me from suffering. It took much effort to swim out of the water. When I got out of the water the wave has already broken but New York City was under water.

After I got out of the water I saw a high stainless steel tower; I knew it was my only chance of survival. I climbed onto this very high tower trying to save myself. Then I worried about my mother, Marina. I thought my father (Andre) and mother (Marina) were dead. Then I saw Andre and he asked me about Marina. The next moment I saw Marina. I was very relieved and glad my parents survived the tsunami.

After the city started to recover from its disaster I saw the same agent that took us to our rented apartment. He found us because


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he had compassion on us for losing our apartment and almost our lives. He said, “Because you have lost your apartment you can choose one of my four businesses.” First business was a new and second hand car shop (about US$ 10 million turnover per annum), second was a construction business, third was a junk yard, and the forth another dirty business (cannot remember). I asked him, “Which business is the most profitable.” He said, “I will not tell you. It is for you to choose.” Then he stood aside that we may choose. Then I woke up. This experience was as real as in the natural.

The Oliver Tambo Airport is the international airport of Johannesburg City, South Africa. A city symbolizes that for which the city is known. Johannesburg symbolizes the economic stronghold of the Republic of South Africa. In Johannesburg is the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and Johannesburg was once the largest source of gold in the world. New York is known for Wall Street where its volume and scale of economic transactions on economic markets not only influence the course of the USA but of the whole world. New York symbolizes the economic stronghold of the United States and of the whole world.

One moment we were in the Oliver Tambo Airport the next moment in New York. It means the economies of individual countries are swallowed up in a Global Economic System. Individual countries do not determine their economic destiny alone but significant movements on economic markets in the USA will have a decisive influence on the economic destiny of most other countries.

The skyscraper speaks of human power and greatness. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had bricks for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth (Genesis 11:3-4).

The agent that brought us to a luxurious rental apartment speaks of the present blessing of the Lord on his people. Many maintain still a good standard of living despite decreased real income. For


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example, since the economic meltdown (2008) I have lost my house, two businesses and my Toyota Landcruiser VX. Despite it all I am still maintaining the same standard of living as before though I am living in a rented house and driving a Jeep Cherokee instead. The Lord is good.

We rent a luxurious apartment speak of a short time of surviving reasonable living conditions. During the Feast of Tabernacles, 2007, the Lord spoke to me and said that economic conditions from 2008 onward will start to get difficult, yet that will be the fat years. After that time will come the lean years; a total global economic collapse.

Looking out of the window and saw the sky and the clouds were grey dark fog as when a terrible storm is about to break loose. A storm about to break loose can symbolizes various things. In this dream it is the discerning of economic calamity and destruction that is about to occur. I believe we will only have a few more years of “prosperity” before the great collapse.

It was chaos in New York because somebody said, “A tsunami is coming.” There are many voices filling our ears. There are the voices of true prophets of the Lord, false prophets, psychics, economists, and the arrogant, causing chaos and confusion. The problem is to discern the true from the false. You need to develop a taste for the prophetic word of the Lord in this hour. How will you know the truth? Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent Me. If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority. He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him (John 7:16-18, emphasis added).

I thought, “It cannot reach us because we live on the top floor of a building as high as the twin towers.” How wicked can our hearts be? The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked [Hebrew: incurable]; who can know it (Jeremiah 17:9). We are born-again Christians but we still put our trust in manmade structures, and not in the Lord. He is our high tower.


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While looking out of the window I saw waves approaching the seashore. They were not high enough to cause concern in my heart. It is amazing how we can discern the weather or economic trends and make predictions but we cannot interpret the signs of the times. He answered and said to them, “When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red; and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times (Matthew 16:2-3). It is still all about our personal comfort and not about the kingdom of God.

However, after the first wave broke, a gigantic second wave approached the seashore that was so big that when I saw it the water started to rise very fast and I started to feel it. It is only when the word of God will come to pass that our hands will be feeble and our knees will be as weak as water because we are an arrogant people. We are all arrogant; some are just more than others.

This dream speaks of two waves of economic disaster that will hit the world. When the first wave break many wealthy people will think they will survive it because the wave will not be high enough or severe enough to concern their hearts.

When the second wave will approach (things getting worse) panic will started to set in as people will start to experience its severe financial stranglehold (seeing the water level rises rapidly and feeling it and running from one side of the apartment to the other). However, when the second wave will break shortly thereafter it will destroy the world economy and everybody will sense its collapse immediately (the skyscraper and the entire New York was covered under the water of the tsunami).

The wave that rolled Oleg under the water refers to the result of the economic collapse. People will be afraid of all sorts of consequences but the Lord will keep them that fear Him (“I was afraid I will hit things with my body under the surface of the water but luckily nothing happened”). The economic collapse will be so severe that personal financial survival will seem impossible (“I could not come up to the surface because the wave kept me under the water all the time”). Panic will set in and


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people will fear that they may die in the process. Many will pray God to take their lives to spare them suffering a horrible death (“I was afraid to die a horrible death and asked God to kill me fast to save me from suffering”). It will take much effort to just survive the consequences of the worst economic collapse ever (It took much effort to swim out of the water). It will take time before we will realize the real consequences of the disaster (“When I eventually got out of the water the wave has already broken but the entire New York City was totally under the water of the tsunami”).

The high stainless steel tower which was the only chance of survival on which Oleg climbed in an attempt to save himself symbolizes the Lord. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower (Psalm 18:2, KJV, emphasis added). The Lord will be our survival from calamity. A tower is also an outlook symbolizing revelation and prayer. Showing concern for the wellbeing of his parents talks about intercession for one another during the difficult times to come.

After the disaster there will be a recovery and then the Lord will bless His people (After the city started to recover from its disaster I saw the same agent that took us to our rented apartment. He found us because he had compassion on us for losing our apartment and almost our lives). We had a choice from four businesses. Four is the number for rule. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser to rule the night. He made stars also, God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day (Genesis 1:16-19). We will rule with Christ the economy and the rest of the earth for one thousand years.

Why did the Lord show us what is coming? Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). He mainly showed us this dream that we may prepare ourselves for what is coming.


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Is there enough time to prepare ourselves? The Lord will not warn us about impending danger and not giving us sufficient time to prepare for it. There is enough time for preparation but no time to waste.

How shall we prepare ourselves? Just like the first New Testament Church prepared themselves. The two basic devotions of a Christian is continues prayer and the ministry of the word. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word (Acts 6:4). It is first prayer then giving ourselves to the ministry of the word.

The same morning when Oleg had this prophetic dream I had the following dream: A voice said, “Where you are living are many intercessors. Are you an intercessor?” I said, “Yes I am an intercessor.” Then I woke up. Intercession and prayer is the ministry and backbone of every true Christian.

There are two dimensions in knowing the Lord in His word, which is His will. The first is to know Him in the Scriptures and the other His voice through the Holy Spirit. Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God (the Holy Spirit)” (Matthew 22:29). Since the beginning of time God intended for man to know his voice and since God’s written word was freely available to man, He intended for him to know Him also in Scripture. God has never changed His mind concerning this. Man has changed but God has never changed. We need to know and heed His written Word and obey His voice.

This year is a season for rapid spiritual growth. Therefore, we will endeavor to put our efforts forward to know Him in meditation on the written word and waiting on Him to know His voice better. Unless we developed a love for the truth we will be


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deceived in latter times. True worship is to worship the Lord in His word and true intercession is to pray according to the word and will of God.