mm ____ a J-X ’r • ’ "..-■l r" _ , ___ ^ '7^:1'^ V ... ^ . ■i-- ■» ," ' V-i^; '.i'-' ' ,-. I ■■ . , •”r - - . r-.- . HEMLO kL ■• MwuaMo^ ~-|><trtm«i." •-' BOnOB UlUlwd Bo^ jssns^Si&rfjr^^^^ 55R5tLhwtia«^^ Th* TIM M StMT •! QiACOO kUSINESS. UNHAPPY EXPW688 MEN. Tk« *«w BivUaA **»* IUk«« Th»» Hull* !•• Tb« gMM oC tneMfOttt which the N«w EngUnd twilroAd oompAnr u d the United 8 tetec,£x|>aM OQmpany nre pinying M nn intorMUng om to nn ' obMrrcr, but fllghtly too exoiUng too btwtotheezpTMiOoinpnny. At ~~ ch M ^ ■tetioo U(e ia tu t losing Us ehnnha fOr tht employ eu of the u - pm s oompanj. The loonl bueibeM has been Terr bi*V i since the temporarr bridge want down and it w u abontihat time toat the game opened, the railroad company leading off. fhelr Brat more wu, so ft ia under- stood, the iuuanoe of a gensral order to pu ienger train, coaduotors forbidding them to hold their tralna aaeoond longer than the scheduled-time for leaving for the'poilMM of discharging or receiving '^ e a i^ mniter.-tSIs haa, HatUfttny, caused much annoyance to the exprew company. A t Manchrater it is particular ly felt at the 8.80 a. m. train which carriea a large amount of exprew matter. This train formerly made a Jelsately atop at HSneheater; now its ^eery brief and.the agpopa-Pum-. havetf week Hfeg detocas Bniah jteiieadlng befou the than - they don’t “Wtef-traelni in front tthe departure ofthte ntanappeara-,,- I h* V ' riira u u d tiondt . coat, __ , paokaganmd pr»m- m strewn abi*’ ............. , $i,te».7aAi bends or reels., hat his busy bralj mqmantoue qua diaima^d “ Shall | Just as he arrive baaed on hiaown el ing, that unleaa tg men would never I to him that a hia mental ,pro ni,SM.lT soana.M OaoaaAaana, - Usaninaa:,, Aaaonnt reqalred', tadDsara all PollctM, aet,. Cpmpanr’a iter ai, IBM, fer,;M,7s».et / »• ■>'. \ l,ltl,lt7ll.U 801^ . - • »f.w».aw « per oent - •ItAWCta.m 'I S JJl 60 B L 6 iiEEIlE.PrttidMl ---JOHN M, TAYLOR. Vloe-Praat, BDWARD M. BUNCB, Saoratary DANIBL H. WELLS. Actuary. ttIU T.H H iSI,ltM tllltN l Room IO. Company Bldg-. HARTFORD. - - - CONN * r A COURT or PROBATE AT jOL Maaetiaatar, wltnla aad ftw tha dlatrlet olMAttolMaUr. oa u e 9 d4 <Ur of R. WOOD.Kaq.a JadM. of .WlllUm j. C«rr, of MoboCWer* trtift* ■tid « U t « , and the tald tMlM toTpTo DabUjDn^tlM to VtM cr«lltoTt MfiC ta toolr olalma within fiald time i * 7 tMatlng * oo|V of thU ordar on ton n poti MOTMi to tbo whe uV m wttbln tho anld town In ildddiiUlota Inoolvont. On notion of William H. Blbwortta *^B p 8 bBD—That thrae moutba from th* u n ^ y ot rob.a a . l). bo and tbe t^ino am llaliad and flowed for tbo orodltort wtcbln wbtoh to .bring In tbotrclalmi •aid inUieo . iilootntho crodrmmtO ' I fiald time allowM public boro tbf ___ ..jIn tta« cald town andb| pnblkbing tbo aamo la «om« aowtnapor. bav< fag A gSrenlatlon In aald probate dUtrtot* vluitft H days from tbo data of this order, a ^ mturn make to tbU court of tbo notleo alvona ^ ^ ^ -T».-. OLIN R. WOOD. Judu A T > CX)URT OK PBOBATK HKI.D AT Jt\, yManchntar, vrltLin and tor ttie dlvtrlot " 'eini^aBobeater. oath, CM day ot Kebruarr, ^E^ bTo U N R. WOOD. Esq . Jude* K«laU of William J. Carr, •boiur. In oald dUtrlct, Ir oolvont ^Oniiotion of William H. ElUwortb, tnutoo of oald InaotTcnt o«tato. / ORDCRKO-TbatoommlmlonenitomoolTO / and oiamlno tbo clalmo of tho croditoro ot ■aid mtalo bo appolntod at tbo probate offloo In ^anebootor, on the 9tb dajr of Februarva A. DslBWat toVlockfn tho loronoon and tntooonrt dIrooU tho cald tmotoo to giro pnbltonotloo by pooling a copy of thU order ontnopnbllo olgnpoot In tald Manebeotor, > ntnrmt to tbo place where tbo inaolvoot dwoUa on or before Febmary Sdd, A. U. IM , a ^ i by advortldoc * ----------- baring a circulation In In M>mo nowopapor ■aid prohoto dlotnct war at nald ___, _______________ ___ >tlm to Mhld ilntmont on or before Febuary 96, 1666, to all potoono Intoreolod to appear time nnd place and bo hoard ' appointment on or beroro Febuary so, lom, and return make to tbto court ot the notice ,O L I» R, WOOD. Judaa. ANNOUNOEUENT. Vm .H .PDSt CarpetCo . aip Aayluin SL Wa. H Pmt, piwldeat aad manager. (Lata Wm. H. Pwl A Co ^ It was night . taafe ^ ^ bIb WatWMaW: eXBCL As for the re |,c«ilw.LBi«Mt Dealer, oSook on the Nortt ia W m >Stas,. had not struck, out ' ----- would haveUrenatr Iq ^Uaglwildt will begin In hudutaw aura tw » Steoaon of • large to- tha glorious tooon agh. The building will tie fluey, ahlftlng cioi 1 will be built in the rear which partially re « i North liaiu street It made vlaibla hy|th< ground now occupied by llghta-extingulalie Olijr sheds, which will be ousiy by Vote of ai Tha building will be two At thU witohli * • lower story being used three conditions, a • * shed mom. The floor wending hia way i x unusually strong and Hard street—a uiai iMIag almost any weight, hour of the nlgh^ioor jwill be used almoat 'or the storage ot cased iareiir of the new building |ha ptreent ,packing house, .Mirs of both being pn the A large door will connect as fast as the tobacco ia will be rolled into tliu ig on hand trucks, thus rapeuM of cartage, iporter vialted the packing lit a cigar. He beWsF aiid tlie prooeaa of sort- organiaed band ofckldg waa thorougiily ex and only smokes m by Mr. Adolph Hartman, chance of being asf t men were at work sorting Aa hh oast the nv the'95 crop. Many of tlie something black In n Bouth Windsor and all of nureraodcautloui «pe»l»nced workers on lo- with the ferule of I f take Uio tobacco Ju,t aa It of life followed i f H>e fartner and. With poke by a kick, A l-t seems matveloua lo aiau foliowed clof »•'« “'“"y different of the kick. «• '* wlirr-wtWclr the breaking episode *wtod may be Judged from which the reportojiit twelve different grades are Illness) recognlsefelieh lot. The U-sl Is used in fled that lie had kfleture of 10 cent cigars and what is known as !«• alilpped abroad, most of it stooped down, and. where It is made into cigars. ahnok-M 'fiSWqMl'-.* penny eacit. Tlie Englisli, seeceedidtoa*^**® . ■■»eko pixirer U.i Resting id-lianfany nation in tlie world. At flrstihF^" ■ « “ * ** ***^ ’®** *•■*' P"* **"der a VllVilheldf-ff“ ' I’” **' »in“ '* preu used on a cotton platilaUiin; when- the bulk ia reduced suffloieiHly, tlie cover it nMled oh and the case taken W the warehouse, wliere it remains In sweat for several mouths. The tobacco now being packed will not be placed on (he market liefore next fall. As each is'iincktid a Binatl'sample of tlie tobacco in it is.taken and nmiibered witli the numliH corresponding to tlie number on tlie case. This sample is guarantei-d by Hartman Brothers to be of tlie mine quality aa’tbe tobacco in the case whuee number It’lwart. The flriii have been in businesa four years. Baglnning in. a small, way. they have gradually worked up a lurgu Iradn so that toia/ they are Hie largest pack era of (ofatood-in llift state. There aie Arms in tie state wlio do a larger liiisi ness than' Hartman Brothers, but they are sgenis of Hew York houses and not independtut Arms, The aucoesa of Hartman Brotliers ia - due to tlie fact that tliey rigidly adhere to and fulllll every made. Ail, or nearly all of lhelA|£»-are by sample.' Whole- sale oig^Pmiuiufactureri and lotiacoo dealers have found that wlien they order a eonnignment of lobanro fipm them by aample the qualily of the goods is just as guaranteed. Tlie experience of the firm lias been, once a customer has bMn secured ho is easily, retained.- They are now shipping tobacou to pesrly all parts u( the United States. While tha reporter was sitting l.u- flieir oflice yoatorday a telegram. from a leading New York <dgar niaiiufacturiiig firm requaatliig tlie shipment of a large ord- r. A t almost the same time an order was reoaWed by mail from San Frariuisoo. The Arm lies recenll.r made large sales to parties ill Evansville, Iml. Ur. Hartman said tliat a largo |>art of the noa-success of Hie growers of tobaoug lay in Hie fact tliat many ui them'aUeiiipted to irack and grade their own tobacco ready for sale to mamifact- urera. Tlio wholesalers liavo found tliat when they buy from Hie growers direct the tobacco is usually illy-aiworted anl poorly packed. Mr. llaitnian said Hiat where hlH iirui usually make 12 different grades from a stiigle lot, Hie grower uaually makes Imt 'lliree. lie cited inatanoes ot growers « ho refuse lo sell to packers, prererting lo sell direct to manutaoiurers, stid wlui, by so doing not only fsil to receive ss large a price at they would Imre, l>ut wlien tliey do sell instead of Hieir eustomer being satlaflad, aa he would liave been had he bqught from Hie firm of profesalonal packeta, he waa profoundly'disMtisHed ['and in many cases coRtidereil htniself a victim of a. bunco game. Tlie con- clusion readied by Mr. Hartman wai that in (Kis business as in all others the amateur cannot hope to successfully compete with those giving tlieirundivid -ed attention to tlie business. West- It •u,as3.M»At of Mao- arraiBB ABOUT TOWN Hiss Cora Perry apenl ^ n d a y ■ with friends in Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poet, of port, atisYlalHiig aliF. U. Hale's A daughter waa bom to Otto Hau- schullB, of Haokmatock atreet Haturday Mr. and Mra I. N, BHnn, of Rast Hartford, were the gueata of friends In town over Sunday, - Tlie East Hartford Maiiufaduring Oo. nave shut down their peper mills in Burnside until May IsL Teams are drawing stone for the new Oatholio church at Vernim and work on the foundation will aoon'begin. Mr. and Mrs. James Stannard returned Monday from a brief visit to Mrs. Stannard'a home at Westbrook. The Tramway oonipeny will soon be- gin work on.a dwelling lioiise, near the power house, to be <x:cupieil by Hie en- gineer. Miss Maggie Murkley, Hie chspifier maid who sccldentslly shot beySelf at Ckiwlea's hotel, Is rapldiy,.iriiprl)vlng at the Hartford liospItaJ. The Young Meii’a-Cliili- will altend 81. Marys's cliurch in a body Hiia evening. Rev. John Williams, of Windsor Isicks, will preacli tlie sermon. All are cordial- ly invited. V The happiest fatlier in town is Williuiil S. Bostwiok, perscripHon clerk at ,JVel- dnn's drug store. His wife presented to him Sunday morning iiandsomo twin dauglilera, William H. Rllsworth has been ap- polni.ed trustee on tlie insolvent estate (if WiVlTahi 3. Carr. ' Ooiinni Iseidnera M r tlie reception of claims will he appointed by the probate court next Saturday. Drake Poet will give a sociable at CTieney ball Tuesday evening of next week. The* arrangemenis will l>c llie same as at tlieir preceding B(wlBbles ex- cept tliat Hie Slipper will Iw muitted and tlie price of adiiiisslim.; will be reduced from 85 cents to 2S cents each person. At R meeting of the Manchester Fm)t- Iwll Gluli Monday evening Hie bdlowiiig pOlc'era were elected; President, Timo- thy Doyle Jr.; vloe presh|(;i't, M--J. Couglilln; llnancial secretary, Gliarles Iverson; recording secretary, John L. Ferguson; treasurer, Oeorge (iammons; captain, Jolin I,. Ferguson; vice-captain, M. J. (^lighlin. The club also oomplet- e(l artaiigenieiits for Its daiice to id- giv- en in Morton's IihII next Satiirdny even- ing. Twenty-live memtiers of Crescent Lodge, I. O. O. F., of East Hartford were guests of King David ijodgo Friday evening, when the second degree was worked on eight cRiididates. Fully 100 of the home hxlge's own niemliers were there to Idd the visitors weicoiiie. After the work was. Hnislied a collation was (terved in tlie lower hall, speeciies Were made liy Nolde Uraiid Saunders, C. F. Uradow, and DoWllt C. Clark (>f Oria' cent Lodge and Past (iramls iiatlmway and Hutclilson of King David IsHlge. HUQH MONTddl Pteassd BRY’B LECTURE. Aodicaea al INSTRUMENTAL. MUSIC. A OvaaA SB«TMta4 la Kasto Bas rafOs k UnUWaa of Baasasa. I beileve-tbat the oompuer loMW what ha-wantwi In tbo way of touea. Therefore I will play exactly what ho wrote, so nearly aa 1 can. I believe thet the bar is intended to abow the piece of the strong pulM. Therefore 1 try to 7 <iiioo the accent npon the tone written ct after the, bar. I believe good t.'j’thm is'at the very foundation of m- lior Therefore I w ill ;endeevor to k(- p an even time, without bhriying or al: kening. . And if any diffaranoae-fn movement are to be made between thb easy and difflcuU parts of e ooinpoai tiun 1 believe that, aa e rule, the more difflcuU parts should go more npidly tbaii the others, inasmuch aa i f ey in dioate greater iuteoilty, and perhapk bravura. 1 belihve that ntnaio la eeaenUally a uie^gefnim the oompoaet, or a picture painted in tones. I w ill try to play it as if I knew what the message waa, or as . ' ] ■ . -• 'VO '.—r: l . s... -t . ■.='? ■ An riidienoe of ( f t persona Itstenail to Rev. Hugh Mnnlgmery who leotured at Cheney liall FiUay evening under tlie auspices of Wsliington tsidge. UO. J m MrtMufltgPaierwaMrlliodlitmlnl^ ter at present pfe a ^ irig in Lowell, Maao,' For years he J|Ks been known as an outhusiasHc jlmp-Tance worki-r and lecturer, anp ha has spoken on Uiakaub- ject in Msireiieater. Tlie South' Mauchestvr liand occupied •eaU on tha platform and played aov- eral Hiiiea before Hie lecture Ix-gaii. Edward Agard i-receded tlie speaker with R eulogy of Wosliiiigton and lliere was music by Jii-nes Alikin and Hise AUUIii and singing by James Velcli Jr. ... TInyspesker^ tlie evening was intro- du(!ed by Thomas J, Oardliier. WTieii lie stepped forwar-1 tlie audience Hkw a tall, broad.sliouldere<l man, with thick, , , , whlteh«lrand«..i.(mlh-slmven face. H eilf » ll»* bogttii l»y giving II UiilorT during whicli lie ssld tliat St. Patrick waa iK-ver in any sense a Catholic and never Imwed ullegiiincirlo any pqie or potentate. He said lie was favor of all patri. otic Hovlrties. He did t^l mention Hie American Proteolive Association, belter known as tlio A. I‘. A„ during his re, marks, iilHioiigli he is known ns an active menilierof. that organixatioii^ lie dwelt on Hie public scli-nd ijiies- tloii at leiigtli. Scolurlan sciiools, were, Tm sabtr ebliHWy t-t ttiB princlptex nf the American constlliitloii snd Hicir teacli- iiigs were a iiieiiltce to Aliiericiiii liisll- tutions. DUiing Ibe coiiiiH-of ids remarks lie read extracts from « laiok wliloli lie said was a text book iiK.-d in piirochiiil hc IkmiI h , 'i’lie lodgi-cleared nlmutf-lh from Hie lecture, Mr. Montgomery expressed h desire te speak again in .South Maticlies- ter and It is sai-l In- will do so Irefore long. at any plaoe in a composition where the effect is improved by so using i t ^ e s e places will be where there is a tone of melody lo bo held after the flngore are taken olT it (in irrdur to do SometbiOB elsb), gr where it is desired to improve tho rotonuuoeof tho pianoforte. When I haven't any reason for using tho pedal, I will leave it alone, for few things are more obJooHnnuble than the abseut- mindod liugcrlng upon the pedal wbleh wo often hoar from badly taught stn donta luasnmch as uinsio is a massage, or a ptCTttrc; ■from- rite' iraaRtnary-worH-of the ideal, it followa that there must be grout dlfferouoca in Uie quality of pieces of, music, according to tho mind in com- posers, and acooniing to the especial mood of a oomposer at tho moment of writing some choicest worjr. And it shall be my endeavor to kuoW os many as possible of those pieces of piusio best worth knowing, and when I kngwtliera, to ploy them with all possible atr^reoia tlou and in snob a way as to iudnoa my lioarers to love Uicm and enjoy them.. in d l^j^ilgjil^ss of the New Qi Arriving all i -’f time at HALING B l Have you. tricl our Just aa fresh as if pickcti r itulled Cum in full qo cents |Hr can. .. v. ‘ Canned (Jorn'and USnq ail kinds and prices. Qellcated tastes are s| Meadow Sweet Citaaaafc.-itl 10 cents each. Deviled Hfm, fine for Si) Have put in a Baking P (l and half pound cans, Isf Bros. We will giiaTanteel Royal or Cleveland and pif cts. fier pound. Will | eitlier Wasliington, PjL Windsor, Coturabiayii^lll Tea. . L E JH ^N G< ST Threa Ronrst Tramjis. . Tramps are very iiumercjua all about Hi> state this winter -and one Itenrs many funny stories related by men who liaye been “ louelied" by these gonlry recently, north end man had a novel experiei^ with three weary holxiea Munday afternoon. He was crossing Depot square wlien Hieir spokesman approaclied lilm and began Ids tale of woe. - "L'lok here Ikiss," said Hie tourist, “ we've got 12 cents and we wanler gel three more so we can each get a scliooner." "1 am afraid you will got soiiu-Hiiiig to eat with the money if 1 give it to you," replied the Manchester man. “ You bet your life we wont," said Hie hobo willi much earnestness. He got the money. OBITUARY. ' ' -,Clnm»tiade-ttnnrtT-x^»" Mrs. Cbarloltc Taylor Uiiiilliigloii dli-(| at iter boms on Center street, near Main, early yesterday iiiornUig. Mrs, fluntlngton wo.s larrii in New Haven j AugilHt 8, 1808. 'i'or a woiiiuii of tier : ago her liealtli bud io-eii rctiiuikably | good until Mondiiy of lust week vvlicii 1 she bad an uiaipli iic sbock which ooin:> pletely paridyxt-d her left side uiid fr-ro, « hich she never railied. When she w h. s four years old lu-r iMircnls rtlmivcd to New where slio 'married RcV. EuocMluntliigt-'li, t-iitor o( 8 t. J-din's cborcli of tliat jiLii c. In 180.5 Mr. lliiiit- Ington moved tel Uanebeater and tiecaiiie Hie llrst rt-HliJeiit piatet of St. Mary’s parish.' He dh-d in ^1877. After Ida (JeSth Mrn. Tiiiijtliigthn ''duntlnued to and her dsugliter, iinlliigton, living tu- niitington was th-- iUdreii',_four of wbom bey are Rev. Jolin Hartford, Saiiiuel (J. Mrs. Soplda H.-srdsU-y A SImpIs Beb(K>l Unis. A useinl school dross may be raad^ sorgb, with silk yoke and nuduryieeves. Tbo yoke extends to the bgak and is lined, but tbo skirt, betog-'made of a heavy make of sorg^-vrtll not need IL The fullness of Hi9.-kklrt is sot into the yoke. Tho bacUi whore the dress fastens, is a repotUMu of tho front, a baiid of fancy bi»la or galloon giving a pretty kdike Trout, Mackerel, l l -ere. Sardines in oil (Imi Sardines, American Sairdli I kiX. U. C. Rowe & C<1 Oysters received fresh aver| ing. -V. FRXnTp||j^a reside here. H| Miss Sarah W. goHier, Mrs. molhci' of seven i arc now living.J T. iluiilingtun lluntlnglun audl of Monroe and k|isa Harab W. Humiiig ton of this placi Mrs. lluntiiigton waa a woman widely known aud respected in Maiicliea;er, •Slio nuiidiered among her ftieoda many B generation or two younger than her- self. The ruiiitt'ai will be tield in Ht. Johii’a cbmeb, new Milford, ut mam tnniorrow. j • • llutif|r lloelifiirr Ton Uiero were tliriMi pemonH in Hie family p( Frederick _. .Flne. Iine of. Figs, , Or Pruiias ah^islos. IHAUNG 6 Successors to Oooi;Kel I5muI 470hHrter Oetk Bt.s IE] 7 There are Plenty of Featt / which ] *re ■ HAftford.ConR. Fifth season in our new lo- cation, 2,19 Asylum St Most accessible and convenient for the trading public. A street car passes our door every two minutes. How to get best results in House Furnishing is being successfully demon- strated without a lavish ex- penditure of money. ' fiarpitt. Dripiriit, Lin CstiiM, WifMiiwSktitt, Floor filttk. ^ iittfaltllt S 19 ASYLUM 5T., HARTFORD. V b JMb *. Wur aat». — ;—-— Wanted, «U CABH TO U M T -T b a proparty koowa aa * SanasdaQalaB tana at Oakland Th* ran aaartermi, For ^ at No. *OL JLP. worth, -IllBO,OtB.Aat- ' tihocln th* rtanta Bend Lynn, Raa*. tAvhuagL M8L 4 jBoJ.hn w anliabi* lorwoft. Alionvtral thoiu. - Kasaar Bre*. tltf Th* Halratlon Array Itilplur*. The last few days have been ralber exciting onea for members of the Sal- vation Army everywliero in the United Slates. Yesterday afternoon a Herald reporter interviewed several of the lead- ing inrmliers of Hie local cor|w wiHi a view to ascertaining Hieir views of the trouble now existing Ik-1 ween Ueneral BooHi and ids son Bsllington. All were reticent but enougli was learned to Justify the opinion Hint the local soldiers arc a unit in support of Uciicral Uootli. The rtporler saw a circular letter issued from headquarters since Ballinglou itootti and his wife left. UaMington Booth’s name appeared at Hie'topof the page as commander. Just as tliougli nothing had hapfiened, Thd contents ot Hie letter have not U;en printed in any of the.newspapers. It urges the soldiers to stand firm; not to be divided by newspaper reports' and not to take hasty action wlilch they mav Vegret later. _ ----- . liusband, wife apd son. A ww-k ago to- day the Intiiband was burled and yester- day Ids S '111 was laid besjdo him. Only tire ohlldlt-ss and widowed mother re- iiiklns. I About live weqks ago llemy II<H»pfner, the son, a young man 21 years old, w.is I taken ill with what was tlioiigbt to Iw malaria. He giyw worse and Hie duesse fliiaily develop^ fiito biaiti -Jcver, At tin- lime of tilM father's funeral tbfe doc - tors knew he could not recover, and bat- unlay be dicii. The funeral was held at 81 , Mary's oliurcli yesterday after- noon at 2.iJ 0. Rev, Hugo R. Krdimuiii, pastor Hf the (iorman latHicriiii Comair- dia roiigrcgntion olHciaU-d. Tlie iiull la-arers were Theodore-Schmidt, diaries Brokofski, Wim Bronke, Otto Wiknoe- ky, Uiuis Kristoand Fred Server, Beau- tiful Howers weW contributed liy Ids fel- low worknii 11 in the dressing room at liie silk mills, 'The burial vva* at the east cemetery, . _____ _ > BcDoui, snsss or sxnoE. fluisb to the neck and yoke; also to onffs and shoulder frills. Those latter should, when made and trimrped, bo tacked to the upper part of the sleevoa, which are of the old fashioned coat sbaiM}, but ratbor larger at tbo top, and I botb must bo inserted in tbo armhole i togotber. For a girl of 10, yards of ' 45 inch serge and ‘i\i of silk bougaline H , r,.,.r w*'* reqateod. The yoke may be of nw piner,. material as tho drew when so fmHL- , ; (SundkJ Our line will beat examination as re-1 gards either STY^ RT, F id OR wdinuiisHip. csired. '“ l KAVE BOUTH MANC!^.S;SIl ----- , ^ chesur; 5.30. 7.40.8 08, 0.40, 11 08, lid ., 1.40, 1* ^ 5 x 8 1 1 ^ ^ 8 .- The 7.40 a. m train -rom n*cts St Manchester for HMtford ,«nd York: th* 8 38 lor and Providence; the M.iufor Itsrlford and Now York: the l l i » fm I Now \ork luwl KorkvUlo, th# 1.40 I p, m. for l/arltord. Now York snd and Roatem 1til* 5.311 for Provldenre, llartterd and Now Yorl: the 7.*l for llarttonl and Kockvlll^ LEAVE MANCHEbl KR for 8odth Man- l ohester: 5 48. 7AI. 8 - 8 0 , 1*.05. * SK Ijeo, 09),8.UUp. m. . , e. , I Connectlux with trains of tho New Enaland **t'Vvoce’nts discount on tickets purchased at the depot, J*. O. OtlEXer, Oen. Uffr. w LIEUT. CHENEY RESIGNS. Olhav Datle* Demand Hie Atfoniton — CwatpaayU-* Hlah Flaurr of Merit A t the .meeting of Com|wny Q Mon day niglit First Lieut. J, P, Clieuey aiuiounced to the compsny his inten tton to resign. LieuL Cheney's reialious with the company have been very pleas- ant imd he told them he wished them to nnderxtand it was through no loss of interest In the organization .that he naignad It was simply because other dutiM seemed to have a stronger claim than the atote, (3hrney baa not yet forwarded __ captain bia offleial rasignation but B|4|. do so soon, if ft is approved a iiMating Trill ift hold at nnrtti toaiaittbia aiinntaanr LieiiL' Cheney has made a popalar and efficient oflloer. Heiaone of the DriM rifle absta in the brigade. Oomiiaay Q is making a good record winter. Its flgnra of merit for Jan- uarM second only to that of ComjEy^C, of Rockcille, which aoored 100. ___ ! of drill next Monday ipaoy will have a smoker. At ll night thel All health i OoBft." , WMk*n.| elements oooduciva to jid in “ Ayer'f Hygienio natare’a food lor brain- Several yeari ago Mr. Reed aud Ur. Oingley aUeuded a dinuer given by Roswell F. Flower, who was then a member of oongross, Mr. Reod it not a dribkiug man, but takes a glass ot wine when be feels like IL Mr. Diuglcy, a total abstainer, was on tbii occasion the only man at the table who eachewed the bottle. While oouviviallty was at its height Mr. Dingley was called from the rixun for a moment Mr. Beed noticed tbo abeenoe of bis oolleague, and with great anxiety began looking under tho tablA “ What la the matter, Reed?" said the hdat, " I waa looking for Ding-, ley." laid Reed, with a perfectly straight face.—Uoaei P,. Handy in Ex- ohauge. _____ How W* Dw, Data Thaail It la said that the>laikA seal herd in 85 years has -been reduced from .47,- 000,000 to 176,000. Amerioana appear to bate the seal and the buffalo a Uttia worse than they do a forest -of apiandid tnea.—SL Louis aioba-Damoont It aufferlug with piUe, it will Interea you lb know that De Will'a- WIteb Haael Selva will cure them. This medicine is a speoifio for all complaints of this ohamoter, and if inatructlona which are simpislare carried out, a cure wUi reaulL W e have tooted this in numerotia oases, and always with like rsaolts It naver fa ' ■ i Sira. Bllen 8- Ituee. Mrs. Ellen S.Roaedied.yesterday iiiorn- iog at tlie resl(lsnceof liorson. C.Il.Rose, at the age of 71. Site had Ikn - ii in failing healtlt for three years but was not seriously ill until within a_ week. The Imraediafe ca«aa.._of her death was bronchial pneumonia. Mrs. Rose was the widow of George U. Hose of Bolton, formerly of Wlllimaiitio. Since tlie death of her. htubanil, ove^ 80 years ago, siie has lived witlt. her eon, who 1s the only surviving member of a family sf seven children. She was a woman of many virtues and waa warmly lieloved by those wlio knew her well. Her funeral will be held at the residence of her son- Tliursday afternptm at 3.80 o'clock. Rev. E. P. Phieaner and Rev. C. H. Rsrliep will take fiart in the services. Tim buiial will be in Hie Center cemetery. Canavess ie Beielen. A trip to Waahington at this season la most atlrsetive. Take advanUge of reduced rates idlered by the Royal Blue Line. PersotMilly conducted tours organized by tha Recreetion Tourist Co. leave Hartford Feby. I9tli; March 27Hi, April 1.5th, May 6th. 119. 85 covers every expense. Address W, W. Jacolw A Co. Tick^ agents, Hartford, for itinerary, . ' BCCKI.BS'a ABMICA SALVE. The beat mlve in the world for cuts bruisea', sores, nloen, salt rheum, fare sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblaiua oqms, and a 1 akin eruptions, and poai- Uvely cure* pilea, or no pay-required. It ia oarhnl -d to give peiiect val.Ufao- thm or mon^ refunded; Price £5 Cents ror sale by C.lL 'Baae, Man- at Cheney'a drug atore Tesrb Children Belt Rellaaoa. I A baby shogld bo 'early taught self ! relinuco aud how lo shun daugor. Wbou I it liegiiiH to crawl.' it quite uudorataudi a firm “ No, no.” and will generally ! mind it. A child kept always in arms and never laid dovtn to stretch itself will bo yery slow to stand or walk. Very often children 3 and. 4 years old caniiuj bo trusted near a flight of stairs, while'yomiK®t 0“ ®* 8 ” "P safely because they have been shown how. I f taught to torn round when they appruaoh the stairs'and slide themselvoa down from stop to step, or how to clamber up on hands and knees, there will be hardly any accldontA The development of babies is often hindered by want of Self -ooutroi in those about them, for courage or cow- ardice may be taught by example. If a mother shows norvonsneaa when her child begins to walk alone, it speedily becomes timid, and perhaps gives up j the attempt for some time. If baby is GEAl Main 8 t. Irs; Hartford, Cobd.{ im FOR RENT. PRlilllNG t The meat market formerly . ht Qnuit Bros, coniieoicd etlL the hotel, all coo- venloncee. Klret claea opportutlly for tn* right man Big cash trad*. F. IF. flfJLX/N - Park ilitMtllRff. I d . C. Y. MOORE, M. D. Homoeopathic Physician A Surgeon 1 Oflice and Residence 1st Mala Street a South Mancheeter, Conn BALL PROUK date Designi ADMISSION Tl{ CONCERT PK' POSTERS, PLACARDS S In up-to- ;kETS. 7“ iRAnS. Hopns: 8 to to *. H. 8 toap.^. SnanATs; a to to A. u Z to 8 e. M. - \ 7 to* P. oxooaaiTely-B^mpalbizEd with and pitied when it moota with n trifling bump, it w ill cry and fret, but when the hurt is really trifltng^lt should bh exhorted not to mind and not to cry and very ioqo learns the lesson. Odd MbbUoo. The waitress should not remove the dishes between couraea until all the guests shall have finished eating. In washing grained wocxiwork use clear water or wei^ cold tea. When waiting upon the Table, the wgitresa ahtmld hand the platea.on the left side and remove them on tho right Clear, black coffee diluted with wa- ter and oonlaiuiug a little ammonia will oloou and restore black olothea. Boiled salmon ia nenally served with a rich egg sauce. An English authority claims that 8 onp ia richer if made in an nneoTerod stewpan. The safest way to oltan bronse ia to mb it with a soft cloiii slightly mola- tened wlUi sweet oil, yiolithing aftote ward with M Oil ebstuois. Correct WerkJ .■■.■80 .'.-.'. - ■t'VnGJBipiNI toOreryv: 1 LowPrl«f9.,_ 1 »RIHTERY SALE.; all Lan^ rl fughbred Black emales. i male) price ■ aiirl^ Thril'v f j erels.l Jl I Brahma Cock- lULTRY FARM. Box S s A , . *1 '■■C own. Prop* • Maacbaeier, Gosa I Glassware. Good assortment o f linty; designs in Tabfc- ' ware at very low prices. ---- AT— - 7^511-U S’ Novelty store. So. rtenchesUr Park Building. per box. cheater South duel B LIIU* Uonimon Henee. %%«!jhoUy knows that ihe beginning <11 c.imKuinpti'ui te npMly always S IJItle Cl .(gli or cui-1. The iiiipui l^iice of put (iii< an end itaickly to throat troubles is VP. y great. \Vi> niako b road clatiff that Taylor’a Horcliound Baham is-the very, v-.-ry b «t cough remedy’, that has ever been made. For 15. long years it has stood tho test, and we have thousatids of lestimoniala from thaiikfal people. Many were oared after trying; ererylhing else without getting relief. Whin kept tn the house it stands like an arrora guard ovar the iniprnaob of croup in tha night time. At SV.B.Cbeiiay'a and Chas. H. Boae’a a IKBERUN of EaM JBl Can S ] Good Iron cl PorsS'dMOt*' iBR ID fiE 60MPMY <4n , C’ oihi ., I You a - _ Steel Eoof, gianfoot. riw pa^eulara I HAVl •tudio. at and Fr»« . aUriskui ice to J. L. JodffOB my led. My EniraVtaa HAUEf. COVllS DINING ROOMS. ere pteesantly allaaled at No. 1* Main BtreeL Abbutiine minute’s walk from B. H. Btatlon. Palro s will -find" the best the market affords, at reason- able prices. —-W * make a Specialty of—‘ ProfidanoB RW jr Oyslefs in the ehell wiiirh W 6 also oiNiB on1*r, and •«11 Yiy®fai n ” lb « if«.rt..g to our jMrone a trfi^ article at all tln^. Our oem maka of ' — Pie. luto “ Eiitire Wheat** Breaff. BMt a teK waat. H» 6gre f«*“ >»*re*Mii« WEEKLY VOL. NO:. 51. MANCHESTER. CONN.,i WEDNESDAY JUNE 17. 1896. WATKINS BROS. CARPETS. / W e boiiglit too many Car- "pets this Spring and rather than cariV them over, we have marked them dtwn about 25 per cent, as follows ; We are Too Busy TO WaiTt EUBMITE UWTS. ABOU'T Town. .75 cent Bnissels, .iVA .80 ' “ SIA .90 " .65 $ 1.15 Body Brussels, .85 81.25 " 81.00 REFRIGERATORS. Come in and look at the Columbia. It is the best made. wViNtye the large Domestic RcIrigerntolV-Ccgular price $15 and $17, that wc^ithnolj $i 1 and $13 each. TRUNKS AND BAGS. You will need a trunk or bag soon. We can supply you with canv.as trunks from $2.25 to jji12.00, canvas bags and grips all gratk s. 'ATKINS gR(^. r — WE HAVE RECEIVED a line lot of straw hats for men. They come in different styles itktd at dilTerent prices. They are cool, they are dur- able, they are jaunty. They will retain their color, and their shape. They will give abso- lute satislaciion. A.LBrown&Co., DEPOT SQUARE. cM - A RARE CH ;^>ICE. 1896 Hartforil Bicycles Reduction in Prices. Patterns Nos. 1 and 2, from $80 to $65 Patterns Nos. 3 and 4, from $00 to $50 Patterns Nos. 5 and 6, from $50 to $45 Tin's ia Iho I k's! value for the money'olTeretl in tiKNlium innrhint*R. C O I.I 3 n X B IiL S The Standard of the World—nek now U h Iki* no coinjH'titorH, aini tl )>riee is fixinl nl^aolutely for the mMison of 1896 iit If you can’t buy a Columbia, then buy a Hartford. AH ( ’olnmliia nn<l Hartford IlieycU'a are ready for iinmeiliati* 4 l»*livi*ry- C. E. HOUSE, 241 MAIN ST. . r“ i;uT.uy phomatk iiki . dat lor tl;" illHlrl. I of ManrlU'Httir, on the 13th 14 Jwin'. A D Sb .. PreitcnUOLIN R. . .ludu'e. KrtUite of Mary (lUhttiiie, lateor^y’*'** ‘ li*r. In nahl illHtrU'l, iliM 'euM*il. oil motion of Franct'H 11. kVhlLtin. M. I> «*X4*mt4ir. ORDKUKI)-That h Ix monf Imrmiii IIm * l-'hh day of June, A. I>. IHUH , I m * uml the hjihh * nre linillrfl Hiid ullowcNt for Ihe rruflllorH within wlik’h to brloK In their uI h IiiimiitfaliiNt siihl c»*- Inte. and the wvid ext'uiit.or la fllre<'t 4 M l l<» S lve itnhlic.nfitlc** to the rreflUorn to lirin« in leir rlainiN wllfiln wihl lime hIIowusI hy hif( A ropy of IIiIhorder on the imhllcBljrn i^M iHt ni'iireHt to the plnre whert* the dtN'rnMNl hixt dvH'lt Mlthln hhI iI town and Ity pnhUNliinu the Hnine In Mmu* neWBtmiM'r hnviiit; a rirriilHtion ill Huhl proltale (Hetrlel, wUhin ten daya froin the dat4* of IIiIhonler. anil return make to thlH eourl of the notice irtveii. » OLIN H. \Vt>OI), A TAroUUT OF Via ManchetiU'r wUhln i taiU'.hcHtor. on the lU I'KOHATR IIKLI) AT In and for the dlnirlct I lUlh <lay Af Jane, A. l>. IMta. IVesent OLIN ,11. .WOOD, K«q , Juilffo Ktetate of Alfr^ (\ Hliiiiley, late of ManchoHler, In nald district, <hK*eAN4Ml. The Adiiilnintrator having exhltilUHl hiN ad* miniHtratlmi at'coiinL with wtld eHtate tolhlH Court for allowalice, it Is OliDKllED—That the 20th day of June, A. I>^ U66, at OoVloek forenoon, at the ProlMite In Mid Manchuater, Imi and ihexame tfl aseiffond for a hearInK on the allow- ance of Mid AdminiHlmthm Hcc<»unt with nnld •tktale,and this courtdlrectHthe Ailmhilntrat* r to Hive imblie police to all perHOue intereet4Ml therein to apiiear and he heani thereon hy puhtinhlnK aeupy of thla onler In Mime new>u paiwr havinir a circulation in Mid dlNtrict, and hy jioetliiff a copy of this oiYer on th<* piih lie NinniMwl hi (be town where the deceaeol laal dwelt, thrcfi da}*u lie.fore Mid day of bear- Inn and return make to thUcourt. J OLIN IL WOOlLJudne A T A COURT OF PUtHlATK IIKLU AT Mancheeter, within and for the dietrlct of Mancheeter. on the 13th day of June, A I)., IMMk i*reaent OLIN U. WOOD, Krq. Judne. Ketate of Andrew M. Kpencer, late of Maneboeter In Mid dlntrlcL diM eanod. Ution anpllratton of Sarah A. S|>enrer, praiinR that admlnlNtratinn be Hrantul on said estate, as per application on nie. It Is OHl)EUED:»That too foreffolntf application be heanl and determined at the Pn>lnte olDre In Mancheeter In said district, on the dtth day of June, A.D., UWk at nine o'clock In the forenoon, and that uotice be Kl>*en to all j>or- For Sale AT PUBLIC AUCTION A r THE Factory of the Waring Electric Co., IN TMF M^TlllCIt ni'll.llINlI Friday, June 19 th, at 10 o’clock a.m. One car|,>ohter’HHliop 20x125. parLilionn nml One wurehmiHt' 2flx.'lT». Water |>i|M* 8, |d|)OH, ayicAking liitkoa. OlTlce furniture includinK one Htnml- inR deak, tabh.^H, chairH, <*lectric desk liKiitB, copying prem. awnings, et<i. TwoaafcMt, one Gl xUTtxiU, one 40x29x25, Klectric dyimiiKNi, lx*lting and aliaft- iiig, wiiUdiman'H cl<H*k ami flxturee, iiiisceHaueous t^mall tools, lathes etc. Pi*r Onler WM. W. IIVDE, Receiver. llOWAKD-ti. HF-STOU,Atictioneer. EMIL W. SCHMEI8 KE Boots ami ShGos made and repaired. All work giiaranteotl. t ? ” All kinds of Rubber repairing at A L BROWN’S Store. Deptit Sfinare Manchester. sons interented In said estate of the pendency of Mid application and the time and place o( hearing Iberenn by pabllsblnK a .oop^’ of this onler once tn s»me newspaper havinir a clr cnlatloo In salil district, and by ikostinff acopy of t^ii ' ' pa the publlo stfnipnst in ester at least throe d a » E>eTnre the faearinR* to appear If they see cause* ilace aud Ite heanl relative retorn to this Court. LIN K. WOOD. Judge. Horse Shoeing and Beneral Jobbing-. GOOD WORK at UKAHONADLK PRICES SPECIAL atteutlun toTHO;prEliS John Fennisey & Go. Shop on Robert Watts* plaoe on Vernon Ht Msucltif ter On'«D, Conn. >- You will want a new Lawn Mower- The High Wheel Im perial is the best con- slruetctl Mower in the market without ah ex- ception. The Hay State at a medium price has so many good points we can not enumerate them here — The Victor at the price we .sell it has 110 eijual. Everything for the Lawn and Garden T o t h e h^Hlnto of Iho Into ( ’nll.'^ln llnlo, I w|ll soil the pro|M'rty Hitiintod on ( ’hnrtor Oak StriH't, nearly ppyxisiU* Haling llrofl.' Store, Ho. MiinelieHter, eoiiHlHting of n fourteen rtHmi lioiim*, Huituhle for two fnmilioB, nlno nn mhl- itional linilding lot, Tliia ia a di'nirable piece of pnij>erty, lK*ing loeaU*il on one of tiki* principal AtrooU and within five minuten' walk of post oiReo, wc Imm >I. trolh’V ears etc. Miiflt I h ' soM iM'fore July 15th. Tor terniK etc . Impiire on the preinim'H or nddri'tw H. R. HALF, Administrator, NORWALK, - . - CONN. THE ORFORD Hardware Store F. T. BbISH. ,SAYCmr ‘MB m m A Pure Fruit Juice M\I>K hV Hance Bros. & White AT $100 Uawinj Chung haa oih- ihsI n ljuiiulrv in itvlilarkor'a hulltllM i.vi I’ltio ntna-t, Tlip"short train s « n ^ la-tw-wM llart- fortl ami Kaat llartflm wna tliw-ontiiinol Humlay, One of tho big dfjr giHala Ht.in-a in llartfonl kcopa a bqy in front of tin etoro to check and cart'for tin- Liryoloa of cuslonn-rs, Rnuilay's hoar; anA-oomimnaia rnlnn rauMHl a poatponoim-m of tin- i-liiLlroirn liny serrioca In maty of the ('hiirohra until next Sunday, > Frank Oootx liaa put io a llvMioro. plectrio motor for use in rna-xiiiK li-»> croom. He olitaina'thr riimnit to run It from tho Irollny wire,- IVi-eidiag Eldor Ba(->i win |iroacli in tlio North Mothodiat timn-li m-xl Him liny morning and a.£liildron'H aorvioo ivill I h ) hold at 4,!I0 p, ni. Tho tliroo-yoarmld olill.l of Kiikoiio W iloon, of Union stret-t. iliod Haliinlay of apinal inoningiUa and tma l>itri<tl Hiinday in tho Center eomotory. Tlio Knlrt Hartford grango will funiish tho program at tha nn-otiiiK of Man- ohoater grango toniglil. At tlio ol.wo of tlio nioi'tiiiK Rupper *111 l«»> ho H-im I. The King's Dauglltom will ,^lvo n Hiipiior and ontertainincol at the Slorth inKrogntlonal ohurfli next Friday ovoning for tlio lioniUpt llio Miinoh<<Hlor fm ' lilirary. ^i Tho Mnnohodtor liall oino woh lM.nlon I WotliorHilold Iasi Snlnnliiy. Tlio x>rr* was 15 lo 5. ' Tho Sfiim-lovih'rH aiut TnlooUviU<>H nill plav nl WotMlInnd Park next Halurdny afloriioon. Tlioro wore many Ti-alori al tlio ninth iliHtrict BoluHiln yoati-iday aflorm.m. Rogulnr work *-as iB loogrow in all ll.o nKinis and iNirontM fouo'l llo' oiH-rnliooH of tlio Bororul dopartnii-iit* very outer Inining, A nu-oting of HiO ofilrigi iHuird of tlio Honlli MotlKMlint olnm-li will l.l liolil at tlio pnrHonago at olglit o'l-lix-k tomorrow ovoiilng, Tliv prayer mi-oting at Uio -Imroli toniglit n-ill Ih- in cliargo of llio KpworHi la-aguo, Tlio Otid Followa' inootorini oxorolHo waa |N>Hl|xiiiod from last Hiinilay. on m-- I'-ouiit of tlio rain, ootil tomorrow. Hhoiild the weather agnio prove imraror- iiLlo Hio momorial m-Mioo will luko plnro in tlio lixlgo hail. Tho Kill,, *H of (hr Maoouliot-a will •ololiralo their-.., niverimry at llioir hull 11 the llrown * PaUon .llUlldLllg to- morrow night. A (ifeasiag mterUln- moiit la >M'u»'-rr!>te|g;xLjarin>UDi>l to. fOllOWeG liyw-retr|Y|iew^‘ >-----.^ia.iis— w.v-a. ‘Tony" the aoap^ man niaihi Ida annual oall at Maiiolioatnr Hatiirtlay night. Ho attrartoil ii largo orowil to Ill-pot aijiiaro and «ont through ihi- aamo |a.rfornmnoo mi ho haa for tlo- ;iaat iloxon or moroyoara. A now- riilo w ill go iiitootfool at Laiirol Park today, lloroiftor tho prlco of ailmi-iHioii to tho dancing |uivillon w ill Ik 10 ot-iita, and poraona h-avliig tho vilitin iliiring tho itftorn(a>n may ro- ooivo ri-lnrn ohoi k, withoiil oxtrn hargi-, llola-rt Palnior i- huihling a rough ooll.-igi-for I-;. ('. Hilliard on tho high land north of Iho odil |amd. It will have ono naim down nlaira and alooping riamia m tho-a-oon.l story. Mr. Hilliard anti hia frionils will nao It to onmp out diirnig Iho Homiii. r, Tho anniml atrawliorry foatival at tho lliifkinglijon .ohmrh takiw plaoo thia ovoning. Thoro h.o-n’t lK>on a atrnw- TijiLLCOTTVILLE EX7 EN8 ION. Nni lo n* Olwrsiml ItelWr* Next Wook Th« work of ooinploting Iho Talcolt- vitlo oxtenoioii of Hio tramway niovoo alnwlr, althongli the oontraotora and tlio Tramway ooni|>any ‘* own men ar»> pualiing Ihinga aa rapidly aa ptnaihlo. Hiqiorlntendont Hall aald last night liial tho lino woiihl not l)o oiH-nial thIa wook, and aotmuMl to think Hint ho would U' doing woll If ho had tho oara running hy next Monday. Ororlioad work n<inaina to Im > done on the awllohoa on IK'ptil mpiaro and in Adnma atroot, paving on IV|<ot wpinro and iXllnatlng and oloaii- Ing up all along Iho lino. Kvorvlhing will 1 h >placral in |M>rfr(d oondlHon lat- forr' tin* oara are Htart<*<l ao that winm' tin* wrvioo la la-gtin it oaii prm-i'od willi- oul a(vhh*nt or liiti*rrnption. OCATHOFCAPT C U DISSCLL He Kx|tlrD«l Mitiulsv Xtornhiii Aflrr XXrs'k'a IHiiDn* Itli Ap|isti«llrltls— IHIlltsry Kiinrrai 'losBajr TWO CENTS. C H E N E Y ’S What, O What is the use — in my tryiiijv to tell yoii httw nice a barrel of llotir wi- sell lor $.1-2^, for you will never know what a nice loal ol breatl it makes till you try it. It wouhl do your eyes ^ood to let them gaze at the larfre bottle.s of best Lemon Ivxtract wo sell for 25 cents. California Yellow I’ie b'ruit Peaches 10 cents.- jicr can, three cans for 25 cents, is an unprecedented jtrice, and, do not think we shall ever be able to procure another lot to sell at this price. Have you used any f>i our best Rice, which we arc .sell- inj; at the rate of four pounds for 2.5 cents. li not moke haste and buy a qriartefs worth and see how good it is. Oiir, joy was complete last Friday, when we received some more of those egg plums and the purchasing price enabled ns to sell two cans for 25 cents. On tli.-it d.iy also we received some very large silver prunes, which we offer two pounds for 25 cents. At the s.ime time came some large black ones wJiich we offer for the same money, and judging the future by the past these goods will sell rapidly. J. E. MORTON Iwri) fchtival in Mi akktl InvrcH of Htraw I. hi(‘ (lH'm>tiUvi>H t<< Hinall .'knny toniglit K oikI. Ticki'th an* Hi'lliiU' forinanta' of “Tom ncliofitor thia year •rry Hliorlt'ako will MiickiiiRhiuii ill a if the weather lx* well for the i>er- whicli it) to I h* Kiven at Dii'm*) h\()| lotiiorrow* evoniiif; for Hu* l»enelU of si . Mary’i)'church. Thirt play, whit ll u;i ^iven at the wime plnck* lant winl* r, w ili U* reiiiemU'rml aa one of Hu* Im *. m I aniaiMir prmlueliona in many Ht'antinn. A toiiehinj{ iiu iiioi lal w*rvico w; ih hehl at Hu* South M* i I hmIi ,t church Hiiiulay ovoniiiK in coniurUoir with the chihl- r<*n*H Hervioi'H, for Hi*’ meiniMTH of (he •Siimlay Hi'hool who have ditul during Huiytmr, vi/.., lltHi* Hollie Hiitl, Alive A. Stanley and Mr«. kleorRe VV. KerriH. Thk* H<*rviee wa*4 prop ire<l hy Mra. R. N. Stanley. Nearly 75 vft(»*rH wi'fe pn*aent at Uie annual w Iuh)! of the M*vf*nlh or Biirklaiul iliHlriet Monday iiiKhl. The meeting wan held al tho fw'honl Iuhim* and it waH lilled to overllowiriK. The following oftieeru n ( TO eh*ete<l: ( ’om - mittee, (hs»ri;i U ' < iniiiionri; wvretary aiul treaftnrer, W' " C ow Ioh- colhn'tor, W. W. Rirtley. - Om* of tiu* three ei w- o|N*n enra. No. do, haa I m *«* ii placeii i-n the croHH*towii line.- It wan foijml afi**r Hteae earn ar- rived Hiat tlu* wLii'i'In on them were larj^er than tlioei* oti tlie oM enrH, thiiH making Hie carK pMi hi^'t) to puKH iintter Hie Valley railroiltl at ilarlford. Tlie trouble wnH remedied by ehar*»fntf the w I uh’I h on two of (hem. The Ihml waa put on the croHM-town line, where there are no hrid^(*a to pana under. Ferris BrotherH are tlie most patriotic (Irm in Uiwn. Tlu*y koep close watch of ail Hie national iudidays and run out **»**•■**<« (Ibk whenever there ia a good reason for doin« so. Some of the more olsicure holidays would |»asK unnotici*<i hut for this custom. For example, Mon- tlay wRH flafcday, hut few knew it until they passed down Main street ami, w'eliiK Ferris Brotherj’ big Hag out. imtuired tbo caiiec of tl>e display. /! WANT TRAMWAY TO ROCKVllLl l*:nll»UDln«tlr Town Mt*«*Ui(|| N alu n U y N«*w Itoiitr Thnnixh Vf*ri»m(4iriit«*r I’ro- RiH’kville's (own mt'naing Saturday afteriuMm was attendiNl by nearly l,(MHI voteni. Noiuiimlly the objivt of Hu* imvl- Ing was to (Hmsider a n'lnirl on the layout of anew road aroiintl Bute's bill. But the real olijivt of this large nsHcmblage of voters was lo conHldt'r the lH*st route for the eUvtrle road. From the senti- ment expnwMMi, it was evident that Uu* iiUH*ting was n*ady to lay out a highway almost anywhere it might Im tu*^iM<ary to aecomnuMiate a trolley riMul. Tlie ro|Htrt on the Burke lilll route which is on tlu.^ west road lo Rimkville was dls misHtMl in short order, as another and more d<*Hirahle route was pn^senicd hy M. lit \Vilh*s, of Vernon ('enter. This ronie | hihh(* h through Vernon Center and Imneath tlie New HiiKlnml roatl at AVent Htrwt, ll is half a mile shorti'r than the Burke liill mute and avoids lu*avy graihx). Judge OliiiR. W oihI w as pri*a<*nt as the repri*HentatlV(> of the Hartford, Man- chester ((i R(Hikville Tram way boin|>aiiy, widch huH a eharter to build over the Vernon (.Vnternuile. lie said the sur- vey had lN*4*n |iT(*m*nted to Mr. Chapman only the night U'fore and that Hu* ilir*H't4»rM had had no time U) eonHld(*r it. The matter would U* brought to Hu ir atteiitiou as simui as they could get togi'lher for a uus*Hiig. A com- mittw was np|K)iiiUHl. wilti Major Heulli US cliulrman. lo confer with the tram- way olHeers and reisirl at a Huliseipii'tit iiuHiting. , FUNERAL OF RALPH CHENEY. Mr. and Mra, IL O, Ohoney, iholr aoii Richard and daug)iU*r Elsie, arrived home Moiuluv evening, hriiiglng wiHi Hu'in Hu* Usly of Ralph, the younger son, who died ill Asheville, N. C., last l ‘ri*iay. TTieir two daught(*rs, the Missi's Florence and Annie 11. (dieney, were dctaitusl m AHlieville liy (he iliness of Hu* lalU*r. She is suirering from an alTeclion of the iu*nrt brought on hy Hie iietvouH sluH’k raiiK4>d hy the news of luT fatlier's critical illiu*as Iasi winU r. The funeral of Ralph was held at tlu* residence on Oak 11(11 yenti'rday afu*r tUMiii III four o'chK'k. Rev. Thomas Siiiiiim, who was Ralpirs tutor U'fore sickm*HH com|H'lled him to givi* up sliidy, (xuulucled the si*rvicesiuid paid a dc- «*rved tritiuu* Uillie high clmracter of the young man. Kru'iids had lestilled their sympatiiy by many (loral olTeriiigH. The iiitermeiil at Hie family tot m Hu* Crt'liler cvmelery was private. Mr. and Mrs. Ch(*ney’s U*rt‘av(*itieiit and the utleiulanl circumHtaiie«*s make theiuuH|H*ciul obj<*<'lHof sy m palby. A f(*w years ago llu*ir family circle, iMiinprising tlirc*c duughterH and two sons, was un- broken. Hinoe then death has twice en- tori*<l the family taking iirst a duogiiU'r and now a son. The youngiT datighU r hiiH U h* ii an invalid for two years and is now l(Hi fiH*hle Ri U* brought lioiiie. 'I'he other Hoii'^iias U*4*ri proHlraU*d witii typhoid fever this winter, from which happily he is now fully n*coven*d. Mr. (Mieiiey himsHf was stricken with (he same diwiam* and for a long litne his life hung in the Uilaiice. llo was just get- ting out again when ho was Hummoiied lo the U*dside of his (lying son. Riilpii, wlio was laid to r(*st yesUirdny, was iiineU'en. IWfore he was 17 a fever, following an attack of meash*s left him with diseascHl lunga. By his piiysieian’s orders he was Utken soutli in the Iio| k* that the dry iiionntain 'air of Asheville might etT(*ct a cure. Uis eldt^t sister, Miss Klorem5 <* (Tu*ney, accom|mni(‘d liirii and for two years has U*en his eonslunt and devoU'd attendant. It was lM*lieve<i lie was lirmly on the road to recovery wlien aU>iit six weeks ago, he suiTen*d a rela|WH*. Mis mother, worn willi eon- Htaiit ritteiidnnee at the U*dHides of her other son aiul lu r hiiHhnnd liere ut iionie, liasleniMl to him. Night and day she remained at his side, adminiHtr'riiig all the eomforls Hint a nioHier’s love couhi siiggir^t, only to see him slowly hut 6* idily dropping away. The U»y iMire liiHiiMlicUnn bravely and made a manly struggle for life. He was a young inun of rur«* promise, with pun* motives and tiigh ideals. As a youth, his sunny dis|MNdlioti won him friends in all circles of society. Cnpt, ( ImrliM I* Bissell, >\hom> crit ion) illmsis was noted in Hntitrdny's Ih'rnid. died al eight o i Im k Monday inorniiig from bbsHt iHilsoning. lie had Imh' ii ill just a wc(*k and during that |>eTim| had iiiuh rgoiu* all o|K*rH(ion for ap|H'hdieili^. Cj> to a wi*4*k ago last Mouday, Cnpl. IUmhOI was hi his iiMtial gmul health. Monday morning he w«*nt to his work in the silk mill f(*clmg somew hat unwell. At lUKin he went home (o dinner, and, tlunigh his irulis|HiwiHon c'ontinmsl, hj.‘ thonght he would U> ahh* to llnisli Hu* day at the mill, Stmii after his return to work, however, he was sieMsI with m'v«*n* pains in Hu* alxloinen and went luMiu*. l.iH»iil rciiu'dies wen* applied without (*tT«'4'l and Hiai ev-ening a phy- sielun NVIU4 called. Tuesday Hu* <t<H'tor tllw'overed aytii|k- toiiiH (if a|ip,«iulit'i(lH mid the following ilay. |i|. Ht(irtH was eulleil from Hart- ford. I he imtu'iii coniiiuictl (<» grow worse and ail o|H<ratit)n n iis tlm'lded on as the only iiuMiiiH of rtUMiig his life. It was )H*rfoinu*d Thursday morniug l»y Mrs. Ntorrs. Biadlcj. Knight and Tink«*r. A Imdly Initamed condition of the uptH*ndix and Hu* HiilTouiuling (iHH(u*s was found. 1 lu* o|H*ra(Ion liiMtt*(( lN'|w<*i*n tw o and Ihns* hours. The paHi^nt was in gm»d piiysii'ftl coiidilion and appan'tiHy stiNxI Hu* slus’k well. Hiongh lu* siiiren*d much pain afivr it. I'oi two ilays lu* sm'tiied lo hold Ills 4*\\n. hut the wouiui con- Hmu'd to snppiiiatc and on .Sunday the evid(*ncv of hh»«H|pois<ming aroum*d gra\(’ ft'an*. ( ’apt. Bissrll hiins<*lf nvil in*d (hal a filial li'riiiiiiulion was iu*ar at hand and tin Sunday iifti'riuHin as M4*mbl<*d Ii I m inmily a( ||| h lH*tlsid(* aiul luide em h fai(*\s, 11. H,. uns Hu* (*.nlm esi |H*iMon Ml ill!' room and m* 4 *nu*d to hav)' no fear ol d(*a(h. Mi* sent giMxl i*yiw to nlWi'iu friends ami Indiclml a H|Hs*|jil nioHsago to his ('oinratitHi in Com|aiiiy (J. Soon afterwards lu* Ih* eniiu* utu'onmMouH and dusl uft(*r a night of mti'iiMf nn(f«*rlng. Capl. ItisHell was Kll yi'iirs old. M«* was lN»rn in I hirwliiton hiil paaiu'd most lif his life in hhiiith Man dirster. Me was etnplovisi in (he silk mills as a lw(H(4>|-. lie ('iilisted in ('oinptuty M Aug. I, IHH 'J. nnd.'rCapt. A. ll. Ket*iiey. Ml* was inudi* a i'or)H)ral Kehruiuv I-, Um, •urgeam May IW, wan oiuii- trf Hghc sxM waonii MreMt 4 (nAni lUrob 11 i^umy muib that wUi ym, | ^ Ladies' Shirt Waists. Now lot. Prottiost stylos wo ll.ivt; h.id lilts sottsoit, <;o coiUs to Jjti.^o o.Tclt. Special Atteation is o. t IIoi I to oiir v.irioty of Silks for w.-iists. Llojjiint stylos in laflotas. FIGURED B U C K INOtAS now this wt;ok. Also spoci.Tl ni.irk down pricos on sovoral tliiiililios in rcinn.mts. BUCK SITEEN WAISTS. I h-sir.'ible st)jes are bard to lind. VVe have Itatl .T few styles made for ns ;iiul ;tre sliowi in spi'cial valn<“^ at 5 i .iiul $ 1.23. and o«t)tiiin Nomnlmr 90, 1800. Ha was the oenlor enpinin in the First Ucginu'iit and Hiis ranh enmled his light of Inu' on rvgl I If WHM legiu,|,.,| |,y • HU* of tin* Im 'h I liii-lh iaiiH company to Hu* mental parade, military men as in Hu* stale. ( ’apt. Bistte'll wiiM 1 K h : i, ( o MIhs AiMii).' leavt'H, IhsM<* a w uii>v miMtU'il /\iig I. loyiiel. •. tiller Itetys. HI. n*s|H*.*liv(*ly m, a ,in«l 'J, Mis mother. Mrs. Sarah I*. BiuMrll. Hnivm*s him. and also two hroHu*rD. Ih iiry <1. a moioi man on the Tramwiiy, and Kdwarii of Riehinond, Ind., who ariivetl m South Maiudu*s(ei .Sunday night. Thefum*ral of Capl. Iteuiell (vdl u* belli at Ht. M ary’s I'.piHCiipal idmreti HiI n iiflerlHHUi at 2.:i0, Hu* ns*l..i. Rev. .1. A. Biihlle, olliciating. Company (1 will attiiml in a lunly. 'I'he firlil and stiilF and the luiii ('otnmisaioned lialT iiml line nlHcers of Hie First Reginu'nt will also alleinl in full uniform f> iHi sitle arms. Citmpiinyii Im,) a f^irrling Monday evi*nlng and iipiM>in(i*d a eotmnlUe<> lii draft reHolulioiiH on the deaHi .if ( lapt. Bissell, The vt'teraii ie<H«K'iaHon met with (hem and IhiHi actn en and vrlriiMiH vo(4 *.l to aU(*nd Ihe fiiiirial. OUITIJAHY. MI'D. I.5*%» IkC'Ist N Klia Uolmimm, wif»- uf l,4«(\jH ( lark, ilii'd «*arly Sinutay morninc afP r a l.mg am i H4*veri! illiieHS, .Slu* g.ive hirth lo a daugiit<*r on tSmiday, Jan 10 and f..r a few days mother nml rhil.l gi.t along nicely. But Hinhlenly Mrs. Clark lM*gnn to fail and it Hi*erm*il for twii wts-ks Hml she ctaild not live, .She inilie.l agiiin, how»*ver, ami fi»r a tinu* ns’4ivery H(*em- (si certain. Hlu' Ht*eined to improve in health unlit about three we< l(H iM'fore iu*r death amt since that lime ahe has milh'red l(*rrihle pain. The lilHr rhild di«*d aliou! two weeks aftei its hirth. Mrs. Clark was Hir .Ijiughter of Mr. ami Mrs. (h'orgt* RohiiiHon am) wat* years and \ monHiH .dd. .She was marrirsl to l^>wis ( ’hnk alsu.it Hirei* years ago. .Shi* w'as a memlH*i- ,of Hu*' F.pWiirHi l>*Jigm*«if Hu* North MethodiHl church amlai?4oof Manrlu'sler MiviHioii, S«)n of Temprianre. Tlu* funeral was hell) from (he home )f her fallu r on Stark wral h« r slnst K. I’. *\iiH at The l ’nioiiviih*H came to .South Man- clu*sU*r on slmrt notice to play a game of l>nll lust Hiilurday aftcnuMin. The at- U'lulance was not large hut tiiom* who were pr(*aent saw n gorsl game. In Hie first inning eacii side mutred a run. The next five innings were blanks hut m Hu* M*venlh tiio vlsiuirs se«*ured a lead of live runs. After tliat eac.li side ud>l(Hl two runs and tlu* ganu* eloaiMl with a score of 8 to J in favor of Unionville. yestenhiy arternoon, 1 l'hreaiM*r ollieialed. Thr hi tlu* ( ’5*111 vr i’erm^tery. personal MlNI ION I'red Norioii is honie on ii wi*ek's visit. A Will was Utrn U» Mr. ami Mrs. A. C. Mouse Monday. Mrs. K. A. Bliss and Mrs. ii«*ni\ lii^ ing uVe visiling frii'tids in BnMtkl>n. William J. Ch(ip{M*|| ai^il wifi* roile to Williniaiitic on Hieir bic)« les Satuiday ami n*turru‘d Monday morning. Frank AhlH*y, William F. Kic(* .rnd Mugii Moriarly havejoin<*d the army of wiu*4 *lmeii. A platform landing was hiiill at Hu* norlli terminus of Hu.* tramway yi*«U.'r- day. Of ctnifSf you iulntiro pret- ty irinimittj' kiccs ;iiul t-djres. VVr wotilil to show you our lino. > BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS. Sco tho l);irj;.tiiis wp aro of- foriii^f in llio.st; towols at 5 cts. oacli. Yon won't p.iss tltoiii wlioii yon soo the si/o. Also lia\'(; sov«!ral ilo/.oii ladies’ iii^ltt dross<;s. Ilandsotiio stylos, nice <in;tlity of cotton, [irottily triininod and in fact a 75 coni ^;own bnl onr price while flioy last will bt; >;S cts, c.ich. Tonm 'jwtoir — All sizes. Nearly at one- It.iK ro^nl.tr pricos. July 1 iolinoator and L.tdios’ Monthly Ri-viow now rr-ady. Shirts. Sninothinj' now in fancy liosont shirts whii It wo Would be ph'asod lo show yon. Golf Hose. Two ^ood lines ol Golf I lose, $ I .(K7 and $ 1.50. C A 7 V T E R K S . BABY HAWKBYE, - $6.00 Takea picture 2) x 2. Also One VA i ^'A, B.OO. CHENEY’S STORE. BUTTERIGK PATTERNS Straw Hats. VVe luvo a nnmbor ol slt.tpos ol Men's Sti'.iw Hats at ’ 5 cents. Men's .Straw llats, all stylos, 50 (ent'i. All the newest shapes ol .Straw 11 ,Its Iroin 50 tents to $2.00, Hoys' Straw llats, pl.iin aiul l.iiK y bands, 23 to 30 i ents. tdhidien's .Straw I I.its, wliite, lilne and brown inked straw, 13 to 23 cent'i. rite best al 30 ients. l.aipe line ol Le.athfT ;o to 50 t ents. {\

1896 Hartforil Bicycles Evening Hearld_1896 … · mm ____a J-X’r •’"..- l

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Page 1: 1896 Hartforil Bicycles Evening Hearld_1896 … · mm ____a J-X’r •’"..- l


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UNHAPPY EXPW688MEN.Tk« * «w BivUaA * * » * IU k «« T h » »

H ull* ! • •Tb« gMM oC tneMfOttt which the N«w

EngUnd twilroAd oompAnr u d the United 8 tetec,£x|>aM OQmpany nre pinying M nn intorMUng o m to nn

' obMrrcr, but fllghtly too exoiUng too btwtotheezpTMiOoinpnny. A t ~~ ch M ^ ■tetioo U(e ia tu t losing Us ehnnha fOr tht employ eu of the u - pms oompanj. The loonl bueibeM has been Terr b i*V i since the temporarr bridge want down and it w u abontihat time toat the game opened, the railroad company leading off.

fhelr Brat more wu, so ft ia under­stood, the iuuanoe of a gensral order to pu ienger train, coaduotors forbidding them to hold their tralna aaeoond longer than the scheduled-time for leaving for the'poilMM of discharging or receiving

'^ e a i^ m niter.-tSIs haa, HatUfttny, caused much annoyance to the exprew company. A t Manchrater it is particular ly felt at the 8.80 a. m. train which carriea a large amount of exprew matter. This train formerly made a

Jelsately atop at HSneheater; now its ^eery brief and.the agpopa-Pum-.

havetf week Hfeg detocas Bniah jteiieadlng befou the

than - they don’t “Wtef-traelni in front t the departure ofthte ntanappeara-,,-

I h* V 'r iira u u d tiondt . coat,

__ , paokaganmd pr»m-m strewn abi*’ .............

, $i,te».7aAi

bends or reels., hat his busy bralj mqmantoue qua diaima^d “ Shall | Just as he arrive baaed on hiaown e l ing, that unleaa tg men would never I to him that a hia mental , pro


OaoaaAaana,- Usaninaa:,,

Aaaonnt reqalred', tadDsara all

PollctM,aet,. Cpmpanr’a

iter ai, IBM, fer,;M,7s».et

• /

»• ■>'. \l,ltl,lt7ll.U

801^ . - • »f.w».aw «

per oent‘ - •ItAWCta.m' I S

JJl60B L 6i iE E I lE .P r t t id M l---JOHN M, TAYLO R. Vloe-Praat,

BDWARD M. BUNCB, Saoratary DANIBL H. WELLS. Actuary.

t t I U T . H H i S I , l t M t l l l t N lRoom IO. Company Bldg-.


* r A COURT o r PROBATE ATjOL Maaetiaatar, wltnla aad ftw tha dlatrlet olMAttolMaUr. oa ue 9 d4 <Ur of

R. WOOD.Kaq.a JadM. of .WlllUm j. C«rr, of MoboCWer*


■tid «U t « , and the tald tMlM toTpTo DabUjD n^tlM to VtM cr«lltoTt MfiC ta toolr olalma within fiald time i * 7 tMatlng * oo|V of thU ordar on ton

n poti MOTMi to tbo wheuVm wttbln tho anld town

In ildddiiUlota Inoolvont.On notion of William H. Blbwortta

*^B p 8 bBD—That thrae moutba from th* u n ^ y ot rob.a a . l). bo and tbe t ino am llaliad and flowed for tbo orodltort wtcbln wbtoh to .bring In tbotrclalmi

•aid inUieo . iilootntho crodrmmtO ‘ ' I fiald time allowM

public boro tbf

___ ..jIn tta« cald town andb|pnblkbing tbo aamo la «om« aowtnapor. bav< fag A gSrenlatlon In aald probate dUtrtot* vluitft H days from tbo data of this order, a ^ mturn make to tbU court of tbo notleo alvona ■ -T».-.


A T > CX)URT OK PBOBATK HKI.D AT Jt\, yManchntar, vrltLin and tor ttie dlvtrlot " 'eini^aBobeater. oath, CM day ot Kebruarr,

^ E ^ bTo U N R. WOOD. Esq . Jude* K«laU of William J. Carr,

•boiur. In oald dUtrlct, Ir oolvont ^Oniiotion of William H. ElUwortb, tnutoo of oald InaotTcnt o«tato./ ORDCRKO-TbatoommlmlonenitomoolTO

/ and oiamlno tbo clalmo of tho croditoro ot ■aid mtalo bo appolntod at tbo probate offloo In ^anebootor, on the 9tb dajr of Februarva A. DslBWat toVlockfn tho loronoon and tntooonrt dIrooU tho cald tmotoo to giro pnbltonotloo by pooling a copy of thU order ontnopnbllo olgnpoot In tald Manebeotor,

> ntnrmt to tbo place where tbo inaolvoot dwoUa on or before Febmary Sdd, A. U. IM,a ^ i by advortldoc * -----------baring a circulation In

In M>mo nowopapor ■aid prohoto dlotnct

war at nald___, _______________ ___ >tlm to Mhldilntmont on or before Febuary 96, 1666,

to all potoono Intoreolod to appear time nnd place and bo hoard 'appointment on or beroro Febuary so, lom, and return make to tbto court ot the notice

,OLI» R, WOOD. Judaa.


Vm. H. PDSt Carpet Co.aip Aayluin S L

Wa. H Pmt, piwldeat aad manager.(Lata Wm. H. Pwl A Co

It was night . taafe bIb WatWMaW:eXBCL As for the re |,c«ilw.LBi«Mt Dealer,oSook on the Nortt ia Wm> Stas,.had not struck, out ' ----- —would haveUrenatr Iq ^Uaglwildt will begin In hudutaw aura tw » Steoaon of • large to- tha glorious tooon agh. The building will tie fluey, ahlftlng cioi 1 will be built in the rear which partially re « i North liaiu street It made vlaibla hy|th< ground now occupied by llghta-extingulalie Olijr sheds, which will be ousiy by Vote of ai Tha building will be two

At thU witohli * • lower story being used three conditions, a • * shed mom. The floor wending hia way i x unusually strong and Hard street—a uiai iM Iag almost any weight, hour of the nlgh^ioor jwill be used almoat

'or the storage ot cased iareiir of the new building |ha ptreent ,packing house,.Mirs of both being pn the A large door will connect as fast as the tobacco ia

will be rolled into tliu ig on hand trucks, thus rapeuM of cartage,

iporter vialted the packing lit a cigar. He beWsF aiid tlie prooeaa of sort- organiaed band ofckldg waa thorougiily ex and only smokes m by Mr. Adolph Hartman, chance of being asf t men were at work sorting

Aa hh oast the nv the'95 crop. Many of tlie something black In n Bouth Windsor and all of nureraodcautloui «pe»l»nced workers on lo- with the ferule of I f take Uio tobacco Ju,t aa It of life followed i f H>e fartner and. With poke by a kick, A l - t seems matveloua lo aiau foliowed clof »•'« “ ' “ "y differentof the kick. « • '* wlirr-wtWclr thebreaking episode *wtod may be Judged from which the reportojiit twelve different grades are Illness) recognlsefelieh lot. The U-sl Is used in fled that lie had kfleture of 10 cent cigars and what is known as !«• alilpped abroad, most of it stooped down, and. where It is made into cigars. ahnok-M 'fiSWqMl'-.* penny eacit. Tlie Englisli, seeceed id toa*^ **® . ■■»eko pixirerU.i Resting id-lianfany nation in tlie world.

A t flrstihF^" ■ « “ * ** *** ’®** *•■*' P"* **"der aV llV ilheld f-ff“ ' I’” **' »in“ '*

preu used on a cotton platilaUiin; when- the bulk ia reduced suffloieiHly, tlie cover it nMled oh and the case taken W the warehouse, wliere it remains In sweat for several mouths. The tobacco now being packed will not be placed on (he market liefore next fall. As each

is'iincktid a Binatl'sample of tlie tobacco in it is.taken and nmiibered witli the numliH corresponding to tlie number on tlie case. This sample is guarantei-d by Hartman Brothers to be of tlie mine quality aa’tbe tobacco in the case whuee number It’ lwart.

The flriii have been in businesa four years. Baglnning in. a small, way. they have gradually worked up a lurgu Iradn so that toia/ they are Hie largest pack era of (ofatood-in llift state. There aie Arms in tie state wlio do a larger liiisi ness than' Hartman Brothers, but they are sgenis of Hew York houses and not independtut Arms, The aucoesa of Hartman Brotliers ia - due to tlie fact that tliey rigidly adhere to and fulllll every made. Ail, or nearly allof lhelA|£»-are by sample.' Whole- sale oig^Pmiuiufactureri and lotiacoo dealers have found that wlien they order a eonnignment of lobanro fipm them by aample the qualily of the goods is just as guaranteed. Tlie experience o f the firm lias been, once a customer has bMn secured ho is easily, retained.- They are now shipping tobacou to pesrly all parts u( the United States. While tha reporter was sitting l.u- flieir oflice yoatorday a telegram. from a leading New York <dgar niaiiufacturiiig firm requaatliig tlie shipment of a large ord- r. A t almost the same time an order was reoaWed by mail from San Frariuisoo. The Arm lies recenll.r made large sales to parties ill Evansville, Iml.

Ur. Hartman said tliat a largo |>art of the noa-success of Hie growers of tobaoug lay in Hie fact tliat many ui them'aUeiiipted to irack and grade their own tobacco ready for sale to mamifact- urera. Tlio wholesalers liavo found tliat when they buy from Hie growers direct the tobacco is usually illy-aiworted anl poorly packed. Mr. llaitnian said Hiat where hlH iirui usually make 12 different grades from a stiigle lot, Hie grower uaually makes Imt 'lliree. lie cited inatanoes ot growers « ho refuse lo sell to packers, prererting lo sell direct to manutaoiurers, stid wlui, by so doing not only fsil to receive ss large a price at they would Imre, l>ut wlien tliey do sell instead of Hieir eustomer being satlaflad, aa he would liave been had he bqught from Hie firm of profesalonal packeta, he waa profoundly'disMtisHed ['and in many cases coRtidereil htniself a victim of a. bunco game. Tlie con­clusion readied by Mr. Hartman wai that in (Kis business as in all others the amateur cannot hope to successfully compete with those giving tlieirundivid -ed attention to tlie business.




of Mao-


Hiss Cora Perry apenl ^ n d a y ■ with friends in Putnam.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poet, of port, atisYlalHiig aliF. U. Hale's

A daughter waa bom to Otto Hau- schullB, of Haokmatock atreet Haturday

Mr. and Mra I. N, BHnn, of Rast Hartford, were the gueata of friends In town over Sunday, -

Tlie East Hartford Maiiufaduring Oo. nave shut down their peper mills in Burnside until May IsL

Teams are drawing stone for the new Oatholio church at Vernim and work on the foundation will aoon'begin.

Mr. and Mrs. James Stannard returned Monday from a brief visit to Mrs. Stannard'a home at Westbrook.

The Tramway oonipeny will soon be­gin work on.a dwelling lioiise, near the power house, to be <x:cupieil by Hie en­gineer.

Miss Maggie Murkley, Hie chspifier maid who sccldentslly shot beySelf at Ckiwlea's hotel, Is rapldiy,.iriiprl)vlng at the Hartford liospItaJ.

The Young Meii’a-Cliili- will altend 81. Marys's cliurch in a body Hiia evening. Rev. John Williams, of Windsor Isicks, will preacli tlie sermon. All are cordial­ly invited. V

The happiest fatlier in town is Williuiil S. Bostwiok, perscripHon clerk at ,JVel- dnn's drug store. His wife presented to him Sunday morning iiandsomo twin dauglilera,

William H. Rllsworth has been ap- polni.ed trustee on tlie insolvent estate (if WiVlTa hi 3. Carr. ' Ooiin ni Iseidnera Mr tlie reception of claims will he appointed by the probate court next Saturday.

Drake Poet will give a sociable at CTieney ball Tuesday evening of next week. The* arrangemenis will l>c llie same as at tlieir preceding B(wlBbles ex­cept tliat Hie Slipper will Iw muitted and tlie price of adiiiisslim.; will be reduced from 85 cents to 2S cents each person.

At R meeting of the Manchester Fm)t- Iwll Gluli Monday evening Hie bdlowiiig pOlc'era were elected; President, Timo­thy Doyle Jr.; vloe presh|(;i't, M--J. Couglilln; llnancial secretary, Gliarles Iverson; recording secretary, John L. Ferguson; treasurer, Oeorge (iammons; captain, Jolin I,. Ferguson; vice-captain, M. J. (^lighlin. The club also oomplet- e(l artaiigenieiits for Its daiice to id- giv­en in Morton's IihII next Satiirdny even­ing.

Twenty-live memtiers of Crescent Lodge, I. O. O. F., of East Hartford were guests of King David ijodgo Friday evening, when the second degree was worked on eight cRiididates. Fully 100 of the home hxlge's own niemliers were there to Idd the visitors weicoiiie. After the work was. Hnislied a collation was (terved in tlie lower hall, speeciies Were made liy Nolde Uraiid Saunders, C. F. Uradow, and DoWllt C. Clark (>f Oria' cent Lodge and Past (iramls iiatlmway and Hutclilson of King David IsHlge.

H U Q H M O N T d d l


BRY’B LECTURE. Aodicaea al


A OvaaA SB«TMta4 la Kasto Bas rafOsk UnUWaa of Baasasa.

I beileve-tbat the oompuer loMW what ha-wantwi In tbo way of touea. Therefore I w ill play exactly what ho wrote, so nearly aa 1 can. I believe thet the bar is intended to abow the piece of the strong pulM. Therefore 1 try to 7<iiioo the accent npon the tone written

ct after the, bar. I believe good t.'j’thm is 'a t the very foundation of m- lior Therefore I w ill ;endeevor to k(- p an even time, without bhriying or al: kening. . And if any diffaranoae-fn movement are to be made between thb easy and difflcuU parts of e ooinpoai tiun 1 believe that, aa e rule, the more difflcuU parts should go more npidly tbaii the others, inasmuch aa i f ey in dioate greater iuteoilty, and perhapk bravura.

1 belihve that ntnaio la eeaenUally a u ie^gefn im the oompoaet, or a picture painted in tones. I w ill try to play it as if I knew what the message waa, or as

■ . ' ] ■ . -• 'VO'.—r:

l . s...

-t .

■.='? ■

An riidienoe of ( f t persona Itstenail to Rev. Hugh Mnnlgmery who leotured at Cheney liall FiUay evening under tlie auspices of Wsliington tsidge. UO.Jm MrtMufltgPaierwaMrlliodlitmlnl^ ter at present pfe a ^ irig in Lowell, Maao,'For years he J|Ks been known as an outhusiasHc jlmp-Tance worki-r and lecturer, anp ha has spoken on Uiakaub- ject in Msireiieater.

Tlie South' Mauchestvr liand occupied •eaU on tha platform and played aov- eral Hiiiea before Hie lecture Ix-gaii.Edward Agard i-receded tlie speaker with R eulogy of Wosliiiigton and lliere was music by Jii-nes Alikin and Hise AUUIii and singing by James Velcli Jr.... TInyspesker^ tlie evening was intro- du(!ed by Thomas J, Oardliier. WTieii lie stepped forwar-1 tlie audience Hkw atall, broad.sliouldere<l man, with thick, , , ,whlteh«lrand«..i.(mlh-slmven face. H e il f »

ll»* bogttii l»y giving II UiilorT during whicli lie ssld tliat St. Patrick waa iK-ver in any sense a Catholic andnever Imwed ullegiiincirlo any pqie orpotentate.

He said lie was favor of all patri. otic Hovlrties. He did t^l mention Hie American Proteolive Association, belter known as tlio A. I‘. A„ during his re, marks, iilHioiigli he is known ns an active menilierof. that organixatioii^

lie dwelt on Hie public scli-nd ijiies- tloii at leiigtli. Scolurlan sciiools, were, Tm sabtr ebliHWy t-t ttiB princlptex nf the American constlliitloii snd Hicir teacli- iiigs were a iiieiiltce to Aliiericiiii liisll- tutions.

DUiing Ibe coiiiiH-of ids remarks lie read extracts from « laiok wliloli lie said was a text book iiK.-d in piirochiiil hcIkmiIh,

'i’lie lodgi-cleared nlmutf-lh from Hie lecture, Mr. Montgomery expressed h desire te speak again in .South Maticlies- ter and It is sai-l In- will do so Irefore long.

at any plaoe in a composition where the effect is improved by so using i t ^ e s e places w ill be where there is a tone of melody lo bo held after the flngore are taken olT it (in irrdur to do SometbiOB elsb), gr where it is desired to improve tho rotonuuoeof tho pianoforte. When I haven't any reason for using tho pedal,I w ill leave it alone, for few things are more obJooHnnuble than the abseut- mindod liugcrlng upon the pedal wbleh wo often hoar from badly taught stn donta

luasnmch as uinsio is a massage, or a ■ ptCTttrc; ■from- rite' iraaRtnary-worH-of the ideal, it followa that there must be grout dlfferouoca in Uie quality of pieces of, music, according to tho mind in com­posers, and acooniing to the especial mood of a oomposer at tho moment of writing some choicest worjr. And it shall be my endeavor to kuoW os many as possible of those pieces of piusio best worth knowing, and when I kngwtliera, to ploy them with all possible atr^reoia tlou and in snob a way as to iudnoa my lioarers to love Uicm and enjoy them..

i n d

l^ j^ ilg jil^ss o f th e

New QiA r r i v in g a ll i

- ’f t im e a t

HALING BlHave you. tricl our

Just aa fresh as if pickcti r itulled Cum in full qo

cents |Hr can. .. v.‘ Canned (Jorn'and USnq ail kinds and prices.

Qellcated tastes are s| Meadow Sweet Citaaaafc.-itl10 cents each.

Deviled H fm , fine for Si) Have put in a Baking P (l

and half pound cans, Isf Bros. We will giiaTanteel Royal or Cleveland and pif cts. fier pound. Will | eitlier Wasliington, PjL Windsor, Coturabiayii^lll Tea. .

L E J H ^ N G < ST

Threa Ronrst Tramjis. .Tramps are very iiumercjua all about

Hi> state this winter -and one Itenrs many funny stories related by men who liaye been “ louelied" by these gonlry recently, north end man had a novel experiei^ with three weary holxiea Munday afternoon. He was crossing Depot square wlien Hieir spokesman approaclied lilm and began Ids tale of woe. -

"L'lok here Ikiss," said Hie tourist, “ we've got 12 cents and we wanler gel three more so we can each get a scliooner."

"1 am afraid you will got soiiu-Hiiiig to eat with the money if 1 give it to you," replied the Manchester man.

“ You bet your life we wont," said Hie hobo willi much earnestness. He got the money.

OBITUARY.' ' -,Clnm»tiade-ttnnrtT-x^»"Mrs. Cbarloltc Taylor Uiiiilliigloii

dli-(| at iter boms on Center street, near Main, early yesterday iiiornUig. Mrs, fluntlngton wo.s larrii in New Haven j AugilHt 8, 1808. 'i'or a woiiiuii of tier : ago her liealtli bud io-eii rctiiuikably | good until Mondiiy of lust week vvlicii 1 she bad an uiaipli iic sbock which ooin:> pletely paridyxt-d her left side uiid fr-ro,« hich she never railied. When she w h.s four years old lu-r iMircnls rtlmivcd to New where slio 'married RcV.EuocMluntliigt-'li, t-iitor o( 8 t. J-din's cborcli of tliat jiLii c. In 180.5 Mr. lliiiit- Ington moved tel Uanebeater and tiecaiiie Hie llrst rt-HliJeiit piatet of St. Mary’s parish.' He dh-d in 1877. After Ida (JeSth Mrn. Tiiiijtliigthn ''duntlnued to

and her dsugliter, iinlliigton, living tu- niitington was th-- iUdreii',_four of wbom

bey are Rev. Jolin Hartford, Saiiiuel (J.

Mrs. Soplda H.-srdsU-y

A SImpIs Beb(K>l Unis.A useinl school dross may be raad^

sorgb, with silk yoke and nuduryieeves. Tbo yoke extends to the bgak and is lined, but tbo skirt, betog-'made of a heavy make of sorg^-vrtll not need IL The fullness of Hi9.-kklrt is sot into the yoke. Tho bacUi whore the dress fastens, is a repotUMu of tho front, a baiid of fancy bi»la or galloon giving a pretty

kdike Trout, Mackerel, l l -ere. Sardines in oil (Imi Sardines, American Sairdli IkiX. U. C. Rowe & C<1 Oysters received fresh aver| ing. -V.

F R X n T p | | j ^ a

reside here. H| Miss Sarah W. goHier, Mrs. molhci' of seven i arc now living.J T. iluiilingtun lluntlnglun audlof Monroe and k|isa Harab W. Humiiig ton of this placi

Mrs. lluntiiigton waa a woman widely known aud respected in Maiicliea;er, •Slio nuiidiered among her ftieoda many B generation or two younger than her­self. The ruiiitt'ai will be tield in Ht. Johii’a cbmeb, new Milford, ut mam tnniorrow. j • • ■’

llutif|r lloelifiirrTon Uiero were tliriMi pemonH

in Hie family p( Frederick

_. .Flne. Iine of. Figs, , Or Pruiias ah ^ islos .

IHAUNG 6Successors to Oooi;Kel

I5muI 470hHrter Oetk Bt.s



There arePlenty of Featt

/w h ich ]

* re ■


F i f t h season in o u r n ew lo ­ca tio n , 2 ,19 A s y lu m S t M o s t a ccess ib le a n d c o n ve n ien t fo r th e t r a d in g p u b lic . A s tr e e t ca r passes o u r d o o r e v e r y tw o m in u tes . H o w t o g e t b e s t resu lts in H o u s e F u rn is h in g is b e in g su ccess fu lly d e m o n ­s tra ted w ith o u t a la v ish e x ­p en d itu re o f m o n ey . '

fia rp itt. D r ip ir i it , Li n C s t i iM , W ifM iiw S k titt , Floor filttk.

^ i i t t f a l t l l tS 19 ASYLUM 5T., HARTFORD.

V b JMb *. Wur aat».— ;—-— Wanted, «U

C A B H TO UM T-Tba proparty koowa aa * SanasdaQalaB tana at Oakland Th*

ran aaartermi, For ^ at No.

*OLJLP. w orth ,

-IllBO,OtB.Aat- '

tihocln th* rtanta Bend Lynn, Raa*.tAvhuagLM8L 4

jBoJ.hn w anliabi* lorwoft. Alionvtral thoiu. - Kasaar Bre*. tltf

Th* Halratlon Array Itilplur*.The last few days have been ralber

exciting onea for members of the Sal­vation Army everywliero in the United Slates. Yesterday afternoon a Herald reporter interviewed several of the lead­ing inrmliers of Hie local cor|w wiHi a view to ascertaining Hieir views of the trouble now existing Ik-1 ween Ueneral BooHi and ids son Bsllington. All were reticent but enougli was learned to Justify the opinion Hint the local soldiers arc a unit in support of Uciicral Uootli. The rtporler saw a circular letter issued from headquarters since Ballinglou itootti and his wife left. UaMington Booth’s name appeared at Hie'topof the page as commander. Just as tliougli nothing had hapfiened, Thd contents ot Hie letter have not U;en printed in any of the.newspapers. It urges the soldiers to stand firm; not to be divided by newspaper reports' and not to take hasty action wlilch they mav Vegret later. _ ----- .

liusband, wife apd son. A ww-k ago to­day the Intiiband was burled and yester­day Ids S'111 was laid besjdo him. Only tire ohlldlt-ss and widowed mother re- iiiklns. ■ I

About live weqks ago llemy II<H»pfner, the son, a young man 21 years old, w.is I taken ill with what was tlioiigbt to Iw malaria. He g iyw worse and Hie duesse fliiaily develop^ fiito biaiti -Jcver, At tin- lime of tilM father's funeral tbfe doc­tors knew he could not recover, and bat- unlay be dicii. The funeral was held at 81 , Mary's oliurcli yesterday after­noon at 2.iJ0. Rev, Hugo R. Krdimuiii, pastor Hf the (iorman latHicriiii Comair- dia roiigrcgntion olHciaU-d. Tlie iiull la-arers were Theodore-Schmidt, diaries Brokofski, Wim Bronke, Otto Wiknoe- ky, Uiuis Kristoand Fred Server, Beau­tiful Howers weW contributed liy Ids fel­low worknii 11 in the dressing room at liie silk mills, 'The burial vva* at the east cemetery, . _____ _ >

BcDoui, snsss or sxnoE. fluisb to the neck and yoke; also to onffs and shoulder frills. Those latter should, when made and trimrped, bo tacked to the upper part of the sleevoa, which are of the old fashioned coat sbaiM}, but ratbor larger at tbo top, and

I botb must bo inserted in tbo armhole i togotber. For a girl of 10, yards of ' 45 inch serge and ‘i\i of silk bougaline

H , r,.,.r w*'* reqateod. The yoke may be of nw piner,. material as tho drew when so

fmHL- , ; (SundkJ

Our line will beat examination as re-1 gards either

S T Y ^ R T , F i d OR wdinuiisHip.


' “l KAVE BOUTH M AN C !^ .S ;S Il----- , chesur; 5.30. 7.40.8 08, 0.40, 11 08, l id ., 1.40,

1 * ^ 5 x 8 1 1 ^ ^ 8 . - The 7.40 a. m train -romn*cts St Manchester for HMtford ,«nd York: th* 8 38 lor and Providence; theM.iufor Itsrlford and Now York: the l l i » fm

I Now \ork luwl KorkvUlo, th# 1.40I p, m. for l/arltord. Now York snd and Roatem 1 til* 5.311 for Provldenre, llartterd and Now

Yorl: the 7.*l for llarttonl and Kockvlll^ LEAVE MANCHEbl KR for 8odth Man-

l ohester: 5 48. 7AI. 8 - 8 0 , 1*.05. * SK Ijeo, 09),8.UUp. m. . , e. ,I Connectlux with trains of tho New Enaland

**t'Vvoce’nts discount on tickets purchased at the depot,

J*. O. O tlE X e r , Oen. Uffr.


Olhav Datle* Demand Hie Atfoniton — CwatpaayU-* Hlah Flaurr of Merit

A t the .meeting of Com|wny Q Mon day niglit First Lieut. J, P, Clieuey aiuiounced to the compsny his inten tton to resign. LieuL Cheney's reialious with the company have been very pleas­ant imd he told them he wished them to nnderxtand it was through no loss of interest In the organization .that he naignad It was simply because other dutiM seemed to have a stronger claim

than the atote,(3hrney baa not yet forwarded

__ captain bia offleial rasignation but B|4|. do so soon, i f ft is approved a iiMating Trill ift hold at nnrtti toaiaittbia aiinntaanr LieiiL' Cheney has made a popalar and efficient oflloer. Heiaone o f the DriM rifle absta in the brigade.

Oomiiaay Q is making a good record winter. Its flgnra of merit for Jan-

uarM second only to that ofComjEy^C, o f Rockcille, which aoored100. ___ !

of drill next Monday ipaoy will have a smoker.

At ll night thel

All health i OoBft." , WMk*n.|

elements oooduciva to j id in “ A y e r 'f Hygienio natare’a food lor brain-

Several yeari ago Mr. Reed aud Ur. Oingley aUeuded a dinuer given by Roswell F. Flower, who was then a member of oongross, Mr. Reod it not a dribkiug man, but takes a glass ot wine when be feels like IL Mr. Diuglcy, a total abstainer, was on tbii occasion the only man at the table who eachewed the bottle. While oouviviallty was at its height Mr. Dingley was called from the rixun for a moment Mr. Beed noticed tbo abeenoe of bis oolleague, and with great anxiety began looking under tho tablA “ What la the matter, Reed?" said the hdat, " I waa looking for Ding-, ley." laid Reed, with a perfectly straight face.—Uoaei P,. Handy in Ex- ohauge. _____

How W* Dw, Data ThaailIt la said that the>laikA seal herd

in 85 years has -been reduced from .47,- 000,000 to 176,000. Amerioana appear to bate the seal and the buffalo a Uttia worse than they do a forest -of apiandid tnea.—SL Louis aioba-Damoont

It aufferlug with piUe, it will Interea you lb know that De Will'a- WIteb Haael Selva will cure them. This medicine is a speoifio for all complaints of this ohamoter, and if inatructlona which are simpislare carried out, a cure wUi reaulL W e have tooted this in numerotia oases, and always with like rsaolts It naver fa '

■ i

Sira. Bllen 8- Ituee.Mrs. Ellen S.Roaedied.yesterday iiiorn-

iog at tlie resl(lsnceof liorson. C.Il.Rose, at the age of 71. Site had Ikn-ii in failing healtlt for three years but was not seriously ill until within a_ week. The Imraediafe ca«aa.._of her death was bronchial pneumonia. Mrs. Rose was the widow of George U. Hose of Bolton, formerly of Wlllimaiitio. Since tlie death of her. htubanil, ove^ 80 years ago, siie has lived witlt. her eon, who 1s the only surviving member of a family sf seven children. She was a woman of many virtues and waa warmly lieloved by those wlio knew her well. Her funeral will be held at the residence of her son- Tliursday afternptm at 3.80 o'clock. Rev. E. P. Phieaner and Rev. C. H. Rsrliep will take fiart in the services. Tim buiial will be in Hie Center cemetery.

Canavess ie Beielen.A trip to Waahington at this season

la most atlrsetive. Take advanUge of reduced rates idlered by the Royal Blue Line. PersotMilly conducted tours organized by tha Recreetion Tourist Co. leave Hartford Feby. I9tli; March 27Hi, April 1.5th, May 6th. 119. 85 covers every expense. Address W, W. Jacolw A Co. Tick^ agents, Hartford, for itinerary, . '

BCCKI.BS'a ABMICA SALVE.The beat mlve in the world for cuts

bruisea', sores, nloen, salt rheum, fare sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblaiua oqms, and a 1 akin eruptions, and poai- Uvely cure* pilea, or no pay-required. It ia oarhnl -d to give peiiect val.Ufao- thm or mon^ refunded; Price £5 Cents

ror sale by C.lL 'Baae, Man­at Cheney'a drug a tore

Tesrb Children Belt Rellaaoa.I A baby shogld bo 'early taught self ! relinuco aud how lo shun daugor. Wbou I it liegiiiH to crawl.' it quite uudorataudi a firm “ No, no.” and w ill generally

! mind it. A child kept always in arms and never laid dovtn to stretch itself w ill bo yery slow to stand or walk. Very often children 3 and. 4 years old caniiuj bo trusted near a flight of stairs,while'yomiK®t 0“ ®* 8” "Psafely because they have been shown how. I f taught to torn round when they appruaoh the stairs'and slide themselvoa down from stop to step, or how to clamber up on hands and knees, there w ill be hardly any accldontA

The development of babies is often hindered by want of Self -ooutroi in those about them, for courage or cow­ardice may be taught by example. I f a mother shows norvonsneaa when her child begins to walk alone, it speedily becomes timid, and perhaps gives up

j the attempt for some time. I f baby is

G E A l

Main 8t.Irs;

Hartford, Cobd.{



PR lilllNGt

The meat market formerly . htQnuit Bros, coniieoicd etlL the hotel, all coo- venloncee. Klret claea opportutlly for tn* right man Big cash trad*.

F. IF. flfJLX/N -Park ilitM tllR ff.

Id . C. Y. MOORE, M. D.Homoeopathic Physician A Surgeon

1 Oflice and Residence 1st Mala Streeta South Mancheeter, Conn

B A LL PROUK date Designi





S In up-to-

;kETS. 7 “iRAnS.

Hopns:8 to to *. H. 8 toap.^.

SnanATs;a to to A. u Z to 8 e. M.

- \

7 to * P.

oxooaaiTely-B^mpalbizEd with and pitied when it moota with n trifling bump, it w ill cry and fret, but when the hurt is really trifltng^lt should bh exhorted not to mind and not to cry and very ioqo learns the lesson.

Odd MbbUoo.■ The waitress should not remove the

dishes between couraea until all the guests shall have finished eating.

In washing grained wocxiwork use clear water or wei^ cold tea.

When waiting upon the Table, the wgitresa ahtmld hand the platea.on the left side and remove them on tho right

Clear, black coffee diluted with wa­ter and oonlaiuiug a little ammonia w ill oloou and restore black olothea.

Boiled salmon ia nenally served with a rich egg sauce.

An English authority claims that 8onp ia richer i f made in an nneoTerod stewpan.

The safest way to oltan bronse ia to mb it with a soft cloiii slightly mola- tened wlUi sweet oil, yiolithing aftote ward with M Oil ebstuois.

Correct WerkJ.■■.■80.'.-.'. - ■t'VnGJBipiNI toOreryv: 1

L o w P r l « f9 . , _ 1


S A L E . ;

a l lL a n ^ r lfughbred Black emales. i male)

price ■ a i ir l^ T h r il'v f j

erels .l Jl IBrahma Cock-


Box SsA , . *1 '■■Cown. Prop* •

Maacbaeier, Gosa

I Glassware.Good assortment o f

linty; designs in Tabfc- '

ware at very low prices.

---- AT— -

7 ^ 5 1 1 - U S ’

N o v e lty s to re .So. rtenchesUrPark Building.

per box. cheater South

duel B LIIU* Uonimon Henee.%%«! jhoUy knows that ihe beginning

<11 c.imKuinpti'ui te npMly always S IJItle Cl .(gli or cui-1. The iiiipui l^iice of put (iii< an end itaickly to throat troubles is VP. y great. \Vi> niako b road clatiff that Taylor’a Horcliound Baham is-the very, v-.-ry b « t cough remedy’, that has ever been made. For 15. long years it has stood tho test, and we have thousatids of lestimoniala from thaiikfal people. Many were oared after trying; ererylhing else without getting relief. Whin kept tn the house it stands like an arrora guard ovar the iniprnaob of croup in tha night time. At SV.B.Cbeiiay'a and Chas. H. Boae’a a

I K B E R U Nof EaM JBl

Can S ]

Good Iron clP o rsS 'd M O t* '

iBRIDfiE 60MPMY<4n , C’o ih i.,

I You a - _

Steel Eoof,g ian foot. r iw pa^eu lara

I HAVl •tudio. at and Fr»« . aUriskui

iceto J. L. JodffOB my

led. My EniraVtaa

H A U E f .

C O V llS DINING ROOMS.ere pteesantly allaaled at No. 1*

Main BtreeLAbbutiine minute’s walk from B. H. Btatlon.

Palro s will -find" the best the market affords, at reason­able prices.

—-W * make a Specialty of—‘

ProfidanoB RWjr Oyslefs in the ehellwiiirh W6 also oiNiB on1*r, and •«11 Yiy ®fai

n ” l b « if«.rt..g to our jMrone a trfi^ article at all tln^.

Our oem maka of ' —Pie. luto “Eiitire Wheat** Breaff.

BMt a teK waat. H»6g re f«*“ >»*re*Mii«



C A R P E T S ./ W e boiiglit too many Car-

"pets this Spring and rather than cariV them over, we have marked them dtwn about 25 per cent, as follows ;

We are Too Busy

TO W a iTt E U B M I T E U W TS .

ABOU'T Town.

.75 cent Bnissels, .iVA

.80 “ ' “ SIA

.90 “ " .65$1.15 Body Brussels, .8581.25 " “ 81.00


Come in and look at the Columbia. It is the best made. wViNtye the large Domestic RcIrigerntolV-Ccgular price $15 and $17, that wc^ithnolj $i 1 and $13 each.


You will need a trunk or bag soon. We can supply you with canv.as trunks from $2.25 to jji12.00, canvas bags and grips all gratk s.

'ATKINS gR( .r —


a line lot of straw hats for men. They come in different styles itktd at dilTerent prices. They are cool, they are dur­able, they are jaunty. They will retain their color, and their shape. They will give abso­lute satislaciion.

A.LBrown&Co.,D E P O T SQUARE.

cM -


C H ; ^ > I C E .

1896 Hartforil BicyclesReduction in Prices.

Patterns Nos. 1 and 2, from $80 to $65 Patterns Nos. 3 and 4, from $00 to $50 Patterns Nos. 5 and 6, from $50 to $45

Tin's ia Iho Ik's! value for the money'olTeretl in tiKNlium innrhint*R.

C O I . I 3 n X B I i L SThe Standard of the W orld—nek now UhIki* no coinjH'titorH, aini tl )>riee is fixinl nl^aolutely for the mMison of 1896 iit

If you can’t buy a Columbia, then buy a Hartford.AH ( ’olnmliia nn<l Hartford IlieycU'a are ready for iinmeiliati* 4l»*livi*ry-


. r “ i;uT.uy phomatk i ik i.d a tlor tl;" illHlrl. I of

ManrlU'Httir, on the 13th 14 Jwin'. A DSb ..PreitcnUOLIN R. . .ludu'e.

KrtUite of Mary (lUhttiiie, lateor^y’*'** ‘ li*r. In nahl illHtrU'l, iliM'euM*il.

oil motion of Franct'H 11. kVhlLtin. M. I> «*X4*mt4ir.

ORDKUKI)-That hIx monf Im rmiii IIm* l-'hh day of June, A. I>. IHUH, Im* uml the hjihh* nre linillrfl Hiid ullowcNt for Ihe rruflllorH within wlik’h to brloK In their uIhIiiim iitfaliiNt siihl c»*- Inte. and the wvid ext'uiit.or la fllre<'t4Ml l<»

Slve itnhlic.nfitlc** to the rreflUorn to lirin« in leir rlainiN wllfiln wihl lime hIIowusI hy hif( A ropy of IIiIh order on the imhllcBljrn i MiHt

ni'iireHt to the plnre whert* the dtN'rnMNl hixt dvH'lt Mlthln hhIiI town and Ity pnhUNliinu the Hnine In Mmu* neWBtmiM'r hnviiit; a rirriilHtion ill Huhl proltale (Hetrlel, wUhin ten daya froin the dat4* of IIiIh onler. anil return make to thlH eourl of the notice irtveii. »

OLIN H. \Vt>OI),

AT A r o U U T OF Via ManchetiU'r wUhln i

taiU'.hcHtor. on the lU

I'KOHATR IIK LI) AT In and for the dlnirlct I lUlh <lay Af Jane, A.

l>. IMta.IVesent O LIN ,11. .W OOD, K«q , Juilffo

Ktetate of Alfr^ (\ Hliiiiley, late of ManchoHler, In nald district, <hK*eAN4Ml.

The Adiiilnintrator having exhltilUHl hiN ad* miniHtratlmi at'coiinL with wtld eHtate tolhlH Court for allowalice, it Is

O liD K llE D —That the 20th day of June, A. I>^ U66, at OoVloek forenoon, at the ProlMite

In Mid Manchuater, Imi and ihexame tfl aseiffond for a hearInK on the allow­ance of Mid AdminiHlmthm Hcc<»unt with nnld •tktale,and this courtdlrectHthe Ailmhilntrat* r to Hive imblie police to all perHOue intereet4Ml therein to apiiear and he heani thereon hy puhtinhlnK aeupy of thla onler In Mime new>u paiwr havinir a circulation in Mid dlNtrict, and hy jioetliiff a copy of this oiYer on th<* piih lie NinniMwl hi (be town where the deceaeol laal dwelt, thrcfi da}*u lie.fore Mid day of bear- Inn and return make to thUcourt. J


A T A COURT OF PUtHlATK IIK LU AT Mancheeter, within and for the dietrlct

of Mancheeter. on the 13th day of June, A I)., IMMk

i*reaent O LIN U. WOOD, Krq. Judne.Ketate of Andrew M. Kpencer, late

of Maneboeter In Mid dlntrlcL diM eanod.Ution anpllratton of Sarah A . S|>enrer,

praiinR that admlnlNtratinn be Hrantul on said estate, as per application on nie. It Is

O H l)EUE D :»That too foreffolntf application be heanl and determined at the Pn>lnte olDre In Mancheeter In said district, on the dtth day of June, A.D., UWk at nine o'clock In the forenoon, and that uotice be Kl>*en to all j>or-

For SaleAT


Factory of the W aring Electric Co.,IN TMF M TlllCIt ni'll.llINlI

Friday, June 19th, at 10 o’clock a.m.

One car|,>ohter’H Hliop 20x125. parLilionn nml

One wurehmiHt' 2flx.'lT».Water |>i|M*8, |d|)OH, ayicAking

liitkoa.OlTlce furniture includinK one Htnml-

inR deak, tabh. H, chairH, <*lectric desk liKiitB, copying prem. awnings, et<i.

TwoaafcMt, one Gl xUTtxiU, one 40x29x25, Klectric dyimiiKNi, lx*lting and aliaft-

iiig, wiiUdiman'H cl<H*k ami flxturee, iiiisceHaueous t mall tools, lathes etc.

Pi*r OnlerWM. W. IIVDE, Receiver.

llOWAKD-ti. HF-STOU,Atictioneer.

EMIL W. SCHMEI8KEBoots ami ShGos made and repaired.

All work giiaranteotl. t ? ” All kinds of Rubber repairing

at A L BROWN’S Store.Deptit Sfinare Manchester.

sons interented In said estate of the pendency of Mid application and the time and place o( hearing Iberenn by pabllsblnK a .oop^’ of thisonler once tn s»me newspaper havinir a clr cnlatloo In salil district, and by ikostinff acopy of t ii ' ' pa the publlo stfnipnst in

ester at least throe d a » E>eTnre the faearinR* to appear If they see cause*

ilace aud Ite heanl relative retorn to this Court.

LIN K. WOOD. Judge.

Horse Shoeing and Beneral Jobbing-.GOOD W ORK at UKAHONADLK PRICES

SPEC IAL atteutlun toTHO;prEliS

John Fennisey & Go.Shop on Robert Watts* plaoe on Vernon Ht

Msucltif ter On'«D, Conn.

> -

You will want a new

Lawn M ower-The High Wheel Im

perial is the best con- slruetctl Mower in the market without ah ex­ception.

The Hay State at a medium price has so many good points we can not enumerate them here — The Victor at the price we .sell it has 110 eijual.

Everything for the Lawn and Garden

T o t h e h Hlnto of Iho Into ( ’nll.' ln llnlo, I w|ll soil the pro|M'rty Hitiintod on ( ’hnrtor Oak StriH't, nearly ppyxisiU* Haling llrofl.' Store, Ho. MiinelieHter, eoiiHlHting of n fourteen rtHmi lioiim*, Huituhle for two fnmilioB, nlno nn mhl- itional linilding lot, Tliia ia a di'nirable piece of pnij>erty, lK*ing loeaU*il on one of tiki* principal AtrooU and within five minuten' walk of post oiReo, wcImm>I. trolh’V ears etc. Miiflt Ih' soM iM'fore July 15th. Tor terniK etc . Impiire on the preinim'H or nddri'tw

H. R. HALF, Administrator,NORWALK, - . - CONN.

THE ORFORDHardware Store

F. T. BbISH.

,SAYCmr‘MB mm

A Pure Fruit JuiceM\I>K hV

Hance Bros. & WhiteAT


Uawinj Chung haa oih-ihsI n ljuiiulrv in itvlilarkor'a hulltllM i.vi I’ltio ntna-t,

Tlip"short train s « n ^ la-tw-wM llart- fortl ami Kaat llartflm wna tliw-ontiiinol Humlay,

One of tho big dfjr giHala Ht.in-a in llartfonl kcopa a bqy in front of tin etoro to check and cart'for tin- Liryoloa of cuslonn-rs,

Rnuilay's hoar; anA-oomimnaia rnlnn rauMHl a poatponoim-m of tin- i-liiLlroirn liny serrioca In maty of the ('hiirohra until next Sunday, >

Frank Oootx liaa put io a llvMioro. plectrio motor for use in rna-xiiiK li-»> croom. He olitaina'thr riimnit to run It from tho Irollny wire,-

IVi-eidiag Eldor Ba(->i win |iroacli in tlio North Mothodiat timn-li m-xl Him liny morning and a.£liildron'H aorvioo ivill Ih) hold at 4,!I0 p, ni.

Tho tliroo-yoarmld olill.l of Kiikoiio W iloon, of Union stret-t. iliod Haliinlay of apinal inoningiUa and tma l>itri<tl Hiinday in tho Center eomotory.

Tlio Knlrt Hartford grango will funiish tho program at tha nn-otiiiK of Man- ohoater grango toniglil. At tlio ol.wo of tlio nioi'tiiiK Rupper *111 l«»> hoH-imI.

The King's Dauglltom will , lvo n Hiipiior and ontertainincol at the Slorth

inKrogntlonal ohurfli next Friday ovoning for tlio lioniUpt llio Miinoh<<Hlor fm ' lilirary. i

Tho Mnnohodtor liall oino woh lM.nlon I WotliorHilold Iasi Snlnnliiy. Tlio x>rr* was 15 lo 5. ' Tho Sfiim-lovih'rH aiut

TnlooUviU<>H nill plav nl WotMlInnd Park next Halurdny afloriioon.

Tlioro wore many Ti-alori al tlio ninth iliHtrict BoluHiln yoati-iday aflorm.m. Rogulnr work *-as iB loogrow in all ll.o nKinis and iNirontM fouo'l llo' oiH-rnliooH of tlio Bororul dopartnii-iit* very outer Inining,

A nu-oting of HiO ofilrigi iHuird of tlio Honlli MotlKMlint olnm-li will l.l liolil at tlio pnrHonago at olglit o'l-lix-k tomorrow ovoiilng, Tliv prayer mi-oting at Uio -Imroli toniglit n-ill Ih- in cliargo of llio KpworHi la-aguo,

Tlio Otid Followa' inootorini oxorolHo waa |N>Hl|xiiiod from last Hiinilay. on m-- I'-ouiit of tlio rain, ootil tomorrow. Hhoiild the weather agnio prove imraror- iiLlo Hio momorial m-Mioo will luko plnro in tlio lixlgo hail.

Tho Kill,, *H of (hr Maoouliot-a will •ololiralo their-.., niverimry at llioir hull 11 the llrown * PaUon .llUlldLllg to­

morrow night. A (ifeasiag mterUln- moiit la >M'u»'-rr!>te|g;xLjarin>UDi>l to. fOllOWeG liyw-retr|Y|iew ‘ >-----. ia.iis— w.v-a.

‘Tony" the aoap man niaihi Ida annual oall at Maiiolioatnr Hatiirtlay night. Ho attrartoil ii largo orowil to Ill-pot aijiiaro and «ont through ihi- aamo |a.rfornmnoo mi ho haa for tlo- ;iaat iloxon or moroyoara.

A now- riilo w ill go iiitootfool at Laiirol Park today, lloroiftor tho prlco of ailmi-iHioii to tho dancing |uivillon w ill Ik‘ 10 ot-iita, and poraona h-avliig tho

vilitin iliiring tho itftorn(a>n may ro- ooivo ri-lnrn ohoi k, withoiil oxtrn hargi-,llola-rt Palnior i- huihling a rough

ooll.-igi-for I-;. ('. Hilliard on tho high land north of Iho odil |amd. It will have ono naim down nlaira and alooping riamia m tho-a-oon.l story. Mr. Hilliard anti hia frionils will nao It to onmp out

diirnig Iho Homiii. r,Tho anniml atrawliorry foatival at tho

lliifkinglijon .ohmrh takiw plaoo thia ovoning. Thoro h.o-n’t lK>on a atrnw-

TijiLLCOTTVILLE EX7 EN8 ION.Nni lo n* Olwrsiml ItelWr* Next Wook

Th« work of ooinploting Iho Talcolt- vitlo oxtenoioii of Hio tramway niovoo alnwlr, althongli the oontraotora and tlio Tramway ooni|>any ‘* own men ar»> pualiing Ihinga aa rapidly aa ptnaihlo. Hiqiorlntendont Hall aald last night liial tho lino woiihl not l)o oiH-nial thIa wook, and aotmuMl to think Hint ho would U' doing woll If ho had tho oara running hy next Monday. Ororlioad work n<inaina to Im> done on the awllohoa on IK'ptil mpiaro and in Adnma atroot, paving on IV|<ot wpinro and iXllnatlng and oloaii- Ing up all along Iho lino. Kvorvlhing will 1h> placral in |M>rfr(d oondlHon lat- forr' tin* oara are Htart<*<l ao that winm' tin* wrvioo la la-gtin it oaii prm-i'od willi- oul a(vhh*nt or liiti*rrnption.


He Kx|tlrD«l Mitiulsv Xtornhiii A flrr XXrs'k'a IHiiDn* Itli Ap|isti«llrltls—

IHIlltsry Kiinrrai 'losBajr



What, O What is the use —in my tryiiijv to tell yoii httw nice a barrel of llotir wi- sell lor $.1-2^, for you will never know what a nice loal ol breatl it makes till you try it.

It wouhl do your eyes ^ood to let them gaze at the larfre bottle.s of best Lemon Ivxtract wo sell for 25 cents.

California Yellow I’ ie b'ruit Peaches 10 cents.- jicr can, three cans for 25 cents, is an unprecedented jtrice, and, do not think we shall ever be able to procure another lot to sell at this price.

Have you used any f>i our best Rice, which we arc .sell- inj; at the rate of four pounds for 2.5 cents. li not moke haste and buy a qriartefs worth and see how good it is.

Oiir, joy was complete last Friday, when we received some more of those egg plums and the purchasing price enabled ns to sell two cans for 25 cents. On tli.-it d.iy also we received some very large silver prunes, which we offer two pounds for 25 cents. At the s.ime time came some large black ones wJiich we offer for the same money, and judging the future by the past these goods will sell rapidly.


Iw ri) fchtival in Mi akktl InvrcH of Htraw I. hi(‘ (lH'm>tiUvi>H t<< Hinall .'knny toniglit

KoikI.Ticki'th an* Hi'lliiU'

forinanta' o f “ Tom

ncliofitor thia year •rry Hliorlt'ako will MiickiiiRhiuii ill a if the weather lx*

well for the i>er- whicli it) to Ih*

Kiven at Dii'm*) h\()| lotiiorrow* evoniiif; for Hu* l»enelU of si . Mary’i)'church. Thirt play, whit ll u;i ^iven at the wime plnck* lant winl* r, w ili U* reiiiemU'rml aa one of Hu* Im*.mI aniaiMir prmlueliona in many Ht'antinn.

A toiiehinj{ iiu iiioi lal w*rvico w ;ih hehl at Hu* South M* iIhmIi ,t church Hiiiulay ovoniiiK in coniurUoir with the chihl- r<*n*H Hervioi'H, for Hi*’ meiniMTH of (he •Siimlay Hi'hool who have ditul during Huiytmr, vi/.., lltHi* Hollie Hiitl, Alive A. Stanley and Mr«. kleorRe VV. KerriH. Thk* H<*rviee wa*4 prop ire<l hy Mra. R. N. Stanley.

Nearly 75 vft(»*rH wi'fe pn*aent at Uie annual w Iuh )! o f the M*vf*nlh orBiirklaiul iliHlriet Monday iiiKhl. The m eeting wan held al tho fw'honl Iuhim * and it waH lilled to overllowiriK. The fo llow ing oftieeru n ( TO eh*ete<l: ( ’om- mittee, (hs»ri;i U ' < iniiiionri; w vretary aiul treaftnrer, W' " C o w Ioh- colhn'tor, W. W. Rirtley. ■ -

Om* of tiu* three ei w- o|N*n enra. No. do, haa Im*«*ii placeii i-n the croHH*towii line.- It wan foijml afi**r Hteae earn ar­rived Hiat tlu* wLii'i'In on them were larj^er than tlioei* oti tlie oM enrH, thiiH making Hie carK pMi hi 't) to puKH iintter Hie Valley railroiltl at ilarlford. Tlie trouble wnH remedied by ehar*»fntf the w Iuh’Ih on two of (hem. The Ihml waa put on the croHM-town line, where there are no hrid^(*a to pana under.

Ferris BrotherH are tlie most patriotic (Irm in Uiwn. Tlu*y koep close watch of ail Hie national iudidays and run out **»**•■**<« (Ibk whenever there ia a good reason for doin« so. Some of the more olsicure holidays would |»asK unnotici*<i hut for this custom. For example, Mon- tlay wRH flafcday, hut few knew it until they passed down Main street ami, w'eliiK Ferris Brotherj’ big Hag out. imtuired tbo caiiec of tl>e display.


W A NT T R A M W A Y TO R O C K V llL l

l*:nll»UDln«tlr Town Mt*«*Ui(|| NalunUyN«*w Itoiitr Thnnixh Vf*ri»m(4iriit«*r I’ro-

RiH’kville's (ow n mt'naing Saturday afteriuMm was attendiNl by nearly l,(MHI voteni. Noiuiim lly the ob jiv t o f Hu* im vl- Ing was to (Hmsider a n 'lnirl on the layout of a n e w road aroiintl B u t e 's bill. But the real o lijivt of this large nsHcmblage of voters was lo conHldt'r the lH*st route for the eUvtrle road. From the senti­ment expnwMMi, it w as evident that Uu* iiUH*ting w as n*ady to lay out a h ighw ay almost anyw here it m ight Im tu*^iM<ary to aecomnuMiate a trolley riMul. Tlie ro|Htrt on the Burke lilll route which is on tlu. west road lo Rimkville was dls misHtMl in short order, as another and more d<*Hirahle route was pn^senicd hy M. lit \Vilh*s, o f Vernon ('enter. This ronie |hihh(*h through Vernon Center and Imneath tlie N ew HiiKlnml roatl at AVent Htrwt, l l is half a mile shorti'r than the Burke liill m ute and avoids lu*avy graihx).

Judge O li i iR . W oihI w as pri*a<*nt as the repri*HentatlV(> o f the H artford , M an­chester ((i R(Hikville T ram w ay boin|>aiiy, widch huH a eharter to build over the Vernon (.V n ternu ile . lie said the sur­vey had lN*4*n |iT(*m*nted to Mr. Chapm an only the night U 'fo re and that Hu* ilir*H't4»rM had had no time U) eonHld(*r it. The matter would U* brought to Hu ir atteiitiou as simui as they could get togi'lher for a uus*Hiig. A com- m ittw was np|K)iiiUHl. w ilti M ajor Heulli US cliulrm an. lo confer with the tram ­w ay olHeers and reisirl at a Huliseipii'tit iiuHiting. ,


Mr. and Mra, IL O, Ohoney, iholr aoiiRichard and daug)iU*r Elsie, arrived home Moiuluv evening, hriiiglng wiHi Hu'in Hu* U s ly of Ralph, the younger son, who died ill Asheville, N. C., last l ‘ri*iay. TTieir two daught(*rs, the Missi's Florence and Annie 11. (dieney, were dctaitusl m AHlieville liy (he iliness of Hu* lalU*r. She is suirering from an alTeclion of the iu*nrt brought on hy Hie iietvouH sluH’k raiiK4>d hy the news of luT fatlier's critical illiu*as Iasi w inU r.

The funeral o f Ralph was held at tlu* residence on Oak 11(11 yenti'rday afu*r tUMiii III four o'chK'k. Rev. Thomas Siiiiiim, who was Ralpirs tutor U 'fore sickm*HH com|H'lled him to givi* up sliidy, (xuulucled the si*rvicesiuid paid a dc- «*rved tritiuu* U ill ie high clmracter of the young man. Kru'iids had lestilled their sym patiiy by many (loral olTeriiigH. The iiitermeiil at Hie fam ily tot m Hu* Crt'liler cvm elery was private.

Mr. and Mrs. Ch(*ney’s U*rt‘av(*itieiit and the utleiulanl circumHtaiie«*s make theiuuH|H*ciul obj<*<'lHof sy m palby. A f(*w years ago llu*ir fam ily circle, iMiinprising tlirc*c duughterH and two sons, was u n ­broken. Hinoe then death has twice en- tori*<l the fam ily taking iirst a duogiiU 'r

and now a son. The youngiT datighU r hiiH U h*ii an invalid for two years and is now l(Hi fiH*hle Ri U* brought lioiiie. 'I'he other Hoii'^iias U*4*ri proHlraU*d witii typhoid fever this winter, from which happily he is now fully n*coven*d. Mr. (Mieiiey him sHf was stricken with (he same diwiam* and for a long litne his life hung in the Uilaiice. llo was ju st get­ting out again when ho was Hummoiied lo the U*dside of his (ly ing son.

Riilpii, w lio was laid to r(*st yesUirdny, was iiineU'en. IW fore he was 17 a fever, fo llow ing an attack of meash*s left him with diseascHl lunga. By his piiysieian’s orders he w as Utken soutli in the Iio|k* that the dry iiionntain 'a ir o f Asheville m ight etT(*ct a cure. U is eldt^t sister, Miss Klorem5<* (Tu*ney, accom|mni(‘d liirii and for two years has U*en his eonslunt

and devoU'd attendant. It was lM*lieve<i lie was lirm ly on the road to recovery wlien aU>iit six weeks ago, he suiTen*d a rela|WH*. Mis mother, worn w illi eon- Htaiit ritteiidnnee at the U*dHides of her other son aiul lu r hiiHhnnd liere ut iionie, liasleniMl to him. N ight and day she remained at his side, adminiHtr'riiig all the eom forls Hint a nioHier’s love couhi siiggir^t, only to see him slow ly hut 6* idily dropping aw ay. The U»y iMire liiHiiMlicUnn bravely and made a manly struggle for life. H e was a young inun of rur«* promise, with pun* motives and tiigh ideals. A s a youth, his sunny dis|MNdlioti won him friends in all circles of society.

Cnpt, ( ImrliM I* Bissell, >\hom> crit ion) illmsis was noted in Hntitrdny's Ih 'rnid. died a l eight o i Im k Monday inorniiig from bbsHt iHilsoning. lie had Imh' ii ill just a wc(*k and during that |>eTim| had iiiuh rgoiu* all o|K*rH(ion for ap|H'hdieili^.

Cj> to a wi*4*k ago last Mouday, Cnpl. IUmhOI was hi his iiMtial gmul health. Monday m orning he w«*nt to his work in the silk m ill f(*clmg somew hat unwell. At lUKin he went home (o dinner, and, tlunigh his irulis|HiwiHon c'ontinmsl, hj.‘ thonght he would U> ahh* to llnisli Hu* day at the mill, Stmii after his return to work, however, he was sieMsI with

m'v«*n* pains in Hu* alxloinen and went luMiu*. l.iH»iil rciiu'dies wen* applied without (*tT«'4'l and Hiai ev-ening a phy- sielun NVIU4 called.

Tuesday Hu* <t<H'tor tllw'overed aytii|k- toiiiH (if a|ip,«iulit'i(lH mid the follow ing ilay. |i|. Ht(irtH was eulleil from H art­ford.

I he imtu'iii coniiiuictl (<» g ro w worse and ail o|H<ratit)n n iis tlm'lded on as the only iiuMiiiH of rtUMiig his life. It was )H*rfoinu*d Thursday m orniug l»y Mrs. Ntorrs. B iad lc j. Knight and Tink«*r. A Imdly Initamed condition of the uptH*ndix and Hu* HiilTouiuling (iHH(u*s was found. 1 lu* o|H*ra(Ion liiMtt*(( lN'|w<*i*n two and Ihns* hours. The paHi^nt was in gm»d piiysii'ftl coiidilion and appan'tiHy stiNxI Hu* slus’k well. Hiongh lu* siiiren*d much pain afivr it. I'oi two ilays lu* sm'tiied lo hold Ills 4*\\n. hut the wouiui con- Hmu'd to snppiiiatc and on .Sunday the evid(*ncv of hh»«H| pois<ming aroum*dgra\ (’ ft'an*. ( ’apt. Bissrll hiins<*lf nvil in*d (hal a filial li'riiiiiiulion was iu*ar at hand and tin Sunday iifti'riuHin as M4*mbl<*d IiIm inmily a( |||h lH*tlsid(* aiul luide em h fai(*\s, 11. H,. uns Hu* (*.nlmesi |H*iMon Ml ill!' room and m*4*nu*d to hav)' no fear ol d(*a(h. Mi* sent giMxl i*yiw to nlWi'iu friends ami Indiclml a H|Hs*|jil nioHsago to his ('oinratitHi in Com|aiiiy (J. Soon afterw ards lu* Ih*eniiu* utu'onmMouH and dusl uft(*r a night of mti'iiMf nn(f«*rlng.

Capl. ItisHell was Kll yi'iirs old. M«* was lN»rn in I hirwliiton hiil paaiu'd most lif his life in hhiiith Man dirster. Me was etnplovisi in (he silk mills as alw(H(4>|-. lie ('iilisted in ('oinptuty MAug. I, IHH'J. nnd.'rCapt. A. ll. Ket*iiey. Ml* was inudi* a i'or)H)ral Kehruiuv I-, Um, •urgeam May IW, wan oiuii-trf Hghc sxM waonii MreMt4(nAni lUrob 11

i^umy muib that wUi ym, | ^

Ladies' Shirt Waists.N o w lot. P rottiost sty los

w o ll.ivt; h .id lilts sottsoit, <;o co iU s to Jjti.^o o.Tclt.

Special Atteationis o.t IIo iI to o iir v .ir io ty o f S ilk s fo r w.-iists. L lo j j i in t s ty los in la f lo ta s .

FIGURED B U C K INOtASnow this wt;ok. Also spoci.Tl ni.irk d o w n pricos on sovoral tliiiililios in rcinn .m ts.

B U C K S ITEE N WAISTS.I h-sir.'ible st)jes are bard to

lind. VVe have Itatl .T fewstyles made for ns ;iiul ;tresliowi in spi' cial valn<“ at 5 i.iiul $ 1.23.

and o«t)tiiin Nomnlmr 90, 1800. Ha was the oenlor enpinin in the First Ucginu'iit and Hiis ranh enmled his

light of Inu' on rvglI If WHM legiu,|,.,| |,y

• HU* of tin* Im'hI liii-lh iaiiH

com pany to Hu* mental parade, military men as in Hu* stale.

( ’apt. Bistte'll wiiM 1Kh:i, (o MIhs AiMii).'leavt'H, Ih‘sM<* a w uii>v

miMtU'il /\iig I. loyiiel.

•. tiller Itetys.


n*s|H*.*liv(*ly m, a ,in«l 'J, Mis mother. Mrs. Sarah I*. BiuMrll. Hnivm*s him. and also two hroHu*rD. Ih iiry <1. a moioi man on the Tram w iiy, and Kdwarii of Riehinond, Ind., who ariivetl m South Maiudu*s(ei .Sunday night.

Thefum *ral of Capl. Iteuiell (vdl u* belli at Ht. M ary ’s I'.piHCiipal idmreti H iIn iiflerlHHUi at 2.:i0, Hu* ns*l..i. Rev. .1. A. Biihlle, olliciating. Com pany (1 will attiiml in a lunly. 'I'he firlil and stiilF

and the luiii ('otnmisaioned lialT iiml line nlHcers of Hie First Reginu'nt w ill also alleinl in full uniform f> iHi sitle arms.

C itm piinyii Im,) a f^ ir r lin g Monday evi*nlng and iipiM>in(i*d a eotmnlUe<> lii draft reHolulioiiH on the deaHi .if ( lapt. Bissell, The vt'teraii ie<H«K'iaHon met with (hem and IhiH i actn en and vrlriiMiHvo(4*.l to aU(*nd Ihe fiiiirial.


M I'D. I.5*%» Ik C'Ist N

Klia Uolmimm, wif»- uf l,4«(\jH ( lark, ilii'd «*arly Sinutay m orninc a fP r a l.mg ami H4*veri! illiieHS, .Slu* g.ive hirth lo a

daugiit<*r on tSmiday, Jan 10 and f..r a few days mother nml rhil.l gi.t along

nicely. But Hinhlenly Mrs. C lark lM*gnn to fail and it Hi*erm*il for twii wts-ks Hml she ctaild not live, .She inilie.l agiiin, how»*ver, ami fi»r a tinu* n s’4ivery H(*em- (si certain. Hlu' Ht*eined to im prove in health unlit about three we< l(H iM'fore iu*r death amt since that lime ahe has milh'red l(*rrihle pain. The lilH r rhild di«*d aliou! two weeks aftei its hirth.

Mrs. C lark was Hir .Ijiughter of Mr. ami Mrs. (h'orgt* RohiiiHon am) wat* years and \ monHiH .dd. .She was

marrirsl to l^>wis ( ’hnk alsu.it Hirei* years ago. .Shi* w'as a memlH*i- ,of Hu*' F.pWiirHi l>*Jigm*«if Hu* North MethodiHl church amlai?4oof Manrlu 'sler MiviHioii, S«)n of Tem prianre.

Tlu* funeral was hell) from (he home )f her fallu r on Stark w ral h« r s ln s t

K. I ’. *\iiH at

The l ’nioiiviih*H cam e to .South Man- clu*sU*r on slmrt notice to play a gam e of l>nll lust Hiilurday aftcnuMin. The at- U'lulance was not large hut tiiom* who were pr(*aent saw n gorsl game. In Hie first inning eacii side mutred a run. The next five innings were blanks hut m Hu* M*venlh tiio vlsiuirs se«*ured a lead of live runs. A fter tliat eac.li side ud>l(Hl two runs and tlu* ganu* eloaiMl with a score of 8 to J in favor of Unionville.

yestenhiy arternoon, 1 l'hreaiM*r ollieialed. Thr hi tlu* ( ’5*111 vr i’erm^tery.

p e r s o n a l MlNI ION

I'red Norioii is honie on ii wi*ek's visit.

A Will was Utrn U» Mr. ami Mrs. A. C. Mouse Monday.

Mrs. K. A. Bliss and Mrs. ii«*ni\ lii^ ing uVe visiling frii'tids in BnMtkl>n.

William J. Ch(ip{M*|| ai il wifi* roile to Williniaiitic on Hieir bic)« les Satuiday ami n*turru‘d Monday morning.

Frank AhlH*y, William F. Kic(* .rnd Mugii Moriarly havejoin<*d the army of wiu*4*lmeii.

A platform landing was hiiill at Hu* norlli terminus of Hu.* tramway yi*«U.'r- day.

Of ctnifSf you iulntiro pret­ty irinimittj' kiccs ;iiul t-djres. VV r wotilil to show you our lino. >

BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS.Sco tho l);irj;.tiiis wp aro of-

foriii f in llio.st; towols at 5 cts. oacli. Yon won't p.iss tltoiii wlioii yon soo the si/o. Also lia\'(; sov«!ral ilo/.oii ladies’ iii^ltt dross<;s. Ilandsotiio stylos, nice <in;tlity of cotton, [irottily triininod and in fact a 75 coni ;own bnl onr price while flioy last will bt; >;S cts, c.ich .

T o n m ' j w t o i r — —

All sizes. Nearly at one- It.iK ro^nl.tr pricos.

July 1 io l inoator and L .td io s ’ M o n t h l y R i - v i o w now rr-ady.

Shirts.Sninothinj' now in fancy

liosont shirts whii It wo Would be ph'asod lo show yon.

Golf Hose.Two ^ood lines ol Golf I lose,

$ I .(K7 and $ 1.50.

C A 7 V T E R K S .

B A B Y H A W K B Y E , - $6 .0 0

Takea picture 2) x 2.

Also One VA i 'A, ■ B .O O .



Straw Hats.VVe luvo a nnmbor ol

slt.tpos ol Men's Sti'.iw Hats at ’ 5 cents.

Men's .Straw llats, all stylos, 50 (ent'i.

All the newest shapes ol .Straw 11,Its Iroin 50 tents to $2.00,

Hoys' Straw llats, pl.iin aiul l.iiK y bands, 23 to 30 i ents.

tdhidien's .Straw I I.its, wliite, lilne and brown inked straw, 13 to 23 cent'i.

r i te best a l 3 0 ients .

l . a i p e l ine o l Le.athfT;o to 5 0 t ents.


Page 2: 1896 Hartforil Bicycles Evening Hearld_1896 … · mm ____a J-X’r •’"..- l

CARPETSlW e boiighfr to^Y'iTiany C ar­

pets this SprjjHg and ratherc-' o . ’ .V than carry t f t ^ over, we have

f-r'TW’'-."'. ■ «•.

marked thpm down about 25 per cent^as follow s:

.15 cent Bnissels, !hVA.80 “ “ ,m.9 0 “ " .65

S U 5 Body Brussels, .8581.25 " “ - 81.00


Come iri and look at the Columbia. It is the best made, w tristve the larjjc Domestic RefcigerTItof^Jl^uIar |>rice $ i 5 and ^17, that w c^ ith soll. tqr $ 1 I and $ 13 e.ach.


You will need a trunk or bapj soon. We can supply you with canvas trunks from $3.25 to ; i 2,00, canvas bajjs- and grips .all grades.

WE KAVE RECEIVEDa fine lot of straw hats for

'men. The’jTcome in different styles and at dilTerent prices. They are cool, they are dur­able, they are jaunty. They will retain their color, ami their shape. They will give abso lute satisfaction.

A .L .B ro w n & G o .,O F .l-O T SQ U AR E.


C H ^ ' J C E .

To cluflo iho ICrttalo o f Iho lali* ('alintn Halo, 1 vrill hoII the proyM rly pitiinU'd on ( ’hartrr Oak noarly opiMwIlollaliiiK llroH.* Htoro, Ho. MaiirhoHhT, ooiiHistiiiK of n fourtocn rtMfin houm*. KuiUihio for two fumilioB, nlno an a«Ul ilional huiliUng lot. TIiIb ih a (U*Hirnltli* piece o f pro)>crty', laaiig located on one of Um* principal Blrocta and within live miiinteH* walk o f post olllco, Hch>K>l. trolley ears etc. Must 1n» wold Udore July For teriiiH otc . impiire onthe ]>TciniM*fl or nddn^w

R. R. HALE, Adm|i1istrator,NORWALK, - - - CONN.

W e are Too Busy



You will want a new

Lawn Mower'T h e H igh Wheel Im ­

perial is the best con- sfruetctl M ower in the market without an ce|)tion.

Bay State at a price has so

many good points we can not enumerate them here — T h e V ictor at the price we no etpial.


S l­ it h;as

Everything for the LawiT and Garden


Hardware Store F. T. BUSH.

f -■ ■

f c -$rf—

1896 Hartfonl BicyclesReduction in Prices.

Patterns Nos. 1 and 2, from $80 to $65 Patterns Nos. 3 and 4, from $60 to $60 Patterns Nos. 5 and 6, from $50 to $45

lliia ie llip boat Vnluo tor tlio money oirero*| in miMliuni Rrmlo inncliini'n.

,SAicmr'm m m(SOUTOfyt'HT

A Pure Fruit JuiceM.M>K nv

Hance Bros. & W hite


Thc Standard of the World —acknowknlfice no comp<'titorH. and (Im* C l H n l price IS lixud nbeolutoly for tlu> oeoHon of 1896 at ^ l U U

If you can’t buy a Columbia, then buy a Hartford.All Tolumhin and Hartford Hlcyclt^ arc ready for iinnnMiiatc delivery.


M y

f e “.'

PUOHATE IIK I.II A T ^ _ Miiii< li™ l.'r ;»T O .iir" ''* tor U;i- iIIhIH. I i.f Manrhenter, on the 13lh u jkJ f A I)iwi 'tti

I»n**M*nt,OLIN R. W ()<“ : hnlu'**.Estate o f Mary (HUt*«|*le, late ......

ter, In saUl <IfHtrlet,thHH«iwMl.On motion o f FranetH if . Whliwm, M. I>

exwH'iitor.O ltD KUED - That hIx monthHfnnn the I3lh

da>’ of June, A . I>. IHOft, tx? Jitul tin* Hiunt* ar*‘liniitetl ajid allowetl for the eriNlltiirH wBliln which to brlna In tlieir clalnjt* against tudtl ««• talc* and Iho salt! exi-enttir fa lUrj'eUttl lo

. irlve imhiic notl(‘(» to tlie creilltorH to hrinR In their riaimn w llh fii kaUI tltn«' Hllowctl liy |M)at* IriKHCwinyof thlHoKleron th«' imhllcHiK'n iiOMt jican ‘Ht TO the ptaco wht're the deocAMttl laMt dwelt within aiild Unvn and by ptihllHlihiK the same in some heW's|wtiM*r havtiu; a circulation in said |>roiuitc iliHirlet, w illiln Um days from Ihe date o f this onler. anil rtduni makctOlliiH court o f tiie iiollco siven.

O I.IN U. WOUrt. Jmlio'.

For Sale

PUBLIC AUCTIONFactory of the Waring Electric Go.,

A T A t J \ Mmof Matu'ii

T A fO V ItT OP I^OHATK HEM) AT Manchester wdthin and for the district tdiv ter, on the lOlh <lay of Juno, A. D. IHW.

l^rearnt ()I.dN K. WOOD, Rmi., Jndsc. Kstr^ of Alice O .. Ktanley, latv of

Miuvchester, In saltl district., d<K*uaMsl.The Administrator having cxhlhttoil his ad-^

mlnlMratlon account with saitl i^tnte to this Court for allowance. It Is *■ '

O K D K IiB O -T h a t the 9H)i day o f June. A . I )^ UM, at 9o*clock forommn, at tlin I'rolMite Om<«, In .said Manchester. Imi and thoHamc Is aastiroMr for a beariog on the allow* ante o f said Adrolnlstrathm accouni'wltii said «;f tate, and this courtdlroctH tlm Admtnfstrah r tq g ive imMIc notice to all persons interestvnl therein to apiN'ar and be heard thereon hy puhlinhlng a copy o f this order In son\e nrwtupaM r having a circulation in said distrlrt, ami hy imetlng a c«>py o f this orv*cr on tiie pub He slgnimst in the town where the doceamd last dwelt, three days befeiw said day o f bear* Ing and return make t4> this court.

O M N I L w o o l ) . Judge.

AT*o f Mar

ACXTIJRT O F PR O B A TE H E M ) A T Manchester, within and fo rth n district

danebestar. on the day o r June, A 1)., Itin.l*resentOL1N R. WOOD, Era. Judge.

Estate o f Andrew M. Hpent'cr, late o f Mancheater in said district, deceasoil.

UiNMi appUcatlon o f Sarah A . H|>encer, praying that adminl>ttratlon bo granted on

plication on tile, It Is

o f SarahO ing that adminlfttratln

es^te, as tw apnllcati ORl)EKED:«*That tne furegolng application

-Its.- heard and dotermlacd at Uie PruLatu nlDce In Usnebester It

_ 4sg of Jnne A.D..Usnebester In said district, on the 9>th

__^ of Jnn«,^A.D.. at nine o^clocA In thefoiwnson, and that notice be given to all per*

intarwted to aald estate of the pendency lUcatieii. and the time and place o( trenn by publishing a copy of this----sue nawspaper having a ctr-

disirret, and by IKMOingaco]the unUlo signpost

er at least throe da^n before the to'appear If they see cansi^ ce and be beanl rvlati.ve storn to this Coort.LIN K. WOOD, Judge.


Friday, June 19th, at 10 o’clock a.m.Ono cftr|K'ht<'r’« sliop 2 0 x*2.'i, purliliniifl

ami Iu iiiImt.One warehniiHt' SOxil'i.Water |>1|H'h, gas pipes,. s|>eaking

tulles.Olllce furniture including one stand­

ing desk, tallies, cliairs, electric desk lights, copying press, awnings, etc.

Two safes, one 81 xirix!)!, one 40x2»x2.'i.Electric dynamos, belting and slinft-

ing, watclinihn's cliwk and iixtures, iiiiacellaiieous sninll tools, lathes etc.

Per Order

WM. W. HYDE, Receiver.

n o W A it 1> .i. BESTOR, A uctioiiecr.

EMIL W. SCHMEI8KEllootsnnd Shoos made and re|>aire<l.

A ll work Riiarantcod.A ll kinds of Rubber ropidrinR

- a t 4 L BROWN’S Store. -Depot Kqnare ------- Manchester.


Horse Shoeing and General- Jobbing.GOOD WORK at UKAKONAHLK PItICEM

8I*KU1AL attention toTKOTTRK.S

John Fennisey & Co.Hhop on Kolwrt Watts* place on Vernon Ht.

Manchester Green, Conn.

What, O What is the use —in my trying to tell you how nice a barrel of Hour wt; sell for for yon will neverknow what a nice loalol hreatl it makes till you try it.

It would do your eyes good to let them gaze at the large bottles of best Lemon K.xtract we .sell for 25 cents.

California Yellow I’ ie Fruit Peaches lo cents per can, three cans for 25 cents, is an unprecedented jirice, and do not think we shall ever be able to procure another lot to sell at this price.

Have y'oii used any of our best Rice, which we are sell­ing at the rate of four pounds for 25 cents. If not make liaste and buy a (luartefs worth and see bow good it is.

Our joy was complete last F'riday, when we received some more of ‘ those egg plums and the purchasing price enabled ns .to sell two cans for 25 cents. On that d.ay also we received some very large silver prunes, which we offer two pounds for 25 cents. A t' the s.uiie time came some large black ones which we offer for the same money, and juilging the futiire by the past these goods will sell rapidly.


llaw loy (Riung hot y|H'iiivl a laundry in Uridockpr'a Im ildiip nn Pim< atrnH.

The abort Uaiii a « r i& l<rtn')'«>ii llarl- ford and h ^ t lln r if iM l traadiaoominuixl Sunday,

One o f tho Mg dljf' gtHaia Hton-a in Hartford keeps a btlf In front of tlin •lore to check and caie for llu' - liicyolea o f cuatomens.

Snuday-B heayy ani£.i'onlinui>na rains caused a poalponenieK oi ilu< cliildreii'a dnyiMnrTioea in nio«r<>r llio rluiix'luyi until heat Sunday. '

Frank Onets has pat in a llv(.-luirM eloctrib ntotor for use in friN'r.ing. iiH> cream, He olitains the nirnuit lo run il front the trolley vvtriK'

Preaidiag Elder'’ Balei n-lll pn'ni'li in tiie North kfclhodiot Cluiirli next Hnn- day morning and a;.Cliililren'H ocrvii'e will Iw lield at 4.S0 p. in.

Tho tlirtw-year-old clilld of Eugene Wilwm, of Union stlWt. died Saturday o f npiiuil monini^tia and waa linri<><l Siindny in the Oeiiter eeineU'ry.

Tlio East Hartford R<‘.'uige will furniHli the program at Cha'PiO'iing of Man elieeter grange toniglit. A t tiie el.ioe o f tlio meuUiig aupper will l>«> m>rve<l.

The K lng’H UauglilerH will give a H(ip|ior and enterlainmeni at llio Nortli Oongregntinnal ohurrli next Friday evening for tlic lieiilltor llie Maneln-Hter fr«M' lilirnry.

Tiie Mnncliiwter hall nine wan iN'nteii at Wellieralleld Iasi 'Saturday, Tiie Heore waa l.'i to 5, The Maneliealera and TiileottvilloH will play at WiMHiIntid l ‘iirk next Satiinliiy alleniooii.

Tliere were many Tl'iilom at tiie ninth diatriet «eli(Hil« yoelridny afteriiiMai. Regular work was In I'logrem in all the rooiiia and luireiibi found llio oin-rnliona of tile mweriil departliienta very enter taining,

A niiHiting of (lie oftleial iNuird of tiie Soiilli Metliialist cliurrii will 1m> lield at till' parHOimge at eight o‘eliH'k tomorrow oveiiing, Tfip prayei meuling at tlio .'liiircli tonight w ill he m eliiirge o f llie Epworih Ix'agiie.

The Odd Fellonra' iiieinorinl exereixe wiiB iMMitiKined from Inst Hiimliiy, on iie- eoiiiit o f, tho rain, until tomorrow. Hlioiild the weather agiiiii prove tiiifuvor- iihle Iho memorial wrvlei. will lake place in the lixlgp lutll.

The Kulo *» o f the MnecnlN<<>a will eelehraU' tliclrv^ nlvenviry at llielr liiill in the Browii A Pavien JjUJIilUlg U>.- niorrow night. A p fe t i l v . »*terU in - numt i«followed n y . .

Tonv" the nosii' man msiln hl« nniiiial call at MiUioliiwter Hutiiniiiy niglii. l ie nttrnrtO'l a large crowd to liepot mpiare and went Mhrniigh the namo pi'rforniiuiee iiii lie lm« for the paxt dozen or more yearn.

A new rule w ill go iiitoelfeiH at Laurel I’ark today. lien after tho price of admiMHhiii to the diinelng |uiviliiin will U' 10 ceiitH, and ifraonH leaving the pavilion during the aftcriuKin may re­ceive return ehei k» without extra charge.

RoIk tI I'aliiier ih Imllding a rough eolInge for E. C. Hilliard oh tho high liiml north of Ihe mill |xmd. it will have one nxmi ilmm Htalra nml Hhx<|iing rcxmiH in the .-x-eimd nlory. Mr. Hilliard ami hii^friemla w ill OHO It to camp out ill during tho Hiimiiier,

Tho nniiiml Htra»U.rry foativni at tho lliickinghiim eloin h tnkoH place tliia evi niiig. There leinn’t Ixx'n u Htrnw- Ix-rry feHlival in M:iiicho«tor thin year and lovi TH of Hirnwl'erryi ahorteako will hio IheiiiHelveH 1 ., Iliickiiighaiii in n Hiiinll army loniglil if the weather be gixXl.

Tieki tH are ixdliin well for the |x>r- forniiiiieo of "T.my which la to Ix' given at Cheney le.ll loniorrow evening for Ihe iH'iielii of SI . Mary'a church. Thin iday, w liieli w i given at tho hiiiiio ploee liiHt wilder, w dl Ih< roiiiemlx'nHl on one of Ihe In'hI aim ii'itr pnxluetions in many ix'nHoiiH.

A Uiiiehing mi imiMal nervico wax held M the .Siiiith M. th.Hli'it 'church .^luiiday overling in eoiiiieeiiuii with the child- ron’x xervieex. for l ie inenilx'rH of the .Sunday xeliool who have diixl during theyuiir, viz., lilll,' I lolMo lliitt, Alice A. .Stanley iiiol Mrx. ( lixirge W. Ferrix. Tho xerviee wax prepared hy Mrx. R, N. Hlnnley.

Nearly ~r, volerx were present at tho annual txdiix>l' meeting o f tho xovetiUi or llitcklaiiil ilixlriel .Moiidny niglit. Tho iiieeljiig wax held xl the ix'lirxil hoiixe and it wax lllleil to overflowing. Tho follonitig idVe'eru were, electeil; Com- initteo, ihxirgi' t\ i . inmiorix; xTHirernry ami trenxiirer, IV f>>wlcs; colhx'tor, W. W. Rixlev.

The work of enmph<titig the Talcott villi) extenalon of the tramway moTw xlowlr, although the contractom and Iho Tramway company 'a own men are puxhing tliliiga an rapidly aa paaaihle. Suiwrintendent Hall nald last night tiiM till' line would not lie oiwnixl this week, and aetumxl lo think that he would lx< doing well If lio lioil tlio oara running hy next Monday. Uverhoad work romaiii* to Ix' done on Iho xwilehra c,in l)o|x)| n<|iinre and in Adanix ntreel, paving on IK'|x>t Hi|iinre ami iXllaallng and oloaii- iiig lip all along tho line. Everything will Ix' (iluced In |x>rfect comlilioii Ixv for<> (he rare are xtartixl no that whoii the xervlw lx Ix-gnn it can prix-i'cil with­out necidoiit or iiilortuplloii.

l i e MittitiMr M orn ln ii An««rW o rk ’* lllttran U'Hit A|>|»«*nillrlll*

Mllltikry VtiKrritl Tmlnjr

WANT TRAMWAY TO ROCKVILLEl>:»i«luiNlH«tlr Tow n M f*rtln « NitItmUy

Nrw K nu lr Th ro t(j(li V4>riioniirn(«>r I ’ ro.

Rix'kvillo'n town uiixslng Saturday nfloriKKiii wax iitloiided liy iienrly 1.0(H) votoi-x. Nolfrlimlly thoghjix'l of tho imx't- Ing wiiH lo ixiiixlder n rt>|xirt on Iho layout of ^ now nxid around Ihirke'x hill. Bill tho D'ul olijix'-t of thiri large nxxcinhiago of voters wax to coiixidi'r tho ix'xt niuto for tho ehx'trle rtxid. From tho xoiitl- niont ox|>rtwmxl, It wax I'vident Hint the imx'ting wn* ready to lay out a highway iiliiioHt nnywhorr' it might Ix' necoxHiirv to iiccoiiiimxlnle n trolley rimd. Iho ri'ixirt on the Ihirkc hill route w hich ix on iho wext nxid lo Ihx'kvillo wax dlx- niixmxl in xhorl order, ax, another ami imm> dexirnlilo roiilo wax pri'xenled hy H. II. Willex, of Vornoii Center. Thix rmilo imiwH through I'ernoii Cent)'r and Ix'iiealh the Now England nxiil nt Woxt xlnx't. it lx .half ii iiiilo xhorti'r than the Burke hill route and nvoldn liixiry grndoH.

Judge Oliii R. Wixxl wax priwoiii nn the iH'proneiitntlvo of the lliirtford, Maii- ehexU'r Rix'kvillo TraiiiW'iiy ooili|xiny, which luix a charter to hiilld over the Veriioii Center route, lie xiilil tho xiir- voy had ixmii prexoiited lo.Mr, Chiipiiiiin only Ihe night Ix'fore nml that the diriH'torx had had iio tiiiio to eoiixiiler it. Tho matter would lx> hroiight to tliiir iitleiitioii iix X4XII1 ax they cotihl got togolhor for ii imxiliiig. A com mitlix' wax iipiHiiiiUxl. w ilh Major llonth ox chuiriiiuii. to confer with the truiie way ollleerx nml n^xirt nl n Hul*xxpient imxitiiig. ..........

One of the three i i w- o|x*n enrx. No. 110, hox Imx'Ii pineeil . n Ihc, onme-towii line. It wax found xfl''r theiwi enrx ar­rived that till' wheeix on them were larger ihnii thoxi'on the (tid enrx, thiix making the enrx lixi high lo |xixx under the Valley rnilroail at Hartford. The trouble wax D'liuxliixl hy I'haiodng tin* whix'lx on two of tliem. Tho thud wan put on the croxH-tow n lino, where' there arc no hridgex to poxx under.

Ferris Brotherx are the most patriotic iirm.lp. town. Tlmy koop chwe watch of all tho national holidayx and run out their big Hag whenever there la n gixxl feaxoh for doilig ao. Some of tho more ohecure holidayx would ixtsx unnotie>x| hut for this custom. For example, Mon­day was flag day, but few knew it until they paasiHl di^wn Main street nml, xeeing Ferrix Brothers' big ling out, ipiluired tho cause of tjie display.

f u n e r a l o f RALPH CHENEY.

Mr. and Mri, R, O. Ohonejr, thoir son Richard and dauKbU'r EIhIc. arrived homo Momlnv hringin^ withIhoii) the InnI)* of Ualph, the >ouhK<*r Hoii, who died in Aalieville, N. i ’., IhhI Fritlay. Thoir two .lauuhL'rH, the MiKHOH 1‘Tonmco and Aniilo il. C'lionoy, were delaitu^l in Anhoville hy ihe illtieHo of the latter. Hhe in HUlTeriiiff from an alTeeliuii of iho ht^arl hrouKht on hy tiu' nervotiH HhtN'k cnumMi hy tho nowH uf her falhor'H critical illtiiHid hint wint4r.

The funeral of Ualph wuh held at the rcHidcnci> on Oak Hill yonterday after tUKm at four u'ck>ck. Ucv. Thoimui HIiiuuh, who waa ltal|ih'H tutor iN'fore aickiuiiH cxini|N'ilcd him to up Htmly, conducted tho Horviciwaml paid a de- HC rved Uib'uUi U) tho hi^h charuclor of ihe youn^ man. KriemlH had Uvititied their sympathy hy iiiaiiy tlorai otferinKH. The inU'rineiit at the family lot in the Center cemetery wuh private.

Mr, and Mfh. Cheney'H iM'rt'uvemeiit and lh<> utlemhml circuiiiHtanctw mulu' them uH|MH,‘ial ohjiH tn of Hy mpulhy, A few yeurn uk«» their family eircle^ c-ompriHin^ thrcM.' dau^hterH and two hoiih, wuh un broken. Hinue then death han twice en* leriHl the family tokliiK llrnt a daUKhU'r and now a hud. Tho youiiKcr daiiKht4‘r huH lMM>n an invalid for two yearn and in now 1<K> fiHddo to Ih« hrought home. The other Mill huH lM>4>n prontratiHl with typhoid fever thin wiiiU^r, from whieh happily ho Ih now fully nnxjvored. Mr. ('heney hiniHelf wuh Htricken with the Hauie diueaHe ami for a long limo IiIh lifo hung in the iNiloiice. Ho wan jiiHt get- ting (Mit again when he wan Huniinoned to tho liednide of bin dying mm.

liidph, who W'HH luhl to rent yimWrday, WUH iiineU>en. IkTore ho wiis 17 a-fovor, following an attack of moai«hm left him with diAOAHOil lungH. Hy IiIh phyniciaii'H orderH he wuh taken mmlh in the Iio|h*that the dry mountain tAir of ANhovillomight effiH t a euro. H ih oldeat Hinter, Mihh Florenw Cheney, ac(*ornpnni(‘<l him amb^ur two yeuTH hoH lM*eti bin c4mHUint and d evo id attemlaiit. It waa iN'IieviHl he woH firmly on tho road to recovery when about nix weekH ago, lie HufTere<l a rolH|tH<‘. IliH mother, worn with C4>n- Htant aUemJunce at the UylHidoH of her other HOII ami h< r huHittuid here at home, hiiHtemMl to him. Night and day hIio remained at bin Hi(h>, adniiniHU'riiig all the comforlH that a niother'H love C4iuld HiiggeHt, only U) him nlowly hut

idily dropping away. The Uiy lM>re liiH nniictiori l>nively and made a manly Htriiggle for life. He wuh a young man of rart* proiiiiH4>, with pure inotiveH and high ideuln. A h a youth, hin Htinny diH|MmUii)n won him frieitdH in all eirehm of Hociely.

^Capt. (Tmrli>H L. lhH.mdl. whom> crit* (Onl lllmmH wiu* not«sl in Hattmlay^H Herald, died at eight ii'chvk Monday morning fnmi hl<HHi lYoimming. He hml' Nym ill jiint a week and during that |H»rl<Ml had undergone an o|ioratioii fornp|H‘ndicitiH.

U p to a w-iM'k ago luHt M ond ay , t'n|)l. lllumOl wan in bin OHiial gtHnl health . M onday irntriiing tie w en t to Ii Ih w ork In the Hllk m il) ft id in g i«om owhat u nw ell.

A L n o o n he w en t hoim* U) d in ner, and, thou gh bin indiH|HkHliioii (ytoLinm nl, he thou gh t he wouhl In* able t«i -tlniHh the d ay III Ih4‘ m ill, Siyin a fte r Iuh ret^irn Co w ork , Im w ev iT , he wan aleMMl w ith m*ven> pahiH III th<« iilK lom en and w ent hoim v 1.04'iil rnni'dit'H w e re appUeil w-itlumt elTeet and thiu e v e n in g a phy* Hiciun W UH calletl.

Tm>Hday the dtH ior dli^overed Hyin|k' toiiiH of nppondit'itiM and the fidlowing day. Ur. StoiTH wuh oiilhyl from Hart­ford.

Tht* paliont (nuH imit'd lo grow worm' and an <>|H«ration wan dorldeil on n n the 4»nly imyiiiH of naiing hlH life. Il wan IHTfornitM) ThiirHiiay morning hy Urn. UtorrH, liiadh>y, Knight and Tinker. A Imdly iiilliiintHl I'ondilioii of the apmmdix and till' Ntiironniiing tiNHinm wuh found. 1 he o)H*ratton laMti*«i tH*Cw'<a'n two ami three hourn, 'I'lu' patient wuh in giNnl phyHl4'al coniiiiiHit and apparently hIimhI the nhiH k wi'll. though he HiilfertMl much pain after it, l-oi iwo dayH he mHMitrMl

holt! hiH oen. Iml tin* wound con- linmyl to NiipiMiraie ami on Sninlay tin* evidt'nce nf l*lt» H| poisoning ai'ouHtNl graxefearH. ( api IUhni II hiinmdf n*al IzimI (hut a fatal termination xvhh near at hand uikI «in Siiiulay afP'rniNtn an rn'iiihliMi Ioh family at hia iM'tlHiih* ami ImthM'ueh fan*u 4 11. H«< w n n the ealm4*Ht III (Ilf riKMii and H4y*m4*»| i4ihave no f4*ai n! ih'alh. lb* m'Ht g»NHl hy(*H to alment frieiidH and imlicUHl a H|Hvial nii'HHage to Ida e4intrMili*H in <'oni|tany (). Simhi afbrw arda In* In* cnim* ntii'oiiKiitaia and tIitNl afti*r a night of iiiti'iiia' Hiilb'ring.

(■apt. HifwWI waH Itn yearn oM. He waa lN»rn in liarwinton hut paaH4*4l moat >r hlH life in Hontit Man.'healer. lb* waa ‘inplove*! in tin* allk niilla um a tw Intel. He eiiliHted in LJoHipany () Aug, 1, IHH',', miih'r Capt. A. It. Keeiiej-. 1 1 1 ! wax iiiu.le H eor|ntrnl Fehruarv I'J, IStLl, itiirKeaiit May IW, 18»i(, was ooni- le j llKhc-i.>.w«onA Hatch 11

^mnx..)r))«>w Ihs^.vflB | ___ ^and oaptain November Xl, imw. He )V«S the senior eaplalh In the First

Ladies’ Shirt Waists.New lot Prettiest styles

we have had this season. 50 cents to 5 i '5 " t-ac'h.

Special Attentionis called to oiir variety of Silks for waists. lileuant styles in I'afTetas.

FIGURED BLACK IN0I4S.specialseveral

new tliis week. Also mark tlown prices on cpialities in remnants.

BLACK SATEEN WAISTS.Desir.iblf stj'les art! Iiartl to

mil, \V f have liacl a few styles made for ns ami artt showinj; speei.il values at f i and $1.25 .

Of course yon admire pret­ty trimmine laces and edjres. We would i^ e to show

ir line. * eyon

thiM lank oiitilh'tl hin Mghl of liiu' on rrgi III’ WUH M'guiiiisi hy

ono of iht' hfiit (actiriaiiH

The UnionvilleH catm* to Houth Man- clH*HU‘r on Hhtirt notirr* to play a gaiiio of liall loHl Haturtlay afU>riioon. The al- Umdance* wqh not largo hut thoaa* who worn proHont naw a gtKxl gamo. In tho llrHt inning oadi nidt* mvinnl a run. Tho unxt flvo InningH wore hlankn hut in tho fk»venlh tho vlHiiora Bocurotl a load of five ruiiH. After Unit each nitle two rufiH and tho gann* cloeanJ with a Hcoro of 4 U) 3 in favor of Unionvillo. j

Ib'gimont and company to tin* nn*ntal pannh*. military inon kh in Iho Htab*.

( ’apt. IUhh4‘II %% iim maiih'd .Vug. |6 . 1Hh:1, t4i MIhh Annio 1, Joynor. Hr loavoH, iN'Hidi* a w ulnw, IIium* iNiyH, agod n*H|M‘('tivoly 10. It ami J. MIh niofhri. MrH.'Harah I*. I.liMHrll, MUiviv.t'fi him. and rilROtwo hrnlhofH. H m iy U. a motor man on tho Tramway, ami Kdwanl C of Uichniond, hid., who anivrd in Stiuth Mam'hi»Htor Sumlay night.

Thoriim*ral of lliHHt*ll will U*In-hl at Ht. Mary’H lipiiM'opal chiirt*li i IiIh afl4‘riuMm at 2.JMI, iho rocUu . Uov. J. A. liithih*. olllciatliig. raunpany (1 will alb'iul ill a Itody. Tho lirld and Ntalf ami tho non (‘omtiiiHHiom*4l HtalT and line ollltMTH 4>f lilt* I'lrMl Ih'gimriit w ill alt4o att4«iid in full uniform f) ith Hiih* anuH.

rm npiinyd hutl a fa r it in g Monday 4*voidng and ap|Hdnl(*<l a r4imndlb*4' to draft rcHtdijiioiiH on (lir t lrad i of ('apt. hiHHa*ll. TIu* V(‘t4*iiin aHFMH-iatioii nu*t wilh ihrin and Ixd h arti voh ami vi-triuiiH vo(4'd to atb'lid ilir fiilu tal.

OBITUARY.— • •Dt TN. I .••«» In d'likt h

Klla UohiiiKon, wib- of Clark.dio4l oarly Sunday mormtuf afp-r a long and Hovoro illm-HH. Hlu* gavr hirlh to a daiight4*r on Hunday, .Tan, Ml and f.u a fow day-H iimlhor nml < laid goi along nh'oly. Hill Niidd4*n)y Mrn. Clark N-gan to fail and it M4*(>niod b>r (wo win kH that hIu* conhl md Iiv4', ,Sho ralli4*<l agrdn, how'4‘ v«'r, ami for a limo ri*<'ov<‘ry hm'ii i* «*4l rortain. Sh»* H4*4*nird to improva* in ht'nilli until nlmut Ihroo woa'kn iM'fairo hor (h*alh ami Him-i* tiuil limo hIm* haa HulT<*ri*tl tt*rrildf pain. Tin- Imk' addld 4lh*«l alM>ut two w-ookH aftor i(H hirlh.

Mrn. Clark wan tiu* daughtrr of Mr. and MrH. (loorgo IbdiinHam nml waa LM ya*nrH'^and 1 niontliH old. Hlu* Wiih innrrior) to l tavin ('laik idMuit thr<*<' y4‘urH i4g«b HIh* wiih a m<*mlMT of Iho KpW’orIh Ii4*agiio of llo' North MidlutdiHt church and alao of Manc)u*Ht(T UiviHion, Hon 4>f 'r(*m|M>ranc4>.

Tho fum-ral wiih hold fraun thr homo of lii-r fallu'r on Hlarkw’raUirr Mtr«*4 t y**Hlorday aftornoon. Ih-v. K. |', l ‘hr«‘aru*r olliciatod. 'Dii-latrial wan al tin* ( '4‘fdvr 4’»*im*l4*ry.


l'i»-4l Norton Ih honir on a wiM-kV viHit.

A mill WUH lM»rn P> Mr. ami Mth. A. C. i loiim* kloiiday.

Mtk. K. a . HIihh and Mrn. lirn i) Hal­ing iiifii friomlMJit HriNiklyn.

William J. (d)np|H*ll and w ib* nwlo to Williinantic on (heir bicych*H .Saluiday and rotiirno4l Monday mornings

Frank AhU^y. William F. Ki<o and Hugh Moriarty havcjoim ii llu> army of whi*<*lrm*n.

A platform lamling wiih hiitit at tin* north (4*rininuH 4if the tramway ywter- day.


Se<' llie b;irjj;.iiiis we .ire of- feriiij; in tlieSi.- towi-ls at 5 cts. eaeli. You won't p.iss tliem when yon see the size. Also have several dozen ladies’ nij^ht dresses. Handsome styli-s, nice tpiality of cotton, l>rettily trimmed ami in fact a 75 cent jjown hut oiir price while tliey last will lie 5,S cts. ciich. .

~ T O n A i B M i c o i r — -All sizes. Nearly at one-

half rcjjjular prices.

Jidy I felim aior ami l.adies’ Monthly Ri;view now ready.


Straw Hats.We liave a mimlier ol ^ood

shapes ol Men's Straw llats at 25 cents.

Men's Straw liat.s, all styles, 50 (cuts.

All the newest shapes of .Str.'iW I fats from 50 cents to $2.00.

Hoys' .Str.iw Hats, pl.iin and l.incy li.inds, 25 to 50 ci'nts.

Cltildii'ii's-Straw I lals, white, blue and lirown mixed sir.aw, 15 to 25 cents.

1 lie best al 50 O'llts.

I lim20 lo 50 cents

Belts.)l Le.ather

Sblrts..Sometliiii}^ new in

liosom shirts which we I d - |)leased to show you.


Golf Hose.14

I'wo jj;ood lines of Golf 1 lose, 11 ,()o and $ 1 .50.

C K 7 V T E R K S .

BABY H A W K B V e , - $6 .0 0

Taltcx picture 3| x 'J,

Also One Z'A i iA, 88.00.




•ii? 1



Page 3: 1896 Hartforil Bicycles Evening Hearld_1896 … · mm ____a J-X’r •’"..- l

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■tWOOD a. B tjl

t s s ^ Ha«to



•ta Vf new*

Mid w « loailad HiaH ftOHOOt AT^I.tTIC8. NATIONAL POLITICS. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAPX t ir ta r t Wrat «hrt-P—r mtM.

Th* flrat outdoor meat of the South

.1 , ’


,' -K"

WHECUNQ DOWN THE HUDSON.n a Md 9mfm» eiia ia««a

INittha^ Coemy- TUrwurU Ui« Hi**-Meda—n e a FaeahkcapalaioHew '

» a A e i t » « » OaaDaj.The Aatanoe from Albany to New

York ia ISO milea. A atroug rider, with fhtrering oooditiona of wind, weathar ■ad pnth, may make the journey in two ifeM WHboat difficulty. But it one baa

of time be bwl bMter Uke three dejei thee he will be able to atop here and then to iaqtaet the more attractive piaoee, end ipota of himoricai interest.To do the dMance in two dara one mutt keep bOatllnK and mutt diamlet with gleAoe many aoenee which he would Ufcit to exemiOe more doaely. Ue muat make Fohghkeeprie, 75 milet down the rlrer, the Aral night and Now York, 76 milea farther on, the aeoond.

- - The ttao Menchetter pUgtimt, whom we left last week trying to sleep in Bolty hotel at Albany, had but two dsya In wfakb to make the trip. For them, wind weather and track ware not pro-

. pitlooa the Bret day. The Albany news ' h ( ^ awoke os early, crying the morn'

ing papera niider our windowa Arising tor a glimpae of Albany by daylight we were oast down to aee early pedestrians carrying, umbnllas, Bain was falling brUily. A huge gilded flsli,' which eernd as a weather vane on a near-by steeple, pidnted aouA and the breeso from that dirOotloa waaM prHty'stiil one. W e were on a pleaure trip sod didn't propoae to ride In min or mud. We knew there wore tw^railroads and any number of stenmbcala running down the Iludaon rirpr and that bicyclea are carried by tr>i(ispottation lines in Hew York as baggage, without charge; so we had ao fear of being unable to make Fohghkep^ that night.

Bain kept us indoors until eleven o'clook. We Impihved the time studying our guide hook, the June number of Outing, In whldi the route from Albany to New York'is ptotured and described. Tow iid hoc« the ra'tii oeasied, the pave­ments began to dry and we made start. The route we had chosen was the old Albany and New York post r ^

which, starting from the east end o f the Albany bridge, tuns back to the ahoulder of the hills whlDb form Utc easterp con- fine of the*'Hudson and follows an

~ elevated oourse four or Ave miles back

Iz a a

wbeab on a .■lad enough to oease

bfM the persistent southWlad..A hath followed hg •OPP*’* Ivtimahester High School Athletioai the Ilelewtiouee made ue almoet «v|o|,t{,Mi took plaoe at Wondiaad Park^godaanew. An evening tiolley ride |||,„ ,gg|urdsy afturnoom The oonteate o n ^ belt line givp us a faint idea of I would have been more intereatli^ bad the layout of the town and then w eljj,, aaaoOiation been able -to secure turned in and slept sound ;. I cnother school to unite in the games.

The ride from Poughkeepsie to New j dJUwugh they failed in this they mtpeol York is far more Interesting thM ^ t from Albany to Ponghkoepal«\The toad is better and it passes througKa iiUM eaaWiti of prosperous towns si cities. For much of the distance tl^ path overlooks the river. When "tre awoke after a good nlghiV^-rtot atPougbkeeprie the sky w»s;Btlll cloudy, ___but there were evidences that the stor™ Iggniery, Uerhayt wav over and wo determined to ™*ke|uy^u The Jud(

the'itoM ik,toa nay BahWf g * e a f i W f ~ ^ ^ SYNOiNTHOtTS H f S S

LOOK BEFORE YOU BUYIn the hopes o f eUMtim O iu M tA . 'Onibeisaei Mieii oandidata t i t jpivniBor, ih e silver t»w» of Taaaaaih taKlngnow ca aenanwomiae to OUeagts 8o niany g o w snesi -are foiuwearlng the • ; owina to maohlne polltl

an effort to push through to New York Btseell andon our wheela The obnosloua head| Charles HiiU was wind of the preceding day had subsided to a gentle Mphyr and the roads had dried out. lnd( ed we found a few milea south of Pougbkeapaie tbslthey bad had no rain for two Weeks and all the way to New York the only water that troubled

wrs that from the alreet sprinkling

In the future to secure such a combina­tion. The records made Saturday are very creditable and entitle thp, athletee

the South Manohrvter school to a fair ding among the other sc bools of the

stateXThe oomrollteeof arrangemente was ss tollows ; PbiUp Cheney, chair- man ; Irving B. Thomas, T. H. Mont-

House and M. Bari' were J. P. Chefaey,

-— ,— f_

And M yuu look hert for tlw ^toljow' fang arttohayoa will not nerd to took lurther. We have just received a m i M k o t

. . i r ' i c TOOLS.

afforded every ’ vari-

P. Qser.j i ; A. B. Peter­

son, announcer ; F. 'A ; Verplanok, referred F. C. Farley and Howard Bid well, measurers ; N. IV, PuIslfhrMd 0. B. House, timers. ^

The BttendanoU was good and IncRi^to a liberal aprinkiing of ladies.

In the.one mile bicycle racd Pulaifet and Bralnard collided on the flret tnrit and both went down. Neither was

tlaket owing to maohlne poUUoe thnt In order to'eeoUro their support» OUlB«-

who eamiot bo eleoted without tte V A B ]lUeil'e'Vntn, It' le blShly pmbahle * a ncaaiiininlfft' ilTtTaraY**n —'*** he

■enttoOhloMo. M this to no* dooAthe gold atotf wtiT not voto ta the state eleo- ttco. and Popnltoto w ill elect their {oremor. ^dnoo t&e talk c f coBcemtnn flr the HWkHtea ».

John K. Hnrsk Senator O o n A 'tt u M i t a U B , P a n , . l h i t o i i n

llarrUndDemooratto delegation toOhi- ^ ill OffimaU'a aheende. ^ d i n ^

the 'poeaibte oontrbl cd the Ohl-

wo have also a few damaged by wUI eell at haU price. Atou a lot of aalt slightly demagtsi by selling IS bags for a quarter, SO lb. boxes for 18 cents. . , ,We have Just received a freeh Invotoe of the following goode:

: 1C E /



w.y;rYV.S'' ••

■- i- m■■rT

■ ---H




7 3 ; DR06


carts.The days’ run ..... ............. .. .

ely of scenery. It led through t h e b e y o n d a few bruisea and re- UuilBon hlghiandv from YVappIngei’a without delay they AfiishedFall to Oairlfcon’s. Along this atrotob events and winnersthe inauntalna rose precipitously from | .the road on cither elde clothed wlthj io o j,„a dash, M. Hartman 1st, 111 forHoU. Sireama of pure ^ ring water j Veltcli Jr. 8d.Bowed down Uie elopee through cool, puulng 18 lb. shot, I. Thomas 1st,ahady glorvsnd at times the read was.6verarcl»ed with forc.it Ircee. Dwelling I gt^mdiug broad jump, Sd elate. A* Ho- hou cs were far apart. Aa wo appfOM''- g j |„.. g. Taylor Sd,the metropolis, slgbs of urbsn oultoTel -giindlng broad jump, 1st data . W' began t > apponr In macadamised roads, gpe„cer 1st, 8 ft. »| in. ; I. Thomas 84. Bne coun.cy seats and stylish lumouta. I Banning broad juibp, Sd class. 8 ‘ns Bing, TanytDwn and Yonkort |g ^ . n, Qienny ad,followed 111 Muiok suoce sion an4 then wo were In lUo l.ordert of greater New York with in mounted police and Its

OMNI MttvMtton by ffilveriJtmt now this work of ergantoatton

throngboul the country to prevent the tree mlverltw taklM' charge oF the oon- ventioo haa not been uu4lpn4 oot It Idbki to toe Uko a big onderiaking. yet

iwiH bft doii6 itf tb6 MtetM or ttr gMioral organlaattai of I

t1>a r i » l l 1 do nM believe the ma- the people, oven in atatoa send-

e dolegationa toOhloago, toallver. The sHver peo-

aotlwL while the tfue _ lo have been Inetl Hcte

Utciir.obnhty, O., Whose delegkticnwas sent on A vStod toiUe S.OOff, wWle repertt akf that oohi^haa ottattoTOlea The codt^nOe that right would prdiruil baa hilli thing lanst be done if kfe atp to our true atundard. What' to do it to ttie qdostlan before

etc., alao JelUea In glam, pound, or pail.Hammoolu from 76 oenU upt ftwo *

new line of Crockery, Lamp aha(^, elc,

Oornew stock of

SUMMER GOODSmast M seen to be apprectsted

Dimity and Chtmelloo Moire at 10 and 18 oenU are good value.

Ladiee* Shirt watola at 60 and 76 cento; also Boys waists. . . . . j

Men's Negligee shirts; lAdiea’ and Oents'. underwear of all kinds, at reasonable pricee.

Oir 8Im Deptrtmrt 'to fully Blocked with eboee of every detoripUon RuseetTan, Lawn tennis etc., at prices within reach of all.

Y O U C A N ’T H I D EThe good nalllicsof a well made__Bklrt. _The

make skirts and nothing Clm.

haa made \ »



, / W e are now supplying ourcustomers with

JOSEPH ILBISTON'S BERRIES.W ill «ay in regard to them that M r. Albiston

has spent a great deal o f time, labor and money, "in bringing his berries up to their • [Yrefeut high standar^ and we don’t wonder tluit some competitors are vainly striving to ge ration ol having these berries on wish to assure our patrons and tlie lie that M r. A lbiston’s entire eroji be placed on sale in our store the statements that have been


P im piilis of the very best oiiilify et the lowest possible priees. O r u g iM M Bananas in sleek.


of our t liie repu-

sale, but wc geiKTal of lierrieswil

notvvi,th tanding sci>t" to the

Modlaa Maad Hals wua Bavmoaloas Col. « t « a rvoSsmd hv W*m0» of 1 W lo-*o- UomM* CImmc* liR Dfi|ltfM^Trtmewd Vlwey BIwwffifc

A ffwtnto of the nowto* mllll«'<'’7 ** sn lucmnaing hannony of oolom. Flow­er ham nro still tho mgo. imd aa th o ^ - srni Bdvsnooa tho nrtlflolnl onoa slmu- Into imturo’s bloaaorlui by bplng aoaaon- ftblo aa well aa cUumr touMoa arc largo and onino inaU oolora. Fan ahapod ends of laperluo armng>vl to glvo tho offi'ot Of Imttfht A ll hata am tlltod woll over Utooyoa andov*^ boiini^a oro worn ^yrfl forward.. This ■ nviulnvi a ca r<^ arrangoniont of tho hair at tho hg^. Jowolod qnillH aw'vory olTwIlvo, Mid paradiso plnmoo *n ' gaining in popularity. Mlddlo agi-d woinon wi^ar low orownod, mwlintn stsod brims, in shadi-s of groon straw, trlmmivl wiUi

It May Bo ooasmoUloas Rvm WUaa.thaMiHiw la ««wMI - lu PnraMilaaa. ,

Btioanaa tho honso to bo built must ho small-«ml low prlavl, It does not follow (hat all tho rooms msvl Isi antall. }t yon will do wrilamt |li«' timo honoKsTlsuF lor and oonsi'ut to iiiako tho hall a Uttlo smilllor than la now oasuimary, U la svwiblo to have Olio mom on, tho ttrst liior that w ill ofltor many advantagi-s

' ^



> and bow


laws agBl"at scoroh'ng and cDahUng.At Osirlbon's, nearly oppoelte West

Point, the cyclometer said 87lmllri and the lonar man yearned for eoYnethIng to

We dined at a little hotel on the brink of tho Hudson river with

steamboats, c.-nal boata and sailing vowels pai'Slng codtlnus"y In front of the windows. It was a I’Uly ride through to Tanytown. Sing fling was the last of the Hudk-m river towns witli a main stmot luonlng at right angles to the river. Above that tho towns end elliee were built on tho hillside with tho main street tunning down the steep lilll to tho river. Below that paitd. 'n «i» street runs norlli and ■ soutli following the contour of tho river. At Tanytown the pest fbad merges Into a pretentious alreet called Broadway wliioli extends south to New York city limits. It built of tho test quality of nisoadaiii which presents an ideal path for wheel, ing. But tliere are many hills, caused by promontories extending from the highlands east of tho r lv « . "The road goes straight over Uieae affording many beautiful casta, each of ooum-

886 yard dash, M. Hartman lat, aboonds; J, Veitch JY, 8d.

Throwing 18 lb. hamnier. H. Mont' gomery'Hl, ,70 ft. 1 in. ; I. Thomas 2d,

Two-mllo bicycle race. I. Thomas lat, M0j‘ H. House 8d.

Btandlug high jump, 8d class. E. Tay­lor 1st, 8 ft. 6 in .! R. Olenny 8d.

890 yd. hurdle. J. Veitch Jr, 1st, 83| sec.: T. Cheney 8!d.

Pole vault P. Cheney 1st, 8 ft. 8J in .; W, Spencer 8d

Mile bicycle race, 2d class. tV. Hyde lat, 4 m. B1 sec. ; Arpcnall 8d.

Standing high jump. W. Spencer lat, a ft. 6 in .; A. AmoU 2d.

Mile run, P. Cheney 1st, 0 m. 101 sec. J. Veitch Jr. 2d.

Running high jump. T. Clicnoy 1st, 4 f t 9 in. : W. Spencer 2d.

Mile lilcyule race, 1st class. U. House 1st, 8 m .; L. V, Pulsifer 2d.

n lk p a to to i^u S h Gallup, N. a ,J8 othto diiy oft his way from. Waihlngtoa tohtohaktofB liM A^lea When asked, abbot tha tahicr oonliootlng hto nafiie with Dw Demooratlo presidential and vice prosldiotlal nominations ho aatd be was nof'a candidate fev either offioo.

It notfr looks ea I f thofleeallvor Dean- oorata hkvb obtained fho mastery in Hiehlgail and will knobk out all Don M. Dtokltiaoii'a plana' a .

Fred A. Baker, tho loader of the Demooratlo ailvcr party, was jabilant

WELCH &NiseeeMora fo A ,

Dh. Util it.

-WARDB a r tm a n .

M u e h itt ir .

ilr'^rvwlly woll known nnd woll liked, mi—— t\" During the dull bcokoii tlicse skirt hands amwork for less tlian during the busy sesson, 1'*“ *■ '**^ ucan sell a Oeniian fancy weave skirt that is linedout, faced with velveteen and with every seam niiislied

S t r i c l d a n d d l S o n .

for $3 .68.F I N E O R O C B R S .

A lew Capes and Jackets at great reductions.

H K N B Y CAItOT LODGK.T* /Vhwv» fvwlwn llffiDUblldML UhiUmI Sutr« •rIMRttW. Uwwr ffiwlHenry ^bot L < ^ . |t»rvnr<l t'.dleae wd th»


TryI ItmaSMl rtie SerfM-nt Kr«m Ih* Arttat IT

Wm Trylna tu (IraalkAn artist who paints snake ptetnms

I wanl<-<l the btgipvit boa eonstrlotor he

■ II ■ I .1...— ■ .....................

Wd-I«n’t Talk Inchabout oitt^shoe?. It isn’t ne.tf- essary. u m our present stock is of such ih finite va,riety and superior quality that we feel a word is due it. \

SHOESNor to n g ln g .

Doniooratlo convention by a solid ailvcr |for every purpose that footeear

New Ballerateln Bldg.,

' Main and Temple Sta.Hartford, Ct.

t a l c o t t v il le .Miss Jennie Gardner is in Paloraon

N. J., on a abort' vacation.H. O. and John' O. Talcott are In

Wellealey, Maaa. Mr. and Mrs. E. W Moiore arc alao in'Wellealey.

The annual achool meeting was held at the achool houao laat Monday night.

Talcot] le i«RO

dolegiltlatk Ho aald there were ton oat- g)ken allvec men in the delegation, and ,x oonteMl wonld bo made.TThe delegation at largo, according to

Baker, to to he unaoatod, Inoliidlng El­liott Q. Storenaon, Dickinson's partnur, and aUver raw given tholr plaooa. Con- testa are also tolx> brought in the Ninth, FOorth and Seventh dlatriota, and Baker says they trill oU bo decided In favor of the sll'ter non. The oommltteo on ore- dentlals to to entUo Michigan’s coao in faver of the ocntiwtanta

Baker o i^ Ncbraaka to to be treated IlkowlsQ, and this w ill glvo tho silver

is needed, in lact, you will here. In every shade of Rus­set from the lightest tan and ruddiest Virine c ^ o r to the deep est black.

FAVORITES every one. Especially pop­ular are our Ozone call Bal­morals. Nevtf Opera toe for men.


m T O e r t S ^ O O D to ,W ior m e money is what bicyclists say about / _

HENDEE’S SILVER KINO andaUEEN—$ io o W H E E L S F O R $ 75-

S o l d B y

F. E. BELCHER & CO.,Successors to W m . C . Brown & Co. Pine Street


June i 8 , 19 and ao,

purchasers of $2.00 worth ami more of

Goods and ShoesD r ybar-


elected oommitjfiga^— base 1>all cnil. krill

. . . , ---- ---------------------, hold a lawn party Ton the'lawn in frontdown by the water's edge and the r e f^ s iphafiT 's l'P l^ iv*'* “ rlp" Joaepli Ferguson’s next Friday even-*!’ *** ’*“ "'•Wrhig cart. I ‘ i„g. Strawberries and Ice creiim and

‘ “ ■ was not supper time, but blcrollng gives „ l l l ^ Every person whoone a ravenous appetite and we devour- j «hould attend and help the boys ed a hearty meal at a Yoiikers restau­rant. From Yonkeis into New York the ride was full of interest. The road was faultltws end our eyes, released from the path, found mucli that was novel.After Croesing themagniftcent Washing-

men a two-thirds majority. 1 . 1 j t.The contorts wtllbe baaed on undue I sense Will be ^ppem ed to D

Fbdtnvd bffloeholdtng lilfluenoe and the riolatioh bYtonio obonty dolegationa of their oonventlou inatmotloiia.

' Md in favor of uuicgailun w ill BMud

16 for ailvor oM 18 for goli" Tho unit ralo will thoh bo insisted upon and HlOhlgan bo solid for sllvor.

.7 .ith

them until after the ffret fitly mile* have been^lravened when the post road approachae the river. But he also misses many hllb'tormed by numerous prom­ontories which poke their nones to tho | river’s edge.

We did not leave Albany by the bridge 1 - but crossed the river in a little steamer |

make this a success.Cliildren’s day was observed here tost

Sunday. The attendance wav largo considering the unfavorable weather. The floral display, conslvtlng largely of roses, was excellent. Tlie music was

that we might get a view of the water- ^ bridge over the Harlem we rorle the usual higli order and succeesfullyfront and the city rising on the hill. | „ „ Amklenlsm Ave. to la.Mh I .........................- ---------


The meet conipiottout building, on the oieet of the bill, is the capitel, attractive only by its blgnM* ■n4 »o t to be com­pared with our Connecticut c-ipitol for exteroal beauty. The surface of the river fleokto with wbiteoape, end the wavee beat aginit the prow of the little steamer, drenching with spray our bioycloe on the forward deck. We tondod at Caatleteo and began a long climb up thh bilto in our eearch for the post road. The sky was stUI overcast, the clayey roads were sticky and the wind blew a young gale in our faces. With these difficulties it was impotisiblc to make fait time. When at last we were fairly on the poet road, headed for New York, we bad. keen riding an hour and ' our oyelometets registered only seven milee.

Tberidefrom Albany to Hud on,.about 86 miles, is somewhat monoionbua. The poet road here runs through qaiM ly fwUled raghm of farm land. The farms vary in alee from 800 to 600 acres, every inch of them cleared Isnd and under cultivation. Much of tha land to aowo with rye, and for ro'le after mile the eye secs little but waving billowa of grain. The type of farm- boose to a little weather-beaten structure covered with rough boards laid on clap-

— hoard fashion and bearing uncertain

____ rendere<i. Mr. Irwin of Rockville prestreet, crossed to the Riverside drive, S|>ed Five children awre


evidence of having once been painted red. In every front yard to a well, with a chain pomp and a dipper or cup in. viting the wayfarer to drink. The hams are even entailer than the houses.I was alniek srith the poverty of the dwrilings in t^traM with the rich land and large crope,and was mystifled by the Miiall banie. What did the farmers do with the immenaa eropt after hat rest, and why did they not live in better bonttej A hotel keeper anawet^ tbeaa quaetiom totar la the day.

"The farma,” be aald, “ do not, as a into, haiong to the men who live on them, hot to mea who live' in fine boome in the towns down on the river. TbecropeaiaHat toNaw York city aooa aa harf wted and tberefoie large hams am not naeded. V

The piatw taM..of a liuie hotel at Kiadethook tasted better to wherting two booia against that stiff wind than aaytidag wo had rtruck alaoa we toft home. At Hindarbook we aaw the giavo of Martin Van Boren and the booas fraa whiefa ho moved when he wfBt to On 'White House.J— '-g thidkih Bmaephall paved street which forma the main tboronghfare of Bndaon we foond akfedat shale roads wntil wo lOMhOd Blaa ■uvea 18 milea j|woy. Here night overtook us with 00

down tb^pu-th Centra' I’ark end Madi son Ave. and ware f »on In the heart of the oily. A thunder ehower came up ee the sun went down end it re<;uired lively work to get to Peek el'p before dark. Wo had no Hntii.->s and were in danger of arr< st If wo rode after dark, Pfogrors tl'Tough tiio asphalt streets of the tenement d's.rict of tho E--sl Aide was alow for at this hour the sIrceU were the p'sygroend of thou-ands of children. Hut at tlie last the joutney ended without mfsbap and at eight o'clock we rode into tho dtaik ahetl of the New Haven steamboat I'ne joat as the clouds bi'!,.. rnd the rai-i pourt-d in tcirents. t^ir cyrinmel-re showed the day's run hsd b.-en (iO miles.

There WBS time sfter tho shower for a tun up-towii on tlie elevalod road, an- otirer aejuaro m- al and a lo >k Into the Osino. Wo slept roundly on tlie toat, in spile of the fre>iuenlly-funding fog whistle, and next m orn'-i were in Uariford,

In lh‘i brief account of the trip many interr itiog aroncs and Incidents are necu' irily omill >d. The Impression toft by it was of unalloyed pleasure. Its affect on the phyaleal ayatem was to impart a tone which bids fair lo csriy na through leveral weeks of- indoor work In hot weather. Our appetites haven’t yet reached the noriral oondl- tion and we sleep like tired children. The writer knows no more thorough recreation than may be eibtsined from a bicycle tour. 6 - 8 - B-

presented for Ixiptlsm. In the evening there was a Sqhday school concert en­titled, 'Floral Praise." The singing of the childfeh aestoteff h f the choir wa» very enjoyable and creditable to those who have had the training of them.

Governor John Ctoxy Evans of South Carolina is at tho Waldorf hotel, New York.

How docs tho Domocratio party of

our Russia - Gafl Bals will needle toe. Something choice, at the pr\ce ol ordinary wear

BIOYOLERSwill be interested in our O u t­ing shoe, made of fine Elkskin, sole and all, with a roomy toe and laced almost to the tip F o r coiftfort, style, and dur-

yoor state atand on tho ailvcr question?" ability it leads them all.Lo was asked. | ____

HAUHG BROTHERS,Slxtobn to ono or bust," he replied.Tho govomotf aald ho boUevod the

nominee would bo a froo ailvor man and would bo elected by tho Votes of tho aolld south, tho western, states and the northwoetom atatoa.

Succesaora to George P. Day.4S and 47 Charter Uak 8L So. Manoboeter.


duoklbn'b arnica bai.vk.The beat salve in the world for outs

brulaes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever aom, tetter, chapped hands, chilhlains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­tively ourca piles, or no pay required. It la uarahteed to give peifect satisfac­tion or money refunded. Price 28 een’ . per box. For sale by C.H. Roa<\ Man- ohestor and at Cheney'a drug store South Manchester





made from whole wheat Bread made from this flour is most nourishing,

WB also cabby-----

F ru k li l lH Is E it in W h n tF li ir ,Although BarUein's trial was shoit,

aveiyone to sattofled that ju'tlee was done him. Bad he been rich enough

N e w carload of Matchless__ _ brand F lo u r — our popular

to employ ,akiiicd oouneel and expettl le a d e r . O n e m an b o u g h t fiYC witneosea, the trial might have been barre ls , h e l ik e d it SO w e ll lengthened and possibly the jury might T h e ppjee rem a in s |84-5G, bu t have keen induced to render a verdict e x p e c t i t ' tO gO b ig h c r of murder in the second degrve. Bui ■ S “ **the ends of justice could not have been ' " v e r y a a y . better leivfd, A brute who butebera a defenoele's woman without provocation ought to biing.

lUK«ouB«alTataCPh.H«0 WesaaaDrmaiftd 1 ^ •iO OOOb

Mrs. Louisa Smock, an oxoOmmunl- oated member of tho Garden Stteot Bap­tist ohnich, Indianopolto, haa bronght suit against Rev. Oharles Ia Berry, pas­tor, and Edwin 6 . Thomas and othori, oonatltuting the olBolal hoard, olaimlng 110,000 dom aw beoaoso of oxputolon ] from tho churm

She was a. teacher In the Sunday school, and held varlooa ohnrob offlooa, but oho alleges ptat aoveral weeks ago I the poator began entertaining ground- ions prajodioo and an nn-Uhrtotlanllke spirit toward bw, and eventually she waa exoommuiiioated without knowing what offense iite had oenunttted. TTio ohurch to old'and wOll estahltohod, and nil the prlnotphto toe pkomlnont in iU Ufa—Chicago Times-HcralA

Bsw mvav IMIav Vault.Additional stange oapaoKy for about

,000,000 allvet doUara wUl be pro­vided in tho vahlte o f the aabtreasury ]of New York bjr the Immenae ateol ohoat which w ill be flntobed and ready for nae | by a » toat of next week. Th ew aU so f, the cheat are t Inohea thlok and it to IS foot aquorti with :* hei(4>t i® ' ®®t from floor to oeiting. Ito oonrtruotion , waa anthorlBed by the secretary ol the treasury two or three months ago to meet the'dcimtnds ft * ttacage room ft* silver which haB been eooumutoting at this aabtrcaaniy itt e|dto<ff ohlpinonts to other depoMltcrlea There are now in tho ■ubtreasuiy vanlls in New Y o A about 60,000,000 silver doUan and ♦8,000,000 of Bataildlaiy coin.-—New York Sun.



■ wC l i e s t n u L a n d H a r d W o o d

thoroughly seasoned D e l i v e r e d P r o m p t l y a t L o w e s t P r i c e s

Telephone orders to leave with F . W . M ills, Park m iilding. ^

W e still carry a full stock of the best coal.

J . F . S f a e r i d a n A B r o .T H O M A S J . S C O t T ,

U N D E R T A K E R ,>07 Main Street, Purnell Building. South nancheater.

___ Large and complete, ami up-to-date lino of----


Careful, And Courteous service U) »U, ,■

will receive, beside tlicir money s worth, a ' valuable piece of jewelry.

At the sAine time will be offered in.any gains in above lines.

Lot of children’s .nnd inisst s’ shoes, mostly russet ties,lormer price from .S5 cents to $ i.25- to close 50 cents; ladies’ button boots. Nos. 2J4 to former price $2.00, to close 5 1 00;men's russet shoes ;^i.62, worth $2.00.

A. H. S K I N N E R .


spring is here,

you want something brace you up-


e v e r y d a y ,

WtTairG .receiving fine straw­berries from Sperry Bros, Bolton and James Albiston,

The second separate company, colored,^ " I of the Flret Regimtot, has been disbond-

to by Governor Coffin. The company | South Manchester, baatately fallen far below the ..required standard of military efficiency.

The school In the a ixth district closed Friday for the summer vacation. Nine

I of the pupils have n6t k'^n aid ant dur ing the term. Their names ate: Azalia Keeney, Urxie Rohan, USna Piccupi Henry Brunkee, .Martha Bruokoe,Albert Balbar, Albert Teiabirt, Herman Hills, and Ida Briber who has not been abatot dn ri^ the entire year.

Why do rcoplo enmo to ns wlicn they arc rfler

Wedding Presents ?1! ?aa'e thor« nolMnji iiiorp auH-

Able on itrcunloi n eb?tn aprelly piece of

C U T C L A S Sor AomethlnK nice In

B R IC -A -B R A C .

And they know tbAt they can find ihu h It afsntmenl at our itpii. lmYs Bt re. We bare a*ao enme very nice



TbeHellenAHeiesCo.ass Mato At., Hartford, Conn.

- S A C R I F I C E S A L E ”RIub Serge Suits at S8.50 former price S12.00 All Woei ii ie d SeiU at S6.00 .. S 0.00 ^Sectch Miied Salts at S9.00 SI 2.50 r


F IV E A N D S IX DOLJc^T?^.Golf Stoekiags 75 easta.- - M yele Paets S2.00

Ohildren’s Washable Suita 50, 75 cts. and $1.OUR PRICES are EQUALS BY NONE.

Nagiigaa u d Ontieg Shirts 50 cents to S1.00S T R A W H A T S 25 , 50 , 7 5 cts. an d $ 1.

Uulaundered Shirts, reinforced front and back, linen wristband, bosom and neck band, 35 cents.

Cadden Clothing Co.,

AAROH J0HN80H,Daalar ia Ui« bait thiu(a to tat.

Cltoatnto atraat. Juft kaldw f lo w amat Park,

Va ta BoSa.-'We have rooalvto a o c ^ ct theprtoe

oenteiuilal ode toflrcaato to Tenneaseev which hegina with the Una:

She to touebtaa »ka «aeto— -.....We read no farther. I t to nnnooeo-

aaty, an Tenneawe appears from this to be •trlctlj up to date. A ll thal w® need to be told now is tho name of the make of the machine. -^Mobile Regtotar. J |

OLD raoput.Old people who require medicine to

mtulate the bowels and khlneya will And the tr- 1 remedy In Eject^DIttera. This bito><8 <e does not aUmnlate and it oontalnsr 0 whiskey or other to tox^nt, but aete as a taulq and alteraUve. It |^s mildly on the steCMch and bowels, adding Btiength and giving tone to the organa, t h n ^ aiding nature to the pwformanoe of the ftmotloaa. Eleotrio « t ^ to an exceitont aprsUaer and aids digestion. Old people And it Jurt exacUy what

* Price, Bfty cento and $1.0U

-Simply Phenomenal IThatV what obnerr-

toff people aay about

O U RS U C C E S S !In Hartford. May be

U to, but we think them to a reaaon for It. Ask any of our iwtleuu aboutIL

DR. POMEROY,Waverlv Bldx.. M3 Main StceeL Koom X

theyneto. per bottle al Hanohattar, Hanohester,

O. H. Rote's drug atord, and W , B, Cheney's, So.


D. 0. Y. MOORE, M. DHomcsopathlo Physician A Surgeon Office and Rceldenoe Iffi Main Btreet

South ManelMater, Conn.Hooaa:

a to 10 A. IL a tear. B.7 tetr.a .

bdbdavss t to 10 A. u 8 to I r. IL


andENVELOPES_ Always in stock anti

orders Idled at short notice.

No Eitra Ghargc for Nding.

Herald Printery.

Wv liavi' an OXCflll'Iltin our


THE NEW ENGUND RAILROAD GO.C orreetg fl to B a r . HMh,

Beef, Iron and Wine.NotliiiiK 'biit till- Ik-m1 inprcilU-ii Is

Our price is.,5 C l ' i N r S F O R r i N T

B O T T L E S .

W»* don’t Imvo any rhonp “ job lot hIiiIT tiiat isn’t a» >;4M)d an h«> imirfi

vvatiT Imt Hoin«'0 iin>c wt* uill miRranteo will 4l»>you himmL.

Another Word with You.WE ALSO 8EI.I.

Patent Medicineslit tin* Haim* |>rict» rb our 4*oiii|M*litorH

VV4» won't In* undorHold. Wo ^ilioil your palniniiK**. "

you Htilirif action.

T. Weldon & Co..OrUIJiltHlK.

DONNKT KOnUATnOM.pink mate unci nn uhundaiKvi of foUagiv A plnoaliig Nimu’t for a niutmii la liliu'k, wil'h rtto-th'sftinmvl of livqet'f tho now Holin Btriiw. Lioo iv1b<h1 liiwo faiiH atert from a humlaomo jot ornmiu-iit, uiul tl«' oopn-y Rt tho nlite is ao<vmipaui>-(l by two nietiuiding quills itt tho hm k.

Tho only v<-ry iiotlonhlo rhiuigo In ontlliio in tlio'nowvat gown* la •'>tho Hl.v-v.-H. whU-li uro tK-giiming U> fol­low tlio oontonr of tlior iiniiH ngiiiii. Tho rotnhi of th(' lmliiyou«> nnd tho nimor tlmt tlio Hkirto of wulUliig dnefaw tioo0 b<' Rhortf'iH**! aro InilloditioiiH that tiu' fiilliuvw io to N' diniiiiiHli«l ut no dl«- huit diiy. IluolM-H of jiilk nro iiow plnro<l on tlio iimiiio of tho Immlsonio atnvt liri-HW-H, and ovi-nlng gowiiH nhmv mfllin of iaix' and rlitlTon. «h a bnlayonno, to k»M'p tho skirt out from tho Isittoni. White gowns nro bulug mnrli worn for informal ns wolt ns dn-ssy wyasioiis, and thoso an- pmporly lut-omiMUiltsl liy white lints, slnse and parasols

I)r<‘BS trimmings inolndo ombroidorios of alimwt ovory dosoriptioii, and lridi«- iM'iit Is'ixls play a ('oiispi<-nous imrt ilv tlio mixtutes. Paillott4-s and Jowi-ls of , soino sort apponr on ahuiist i-vory,thing —hats, brmnots, gown* and riilse alika Uorgisms hnitoiis and faiii-y hndds isirry out tlio H<-lioim' of d.-ooratioii still fnr- tli(-r. Tin- vnrloty in Issliro trimming is l»-yoiid any ('omi)h'te dosi-rtption, for now id.-as imd i-4imbinntions nro con­stantly apis-aring.

Tho newest skirts nro, many of thorn, trimnnsl, some-with flat iMUidsof vi-lvot,

1 silk or lac-. Unchos all sorts arc ns<yl for dn-ss triiinniiigs,.and Ihoy aro nmilo of hwv. not, cliiiTon or siltf- in varions widths, to suit Ih.-ir purpo,^ Tiny nich<-H of silk or liwo outlino tin- skirt Hi-auis, and wiiior mclii-s trim tlio bottom, linisli tin- sl(s-vo cpaululH and luloni iinuiy a littlo cais-.

Silk oaiivas is a favorito dri-ss ma terial. Ho is foulard silk, wliich this summ<-r,.tuki-s tlio plnoo of cliina silk. Thoro Is im inflnite varioty of ail sorts of littlo turnover collars and rnITH of linen Imtisto ami lius-.

Ulcusie and tsslics arc oxri ptioimlly attractive. Nothing rmild ho moro styl­ish thiui a smart tilouso In lioliotrojH- china silk, zouave slnqs-, and trinunisi willi lim- cream colonsl Im-t' apiiliquc. Tho lissc front was tnckcl and onluuicsl witli an InsiTtion of lace.

E<inally attriM-tlvo was a lilonso in tho new sllvor lawn, with hands of ois-n appliquo work sliowing mauve satin uiidomoath. There wore a turnover collar and satin ncikhaiid and waist-L)iuul .. , . ,

A dniHKy «>r dinni r ImhIioi* In pink cn-is) dcchinc'had a iK-h riiio of Imtlor cilor laco niadi' of iiisi rlioii, m nwith


the ro—lbls-Wo Most Think, tool Wo Nro,ln't Think Oononotodly.

For occasioliai victims of sUs-ph'se .............................n*vw ill onliimry phynioul hoahJi 1 r<mM for a iiinl hoA simple roimHlv tlmt will Isi fonnd cm lo'Donnld Bums’ ludnml stem foroaclcus In proliahly live ca-ne out of six. ,i„y. willi him wois idsDo not attempt to stop llic action of the vmi, n cliarndng youngmind by ,ono snproinc i-ffort of tho wllh „.oman, who is not afraid U> jsiso with Do not try to go to slivp or cvi-n tlilnk „,„k,, coilisl atoiind her. aisiut slis'p. But stop makingnonte^e. 1 (,jy,ninK the lid of the Isix, Bums and A wriUT in I’opuiar Hcli-iico Ncwsglvrs I „HHistent, Henry Klinm, |sik,-«l up rctisons for this ndviw as follows l As ,he big b<M>every out' ktiows, we think luid njnein ^ As tlie otli-tn-r in sentences. Wc must tliink. to-. 1 darhsi Ihcir in-ads ont nf Ihoinstead of trying not to think, try tli--1 stniek l-Ark with bogs.iswsihle and lir,-ak up your thoughtiv NO L dostnst was nrgi-d on toto sis-ak, into wonia - | erawl ont

Taki- for t-xiunide the (Irst word tliai | miimti-s <\f(Mines into your mind. Wo will snpp<'s it to is-till-word house. I’n-seiitly ai otli(-r word followa i*nt if lids W*'*''Is-ars any grammatieal <* ^w la tiir(-latioii to Ihe word Iionso. let it |«issout of your mind wltb Sl* PoHo" take OIK- of n dilTerclif j l a » —miohword, for exampl'-. asirijSteMiSP'

inse, WUI

AS ICKAI. UVlNU IKHIM. over the usual arrangement, i f in iMldl- tlnli lo its slw- you enn add lo om- ilv- lug osiin a g-'iierons lln-idmx-, ono or two lss)kslielvcs and is-rlmps a few draw(-rs and a i-npisMUxl or two. in whleli lo Sion- thi- immerons nrtlehsi inssicd in such a nsmi, p-u havi-provld- (-d at least om- pliM-i- in Ih- lions*- tlmt wlUnmt mneh efl'orl can Is- iiKMle liome- Itk*-, ltvalilelii"and valnuldo. Tliuswrih-s a (H-m-sts-iidt-id of TIk* l.iMii*-s Horn*- Jonnml, who iiiso provtdi-s a sketeh of an id.-iil living r-sim. 11- says coms-ni Ing i t :

III the (-enter of tli- cast side Is Uio lln-plms-, llaiik-sl on (-lllier stdo hy oval wtmtowa t'simmou r-.l t-rtrks nmk*- a w-ry g-ssl iii-('piiMS', Im-IIi for us*- and d- l(S>it at. or (or a facing a few (inlt(ine Dnteli lil-'s in him- and wldl*-, wld(-li, witli the lirtek lining anil imglaiwsi ivil tile h(-nrlli. make a (iliarming elTis-t

If (h-sired, an "tiighi msik” may Is- made of this side of the nsim, wllh l»-> n-ats on (-lu-h side of tia- lin-i-iiws-. Hm-l- k-ats do U(*t (-ost us miK-li as furniiiite, uid tlio SISKS- liiNl.h- Is very useful for ttewliig tlie logs for tile lln-i-laisv

In till’- fninhside of .111- itsnii may ts- II Mpiaii- hay wimiow, tiiiit (-an hav(- a (M-at or not, and li-' w--st side miij* is- provlihsl with littl" (s-rner euplsiards. Htiqiping under I Ik- low (s-iiing, which will is- providi-d slielf anil draw­er nsini.

liuRlasm,Now you Imvc IIOIIBC. and you may add—not cxcrtit« (he will, n-memls-r, hut waiting imaal'’' '.7 for tiu- words to present thcinaelvos—until your s--ri(-s sw(-lls ont Bho thw ..... .........Hons('. ciillinsiasm, (In-iil Britain, walk, I IkmkI tin- hciglit of ids elirst

.......................... -* ■ "'--bi..., I „ „ „ ,„i„i,ty

this work landi-d the Nsi on tiK- fl(s-r. Tlioii Is-gnn the work of g(-Utiig liini into a l-og. The artist and KImni l(-np(sl around the rciitllc, always kts-plng ont ('f reach of slrlki-s, and l-y deft pulling and hauling on his tall conflmsl him to a narrow (l(s-r sjmcc. A gn-at eagle flapped wild ly in ills cag(- and a tiger eat ritnichisl In Ugliting la-sUUm. The snake mmh- a dash for tin- monk(-yoagc luid there was lively work heading it eff.

(iradually tin- reptile's fury llicreiua-d. It suddenly made a strike at tlie artist.


■JO, tiingilili'. iM-yond, sius-rii-r. Washing t(Ui, ete- Of eonrse you aro to avoid ii KiK-ci-ssIcn (if naim-s and iinmbow all classilloiilions of worda

As l.lic (lisconiKS-h-d Idi-as flow on in yonr mind yon w ill griMinoBy fluff jo*ir self a mild inten-at in tho citsjoiutoil poKH-Bslon. You lotsi yj*** '***'tatliig W'lf conscioiisiKVw and fa ll tat- a isissivc state. In other words, you have nsliiis-d tho pnss-HH of thinking (■'- iiiliilmnm. You wait with a sIi ikI- r Uiroail of interest for tho coining words, knowing that it w ill inako no dlffor-mce wliat tln-y am. Pcrliaps you inaj f-s-1 like OIK- sitting on the bmik of a m cr listlciwly watelitag the objects Uin^qat on its snrfiK-*-, Now it w ill to* a leaf, now a t>l(vk of wessi. Ihit y<kir loaves and your l)l(s-ka of wissl all have words written on ttieiii, and t»no aft<*r another tlicy apis-al to your noths- (uid tlion n«M*t rtwuy ilown tiu* Htroaiu.

By clognHT* thn liitorvaln b*'t ’»***u th«' passing words lengthen, sylliililcs be­come nilxisl, tliere is dmainy (-onfiislmi, witli is-rliiqis nn incolierent fan-’y, addllien shop. _________ _

Awiilnas For OAnnlry lIoBK-s.- Awnings let in the liglit 1—' kt-cp]

out the sun's heat, alTonlIng Just, the csKlitloiis iKssl.sl in HumiiKV. Blinds| k.s'p out lieat, Imt maUe a r(sim and glisimy. Awnings may I'a-i

sqiKS'ZC,Miss Van Jiinip<'<l forward and grasp

Cd tin- Hiiiikt* near the tall, HIk- gave ii strong jHill and swung it across the flisir. Th(- torn imMlc a dart at her. 1-ul she easily avoidisl It and hung on to Ihc taih

Tie-artist jKinnccd at the snake and caiiglil it Just heiilnd llic head. A cor­ner of tin- ling was h('ld opi-n, and the Jiciid Ihrnst in. Then, with blows and pliu-lics, tlie n-ptile was iirgrsl on until witli one fliml flili Us Utl disappeansl. The hag was ti(sl, and the struggle wasover. 1 . . . .

ITctty Miss Van Innghoff at her oat Ing work and said that she was not a bit ofniiil.

•T shall have to pose with the boa, so I nilglit as well g-'t nwsi lo lilni. I shall hypnotize Inin,''she said.—N('w York W o r l d . _________________

X R A YS N O T R O E N T G E N ’ S?

AntMhnh«n« Hmi|».Tho foUowtiiK r***’ !!**' *h kivoii iu Aht*

New York 'I'nl-im- AHiiuragiis imik(-s the nmsi d.-lb-loes >*( all eivani son)-a H('i-sit liie gr-s-n. unitleaehed asparagliA eve-n if the stalks am smaller. Half u Imneh will make llinv pints of soap. Gut off the lli>s 1111(1 lay them aside to 1-0 ikshI as 11 garnish for the soiqs Cut tho remainder ot Ih" half l-niieli in®' snittll pliHs-s and llimw it In Ibr-s- pints if wlille Nli«-k. Add a sj-rlg of tliyine, a Isiy leaf, a sjira)' of soup eeb ry and 11 sprays of i-iirsley, wllli U i" lus-nsirns. Is-t- tho soup eisik for ImU an hour, llieii strain it thmngli a puns. hK'v.', pn-sslng throngll all the asparagus llml w ill l-a*" Ihmugli. Put the soup ov. i the (ire again, add a enp of rich milli or en-nm lUid let it Isill n\- again. Add lie- ns panigiiH ttl-s. whieh Imve 1«h-u ( (s-kcsl for ten mmiih(H in sailed Isdliiig water and draiiKsl, ami serve.


Improper difjcxtion eaus«» over of all Hiiffcrinn luul ffisooics

of tho Bloml, I-ivcr, Stoinacli, K id­neys, Lungs, Nerves, Br.iin or Skin. Puritana renews and strengthens the ____


of tho human system, the Stomach, it makes the lieallh right, lioc.iuse it makes the Stomach right.

It brings New Btoorl, New Nerve Force, New Strength, N*w Life.

,i((i of iisi* Jtmsitot.t'-if ...................-W<liw.i»*rT<U»i-tB-s,jri

4wua Co.* Cuu««>rai it* AL

ir rou Rn* ffigr<**<Ttirilri'Criini of riiHUiir ImMlniMM'kRWK or rtftHH t«»WlUMttrt lh« lUjI wl Tho l*urlUuu$ Ouiipoutti



ron HAKTroBD 1.6*. B.«t.7.4r, Hi2i2__„l-'leav* Harttord S.JU 4JI'IA.S0.7aBp.ni.


m : is.n> UotiirnlnK. 3,U>,


lO O A S Y L U M S T R E E T , B J B T E O B D , C T .

SEPARATE SKIRTS,silk Grenadine' $7,481

SEPARATE SKIRTS,Fine BrilltonUne, $4.48.

SEPARATE SKIRTS,Figured Mohairs, $3198.

SEPARA^ SKIRTS,Fancy Mixtures, $3 .98.

SEPARATE SKIRTS,Sold in other stores for $3 .98 ,

w i t i i i i t i i . n .

G E A R Y ’Sn i l h i i l l m i , • l i r t i o i l l

M0X58 p.i POH


iSoN— H.Wf H-m.;Kmi ^a^vmzNcz— a.m.;

M», 7J1* p.m. „ .WlLLlMASTIO- 8.«), S. m.,i.a(, p. m.ai.; L3S. 6.4S p.-ni


LBAVK TALOOTTVlLUt—Ooiko Kast-ffifkxFl AlH (fUu{) A(B

iSJSk ^.47(A*b) m Sahk) WRahT — H.5H

City Bank of Hartford



5:46.iS . : u&. I'.’&s.ftT r.ai. i-.mWZHT-

Kabt—o.teA. m.(ioxMu W arUCAVK____

a 10. <(to«> *.h> (ti»»l P- - b34 5^.: 7Ji# (llag) P m-

W. n. BcBCOCK- — Ui-neral Pa- vmrer Asenl

t ’OJVA.


U A R T F O B t i

Capital, $440,000Surplus, $145,000.

FUAMK K<fU AN AWNING.homo, tin* pluG Hk('teli(*«l formiwhf ut ......... — . . ,

Huml Now Vtirk.^r Udiig eu-sily . jiitUnI

' a tlmsvoigliths liicli Iron nsl Is bent by abliK-kHinith into the form shown and this is supisirted liy screw-yos In tlio window casif and wires exlcmling from tlie outer eoniers to the t-p of Uio

hisiks Isiing pliKS'd tlinW-.

Tale of Tlielr in«mvorr bj a Ore.* Flttr VMhra Af<>*

l»rof(-ssor Wilhelm Konnul Ilocntgi-ii of Wiirv.l-urg university is not the orig­inal dlscoven-r of the iUs'iitgivi ray. Not- in this dis-ade nor In Uonuuny was llrst n-veulisl the isiwi-r of an eleolrio eum-nt to ois-n to human physical vi­sion the Inti-rior (if an "oiiaqiie* body. Just hiilf a century ago in Unsxx- lUi In­vestigator wliom tho world lioa forgot- t,.„_i,Kiis-d. ik-rlmpii, never knew— nimie the disixivery that, reunMlo in IHilll, liiiH iiHtoillslied tho age.

Dr. 11. A. Brown of Uraiid Ledge, MU-h., has in his piwseeston a Ismiid volume of a mngiizlne (-.allisl The Me- elmiiii-s' Miiror, istaldlslKsl at Allsuiy In Jiuiuury, Ih'ltl. 7’o quote from tho Al hiuiy thtlto-n of tlmt day. The Mirror was "edlttsl liy Hols'rt MiK-farliUK-, Ksq, and piilillshisl l-y Mr. JohiiTiuinet, IsHh of whom ampmi-lieal ineelionics of tills c ity ." At till-end of the (irst year of till- puhlication aniioiineenii-nt was made tlmt it would is- ehiuigisl to a wis kly pais-r. Dr. Brown known notlilng fur ther of Us history.

The Ismiid volnnie of Tho Mirror in Dr. Bn-wn’s iHSHissioii here furnishis the pnsif (if tlKfiisHertion that X rays am not a nx-eiit discovery. Bi the Octo-l-er issue of Tin-Mirror is this aimounee-uieiit;

“ The following (-oniniunloatiiiu waa made to tin- Aeademle Uoyale dis Hel­enas do Paris at its last uieetlng hy a Greek Iihysiologist, A. M. EsHcltJa, who asserts tlmt hy the assistaiKHi of electrio liglit 111' ImslKX'ii euuhlml tosisi through till, liumiui Issly. and thus to detect the

■ ■ ■ He has

HKlrelliis w «ll I’AlH-r..Befiim Inlying yoiir wiill i-ais-rs slody

ymir r-s-ms ami know Jusl wliat y-ai i'-' (luiri- for Isst n siilUi. Yellow is th- eoior for ris.ms that huvi- m- smistillK- l-artlmilatly if Iheyar.- living r-s-ms. yon prefer 11 very Bglit (Hivi-rliig f-ir (hi wall of a siiimy n»im that will pot '•(iniirrel," selis-t a en-iim or huff. 17ih- gns'ii is a giss) (sdor (iiid Is also reshful anil eis.l. A ligl-t oBv" Is an exeellj nt miHliiim coliir and eoml-lnes w- ll wfilh wliili'. "I't I-ink, risls iiikI eerlnin similes of hliie and yellow. W. ll light.'.I r.-ms ran Imve Indian o* iHimis ihm i-'-ls on llieir w a l l s . _____ •____

TrlfHl aihI F(»iii»«l tliMMl.A writer in tlie New York Hun savs

A "irlisl iind found giHsl" ('ompoimd for destroying caris't Inigs is mmh u tone ounce i-f alwm, one ............ i ldO'rldo of zlne lUid tlinsi onnees of salt. Mix willi two ounces of water ami let It Bliihd ovi rnight In a corked Isitlle. then i-oiir it carefully into aiiolher les scl, (will two (piarts of water to It. and wl'tli an old wliisk hn«im sprinkh- iiiiUl iiilto damp around tlie islgesof Ok- (iir- is't for a (piarter of a yard m deplli from the wall. 'I’liis w ill ni-t injiiri' tlie

dors of till' ciins-L


An Armnai-rnsnl Tbnl Arcommii*a*.s BMh

StiUNi tht* iwlvi'iit <»f Iho kortiUe photo* graplis imve iimltlullnd Ui si«-h au ex­tent I Imt it has (Hsne to bo a poaxle to know wliat to do with tlioiu. Albums an- no lianP-r to tsi eoiisldensl as iwx-p- tm-les for any hut old fashloiKHl family plKgograi-lm BiiskeU am dust eaUiheni. plnsli lUid IliK-n eiws-s am lnnd«inate, so the ,-liolographs crowd tho wall pixik- ets, overflow tho js-rtfoltoa and am piled in tlie eoriK'ni of tlio literary and Imll in Btaoks, wliloli am always tep' pltiig over, lo tlw disgust of tho honso- - iiiiitil and tho eoius-ni of tlio ownor.

A 1-nMnet lUnsIralisl in Tim Dooora- lor imil Furntslier has pnivisl vory satls- (lU'lory, It Is mi liieinw wldl^ 80 liiehos fmm Ill'll lo Isillom and H liK-hos dw-p. U Ih fonml of ample slzo to contain tho not Insignilleant coUeetlmi of an ama

(’ . T C.A. .iKwri.L.R M Himint’K

tn re c to ra , Wki.i.i 'C. .M. IaINOOLW,

K 1). UOIIIIINR'W H f’ l.AlIK. K*C.H * WlllTINO, V'l0« ptwii.' UlMMUiltM H. Chapman.

. .T N I S I S T I E F U n W I R ,and la Biaier to

E N i£ O YRotti belonjc to thn Buflfaloboth HUanenand KnduHDgaathonlld'vnffMo

roamtng over tho weaUrn pUina.Call at .

FERRIS BROS.’and eiamlne. -They are good onea and no mtatake. Price,f65 and fT5.

If you want a $10) wheel, we haTo tho

i^ IC T O R .The old raUabls, ' Nous better.



cliiMter: 6.4H. 7JIB, b-sn, s. ni.,* nn^Ung wlte trnlns of tho Now Engtond

discount on tlckcU pun lii«.lthe depoL

B . O, C H E N E Y . Gen. B a r .

K. 1) UKiiriKi.n. ( ’(u-hlor.

Tills hank'possesrs-o every faellHy Irsnf- u-tias ImsliKsw sml n'SiHS'lfiilly sellclta si - pounls fnim liiillvIdimlB »ii(l niriHiratloni ■- lllU-rvet iMsId on siHS'Ul dem-slUi.

NKWKST AND ACCEPTED STVLEB.narrow ribbons and frills, flnislKsl with bows of pink satin. A ll tlieso blouses and bodin-s illustrate tlie newest and most aeeephHl styles, lUid they am like­ly to mnmin fashionable Ihnmglioiit tliefortlieomiug season.

AiJCK V aunum.

window case......... ■ i ....... ........ -■ . . .Tliese hooks also supisirt IIk- top of tm I „ f dis-p seiih-d disease.aWDlngs, eyelet lioles to-ingimul- in th" f<,u„w(sl thi' operatloiisof digestion and

of cln ulntion. He 1ms ws-ii the nenrea in motion. M. Esseltja 1ms lioisisml the

Norel W «» to Shell I-emi.A New York eictmiige lells llml Ibi

ehef In one of Uk- large liotels lins liltUIHin It novel IIK'IIKSI of Mhelllllg I-'llH.Ho usos an ordinary elotlies wringer, imd liie rapidity wHli wlileli tli- work is done Is Huriii lslng. TIki )ssIn, as tlicy go iH-twiH-n the mllers. burst, isissing throngll to the other side, leaving tlie iK-as l-ehinil. TIk' llrst inipn-sslon one gets is thill tlie is-as am likely to got hmlsisl. Hneli, liowevcr, Is not the ense. As the iHsls staln the rollers, an old oneshoiilil is- used. _______

Ilow t4» Wa«h riffiffiU.Take a handful of tobmvo stoms and

Hhs'i- ttiem by isinriiiK Isdllrig water over them niitil the water lisiks like stnsig tea. Wlieii llm wuU-r has Isiemiii- iHxil wiisi off till, lisives ami stouis Witli a siKiiigo or soft elotli. H-duoo lliestrength of till-liifusloii with niom water lUid thoronglily wet tin- earth aronnd Uu- us-ts, 'I'lils will km-p tlie 1-lunts healtliy and ri'inovi' nil in-ss'ts.

CAKiNET iiin I'KorismAi'iis. ti-ur pliotogriipher, hut iiitglit toi iiiade largi-r or In a set of several of onu slzo lo cmlalii liie is-ssesstims of lUi artist The i-iirtaiiied n-i'ess 111 the (smter so- .•ommislates the k.-lak. The sheivtw «m either side IIP' pmtix'Usl liy disits, and llie six ilraweis will pxx-lve prints, nn moimled piK-tograpli* aD'l ehohw plo- tiims ot viu louN sl'zes.

Till- antliorlty almmly quoUxl gives a few hinis for the (ormiition of tills tn-as lire lionso. -For the foundatlou got a grocer's Is.x of tho stw-yon want hi t one which Is fnsi fmm hxiso knots and as well plamsl imd m-atly iniulo ns Ih-hh1I.1i '. The thill wissi of


United States Bank,o. .'MS Main HI., cor. Kir Icy

l I A I l T F O U n , C O N N

Gapital, $100,000.00.Surplus, $J50 ,ooo.

Undivided Profits, $16 ,5x9 .90.

Menn For Wwldlng Br«abfa«LA simple ini-nn for a wedding hn-nk-

fiiHt is tim following: 8ealloi>ed lobster in individual bIk-IIs. cliieken saliul, mll- od bmswi and butter, very camfully Jim- poivd toiigno, ehiekeii and lettiuxi siuid- wiciics cut into pmtty shapes, breiul stteks, ion cream and fancy enke, Uio winding cake, hot tea, ooffoe, choeoluto and io « l l e m o i i a d a _________

■' m. */(H< So»t mat,, */, BiKuItt mM."PURE, STRONG, R BU A BLE.

I . the verdict arrived at by . Chemical Analysis of

n«w to Prt-|>are l*ullr*l Ilread." Take a l(.-;if of frcslily tiak-'d bmad, while tt is still warm and rather luuler- done, and pull H-'Irp'gular sliai--d piis'cs iilsnit Hi of an egg. Put fae«' >" g'ssloven imd bake a delicate b: - - ». Tliey f lo P and full of flavi r i.nd nmki- a dellght- Nil eoinbihiition witli e'.Ks se and tOTftor stalks of oelery, or Uie wlnh- Inner leaves T.f Icttnei-, in v. liieli eiiso bP-ad may to- served wilh die salad.

'The Hamer Olerined.Tlio darner is one of many iimwiic ar­

ticles wliich imve Is'eonie lr..iiiriouH nl the HilviTsmilli’s hnnda The to date

l.-dariK'r eonsists of a lino eliina - gg Witli a long silver liaudle.



nradoate of Mchool of Velorlnary Med olno. Harvard Unlvrmily.

Offioo» t Aaylnm Ht.. Harlfonl.TeleplioDo. 404—0.

HT’lfiir be foond at IL M. r£ ^ H Uordara wb*™ onlef» can be left at any time and wUl be promptly oxteuted.

II HlTHi’R, Dnwt.. F (LKftxTOH. ('aAlilcrW 11. Riri.KRl.KY* Vl4'e-I*r**#it.

milECl'ORH.M orw <S. Rulkp’iiy. K*rC»f»vernor of Hknte.

KamupHL Trt*AMm*F Uunnan Hon-Wry Co. Wm II. Buikclev Governor of Connecllcot. *1o1in R. tractor (Uid HuHder. .» tw-;"},T«r*>v '’iiritv 4 *K Loa •'.ett Hniiniirfi. it* lilenl The C'slS), IakEwikkI A HrAlnanl toJohnU. Kndeni. llenT b. Hnnce, I’rwldent.

Economy, Health and Satisfactory ' .Re.ult* attend it* ute. ^

HMMjrftCTUaKD WfO. B. B088 a8«X. ».n Uadsa, Csaa.

Faeliloti FimIs so.1 Fanele*.Several colors in ono rostiimi- iippenr

to be die rule.Well drp's.sed women np- wearing

mom jewelry tlmn lin y imve in many years.

A iqsvial feature of tho sunuiier lab- rlcs is tlio transpiimnt effix-t.

The belt buckles and el-isps (imimolwl in dull reds, lilacs lUid greens defy do-

niiine of *iuidirop(s«xiis!’ on his extraor- diimry discovery.’ ’

It IS iKWsible that some devicxiof elro- trie light might have pmdueed the ef- (,x t dealt with in "The Mirror wiUnmt tho disisiveryof tlio IbsnitgeJi rayH. No mislern invisitigaU-r, thougli, we to'lh-v(|, has Iss-n ul.leio -s- die "nerves move

LAallier to-lts am embmldemd witV gold and silver Is-iuls, and white kid to-lts, set with blue enamel traix-d witli gold, are die laU-st fancy.

Tulle and eliiffon, -vith a satin «lg«^ am sold by die liundred yapls for iioek melies and frillings on capes, panisob (Uul K<iwnH.

^Ux’Gi’G i*nam«‘l‘Nl hnlrpiiiH, a«*t with jewels, assist in UKslern Iminlmssing.

Vandyke (X.llars of eem and white batiste. UimiiKsl with luixi and Uiser- tion, UP’ imule to wi-ar over thin sum- iiK*r

Ib'U l)iu'kh*« iumL cuff huttoiin, fer Hliirt wuiHtrt, Himulttt**' iu thoir i iioiiu*! (h *orutioriH tin* cont of iinuH or <«■ the diffen-nt nations or tlio iusiguin ol tlio army or ftavy.

Clmtolaine bags of moiAey skin, with wise gilding clasps, have numorooH a»l- liemnts.

In llnlrdrrtfuiiuK.A fiiH HTfK't arounil th

of Um neck in a rmiHpiriurUH up to daU' an*HHliiK of tlm hair iawavi'd <ni a lar t* iron to inak< Htniid out, luranip' i Vi*ry

tia]M!foutur* in

hair Tlif H

hmHtdy, andU.e ends an- coibsl (lult- higli on the heiKl. This iiffonls a P'Stiiig pliv< for tlie hats worn tilt-sl over tlie i-yes.

To 4a«Mi Wlilte 4-oral.H(ukk die eoriil in soft W'liter for 18

hours, tlien l-liK'e it In a solntion of cblorKli' of lime and let ilp iimlnfor 84 hours. Take mil di-' (s-riil lind wash It tliopmghly imder die fau(s-L If tin. eoral is not el-'-m P'I«'at die pnsx-ss. tlicii l-lms' It out In the sun U) bleiwb.

Rp MffilMffivocciwioimUy ioac off


au idd U*ai'li(to4t will puiHWi’r for Ou* i«urtlUonH and d(Kirs and has die u<(vanlag<) of fs-lng easy to work, while cigar boxes w ill do (or driiwers. If ym ijlnd tliem of thoright h1/.i). , ____

ILimovo tlio lalHilH from the cIrw buxoj) lunl Miuul|ia]H*r away all n»uKh- iK-sses, HU dm W(ssl with some g<s»l llU'-r, tlieii varnisli. A issxind sondite- |H-ring and varnislilng w ill iwhl to tlio Isninty of the (luish.

Tim lialidl.s for the dmwem, tho lilngcs Iiiid liars for dm d.sirs aiKl tho lillTo brass psl for tho eurtikhi aro 00m- paratively iiK-xis-nslvo. A dollar wouldoover tho 4Hitlay.

Wasli tlio elauis luid drain Ui(-m ta a eoliinder for a ff-w luluaUs. tlmii lay IlK-m in a largo drliqilng pan ited p « i tin- luiii into a very liot ovon. As soon asthesImllH U-glii ti) opw tho otoms are rasikisl. It Uik(s from Bovon to ^ mlmit.s to roast llmiii. Havo a cxnrorod dlsli imt, and drop tho oliuiis Into it M noon uH they aro tak«*a frtmi ioo iiholL rtpp'iMl over tte-m a mustard o*®*™ (UIIKXI Olid servo at onoiv To make tho sauce; l*ut one cup nf milk over ttio flro . in a dmible boiler. Whon boUinib grad­ually stir into it three tablospooofuto of butter, ono of flour and ono teaspoonful of dry mustard that havo boon beaten to a op-amy masa Hoason with salt and nepmr and .mtum to tho flro. Cook tuk,-minutes, and it is ready to s o ^Thin sliixs of Imiwii bp-od, buttorod, am siTvisl with psist elunis.

Bi(5ychi ridcrairnrts of dietr w li'S'ls, wliich .W(ml found t-y Ollier riders, but tho owner is lmr>l to f l» 'l aixoontof snob avarielyof w Iks Ih in town. Obtain K li. Marwick lias an idea He w ill ptee.i a Is.x on die stairway w«st of ins -Jlnre and ask all riders to deposit in tlmt box any part of “find on til*' nsKls wliile .riding. Tins U.x will Is- ois-n ut all tiums to lnsp.-o- tion. and urtieles lost can tliusto. .^ d y nswemd. A g<-sl idea Push it ttbmg. __Jffumiugtou Chrouiclo.

Cbun Frittoro*Chop fine two dozen otoms. Mrto a

batter witli a pint of floor in whteh has^ Us-n HifUsl a level teaspoonful of baking powder. Add a clip of sweet milk and nearly as mueh of tim olam liquor imd two eggs Is-aU-ii light Beat liard miUl it is a siiKS>th batter, then stir in tho chopissl .'hiiiiB. Ihit plenty of tile frying i>an and let it hooomo boiling hot Put iu the batter by the spoonful mid C(x)k slowly. 'When ono Side to bmwiied. turn tho fritters and brown tho other side. Tlio batter may i» « » * - od on a griddle Uko pancakes i f pretor- rod. * ___ 1


Page 4: 1896 Hartforil Bicycles Evening Hearld_1896 … · mm ____a J-X’r •’"..- l

Mv .' ■

; v - ^ . ^ — , X

. ; . v ■■•"

ij I

■y-tj^bt^tt'PAWK m oPEfieD.

IB - C hu rM ^rw rti SavUfM*.flrtwra*r

U^rfMwl aom^wbat with tha Bttandaaee at tha qpwinff o* lAwal Park. Ab Iquaenae orowd would ha»a iiaea tbara had tha attarfiooB baen w arnand dear. Aa it waa tha park waa oontOrtabl; filled and the paaUlon waa oiowdad dnriog tha haurt for danptiig. Hia Tramaray oowpaiiy dtwblad tha aarthw on tha Bartfoid line, and Bnitv- atda eata ian throo«h to Laurel Park. Bandicdh oama to the park on bioyolaa. Many of tha ridan were tadiea Flea oonplaa from Boekrille vbited tha park «a tandenlt in one party and attracted a Kood deal of attention. Qloyoiee wore alBokad aU around the pavilion and grpnped about the tieea in the vicinity. The Beaman & Hatch orcheetra played for dahplhg and diecoureed all the popular tboHttepa

Cktterer D. C. Hall had a lance and elBoiant oorpe of walten on hand and did a good bneineee at the restaurant He has put in a new aoda founUln which will be well patrooiied on hot daya

The park .never pieeented a more lovely appearenoe than at present The grounds have been thoroughly cleaned and under-growth has been cut away. Jo lt now the laurel is in full blooiii and adds greatly to the beauty of the resort

H. M. Rood remains superintendent this year, but some changes have been made in the attaches. George U. Rood is gatoman, August Renkboil boatman and P'red Hale and Thomas (fuish, patrolmen. The Heeman ft Hatch orchestra will play for dancing every Wednesday, and Saturday afternoon.

NEW a B O T ^ F SHITS« hkwoub PwovmoNS or th b new

NAVY B ll i

WIND UP OF THE WARING CO.All Ih* Content* or th e Fnrtorv to be Bold

at Anrtlon Fiidny.

A big sign on the second story of the Uather Electric factory announces that the raachinory, tools, fixtures etc., of the Waring Electric Go. will be sold at auction at the factory next Friday at ton o'clock. The Waring Electric Co.

' ' waa formed to manufacture the Novak I lamp, an incandoseent electric lamp in I which the vacuum was replaced by

gas. It was thought this method of manufacture, under the patents of John Waring, would not infringe the patents oontrollcd by the General Electric com |nny. The courts ruled to the contrary, however, and the factory was finally closed by on injunction.

The cetote was placed in the bands of William Waldo Hyde as receiver and is he who orders the sale at auction of all the contents of tiie factory. The list includes dynamoa and motors, bolting and aliafting, a gas machine, oflicc fur­niture and a lot of special inachinery useful in the manufacture of electric lamps, Howard U. Bostor, of Hartford will be the auctioneer.

The lotwoot distance that a 1m l u a i

'O n M flaas.shot

.tw enllm liiA flsw yA idaovur IB mtloA • ' which waa the range of K tum 's IBOtoo

Bteol gnn, firing a ahot weighing S.OOO pounda The gun ooBt $109,000 and each' projectile $4,7Ba The 111 too Ann atroog gnn biw an extreme range of 14 milea filing a shot w eld in g 1,800 poonoi asuf roqalrlng 000 poo powde*. teooe mma however, proved too enwaatvA beina Ing I w lltnoA —nf their manafaottiTO haa praotloally been abandoned. Tho Bl ten Armatrong son huila a aolld ahot tor a of I I mlleA and tha illa-obargeol the gnn eonnot be heard tha ^aoe where the boll atiikeA RVom I I to I I milea la the oompatod rongo of the moot powerful guna now made^ and to obtain that range an aleratloa nearly 49 degraea la m iatied .—Mining and golfwUttn f a im

-A ■

tk tes Haw ■aStlssMea' one e m to l fW- ■0011*4 Psa t vwtttfc MaOa

fWa AaxUlBiF CVBlaasa Oaa Will Ptab- aMr Na M IS aa tha PaaSaai Osaat.'M m that the long fight npotfAha n*>

ry bill la over, the reonlta achieved can viewed With aatlafaotloa. fbr It la

Tsertalnlyln the amount I t oarrlea and In IM-eharaoterof ItaprovMona one of the

Uboral and nocfnl naval supply bUla ever paoBodby oongteoA,

The hoaae.poofatooadoaervo pralae for the portlnaolty w ith which they atnok to the original pfoyioloo of four battlo- ahipa and then oompromlacd on throe In face of tho oenate'a dotormination to provido for only tw a Blx years ago a atmtlar provlalon of ttiieo hattloohipa waa modi\ and then, oa now, one of the three vraa to bo built. If pnuitloablct on the Podflo ooaat. The bida on the Indi­ana and Maaaaobuactta wore $8, 110,000 cooh for the hnll and machinery of one

il. or $8,090,000 each If two wore b o ilt All ailowanoe of $90,000, or not qnlte I per cent above the $8,180,000, waa mode to the bidden on the Oregon to rmreatmt the coat of tzansportatltm to the Pooiflo of material that mnat bo bonght In the coat The pieacnt oonfer- enoe agreement allowa aa.mnoh aa 8 per oont for thla dlfforonoe. I t la true that tho ooBt of the now voaaela will bo mnoh Icoa than that of tho IBOO tr ia Bnt it It Should amount oven to $1,800,000 for ono vcSool bnilt on the Atlantlo ooaat 9 per oont would allow $189,000 moto for the Podlflo oosuit veaaol. or twioe the transportation ollowanoo of 1680, oo that the conotmotloo of one battleabip there odoma highly probable,

The oentroTorsy' over the pdoo of or- miv was happily settled in a way that would canao n o ^ la y In U tem lim lnary work to be done on the nowtattlcahipa. The proviaicn that tho seorotaiy of the navyaluill make no further contracts for armorsintU ocngieas authorteoa him to do so w ill not affoot tho thvno now bat- tlesiiipA bernuso uo snoh contracts need to bo made before nt'xt spring at tho earliest, and congress will ho in scssioo again next Deoomber and can decide then on the price limit per ton. I t is (divtons that the qneetton of the price is one which the Irause has not yet proper­ly otudiml, and tho present arrangement snsna much wiser thu i that of an­nouncing a maximum price, espcelally if aa low os that whicli tlio senate in aisled upon.

‘Attention has been so much ronoen- trated of late upon these two points of oontiovorty that other portlona of tho bill aa p o a ^ have iMien sonu<what neg Uwted. I t fnrnlahca a generous supply of torixAo boats, wbioh is a mutter cf great Importouoo. Exactly how many wo shall get from tlm bill can hardly bo known until the plaps ore drawn and the bids mode, but there will ncrtaluly bo three fimt class 80 knot boats, and perhaps aoven of tho sixxaid class. If tho stipulations aa to alxe and speed permit,

Holluiid submarine


MoKIMLBT AT H IS DESK.Tha aaeoaimayiag cM shavs haw tha lion. WiUim Mslfialay Isaha vrhaa ha U

to Iwgia S iW v wwkia Maaiod]'ia Csatoa, Okie.



Caoaa Ara How D*H araw eU e WItliAvataBs Barara aad MoaMiaS Watw thaOM raebleiwd Waoda.There was a time when a piano waa

a piano, and that waa tho end of i t The eaac waa of roaowood or mahogany. I t had ai.<rpiuitind molding around I t or oloa it didn’t I t had oarred lega or angular pnea. You could pay your money and take your oholoa- Bnt the time oame when iHtopIo hod more monay and more choioo too, Tlioy had white and gold mnslo rooms. In which the old rosewood standby seemed ao out of harmony that ev(*a ita music w asn't appraciatod. Then they bt'gan gilding the oases and mak­ing them of early maple and other light wocsls, ' Finally a piano began to he re­garded not^ronly as a mnaloal instm- m ent l>nt os a piece of fnmtture, to be aa eorefnlly fitted into ita annonndinga ns a elmir or a table or hauglnga

Bnt this wasn’t all. 'T h m wore poo- sihilitiea in a piano which oholrs and tables did not poescae poaaibllltiea of lecorotiou, the moat artistiO and ooptly.

LANCeCApiE ORAWINalatsTMtloB Idaos'Var thv aBiateav la

Art—ahstelns War BatatliBbThongh it la perhaps more diffloalt In

axnol in londscapo than In fignre point­ing, it ia oaoiur to prodnee aatla(aotaiy and oven valnable work. T b ia ^ ^ a pleasant assnranoe, ooming os 1| skips from aoch good anthority oa A rt AmA- toor, which Axplalns os follows:

A long course of Dtndy of drawing Is noosssary to enable the stodcut to pro­duce a passable figure, bnt If he have a fiwling fur untim l beauty a little prao- Hoe will enable him to do moritorious work In landseapo. A snfilolent mastery of drawing may bo acqnlrod In a few winters by studying from c m j and f i m sUU life objects iudooia. Tliat Is anA- o l o ^ ^ begin with, tar tho bptier the laudsonis^piiintflr draws the easier i t is for him topk(nt well and the more hla painting slgni'

Tho drawliig whletta landscape paint­er executes with jienttilOT ohurcoul or crayon before cnmnienchig,^te point la nsunlly nothing mure thanNAaimple

bloekitw oot’ or "placing" t< th e ' forms which ho intends toge t

nto his piotnro. Lotus suppose thatnia ■nbjeot includes a large tree with a rook on one side and a honso on tho other. Ho says to himself: "1 will plooo my tree lioro, near the center of tjio piotnro. I t is to bo to high, onnsnquontly so brood. Tho rock is at such a distetnoo to tho right, tho hnuiie so far to the le f t Neither Is oa high aa tlio tree; tho rook not so high as the honso." And oo he goes on .making gimoral obsorvatlona like these os to the size and position of Importiuit objects and indicating hla eonelnsions slightly and without going Into detail

Tho Htndent should eontlnno to work Just us simply, ut flnit, when bo tulma

~ ■ ■ ■ go on wefrktegin large masses, and sliunld ask himaoU —to k(H*p to onr illustratlcm—Jost bow much darker Is the ■ green of the tree tiian the gray of tho rook, how much darker the shadows than tho lights, wliitl ndatlon exists betwtwli tho sky luul tin objects tliat appisur against it, and b<v tavocn tliiBe siuue Objects again luid tin foreground. Little by little one will or-

ulre tiie ability to Intnxluw miner !onuH, while ls>eonilng more (sirret^t Inthe drawing of the larger miuw-s.

r o r TMhtlBC.Blue m<rge is a servioeablo and at the

some timo popular material fur yacht­ing gowns and oouta Yoniig women who dtsiiro something especially pictur­esque cannot do better than <-opy an Eng- llslr model. The cap is of a lovely hIiimI of blue silk, ornamented with a Ikiw of


.Bit John Macdonald, the flrot prlma minister cf Oonada, need to relate tha following atosy to UlnstiBte tho neod of an nnperjiooao of ooDgieaai

"O tw hatnoe la the asoator* oAed Jofibrson, aa he stood bofiwa the flsa with a onp of tea In hla band, pouring the tea Into the tonoea

"You have BUBweced y tnrow n qnco- tton ," ivplied Washington,.

" What do you mcanF*"Why do you pour that tea Into the

aanoorr’" T o o o o l lt""Even to ," said Waahingtem, ^tbe

senate Is the sanoor into which we p<A>F h^glslatloo tooool **—Waslilngtem 1\ mL

fl££D L E 8S W 0M £N.

nat.r«wis8MVsaaHs8wTtea*r Magteal.

I f woman only haedad flrot aymp- tem s—parvoiisnsas, baokaoha, head- aoho, iassitado, loss of appeUta and

olsep t palph j tatlpn, melon- I oholy,V bines,”

ate., and a t onoe removed

the 'cause with Lydia B.

Plnkham's 'Vagetabla


there ' would be much leas suffering.

Bnt they era■arelsas, or their physician ia to blame, and they drift Into some distressing famala disease. Tha Tegetabla Com­pound a t onoa removes all Irregularl- ties of tha monthly period: inflam­mation, nloaratlon and displacement • f the womb, and Ell female tronbleA All dmgglate have i l yfrite to Mra. Mnhhatn a t Lynn, Mass, if yon wish for advioo, which she vriU give youfraa. ------ •—^ ^ -----

“ I ahonld not be alive to-day, If It bad not been for Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. I waa Buffering g m t ly from aa attack of female vrcokaaiB, and nothing I bad triad nonld glva ma rallafi when fay the advlea of » friend 1 began the Com- pound. After jnoing It two months I tvas » dlfferant glrL and now a t the end ^ Mn I am entirely enred. Mm . A m ni Mt o ia c t , ftttcbofna, L. L

while, Blionld theboot oomo np te Us contract requite- ^__________nomta, there will bo two dn p llco ^ of .1 „p |,u bruslL”He should UoB. In short, wo con perhaps eafely ' -count on 10 torpedo boats from this bill, with a possibility of 19.

In many other rospectei It Is most lib­eral Its provisions for tho addition of1.000 onlistevl men to tho navy and BOO to tin* nmrtno norm is nqjeelally note worthy, U'cansC this Is an annual ox- pensi% and not ono of tho first cost only, as in tho ease of m aterial Then the provision for restTVO gnus for tho anx- Illary erutaiffs and for proJ<«tilca and terpcdmvi' are geucrons, the bill carry­ing a very heavy aggregate’ ootli^, which shows that this oongrooB has done well for tmr naval detenscA

Advantage will prtimptly be taken of the provision for supplying batterlca to the auxiliary eraiM<rs, ana befoio long tho Parl^ New Yprk, B t Louis and 8 t Paul, which arc lebtdvlug sobsldtos for prcopectivc naval use, can be leoktmod upon to tho fnlloat extent, as suitable raAd file gnus will bo in roodlnosa

The question of the pious for the three now battUwhips w ill now attract attcutiou. The bill oalls for vessels "cf about 11,000 tons," but tho dlsplaoe- meuta Indicated In such nteasuros are liberally construed and habitually ex- ooeded wbou. this con bo done vrithln the coat lim it They may bo nearer18.000 tbgn 11,000 tons, aa tho toudun- oy Is to bnlM a little larger battleships with each new olo«, tho Koorsargo class exceeding a little the Iowa, and tho lat­ter much exceeding tho ludliuia Yet tho Ameiioan principle of mixlcratcly large displacements will no doubt be fullowod. Onr naval authorities bollovo that on several thousand tons loss dla- plan-meut than tliat of the now British ships they havt> obtained a nion> power- I ful eembteatlca of both armor and arms- | imvH, btaideH lighter draft, as oureoast service demands.

Assuming that In mmornl the now Vtvisels will more nearly resemble the Eearsnrgp and Kentucky thmi any oth­ers, tho queatlou still arises as to tho | turrotei and the botterlea I t is generally bellovod that 18 Inch gnns will he oin- ployed, but os to the armament In gen­eral much may dt-pend on tho report of tho Walker boar^ which has been ex­amining tho quoHtton. This report bos been purposely delayed, os is ondor- stood, uuUl tho uavy bill shoBM become a law. It bus been snrmlsud that this report will reesmimend a somewhat higher freeboard for the new ships than hitherto, with- a view to tho more of- fiwtlvo use o f the heavy guns nDderliU oonditlona, but its views oo tho quea- tiou of Rupsrpesed turrets remain a mat­ter of doubter^New Vork <*"■»

VIm Bm C Botk**.In a hordlo tho other day a manly lit­

tle follow got up from his soot by the door and movbd dofvn to tho other end. to make place for a ouo leggod old gpn- tieman, whose omtoh wonld have made havoc ol the dainty dreasea "Thank yon, my aoa,” sold tho old fidlow.V'Yon bav* a goodmothor." "Bostever waa, ” was tho smiling rssponss of the little fcUow aa bo raised bis hot and then texik the fare to pot In the box.Tliat was a boy in 1,00<L and his stock­ings were d a r ^ at tho knoo, and the hem let o«t of bis short knee panto, ao that rlohH hofi nothing to do with I t One mnot think aomotlmeo, when riding In pablte ODavnyanooA that "good moth­ers’* a n a aooroe artiola cr "hotter boys,"'boy* with improved manners, woaldTw more frequently mot w ith .^Washington Star.




rn-TmiKHQirK vaciitinu hkkss. white ribbon ut the slihv Thu smart tailor iu:ule boleni i f blue cloth is lined with White satin and faced with white henulitohod piqne and open, sliowlng a fine white tneknl uiuHlin fnmt, with bine silk bow. Tho straight oat skirt of fine white! s c r ^ st-ltehed at the Is flnIshiHl at the waist with a blue and white striped kid belt

Osaaerot* at Mnttem.Wash half a cup at rice, put it in a

double boiler with a piul nf milk, mxik until all tho milk Is' abnorlKsl, add a toa- spoonful salt, saltspoou of piqiper and a iablespoonfnl of butter and. a beaten agg; mix and lino lunall custard or timbale oupa Have the cold mutton chopped fine and seasoned, fill it In the oenter, oover mote rice over the top, stand the cups In' a baking pan of bolting water and oook 80 minutea Tom out and servo with mvam sawoo.

EBaosragad ter Uaaaat Kvaats—gllVer Mam Mar tea niTidad—Haaatav Tallav Mae- tiaaad aa a Poaaltela CaaJ Idata—VartWM Flaaa Pvopeaad.Biiv^ leaders in Washington oro not happy as they Wore some time ago.

A montl) tho impression was that all the silver men would como tpgothor in support of the nominee of tiid Chi­cago oemvention. The snpposition was that if tho Demncmta pominateMl a'mon like Boi<« or Blond tho allvcd'ites of all ili-scriptions and of all parties wonld mipport him. Tho recent inen^tso in the Popallst vote in Oregon, whieh almost n-snlted in tho election of two Popnlist (xingressmen, has given to’the Popnlists what la known in tlie vemacnlar a s « "Btlff upper lip." They no longer'tolk of following tho IK-moeratH, bnt stand off with on iudopondenco which Is os- qoiilshlng. They dn-laro that they will iidtetiapport any man who is uouiiiiatefl at (i^loMO and intimate that they will nomillat(^-a ticket of their own when thi-y meet Lonis in Jnly.

HImxi the booln. for Bennteir Tollor’a noiiiinution has apjiatently faltered in the Deiiiooratic ranks Utw^pnllstH have tiikeii it up. He:uitor Stew art Benateir Butler of North Carolina arnK y^ons p(qmllst leaden) hero have decided on tlie course ontlinod. Some of the Doi crats allego that it ia all a big "bluff, ’ diwigncd to force them to certain wtion at Chiooga Looking at it thla way, they do not pay maoh attention to tho move­ments 61 tho PopultstA Thtiy say that Senator Toller would not aooopt a Pop- i^lHt nomtnatiuu if the Demootata nom- Uiiito a malt be knows to bo a ll right on Ala question ho puts foaromosL It bem Raid tliat Boies would suit l^ller. Benator Btowort deolores that this is not trtHV and tliat Boles will suit nobody in the west

I t olreiuly begins to look as if the sil ver foroos will bo divided. I t is said that tho only -Democrat whoso name is DOW p^tto iiix l who would Toooivo fa- vqimble Populist coiMidoratiou is Bland. He has been so long a fighter in the oause of silver that they could not well afford to oppose him. I t would result, it is said by Democratio loaders, in the Popallst party Uiiug oompletoly Wipixl ou t Again, the D^ioorats say that if Senator Teller gives his indorsement to the Demnerotio nominee It will have praotlcally tho same weight as the nom­ination of Teller.

A programme of tho independent sil­ver men which may yet bring about a anlcm of tho forree Is now being ar­ranged. Oiin.of tho men in chargo at it ia a western delegate to tho BL Lonis convontlon who is exiiectod to bolt that oonvelitioa. Ho prranscs to tako 400 or 900 ardent silver Ropnblicans to Cbl- oaffo for the pnrpoao of bringing every iraneooo on tbo Democrats to nominate a man who will be aoooptable to tho

L Their offoxts w ill bo directed to the nomination a t Teller. If they fall in thlA then they will tell the Domo- orata what mait-will snU them. In otb- or words, they hope to have a “ lovo feast" a t Obloaga They do not mean, they say, to dictate wbom’'tbo Domo- onto snail nominate, bnt if they arc expected to support tho ticket they want to have a word to say,- . Another nnpablishirt political faotis

that Dr. MotL the ohnfiinan of tho na­tional ocmmlttoo of tho national silvor party, Is arranging to oall this commit­tee together a t Chicago dnrlng tho meet­ing of tbo oonvontlon. Ho and General Warner, the founder of the new party, will be on hand and aio expected to

CBomo advioo to the Demoorata. Tho Hat lOadoTS, It is said, will hold oiff In tbo h < ^ that they will be Invited to

be prooeut b r the DemooratA They want to pnt tho Domoorata In tho tlon at having to sook them. Tho fore­going Is tbo ptogramme of the varioua i^vor dements aa It now exists The foots are obtained from tbo varions leaders, and what is sold is not based on apeoulatiou.—-Now York Tfibnno.


V■ - V

, . ‘‘x

O tM w H a n dy o u ’iw a tw ay * M f$


Mow «o Warti Wladoxn.Tho enterprlsiug hoosowifo o t today

washie her windows .with Water in I which a little kerosene has been poured, and finds that sbo can polish Lliein at once with her soft, llntloas cloth. Or she dips a rag in alcohol and then in whiting. She rubs tbo glass with tho mixture and polishes with ohambia

■IIUIILT CAIIVKII PIANO C'ASA In Enropo g rea t a r tis ts d id n o t scorn to dovoto their, ta len ts to th e decoration Of a plim o COSO luiy m ore thou they w onld have refused tp fresco th e w a lls o f A musio nxm i. A few of A m erica 's money k ings w e n t to E urope fo r th e ir p iano eases, h ad them b ro u g h t to Now York and th en |)u t A m erican iiiecliauisin, th e p iano propiT, inside o f -tliem. T lie Im- portixl ex terio r w as b e tte r tliEn any th in g th a t oould tx! Iiiul on th is sido of tlin w itter, Ju s t iia th e A m erican in terio r w as nuixpiuhxl In Europe.

A ltlinngh th ere are no t m any people w ho are w illin g to siiend even so mnoh as $‘J 5,000 on a piano, th e re lias, novor- tbelc88„ been a wonthu-fnl ciiuugo in th e w ay A m eriran s buy piniHiA. Bpeolal eases— th a t ia, eases designed to order and xvith referenixi to tlio room in w hich a p iano is to Ntiuid— are th e ru le now niid not tlie rxiieptiiHi am ong peo­ple o f w i'nltli. T here ia soiucely a honai- tielongiiig to N ew Y ork’s Fonr-Hnndrcxl .w hich does no t eoutiiiii a piim o in u sp<'- r la lly desigmxl case. Ho gnu it haa he- noiniVtlie deiiiniid fo r these elulionite and a r tla tie 'e il* -s Unit tho Ixist Now York m anufucturbr^ em ploy desiguora tra ined in Enrtipe in eirder to do th o -work here w hich fo rm erly hitdste be aeut abroad.

Q uito n a tu ra lly t l i b ' ' t ! ^ fo r em pire fnn itah inga brought uliohLmi cpldelnlc o f p ianos ill th a t sty le, tmte. th ey ore vnrieil l»y Cliipixuidule* an d ehlQiiials and w liito eimmelixl ones. Tho w O i^ rooms con tain miiiiy pianos -u-liibh, a i^ tliongli n o t dciigiuxl to order, a re ye t dixitinixl to fit in to p iirtieu lur snrronnd- inga.. Mnaioiaua, it iipiiciuxi, do no t apend

th i 'ir m oney on eliihorato caaoa, 'They aoleot a gmxl tmieil iiiKtriimenL an d tho p la in txisowixxl e r niohiigiiiiy case ia gixxl enongii fo r tlii'ni. T lie e a rly m aple liaa q u ite les t ita popularity , by tho way. If ouo.wriiita a lig h t wood, ho can be RcooiiiiiHNlaU'd in a w h ite m ahogany. T hera la milliiiig, however, fo r tho av er­age buyer to eouipan ' w ith tho o ld fush-


Put a pair of Charter’s Nox-em-all school shoes on him and let him kick.

These shoes are well made oi the best material, Spanish calf, and will stand almost any amount of kicking.

LET HIM KICK ! 'It will do him good, and

make him strong and healthy.These shoes are guaranteed

to wear out threfe pairs of soles; if not, we make them good.

Call and ask to see them.


Park Building, So. rU nchester.

ColMi«l Cody's Cartos*Buffalo Bill has cmolnded to enter

pollUcs and Is an aspirant for guberna­torial hoiiori in NobraakA The trouhls

I w ith ' Bill la that the hair ia oo the wrong aide cf his bead. I t la long whis- kon the western, people love to bmor.—

i Fittaburg Mows

ODD^ P H A SE O F LAW.IMM ■atsaalsN. Otysrt to lbs BaUdlag mt

. a Cteaisb.Can a saloon enjoin tbo building of a

chnrcbf Is a'qnestloo puaaling ttia'peo­ple of Madrid, Boone ooonty, la. B. Aria owns a saloon In that town, f^wr- ated nnder tho mnlot law, which for­bids saloons within 800 foot of any chnroh or school Lately the eleotiou eff a Methodist Bpiaoopal chnroh has beau commenced within 800 foot of tbo loon, and Ario' claims that either ’the sslooB <*-church be outside that lim it

Aa tbo saloon was thoro l i n t the claim is made that tho aamq law that pisacaribes tiio m le for tho adooo oper- atoa M a bar to a ohnich being efooted within mlooin territory, and threatens Injlinotion proooodinga. Tbs oooite will ssttlc jtho matter In some shape, elthor through tho proposed Injnnotion or pro- oeedingi to fdoas the saloon attar tbo ohnxch la taiilt


KMIMIIK |-|ANOHTIH)L. ioiiixl woodH, while for tho oxoeptlonal buyer tber,' ivro' special desigucra ready to make him a case which no ono eon duplicate. The fon-going ia from the New York 8nn, wiiieh n«ently il lustratixl u higiily eiirvixl piano cose and i-xamples of (eepensivo piano stools

KmwIopchI TomMioMkFor this the tomatoes should first bo

peetexl and then sliotxl. Following th is a layer of them should bo placed To tho bottom of u baking dish and sprinkled over with bait a te-asiMxmfnl of ct^oppod onions Above slioqld oomo a geuorona layer of bix-od erumba aeusou^ with popper, salt and butter. Repeat w ith a layer of toiiiiitm<s auotlier half toa- spnoiiful ot chop]H!d onions, with bread ommbs and the aeasoiitng abovte Those alternate lityeia shauld be eoutinnod nh- til tho tep of 'the talking dish is-reaohed, breadormulM being left on tho top Over all shenld be pouml one m pfnl of rich sweet milk. Bake two hours

A Hint to nom« UrMMniM$lu>r«sA woman who evidently knows what

she is talking about soya that homo dressmakers who struggle doiqxwatoly wlththepn-ssiugof carvetl seams shonld

3)Ut a rol* ing phi In two, cover' It oa ley wonld a'regalur ironing biiard and

use it for sleeves and saeh diffleult parte of tho frock. I t ia fiiiu and rpundirt

A*parara* BsIimL- Few realixe what delicious salad imragns niake.s. Cixik tho asparagus in salted boiling water, drain it, and when It is cxiUI cut it into luoh piooes down as fair as it is tender and senro with a niay.mimi.se er n French dressing.

W aralaa ia Baa** ***— iiaJoseph Ruucker of Mntkogeo, Mioh.,

kissed a pot dog five yean ago and ooo- tractod germs ot disease which lesnttod In enlargement of .liver and doath n>. oeutly.. Tho phyxiolans made a post mortem

examination and found Rouoker’s Uvv weighing 18 pounds. I t was so enlarged oa J o cover faU tteimach.

To remove the finger marks from var nldied fam itnre nib thorn with i| cloth dampened with sweet o il To remove them from oiled fom itnio nse ketusene

H a m m o c k s-A N D -

C r o q u e tIf you want a good

Hammock'^or Cro­quet Set you will Hnd them


T ' / t l L L S ’

Novelty Store*

"O, where are yon going, Billy Boy,Billy Boy,

Where are you going, charming Billyr’’

H e S to p p ed lo n g e n o u g h to in form th e k in d lady w ho sp o k e to h im th a t h e w as g o in g to


v o l N I T . n o . 8 .M A N C H E S T E R . C O N N . . W E O N l

- B A R QF o r N e x t W e e !

-A T

for a good square also for a loaf of

meal and

Watkins BrosB ig B e d u o t io n in

Covil’s Eotira WkMt Brati

for his mother, and th ea hurried on, for fear that he would be too late.

43d 43d



You con get your Clocks reimirod and

Watohes and

W A R R A N T E D .Wiitrh Cleaning__MatiiRprlng.............

MY G U A R A N T E E .Any Watch nr Clock repaired by me


intliorough gtxKl ortler, warranted far one year.I an - . * - - * _ - *. .

afU- _ ___ ___ ___goaranteo to reiiair H friM* of ofiarge.

........... if f

If you . . ay after

rop ynnr watali or Injure It In atir * reimlred Jt Ihave thoroughly

. ... .-eiiairlt friM»of . ,Watch loonetl for une whtl^ youra' U being



For two yeara watch repairer for Cbarlee Treko,

430 MAIN ST.^ one block eouth of Morgan, Hartford.

43d 43d


Brocatelle parl»tsuits, over stuffed, were $69, n o ^ $ 4 7 *

Inlaid Suits in silk coVr'Ug' were $65, now $ 4 7 -5 0 -

’ Handsome overstuffed suit,only $35'

Complete oak chamber suit, large'giass, only $25.50.

Ash Suits, only $21.Couches, spring edge, only

$ 6 .75.N ice Dining Chairs, only 79

cts. each.An extra good chair for

only $1.

SE D B B O A B D S, $ 1 1 .0 0

S ID E B O A R D S , $ 1 4 .0 0 S ID E B O A R D S , $ 1 7 .0 0

S ID E B O A E D S , $26.QP

■ ■'^•'lust T eceived some- e legap ;patterns in Dinner Qets from

. I t t s to i2 J . can^save Arctics,you-m ooey on these goods.

■ Large stock of Lamps and T oilet Sets just received. -

FOR THE H O LID M SWe have J t l a r ^ atoertment of


I’s Perfumes put dp in packs^es, also a variety

of Perlnmes, Soaps and Toilet waters.

Slivsr Platet^NovsIltos, Card Casss, Pocket Knlvaa, Psiicktt Books, Puraas, OiMAga Bags. C l |» Casea, jim isites. E tc. A of Pipes.

OIOABIPut up 25 *u a box C! Jsfcially for the holiday trade.



I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 1 2 , 1 8 9 8 , T W O C E N T S .

88, died atD.-lla\jrt»wold, 11^ t'le town farm'Moteday. J

The M^odi»t«hlnlatel«W the vicinity I meet iRaii

F R E S it G A N D IE S.

k L C H & BROflH .,Depot; S w a r e : Pharmacy



will meet Monday altontoaM the heme of Rev. 3iih^MoVayi^B<^'»W**

T he D vm ln g toTm at O M n d ha* been aold U) T im oth y th iy le , ofM w okland. He w ill not tak o p h ty eea k ^ un til n ex t ajirtng. ' \ - \

Mra.'K!>l<ert Orook(i,'Y*^;Apill pUee, allpped on Ilia lee laat. F r t^ y athl dh*. located her wri»t and b r o k tf'w e o f\.th e •m a ll bonea o f her m m . * \ ' .

The fourth quarterly-.Ofkifer^oe oM tlia Boutti Meihiiltet ebtyoh wHJ I*

w ln tio tirrte i^The club Ut rinanl* APT ’

querade ball for Haturday 88, nt A|)cWa.opera Imuae, by Krauae’a otebeetra and will proaqit,

Howard E Brewei',-' o(C enter c liurph, will l i t r e hi c itn l a t th e ch u rch n e x t 81

cele*Try a pair of —brated-

M IS H A W A K AAll W ool Knit Boots

and O yetsThe price is $ 3- Peh boots and overs, $2 50.

Wq' have Sheep.-kin lined brown duck coats. Justcoat for c6ia*wmatlKir------ -

Men’s L ight and Heavy Buckle Arctics, Men’s three- Buckle AVctics, Ladies^ Button

I d E n n ^ s s V ariety

hnc— A mM' vtfnInKi lunio will b«

A t THE* wt

T H E O R F O R D/ _

mardware Store;F.T.BUSH.


NEW “ PERFECr FURNACE.with now conitractloQ high goi|.—mixing com*. hunlinn rluinilier. Call an«l oxanilno.

Tlio trailo Hay they am the uioal powerful hoaliiig furimces they ever plnceil In tlwolUngn.


9 School 5 f ., - nanchaater

Park Building, So. Ilanchester.


The raluahle propeKy North Main and nchoul Btr

on the comer of________________^ houl Btreete a t Manrheeterstation, conBlstlng of a large eture, with tene­ment overhead and a dwelling houBe In the rear. An excellent location for bUBlDem.

Also the homeeteod of the late Timothy Keeney with 10 aeroB of land Bultabla for building loti^Bltuated on North Main ntreet, near IlmncheAter and Buckland BtationB. Tb house 111 large and all the buildings ore In first clam condition* Apply to

JUDGE OLIN R. WOOD, Hancheeter or to JOHN R^BUCK,

ARTHUR P. KUOLE8TON,Mo. 8 CheneT Block, Hartford*

P E R R A P Sy'onr OaiTlago or Buslnem Wagon neeilB Paintingl^iiji spring. Coll and get my prices and '

P E R H A P Syou win think yon can affonl to have kt tlone. if HO 1 will bo-pleoMHl to do Hand can guarantee lin t close work.


Over llatenburg^^^w Shop,Main Street, ^ • • Manchester.

D R . J . C . TA Y LO R .

No. 4 Miner S tree t. MencheAter.

General Practice and The Eye. dfhoe bourn nn 9 a. m.; 1 to S p. m., and

r te 8 p, m.Teeting eyes and prescribing glosees aspeclelty

T^ephone call, 11-4.


NosT SS. 83 and M 'T he RMlersteln*'37S Main Street, • - • Hartford. Conn.

d ^ A t Manchester office on Monday of each week.

S. A. L IT T L E , Dentist.OrriCK or

G . M . G r i s w o l d ,a Dkfot SquARB


T o tU n t , F o r S o f t , IT a n te d , afe

p O ^ R E N T -A ver;WUIUun*

Inquire of G.deelmble tenement on with batn If desired*

Bwold. 88 t r

*T*0 RBNT-^Ponr fnrnlahed rooms, two In I anlti^ suitable for a dressmaker. Mod­

em ImpTovementa. On line of .electrlo rood. Ap^^ to Mrs. M* R. UaJlnp, Til North Main

P 1 R 8 T CLASS LAUNDRY-Shlrts 10. do. r w t^ ooUiwe attached 13 c e m , ooUim A drawers A undersblrte A night shlrta lA wool ^ its A v o o h s A hdkfwA cuffe-polr-A necfc> ties A hoeotmA ladlee* waists IS ta 70, skirts - * ------ nlghTdn --- ------------*in to $1X10.Ing ooU ^ for imd delivered. Hawley Chong, M PlaestreeA So. Moncheeter. • •

W ANTED-Womon____ for .general. . _____ Apply to Mrs. Ta K ::

r h ^ o r hobm, U North Main street.work.

hoose- Klng, Mon-

ANTED-W om an w oik. Apply to J ■treeU

for general house- C. Carter, 8 Wood-

I7 0 R SALE~< A cheap horse, geod w o r^ r r cr driver, weighs IwO pounds. W; W .

Cowles, Haokiond.

-tGElieTMlKIlHUIIIIIlin.W o r k c a l l w i i b t . a n i l 4 s l i v e r e d

if you wish It.

A . L . B r o w nD E P O T S Q V A E E .





D e p o t-S q u a re -M a rk e tI f you *)n> ImikliiK for ft nii’ft T urkey

fur Chrl»linn«. Also choice



Q E E SE .

Bolt of Beef. Pork, Leuib and Veal.

Qyaters fresh every day.

Fine Celery, I,etluce, Parsley, Cran- berriee or Florida Oranges, Orai>e» and Mixed Nut*.

il«t, *ebcnd re- day even­

ing. He will be •*el*le«l by U. R- Brt'K- w'le)t, baritone. j

The atteiiilanoe. froro H*liehe*tea atOumpauy O'* bail In, Ucukvllle Frldny evening w ill b* the largra* record, it larafu to tay . Trolley ca rak lll avootn- inorlalH Ihoae who go from hire.

L. 8pear,of New York, fought four orufM of lolnicco from WapplhK farmer* till* week ami i>»ld good jjiflce*. lie bought from J . 0. Btoogktoo. Uha Hoi lieter, G. Gilbert aud M. DaSer.

The ailjouroed m eetlng^f tha First Keole«l*»tlcal eoclety will 4 held at the Oenter church till* evening W T.80 The ihTlclency which Waa r e p o ^ hy the treftHUrer at the l**t nieettoll haa lieen (irurtically all euhicrlbed. "

The Jiinliir claaaof the jilKh echool juet Friday afternoon ami fcuse Katie t ^ l g prreidqiil, Harry Agal4 vioepreei ch-irt^LlMleOraigeeorelarv an’p Ireaimrer. It iH^liected that the oeulof clii*. wli' Kraduaii;, early in April.1 Seme iVqinp* «lept In U. 8. K,“enej 'a

.rii at BiidlHand Friday nl|lil mid did k<>t lake Ih e ^ iib lo to olo*elhe demr In tile nioiniiig, cow »trajed out of dour* a* h result Rnd-Xall'ttfd Injured lier liip.' Rlic dii'd rntrlng thirony ' A Main rtreet lady left a pifreel <m Up'

oniiuiiown car W eilite^ay, »fternoon When the ear arrived a x ^ ^ teimlnu* ilie pack»g*rw-aa gone. 8h ^ dlevea *lie can aoi:<>unl for jta dIaappM iijmce and h'lannoticii to that elleot 1 1 ^^Soiher ouluimiT

Bmllh' i ^ T h e f r l^

a t t i J preMunan, |» ........... . .

The regu lar m onth ly m eeting of the U ancheater P oultry aw oclatlon w ill be held thla evening.

A large crow d allendeil th e Hral m as. querade of th e aaaaon In ApeP* Friday e v e n in g ,' The co*luiiiea w ere nearly alloomle.

O ur W apidng correepondent haa been miMaken for a hum urtat liecaii** be aw- •erted in Saturday '* H erald lb « l "n o w 1* th e tim e to out Ice."

The funera l of 0 *tberlne Kenncily took idaoe from 8L Bridget'* Church H*tur" Hay m orning. Burial waa In 8 t. P a t­r ic k ', cem etery , H artfo rd .

A poultry ahow ta being held a t Foot \ 1uard hall, U attfu rd , thla week. A. F. .iW le * h a t entered fifty bird* and llaloli f t U r^w u about half a duaeu.

Thvt-. O enter C ongregational ohnrch I n ^ n a ih e year w ith 893 iiiviiila-ra. Thi* i l t b t e l a r ^ t num tw r li) Ita lil.lury and

ilRof Mine over la»l }■ frlC udi-of O. A. Bwi-et, t h e e

gaveHiia wife a aurprlae jmily S aturday n ig h t lu olkM-rvaiice of lli>' teiitli aniilver»aryvO< her m arriage.

The anim al liiA-tliig of tlie l.aillea' Aid aoclety will la> held at the Norlli O iuigti- gatiuiial parmmage lliia iifleriiuuil Ihrvo o'olia'k. Olllcera will la' eli-eleil for d ie eiiaulng year.

Ula* Malwl L iiip liear hua rvaigniHl aa teacher In tlio lower de|H irliuenl of die tiig lila iid I’a rk •vliiail, 8 I10 Ima accept­ed a laaiiilun in V erm ont. Mra. Jenn ie B. W ilke , tucctwd* her,

Vlie religloua m eetiiiga held In ttie Booth Mediudiat chu rch laat week were well attended . The iiitereat taken in them waa aulllclent to w-airanl aiiodier aerie*, therefore m eftinga will la> lielil each evening except Haliirday tliia wiH'k.

Ituckville m crcliuiita are alrcaily m ak­ing a hid fur the |ialrotiiiK» of Maiicliea- tc r people. Yiwleiday moriiiiiK circular d latrihotura weiv hiiay wllli am iounce- m eiita of g rand imirk-ilowii iilne-ceot sale*. Bvery fam ily In tow n received a o itbular.

K ing David laalgo ia p r ip it in g for iln annual aup|M-r .and reunion in eelelui.- tioii of Ita e igiidi annivertiurv i'ritlay e ren io g , Ja ii. 8M. A faniily m i| i| ht w ill lie nerved a t Cheney liull a t fl 49 noil w ill lie followed hy u lileriiry and iiioMoal eiitertiiininenL

B|welal uieelliiga are ladiig helil in tlie t iwn hall each evening thia week liy the A dventiala, The follow ing *|ieakera arc expected for the re*t o f . th e week i W nl- neoday evening, Hev, H enry Hteine, W alliugfpfd; Tliiiyaday, Eld. G. V;


TRIED XfiOLLEY. ’iNqdvnte 1

Mu*r nailay


All orders sent or telephon­ed to Cowles H otel prompt­ly delivered.

0 . A L L E N .

33 Cts.

i f

C . W . S P E R R Y _Veteriiin Gvieoi ud Eo h n Dutist

(Formerly oT487 li'lfth Aa*s ., N. Y.)May be foend a t stable of O. U. Allen,

Manchester, Conn.STKeep a ooee of Hperry*s VcterinAir me<ll’

cinesin your stablen ....... r ..,. „■ -J f ■


removed April U t tb 8U8 Main Ht., Phienlx Honk Huihlmjr, Cut flowers, palms, inUed ntonto, floral deshras a specialty. UreenhooMsii Il Annawon Ht., O a r tlm , Oonn. Telepbcne1(16:6. L»3m]

_ D AVID L O W ,


Good UniiBM Slib fir S2i*6 0 A ty l u m S tr te t , H a r tfo r d .

Piano T oner and Regnlator,

3T 2 Aaylum S tra a t, H artfo rd , Conn p y Order* takes at Walfcine Bro*..


"'Wapping Creamery Butter at a pound.

Five-pouod boxee O. D. 'Boawortlv.a Vermont Dairy Butter at 28 cte. People who have used It will use no other.

Cold Storage Kggs at 29 cente per dor. Every ono warranted.

A fn»h stock of Grooerle*. ,♦ ■

We give Premium Stamps.

Come here to do your trading and get good value for your moneyc

- Juat received today, handaome biMieh- w of Holly with full clustera ot red ber- riea for Cbriatma* Decorating,

-------- A T T H E -------

Deppt Square M arket/"

'H ir a m A . G r a n t.

Board of Relief Notice.Tl-.e Board Ilf Relief o f the Town

Manolii Bier wiill Intel a t llie tow n liill Wtid tow n of Miiiicliivter on Moiuliiy. J a n u a ry 3, 1B»8. iil ten o'cIih-Ii In the foreiicoii, and hy H iljourm neiit from lim e to lim e a t tlin Home pliice uiilil th e ir c.ffleial ami Btatolory doiieH m re- lutiuu io . ,llie lietH of 181)7 am i llie ale HiriiCte thereof are completed.

All apliealB from t i l . doiiigi* t'le an- *ea8on< m u -t lie m ade to the UTiid Hoi,id a t llB first m, etiiig or a t aoine mljoiirne.l n ieellng held w ill, twenty one day*then after. . ■ e .

All unplicationa for exem inioo fi<im taxHilon under Herlion 9821 ol tin* Gen-t r a l S latu leB of 1888 re la tin g to Holdier-and iH n*ioner« niont I* made to Hie Bald Hoard on one of llieir d»»yrt of meelmv w itiiin Bail! tim o to lie heard amt dett-r- in lm d purnuHiit lo said Beclion of HieHtutUU'S. . , ,

Said Board of Uelb f will w ith Oh* aBeex-KirH ot the Biiid town a t Hie iduee aforeaiiid for the p o r iK ^ of hIiuIiiik polls, on Moiiday Jan . 41. '!o’clock a. 111. purBUHiit to Heclnm J8.i7 ol tlie aaid Htaiuteii. ,

Dated a t M anchertet Hiis —1,1 day <>' Dcceinlier, 1887.

' N orm an IxanniH. J j|,,nril ,if ^ FranciB D. Hale, Kettef.

Cliaa. M. M orph' y , )

D r. L . J . S y lv e s t e r ,Crovra Mid Bridga W ork m Specialty

TITA1.1ZBO AIB.Omm mwtA Lreol Alussthetles- applied In tbe

..........•U lU


INS l'AN r

K i ; u i ' !•'


E A S E ’ S .


On and after this date I shall be located at my old stand,


With a new and convenient store and a large stock of fresh goods I shall be in condition to serve my pations better than ever. ,

Our teams will continue to cover the routes heretofore run.

A P r e t t y N i c e T h i n g '

to g o w ith y o u r d in n e r is a c a n of o u r M a in e C a b b a g e w h ic h is th o r o u g h ly C ooked . B y b u y in g th e s e g o o d s a t 7 c ts . p e r c a n y o u s a v e th e t im e a n d e x p e n s e of p r e p a r in g th e m a n d m o s t o f a ll, t b e e n t i r e h o u s e h o ld is s a v e d f ro m th e d i s a g r e e a b le o d o r . L ik e a ll o th e r g o o d s p u t u p u n d e r th e H a tc li .e t B ra n d th e y a r e o f th e f in e s t q u a l i ty .

F i f te e n a n t s b u y s a p o u n d o f s t r ic t ly p u r e g r o u n d I ’e p p ^ r

Ten cents is all we ask for a pound < f Animal Crackers,

A f/esh arrival of pure Con centrated Beel^Extract which we offer at 25 cts. per can.

Have you noticed our dpi lar Standard Barometers or storm glass and thermometer combined which we offer at 25 cts.?

AawulaUon of tbe M U te f i qu ir««wm Uaitforfi, tha Y<iWi»wiint « «rirtieittetmwu are expected : K. D. Cheyey, II. p , Clieney, F. W. Ciienoy, J, 4 '- Cheney ami Major C. II. Owrn.

U ncle Tom*H Cabin** will Ik* nlveii in A|H*r« tom orrow even ing hy the 8 U)we (Joinphny. The |H*rforin»nce waa ((Ivrn in the lla rtfo ril o|KTa houM* on F riday ami S iiluniay evtiiluKRof .week hy the Hiitiie irmijK*. Many ajM»claUiea will: Ih» Inlrodiiccd iiiul the cake walk will he It feature.

MeiitUu) wArt riuuU* in a riH'ent l-Kiue of II luinihler of the New KiiKiaril Houtliern conference who had live anmll children iiml a Muall sa lary , A niiniTM*r of gener* ofiH piTHiiiiH a t the Houtli end have for­w arded cotitritiiith’iiH for him to Rev, J id lan S, WiulHWorth m id the ladicfi o f the Home Minnion.

F. A, Vt rplanck'ri aou. agi d nix, had a rem arkable c/'Cape Friilay noon. The hoy wuH htandiiig on (he aidewalk in front of WatkinH HroM.* More when a m in H|iproachi‘d on horaf-lmck. The horac U'Canie iiniimiiageahle, culildiHl w ith the In>y and knocked him down. The horF4> pranct-il uhoul him and alm ott s truck him willi I(h hoi>fs, l ie was not hurt.

AHCheiie^'e help train pulled i to ti e Maiichealer Htalion S aturday evening n through fre igh t cam e thundering along

A t a l l 'm t l l i i ^ ^ j ^ l 8ituaU(ni mfronU Chln$ w a a ^ fe h hy Prii

ilanok at Monday afterniMNi'ii weal ing ^ t h e high ouIumjI literary elub, Tba other *^inber8 of the program were : Piano May Foster ; teadlng, IM- ward H a r l^ ; reading from VVhtltieUs “Hiiowboun^ Fre«l Uartlett ; reading, '^Visions fru tn ^ r Luwnfali,” IhvMie Min nikeii ; reading, ^ iw Mooes.

H iram (Ira n i lia^ \th is w«K>k e<|ulppcd his new m eat murk<^tv()n Depot Sfpmrc

Uh ttii u|Hto-dale re frigera to r luiilt to hia o rder In I'h icago. f t iH'cnph'H the

'ur end of the m ark e t faecil withpoUahed ciihinet work of oiik.'^'^'lale glaHo diMira and wlndowa |H*riult a \lv,w of the in terio r wiiieh, a t n iglit, ia lighted hy eleoiricily . There are coinpartt>(<*iitH fo r bu tler and lo r choUx* outs of ni(*At, and |K>ultry. A glaaa front (Mainler am ^ cad i deak of latlialied oak Complete Ihe^ outfit uiul m ake thla a model iim iket.

J . A . A L V 0 D D ,Manchester. Green. J . E . M O R T O N .

Ill tlie vii-hl. Tlie pn»«*ngerB were b lirry iiig froii) Hie help Irain to croBB the trai-kH when Hu- i*ngine,*r ,in the fri-lght Haw them . He blew lire w hletie for near-

half u 'iiiimiU*. A crowil ipilckly giiHiereil on 1>. pot H,|iiure in iiiitioipa tion of an Bcchlenl. W hile noth ing oociirieii on tlm t niglit it iloes n,>t f.ilhiw tiiHt Hie Bilk iiilll employeea are fre from ilaiiger a t HibI” |ioiiit. I t i» ganger,lUB plnce iiml |M-x>ple cannot lie tiMi chuHoim. I f a freiglit tra in going a t h igh B|M-e,l Bhoiihl craali in to th e crow d of piiBBeligerB ttie loBi) o f life would bo terrib le , j e t m any of Hi,i»e wlio ride on the help Iruiii B,-ldoin w ait to aee if the trnCkB are elear. Tlie Herald Iibb Bpok,>ii of ihiB pl&ci- before, and if the w arning *B not heeded it may l)« our paioful to chronicle a few oliiluary noticra.

Tlie funeral of W illie Hurna. wlioae dcalli fruni BarCiuii* was re|H)rled H aturday'a H erald, t,M>k place Monday iiioruing. The pall lM‘a re r i were R. Cone Jo h n P erry . Sli-ven and Morton Pearl W illie Sinilli and E iw urd M urphy. Doc tors Moore and Mulune; opened the arm of llie deceaw d Friday afternoon and m ade an exam ination . T be bone waa honey-coHitied in Home placea and part* o t it projected in to the tum or on the arm . Evidencea of aarcom a were found. Portion* of tho bone and tum or w ere aent to th e H artfo rd .iHiepItal lo r niloro- acopic exam ination . The arm had sw ollen imtU it m ea*ured- from 27 to 83 inches in circum ference. T be increase in size cauaed preBBure on th e nerve* and tbe pain niu*t have bueii exciuuiatiiig . A tew week* ag o tlig) arm discharged daily half a ** IreoapaTentaa w ater.

Ittimlre.!* o f HMiWvUI.Ybrtr rir*t MW.-'A ttu*y

(leodnM .r*. anil Nwlorn>Mi

The Ito lley extension to Woekville waa- opened H aturday m orn ing , and fr,im the am ount nf traVvt H aturday and Huiulay it would aeeni aa il eVi<ryom' lu ItiHikville gave tlie road a tria l. T raltem w i-r,< rim lailh afterlioim*. Hiinday the Irave) waa heavy all ilay and Ihe rx tra eara ru n kep t all the T raniw ay i-imipany's aparr men nt w alk . Even Huiieilul,>nd- en t Uoy iuHi ran a car all the arteriiuoii.All th e car* w ere orowdi',1 niul loiiila of 10 to 80 In a oaT w eie nut uueomiuiiii- Uf luiiirae iiiaiiy of them w eie ehlldrrii

The ,H>n,1iii'lura had hard ilaya HHtiir. day and Huiulay. Not olily w eie the o a r . e raw d rd Imt Hie pnsaenge'* w ere 11‘it ju'ciiatimieil toiriilhiy rid ing anil liad many ipieatoiia to ask. They wera alow and aw kw a.il al'iuil i-nteihig aud leav­in g tho car. Hut Hu> i-uiuluclor* kepi giaal-natiiie,!, lalkml until they wer,' tioarae, iiiul w-luin 'Hie ,lay 's w ork w-as itone w ent to iH'd w IHi th,- e,iiiif,irliog knoW'l,Mlg,> iiml ilu-y hiul htiiidlid llie lu'avy Iravi'l w ithout aei-itlenl aiul wlili very llltie lielay.

It wnH|il.iiu ill see Hull most of Hu' pH-ftiuigers Hiiiul,,^ w ,-i,'ri,iiiig to gralify llielr rill ioslly. TIu-i pi eri'd out of Hu- w'liidowa, waU'lu',1 the lui'i-lmnism of the fare regisli-r, aud ilutifully ri'iid Hu- adverilsliig 1 1 learda. Hiieh aa were able 10 g,‘l 11,-nr Hu' froiil iloovi'yetl fie- motoi- oiaii w ith Hwi- aa lu> Hkiifiilly maiiipiilnt- i-d Hie eoniro lh r lianilhi and htaUe, AM day Huiulay crow ,1s throng, d the Itia-k' villo te in iin iia. am i aa Hu >-. iigi’sle,! eiiis disgorge,! fille,t Iheni 1111 again iilniosl Instantly.

In s|iile of the lii'ary loads ami fi,-i|,n-nl Ht,i|ia, ,'ar* ran v,-ry ,-lose lo s,‘h,‘,l)il,i tim,i. Thla waa niade iM-asitile liy Iil,' |a ‘rf,-,-l ayslt III whieh tiad Ik-i-ii planned ami lite giaal i-onililimi of lit,- Irai-k, w hlelt pi-tmiH,',! fast rn iin ing ta-. Iwi-i-n nlii|is. 'Ill,' K oekillle llnw ia parlioiihii ly adiip lid for faat rnnn ing on a,-,-miiil of Its long 1 lieu-lii-a of Hiialgltl liiii'k ami its ,-asy grad,-a. A giNsI iiiiitiy p.iss,-iig«'is list,' fiister Hiiiid.'iy Htaii they I'ver- Uavi-Ied on a trolhiy roinl ladore. Tin- fiiHl I,inn ing auil tin- ipiiek sto|ia and -srarta mnde it in trres tin g -fo r ttinae paHsi-ngi'i-s w ho hud to stand. H,ini,i of Ih, III liad not iihsi-rvod the alraps dang, ling from Hui ear na if iind 11 audilen s ta rt, u r a aharp cu rv e aciit t ln m tiiiiihlliig u ie r tiu-lr m-lglihora,^ B ut thi* only raleed a laugh, —

If tlie (rayel eo far |* any Imllcatlnn ul what the '1>am «ay. emut>n»y >»ay

-Vine- J f m^,^aaaaai

---------------I iHAitfiA®* rtHid bopf to Mbilia c u m tow n rn r cimtieet w ith the UtK'kvUU* line. Miwt of the tim e the erosM'lown cht leaving Nuutli Mtiiieht*H ter on tin* lioiir hits eo \-<»nniq'lioii In inaUo w ith IV llu itfo u i enr nt tim tViUi r lunl emilil wilim iit tiilhcnliy k'T (** Dt'pol Hipintt* in (itne lo I'oniitTt witli till* ear ii»r Roekville at i-lfV>-n niitititi>i« p;int the iionr. 'I lie hnine n il i'<ml<l hIho Willi until (he iPK'kviile n il nrnvfH Fit m IlHrifortl nt 111 nitnult'N pnnt t'i«> In nr ainl (Iten reneli tln> Sonlh Mntx'he i«'i ti>ri^iniiH on lino*. Ib>nhlleNn k$ eiinn^e of thin Horl w ill notiii Ih* nnolt*, iih the tn ivel iH'tweeii Honth MaiirhCHtcr nnii U jckville will Ih* W'oitli caleitiiK to.

* V .


* 35

GREAT CUTThis W w k in Men’s .tikI Woini-n’s , . .

H E A V Y - : - S H O E S .

Men’s $5 Box Calf, winter nissi t, litMvy p.Atcnt le.'Uhi r ^ml enaini-l leather l.Tce Shoos rediieeil to 3. 75.

M e n ’s 3 00.

en.'imcl lace, now

M e n 's \ 50 B ox C a lf Ijice,now 2

A ll j 3 B o x C a lf , e n a m e l Ic a t l ie r a n d w in te r ru s s e t sh o t s ( e x c e p t in g VV. 1. D o u g in s ^3 s h o e s ) now 2.37 .


\M e n ’s f >2 50

n o w 1 .9S.

Men’s S2.25 lace, now 1 S7.

B ox C a ll lu ce ,

w in te r r u s s e t

-r - *

My, South x m

For the hal.T nce of the w etlt- we will sell all VVomen’s^.Kan-’ giiroo Cnif and Box Calf Bd(Ots at the following prices;

ii.ooBoieiLF,iio*n.«u t - i - c ;i W ’i M N i i n ,- * '^ i .n

.? x t

O n r $ 2 B o x C a lf S h o e s a m m a d e w ith w a te rp ro o f so le s .

O hi $ 2 s k a t in g B o u ts , e x t r a h ig li a i t , n o w $ 1 .68,

I. lie h .ila n c e o f o ii r s to c k o f O v e rg n i te r s a t c o s t .

O l l i e r b .irg a n s in I 'o o tw e a r i:,iii h e lo im d



Tliti Mlh(«ry Hull(Jumpany (Ftf Humml I*hU tiiki'a pliu'<

thiH eveiiiiiK* For tw enty hIx yearn thin haa betm Ihu promlm*nt fux'lNl event in tow n every w in ter an.l w Uh lh<* grow th uf tlie tow n ima Im6 ii Hluadily in itn|>ortaiice. Tonlt(lit tlie Arm ory will Ik3 tiKiutoomely depurated and wilt he m ade h riliian t liy tlieHhowy unirotiiiM of tlw m ilita ry men nml the ev<>iitnK toileU of tlie lU'lien. CoIi 'h bund wd^ give a concert for an lioiir, and the grand m urch will a ta ri nt U. 15. Aa uhiiiiI eliilHir- a te wmvenir prugrjimH u ill U* tliHirll ute«l to dHiicern. Many viHltora from Unit* ford and Ib ckville are . ex|N cted , Htnl late trolley cam w ill take tln in home.


Boys' Clothing Next IW e p n t t h e k n if e in to t l ie s c

g o o d s y e s te r d a y , ' r o o m a n y o f th e m a re le ft, a n d re d u c e d p r ic e s o n ly w ill m o v e tl ie m . H e r e a r e s a m p le r e d u c t io n s w e h a v e m a d e :

S5S0 SUITS TO S4.5058.00 SUITS TO S2 4852.00 SUITS TO S1.S0

A few o d d S u i t s a t $ i w h ile th e y la s t .

B oyV R e e f e r s r e d u c e d fro m $5 a n d $ 4 ^to $ 3.50 a n d $ 2.75

T h e y o u g h t n o t to la s t lo n g a t th e s e p r ic e s .

D. Y. froDi thi

am lukea Ihe Try it.

roughnewC . E . H O U S E ,

Men’ra nd Boys'Outfitter.

SAVED BY A HAND EXTINGUISHtM.I.in ky IH«i'<»vi*r)r of m Mr«i In tlin llrown A X l iilltin IliilUllna - Aiinlh«*r NMimaluv

\ NIrIh H m*.TIW large P a th n. «V bniMing

On Hijuiiti' imnovviy cHCitpt'd dtNtrnctioi\^ hy tire HiUnriluy n ight In l)nMiot(i*'a bitriN'r tthop on (ho ^m nnd Door, Il Hlmrl (inio hefoto inldni^iil, a tiro gHimnl a giHtd htnrt. It wii>, by ch tn e e , diHCovcrcil, >ind wuk t■xllliKni^ll* cil, w ith IK) th tic to Njnro, lu fifn- K bad done Hi-iioiiH ilaitiHgt*.

I Tin* lli»* wiirt diHCovcri’d ut 11.’.*0 by (*ntngi*i. nn I'mptoyi'i* nt Illrm n

U ikiilV im’iil m ailiH , whicli oriiipliH* the ii<‘x t Hlore Hoiii II In the Miimi* block. (Jrungcr wiia clualug up for the n ight when hu Hiiw the glaru th to iigh the wimlow uIhivc tin* dinir of (hi- luirlH'r 8hop. He gave th e n lann itod Itiilf h bi2*'i$ iiK'ii wcrciMMMi at IimihI ImU no iKnly conlil force an cnirarK *' lothcH hop. Mr. lti’nnoU*‘,„wl>o Uvea In Uoou'h tiulUl' Ing acrowH Ihu Mpiare, wmh awakcncxl F ailiu lly ilrA.*nMing hu ran to ihu ahop and fpiickly unloi kiMt the «Unir. I)t*n«t* Miioku |)onriil through the o|M*ning but did not hinder (In* iiicn fiom witcring^. (?. W. Allen, wlio tint* of the llrnt lo hear line alarm , aeifjol a piilcnteil lira tingnlHlier w hn h he kee|W ul Ihc hotel r in in to (lie hliop and em ptied Ita con trniM on the lire. Tlie .extingi)iHhe.r proviHl ellective and in a few ininiiteH the tl.im**8 were put out.

The blaze Hturt«*d in an alcove near the b tlh r<K)i)i. A Hlove is located hi the ub:ove and alMinl**tw<> fe*'t away la huiig Urn cu rta in which Fcreeiia the recena, Mr. HrnnoUe IhinkH a apark from the Hlove Hi*t the curlu in on tire and tl wmKlwork caught frinii the curta in A lthough the diiinage U f lig h t tho ctiurred w(hmI hIu)wh th a t tho U*e«cheroUH trtmt*M hail well ‘coinmenc<*d th e destruc­tive work. Tlie hoao carta w ere huHtli out but tbe ho«e wa« not coupled lo tin) hydranU . ------------ ----- -----

Clothinc lo Uriirr*For a ahort tim e 1 will cu t and m ake'

first cluBB auila for only 2<1. 00. U uaran ti-,-d to lit iMufecHy. Ala,i liave Baiiiple* of cloth. "J. E ilgren, liiilor, 102 Main •troel. Near llate iihurg'a. 8t3

A yer'* l.i,-orioe t ’oiigl, lla lran i kills kuld*. Nt4

Cheney’s Stored



R COMPOSITION $s e e m s to b e o n e o f^ ^ ^ ^

$ t h e b e s t r e m e d ie s fo r " O )b t h e k in d o l C O L D S > th a t a r e a b o u t n o w . I ? r If y o n fee l a C o ld ■■’J® K c o m in g o n . a h o t r d r in k o f G R A N T ’S J C O M P O S I T I O N R , ^ w ill a lm o s t a lw a y s C b r e a k it u p . I t ’s a ^ y o o d th i n g to h a v e

in th e h o u s e .




. f