2016/17 Service Level Agreement 1 st Quarter Progress Report For the period 1 July to 30 September 2016 October 2016 Eyre Peninsula – South Australia

2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with

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Page 1: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with

2016/17 Service

Level Agreement

1st Quarter Progress


For the period 1 July to 30 September 2016

October 2016

Eyre Peninsula – South Australia

Page 2: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with
Page 3: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with

2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level

Agreement with the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Management (DEWNR) for the

delivery of the Board’s ten programs plus services provided by business support and the regional management


This progress report provides a quarterly update of each program, including:

Program highlights during this period

Upcoming priorities for the next period

Upcoming promotional events for the next period

Further details of each of these programs can be found on the Board’s website at

www.naturalresources.sa.gov.au/eyrepeninsula or by contacting:

- Iggy Honan (Senior Natural Resource Management Officer Eastern District) for projects in the City

Council of Whyalla and District Councils of Kimba, Franklin Harbor and Cleve areas on 08 8628 2077.

- Seb Drewer (Senior Natural Resource Management Officer Southern District) for projects in the Port

Lincoln City Council and District Councils of Tumby Bay and Lower Eyre Peninsula areas on 08 8688


- Liz McTaggart (Senior Natural Resource Management Officer Western District) for projects in the District

Councils of Ceduna, Elliston, Streaky Bay, Wudinna and far west coast areas on 08 8626 1108.

For other all other projects and programs please contact the Port Lincoln Natural Resources Centre on 08 8688


Progress Summary – 1st Quarter 2016/17

Sub-program Status Sub-program Status

1. Water 6. Sustainable Farming

2. Landscapes 7. Community and Industry


3. Coast and Marine 8. Aboriginal Engagement

4. Pest Plants and


9. Planning Strategy and


5. Healthy and

Productive Soils

10. Monitoring and


On track to achieve all

planned outputs

On track to achieve most

planned outputs

Unlikely to achieve key

planned outputs

Page 4: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Land, Water & Wildlife – Water Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Water allocation plan implemented (Levy) Jun 2017

$225,408 Water Affecting Activity permits and refusals issued (Levy) Jun 2017

Breaches of NRM Act investigated - WAA (Levy) Jun 2017

Inquiries relating to WAA responded to in a timely manner (Levy) Jun 2017


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Water allocation plan implemented (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

Finalisation of the Water Allocation Plan (WAP) Implementation Plan

Meeting of the WAP implementation Planning and Policy Group to discuss and plan the implementation of the WAP

Discussions with DEWNR water licensing, water policy and water science regarding implementation of the WAP including drafting licence conditions, consideration of policy for release of new water

Selection and planning of groundwater dependent ecosystem (GDE) monitoring sites

Notification of landholders of the adoption of the WAP and changes in water management

Meeting with community representative over concerns with new WAP

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Continue with implementation activities as outlined in the WAP Implementation Plan Upcoming promotional events include:

Media releases highlighting WAP implementation plan activities

Water Affecting Activity permits and refusals issued (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

New Water Resources Authorised Officer (WRAO) commenced on 11th July

4 Water Affecting Activity (WAA) permits received: o Enlarge existing dam o New watercourse crossing o Groundwater access trench (GAT) (refused and redirected to well construction permit form) o Discharge

Commenced update of WAA permit forms

Draft Water Policy EP NRM Plan version 1.5 reviewed

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Assessment of 3 WAA permits

Complete update of WAA permit forms

Upcoming promotional events include:

Approved media release scheduled for mid-October ‘Time to apply for water affecting activity permits’

Page 5: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Breaches of NRM Act investigated - WAA (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

One breach of the NRM Act (watercourse crossing constructed without a permit) o Site visit conducted with landholder and senior compliance officer o Voluntary compliance agreed upon to rectify watercourse crossing culvert issues

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Ensure compliance works for above breach are completed by 31/12/2016

Investigate any future breaches

Inquiries relating to WAA responded to in a timely manner (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

24 WAA enquiries received and responded to

54 water tests conducted

Water testing meter loaned to Cummins-Wanilla Streamcare group for water testing

Attendance at District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula (DCLEP) community meeting regarding the Peelina and Curta Willa Creeks Drainage Study

Information provided to DCLEP regarding WAA and drain/channel maintenance

Discussions with SA Water regarding discharge from the Tod Reservoir beyond 30th September to lower water level for construction work for dam safety maintenance. WAA permit submitted.

Upcoming promotional events include:

Media release drafted for publication in Nov/Dec - ‘How good is your water?’

Page 6: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Land, Water & Wildlife – Landscapes Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Facilitate activities to protect, restore or improve priority terrestrial ecosystems (Levy)

Jun 2017


Conserving and protecting species and ecosystems (NLP) Jun 2017

Improve community skills, knowledge and engagement in natural resource management (NLP)

Jun 2017

Maintain, protect and enhance Sheoak Grassy Woodlands, Red Gum Woodlands, Coastal areas and Mallee / Box / Native Pine Woodlands (WildEyre)

Jun 2017

Improve the condition and increase landholder knowledge of sustainable grazing and threat management of Sheoak Grassy Woodlands (WildEyre)

Jun 2017


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Facilitate activities to protect, restore or improve priority terrestrial ecosystems (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

Bushland Condition Monitoring (BCM) has commenced.

Staff have been installing site identification tags and steel markers at over 300 sites as part of the EP Biodiversity Monitoring Program (Fig 1).

Several native vegetation enquiries have been received, with staff providing assistance and advice to landholders and councils on issues including:

o clearing scattered trees in return for a negotiated environmental benefit offset

o funding available to maintain existing Heritage Agreement fencing

o clearing regrowth

A project investigating the health of the EPBC listed Bluegum community in the Yeldulknie Conservation Park has been completed. This will provide a baseline to compare similar watercourses in the region and give a further indicator of biodiversity health in the task of renovating areas on agricultural land.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Completing BCM monitoring and signage.

Native Vegetation training in November 2016.

Conserving and protecting species and ecosystems (NLP) Program highlights this period include:

Funding agreements for the 2016-17 National Landcare Program (NLP) Annual NRM Grants have been signed, and on ground works have begun on a variety of projects. Projects include fencing remnant vegetation, direct seeding, coastal and community education.

Workshop was held at Sims Farm on the importance of protecting and enhancing the EP Bluegum communities in the Cleve Cowell Hills area. Feedback from farmers indicated they would be in favour of protecting and further enhancing these EPBC listed communities on their local farms.

Figure 1: Site establishment for the EP Biodiversity Monitoring has begun

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Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Monitoring the progress of the Annual NRM Grants projects and working with successful applicants to ensure projects are on track.

Annual Malleefowl Monitoring Program Upcoming promotional events include:

Promoting the EP Goannas citizen science project

Improve community skills, knowledge and engagement in natural resource management (NLP) Program highlights this period include:

NREP staff coordinated tree planting events as part of National Schools Tree Day:

o Over 400 seedlings planted on two sites on the Gibson Peninsula with Streaky Bay Area School year 3 and 4 classes and the Streaky Bay Children’s Centre (Fig 2).

o Port Neill Primary School students worked together with community volunteers to plant 200 coastal seedlings.

o Lower Eyre Coastcare Groups were supported with various revegetation works.

o The importance of trees and habitats was highlighted at Tumby Bay Kindergarten through a puppet play, storytelling and discussion.

Combining environmental education and the arts, NREP staff worked with local artists to provide threatened species information for signage and activities on Wattle Day. This promoted locally threatened wattle Acacia whibleyana and Acacia cretacea.

Teachers, councillors and community members from lower and eastern EP (including Whyalla) attended three Nature Play workshops conducted by Nature Play SA (Fig 3). Fifty teachers attended the educator’s workshop at Tumby Bay and learnt what they can do in the school environment to better connect students to nature. Over 20 people attend the evening community session in Port Lincoln, where parents learnt what nature play is and the benefits and what they can so as parents. Ten council staff and councillors attended a morning session and also learnt what nature play is, the risks verses the benefits, and what other councils are already doing in SA in public play spaces.

NREP staff continue to provide information and advice to community members and landholders from native plant and weed identification, to insect pests killing local trees, bird identification, revegetation and species selection.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Propagation days with school children.

Salinity tour with students from Tumby Bay Area School

Supporting Peri Stenhouse (Mallee Fowl researcher) while she conducts trapping and measurement of birds in the Munyaroo and Cowell sites.

Figure 2: Streaky Bay Area School students planted over 400 seedlings as part of National Schools Tree Day

Figure 3: Nature Play workshops were held across EP

Page 8: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Maintain, protect and enhance Sheoak Grassy Woodlands, Red Gum Woodlands, Coastal areas and

Mallee / Box / Native Pine Woodlands (WildEyre) Program highlights this period include:

Ongoing control of Italian Buckthorn near the township of Mt Hope.

Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation labour hire team have been engaged with a range of pest plant control and seed collection activities.

Completion of revegetation carbon study factsheet and media release.

Continued education of private landholders about how to use granular herbicide to control African Boxthorn.

Planning and initiation of final monitoring (Bushland Condition and bird) at 80 sites for the WildEyre Biodiversity Fund project.

Ongoing control of pests (snails and kangaroos) at revegetation sites

Follow up aerial African Boxthorn control using the helicopter technique in the Elliston and Sceale Bay areas. Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Ongoing Italian Buckthorn control in the Sheringa Beach area

Engaging Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation labour hire team for pest plant control and seed collection.

Continued control of pests (snails and kangaroos) at revegetation sites Upcoming promotional events include:

The WildEyre working Group has commenced work on a promotional video

Improve the condition and increase landholder knowledge of sustainable grazing and threat

management of Sheoak Grassy Woodlands (WildEyre) Program highlights this period include:

Revision of five year comparison report.

Update of data review provided by Nature Conservation Society of South Australian at WildEyre meeting in August.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Summary of findings to be shared with both landholders from the five year data comparison. Upcoming promotional events include:

Possible promotion of outcomes from five year comparison including composition changes in sheoak and native grass species.

Page 9: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Land, Water & Wildlife – Coast & Marine Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Facilitate activities to protect, restore or improve priority coast and marine ecosystems (Levy and NLP)

Jun 2017 $418,331


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Facilitate activities to protect, restore or improve priority coast and marine ecosystems (Levy and NLP) Program highlights this period include:

Funding agreements for the 2016-17 NLP Annual NRM Grants includes funding for 15 coastal projects for southern EP. Majority of funding agreements signed and some on-ground works have already commenced. Coastal projects can be very complicated and include liaising with several parties before a project can commence (ie. Local Council, landholder, Coastal Protection Agency, Crownlands and Aboriginal Heritage).

The new Green Army team have been working with NREP staff in managing threats to priority coastal assets: o 60 ha of initial and follow-up control works was undertaken on African boxthorn at Franklin Harbour

Conservation Park, completing the first pass through the park. o African boxthorn control undertaken on coastal councils land at Lipson Cove, Ski Beach and Pt

Drummond (Fig 4). o The Green Army has provided assistance to other community groups including Lower Eyre Coastcare

where the team helped with access management works and revegetation works maintenance.

NREP staff have responded to two wildlife incidents involving marine species in Whyalla

NREP staff have been continuing to support local volunteers in our Beach-nesting Birds Community Monitoring Program. Hooded Plovers across the region have started nesting and we are all waiting to see the first chicks of the season to appear.

The NLP-funded report Review of Aquaculture and Wildcatch fisheries waste on Eyre Peninsula and options for future waste management was completed and a forum held to bring together relevant aquaculture and waste management industry groups (Fig 5). NREP staff supported the forum held in Port Lincoln, which was well attended by fishing and aquaculture industry sectors, private waste management companies and local government. Several business options were discussed for reuse and recycling of waste associated with the

Figure 4: Green Army staff have been instrumental in delivering pest plant control at priority coastal sites

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aquaculture industry currently stockpiled at local and private waste transfer sites and industry sheds. Several initiatives are progressing, including tuna industry poly pipe being reused as irrigation pipe in NSW.

Further progress has been made towards the completion of the Coastal Access and Decision making Framework. The document is now in final draft stage.

NREP hosted a Coffin Bay Research Forum, bringing together researchers, local councils, community members and government agencies to discuss current research and future priorities for the Coffin Bay and Kellidie Bay ecosystems.

Figure 5: 'Review of Aquaculture and Wildcatch fisheries waste on Eyre Peninsula and options

for future waste management' report has been published and a workshop held.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Hooded Plover biannual count

Completion of the Coastal Access and Decision Making Framework

A workshop is planned for Whyalla on the value of the local EPBC listed saltmarshes Upcoming promotional events include:

Birdlife Australia will be undertaking community and school presentations across EP

Page 11: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Land, Water & Wildlife – Pest Plants & Animals Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Develop management plans for priority pest plants and animals (Levy and NLP) Jun 2017 $607,776 Monitor and facilitate management of priority pest plants and animals (Levy, NLP

and External)

Jun 2017


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Develop management plans for priority pest plants and animals (Levy and NLP) Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Finalize Polygala and Gazania Pest Management Plans

Monitor and facilitate management of priority pest plants and animals (Levy, NLP and External) Program highlights this period include:

Appointment of two new biosecurity officers in the southern district to replace staff currently on leave.

Aerial fox baiting was completed with 1,360 baits were dropped in Lincoln National Park (25,372 ha) and 1,450 baits in Coffin Bay National Park (27,657 ha). The benefits of the aerial baiting are numerous, with greater coverage and in areas not covered by vehicle access, less risk to staff in the bait placement, and increasing sighting and evidence of desirable animal species.

9,000 fox baits and 2,750 wild dog baits were distributed in the far west region (west of Penong). An additional 11,000 baits were manufactured at Paney Station for distribution in the Gawler Ranges National Park.

1080 Fox ejector trials have been undertaken in Coffin Bay National Park.

1080 oats were distributed to landholders in the southern district to assist with rabbit control.

Reports of feral deer received from the Koppio hills and Uley areas. Deer fence inspections are being undertaken

in the southern district.

The EPNRM Board-hosted Green Army Team commenced in August. The team will be supporting the

management of priority pest plants over the next twelve months.

Boneseed control has continued with the assistance of Work for the Dole and Green Army groups. Targeted

areas from Kellidie Bay through to Cleve resulted in over 600 ha surveyed and 10,000 plants removed or treated.

Inspections of key buffel grass control sites have resulted in treatment of plants at three sites with most other

sites showing previous control success. The use of a new form of chemical granular (Flupropanate) is being

monitored with the hope this method will greatly assist with safe and timely controls.

NREP staff assisted with the control of buffel grass populations along the railway line bordering the northern

side of Yellabinna Regional Reserve. This was a collaborative effort with Alinytjara Wilurara staff.

Roadside and railway pest plant inspections have been completed along the Eyre Highway (320km), Flinders

Highway (170km) and Poochera to Thevenard to Penong railways (200km).

Over 30 compliance letters were sent to landholders in relation to boxthorn, olives and Aleppo pines. There are

currently six pest plant compliance cases open (Aleppo pines, caltrop, bridal veil, boxthorn and olives).

Olive orchard inspections were completed on 22 properties, with three being non-compliant. One property’s

lack of compliance over the years has resulted in a compliance case being opened.

A chemical trial looking at field and spot spray solutions for the control of African Lovegrass has been

established in the Waddikee area. The site will be visited by local farmers and staff as part of an upcoming


A new and possibly significant bulb weed Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) has been positively

identified on Eyre Peninsula for the first time in a crop of peas south of Cleve.

Increased reports of white mignonette (Reseda alba) as a result of increased winter rains.

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Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Fox bait manufacturing will occur at Coffin Bay National Park

Monitoring of summer grasses including fountain grass, buffel grass, and African lovegrass will occur during this

period. This includes liaison with property owners where pest plants have been reported and implementing

voluntary control measures with advice from DEWNR.

Broom weed species mapping and control.

Caltrop inspections will commence if weather conditions are favorable for germination

Boneseed control in western district

A management plan has been written for a non-compliant olive orchard to undertake a control trial in

conjunction with NREP, Green Army and the landholder. Due to the age of some of the olives, different

herbicides and techniques will be used. It is planned that a Stick Beak Day will occur during this period for

neighbouring landholders affected by the infestation.

Upcoming promotional events include:

Summer grass media release

Promotion of an Invasive Grasses Workshop with Chris Brodie (State Herbarium) and local NREP staff to increase

community knowledge in the identification and control of invasive species – October 17th at the Waddikee Sport


Figure 6: Priority pest plant control treatment sites from July to September 2016

Page 13: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Farming – Healthy & Productive Soils Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Monitor and report on project outcomes (AoTG) Jun 2017 $117,421


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Monitor and report on project outcomes (AoTG) Program highlights this period include:

Three field days held at Lock, Buckleboo and Cowell to look at sites and discuss project outcomes to date (95 attendees)

Crop biomass measurements taken at trial sites

Produced information handout for attendees at fields days

Undertaken analysis of carbon soil test results from March April

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Harvest and post-harvest soil analysis Upcoming promotional events include:

Planning for field day and promotional events in 3rd quarter

Page 14: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Farming – Sustainable Farming Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Managing support for the region's Sustainable Agricultural program - through Senior NRM Officers (Levy)

Jun 2017 $54,909

Delivering the region’s sustainable agriculture program in collaboration with Regional Landcare Facilitators (NLP)

Jun 2017 $398,088


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Managing support for the region's Sustainable Agricultural program - through Senior NRM Officers

(Levy) Program highlights this period include:

Senior NRM Officers attended the NREP stand at the Eyre Peninsula Field Days and provided support to the Sustainable Agricultural display.

Senior NRM Officers have provided support to the Pests Cost Us All project

Senior NRM Officers continue to support the region’s Sustainable Agriculture program through the provision of advice, assessment of risk and facilitation of information activities relative to biosecurity, soils and salinity issues.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Ongoing support for the Pests Cost Us All project

Delivering the region’s sustainable agriculture program in collaboration with Regional Landcare

Facilitators (NLP) Program highlights this period include:

Assessment and delivery of eight Sustainable Agriculture Grants for Managing Practice Change in Agriculture

Planning and conducting a Wild Dog Workshop at Moonabie Station with 14 Landholders (Pests Cost Us All (PCUA) project)

Planning a cat demonstration site in western district (PCUA)

Planning and site preparation for African Lovegrass demonstration site in October (PCUA)

Attendance at Eyre Peninsula Field Days, including support of DEWNR display and Ag Excellence display

Attendance at seven Ag Bureau Sticky Beak field days, looking at soil amelioration, onion weed control, legume nodulation, Russian wheat aphid and other issues

Lower Eyre Agriculture Development Association (LEADA) bus tour and spring walk events

Understanding Crop Production for Women workshop

Video produced with Wudinna Yaninee Mount Damper Sustainable Ag Group highlighting how groups working together can achieve positive outcomes.

Partners in Grain (PING), a newly-formed women’s agriculture group, have had two meetings in Cleve. Members have also attended two workshops on fire (13 attendees) and child safety on farms (14 attendees)

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Continuation of sticky beak program with agriculture bureaus

Landholder survey for deer populations and sightings

Continued planning and implementation of Pests Cost Us All project

Page 15: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Engagement – Community and Industry Engagement Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Effective community engagement, communications, coordination of volunteer management, citizen science and education programs (Levy)

Jun 2017

$516,359 Managing effective community engagement in natural resources management through Senior NRM Officers (Levy)

Jun 2017

Support EPICCA and implement CC Adaptation projects (Levy) Jun 2017

Effective management of Adapt NRM Grants program, including call for Round 2 projects (Levy)

Jun 2017


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Effective community engagement, communications, coordination of volunteer management, citizen

science and education programs (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

Five formal media releases issued by NREP that resulted in: o one feature Sunday Mail article o two WildEyre articles o 47 Twitter announcements (resulting in 44 retweets, 567 engagements and 30,360 impressions) o one TV, three radio interviews and one print media interview (involving five NREP spokespersons)

Media, website content and associated communications associated with NREP’s stall at the EP Field Days

Continued media interest in the finalised Water Allocation Plan and updating information on the NRM Levy.

Publication of nine new promotional key message postcards: o Acid soil management o Nodulation on crops o Buffel grass awareness o Co-management Aboriginal partnership - Gawler Rangers National Park o Malleefowl sightings needed (citizen science project) o EP Goannas (citizen science project) o EP bush bird monitoring (citizen science project) o EP Koalas (citizen science project) o EP Frog watch (citizen science project)

Main events promoted include: o First Annual Bush Birds Survey workshop at Lock, 17 July o EP Blue Gums Workshop near Cleve, 26 July o Eyre Peninsula Field Days, 9-11 August o Wild dog and fox management workshop (Moonabie Station) in collaboration with SAAL NRM, 22


o Sea Week promotional media, 3-11 September.

o Sustainable agriculture program Cereal Production from the Beginning for Women course and

development of next YouTube clip about the formation of the new agriculture groups in central Eyre


o Promotion of Indigenous Green Army NREP Team work in Lincoln National Park, 22 September

o Nature Play SA workshops and talks for professionals, community and council, 27 and 28 September.

Appointment of an Education and Volunteer Support Officer. This position is based in Whyalla and will

reinvigorate relationships with Whyalla schools and volunteer groups.

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As part of the Elliston Year 4/5 school camp at Coodlie Park, education sessions over 3 days were held at the

Venus Bay Conservation Park with western NRM Officers. Information sessions were held on reintroduced

species including greater bilby and brush tail bettong. Students obtained new research skills through spotlighting

surveys, scat and track surveying and cat trapping.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

NREP Engagement Strategy

NREP Citizen Science Strategy

Overhaul of NREP website for citizen science information.

Filming and publication of YouTube clips for: o Cereal production from the beginning for women and new group in Wudinna o WildEyre achievements showcasing the project to date and encouraging new funders to get involved o Prescribed burning process and filming of spring post-fire monitoring component o Coffin Bay aquaculture industry projects

Upcoming promotional events include:

Media article on Elliston School Camp

NREP will be represented at the upcoming Whyalla Pride event with displays, handouts and general

conversations with local community

Support to Friends of Southern Eyre Peninsula Parks hosting 75th Anniversary of Lincoln National Park, 9 Oct

First Annual Bush Birds Survey Workshop at Port Lincoln, 16 Oct

Invasive Grasses Workshop – Pests Cost us all to be held at Waddikee 17 Oct

Importance of saltmarsh and mangrove ecosystems to recreational fishers – Nov

Media for upcoming Christmas holiday period, local nature-based tourism promotion and safety info - Dec

Managing effective community engagement in natural resources management through Senior NRM

Officers (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

The Streaky Bay Sticky Beak Day was held in September. Topics discussed included pest animal management, culling permits and wombat populations.

Senior NRM Officers have undertaken several site visits in the western district to landholders seeking permission to clear scattered trees in return for a Significant Environmental Benefit Offset. Due to technological advances and increases in machinery size, landholders are experiencing difficulties setting seeding, spraying and harvesting runs. The site visits have resulted in positive relationships being formed and increased awareness of native vegetation legislation.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Continue working with landholders on native vegetation and pest management issues.

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Support EPICCA and implement CC Adaptation projects (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

Seven people from Eyre Peninsula attended the Climate Adaptation 2016 Conference in Adelaide in July. Five of these participants were sponsored through the DEWNR Climate Change Unit. The Conference involved people from all over Australia, as well as international participants. SA was highlighted as a leading state through many of the presentations and Eyre Peninsula was also featured in five presentations, which included our adaptation methodology and showcasing of the Board’s Future Farm Landscapes and WildEyre projects from a carbon sequestration perspective.

The EPICCA Steering Group and Working Group held a joint meeting on 12 September 2016. At the meeting the Independent Chair, Mr Brian Foster was reappointed for a further 12 month period. The agenda included the following:

o Chair’s update – including information from the Premier’s Climate Change Council, the NCCARF conference, the Greenhouse Gas conference and recent adaptation meetings in Adelaide

o A summary of EPICCAs achievements for the year, which showcased the Ross Garnaut, Climate Change after Paris workshops in Whyalla and Port Lincoln

o The approval of the EPICCA Implementation Plan o The launch of the Coast Adapt Tool for local government and planners by representatives of NCCARF

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

With the approval of the Implementation Plan, the focus for the next quarter will be to implement the actions outlined in the plan, which include:

o A desktop review of the Adaptation Plan for EP to determine what work is required in the future to update this.

o Updating of three existing priority sector adaptation plans o Development of three new adaptation plans for priority sectors o Coordination of Steering Group and Working Group Meetings o Hosting of an annual Climate Change Information session

Effective management of Adapt NRM Grants program, including call for Round 2 projects (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

The Board held an open call for Adapt NRM Grant applications for the 2015-16 period, with six successful applications. Four of these projects were concluded on June 30, and the remaining two are due to be completed by 30 June 2017, including:

o Environmental monitoring to improve understanding of oyster performance - South Australian Oyster Research Council.

o Can we help threatened malleefowl survive under changing climate? - Middleback Alliance

The call for Adapt NRM Grants for the 2016-17 period, has been deferred due to budgetary constraints.

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Program: Engagement – Aboriginal Engagement Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Undertake strategies to support Aboriginal employment and development of projects with Aboriginal communities (Levy)

Jun 2017 $218,544

Aboriginal capacity building for natural resource management (NLP) Jun 2017 $262,771


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Undertake strategies to support Aboriginal employment and development of projects with Aboriginal

communities (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

The EPNRM Board-hosted Green Army team commenced during this period. The project Aboriginal Youth ‘Warna’ Work (Warna = Aboriginal word for land) will see Indigenous youth working on projects that will support various levy, NLP and DEWNR projects. The team is based in Port Lincoln, however will work at numerous projects sites across the region.

Aboriginal Partnerships staff have worked with Greening Australia on the 20 Million Trees program in Coffin Bay including undertaking the rabbit survey and control work and pre-revegetation pest plant control work.

Aboriginal Partnerships staff have supported the WildEyre program including undertaking the pre-revegetation pest plant control work and supported supervision of Aboriginal labour hire teams.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Continue to provide support to the management of the Green Army team.

Renewing grant agreement with Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation to assist with the delivery of Aboriginal Partnerships programs including:

o Buffel grass survey and control work for southern and eastern EP o Fountain grass survey and control work o Fox bait manufacture o Boxthorn control and tree planting in coastal areas

Undertake an evaluation of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee

Completion of pest plant and rabbit control projects expected by March 2017

Aboriginal capacity building for natural resource management (NLP) Program highlights this period include:

A project with Indigenous students at Whyalla High School around native plant propagation has commenced.

Ongoing boneseed control works with Aboriginal staff

Authorised NRM Officers providing support and mentorship to the Green Army team when they are engaged on DEWNR programs.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Aboriginal Program leader will be meeting with the Barngarla and Far West Community representatives to discuss future partnerships.

Page 19: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Leadership & Accountability – Planning, Strategy & Governance Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Finalisation of regional NRM Plan, Policies and MERI. Annual review of Business Plan, and other strategic planning tools (Levy)

Jun 2017


EPNRM Board and Committees supported, Budget finalised and loaded by 30th Sept, EPNRMB financial reports provided as per SLA (Levy)

Jun 2017

WHS incidents managed to reduce risk and injuries managed effectively, HR policies implemented (Levy)

Jun 2017

Contracts and landholder agreements administered (Levy) Jun 2017

NRM Compliance activities undertaken - not WAA (Levy) Jun 2017


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Finalisation of regional NRM Plan, Policies and MERI. Annual review of Business Plan, and other

strategic planning tools (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

Continued the development of the Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) Plan

Continued the development of resilience assessments and program descriptions for Board programs

Amended the water affecting activity policy after receiving review comments from DEWNR

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Consult Board and staff about programs and MERI plan

Finalize MERI plan

Develop land management and pest policies for the regional NRM plan.

Develop an engagement strategy for the statutory consultation of the regional NRM plan Upcoming promotional events include:

Undertake statutory consultation of the draft regional NRM plan

EPNRM Board and Committees supported, Budget finalised and loaded by 30th Sept, EPNRMB financial

reports provided as per SLA (Levy) Program highlights this period include:

Budget approved and loaded before end of July

Financial reports commenced

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Conclusion of external audit

Review of the Membership, Role and Relevance of the Risk and Audit Committee

2016-17 Financial Management Compliance Program finalization and approval

WHS incidents managed to reduce risk and injuries managed effectively, HR policies implemented

(Levy) Program highlights this period include:

No incidents were recorded during this period

Page 20: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Contracts and landholder agreements administered (External) Program highlights this period include:

Review of Grants and Contracts Registers to improve reporting and reconciliation.

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Development of Access Database for Contract and Grants Registers

NRM Compliance activities undertaken - not WAA (Levy) Program highlights for this period

Native vegetation clearance issues are on the rise across the region. There is currently one ongoing native vegetation investigation into illegal clearance of more than 54 kilometres of roadside vegetation.

Continued work with authorised officers regarding pest plant issues across region. Ongoing work with landholders seeking voluntary compliance.

Pest animal reports on the increase with feral pig sightings in Koppio Hills. Deer sightings have increased in the Mangalow Hills, White Flat area with reports of illegal releases. Investigation ongoing.

Achieved voluntary compliance with a number of landholders regarding pest plant control and ongoing voluntary compliance with pest animal control.

Upcoming priorities for the next period

Pest animal monitoring and liasing with landholders for voluntary compliance.

Follow up on pest plant control reports.

Native vegetation training for authorised officers.

Page 21: 2016/17 Service Level Agreement · 2016/17 Service Level Agreement In August 2016 the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board entered into a Service Level Agreement with


Program: Leadership & Accountability – Monitoring & Improvement Milestones Status Finish Date Budget

Support M & E throughout the region and implement strategies (Levy and External)

Jun 2017 $223,055


On track to deliver all


On track to deliver most milestones. May be some delays.

Unlikely to meet milestones.

Support M & E throughout the region and implement strategies (Levy and External) Program highlights this period include:

Development of the MERI framework for the Draft NRM Plan

Implementation of the Eyre Peninsula Biodiversity Monitoring Program

Support of M&E activities linked to the WAP Implementation Plan

Continued development of Citizen Science Strategy for Eyre Peninsula

Ongoing support of the EP Birds Monitoring Program. This has included the development of an interactive online map for monitoring sites across EP.

Submission of Stage 3 National Landcare Program (NLP) reporting for Ecosystems and Coastal Management on Eyre Peninsula project

Submission of Stage 3 National Landcare Program (NLP) reporting for Sustainable Agriculture – Eyre Peninsula project

Upcoming priorities for the next period include:

Stage 4 National Landcare Program (NLP) reporting for Ecosystems and Coastal Management on Eyre Peninsula project

Stage 4 National Landcare Program (NLP) reporting for Sustainable Agriculture – Eyre Peninsula project

Development of Citizen Science Strategy for Eyre Peninsula

Launch of EP Goannas citizen science project for 2016/17

Groundwater dependent ecosystem (GDE) monitoring as part of the Water Allocation Plan Implementation Plan

Upcoming promotional events include:

EP Goannas citizen science project

Figure 7: EP Goannas citizen science project will be launched in October 2016