2011 Anthology WNYWP Good

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  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    JoelWenttoDisneyand allwegotwas this lousy



  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    Quantum Physics and the Power of ThoughtJoel went to Disney and all we got was this lousy title (hopefully before October).

    An anthology of the

    Western New York Writing Project

    Teen Writing Workshop


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    Quantum Physics and the Power of Thought(Joel went to Disney and all we got was this lousy title (hopefully before October).

    Anthology of Poetry and Prose

    Volume XX

    Western New York Writing Project

    Writing Workshop for Teens

    July 11th to July 22nd, 2011

    Queen...............................................................................Suzanne Borowicz

    The Queens Hand......................................................Genevieve Federick

    Grand Maester.............................................................Joel Malley

    Lord of the Nights Watch........................................Franklin Aqualina

    Head Executioner........................................................Nicole Lesinski

    Mops and Buckets.......................................................Matt Pavlovich

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Published by The Western New York Writing Project

    at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY.

    For more information about the WNY Writing Project, enrichment opportunities for

    students, and professional development for teachers, call (716) 888-3134 or go to

    www.canisius.edu/wnywp. See our community at http://www.facebook.com/Wnywpteens

    Copyright 2011 by Western New York Writing Project. All rights reserved. Individual authorsand artists retain all ownership rights to their respective works. We are fairly confident this

    anthology has been printed in the United States of America.

    Anthology layout and design of the people, by the people, and for the people. Cover art by

    Kelcie Adams. Individual page layout by the individual writers. Finally, be it remembered

    that individual proofreading responsibilities lie with the individual writer (READ: NOT


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  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    A ride at Disney doesn't start when you reach the end

    of the line and step into the car. It doesn't start when

    you begin the deep ascent to the top of the peak,

    anxiety building in your sternum as you begin to

    anticipate a death defying drop. A ride at Disney starts

    when you first step into line and cross the threshold

    onto a ride.

    I mean, and you know this, Disney is as much about

    the waiting as it is about the delivery. An actual ride

    lasts somewhere around 120 seconds yet people

    consistently wait in lines for rides such as Space

    Mountain and Toy Story Mania for as much as two hours.

    The last thing an entertainment company wants is for

    its patrons to be bored, so ride designers start building

    the narrative of the ride from the moment you enter

    that line.

    In an average line, the furthest ahead you can see is ten

    yards. In that ten yards your senses are treated a wide

    assortment of stimuli. TakeJungle Cruise at The Magic

    Kingdom, for instance. You enter into a thatched roof

    building and begin weaving your way through what

    looks like a isolated way station somewhere in the

    middle of Zimbabwe. You pick your way into a section

    and contemplate the tongue in cheek signs warning of

    head shrinking natives. When you turn a corner you

    are confronted by a box claiming to contain a man

    eating tarantula and a chalkboard sign listing missing

    inhabitants with names like Ilene Dover and AnnaFellen. As you get closer to boarding you get to hear

    the numerous oft repeated jokes of the dock workers.

    (Here's a taste -- Those of you adventurers entering the world-

    famous Jungle Cruise, please notice there are two lines, one on the

    right and the other on the left. If you'd like to keep your family

    together, please stay in the same line. However, if there is someone

    in your family you'd like to get rid of, just put them in the

    opposite line and you'll never see them again.)

    The same goes for every ride. Descending into the

    depths of the Spanish fort Castillo Del Morro inPirates

    of the Caribbean. Standing by while three quarters of theelevator recites theHaunted Mansion narrator's spiel

    verbatim. Relishing in C-3PO and flight videos on Star

    Tours. The experience starts at the threshold.

    This year, I missed the first three days of the Western

    New York Writing Project Teen Writing Workshop as I was

    busy hustling my wife and children through Disney.

    When I returned, the residue of the trip colored my

    entire workshop experience. I couldn't help but draw a

    comparison between the queue of a Disney ride and

    writing. Reading and writing are not only about the

    thrill of the climax or the poignant last bit of irony atthe end of a short story. It's not about the thematic

    payload in the final couplet of a Shakespearian sonnet.

    Writing is about the building. The sequencing of

    images and powerful words -- those tiny rooms which

    place the reader inside a sensory experience. Whether

    it is a line, tercet, paragraph, stanza or chapter, these

    are spaces that are vital to good writing.

    At this writing workshop, it is our job to help influence

    our students to create vivid rooms. This year we

    packed a lot of stimuli into our two weeks to help this

    process. Meredith Jones, a former teen participant and

    current SUNY Purchase creative writing student,

    revisited the camp to lead a workshop in writing

    microfiction. Karen Lewis, local poet, photographer,

    and teacher pushed writers out of their comfort zones

    and asked that they write to music and translate the

    Hawaiian song Kauanoeanuhea. We took our yearly

    field trips to the Albright Knox Art Gallery and to

    Forest Lawn Cemetery. We also changed the format

    slightly this year during the first week and offered

    choice based workshops on cliffhangers, creative

    nonfiction and writing for the stage rather than relysolely on age based writing groups. And, much like a

    Disney attraction builds to the exciting climax or gut

    wrenching drop, we built towards sharing our pieces at

    our final reception and laying out our works in this

    final anthology of the rooms we created together.

    What follows is a collection of those tiny rooms. We

    hope you enjoy and, as always, have a magical day!


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    SnowCorpseIn the tundra they will find a

    mass grave of myself,

    A pale frozen creature with frost-

    covered lashes, blue nails,

    Lips bruised black from the cold.

    And when they crack my body


    They shall find me crystallized

    With my soul in every particle ofwater,

    One last thought, or perhaps the

    culmination of my thoughts

    Etched inside me, my final poem

    in sculpted ice.

    It will be wordless and speak

    endlessly to how I ended

    With love or with fear

    One drop of water will tell my

    story better than I,

    Unweighted with the biting

    complexities of sentience

    It sees me and reports my soul as

    a mere fact to the universe,

    Making me either a snow angel

    or snow monster,

    Finally settling the question.

    IAmI am the rhythm of the rainstorm and a fall

    thats not high enough to kill you. I am the

    wing of the raven that left and will not

    return. I am myself. I am everyone else.Im pretentious and poetic, questioning and

    unquestioning. Im the lamp-post light at

    dusk; Im the classical music played in the

    subway. I am hands and feet and heart; I

    am fingernails and eyebrows and teeth. Im

    here. Im not interested in lampshades or

    conformity. Im carrying James K. Polk in

    my pocket. Im the hands that cook your

    food. Im in the company of habits and the

    savior of earthworms trapped on the

    sidewalk after a thunderstorm. Im a

    rejoicer in little moments. Im going away;

    now Im coming back. Im sick of all theseIm statements. I know who I am. Im


    HomingPoemOn a rooftop overlooking a Fluorescent


    The Queen of Porcelain stands

    With a thousand covered baskets

    Listening for tired cries, desperate hearts,

    Peaceful minds basking in buttery sunlight.

    Hearing one she smiles; in a smooth arcReleases a cooing poem

    And throws her arms to the sky.

    It flaps, all rhapsody and anticipation,

    Disappearing to deliver its message

    Over serengeti, solar system, and epoch,

    I will find a home somewhere.

    Through non-linear time itself the poem

    flies and then

    Instinctively banks into a sleepers mind

    Only to be bowled over by the irrefutable

    earliness of the morning.

    Gathering momentum in its flight the poem

    Knocks on the roof of a car in LA traffic

    And is promptly told to beat it.

    Sighing, it wings its way down South to


    And chases Ruth Stone all the way to her


    Missing her by a second,

    Finally cannon-balling into me

    Compelling the images of its flight to rise

    As it dies in my arms,

    I will find a home somewhere.

    WorryBeadsHold them close,

    Draped around my index finger

    Are these fifteen black beads.

    Unified in chain, they shine with the oil of

    Many fingerprints;

    Clearly I am not the first to seek their

    solace.I feel prayers rising in me as I bring them

    to my lips,

    Close but not touching

    And know, in some instinct of the spirit

    That they are trustworthy,

    That I can bury my secrets in their

    spherical hearts

    And they will not say a word, they will no

    try to save me.

    Smelling of smoke they warm up in my


    Im reluctant to let go

    My skins not too tight today

    But I need something to hold on to,

    And I can trust in the love of these beads

    Like I can trust in the freedom of the sky

    And the joie de vivre of the wind.

    It is easier to be loved by inanimate objec

    than by people,

    And I float in the affection of these beads

    A mere bagatelle,

    They may save my life today.

    Victoria Licata will be a

    freshman at Ohio

    Wesleyan University next

    year. This is regrettablyher lasttime in "Narnia"and she will miss everyone

    next summer. In themeantime, she enjoyseating Tootsie Rolls,

    getting dollar coins as

    change instead of bills,

    and watching black and

    white movies. ShedoesNOT enjoy missingthe bus, sushi, or kids who

    shoot her in the face with

    straws at work.JaneAusten is and always will

    be her homegirl.

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    A DreamBy Hassan Shah

    Velvet air rushing towards me.

    The Lion, within me, ready too strike.

    A magical crown stands before me.

    King of the world,

    King of the galaxy,

    King of the Universe.

    Joy before millions and billions.



    Bravery.Then I wake up too find,

    that nothing has happened.

    Just my dream.

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    Close To Me

    By Paul Rehac

    Let's live life

    In simile and


    Step back and see

    What beauty a


    May bring.I'm tired of

    The unique and


    Because, love,

    You're my


    You're in all

    The good I see.

    Warm like


    Bright like hope,Pure like love,

    Forever like us.

    These are the


    I see

    When you lie down

    Close to me.


    By Paul Rehac

    Sometimes I imagine

    Myself writing

    Words I dont

    Completely understand

    In a hand

    About as familiar to me

    As compassion is to you.

    I write of things

    That could be,

    That will be,

    That have been.

    I write about

    The girl in the photograph.

    This time

    Not as a memory,

    But as a presence

    Always there,Inviting and warm

    Like home or hearth.

    And as I write

    In this dream of mine

    I begin to understand

    The foreign script.

    A song of love;

    A word I could only ever spell.

    A story of comfort;

    A concept I only lied about.

    I begin to seeWhat these words mean.

    I begin to need

    These things I read.

    And I yearn to see

    You beside me.

    Paul J. Rehac

    Paul is a young, aspiring dinosaur. Hewrites often in his spare time, though herarely ever finishes the projects hestarts. His interests include, but are notlimited to, writing, thinking, watchingshows written for children, climbinganything more than a few feet tallerthan himself, and spending hours doing

    nothing at all.He enjoys long walks on the beach, so

    long as there is no sand on said beach,

    and romantic candle-lit dinners, as long

    as the candles arent the only thing

    lighting the table.

    A never-ending source of witty

    commentary and pointless statements,

    Paul is generally the one to go to for

    amusing, albeit unproductive,

    conversation. He is always willing to

    waste time with friends and strangers


    This picture was taken byJon

    Herb, known as Jah32 on Flickr.This picture was awarded a Nikon-flickr-Award.


    By Paul Rehac

    Its 11:11

    And youve found and eyelash.

    The candles are burning down,

    The knifes ready to be

    Pulled out.

    Shooting stars

    Follow closelyBehind the first star

    You see tonight.

    So dont blink,


    Dont think,


    Just murmur

    Your wish,

    Nice and soft,

    So only fate may hear.

    Youve earned this one,Running scared for

    Far too long.

    Out of breath,

    Out of sight,

    Out of mind.

    Heres the place

    Where you can put your faith

    In a star, a flame, a knife,

    A wish.

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    Musings of a PoetBy Paul Rehac

    I want to write stories,

    Not thoughts or poems.

    I want to show you

    The beauty of

    A bird flying free,

    Not through the use

    Of simile and symbolism

    Or rhythm and rhyme,

    But through the use

    Of a narrative

    Ten pages long,

    Filled from margin

    To margin

    With eloquence

    In prose.

    Im not sure why

    I feel like

    This comes more readily,

    Flow more steadily,

    Reads more appealingly.

    I dont know why,

    I cant write confidently,

    Line by line,

    The story in my mind.

    We live in prose,

    As a whole.

    So am I just


    Should it always be,

    That because

    I live in poetry

    That I cant

    Indulge in a comfortOf a fireside story.

    It makes no sense to me,

    But its the way it has to be.

    S for now,

    Ill embrace A haiku,

    sonnet, or free form

    And be pleased

    With the gift

    Of living in poetry.

    Not Bitter

    By Paul Rehac

    Zelda playing

    On and on

    Like a record

    Spinning backward

    In my head.

    Play it in reverse,

    Hear the devil sing

    And find your salvation


    Lets pray,

    Bow down

    And swear fealty

    In exchange

    For false promises

    Like the ones

    Your mother made,

    Looking in the mirror

    And seeing who she used to be.

    Dont we all wish

    We could be

    Who she sees?

    I bet she thinks so.Identifying with a crowd

    She wouldnt know,

    Who turned their backs

    Long ago.

    While she grew fat

    One the lies she told

    You and herself

    And anyone in earshot.

    When did things

    Get so complicated?

    When did the puzzleStop fitting?

    God cut a piece again,

    Thwarting his subjects

    Like the King he is.

    Im not bitter, no.

    I just wish things

    Were simpler again.

    Above picture, A Bird In Motion taken by VladimirAgafonkin, also known as Mourner on Flickr.

    Picture below, Duke Chapel taken by Ivy Dawned.

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    ByCarlyKnaszakWater. I always loved being under water.

    Pure silence surrounds me. My vision is

    blurry and I can't see anything around me

    clearly. I use my imagination to make the

    shapes and figures to make more sense. My

    body is floating. No limits to how I can

    move or where I can move. My voice has

    no meaning, only murmurs. My breath is

    held in my body, waiting for my lungs to

    burst into life again. This perfect world

    leaves when my body forces to reach the

    top and races for the air. My head peaks

    out from the water. My heart is pounding.

    My lungs feed off the air. But one thing

    didn't change. I'm still floating. The feeling

    of no gravity drowns me when I look at


    GoingDownIsTheOnlyWayByCarlyKnaszakI remember when I was

    five years old and my

    dad was teaching me

    how to ride a bike. Of course I was that little girl who would

    be so scared that I wouldn't be able to peddle the bike. My

    dad took me on top of the hill. Our backyard was forty acres

    of land which in my mind looked like a jungle. I looked up

    at my dad with confused eyes when he told me to get on the

    bike. For a moment I didn't respond. I took a couple of

    glances back and forth. My eyes fell to the bike that was on

    the tip of the hill and then my eyes moved down to the

    bottom of the hill. The only way I was going to get off that

    hill was to go down it. I collected my nerves and straddled

    the seat and put my hands on the handles. My palms sweat

    against them. I heard my dad's voice behind me as he said

    he was going to push me, lightly. All I had to do was peddle

    and hold on. As soon as he pushed and the wheels moved. I

    felt like I was flying and in a few short moments I was flying,

    literally. My body crashed landed with the ground and Iremembered I cried. Not tears of pain but tears that I didn't

    stay on. My dad picked up my frustrated body and

    whispered to me that wewill call it quits for the day. Thosewords didn't please me. I jumped out from his arms and took

    the bike and made it to the top of the hill, again. To shorten

    things up my stubbornness came with bruises,blood and

    tears. In the outcome of it all, I finally grew my wings and

    peddled down that hill and landed,safely.

    This is Carly's first year at the

    Western New York Teen

    Writing Workshop.She is

    seventeen and is going to be a

    senior at Hamburg High

    School. She enjoys being

    creative and mostly writes

    about emotions and or eventsin her life. Music is her life.

    She enjoys rock music and

    alternative music. Her

    favorite bands are The

    Beatles and 30 seconds to

    mars. She is pretty sure she

    was meant to be born in the

    60's. She enjoys going to

    concerts over the summer.

    She finds writing muse from

    people around her, events ormusic. She plans to studyatFredonia for communications.

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    ByJessicaH.ZabronMy eyes flashed open. The imprint

    of the dream weighing heavily on my

    mind. The beast that had been created

    by it seemed to stand before me. His

    large feline head, delicate bat-like wings,

    too small for flight, and a thick, silvery

    white pelt covering all but his back feet,which were almost dinosaur-like, thick

    scaly skin covering raptor claws, stood

    beside me. His body, lion-like in nature,

    was massive and muscular, but barely

    visible under his thick coat. He seemed

    to hover over me, even standing on the

    floor. He was roughly the size of a small

    car. The tip of his feline tail twitched

    back and forth as he grinned a Cheshire

    smile at me, his breath, hot and sulfur

    scented, filled the room. He took a step towardme, his heavy front paws made no sound

    Leaning forward, he stared at me with

    unnatural blue eyes. He looked like a

    demon from hell, but he seemed kind

    with a dash of insanity. I dared to blink

    and he was gone. But the sulfur scent

    and the heat of his breath remained,

    along with a name that loomed in the

    depths of my subconscious. Izzet.

    Murmured WarningsByJessicaH.Zabron

    A thin black horse trots along the river

    bank, his master sitting quietly on his

    saddle. Hunched over, the man hides his

    face from cold winter wind, shielding

    himself from reality with furs. The harsh

    winter has left his world a barren wasteland

    of empty trees and starving wildlife. But he

    remains hidden in his thick animal skins.

    Separate from the cold realm.

    The horse suddenly stops. Its head

    high in the air and its ears alert to every

    sound. The wind whistles past, bringing

    with it the smell of a careless cougar. The

    horse snorts and stomps its feet, trying to

    turn around unsuccessfully.

    NO! His master commands,

    ignoring the horses warning. Forward!

    You stupid animal! He whips the horse

    back into a steady trot, cursing its


    Ahead of them, the river turns sharply

    and the forest become denser. The horses

    eyes widen in fear. It knows what is around

    the next bend. It stops again, rearing. Its

    last attempt to warn its master.

    What is wrong with you!? The man

    snarls. Ignoring the horses warning.

    Forward! Dont stop! Move you stupid

    animal! With another lash of the whip,

    they trot around a thick tree. The battle cry

    of famished lion echoes among the snow

    covered trees. Screams follow seconds later,

    only to be sudden cut off.

    Hoof beats fill the deadly silence. A

    thin black horse gallops frantically along a

    river bank. Blood stains his saddle. His

    master is gone. The river slowly turns red.

    Jessica Zabron is an artist innearly every aspect of her life.Her biggest passions, besideswriting, include drawing,editing videos, and show/training dogs. She enjoyswatching horror movie andcheesy SyFy movies. She is

    going to be a senior atHamburg High School in thefall and has plans to major inFilm and/or Creative Writingin college. Jess, also, does notenjoy writing about herself orhaving her picture taken.

    Flikr user Bichuas (E. Carton)

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    I am a warrior, a soldier

    fighting an endless battle

    against the army of my mind.

    Im constantly under attack,

    dodging swords dipped in

    potent pessimism, machine

    guns loaded with doubt and

    assumption, and

    argumentative arrows flying

    through air currents of


    Although I have flown a

    white flag for years, my pleas

    to return to the shores of

    thoughtless surrender rem


    The war rages beneath

    calm exterior, peacefully

    pieced together down to t

    dove whose delicate wings

    a soft smile across my face

    But inside, I am imme

    in battle. Inside, I am a

    prisoner of my own war.

    Inside, I am a warrior.


    Over thought.

    Defeated.Their lanterns are

    set ablaze by the

    setting sun, tickling our

    senses with a common

    curiosity. We desire to

    capture and contain

    them, although aware

    of the terms of their


    Often, we pause

    activity to announcetheir arrival, hushed

    by a moment of



    Were hypnotized

    by their peppering of

    illumination as they

    whiz past, winking

    cheekily on the otherside of fast cars and

    fast lives.

    Though we try to

    blot out the dark with

    our own commotion of

    light, in the end we

    always seem to submit

    our attention to

    fireflies: the unsung

    heroes of the night life.

    OliviaMozeis a seventeen year old seniorat Akron Central whose hair is often mistaken forfire. If shes not buying anchor-related jewelry orbelting out a Broadway tune, you can find herwreaking havoc in her home town accompanied byher equally idiosyncratic friends. These friends

    describe Olivia as funny, awesome, swagical

    and outgoing...whenshesnottired. She tendsto agree with them... when shes not tired. In case

    you were wondering, shes a Ravenclaw.


    Night Life

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    FlyingHighI am up in the air

    Flying high in the breeze

    Very high up you are

    Up above all the trees

    Very high up you are

    And the world lies below

    Very high up you are

    What a show, what a show

    I am flying with flair

    Feel the brisk autumn breeze

    Very high up you are

    Up above all the trees

    You are flying so high

    And the world lies below

    Flying high like a star

    What a show, what a show

    Even lighter than air

    I fly over the seas

    Though it may sound bizarre

    There, I always feel free

    I ignore former scars

    And I fly very low

    Powerful as a Czar

    Hence, my heart is aglow

    Megan Morris is fifteen and

    attends Williamsville South

    High School. She has a

    variety of passions that

    border on obsessive

    including, but not limited to

    Torchwood, Vlogbrothers,

    and her laptop. Please dont

    take away her laptop. Ithink she might go into

    shock without it. Megan

    has a wardrobe the size of a

    small country and a library

    to rival that of Congress.

    She is a writer, a reader, a

    traveler, and a friend to

    many. She has two cats:

    Jack who thinks hes a

    person and Alice the

    conspiracy theorist.



    Im the drip drip drip from the leaky faucet

    One drip in each measure: 4/4 time, mezzo-piano

    Im the morning coffee filling the pot

    A brown splat on the bottom, slowly growing

    Im the puddle below the icicle as spring grows closer

    Warmth gives me freedom from cold winter

    I am snow on city roofs, melting

    Pure water, clean and fresh, but never appreciated

    I am rainwater, freshly fallen

    Seeping into plants roots

    I am even some people

    Afraid to move too quickly lest something important pass us by

    IntheParkatChateauNoirTrunks thin, yet strong

    Each holding three tiers

    Of bright green leaves

    At least

    Moss creeps up the rocks

    Of the steep cliff s face

    Smiling at me

    Holding tight, never letting goPebbles and cobbles in piles on the ground

    Too weak to keep their place

    At the top

    Here I sit on the sun-warmed earth

    Smells of love, warm baking

    Far enough

    And close enough to the house to feel safe

    Safe between two veeing tree trunks

    Safe leaning against a bed of moss

    Safe listening to critters burrowing

    Around me and hawks flying overhead

    Rays of sun warm my face

    Against cool spring air

    Bark bore into my back as

    A nail into a board

    I turn to leave

    But I spend next days

    Wishing, wanting, waiting

    To go back to

    The place where I can be myself

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    We as a civilization, the

    human race, are considered by

    many of our own kind as

    destroyers. Our planet has been

    turned into an industrial sprawl

    and in our greed for natural

    resources, we fail to realize that if

    we dont change then there will

    be dire consequences. Now if we

    are to change sometime in the

    immediate future, we have a

    chance. If we are able to set up

    miles of solar panels in one of

    our deserts than that will supply

    enough energy to power the

    entire united states. If we can

    convert to cleaner energy such as

    hydro power, geothermal, or wind

    power than we can give our planet

    the chance to repair itself from

    the damage that it has already

    been inflicted. We have a chance

    to save our soon to be doomed

    planet if we are to just band

    together and make a collaborative

    effort to try and reduce the

    dangerous levels of Co2 and

    methane emissions than we will

    have a much greater chance to

    save our only chance at survival.

    *Disclaimer: I have no

    intention of forcing my own

    opinions upon others but i am

    trying to bring to view a serious

    matter in todays world

    ~Connor Sonnenberger




    This is Connor. He iscurrently 15 and isattending East AuroraHigh School. Things thathe likes to do includewriting, gaming, andchopping down the

    occasional tree. Thethree things that he lovesmost though are hisdrum kit, his books, andhis favorite place:Germany! He continuesto slowly work on hisshort stories and plans toget a journalism degree.Though before movingonto college, he intends

    to enlist in the UnitedStates Navy. After hesserved for a tour, hewants to attend CanisiusCollege to earn a degreein both journalism andcivil engineering. He alsois a environmentalprotection supporter.

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    The MonksThe night was calm, as it always

    was; for three generations the stars

    had burned undisturbed in a blue-

    black sky. Below them a city slept.

    As the hours progressed,

    candlelight faded from the

    windows until only moonlight

    remained, glittering over roof tiles

    and peaceful cobblestone roads.

    Looming above the city was a

    castle, its high, armored walls

    patrolled by pacing guards. They

    talked quietly under the stars, the

    only ones awake to witness the

    moonlit transformation of the

    buildings below. They called it the

    Watchmens Blessing.

    Their spears leaned against the

    parapet, within easy reach, but

    otherwise ignored. For three

    generations there had been no

    need for weapons. To the guards it

    seemed like a needless ceremony,

    more for traditions sake than


    Behind them the castle grounds were

    quiet. No one would stir until the

    dark hours just before dawn as

    servants began their long days work.

    They didnt mind the hours; they,

    like everyone else, had been content

    with their life for three generations.

    Inside the keep the king, queen, and

    all their royal court slept peacefully

    in wide feather beds. When morning

    came they would rise and preparefor a day of noble duties until the

    sun began to sink; then, they would

    change into fabulous colors for the

    evenings frivolities. Every night

    there was a dance or feast for all who

    cared to attend.

    Peace had reigned over the city for

    three generations, for it was then

    that an order known only as the

    Monks was formed. It was their

    careful meditation that kept the city

    safe and content. They spent their

    years blanketing the city in peaceful

    thoughts, projecting warmth and

    calm so that the citizens could enjoy

    a life without war. For threegenerations they had kept the city

    safe without thanks or reprieve, but

    even peace has a price.

    SouvenirRough paint, the mark of a souvenir

    made to be a souvenir,

    a bright and simple memory cheap

    and light enough to take home

    where others would burst overstuffed

    carryon bags,

    always more chaotic on the way

    home. Its impossible to fit

    an escape -monuments and tours

    and exotic foods- into a suitcase

    but everything has a place on the

    painted yellow tram,

    cheap porcelain magnet. The charm

    is in the lack of cost, the

    imperfections imagined and true; ar

    made to fit a tourists attraction

    is no less than art made for gallery

    walls. Maybe more:

    simplicity speaks in a language all

    can understand and share.

    1 oclock BluesGrowling chainsaw

    outside,interrupting peacefulinner thoughts

    abizarresoundtrack to the quietscribbling of pens

    until it stops

    and suddenly the room feels empty,





    Emily Schutte

    Emily is 18 and going to be a

    freshmen at ECC in the fall.

    As a former homeschooler,

    the prospect of even a small

    campus is somewhatmortifying. When she isnt

    fretting about the big bad

    adult world she enjoys

    spending too much time on

    her laptop, writing (duh), and

    dancing in an Irish manner.

    Even after years of writing

    bios for WNYWP

    anthologies she is never quite

    sure how to end them, so

    please pardon the abruptstop.

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    thebeastthe beast stands in the hall -- its poison

    blood, its sloth like claws. when night

    falls no dreamer is safe from its

    demonic images. its claws give terror

    to all. but when day raises it goes

    back to whenst it came.

    THEBEAST Axel Sack was

    born in TucsonArizona. Hewants to visitNorth KoreaPyongyang. Hisfavorite animal is

    crocodile. Helikes old movies.His favoritecountry is japan.

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good



    You cant tell how i really feel

    cause i hide it with a smile.

    You cant tell if im hopelessly

    crying because my head stay

    nervously down.Silently i scream

    but can you hear me?

    Deep down in my thoughts, I

    am all alone drowning

    Silently i scream but can you

    hear me?

    As the taste of blood washes

    around my mouth

    Bruises and cuts are on the

    outside trying to peek out and yet

    and stillI DONT SAY A THING!!!!

    Silently i scream

    But can you hear me?

    thoughts of love run through my


    hopefully it comes to a reality

    But instead love is barricaded in

    a dark misty world thats out of my


    Yet and still


    I am a silent screamer

    even threw all the things you see

    yourself painting a portrait of me

    Yet and still

    my soul,my heart,& mind



    And can you here me???

    well MAYBE......

    if you listen close andSILENTLY!!!!

    This beautiful young lady Jasmineenjoys life. When she has sparetime, she spends it listening toR&B music and writing poemsthat aspires her. She graduatedat Hamlin Park school # 74 andshe will be a freshmen atMcKinley high this coming schoolyear. Her favorite hobbies include

    writing, singing of coarse when

    no one is looking & dancing.Jasmine started writing when shewas only 10 years old ,writing herfirst poem ever called Rain.She is a very inspiring person &she hopes for others to aspire heras much as she does others.She was born jan 5 1997 and like

    the cold month of her birthday

    she loves getting caught in the

    freezing snow.

    Writing is her life & just like

    many others it helps her let out

    emotions thats hard for most of

    us to contain.

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    I had barely been in New Zealand for a day, and already things

    werent going well. Following my early morning departure from

    the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, I had gone through

    Chicago and L.A. and finally landed in Auckland, only to be

    herded onto a coach for the long drive to Rotorua. As we left

    the city and passed through miles of astonishingly hilly

    farmland, our driver made full use of the coachs intercom

    system, telling us, quite enthusiastically, all about New

    Zealands wide range of agricultural exports.

    As I began to nod off, one of the delegation leaders took

    the microphone from the driver and informed us of their plans

    for the next day. We were to start our second day in New

    Zealand at the Rotorua City Council to learn about the local

    government, then we would go to a large luge track on the

    mountain above town for a bit of fun after the lecture wed

    receive. Wed eat lunch at the restaurant next to the track, and

    then we would proceed to another building called theAgrodome to watch a bearded man in a dirty wife-beater shout

    at us while shearing sheep. Later that afternoon, our delegation

    would arrive at Whakarewarewa, a small Maori village where

    we would be given a short tour and dinner. We would also be

    staying there for the night, in the towns Marae.

    The leader who was addressing us, a middle-aged woman

    named Elizabeth, had to explain to us the cultural significance

    of our stay there. A Marae is the center of a Maori village,

    she said, reading out of a pamphlet she was holding in her

    hand. It serves primarily as a meeting house, but is also a

    sacred place to the Maori. Shoes cannot be worn inside of the

    Marae as it is considered disrespectful. She also added, after

    putting away the pamphlet, that we would have to choose a

    chief to represent our delegation. It is the custom for the

    chief of a visiting group of people to greet those who are

    welcoming him in a ceremony.

    No big deal.

    That evening, when we arrived at the hotel, I ate a small

    dinner and retired early to my room. Ive never been able to fall

    asleep on planes, and having spent 13 hours watching episodes

    of Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Office en route to Auckland, I

    was exhausted. I fell asleep fairly quickly, but was woken up

    about an hour later, when Jonathan and Dave, the two students

    I had to share the room with, arrived.

    Because we werent all from the same school, or even thesame school district, very few of the students on the trip knew

    one another when we set out from Buffalo. However, because

    we were all unfamiliar with one another, it forced us to interact.

    Most of us knew wed need friends to get through the 18-day

    trip. For this reason, I had made an effort to speak to a few

    people on the bus ride to Rotorua, and I had already met both

    Jonathan and Dave. One of them told me that we were

    expected in the hotel lobby. It was time to choose a chief.

    When we got down there, I was surprised to see that the

    rest of the delegation had already assembled. Most of them

    were sitting cross-legged on the floor. The clerk at the hote

    desk seemed more than a little disturbed by this, but had

    apparently decided to let it go. Elizabeth, the delegation

    manager, perked up when she saw the three of us enter the

    room. Ah! Youre here! We were about to begin.

    She turned away from us so that she could address the

    entire delegation again. As I told you earlier, and as you al

    know, we have to choose a chief to represent us when we visit

    the Whakarewarewa Marae. Now, in case I havent made the

    job description clear enough, whoever is made chief mus

    participate in a welcoming ceremony. A Maori warrior will test

    your bravery by shouting loudly at you and waving a woodenstick at your head. Your test is to remain as still as possible

    Dont move. Try not to flinch. Dont speak or make any noise

    Just remain calm. If they decide that you have conducted

    yourself bravely, they will admit your people, us, into their

    Marae. Any questions?

    This was followed by silence. Nobody wanted to know any

    more about what was required of the chief. I think most of us

    wanted to know less. Alright. Any volunteers?




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    Still, no one spoke. I was still half-asleep and was violently

    rubbing my eyes with my shirt sleeve when I realized that

    almost everyone in the room was staring at me, including

    Elizabeth. I turned around and looked at Jonathan and Dave,

    who had been standing behind me. They both had large, evil-

    looking grins on their faces. It was a very frightening moment.

    Guys? I said.

    Niall, I think that your friends have selected you to be

    chief. Elizabeth said. Her tone, normally so warm and

    pleasant, was ice cold as she said it. I felt like Julius Caesar,realizing, in the last few moments of his life, that he was being

    conspired against by his former allies. It was all over for me. I

    was going to be killed by a Maori warrior.

    I didnt say anything for a few seconds. I was thinking.

    During my first day in New Zealand, I had already acquired an

    odd reputation. I was typically very nervous when first meeting

    people, and had been making a fool of myself all day. I think

    most of the people I spoke to could sense this, and went easy

    on me because of it. However, at the end of the day, when the

    opportunity came for a joke at my expense, there were very few

    people who werent willing to jump on it.

    Eventually, I spoke. No. Cant do it.

    A girl groaned from a far corner of the crowd. Come on.You can do it.


    Just do it. Its not that hard. Be the chief!

    That was when they began chanting. Someone in the

    middle of the group started it, and then people started joining

    in, one by one. CHIEF! CHIEF! CHIEF!

    No. I said, for the third time.


    They were cut off by a voice from across the room. It was

    the hotel clerk, who had decided that, although she could

    tolerate a large group of people sitting cross-legged on the floor

    of the lobby, she would draw the line at the same number ofpeople loudly chanting the word chief. HEY! she shouted,


    The group quieted down and one of the delegation

    leaders, who had been chanting along with everyone else only a

    moment before, went over to the desk to apologize to the clerk

    on behalf of the students.

    If he says no, we cant make him be chief, Elizabeth said

    to the group. Then she turned to face me. Are you sure you

    dont want to be chief, Niall?

    I stood there and thought for a moment, aware that the

    entire room was watching me, with the exception of the clerk,

    who was watching the defeated-looking delegation leader with

    a look of utter contempt. I thought about it a bit more. Thiscould be a big moment for me. I could be the chief. Who knows? I could be

    a really awesome chief. I can be brave sometimes. Then I thought of a

    Maori warrior, screaming and flailing his staff, right in my face.

    No. I said, for the last time. Thanks, though.

    The other students groaned. They were upset because now

    it had to be one of them. Elizabeth looked at me a few

    moments longer. Her expression seemed somewhat

    disappointed. I shrugged and she turned away again to face the

    unruly group of teenagers.

    Alright, she said, Whos it going to be?

    The room was silent once more.

    The next day, I got up early and had a large breakfast to

    make up for my lack of appetite the night before. In the

    evening, after we had gone to the City Council and the luge

    track and Agrodome, when we were walking through the large

    stone gateway to enter Whakarewarewa Village, I felt oddly

    disappointed. Part of it was the look I had gotten from

    Elizabeth. Another part of it was that being a chief could have

    been something Id look back on years from then. Something

    that would fill me with pride, remembering the time when Istood up against a fearsome Maori warrior.

    Our Maori guides led us into a large cabin with one room

    It was the hall where they received visitors before taking them

    to the Marae. They performed a few traditional songs and the

    elaborate dances that went with them, and then an elderly

    woman dressed in some sort of grass skirt stood before us and

    gave a brief speech, welcoming us to Whakarewarewa. She

    recited something in the Maori language and gave the women

    the opportunity to learn one of the dances they had performed

    After this, the males were brought up and taught, step-by-step

    how to do a Haka, another traditional Maori dance.

    At the very end of the festivities, our chief was called up. A

    student named Daryl had volunteered, being one of the largestand strongest members of our delegation. This was the

    moment everyone had been waiting for. This was when wed

    get to watch, with grim fascination, as a hulking Maori warrior

    faced off against a high school student. Daryl walked up to the

    Maori welcoming party and they led him through a chant

    which he had to recite back to them. Then they let him sit back

    down and the old woman came up front again and said shed

    take us to the Marae.

    As everyone started filing out of the cabin, I sat there

    stunned. Thats it? What the hell? I could have done that! Then I

    stood up and joined the others. It wasnt even something worth

    getting upset over. I hadnt missed out on anything. I got aboutas much out of that experience as Daryl did, and without the

    burden of worrying about a Maori warrior all day.

    Now that Ive had time to think about it, I doubt there

    even are Maori warriors anymore. Maori office workers

    maybe. The days of warriors are long gone in New Zealand

    and many of the Maori peoples warrior-based rituals have

    become obsolete as a result.

    I followed the last of my delegation out into the night. As

    we were being led across the village to the place where wed

    spend the night, I thought about why I had turned down the

    position of chief. I was afraid. I thought Id flinch. And even

    though I really hadnt missed out on anything by not accepting

    the position, I still felt like I had. I was made aware of mylimitations. As I took off my shoes to enter the Marae, I vowed

    that I wouldnt show this weakness again.

    Next time, Id be the chief.




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  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    Muses are the things of creativity, the lit match

    to the spark of ingenuity. They are like faeries

    mischievous and crafty the way they do their

    bidding then evaporate like mist into the wind

    Their skin is wrapped and bound tightly to

    nimble skeletons that are hollow like birds. It pale and smooth, and luminous in moonlight.

    Muses do not reflect the sun but the world

    around them, collecting stray rays of thought

    that are the product of childrens daydreams o

    restless night visions. They gather them and

    beam them back toward earth, toward anothe

    mind that could use these views. Their hair, so

    and luxurious, dances freely, not bound by the

    constraints of gravity. And the eyes of a Muse

    their eyes are like nothing you have ever seen,

    nor will see unless they deem you worthy. The

    color is like liquid diamonds, flashing, swirling

    rainbows, a sea of color. There is a lack of

    pupils for they know everything there is to kno

    and have seen everything there is to see, being

    here from the dawn of time to the twilight.

    In their immortal existence, they still need to b

    entertained. Like sprites they prance on slende

    feet over the land at night, creating dreams no

    understandable and sometimes even too

    outlandish to remember. But sometimes a Mu

    will choose a long-term relationship with a

    human, granting them the clay of an idea to

    mold as they wish, and the Muse will watch tosee how it is shaped and decorated, and what

    emerges from the fiery kiln to be displayed for

    the world to see.


    Kelcie is a seventeen years young Amherst High student who has a love for all things creative.

    She finds beauty in the simple things; objects ant activities that are often overlooked in day-to-day

    life. Obviously she has at least a slight interest in writing, but for those who know her it is more

    than just slight. Kelcie has entered NaNoWriMo for the past three years National Novel Writing

    Month in November in case you didnt know. She also loves art, having dabbled in photography

    and painting but is more comfortable with mediums like graphite. Kelcie plans on getting a double

    major in psychology and creative writing.

    And she has a rabbit that growls.


    What it is to break,

    to be wholly broken.

    Boulders tied to your lungs



    No longer able tofind relief in air and breath.

    To be stuck in time,

    tired and drained

    sitting in the chair




    for the doom to come.

    Its coming. You can see it.

    And still have no will that compels

    you to escape.

    Not hung by noose but

    pierced heart is the true demise.And black depths are no longer feared


    it is not this writhing

    middle ground.

    Too far from light to grab it,

    but it would only burn your hands anyway.

    Its dark, but still not dark enough

    to sleep. Eternal sleep

    in peace, perhaps,

    if such a thing exists.

    Poem for the hanging figure

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good



    In words I can not describe the

    horrible situation that has happened earlier


    none of us would have ever thought

    that the harmless, weak, Maxel Brittle,

    could have such dark powers with in him

    that he was dyeing to use on the kids who

    troubled him, unfortunately I was one of

    those kids.

    It began on the playground over by the

    old school house that was shut down about

    twenty years ago.

    Maxel was flipping through that pages

    that I have seen him read over and over

    again . Me and the rest of the click where

    sitting on the monkey bars o the other side

    of the playground, Justin couldn't stop

    glaring at him .Jump him Ricky. He said

    still glaring at Maxel.

    Justin was what you could call the

    leader of our small group. he had long

    brown hair, blood shot looking eyes, and

    skin so pale you would think he is the

    walking dead.

    Ricky, you hear me?

    Yeah. I replied.

    Then go jump him

    Ishook my head, I really wasn't in the mood

    to do anything like that.

    Fine P***y, be a good christian.

    he sharply looked over at Andrew who

    was the Slave of our group, as in, what

    ever we say he does.

    How bout Andrew ...do you got the

    Ba**s? Justin asked silently .

    all though andrew was are slave he still

    was as tough and brutal as the rest of us.

    Yeah, no sh** . andrew said , almost


    Andrew jumped, down, off themonkey bars and began to walk towards

    Maxel, with his hands in his pockets.

    Finally when Andrew reached Maxel

    he laughed at him and said something me

    and Justin couldn't hear, but although we

    couldn't hear him we could perfectly see

    what he was doing.

    Maxel said something to Andrew, and

    he frowned.

    He grabbed Maxel by the neck, and

    lifted him in the air with only one hand,

    and through him to the ground, causingJustin to laugh.

    That a good boy Andy.

    Maxels book was lying on the ground

    with bent pages and dirt stains,

    Andrew picked it up, said a few words

    and through it into a puddle that was

    bought by the harsh rain last night.

    Andrew picked Maxel up again, this

    time with more force, screaming something

    about giving him money.

    Maxel escaped Andrew by kicking him

    in the shin, and that made Andrew steam

    with fury.

    He trough Maxel to the ground cussin

    out loud and rubbing his knee. his now red

    eyes, shot at Maxel, and he reached into h

    pocket, and pulled out his recently

    sharpened butterflied knife and pinnedMaxel down to the ground.

    Andrew then cut a long thin scar acro

    Maxels , and then cut two scars on both h

    arms, and finally cut many scars on his no

    bloody chest.

    But Maxel didnt scream, he didn't

    even move ans.... I think I saw a small smil

    appear on his face.

    Andrew walked back towards us with

    smile on his face, looking like he just did

    some good deed.

    Well sh** Andy- Justin began, but

    could not finish.

    There was a loud slash sound, and the

    smell of blood filled the air .

    Out of no where there was a long cut

    spread across Andrews face, blood drippin

    down from the deep scar.

    Andrew held his had to it and let out a

    huge scream that became a loud cry.

    After that , out of no where 2 cuts

    appeared on both arms as if an invisible

    man cut them with an invisible knife.

    soon random cuts appeared every

    where, on his chest causing him to dripblood on the dirt of the playground.

    Finally the cuts stopped appearing on

    on his body. He fell to the ground, in pain

    screaming to the top of his lungs.

    Me and Justin Looked at each other,

    we had no idea what just happened.

    Until I looked over to where Maxel

    was, and there stood Maxel grimly

    smiling...with not a scratch on him.

    Louie R. Tomani grewup in Buffalo his wholelife and has alwaysbeen into the darkerside of things, he is ascreenwriter anddirector and is

    planning on sending inone of his screenplaysto 14 different filmcompanies.

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good



    ByAliciaMendozaCome on, its not scary! I shouted

    over my shoulder to my friends. But

    Celia, theres a bunch of dead people are

    here! Bryan, my best friend, whined like a

    little kid. Even though Bryan was over six

    feet tall and loved to watch scary movies,he had a huge fear of dead people. I was

    adventurous and a total dare devil,

    whereas he was always cautious and afraid.

    Oh, man up Bryan, theyre dead!

    What could they possibly do? Steven, my

    other best friend, asked. They could rise

    up outta the ground and eat me... Bryan

    muttered. I rolled my eyes at him and kept


    Steven was way ahead of us,

    examining a grave. Hey guys, come check

    this one out! Steven called from afar,

    waving his flashlight around. Bryan wasabout to complain and act all scared, but

    before he could I took his arm and began

    dragging him to the grave, whether he liked

    it or not.

    When we reached Steven, he was

    standing in front of a grave that looked a

    lot like a coffin, but it was made of stone.

    There was a crack between the base and

    the lid of the grave, that Steven was peering

    into. Here, look through the crack and Ill

    shine my flashlight in. Hopefully well see

    something cool! Steven exclaimed. He

    pulled his flashlight from his belt and

    dropped it, the light going out. Steven

    swore and picked it up, smacking the

    flashlight against a tree near the grave.

    Within a few minutes he luckily managed

    to revive it and shined it through the crack.

    Steven was so annoying sometimes. He

    wasnt the brightest star in the sky, and

    sometimes it wasnt for the better.

    We all walked up to the grave, looking

    through the crack while Steven adjusted the

    flashlight. Dude, theres nothing in here. I

    said, somewhat disappointed. ThankGod. Bryan added, relieved. Are you

    sure? Steven questioned, pressing his face

    closer to the grave. Yes Im sure, look. I

    turned back to the crack in the grave an

    looked through it again. See, I told- I

    stopped short when a bony hand shot up

    from the darkness, mere inches my face.

    Bryan beat me at screaming like a little girl,

    his scream was way more high pitched than

    mine. The three of us jumped back,

    crashing into the gigantic oak tree behind


    Did you see that? Bryan asked, his

    voice shaky. Yeah, what was that? Steven

    inquired, giving a quick glance at the grave.

    I shrugged, unsure and Bryan stated Who

    knows, who cares, I am not sticking around

    to find out. He then got up and brushed

    himself off. Bryan, dont go, please? Lets

    find out what that was! Please, for me? Igave him the puppy dog look as I said that,

    knowing he would give in, which he did.

    I beamed at him, then crawled towards

    the grave again. When I got close enough

    to touch it, a loud moan escaped from the

    grave, shaking the lid violently. My eyes

    widened and I suddenly filled with fear, but

    didnt move. The grave shook again, more

    viciously than the first time, almost

    knocking the lid off the base. I knew I

    shouldve moved away from the grave,

    should have ran to safety, but I was frozen.

    Another moan was released from the graveand the lid shook even more powerfully

    than it did the first two times. And finally,

    the lid fell.

    The guys grabbed me an pulled me

    back the second the saw the lid fall, saving

    me from being crushed by it. I attempted to

    the thank them, but I couldnt utter a word.

    The bony hand emerged from the now

    open grave, and rested on the edge of the

    base. The creatures other hand shot up and

    it struggled to get up. We sat there,

    completely paralyzed and filled with terror

    as we watched the ugly thing rise from the


    The undead creature was horrifying.

    Its flesh was peeling off, exposing its shock

    white bones. Beetles crawled over its

    deformed face with sulking eyes and silts fo

    a nose. The zombie opened its bug infested

    mouth and moaned again. It started

    crawling toward us, and I felt myself pale.That was enough for Bryan, for he

    once again screamed shrilly as he jumped

    up, grabbing both Steven and my wrists in

    with an iron hard grip. He ran towards the

    entrance of cemetery, which was about the

    length of a football field away. Steven and I

    stumbled behind him as he sprinted, still


    I thought we were going to be okay

    until I saw the other graves. They each had

    limbs of the deceased poking out of them,

    most of them were moving.

    We were only about halfway to theentrance when the zombies began to

    surround us. They came closer and closer

    until all three of us were back to back. I

    knew it, we were going to die. They kept

    coming closer, all of us screaming when

    they got close enough to eat us.

    Aside from writing, Alicia Mendoza loves

    her phone. She is a text addict, who needs

    one of those help circles for her texting

    problem. It is extremely rare to see her

    without her phone, as she guards it with

    her life and never lets anyone else touch

    it. She must be doing only an okay job

    though; her phone has more dents and

    scratches then there are stars in the night

    sky. Another thing shes really into is

    singing and playing her electric guitar.

    When she was younger, she dreamed of

    being a rock star until she grew up and

    realized that fame and popularity seemed

    a lot worse than how most think of it. And

    she was never a very good poet, she thinks

    all poetry much rhyme, but she cannot

    rhyme for her life. In the end, Alicia is

    passionate about everything she does, and

    hopes to become a better writer.

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    Pieces of life, a summary,

    The obscure, the expected

    The emptying of mind and pockets.

    The remnants of a culture on the brink

    of nonexistence.

    We search our daily lives for things that

    are exceptionalFor things that stand out

    And are repeated in our dreams.

    We hunger for beautiful things.

    We cling to the pieces

    And the memories that they contain


    Newspaper clippings and wooden

    craft show bowls

    And when we finally fade

    Our fingerprints remain on them still-

    Even when our houses,

    Rooms upon rooms of accumulated


    Are emptied, our summaries proofrea

    And our families ponder

    what did they keep this for?

    As the mouths of

    thick black garbage bags

    Open hungrily to devour

    Our objects once prizedLooked fondly upon as they sat

    Resting in boxes

    Marked for eras of our previous selv

    Pieces of life, a summary of us,

    Movie night and architecture,

    Branches and numbers

    And keys that fit all of the locks.

    A page of drawings in pen, and wors

    that is one more thing

    This thing a collection of more thing

    And will perhaps be resurfaced in som

    future collection

    When a young boy empties his pocke

    Sarah Pozzuto

    Sarah is sixteen, looks

    approximately twelve, and acts

    anywhere from three to forty-

    six. She attends West Seneca

    West Senior high school, whereshe frequently humiliates herself

    by being both socially awkward

    and athletically challenged.

    However, Sarah fancies herself

    to be pretty darn cool. She has

    played piano for twelve years

    and viola for six, is an active

    percussionist in marching band,

    and is the student council

    president. Her favorite color is

    orange, she hates socks, and sheis currently researching the

    possibility of living in a


    In Motion

    What are we

    If we capture life in stills?

    How many shades of gray are we?

    Hands in pockets we reflect

    On lives that are not ours,

    Lives that sprawl across textbook pages

    And rest, a finale, in heroic statues.

    Our own lives are composed

    Of paychecks and car keys

    Instant, both coffee and messaging

    And like artists

    They are the medium we select.

    Life in motion, the caption reads

    And our portraits are blurred.

    We are painted on the sides of trains,

    Dashing, consistently in danger

    Of being late.Forgetting where we have been

    As we pull through stop after stop.

    Life is fast

    And so are our words,

    Life is not careful

    And neither are we.

    We do not stop long enough to be painted,

    But find comfort in paintings of others

    Trying to live fully, experience everything.

    But art hasnt the mobility

    To experience us.

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    Eyes closed, I see the world

    In my own twisted sort of comprehension,

    The warped version that only a sad person sees

    And sure enough

    In the cave of space that is my chest

    I am empty.

    Eyes closed, I fumble awkwardly through life

    Thriving on people, places, words

    That make no sense, but seem to.

    I am held captive by a dream,Bound by ropes of braided subconscious.

    She forces me to watch through my own eyes

    As some unsettling version of my life


    She is pleased with herself for having woven the tale,

    Having lulled me to sleep

    And replacing my eyelids with blank canvases

    Painting onto them everything that I am

    Or ever was.

    She is flowing, gliding,

    Walking like a waterfall with pale white hair.

    Everything about her is light,

    As though she is made of small shards of sunLike the ones that cascade through summer windows

    As though her skin were made

    Of everything beautiful about the world

    Stitched together, a quilt.

    She is a personification

    Of laughter, the sort that bubbles in your throat

    If you hold it in

    And I have a vision of her beginning as just that.

    A laugh.

    When I have finished viewing myself

    Jumping off of balconies, sitting alone in a crowd

    She returns, pale bare feet moving with easeHeel toe heel toe

    And whispers wake up,

    Her voice like sailboats and gold.

    I nod gratefully as she cuts me loose

    And my eyelids flutter open;

    I cannot remember her

    And sure enough

    In the cave of space that is my chest

    I am empty.

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    The First StepBy Travis Wolf

    The countdown

    begins 10 , 9, 8, 7,

    We rattle and rumble

    and shake.

    The countdown

    continues 6, 5, 4,

    We hear cheering for


    3, 2, 1, blast off !

    We hear beeping and


    as we burst of the


    flames leaping

    behind us.

    We head straight for

    the sky,

    straight for the stars,straight for the


    Tiny lights twinkle,

    as we soar past them.

    Its Like they are

    putting on a show,

    just for us.

    As gravity lessens,

    we rise of the floor.

    No words can

    describe the feeling.

    Our stomachs growlin aching hunger.

    We garb our food

    packets, and just add


    With our bellies full,

    we suit up and

    prepare for our mission,

    so dangerous, so


    helmets on and

    ready to go,

    we leap out and floatthrough the stars,

    extending our legs

    toward earths brother.

    I touch down with

    both of my feet,

    everything becomes

    still and silent.

    I reach with my foot,

    and take the first


    TravisWolfisastudentatOrchardParkMiddleSchool. Hehasonebrotherandonedog.Heenjoyswriting,readingwatchingmovies,listeningtomusic,spendingtimewith




    manyotherthings. HisfavoritebooksaretheHarryPotterseries,byJ.K.Rowling,andtheHungerGamesseriesby,SuzanneCollins.Hisfavoritemoviesinclude:TheWizardOfOz,Inception,ToyStory3,andtheHarryPottermovies. HisfavoriteschoolsubjectsareSpanishand





    ClosingBy Travis Wolf

    White lights blind the man,

    reaching for the R.

    The boxes now empty and bare.

    The lights the write CINEMA,

    slowly disappear.

    Another interest has displaced his center of work.

    He pulls off the last letter,

    and the lights shut down.

    The cinema is closing.

    Excerpt from,

    The Tomb of

    SoulsBy Travis Wolf

    Cobwebs cascade

    from the ceiling, spiders

    crawling in and out ofeach strand. Dust flies

    through the air like a

    swarm of mosquitos.

    The hot, musty

    atmosphere makes my

    heart race. A single noise

    flattens me against the

    stone wall. A rat runs

    past me, its tail waving as

    if to say, Scared you!

    The cracked

    cobblestone floor feels as

    though it is crumblingbeneath my feet after

    each step. A blast of cool

    air startles me for a

    moment. A freezing chill

    runs up my spine.

    Something lurks in the

    dark tunnel waiting to

    pounce. I wave my dying

    torch, losing the fight

    over darkness.

    Each time my feet hit

    the floor a soft echo fills

    the tunnel. Ripped strips

    of linen hide in the

    corners of the tunnel,

    moving ever so slightly in

    the warm breeze. The

    place reeks of decaying

    matter and moth balls.

    Mold cover the walls like

    a coat of paint. Moss

    grows between the

    smooth stones. The walls

    are damp and water drips

    over my head. Sand

    covers the floor like a

    carpet. I reassure myself

    that I will be alright.

    Crunching rattles

    through my ears and I

    bend down to view what

    is producing the sound.

    Bones. Human or not, I

    shiver. Whatever awaitsme is dangerous and

    deadly. On accident I

    drop my light supple and

    instantly plunge into

    darkness. My breathing

    slows and I guide myself

    forward using the walls. I

    reach the entrance to the

    tomb, and step in.

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    25ThingsaboutMike1. He doesnt like it when people

    steal things from Facebook.

    2. He doesnt know why anybody

    would steal something from


    3. Mark Zuckerburg seems like a

    [insert words of hatred here].

    4. Thats was not actually about


    5. This list will not get to 25.

    6. It doesnt matter.

    7. He is the dragon.

    8. Anybody who gets that

    reference should patthemselves on the back.

    9. He thinks that pictures of

    Jesus are bad.

    10.He thinks that all pictures of

    Jesus were stolen from


    11.He knows this because he is

    obviously Jesus.

    12.So therefore he is the Jesusdragon.

    13.The square root of 25 is 5.


    15.He is a communist.

    16.Bam! Didnt expect that one.

    17.He thinks Joe Stalin was pretty

    bad though.

    18.Trotsky was the cool one.

    19.Trotsky probably got all the


    20.He knows nothing.

    21.The first rule about knowing

    nothing is to not speak about

    knowing nothing.

    22.Lets end this while its still


    23.On a prime number.

    AGameforMikesupcomingnovelBy Mike MontoroAristocrats and Pigs

    Play the game

    A simple game

    That can never truly be


    Won in spirit

    But never won in truth

    Because by the time the

    endgame arises

    There is none left to fight


    No battles to be won

    No men to kill

    No wars to be fought

    Just two wrought old men

    Staring at each other

    Across the board

    With a king in their hand

    And fatality in their

    back pocket



    Dragon,First of His


    Hand of the


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    By Mike Montoro



    And here we go again

    Lebron James

    With a


    JP, JR, and all the rest

    Like Barney and Friends

    A man in the mirror

    And Dany

    Looking onto uns self

    Self looks to selfin a great stream of consciousness

    Thoughts fly over the sands of


    And revolutionaries call for their


    Fingers of death

    Oh psycho, how are you today?

    Well, you reply

    Pain is worse than death


    Is perhaps

    Lebron James

    DeathWeathermen of it

    Find themselves on a bagel

    With cream cheese,

    Hold the bacon


    To rhyme

    For the king of basketball

    Lebron James

    For a 335

    Three numbers

    For a 3

    A three three five that isWhy is there five letters in three?

    And four in five?

    And four in two?

    Which there is none

    For one

    One king

    Lebron James

    At least I may release

    The king

    Lebron James

    Off my chest

    And into the rest of the world

    To the side

    Out of the box

    Victoria shines forever

    Not Licata

    Not to say that she doesnt shine

    Restless one

    Of moral boundaries

    Not unfolding

    Find oneself557


    Ruby Tuesdays jig

    Of eternity

    Not unlike a dance

    Not of eternity

    Or Ruby Tuesday

    Or Lebron James

    I wish he were French

    Headaches are good






    No numbers

    For Lerbo Jamisison

    Jamison I mean

    Or Jamisison

    Find yourself look unto


    Du Du DadaDu Du

    Game of Thrones Theme


    God that movie was really bad

    Skirts into stream of consciousness

    Cant spell

    A line

    A line

    A line

    Write it on a page

    On the backs of angels

    And demons

    And Dan Brown

    Who is not Dan Brown

    But Dan Brown

    And Lebron

    Flying monkeys?

    Like World of Warcraft?




    On death

    Not of death?

    You ask me wearily


    We got it off the truck

    And it fell down

    Double seeing double



    Why is it always no?

    Why cant it be yes

    Like suspended animation


    1!One king

    Lebron Jamisison

    He actually did terrible

    In the finals

    Like a boss!


    Like an executive

    Of death

    And immortality

    Du Du Du Du


    Like a sheep executiveEn




  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    Besides shopping, Ari enjoys traveling around the world. She

    goes to the Lancaster Middle School and is currently in the

    8th grade. Some of her hobbies include: horse-back-riding,

    hanging out with her friends, and reading. She is obsessedwith Harry Potter and Pretty Little Liars and her favorite

    food is sushi. Her favorite movie is Water for Elephants and

    her favorite song is the show goes on by Lupe Fiasco. She

    enjoys shopping at her favorite store, Pink, and she loves cats

    and her favorite actor is Taylor Lautner. ( Its a wolf thing.)

    Arianna is very friendly and if she gets to know you she can

    be a great friend that you can rely on.


    By: Arianna Dugan

    When I close my eyes, I think

    about him. The sweetest cat to

    walk this earth, and I never had

    the chance to say goodbye to him.

    When my father had dropped me

    off at my grandparents, my small

    seven-year old hands were still

    clutched onto the cage. I knew

    something was wrong. Rebel had

    been sick for a long time, but I

    assumed that he was going to go

    to the vet to get better. When it

    was time to say goodbye, I had

    kissed his furry head and said I

    love you Rebel, see you soon.

    When my father had returned, I

    ran over to see Rebel and to hug

    him, but my fathers eyes were red

    and watery. Confused, I opened

    the car door and reached for the

    cat carrier. It was empty. A

    blackness overtook my heart and

    when I got home, I ran past my

    mother and ran to my room, when

    I hid under the bed crying. After

    many years, I started to grow up

    and live my life until I was 10

    and I found a picture of the two of

    us snuggling. It shattered my

    heart, and I ran upstairs hugging

    the picture to my chest. I finally

    fell asleep and when I opened my

    eyes, I was in a large field with

    beautiful butterflies floating above

    my head. In the middle of the

    field, Rebel was standing there.

    His reddish gold fur gleamed and

    his brown eyes sparkled. My eyes

    instantly filled with tears and we

    ran towards each other. He

    jumped into my arms, purring

    loudly as I stroked his beautiful

    fur. He licked my cheek with his

    sandpaper tongue and I kissed his

    sweet smelling fur. He suddenly

    jumped down from my arms ad

    started to run, beckoning me to

    follow him. I chased after him,

    laughing as we ran past cream

    colored daises and vibrant red

    tulips and splashed past small

    creeks with the most beautiful

    crystal clear water and little fish

    that nibbled at my bare feet. We

    climbed over large smooth rocks

    and pranced through soft grass.

    Rebel skillfully caught a squirrel

    and I plucked a ripe apple from

    one of the trees. We finally

    collapsed on the grass, and he lay

    next to me. I stroked his side and

    pulled him close. We lay there for

    a while, soaking in each others

    presence, sometimes dozing off,

    until I finally felt the tugging

    feeling that my dream was starting

    to fade. He must have sensed it

    too, because he jumped up and

    looked at me. He jumped into my

    arms one last time, and I held him

    close, kissed his nose as he licked

    mine. I gently placed him on the

    ground, where he ran to the edge

    of the forest his tail waving good-

    bye. I slowly allow myself to wake,

    but not before I whisper, I love you

    Rebel, see you soon.




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    Houses destroyed, children taken, and parents

    burned, to the ground.

    There is no safe haven and no horses to mound.

    The wounds go deep and memory is to keepBlood everywhere, shot in the arm, or a blade in

    the head.

    Filled with screaming and moaning the hospital

    has no more beds

    Day turns to night, and dusk turns to dawn.But

    the war goes on.

    People have gotten tired, but the war wont get


    For the anger and hatred has come in the midst.

    The children dont want to see any more threatsor fists.

    So, they do what they think is right.

    Together with all their bravery and might, they

    go to the highest mountain as it starts to rain.

    They see blood stains wash away and see the

    beginning of a new day.

    Then before their fathers start fighting, they

    come running and said Oh, father, with all your

    loving and caring

    towards us. PleaseStop! In return their

    fathers took out their

    swords, as the

    children all prayed to

    their Lord.

    Then the children

    closed their eyes as

    their life was taken


    Hibbah likes to write poemsan addition to writingnovellas. Her favorite sportsare Soccer, Basketball, andSwimming. She is currentlyon a travel soccer team,

    playing for the BuffaloTigers. Hibbah is homeschooled by her father, andwants to stay home schooleduntil she enters high school.

    Hibbah Mojawalla

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good



    In the crowd of the same.

    Not one different or unique.

    A golden individual stands, different from the rest.A different view, different perspective.

    Not noticed, seen or acknowledged by the shades of gray.

    Hidden behind and unable to shine.

    Cannot break free from the indifferent.

    Hidden from the world.


    Perfection. The absurdity of it all. A simple word used

    to describe someone, yet is it even possible? What do we

    even have to compare perfect to? Do we even understand

    it? Sure, your parents tell you your perfect just the way

    you are. and im not saying you are a horrible person or

    anything. But, we are human beings. We have flaws. We

    are not perfect. In fact, were far from it.

    Natalia Trigilio is a writer whois starting high school atWilliamsville South this year.She is an average student(average being she is nobrainiac).She is a swimmer and lovesplaying tennis. She has astrange dog who WILL eatanything. Anything.She loves writing, reading,singing and drawing (or whather math teacher callsobnoxious doodling). Sheloves eating pixie stix with herfriends and baking cookies onrandom occasions.


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    Carly Linsner is a creative teen who goes to

    school at West Seneca West middle. When

    she's not writing you'll find her cheerleading,

    reading or spending time with her friends

    and family. She loves to make people laugh

    and would give anything to be on the beach.

    The two words that best describe her are

    clever and optimistic. She dreams of seeing

    one of her own books in a bookstore one


    Simple Emerald Zipper

    Life is a complex journey, but life is also a simple emerald zipper,Stretching all lengths of an unnoticed aqua pencil pouch.Plastic zipper, brand new, swiftly moving back and forth oncommand.Never- ending zipper, winding around school necessity,Taking twists and turns along the way.Open to new ideas, closing tight on precious memories,Storing them safely in pouch forever.

    Time passes, zipper goes on.Open to try new things, closing off all evil that threatens.Time passes, zipper goes on.Open to unlimited opportunities, closed off to unlimitedfreedom.Zippering smoothly, effortlessly often,But getting stuck once in a while.Needing patient, gentle fingers as an aid to pry ocean blue, meshfrom its mouth.Time passes, zipper goes on, but slowing slightly.Open to new love, closing all fear inside.Zippering smoothly, effortlessly often,But once in a while refusing to budge,Forced in one spot, trapped in fear.

    Again tender, caring fingers come to assistance,To free it from vibrant material, to help keep zipper going.Time passes, zipper goes on but struggling, sluggishly moving.Opening up to others with comforting words, closing one lasttime.Time passes, zipper slows to a complete stop.Not even kind, warm fingers can get stuck, hopeless zippermoving again.Open forever, no different than a statue, closed to ideas of regretand sorrow.I Am MeOne tiny drop of vibrant paint adding to magnificent, growingportrait of giant world.One soft voice being lost in overpowering chorus ofunimaginable universe.One blade of emerald in forever going field of grass.But I am much more than meets the eyeI am the drop of paint that changes the whole picture.I am the courageous voice that leads the whole chorus.I am the single golden blade of grass that dares to be different.I am creative, I am witty, I am fun- loving, I am unique.I am me.

    UntitledGentle breeze bringing peace to thousands living calmly inserene cemetery.Gentle breeze carrying regret, words unspoken, lives unlived.Gentle breeze comforting visitors, cooling residents fromsweltering July heat.Gentle breeze giving hope, showing love, bringing faith as a vividbutterfly floats by.Gentle breeze telling stories of those who rest in forest lawn.

  • 7/31/2019 2011 Anthology WNYWP Good


    The Almost Poet

    A small boy stepped up to the mike. But just because hes small doesnt mean hes

    young. He was just kind of short. He stumbled a bit on his way up, panicked and

    looked to see if anyone caught that. But they didnt so he moved on. He got to the

    center of the stage and franticly checked his pockets for the piece of paper containing

    his so called genius writing. He freaked out and the sweat started coming even

    though he hasnt said a word yet. Finally he yanked out a small sheet of lose leaf

    paper and began to unfold. You could see the coffee stains near the top when he fell

    asleep writing at night and spilled it everywhere.

    But he moved on and glanced at it one more time.

    At the last second he realized that he used the

    wrong version of the word their but whose

    gunna know right? Well anyways he cleared his

    throat and began to read the first line. So far so

    good. As he reached the middle he stumbled on a

    wew fords. I mean a few words! He tried to crack

    a joke and began chuckling to himself only to

    realize that half the audience was asleep and half

    was just not laughing. So he panicked, sighed and

    moved on. His voice boomed with each word

    even though almost everyone could care less

    about how he is a lonely tree in a forest or the

    neglected speck on a window. Everyone was too

    busy texting and wondering why its 100 degrees.

    He reached his ending line and a great deal of

    relief was lifted from his shoulders. He put down

    the paper and looked out at the crowd to expect

    looks of excitement and wonder but instead gets

    dead looks of boredom and a few pity claps. He

    walked off and his friends told him how he did

    a good job and his mother hugged him but yes,

    he knew he blew it. But at least now he knows

    how NOT to write a poem. And sometimes

    thats a better lesson than getting lucky on the

    first try.

    Daniel has been interested in writing

    for quite a long time. Ever since

    about middle school he would write

    short stories just for fun. Some he

    would share, and others hed keep to

    himself. And over time he developed

    a feel for what writing was all about.Expression and creation. Over the

    years hes had fantastic English

    teachers to help him further expand

    his horizons as far as a young writer

    can. Dan has written many other

    short stories and just recently wrote

    and directed a one act school play.

    He looks forward to the future and

    maybe a possible career in writing

    Or professional wrestling.

    A Dream

    A dream is me, its Martin Luther, Susan Boil, and a guy named Gandhi,

    its a declaration of independence, a bible, and a book on how to

    understand quantum physics (for dummies) a dream is crossing a finish line,getting the 1,2,3, and shooting the p