200720081-Test 1-Perdana-Q · Sifat-sifat mekanikal bahan keluli dan kuprum adalah seperti berikut: Sifat Kuprum E = 100 MPa = 80 MPa Sifat Keluli E = 200 GPa = 250 MPa 140 MPa Tentukan

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TEST1 – SKMU 2113


ENGINEERING SCIENCE 20162017/I Instructions: Answer ALL three (3) questions


A rigid steel beam is pinned at A and D and used to support a load of 10 kN vertically downward as shown in Figure Q1. If the beam’s weight is neglected, determine:

i) The reaction forces at pins A and D (8 marks)

ii) The internal loadings in member BD at section a-a. (2 marks)

Figure Q1


For the following beams, determine which beam will experience larger deformation. State your answer with relevant prove.

1a) Circular shafts W and X are similar in length. Outer diameter for shaft X is 1.5 times larger than shaft W. (2 Marks)

1b) Both steel beams Y and Z are having square cross-sectional area with similar dimensions. Beam Z is twice as long as beam Y. (2 Marks)

Figures 2a) and 2b)



A cable car is suspended by two cables, AB and BC of the same diameter. The load is supported without failure as illustrated by Figure Q3. Determine the diameter of the cables if they were made of materials listed in Table Q3. (10 marks) Table Q3

Figure Q3

Cable Yield stress, σy (MPa) AB 120 BC 100