Important To Some People! DR. SHADE, 12Z 14th mt., Iuag and Threat Specialet, i the only physician in this country who eaims the ability to care O.inmmption (Tuberculosis), and who has proven the same by living witnesses re- sing ta the District ot Oulnmbla-phyaltCinm, megehanta, asueldans and other citisens who ar willing to be interviewed. Why spend j0ar time Mad mosey with doctors who do not even claim that thW have car 4 ne come. or even believe the din- - eas bl Dr. hads's terahznm Discovery for (inmanp- tion, Lang, Throat and Catarrbal Disease has been tested, and AD other plan of treatment has ae- eempislhad se* result. Send or cal for booklet, symptom blank, &e. for those desiring home treat- ment. 003e hom-M-eday, Wednesday and Friday enly fom 9 to 12, and 2 to 6 sharp. O(smealtation free. Dr. Shade in charge. atStoSe15 SUBURBANNEWS ANACOSTIA. The quarterly conference fbr the southern district of the African M. E. Church, which has been in session for sevoral days at Campbell Church, Hills- dale, closed yesterday. Each meeting of the con- ference was largely attenied, and much interest in the proceedings was manifested. The Bryan and Sewall Club of Anacostia d a larlge and -ntuala=tlc meeting in Anacostia ra- day evening. and arrangements were completed for the ratisng of a pole and Sag Tuesday evening neat. The gasolire motor, which the inventor, Mr. Thomas C. Pole, hopes to have adopted by the Ana- costia Iattroed Company, was again experimented with yesterday, but the reslts were not a. favor- able as was expected. Mr. Pole says he is grad- ually getting the machine perfected, ad he e-xpecta that in a little while he will have It arranged so that it will be as reliable for motive power as an electrie or cable car. The entertaiennt recently given by the Ladies' Village Improvement Society being such a decided success, and as a number have expressed a desire to again witness the same, !t is probable that it will be rep-isted in a stort time. The society will useet Tuesday. the 15th Instant, with Mrs. Maurice CILggett, when final arregements for the repeti- tion of the entertainment will be completed. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright and laughter and Mrs. Preston Wright have returned from Brook- side, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle and Miss Mamie Poo- little are on a pleasure trip to Ocean Grove and other summer resorts. Miss Keys has returned from a trip In Virginia. Mrs. Ben. Miller has returned from Bay Ridge. Mra. Maurine Wolfe Is again at homa in Linden, iter a visit to relatIves in Frederick county. FALLS CHURCH. A very enjoyable dance and social party was given last night by Miss Anita Phillips at the acaidence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Phil- Lips. A large number of her friends were present, refrmhments served and a pleasant evening was spent by all. Among those present were ithes Mangie and laie Ruck, Bessie Foster, and Messrs. Charles Hoed, AlLert Mayer of Washington; Miss Grundy, Eleanor Matthews and Mr. Glen Bromine of Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. William Stranarhan, Mrs. Alonzo Mills, Missm Sallie Yeataan, Edith 0. Merrifneld, Maad Hodgkin, Addie Mae Spofford, Marie TowLfend, Nellie E. Uawxburst, Fananie Mot,re, lannaa ieby, FAna Bitch. Pearl Luttrell. Emma Albertson, Miesrs. Arthur B. Flagg. Geo. T. Mankin, F. U. and W. I. Eastman, Walter and Herbert Birch, 41'. W. Parker. Philip Nourse, Cu-ti U. itoreteck, S. W. Fiagg. Ryall Albertson, Everett Merritehl. Albert Birc. Boy-l Watson, W. W. Kitaaley, Jr.. Edward Tallaott. Mis. M. A. Gatrner and daughter, Miss Margie Garawr. are visitlag friends in loudoun county, iA. The funeral of Ms. Abram hiutersbaugh. who lived nemr here, Took place yesterday front 'he 31. E. Church. Rev. J. W. Norris preached the fau-ral ermon. Interment was in Oakwood cem- etery. 31r. W. I. Eastman left this morning for Mt. Claire, N.J., to resume his duties In the Mt. Claire Military Aamlemy. Mi-.. Virgie Bugg of Farnaville, Va., arrived yes- teotay anl mill emter u1pon her duties as teacher of the int-ritediate 'leparttunt of the pubile graded school of he town, on Monday. Mr. George, A. truner. contractor, has nearly conlete-d Ihe irmpr.veimonts to the pulile sehool bui.hig. 31iss EdnA and Nellle Birch entertained a num- her of their friends Thursday night. HERNDON. Mr. P. B. Buell has sold the farm of Martin Bicksler to J. W. Bauckana of Ieesburg. Mr. Backiler will nove into Washington next week. Mr. BueH has clan sold it- Krebs farm, formerly oured bay F. C. Averill, to L. W. Brown of Waoid- st'-k. Va. The Ladies' AId met sith Mrs. Sweetser Thors- day evening. These present: Mrs. Gresham, M-. Grob, Mrs. McNetil, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Barrister, rIs. Sima,nds, Mrs. Bartca and Mrs. 1tweetser. The Bryan and itewall Club had ks a speaker at their meettig Friday evening Mr. Andersen of Al- endria. There was a fair sised gathering. The bend was In attendance. Mr. M. H. irlinkerhoft and wife of Falls Church, with Mr. H. F. Lowe. wife and son, are visiting friLs here. Mr. Jacob LAonhardt and family have established thesiaelves in their new house. Mr. Win. A. Van Deusen continues in nhout the seme condition he has been during the past two aeeks. His Len (ryIlle, who is doing business in Washligior, has been yanaring the past two weeks or mote with him. Mr. J. W.Bowie has completed the addition to ahs dwelling,. which greatly Improves Its external ap- eu.rance. BROOKLAWD. The lawn adjoinig the residence of Dr. Egleston, on Hartford street, was well crowded last night, the occasion being a lawn festival by the Odd Fellows of Brookland. The house and grounds were feaaaaaned with tray lanterns, and refreshanents were served throughout the eveunn~. The musical enter- tainanent provided was heartily aypreciated. The Boane Orchestra of Waahingtona furnished several selections, and there were vocal solos by Miss Buchler of Washingreno and Mr. J1. Cassel. Mi e Daisy Clark delighted the company with mandolin seiles, with Mrs. 'iroomes a. acceopanist. Urand Master Junws of the District Odd F4Ilows gave an amusing recttIosln, entitled, Mrs. Ma' keney's Experience at the Iaentist'q,." The work of the Home Orchestra deserves special meat ion, and it is composed of Mr, and Mrsv. Edmundl Birk, I raf. Hiarry Maxwell, Prof. William J. (tates and Mlaster Willie Burk. This was tline most enjoyable Steal gathering the Btroualand Lodge, L. 0. 0. F, ha'-e h~ad during the Jasat year. Mr. Louls Doalloway haa returnA fromn his marn- mner outing In the north. Mrs. J. J. lImber has moved from lith street, ad is now locateud on Dover street. Mrs. R. Johnston and family have returned from a lengthy stay at her cottage at Washington Grove. Mr. Jones of the Nateonal cemtnery has visiting him his old friend and neighbor, Cape. Whipple of Florensce, S. C. Memtorial servies were held recently at Rock Creek Church in memory of an old resident, Mrs. Glendennin, formerly of this vicinity. Mrs. Andrew Meeblejdur Is very 11l at her home In Woodburn. The sudden death of Mrs. Ellen Barry, which oc- eurred recently at Woodburn, was a great shock to her sassy friends. Mris. Barry was much becloved, and was everywhere noted for her charity. She was an old resident and had a large circle of friends. The interment was at Itodk C'reek cease- amdl Reynolds of Eckington has returned from mamutering in the Bine Ridge auetalns. Mim Mary Burr is expeted to return tomnorrow froan a southern trip. MisAgnes Broeka has returned from a pleasant visit to Woodville, Md., where she was the guest et the Misses Forbes. Mr. 0, i. Ward, president of the electric raIl- way at Dallas, Tex., in the guest of Mrs. Mary Burr ot 12th street. Mescrs. Albert and Harry Burr have reured fron a at outing at Woodville, Md. me. en Bookswith her chnflden was the a- cent guest of her miother, Mrs. Baine of Wash-. LAUREL, Thke family of Mr. Key Comapton of Norfolk, Va., are the guests of Mr. Opmpton's parents Mr. and Mrs. Barnes omupten, here. Mr. Jubn Davis of Baltimore was the reent guest of his daughter, Mrs. John Hesln, on 4th seet. Miss Pauline Plammery returnsd Tuesday to St. Josephs Acadment, ~mtsburg, after spending her vacat"o here with her parents, Mr. and Ma.. John A. Plannmery. Miss Gertie Gates of Washington baa returned home, after a pleaaat visit here, Mis Maie Ball of Washington is the guest of relative. hare. MSh Julia Bradley has returned from a plasant visit to relatives in Fairfa, county, Va. Ths Misses Watkias ot Richmond, Vs., are the guests of the Smmily ot Mr. (mer. Mr. (b~rGalther of Beward centy was the guest of hsbrother-in-law, Mr. 3. K. Wilmsm recently. Miss Arnie Waltamm of Baltimoere Is the guest of frisads and relative. in this eity. Mr. and Mrs. Wehb of Batme,. weme the guests 8ammy of Mr. and Mrs. Thender. Morrisse. Idiot. U. C. Whitwoeth of the Uaited States rename cmtter Vorwaad, whiob is now at Mobile, Ala., b the ensd and relativee here. Dr- J Fis in Richmnd, Vs., visiting frad ad relaties Miss Eta Hawes, wte he. bae the of lmae. 3. K. Whildeid, a seed to her in Pemvaia Mm., Marbury and familly t Emewd county have remosved to Laaret. Rev. T. A. Sites, who was fdreri paster of, Taity K. Charoeh th this city' was the guest of lauel friads rcty. Mr. Stank L. Ahsru, jr., o ew Task was the =aeSI this oakf Maa , Mr. and Mm Bk IN THE CHURCHES The American Society of Religious Edu- :ation, which has Its headquarters in Washington, has been Invited to hold an Lnterchurch congitess in connection with the Tennessee centennial exposition to be 2eld next year. The governor of the state is joined with the exposition commis- dioners in the invitation and the society Us sent out a circular of what it pro- poses to do. It Is probable that a number >f ministers of this city will be present. Dr. Gilbert, the secretary of the society. returned this week from a trip to the west. While away he conducted a biblical Insti- ute at Mountain Lake Park. Pastor R Hes Swem of the Second Bap- 1et Church was quite ill during his Au- ust vacation, but has returned suticiently estcred in health to occupy his pulpit. A letter has been received in this city 'rom Rev. Dr. MKim, dated from Spa, Belgium, stating that the health of Mrs. M1cKim Is much improved. Dr. McKim is Ipending the major portion of his time In Engiar d, and expects to return to this 'ountry some time in the early part of )ctober. The finances of the Central Union Mis- licn, which were reported In The Star some weeks ago as being In a very low state, lave somewhat Improved. The regular pub- Ication of the Bulletin, the ofical organ f the mission, has been resumed. Last Wednesday week a handsome win- low in memory of the late John Tynan was placed in St. Paul's Catholic Church. [he window Is the production of Meyer >f Munich, and is five feet wide by four- :een feet long. It is the second window :n the Gospel side of the church and rep- 'esents St. John giving communion to the Virgin Mary. There. are two more win- IWs yet to be placed in the church. The pastor of Dumbarton Methodist 7hrrch, West Washington, Rev. Joseph B. Stitt, D. D., accompanied by Mrs. Stitt, B spending his vacation this month in the ncuntains of western Maryland. The serv- ces at Dumbarton Church are to 'be con- lucted by several ministers; Rev. Alex- Lnder Blelaski having preached last Sun- lay morning. The biennial eastern conference of the EnglIsh Lutheran synod of Missouri, to. which members of that denomination of WVshlDgton belong, was held Tuesday and Wednesday in Baltimore. Rev. William Dallmann of Baltimore presided, with Rev. . C. Morhardt of this city as secretary. number of addresses were delivered by nivisters from the several sections of the :ountry, among them being Revs. George Koenig of Trinity Church, and C. C. Mor- 7ardt of Christ Church, both of this city. The local Methodist Protestant ministers held a meeting last Monday at Central Church, at which they arranged for a se- ries of meetings to be held at the Metho- list Protestant Church, 13% and D streets southwest, beginning Sunday, the 20th of this month. Each of the five churches of Washington in the denomination will have charge of music on different evenings, and it Is expected that In this way each church will be Induced to take a more active Inter- est in the services. The meetings are to be conducted by the pastors of the local churches. In a short while the St. Paul Building Association, to which In a large measure the erection of the fine new edifice of St. Paul's Catholic parish Is due, is to be re- organized. The recent fair for the benefit of the church netted about 8,5W0. It Is ex- pected that by the 1st of October all the pews which have been contracted for the new auditorium will be In place. Rev. W. Raymond Stricklen, pastor of Hamline Methodist Church, has returned with his family from a two weeks' visit to Dcean Grove. The choir of the church, un- ler the leadership of Mr. J. Arthur Rose, resumed charge of the music of the church last Sunday. The committee on building of the Ninth Street Christian Church have decided that It is impracticable to enlarge the present :hurch edifice, and that therefore it is bet- ter to erect an entire new house of wor- ship. The church will probably not begin this work as soon as was expected, but it Is thought that the new edifice will be com- rnenced before the present year is out. Rev. Mr. Bagby, the pastor of the church, is preparing for a series of revival meet- ngs some weeks hence. The retreat for the Catholic clergy of Washington, Baltimore. Wilmington and Wheeling was concluded at St. Mary's Seminary last Saturday. There were near- ly one hurdred and fifty priests in attend- ance, and among the number were repre- sentatives from every parish in this city. rhe retreat was conducted by Rev. Father Elliot of the Paulist Order. Rev. Dr. George N. Luccock of the Metro- yolttan Presbyterian Church has returned o Washington after a six weeks' trip, Fpent principally in visiting relatives in [ndiana. The services at Metropolitan 3hurch during the absence of the pastor were conducted by Rev Frank N. Riale f Wooster, Ohio. The local Sunday School Union has decid- ,d to hold a meeting Friday, the 2d of Oc- :ober, at which to hear reports from the lelegates who went to,t.be Boston conven- ion. These delegates were as follows: blessrs. P. H. Bristow, J. F. Johnson, D. Percy Hickling, C. H. Carrington, J. B. ileman, Sr.. S. W. Woodward, Frank Hamil- ton. J. E Scott and W. W. Millan, and iisses Nowlin, Laws and Robertson. The ,xecutive committee of the union is mak- ng preparations for the annual conven- ion of the District of Columbia Union, to )e held In November. Nearly all the pastors of the local Lu- theran churches preached last Sunday for :he first ttme since returning from their racations. Rev. C. H. Butler spent his vaca- tion at Thousand Islands, Dr. Domer was :n the Shenandoah Valley, Dr. Butler so- lourned at Mountain Lake Park and FRarper's Ferry, Rev. Stanley Ualliheimer was at Gettysburg and Rev. Albert Hom- -ighaus visited the mountains of western hiaryland. It has been arranged to hold the regular mnnual meeting of the Methodist Protestant Thurch Extension Society of the District of "olumbia the 1st and 2d of October. At this meeting officers are to he elected and reporta made of the work accomplished luring the last two years. The acting resident of the society Is Rev. Samuel .. smith. Rev. Father Mackin of St. Paul's Church, s'ho has been seriously ill for some days past, is reported as being somewhat Im- proved. Rev. Mark S. Gross, one of the as- sistants to Father Mackin at St. Paul's ahurch, is just out of the house after hay- Eng been laid up for some time with ty- hoid malaria. The Epworth League of Hamline Metho- list Church have united with several other ocleties In holding services Sunday after- ioons at the Freedman's Hospital. They iave also been conducting Sunday evening ervices at the church. Arrangements are being made to hold mi annual. Christian convention from the ith to the 14th of next month at Rockville, l4d., which will Include all churches in hfaryland, Delaware anil the District of olnmbla, representing twenity-four Chris- Ian churches. The first day will be known ia "Preachers' day," and after that there will be sessions devoted to the Christian Endeavor, Sunday schools and Christian Vomen's missions. The presiding officer a Rev. F. D. Power, D.D. Rev. Dr. 8. H. Greene Is expected to re- ume preaching services Sunday, the 27th if this month, at Calvary Church. Super- ntendent P. H. Bristow of Calvary Sun- lay school has arranged to hold his annual ally day October 4. -There are now In the chool 1.188 scholars. Rev. Granville S. Williams, D.D., pastor f the Metropolitan Baptist Church, has returned home after a month's vacation spent at Martha's Vineyard, Mass., and vicinity. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Ninth Street. Christian Church are arranging for a series of five cnferences to be held during the year. For this purpose all the young people of the congregation are to be divided Into five equal committees and each committee will have chargd of a conference. Each com- mittee will present some topic for discus- lion at its meeting and then will follow a social, the refreshments for which are to be furnished by the committee. Pastor Bagby and his congregation think that this 'will result in promoting sociability and mat the same time prevent the burden of mocials from falling too often on the same shoulders. Father Gillespie of St. Aloyaius' Church has arranged for Sunday morning sermons iluring the rest of this month to be deliv- ered by the following, beginning tomorrow: Rev. M. C. Doan, S. J.; Rev. P. Jy. O'Con-. nel, S..J., and Rev. P..J. McGinney, S... Fathers Dolan and Colgan recently re- turned from the north, where they gave a retreat at Boston, New York, Worcester and Troy. The contractor who has charge of the erection of Grace Lutheran Church, 18th and Corooran streets northwest, is rapidly pushing the work forwar'd.' The major pcrtion of the stone front is completed and the walls of the aides and rear are nearly Enished. It Is probable that the church wrill be in a condition to hol4 services there before the end of this year, Itev. 3. W. Turner. nsfdetant rector at the Church of the Epiphany to preaching a course of sermons on Old Iesta ent Bi- ographies, the subjects during the Pat month having been Moses, Baalam, solo- mon and Elijah. Rev. F. D. Power, D. D., pastor of Ver- mont Avenue Christian Churoh,is to preach his twenty-first aniversary sermon to- morrow morning, having postponed it from last Sunday at the request of several memb of the congregation. Dr. Power began ministry In Virginia and then after serving as a profespor In Bethany College, West Virginia, came to this city twenty-one years ago. The Vermont Ave- nue Church was then a smal chape but Is now ene of the largest Christian churches I theoountry. Rev. Herbert S. Smith has been formally called by the vestry of Epiphany Church to be one of the assistant ministers. Father Gillespie of St. Aloysius' Church Is preparing to celebrate the diamond ju- bilee of Gonsaga College. The celebration will take place in November and will ocou- PY three days, during which the organiza- tion of an alumni society is to be effected and a dinner given In honor of the occa- sion. Rev. Francis K. Grimke of the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church has returned from his vacation spent at Berea Cottage, Point Pleasant, N. J. Tomorrow he will resume the Sunday evening services and at the same time the choir, the Sunday school and the Christian Endeavor So- ciety will start their work for the year. Rev. Mr. Grimke has in preparation a series of special sermons on "The Family Relations." during the course of which he will treat of those evils of the day which are proving pernicious to the family. Rev. Watson Case, who was until recent- ly pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, was In Washington this week vis- iting members of his former congregation and also his friends among the local clergy. Rev. Mr. Case Is now pastor of a church in Baltimore county, Md. Rev. Isaac W. Canter of Mount Vernon Place Church and Mrs. Canter returned Thursday evening from the Chesapeake bay, where they spent the summer. AUCTION SALES OF REAL ESTATE, &o Today. C. 0. Sloan & Co., Aucts., 1407 G St. n.w.-8th at. a.e., business property. No. 713. Sale Saturday, September 12, at 4:30 o'clock p.m. Ernest L. Schmidt, Henry F. Woodard and William C. Pren- tis, trustees. Monday. C. G. Sloan & Co., Aucts., 1407 G at. nw.-Ivy City, D. C., dwelling and lot. Sale Monday. Sep- tember 14, at 4:30 o'clock p.m. J. J. Leake, H. C. Denoon and Jas. E. Padgett, trustees. M. B. Latimer & Co.. Aucts.-Sale of entire house- hold effects In dwelling No. 932 E at. n.w., on Monday, September 14, at 10 o'clock a.m. AUCTION SALES. MONDAY. M. B. LATIMER & CO., AUCTS., 1229-1231 G St. n.w.-Entire Household and Kitchen Furniture, contained in house No. 932 E St. n.w., will be sold at auction on MONDAY, SEI'TEMBER FOUR- TEENTH, 186, COMMENCING AT TEN O'CLOJCK A.M. D. D. HORTON, Salesman. sell-2t* . 0. SLOAN & CO.. ACTS., 1407 G ST. TRUSTEES' SALE OF A VALUABLE LOT AT IVY CITY, D. C., IMPROVED BY A TWO- STORY FRAME HOUSE. By virtue of a deed of trust, recorded In Liber No. 1909, folio 393 et seq.. one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the require- ment of the board of directors of the United Bank- ing and Buildi-ag Company of Richmond, state of Virginia, the undersigned, trustees, will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on MON- AY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBEIt, 1896, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., that certati piece of land and improvements thereon, sitcate In the county of Washington, and District of Columbia. and known as lot numbered ten (10), In block numbered four (4), of Ivy City, as the skbdivision thereof is recorded In county subdivision Book Levy Court 2, page 76, in the offlce of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: Thirteen hundred and ninety dol- ters and 20 cents and the expense of executing the said trust cash, and the balance in two equal pay- wruts, at one and two years from day of sale, with Interest at six per cent per annum, and secured by the not-s of the purchaser, and a deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $100 will be required at the time of sale. Ail conveyancing and recording at the purchaser's cost. Terms to be tomplied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to nesell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. J. J. LEA E H. L. DENO6N, JAS. E. PADGETr, ae2-deds Trustees. FUTURE DAYS. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUS'EF!B' SALE OF NO. 1337 F STREET NOtTHEAST TWO-S'ItRY BRICK )WELL, ING. CONTAINING SIX ROOMS AND BATH. By virtue of a certrin deed of trust, recorded in Liber No. 1973, at folio 190 et seq., or.e of the land records of the District of Columbia. we shall sell, in front of the premises, on 'TUESDAY, THE TWENTY-SECOND [DAY OF SEI'TEMBER, A.D. 1896. AT SIX O'CLOCK P.M., 101 one hundred and eighty-seven f187), In square ten hundred and twenty-nine (1029), together with the Improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balanee in one and two years. with Interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. $150 required at time of sale. CHARLES F. BENJAMIN, WM. H. DUNCANSON, se12 Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEFJtS. TRUS'EES' f-ALE OF NO. 213 I STREET OUTH- EAST-TWO 1OtRY BRICK DWELLI'G OF SIX ROOMSAND BATH. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded in Liber No. 2076, at folio 155 et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, we shall sell, in front of the premises, on MONDAY, the TWEN- TY F13ST DAY of SEl'TEMBEIR, A.D. 1896, at SIX O'CLOCK P.M.. lot thirty-eight (aS in square seven hundred and sixty-seven 476,7), together with the improvements thereon. Ts-rms of sale: One-third cash, bhlan'e in one and two years, with Interest nt 6 per cent pner an- num, ayable semil-annually. $100i required at tIme of sale CHARtLES 'F. JIENJA MIN, WM. Ht. DULNCA.NsO N. se12 Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF TWO TREE-STORY BRICK HOUSES OF NINE ROOMS EACH, NOS. 229 AND 231 TWELFTH STRtEET SOUTHWEST. By virt-ie of two certain deeds of tn-st, recorded in Liber number 2109. at folios 444 and 449 et seq., one- of the land -records of the District of Columbia, we sball sell, in front of the premises, on MON- DAY, THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF SEPTEM- BElt, A.D. 1806. AT HALF-PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., lots seventy-i wo (72) and seventy-three (73t), in square two hundred and nInety-six (296), to- gether with the Improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest at 6 per cent per annum, psyable sem-nrenually. $200 required at time of scle on each property. CHARLES F. BENJAMIN, WM. H1. DUNCANSON, se12 Trustees. RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO. AUCTIONEERS. (buccessors to Ratcliffe, Ilarr & Co.) TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A- VERY DE!SIRABLE THREE-STORY AND BASEMENT BAY-WIN. DOW BRICK HOUSE, NO. 2123 R gS'REET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 1714, folIo 232 et seq., one of the land records for the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under- signed surviving trustee will offer for .sale by pulcauction, in trout of the premises on rRI- DAEGTEENTH DAY OF SE'TEMlEER, A.D. 1890, AT HA-LF-PAST.FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following describ~ed real estate, situate in the county of Washington, District of Columbia, known and described as lot numbered seventeen (17), In Miller and Carusi, trustees', subdivision of Iots In block numbered ten (10), "'Kaiorama Heights," as per plat recor.ded in lIber County, No. 8, folio 106, of the rgcords of' the oinee of the surveyor of the Dlsttlct of Columbia, and situate in the county of Washington. In said District, together with all the improvements, rights, &c. Terms: One-third cash, the balance in one and two years, with interest from the day of sale at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $300 required ttpon acceptance of bid. If tile terms of sale aenot complied with In fifteen davs from the day of sale the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaultIng purchaser, after Eve days' advertise- ment of such resale in some newspaper published In Washington, D. 0. All conveyauncing and re- cording at the purchaser's cost. SAMIUEL CROSS, se7-d&da Surviving Tirustee. -THOMAS DOWLING & CO., ArUCTIONEERS, 612 E at. n.w. TRUSES'SL OF1MROVEI~PROPERtT NORTHEAST, WASHINGTON, D.C. By virtue of a deed of trust, bearing date on the 236 day of May, A.D. 1895, and recqrded in Iher 2006, folio 371, of the land records of the D~istrict. of Columubia, and at the request of the party se- cured thereby, we will sell, at public urnction, in f ono the premis, onTEM ERDAY tih I. HAIF" PAST FOUR.O'CLOCK P.M., ail that lot of ground In thne city of Washington, in the Disttiet of Columbia, known as lot numbered forty-nine (49) in Cabot's subdiv'islo'n of quare numbered six hundred and seventy-seven (87), according to the pl'rt of'said subdivision, as the samne appears of record tn the odice of the Surveyor for the District of Colunabia in subdivision book marked N. K at pege 274. 'Tarms of sale: 0ne-third eanh, balinee In two equal installments, pesdle In a "nd two years from day of sale, with Interest 1. able semi-an- nually at the, rate of -six (6) per centum per annum, and secured by deed of trust on the' property sold, or all (ssli. at tlie option of the pnurchasear. A do- posit of two hundred (200) dollars will ee rouired at the time of sale. Conveancing and i'ecord ngat cost of purehaser.. If terum of sale are not coma- piled with in tea days from day of sale thle trustees rserve the right to resell at risk and coat of de- faulting purchaser. ALEXANDER H. BELL, Trustee, 32 4Wet. nmw. GEORGE H. PL.ANT Jr. Trustee, AUCTION SALER FUTUME DAYS. RATcLIFFE, SUTTOW & 00. AUCTIONMERR (Successors to Deliffe, barr & 0O.) Lovell Diamonds, Lovell Specials, Lovell Ekcel Icycles High-Grade Standard Wheels, With 'Factory Guarantee, To be sold at our sales rooms, 920 Pa. Ave. N.W., on TuesdayAfter= noon, September 15th, .at 4:30 O'clock. Now on exhibi= tion. sel2-d&ds RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., Aucts. RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO AUCTIONE31W& (Successors to Roatciffe, Darr & Co.) VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BY AUCTION TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. CORNER EOHTEENTH AND K STREHi'S NORTH WEST, IMPROiVED BY A TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK HOU , NO. 924 RIGHTEITH STREET NORTHWEST, AND A THREE-STOltY BRICK HOUSE, NO. 930 EIGHTEENTH S TIREET NORTHWEST. LOT 61x90. ALSO DESIRABLE TWO-STORY AND BASEME'" BRICK DWELLING NO. 1486 Q STREE' NORTH WEST. ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY FOURTH, A.D. 1890, AT HALF-PAST FOUl O'CLOCK P.M., we will offer for oale, by publi auction, in front of the premises, by direction of the heirs, to close an estate, lots 31, 32, 3a and 26, in sunre 106, fronting 61 feet on K at. by a depti of feet on 18th at., making it the most desirable building site In the fashionable section of the north- west. This property will be sold subject, however, to a prior deed of trust for $21,000. the full lar. ticulars of which will be fully stated at the Lime of sale. ALSO, ON TIlE SAM1E DAY, AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., part of lot 23, square 20u, improved by a desirable -story and basement briek residence, known as No. 1486 Q st. n.w., now under good rental. Terms of sale: On lots 31, 82, 83 and 26, sq. 106, subject to a deed of trust for $21,000, the balance In cash. A deposit of $500 upon acceptance of bid. On part lot 23, sq. 2U9, one-third cash, the balance in one and two years. with interest from the day of sale at six ner cent per annum, payable semi-annually, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $1200 required upon acceptance of bid. If the terms of sale are not complied with in fifteen, days from the day of sale the right is reserved t, resell the prope.ty at the risk and cost of the-defaulting purchasers, after live days' adertisemnent of such resales in some newspaper published in Washington, D. C. All conveyancing and recording at the purchaser's cost. By order of the heira, sel2 RATCIJFEL SUTTON & CO.. Aucts. THOMAS DOWLING & 00., AUCTIONEERt. 612 E st. n.w. TRUSTmE' SALE OF IMPROVED PROPERry ON THE S. E. CORtNEI OF 4% ST. AND MARY- LAND AVENUE 8.W. By virtue of a deed of trust dated the 29th day of November, 1893, and -duly recorted in Ltber No. 1870, folio 204 et seq., one of the land records for the District of Columbia. and at the reqluest of the party secured thereby, the udersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on1 WEDNESAY -SEPTEMElt TWENTY-THIRD, 1896. at HA -PAST FOit O'CLOCK P.M.. the folowing described land and premises, situate in the city of Washington in the District of Colutnbla and designated as int hittered G in John Sloorist subdivision of lots in squate No. 584, as r pilat recorded in Liber B, foio 221. of the recor of the ofice of the surveyor of the District of Co'unbia, inproved ly a smill fra.ne butlding. Terms: One-third cash, eal.ince in one and twc yers, with interest at 6 per cent, secured by a deed of trust upon the property sold., or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. #100 deposit required at time of sale; all ceoreynuag an recording at purchaser's cost. Terms of sale to .e complied with within fifteen days from clay of sale, or the trusitces will resell the property at risk and cost of default. Ing purchaser. ALBERT CARRY, 135 12th at. s.e., ROBERT PORTNSIk, 1104 Vermont ave., se12-d&ds Trustees. I. B. LATIMER & CO., AUCTIO.NytIii 122D and 1281 G st. Executor's Sale of Two Two-Story Brick Houses, Nos. 236 and 238 4% street southwest. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER FIF- TEENTH, 1896, AT IIALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., in front of premises, f shall offer at public auction part of lot eleven (Ill, In square ive hun. dired and thirtyv-fouar (534, b'egrnning for same at the northwestern corner of said lot, thence thirty- four (34) feet south, thence seventy-flie (75) feet east, thence fourteen (142 feet north, thence twenty (2t) feet est thence twenty (20) feet north, thence ninety-five (i)feet west to 4% at. and place of be- ginnIng. Terms cash. $100 deposit 'vill be required at the time of sale on each property. All conveyancen at cost of the purchaser or purchasers. Teems ol sale to be .comnplied with In ten days from date of sale. WM. H. CRANSTON. Executor, se4-d&ds 13th and Pa. ave. F. WARREN JOHNSON, AUTIONER AUCTION SALE OP UNREDEREMEI) PLEDGER. On TUESDJAY MORNING SEPTEMBIER FIP- TEETH. A.D. 18196, at TNO'CLOCK I will commence to-sail at the establIshment of it. Held. enheimer, 1236 Pa. ate. n.w., all peesupon which the interest is overdue up to thi dte, con- sistIng of Fine Diamond itinga, Pins, Studs and Earrings, Oold, Silver awl Metal Watches, Horse- time and Split-second Wat-h 'a all kinds of Pine Jewelry, asorted Ladies' ana Gents' Clothing, Books, Clocks, Music Boxes, U~mbrellas, etc., to- et her with a class of goods generally found in a In offike. This sale shall continue at 2 p.m. same da. Ticket holders and out-oftown cus- tomers, kndly take notice. 55e-t E. H1EDENEIMER RATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., AUC110NERI. (Successors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Cu.) 1TUSTEES' SALE OF' A FRAME HOUSE ON PIEICCE STREET NEAR WASHINGTON STIcElfr, ANACOIA, D.C. By l irtue of two deeds of trust, recorded, re- spectiv-el in Liber No. 1739, folio 141, and in Lib~er No. 1817, folio 322 et seq., of the land records for the District of Columbia, and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the under- signed trustees will ofer for male, by pubiic auc- ienfrnoftepremises, on *EDN.IEDAY, SITENHY fPEMBER, A.D. 1896, at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the followin dlerIbed real estate, situate in the county o Washington, In the District of Columbia, and ist~wu and distinguished as and betsg lot numbered three hundred and'e1ghty-four (89i on the oediciai plan of "Uniontown,' more recently called "Ana- costia," together wmith all the Improvements, rights, etc. Terms: One-third dash, the balance In one and two years. with inte:eat, from the dyof sale at B per cent per annam, Wsured 1ly dee of trust on the property sold, er:all "ash, at the option of the purchaser. A dep of $100 tequired upon ac~- e;tance of bid.,I the .terms of, sale are not comn- phd with in Oftecaen from 'the day of sale the trustees reserves -ttigl to ressll the property, at the risk aind rest of the adfaulting purchaser, after five days' advertieent of such resale In some newspaper pub'lishe&' to Washington, D.C. All con- reyacing and recordin a~t the purchaaer'e cos.- C.Ii. DIN GMLERR, H. H.BERGANNTrustees. MI. B. LATIMERI 4 CO., AUCTIONEEIIS, 1.29-31 -G at. n.w. CHANCERY SALE OF DWELIANG PROPERTY, NOS. 052 AND .654 MAVY PLACE, BET'WEEN 6TH AND) 1TH AND G AND I STREETE SOUTHEAST. By vIrtue of a deatee of the Supreme Court of the District of Columlia, passed the 1st day of Sep temnber, 1896, in eutitys cause No. 157297, wherei WIllIam HI. Fuss et anl. are complainants, and Elisabeth Bean et al. defendants, the undersigned, trustee appointed by said decree, will sell at public anction in front of the I'etnses on MOND)AY, THE TWENTY:FIRST OP SPEMBtlt.'SJo, AT FIVE O'CLAOCK P.M1., that desirable real estate, bes lots 76 and 77 of J1. D. Croissant's subdivision o lot 37, in square 878 of Washington, D. C., ith the west 12 feet of lot 113, beginning at sLW. cor- ner of same, thence north 32 feet, thence east 11 feet, thence south 32 feet and thence west 12 feel to place of beginning, in Olive Cog's sub of loti in square 878. subject to 4-foot right of way acres. the north front of said lot 113, improved bytwc 2-story 5-room brick buildings. Terms: One-thIrd. pjurchase money in, cash, sand balance In one and two years, with interest at per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, se- cured by deed of trust on the proerysold, or all cash, at option of 4pn'cehaser. A elpoi of. $100 wIll be 'rqiredl at time of sale. -Terms of sale tc tbe compile with In ten days, otherwise trustee reserves the right to resell at risk and coust of de. faulting purchaser. onveyacing and recording at coat of purchaser. -: THOMAS I. GARDNER, Trustee, aso-adsIseen U a.n.. AUCTION SALi UT&aU AuA. T WUE' SALU OP A THREE-STORY BRICK NO, 414 ELM STRRIET Lgi By virtue of a deed trust, dly roomded in dber No 206 atflio e111t . f the land records irthe DIstrict of Cumiand at the request of the party secured the under- signed trusteas will ofer der ane, sc t pm lnA b~edU real estate, itumate in mated an N l of lotaah oelil thirtlya , In A. D. Hines' of part. of Ia numbered fourteen (14). in Le Droit a e plat recorded In count book No. 8, page of records of the office the surveyor of the of Columbia, together with all the improvements, rights., etce wi be sold subject, however, to a prior eof trt for M.00 Tetma ot sale (over the trust cash. A deposit of #00 rqreuoaacceptance of bid. = 1.1 I to b led wi In ifteen days from the day of sale. Conveaciag and recording at the cost of the purchaser. GEORGE J. NATERDAY GEORGE Y. WORTH~iN*ON, sel2-dkds Trustees. RATCLIFFE, STZON & CO. AUCTIONEERS. (Succemsors to Ratelife, Darr & Co.) TRUSTEES' ArE OF VALUABLE UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATU1 KNOWN AS PART OF 'SPRINGVALE.' OF BAIZr'S PURCHAR. The as truatees under a certain deed of trust date Ma 10, 182, and re- corded In Liber 1 folio 857 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia. having en the 12th day of June. 186, by virtue of the authority of said deed of trust, and after due public adver- tisement, as required by said deed of trust, sold, by auction, certain real estate hereinafter described. and the purchaser at said sale having failed to coMPly with the terms of said male, the undes- signed trustees will, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, resell the said real estate at public auction in front of the mremises, on THURSDAY. SEVENTEENTH DAY SiPTMBER, A.D. 1806, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., lbe said real estate being in the county of Wash- ington. in the District of Columbia, and described metes and bounds as follows: All that certain or rcel of land and premises knows and distingu as and being part of a tract of land known as 'Springale,' or Bailey's pur- chase, and more fully described by metes and bound. as follow@: Beginning at a atcr.e on the west side of the Eastern Branch road at the southeast corner of the land hereby ce d and thence north 22 degrees, east twetyn and 28-100 perches; thence north 15 degrees, east twelve and 49-100 perches; thence north 5 west twenty-three M-100 perches; thence degrees, east eighteen perches; thence north 27% degrees, east sixteen 6M-100 perches, to the center of Smith's Branch; thence following the center line of said branch north 564 degrees, west twelve perches, thence north 60 degrees, west seven peches; thence north 81% degrees, west seven 36- 100 perches; thence north 48% degrees, west ffteen perches; thence north 81% west twenty- eight perches thence north 55% degrees, west twenty-two 66-100 perches, to the center line of the track of the Baltimore and Potomac LIL- thence with the center line of the track of sai railroad south 56% degrees, west six perches; thence south 58% degrees, west six perches; thence south 62% degrees, west six percher'; thence south 63% degrees, west six perches; thence south 68 degrees, west six perches; thence south 70% de- grees, west six perches, to the Eastern Branch river; thence following the line of the river south 3 degrees, west ten perches; thence south 19 de- grees, west ten perches; thence south 2 degrees, east eighteen perches; thence south 41 degrees, west six perches; thence south 16% degrees, west six 40-190 perches; thence south 11% degrees, west seven 20-100 perches; thence south 22% degrees, west five 84-100 perches, to a stone and the bound- ary lire of one Mason's line; thence with the said boundary line south 61% degrees, east one hundred and twenty 12-100 perchea, to said stone on the west side of the Eastern Branch med and place of beginning, containing fifty-one and 52-100 (51 52- 100) acres, more or less, together with al the in&- provements, rights, &c. Terms of sale: Ome-third of the purchase money in cash (of which $1,500 must he paid to the trus- tees at the time of sale), and the balance in two equal installments, in one and two years, with In. terest at 6 per cent per annum, Payable semi- ennually, the deferred payments to De represented by the notes of the purchaser, hearing date the day of sale, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the rchaser. All conveyancing at purchaser's cost. If trns of sale are not complied with within ten days from day of Sale the trustees reserve the right to resell at archamer's cost. W. '. WRIGHT GEORGE R. WRIGHT, Trustees. se5-d&da 1401 141 st. n.w. C. G. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G st. THE STOCKe FIXTURES AND GOOD WILL OF THE EBBITT HOUSE DRUG STORE, CORNER 14TH AND F STREETS, AT PUBLIC AUCTION. By direction of the owners we will sell at public auction within the premises on WEiDNEM)AY. MEII'TEMBER SIXTEENTH, 1806, AT TWELVE O'UCLtK M., the stock, fixtures, goodwill, &c., of the long-established and well-known "Ebbitt House Drug Store," corner 14th and F sts. n.w.. one of the beet locations in the city of Washington. This sale offers an unusual opportunity to secure a good business. The store contains modern fixtures in every way, also a splendid stock, and Is worthy of attention. Terms: One-half cash, balance In six and twelve months, with satisfactorily indorsed notes secured by 'trust on stock and dxtures, or all cash; 500 (ash at time of sale. Store now open for exhibi- tion. sell-dts Q 0. SWAN & CO., Ancts. RATCLIFFE. SUTTON & 00 AUCTIONEERS. (Successors to Ratclffre, barr & Co.) ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE BICYCLE STORE, NO. 60 E STREET NOtTHWEST, COMPIISING WHEELS, TOOLS, FIXTURES. &c. By virtue of a deed of assignment given to me, and doly recorded, I will sell, by public auction, on the above premises. on WEDNESDAY, SIX- TEENTH DAY OF SEPTMBElt, A.D. 1896, AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M., the entire stock contained therein, to which the attention of the trade ard private buyers .Js called. Terms cash. sell-d&dbs A. LEFTWIrH SINCLAIR. Assignee. POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. The Weems Steamboat Co. FAIL SCHEDULE. Steamer Potomac leaves 7th et. wharf every Sunday at 4 p.m. for river landings and Baltimore. Passenger accommodations strictly first class. Elec- tric ighted throughout. All river freight must be prepald Specal rates gven on Baltimore freight TEHENSO. BitOS., Agenta. 910 Pa. ave. Tielephone, 745. se7-tf WTEAMEB8 WAI EFIELD AND T. V. ARROWSMITH FiOR POTOMAC RIVER -LANDINGO. STEAMER WAKEFIELD LEAVE WASHING- TON, D.C., Mondays and Saturdays, 7 am., for intermediate laudings to Colonial Beach, Bushweyi Bock Point, Crotton's and Nomninl (reck; returuing, arrives at Wash tonoen STuesdays and Sundays stout 4 pm. W Lsay.7 am., for interme- diate laigs to Colonia Bec.Bushwoe Rock Point, Colton's. Stone's, Howr's and Cuam's, Nomini creck; returinarrives at Washington Wednesdays, 3 np.m., for Colonial ten'st Abell's, Leoeardtown, Nomini cre.Piney Point, St. George's Island, Smith creek, Conand Yen- cr.minco rivers; return , arrives at Washington early Wednesday and Frdy moralnws Saturdnys, 0 p.m., for Riverside, (lonial Beach, Colton'a Piney Point. St. George's Island. Smnith's creek, voan and Yeocomico rivers; returning, ar- rives at WanSundays about 10 p.m. See schert.Ie inef'ect June 27. 1606), jy-f C. W. RIDLEY. General Manager, " . 5. RANDALL POTOMAC RIVER [AND.- Steamer Harry Randall leaves River view Warf,. 7th set, Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday, at 7 land.,gat all wharves as far down as Mad- dox creek, a.. includin Chpe Point and Colonial Beach, returigon M dasabout 9 p.m.; Wed- nesdays and Fridy about 859.m. Passenger as- commodations firat-clase. reht received until hour of sailing. Telephone 175 U. A. RRED & CO., 3. 5. RANIDAI- Agents. Alexandria. Proprietor and Mngr 0EO. 0. CARPINTER, Glen. Sn35 Washington. .I OCEAN TRAVEL. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Inte:Aded netaahipa sailing from Vancouver TO Japan AID China: EPESOF INDIA....Oct. 12, Jan. 4, Mar. U EunROF JAPAN...........Nov. 9, Feb. 1 EMPRESS OF CHINA...........Dec. 7, Mar. 1 TO HONOLULU, FIUI AND AUSTR.ALIA:- WARRIIMOO-Oct. 8. MIOWERA-Nov. S. Second tat-in accommodations ver low rates. For tickets and freight rates apy 855 Broadway, N. Y. For freight rates only,6 Wal t., N. Y. fe15-eolyr ?.ETHERLANDS LINE. From New York to Rotterdam via Boulogne sur Mer, Prance, 8V hours from P'arls or Iouden. s.8. MAASDA.....Saturday. August 22--10 am. S.S. SPARLNDAM4... -.Saturday, August 29-10 am. First .'abln, *48.00 to $55.00; second cabIn, #3h For Infor mationap, to General Passsenge Agency, No. 29 B..aNew York cit , agents in Wast ton. D.C.G.W. MOSS, 92"Pa ave.' E. F. DR OP & SON, 925 Pa. ave.. o, CRANE. PARRiS & CO., Ebbitt House. mh10O-tu~tht&a,11.tt American Line. Nesw York-Southampton iLondon-Parbe Twinsecre U. S. Mail Steseah=. Sau~every Wenesday. Paris.....st I 10amiSt. Lonis..Oct. 14, 10 am New York. t. PautL..Oct. 21, 10 am Sat.. let19. 10 am Paris.-..Oct. 28, 10 am St. Louis. .Set 2., 10 am St. Louis. .Nov. 4. 10 am fit. Paul...- 80, 10 am 1St. Paul..-.Nov. 11, 10 am Par----..O. 7. 10 am. Red Star Line. NEW YORK TO ANTWEI1P. KEN UINGTON................eptember 16, noe WES'TERNLID...............eptember 22, noon SOUTH WARK.............eptember 80 10 am, NOORi \'D.................October a, 12 noon FR1ET ND. ...... .cober14 12noon Pir 4and 15. North River. - DJoce,6 Bowlig Grss , . -630. W. MO88 Agent. mhtlSme~ 1n1 Wa.. . HOTEIT This IUat Appearm Every aturday. HOTEL POCKET GUIDE lefenmate-, remams. ete.,ef any Hotel bease. h at or addrem (s- -sam the HOTEL TARIFF BUREAU, a Fifth Av.. Nw Tera. I 6 Regent 8t., IadoAM. ONs nea d. Divalt. Paris. (A. P. alumia Amnarm. Plis; . P.. MEepea.) LLBANY. X- T............The Krmmm, A.P.. S UarMANDIA BAY. N.Y..The Digeweoed A.P., 44 IMI 'HO WYf.Nj .w Gordna Hotel. ,IJ up Iet manamim Hoes ga Atani cet. nOut MD........ ntsSeat., . P., 1..0 do...............The Carentsam, A. P.. $8 Up BOSTON, Mms ...........Heald Voodom A.P.. 4 -ROOKLYN, N.Y.Hotel StGeorge, .P.j1; A.P.,lP d..1. W. Blake) Oarlebon Hotel, E.P.. $1.10 IL.FAI, N.Y.The Iriquois, E.P..$1.50 up; A.P.,$4 ZNCD1NATI. Ole..Grand Hotel. E.P., $1; A.., $9 FEmd CITY. X. ..Hotdl Washington. n.P.,1.60 LAKZ GEORGEA N.Y. Lake Hous, A.P.. $.00 do............The Marlon House. A.P.. $2 up "EVEiPoor, Hoglanri ....Oamptos Hotel. A-P., $ LoNDON, nog~a........The ran nm E.P.. $2 NEW HAVIN, Cam...He etd Naestie, A.P.. $B up !ZW YORK..........FUth Avenue Hotal. A.P., P do.....................The Majaeti- E.P. $2 do.......Hotel Netherland. E.P. $2: A.P.. $5 da.(W.F.LeiandTheWindmor.I.AhO;LP..$4 do.......The Geard, E.P., $1.50; A.P.. $S.A0 do- -The Marlborough, KP.. $1.00; A.P.. $3.30 do-..-L. L TO The Veaname. LP.. $1.50 do. -GK. B. Barry) St. Goad Hotel. E.P.. $1.50 do.(B'wAy & 13th st.) The St. DealeE.P.,$1.10 do..(Wa. G. Lelandi Grand Hotel, E.?.. $1 up do........Hotel Westminster. A.P., $.50 up do.(W.Jounon ila) The Empire, LP.. $1 up do.(Davls & Foster) Hotel St. Andrew.E.1.51.0 do. (11th st.) Albert-at. Stepbenm P..$t up do. .0th ave. & 10th st.) The Gresvenor. A.P. do.(Qms.ELeran Hotel Balmoral. A.I*..$I up do..Hotel Smdoatt, L.P.. 62; A.P.. $3.50 up do. .(B'Wuay&27t The Metropoiuta,.3.P..$1 up do.(Wm. Noble) Hotel Greneble, E.P.. $1.10 up d.0th t.& B 'way) Hotel Pomseroy.E.P..$1 up do.(Sth av.&Ith)H't'i Kimuta.E...i .00p xEW YORK.(g.e. car. 5th av.&l5th) Hotel Hanover. (A high-class fsaily Hotel. American Plan.% IAGARA FALLS........(htaract House. A.P., $4 LD PT. COMFORT. Va.Tbe (naumbern. A.P., $4 LsILADErPHIA ....The Alding Hotel A.I.. P. 0 do....The Now IAfayette. E.P.. $1; A-P.. 53 L'HIAELPiH ..Oiomd. LP.,$1.0; A.P..P.10 (T hea cuisine In Philadelphia.) 0ORTLAND. Me.......The Preble House, A.P.. $9 PORTSMOUTH. N. H....The Rockingham, A.P., #6 EBFC, Ca......iateau Foateuac. A.P., $3.50 IICHMOND. Va.........'Ite Jef'eron. A.P., $5 up iOCHESTER, N.Y. .New Otrm Hose. A.P.. $2.50 do................The Livingston, LP., $2.50 do.... .........Whitomb House. A.P. $2 up T. LOUIS.MO.(grep'f) Southern HeltelA...P to 46 do- -Lndel Hotel. EL..$1.0 up; A."..2.50 up BYRACUSE, N.Y..Yates Hotel.E.P., $1.10; A.P.. $4 REN'O.NJ.Trenton Hs.E.P..$l up.A.P..$2.lOup WASE INGTON. D.C.....Arlington Hotel. A.P.. 45 do......Hotel Normandie. E.P.. $2; A.P., $5 do................The labitt House. A.P., $# do ............Hotel Page, .P.. 4. A.P.. 4 my6.20.28,2tthenstf SUMMER RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY x. . L3d & LPPINCOIT Desire to Inform their gatram that HADDON HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Will be kept Wpen the entire winter tr the re- ception of guests. Selo-tf PIRST-CLASI HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. NEAR beach; line table; %III take guests at $8 to $l0 Ir week; regular rates, $12 to $18. P. 0. Box :,r. Atlantic City. seb-Ims MHE PENNHURST-O'RAN END Of MICHIGAN ave.; electric elevator; @team heat. Send for 11- lastrated booklet. Special fail and winter rates. 107-tf JAMES HOf)D. Hotel Imperial AE Ocean end Maryland ave. Full ocean view ft wide tbree-story porehl. This beandoem and homelike house has every comfort and conven- ience for Winter a" summuer guests. Large rooms. healthiest locality. Artesian water. Tatle and service a specialty. Greatly reduced ra'er. mhl4-166t G. W. KENDRICK. 1EIDE HOUSE, kean end Pennsylvania ave., Atlantic aty. N. J.. Will renanin open all the year. Iwrl gfty heated. elevators and every imqeaence. se-CHAS. EVAN. EOTL RICHMOND. KENTUCKY AVE.. OCAN end. Atlantic City. N. J-Steam beat. au par- lore, elevator, Ac. Bor term and other inforam- tkn addree fe13-eotf J. D. PEASE. THE BERKSHIRE INN, Vc""- entirely remodeled this aesoan; quiet and homelike; reasonable rates; absolutely free imm moaquitoem; headquarters for Washingtonians. GEO. A. ROCK. Mmeer MARSHALL & TLOTSON. Props. HOTEL BERKELEY, Extreme ocean end of Kentucky ave. Elevator and all conveniences. Special September rates. au28-26t JAI. & GEO. BEW. KENILWORTH INN. Ocean end Kentucky ave. Full ocean view. Every convenience of modern times. Elevator to street level. Special rates for September and October. Illustrated booklet mled. G. F. COPE. au25-260t THE CHALFONTE. Directly an the ocean frout. Send for Illustrated booklet. an22-t A. ROBERTS' SONS, HOTEL ATULEN. Miehigan eve. near beach. Atlantic (Ity. N. 7. Rates, $8 to $10 r werk. LHeated. Send for booklet. J. . R- .my21-18ft Carlsbrooke Inn, VENTNORI. ATT.ANtIC CO.. N. J. Delightfully aituated en ocean tront. All mod- ern Improvements; elevator. gaelectric belle; 10 minute. by electric catrom Atlantic City. Special rate. for June. Addres Se12-3m A. . EAWOitD.Teasm.r N. . IOE WST(NE. KMNTUCKY AVE. AND) Beach; 100 f.et from tha oen; mauic; egeeieat table end wee17 hope: *2 per day; $8 to $10 Week. I.. V. cKNEY. mb2-t BEACH UAVEN. 3. 5. The Engleside, Beach Haven. N.J. P.. B. ENGLE. Prop. Opnunti October 1. BEACHE HAVN GIVEN SURE REI EF FROM FAY FERU. Send far special terms and boolet. my5-l110t VAPE MAY, 3. 5. ARILTON. CAPE MAY POINT. N. J.-DIRtDr.LV oa beach; accom. 800; all m~odern convenlences; Wah. ret, given; open truhNovember; very Smoderate all terms. .MADD C. el2.t.26.3t BREKTON VULiA-OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 1. Near beach; large es parlor; beatiful verandas; special rate. ael2w 5. A. MYERS. IN TE MOUNTAINS. BOLIVAR HEEGHTS HOTrE.--EPnAL nRTE for Sept. and (Ot. Home omforts. (load dehiag and hunting. Beat table. Rate. 61, $7 end $b r week. Circular, at Star .evic. JOHN H. DUKE. (al1-tt) W. 5. MURPHY. lBRENS MOUNTAIN MOUSE, LOCAT ON Fruit 1111 Farm. Blue Ridge mountain; mn ste.' drive from depot; rate., $5, $6 and $7 p.- week; medicinal water; conveyances meet trains; two lovelieat oaths of the year-Sept. and Oct. Send for circular. uzy7-Om dcDO WELL HOUSB-BEAUIU FOR AITUA- ti. ane. an attraetive ----er home; aa. porcese; esceilne,, ale; clean, airy room. wim~ mpountain and river view.. Addrees B. E. Mc- DOWELL,Hrper's Ferry, W.Va. a.2-1m HULTOP HOUIE, HARPER'S FERRY. W. VA. Tis .s esrt Ia :an bat-cla table end p;telegragh T. .ame MHE LOCKWCOD. HARPER' FERRY. W. VA.. will opnits 10th season MAY 20. Rloom. large and sedi table lest-class; rates MEDICAL CANCER EXPERT. (hre. without the knife; references earn be given; 148 recent cores In thI, city. aell-m* DR. GEORGE IUrZY. 51 HI at. .w. Dr. CZA RRA'S PRIVATE DISPENSARY. No. 610421 Pa. ave. n.w.. Washington, D. C. SP'ECIALTY--All cbromic, merveun, blood and ina e, bladder and aiaytotepls tricture, fat restored. EfaJtubepe, lour, S to 12 .m., 3 to p.m. au2-1m* NO FEE UNTIL CURED. Dr. Leatherman, Soeinlet Is all forms f e da disese..m Hydroeele, Varkacele and trcture caned. Onaeritation free. Hoas. o to t2. 2 to 5; Tms., ae,. and Sat, even.. 7 to S. m0 F e.w. _jy35-2m__*_______ ae aley. - DENTSTY [IR. JOHN HAUGHXTON LAONDCN,' DENTIBT, IS e-adiesl eag..andta as sy eaecessor to de- in WadalugiWam at 11010 a t. rn-v. Dr. W. MERntILL. now of Gerham, Maie. PER DENTAL INFIRMARY. so$2m..5 pm. R ARTROADS. WASsXGTUN. ALE AINrRIA AND MT. VZIKij RAIL-WAY. WammStaies,13%St. and Peona. ova, In Suley3i 20. AOR ALEADRIA 4afn.-4-*, T. TM I 0:2D ex 11. 12 .m.; 1. 2. . 4:15 e. 4: .%t 6:15. 5l 1 , 10, 11 and 06 $K Ok7:20 on. a:0 8:30 ers.. . a-. 1, , 4. 4: ' 3. 6 . 76 S. S 14 2 a kY :ft, 11:01. 10:21 &.m. 12, 1 1:21. 31I1 4:2L, G6 4: 6 62L 10:2g . igt a RA RR DNk e AL AQ immffil e p mdw.) 12D a46kkJ 3 I M' ARLM402O CM &:ft 6:15 7 a FM 9:0, 10:0. 11:0 a-m.* 12:10 1AD 2-fm :3, :3, :3.1:80, 11:111 p.av. 90a 91fli SIDE PARK (1any).-10l, 11. 12 a.=.- 1, 4:15, 4:15, 7 6 p.m. WUNDAYB-4 1I:* a.m.; 12:0,1 1:- 2:0, 31 0, en 6 6i. 7:05. Si:. 9:0 p.m. Ba: eheed free har beddn Got. cen= at stattsm.a 5 ee each. G. I. ABBO1T. I. rKBI'8,P 0em Manager. Ge. Pm. Agea. PENNSYLVANIA RALROnAD. statio arer of oth nd B street. 71:50 A.M. WC D AYS7.So Am. LWUNDAT. PMTdBLRG EZPmn -.Parro and Diming CaM Harrisburg to Plttrtmg. 10:10 A.M. PENNEYLVANIA LtMITim.-Pttmaa Seeptg. Dimig mo and 4servation CaM Harrisburg to Cleago. muatt, ludlanaPlis. St. Louis, Cleveland and Tuledo. buffet Parlor Cor to U~lb~ 10:30 A.M. F INE.-.Paltmn Buffet Parior Car to Harrisurg. Buffet Parler Oar HLawiburg to Pittsburg. 3:40 P:M. CHIICAGO AND ST. I/1-Is EXPRPS. -Pullman Befet Parlr Car to Harrhdwg. Slp. tog and [Diing Car.i Harrisburg to St. Loias. Cincinmati, Louisville and flcago. 7:10 P.M. WE8TpFtN EXPREMS.-Peumas Sleep- =ig Oar to OCicge and Hasrisurg to Crelaud. 1i~u Car to Chkigra. 7:1 P31 S 'm EKXPf. -Iatieram Ileeping es Washetoto Pittsburgad Ptts- berg to at Louis, Dini 4lar to .c.lmtt. 10:40 P.M. PACIFIC EXPiII ---Pama Sleep- ag ar to Pittiarg. 7:0 A.M. for Kane. inGLeaigna. Rorhlater md Niagara Falls daily. eacept Sunday. 10:20 A.M. for Elmra sad Remove daily ese Sunday. For Lo-k Haven week days and W - aiassport tendaya. 3:40 P.M. 7:10 P.M. for Williamsport. Roebeater. Buffalo and Niaase Erals daily. exeept Saturday. with V.eg- tog Car Washington to Suspension Bridge Buffalo. 10:40 P.M. fo: Erie. Camandaigua. Rocester. But. fain and Niagara Falls daily. Sle-eping Oar Wash- taigten to Etlirs. FOR PHILADIELPHIA, NEW YCLK AND THO EAST. 4:01 P.M. "CONGmIKSIONAL LIUMTED." daily. all Parlor Cas with D)ning Car from Baltimore. Regular at 7T. (doining Carl, 7:20. :0.I 10:10 (1nitng Car), and 11:00 (tIming 'ar from Wil- mingtoa) A. M.. 12:65. 3:15, 4:20, 4:410. 14#:40 and 11:35 P. M. to Sunday, 7:00 (DiNing Cari. 7:20. 9:00, 11:00 (Dining <ar from WilmInetone A. M.. 12:15. 8:15. 4:20, 6:40. 10*0 and 11:35 P. IN. For Phtiladelphia only. Fast Eaereus. 7:30 A. .4. week days. ELagresa. 12:15 week days. 2:41l and 5:40 P.M. dally. Flr Ilsston. witho. hange. 7:50 A. K. week days. a.4 3:15 l'. M. daily. For Baltimore. 6:25. 7:0. 7:20. 7:50. 9-00. 10-AR. 10:30. 11:00 and 11:50 A. It.. 12:15. 12:45. 2:411. 2:15. 3:40 14-04P Lmit.ds. 4:20. 4:36, 5:4. 41, 6:40. 7:10. 10-00. 10:401. 11:15 and l:35 P. M. Os Sunday. 7:00. 7:211'. -400. 9:".,. 14:31. 11:. A. M.. 12:15 1:15. 2:01. 3:15. 3:40 t4:10 Lim- 2teM. 4:20. 9-40. 6:05. 6:40. 7:10. 10:0U. 10:40 and 11:5 P. M. For Pope's Creek Line. 7:20 A. M. and 4:36 P. 3L daily. except Sunday. Sundays 9-t, A. M. For Amapols, 7:20. 11-400 A. W1.. 12:15 and 4:20 P. M. daIly. except Sunday. Sundays, 9:00 A. M. and 4:20 P. M. Atlantic Oset Line Ezpreo. 4:30 A. M.. S:4. P. M. daily; Richmond only. 10:57 A. M. we.k days; Atlanta Special. via Richmound and ySal~ord Air Line. 8:40 P. daily. Acnm,daton for Quaotlko. 7:45 A. M. daily and 4:25 1'. St. week days. SEASHORE fYINNETI(. For Atlantic fite (va Ielaware Rive-r Bridge. al. rail route). 3:1b and 11:35 P. M. daily: 'ia Mar- ket Street Wharfi, 10:00 A. X. and 12:45 P.M. week days and 11:35 P. M. dally. For Cape May, 10:00. 11-00 A. M. week dayv, 11:35 P. M. daly. Ticket ofitkc, corwer 15th and G sts.. and at the station 6th and R Sta.. %herv (rd.rs van Ile left for the checking of baggage to distinatilw froa hotels and residencs. S. M. PREt-WT. 1. R. W,0il. General Manager. General Pawo-ngr Agent. aeS BALIMhORB AND O810 RAILROAD. S=asdde in esct SlI I, 189.6. Leave Washingtom tram raton cormer of New Jesme arease ad C street. Mr 0w : and orthwest. nstnbled limited trtal, 10. am.. S:0 p.m. ForOn'im ati t Emmis and EVtmasteent. :ed Limted, : a.; 12:15 Night. For Pittsburg nd n ev eapres dati. I10:0 am. and 6:40 p.m. For Berkeley ftvigs 2:0 p.m. dally. ee.et s:00 must daiy. and b:(5 p.s. For Meotate lake Park and Oak- land, 12:00. 3;& p.m.. 12:15 a.m., aU daly. NO west-bousnd tratns stop at Mountain Lake Park Sun- aLe Leoia and Staustos. 12:a sanoo. For Winchester and way stations. 15:30 p.m. eor New Birmaghm Cta.: wee. 1=" r" 625. 11F.gIB For g isiatmore. 6-ee k JaO af6: 00 E7%.7:1.G7 80. fg ED a30:0,K12-611 am.,al2:M. 12:1. a12:, .:00.6 a. -.2. 4:3, 6:M, W510, ii:3. 5M. 99:0. 6:3k wb:0ot, 6:W6 2:2k, 11:15. a11:60 p.m. and 12:01 night. Su. " 7:. zT 7:10. 80. alli 004 a.m. &alz . &120%. 125. z241. SIB 4:32, 532.- 15:10 4:0. Us00 sS:2, 11:15, all .m. Fe hAtmpslin. 7:10 and 6:10 a.m.. 13:10 and 4:2S p.m. U-aas. 5:4 a.m.. 4:2 p.m. For Frederick. *1:00 aim., 112:19 Au . 11:15 93. :3t .m. "For 9 112:00 maWnand 95:30 p.m. For Beland wag po4t. w days. 1a.m 4:. 6:306 7T p.m. uiday, 9:40 a.m.. 1:15. 7*5 p.m. 1111w riur and way Delete. week as 7:05, .m :5.. :00. 4: 4:32. 1"OR 7:5, 11:30 p.m. Sndas, S:04 am.. 1:15, 5:31, 7.5, 10:15 p.m. For Washisgtem jmuctia asd way pelata, 000 a.m.. 61:15 p.m. Espress trains stopping at pria- EWI station. esly. 94:3. 95:3 p.m. Fo CvMa. 10 am.. 12 even. ROY B .IaNE u S -1EW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. All tratim ilumaaed wita pifsteh l1ght. Par Phliadpila. New Y Berk Bte and the amst, week days. 7:00. 7:M, . 62 (0:00 am. Diin thr), 12-0. 125, 3:00 45: Dining Carb, : p~m.12:0 Mgt eepIng (hr ,sat £0:00 0- . Sund(ys 5. DInting *h , 2:0 am., Car1) n123 gD Cars. 2:2 505. Dining }. 6:0t O2.01 t; Cr open tar ga. aengers, 10:0 p.. Baffet Parlor Caemo alt day trais. For Atlantie CQty. 10:00 am., 12:06 moo. esS 12:35 p.m. wee't dap.. 12:35 p.m. Sundays. tEroept Sumnay. *Datiy. pendarg esly. Baggge cnefar anddke6 from botei. ead sealdenm by Omico Teanster Os. on orders left at ticket mom., 6l0 Pemnyivania avenue s.w.. New Teak awm and 13th treet, and at Deo. WE. B. GRUES, (ni 0n . .C1 Gem n. agre. Gyrib 0e.. Pan.. Agt. OremaNKAZ.3 AND OHI0 RAILWAY. TIIODOH THU GRANDmT Sm:NER IX AMICLn ALL TRAINS VETIBUELED. EEMIRIC LITED. STEAM HEATED. Alle MEAZ.5 TRED IN DINING CAllS. SEA- UZON SIETH AND B STEIB. Sahadnin in emmet May 17. 1856. 3:25 P.M. D)AiLY-nnati nd S. Lambi t. e3i-SoMtoai. for Cinctimati. Pullman oieepet to Csmsmnnlatl.eigton, Laillue., lndisnapolls and St. Immis without ebmgs Commcts at Our- ingten, Va.. Car Mat Sprie. Parier casn Cneta- sa :37 AILY-F. P V. LimIted-SolId trate for Gnatit. Pualnman siesta Ccinsstl. Lexiaetam ae ElaillaU wit t change. Pail- man oumarmss crto ignali tpns Daily enmeettom for the Srns tbser. atlon car. Usqpern fslma to Ci aned St. Lst. 10:67 A.M., EEKPT UYA-Vla tliamd for Old Point and )lorfs&. Oniy rafl ime. 320 P.M. DAILY-3Far Gordammte. Charlotte. vilea. Staunton and for Riebmond. daily. eacept Sunday. Resnervatim asSe tickets at (linapeakte and (1Mm eceem, 513 and 1421 Peonsylessia area.e, lite P at. mw.. end at th station. Ur1S G~enerat Paseeneer Ageot. SOUTHERNtRAILWAY. PIEDMONT AIR LENB. Shuemaa in eSset 3me 14. 1856. All traes arrive and leave at Pemyiptania pse. SBAM.-Daily.-Lmia ser Dauvinle. OumaeM at Mmassn for Stsadum.g da75~i~ Sumny, and at Iahugwith the - re~soWestern. daily.,a with t Che Oeapeeke and Ohio daily for the Natural Brigeand Cliftoa Forge. 11:15 A.M.-.-THE UNITED STATERt FAST MAIL. Carrie. e Bufet Sleepers. New York and Washit to to lackamvilie. uniting at Sals- bPultltman g- erfor Asheville ad H1ot N. C. Emmrtl nd Oattanooga. Ternn.. adat (nastette with Pullman Steeper for Augusta: son Pullman Seep"e New York to New Orlenns. via Mon~t;;quwry. untting at Charlotte with E'sllmau Sleeper for Birmingham. 4:01 P.3.-Locai for Funat RoyaL. Rirerten and :51ab~g P daily. ercp 3onda,, 10:40 P M.--Dali.-WAIIHINr.'ON ANDi80'Tit. WVTUInN VM11tt2 IJMITilD. compaued of Pullmas Vestlhuled 61 wn.DinIng Can and Day Ooaches. Pllana ~en New Yort to Ashe- ville and Sot Spring.. .C.: New York to Tamtpa. tia Charlotte. Cllmbia, Savannab and 3adem..- v~le. ad Eew York to Memiphis, via Rt-mlnghm; New touk te New Oirleams. via Atlanta and Hot- ery. Vestibuied Day (hadk Wahington io At- ta.. Southern Railway Distamg (ar Greensbero te THANSON WASHIINGinN ANDi 41111 DIVIS- ION leave Washtngten 9-et am. daily. 1:00 p.m. ad4:45 pm. dat 5.51 . and 45p m. fot sr Laedbati. and 6:25p.m. daily far Weraam emtuing. arrive at Waetulngten 5:26 amu. and 7:05 p.m. dafnv. and 5:00 p.m. dativ es- eept Sunday. from itnd ittf. 7:8am. dntly, ex- gept Sunday. tem Herd... 5:24 a.m. daity, es. Sunday. frasm ELehtug. ,raugh tesam frm the aneth arte at Wash- lecton. 6:42 s~m., 2.20,.m. and 91:46 p.m. dlaity. 3*anamse Dietales. a-a am. dnaiy. ezer Sum- an~d S:40 a.em. daily from Oaiet vl et.Neepia (hr esservatlaa ad informa- thrn futmitwd at ameen. 511 and 1256 Pemlvema asea.e. and at P'smayitemma railroad ma~mor W. ii. GuREN. Gener~ai Spt. s. . ni. Yv.Ue Wmager. W. A 3.M. Osm. Pam.A. L. 8UMOWN. Gemas. t maa

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-21 · Important To Some People! DR. SHADE, 12Z 14th mt., Iuag andThreat Specialet, i the only physician in this country who eaims theability

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-21 · Important To Some People! DR. SHADE, 12Z 14th mt., Iuag andThreat Specialet, i the only physician in this country who eaims theability

ImportantTo Some People!DR. SHADE,

12Z 14th mt.,Iuag and Threat Specialet,

i the only physician in this country who eaimsthe ability to care O.inmmption (Tuberculosis), andwho has proven the same by living witnesses re-sing ta the District ot Oulnmbla-phyaltCinm,megehanta, asueldans and other citisens who arwilling to be interviewed. Why spend j0ar timeMad mosey with doctors who do not even claim thatthW have car4 ne come. or even believe the din-- eas blDr. hads's terahznm Discovery for (inmanp-

tion, Lang, Throat and Catarrbal Disease has beentested, and AD other plan of treatment has ae-

eempislhad se* result. Send or cal for booklet,symptom blank, &e. for those desiring home treat-ment.003e hom-M-eday, Wednesday and Friday enly

fom 9 to 12, and 2 to 6 sharp.O(smealtation free. Dr. Shade in charge. atStoSe15


The quarterly conference fbr the southern districtof the African M. E. Church, which has been insession for sevoral days at Campbell Church, Hills-dale, closed yesterday. Each meeting of the con-ference was largely attenied, and much interest inthe proceedings was manifested.The Bryan and Sewall Club of Anacostia d a

larlge and -ntuala=tlc meeting in Anacostia ra-day evening. and arrangements were completed forthe ratisng of a pole and Sag Tuesday evening neat.The gasolire motor, which the inventor, Mr.

Thomas C. Pole, hopes to have adopted by the Ana-costia Iattroed Company, was again experimentedwith yesterday, but the reslts were not a. favor-able as was expected. Mr. Pole says he is grad-ually getting the machine perfected, ad he e-xpectathat in a little while he will have It arranged sothat it will be as reliable for motive power as anelectrie or cable car.

The entertaiennt recently given by the Ladies'Village Improvement Society being such a decidedsuccess, and as a number have expressed a desireto again witness the same, !t is probable that itwill be rep-isted in a stort time. The society willuseet Tuesday. the 15th Instant, with Mrs. MauriceCILggett, when final arregements for the repeti-tion of the entertainment will be completed.Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright and laughter and

Mrs. Preston Wright have returned from Brook-side, W. Va.Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle and Miss Mamie Poo-little are on a pleasure trip to Ocean Grove and

other summer resorts.Miss Keys has returned from a trip In Virginia.Mrs. Ben. Miller has returned from Bay Ridge.Mra. Maurine Wolfe Is again at homa in Linden,

iter a visit to relatIves in Frederick county.


A very enjoyable dance and social party wasgiven last night by Miss Anita Phillips at theacaidence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Phil-Lips. A large number of her friends were present,refrmhments served and a pleasant evening wasspent by all. Among those present were ithesMangie and laie Ruck, Bessie Foster, and Messrs.Charles Hoed, AlLert Mayer of Washington; MissGrundy, Eleanor Matthews and Mr. Glen Bromineof Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. William Stranarhan,Mrs. Alonzo Mills, Missm Sallie Yeataan, Edith 0.Merrifneld, Maad Hodgkin, Addie Mae Spofford,Marie TowLfend, Nellie E. Uawxburst, FananieMot,re, lannaa ieby, FAna Bitch. Pearl Luttrell.Emma Albertson, Miesrs. Arthur B. Flagg. Geo.T. Mankin, F. U. and W. I. Eastman, Walter andHerbert Birch, 41'. W. Parker. Philip Nourse, Cu-tiU. itoreteck, S. W. Fiagg. Ryall Albertson, EverettMerritehl. Albert Birc. Boy-l Watson, W. W.Kitaaley, Jr.. Edward Tallaott.Mis. M. A. Gatrner and daughter, Miss Margie

Garawr. are visitlag friends in loudoun county, iA.The funeral of Ms. Abram hiutersbaugh. who

lived nemr here, Took place yesterday front 'he31. E. Church. Rev. J. W. Norris preached thefau-ral ermon. Interment was in Oakwood cem-etery.

31r. W. I. Eastman left this morning for Mt.Claire, N.J., to resume his duties In the Mt. ClaireMilitary Aamlemy.

Mi-.. Virgie Bugg of Farnaville, Va., arrived yes-teotay anl mill emter u1pon her duties as teacher ofthe int-ritediate 'leparttunt of the pubile gradedschool of he town, on Monday.Mr. George, A. truner. contractor, has nearly

conlete-d Ihe irmpr.veimonts to the pulile sehoolbui.hig.31iss EdnA and Nellle Birch entertained a num-her of their friends Thursday night.


Mr. P. B. Buell has sold the farm of MartinBicksler to J. W. Bauckana of Ieesburg. Mr.Backiler will nove into Washington next week.Mr. BueH has clan sold it- Krebs farm, formerlyoured bay F. C. Averill, to L. W. Brown of Waoid-st'-k. Va.The Ladies' AId met sith Mrs. Sweetser Thors-

day evening. These present: Mrs. Gresham, M-.Grob, Mrs. McNetil, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Barrister,rIs. Sima,nds, Mrs. Bartca and Mrs. 1tweetser.The Bryan and itewall Club had ks a speaker at

their meettig Friday evening Mr. Andersen of Al-endria. There was a fair sised gathering. Thebend was In attendance.Mr. M. H. irlinkerhoft and wife of Falls Church,

with Mr. H. F. Lowe. wife and son, are visitingfriLs here.Mr. Jacob LAonhardt and family have establishedthesiaelves in their new house.Mr. Win. A. Van Deusen continues in nhout theseme condition he has been during the past twoaeeks. His Len (ryIlle, who is doing businessin Washligior, has been yanaring the past twoweeks or mote with him.Mr. J. W.Bowie has completed the addition to ahsdwelling,. which greatly Improves Its external ap-eu.rance.

BROOKLAWD.The lawn adjoinig the residence of Dr. Egleston,on Hartford street, was well crowded last night,

the occasion being a lawn festival by the OddFellows of Brookland. The house and grounds werefeaaaaaned with tray lanterns, and refreshanents wereserved throughout the eveunn~. The musical enter-tainanent provided was heartily aypreciated. TheBoane Orchestra of Waahingtona furnished severalselections, and there were vocal solos by MissBuchler of Washingreno and Mr. J1. Cassel. Mi eDaisy Clark delighted the company with mandolinseiles, with Mrs. 'iroomes a. acceopanist.Urand Master Junws of the District Odd F4Ilowsgave an amusing recttIosln, entitled, Mrs. Ma'keney's Experience at the Iaentist'q,." The work ofthe Home Orchestra deserves special meat ion, andit is composed of Mr, and Mrsv. Edmundl Birk,I raf. Hiarry Maxwell, Prof. William J. (tates andMlaster Willie Burk. This was tline most enjoyableSteal gathering the Btroualand Lodge, L. 0. 0. F,ha'-e h~ad during the Jasat year.Mr. Louls Doalloway haa returnA fromn his marn-mner outing In the north.Mrs. J. J. lImber has moved from lith street,ad is now locateud on Dover street.Mrs. R. Johnston and family have returned from

a lengthy stay at her cottage at Washington Grove.Mr. Jones of the Nateonal cemtnery has visitinghim his old friend and neighbor, Cape. Whipple ofFlorensce, S. C.Memtorial servies were held recently at RockCreek Church in memory of an old resident, Mrs.Glendennin, formerly of this vicinity.Mrs. Andrew Meeblejdur Is very 11l at her homeIn Woodburn.The sudden death of Mrs. Ellen Barry, which oc-eurred recently at Woodburn, was a great shock toher sassy friends. Mris. Barry was much becloved,and was everywhere noted for her charity. Shewas an old resident and had a large circle offriends. The interment was at Itodk C'reek cease-

amdl Reynolds of Eckington has returnedfrom mamutering in the Bine Ridge auetalns.Mim Mary Burr is expeted to return tomnorrowfroan a southern trip.

MisAgnes Broeka has returned from a pleasantvisit to Woodville, Md., where she was the guestet the Misses Forbes.Mr. 0, i. Ward, president of the electric raIl-

way at Dallas, Tex., in the guest of Mrs. MaryBurr ot 12th street.Mescrs. Albert and Harry Burr have reuredfron a at outing at Woodville, Md.me. en Bookswith her chnflden was the a-cent guest of her miother, Mrs. Baine of Wash-.

LAUREL,Thke family of Mr. Key Comapton of Norfolk, Va.,

are the guests of Mr. Opmpton's parents Mr. andMrs. Barnes omupten, here.Mr. Jubn Davis of Baltimore was the reent

guest of his daughter, Mrs. John Hesln, on 4thseet.Miss Pauline Plammery returnsd Tuesday to St.

Josephs Acadment, ~mtsburg, after spending hervacat"o here with her parents, Mr. and Ma.. JohnA. Plannmery.Miss Gertie Gates of Washington baa returned

home, after a pleaaat visit here,Mis Maie Ball of Washington is the guest ofrelative. hare.MSh Julia Bradley has returned from a plasantvisit to relatives in Fairfa, county, Va.Ths Misses Watkias ot Richmond, Vs., are the

guests of the Smmily ot Mr. (mer.Mr. (b~rGalther of Beward centy was theguest of hsbrother-in-law, Mr. 3. K. Wilmsmrecently.Miss Arnie Waltamm of Baltimoere Is the guest offrisads and relative. in this eity.Mr. and Mrs. Wehb of Batme,. weme the guests8ammy of Mr. and Mrs. Thender. Morrisse.Idiot. U. C. Whitwoeth of the Uaited States

rename cmtter Vorwaad, whiob is now at Mobile,Ala., b the ensd and relativee here.

Dr- JFis in Richmnd, Vs., visitingfrad ad relatiesMiss Eta Hawes, wte he. bae the oflmae. 3. K. Whildeid, a seed to her in

PemvaiaMm., Marbury and familly t Emewd county haveremosved to Laaret.Rev. T. A. Sites, who was fdreri paster of,

Taity K. Charoeh th this city' was theguest of lauel friads rcty.Mr. Stank L. Ahsru, jr., o ew Task was the

=aeSI this oakf Maa , Mr. and Mm Bk


The American Society of Religious Edu-:ation, which has Its headquarters inWashington, has been Invited to hold an

Lnterchurch congitess in connection withthe Tennessee centennial exposition to be2eld next year. The governor of the stateis joined with the exposition commis-

dioners in the invitation and the societyUs sent out a circular of what it pro-poses to do. It Is probable that a number>f ministers of this city will be present.Dr. Gilbert, the secretary of the society.returned this week from a trip to the west.While away he conducted a biblical Insti-ute at Mountain Lake Park.Pastor R Hes Swem of the Second Bap-1et Church was quite ill during his Au-ust vacation, but has returned suticientlyestcred in health to occupy his pulpit.A letter has been received in this city

'rom Rev. Dr. MKim, dated from Spa,Belgium, stating that the health of Mrs.M1cKim Is much improved. Dr. McKim isIpending the major portion of his time InEngiar d, and expects to return to this'ountry some time in the early part of)ctober.The finances of the Central Union Mis-

licn, which were reported In The Star someweeks ago as being In a very low state,lave somewhat Improved. The regular pub-Ication of the Bulletin, the ofical organf the mission, has been resumed.Last Wednesday week a handsome win-low in memory of the late John Tynanwas placed in St. Paul's Catholic Church.[he window Is the production of Meyer>f Munich, and is five feet wide by four-:een feet long. It is the second window:n the Gospel side of the church and rep-'esents St. John giving communion to theVirgin Mary. There. are two more win-IWs yet to be placed in the church.The pastor of Dumbarton Methodist7hrrch, West Washington, Rev. JosephB. Stitt, D. D., accompanied by Mrs. Stitt,B spending his vacation this month in thencuntains of western Maryland. The serv-ces at Dumbarton Church are to 'be con-lucted by several ministers; Rev. Alex-Lnder Blelaski having preached last Sun-lay morning.The biennial eastern conference of theEnglIsh Lutheran synod of Missouri, to.which members of that denomination ofWVshlDgton belong, was held Tuesday andWednesday in Baltimore. Rev. WilliamDallmann of Baltimore presided, with Rev.. C. Morhardt of this city as secretary.number of addresses were delivered bynivisters from the several sections of the:ountry, among them being Revs. GeorgeKoenig of Trinity Church, and C. C. Mor-7ardt of Christ Church, both of this city.The local Methodist Protestant ministersheld a meeting last Monday at CentralChurch, at which they arranged for a se-ries of meetings to be held at the Metho-list Protestant Church, 13% and D streetssouthwest, beginning Sunday, the 20th ofthis month. Each of the five churches ofWashington in the denomination will havecharge of music on different evenings, andit Is expected that In this way each churchwill be Induced to take a more active Inter-est in the services. The meetings are to beconducted by the pastors of the localchurches.In a short while the St. Paul BuildingAssociation, to which In a large measurethe erection of the fine new edifice of St.Paul's Catholic parish Is due, is to be re-

organized. The recent fair for the benefitof the church netted about 8,5W0. It Is ex-pected that by the 1st of October all thepews which have been contracted for thenew auditorium will be In place.Rev. W. Raymond Stricklen, pastor ofHamline Methodist Church, has returnedwith his family from a two weeks' visit toDcean Grove. The choir of the church, un-ler the leadership of Mr. J. Arthur Rose,resumed charge of the music of the churchlast Sunday.The committee on building of the NinthStreet Christian Church have decided that

It is impracticable to enlarge the present:hurch edifice, and that therefore it is bet-ter to erect an entire new house of wor-ship. The church will probably not beginthis work as soon as was expected, but itIs thought that the new edifice will be com-rnenced before the present year is out.Rev. Mr. Bagby, the pastor of the church,is preparing for a series of revival meet-ngs some weeks hence.The retreat for the Catholic clergy of

Washington, Baltimore. Wilmington andWheeling was concluded at St. Mary'sSeminary last Saturday. There were near-ly one hurdred and fifty priests in attend-ance, and among the number were repre-sentatives from every parish in this city.rhe retreat was conducted by Rev. FatherElliot of the Paulist Order.Rev. Dr. George N. Luccock of the Metro-yolttan Presbyterian Church has returnedo Washington after a six weeks' trip,Fpent principally in visiting relatives in[ndiana. The services at Metropolitan3hurch during the absence of the pastorwere conducted by Rev Frank N. Rialef Wooster, Ohio.The local Sunday School Union has decid-

,d to hold a meeting Friday, the 2d of Oc-:ober, at which to hear reports from thelelegates who went to,t.be Boston conven-ion. These delegates were as follows:blessrs. P. H. Bristow, J. F. Johnson, D.Percy Hickling, C. H. Carrington, J. B.ileman, Sr.. S. W. Woodward, Frank Hamil-ton. J. E Scott and W. W. Millan, andiisses Nowlin, Laws and Robertson. The,xecutive committee of the union is mak-ng preparations for the annual conven-ion of the District of Columbia Union, to)e held In November.Nearly all the pastors of the local Lu-theran churches preached last Sunday for:he first ttme since returning from their

racations. Rev. C. H. Butler spent his vaca-tion at Thousand Islands, Dr. Domer was:n the Shenandoah Valley, Dr. Butler so-lourned at Mountain Lake Park and

FRarper's Ferry, Rev. Stanley Ualliheimerwas at Gettysburg and Rev. Albert Hom--ighaus visited the mountains of westernhiaryland.It has been arranged to hold the regularmnnual meeting of the Methodist Protestant

Thurch Extension Society of the District of"olumbia the 1st and 2d of October. Atthis meeting officers are to he elected andreporta made of the work accomplishedluring the last two years. The actingresident of the society Is Rev. Samuel ..smith.Rev. Father Mackin of St. Paul's Church,s'ho has been seriously ill for some days

past, is reported as being somewhat Im-proved. Rev. Mark S. Gross, one of the as-sistants to Father Mackin at St. Paul'sahurch, is just out of the house after hay-Eng been laid up for some time with ty-hoid malaria.The Epworth League of Hamline Metho-

list Church have united with several otherocleties In holding services Sunday after-ioons at the Freedman's Hospital. Theyiave also been conducting Sunday evening

ervices at the church.Arrangements are being made to hold

mi annual. Christian convention from the

ith to the 14th of next month at Rockville,l4d., which will Include all churches in

hfaryland, Delaware anil the District of

olnmbla, representing twenity-four Chris-Ian churches. The first day will be knownia "Preachers' day," and after that there

will be sessions devoted to the Christian

Endeavor, Sunday schools and Christian

Vomen's missions. The presiding officer

a Rev. F. D. Power, D.D.

Rev. Dr. 8. H. Greene Is expected to re-ume preaching services Sunday, the 27th

if this month, at Calvary Church. Super-ntendent P. H. Bristow of Calvary Sun-

lay school has arranged to hold his annualally day October 4. -There are now In thechool 1.188 scholars.Rev. Granville S. Williams, D.D., pastorf the Metropolitan Baptist Church, has

returned home after a month's vacation

spent at Martha's Vineyard, Mass., and


The Young People's Society of ChristianEndeavor of the Ninth Street. Christian

Church are arranging for a series of five

cnferences to be held during the year.For this purpose all the young people of

the congregation are to be divided Into fiveequal committees and each committee will

have chargd of a conference. Each com-

mittee will present some topic for discus-lion at its meeting and then will follow a

social, the refreshments for which are to

be furnished by the committee. PastorBagby and his congregation think that

this 'will result in promoting sociability and

mat the same time prevent the burden ofmocials from falling too often on the same

shoulders.Father Gillespie of St. Aloyaius' Church

has arranged for Sunday morning sermons

iluring the rest of this month to be deliv-

ered by the following, beginning tomorrow:Rev. M. C. Doan, S. J.; Rev. P. Jy. O'Con-.nel, S..J., and Rev. P..J. McGinney, S...Fathers Dolan and Colgan recently re-turned from the north, where they gave aretreat at Boston, New York, Worcesterand Troy.

The contractor who has charge of the

erection of Grace Lutheran Church, 18th

and Corooran streets northwest, is rapidly

pushing the work forwar'd.' The majorpcrtion of the stone front is completed and

the walls of the aides and rear are nearly

Enished. It Is probable that the church

wrill be in a condition to hol4 services there

before the end of this year,Itev. 3. W. Turner. nsfdetant rector at

the Church of the Epiphany to preachinga course of sermons on Old Iesta ent Bi-ographies, the subjects during the Patmonth having been Moses, Baalam, solo-mon and Elijah.Rev. F. D. Power, D. D., pastor of Ver-

mont Avenue Christian Churoh,is to preachhis twenty-first aniversary sermon to-morrow morning, having postponed itfrom last Sunday at the request of severalmemb of the congregation. Dr. Powerbegan ministry In Virginia and thenafter serving as a profespor In BethanyCollege, West Virginia, came to this citytwenty-one years ago. The Vermont Ave-nue Church was then a smal chape butIs now ene of the largest Christianchurches I theoountry.Rev. Herbert S. Smith has been formally

called by the vestry of Epiphany Church tobe one of the assistant ministers.Father Gillespie of St. Aloysius' Church

Is preparing to celebrate the diamond ju-bilee of Gonsaga College. The celebrationwill take place in November and will ocou-PY three days, during which the organiza-tion of an alumni society is to be effectedand a dinner given In honor of the occa-sion.Rev. Francis K. Grimke of the Fifteenth

Street Presbyterian Church has returnedfrom his vacation spent at Berea Cottage,Point Pleasant, N. J. Tomorrow he willresume the Sunday evening services andat the same time the choir, the Sundayschool and the Christian Endeavor So-ciety will start their work for the year.Rev. Mr. Grimke has in preparation aseries of special sermons on "The FamilyRelations." during the course of which hewill treat of those evils of the day whichare proving pernicious to the family.Rev. Watson Case, who was until recent-

ly pastor of Grace Methodist EpiscopalChurch, was In Washington this week vis-iting members of his former congregationand also his friends among the local clergy.Rev. Mr. Case Is now pastor of a church inBaltimore county, Md.Rev. Isaac W. Canter of Mount Vernon

Place Church and Mrs. Canter returnedThursday evening from the Chesapeakebay, where they spent the summer.


Today.C. 0. Sloan & Co., Aucts., 1407 G St. n.w.-8th

at. a.e., business property. No. 713. Sale Saturday,September 12, at 4:30 o'clock p.m. Ernest L.Schmidt, Henry F. Woodard and William C. Pren-tis, trustees.

Monday.C. G. Sloan & Co., Aucts., 1407 G at. nw.-Ivy

City, D. C., dwelling and lot. Sale Monday. Sep-tember 14, at 4:30 o'clock p.m. J. J. Leake, H.C. Denoon and Jas. E. Padgett, trustees.M. B. Latimer & Co.. Aucts.-Sale of entire house-

hold effects In dwelling No. 932 E at. n.w., on

Monday, September 14, at 10 o'clock a.m.


M. B. LATIMER & CO., AUCTS., 1229-1231 GSt. n.w.-Entire Household and Kitchen Furniture,contained in house No. 932 E St. n.w., will be soldat auction on MONDAY, SEI'TEMBER FOUR-TEENTH, 186, COMMENCING AT TEN O'CLOJCKA.M. D. D. HORTON, Salesman. sell-2t*

. 0. SLOAN & CO.. ACTS., 1407 G ST.


By virtue of a deed of trust, recorded In LiberNo. 1909, folio 393 et seq.. one of the land recordsof the District of Columbia, and at the require-ment of the board of directors of the United Bank-ing and Buildi-ag Company of Richmond, state ofVirginia, the undersigned, trustees, will sell, atpublic auction, in front of the premises, on MON-AY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBEIt,

1896, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., thatcertati piece of land and improvements thereon,sitcate In the county of Washington, and Districtof Columbia. and known as lot numbered ten (10),In block numbered four (4), of Ivy City, as theskbdivision thereof is recorded In county subdivisionBook Levy Court 2, page 76, in the offlce of thesurveyor of the District of Columbia.Terms of sale: Thirteen hundred and ninety dol-

ters and 20 cents and the expense of executing thesaid trust cash, and the balance in two equal pay-wruts, at one and two years from day of sale, withInterest at six per cent per annum, and secured bythe not-s of the purchaser, and a deed of trust onthe property sold, or all cash, at the option of thepurchaser. A deposit of $100 will be required atthe time of sale. Ail conveyancing and recordingat the purchaser's cost. Terms to be tomplied withwithin fifteen days from day of sale, otherwisethe trustees reserve the right to nesell the propertyat the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser.J. J. LEA E

H. L. DENO6N,JAS. E. PADGETr,ae2-deds Trustees.



By virtue of a certrin deed of trust, recorded inLiber No. 1973, at folio 190 et seq., or.e of the landrecords of the District of Columbia. we shall sell,in front of the premises, on 'TUESDAY, THETWENTY-SECOND [DAY OF SEI'TEMBER, A.D.1896. AT SIX O'CLOCK P.M., 101 one hundred andeighty-seven f187), In square ten hundred andtwenty-nine (1029), together with the Improvementsthereon.Terms of sale: One-third cash, balanee in one andtwo years. with Interest at 6 per cent per annum,payable semi-annually. $150 required at time ofsale.



By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded inLiber No. 2076, at folio 155 et seq., one of the landrecords of the District of Columbia, we shall sell,in front of the premises, on MONDAY, the TWEN-TY F13ST DAY of SEl'TEMBEIR, A.D. 1896, atSIX O'CLOCK P.M.. lot thirty-eight (aS in squareseven hundred and sixty-seven 476,7), together withthe improvements thereon.Ts-rms of sale: One-third cash, bhlan'e in one

and two years, with Interest nt 6 per cent pner an-num, ayable semil-annually. $100i required at tImeof sale




By virt-ie of two certain deeds of tn-st, recordedin Liber number 2109. at folios 444 and 449 et seq.,one- of the land -records of the District of Columbia,we sball sell, in front of the premises, on MON-DAY, THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF SEPTEM-BElt, A.D. 1806. AT HALF-PAST FIVE O'CLOCKP.M., lots seventy-i wo (72) and seventy-three (73t),in square two hundred and nInety-six (296), to-gether with the Improvements thereon.Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in one and

two years, with interest at 6 per cent per annum,psyable sem-nrenually. $200 required at time ofscle on each property.




DOW BRICK HOUSE, NO. 2123 R gS'REETNORTHWEST.By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in

Liber No. 1714, folIo 232 et seq., one of the landrecords for the District of Columbia, and at therequest of the party secured thereby, the under-signed surviving trustee will offer for .sale by

pulcauction, in trout of the premises on rRI-DAEGTEENTH DAY OF SE'TEMlEER, A.D.1890, AT HA-LF-PAST.FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the

following describ~ed real estate, situate in thecounty of Washington, District of Columbia, knownand described as lot numbered seventeen (17), InMiller and Carusi, trustees', subdivision of Iots Inblock numbered ten (10), "'Kaiorama Heights," asper plat recor.ded in lIber County, No. 8, folio 106,of the rgcords of' the oinee of the surveyor of theDlsttlct of Columbia, and situate in the county ofWashington. In said District, together with all theimprovements, rights, &c.Terms: One-third cash, the balance in one and

two years, with interest from the day of sale atsix per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,secured by deed of trust on the property sold, orall cash, at the option of the purchaser. A depositof $300 required ttpon acceptance of bid. If tileterms of sale aenot complied with In fifteen davsfrom the day of sale the trustee reserves the rightto resell the property at the risk and cost of thedefaultIng purchaser, after Eve days' advertise-ment of such resale in some newspaper publishedIn Washington, D. 0. All conveyauncing and re-cording at the purchaser's cost.


612 E at. n.w.


By virtue of a deed of trust, bearing date on the236 day of May, A.D. 1895, and recqrded in Iher2006, folio 371, of the land records of the D~istrict.of Columubia, and at the request of the party se-cured thereby, we will sell, at public urnction, in

fono the premis, onTEM ERDAY tih I.HAIF" PAST FOUR.O'CLOCK P.M., ail that lot ofground In thne city of Washington, in the Disttietof Columbia, known as lot numbered forty-nine(49) in Cabot's subdiv'islo'n of quare numberedsix hundred and seventy-seven (87), according tothe pl'rt of'said subdivision, as the samne appears ofrecord tn the odice of the Surveyor for the Districtof Colunabia in subdivision book marked N. K atpege 274.'Tarms of sale: 0ne-third eanh, balinee In two

equal installments, pesdle In a "nd two yearsfrom day of sale, with Interest 1. able semi-an-nually at the, rate of -six (6) per centum per annum,and secured by deed of trust on the' property sold,or all (ssli. at tlie option of the pnurchasear. A do-posit of two hundred (200) dollars will ee rouiredat the time of sale. Conveancing and i'ecord ngatcost of purehaser.. If terum of sale are not coma-piled with in tea days from day of sale thle trusteesrserve the right to resell at risk and coat of de-faulting purchaser.ALEXANDER H. BELL, Trustee,32 4Wet. nmw.GEORGE H. PL.ANT Jr. Trustee,


RATcLIFFE, SUTTOW & 00. AUCTIONMERR(Successors to Deliffe, barr & 0O.)

Lovell Diamonds,Lovell Specials,Lovell Ekcel

IcyclesHigh-GradeStandard Wheels,With 'FactoryGuarantee,

To be sold at oursales rooms,

920 Pa. Ave. N.W.,on


September 15th,.at

4:30 O'clock.Now on exhibi=


(Successors to Roatciffe, Darr & Co.)VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BY AUCTION



ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTYFOURTH, A.D. 1890, AT HALF-PAST FOUlO'CLOCK P.M., we will offer for oale, by publiauction, in front of the premises, by direction ofthe heirs, to close an estate, lots 31, 32, 3a and 26,in sunre 106, fronting 61 feet on K at. by a deptiof feet on 18th at., making it the most desirablebuilding site In the fashionable section of the north-west. This property will be sold subject, however,to a prior deed of trust for $21,000. the full lar.ticulars of which will be fully stated at the Limeof sale.

ALSO,ON TIlE SAM1E DAY, AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.,part of lot 23, square 20u, improved by a desirable-story and basement briek residence, known as No.1486 Q st. n.w., now under good rental.Terms of sale: On lots 31, 82, 83 and 26, sq.

106, subject to a deed of trust for $21,000, thebalance In cash. A deposit of $500 upon acceptanceof bid. On part lot 23, sq. 2U9, one-third cash,the balance in one and two years. with interestfrom the day of sale at six ner cent per annum,payable semi-annually, secured by deed of truston the property sold, or all cash at the option ofthe purchaser. A deposit of $1200 required uponacceptance of bid. If the terms of sale are notcomplied with in fifteen, days from the day of salethe right is reserved t, resell the prope.ty at therisk and cost of the-defaulting purchasers, afterlive days' adertisemnent of such resales in somenewspaper published in Washington, D. C.All conveyancing and recording at the purchaser's

cost.By order of the heira,sel2 RATCIJFEL SUTTON & CO.. Aucts.THOMAS DOWLING & 00., AUCTIONEERt.

612 E st. n.w.


By virtue of a deed of trust dated the 29th dayofNovember, 1893, and -duly recorted in Ltber No.1870, folio 204 et seq., one of the land records forthe District of Columbia. and at the reqluest of theparty secured thereby, the udersigned trustees willsell at public auction, in front of the premises, on1WEDNESAY -SEPTEMElt TWENTY-THIRD,1896. at HA -PAST FOit O'CLOCK P.M.. thefolowing described land and premises, situate in thecity of Washington in the District of Colutnblaand designated as int hittered G in John Slooristsubdivision of lots in squate No. 584, as r pilatrecorded in Liber B, foio 221. of the recor of theofice of the surveyor of the District of Co'unbia,inproved ly a smill fra.ne butlding.Terms: One-third cash, eal.ince in one and twc

yers, with interest at 6 per cent, secured by adeed of trust upon the property sold., or all cash, at

the option of the purchaser. #100 deposit requiredat time of sale; all ceoreynuag an recording atpurchaser's cost. Terms of sale to .e complied withwithin fifteen days from clay of sale, or the trusitceswill resell the property at risk and cost of default.Ing purchaser.


1104 Vermont ave.,se12-d&ds Trustees.I. B. LATIMER & CO., AUCTIO.NytIii

122D and 1281 G st.

Executor's Sale of TwoTwo-Story Brick Houses,Nos. 236 and 238 4%street southwest.

ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER FIF-TEENTH, 1896, AT IIALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCKP.M., in front of premises, f shall offer at publicauction part of lot eleven (Ill, In square ive hun.dired and thirtyv-fouar (534, b'egrnning for same at

the northwestern corner of said lot, thence thirty-four (34) feet south, thence seventy-flie (75) feeteast, thence fourteen (142 feet north, thence twenty(2t) feet est thence twenty (20) feet north, thenceninety-five (i)feet west to 4% at. and place of be-ginnIng.Terms cash. $100 deposit 'vill be required at the

time of sale on each property. All conveyancenat cost of the purchaser or purchasers. Teems olsale to be .comnplied with In ten days from date ofsale.

WM. H. CRANSTON. Executor,se4-d&ds 13thand Pa. ave.


commence to-sail at the establIshment of it. Held.enheimer, 1236 Pa. ate. n.w., all peesuponwhich the interest is overdue up to thi dte, con-sistIng of Fine Diamond itinga, Pins, Studs andEarrings, Oold, Silver awl Metal Watches, Horse-time and Split-second Wat-h 'a all kinds of PineJewelry, asorted Ladies' ana Gents' Clothing,Books, Clocks, Music Boxes, U~mbrellas, etc., to-ether with a class of goods generally found in aIn offike. This sale shall continue at 2 p.m.same da. Ticket holders and out-oftown cus-tomers, kndly take notice.55e-t E. H1EDENEIMERRATCLIFFE, SUTTON & CO., AUC110NERI.

(Successors to Ratcliffe, Darr & Cu.)1TUSTEES' SALE OF' A FRAME HOUSE ON


By lirtue of two deeds of trust, recorded, re-

spectiv-el in Liber No. 1739, folio 141, and inLib~er No. 1817, folio 322 et seq., of the landrecords for the District of Columbia, and at therequest of the parties secured thereby, the under-signed trustees will ofer for male, by pubiic auc-

ienfrnoftepremises, on *EDN.IEDAY,SITENHYfPEMBER, A.D. 1896, at

HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the followindlerIbed real estate, situate in the county o

Washington, In the District of Columbia, and

ist~wu and distinguished as and betsg lot numbered

three hundred and'e1ghty-four (89i on the oediciaiplan of "Uniontown,' more recently called "Ana-

costia," together wmith all the Improvements,rights, etc.

Terms: One-third dash, the balance In one andtwo years. with inte:eat, from the dyof sale atB per cent per annam, Wsured 1ly dee of trust onthe property sold, er:all "ash, at the option of the

purchaser. A dep of $100 tequired upon ac~-

e;tance of bid.,I the .terms of, sale are not comn-phd with in Oftecaen from 'the day of sale the

trustees reserves -ttigl to ressll the property, atthe risk aind rest of the adfaulting purchaser, afterfive days' advertieent of such resale In somenewspaper pub'lishe&' to Washington, D.C. All con-

reyacing and recordin a~t the purchaaer'e cos.-C.Ii. DIN GMLERR,H. H.BERGANNTrustees.

MI. B. LATIMERI 4 CO., AUCTIONEEIIS,1.29-31 -G at. n.w.



By vIrtue of a deatee of the Supreme Court of theDistrict of Columlia, passed the 1st day of Septemnber, 1896, in eutitys cause No. 157297, whereiWIllIam HI. Fuss et anl. are complainants, and

Elisabeth Bean et al. defendants, the undersigned,

trustee appointed by said decree, will sell at public

anction in front of the I'etnses on MOND)AY, THETWENTY:FIRST OP SPEMBtlt.'SJo, AT FIVEO'CLAOCK P.M1., that desirable real estate, bes

lots 76 and 77 of J1. D. Croissant's subdivision olot 37, in square 878 of Washington, D. C., iththe west 12 feet of lot 113, beginning at sLW. cor-ner of same, thence north 32 feet, thence east 11feet, thence south 32 feet and thence west 12 feelto place of beginning, in Olive Cog's sub of lotiin square 878. subject to 4-foot right of way acres.the north front of said lot 113, improved bytwc2-story 5-room brick buildings.Terms: One-thIrd. pjurchase money in, cash, sandbalance In one and two years, with interest at

per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, se-cured by deed of trust on the proerysold, or allcash, at option of 4pn'cehaser. A elpoi of. $100wIll be 'rqiredl at time of sale. -Terms of sale tc

tbe compile with In ten days, otherwise trustee

reserves the right to resell at risk and coust of de.faulting purchaser. onveyacing and recording atcoat of purchaser.

-: THOMAS I. GARDNER, Trustee,aso-adsIseen U a.n..



By virtue of a deed trust, dly roomded indber No 206 atflio e111t . f the land

records irthe DIstrict of Cumiand at therequest of the party secured the under-signed trusteas will ofer der ane, sc

tpmlnA b~edUreal estate, itumate in

mated an N l of lotaahoelil thirtlya ,In A. D. Hines' of part. of Ianumbered fourteen (14). in Le Droit a eplat recorded In count book No. 8, page ofrecords of the office the surveyor of theof Columbia, together with all the improvements,rights., etce wi be sold subject,however, to a prior eof trt for M.00Tetma ot sale (over the trust cash. A depositof #00 rqreuoaacceptance of bid. = 1.1 Ito b led wi In ifteen days from the dayof sale. Conveaciag and recording at the costof the purchaser.



(Succemsors to Ratelife, Darr & Co.)TRUSTEES' ArE OF VALUABLE UNIMPROVED


The as truatees under a certaindeed of trust date Ma 10, 182, and re-corded In Liber 1 folio 857 et seq., of the landrecords of the District of Columbia. having en the12th day of June. 186, by virtue of the authorityof said deed of trust, and after due public adver-tisement, as required by said deed of trust, sold, byauction, certain real estate hereinafter described.and the purchaser at said sale having failed tocoMPly with the terms of said male, the undes-signed trustees will, at the risk and cost of thedefaulting purchaser, resell the said real estateat public auction in front of the mremises, onTHURSDAY. SEVENTEENTH DAY SiPTMBER,A.D. 1806, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.,lbe said real estate being in the county of Wash-ington. in the District of Columbia, and described

metes and bounds as follows: All that certainor rcel of land and premises knows and

distingu as and being part of a tract of landknown as 'Springale,' or Bailey's pur-chase, and more fully described by metesand bound. as follow@: Beginning at aatcr.e on the west side of the Eastern Branch roadat the southeast corner of the land hereby ce dand thence north 22 degrees, east twetynand 28-100 perches; thence north 15 degrees, easttwelve and 49-100 perches; thence north 5west twenty-three M-100 perches; thencedegrees, east eighteen perches; thence north 27%degrees, east sixteen 6M-100 perches, to the centerof Smith's Branch; thence following the center lineof said branch north 564 degrees, west twelveperches, thence north 60 degrees, west sevenpeches; thence north 81% degrees, west seven 36-100 perches; thence north 48% degrees, west ffteenperches; thence north 81% west twenty-eight perches thence north 55% degrees, westtwenty-two 66-100 perches, to the center line ofthe track of the Baltimore and Potomac LIL-thence with the center line of the track of sairailroad south 56% degrees, west six perches;thence south 58% degrees, west six perches; thencesouth 62% degrees, west six percher'; thence south63% degrees, west six perches; thence south 68degrees, west six perches; thence south 70% de-grees, west six perches, to the Eastern Branchriver; thence following the line of the river south3 degrees, west ten perches; thence south 19 de-grees, west ten perches; thence south 2 degrees,east eighteen perches; thence south 41 degrees,west six perches; thence south 16% degrees, westsix 40-190 perches; thence south 11% degrees, westseven 20-100 perches; thence south 22% degrees,west five 84-100 perches, to a stone and the bound-ary lire of one Mason's line; thence with the saidboundary line south 61% degrees, east one hundredand twenty 12-100 perchea, to said stone on thewest side of the Eastern Branch med and place ofbeginning, containing fifty-one and 52-100 (51 52-100) acres, more or less, together with al the in&-provements, rights, &c.Terms of sale: Ome-third of the purchase moneyin cash (of which $1,500 must he paid to the trus-

tees at the time of sale), and the balance in twoequal installments, in one and two years, with In.terest at 6 per cent per annum, Payable semi-ennually, the deferred payments to De representedby the notes of the purchaser, hearing date theday of sale, and secured by deed of trust on theproperty sold, or all cash, at the option of therchaser. All conveyancing at purchaser's cost.If trns of sale are not complied with within tendays from day of Sale the trustees reserve theright to resell at archamer's cost.

W. '. WRIGHTGEORGE R. WRIGHT, Trustees.se5-d&da 1401 141 st. n.w.



By direction of the owners we will sell at publicauction within the premises on WEiDNEM)AY.MEII'TEMBER SIXTEENTH, 1806, AT TWELVEO'UCLtK M., the stock, fixtures, goodwill, &c., ofthe long-established and well-known "Ebbitt HouseDrug Store," corner 14th and F sts. n.w.. one ofthe beet locations in the city of Washington. Thissale offers an unusual opportunity to secure a goodbusiness. The store contains modern fixtures inevery way, also a splendid stock, and Is worthy ofattention.Terms: One-half cash, balance In six and twelve

months, with satisfactorily indorsed notes securedby 'trust on stock and dxtures, or all cash; 500(ash at time of sale. Store now open for exhibi-tion.sell-dts Q 0. SWAN & CO., Ancts.RATCLIFFE. SUTTON & 00 AUCTIONEERS.(Successors to Ratclffre, barr & Co.)



COMPIISINGWHEELS, TOOLS, FIXTURES. &c.By virtue of a deed of assignment given to me,and doly recorded, I will sell, by public auction,

on the above premises. on WEDNESDAY, SIX-TEENTH DAY OF SEPTMBElt, A.D. 1896, ATTEN O'CLOCK A.M., the entire stock containedtherein, to which the attention of the trade ardprivate buyers .Js called.Terms cash.

sell-d&dbs A. LEFTWIrH SINCLAIR. Assignee.

POTOMAC RIVER BOATS.The Weems Steamboat Co.

FAIL SCHEDULE.Steamer Potomac leaves 7th et. wharf every

Sunday at 4 p.m. for river landings and Baltimore.Passenger accommodations strictly first class. Elec-tric ighted throughout. All river freight must beprepald Specal rates gven on Baltimore freightTEHENSO. BitOS., Agenta.

910 Pa. ave. Tielephone, 745. se7-tfWTEAMEB8


STEAMER WAKEFIELD LEAVE WASHING-TON, D.C., Mondays and Saturdays, 7 am., forintermediate laudings to Colonial Beach, BushweyiBock Point, Crotton's and Nomninl (reck; returuing,arrives at Wash tonoen STuesdays and Sundaysstout 4 pm. W Lsay.7 am., for interme-diate laigs to Colonia Bec.Bushwoe RockPoint, Colton's. Stone's, Howr's and Cuam's,Nomini creck; returinarrives at Washington

Wednesdays, 3 np.m., for Colonial ten'stAbell's, Leoeardtown, Nomini cre.Piney Point,St. George's Island, Smith creek, Conand Yen-cr.minco rivers; return , arrives at Washingtonearly Wednesday and Frdy moralnwsSaturdnys, 0 p.m., for Riverside, (lonial Beach,

Colton'a Piney Point. St. George's Island. Smnith'screek, voan and Yeocomico rivers; returning, ar-rives at WanSundays about 10 p.m.See schert.Ie inef'ect June 27. 1606),

jy-f C. W. RIDLEY. General Manager,"

. 5. RANDALL POTOMAC RIVER [AND.-Steamer Harry Randall leaves River view Warf,.7th set, Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday, at 7

land.,gat all wharves as far down as Mad-dox creek, a.. includin Chpe Point and ColonialBeach, returigon M dasabout 9 p.m.; Wed-nesdays and Fridy about 859.m. Passenger as-commodations firat-clase. reht received untilhour of sailing. Telephone 175U. A. RRED & CO., 3. 5. RANIDAI-Agents. Alexandria. Proprietor and Mngr

0EO. 0. CARPINTER, Glen.Sn35 Washington. .I


Inte:Aded netaahipa sailing from VancouverTO Japan AID China:

EPESOF INDIA....Oct. 12, Jan. 4, Mar. UEunROF JAPAN...........Nov. 9, Feb. 1


WARRIIMOO-Oct. 8. MIOWERA-Nov. S.Second tat-in accommodations ver low rates.For tickets and freight rates apy 855 Broadway,

N. Y. For freight rates only,6 Wal t., N. Y.fe15-eolyr

?.ETHERLANDS LINE.From New York to Rotterdam via Boulogne sur

Mer, Prance, 8V hours from P'arls or Iouden.s.8. MAASDA.....Saturday. August 22--10 am.S.S. SPARLNDAM4...-.Saturday, August 29-10 am.First .'abln, *48.00 to $55.00; second cabIn, #3hFor Informationap, to General Passsenge

Agency, No. 29 B..aNew York cit ,agents in Wast ton. D.C.G.W. MOSS, 92"Paave.' E. F. DR OP & SON, 925 Pa. ave.. o,CRANE. PARRiS & CO., Ebbitt House.mh10O-tu~tht&a,11.tt

American Line.Nesw York-Southampton iLondon-ParbeTwinsecre U. S. Mail Steseah=.

Sau~every Wenesday.Paris.....st I 10amiSt. Lonis..Oct. 14, 10amNew York. t. PautL..Oct. 21, 10am

Sat.. let19. 10am Paris.-..Oct. 28, 10 amSt. Louis. .Set 2., 10am St. Louis. .Nov. 4. 10amfit. Paul...- 80, 10 am 1St. Paul..-.Nov. 11, 10am

Par----..O. 7. 10am.


KEN UINGTON................eptember 16, noeWES'TERNLID...............eptember 22, noonSOUTHWARK.............eptember 80 10 am,NOORi \'D.................October a, 12 noonFR1ET ND. ...... .cober14 12noon

Pir4and 15. North River.- DJoce,6Bowlig Grss , .

-630. W. MO88 Agent.mhtlSme~ 1n1 Wa.. .

HOTEITThis IUat Appearm Every aturday.

HOTEL POCKET GUIDElefenmate-, remams. ete.,ef any Hotel bease.

h at or addrem (s- -samthe


I 6 Regent 8t., IadoAM.ONs nea d. Divalt. Paris.

(A. P. alumia Amnarm. Plis; . P.. MEepea.)LLBANY. X- T............The Krmmm, A.P.. SUarMANDIA BAY. N.Y..The Digeweoed A.P., 44IMI 'HO WYf.Nj .w Gordna Hotel. ,IJ upIet manamim Hoes ga Atani cet.nOut MD........ ntsSeat., . P.,1..0do...............The Carentsam, A. P.. $8 UpBOSTON, Mms ...........Heald Voodom A.P.. 4

-ROOKLYN, N.Y.Hotel StGeorge, .P.j1; A.P.,lPd..1. W. Blake) Oarlebon Hotel, E.P.. $1.10

IL.FAI, N.Y.The Iriquois, E.P..$1.50 up; A.P.,$4ZNCD1NATI. Ole..Grand Hotel. E.P., $1; A.., $9FEmd CITY. X. ..Hotdl Washington. n.P.,1.60LAKZ GEORGEA N.Y. Lake Hous, A.P.. $.00

do............The Marlon House. A.P.. $2 up"EVEiPoor, Hoglanri ....Oamptos Hotel. A-P., $LoNDON, nog~a........The ran nm E.P.. $2NEW HAVIN, Cam...Heetd Naestie, A.P.. $B up!ZW YORK..........FUth Avenue Hotal. A.P., P

do.....................The Majaeti- E.P. $2do.......Hotel Netherland. E.P. $2: A.P.. $5da.(W.F.LeiandTheWindmor.I.AhO;LP..$4do.......The Geard, E.P., $1.50; A.P.. $S.A0do- -The Marlborough, KP.. $1.00; A.P.. $3.30do-..-L. L TO The Veaname. LP.. $1.50do. -GK. B. Barry) St. Goad Hotel. E.P.. $1.50do.(B'wAy & 13th st.) The St. DealeE.P.,$1.10do..(Wa. G. Lelandi Grand Hotel, E.?.. $1 updo........Hotel Westminster. A.P., $.50 updo.(W.Jounon ila) The Empire, LP.. $1 updo.(Davls & Foster) Hotel St. Andrew.E.1.51.0do. (11th st.) Albert-at. Stepbenm P..$t updo. .0th ave. & 10th st.) The Gresvenor. A.P.do.(Qms.ELeran Hotel Balmoral. A.I*..$I updo..Hotel Smdoatt, L.P.. 62; A.P.. $3.50 updo. .(B'Wuay&27t The Metropoiuta,.3.P..$1 updo.(Wm. Noble) Hotel Greneble, E.P.. $1.10 upd.0th t.& B'way) Hotel Pomseroy.E.P..$1 updo.(Sth av.&Ith)H't'i Kimuta.E...i .00p

xEW YORK.(g.e. car. 5th av.&l5th) Hotel Hanover.(A high-class fsaily Hotel. American Plan.%

IAGARA FALLS........(htaract House. A.P., $4LD PT. COMFORT. Va.Tbe (naumbern. A.P., $4LsILADErPHIA....The Alding Hotel A.I.. P. 0

do....The Now IAfayette. E.P.. $1; A-P.. 53L'HIAELPiH ..Oiomd. LP.,$1.0; A.P..P.10(T hea cuisine In Philadelphia.)

0ORTLAND. Me.......The Preble House, A.P.. $9PORTSMOUTH. N. H....The Rockingham, A.P., #6EBFC, Ca......iateau Foateuac. A.P., $3.50IICHMOND. Va.........'Ite Jef'eron. A.P., $5 up

iOCHESTER, N.Y. .New Otrm Hose. A.P.. $2.50do................The Livingston, LP., $2.50do.... .........Whitomb House. A.P. $2 up

T. LOUIS.MO.(grep'f) Southern HeltelA...P to 46do- -Lndel Hotel. EL..$1.0 up; A."..2.50 upBYRACUSE, N.Y..Yates Hotel.E.P., $1.10; A.P.. $4

REN'O.NJ.Trenton Hs.E.P..$l up.A.P..$2.lOupWASE INGTON. D.C.....Arlington Hotel. A.P.. 45

do......Hotel Normandie. E.P.. $2; A.P., $5do................The labitt House. A.P., $#do............Hotel Page, .P.. 4. A.P.. 4



L3d & LPPINCOITDesire to Inform their gatram that


Will be kept Wpen the entire winter tr the re-ception of guests. Selo-tfPIRST-CLASI HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. NEARbeach; line table; %III take guests at $8 to $l0Ir week; regular rates, $12 to$18. P. 0. Box:,r. Atlantic City. seb-ImsMHE PENNHURST-O'RAN END Of MICHIGANave.; electric elevator; @team heat. Send for 11-lastrated booklet. Special fail and winter rates.107-tf JAMES HOf)D.Hotel Imperial AEOcean end Marylandave. Full ocean view ft

wide tbree-story porehl. This beandoem andhomelike house has every comfort and conven-ience for Winter a" summuer guests. Large rooms.healthiest locality. Artesian water. Tatle andservice a specialty. Greatly reduced ra'er.mhl4-166t G. W. KENDRICK.

1EIDE HOUSE,kean end Pennsylvania ave., Atlantic aty. N. J..

Will renanin open all the year.Iwrl gfty heated. elevators and every imqeaence.se-CHAS. EVAN.EOTL RICHMOND. KENTUCKY AVE.. OCANend. Atlantic City. N. J-Steam beat. au par-lore, elevator, Ac. Bor term and other inforam-tkn addreefe13-eotf J. D. PEASE.THE BERKSHIRE INN, Vc""-entirely remodeled this aesoan; quiet and homelike;reasonable rates; absolutely free imm moaquitoem;headquarters for Washingtonians. GEO. A. ROCK.Mmeer MARSHALL & TLOTSON. Props.

HOTEL BERKELEY,Extreme ocean end of Kentucky ave. Elevatorand all conveniences. Special September rates.au28-26t JAI. & GEO. BEW.

KENILWORTH INN.Ocean end Kentucky ave. Full ocean view.Every convenience of modern times. Elevator tostreet level. Special rates for September andOctober. Illustrated booklet mled. G. F. COPE.au25-260tTHE CHALFONTE.

Directly an the ocean frout.Send for Illustrated booklet.


Miehigan eve. near beach. Atlantic (Ity. N. 7.Rates, $8 to $10 rwerk. LHeated. Send for

booklet. J. . R- .my21-18ftCarlsbrooke Inn,

VENTNORI. ATT.ANtIC CO.. N. J.Delightfully aituated en ocean tront. All mod-

ern Improvements; elevator. gaelectric belle;10 minute. by electric catrom Atlantic City.Special rate. for June. AddresSe12-3m A. . EAWOitD.Teasm.rN. .

IOE WST(NE. KMNTUCKY AVE. AND)Beach; 100 f.et from tha oen; mauic; egeeieattable end wee17 hope: *2 per day; $8 to $10Week. I.. V. cKNEY. mb2-t


The Engleside,Beach Haven. N.J. P.. B. ENGLE. Prop.

Opnunti October 1.BEACHE HAVN GIVEN SURE REI EF FROMFAY FERU. Send far special terms and boolet.my5-l110t

VAPE MAY, 3. 5.

ARILTON. CAPE MAY POINT. N. J.-DIRtDr.LVoa beach; accom. 800; all m~odern convenlences;Wah. ret, given; open truhNovember; verySmoderate all terms. .MADD C. el2.t.26.3tBREKTON VULiA-OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 1.Near beach; large es parlor; beatiful verandas;special rate.ael2w 5. A. MYERS.

IN TE MOUNTAINS.BOLIVAR HEEGHTS HOTrE.--EPnAL nRTEfor Sept. and (Ot. Home omforts. (load dehiagand hunting. Beat table. Rate. 61, $7 end $br week. Circular, at Star .evic.JOHN H. DUKE. (al1-tt) W. 5. MURPHY.lBRENS MOUNTAIN MOUSE, LOCAT ONFruit 1111 Farm. Blue Ridge mountain; mnste.' drive from depot; rate., $5, $6 and $7 p.-week; medicinal water; conveyances meet trains;two lovelieat oaths of the year-Sept. and Oct.Send for circular. uzy7-OmdcDOWELL HOUSB-BEAUIU FOR AITUA-ti. ane. an attraetive ----er home; aa.porcese; esceilne,, ale; clean, airy room. wim~mpountain and river view.. Addrees B. E. Mc-DOWELL,Hrper'sFerry,W.Va. a.2-1mHULTOP HOUIE, HARPER'S FERRY. W. VA.Tis .s esrt Ia :an bat-cla table end

p;telegragh T..ameMHE LOCKWCOD. HARPER' FERRY. W. VA..will opnits 10th season MAY 20. Rloom. large

andsedi table lest-class; rates


(hre. without the knife; references earn be given;148 recent cores In thI, city.

aell-m* DR.GEORGE IUrZY. 51 HIat. .w.


No. 610421 Pa. ave. n.w.. Washington, D. C.SP'ECIALTY--All cbromic, merveun, blood and ina

e,bladder and

aiaytoteplstricture, fat restored. EfaJtubepe,lour,S to12 .m.,3to p.m. au2-1m*NO FEE UNTIL CURED.

Dr. Leatherman,Soeinlet Is all forms f e da disese..m

Hydroeele, Varkacele and trcture caned.Onaeritation free. Hoas. o to t2. 2 to 5; Tms.,ae,. and Sat, even.. 7 to S. m0 F e.w._jy35-2m__*_______ ae aley.

-DENTSTY[IR. JOHN HAUGHXTON LAONDCN,' DENTIBT, ISe-adiesl eag..andta as sy eaecessor to de-in WadalugiWam at 11010 at. rn-v.

Dr. W. MERntILL. now of Gerham, Maie.


so$2m..5 pm.


RAIL-WAY.WammStaies,13%St. and Peona. ova,

In Suley3i 20.AOR ALEADRIA 4afn.-4-*, T. TM

I 0:2D ex 11. 12 .m.; 1. 2. . 4:15 e. 4:.%t 6:15. 5l 1 , 10, 11 and 06

$K Ok7:20 on. a:0 8:30 ers.. .a-. 1, , 4. 4: ' 3. 6 . 76 S. S 14

2 a kY :ft, 11:01. 10:21 &.m. 12, 11:21. 31I1 4:2L, G6 4: 6 62L10:2g . igt a RA RR DNk eAL AQ immffile p mdw.)

12D a46kkJ 3 I M' ARLM402OCM &:ft 6:15 7 a FM

9:0, 10:0. 11:0 a-m.* 12:10 1AD 2-fm:3, :3, :3.1:80, 11:111 p.av. 90a 91fli

SIDE PARK (1any).-10l, 11. 12 a.=.- 1,4:15, 4:15, 7 6 p.m. WUNDAYB-41I:* a.m.; 12:0,1 1:- 2:0, 31 0,en 66i. 7:05. Si:. 9:0 p.m.Ba: eheed free har beddn Got.cen= at stattsm.a 5 ee each.G. I. ABBO1T. I. rKBI'8,P0em Manager. Ge. Pm. Agea.

PENNSYLVANIA RALROnAD.statio arer of oth nd B street.

71:50 A.M. WC D AYS7.So Am. LWUNDAT.PMTdBLRG EZPmn -.Parro and Diming CaMHarrisburg to Plttrtmg.10:10 A.M. PENNEYLVANIA LtMITim.-PttmaaSeeptg. Dimig mo and 4servation CaMHarrisburg to Cleago. muatt, ludlanaPlis.St. Louis, Cleveland and Tuledo. buffet ParlorCor to U~lb~

10:30 A.M. F INE.-.Paltmn Buffet PariorCar to Harrisurg. Buffet Parler Oar HLawiburgto Pittsburg.

3:40 P:M. CHIICAGO AND ST. I/1-Is EXPRPS.-Pullman Befet Parlr Car to Harrhdwg. Slp.tog and [Diing Car.i Harrisburg to St. Loias.Cincinmati, Louisville and flcago.

7:10 P.M. WE8TpFtN EXPREMS.-Peumas Sleep-=ig Oar to OCicge and Hasrisurg to Crelaud.

1i~u Car to Chkigra.7:1 P31 S 'm EKXPf. -IatieramIleepinges Washetoto Pittsburgad Ptts-berg to at Louis, Dini 4lar to .c.lmtt.

10:40 P.M. PACIFIC EXPiII ---Pama Sleep-ag ar to Pittiarg.

7:0 A.M. for Kane. inGLeaigna. Rorhlater mdNiagara Falls daily. eacept Sunday.10:20 A.M. for Elmra sad Remove daily eseSunday. For Lo-k Haven week days and W -aiassport tendaya. 3:40 P.M.

7:10 P.M. for Williamsport. Roebeater. Buffalo andNiaase Erals daily. exeept Saturday. with V.eg-tog Car Washington to Suspension BridgeBuffalo.

10:40 P.M. fo: Erie. Camandaigua. Rocester. But.fain and Niagara Falls daily. Sle-eping Oar Wash-taigten to Etlirs.


4:01 P.M. "CONGmIKSIONAL LIUMTED." daily.all Parlor Cas with D)ning Car from Baltimore.Regular at 7T. (doining Carl, 7:20. :0.I 10:10(1nitng Car), and 11:00 (tIming 'ar from Wil-mingtoa) A. M.. 12:65. 3:15, 4:20, 4:410. 14#:40and 11:35 P. M. to Sunday, 7:00 (DiNing Cari.7:20. 9:00, 11:00 (Dining <ar from WilmInetoneA. M.. 12:15. 8:15. 4:20, 6:40. 10*0 and 11:35P. IN. For Phtiladelphia only. Fast Eaereus. 7:30A. .4. week days. ELagresa. 12:15 week days. 2:41land 5:40 P.M. dally. Flr Ilsston. witho. hange.7:50 A. K. week days. a.4 3:15 l'. M. daily.For Baltimore. 6:25. 7:0. 7:20. 7:50. 9-00. 10-AR.10:30. 11:00 and 11:50 A. It.. 12:15. 12:45. 2:411.2:15. 3:40 14-04P Lmit.ds. 4:20. 4:36, 5:4. 41,6:40. 7:10. 10-00. 10:401. 11:15 and l:35 P. M.

Os Sunday. 7:00. 7:211'. -400. 9:".,. 14:31. 11:.A. M.. 12:15 1:15. 2:01. 3:15. 3:40 t4:10 Lim-

2teM. 4:20. 9-40. 6:05. 6:40. 7:10. 10:0U. 10:40and 11:5 P. M.

For Pope's Creek Line. 7:20 A. M. and 4:36 P. 3Ldaily. except Sunday. Sundays 9-t, A. M.

For Amapols, 7:20. 11-400 A. W1.. 12:15 and 4:20P. M. daIly. except Sunday. Sundays, 9:00 A. M.and 4:20 P. M.

Atlantic Oset Line Ezpreo. 4:30 A. M.. S:4. P. M.daily; Richmond only. 10:57 A. M. we.k days;Atlanta Special. via Richmound and ySal~ord AirLine. 8:40 P. daily. Acnm,daton forQuaotlko. 7:45 A. M. daily and 4:25 1'. St. weekdays.

SEASHORE fYINNETI(.For Atlantic fite (va Ielaware Rive-r Bridge. al.

rail route). 3:1b and 11:35 P. M. daily: 'ia Mar-ket Street Wharfi, 10:00 A. X. and 12:45 P.M.week days and 11:35 P. M. dally.For Cape May, 10:00. 11-00 A. M. week dayv, 11:35P. M. daly.Ticket ofitkc, corwer 15th and G sts.. and at the

station 6th and R Sta.. %herv (rd.rs van Ile leftfor the checking of baggage to distinatilw froahotels and residencs.S. M. PREt-WT. 1. R. W,0il.

General Manager. General Pawo-ngr Agent.aeS

BALIMhORB AND O810 RAILROAD.S=asdde in esct SlI I, 189.6.

Leave Washingtom tram raton cormer of NewJesme arease ad C street.

Mr 0w : and orthwest. nstnbled limitedtrtal, 10. am.. S:0 p.m.ForOn'im ati t Emmis and EVtmasteent.:ed Limted, : a.; 12:15 Night.For Pittsburg nd n ev eapres dati. I10:0

am. and 6:40 p.m.For Berkeley ftvigs 2:0 p.m. dally. ee.et

s:00 must daiy. and b:(5 p.s.For Meotate lake Park and Oak-

land, 12:00. 3;& p.m.. 12:15 a.m., aU daly. NOwest-bousnd tratns stop at Mountain Lake Park Sun-

aLe Leoia and Staustos. 12:a sanoo.For Winchester and way stations. 15:30 p.m.eor New Birmaghm Cta.:

wee.1=" r" 625. 11F.gIBFor g isiatmore. 6-ee k JaO af6:00E7%.7:1.G7 80. fg ED a30:0,K12-611

am.,al2:M. 12:1. a12:, .:00.6 a. -.2.4:3,6:M, W510, ii:3. 5M. 99:0. 6:3k wb:0ot, 6:W62:2k, 11:15. a11:60 p.m. and 12:01 night. Su.

" 7:. zT 7:10. 80. alli 004 a.m.&alz . &120%. 125. z241. SIB 4:32, 532.-15:10 4:0. Us00 sS:2, 11:15, all .m.Fe hAtmpslin. 7:10 and 6:10 a.m.. 13:10 and

4:2S p.m. U-aas. 5:4 a.m.. 4:2 p.m.For Frederick. *1:00 aim., 112:19 Au . 11:1593. :3t .m.

"For 9 112:00 maWnand 95:30 p.m.For Beland wag po4t. w days. 1a.m4:. 6:306 7T p.m. uiday, 9:40 a.m.. 1:15.

7*5 p.m.1111w riur and way Delete. week as

7:05, .m :5.. :00. 4: 4:32. 1"OR7:5, 11:30 p.m. Sndas, S:04 am.. 1:15, 5:31,7.5, 10:15 p.m.For Washisgtem jmuctia asd way pelata, 000

a.m.. 61:15 p.m. Espress trains stopping at pria-EWI station. esly. 94:3. 95:3 p.m.

Fo CvMa. 10 am.. 12 even.ROY B .IaNE u S -1EW YORK AND

PHILADELPHIA.All tratim ilumaaed wita pifsteh l1ght.Par Phliadpila. New Y Berk Bte and the amst,week days. 7:00. 7:M, . 62 (0:00 am. Diin

thr), 12-0. 125, 3:00 45: Dining Carb, :

p~m.12:0 Mgt eepIng (hr ,sat £0:000- . Sund(ys 5. DInting *h , 2:0 am.,Car1) n123 gD Cars. 2:2 505. Dining

}. 6:0t O2.01 t; Cr open tar ga.aengers, 10:0 p..Baffet Parlor Caemo alt day trais.For Atlantie CQty. 10:00 am., 12:06 moo. esS

12:35 p.m. wee't dap.. 12:35 p.m. Sundays.tEroept Sumnay. *Datiy. pendarg esly.

Baggge cnefar anddke6 from botei. eadsealdenm by Omico Teanster Os. on orders left atticket mom., 6l0 Pemnyivania avenue s.w.. NewTeak awm and 13th treet, and at Deo.WE. B. GRUES, (ni 0n . .C1

Gem n. agre. Gyrib 0e.. Pan.. Agt.




Sahadnin in emmet May 17. 1856.3:25 P.M. D)AiLY-nnati nd S. Lambit.

e3i-SoMtoai. for Cinctimati. Pullman oieepetto Csmsmnnlatl.eigton, Laillue., lndisnapollsand St. Immis without ebmgs Commcts at Our-ingten, Va.. Car Mat Sprie. Parier casn Cneta-

sa :37 AILY-F. P V. LimIted-SolId tratefor Gnatit. Pualnman siesta Ccinsstl.

Lexiaetam ae ElaillaU wit t change. Pail-man oumarmss crto ignali tpns

Daily enmeettom for the Srns tbser. atlon car.Usqpern fslma to Ci aned St. Lst.10:67 A.M., EEKPT UYA-Vla tliamd

for Old Point and )lorfs&. Oniy rafl ime.320 P.M. DAILY-3Far Gordammte. Charlotte.vilea. Staunton and for Riebmond. daily. eaceptSunday.Resnervatim asSe tickets at (linapeakte and (1Mm

eceem, 513 and 1421 Peonsylessia area.e, lite Pat. mw.. end at th station.


Shuemaa in eSset 3me 14. 1856.All traes arrive and leave at Pemyiptania pse.

SBAM.-Daily.-Lmia ser Dauvinle. OumaeMat Mmassn for Stsadum.g da75~i~ Sumny,and at Iahugwith the - re~soWestern.daily.,a with t Che Oeapeeke and Ohio daily forthe Natural Brigeand Cliftoa Forge.11:15 A.M.-.-THE UNITED STATERt FAST

MAIL. Carrie. e Bufet Sleepers. New Yorkand Washit to to lackamvilie. uniting at Sals-

bPultltman g- erfor Asheville ad H1otN. C. Emmrtl nd Oattanooga. Ternn..

adat (nastette with Pullman Steeper for Augusta:son Pullman Seep"e New York to New Orlenns.via Mon~t;;quwry. untting at Charlotte with E'sllmauSleeper for Birmingham.4:01 P.3.-Locai for Funat RoyaL. Rirerten and:51ab~g P daily. ercp 3onda,,

10:40 P M.--Dali.-WAIIHINr.'ON ANDi80'Tit.WVTUInN VM11tt2 IJMITilD. compaued of

Pullmas Vestlhuled 61 wn.DinIng Can and DayOoaches. Pllana ~en New Yort to Ashe-ville and Sot Spring.. .C.: New York to Tamtpa.tia Charlotte. Cllmbia, Savannab and 3adem..-v~le. ad Eew York to Memiphis, via Rt-mlnghm;New touk te New Oirleams. via Atlanta and Hot-

ery. Vestibuied Day (hadk Wahington io At-ta.. Southern Railway Distamg(ar Greensbero te

THANSON WASHIINGinN ANDi 41111 DIVIS-ION leave Washtngten 9-et am. daily. 1:00 p.m.

ad4:45 pm. dat 5.51 . and 45p m.

fot sr Laedbati. and 6:25p.m. daily farWeraam emtuing. arrive at Waetulngten 5:26amu. and 7:05 p.m. dafnv. and 5:00 p.m. dativ es-eept Sunday. from itnd ittf.7:8am. dntly, ex-gept Sunday. tem Herd... 5:24 a.m. daity, es.

Sunday. frasm ELehtug.,raugh tesam frm the aneth arte at Wash-lecton. 6:42 s~m., 2.20,.m. and 91:46 p.m. dlaity.3*anamse Dietales. a-a am. dnaiy. ezer Sum-an~d S:40 a.em. daily from Oaiet vl

et.Neepia (hr esservatlaa ad informa-thrn futmitwd at ameen. 511 and 1256 Pemlvemaasea.e. and at P'smayitemma railroad ma~mor

W. ii. GuREN. Gener~ai Spt.s. . ni. Yv.Ue Wmager.W. A 3.M. Osm. Pam.A.

L. 8UMOWN. Gemas. t maa