Church: 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Mailing/Offices: 103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Website: www.stpaulanamosa.com Phone: (319) 462-4841 February 2018 Our Lenten Portrayals, Lenten Prayer, and Holy Week Schedule is on pag- es 7 & 8 Wednesday, February 14th Services at 12:00 noon 5:00pm 7:00pm Bottle and Can Drive during the month of February for our youth going on the ELCA National Youth Gathering. Details on page 6. JRMC Auxiliary Luncheon is Wednesday, February 7th at noon. Details on page 9 Special Details about Children and youth minis- try during lent on pages 4-7, Parents make sure you check it out Happy Valentine’s day from your St. Paul Church Family!

201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462 4841 │

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St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 1

Church: 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Mailing/Offices: 103 E. Cedar St. Anamosa, IA 52205 Website: www.stpaulanamosa.com Phone: (319) 462-4841

February 2018

Our Lenten Portrayals,

Lenten Prayer, and Holy

Week Schedule is on pag-

es 7 & 8

Wednesday, February 14th

Services at

12:00 noon



Bottle and Can Drive during the month of

February for our youth going on the

ELCA National Youth Gathering. Details on

page 6.

JRMC Auxiliary Luncheon is Wednesday, February 7th at

noon. Details on page 9

Special Details about

Children and youth minis-

try during lent on pages

4-7, Parents make sure

you check it out

Happy Valentine’s day

from your St. Paul Church


St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 2

February Work Group

Coordinator: Lori Reynolds

Jim & Amy Christianson Deb Clymer Marilyn Holcomb Marna Gaye Ketelsen Duane & Ruthie Mosser Roger & Helen Seaton Darel & Laura Secrist Steve & Karen Smith

Pray for Our Military

Please pray for our men and women currently serving in the military:

Jeremy Fall Allen Gilbert Kalib Seeley Jason Schoenbeck

Please call the church office if you would like to be added or deleted from this list.

Generous Giving

We would like to thank the following who have given of their time and talents:

Thank you to Jody Fairbanks, Michele Lubben, Sally Clapp, and Jen-nifer Fischer for subbing at WD4 on Wednesday, January 24th while we

had several leaders out due to illness.

The National Youth Gathering Team would like to thank all those who helped support our Sub Sunday Fundraiser. Also we appreciate all the

prayers and other support that our church family has given us.

We have a pretty great grounds and maintenance team helping us with boiler inspections and updates, as well as looking into some plumbing issues we were having in our classroom and office building. Thanks for always being prompt when it comes to

changing out light bulbs and more.

Alpha is off to a wonderful start. We appreciate the leadership of our small group leaders and

all those who are providing meals.

Thank you Denny Oltmann for all the work you do for St. Paul. Recently Denny installed a

much needed hand railing on our pulpit.

Women’s Circles

JRMC Auxiliary Luncheon is Wednesday, February 7th at noon.

Mary’s Circle will meet in the church fellowship area on February 13 at 7PM.

Sarah’s Circle will meet on Wednesday, February 14th at 1:30 at Woodland Park. The Hostess is Rosie Austin.

(Women of the ELCA of St. Paul booklets are available)


On Wednesday, January 3rd we welcomed Pastor Jerry Collell as a member in our St. Paul Church Family.

Sunday, January 7th, Darcie Tenley, and the family of Dustin and Mackenzie Paulson were also welcomed as new members in our St. Paul Church Family.

Faith Lynn Easterly, daughter of Shelly East-erly and Josh Luchtenburg was baptized at St. Paul on December 31st by Pastor Rod-ney. Sponsors were Alan Melville and Kari Easterly Melville.

Funerals: Sympathy is expressed to the family and

friends of Jean Postel who passed away on December 29th. Funeral services were Jan-uary 5th at St. Paul Lutheran Church.

Sympathy is expressed to the family and friends of Brandon Ahrendsen who passed away January 27th. His family held a me-morial service for him January 19th.

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 3

Jeremiah 29.12: Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. Mark 11.24: So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have re-ceived it, and it will be yours.

For your reflection: The church season of Lent is in our near future and these thoughts are offered to us by the ELCA: What comes to mind for people when they think of Lent? It might be repentance or giving things up or a focus on the cross. For some it brings to mind a heavy-handed season of inward focus that feels dark. For others it has been experienced as a time for exces-sive guilt. It is not uncommon for Lent to be a six-week meditation on the crucifixion, as if Holy Week and especially Good Friday weren’t enough for the church’s deep contemplation on Jesus’ death. Not everyone loves Lent because of how it has been observed in some times and places. Our practice should change such negative attitudes so that Lent can be a high point of the church year for the faithful.

In spite of all the baggage some people still bring to the season, Lent can become a time of celebration. That may sound strange and unexpected. The key is that the celebration is restrained, is expressed in subdued and anticipa-tory ways, and is geared toward preparing to celebrate with exuberant joy the paschal mystery at Easter. Lent is a season of fasting, and fasting is about a discipline of restraint so that one can celebrate more deeply and extrava-gantly something wonderful later. But even in that time of preparation, the joy that is to come is known now. This is Lent. Since Sundays in Lent are feast days and not fast days, and the celebration of the Eucharist is always appropri-ate, they are the perfect time to express a sense of restrained celebration and anticipatory joy. (first published

in Sundays and Seasons 2018, Year B, copyright © 2017 Augsburg Fortress.) We love praying with this community! The St. Paul Prayer Team is excited to invite you to join us for weekly prayer experiences 5:30-6:30 p.m. every Tuesday beginning Feb. 20. There are many ways to pray and we want to create safe space for talking with and listening to God, each other, and self. Read the brief descriptions below and join us for a modality that speaks to your heart or sparks your imagination.

Feb. 20 {1st week of Lent} Holden Evening Prayer Led by Ken & Allison Beautiful sung prayer composed by Marty Haugen that can be soothing and uplifting.

Feb. 27 {2nd week of Lent} Drumming for Healing Led by Pstr Rodney Bring your favorite percussion instrument to join with the heartbeat of the Creator. We will share gratitude and intentions, then drum with the rhythm of life for good, healing energy to flow through the intentions. Some drums will be available for your use; hand drums preferred. We will conclude with a drum wash.

March 6 {3rd week of Lent} Holden Evening Prayer Led by Ken & Allison

March 13 {4th week of Lent} Lenten Lamentation Led by Pstr Rodney As we move towards the life energy of spring time, we want to acknowledge the dark and sad places of our life, ask-ing God to fill them with light and life. Through song, symbol, and scripture, we will remember those we have lost, recall our places of struggle, and lament the times we have struck out on our own.

March 20 {5th week of Lent} Equinox Nature Prayer Led by Jane O. Using song, poetry, movement and story, we will praise the Creator for the growing daylight, the promise of new life, and the turning of the season. Let the juices of creativity flow….

March 27 (Holy Week) Holden Evening Prayer Led by Ken & partner

April 3 Easter Octave Drumming for Healing Led by Pstr Rodney

Find all opportunities on the St. Paul Calendar under “Parish Prayer.” Shalom, Pastor Rodney

Pastor Rodney Bluml

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 4

Confirmation youth Dates to remember:

o February 4th

at noon-3:00pm in

Church Fellowship Hall Parent and youth Retreat. Both Parent and Youth shall attend. (8th grade youth only)

o March 7th

Confirmation Re-

treat at St. Paul CE Building from 3:00-5:30, pizza will be served from 5:30-6:00. Following pizza, they will continue with regular WD4 from 6:00-7:30pm. (8th grade youth only)

o Dirty Feet Retreat April 6,7,8th


Youth are encouraged to attend this retreat at Camp EWALU. (All middle school students as welcome) The cost is

o Sunday, May 6th


the 10:30 worship is Confirma-tion Sunday. (8th grade youth confir-mation, all middle school students are encourage to come and support their fellow youth)

St. Paul will be taking a group of middle school students to Camp EWUAL for a Dirty Feet Retreat in April. We would like to encourage all of our confirmation students to attend, however it is not required.

Enjoy two nights of lodging in cabins, relevant Bible studies, quality meals & snacks, energetic camp counselors, active praise music, the High Ropes Course, epic games, a crazy Talent Show, outdoor camp-fire worship, fun skits, and memorable adventures.

Get your feet dirty as you follow Christ out into the world! Learn and practice living out your faith in spite of the world’s pressures, be-cause of God’s awesome love and grace…

The DFR is a fun weekend of lasting growth and encouragement in faith. Camp Ewalu staff will provide awesome, engaging activities to help youth strengthen bonds with each other, learn about God, and build better connections between adults and youth in your home church.

An awesome “jump-start” experience for your whole Confirmation class, the Ewalu DFR is a great way to bring a more lively spirit to your crew. Enjoy a taste of Lutheran Outdoor Ministry with live mu-sic, epic outdoor games, interactive faith talks, great food, cool camp counselors, and fun student-led worship.

Only $85/youth (scholarships available)

Registration Deadline to Shawna by Sunday, March 25th.

Check out Camp EWALU’s website for more details about this retreat and many other fun camp opportunities https://ewalu.org/events/

April 6 @ 8:00 pm - April 8 @ 11:00 am

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 5

ConFest was on Sunday, January 14th.

We had five of our youth attend this synod wide event in

Muscatine. At this event they participated in many differ-

ent workshops that encouraged them to use their spiritual

gifts and learned about the five gifts of discipleship.

Five Gifts of Discipleship:

· to live among God’s faithful people;

· to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s


· to proclaim the good news of God in Christ

through word and deed;

· to serve all people, following the example of Jesus;

· to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

Connor For-tune helping

explain what a synod is, and about Church


St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 6

The ELCA National Youth Gathering Team

We will be getting together on Saturday, February 6th to put together

our Sub Sunday orders. Details sent out in email to the families.

Our next informational meeting and Youth Gathering Devotional will be on Sunday, February 25th at 12:00. At this meeting I will be sharing the

details of our housing and transportation.

We will be hosting a Post-super bowl pop can drive during the Month of February. There will be a drop off location in the church fellowship hall and a location is the Office and Classroom


Thank you to our St. Paul church family for all your support!

Dear Parents of children and youth,

Ash Wednesday, February 14th is the beginning of our Lenten season. During Lent we offer two services on Wednesday, 5:00pm and 7:00pm. During WD4 we will start at 6:00 and learn about the stories of the Lenten portrayal character each week, then we will go over to the 7:00pm worship. Worship usually goes no later than 7:45. We encourage all families to come join your children at the 7:00pm worship ser-vice, or you may also go to the 5:00pm worship and your child can come to WD4 starting at 6:00 until we head over to the church at 6:50 for worship, if you prefer the earlier worship as a family. Here is the layout for KFC (Kids For Christ) during WD4 for our pre-5th grade children during lent February 14th-March 21st. 6:00-6:15 small group fellowship 6:15-6:45 lesson and activity 6:45-6:55 bathroom breaks and prepare to go to the church. 6:55-7:30/7:45 Worship and experiencing the Lenten bible portrayal

Schedule for our KFC Journey to the cross event on Wednesday, March 28th from 6:00-7:45pm Come take a journey through Holy week. Receive a Holy Week Passport to help you travel to far away adventures. Along each stop collect a stamp and keep a journal of your discoveries. We will start our journey with Palm Sunday, and travel through Holy week which includes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday!

Middle & High School Youth WD4 during Lent February 14th-March 21st During Lent, our middle and high school youth will be participating in worship, serving, and engaging in a Lenten bible study. Their schedule for WD4 is similar to the above for KFC group with a couple differ-ences. If your youth is part of the group serving the meals that week, they should be here by 5:30. Check out the chart on the top of Page 7 for details and Lenten schedule. Also listed are the different worship duties our youth will be helping with. If you teen has any schedule issues, please contact Shawna Giegerich, [email protected] or by cell (319)480-6735. Middle & High School Youth Easter Movie & activity Night Wednesday, March 28th from 6:00-7:45pm We will be hosting an movie night of Passion Live. Parents and congrega-tion are welcome to join us. We will be watching this contemporary retelling of the Passion of Jesus Christ set to popular music. The video breaks the story into Three sections: Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. We will take a short break at the three sections to have small group discussion and scripture reading that goes along with the video. For more information check out their website: https://thepassion.com/explore-the-passion/

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 7


Weekend Worship:

Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30am.

Mid-week Worship Including Portrayal:

Wednesdays 5:00pm or 7:00pm.

Discipleship Ministry

Sundays: Adult 9:45-10:15am. Children’s Church during the 10:30 Worship Wednesday evenings: WD4 for children preschool through 12th grade from 6:00-7:30pm

Lenten Meals

Weekly Lenten meals will be served from 5:45-6:45pm. We are in need of many helping hands to prepare, host, serve and clean-up each week. See sign up sheet in the narthex.

Date Middle & High School Small Group Lesson

Meal Helpers 5:30

Ushers Communion Power Point Video

Feb. 7th Training Day No Meal No service No Service No Service No Service

Feb. 14th Ash Wednesday Les-

son No Meal High School

No Commun-ion

Emma Dales Logan Dales

Feb. 21st The Last Supper

Matthew 26:20-29; Mark 14:12-16

High School Maddy F, Ally

G, Carter, Grant

Seth S., Eli L, Nick L

Kaylee F Kate S

Feb. 28th The Crucifixion

Matthew 27; Mark 15; John 19

8th graders Sean H, Ruby,

Summer, Tysen

Ashlyn F, Ivan, Victor

Carson A Allie G

Mar. 7th The Resurrection John

19-20 7th graders

Rylan, Gabe, Emma, Logan

Andrew, Cade, Nathan H

Victor C Ivan L

Mar. 14th No WD4 Due to

Spring Break Not assigned Still Available youth youth youth

Mar. 21st Saved by Grace

through Faith Lesson 6th grade 5th grade

Connor A, Ab-by F, Nic L, Maddy M.

Skylar H Lucas S

March 28th Passion Live Movie

and small group dis-cussion Night

No Meal No worship No Worship No Worship No Worship

Middle & High School Youth WD4 during Lent February 14th-March 21st

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 8

St. Paul is once again gearing up for the Lenten season with a brand new set of Biblical portrayals. For the last many years, St. Paul’s has been a destination on Wednesday nights for many in our community to learn more about the Biblical story, and this year, we will continue that tradition. Once again, St. Paul will host a supper each Wednesday evening, and will offer two different service times for people to choose. The Lenten series begins with our Ash Wednesday services on Feb. 14th. There is no character por-trayal on Ash Wednesday, as we will focus on the traditional emphases of this very special day in the church year.

St. Paul’s Lenten services are truly for all ages, as people from the very young to very old come to hear the first person testimony of the Biblical personalities. This year’s Biblical portrayals will be tied to the Scripture lessons appointed for each Sunday in Lent, which will give each week’s portrayal special significance throughout the week. Pastor Steve Dornbusch (Laura Secrist’s dad) who wrote the portrayals St. Paul has used through the years, has written all new characters for this year’s Lenten services at St. Paul.

This year we will meet: *February 21st Sarah, the wife of Abraham *February 28th Moses *March 7th an unnamed Israelite who followed Moses *March 14th the prophet, Jeremiah *March 21st the disciple, Andrew telling of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and some of the events leading up to that day.

Because most churches don’t have midweek Lenten services, this becomes a great opportunity for us to invite our friends and neighbors to come with us for a light supper and the Lenten service of our choice on Wednesday nights. This is open to the public and there is no cost. Services are at 5:00 and 7:00, with a soup supper served each Wednesday from 5:45-6:45. St. Paul’s is the place to be on Wednesday night during Lent. You can also check out the stories from last year on our website: http://www.stpaulanamosa.com/lenten-portrayals-2017.html

See you there!

Tuesdays from 6-7:00PM ALL ARE WELCOME!

Christian Education Build-ing - Lower Level

(Enter from gravel parking lot, first door on left.)

Ken Winter & Nancy Lyon Douglas

Co-facilitators Questions?

Call 319-462-4841 Free to the public

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 9

Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon and Annual Meeting February 7

St. Paul will again host the annual meeting of the Jones Regional Medical Center Auxiliary on Wednesday, February 7. The day begins with the noon luncheon, followed by music from special guests, the Monticello Men’s Chorus. Members will also hold a brief meeting and receive updates on the hospital.

St. Paul will prepare and serve the noon luncheon, so chairpersons have called for donations of salads and desserts, as well as volunteers to help prepare the meal and work in the kitchen and dining room. If you haven’t been contact-ed and want to volunteer, please call Verna Lewison at 462-2135 or Virginia Danielson at 462-4625. Thank you to all volunteers!

St. Paul Women, you are invited to join the Anamosa Sisters Ecumenical Bible study as they meet in

the lower level of the Ed building on Tuesday afternoons, beginning on Jan-uary 23 at 2:00 PM. We will be using the study on Spiritual Gifts, based on 1 Corinthians, chapter 12, Sisters came together 4 years ago as an outgrowth of the local chapter of Church Women United, now Women of Faith and Friend-ship. The group continues the dialogue through Bible Study and conversation.

LUITHERAN WORLD RELIEF QUILTING The first Lutheran Relief Quilt Project sew-in for 2018 is scheduled for Monday, February 19, from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Come and stay all day, or drop in for a few hours. Please bring portable machines, scissors, thread, and pins if you plan to sew. Fabric cutters and quilt designers need no experience, just come, learn and enjoy the day. Come join us in the church fellowship hall.

You are invited to bring food to share for a noon potluck.

Quilt tying begins on Monday February 26 at 1:00 PM. No experience needed! GOD’S WORK. OUR HANDS.

Come and sing with us… Celebration Singers meet for regular rehearsals on Sunday mornings at 8 AM, and will sing at the 8:30 AM traditional worship services. No auditions, no paperwork, just an open invitation for interested singers to join us!

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 10

We are looking for donations of hand sanitizer and Kleenex during this lovely cold and flu season.

Do you like to set up Bulletin board displays? We are looking for someone to once every couple of weeks to help update the bulletin boards around our church. Contact Shawna for More Details.

Looking for someone (perhaps a high school youth) who can help staff trouble-shoot simple computer issues; about an hour a month.

Immediate Need: We have a small group leader for middle school confirmation needing a sub from Wednesday, February 21st– March 7th (3 weeks). This sub would be working with three other leaders, and would be in charge of doing one station of the lesson each week. You would do the same station 4 times during each WD4. Please contact Shawna.

Lenten Meals Volunteer Sign up sheet will be up in the narthex this week. We are in need of servers, and des-sert bars. Contact Lori Reynolds (319)821-0702 if you have any questions.

Kitchen Assistance and Work Groups

Thank you so much to everyone that answers the call to assist with food, set up, serving and clean up for the many activities we have going on at St. Paul. Its because of you and your assistance that everything runs so smoothly.

I am currently working on updating our workgroup listing. Circumstances change, and it’s hard for some to provide salads, deserts, and assistance for funerals or other events. The church kitchen will now be open the day before funerals or events until 7pm so dishes can be easily delivered.

Please contact Lori at (319)821-0702 or email [email protected] if you are able to help more frequently than your workgroup month.

The Water and The Witness: A Lenten Journey

St. Paul joins congregations across the Southeastern Iowa Synod this Lent in raising support for water projects with ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Disaster Relief. Did you know that access to a well can transform a community? Women and girls no longer spend hours walking for water and can therefore work or go to school. Water from the well is clean and safe for consumption so people can live up to their potential rather than being sick. Disease is more easily fought off with access to water for hand washing. These and so many more benefits are not difficult to provide. A well through ELCA World Hunger costs only $2500 and supports up to 500 families. Sometimes, it can feel like the local efforts of individuals or even whole congregations have little impact on the most daunting challenges, like little more than a ‘drop in the bucket’. But together, local efforts can lead to global change. The Water and The Witness provides yet another opportunity to demonstrate that in the South-eastern Iowa Synod we are #inthistogether. More than that, our shared witness provides yet another op-portunity for a world full of need to believe that God in Jesus Christ is WITH us and FOR us. All of us.

Bishop Michael Burk

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 11

Notes from the Parish Nurse February and flu season seem to go together though this winter the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has identified that all 50 states are seeing a much larger number of people with Influenza illness and it’s spreading. Most at risk are the elderly and the young, but even healthy people can get sick.

Flu(influenza) like symptoms may include a fever , cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, chills, and fatigue. Usually these symptoms come on quickly. Keep in contact with your Dr and if you are diagnosed with Influenza your Dr will guide you on how to protect you from complications.

Ways to protect yourself from the flu include: Its not to late to get a flu shot if you haven't( the flu shot is less effec-

tive this year but still provides you with protection). Avoid contact with sick people and if you become ill, limit contact

with others as much as possible. WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY( either with soap and water or alcohol based hand wash) Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth unless using a tissue, and use a tissue to cover your mouth or nose if coughing, throw the tissue away and rewash hands.

Over the past years during the flu season, we have encouraged our church family to feel comfortable when sharing the “peace” by offering the peace sign instead of shaking hands/hugs. Before we know it, those nasty flu germs will be moving on and the Daffodils will be blooming.

If you would like a call from a nurse, please call the church office and ask for Ken. I will be less available over the next several weeks taking nursing continuing education classes but in contact as need-ed with Ken.

Blessings this day, this moment, Carol Stiffler RN,BSN,PN

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength -Deuteronomy 6:5

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 12

Wednesday, January 31st 7:00am Good Guys (McCotto’s) 8:00am Luther Men in Mission (Pinicon Place) 6:00pm Worship Service in Church 6:00pm WD4 (Preschool-12th grade) in CE Building

Thursday, February 1st 1:30 Communion Service at Pinicon in Anamosa

You are welcome to join us !

Saturday, February 3rd The ARC will be using the CE building from 9am-3pm Baptism class in the church fellowship hall from 9:00-11:00am

Must RSVP by the Thursday, February 1st

Sunday, February 4th 8:30am Traditional Worship 9:30 coffee hour 9:45-10:30 “hot topics” 10:30am Contemporary Worship 12-3 confirmation 8th graders and parent retreat 5:00-7:00pm NO ALPHA Super bowl Sunday Details on Super Bowl Subs fundraiser for Youth Gathering

pick up will be between 8:30-11:30 in the church kitchen or for those who have marked delivery, we will be calling to set that up.

Tuesday, February 6th 6:00-7:00 Grief in CE building lower level. 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Wednesday, February 7th 7:00am Good Guys (McCotto’s) 8:00am Luther Men in Mission (Pinicon Place) 6:00pm Worship Service in Church 6:00-7:30pm WD4 for children and youth. in CE building.

Sunday, February 11th 8:30am Traditional Worship 9:30-10:30 Coffee Hour 9:45 “Hot topics” study 10:30am Contemporary Worship 5:00-7:00pm in Church Alpha study and meal

Monday, February 12th All Leader Meeting 6:30

Tuesday, February 13th 6:00-7:00 Grief Support in CE building lower level 7:00pm Mary’s Circle in Church 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Wednesday, February 14th Ash Wednesday 7:00am Good Guys (McCotto’s) 8:00am Luther Men in Mission (Pinicon Place) Noon Ash Wednesday Service 1:30pm Sarah’s Circle (Woodland Park) 5:00pm and 7:00pm Ash Wed Worship Service

in Church 6:00pm WD4 (Preschool-12th grade) in CE Building

Thursday, February 15th 1:30 Communion Service at Pinicon in Anamosa You are wel-

come to join us !

Sunday, February 18th 8:30am Traditional Worship 9:30-10:30 Coffee Hour 9:45 Special Guest from Thrivent 10:30am Contemporary Worship 5:00-7:00pm Alpha and meal in Church

Monday, February 19th March Newsletter Deadline 6:30-8:00pm New Member class session 1 Life as a Lutheran

Tuesday, February 20th 5:30-6:30pm Holden Evening Prayer 6:00-7:00 Grief Support in CE building lower level. 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Wednesday, February 21st 7:00am Good Guys (McCotto’s) 8:00am Luther Men in Mission (Pinicon Place) 5:00pm & 7:00pm Lenten Portrayal Worship Service in Church 5:45-6:45 Super Supper in church fellowship hall 6:00pm WD4 (Preschool-12th grade) in CE Building

Thursday, February 22nd 10:00am Friend to friend meet in church fellowship hall 2:30pm ALY in CE building

Sunday, February 25th 8:30am Traditional Worship 9:30-10:30 Coffee Hour 10:30am Contemporary Worship Youth Gathering Meeting 12:00 CE building on upper level. 1:00-2:30 New member class session 1 Life as a Lutheran 5:00-7:00pm Alpha and meal in Church

Monday, February 26th 6:30-8:00pm New member class session 2 Life at St. Paul

Tuesday, February 27th 5:30-6:30pm Drumming for Healing 6:00-7:00 Grief Support in CE building lower level 8:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Wednesday, February 28th 7:00am Good Guys (McCotto’s) 8:00am Luther Men in Mission (Pinicon Place) 5:00pm & 7:00pm Lenten Portrayal Worship Service in Church 5:45-6:45 Super Supper in church fellowship hall 6:00pm WD4 (Preschool-12th grade) in CE Building

Sunday, March 4th 8:30am Traditional Worship 9:30-10:30 Coffee Hour 10:30am Contemporary Worship 1:00-2:30 New member class session 2 Life at St. Paul 5:00-7:00pm Alpha and meal in Church

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 13

Wednesday Evenings Sundays at 8:30 am Sundays at 10:30 am

February 7th at 6:00pm February 4th February 4th

Usher: Jim Conley Usher: Don & Debbie Hardersen Usher: Ralph & Sandra Andresen

Reader: Beth Hora Reader: Don Harmon Reader: Paula Sisler

Communion Prep: Dorothy Wood Communion Prep: Don & Dorothy Harmon Communion Prep: Serge & Paula Sisler

Communion Asst: Marge Bohlken & Eunice Conley

Communion Asst: Jeff & Kristi Fortune, and Don Harmon

Communion Asst: Sally Clap, Shelby Hollet, and Paula Sisler

Power Point: Beth Hora Videographer: Ashlyn Fortune Power Point: Nathan Hollet

Video: Ivan Lambertsen

February 14th Ash Wednesday 5:00pm February 11th Children’s Church: Shawna Giegerich Usher: Ken & Pam Humpal Usher: Merlyn & Marlaine Wilken

Reader: Beth Hora Reader: Ashlyn Fortune February 11th

Communion Prep: Barb Kleis Communion Prep: Merlyn & Marlaine Wilken

Usher: Dan & Marilyn Lambertsen

Communion Asst: Beth Hora and Laura Secrist

Communion Asst: Wayne & Becky Embree, and Ashlyn Fortune

Reader: Kristy Robertson

Power Point: Darcie Tenley Videographer: Denny Oltmann Communion Prep: Amy Christianson

Communion Asst: Amy Christianson, Kristy Robertson, and Stacie Sullivan

February 21st 5:00pm February 18th Power Point: Ruby Robertson

Usher: Darla Algoe Usher: Ed Gerst & Susan Koppenhaver Video: Sebastian Goldsmith

Reader: Pastor Rodney Reader: Barry Anderson Children’s Church: Brandy Miller

Communion Prep: Darla Algoe Communion Prep: Barry & Wilma Ander-son

Communion Asst: Scott & Barb Slater Communion Asst: Wilma Anderson, Brian and Michele Lubben

February 18th

Power Point: Myra Powell Videographer: Grace/Grant Lubben Usher: Ben Coyle & Angie Rickels

Video: Denny Oltmann Reader: Andrew Thomas

February 18th Communion Prep: Dixie Rickels

February 28th at 5:00pm Usher: Colin Stiffler & Jay Willems Communion Asst: Drew Pate, Seth Secrist, Logan Dales

Usher: Gerry & Verlyn Stolte Reader: Jane Ortgies Power Point: Emma Dales

Reader: Barb Kleis Communion Prep: Jan Allaire & Karen Biere

Video: Logan Dales

Communion Prep: Gerry & Verlyn Stolte Communion Asst: Dave & Jane Ortgies, and Carol Stiffler

Children’s Church: Linda Kenny

Communion Asst: Summer Parks and Laura Secrist

Videographer: Connor Fortune

Power Point: Darcie Tenley February 25th

Video: Darcie Tenley Usher: CJ Sullivan Family

Reader: Paula Sisler

March 7th at 5:00pm Communion Prep: Barb Wilson

Usher: Jim Conley Communion Bread for February : Valerie Lambertsen

Communion Asst: Nancy Lyon Doug-las, Darel Secrist, and Ashton Stegemann

Reader: Pastor Food Bank for February: Ralph and Sandra Andresen

Power Point: Samuel Kenny

Communion Prep: Dorothy Wood Altar Flowers for February Video: Drew Pate

Communion Asst: Eunice Conley & Laura Secrist

February 4th Dave & Jane Or tgies Children’s Church: Shawna Giegerich

Power Point: Myra Powell February 11th Still Available

February 18th No Flowers dur ing Lent

February 25th No Flowers dur ing Lent

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 14

Balances of St. Paul Bank/ Accounts As of 12/31/2017

General Fund Checking Account Beginning Balance $31,042.86 Ending Balance $37,489.59 Budget Reserve Savings Account Beginning Balance $200.16 Ending Balance:$200.26 Land/Maint/Repair Checking Account Beginning Balance $2,135.69 Ending Balance $1,263.83

Land Development Savings Account Beginning Balance $1,851.05 Ending Balance $5,862.09 Luther League Checking Account Beginning Balance $2,814.37 Ending Balance $2,111.70 Luther League Savings Account Beginning Balance $6,283.42 Ending Balance $6,283.42 Seminary Support Account Beginning Balance: $6,809.05 Ending Balance: $6,809.05

Fidelity Savings Account Beginning Balance: $6,165.34 Ending Balance: $6,166.12 Mortgage Account Beginning Property Purchase Amount: $258,250.00 Mortgage Balance: $0.00 100% Mortgage Paid

ST PAUL DIRECTORY Staff Pastor Rodney Bluml (319)389-6153 [email protected] Church Secretary: Shawna Giegerich (319) 462-4841 [email protected] Director of Discipleship Ministry: Ken Winter (319) 462-4841 [email protected] Director of Family Ministry: Shawna Giegerich (319) 462-4841 [email protected] Finanical Coordinator: Nancy Lyon Douglas (319) 462-4841 [email protected]

Church Council: Council President: Ralph Andresen (319) 462-3003 Vice President: Doug Fairbanks (319) 480-2484 Council Secretary: Barb Wilson (319) 462-2989 Council Treasurer: Brian Darrow (319) 489-4183 Church Council members: Shawn Countryman Jim Hankemeier Lori Reynolds Colin Stiffler Carlene Vavricek

A walk through the fellowship area... If you haven't been in the downstairs fellowship area recently, you have proba-bly missed the beautiful and contemplative new quilted Lenten Season wall hanging, designed and crafted by Pam Humpal. Pam is truly an artist with varied skills, and we at St. Paul are blessed that she shares her talents with us. The new hanging is located on the north wall, taking the place of the Christmas hanging that Pam also created and shared recently.

2017 Giving Statements are ready and in the church narthex. If you haven't picked up

your 2018 offering envelopes, they are in the church narthex as well. Please contact the office

if you have any questions.

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 15

Council Minutes- St. Paul Lutheran January 8, 2018 Members Present: Ralph Andresen, Doug Fairbanks, Colin Stifler, Carlene Vavricek, Lori Reynolds, Jim Hankemeier, Brian Darrow, Barb Wilson, Pastor Rodney Bluml Ralph opened the meeting with a prayer at 6:30 pm. Minutes from the December Council meeting and the January 8th Agenda were submitted. Doug made a motion to approve the minutes and Lori seconded the motion. Pastor’s Report: Jean Postel was removed from the roster due to her death. Faith Lynn Easterly was baptized on Dec. 31st. New Members were received: Received 1/3/18 Jerry Collell. Received 1/7/18 McKenzie, Dustin, Bentley, and Haley Paulson; Darcie Tenley Email Contact received Jan. 8 2018 “Dear Pastor and Members of St. Paul, Thank you for hosting the difficult and important meeting today. I have never been treated with greater respect than you demonstrat-ed today. I will always remember you with gratitude. In Christ, Bishop Steven Ullestad” We are in the process of preparing the annual congregational re-port. Due Feb. 14th. In response to Alpha, Holden Evening Prayer and the Blue Christmas experience, and out of a desire to gather communally more often in the presence of our loving Creator, beginning Feb. 20, weekly prayer opportunities will be offered on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the church. The initial schedule with facilitator is listed below. Details will be included in upcoming newsletters, and other media. Sunday, Jan. 28th- town hall meeting is being held between ser-vices. Send topics to Ralph Prayer Opportunities Feb. 20 {1st Lent} Holden Evening Prayer Ken & Allison Feb. 27 {2nd Lent} Drumming for Healing Rodney & Pat Soyer March 6 {3rd Lent} Holden Evening Prayer Ken & March 13 {4th Lent} Growing Light Communal Healing Rodney March 20 {5th Lent} Equinox Meditation (Nat. Am. Flute) Jane Ort-gies March 27 (Holy Week) Holden Evening Prayer Ken & April 3 Easter Drumming for Healing Rodney April 10 Easter Holden Evening Prayer Ken & April 17 Easter Centering/Meditation Jane April 24 Easter Holden Evening Prayer Ken & May 1 Easter Communal Anointing for Healing Rodney May 8 Easter Holden Evening Prayer Ken & May 15 Easter Singing Bowls Kathy Broghammer & Rodney May 22 Pentecost Drumming for Healing Rodney

May 29 Communal Healing/Intercessory Prayer Jane June 5 Lectio Divina Jane June 12 Holden Evening Prayer Ken & June 19 Taize/Chant/Vocalized Rodney June 26 National Youth Conference week Future Options: Labyrinth, yoga, tai chi, field trip to prayer spaces (Cathedral, outdoor stations at St. Donatus, Grotto in West Bend or Dickeyville, SEISynod offices). November Financial Reports: Nancy Lyon-Douglas went over the financial reports, providing Council with more detailed infor-mation. She expressed concerns that the Budget Reserve Savings Account is very low, so we do not have money to fall back on if we have a big emergency. There has been money sitting in the Fidelity Savings Account for a long time CD?. The suggestion was made to close that account, and move that money to the Budget Reserve Savings Account. The goal would be to always have $5000 available in this account for emergency use. Nancy shared other dollar amounts from separate clearing accounts within the General Fund Account. Nancy presented Council with budget folders for the fiscal year 2018-2019 budget. She asked teams to use folders at the Feb-ruary Program Church meeting night, to fill out the Annual Budget Estimate Form that is due by March 1st. Carlene moved to file the financial report, and the motion was seconded by Doug. Agenda addition- Brian suggested that we add a heading to our monthly agenda- “Requests for purchases over $500” to help keep track of bigger expenses. This will be added beginning next month. Lori made a request to purchase food from Reinhart for Lenten meals. Barb made a motion to move forward with that purchase, and Colin seconded it. Passed. Agenda for Next Meeting: Program Church: one church leadership meeting night- All leadership team members are asked to meet in the fellowship hall Feb. 12, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Proposed Schedule for Feb. 12: 6:30-7:00 pm Prayer (10-15 min.) Discussion Topics pertinent to all leadership 7:00-8:00 pm Agenda Committee Meetings 8:00-8:15 pm Snack, Bathroom Break, Gather in hall for Summaries 8:15-8:45 pm Meeting Summaries—3 minutes/committee Brief Questions – addressed after all summaries 8:45 pm Prayer & Dismissal 8:50 pm Council meets Upcoming Schedule/Conferences/Meetings/Schedules/Coming Events Jan. 14th- Alpha begins 23 adults, 5 children Time and Date of Next meeting: Feb. 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellow-ship Hall. Adjourn/Closing Prayer- Ralph led Council in a closing prayer. Colin moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 and the motion was seconded by Lori. Respectfully submitted, Barb Wilson- Council Secretary

St. Paul Lutheran Church │ 201 N. Ford St. Anamosa, IA 52205 │ (319) 462-4841 │ [email protected] 16

If your birthday was omitted from this calendar, we may not have the date in our records. If you would like your birthday listed on our newsletter calendar, please call Shawna at 462-4841 or email her at [email protected] and she would be happy to include it.

St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church 103 East Cedar Street Anamosa, IA 52205

Return Service Requested


Wednesday: 6pm Contemporary Worship 6pm Children and Youth WD4 in CE building

Sunday: 8:30am Traditional Worship 9:30am Coffee Hour 9:45am “Hot Topics” Studies 10:30am Contemporary Worship w/ “Children’s Church”

Addison Zieser 01 Lindsey Austin 02 Donna Condry 02 Steph Hora 02 Breanna Luchtenburg 02 Annette Wheeler 02 Colin Stiffler 03 Michelle Smith 04 Sharlene Ulferts 04 Roger Seaton 06 Ruthie Moser 07 Joe Gregorich 07 Wayne Embree 08 Jeremy Fall 08 Marsha Knudsen 08 Marge Bolken 09 Jerry Holtz 09 Sherry Hartelt 09 Abby Fairbanks 10 Marissa Hankemeier 10 Samuel Kenny 10 Wes Wheeler 10 Karter Kos 10

Elnora Day 11 Pat Jensen 11 Becky Embree 13 Brian Zieser 13 Dave Michels 14 Evan Wilson 15 Shawna Giegerich 16 Grace Lubben 16 Scott Minzenmeyer 17 Kirk Reinhardt 17 Arianah Tjaden 18 Carol Atwood 19 Ryker Weber 19 Easton Wheeler 19 Chris Holtz 21 Marshall Kray 22 Rob Robertson 22 Amy Hosek 24 Jane Ortgies 24 Seth Secrist 25 Taylor Zumbach 27 Trent Gravel 28 Damon Rogers 28

Mary Lou Schipper 28 Sophie Sander 29

February Birthdays