1968 Renegade Raconteur - Bakersfield College 1968 Part 1.pdf · RACONTEUR STAFF Editor-in-Chief ... Bill Finch B.A., M. A., San Jose State. Physical Education Paul Freed B.S., M.s

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Editor-in-Chief . . . • . • . . . . . . . Bill Rosica

Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Phillips

Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Fowler

Business Manager . . . . . . . • • . . Nancy Jacobs

Organizations Editor . . • . . . . . . Trudy Hodges

Photo Editor • . • • • . . . . . . . . . .Ray Partain

Class Editors . .. •• • • ..•. .• Karen Callagy Nancy Villard

Staff Writers and Photographers • . • . • . . . . . Phill Winters, Jim Sutton, Bob Evans,

Loren Herring, Jerry Henry, Judy Brown, Katy Durham, Calvin Denny.


Published by the Students of Bakersfield College

So you think you arc ready for my position do you?

Classroom Activities were and still are a part of B. C.


Coming from a popula1· spot on Campus.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page • • • ••••••••••••.••••• 1 Table of Contents •••••••••• 2 Administration ••••••••.••• 17 Sophomore Section···· •• 39 Sports · • · ••.••..•.•••.••.•••• 66 Organizations •.••••••.••• 106 Activities ••..••••••••••.••• 152 Ads •••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 174 Epilog ••••••••.••••••••••.•• 200

B . C. had its share of people this year.


From Friday •••

••• To Monday •••

B.C. Students

were there.


New techniques are dcvclop1..'<1 In night school classes by people in many different walks of life.



To the majot·ily of the l700 day students alB. C. the scholastic day is over bj 1:30 . However, there arc approximately 2500 other students who don't come lo school until two hours later. These students, comprised mostly of adults fron1 the community, at·e enrolled in B. C.'s Evening Divi­sion . They learn everything from Italian to arc welding. It seems lhat the "older generation" wants to learn as badly as we students do.

A conscientious student works on lathe for the evening classes.

Amid a shower of sparks a new career is developed.



On a Clear Day



• • .AND STUDY . • •

Perhaps the first thing a visitor to the vast ex­panse of our campus notices is the space allotted to buildings. This large amount of room makes many semi -secluded spots besides the library available for study. Students have found that the Huddle, and the various courtyards of the many buildings a conducive atmosphere in which to study.


Banner Lines •••

and Top Notch Teams •••


Built the B.C. Spirit


The Dcdicntcd ••.


. .. and tho always smiling.

Burns Finlinson in



Burns Finlinson' s designation to the vacated post of President of Bakersfield College came as no surprise to anyone who is ac­quainted with his outstanding record as an administrator .

Since his arrival on the B. C. campus , 1\~· .

Finlinson has served as Director of Veter­ans, Dean of Records, and Vice-President . lie has served in the last office for nine years .

Although he wi.ll not assume his duties as 'President until J uly 1, 1968, Mr . Finlinson is already preparing himself for his duties.



A man ready for any occurranc<'.



With his appointment to the position of Superintendent of the Kern Joint Junior College District, Dr. Edward Simonsen has, in a way, said good-bye to B. C. Dr. Simonsen has been acquainted and working with Bakersfield College students and faculty for over twenty years. In 1946 he joined the B. C. Administration as Dean of Men. Since then he has held various posts as Dean of Administration, Vice President, and finally President of the College. This last position he has held for the past nine years.

Since the annmmcement of his new appoint­ment, Dr. Simonsen has been increasing his contact with the students and faculty as to assure us that even though he will not be on the campus he will be working for our best interests.


Korn State President P.oul Romberg .tnd Or Edward Simon~n.

Paul Romberg and Edward Simonsen viewing the B. C. Campus .

Dr. Simonse n, a mnn with Ideas .


Terrence Allen A. B., M.A., Eastern lllinois University. History

Charles Barrack B.A. , San Diego State College; M.A., University of Washington . German

Allen C. Berardi B.S., M. A., University of Denver. Business Education


Robert Allison B. S. , San Jose State; M. S. , Oregon State University. Che­mistry.

Duane Belcher A.B. , M.A., Uni­versity of California at Berkl ey. Psychology

Georgene Bihlman A. B., San Jose State College; M. A., Stanford Uni­versity. Physical Education

Ronald A lisman B. S. Pha r m D. , University of California Medical Center . Biology

Richard Benston B.A., M. A., Uni­versity of Washington . English

Gilbert Bishop A. B. , San Jose State College; i\T. S. , University of Southern Ca!Uornia. Director of Athletics

Jacqueline Appel A. B., Stanford Uni­versity; M.A., Fresno State. English

CaNl Benston B.A., Rollins College; M. A. , University of Miami. English

Della Bloyd A. B. Fresno State College; M. A. , U. C. L.A. English

Fred Bonar B. A. , San Jose State College; M.A., j,'resno State College. Trades and Industry

Victor Bracke B.A. , Arizona state University; M. S., University of Sou­them California. Art

Dale Brooks B.A. , M.A., University of Washington. Music

Cad Bowser B. S. M. E. , California Polytechnic College. Physical Edu -cation

Jesse Bradley B . S., University of Georgi a Vocational Credential; U. C. L . A. Mathematics

Margaret Buckley R.N., St. Mary's College of Nursing; B.A. , P. H. N., Fresno State College. Director of Health

Harland Boyd A. B. , M.A. , Ph.D. , Univet·sity of California at Tlc•·klcy. Social Science

Robert Brailsford B.S. , M.s. , Brig­ham Young University; Ph. D. , Uni­versity of Utah . Chemistry

Kathryn Cafferty R . N. , Si. Joseph Hospital; B.S., Immaculate Heart; M. S. N. E., Catholic University of America; Professional Diploma; Ed . D. , Columbia. Nursing Education

John Bracewell 13. A. , Florida State University; M. A. , State University of Iowa . Drama

Sally Briggs B.S., University of Denver; l\l. A. , University of Southern California. Busi­ness

Elsie Campbell R.N. , B. S. , University of California at Ber­kley; M. A., Teachet·s College Columbia University. 1\ursing


Jane Carney R .N., St. Francis Hospital N. J.; B . S . N.E . , University of Maryland; M.A. , Teachet•s C.oll<>g£>. Columbia Nursing

Robert Clark B.A., University of California at Santa .Barbara; M.F.A., carnegie Institute of Technology. Services

Ruth Colton B . S., Nasson College; M. Ed. , University of Pittsburgh. Data Pr<lcessing


Robert Chapman B.S. , M.S. , Uni­versity of Oregon. Drama

Dean Close A . B. , San Jose State College; L. L. B., U. C. at Berkley. Business Law

Ft·ed Coon B.A. , M.A. , Univet·sity of Michigan. Industrial Drawing

:am Chichester B.S. , M.S., University of Idaho. Botany

Carol Clough B. S. , M. B.A. , Uni­versity of California at Berkley. B.lSi­ness Education

Wallace Cory B. A. , Linfield College; M.A., Utliversity of Georgia. History

Paul Chism B.A. , University of Calif­ornia at B:n·kley; M.A. , San Fr:Ulcisco State University. Psychology

Bt: Gerry Collis A. B. , M. A., University of Denver. Physical Education

Robert Covey B. S. , University of Kansas; M. Ed ., Oregon State Uni­versity. Physical Education

Janis Crooks B. S. , M. S. , University of California at Los Angeles.

Duane Damron B. S., University of California at Davis. Physical Education

Ray Draper B.S. , University of Utah; M. S. , Oregon State University. Life Science

Wayne Culver B.A. , Kansas University; M. A., Central Washington University. Psychology

Thomas Davis A. B. , M.A. , University of California at Berkley. llistory

Hany Drenan Vocational Credential, U . C. L . A. Trades and Industries

Lowell Dabbs A. B. , 1\T.A. , University of S. California . English

Susan Day A . B., M.A., Stanford University. Drama

Richnrd Dua:< B.A., De Paul University; M.A. , Stanford University. French

Phyllis Dabbs B. A. , University of Akt·on; ;\J. S., Ph. D., Uni­versity of Southern California. English

--Rose Marie Diaz R.N., Knapp College of Nursing Vocational Training: U.C.L.A. Nursing


Earl D.mstan A. B., Los Angeles State College. Business Edu­cation

Kenneth Fahsbender B . M., Ulinols Wesleyan University; M.S. , University of Ulinois . Director of Guidance

Glenn Fitts B.S., M.P.A., M.B.A., University of Arizona. Police Science


Bobby Edmonds B. A., M.A . , San Diego State College. Psychology

Ruth Feldman B.A. , University of 1\fuhigan; M.A. , University of Chicago. English

Terry Fleenor B.A., M.A., Arizona State Univet·sity. English

Perry Ecmards B.A., M.S., University o( California at Berkley Programming. Data Processing

Ralph Felger B.A., Whitworth; M.B.A., University of Denver; M. S . , Trinity University. Business Education

Lanning Flint, Vocational Credential University of California at Los Angeles. Data Processing

John Ewing B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; M. S. , Univet·sity of Michigan. Math­ematics

Bill Finch B.A. , M . A., San Jose State. Physical Education

Paul Freed B.S., M.s. , University of Pittsburgh. Physiology

Freda Fry R. N. Sparrow A. B. , Mich­igan Slate University; M. N. , University of Washington. Nursing

James Glynn B . A. , M. A . , San Jose state College. Sociology

Mat-y Elizabeth Graff B.S. , University of Ulinois; M .. A. , U. C. L . A. English

Robert Funk B. A. , University of Cali ­fornia at Santa Barbara; M . A . , San Jose State University. Industt·ial DL"'awing

Raymond Gonzales B. A. , San Fran­cisco State College; M. A. , University of the Americas. Spanish

Clifton Garrell B . A . , 1\I.A . , Los Angeles State College . History

Gregory Goodwin B.S., Northwestern University; M. A. , Stanfot'CI University. Hi.stot-y

Robert Gilmore A. B., Uni versity of California at Berkley; M.A . , Stanford University. Psychology

PaulGordonA.B. , M.A., Uni­versity of California at Bet·kley. Engiish

Richard Grass B.S. , Lewis nnd Clark College; llr. B.A., Uni­versity of Cnlifornin at Berkley. Business Education


Edgar Hageman B. A. , Fresno State College . Trades and Industries

Richard Harkins A. B . , St. Mary's College; M.A . , Uni­versity of California at Berkley. Assistant Dean of Evening Di­vision

Donald Hayslett B. A. , Fresno State College. Police Science


Victor Haltings B. A., University of Utah; M. A. , stanford. Psychology

Earl Haynes , Vocational Credential Unh•et-sity of califomia at Los Angeles. Tt·ades and Industry

BettyJo Hamilton B.A., M.A., George Peabody College. English

William Heffernan A . B. , l\1 . A. , University of Cal ifornia at Berkley . Dean of Records and Admissions

Tlolger Hansen B.S., l\l. Ed., College of Agricultut·c Dn.vis; M. Ed ., Uni­versity of Califomia at Davis. Agri­culture

Arleen Hashim B. A. , Fresno State College . Child Study Center

Edwin Hemmerling A. 13., University of the Redlands; l\L S. , University of Southern California. l\Tathematics

John Hernandez B.A . , M. A. , Uni­versity of Michigan, Director of Student Affairs . English

Norman Hoffman B.S. , M. Ed. , Oregon State College. Health Education, Physical Education

Paul Howard B.A. , M. A., University of San Francisco. Police Science

Eloise Higgins B. S. , University of Southern California. Child Develop­ment

Lloyd Hokit B. A. , M.A., California Polytechnic College . Agriculture

Blrba.ra Hoyt B. S. , University of Cali­fornia at Bet·kley. Home Economics

Sybil Hilton B. S. , M. S,, University of California at Los Angeles. Physical Education

Evan Howard 13.A . , M. A., San Jose State College. English

Phyllis Hullett B.A., M. A. , University of Minnesota . Physical Education

Kathleen Hodapp B. A. , M. A. , San Diego State College . Busi­ness Education

Harriet Huts B . A. , Smith College; M.A . , CornellUni­versiLy. Life Science


Lowell Hulcsoos B. A. , Western Union College; B. S., M.S. , University of Nebraska. Chem­istry

Fred Jacobs A. B., Uruversity of California at Berkley; M. A., California State College at r"ul­lerton. Librarian

Walter Johnson B. A. , San Jose St..'tte College. Physi cal Edu­cation


Catherine Johnson A. B. , Immaculate I! earl College. Mathematics

W. F . Johnson B. S., Stout Institute. Technical Mathematics

Donald Johnson B. S. , Nebraska State l'eachers College; l\1. A. , College of che Pacific. Chcmistt')'

Richard Jones A. B. , M. A. , San Jose State College. Dean of Desert Division

James Inskeep Ph. B., A.M. , Univ­ersity or Chicago. History

Marguerite Johnson A. B. , M.A., Univet·sity of C:tlifol'llia at Berkley. English

\\Ylie Jones B.S., D:trtmouth M.B.A., University of California at Los Angeles. Economics

Stanley Karp A. B. , University of Cali­forma . Geology

Eugene Kirchner B. A. , M. S. , State Ulliversity of Iowa. Physical Science

George lawrence B.A. , M. A. , Ph.D. , University of California at Berkley. Physical Science

Charles Katzman A. B., Rollins Col­lege; M. S. , University of California at Los Angeles. Journalism

Alvin Kleinhample A. B. , University o[ California at Santa Ihrbara. Trades and Industries

Parley Kllburn B. S. , M. S. , Utah State Univm-sity; Ed. D. , Stanford University. Dean of Evening Div.

Claire Larsen B. A. , Utah State Uni­versity. Librarian

Thomas Kimler B. S. , Arizona State University; M. S . , SyJ,·acuse University. Physieltl Science.

Kenneth Lautenschlager A. B. , Miami University; Ph.D. Ohio State University . Geology

Patricia Lee B. S. , M. S. , University of California at Berkl ey. Chemistry


Eva Lefevre A. B. , University of Hawaii; Diploma, University of Paris. French

John Ludeke A. B ., M.A., Stanford University. History

Alma Lytton B.A. , University of California at Los Angeles; M. A., Univers ity of California at Davis. Antlu-opology


Gaylen Lewis B. A., Utah State Uni­versity; M.A., University of Califomia at Berkeley. Social Science

Virginia Mack R.N. , St. .roseph' s Hospital School of Nursing; B . S., Seattle University; M. N. , University of Washington . Nursing Education

Joyce Lockford B. A. , University of Califol·nia at Berkeley; M. A. , Uni­versity of Utah . English

Ruth Maguire A. B. , University of California at Los Angeles; 1\T. A., Syracuse University; EO. D. , UCLA . Counselor

Herbert Loken B.S. , University of Minnesota; M. S. , 1\lankato State. Physical Education

John Lyman A. B., &1.n Diego State College; l\f. A. , &'lll Francisco state College. Geography

Jeanette Mahan B. A., M. A., Uni­versity of California nt Berkeley. Art

Robert Manning B. A,, Drake Uni­versity; M. A. , University of Southern California. Orchestra

Thomas Merson A. B., San Jose State College; M.A. , Ed. D., University of California at Berkeley. Dean of in­struction

Calvin Mueller A. B., University of Caliiornia at lleL·keley; M.A. , Clare­mont College; Ed. D., 'Columbia Uni -versity. Music ·

W!llye Pearl Mdodana B.S. , Tuskegee Institute; Internship, John Andrew Memorial llospital; M. S. , University of Wisconsin. Home Econ~mlcs

Donald Miller B.s. , M. M. , University of Cincinnati, College Conservatory of Music. Vocal Music

Samuel McCall 13. A. , Reed College; M.A . , University of California at furkeley. !Tistory, Political Science

Paul Meert B.A. , University of Notre Dame; M.A. , San Diego State College. Mathematics

Yvonne Milliken B. A., Colorado State College. Counselor, English

Walter McClanahan B. A. , University of Nebraska; M. E., Colorado State College. Counselor, Psychology

Jan Mensendlck A. B. , Colorado State College. B.isiness Edu­cation

Wendy Morek 13.A. , M.A., San Jose State College. II om e Economics


Mary McCormick A. D., Uni­versity of California at Berkley; M. A., San Francisco State College. English

William Nelson B. A., M. A., University of \t,yoming. Physi­cal Education

Willian Nielsot\ A, B. , Pomona; M. Ed. , University of Califo1·nia at Los Angeles; M. A., Uni­versity of nlioois. Mathematics


George McGee B .A. , St. Joseph College; M. A. , George Washington University. Business Education

J ack Noyes B.S., M. A., University of Michigan. Art

Colin McKay B. A., M.A., San·Diego State College. Speech

Phyllis Nusz B. A. , M.A., University of Pacific, Assistant Director of Stu­dent Affairs; Campus Center Co ­ordinator . Speech

Peter McKay A, 13., M. A., Stanfor d University. IIi story

Peter Nestande B.s. , st. Olaf College; l\1:.A., San Jose state College. Physi­cal Education

Daniel Nystr om A. B. , M.A. , Uni­versity of California at Berkley. Life Science

Furn Ogden B. A. , The College of the Ozarks; M.s., University of Southern California. Business Education

Merriem Palitz B.A., University of Wisconsin; J.D., Marquette University. English

Henry Pfister B.A., College of the Pacific. Physical Education

John Oglesby B. S. , M. Ed., University of California at Davis. Agriculture

Nicholas Pananldes B.S. , U. S. Naval Academy; M.S., University of Michi­gan. Astronomy

Bruce Pfutzenreuter B.S. , M.A., University of Colorado. Physical E<lu­cation

Marion O'Laughlin R.N. , B.A., Uni­versity of San Francisco; M.S. N. E ., University of Washington. Nursing

.Robert Parsons B.A., University of California at Rivel·side; M.A., Uni­versity of Iowa. Physics

Robert Poe B. A. , M.A., University of Southern California. Photography

Dalene Osterkamp A. B., M.A., San Jose State College. Art


Edward Poindexter B.A., M.S., San J ose state. Psychology

Robert Quiggle B. A., University of Minnesota; M.A., University Southern C:llifornia. Psychology


Harvel Pollard B.A. , M.A., San Jose State College . Physical Education

Robert Poorman B.s. , M.A. , Ohio State University; Ed .D. , University of California at Los' Angeles. Dean of Students

Theodore Reller A. B., M.A., Uni­versity of California at Berldey. Social Science

Donald Pool e A. B., M.S. , San Diego State. Physics

James Profnnt B.S. , M.A. , Miami University. English 6

David Rhea B.A., Augustine College; ~~ . A., Northwestern University . Sociology

Paul Pruett B.A., University of Calif­ornia at Berldey; M.A. , North Carol ina State University

Phillip Rossen, Vocational Credential University of C:lli!ornia nt Los Angel es. Industrial Technology

Jack Rowe A. B. 1 University of Cali­fornia at Berkley; M.A. 1 University of Southern Califot•nln; Ed. D. 1 Uni­vet·sity of Colorado. Mathematics

Wesley Sanderson A . B. , M. A., University of C.'lllfot•n!a at Los Angelos. Clinical P sychologist

Sasha Schmidt B.A . 1 University of California at Santa Barbara; \\I . A., Uni verslty of California at Berkley. Iii story

. \

Richard Ruiz A. B., M.A., University of California. Art

Lucille Sautter A. B., Emporium Teachers College; M. A. 1 Oklahoma. Director of Placement

Helena Salaverla A. B., University of California al Berkley; M. A. , Stanford. Spnnish

Dale Scales B.A. , Fresno State Col­lege; M.A., California Polytechnic College . Agt•icu lturc

Richard Settle B.A. , L.L. B., Uni­ver sity of Washington. 9.1slncss F..clu­cation

l\l!ilton Sanden B.A . , M.A. 1

Whillier College. Associate Dean of Instt·uctlon

Adelaide Schafer A. B., M.A. 1

Univet•sity of California at Los Angeles. German

Harriet Sheldon B.A. 1 Snn Jose State College; M.A. 1 College of the Pncific; i\1. A. 1 University of Pacific. Counselor


Frank 9\erm:lll B. A. , Wesleyan Univet·sity; M.A., University of California at Berkley. Eng­lish

Allen Slate B. A., M. A., Van­derbilt University. J\fathemiltics

Mary Sweeney B.A., M.A., University of California at Los Angeles. Business Education


A. B. Silver B. A. , M. A., San Fran­cisco State College. English

Walter Snook A. B. , Fresno State College; M. A. , San Francisco state College. Trades and Industries

Jacques Thlroux B. A. , Pomona Col­lege; i\!,A,, San Francisco State College . English

David Silvey B.S. , Purdue University M. Eel. Pcrmsylvania state University. Physics

Donald Stansbury B.S., University of Cnllfomin at Los Angeles; M. A. , San Jose State. English

Bnrbat-a Thomas B. S,, Cornell Uni­versity, Home Economics

Elbert Stewart A. B., University of California at Berkley; M.A . , Uni -verslty of Redlands. Anthropology

William Thomas B.A., M.A., San Francisco State College. Political Science

Richard Tigner B. A. , M. A. , Uni­versity of Califot•ni:l at Berkley. aJs­tness Education

Betty Tr ttten 13. S., Univorslty of North Dakota; M.A. , San Jose State College. Mathematics

James Turner A. B., University of California at Berkley; M. A. , Stanford University. Physical Education

Edwin Tishbirek B. S. , M. Ed., Uni­versity of California at Davis. Agri­culture

John Van Osdel Special Secondary Vocational Life Diploma, University of California. Coordinator of Vo­cational Education

Alan Tolle A. B. , Westminster Col­lege. Life Science

Clyde Vcrhlne B. A. , M. A., Stanford Univet•sfty. Social Science

Shirly Trembley A. B. , Uni· verslty of Callfot·nla at Los Angeles; M.A. , Ft·csno. Math­ematics

Willard Trussler B.S. Ed . , M. S. , Empot·in State College. Health Education

William Walker B. A., Unt­vcrst:y of Southern California. Journalism


Robb Walt A. B. , s.-m Jose state College; M.S. , Ed. , University of Southern California . In­dustrial Technology

John Wetzler B. S. , Utah State; M.S. , University of Southern California. Libra1·y Science


--Carol Ward B.A. , M. A., University of Arkansas. English


Frank Wattron A. B. , M.A. , Whittier College; Ph.D. , University of Southern California. Associate Dean of In­struction

Dell Whetsler B.S., M. A., University of Idaho. AucUo Visual

Ray Ward B.S. , M. S. , Oregon State College. Chemi~try


-~ /:· Persis Webster A. B., M.A., Stao1ford University. Spanish

Arlene Wick B.S., R.N. , P. H. N., Mt. St. Mary' s College. Nut·sing Education

Rodney Wessman B.S., M. Ed., Uni­versily of California at Los Angeles. Business Education

Milton Woken B. S. , South Dakota State University; M.S. , University of Wy­oming. Business Education

Evelyn Wulf B. A. , M. A. , Librarian­ship University of Denver. Librarian

Robert Wickey B.S . , University of Missouri; M. S . , University of Min­nesota. Industrial Drawing

Charles Wood B . S . , University of Ohio; M.A . , Columbia University. Band

Thomas Yale B.A., M. A., San Jose State College. Life Science

Meriam Williams B. A. , University of California at Riverside . English

Marilyn Worthington B. S., College of Saint Scholastica. Home Economics

John Zimmerman A. B. , San Jose State College; ~!.A., Stanford University. Geology

Hulon Willis B. A . , M . A . , Ph. D . , University of California at Los Angeles . English



Artie Alman Bill Alston Anlt:l AJ..-e3 OaleAmhll' llnacc i\.J.'Kktr!!on

John And~n:on Judith Andcrson Stcv~ Anderson Danny Anson Andrc3 A rcbcr

Sharron Abney


Ltndll Abrilh&m K3rcn Aeord

R;tlph Ad.'l.l:llS

Bonnie A!Occk

C4J'Ol Al cxlltldcr Cl\cryl Allen P~Ailton

Wendy Allen

Annette A.rnCJld Mike Artz Ch:trlefl: Ash Fr3nk J\tl..hlfly Bruce Auld

CJorln AvnnUJ " lal'l{l Avlward Mike J!3con N'3Jt(.:y ~gnell Rnlph Barb\.•r


Jane B:trle O..:nu B.:trrord Letner BaronclnJ

Krls Blirry

Lfndtl &rtenstelJ G4ry nehin

• •

D11e Bender Linda Bo.res!ord Jack Bergthold Kenneth ncrry



Jllne Bertolucel M!U"Ian Bertrnnd Diana Bigelow LlndalllnnB Peggy ntogct

Dan Bl~·the Gerald Bork Wanda Bradford Jn.nice Bnuly 91aron Dr:tmlctt

Wi11i"m Brcnu1t Preston Brittian Hurnce OI"''ok!J Betsy Jlt"'\IIfi

Cor I Lis Drown

Vlrgfnla lluchana

Ginger Brown Judy Brown Tanis Brown

Jnmtc Colt F.; lnlne Comp.1!'rOODI Nancy Cone Bonnl4! Cook Cnrol Coornbs

Oonn:t C..:ol)(!nha\•cr Lurry Costner Ron Cox Lc.>ah Cl·awfortl Rosie 0:-~hlling



AlfC(' [bng

Don 03\'IS J\t~l') 0t..'1ln

• •

Mrs. Ann Dcglu11 K.ilthnm u~n.nlson Charles DcP('w Dennis Olaz.


Sharon urstrom Jcrrl Cabcjt' K..1.ren Olin K!t.rcn C~J.IIaliQ'

Bruce Callie-r Jose Cnmra110 Linda Ctlmargo 03\•ld Oampbcll

Julie Czlmpbell Lft,rlf' r.nm{'llu•11 Donna Cllmcron St:m Carlson

L1mb Buoltman.n Linda Buckner

\\L"'r...tfn Bultman Ockin Bunton




Chester Burch Dtll llurkt'! Jeanne Burubeltz Gco~t' Butera

• •



O::n·ld Ch:aJ<lc:r. Bonnie Chambers c:a.ry Chapm.'\n flobort Chttpm:tn C~nrlene Chnppl e

Shena Check O:l\1d Chuculnte ROSCT'Mry Clark JHclto.n.l Cla.~cm Jute Clcrou

Diane Cleveland Pntrlcla Clodt Carol Cochran Ltndn Cola N:1ney Collhm

Yol:tnda C:.rr.:tres: Sh:lron Ql.stro

VIncent Castro Jw Cib!t

Kathy Conner John Ccckmnn

Jamie CoJt £to inc:. CompAgMnl ;.;:~.ncy c~n~

Bonnie Cook Cn rol Coombs

Uonru <;opcnlulvcr 1..n rry Costner non cw. l.L!ah Cr.:nv(ord Rosie OahlliUJ:

Cornldlne Oansb~



Alice.· Dang Don J)nxhs 'lary Ot.>.an

• •

Mrs. Ann Dcgiulf K."tt.hryn OennJ8oo Clm rl9" Oo Pew Dennis Ofar


Kottby Dcstefa.nc Joann<- Dlspoio Jun.nlt..1 Ooctolero Llnda OomfObruC!T. KciUt Donnely

Ltnda Douglruu; JnmcA Dragoo Robert D.lcate aeverty Outfy Bob Duffy

Knthlccn Eakes M:arJorlc Ensley Bill Edmoncl.~t

nobt•rt &rn.·Qm.s lUcky El:tm

Janet F:hno~ Tom 1-.."ngllsh

Jruncs Ervdn A1 f:tchc.sopar





lol"ratnt> Evcla.nd Gary f"Bchin John fo':.lllg:1ll~r Glor1n Fnlr r.ugcnC' Fnirchlld

RQ8al~·nn r·orrnll Joy"~ Ffcld• P:urteia rlchl~~: Robert 'Fintl3nd Kleth Jo1amlnfoi

l\Uch::tcl Ford Bill f'ortenbcr-rr Ruby t... Fo:;;tcr John Fowler Phillip 1-"rancy

Cnrot t~rcclttnd Laurlne Frcchuxt

Rtu'ldy ~o·rC(!mttn J oe Frclta.$



JJI!l , .. l"Q(']kh

Jeannie FrOBt K~n frost Mnnul'l Chllt>g05

Christine Gil rei a. JeM.M Garcia Lurctt.'\ Go rdca G3ry Qlrr~tt

Bnrbom1 G..'l~e Uc\'('rly C".a)IOrd Eileen. Goo ~lcl\'111 Gfllblns

\ll~c Gon7.alcs Tony Gonulcs

lhtroltl Glbsun Syl\"la. GUgcr Stt-phl\n Gnicwek 0!1\id ('.odfrt}' 'Sot·m:tu Co4:hrlng




Hll'.h.:'lrd Cusm!ln Chrla ua.aa


EmHie C:trz.a Joseph Gons:tlve.s P<.UrtCIIl Goodall ~targoJ.rct Ann Cro.m& ~tnry Greek

F.u~c.mc Gr<!Cr Mn.rla Crcytok Pnm GrlUfn Judy C:rlffln Bill Griffith

Trlclo. tirosa Gcorp;c 01'Undt

Cu.rlos Cucrroro StC\'C (iuichn.rd Rd1ln Qllcrln

Kathleen Hamlin Lou!se llamplon



Wllllttm lbckney Bob lldmmond DeMit! Hall Bettie llnrdwlck

Forrclfl lfarrh;on J:'lmc&~ llavcn Terry llnvcn Tim Uo.v("ns

Ruth llaynt.:s Maureen Hl!anl Delbert !le-arn Ken lk>a!Oicy

Fred Hcwston J:t.m• llfadcs Tom ltlbbR

CBt·lll Hclt-Tirl3 llcrn:mdez Don Ht>rron J\ndrca Hcowltt

J~r'1- Hlgtu:c ROS(' lllbrg:tn,;


lk•ncln llllt Sa.nt.lr-..t IIIli Sharon lllncr


lblc /llnH ·rz'Udy 1 1oo,ros: B:lrfxara lroguel

• •

Leonard llolm Ot't.'rU llotmcs t:Ja In~ Holtci'Ill!Hm Knthy llood

UeUy IIO!iC)

St<'\'t'll HoMm:.n Din n(! llow-:\nl

Cl:10din fludgiM

Sll.'ll:t JJudKun (1ta.-lei!!i Jfon~wcll Krcna Hunter lt.:lnd:t lluntcr



Mike Ja~kson W. D. Jeffcr.s Jim J~rlcry ,John Jcfford Karin Jensen

Arthur Johnsoo fh•tJnda Johnson Bucky Johnson 03vfd Johr18t>n Jackie .lohnson

Linda JOhn.ton Nor3. Joho.SOrJ Susan Johnson F.11cen Jones candy Jones


COUPLE • Stcphnnll· llupc Bonnie llylton

Gary Jn~le An Jablon

• •

Margie Jonr-s Donald Jones Lorna KnwtHl:t:ki Hfck Kf'lly Charlotte Kcnll(-dy M11r.;rct Kcatrl'~on

Lnrll!t Kimmel Terry Ktmmcl Micheline Kin~ Thom:t!J Klf'lnt' &.~san Kb:er Gary 1\Julckfltcdl

~bril' Lambclh M"J1trlrct Krunsch:.tn:tb(>l

:\f~:llnd.o t\ro(!kl'r Krlfrtloo Kraf'(!nbrlnk

Gary Knox OlR rlcs Knupp Ru~~cll Kovaecvlch


Craig Krnuter Anthony Kra.u.so Nancy Lambert Jeanne Lamoreawc. Sharon Lomp!l!On

Barbarn l..n.ster Judy l...'1y,-head Pa.m l..awrence l'om l.AI:~c;h Pamt'lu Uu

Bruce Kundor an rb:tra t.chmtln AnitA ~ncloni Lynnet l...(!v.ftrton A11rbar::t Le\\ia

Joan L,cwla ·rrm Unscott

Jeanto LoCicero Eliza 013 Lomas



lArry Mahon Jim Mahoney

Chesler Mann Clend::t M.ftnn}'

Lrnd:a l..oRf[ftlre SJ.sa.n Loperena Conch1U Lopez John Lopez Confii6L~z

Angcttta F, Lopo2 Cathleen Lorenz Vtetor Louie JohMy LOv.·c Alice Lucas

Llnrl.n Lynch M:1ry t..ynch ~t LyBcfo M:try A. Mnc-1cl Bruce Mac Whtnncy



Beverly M;~rce11WJ Srvt't! Marf[l"3.\"e

Allllre• Ma. rque~ ste\"eD Muoa.

Mary Mllli.tt'rs CMrltne \latlock PtltB)' Mayer ~nnl• \frtynl:lrd

.Janet MeOtllum Rod McCI!atock \IlK McOurw Donna \lcCny

Ch.l•ryl MrCurt.ly Ktnn)' McDnneld 0..1Ghl MCC")I(.\a


&u.amo \la.tacnt John Mc()arfcy John \Jc\tlllan Car-to. Morudo sonna Me:r.a

Danny ~forgan Tcrrt:aa MOrrill ~like 1\'fort.on

NIGHT. • • Dorothea Mosby Dorctm Mota

K.'lthryn Middleton \Uke Mlkysko Brcnrl:1 Mnler Cynthia Miller Judith MHier

~lnd!lMtllcr &~!An MIJier Carmtlla Mlru 8£11 Mlscohlmur Athene Mitchell

Richard MOltMr Doris Moon Paul.tt l\tonney Llnd:t Moore Robert Moore



Augustine Munoz Carmen MWlO'Z M::t.ry Murphy Marilyn Murray Ron Mu.l!lSlt!m:ln

Mnry Mut.-z. Ellen N:'lbgama Hoy Neal Linda Neeley Judy NelsJ!boro

Doris Nelson Mtt.rk Nlt::k!S

Jim Nicols Lloyd Norton Bruce Obort

Gilbert Ochoa I.oa.nnc Oglesby

RlchanJ Olsen Lawrence 0' Nell Pat O'Ne111

Gregory Ontiveros Olh1;~. Ornelas

Jean Ove110n Manuel Padtll~

MArRett Paint.' Oan.a Parish


FORMAL • • •

Candy P3l'SOQ Cary Pattoo 11.1atllda Pene VIckie Pcnnin,gton

Frank Paraz Oo.ll Pclt3raon Ronald Pettus Unda Pleruccl

Jaofe Pfstorul Lfnda 'Pittm.ll.D

Pat Philley Gle.-.la PhllllpO



Larry Phillllllli Rebecca Phillips Verna Phtllip.s CI"'J.ig Plunkett

Wendy Powers David Prewett Becky R:amlrcz Ruben Rnmlrc7.

Roberta Rarrb:~.ud Mark Rampey Nancy Ramsc~ ca rolsn lteed

Jerr.) rtcynoltht Vicki Reynold&

G~ady ltcc,·c8 SUIJ..'lo Rendon Ja~• Re~;l'I«JUit! Jay Reynold$


Ted RhOOd$ Robyn R£chardl;on Dlanc Riomcr Wlldord Riley Jan Robbins

~ria Robinson Greg Robtnson Vernon Robinson Joy Rogers Jerry nopcr

8ftl Roslca John Rosa Jnnct Rotrarnel Rita RO\\•land Tom Russc.l

Jludy Rulz nronda Sam1ilC)'

Margucrlt'-" S..'Uidovah Mary Sarotbcrr)'

Eddlt! Schal!fer Vera Schahrcr



Rick Scott Yol:tnd:t Scrauno Yolanda Scrnlllo Lucille Scvdc Donnn Shepard

lhntfy Sll('pJXIt"(l .rohn Slerc:k$ Camillo. Sicvilkin~ Rnndy Simmons SUz«nnc Simonsen

Paula. Si114ter S.'ntl Sin~cr William Six Llnda. Slddmorc Manul:t. Smfln

Odll>ic Smith Gn;:, Smith

PUul Smith Jr. RQberta Snowden




ALL • • •

Larry Sc:MHoek Keith Schm.<.-dd~ Richard Schuetz ,Jttnfcc Schultz. Teresa Scotl

John Snyder Robert Snyd~ow Linda So:t.B An ron Spain Al<u'Wlrct Spc:~r

M3ry Springwater &l.rbar-.t ~rowl B:lrbnrn stncey Carole Stahl llay Stam1>er

Oarb:n·.u StanhOJJe CreftOry Stark lHnrilyn Starr

Hat Stedman ~rfa steele



M3..rgo Stephens Dorthy Stevens JOe Stew3.rd Ja.nice Strles Freddie Stokes

Salldr:a Stout Steve !:lrtker Loretta St.rlplen Ramona &!ctO()k:l Lcaaa Su1o.n

Kllthlcen Sutherland P.o.m Swearingen Carla Tadevich Karen T3Jc:atn No.omi Tallon

Betty Tarr a.s. 1'llle Sandy Tatum Tom Tn)·lor


B.C. • •

Judi Thorne Mary Ann Todar Chrts Torres Pt.ul Torres Irene Torres

Ken Torrigla.nl Kathleen Traynor Eddie Trejo Sheri Trotter Georgia Tucker

Gall TUrner M:nth11 1\arncr Ftank 1\Jstln Stan Urich Teddt Usher

Ronald Valcntt Joanne Va1os

KrlsUn Vance Paulette Vibe



Don VfncyPrd Linda Vono Diana Wahl Rfchard WnlkCT Ttm Wnllaoc

Jnnet Wlllln«! Gregory W11llls 9lnron Walt1: Kctth \\':Jrren R.on..'tltl Watson

steve \\'atson Jannle Watts Rd:>Ort \\o'ntu John Welcher Joy Wt!.llfl

Laurn I..cc \Vcfssb:lcl1 Bubarn Whisler



ITS. • • Jtnncs White Wtllfnro \\'hrte

Dnn \\'IIIIa ~te..-c Wilson Ge1cll WI.SNn.:ln f~h!sle Wong Ev~)l'11 Wong

tarry J . Wong ~l;u-g:t~t 7.amora Denise 'Z~nt Sie:k uordagary K.trnk-c Canham

~~cbacl •·rccmun Jo Dell Evar\5 Ctrolyn Knoll

Thom:1s White Jl.lAn Wldnman

Undll Wtgg'ln.li Sharon Wile

Shl dey Williams ltogor Williamson



Mike Williams carries the ball for the mighty Cades .


The mighty Renegades sotmdly trotmccd the Fresno City College team 37-6 . In doing so , the Big Red handed Gerry Collis his first win as head coach of Bakersfield College .

Held to a meager one point lead in the first half, the Gades bounded back to score 19 in the second to turn back the San Diego team . Standouts for the game were John Tarver , Harold Gibson and Mike Reber, who picked off a lateral and raced for the touchdown.

• •

Mark Larson goes up for the winning touchdown.

Williams is ridden out of bounds.

Apperson around end for five yards while rest of the team bl ocks.

John Mears defensively prepares for a jarring tackle.

The East Los Angeles Huskies invaded Bakersfield in hopes of handing the Gades their first defeat of the year . The Gades proceeded to annihilate the Huskies 33- 9 to continue their unbeaten string.

Gade defense does It ngnln ns Cerritos is stopped at the line of scrimmage.


er goes over for the gndes score.

In what was billed as the "Game of the Year", the Gades came from behind in the last quarter to score a 27-10 victory over the Cerritos Falcons. The play and player of the game came on a fourth and five situation in the last stanza. Stcv e Roberts hauled in a 50 yard desperation pass for the go-ahead touchdown and the game .



Nigos around ond for a Oadc 'fD against L.B.C.C.


Kennedy on ono of his many sweeps.

In what has to be the biggest heart­stopper of the year the Big Red defeated Long Beach City College after spotting the Vikings a 14-0 halftime lead. In the second half the Gades scored three touchdowns while limiting Long Beach to a single tally . When the final gun had sounded the Gades were in front 21-20.

Faced with the toughest defensive team in the conference , the Rene­gades provided some last minute fireworks to defeat the Los Angeles Valley Monarchs 19-14. A last minute touchdown against the de­fense-minded Monarchs kept the Gades perfect record intact a nd set up the season.

TEAM. • •

BC fans go wild over defeat of the monar chs of Valley .

Coach Jerry Collis watches his Defense.


Rest and last minute adjustments before the game .

Norm Donaldson attempts

another Sl\!CC pass.


BC's spit•it leader Ted l<nranson .


Gade tackle prepares to lower the boom on a Hornet end.

DID IT. • •

74 John Tarver is taken down by two Hornets.


Another fantastic gain for the Gades.

End sweep, and typical Gade yard-gainer, works again.




To most students four laps around the gym twice a week is the ultimate in torture. However, we at B . C. are indeed proud to have a group of young men who run more in one day than the average B . C. -ite does in a full semester.

The 1967 edition of the Renegade Cross-Country team has been billed by many as the most evenly balanced team in many years . The Gade harriers swept through their preconference foes with only one narrow 31-24 loss to Fullerton. Undaunted , the leatherlungs proceeded to thrash their Metro­politan Conference foes. By doing this they won the Conference dual meet championship with a perfect 7-0 recot·d . They again proved their worth by solidly trouncing all their Metro foes in the Conference Meet.

Other impressing titles which fell to the swift feet of the B . C. harriers were first in the Aztec In vi­tational and the only Metro team to finish in the top five at the Mt. San Antonio Invitational. How­ever, the icing on the cake came when the cross­countrymen put together their most fantastic effort and won the gruelling Southern California Champi­onships . At the same time they avenged their only loss to Fullerton by defeating the Hornets by 32 points. In the following State Meet, the Cades again proved themselves by placing third among all the schools in California.

The outstanding runner this year was Frank Rod­riguez and the most improved runner was Mike Avila. However they were backed by other nota­bles as John Lopez , Ray Cruz and Noel Hitchcock.

As was indicated by their record, the Gades es­tablished supremacy in Cross -Country for the second straight year.

Molinat· paces himself across nart Pa1·k landscape .

FRONT ROW, left to right: Tony Gonzales, Ray Cruz, Leonard Rodriguez, Augle 1\lunoz, Ray Lopez. SECOl\'tl ROW: Richard Molinar, ~oel llltchcock, Mike Avila, John Cross, Frank Rodriguez. BACK ROW: Coach Bob Covey , Bill Steele , Brian Castleman, John Lopez, Bob 1\!onslbais, Coach Norm Hoffman.

Rodriguez earns his M. V .P . award by winning another race.



FRONT ROW, left to right: l\1. Mills, C. Lattig, B. VanRiemdysk, T . Kleine, C. 1\lendenh:tll , R. Shippey. SECOND ROW: T . Lewis, B. Auld, J . Hahn, T . English, R . Senn, S. Watlennbbe . BACK ROW: R . Rnpplcy , T . Rutherfot·d, R. Johns , D. Fidler, B . Gibson, M. Artz.



Although their 7-10 season r ecord doesn't show it, BC's Water Polo team demonstrated to many conference foes that they were not the worst team in the league. The Gade mermen, despite their ine>."Perience, proved to be unpredictable by over­coming complacent teams at very inopportune times.

Randy Scnn, All Conference Guard, and Todd Ruth­erford were outstanding aquamen , but the rest of the team deserves recognition also.

• •

Frnntic action by n gnde goalie saves

Gade merman strokes for bn11 held by the opposition.


another game for the Red and White.

Outstretched arm is to no avail .



Hoy Jones shoots ror the Gades third basket.

Jones being outjumpcd by 6'3" rorw:u·d '1110llHlS

r>lorris .


J . Mears, C. Collins , D. Pratt, L . James, H. Jones, S. Smith, A. !Till , D. Bcrnat'd, D. Rangel, B. Stinson, Conch Bill Nelson.

Gades. • • Victorious

The Big Red held the ball many times throughout the games this year .

Proud. • •

. . • and in defeat.

Gades strive in victory ...


And some coaches got angry at the officials at the games .

To Be a Gade.

Persistence wns the key to the "Gndc" tcnm this yenr .

Wrestling Team. • •

Strength in hands.

Pinning holds were In abundance this year.


A tanglement of arms and legs makes up a wrestling match .


Facial expressions told the story of victory.


Don Lundgren goes after a pin to add to the "Gade" winning column.

Renegades • 1n Action

Don't be afraid Tom, its only a camera.

WRESTLING TEAM--FRONT ROW: R. Rameriz, J. N'igos, D. Jones, A. Roberts, C. Herrera. BACK ROW: R. Bl:idges, T. Estrada, A. Doris, J . Robesb.-y, D. Lundgren.

Carl nerrera in action. 87

Off t.he Ill ocks first assures a better time.

Swimming. • •

Breaststroker pulls ahead of his opponents.


• • .A Grueling Sport •

Relays were very much a part of the B. C. swim team.

B.C. tankers worked on style and times until perfection was reached.


Gymnasts practice day after day to perfect their form,



The High B.'lr, one or be most dlfrlcult piece or apparatus.

'T'hc Vault ..... ... ...... .

and the form ns demonstrated by Steve Ketchem.

Muscle training, ve1·y much a part of the Gymnastics team.

Gadc golfer swings into action.


92 Putting was the key to the Gadc team this year.


Straight elbow and perfect stance add to the golfer's form .


Practice, practice and more practice makes a good game for the B. c. Tennis team.

Tennis • • •

Steve Striker returns long serve from opponent.

Tennis .............. . ........ the outdoor sport .

• • • A Sport. • •

Only a talented few achieve perfection.


Snyder serves to Long Beach man in an early season match .

• • • For Everyone.



1581 for another Gadc discus man.

Facial expressions much a part of the track season .

As discus Is thrown faces turn mean.

Practice Makes. • •


B. Cite over at 5' 9" and another Gade win.


Pole Vaulter strains for heighth.

BC hurdler s go fot· anoth~r ¥ win

With a blur and of action hurd! • . . • • . es nrc jumped

.••• races are won

This year's edition of the Renegade track squad had its work cut out. With the loss of the of prime sophomores and the defense of their Metro crown, the Gade Spikers strove for excellence . The Gademen had successes in early meets and proceeded to make a fine accow1ting of themselves .

John and Frank lead the pack for the mighty "Gades . "

Preston receives the baton.

Hitting was a main factor in the gadc horsehJders this season.


First base, a frantic scene for the gade nine.


Glen Jones, key man for the Gade Baseball team.

You have to keep your eyes open to hil the ball.


Another strike for the "Gadc hudcrs.

Home plate was the scene fo1· many of the gadc batmen.

Foul Tip!