1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

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Page 5: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

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Page 6: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Winding ahead of us lies a road more tortuous than we of this generation have ever before traveled. Many years of sacrifice and readjustment, many years of bewilderment stretch out before us. None of us knows what lies beyond the next curve; but in view of what we have already learned and appreciated ALONG THEW AY, none of us will shy from that hidden path of the future. All along the way there shall be strength in our resolve to preserve the American Way of Life.

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9/Jedicalion Whether or not in actual combat, men from all over our

country are engaged in the second great war for the preser­vation of democracy. In recognition of the many sacrifices to come, we, the staff of the 1942 Raconteur, dedicate this edition to all those in military service for the protection of our world of tomorrow.


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#n Ajtjt~tecialion:

Fred Hunter, Printer

Sam Babcock Cover Company

Metropolitan Engravers

Amundsen-Hartsook Studio

Dorman Studio

Roemer Studio

Paul Baldwin and Stoff Photographers


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The Junior College Building

South Entrance Well-known short-cut from the library to the student executive office.

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Cafeferia Traditional noontime meeting place of all conversational Beejaycee'ers.

Sfudenf Execufive Office Better known as the "Exec" office-"where the t elephone is."


Where all the latest gossip is rehashed and last semester's tests are looked over- just in case .

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Labs Above: Pat Abell doing a bit of

her own concocting in chem­istry.

Below: Melicent Ober, June John­son, Eleanor Johnston testing in bacteriology.

Science Building Characteristically the place from which emerge pungent odors, the noise of bursting test-tubes, and consequently the knowledge of modern science.


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Bus Hangars


Kimble's Close enough to dash to between classes.

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Lawn 50 Classroom for all "Spring Fever" classes.

Ludden Hall

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Men's Gym

Our Flag

Women's Gym

Flying against a background half clouded and half clear, this sym­bol of our American ideals floats in the breeze of a free country, a sweeping force soon to clear all clouds from a somewhat darkened horizon.

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Superintendent Thomas L. Nelson

The future of American Democracy rests in the hands of today's genera­tion. If you have the vision and the will, our Democracy may be saved, but it will take the winning of the war plus a much harder and less spectacu­lar job after the war is won.

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Dean Grace V. Bird The college year is at its close. For

many of you new and untried patterns of activity spread through the next months. To that we can say what a good Americ:m philosopher once said: "To be interested in the changing sea­sons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with Spring."

For all of us the true values of our way of life will persist- "the love of man for his comrade, the attraction of friend to friend, of city for city, of land for land."

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Miss Florence McKinley Dean of Women

As the time has arrived for many of our men students to depart from the campus of the Bakersfield Junior College, we sincerely hope that the training given you has enabled you to master both the necessary skills of your chosen life's work and the problem of successfully solving some of the more complex prob­lems of our present civilization. The fu­ture of our nation depends upon your leadership in the days that are to come. The faculty and the administration of the Bakersfield Junior College have a very positive feeling that the members of the graduating class of 1942 will accept their r esponsibilities in a manner that will bring credit to all of our democratic in­stitutions.

The best of luck to each of you.

"The Security of a Democracy lies in the Intelligent Thinking and Action of its People." How can the women of Ba­kersfield Junior College meet this chal­lenge? You have at your disposal abundance of knowledge, accumulated through the centuries. Through your · study of history, economics, sociology and physical and biological sciences you have a basis for rightful thinking, pro­vided this knowledge is equally balanced with the desire and ability to understand human relationships. This lack of un­derstanding and Cisregard for the rights of others h11s been the cause of our pres­ent unhappiness.

There is a Chinese proverb wh!ch says, "Never carve rotten wood." See that you also build your way of life upon in­telligent and unselfish attitudes.

You can render your country a long range service, not for the duration alone but for "the peace that comes after" the war, by helping p~·e[;erve our heritage of intellectual, cultural and spiritual life so that your classmates now in service may return to the richness of life which they are now sacrificing for our safety.

Theron Taber Dean of Men

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Right: T. N. Harvey, president

Below: H. E. Woodworth, T. N. Harvey, A. D. M. Osborne, and Chester W. O'Neill. Not pictured is H. D. West .

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The junior college office secretaries: Bernice Meh­ringer, Lorraine Bayes, and Odette Davin.

Left: Theron L. McCuen, assistant district superintendent in charge of business affairs.

Right: Goldie B. Ingles, junior col­lege librarian.

Left: J. W. McDaniel, assistant in counseling and research.

Right: Grace Nichols, school nurse.

Left: C. E. Gholz, treasurer of student finance.

Right: J. H. Pauly, head of trans­portation service.

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Instructors under Miss Levinson are Dorothy Albaugh, Roberta Forsberg, Edna Keough, Leonard McKaig, Alan B. Parker, Marion W. Peairs, Ethel Robinson, and Barbara Smith; under Mr. Taber are Maurice Buckley, Clarence Cullimore, William Dennis, and Nicholas Pananides; under Mr. Ewert are Louis B. Davy, Guy W. Jaggard, Jere King, Wilfred Mitchell, William A. Reynolds, and Robert H. Young.

Instructors under Mr. VanderEike are Hazel Aldrich, Paul M. Baldwin, Percy I. Chamberlain, J. Paul Freed, Edwin M. Hemmerling, Hattie G. Hoenshell, Lowell B. Hulsebus, Thomas B. Merson, Harold B. Robertson, and George 0. Sagen; under Miss Emerson is Eunice Uebele; under Mr. Burt are Kathleen Cassady, Ronald Clark, and Calvin Mueller.

Above: Margaret Levinson, English and Speech department; Paul VanderEike, Natural Science department; Theron Taber, Math and Engineering department.

Below: Ruth H. Emerson, Art department; William Van Ewert, Social Science department; Harold J. Burt, Music department .

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Instructors under Miss Forker are Lucile Burk, Violet Franz, Maybelle Mentzer, Eloise Nelson, and Adelaide Schafer; under Mr. Davy are Otto Asperger, Dorothy M. Bitner, Marion V. Carson, Clara B. Holmes, Hester Kin­near, Leonard McKaig, Lucille Parmenter, and Mildred Virts; under Mr. Smith are Roy B. Anderson, Raymond J. Cross, Harry J. Drennan, Edwin M. Hemmerling, John D. Kennedy, Forest L. Lynn, Milton H. Perkins, Noble D. Stutzman, Paul VanderEike, E. P. Van Leuven, and John Van Osdel.

Ysabel H. Forker, Foreign Language department; Louis B. Davy, Business Education department; and Dean Smith, Technology de­partment.

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Above: Wallace F. Frost, Men's Physical Education depart­ment; Weynona V. Phillips, Home Economics department.

Below: Florence McKinley, Women's Physical Education de­partment; Howard K. Dickson, Agricultural department.

Instructors under Mr. Frost are Homer T. Beatty, Marion J. Christenson, and Donald Robesky; under Miss McKinley are Betty Whidden and Frances E. Williams; under Mr. Dickson are Harry L. Holmes and John L. Knisht.

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ROBERT AITCHISON S.C. A., treasurer; Lifers Club; Bowling Club; Tennis team; A.M. S.

SHIRLEY AUGUSTUS German Club, president; Com­merce Club; Lance and Shield; A. W. A., president; Activity Board; Raconteur staff.

MERLE ARMSTRONG A. W. A.; Square Dancing Club.



GERALDINE BALDWIN Camera Club, president; Sec­ond vice-president of Student Body; Raconteur staff; Knit­ting Club; A. W. A.


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ROGER BARTENSTEIN Engineers Club, vice-presi­dent; A.M. S.


WILLIAM BENNETT Engineers Club; A.M. S.

FRANK BROWN Yell Leader; Commerce Club; U.S. Army Air Corps.



EVA BOYNTON State Collegians, president; A Cappella Choir, secretary; Triple Trio; Trio; ' Interna­tional Relations Club; Public Relations Council; Lance and Shield; A. W. S.

EDMUND BRYANT ''Ceiling Zero"; A.M. S.; H.S.­J. C. Orchestra; Tennis team.

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SUE BURDICK French Club; Fine Arts Club; Newman Club; A Cappella Choir; A. W. A.

VERNON CLINE Alpha Gamma Sigma; Engi­neers Club, president; A.M.S., secretary-treasurer; Rene­gade Knights.

PAUL CAYORI International Relations Club, president; French Club; A.M. S.

DON COLLINS U.S. Army Air Corps.

VICTOR CERRO Renegade Knights, president; Activity Board; Baseball; Track; Basketball; A.M. S.



DOROTHY CRANE Lance and Shield; Alpha Gamma Sigma; A. W. S.

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FRED DIEBEL A.M. S.; Golf team; German Club.

DOROTHY L. DAVIS Lance and Shield; Raconteur staff '41; Rip staff; Rally Committee; A. W. S.; French Club.

ROSS DOLL Football; Track; Varsity Club; A.M. S.; Lifers Club; Alpha Gamma Sigma.

MARIE DAVIS Lance and Shield; Public Re­lations Council; A. W. S., rec­reation chairman; W. A. A., president.

BARBARA DOUGLASS Activity Board; Lance and Shield; Tennis team; German Club; A. W. A., president.


ELIZABETH DURANT A. W. A.; Commerce Club.

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JACK FERDINAND Track; C. A. A.; Varsity Club; A. M.S.

NADINE ELDER Delta Psi Omega; "'Ceiling Zero"; "College Formula"; A. W. A.; Radio Workshop.

ESTHER FOLEY Camera Club, secretary; Rip staff; Raconteur staff; Public Relations Council; Horizon Club; Lifers Club; State Col­legians; A. W. A.; W. A. A.

GLADYS ELLIS A. W. S.; Alpha Nu Sigma.

ANGELINE FOTIS A. W. A.; French Club; Com­merce Club.

RAY FAIRBANKS Alpha Gamma Sigma; Engi­neers Club; Camera Club; A.M. S.

FRANCIS FRANEY A.M. S.; Renegade Knights; Director of Public Relations.

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JOSEPHINE GIMINIANf Lance and Shield; French Club; A. W. S.; State Colleg­ians.

HULDA GAEDE A Cappella Choir; A. W. A.

OLIVETTE GINGRAS Lance and Shield; Alpha Gamma Sigma; French Club; First vice-president of Stu­dent Body; Rally Committee; A. W. S.; Song Leader '41; A Cappella Choir, vice-president; International Relations Club.


JOHN GIST Engineers Club; Alpha Gam­ma Sigma; A. M. S.

PAUL GARRETT State Collegians, president; Band; A.M. S.; Lifers Club; International Relations Club .


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WILLIAM GRAINGER Fine Arts Club; Alpha Gam­ma Sigma; H. S.-J. C. Band; International Relations Club; A. M.S.

ODETTE HARRON French Club; A. W. A.



LEE HALVERSTADT A. M. S.; Alpha Gamma Sigma.

WILLIAM HERRING A. M. S.; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Engineers Club, treas­urer; Football.


LYSKA HERRING French Club; Lance and Shield; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Public Relations Council; Rip staff; A. W. A.

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LESTER HIEBERT Rally Committee; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Renegade Knights; Business manager of publications; Debate; Phi Rho Pi; A.M. S.




LORETTA HOLLOWAY A. W. S. ; State Collegians, vice-president; Horizon Club; International Relations Club; Raconteur business staff.

ELEANOR JOHNSTON Alpha Gamma Sigma; Lance and Shield; A. W. S.; German Club; Camera Club; Public Relations Council.

LOUIS HOMFELD U. S. Army Air Corps.

ETHEL JONES Negro Chorus; A Cappella Choir; Alpha Nu Sigma, sec­retary; A. W. A.

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HELEN KELLY German Club; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Newman Club.

DON KOHLER Track; A.M. S.; Varsity Club; Renegade Knights.

MARJORIE KELLEY Alpha Gamma Sigma, secre­tary; Commerce Club; Repre­sentative to A. W .S.; A.W.A.




MARY KINOSHITA Alpha Gamma Sigma; A.W.A.



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JERRY LAKE S. C. A.; Bowling Club; A.M. S.; Hockey Club; Lifers Club.

KATHLEEN LITTLE Alpha Nu Sigma; A Cappella Choir; Negro Chorus; A.W.S.

BRUCE LANDRY Band; Orchestra; Alpha Gam­ma Sigma; Rally Committee; Swing Band; A.M. S.

JEAN LORENTZEN German Club; Lance and Shield, treasurer; A. W. A.


AMY MACDONALD Freshman representative; Second vice-president of Stu­dent Body; Alpha Gamma Sigma, vice-president; Lance and Shield; French Club, president; A. W. A.

JACK LEDDY Renegade Knights, president; French Club, vice-president; Phi Rho Pi; Delta Psi Omega; "Ceiling Zero"; Rip staff; Lifers Club; A.M. S.; Activi­ty Board; Track; Val'sity Club .

MARIAN MACDONALD Lance and Shield; French Club; Lifers Club; S.C. A.; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Inter­national Relations Club, sec­retary; A. W. A.

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LISA MAHLMANN German Club, vice-president; A. W. S., secretary; Lance and Shield.

ED McALEER A. M. S.; International Rela­tions Club.


BETTY McCARTHY A Cappella Choir; A. W. A. vice-president; Lance and Shield; State Collegians; French Club; Executive Coun­cil; Director of Student Ac­tivities; Activity Board, presi­dent.


VICKY McCLURE Rip staff; Lance and Shield; Secretary of Student Body; Second vice-president of Stu­dent Body; Song Leader '41; Delta Psi Omega; "Ceiling Zero"; Petticoat Fever"; A. W.A.


JEMIMA McCORMICK State Collegians, secretary; International Relations Club; A. W. A.; Lance and Shield; A Cappella Choir; Fine Arts Club; W. A. A.

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MYRON McFARLAND Football; Tennis team; A.M. S.

WAYNE MORRISON ·A.M.S.; Bowling Club; Lifers Club; S. C. A.; Basketball manager.


ROGER NABERS Basketball; Varsity Club; A.M. S., president; Renegade Knights; Public Relations Council.

TED MENLOVE C. P. T. ; Alpha Gamma Sig­ma; A.M. S.

RUBY JEAN NEERGAARD Alpha Gamma Sigma; French Club; Public Relations Coun­cil; Bowling Club; A. W. A.; W.A.A.


MELICENT OBER Alpha Gamma Sigma; Lance and Shield, secretary; ·A.W.A., treasurer; German Club; A Cappella Choir.

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JUNE OXFORD A. W. A.; Raconteur staff, art editor.

PAULINE O'HARE Delta Psi Omega, president; A Cappella Choir; French Club; Rip staff; Newman Club; "Ceiling Zero"; Lance and Shield; A. W. A.

CLARENCE PAINE Tennis team; A.M. S.

MARIAN OVEROCKER German Club, treasurer; Rac­onteur staff, assistant editor; Rip staff; Song leader '42; Radio Workshop, treasurer; International Relations Club; A. W. A.; Rally Committee.

RALPH PALLA Phi Rho Pi, vice-president; Alpha Gamma Sigma, presi­dent; Renegade Knights; Track; A. M. S.

ROBERT A OWNBY Lance and Shield; A Cappella Choir; Trio; A. W. A.


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BEVERLY DEAN PARKES Phi Rho Pi, secretary; State Collegians, treasurer; Lance and Shield; International Re­lations Club; A. W. S.; Radio Workshop.





PATRICIA ROCKWELL A. W. A. ; Alpha Gamma Sig­ma; Public Relations Council.

DOUGLAS RAPPLEY A.M. S., secretary-treasurer; S.C. A.; Engineers Club; Football; Lifers Club; Inter­national Relations Club .

CHARLOTTE RUTHERFORD A Cappella Choir; Raconteur staff, snap editor; Knitting Club, secretary-treasurer; A.W.A.

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ROBERT SABOVICH Alpha Gamma Sigma; S.C. A.; Renegade Knights; A.M. S.

EDWARD SCHENGEL Alpha Gamma Sigma; A. M.S.


FLORENCE SPENCER A. W. A.; Alpha Nu Sigma.

FAY SANDERS Alpha Gamma Sigma; Alpha Nu Sigma; Negro Chorus; A Cappella Choir; A. W. A.

BELTON STAHLECKER A.M. S.; Renegade Knights.

HARRY SCARONI U. S. Army Air Corps.

ROMA STONE Rip Editor; Lance and Shield; Alpha Gamma Sigma; Ger­man Club; Public Relations Council; Raconteur staff '41; A.W.A.


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IRMA JEAN THOMPSON A. W. A.; Camera Club; "Ceil­ing Zero"; "College Formu­la"; Delta Psi Omega; Rip staff; Raconteur staff; French Club; Song Leader '42; Inter­national Relations Club.

BARD SUVERKROP Alpha Gamma Sigma; Rally Committee, chairman; Execu­tive Council; Orchestra; A Cappella Choir; Band; J. C. Swing Band and sextet; Ac­tivity Board; Camera Club, vice-president; Lifers Club; German Club; A.M. S.

MORELAND THOMPSON Renegade Knights; Engineers Club; Lifers Club; H. S.-J. C. Orchestra; Public Relations Council; A. M. S.

MIA SUVERKROP Alpha Gamma Sigma; Delta Psi Omega; Lance and Shield; A. W. A. Council; French Club; German Club.


ROBERT THOMAS Alpha Gamma Sigma; A.M.S .

KUZUKA TSUDA Alpha Gamma Sigma; A.W.A.

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MARY JEAN TUCKER Lance and Shield, president A Cappella Choir; Trio A. W. A.; Rally Committee S.C. A.; Rip staff.


KATHARYN UYETANf Alpha Gamma Sigma; A.W.A.


JIM VEGAS Alpha Gamma C. P. T.; A.M. S.


DON WACHOB Football; Baseball; Varsity Club; A.M. S., sergeant-at­arms; Renegade Knights, sec­retary-treasurer.

MARGARET VESTRY A. W. A.; Public Relations Council, president; Raconteur Editor; S.C. A.; A Cappella Choir; Rip staff; Activity Board; Executive Council; Lance and Shield; Lifers Club; Knitting Club, vice­president.

CHARLES WAKEFIELD Football, co-captain; Base­ball; Varsity Club; Renegade Knights; A. M. S.


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JOHN WATSON "Berkeley Square"; "College Formula"; A.M. S.

HUGH WILLIAMS Rally Committee; Renegade Knights; Raconteur business staff; A.M. S.



JAMES WEBSTER Renegade Knights; A. M. S. C. A.A.



HELEN YAUSSY Orchestra; A. W. A.; State Collegians.


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Margaret Autrey Kirby Blodget Donald Crum John Derdivanis Ray Dormandy Margaret Dowell Harry Eberle Fern Fariss Leonard Hall Robert Higley Warren Kecker Mary Ethel Margorian Curtis N eideffer Genevieve Parker Richard Patterson Gregory Roberson

Edwin Schryver Joellyn Scott Wilbur Shellhammer Jack Shore Jack Stewart Viola Suderman Virginia Swift Irene Tanagaki Howard Thompson Henry Uthenwold George Valencia Alfred Wedel Kenneth W egis Jane Whitfield Edward Walson

~ O)f/u; ~ ~nuwd the !7e~t'Vlt:ed 0Hito4e ~ldwteJ 9/Jo e/liol ~:

Robert Anderson Vern on Fugit

Leslie Herndon

George Kam

Ernest McMahan



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Left: Johnny Derdivanis, student body president.

Above: Paul Freed, instructor of the newly organized class.

Officers for the year were: John Derdivanis, president; Olivette Gingras, first vice-president; Roma Stone, editor of the Renegade Rip; Margaret Vestry, editor of the Raconteur; Kenneth Shelton, student body business manager; and Lester Hiebert, business manager of publications.

Other officers included: second vice-president, Geraldine Baldwin, fall semester, and Vicky McClure, spring semester; secretary, Vicky McClure, fall semester, and Ruby Baldwin, spring semester; director of public relations, Francis Franey, fall semester, and Jerry Harris, spring semester; director of student activities, Bob Johnson, fall semester, and Betty McCarthy, spring semester; rally chairman, Kenneth Wegis, fall semester, and Lee Karpe, spring semester.

First row, left to right: Roma Stone, Shirley Augustus, Ruby Baldwin, Olivette Gingras, John Derdivanis, Vicky McClure, Jerry Harris, Betty McCarthy, and Margaret Vestry.

Second row: Jean Phillippe, Lee Karpe, Kenny Shelton, Gladys Russell, Bob Johnson, Lester Hiebert, and Mr. Freed.

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Meeting every third Tuesday of the month, the Patrons Club, more commonly known as the K. C. U. H. S.-J. C. Parent-Teacher Student Association, acts as a coordinator of Parent-Teacher and Student ac­tivities. The members of this organization realize the necessity of having complete cooperation of all three groups in order to maintain the standard of education for which all three are striving.

Mrs. R. L. Augustus President Patrons Club

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Staff members pictured are: First row, left to right: Charlotte Rutherford, Margaret Vestry, Betty

Ann Jaggard, Loretta Holloway, Malian Overocker, Irma Jean Thompson, Grace Mary Dart, and Hallie Lavin.

Second row: Warkentine Schroeter, Lester Hiebert, Vernon Cline, Jimmie Benjamin, Hugh Williams, and Kirby Blodget.

Above: Margaret Vestry, editor. Right: Marian Overocker and Jack

Stewart, assistant editors.


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Staff members pictured are:

First row, left to right: Glenn Martin, Joellyn Scott, Marian Overocker, Roma Stone, Vicky McClure, Lyska Herring, Kirby Blodget, and Lester Hiebert.

Second row: Margaret Vestry, Dorothy Davis, and Neva Lee Budworth.

Above: Roma Stone, editor. Right: Jimmie Benjamin and Harold

Roati, sport editors.

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Miss Margaret Levinson, adviser

Sfaff Edifors Left to right: Dorothy Davis, feature editor; Neva Lee Budworth, assistant editor; Norman Christen­sen, assistant news editor; Lyska Herring, news edi­tor. Not pictured is Esther Foley, women's sport edi­tor.

Business Sfaff Left to right: Les Hiebert, Kirby Blodget, and Glenn Martin.

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Enlarging their appreciation of French culture, the members of this group have among many activi­ties their annual dance, a highly social affair at BJC.

Officers for the fall semester were: Amy Macdon­ald, president; Jack Leddy, vice-president; Josephine Giminiani, secretary-treasurer; Odette Harron, pro­gram chairman.

Officers for the spring semester were: Lois Mc­Caw, president; Toni Marino, vice-president; Jerry Harris, secretary-treasurer; Odette Harron, program chairman.

Miss Violet Franz, adviser

First row, left to right: J·erry Harris, Mia Suverkrop, Josephine Giminiani, Lyska Her­ring and Lois McCaw.

Second row: Odette Harron, Mary Ann Porter, Jane Whitfield, Irma Jean Thompson, and Olivette Gingras.

Third row; Dorothy Davis, Betty McCarthy, Pauline O'Hare, Miss Franz, Lois Knight, and Gay Breitenger.

Fourth row; Frances Conley, Irene Vassey, Jeanette Larson, and Toni Marino. Fifth row: Conrad Clarke, Roy Darke, Jack Stewart, and Dick Hoskings.

Other members were: Paul Cayori, Nadine Elder, Margaret Garner, Amy Macdon­ald, Clarajane Booth, Joellyn Scott, Ruby Neergaard, and Dorothy King.

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Left to right: Lisa Mahlmann, Shirley Augustus, Henry Uthenwoldt, Ruby Baldwin, Bard Suverkrop, Keith King, Marian Overocker, Naomi Ledbetter, Ed Andrews, June Johnson, Terence Wilbur, Betty Ashby, Roy Phillips, Melicent Ober, Bob Rus­coni, and Mia Suverkrop .

Miss Adelaide Schafer, adviser

To promote interest in German culture and good fellowship among the members is the purpose of BJC's German club.

Officers for the fall semester were: president, Shirley Augustus; vice-president, Lisa Mahlmann; secretary, Ruby Baldwin; treasurer, Ed Andrews; publicity chairman, Marian Overocker.

Officers for the spring semester were: president, Henry Uthenwoldt; vice-president, Lisa Mahlmann; secretary, Naomi Ledbett er; treasurer, Marian Over­ocker; publicity chairman, Harry Francisco.

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To further develop a closer relationship between the public and the Junior College is the aim of this organization.

Officers for the year were: president, Margaret Vestry; secretary-treas­urer, Patricia Rockwell; historian, Lyska Herring; reporters, Ruby Jean Neergaard; ceremonies, Esther Foley. Miss Marion Peairs was the adviser. First row: Rosalind Dewar, Marie Davis, Betty Baldes, and Margaret Scott. Second row: Florence Saecker, Jerry Harris, Marilyn Rogers, Geraldine

Baldwin, and Lyska Herring. Third row~ Esther Foley, Eva Boynton, E leanor Johnson, Ruby Neergaard,

Neva Lee Budworth, and Patricia Rockwell. Fourth row: Moreland Thompson, Jimmy Benjamin, Margaret Vestry, Vic

Cerro, and Glenn Martin. Other members were: Jean Lorentzen, Roger Nabers, Gladys Barksdale,

and Penny Radoumis.

§nte'tnalwnal &lelati'ou() ~ounce"/ Discussing the many problems and topics of the day offered a field of

activity to this group. Officers for the fall semester were: president, Jack Dowell; secretary,

Arney Yamane. Officers for the spring semester were: president, Paul Cayori; secretary, Marian Macdonald. Jere King was the adviser. First row, left to right: Olivette Gingras and Ruby Baldwin. Second row: Marilyn Rogers, Ed McAtee and Ed Andrews. Third row: Mr. King, Bill Grainger and Lois McCaw. Fourth row: Les Hiebert, Paul Cayori and Jack Dowell.

Other members were: Irma Jean Thompson, Marian Overocker, Janis Hendsch, and Jack Allen.


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A combination of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A., the Student Chris­tian Association has carried out well its purpose to serve as creators of friendly campus attitude.

Officers for the fall semester were: Jesse Ott, president; Rosalind Dewar, vice-president; Helen Poulogianis, secretary; Robert Aitchison, treasurer.

Officers for the spring semester were: Jerry Lake, president; Mary Jean Tucker, vice-president; Bob Sabovich, treasurer.

First row, left to right: Betty Ann Jaggard and Jaunita Gleason. Second row: Helen Poulogianis, Betty Brown, Mary Poe, Ruth Evans, and

Joe Lane. Third row: Mary Jean Tucker, Bob Sabovich, Mr. Sagen, adviser, Don Peas­

lee, Richard McCombs, and Mr. Robertson, adviser .

As its name may imply, this club was organized to further develop an appreciation of the arts and of culture in general among the students.

Officers for the year were: Ed Andrews, president; Jack Dowell, vice­president; Betty J o A very, secretary. First row, left to right: Ruth Evans, Mary Poe, Betty Jo Avery, Lois McCaw,

Ed Andrews, and Jayne Campbell. Second row: Miss Jean Chambers, Betty Ann Jaggard, Jack Dowell, Betty

Brown, Vattie Schroeter, Grace Alexander, and Helen Burt. Othe.r members were: Larry Wilbur, Betty Magee, Ruth Smith, Erwin


Page 72: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

This club was organized to provide social activities and engineering field trips for B. J. C. engineering students.

Officers for the year were: Vernon Cline, president; Roger Bartenstein, vice-presi­dent; Glenn Martin, secretary; William Herring, treasurer.

First row: Russell Segerston, Ray Fairbanks, Vernon Cline, Mr. Buckley, Stanley Coombs, and Roy Phillips.

Second row: Roger Bartenstein, BUl Ditman, Howard Showalter, Bill Herring, and Harry Frazier.

Alpha Nu Sigma was organized this year as a social activity for colored students of the college.

Officers were: Jimmie Benjamin, president; Kathleen Little, vice-president; Ethel Jones, secretary; Fay Sanders, treasurer; Florence Spencer, correspondending secre­tary. William Van Ewert was adviser.

First row: Sylvester Owens, Clarence White, Jean Little, Kathleen Little, Ethel Jones, Fay Sanders.

Second row: James Abernathy, Virginia Spencer, Florence Spencer, Gladys Ellis, May D. Bagsby, and Jimmie Benjamin.

Other members were: Vernett Petit, Irma Jean Taylor, and Ruthel Logan.


Page 73: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook


.,. This group of students represents the advanced idea of the Cam:(J;re Girls on the

campus as a branch of the Tawanka-pika chapter. .. Officers for the year were: Joellyn Scott, president; Betty Ann; Jaggard, vice­

president; June Cauvel, secretary; Neva Lee Budworth, treasurer; Pat-Abell, publicity chairman. First row, left to right: Grace Alexander, Pat Abell, Joellyn Scott, Betty Ann Jaggard,

June Cauvel, and Naomi Ledbetter. Second row: Pairlee Robinson, Pat Rockwell, Jayne Campbell, Neva Lee Budworth,

Mrs. Lenora Anderson, adviser; Loretta Holloway, Mary Poe, Martha Davis, Virginia Tarvar, Evelyn Lewis, and Miss Jean Chambers, assistant adviser. Not pictured is Jeanne Weaver.

"Knit one, purl two" is the motto and purpose of this club of college knitters. Officers for the year were: Jerry Harris, president; Margaret Vestry, vice-president;

Charlotte Rutherford, secretary-treasurer. Adviser in the processes of knitting was Jerry Harris. First :fo~v: left to right: Ja~'ne Campbell, Ruth Evans, Iris Landry, Jerry Harris, Janis

He~~h, Napcy Hering. Second row: Gerry Baldwin, Margaret Vestry, Charlotte Rutherford, Bebe Hubbard.

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Left to right: Ruby Baldwin, Betty Ashby, Odette Harron, Mary Ann Porter, Jean Lorentzen, Jewel Bradley, Marie Davis, Helen Burt, Jemima McCormick, Mia Suver­krop, Melicent Ober, Lisa Mahlmann, Betty McCarthy, and Shirley Augustus.

Fusing the Associated Women Students with the Women's Athletic Association created this new organization of Asso­ciated Women's Activities.

Officers were: president, Shirley Augustus; vice-president, Betty McCarthy; secretary, Liza Mahlmann; treasurer, Melicent Ober; recrea­tion chairman, Marie Davis; service chairman, Jemima McCormick; social chairman, Geraldine Baldwin.

Miss Florence McKinley, adviser

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Wilfred Mitchell, adviser

• • ,

The Associated Men Students are organized to create better school spirit, to promote various kinds of activity among the men students, and to voice the opinion of men in campus affairs.

Officers for the fall semester were: Roger Nabers, president; Walter Permenter, vice-president; Don Kohler, secretary-treasurer; Don Wachob, sergeant-at-arms.

Officers for the spring semester were: Don Kohler, president; Walter Permenter, vice-president; Vernon Cline, secretary-treasurer; Charles Wake­field, sergeant-at-arms.

Left to right: Walter Permenter, Don Wachob, Charles Wakefield, Roger Nabers, Don Kohler, and Vernon Cline.

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First row, left to right: Jim Webster, Roger Nabers, Walter Permenter, Moreland Thompson, Charles Wakefield, and John Rossetto.

Second row: Francis Franey, Vic Cerro, Wilbur Shellhammer, Bob Sabovich, Don Wachob, George Valencia, and John Derdivanis. Other members were: Dave Bannister, Jimmie Benjamin, Vernon Cline, Lester

Hiebert, Lee Karpe, Don Kohler, Bob Lane, Myron McFarland, Ralph Palla, Richard Reaves, Harold Roati, Kenneth Shelton, Belton Stahlecker, Jack Stewart, Jack Thomson, Kenneth Wegis, and Hugh Williams.

Renegade Knights is an honorary organization composed of students who have surpassed in the fields of service, scholarship and leadership.

Officers for the fall semester were: president, Don Kohler; vice-president, Jack Leddy; secretary-treasurer, Belton Stahlecker.

Officers for the spring semester were: president, Vic Cerro; vice-president, Roger Nabers; secretary-treasurer, Don Wachob.

William Van Ewert, adviser.

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First row, left to right: Marie Davis, Barbara Douglass, J ean Lorentzen, Dorothy Crane, Olivette Gingras, Amy Macdonald, Melicent Ober, Josephine Giminiani, Betty McCarthy, and Mary Jean Tucker.

Second row: Jemima McCormick, Joellyn Scott, Beverly Dean Parkes, Eva Boyn­ton, and Neva Lee Budworth .

Third row: Roma Stone, Lisa Mahlmann, and Betty Ashby. Fourth row: Shirley Augustus, Dorothy Davis, Margaret Vestry, Mia Suverkrop,

and Roberta Ownby. Other members were: Pauline O'Hare, Marian Macdonald, and Eleanor

Johnston. '

Lance and Shield is an honorary organization, whose members are chosen by the faculty for qualities of leadership and scholarship. The ac­tivities of the past year included two transfers' Teas at the beginning of each semester, a tea dance at the A W A Home Coming Day, serving at the Fashion Show, and picnic for members of the Renegade Knights.

Officers for the year were: president, Mary Jean Tucker; secretary, Melicent Ober; treasurer, Jean Lorentzen.

Miss Roberta Forsberg, adviser

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Five or more semester students make up the group of "Lifers" who annually sponsor their Lifers Dance, accented by black and white convict stripes as a symbol of-for life.

Officers for the fall semester were: Don Peaslee, president; Wayne Morrison, vice­president; Wilma Addington, secretary-treasurer; Otha Baker, sergeant-at-arms. Of­ficers for the spring semester were: Douglas Rappley, president; Bill Clausen, vice­president; Otto Kramer, secretary-treasurer; Otha Baker, sergeant-at-arms.

Left to right: Moreland Thompson, Doug Rappley, Wayne Morriso~, Don Peaslee, Bill Nabers, and Margaret Vestry.

Composed of camera devotees, this club has as its members many promising pho­tographers.

Officers for the fall semester were: Geraldine Baldwin, president; Bard Suverkrop, vice-president; Willis Dallons, secretary-treasurer.

Officers for the spring semester were: Stanley Coombs, president; Bard Suverkrop, vice-president; Warkentine Schroeter, secretary-treasurer. Paul Baldwin was adviser.

Left to right: Willis Dallons, Bard Suverkrop, Ray Fairbanks, Stanley Coombs, and Gerry Baldwin.


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Members of BJC's debate squad make up this club. Officers for the year were: Jack Stewart, president; Ralph Palla, vice-president;

Beverly Dean Parkes, secretary-treasurer. Leonard McKaig was the adviser. Left to right: Ralph Palla, Jean Phillipe, Mr. McKaig, Beverly Dean Parkes, Jack Stew­

art, and Mary Ann Russell.

Other members were: A. G. Jenkins, William Anderson, and Lester Hiebert .

Organized to acquaint all students transfering to state colleges with the trials and opportunities of college life, the State Collegians have heard this year several instruc­tive speeches by college graduates.

Officers for the fall semester were: Eva B_oynton, president; Helen Offutt, vice-presi­dent; Chester Miller, secretary; Peggy Wright, treasurer; Esther Foley, publicity man­ager.

Officers for the spring semester were: Paul Garrett, president; Loretta Holloway, vice-president; Jemima McCormick, secretary; Beverly Dean Parkes, treasurer; Jeanette Scofield and Louise DeZan, publicity managers.

Thomas B. Merson wa:; adviser. First row, left to right: Margaret Rogers, Margaret Hadlock, Mildred Hadlock, Beverly

Dean Parkes, Irma Jean Thompson, Jeanne Weaver, Iris Landry, Louise DeZan, Helen Yaussey, and Pat Kennedy.

Second row: Paul Garrett, Loretta Holloway, Loa Starrh, Mary Ellen Hansen, Jemima McCormick, Clover Guyman, Martha Davis, Barbara Smith, and Helen Offutt.

Third row: Chester Miller, Ted Bailey, Jeanne Wallace, Mr. Merson, Jewel Bradley, Mildred Bradford, Esther Stormont, Josephine Giminiani, an<! Betty McCarthy.

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Robert Young, adviser

Making up about six per cent of the students, this honorary scholastic organization offers automatic membership to those who gain a high grade point ratio.

Officers for the fall semester were: Jack Stewart, president; Amy Macdonald, vice­president ; Marjorie Kelley, secretary; Ralph Palla, treasurer.

Officers for the Spring semester were: Ralph Palla, president; Helen Burt, vice­president; Mary Ann Russell, secretary; Vernon Cline, treasurer.

Robert Young was the adviser.

First row: Mia Suverkrop, Melicent Ober, Betty Ashby, Olivette Gingras, Eleanor J·ohn­ston, Amy Macdonald, Lyska Herring, Lois McCaw, Dorothy Crane, Helen Burt, and Mary Ann Russell.

Second row: Lester Hiebert, Vernon Cline, Jack Stewart, Francis Franey, Bill Herring, Jim Vegas, Ray Fairbanks, Bill Grainger, and Ed Andrews.

Third Row: Gladys Russell, Mr. Young, Ralph Palla, John Schorr, Joe Himovitz, Jean Phillipe, Lee Halverstadt, Terence Wilbur, and Bruce Landry.

Other members were: Margery Autrey, Lili Barsotti, William Bennett, Don Collins, Virgil Copeland, Jack Dowell, Harry Francisco, Margaret Garner, Robert Gunsolus, Margaret Hadlock, Jerry Harris, Betty Ann Jaggard, Agnes Johnson, Lee Karpe, Lois Knight, Don Kohler, Ruby Laster, Naomi Ledbetter, Ruby Neergaard, Emma Okasaki, Virginia Raymer, Mildred Brad, Patricia Rockwell, Fay Sanders, Edward Schengel, Robert Thomas, Kathleen Uyetani, John Villard, Wade Vinter, and James Watts.

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Besides their annual student body play, this active dramatics organization presented several out-of-town plays for high schools, towns, and army camps, and also for local clubs.

Officers for the year were: Pauline O'Hare, president; Richard Reaves, vice-president; Vicky McClure, secretary-treasurer.

First row, left to right: Irma Jean Thompson, Miss Robinson, Lois McCaw, and Vicky McClure.

Second row: Bob Lynch, Pauline O'Hare, Nadine Elder, Virginia Tarver, Lois Knight, and Harry Francisco. Other members were: Bob Anderson, Richard Reaves, Ann King, Gerald Emert,

Marvin Hort, and Mia Suverkrop .

Miss Ethel Robinson, adviser

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Dascom Dinsmore finds himself literally "swept off his feet" by a wedding that he was rather forced into.

Left to right: Vicky McClure, Lois McCaw, Dick Scatena, Virginia Tarver, Lois Knight, Harry Francisco, Bob Lynch, Terance Wilber.

Jewel Bradley, Student Director

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Life in fhe frozen norfh. It looks nice, but gets tiresome after a while.

Dinner parfy ... complete with Eskimo hula dancers.

Love inferesf heightens ... at gun-point.

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First row, left to right: Lois McCaw, French Club; Jerris Harris, Knitting Club; Betty McCarthy, Director of Student Activities; Mary Jean Tucker, Lance and Shield; Shirley Augustus, A. W. A.; and Margaret Vestry, Public Relations Council.

Second row: Don Peaslee, Lifers Club; Henry Uthenwoldt, German Club; Roger Nabersi A.M. S.; Victor Cerro, Renegade Knights; Ralph Palla, Alpha Gamma Sigma; Pau Cayori, International Relations Club; Vernon Cline, Engineers Club; Jack Stewart, Phi Rho Pi; and Paul Garrett, State Collegians.

Other members were: Jimmie Benjamin, Alpha Nu .Sigma; Jerry Lake, Bowling Club; Stanley Coombs, Camera Club; Pauline O'Hare, Delta Psi Omega; Joellyn Scott, Horizon Club; Doug Rappley, Lifers Club.

The Activity Board is composed of the presidents of all the clubs of B. J. C. and is headed by the Director of Student Activi­ties. Their big affair of the year, the Ac­tivity Board Banquet, climaxed a year of activity, resulting in a better coordination of social and creative purposes of the clubs.

Bob Johnson, fall semester director of stu­dent activities, and Betty McCarthy, spring semester director of student ac­tivities.

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First row, left to right: Irma Jean Thompson, Vicky McClure, Marian Overocker, Betty McCarthy, Mary Jean Tucker, Olivette Gingras, and Margaret Scott.

Second row: Francis Franey, Bob Lynch, Hugh Williams, Bob Johnson, Jack Riley, and Jack Thompson.

Headed by the Rally Chairman, the Rally Committee consists of all students who aid in putting on assemblies, including the song leaders and yell leaders of both semesters.


Left: Lee Karpe, spring semester rally chairman. Kenneth W egis was the fall semester rally chairman.

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Theron Taber, adviser

All letter men of BJC are automatically made members of the Varsity club because of their exceptional participation in various sports.

Officers were: Nate Morrison, president; Vic Cerro, vice-president; Reginald Ed­wards, secretary-treasurer. First row: Charles Wakefield, Walter Permenter, Dink Sheehan, and Don Wachob. Second row: Don Kohler, Roger Nabers, George Valencia, and John Derdivanis.

Other members were: Vic Cerro, Bill Rowell, Nate Morrison, Wilbur Shellhammer, Ernest Macon, Bob Herndon, Les Herndon, James Cooh, Karl Shaeffer, John Rossetto, Frank Loustalot, John Clark, Keith King, Bob Kelley, Fred Giminiani, Dick Cheney, Reginald Edwards, Ray Hefferman, Myron McFarland, Wayne Morrison, Bud Bonner, George Nishimira, Murphy Pruett, and Kenya Sakamota.

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Calvin Mueller, adviser

Playing at assemblies, football games, and in parades, the B. J. C. Band, newly or­ganized as a unit separate from the high school, has done much to create school spirit.

Top row, left to right: Cal Mueller, leader; Gus Balasis, Wayne Russell, Clinton Douglas, Bard Suverkrop, Bill Early, Bill Huffman, Bob Gorm­ley, and Elwood Catlin.

Middle row: Carlton McBeath, John Stenderup, George Kelley, Bob Sy­brandt, Jack Shore, Harry Hoffman, Frank Moore, Paul Landry, Paul Garrett, Scott Barrows, and Roy Pasquini.

Bottom row: Scott Barrows, Roy Pasquini, John Reina, Leland Brown, Harold Estes, Ernest Calkins, Sam Underwood, Bruce Landry, Wesley Junk, Delbert Turner, Jimmy Allen, and Scott Bradford, drum major.

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• •

Combined into this one organization, both high school and junior college music stu­dents filled out a heavy program this year, their most important performance being their annual concert in May.

Junior college members included: Jack Shore, Bruce Landry, Paul Landry, Helen Burt, Curtis Neideffer, Guy Haish, Owen StHes( Dorothy Crane, Bard Suverkrop, Bruce Wilfong, and Belton Stahlecker .

Harold Burt, adviser

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Ronald Clark adviser

• •

Besides many public appearances for various organizations and for student assemblies, the A Cappella Choir offered this year an Easter contata, "I Hear America Singing" at the First Baptist Church on March 29.

Officers for the fall semester were: Mary Jean Tucker, president; Olivette Gingras, vice-president; Catherine Bayes, secretary-treasurer; Lemuel Schaad, manager. Officers for the spring semester were: Jack Shore, president; Mary Jean Tucker, vice-lJresident; Margaret Scott, secretary-treasurer; Wally Shoddy, manager. First row, left to right: Betty Ann Jaggard, Avis Davis, Adela Kruger, Roberta Ownby, Mary Jean

Tucker, Rena Mills, Olivette Gingras, Esther Stormont, Melicent Ober, and Betty Ashby. Second row: Frances Conley, June Johnson, Rose Hashim, Jemima McCormick, Vernette Petit, Jim Den­

nen, Bill Rittenhouse, Bard Suverkrop, Eva Boynton, Georgia Van Wy, and Kathleen Little. Third row: Charlotte Rutherford, Helen Offutt, Loretta Holloway, Barbara Dumble, Catherine Bayes,

Irma Jean Taylor, Ethel Jones, Margaret Scott, and Dorothy Crane. Fourth row: Pat Kennedy, Barbara Baldwin, Clover Guyman, Jack Shore, Reid Owens, Keith King,

Ralph Sarti, and Owen Stiles.

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Schedule Bakersfield Junior College Renegades

1941 BJC OP

September 27-Stanford Frosh 0 12 October 3--•U.C.L.A. Reserves 19 0 October 10-L. A. C. C. ________________ 22 33 October 17-Phoenix ____________________ 30 0 October 24--•Santa Monica ___ ___ 14 19 October 31-•Compton ________________ 13 12 November .14--•Ventura ____________ 12 21

November 21-•Taft --------------------13 13 November 28--•Glendale ____________ 10 0 December 4--Long Beach ___________ .40 25

Totals _____________ ___ l73 135 •Home Game.


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Yea Team Fight! Yell leader Frank Brown.

Renegade Touchdown! Griffith Field crowd goes wild as Bakersfield crashes over U. C. L.A. goal line. 'Gades won 19 to 0.

Song Leaders Left to right: Irma Jean Thompson, Margaret Scott and Marian Overocker.

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Frank Loustalot guard

Don Wachob guard

Johnny Rossetto fullback

Bob Herndon halfback

Charlie Wakefield All-West Coast tackle, co-captain

Nate Morrison quarterback, co-captain


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• Wallace "Jack" Frost head coach

Faced with the toughest season in Renegade foot­ball history, Coaches Frost, Beatty and Robesky were greeted by only twenty-seven players; but when the 'Gade strategy board got through ironing out the kinks, southland critics hailed Bakersfield's starting eleven as the saltiest junior college machine on the coast.

Four thousand four hundred and sixteen paid pig­skin fans, the largest home crowd of the season, filed through the turnstiles to watch Bakersfield battle Taft's Cougars to a 13 to 13 tie.

However, the Frostmen didn't find their real power until the last game of the season. In that en­counter they really went to town, blasting Long Beach's mighty Vikings 40 to 25. Other highlights of the season were a 30 to 0 Phoenix victory on the other side of the Colorado, a 19-0 romp over U. C. L.A. Reserves, and a 13-12 thriller over Comp­ton.

Wilbur Shellhammer half back

Karl Schaefer center

Dick Cheney tackle

George Valencia


Reginald Edwards end

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Byron McFarland guard

Douglas Rappley end

Bill Rowell halfback

Ted Adolphsen guard

Jay Chapin halfback

Harry Scaroni halfback

Frosf shows 'em how •

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Gus Pappas halfback

Bill Herring guard

Fred Giminiana guard

Ross Doll tackle

Bob Lynch center

Bob Heffernan end

Touchdown Special! J arrin' J awn Rossetto, all-confer­ence tail back, crossed goal line six times in Metro games to tie Los Angeles' great Jackie Fellows in touchdowns scored.

Les Herndon halfback

Kenya Sakamoto halfback

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-' ,

Air Minded! Shellhammer pitches a long pass in Long Beach game.

Block Thof Kick! Renegades spoil Stan­ford's conversion try.

Coming Through! Vikings gang up on Bob Herndon, but Bob bitfed his way to a fifty-five yard touchdown.


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Block That Kick 'Gade chargers gang up on Pappas as he attempts to punt.

Little General Bossman Jack Frost parades locker room floor as he gives Renegades valuable discourse be­fore game .

Trouble for Opponents George Valencia, left, and Fred Giminiani.

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Sfraighf Arm! Shellhammer utilizes stiff-arm in making long gain against Vikings; 'Gades won 40 to 25.

Homer T. Beaffy assisfanf coach New this year to coaching B.J.C. football, Coach Beatty is a for­mer gridiron star of K.C. U .H.S. and an ex-team man of the Uni­versity of Southern California.

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Touchdown! A papoose back crashes over 'Gade goal line for first touch­down of season.

Boof! '"'Chunky" Charlie Wakefield, twice All-Pacific Coast tackle boots the Renegades out of danger.

Break-A way! Little Sakamoto tears up a bit of turf as he romps around Stan­ford's right end for a long gain at Palo Alto. ·

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Bakersfield Junior College Renegades 1941-42

BJC Op. December 12---*Lancaster -------· 55 27 December 13-Ventura ------------ 45 29 December 17-Sacramento ______ 35 40 December 19-Glendale ------------ 45 39 December 27-*Ventura ---------- 58 48 January 9-*San Luis Obispo 43 32 January 16-Porterville ---------- 49 39 January 17-*Coalinga ------------ 56 18 January 23-*Visalia -------------- 33 50 January 24-Reedley ---·------------ 37 40 January 30--Taft ---------------------- 37 41 February 4-*Richfield Oil ---- 45 38 February 6-San Luis Obispo 51 33 February 13-*Porterville ------ 61 29 February 14-Coalinga ------------ 55 34 February 20--Visalia ··------------ 41 44 February 21-*Reedley ------------ 37 54 February 27-*Taft ··---------------- 49 46

Totals -----------------·-------·-·------ 838 671 *Home Game.

Front Row: Dave Bannister, Robert Kelly, Eugene Sheehan, Roger Naber s, Wayne Morrison, manager.

Standing: Coach Frost, Harry Frazier, Keith King, Johnny Clark, Walter Permenter, Murphy Pruett.


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Cage Cougars! Parmenter flips in pivot shot against Taft.

Speed! Pruett burns a little speed as he completes a successful pass.

Scoring better than a point a minute, Co~h Frost's fast-stepping cagers won the respect and admiration of their conquerors as well as their victims.

In 18 contests the Rampaging Renegades dropped only six games. All season they camped at the door of the C. C. J. C. championship, but lady luck refused to let them in.

Their season was studded with sparkling plays arising out of a reck­less, fire-department brand of basketball. The Frostmen scored 838 points as compared with their opponents 671, an average of 46.5 points per game.

Leading Renegade scorer was Johnny Clark, who for the second con­secutive year, paced the Bakersfield attack. Clark rung up 215 points in seventeen games for an average of 12.7 points.

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Above-Clark feases T arfar guard.

Below- Cougar guard charges in, buf foo lafe

fo keep Bannisfer from scoring.

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Johnny Clark, captain all-conference forward

Mrs. Permenfer's son again! Walter flips in another pivot shot .

Walter Permenter center

Eugene Sheehan all-conference

Murphy Pruett guard

Roger Nabers guard

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War, rubber rationing, and a dearth of material couldn't stop the Renegade trackmen. A tiny, streamlined war-size squad worked out under Coach Christen­sen's direction all season.

As usual, the interclass meet started the season. Wilbur Shellhammer's 18 points paved the way for an easy 86 to 58 sophomore victory.

Then war luck really took its toll on the Renegades. All dual meets were cancelled, leaving only the Kern Relays and the Conference meet, and a few practice engagements with Cap Haral­son's Drillers.

Bakersfield produced three Kern Relay champions. The medley team, composed of Gallon, Sallady, Martin, and Leddy, outclassed its rivals. Jimmy Benjamin won the high jump, and Vic Cerro took shot put honors.

Beauties for the beasts! Vicky McClure, left, and Shirley Cuneo, displayed beauty for the sophomore and freshman classes respectively in the inter­class meet.

Streamlined, war-size! ~enegade frock squad Standing, left to right: Bill Anderson, Glenn Martin, Jimmy Benjamin, Coach

"Chris" Christensen, James Ebaugh, Jack Hood.

Front row: Tommy Gallon, Don Leddy, Captain Johnny Rossetto, Milo Sallady, Tom Doll, Don Kohler.

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Spearman! Gunsolus puts everything into this javelin toss.

Speed! Quick starter is Tommy Gallon, 'Gade dash star.

Bossman Chris Christensen handled Renegade affairs for second year

War, rubber rationing, and a dearth of ma­terial couldn't stop the Renegade trackmen. A tiny, streamlined war-size squad worked out under Coach Christensen's directions all sea­son.

As usual the interclass meet started the season. Wilbur Shellhammer's 18 points paved the way for an easy 86 to 58 sophomore victory.

Then war luck really took its toll on the hapless 'Gades. All dual meets were can­celled, leaving only the Kern Relays, the Con­ference meet, and few practice meets with Cap Haralson's Drillers.

Bakersfield produced three Kern Relays champions. The medley team composed of Gallon, Sallady, Martin, and Leddy, outclassed its rivals. Jimmy Benjamin won the high jump, and Vic Cerro took shot put honors.

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High Flying! Timber Toppers! Rossetto exhibited this thrilling bit of action in the interclass meet.

Ebaugh, left, and Shellhammer.

Don Leddy

Vic Cerro

Milo Sallady

Jimmy Benjamin

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Don Kohler

James Ebaugh

Bob Gunsolus

Roll Jordon Roll! Benjamin rolls over high jump bar.

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Feminine cagers reached a new peak this year when they trampled the High School Leaders 21-13. Under the direction of Miss Frances Wil­liams, the smooth working all-star team grew out of a group of W. A. A. basketball players.

Incorporating a well rehearsed system of plays with speed and precision, the W. A. A. all-stars topped the feminine faculty cagers 27-8 to mark their 1941 season as an all-round win.

Esther Foley captain

Lola Whitaker guard

Eudora J aynes forward

Betty Ashby guard

Helen Carlson forward

Roma Stone guard

Mabel Voyles forward

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. -

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"Unprepared as I am--"

Robesky addressed fhe Sfudenf Body

The feam "walks 'em ouf" af fhe Welcome Rally

Sfudenf Body "W I D " e come ance

Page 123: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Virginia Reel .... Serious business

The "kids" play ball of fhe A.W.A. Kid Parfy.

Davies and Bradford indulge in a liffle "jive" of fhe A. M.S. Fronfier Days dance.

Page 124: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Frontier Days We appeared in true old western style.

Halloween Dance The gym was complete with skeletons, grinning pumpkin

faces, and corn stalks.

December 5--We honored our football team at the Football Banquet.

Page 125: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

Roger Nabers and Beffy Engles arrange a donee beside fhe Chrisfmos free

Long fo be remembered-The annual Chrisfmas Formal wifh ifs lovely decorations of bells

and belles.

Page 126: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

The Trio: Roberto Ownby, Mary Jean T uck.er and Olivette Gingras.

Paul Landry and his Rhumba Bond

Varsity Club Donee

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\ '

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Daisy Mae and her man fook in fhe Baskefbal I game before fh.e annual A. W. A. Sadie Hawkins Dance.

This is one fime when fhe gals do fhe freafing, and in fhis case fhe collecfing foo.

Page 129: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

B.J. C. took its "War Savings Stamps" seriously.

Ray Heffernen, Stanley Maxwell, Bob Herndon, and George Stevenson indulging in the regular Wednesday pastime: Reading the "Rip".

With "Vattie" Schroe­ter as a smiling door­man, we boarded the Greyhound · busses for the L. A. C. C. game.

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Page 142: 1942 Renegade Raconteur Bakersfield College Yearbook

The Bakersfield Californian Bakersfield Hardware Bakersfield Sandstone and Brick Company Brock's Deportment Store R. E. Cody Real Estate and Insurance Coco-Colo Bottling Company Harry Coffee Consolidated Pipe Company ArthurS. Crites Dewar's Candy Shop Harry E. Hoke Paul Hornung Leather Goods

. Hughes Drug Store Lufkin's Business College

New City Cleaners Phi/lips Music Store Pioneer Mercantile Company

Roux & Kuentzel Son Joaquin Cotton Oil Company Schuler's Drive Inn Seiler's Men Furnishings Snider Cycle Shop Volley Office and School Equipment Company

Was co Creamery

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