2.1.a – Engagement paterns of social groups in physical actvites & sport Learning objectves To understand the how engagement in physical actiity diiers for diierent social groups To describe how factors can impact on partcipaton rates and possible strategies to improie this. To be able to interpret data and draw appropriate conclusions.

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2.1.a – Engagement paterns of social groups in physical actvites & sport

Learning objectves

To understand the how engagement in physical actiity diiers for diierent social groups

To describe how factors can impact on partcipaton rates and possible strategies to improie this.

To be able to interpret data and draw appropriate conclusions.

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Think. Pair. Share - Name as many infuencing factors that will impact on our decision to take part in sport?

Engagement paterns in physical actiity and sport can diier between certain social groups.

Engagement paterns of social groups

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Partcipaton rates in physical actvityThere are 5 social groups to study and associate engagement factors that may impact on partcipaton.

1. Gender2. Age3. Race/Religion/

Culture4. Family/Friends/

Peers5. Disability

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Partcipaton rates in physical actvity1. Gender: Males and females are both encouraged to take part in sport. Some sports stll haie more opportunites for either girls or boys.

Think. Pair. Share – What are some of the barriers to females playing sport?

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Data, analysis and evaluaton

Think. Pair. Share – What can you tell from the data above? Is there a trend to the informaton?

Table 2 shows the diierence between female and male football clubs and registered players.

2010 2014Gender Number of

registered teams/clubs

Number of registered


Number of registered


Number of registered


Female 420 6,300 565 9040

Male 2080 36,000 4100 77,900

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Women’ s opportunites at elite leiel are growing all the tme. With an increase in the women’s sport profle, sponsorship and fnancial gain is becoming more readily aiailable.

Partcipaton rates in physical actvity

Think. Pair. Share – Which women’s sports have seen an increase in coverage?

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Partcipaton rates in physical actvityGender: There are number of barriers to women playing sport including:

• Lack of tme and childcare• Lack of self confdence• Personal safety• Parental and adult infuence• Male dominated culture of

sport• Funding• Body image• Iniisibility in media & lack of

role models

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Opportunites for female ofcials and management roles within teams haie grown too.

Partcipaton rates in physical actvityThe following women’s sports are increasing in popularity:•Rugby•Football•Tennis

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Partcipaton rates in physical actvity2. Age: Age can put limits on what sport an indiiidual may take up. Depending on the size of the club they may haie a team at each age group. (i.e. U8’s, U10’s)

Some compettie eients haie an age restricton.

i.e. To run the London Marathon you must be 18.

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Age can put limits on what sport an indiiidual may take up. Depending on the size of the club they may haie a team at each age group.

Young people haie a wide iariety of opportunity to access sports clubs and teams.

Schools encourage mass partcipaton during PE lesson and extend to afer school clubs

Partcipaton rates in physical actvity

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3. Race/Religion/CultureThe number of both black and minority ethnic and white Britsh adults playing sport is increasing. Taking up a sport or actiity may be infuenced by ethnic background. i.e. Cricket is very popular among Asian countries.

Partcipaton rates in physical actvity

Think. Pair. Share – Why are there are less black tennis players/golfers than footballers?

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4. Family/Friends/Peers

Partcipaton rates in physical actvity

Friends/Peers – These people can infuence what sport you take up. Peer pressure can lead you to an actiity and is easier than going alone to a club.

Family - A child can be introduce to an actiity at an early age by their family and will usually receiie fnancial support to contnue it. (costs many include kit, subscripton and traiel costs).

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5. Disability: Sport is encouraged to all regardless of disability. They ofen compete against similar groups or can be mixed with able-bodied.

Partcipaton rates in physical actvity

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Apply it! What has stuck with you?

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Below is a range of factors that may infuence partcpaton.

Partcipaton rates in physical actvity

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Benefits of taking part in sports (reasons why

people take part)

Task: Complete the spider diagram by summarizing notes on page 97

Health & Fitness Well being

Manage stress

Learn new skills


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Reasons why people DO NOT get involved

in sport

Task: Complete the spider diagram by summarizing notes on page 99

Environment and climate



Role models

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Media Media will be covered in more detail in the next section (commercialization). However, in order to understand strategies to improve participation we must look at the positives and negatives of the media.

Task: In pairs number yourselves 1 & 2.

Number 1: 2-3minutes to discuss with your partner ways in which the media support and encourage participation.

Number 2: 2-3 minutes to discuss ways in which the media

Swap books and fill in the www & EBI comment box for you partner Swap books and fill in the www & EBI comment box for you partner

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Task: Complete the positive and negative table and stick it in your book.

Afects of media on sportPosities Negaties



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Apply it: (extension task in green – if you do the extension task in your book ensure it is clearly labelled)

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There are many organisaton and structures in place to increase the number of people regularly engaging in physical actiity.

Strategies to improve partcipaton in sport

• Sport England• Natonal Goierning Bodies• Department of Culture, Media and


Each of the organisatons aboie will be responsible for promoton of the opportunites in local areas, proiiding a range of diierent provisions to interest eierybody and ensuring these places are easy to access.

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Public, Private and voluntary agencies

Task : Write down examples of public, private and voluntary agencies (use pg 100 for help)

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Agencies responsible for promotng partcipaton

DCMS – responsible for government policy related to sport

Governing bodies – agree on rules and regulations for each sport. Administer sport nationally and organise competitions and the national team.

UK sport institute – provide the best sports facilities and support. Offers sport science advice, coaching expertise and top training facilities.

YST – responsible for development of sport for young people. Sporting pathways, Tops programmes etc.

UK sport – an agency under government direction for the elite sportspeople. Distributes funding inc. lottery money. Supports world class athletes and promotes ethical standards.

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Home learning taks

Find out about 3 different governing bodies and write a paragraph on each.

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Think. Pair. Share – What informaton can you extract from this graph?

Presentaton of data

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Presentaton of data/examples

Think. Pair. Share.Discuss the charts above. What does the data tell you?

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Think. Pair. Share.Discuss the charts above. What does the data tell you?

Presentaton of data/examples

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Think. Pair. Share – What paterns do you notce in data table above?

Table 1 below shows a yearly summary of girls and boys to a school’s extra-curricular clubs.

Gender 2012 2013 2014 2015

Girls 500 475 480 440

Boys 621 605 600 610

Presentaton of data/examples

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Exam questons1. In 2016 it was reported that ‘58% of adults do not play sport’. Two factors that can infuence partcipaton rates are socio-economic group and ethnicity.

(a)State two other personal factors that can infuence partcipaton rates. (2)

1 ............................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................

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Exam questons(b) Explain two reasons why an indiiidual’s socio-economic group could infuence their partcipaton in sport. (4)1........................................................................................................................................................................................................................


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Exam questons2. Aisha is currently studying for her GCSEs. Her school report has been sent home to her parents and highlights that her PE teacher is worried about her lack of interest in taking part in physical actiity inside and outside of school. Her parents are also disappointed as they haie regularly encouraged her to join a sports club.

Identfy potental factors that could haie caused Aisha’s lack of interest in sport, justfying your choices. (6)

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Marks Scheme:1. (a) One mark for each correct factor.• Gender (1)• Age (1)• Disability (1)

(b) One mark for identfcaton of reason and one mark for appropriate expansion linking reason to partcipaton. For example:

• Low income (1), therefore limited access to sports facilites /resources/for example could not aiord expensiie golf club fees (1).

OR• High income (1) therefore can aiord to partcipate in moreexpensiie actiites/for example could play golf at a priiate club (1).AND• Lack of tme (1), therefore limited free tme to partcipate in sport/for

example plays squash rather than trains for a marathon (1) OR• Lot of tme (1), therefore able to partcipate in sport frequently/for

example trains for a marathon (1).

Practce it!

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Marks Scheme:2. AO1 - Knowledge of factors-• Negatie attudes• Educaton• Lack of role models• Lack of media coierage• Sexism / stereotypingAO2 – Applicaton to Aisha- (do not credit any response linked to a lack of family

support)• She may haie deieloped a negatie attude due to bad experiences in school• She may not be inspired by role models in the sports she could take part in• She may not be motiated due to a lack of media coierage of female performers• She may be suiering from sexist comments from her peers/ worry about

stereotypingAO3 – Justfcaton of choices-• (Attudes) Perhaps Aisha’s friends also haie a negatie attude and she is merely

copying them• (Attudes) The attude of the PE teacher towards Aisha may be negatie within

lessons which has caused her to feel negatie about taking part• (Educaton) The curriculum and choice of PE opportunites aiailable at the school may

not suit Aisha, eg she may prefer more aesthetc actiites not oiered at that school

• (Educaton) The facilites aiailable may be poor and she does not feel inspired to take part

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Marks Scheme contnued:AO3 – Justfcaton of choices, eg• (Role models) Aisha may be completely unaware of female role models that exist in

the sports being coiered and therefore does not feel inspired by them• (Role models) There simply is a lack of female role models who receiie appropriate

coierage to inspire girls like Aisha• (Media coierage) It is a fact that men’s sport receiies more coierage than women’s

so Aisha is not exposed to or inspired by women’s elite sport• (Sexism) Aisha may well haie heard sexist iiewpoints expressed by classmates about

girls taking part / getng sweaty / muddy• (Stereotyping) Aisha may well haie been infuenced by media stereotyping of ‘what

women should look like’• (Familiarity) If a reasoned justfcaton is included, eg perhaps Aisha’s preiious school

did not oier her the same actiites as she is now being oiered and she is not familiar with them, therefore anxious

• (Socio-economic reasons) If a reasoned justfcaton is included, eg perhaps Aisha is worried about burdening her family with fnancial costs for equipment / sports clothing

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