Academic Resources It’s an exciting time to be a student at Northeastern, and you’ll find a wealth of resources on campus to help you make the most of your time here. Whether you have a question about your financial aid, need to contact the computer help desk, or want to find out more about student organizations, the Undergraduate Student Handbook can help guide you to the information you need. The following is a list of academic and campus resources available to you at Northeastern. Visit the offices’ websites for more details about the services each provides. In eastern Massachusetts, you must dial area codes even for local calls. The area code for all listed telephones is 617 unless otherwise noted. Colleges and Schools College of Arts, Media and Design Office of www.northeastern.edu/camd 373.5088 the Dean 102 Ryder Hall D’Amore-McKim School of Business Office of www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/ 373.3232 the Dean 101 Hayden Hall Undergraduate www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/ugrad/ 373.3270 Programs 250 Dodge Hall Graduate www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/grad/ 373.5992 Programs 350 Dodge Hall Graduate School www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/grad/ 373.3244 of Professional 412 Dodge Hall Accounting School of www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/ste/ 373.2788 Technological E-mail: [email protected] Entrepreneurship 304 Hayden Hall Academic Resources 1 Academic Resources

2013 2014 academic resources

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Academic Resources

It’s an exciting time to be a student at Northeastern, and you’ll find a wealth of resources on campus to help you make the most of yourtime here. Whether you have a question about your financial aid, needto contact the computer help desk, or want to find out more about student organizations, the Undergraduate Student Handbook can helpguide you to the information you need.

The following is a list of academic and campus resources available toyou at Northeastern. Visit the offices’ websites for more details aboutthe services each provides.

In eastern Massachusetts, you must dial area codes even for local calls.The area code for all listed telephones is 617 unless otherwise noted.

Colleges and Schools

College of Arts, Media and Design

Office of www.northeastern.edu/camd 373.5088the Dean 102 Ryder Hall

D’Amore-McKim School of Business

Office of www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/ 373.3232the Dean 101 Hayden Hall

Undergraduate www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/ugrad/ 373.3270Programs 250 Dodge Hall

Graduate www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/grad/ 373.5992Programs 350 Dodge Hall

Graduate School www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/grad/ 373.3244of Professional 412 Dodge HallAccounting

School of www.damore-mckim.northeastern.edu/ste/ 373.2788Technological E-mail: [email protected] 304 Hayden Hall

A c a d e m i c R e s o u r c e s • 1



College of Computer and Information Science

Office of www.northeastern.edu/ccis 373.2462the Dean 202 West Village H

Graduate School www.northeastern.edu/ccis/graduate 373.2462 E-mail: [email protected]

202 West Village H

College of Engineering

Office of www.northeastern.edu/coe 373.2154the Dean 230 Snell Engineering Center

Undergraduate www.coe.neu.edu/coe/ undergraduate/studentservices 373.2154Student Services E-mail: [email protected] 220 Snell Engineering Center

Graduate School www.northeastern.edu/coe/gse 373.2711 E-mail: [email protected] 130 Snell Engineering Center

Connections www.connections.coe.neu/edu 373.3056 E-mail: [email protected] 400 Snell Engineering Center

NUPRIME www.coe.neu.edu/coe/undergraduate/ 373.5904Northeastern studentservices/diversity/nuprime.htmlUniversity E-mail: [email protected] in 220 Snell Engineering CenterMulticultural Engineering

Women in www.coe.neu.edu/coe/undergraduate/ 373.3402Engineering studentservices/diversity/womeninengineering.html Programs E-mail: [email protected] 220 Snell Engineering Center

Bouvé College of Health Sciences

Office of www.northeastern.edu/bouve 373.3323the Dean 215 Behrakis Health Sciences Center

Undergraduate 120 Behrakis Health Sciences Center 373.3320Student Services

Graduate School 123 Behrakis Health Sciences Center 373.2708


College of Professional Studies

Office of www.northeastern.edu/cps 373.2400the Dean 50 Nightingale Hall E-mail: [email protected]

College of Science

Office of www.northeastern.edu/cos 373.5085the Dean 115 Richards Hall

Undergraduate 206 Mugar Hall 373.4475Student Services

College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Office of www.northeastern.edu/cssh 373.5173the Dean 420 Renaissance Park

Undergraduate 420 Renaissance Park 373.3980Student Services

School of Law

Office of www.northeastern.edu/law 373.3307the Dean 120 Knowles Center

University-Wide Programs

Ujima Scholars Program

Ujima Scholars www.northeastern.edu/aai/services/ujima.html 373.4912Program 40 Leon Street, 40 West Village F

The University Honors Program

The University www.northeastern.edu/honors 373.2333Honors Program 150 Richards Hall

Program for Undeclared Students

Program for www.northeastern.edu/undeclared 373.3980Undeclared 1 Meserve HallStudents

A c a d e m i c R e s o u r c e s • 3

General Studies Program

General Studies www.northeastern.edu/gsp 373.3980Program 1 Meserve Hall

TRACE (Student Evaluation of Courses)

Students play a critical role in the University’s commitment to quality teaching and academic excellence when they participate in the evaluation of courses through TRACE (Teacher Rating And Course Evaluation), a survey developed collaboratively bythe Student Government Association and the Faculty Senate. TRACE data is importantin the process of course design and improvement, as well as in the process of facultydevelopment. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in TRACE with con structive feedback that is relevant to teaching and course content. TRACE resultsfrom previous terms can be found on myNEU.

Research Centers



As a national research university, Northeastern is home to numerousinterdisciplinary research centers and institutes that focus on a variety of subject areas, including:

Biology and BiotechnologyBusiness Management and EmploymentCrime and Violence PreventionEducationEngineeringHealth IssuesLawSoftware and TechnologyUrban and Public Policy

Alphabetical List of Research Centers and Institutes

Visit www.northeastern.edu/research for the most updated list of centers.

Advanced Scientific Computation CenterAntimicrobial Discovery CenterBarnett Institute of Chemical and Biological AnalysisBernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS)

Brudnick Center on Violence and ConflictCenter for Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing (CAMMP)Center for Awareness and Location of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT)

Center for Communications and Digital Signal Processing (CDSP)Center for Complex Network Research (CCNR)


Center for Criminal Justice Policy ResearchCenter for Drug DiscoveryCenter for Family BusinessCenter for High-Rate NanomanufacturingCenter for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems (CIRCS)Center for Microcontamination ControlCenter for Microwave Magnetic Materials and Integrated Circuits (CM3IC)

Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and NanomedicineCenter for Translational NeuroImaging (CTNI)Center for Urban Environmental Studies Domestic Violence InstituteDukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy (CURP)Electronic Materials Research Institute (eMRI)Humanities CenterInstitute for Complex Scientific Software (ICSS)Institute for Global Innovation ManagementInstitute for Information AssuranceInstitute for Security and Public Policy in Criminal JusticeInstitute on Race and JusticeInstitute on Urban Health Research (IUHR)Marine Science CenterNational Education and Research Center for Outcomes Assessment in Healthcare (NERCOA)

New England Inflammation and Tissue Protection InstituteNortheastern University Center for Renewable Energy Technology (NUCRET)

Public Health Advocacy Institute (PHAI)Sport in Society, a Northeastern University CenterSTEM Education Center

University Administration

College and School Deans

College of Arts, Media and DesignDean Xavier Costa

D’Amore-McKim School of BusinessDean Hugh Courtney

College of Computer and Information ScienceTo be announced

College of Engineering Dean Nadine Aubry

A c a d e m i c R e s o u r c e s • 5

Bouvé College of Health SciencesDean Terry Fulmer

College of Professional StudiesDean John G. LaBrie

College of ScienceDean J. Murray Gibson

College of Social Sciences and HumanitiesInterim Dean Uta Poiger

School of LawDean Jeremy Paul

University Senior Staff—Academic Year 2013–2014

PresidentJoseph E. Aoun

ProvostStephen W. Director

Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student LifePhilomena V. Mantella

Senior Vice President for External AffairsMichael A. Armini

Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement Diane N. MacGillivray

Senior Vice President and General CounselRalph C. Martin, II

University Offices and Services

Academic Assistance Guide

Academic www.advising.neu.edu Assistance Guide