2 Because of the Lords great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, :The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.Lamentations 3:22-26 As I write this we have people dealing with serious health, and/or family, and/or financial issues. Parts of our nation and Canada are still dealing with drought and grave fire danger. Whether it is concern for the farm, the family, or the future - we join the hymn writer in saying, I walk in danger all the way.The mornings are often cool when you know it will get much warmer later in the day. I love to open the windows early in the morning and try to draw the cooler air inside. As soon as it gets hot outside, the windows and shades are closed to keep out the heat. So it is in our walk with God. We live in danger and in a hot and dangerous environment. We are in the midst of spiritual warfare. We daily need to open our hearts to Gods love and comfort, and daily put on the armor of God to protect us from the sin and evil of this world. When we face a hot dry day, wouldnt it be nice to take a ride on a pontoon boat out on a lake where the breeze is refreshing and the scenery stunning? Each week, we have an opportunity to take a ride on a boat…… The Latin word for boat is navewhich is what we call the main part of the church where we sit, stand and kneel for worship. In this boat/nave/church, we are refreshed with Gods love and grace through His Word & Sacraments. We are encouraged through the fellowship and care that we receive and share with others. Gods grace is sufficient and is new each day. I know that I, nor any other pastor, can always be in all the places where we are looked for, but God can be, and is present, just as He has promised us. In times of grave illness when death is possibly just around the corner, I have had many a fellow Christian tell me over the years, I am in Gods hands. I will either get better or I will be in glory with Jesus.Dear fellow members of the Body of Christ, we are all in Gods hands, His love and compassion is new every morning. May we never forget that. May we reflect Gods love and care to one another each day. May you daily receive times of refreshingfrom the Lord.Acts 3:19 Gods great love is new every morning! Your pastor and fellow servant in Christ Jesus, Pastor Meyer

2 Because of the Lord s great love we are not consumed ...files.ctctcdn.com/5150889a301/16a6a185-4fa5-4278-9ce7-0d658d4a56… · 2 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not

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“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, :The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3:22-26

As I write this we have people dealing with serious health, and/or family, and/or financial issues. Parts of our nation and Canada are still dealing with drought and grave fire danger. Whether it is concern for the farm, the family, or the future - we join the hymn writer in saying, “I walk in danger all the way.” The mornings are often cool when you know it will get much warmer later in the day. I love to open the windows early in the morning and try to draw the cooler air inside. As soon as it gets hot outside, the windows and shades are closed to keep out the heat. So it is in our walk with God. We live in danger and in a hot and dangerous environment. We are in the midst of spiritual warfare. We daily need to open our hearts to God’s love and comfort, and daily put on the armor of God to protect us from the sin and evil of this world. When we face a hot dry day, wouldn’t it be nice to take a ride on a pontoon boat out on a lake where the breeze is refreshing and the scenery stunning? Each week, we have an opportunity to take a ride on a boat…… The Latin word for boat is ‘nave’ which is what we call the main part of the church where we sit, stand and kneel for worship. In this boat/nave/church, we are refreshed with God’s love and grace through His Word & Sacraments. We are encouraged through the fellowship and care that we receive and share with others. God’s grace is sufficient and is new each day. I know that I, nor any other pastor, can always be in all the places where we are looked for, but God can be, and is present, just as He has promised us. In times of grave illness when death is possibly just around the corner, I have had many a fellow Christian tell me over the years, “I am in God’s hands. I will either get better or I will be in glory with Jesus.” Dear fellow members of the Body of Christ, we are all in God’s hands, His love and compassion is new every morning. May we never forget that. May we reflect God’s love and care to one another each day. May you daily receive ‘times of refreshing…from the Lord.” Acts 3:19 God’s great love is new every morning! Your pastor and fellow servant in Christ Jesus,

Pastor Meyer



What did the early church do? We know that they shared the Good News of Christ our Savior. Within a very short time, the Good News of Jesus Christ our crucified, risen and ascended Savior had spread throughout the Mediterranean world and beyond. In Acts 2:42-47, we see a powerful picture of the early church. They were all….

Devoted to the Word of God. Devoted to gathering together in worship and fellowship with their fellow believers. Partaking of the Lord’s Supper. They took care of one another and considered all that they had as belonging to the Lord. Taking care of

family but also watching out for one another. They continued to meet together in the temple courts. And the Lord added (they didn’t do the adding, the Lord did the adding), and the Lord added to their

number daily those who were being saved.

Dear people of God, this needs to be the example of the church today as well. Dear people, what will our example be? Let us all, daily recognize our personal sins and failures, that we indeed have feet of clay. That we all daily, every hour, every minute, every second need Jesus. Let us daily remember our baptism and the word of forgiveness that is ours in Christ Jesus. Let us come to worship every week. Gathering with fellow Christians for fellowship, for a work project, for recreation, for fun, but always as God’s people who are being led by the Holy Spirit, sharing Christ and loving all. Let us daily pray for one another and for all those around us. May we never stop living and sharing the love and compassion of Christ our Lord. Let us daily remember and recognize that all that we are and have belongs to the Lord. Let us join together in bringing our full tithes in thanksgiving to God each week. Let’s see and experience the fullness of all that God has in mind for us. Let us continue to support missions and ministries here and around the world. Let us strive to do all that we can to reach out to those around us who do not know Jesus and His love in their homes. Whatever a person’s situation, wherever they may be, let us do all that we can to make sure that they also hear and know the wonderful message of God’s love is also for them. Yes, we have challenges….. praise God. Yes, we have things that we cannot possibly do by ourselves, PRAISE GOD!!!! For when we are part of seeing these impossible things accomplished among us, then it will be obvious that we accomplished them solely and completely by the grace and power of God. In everything good and positive that has happened in the past and that will happen by God’s grace in the future, In everything….. to God be the praise and glory!!!!!”