Elkton, Maryland, Saturday, THE VERDICT OE CECIL COIN “It Would Be A Business Blui License” I 29, 19J0 ’S BUSINESS MEN ider To Return To The undersigned, engaged in business in the First District of Cecil County, Maryland, declare it to be our conviction that our presen. prohibi- tory law has been in no wise hurtful, but rather helpful to business, and that it would be a business blunder to return to license which would mean the diversion from the legitimate channels of trade of a large sum of money into the tills of a inonopo.v of TWENTV-ONE licensed bars, thus enrich- ing the favored few at the expense of the many. Name. Location. Husiness. William 11, Aiderson, Cecilton Merchant James Smith, Cecilton Merchant Merritt Smith, Cecilton Cork E, S. Short, Cecilton Merchant J. H. Smith Cecilton Merchant J. A. Carman, Cecilton Pump Work J. D, Bcltz, Cecilton Wheelwright J. F. Coppage, Cecilton Undertaker Charles Griffith, Cecilton Butcher William H. Brown, Cecilton Baker James T. Watts, Cecilton Butcher W. H. Carman, Cecilton Flour and Feed John Anderson, Cecilton Stock Dealer A. S. Shaw, Cecilton Baker William Lipscomb, Cecilton Baker Charles H. Peters, Cecilton Painter S. S. McCubbin, Cecilton Clerk K. 7.. Aiderson, Cecilton Clerk Likewise the Business Men of the Fourth District, as follow-.: Name. Location. Business. Jos. S. Scarborough, Fourth district.. Fanner Win. P. Evans, Pleasant Hill Carpenter Walter B. Scarborough, Blake Farmer Howard Ewing, Blake Farmer Isaac Payne, Jr., Blue Ball Farmer Charles R. Biles, Blue Ball Merchant T. Taylor Reynolds, Blue Ball Farmer H. Mendenhall, Blue Ball Merchant Alfred B. McVey, Blue Bal' Professor and farmer Curtis B. Reynolds, Blue Bill M. A. McAllister, Blue Bal H. B, Alexander, Blue Ball William Redman, Blue Bal F'rank P. Anderson, Blue Bail Amos S. Ewing, Blue. Bal Robert Mackey, Blue Bal H. H. Mackey] Blue Ball G. M. Sendcrling, Blue Jail Samuel D. Stewart, Blui Ball Norman L. Brokaw, Bhe Ball William Ayers. Blue Bill Henry M. Borland, Bhe Ball H. B. Scarborough, Bile Ball Harry Scarborough, Blue Ball James D. Spence, Bin* Ball William McKenzie, Ptovidence Clerk David Lindsay, Providence Sttpt. Kenmore Pulp & Paper Ct James A. Nowland, Providence W. A. Hill, Providence J, W. Ayers, Providence Wilbur M. Borland. Providence C. C. N. Brokaw, Providence Clerk William P. Kile, Providence Baldwin Mfg. Co Mfg. Upholstery Goods J. Lawrence Henry Carr. Jr Ira W. Humes The Third District will be heard from next week. Look out for the list The-“ Democrat’s” Danger Signal "A change of 103 voles from the vote of 190(1 will give il (License) the vic- tory. It is claimed that that change can confidently he expected in one dis- trict alone, and if the other districts hold their own license will win, Cecil Democrat, October 22. The thanks of ever' earnest Anti- License man in the county is due the “Democrat,” whiskey alvocate though it is. for thus opportunity hoisting the red flag. Let every Aiti-1 .iccnsc citi- zen get husv horewirncd is to he forearmed. Is it VO?R district that the Whiskey Trust hat fixed to deliver the 103 necessary vo.-s? Metier as- sume that it is and at ace irding’y. The Prohibitionists.vant to prevent the SAI F, and so litit the USE of liquor. License does NOT prevent or stop illegal s i ing. Uner the 1 Mrooks High License Law one of the host license laws) Mhileelphia has 1900 flews It Brief —North Fast hat upwards of 2.000 feet of concrete pa'ment laid. —A tract of 800 a/s of timber land in St. Mary’s couty, Md.. has been purchased by (lent 1 1. Keilhley, of Aberdeen, who wi’cut the trees for the market. ??Never can tel'when you'll mash a'finger or suffer aut, bruise, burn or scald. Me prepad. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil instaiy relieves the pain —quickly cures th wound, —James Forwoi, of Kalmia, liar- ford county, ownsi dominica rooster that lately shed it feathers, getting a new coal of pure hite. **Dcm’t let the,iby suffer from ec- zema, sores or aritching of the skin. Doan’s Ointmenßives instant relief, cures quickly. P ectly safe for child- ren. All druggit sell it. —The pack of matocs for the sea- son just closed said to be about 75 per cent, of no al, but prices have ranged from Pity to forty cents higher per casdhus making up in prices for the h in yield. The Tri- State Associstit reports a falling off of 2,350.000 ca as compared wita the pack of 19 Corn packers arc, licensed bars and (it is officially stated) 3000 speakeasies or unlicensed dives. Is whiskey less intoxicating when dispensed from the licensed bar in a so-called hotel than whiskey illegally sold behind the fence corner or in the dive? And will Twenty-One of these bars, if opened in the county, reduce the USE of intoxicants? No! For one now illegally drunk we shall then have Twenty legally drunk. Citizens of Cecil:—Are you ready and willing to license by your votes an institution whose sole newspaper sponsor and advocate in the county can give you no better argument than this; "We violate and set at naught your law: you cannot prevent us from selling illegally: therefore license twenty-one of us and so make the evil business legal and respectable!" Citizens: —Vote for the boys. If you license twenty-one bars they will catch some of YOUR boys— SURF. You protect your Mirds—- should you not protect your Boys? My Order of Press Committee. it is said, practically sold out, one big Philadelphia house having bought up all the surplus corn hist week. **“Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years No appetite, and what I did cat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me.”—J. H. Wal- ker. Sunbury, Ohio. —Thieves one night last week stole 30 chickens from the hennery of Wil- liam Ford, superintendent of the Kent county almshouse. —The Maryland Anti-Saloon League offers prizes totalling SI,OOO for the five best essays on the treatment of the liquor traffic in the State. —The greater nart of the ceiling in the old Court House at New Castle, Del., fell one day last week, with a crash that was heard several blocks distant. '¦"‘Constipation cures headache, nau- sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpita- tion. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don’t cure. Doan's Regulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. —Fishermen of Rehoboth, Del., re- port that a whale has been frequent- ing the beach there or several days past, often coming to the surface and blowing, but so far no efforts have been made to kill or capture the big fish. —Residents of Middletown, one day last week, saw the new 12 inch rifled gun to replace the one that burst re- cently on the battleship Georgia. The gun was carried m a 16 wheeled car of the iron truss pattern used for the purpose. The gun was stamped "U. S. Naval Factory W (Watcrliet) New York, 1910, weight 122,210 pounds.” It measured 4 feet 3 inches in diameter at the breech and about 24 inches at the muzzle and was about 50 feet in length. It requires 350 lbs. of smoke- less powder to charge the gun, and it burns continuously till the projectile is about to leave the gun. The cost of powder and shell is said to be SI,OOO for each charge. A Remed) CATARRH Ely’s Cream B.i is quickly absorbi WAJ'Sja'M/? £ O VSI Gives Relief at Or ¦? EA It cleanses, soot,, Pj/'VftVER heak and pro s the diseased m- JHi brane resulting 11 Catarrh and d s away a Cold ire Head quickly. > II A V CCVIFD stores the .Sour if TIH I I LTLII Taste and SmoFull size 50 cts., at Drug- gists or by mailn liquid form, 75 cents. Ely Brothers, 6/arren Street, New York. CECIL WHIG - ; (w 'lgßgßßßaiOj ' For Infants and Children. 1 .i.J.llllllllJ glhe Kind You Have Always Bought TX / Bears the AvA. Signature /Am nf /v Air #l\ \M #i\\ lr i Air lA i i\ in 1 II on I IK * A \ I Lai* llifqv 9 w* ¦ 111 Uv Cl VI , If Thirty Years CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. „„ AUneo ,„„ Y . *. err. —Kent county’s registration this year totals 4,187, a falling off of 17 from ast year’s total. Pc\ Dr. O. H. Murphy lias se- cured a travelling library for the use of North East residents. Robert H. Mitchell, while plowing on his Mclntire farm, near Havre de Grace, in cay last week turned up a perfect Indian tomahawk made of soap stone, that was likely owned by a warrior of a Northern tribe Havre dc- Grace City Council has passed an ordinance requiring the use of cleats mi wheels of traction engines and furhididng the ”‘c of chain brakes on timber wagons within the city’s limias. ¦The Dcl aw.m- Horticultural- So- ciety seme time ago offered a prize of Stoo for tlu- best yield of corn from a single acre. But three farmers com- peted for the- prize, one of whom, Alonzo Whitlock, tenant on the Hof- fccker farm, near Odessa, reports a yield of 100 bushels and a half from his acre. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OASTO R I A -—Mrs. Lola D. Wileman, wife of Thomas Wileman, and daughter of William R. Gorrell, of Havre de Grace, died on October n. in Filmore, California, aged 26 years. She went tc: Filmore in March, 190 k and was married there Her remains were in- terred in Santa Barbara. —James McCreary, formerly of Zion, died sudden y of heart failure at his home in Malvern Pa., on Octo- ber 14. iced 74 years. His wife, who was a .Mis. Arthur survives him as also a brother, Alfred and a sister Miss Harriett McCreary, of the Fourth dis- trict. Interment was made in Sharp’s Cemetery, near Fair Hill. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S C ASTO RIA Kicking at a hog that refused to enter Us pen. one day last week, Jos- eph Farrell, of \ldino, Hat ford county, got his foot in the animal’s month and one of its Insl-s cut through his shoe, giving him an ugly gash in his instep. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTO R I A —A stone thrown by a comrade, while he was gathering chestnuts, one day last week, struck Oscar Bishop, a coh red youth of Havre de Grace, in the eye, the sight of which, it is thought, he will lose. —Lester German, the noted marks- man of Aberdeen, won a gold watch valued at $l5O and s.so in cash last week in Indianapolis. He also won tile Paul North trophy by defeating nine noted target shooters. —President Taft on Tuesdav of last week withdrew 384,384 acres of water power site and coal lands in California, Colorado. Idaho and Wyoming. --Edward Berry, a six year old Wil- mington boy, who was vaccinated be- fore entering school fourteen days aler w-s attacked with spinal menin- gitis airl died last Saturday. The phy- Tutt’sPills FOR TORP3D LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, - Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu- matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There Is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT’S LIVER PILLS, ns a trial will prove. Take No Substitute. sician who treated him says that all children vaccinated should be watched in- family doctors for at least ten days alter inoculation with the virus. —Miss Laura Gamble, of Philadel- phia, appeared wearing the first "hob- ble" skirt seen in Milton, Del., one day last week, and trioning fell head- long, bruising her face and arms and spraining her waist. THE U, S. GOVERNMENT in its "Pure Food Law" does not “indirse” or "guarantee” any preparation, as some manufacturers in their adver- tisements would make it appear. In the case of medicines the law provides that certain drugs shall he mentioned on the labels, if they are ingredients of the preparations. Ely s Cream Hahn, the well-known family remedy for cod in the head, hay fever, and nr.sa 1 catarrh, doesn’t contain a single injurious drug, so the makers have simply to print the fact that it com- plies fully with all the requirements of the law. Edward Goman, a young farmer of the Kingsville section of Harford county, was thrown off his motorcycle oik* day last week, when it collided with an automobile which a lady was driving. His face was badly cut by the broken glass o: the auto shield. Kills A Murderer A merciless murdered is Appendici- tis with many victims. Hut Dr. King’s New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Con- stipation. Ocldache, Biliousness, and Chills. 25c at all Druggists. You’ll Pay For It If you neglect your skin, you’ll pay for that neglect. When lines com- mence to show, when wrinkles and crow’s feet begin to form, then you’ll wish you had availed yourself of the protection affoided by- St. Regis Cold Cream "it meltl on the ikin* Which will indefinitely letard the coming of 'l ime’s tell tale marks. Heals, softens, smoothes, cleanses, nourishes and beautifies the skin. Ideal for overcoming chaps, cracks, roughness, etc. Sold in 10c collap- sible tubes and in 25c. and 50c. jars. For sale by leading druggists everywhere Manufactured solely by THE ST. REGIS DRUG CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ENTERPRISE MACHINE WORKS GEORGE McQUILKIN. Proprietor Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Steam Heating, Steam Pumps, Pulleys and Gearing and General Machine Work HIGH AND BRIDGE STREETS Elkton, Maryland Long Distance Telephone 54 July 14-1 yr Mew Malay Opium Cure Being Distributed Free by a New York Society. Co-operating with missions in Malay, sia. the Windsor Laboratories of New V’oi k have secured a supply of the won- derful combretum plant, which has done so touch to revolutionize the treatment of the opium habit. A genet ous supply of the new remedy, together with full instructions for its use. ai d United States consular reports bearing on the subject will be sent to any sufferer. To ob-nm a five supply of this remedy and the consular reports. ndd-essW ind-or L..borat nes.Branch 38. ri4 East 25th Stro** New York Clu- f FOUNDED TNG SCHOOL- THAT TCMWif Ijk 18 8 6 BUSINESS SUCCESS I \ 200 GRADUATES WITH Two FIRMS IN SESSION THROUGHOUT THE YEAR | Thoroughly trains young men nod young women for business, | government nnd commercial teaching positions. Average nnnnnl at- I lendnnce of 700 students from ten states and tbe West Indies. PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG gives Interesting and com. I piste Information. Write for it to-day—lPs free. I GOLDEY COLLEGE, Wilmington, Delaware, j FINANCIAL THE Second National Bank OF ELKTON NO. 4IS i We receive accounts of Corporations, Firms or Individuals, and will be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. Interest paid on Certificates of De- posit remaining 6 months. Safe Deposit Drawers In Fire-proof Vault for rent at $2. $3 and $5 per year, as to size. Depositors living at a distance from the Bank can send remittances by mall safely, which will be promptly acknowl- edged by return mail. Discount Day, Monday of each week. Inquiries will be promptly answered, and any information relative to business cheerfully given. WM. T. WARBURTON, President JAMES i. ARCHER, V.-President I. D. DAVIS, Cashier apr 6-1 yr Credit and Power Many of our most successful men ascribe their ‘start in life” to the day they opened a bank account. Credit and power can be wielded in the commercial world by means of a Bank A count. We invite you to begin one with us. The National Bank of Port Deposit J. I. C. HOPKINS, Jr., Cashier. TO TRESPASSERS Trespassing, gunning and fishing on CHOWDER BALL FARM, Is strictly pro htblled. Persons so doing will be prosecuted Oct *ll7*l yr K. G. BUTLKH. Owner. FINANCIAL Don’t Wait for your ship to come in. Row out to meet it. j One dollar deposited in our savings Department will give you a start towards that ship. i THE National Bank of Rising Sun MARYLAND 11. 11. HAINKtt, FREMDKNT CHAN, H. PYLK, V-PHEM. AND CAMHIRH M. K. FLOVNUENB, AbHT. CAMHIKR Have Your Properly Insured TKc Citizen s Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF CECIL COUNTY Will protect your property for little cojt Call and see our representatives, JAS. S. HOPPER, Chesapeake City. JNO. C HINDMAN, Rising Sun. W. I. FRYER, Colora. J. D. WEST, Port Deposit. Home Office, ELKTON MD. Feb. 22-lyr Cecil National Bank Of Port Deposit , Md. Capital, ¦ ¦ J 50.000 Surplus, - - 535,000 Deposits are the lifeblood of a bank, it is the people who furnish this lifeblood. We take the liberty to ask your continu- ed support and co-operation along these lines; we will appreciate your account be it much or little; we feel that this bank has fully demonstrated to its pa- trons and the public generally its ability to meet all requirements. The official figures show the amount of $763,000.00 as paid in dividends to its stockholders since its organization as a National Bank. R. V. STOCKHAM, L. O. WHITE. President. Cashier. T. C. BOX I), Jr. Asst. Cashier. 20th Century Manure Spreader (Kemp) One that spreads lime as well as manure FOUR MAKES OF DRILLS Empire, Bickford & Hoffman, Ontario and Buckeye Land Rollers, Spring and Pegged 'T ooth Harrows; also Double Disc Cutaway See our line of Buggies, Runabouts, Farm Wagons, Cream- ery Wagons, Light and Heavy Harness, etc. When needing repairs for Odds and Ends of Machinery call on M. F MAGRAW. NORTH STREET WAREHOUSE Geo. H. Woodall, Salesman. ELKTON, MD. She tVftt Coal in tbe Merit) for Heating anE> Cooking purposes Vou can't equal it for clear, steady heat and general satisfaction. No dirt, no clinkers; no annoyance is sold with our coal—only well- screened, high-grade coal will burn just as you want it. YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR PRICES ANY MORE THAN YOU CAN OUR COAL Ike\>s Si rtMller lumber (To. Uhton, flDarplanfc ¦ Cilery ai?d peed Only First Class Teams My Entire Outfit Is New And Up-to-date Specialty of quiet, safe horses for family hire. Permanent and Transient Boarding HORSES WANTED HORSES FOR SALE PALLS HOTEL LIVERY “ssaw THOMAS HARLAN, Prop. tapr tf

19J0 THE VERDICT OE CECIL COIN ’S BUSINESS MEN Ijk “It Would … · 2017. 12. 14. · Elkton, Maryland, Saturday, THE VERDICT OE CECIL COIN “It Would Be A Business Blui License”

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  • Elkton, Maryland, Saturday,


    “It Would Be A Business BluiLicense”


    29, 19J0


    ider To Return To

    The undersigned, engaged in business in the First District of CecilCounty, Maryland, declare it to be our conviction that our presen. prohibi-tory law has been in no wise hurtful, but rather helpful to business, and thatit would be a business blunder to return to license which would mean thediversion from the legitimate channels of trade of a large sum of moneyinto the tills of a inonopo.v of TWENTV-ONE licensed bars, thus enrich-ing the favored few at the expense of the many.

    Name. Location. Husiness.

    William 11, Aiderson, Cecilton MerchantJames Smith, Cecilton MerchantMerritt Smith, Cecilton CorkE, S. Short, Cecilton MerchantJ. H. Smith Cecilton MerchantJ. A. Carman, Cecilton Pump WorkJ. D, Bcltz, Cecilton WheelwrightJ. F. Coppage, Cecilton UndertakerCharles Griffith, Cecilton ButcherWilliam H. Brown, Cecilton BakerJames T. Watts, Cecilton ButcherW. H. Carman, Cecilton Flour and FeedJohn Anderson, Cecilton Stock DealerA. S. Shaw, Cecilton BakerWilliam Lipscomb, Cecilton BakerCharles H. Peters, Cecilton PainterS. S. McCubbin, Cecilton ClerkK. 7.. Aiderson, Cecilton Clerk

    Likewise the Business Men of the Fourth District, as follow-.:Name. Location. Business.

    Jos. S. Scarborough, Fourth district.. FannerWin. P. Evans, Pleasant Hill CarpenterWalter B. Scarborough, Blake FarmerHoward Ewing, Blake FarmerIsaac Payne, Jr., Blue Ball FarmerCharles R. Biles, Blue Ball MerchantT. Taylor Reynolds, Blue Ball FarmerH. Mendenhall, Blue Ball MerchantAlfred B. McVey, Blue Bal' Professor and farmerCurtis B. Reynolds, Blue BillM. A. McAllister, Blue BalH. B, Alexander, Blue BallWilliam Redman, Blue BalF'rank P. Anderson, Blue BailAmos S. Ewing, Blue. BalRobert Mackey, Blue BalH. H. Mackey] Blue BallG. M. Sendcrling, Blue JailSamuel D. Stewart, Blui BallNorman L. Brokaw, Bhe BallWilliam Ayers. Blue BillHenry M. Borland, Bhe BallH. B. Scarborough, Bile BallHarry Scarborough, Blue BallJames D. Spence, Bin* BallWilliam McKenzie, Ptovidence ClerkDavid Lindsay, Providence Sttpt. Kenmore Pulp & Paper CtJames A. Nowland, ProvidenceW. A. Hill, ProvidenceJ, W. Ayers, ProvidenceWilbur M. Borland. ProvidenceC. C. N. Brokaw, Providence ClerkWilliam P. Kile, ProvidenceBaldwin Mfg. Co Mfg. Upholstery GoodsJ. LawrenceHenry Carr. JrIra W. Humes

    The Third District will be heard from next week. Look out for the list

    The-“Democrat’s” Danger Signal"A change of 103 voles from the vote

    of 190(1 will give il (License) the vic-tory. It is claimed that that changecan confidently he expected in one dis-trict alone, and if the other districtshold their own license will win,Cecil Democrat, October 22.

    The thanks of ever' earnest Anti-License man in the county is due the“Democrat,” whiskey alvocate thoughit is. for thus opportunity hoisting thered flag. Let every Aiti-1.iccnsc citi-zen get husv horewirncd is to heforearmed. Is it VO?R district thatthe Whiskey Trust hat fixed to deliverthe 103 necessary vo.-s? Metier as-sume that it is and at ace irding’y.

    The Prohibitionists.vant to preventthe SAI F, and so litit the USE ofliquor.

    License does NOT prevent or stopillegal s i ing. Uner the 1 MrooksHigh License Law one of the hostlicense laws) Mhileelphia has 1900

    flews It Brief—North Fast hat upwards of 2.000

    feet of concrete pa'ment laid.

    —A tract of 800 a/s of timber landin St. Mary’s couty, Md.. has beenpurchased by (lent 1 1. Keilhley, ofAberdeen, who wi’cut the trees forthe market.

    ??Never can tel'when you'll masha'finger or suffer aut, bruise, burn orscald. Me prepad. Dr. Thomas’Eclectric Oil instaiy relieves the pain—quickly cures th wound,

    —James Forwoi, of Kalmia, liar-ford county, ownsi dominica roosterthat lately shed it feathers, getting anew coal of pure hite.

    **Dcm’t let the,iby suffer from ec-zema, sores or aritching of the skin.Doan’s Ointmenßives instant relief,cures quickly. P ectly safe for child-ren. All druggit sell it.

    —The pack of matocs for the sea-son just closed said to be about 75per cent, of no al, but prices haveranged from Pity to forty centshigher per casdhus making up inprices for the h in yield. The Tri-State Associstit reports a falling offof 2,350.000 ca as compared witathe pack of 19 Corn packers arc,

    licensed bars and (it is officially stated)3000 speakeasies or unlicensed dives.

    Is whiskey less intoxicating whendispensed from the licensed bar in aso-called hotel than whiskey illegallysold behind the fence corner or in thedive? And will Twenty-One of thesebars, if opened in the county, reducethe USE of intoxicants? No! Forone now illegally drunk we shall thenhave Twenty legally drunk.

    Citizens of Cecil:—Are you readyand willing to license by your votesan institution whose sole newspapersponsor and advocate in the countycan give you no better argument thanthis; "We violate and set at naughtyour law: you cannot prevent us fromselling illegally: therefore licensetwenty-one of us and so make the evilbusiness legal and respectable!"

    Citizens: —Vote for the boys.If you license twenty-one bars they

    will catch some of YOUR boys—SURF. You protect your Mirds—-should you not protect your Boys?

    My Order of Press Committee.

    it is said, practically sold out, one bigPhiladelphia house having bought upall the surplus corn hist week.

    **“Had dyspepsia or indigestion foryears No appetite, and what I didcat distressed me terribly. BurdockBlood Bitters cured me.”—J. H. Wal-ker. Sunbury, Ohio.

    —Thieves one night last week stole30 chickens from the hennery of Wil-liam Ford, superintendent of the Kentcounty almshouse.

    —The Maryland Anti-Saloon Leagueoffers prizes totalling SI,OOO for thefive best essays on the treatment ofthe liquor traffic in the State.

    —The greater nart of the ceiling inthe old Court House at New Castle,Del., fell one day last week, with acrash that was heard several blocksdistant.

    '¦"‘Constipation cures headache, nau-sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpita-tion. Drastic physics gripe, sicken,weaken the bowels and don’t cure.Doan's Regulets act gently and cureconstipation. 25 cents. Ask yourdruggist.

    —Fishermen of Rehoboth, Del., re-port that a whale has been frequent-ing the beach there or several dayspast, often coming to the surfaceand blowing, but so far no effortshave been made to kill or capture thebig fish.

    —Residents of Middletown, one daylast week, saw the new 12 inch rifledgun to replace the one that burst re-cently on the battleship Georgia. Thegun was carried m a 16 wheeled carof the iron truss pattern used for thepurpose. The gun was stamped "U.S. Naval Factory W (Watcrliet) NewYork, 1910, weight 122,210 pounds.” Itmeasured 4 feet 3 inches in diameterat the breech and about 24 inches atthe muzzle and was about 50 feet inlength. It requires 350 lbs. of smoke-less powder to charge the gun, and itburns continuously till the projectileis about to leave the gun. The costof powder and shell is said to be SI,OOOfor each charge.

    ARemed) CATARRH

    Ely’s Cream B.iis quickly absorbi WAJ'Sja'M/? £OVSI

    Gives Relief at Or ¦? EAItcleanses, soot,, Pj/'VftVERheak and pro sthe diseased m- JHibrane resulting 11Catarrh and d saway a Cold ireHead quickly. > IIAV CCVIFDstores the .Sour if TIHI I LTLIITaste and SmoFull size 50 cts., at Drug-gists or by mailn liquid form, 75 cents.Ely Brothers, 6/arren Street, New York.



    ;(w 'lgßgßßßaiOj ' For Infants and Children.1 .i.J.llllllllJ

    glheKind You Have

    Always BoughtTX /Bears the AvA.Signature /Am

    nf /v Air#l\ \M#i\\ lri Air

    lA ii\ in

    1 IIon

    I IK * A\ I Lai* llifqv9w* ¦ 111 Uv Cl

    VI • , IfThirty Years

    CASTORIAExact Copy of Wrapper. „„AUneo ,„„Y. *. err.

    —Kent county’s registration thisyear totals 4,187, a falling off of 17from ast year’s total.

    Pc\ Dr. O. H. Murphy lias se-cured a travelling library for the useof North East residents.

    Robert H. Mitchell, while plowingon his Mclntire farm, near Havre deGrace, in cay last week turned upa perfect Indian tomahawk made ofsoap stone, that was likely owned bya warrior of a Northern tribe

    Havre dc- Grace City Council haspassed an ordinance requiring the useof cleats mi wheels of traction enginesand furhididng the ”‘c of chain brakeson timber wagons within the city’slimias.

    ¦The Dcl aw.m- Horticultural- So-ciety seme time ago offered a prizeof Stoo for tlu- best yield of corn froma single acre. But three farmers com-peted for the- prize, one of whom,Alonzo Whitlock, tenant on the Hof-fccker farm, near Odessa, reports ayield of 100 bushels and a half fromhis acre.

    Children CryFOR FLETCHER’S

    OASTO R I A-—Mrs. Lola D. Wileman, wife of

    Thomas Wileman, and daughter ofWilliam R. Gorrell, of Havre deGrace, died on October n. in Filmore,California, aged 26 years. She wenttc: Filmore in March, 190 k and wasmarried there Her remains were in-terred in Santa Barbara.

    —James McCreary, formerly ofZion, died sudden y of heart failureat his home in Malvern Pa., on Octo-ber 14. iced 74 years. His wife, whowas a .Mis. Arthur survives him asalso a brother, Alfred and a sister MissHarriett McCreary, of the Fourth dis-trict. Interment was made in Sharp’sCemetery, near Fair Hill.

    Children Cry


    Kicking at a hog that refused toenter Us pen. one day last week, Jos-eph Farrell, of \ldino, Hat fordcounty, got his foot in the animal’smonth and one of its Insl-s cut throughhis shoe, giving him an ugly gash inhis instep.

    Children Cry

    FOR FLETCHER'SOASTO R I A—A stone thrown by a comrade,

    while he was gathering chestnuts, oneday last week, struck Oscar Bishop, acoh red youth of Havre de Grace, inthe eye, the sight of which, it isthought, he will lose.

    —Lester German, the noted marks-man of Aberdeen, won a gold watchvalued at $l5O and s.so in cash lastweek in Indianapolis. He also wontile Paul North trophy by defeatingnine noted target shooters.

    —President Taft on Tuesdav of lastweek withdrew 384,384 acres of waterpower site and coal lands in California,Colorado. Idaho and Wyoming.

    --Edward Berry, a six year old Wil-mington boy, who was vaccinated be-fore entering school fourteen daysaler w-s attacked with spinal menin-gitis airl died last Saturday. The phy-

    Tutt’sPillsFOR TORP3D LIVER.

    A torpid liver deranges the wholesystem, and produces

    SICK HEADACHE, -Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu-matism, Sallow Skin and Piles.

    There Is no better remedy for thesecommon diseases than DR. TUTT’SLIVER PILLS, ns a trial will prove.

    Take No Substitute.

    sician who treated him says that allchildren vaccinated should be watchedin- family doctors for at least ten daysalter inoculation with the virus.

    —Miss Laura Gamble, of Philadel-phia, appeared wearing the first "hob-ble" skirt seen in Milton, Del., oneday last week, and trioning fell head-long, bruising her face and arms andspraining her waist.

    THE U, S. GOVERNMENT in its"Pure Food Law" does not “indirse”or "guarantee” any preparation, assome manufacturers in their adver-tisements would make it appear. Inthe case of medicines the law providesthat certain drugs shall he mentionedon the labels, if they are ingredientsof the preparations. Ely s CreamHahn, the well-known family remedyfor cod in the head, hay fever, andnr.sa 1 catarrh, doesn’t contain a singleinjurious drug, so the makers havesimply to print the fact that it com-plies fully with all the requirements ofthe law.

    Edward Goman, a young farmerof the Kingsville section of Harfordcounty, was thrown off his motorcycleoik* day last week, when it collidedwith an automobile which a lady wasdriving. His face was badly cut bythe broken glass o: the auto shield.

    Kills A MurdererA merciless murdered is Appendici-

    tis with many victims. Hut Dr. King’sNew Life Pills kill it by prevention.They gently stimulate stomach, liverand bowels, preventing that cloggingthat invites appendicitis, curing Con-stipation. Ocldache, Biliousness, andChills. 25c at all Druggists.

    You’ll Pay For ItIf you neglect your skin, you’ll payfor that neglect. When lines com-mence to show, when wrinkles andcrow’s feet begin to form, then you’llwish you had availed yourself of theprotection affoided by-

    St. Regis Cold Cream"itmeltl on the ikin*

    Which will indefinitely letard thecoming of 'l ime’s tell tale marks.Heals, softens, smoothes, cleanses,nourishes and beautifies the skin.Ideal for overcoming chaps, cracks,roughness, etc. Sold in 10c collap-sible tubes and in 25c. and 50c. jars.

    For sale by leading druggists everywhere

    Manufactured solely by

    THE ST. REGIS DRUG CO., Philadelphia, Pa.


    GEORGE McQUILKIN. Proprietor

    Engines, Boilers, Shafting, SteamHeating, Steam Pumps, Pulleysand Gearing and General MachineWork


    Long Distance Telephone 54July 14-1 yr

    Mew Malay Opium CureBeing Distributed Free by a New

    York Society.Co-operating with missions in Malay,

    sia. the Windsor Laboratories of NewV’oik have secured a supply of the won-derful combretum plant, which has doneso touch to revolutionize the treatmentof the opium habit.

    A genet ous supply of the new remedy,together with full instructions for itsuse. ai d United States consular reportsbearing on the subject will be sent toany sufferer. To ob-nm a five supplyof this remedy and the consular reports.ndd-essW ind-or L..borat nes.Branch 38.ri4 East 25th Stro** New York Clu-



    IN SESSION THROUGHOUT THE YEAR |Thoroughly trains young men nod young women for business, |

    government nnd commercial teaching positions. Average nnnnnl at- Ilendnnce of 700 students from ten states and tbe West Indies.

    PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG gives Interesting and com. Ipiste Information. Write for it to-day—lPs free. I

    GOLDEY COLLEGE, Wilmington, Delaware, j—


    THESecond National Bank


    i We receive accounts of Corporations,Firms or Individuals, and willbe pleasedto meet or correspond with those whocontemplate making changes or openingnew accounts.

    Interest paid on Certificates of De-posit remaining 6 months.

    Safe Deposit Drawers In Fire-proofVault for rent at $2. $3 and $5 per year,as to size.

    Depositors living at a distance fromthe Bank can send remittances by mallsafely, which will be promptly acknowl-edged by return mail.

    Discount Day, Monday of each week.Inquiries will be promptly answered,

    and any information relative to businesscheerfully given.

    WM. T. WARBURTON, PresidentJAMES i. ARCHER, V.-PresidentI. D. DAVIS, Cashier

    apr 6-1 yr

    Credit and PowerMany of our most successful

    men ascribe their ‘ ‘start in life”to the day they opened a bankaccount.

    Credit and power can bewielded in the commercial worldby means of a Bank A count.

    We invite you to begin onewith us.

    TheNational Bank of

    Port Deposit

    J. I. C. HOPKINS, Jr., Cashier.


    Trespassing, gunning and fishing onCHOWDER BALL FARM, Is strictly prohtblled. Persons so doing will be prosecutedOct *ll7*l yr K. G. BUTLKH. Owner.


    Don’t Waitfor your ship to come in.

    Row out to meet it.j

    One dollar deposited in oursavings Department will giveyou a start towards that ship.


    National Bank of Rising SunMARYLAND



    Have Your Properly InsuredTKc Citizen s Mutual FireInsurance Company

    OF CECIL COUNTYWill protect your property for little cojtCall and see our representatives,

    JAS. S. HOPPER, Chesapeake City.JNO. C HINDMAN, Rising Sun.W. I. FRYER, Colora.J. D. WEST, Port Deposit.

    Home Office, ELKTON MD.Feb. 22-lyr

    Cecil National BankOf Port Deposit , Md.

    Capital, ¦ ¦ J 50.000Surplus, - - 535,000

    Deposits are the lifeblood of a bank,it is the people who furnish this lifeblood.We take the liberty to ask your continu-ed support and co-operation along theselines; we will appreciate your accountbe it much or little; we feel that thisbank has fully demonstrated to its pa-trons and the public generally its abilityto meet all requirements.

    The official figures show the amountof $763,000.00 as paid in dividends to itsstockholders since its organization as aNational Bank.

    R. V. STOCKHAM, L. O. WHITE.President. Cashier.

    T. C. BOX I), Jr. Asst. Cashier.

    20th Century Manure Spreader (Kemp)One that spreads lime as well as manure

    FOUR MAKES OF DRILLSEmpire, Bickford & Hoffman, Ontarioand Buckeye

    Land Rollers, Spring and Pegged 'T ooth Harrows; alsoDouble Disc Cutaway

    See our line of Buggies, Runabouts, Farm Wagons, Cream-ery Wagons, Light and Heavy Harness, etc.

    When needing repairs for Odds and Ends of Machinery call on


    Geo. H. Woodall, Salesman. ELKTON, MD.

    She tVftt Coal in tbe Merit)for Heating anE> Cooking purposes

    Vou can't equal it for clear, steady heat and general satisfaction. Nodirt, no clinkers; no annoyance is sold with our coal—only well-screened, high-grade coal will burn just as you want it.


    Ike\>s Si rtMller lumber (To.Uhton, flDarplanfc


    Cilery ai?d peedOnly First Class Teams

    My Entire Outfit Is New And Up-to-dateSpecialty of quiet, safe horses for family hire.

    Permanent and Transient BoardingHORSES WANTED HORSES FOR SALEPALLS HOTEL LIVERY “ssaw THOMAS HARLAN, Prop.tapr tf