2011 September Humanity First Medical Newsletter

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  • 7/30/2019 2011 September Humanity First Medical Newsletter


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    Humanity First Medical September 2011 Update. Humanity First in Dadaab, Africa.

    Humanity First workers in Dadaab, Africa

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    Welcome to the Humanity First Medical update.

    With these updates, we aim to keep you

    informed about Humanity First medical

    activities and talk about the latest in news and

    controversies, in relation to our line of work

    with these updates.

    Please visit our website

    Humanity First Medical

    for more about our activities, contribution to

    this newsletter or to contact members of the

    Humanity First Medical team.

    Humanity First team in Dadaab


    Humanity First helps in Dadaab Camp

    Failed rains, local and global price rises for food

    and fuel, underdevelopment and conflict in

    Somalia have combined to create a

    humanitarian crisis affecting some 10 million

    people in eastern and southern parts of the

    Horn of Africa. For those affected, access to the

    most basic levels of food and water is


    According to UNICEF, immediate nutritionalsupport is required for 480,000 children

    suffering from severe acute malnutrition and

    1,649,000 children and pregnant and lactating

    women suffering from moderate acute


    About a quarter of the Somali population is

    displaced by war and drought. According to

    UNHCR, some 1.46 million are displaced within

    Somalia. The situation in drought-affected

    regions of Somalia has also led to a major

    increase in those seeking refuge and assistance

    in Ethiopia and Kenya and some 50,000 new

    arrivals reported in June. Outbreak of measles

    and diarrhoea (AWD) are reported. The drought

    has also killed off hundreds of thousands of

    livestock and further outbreaks of contagious

  • 7/30/2019 2011 September Humanity First Medical Newsletter


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    Humanity First Medical has launced an appeal

    to help the drought affectees in Africa. You can

    donate at the Just Giving site by clicking the

    Appeal or Just Giving logo below

    HF team and volunteers unload at the camp

    livestock and animal diseases are feared.

    Humanity First medial team is currently

    planning an effective help strategy which would

    serve Africa in the long-term. Collaboration will

    be important for sustained help and is engaged

    in discussion with UNICEF, WFP and Save the


    Humanity First has committed over $50,000 to

    its local relief efforts in Kenya. On 29th of July

    Humanity First convoy left Nairobi for support

    work at the Dadaab camp. The team was joined

    by 70 HF Kenyan volunteers. 6,500 food parcels

    were distributed. Each food parcel contains 5kg

    of maize flour, 5kg of wheat flour, 5 kg of beans

    and a combination of cooking oil, salt, sugar

    and tea. A futher $200,000 worth of aid is

    ready to ship to Nairobi.

    Ack now ledgem ents: Khalid Ghazi

    Please visit our website

    Humanity First Medical

    for more about our activities, contribution to

    this newsletter or to contact members of the

    Humanity First Medical team.

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    All ph otogr ap hs in th is new slet ter ar e copyrig hted by Hu m an ity First In tern at ion al (UK)

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